OPT B1plus Unit Test 6 Standard

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6 UNIT 6 TEST | Standard B1+

Listening Grammar
1 UT Track 6 You will hear people talking in 3 Choose the correct words to complete the
five different situations. Listen and choose sentences.
the words that best describe the speakers’ 1 If you want to learn more English, try / you try
attitudes. watching some TV series.
1 The girl is confused about / grateful for her 2 I’ll tell Matt about the meeting if I see / will see
new present. him.
2 The man is annoyed / surprised about what 3 If you don’t / didn’t go out so much, you’d have
some people eat. more time for studying.
3 The boy is fed up with / anxious about his 4 If I were you, I won’t / wouldn’t open that box.
health problem. 5 They let him watch TV as long as there is / will
4 The man is surprised / terrified by what a be something educational on.
doctor told him.
5 The girl is unhappy / worried about her
4 Complete the second sentence with one
word so that it means the same as the first
2 UT Track 6 Listen again and choose the 1 If you don’t hand in the form by tomorrow, you
best answer (A, B or C). can’t go on the school trip.
1 You hear a girl talking about a present she’s You can’t go on the school trip        you
received. hand in the form tomorrow.
How does she feel after using her Health Watch? 2 We’ll go to the beach if it isn’t raining.
A She is disappointed that she isn’t fitter since As long        it isn’t raining, we’ll go to
she got it. the beach.
B She doesn’t worry about her health anymore. 3 You could learn to play the guitar quickly by
C She takes her health seriously now. practising for half an hour a day
2 You hear a nutritionist describing his job. If you        for half an hour a day, you
What is the man confident of? could learn to play the guitar quickly.
A He can help people eat more healthily. 4 Take some fruit because you might get hungry.
B He can help sports people become better at Take some fruit in        you get hungry.
their sports. 5 Don’t get rid of those old books unless you’re
C People in general don’t need help with their diets. sure you don’t need them.
3 You hear a boy talking to his doctor. Only get rid of those old books       
you’re sure you don’t need them.
What is the boy worried about?
A He doesn’t think he’s passed his exams.
B He doesn’t feel very energetic these days.
C He doesn’t think he spends enough time 5 Choose the correct words to complete the
working. sentences.
4 You hear a man talking about what he ate as a child. 1 That’s Mr Brown, which / who was our maths
What is the man surprised about? teacher last year.

A His parents didn’t cook healthy food. 2 There’s a boy over there that / whose has the
same trainers as you.
B His children don’t like eating vegetables.
3 My dad’s car, that / which is 15 years old, is in
C He doesn’t have any health problems. perfect condition.
5 You hear two friends talking about exercise. 4 The girl whose / who phone was stolen was very
How does the girl feel? upset.
A She thinks she should spend more time at the 5 The hotel where / which we stayed had
gym. wonderful views.
B She thinks she spends too much time at the
C She thinks she shouldn’t have gone on holiday.

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6 UNIT 6 TEST | Standard B1+

6 Complete the text with the words in the breakfast and they seem to be doing OK. I also
box. read an article
(3)        the writer said that it’s just an
that | where | which | who | whose old wives’ tale. According to this writer, there is
little scientific evidence (4)        proves
that breakfast is necessary. Now I don’t know
My mum says breakfast is the most important
which arguments to believe, but I think I should
meal of the day. She says it gives you energy,
trust the person (5)        opinion matters
(1)        you need to keep going until
to me – my mum!
lunchtime. I believe that up to a point but I’ve
got some friends (2)        don’t have

