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Mohayminur Rahman1, Tanvir Shahriar Khan 2

Employer branding has become a hot topic in organizational marketing, shifting from marketing researchers to HR
professionals. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are gaining attention as effective tools
for employer branding. Companies are using social media to cultivate good relationships with customers and
employees, which not only improves business performance but also helps build a strong corporate image. This
paper aims to explore how employer branding through social networking influences corporate image building. It
also examines how social media is used for knowledge sharing, employee relationships, and recruitment. HR
recruiters now use social media to find a wide range of candidates for job openings. Employer branding plays a
crucial role in maintaining a positive corporate image and facing competition in today's competitive world.
Keywords: Employer Branding, Human Resources, Social Media, Corporate Image Building
1. Introduction:
In Human Resource Management, Employer Branding has recently gained significant attention. In today's
competitive corporate landscape, human resources play a crucial role in effective governance and corporate social
responsibility. Employer branding focuses on fostering a positive perception among employees about their
organization. When employees feel good about their organization, they become ambassadors who positively
influence customers and clients. Employer branding helps organizations establish a favorable brand image in the
market. The Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (2009) defines employer branding as a set of
attributes and qualities that make an organization unique, promising a specific employment experience and
appealing to individuals who thrive in its culture.3
There are three key reasons why employer branding has gained attention. Firstly, the concept of branding has gained
importance in society. Secondly, HR professionals seek credibility and strategic contribution. Thirdly, due to tight
labor market conditions with low unemployment and skills shortages (CIPD, 2009)4. HR professionals engage in
various activities to promote employer branding. They devise strategies that enable organizations to face
competition and build loyalty with clients and customers. The main objective of employer branding is to create a
unique and appealing workplace brand. Employer branding becomes particularly important during talent shortages
when attracting and retaining skilled candidates becomes challenging.
Employer branding applies marketing and branding practices to an organization's HR activities, specifically
recruitment and retention. Just as customers will stop purchasing from a company if promises are unfulfilled,

The co-author is a graduate student of Law at Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), Dhaka, who had completed his Bachelor of Laws
from East West University (EWU), Dhaka. His main interest in research is corporate law, intellectual property law, and human resources (HR)
The co-author is a student of MBA in HRM at Jagannath University, Dhaka, who had completed his Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering
from the University of Dhaka. His main interest in research is organizational management, consumer behavior, labor rights corporate social
impact, Sustainable production and textile technology. Email:
The Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development, 2009

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employees may leave if the company fails to live up to its employer brand promises (Alan Price, Human Resource
Management, 4th edition). Social media, as defined by Kaplan and Haenlien (2010), encompasses internet-based
applications that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. The demographics reveal a significant
shift towards social media, offering excellent opportunities for human resource management. More than 70% of
companies currently use or are preparing to use social media for corporate image building. Online job portals on
social media have replaced printed advertisements. Companies use social media as a communication channel and a
platform for presenting their information. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others are utilized by
corporations to interact with customers and clients. Regular updates on social media platforms reach millions of
people at once. However, social media also presents challenges, such as intense competition between companies and
the circulation of fake information.
This paper aims to provide a conceptual framework for understanding the contribution of employer branding in
corporate image building. It explores the effectiveness of social media in providing information about organizations
and attracting talent for job opportunities. Additionally, the paper examines the impact of social media in building
relationships within and outside the organization.
2. Objectives of the Study
The main aim of this study is to present a framework that highlights the significance of employer branding in
corporate image building. In addition, the paper aims to achieve the following objectives:
1. Examine the impact of social media on employer branding and corporate image building.
2. Investigate the role of employer branding in companies.
3. Investigate the relationship between employer branding and corporate image building.
Explore how employer branding contributes to recruitment and knowledge sharing.
3. Research Questions
The study aims to address the following research questions:
1. How does social media contribute to recruitment and knowledge sharing within organizations?
2. What is the role of Human Resources in shaping Employer Branding?
3. In what ways do HR professionals utilize social media for Employer Branding?
4. How can companies effectively establish and enhance their corporate brand image in the market?
4. Literature Review
Backhaus and Baacke (2015) conducted an empirical study to investigate the impact of employer branding on
employee attraction and retention in their thesis "The Impact of Employer Branding on Employee Attraction and
Retention." Their findings suggest that a positive employer brand enhances employees' commitment, satisfaction,
and intention to stay with the organization. This research sheds light on the internal effects of employer branding
and its influence on employee perceptions and behaviors.
Employer branding has garnered significant attention in the literature as a key driver of corporate image
development. Ambler and Barrow (1996) in their article "The Employer Brand" emphasize the importance of
employer branding in attracting and retaining talented employees. They argue that a well-defined employer brand
helps organizations differentiate themselves from competitors, create a strong internal culture, and positively
influence external stakeholders' perception.
Backhaus and Tikoo (2004) provide a conceptual framework for understanding and researching employer branding
in their article "Conceptualizing and researching employer branding." They emphasize the need to align employer
branding strategies with the organization's overall business strategy to ensure consistency and effectiveness. Their
work highlights the strategic nature of employer branding and its potential impact on corporate image.
Cable and Turban (2001) explore the value of organizational reputation and employer branding in the recruitment
context in their article "The Value of Organizational Reputation in the Recruitment Context: A Brand-equity
Perspective." They argue that a strong employer brand positively influences potential applicants' perceptions of an
organization, leading to increased job pursuit intentions and higher-quality applicant pools. Their research
underscores the role of employer branding in attracting top talent and shaping the corporate image among external
5. What Is Employer Branding?

