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Elrcrrochmca Am. Vol. 41, Nos. 718. pp. 104-1049.

CopyrIght I, 1996 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Pergamon Printedin Great Britam. Allrights reserved
COl3-4686/96 $75.00 + 0.00





t Centro de Pesquisa da Usiminas, Ipatinga, Mg, Brazil
$ Departamento de Fisico-Quimica-IQ/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
0 Lab. de CorrosBo, PEMM/COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
// UPR 15 CNRS ‘Physique des Liquides et Electrochimie’,
Universite P. et M. Curie, Paris, France

(Received 8 May 1995)

Abstract-The electrodeposition of Zn-Ni in sulfate solutions has been investigated by means of polar-
ization curves, morphological analysis and electrochemical impedance using a rotating disc electrode.
The polarization curves showed two parts, the first one related to the Zn-Ni normal codeposition and
the second one to the Zn-Ni anomalous codeposition. The mass transport influenced only the Zn-Ni
normal codeposition and had no influence on the anomalous codeposition. The temperature showed a
great influence on the Zn-Ni alloy deposition and affected both parts of polarization curves. The electro-
lyte composition had no influence on the Zn-Ni anomalous codeposition, but it affected the transition
current density between normal codeposition and anomalous codeposition.
The impedance diagrams were obtained in sulfate electrolytes and showed four loops at low frequency
domain at the beginning of anomalous codeposition: three capacitive loops and one inductive. For the
high polarizations, one of the capacitive loops disappears. These results were discussed comparatively to
those previously obtained for chloride electrolyte, in view of establishing a kinetic model for the sulfate

Key words: alloy electrodeposition kinetics, alloy electrocrystallization mechanism, electrochemical

impedance spectroscopy.

1 INTRODUCTION pH increase which would induce zinc hydroxide pre-

cipitation and would inhibit the nickel deposition[9-
Usually the mechanical and chemical properties of 111. Another proposition is based on the
metals are improved by alloying. In recent years, underpotential deposition of zinc on nickel-rich zinc
great interest has been shown in the electrodepo- alloys or on nickel nucleic 12, 13-J.
sition of alloys, as a technique having great indus- On the other hand, kinetic studies of Zn-Ni co-
trial possibilities, mainly in the automotive industry. deposition are not easily found in the literature,
Many kinds of alloys are deposited commercially mainly with the use of electrochemical impedance.
to supply the automotive industry, among them, the Only recently, Chassaing and Wiart[14] proposed a
Zn-Ni alloys. The corrosion resistance of electro- kinetic model for Zn-Ni codeposition in chloride
plated Zn-Ni alloys is higher than that of pure zinc electrolytes.
coatings[ l-43. In this paper, the Zn-Ni codeposition process was
The electrodeposition of Zn-Ni alloys is classified studied in sulfate electrolytes by polarization curves,
by Brenner[S] as an anomalous codeposition, where surface morphological analysis and electrochemical
zinc, which is the less noble metal is preferentially impedance. The results are compared with those
deposited. Meanwhile, the Zn-Ni alloy codeposition obtained by Chassaing and Wiart[lrl] in a chloride
is not always anomalous since in certain conditions electrolyte.
(low current density) it is possible to obtain normal
codeposition, where nickel deposits preferentially to
zinc. Therefore, there is a transition current density 2. EXPERIMENTAL
that has to be reached in order to start anomalous
codeposition[4]. Although this phenomenon has The electrolytes used in this study were prepared
been known since 1907[6], the codeposition mech- using p.a. Merck products and double distilled water
anisms of zinc and nickel are not well understoodC7, (see Table 1). The electrolytes were prepared without
81. There are some propositions to explain the addition of supporting electrolyte. For all electro-
anomalous codeposition of the Zn-Ni alloys. The lytes, the pH value was measured and adjusted to
first attributes the anomalous codeposition to a local pH = 1.5 using sulfuric acid. The effect of the ratio
Ni*+/Zn *+ of ion mass in the electrolyte was investi-
l Author lo whom correspondence should be addressed. gated in the range of 0 to 2.

