Question Bank CC - 9

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The Bhawanipur Education Society College

CC - 9 / History of India (c.1526-1605)

Question Bank

1. What do you understand by Fazl’s reference to Tauhid-I- Ilahi?

2. Name the memoirs of Babur and Jahangir.
3. Name the daughter of Babur and mention her work that has become an integral
part of Mughal historiography.
4. Who wrote Tarikh-i-Humayuni? What was his relationship with Humayun?
5. Name the brother of Abul Fazal? Mention two of Fazal’s works?
6. Mention two works of Abdul Qadir Badauni?
7. Who translated the Ramayana into Persian during Akbar’s reign?
8. When and between whom did the battle of Khanua take place?
9. Name the artillery used to reduce forts and was fired from fixed positions on
raised grounds?
10. What is the generic name for Kazan or top?
11. Name the four firearms that Babur had mentioned in his autobiography.
12. Name the firearm that was mentioned in the account of the battle of Panipat for the
first time.
13. Name two artillerists in Babur’s military organization.
14. What do you understand by the terms Kabuliyat and Patta?
15. What do you mean by Gajnal and chaturnal/shutrnal?
16. What is Dah-bishti?
17. What is - (i) zat, (ii) sawar, (iii) dagh, (iv) chehra?
18. What do you mean by Jamadami?
19. Define - (i) Tankhwa jagir, (ii) Watan jagir
20. When was the Dahsala system introduced?
21. What are - (i) khalisa, (ii) polaj, (iii) parauti, (iv) chachar, (v) banjar?
22. What were the ways in which Dahsala system was implemented?
23. Name 2 officials responsible for the plan of the Dahsala system.
24. Who was the Mir Bakshi?
25. Who were the faujdars and shiqdars?
26. What was the nature of the Mughal ruling class?
27. Which sections of the society comprised the Mughal Nobility?
28. Who was Shaikhzadas?

29. Name two important Rajput clans with which Akbar established matrimonial
30. Why did Akbar want to conquer Deccan?
31. Why did Akbar want to drive away from the Portuguese from the Western Coast?
32. When the Ahmadnagar fort was beseiged?
33. Which state of south India first accepted Akbar’s diplomatic Mission?
34. Explain the terms Jama and Hashil.
35. What do you understand by Tashkis and Tahsil?
36. Distinguish between the Qabuliyat and Patta.
37. Explain the term Khet Batai.
38. Explain the term Peshkash.
39. Who were the Intermediary Zamindars?
40. What do you understand bythe term Madad Mash ?
41. Who was referred to as the asamis ?
42. Who were the Patwaris?
43. Mention any two irrigational methods adopted by the Indian agriculturists in the
Mughal period.
44. What was the bandar-i-mubarak?
45. Who were the banjaras?
46. What is a hundi?
47. What is a cartaz?
48. When were the Pilgrimage Tax and Jizyah abolished?
49. What was the Ibadat Khana?
50. What was Sulh -I-kul ?
51. What was the Mazhar?
52. Who was Mulla Muhammad Yazdi?
53. Why was Akbar criticized for bidat?

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