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Employer branding is all about how a company presents itself as a good place to work. It involves showing off the
company's positive qualities and creating a reputation that attracts talented people. By doing this, the company can
find and keep great employees, make them happy, and create a good working environment. This helps the company
succeed and do well.
6. Why Employer Branding is Important?
Employer branding is important because it helps companies do several important things. First, it helps them attract
and keep talented employees who are in high demand. Second, it gives them an edge over competitors by
showcasing what makes them a great employer. Third, it enhances their overall reputation, which can positively
impact relationships with customers, partners, and others. Fourth, it boosts employee engagement and productivity
by creating a positive work environment. Lastly, it turns employees into enthusiastic advocates who speak positively
about the company, attracting more customers and talented individuals. Overall, employer branding is a key factor in
a company's success by building a strong workforce and a positive image.
7. HR Role in Employer Branding
In today's competitive world, companies invest both money and resources to motivate their employees. Human
resources are vital for organizations, and HR professionals act as brand ambassadors. It has been observed that
motivated and satisfied employees contribute to higher productivity. Human resources also play a crucial role in
employer branding. Employees represent the organization and can spread information through word of mouth to
people outside the company. Therefore, it is the organization's responsibility to create a positive image among its
Employer branding goes beyond the organization's culture, values, and ethics; it also includes the Employer Value
Proposition. In the past, branding was primarily handled by marketing professionals, but now each employee is
responsible for creating a corporate image and employer branding. Human resources play a key role in this process.
On the other hand, talented individuals prefer to work for organizations with strong employer branding and a good
reputation in the market. Candidates are not only motivated by money but also seek a reputable brand name.
Employer branding helps attract and retain talented individuals. Additionally, the perception of company customers,
clients, and shareholders also contributes to employer branding. Therefore, employer branding is a critical and
challenging process.
In summary, in today's competitive environment, companies invest in their employees to motivate them. Human
resources play a significant role in employer branding, as employees represent the organization and can influence its
image. Employer branding not only encompasses the organization's culture and values but also the Employer Value
Proposition. Creating a positive employer brand helps attract and retain talented individuals and influences the
perception of customers, clients, and shareholders. Employer branding is a critical and challenging process for
8. The Role of Internal Marketing in Employee Branding
Employee branding and internal marketing are intertwined aspects of organizational strategy. Employee branding
refers to how a company is perceived by its employees, while internal marketing focuses on effective
communication and engagement with all stakeholders, including employees, clients, and customers. Internal
marketing ensures that the brand promise is upheld through employee behavior, attitude, and communication. In
essence, employees are the product in internal marketing. Employee branding aims to attract, motivate, and retain
employees within the company. By combining internal marketing and employee branding, organizations can
cultivate a positive brand image in the market. Social media platforms have also been identified as valuable tools for
enhancing brand image, as they offer a simple, fast, and effective means of communication and outreach, not only
for sales purposes but also for building a favorable reputation.
9. Approaches to Uncovering the Employer Brand
Organizational culture plays a pivotal role in the exploration of employer branding. Employer branding encompasses
the strategic development of an enlightened culture within the organization, the employees' working experiences,
talent drivers, organizational vision, leadership, and management practices. By focusing on these areas, companies
can successfully cultivate their employer branding. However, it is essential to establish a suitable platform to
organize human resource-related activities effectively. Various qualitative and quantitative approaches can be