1042 F. J. FABRIMIRANDAet al.

Table 1. Electrolyte composition

NiSO, .6H,O ZnSO, 7H,O

Electrolyte ( - 3, ( - 3, Ni2+/Zn2+

1 - 0.84 0.00
2 0.84 0.84 0.90
3 1.36 0.84 1.45
4 1.87 0.84 2.00

Working rotating disc electrode of Pt with an area 3. RESULTS

of 0.071 cm2 was used. Rotation speeds up to
25OOrpm were used to investigate the influence of
mass transfer on the polarization curves and on the 3.1 Steady-state polarization curves
impedance diagrams. The counter electrode was a The polarization curves were recorded for all elec-
large area Pt gauze, whilst the reference used was a trolytes showed in Table 1. Figure 1 shows the char-
mercury sulfate electrode made by Metrohm to acteristic potentiostatic polarization curve for the
which all potentials are referred. electrolyte 3 (Table l), obtained with the Pt rotating
Polarization curves were obtained for all electro- disc at 25°C and 625 rpm. The Pt free potential (E,,)
lytes shown in Table 1, using a Schlumberger is around + lOOmV,,, . As the cathodic polarization
SI-1286 electrochemical interface. Impedance spec- starts, the current density increases slightly until
troscopy measurements were carried out by means of - 1200 mV,sc. Following, the current density
a Schlumberger SI-1250 frequency response analyzer increases abruptly reaching a maximum at
coupled to a Schlumberger SI-1286 electrochemical - 1400 mVsse, then reducing to a minimum at
interface, controlled by a Compaq 486 micro- - 1425 mVsse. After that, the current density varies
computer. linearly with the cathodic polarization.
The mass of the coating was determined by disso- Chemical analyses were carried out for the depos-
lution with HCl and the Zn and Ni contents were its obtained at different potentials along the polar-
analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy ization curves. The results are indicated in Fig. 1
and Plasma Spectroscopy. These data were used to (points A, B, C and D). The Zn-Ni anomalous code-
calculate the efficiency of the process and the partial position occurs only in the linear part of the polar-
polarization curves for nickel, zinc and hydrogen. ization curves (part II). On the other hand, for part I,
The surface morphology of the deposits was evalu- the hydrogen reduction reaction and the Zn-Ni
ated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). normal codeposition, with low efficiency, coexist.

: o.oo it q,q;;;
~200.00 -300.00 -800.00
Potential (mVSSE)
Fig. 1. Steady-state potentiostatic polarization curve for Ni’+/Zn *+ = 1.45 sulfate electrolyte at 625 rpm
and 2s”C. Nickel content in anomalous deposit: (A) Ni = 18%; (B) Ni = 12%~;(C) Ni = 10%; (D)
Ni = 8%
Electrodeposition of Zn-Ni alloys 1043

A0 @

+,~,:,:,:,:,t,?,t:)t:,,,,~ /II,,,]

-300.00 - 800.00 -1300.00 -1800.00

Potential (mVssE)
Fig. 2. Steady-state potentiostatic polarization curves for Ni’+/Zn” = 1.45. Sulfate electrolyte at 25°C.
Rotation speeds: (0) IOOrpm; (0) 625 rpm; (A) 25OOrpm.

