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He was a German physicist who first conclusively proved the existence of the electromagnetic

waves predicted by James Clerk Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism. His discovery was the
start of the wireless communication that eventually poses a serious threat to the cable based
Heinrich Hertz

Which of the following is not a major communications medium?


What was Guglielmo Marconi known for?

the first to demonstrate and transmit wireless radio wave signal

Signals that travel through free space for long distances are called
Radio signals

Random interference to transmitted signals is called


The length of wavelength depends on the frequency of the wave and

none of the choices

For a given bandwidth, more channel is available for signals in the range of

What was the invention of Samuel Morse in 1837?

Single wire telegraph

He was a Scottish Scientist in the field of Mathematics and Physics and his most notable
achievement was to formulate the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation
James Clark Maxwell
Simultaneous two way communication is called

What does Stephen Grey discovered in 1729?

he was the first to systematically experiment with electrical conduction

A complete communication system must include

a transmitter, a receiver, and a channel

Light frequency below 400 microns are


The regular landline telephone system is an example of

Wired Communication

The first Commercially available handheld cellular phone built by Motorola was named as
DynaTAC 8000X

After the telegraph, what was the next great invention in the field of electronic communication
which would make communication easier and available to even more people

Short waves fall under


It was a mail service delivering messages, newspapers, and mail using relays of horse-mounted
Pony Express

Who discovered the battery in 1800?

Alessandro Volta
A type of communication system that is still used today that uses hand held flags to convey
information at a distance.
Semaphore flag

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