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employed to communicate the employee branding development program, such as motivational talks, conferences,
seminars, and group-focused initiatives.
Each organization possesses its unique core competencies, which should be maintained to strengthen employer
branding and build a positive corporate image. This can involve timely salary payments, organizing events for
employees, picnics, corporate dinners, and more. Many companies engage with their employees and seek feedback
through social networking sites to identify areas for improvement.
Hewitt Associates has outlined five steps for developing a robust employer brand. These steps include gaining
comprehensive knowledge about the organization, establishing a compelling promise with employees and customers
that is consistently fulfilled, setting standards to evaluate the brand promise, motivating employees to achieve the
brand promise's goals, and implementing and measuring the outcomes.
Certain companies implement dedicated employer branding efforts specifically focused on retaining their valuable
employees within the organization. These efforts align with organizational vision and values, ultimately contributing
to the strategies for building a strong corporate image.
10. Employer Branding with Social Media
Social media is a powerful tool for employer branding, allowing organizations to showcase their unique culture,
values, and opportunities. By leveraging platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, companies
can create a consistent and compelling brand identity. Through engaging content, including behind-the-scenes
glimpses, employee testimonials, and thought leadership, organizations can humanize their brand and attract top
talent. Encouraging employee advocacy and actively engaging with the audience further strengthens the employer
brand. By leveraging social media, companies can build a strong online presence, establish themselves as desirable
employers, and ultimately attract and retain the best candidates in the competitive job market.
Nowadays, young people spend about 80% of their time on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube, and others. Social media provides a unique communication platform where people share almost
everything.5 It is embraced by individuals of all ages for various tasks. Companies utilize social media for social
networking and to strengthen relationships with employees, clients, and customers by connecting them in one place,
sharing information, expressing emotions, and facilitating communication. Social media offers many advantages
compared to other communication platforms. Its features are fantastic and creative, allowing us to share pictures,
videos, and audio clips with anyone, anywhere in the world.
Many organizations allow their employees to use social media for work purposes, making it easy for them to stay
connected with each other, as well as with customers, clients, and shareholders, around the clock. Skype, another
popular social media tool, is used by millions of employees to stay connected. Social media's importance as a
communication platform is growing day by day, and people have become addicted to it. WhatsApp and Facebook
are widely used social media tools by people of all ages, including the elderly, for social networking. Social media is
used by companies and entrepreneurs for their own advantage. It has made it easier for the marketing department to
connect with customers, as every marketing activity such as advertising and promotion can be done on social media.
E-commerce is a great example of marketing on social media, and it has created employment opportunities for
millions of people, establishing a separate industry in the market. Companies like Amazon, Flipkart, Paytm, Naptol,
and many more in the e-commerce sector are achieving remarkable success and increasing revenue day by day.
Similarly, social media offers numerous advantages for HR. Human resource managers use social media to connect
with teams, assign work, provide training, motivate through messages and emails, and even for recruitment.
Organizations have also started using social media for promoting their employer branding. Many researchers have
explored social media's potential for marketing, advertising, and product promotion. However, the concept of
employer branding through social media is relatively new and evolving.
In a research study by Geffen in 2010, a significant difference was found between traditional employer branding and
the latest employer branding methods. Traditional methods included television, emails, websites, printed
advertisements, online presentations, and sponsorship, while the latest methods involve employee blogs, social
networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, company blogs, search engine optimization for the company brand,
wikis, and virtual worlds. The results indicate that most organizations still rely on traditional methods, primarily

Rana Renu and Shikha Kapoor. "Exploring the contribution of employer branding in corporate image building." International Journal of
Business and General Management 21 (2016): 32.

