Ruby Field - Narrative Essay 1

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Narrative Essay #1

Sensory + Figurative Language

Directions: Write a 450-650 word story about a favorite memory. In doing so, you
should aim to use as much sensory detail as possible in order to “show” the story rather
than “tell”

For help with including figurative language, reference this list.

Walking off the last ferry of the night to see my friend's faces that has been gone

for weeks, while breathing in the nice cool breeze of the island bringing me back

to my happy place. The warm air breathes on my body as if it was winter sitting

next to a fire. Getting off the ferry and giving my friends a tight bear hug. Putting

our luggage in the jeep and all cramming in the back as if we were lobsters

caught in a cage. As we started the drive the warm wind started blowing on us

while we oversaw the ocean like a mirror reflecting the perfectly blue sky. We

arrived at the big beautiful house we went in and started unpacking. Instead of

resting we all decided to go out and explore the beach and town. We first went to

the beach and felt the softest sand anyone could ever imagine. The sand felt as

soft as powder sugar and the ocean was as clear as glass. We laid down for a

few hours having the hot uv rays kiss our skin. After we started our journey into

town, as we got into town seeing all new faces that we might never see again.

We walk into an ice cream shop with a nice cool breeze hit us as we take our first

step in. Even with the absurd prices we still got them and left the store back into

the heat. Walking out and seeing a big park bench that will fit all of us. As we

took our first bite into the ice cream a spark went up into our brains, cooler than a
cold winter day shocked us. Taking a second bite then a third feeling happy and

at peace. Then finally the last with a bit more hunger arose from our stomachs

but decided to save it for dinner. As we took on the new town we felt as though

everything was perfect. While shopping around many stores to get the perfect

Nantucket sweatshirt to bring home our hunger started getting bigger. We caught

a Uber back home and immediately hopped in the shower and started getting

ready for our night out. Our excitement of what the night was going to bring made

all of us sequel. As we put our finishing touches on our makeup on our freshly

sun kissed faces we left our rooms to see a buffet of appetizers before leaving for

dinner. Our excitement spread and music started playing loudly throughout the

house. Singing alongside my closet friends while picking around our favorite

foods felt so freeing with not a care in the world. Our Uber got to our house when

we started walking to the car with high heels and long dresses, tripping around

because we aren’t used to walking with a few more inches on us. While in the

car, the Uber driver lets us connect to aux then we started blasting our favorite

songs. Windows down, taking in the warm air, listening to our new found lover for

country music none of us have ever been better. Finding ourselves free and at

peace with our life’s.

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