In order to study the influence of mass transport polarization curves. The Zn-Ni deposits show a
on the Zn-Ni codeposition in sulfate solutions, nodular morphology, but at 25°C the nodules are
polarization curves were obtained at 25°C with dif- coarse and less compact than at 50°C.
ferent rotation speeds. Figure 2 shows, for the elec- The influence of the electrolyte composition on the
trolyte number 3, the polarization curves carried out polarization curves was also studied, as shown in
on Pt rotating disc at 25°C. The curves show the Fig. 6. The polarization curves were carried out for
same shape as discussed previously and they are the electrolytes 1 to 4 as shown in Table 1. For elec-
influenced by mass transport only in part I, where trolytes 2 to 4, the ratio Ni’+/Zn*+ changed from
prevails the hydrogen reduction. For part II of the 0.9 to 2.0. Figure 6 shows that the electrolyte com-
curve, the Zn-Ni anomalous codeposition is inde- position affects only the part I, where the ratio Ni2+/
pendent of the mass transport. Surface analysis of Zn2+ = 0.9 produces the highest current densities.
SEM was carried out as shown in Fig. 3, to verify As shown in part II (Zn-Ni anomalous codeposition)
the influence of rotation speed on the morphology of the electrolyte composition has no influence on the
Zn-Ni alloy deposited. The deposits were obtained electrochemical process of alloy deposition.
on platinum electrode under galvanostatic condi-
tions (; 5min). It can be seen that rota- 3.2 Impedance measurements
tion speed has influence on the morphological The impedance diagrams were obtained for the
characteristics of the deposits. The nodules are the points A, B, C and D of the polarization curve
typical morphology of Zn--Ni anomalous shown in Fig. 1.
codeposition[15], as shown in Fig. 3. At 100 rpm The dependence of impedance on current density
Fig. 3(A) the deposit is more compact than at are illustrated in Fig. 7, for the electrolyte with a
2500rpm Fig. 3(B). However, the mass transport has Ni2+/Zn2+ ratio of 1.45 (No. 3, Table l), at the elec-
practically no influence on the polarization curves. trode rotation speed of 625rpm. The impedance
Figure 4 shows the influence of the temperature on plots of Fig. 7 reveal a high-frequency loop corre-
the behaviour of the polarization curve, for electro- sponding to the charge transfer resistance, R,, in
lyte 3. When the temperature is increased from 25°C parallel with the double-layer capacitance. In the
to 50°C both parts of the polarization curve change. low-frequency domain four or three features are
For part I, the maximum current density increases, observed according to the current density. For a
and for part II (Zn-Ni anomalous codeposition), the current density of 1.5 mA.cmd2 (Fig. 7(A)) which is
curve is shifted towards less negative potentials and close to the start of Zn-Ni anomalous codeposition,
exhibits a larger slope. These changes on the part II four loops were obtained: one capacitive showing a
is followed by an increase in the Ni content of the characteristic frequency around 4 Hz, one inductive
alloy, as shown in Fig. 4. Figure 5 shows the effect of loop for the frequency of 0.71 Hz and two capacitive
the temperature on the morphology of Zn-Ni anom- loops with characteristic frequencies of 0.22Hz and
alous deposits. The deposits were obtained onto O.O30Hz, respectively. Figure 7(B) shows the imped-
platinum electrode under galvanostatic conditions ance diagram obtained at 3.5mA.cmT2, where four
(*, 5min), maintained on the part II of loops are observed in the low frequency domain. The
et al.

Fig. 3. Morphology of deposits obtained in sulfate electrolyte with Ni’+/Zn’+ = 1.45 at 20mAcm-‘,
t = 5min and 25°C. (A) 100rpm; (B) 2500rpm.

nature of the loops was maintained, but the charac- detected since the first capacitive loop (40 Hz) disap-
teristic frequencies changed for the first capacitive peared. The other loops maintained the same charac-
loop from 4 Hz to 40 Hz. For the current density of teristic frequencies, but their size increased. The‘, four loops were observed showing the chemical analysis of the deposits performed at the
same nature as the formers, however, the sizes of the same current densities where the impedance dia-
first capacitive loop and second inductive loop grams were obtained, showed that the nickel content
changed. Besides, the characteristic frequency of the in deposits is high at low polarization (Fig. 7(A)) and
inductive loop increases with the polarization, from decreases when the polarization increases (Fig. 7(D)).
0.71 Hz on plot A to 7.1 Hz on plot C. For In order to verify the influence of mass transport (Fig. 7(D)) only three loops were on the Zn-Ni codeposition, impedance diagrams
Electrodeposition of Zn-Ni alloys 1045

+200.00 -300.00 - 800.00 -1300.00 -1800.00
Potential (mV&
Fig. 4. Steady-state potentiostatic polarization curves for sulfate electrolyte with Ni*+/Zn’+ = 1.45 at
16OOrpm. Temperature: (0) 25°C: (m) 50°C. Nickel content in anomalous deposit: (A) Ni = 8%; (B)
Ni = 12%.