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printed advertisements and search engine optimization. However, there is a growing trend towards the use of
employee blogs (5%), company blogs (11%), and social networking sites (5%). Many companies are planning to
incorporate social media into their employer branding strategies from 2011 onwards.
According to Waters & Jones (2011), the most popular social media tool used by organizations to educate and
inform employees is YouTube videos. Organizations can share video links with employees and even track who has
viewed them. This is an innovative way to provide employees with updates and entertainment. Social media has
opened up numerous opportunities for employers, making it easier for them to stay connected with their employees
in a quick and efficient manner. Social media plays a crucial role in the corporate world.
Another study by Bondarouk, Ruel, and Weekout (2012) highlights the significant role of websites in the
relationship between organizational attractiveness and employer branding. It also examines whether there is a
difference in the impact of using social media websites versus corporate websites for employer branding. The results
indicate a direct relationship between employer attractiveness and organizational attractiveness, and this relationship
is strengthened through exposure to social media sites. However, there is a slight distinction between social media
sites and corporate websites. Social
11. Employer Branding with Recruitment
Employer branding plays an important role in recruiting. The most important product of the employer brand is
knowledge and psychological benefit. It has been determined that the most important aspect of being a good
business owner is the candidates getting to know you (organization). Another important aspect of employer branding
is the reputation and reputation of the institution that every job seeker should know. Social media helps
organizations share information and facilitate communication. The best social media tool for recruiting is LinkedIn,
where recruiters and job seekers find jobs. LinkedIn is seen as the most professional website when it comes to
finding jobs and interacting with corporate HR executives. Many companies recruit their employees from talent
candidates for them on LinkedIn.
Recruitment process made easy thanks to social media. HR professionals now post job postings on job portals and
the message reaches millions of people within seconds. Likewise, invitation applications, CV screening and
invitation to interview candidates will be made through the same platform. There is a big difference between hiring
in the past and now. Candidates do not have to wait for newspaper job postings. They can easily access the online
job portal and apply for jobs. Without a doubt, the job will be easier than before, saving time and money.
Dr. Mahesh Kumar, Ph.D., K.R., in his research in 2015, found that social media is a tool used by job seekers to find
a job. Organizations set up their own websites to find jobs through e-recruitment. E-recruitment has many
advantages over newspaper ads - cost savings, fast communication and time savings. He also said that HR is the
foundation of organizational development because HR recruits the right people for the right job at the right time.
Mr. Aggarwal, 2013 assess that todays could be an advanced world. Nearly all over the world is utilizing social
media for their individual as well as proficient work. In professional, enlistment, branding and promoting is the
foremost common and customary action on social media. With the assistance of factual device, he calculated that
99.9 % organizations utilize emails, e- enlistment for welcoming the applications (CV/Resume). And they found it
so simple and helpful. This moreover makes a difference in sparing paper and posting fetched to the candidates and
scouts can oversee all the information at one place with as numerous applications they need to spare for themselves.
Not as it were this, all the desired communication with respect to for enlistment and choice prepare can be done on
social media apparatuses.
Different online mediums such as rating entrances, social organizing destinations and blogging locales are there who
are advancing enlistment on web through advance of work opening and welcoming the candidates. With this, work
searchers will certainly get a thought approximately the working hones and the culture of the organization. Presently
a day’s no one utilize the conventional career booklets/ brochure or visit company site for work look.
12. Employer Branding and Knowledge Sharing
Employer branding through social media also brings the advantage of knowledge sharing for skill development. A
key strategy for employee development is knowledge sharing. It is important for every professional to know
everything that is going on around him and all the facts about his job.
Organizations of all types want their employees to participate in the general knowledge of the company. Employees
with tight and busy work schedules are allowed to stay online and can use social networking sites and blogs to learn

