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Script: Small Talk at the Supermarket

Alfy: (smiling) Excuse me, could you tell me where they keep the avocado?

Director's Note: Jenny looks back and maintains eye contact with Alfy.

Jenny: (glancing up, returning the smile) Certainly! They're placed in the corner aisle.
Follow me. So, what's on the menu for today? avocado toast or avocado salad

Director's Note: Alfy pushes the cart behind Jenny's back.

Alfy: (smiling) definitely avocado toast! I was planning on throwing a garden party with
my friends tomorrow.

Director's Note: Jenny looks back at Alfy with enthusiasm.

Jenny: (nodding) Are you searching for ripe or raw avocados?

Directors note: Alfy's expression becomes confused

Alfy: (shrugging) I also don't know either, my wife asked me to buy some avocados.

Directors note: Jenny leans forward slightly with a helpful mentality.

Jenny: (smiling) I believe the ripe one will be fine. You mentioned you wanted to make

Directors note: Alfy looks at Jenny amazed.

Jenny: I am Jenny, by the way ( she extends her hands)

Director's note: Alfy shakes Jenny's hand softly while maintaining an eye contact

Alfy: (smiling) Nice to meet you, Jenny. I'm Alfy

Directors note: Jenny and Alfy walk towards the produce section

Jenny: ( pointing towards the avocados) This is what you were searching for, correct?
Directors note: Alfy looks and produces section

Alfy :( examines the avocados) This will be better. ( picks up some avocados ) Thank
you for helping me, Jenny.

Directors Note: Alfy appreciates Jenny's assistance and helps him.

Jenny: (smiling) you're welcome, Alfy! if you need any more help or if you have any
questions please do not hesitate to ask me.

Director's Note: Alfy looks at Jenny, maintaining a friendly and helpful demeanor.

Alfy: (standing up) Yeah, it was nice meeting you, Sarah! Have a pleasant day!

Director's Note: Alfy pushes his trolley away to gather the rest of his supplies for the
garden party.

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