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11 Candidates Instructions Time Allowed ~ 3% hours Candidates are advised to read all the instructions carefully before starting workand to check with their tutor/assessor if necessary to ensure that they fully understand what is required. Candidates are expected to work safely at all times with regards to current legislation. ‘his assignments intended to assess the practical activities of scheme 7579-02-201 Level 2 Award in 2D Computer Aided Design. The candidate will be advised of the work area ‘The time allowed for this assignment is 3% hours. Candidates are allowed to have an addition ten minutes to read the assignment before starting and to query with the tutorlassessor any points that are not understood. Drawing must not commence during this period. In this assignment there are four tasks: Production of template. Production of INK logo. Production of links and development logo. The company logo. ‘Tne assignment may be split, but must be completed in consecutive sessions. Recommend times Task 1 30 minutes Task2 60 minutes Task3 75 minutes Task 4 45 minutes Total time allowed: 3% hours Level 2 Award in 20 Computer Aided Design 4 11.1 Task 1 — Production of Template Candidates should: 141 Setthe drawing limits to 0,0 and 297,210 (Ad landscape size) 1.2. Reproduce the border on a layer called BORDER as follows: Drawnlinewidth = - OS, Start point - 55 Length of sides = 270mmx 190mm 1.3. Produce atitle block to the dimensions shown in Figure 1 Drawnlinewidth = - = OS Produce the text on layer called TEXT as follows: Text Text Style Text Font Height DRAWN BY: Titles ‘Arial Narrow tf 2 DATE Titles ‘Avil Narrow ttf 2 TIME: Titles Arial Narrow.ttf 2 DRAWING No: Titles ‘Aral Narrow ttf 2 Text position Inthe top left hand comer of each ttle area, with the lower left hand comer ofthe first letter 1.5mm in and 10mm from the lower border. Logo Insert the City & Gullds logo or other suitable logo as shown in Figure 1 and turn offits image frame. Ey ‘0 200 250 m| Figure 1 ~Title Block | i 7 i li Level 2 award in 20 Computer Aided Design 3 1.4 Amend the title block by inserting YOUR NAME. Text Style . o Le ee Make the current layer O and save as a template file called PA 7579-201-2-T in the workarea 15 and print/plot a hardcopy full size. Level 2 Award in 20 Computer Aided Design 11.2 Task 2— Produce INK logo Candidates should: 2.1. Start anew drawing based on the template file saved as PA 7579-201-2-T. 2.2 Complete the title block by including TODAY'S DATE, INK for the Title and PA 7579-201-2-01 for the Drawing No. xt Style Font Height ‘Arial Narrow ttf 3 23. Using appropriate commands draw INK to the specifications detailed in Figure 2 below. AINE aire _|tsrve 2 Figure 2~ INK 2 y es. oe 2.4 Produce LINKin the letter ‘K’ by creating a Text Style called Link with Arial Narrow font to the specifications shown in Figure 3 below. Link to be positioned centrally Text height 4 angle 10° Figure 3~LINK 2.5 Double hatch the letter K using an angle of 30° and spacing of 2 as shown in igure 4 2.6 Save the drawing as PA 7579-201-2-01 and printiplot a hardcopy full size as shawn in Figure 4. Level 2 Award in 20 Computer Aided Design a 2.7 Dimension the first two letters and modify the Drawing No. to PA 7579-201-2-02 as shown in Figure 5 2.8 Save the drawing as PA 7579-201-2-02 and printiplot a hardcopy ful size as shown in Figure 5 INTL Ji\\ ae YORE roots OTE i FATETOD1201 Figure 4- PA 7579-201-2-01 Level 2 Award in 2D Computer Aided Design 8 iron | | 11.3 Task 3 —Produce links and development logo Candidates should: 3.1 Starta new drawing based on the template fle saved as PA 7579-201-2-7. 3.2 Amend the title block by including TODAY'S DATE, LINKS & DEVELOPMENT for the Title and PA 7579-201-2-08 for the Drawing No. 33 Using appropriate commands draw the links assembly to the specifications detailed in Figure 6 and illustrated in Figure 7 Figure 6—Link Details 3.4 Using appropriate commands enter the text DEVELOPMENT, using the following: Text Style Font Justification Height SWISS SWIS72i Bd0ul BT Top Centre 0 3.5 a) Copy the link assembly and position as shown in Figure 7. b) Mirror the link assembly and place to the right so that the halflink is joined, ) Scale the joined halves using a 0.75 scale factor. Level Award in 20 Computer Aided Design 30 4) —_Copyand scale using a 0.75 scale factor, DEVELOPMENT and place émm below and central to the scaled joined halves see Figure 7 3.6 Save the drawing as PA 7579-201-2-03 and printiplot a hard copy full size as shown in Figure 7. GS DEVELOPMENT ISSSCOISSESSt DEVELOPMENT eR oven tanec cxememe [OR Figure 7 - Links & Development Level 2 Award in 20 Computer Aided Design a 11.4 Task 4 —Company logo Candidates should: 4.1 Ensure that only the following drawings are loaded and open: PA7579-201-1 (produced during first practical assignment) PA7579-201-2-01 PA7579-201-2-03 42 Startanew drawing based on the template file PA 7579-201-2-T, 43 Amendtitle block by inserting today's date, THE COMPANY LOGO for the Title and PA7579-201-2-04 for the Drawing No. 44 Draw an elliptical base plate as specified below. a) Centre located at 140,107 b) Major axis 220mm. Minor axis 140mm. 45 Placeinside the ellipse. a) INK: The bottom left comer of the first letter 63mm from the centre line of the minor axis and 10mm below the centre of the major axis with a scale factor of 0.75. b) Links and DEVELOPMENT: The top of the middle link on the centre line of the minor axis and 17mm below the major axis. ©) Screwdriver: The top of the handle level with the top of the first letter and the Centre of the screwdriver on the centre line of the left hand sectioned link with a scale factor of 0.375. 46 Save the completed logo drawing as PA 7579-201-2-04 to the work area and printiplot a hardcopy full size as shown in Figure 8, 47 Copyallfiles onto the portable storage media. Print your name on the label and hand this media together with all hardcopies produced to your tutor/assessor. ‘The following files should be on the portable storage media: PA7579-201-2-T PA7579-201-2-08 PA7579-201-2-.01 PA7579-201-2-04 PA7579-201-202 Level Award in 20 Computer Aided Design 2 YoURWHE Toowrs OTE ‘EcovenNT Loco PATETOCDI2OM Level 2 Award in 20 Computer Aided Design Figure 8- The Company Logo

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