Argumentative Essay

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Is going to the cinema better than watching a DVD at home?

Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema? Nowadays, most people prefer
going to the cinema. They say that the cinemas have better atmosphere to enjoy the movie.
Others believe that you can make your own, better atmosphere at home, while staying more
comfortable and saving money. But is going to the cinema better than watching movies a home?

Going to the movies has its benefits. Seeing a fresh movie not yet available on disc and
the feeling of sharing the new experience with others, hearing their reaction and laughter. Many
cinemas have expensive surround systems that thunder and emerse you in the story being told.
Furthermore, watching the movie on a big screen, the smell and taste of the popcorn complete

However, watching a DVD at home, depending on your home equipment and set up can
be a very enjoyable experience. You don't have to worry about others talking during the movie or
cell phones ringing so much, also you can pause the movie anytime you want. Going to the
cinema for a large group or family can be expensive. Moreover, you can purchase many movies
cheaper than taking a family out to the cinema.

So, which one is better? It really depends on the experience you are looking for. Both
options have their own appeal, their own pros and cons. Personally, watching movies at home
remains one of my favorite pastimes.

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