were obtained at different rotation speeds. The where the Zn-Ni anomalous codeposition occurs.
results showed that the diagrams had the same That fact suggests that anomalous codeposition is
pattern and characteristic frequencies as those shown preceded by normal codeposition that produces a
in Fig. 7, for all rotation speeds. The impedance previous deposit onto the surface of the materials
results confirmed that the mass transport has no before starting the anomalous codeposition.
effect on the Zn-Ni anomalous codeposition. The influence of temperature on the Zn-Ni anom-
alous codeposition (Fig. 4) shows that an increase in
the temperature induces changes in both parts of the
4. DISCUSSION polarization curves. On part I, the temperature
causes an increase in the hydrogen reaction and as a
The polarization curves obtained for the Zn-Ni consequence an increase in the maximum current
codeposition in sulfate electrolytes have a character- density and on part II the nickel deposition is facili-
istic shape, as seen in Fig. 1. Such curves can be tated since the nickel content in deposit increases by
divided into two parts. In the first part, the Zn-Ni 50%. Therefore, the temperature causes a reduction
normal codeposition, where nickel is deposited pref- on the inhibiting effect of zinc on the nickel electro-
erentially to zinc and where the hydrogen reduction deposition. The temperature influences also the
prevails. The efficiency of the deposition is very low, deposit morphology of Zn-Ni anomalous codeposi-
around l%, so that the maximum current density is tion as shown in Fig. 5. With increasing temperature,
practically due to the hydrogen reduction. In the the compactness of Zn-Ni deposits also increases
transition region between part I and II, the current and the size of nodules reduces, due to an improve-
density reduces abruptly and the efficiency grows ment in the nucleation rate.
rapidly reaching around 98%. In this domain, According to Chassaing and Wiart[14] experi-
hydrogen reduction decreases and the Zn-Ni anom- ments, the polarization curves in chloride electro-
alous codeposition prevails. The nickel content in lytes are shifted towards negative potentials when
the deposit is relatively high (18%) at the beginning the ratio Ni2+/Zn2+ increases from 0 to 3. In the
of Zn-Ni anomalous codeposition (part II) and sulfate solutions, the polarization curves obtained for
decreases when the polarization increases. electrolytes with Ni2+/Zn2+ ratio ranging from 0 to
According to the experiments performed by 2 did not show the same results (Fig. 6).
Chassaing and Wiart[14] for Zn-Ni anomalous The electrolyte composition affects only the part I
codeposition in chloride electrolytes, the polarization of the polarization curves and has no influence on
curves were found to be independent of the electrode the anomalous codeposition region. On the part I
nature and of its rotation speed. Those results are in the current densities are increased when the Nil+/
good agreement with these obtained in the present Zn2+ ratio is low, then the maximum current density
study. Although not shown in this paper, the polar- that is reached at the transition between part I and
ization curves obtained using carbon steel rotating II is increased. Therefore, the transition current
electrodes showed the same behaviour as those density between Zn-Ni normal codeposition to
obtained for platinum, mainly on part II of curves anomalous codeposition is affected by electrolyte
1046 F. J. FABRI MIRANDA et al.

Fig. 5. Morphology of deposited obtained in sulfate electrolyte with Niz’/Zn2’ = 1.45 at 20rnAc~K~,
t = 5 min and 1600rpm. (A) 25°C; (B) 50°C.

composition. This result is in disagreement with the layer capacitance. In addition, three main features
experiments obtained by Fukushima et al.[9], since were observed in the low-frequency domain. Firstly,
they found that the Ni2+/Zn2+ ratio had no influ- an inductive loop exists, with a characteristic fre-
ence on the transition current density between quency which increases quasi-exponentially with
normal and anomalous codeposition. polarization, from 6.3 Hz at 5 ’ to 63 Hz at
Chassaing and Wiart[14] studied also the Zn-Ni i’ The second loop has a characteristic
anomalous codeposition by electrochemical imped- frequency around 250mHz. According to those
ance. Their results showed one high-frequency authors[14], its size is related to the nickel content
capacitive loop which corresponds to the charge in the deposit. The size of this loop is large when the
transfer resistance, R,, in parallel with the double- nickel content is higher. Its size decreases when the
Electrodeposition of Zn-Ni alloys 1047