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and share good things with each other. Sometimes it acts as a motivating force for employees. Information and
knowledge exchange is an important part of knowledge management. Knowledge management and the increasing
use of the internet and other technologies have changed the way business is done.
In the last 20 years, great technological advances have occurred all around us. The Internet has made it possible for
everyone to connect with each other. The Internet helps us connect and share information, videos, photos,
documents and more anytime, anywhere. People can expand their social networks, gather information and promote
their business on social media sites.
13. Employee Branding with Corporate Image Building
Corporate image is about the reputation of the company. "Corporate image" refers to what the public thinks when
they see the company's name. A good corporate image is an asset for an organization. It helps companies monetize
their corporate image. The concept of corporate brand image is new to businesses and businesses spend a lot of
money to build their corporate image.
Images can be used to represent people, cultures, employees, ethics, customers, products, customers, owners, etc.
contains their names. Management has many activities to establish the company's brand name in the market. They
are used to organize events, promotions, advertising and promotions. Recently, however, they have focused on the
company's human resources. The business company and the graphic design company are now on the same footing.
Human resources are the most important part of a company's image. HR officials said that when the company's
employees are satisfied and committed, the company itself will make a good name in the market.
Corporate image complements any public perception of the company name. But managing the company's brand
name is crucial. A single mistake can be very dangerous for the organization because one message can reach
millions of people at the same time.
The elements of company image are:
• The performance and financial performance of the company.
• The reputation of the company's brand and operations.
• Education and innovation.
• The company's employee and employee pay policy.
• Good relations with employees, customers, managers and shareholders.
• Recognition and trust.
Some companies are renowned for charismatic leaders who bring shine to their organizations.
Many companies have good reputations among all (Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc.). In general, people find different
companies according to their preferences. For example: Some companies have a good reputation, but they suffer
from late payments, lack of trust in the seller, etc. It may have a bad image among traders or sellers for reasons.
The aim of the firm is that it is difficult for its competitors to achieve their targets, firms should pay attention to
14. Findings of the Study
❖ Human Resources (HR) plays a crucial role in shaping employer branding. They are responsible for
developing and implementing strategies that promote the organization as an attractive employer. HR
professionals define the company's employee value proposition, align internal practices with the desired
brand image, and ensure consistency in messaging throughout the employee lifecycle. They also oversee
recruitment processes, employee engagement initiatives, and internal communications to cultivate a
positive employer brand.
❖ Companies can effectively establish and enhance their corporate brand image by defining a clear brand
identity, maintaining consistent messaging, developing a visually appealing brand identity, delivering high-
quality products or services, engaging in corporate social responsibility initiatives, actively engaging with
the target audience, managing their reputation, collaborating with influencers and strategic partnerships,

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and continuously measuring and adapting their branding strategies. These actions collectively contribute to
building a strong and positive corporate brand image in the market.
❖ Social media platforms provide opportunities for organizations to connect with potential candidates,
promote job openings, and engage in recruitment activities. They can leverage social media to showcase
their company culture, values, and employment opportunities, thereby attracting talent. Additionally, social
media facilitates knowledge sharing within organizations by providing a platform for employees to
collaborate, share ideas, and disseminate information across teams and departments.
❖ HR professionals utilize social media platforms to showcase the company's culture, values, and employee
experiences. They can create and manage dedicated career pages or profiles on platforms like LinkedIn,
Facebook, or Instagram to share job openings, employee testimonials, company news, and other relevant
content. HR professionals can also engage with candidates and potential employees directly through social
media channels, answering queries, and providing insights about the organization's work environment.
❖ Social media enables employees to become brand advocates and share their experiences and insights about
the organization. When employees actively participate in employer branding initiatives on social media, it
positively influences the corporate image by providing authentic and relatable content.
❖ Social media platforms have become valuable tools for recruitment. Research indicates that companies that
effectively use social media for employer branding attract a wider pool of candidates, including passive job
seekers. Furthermore, job applicants often refer to a company's social media presence to assess its
attractiveness as an employer, indicating the impact of social networking on recruitment success.
15. Conclusion
The marketing and corporate image of the company is creative and important to the growth of the organization. In
this digital world, social media plays an important role in building business and corporate image. Facebook,
LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Google++ are social media tools used by organizations for information sharing,
networking, advertising, marketing and recruitment. Employers can create a positive image by creating a positive
working environment for their employees. Job seekers use social media such as job portals and e-recruitment.
Companies with a good image often hire the best employees for less pay. A business with a good image can make
employees less engaged, more engaged, satisfied and motivated at work. Businesses with a good image can reap
financial and psychological benefits based on employee productivity and performance. HR (company's human
resources) plays an important role in branding. In addition, the employer type is in the hands of the company's
human resources.
Happy and satisfied employees invest 60% in employer brands. Sharing knowledge is another important way to get
good business owners. In order to meet the competition from all over the world and establish a good name in the
eyes of the people, it is important for every organization to update it with the latest technology. This method can
help the business grow and be profitable.

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