Soil Microbiology

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Chapter 2 Soil Ecosystem

Soil is a component of the Earth's terrestrial ecosystems, plays a vital role in sustaining life on our planet.
It serves as a foundation for agriculture, providing nutrients and support for plant growth, while also
acting as a habitat for a diverse array of organisms. Understanding the relationships and processes within
soil ecosystems is essential for maintaining soil health and ensuring sustainable land management
Definition of Soil Ecosystem
Ecosystem: Eco + System - Eco: ** >* Greek word for "house" or "habitat" >* Refers to the living
organisms in an area and their interactions with each other and with the non-living components of
their environment (biotic and abiotic factors) - **System: ** >* Set of interacting or
interdependent components forming an integrated whole >* Ecosystem is a complex system
where organisms and their environment are interconnected and influence each other. Ecosystem
is a community of living organisms in conjunction with the nonliving components of their
environment (things like air, water and soil), interacting as a system. –
Soil ecosystem is a complex community of living organisms that interact with each other and their
physical environment in the soil. It encompasses the living organisms, their interactions, and the
physical and chemical components within a soil system. It includes a complex network of
microorganisms, invertebrates, plants, and animals, all interacting with each other and the soil
matrix. These interactions drive various biogeochemical cycles, nutrient cycling, and energy
flow, shaping the structure and functioning of the soil ecosystem.
2.1 Soils as an ecosystem
Soil as ecosystem is a system and viewed as a complete system in itself, with a high degree of spatial
heterogeneity, open to, and interacting in complex ways with, its surroundings.
The soil ecosystem is complex and heterogeneous because it comprises inorganic and organic
components, water, gases, and various flora and fauna. Soil is also considered as ecosystem because
there is considerable interaction between living thing (biotic) and nonliving things (abiotic) in the soil
using the soil as an ecosystem. These organisms interact with each other in the soil in a variety of
ways, and these interactions are essential for the health of the soil ecosystem.

Its multi-functionality is determined by the variety of species and functional groups existing in the
soil. Soil ecosystems provide habitats for diverse groups of biota, including bacteria, archaea, fungi,
microalgae, protozoa, nematodes, and bacteriophages. Additionally, soils host great diversity of
species and features of organisms. These organisms and their relationships are indispensable to various
soil functions and ecosystem interactions, such as nutrient cycles, organic matter disintegration, and
formation of soil architecture, pest control, and depollution and regulation of various contaminants.
2.2. Components of Soil Ecosystem
1. Biotic Components:
a) Microorganisms: Bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, protozoa, and algae are the predominant
microbial components in soil ecosystems.
b) Invertebrates: Earthworms, nematodes, mites, springtails, and insects are common invertebrate
groups found in soil. They contribute to soil aeration, nutrient cycling, and decomposition
c) Plants: Plants, including trees, shrubs, grasses, and herbs, are rooted in the soil and provide
essential organic matter through root exudates and litter decomposition.
d) Animals: Larger animals, such as burrowing mammals, reptiles, and amphibians, contribute to soil
structure, nutrient cycling, and seed dispersal.
2. Abiotic Components:
a) Soil Matrix: comprises mineral particles (sand, silt, and clay), organic matter (humus),
b) Soil Chemistry: Soil pH, nutrient, soil reaction.
c) Soil Physics: Soil texture, structure, and porosity
2.3 The physico-chemical components of soil ecosystem


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