Fig. 6. Steady-state potentiostatic polarization curves for sulfate electrolytes obtained at 1600rpm and
25°C. (m) Ni’+/Zn*+ = 0.00 (Pure zinc). (0) Ni*+/Zn’+ -- 0.90; (A) Ni’+/Zn*+ = 1.45; (a) Ni”/
’ Zn2+ = 2.00.

polarization increases since the nickel content in the The impedance diagrams obtained at different
deposit varies from 22% at* to 12% at rotation speeds showed that the mass transport had*. The third loop at the lowest fre- no influence on the Zn-Ni anomalous codeposition,
quencies is an inductive loop which appears at a in agreements with the results of polarization curves.
characteristic frequency close to 40mHz and inde-
pendent of the potential.
In the present paper, the impedance diagrams in 5. CONCLUSIONS
sulfate electrolytes showed four loops in the low-
frequency domain for current densities lower than The Zn-Ni anomalous codeposition in sulfate* (Fig. 7). For high polarization electrolytes has been studied using polarization
(*), only three loops were detected. One curves, electrochemical impedance and morphologi-
capacitive, which was not observed in chloride cal analysis. The main electrodeposition parameters
medium, has a characteristic frequency of 4Hz at were investigated such as rotation speed, tem-* and of 4OHz at*, and perature and electrolyte composition.
finally disappears when the polarization increases. The polarization curves for Zn-Ni alloy codeposi-
The inductive loop has a characteristic frequency of tion showed a shape that can be divided in two
0.71 Hz at *. This frequency increases to parts. The first one is related to the Zn-Ni normal
7.2Hz when the current density increases to codeposition where the hydrogen reduction prevails, From* up to*, as a consequence of the low efficiency process. The
the frequency is constant. The size of this loop second part is associated to the Zn-Ni anomalous
increases when the polarization increases, as in the codeposition and it presents an I-E linear relation-
case of chloride electrolytes. The next loop shows the ship.
same capacitive nature and the same frequency of The mass transport influences only the Zn-Ni
0.25 Hz as for chloride electrolytes. However, its size normal codeposition (part I) and has no influence on
increases with the polarization in sulfate medium, a the kinetics of anomalous codeposition (part II).
fact which has not been observed for chloride elec- The temperature has a great influence on the
trolytes. The last loop obtained at the lowest fre- Zn-Ni alloy deposition and affects both parts of
quencies has a characteristic frequency around polarization curves. The temperature shifted the
30mHz and is capacitive in sulfate medium. On the beginning of anomalous codeposition towards less
other hand, for chloride electrolytes the loop negative potential and increased the nickel content
occurring at frequencies around 30mHz was induc- in the deposit. When increasing the temperature the
tive in nature. deposits become more compact and reveal finer
As observed for chloride electrolytes, an increase nodules.
in polarization implies the reduction of nickel The electrolyte composition had no influence on
content in the deposits obtained in sulfate solutions. the Zn-Ni anomalous codeposition, but affected the
At the nickel content was 18% which transition current density between normal codeposi-
reduces to 8% at*. tion (part I) and anomalous codeposition (part II).
1048 F. J. FABRI MIRANDA et al.

RI l ohm. cm21 Re (ohm. cme)

2,CI &I) *
RI (ohm. cm21 Ro (ohm. cm21

Fig. 7. Impedance diagrams of Zn-Ni anomalous codeposition in a sulfate electrolyte with Ni”/
Zn2+ = 145 at 625rpm and 25°C recorded at the points A, B, C and D in Fig. 1. (A) i =*,
Ni = l&,;(B) i = 3.5mA.cmZ, Ni = 12%; (C) i =’, Ni = 10; (D) i = 50mA.cm2, Ni = 8%.

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Electrodeposition of Zn-Ni alloys 1049

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