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The Air is Unbearable – Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is perhaps the richest collection of plant and animals diversity in
the world. But through the years, it has been facing many threats. And what now?

This natural wonder is disappearing at an alarming rate due to deforestation and the
species are in danger of extinction. Also, the water pollution is worsening in the Amazon as a
result from increased population and mining. The Amazon is listed as a global impact zone as the
area continues to lose soil and plant carbon - this pollution contributes to global warming. If the
Amazon rainforest disappears, the entire human race will likely suffer the same fate.

Deforestation in the Amazon is increasing - 2021 had the highest rates of deforestation in
15 years. This is damaging the lands of local communities, killing wildlife and worsening the
climate crisis. But we can all be a part of the solution. Unless we spread awareness and save the
rainforest, we might face even bigger problems with deforestation and losing endangered

I hope that one day the situation will change and we won’t be living in fear for the so-
called lungs of the world. Together we can make a difference.

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