How to lead a happier life
For thousands of years humans have been searching for the secret to happiness, but we know that there isn’t a
magic solution waiting to be found. However, we do know of many ways to lead a happier and more satisfying life.
Here are some of our favourite ones.
Regular exercise
Anyone who does regular exercise knows that it’s one of the quickest ways to cheer yourself up. Doing exercise
has an important effect on the way your body works. As your blood starts to circulate faster, your body releases
endorphins, which send signals to your brain and immediately make you feel happier. Not only that but long after
you’ve done exercise, your body will feel the benefits. For instance, studies have shown that regular exercise can
also help you get a good night’s sleep. The best thing is that you don’t have to do much exercise for it to have a
positive effect. In fact, just half an hour a day will be enough.
Eat your greens
Generations of children have been warned by their grandmothers that if they don’t eat up their greens they won’t
grow big and strong. Scientists have also known for some time that fruit and vegetables are vital for our physical
health. However, researchers have recently discovered that they can also have an important effect on your mood.
Some greens like spinach contain large quantities of nutrients which help your brain stay positive in the most
difficult of situations. In fact, researchers found that when people started consuming more greens, they quickly
reported feeling happier and more satisfied.
Get outside
There are a number of reasons not to stay inside when you’re feeling down. One reason is because being out in
the sun helps our bodies produce vitamin D. If you don’t have enough vitamin D in your body, it can lead to feelings
of unhappiness and fatigue. The good news is that just 30 minutes spent outside can improve your mood. But
remember that while spending time outside can make you feel happier, you shouldn’t spend too long in the sun. Too
much sun will result in sunburn and that definitely won’t help you achieve happiness!
Our last piece of advice is the best one of all … smile! You might think you smile because you’re happy. However,
the latest research suggests that the act of smiling may itself put you in a better mood. In this research, groups of
people were asked to perform different exercises which made their mouths form different shapes. Those whose
mouths formed the shape of a smile reported increased feelings of happiness. No one knows why this is but
it could be that our brains associate smiling with happiness so just by smiling we feel happier. Although more
research is needed, there can’t be any harm in smiling every now and again.

7 Read the text and find the words (1–5). Choose the correct meanings.
1 circulate (paragraph 2): leave / move around
2 signals (paragraph 2): messages / notes
3 vital (paragraph 3): essential / unnecessary
4 consuming more greens (paragraph 3): eating more vegetables / buying more vegetables
5 fatigue (paragraph 4): excitement / tiredness

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6 UNIT 6 TEST | Standard B1+

8 Read the text again. For questions 1–5, 10 Complete the sentences with the correct
choose the best answer (A, B, C or D). form of the words in brackets.
1 What do we learn about happiness in the first 1 Martina will        (hopeful) win a prize
paragraph? in the writing competition.
A The writer knows the secret to happiness. 2 This new game on my phone is       
B There is no secret to happiness. (extraordinary) difficult.
C There are some things you can do to make you 3 Fresh fruit and vegetables are delivered to your
happy. house        (day).
D There is nothing you can do to make you 4 She        (accidental) knocked your cup
happy. off the table.
2 Why is exercise good for you? 5 It’s        (relative) easy to make your
own yoghurt with a yoghurt maker.
A Because you will feel happier after a while.
B Because you will sleep better afterwards.
C Because it stops you getting tired.
D Because it doesn’t take long to do. 11 Choose the correct words to complete the
3 What have scientists recently found out about sentences.
vegetables? 1 I sprained / bruised my head when I walked
A They can make you big and strong. into a cupboard door.
B They are important for your physical health. 2 I’m quite worried about her. She’s had a
temperature / allergy of 39° C since yesterday.
C They can make you feel more positive.
3 He stayed out in the sun too long and got
D They have little effect on your mood.
sprained / burnt.
4 What advice does the writer give in paragraph 4?
4 You can sometimes get cramp / cut if you do too
A It’s a good idea to take vitamin D pills. much exercise.
B You should stay inside when you’re unhappy. 5 A lot of people at school have had a stomach
C You should use sun cream to prevent sunburn. allergy / virus. They think it’s from the water.
D You should be careful when you’re outside.
5 What does ‘perform’ in paragraph 5 mean?
A carry out 12 Choose the correct words to complete the
B give up text.
C dance around It’s very easy to (1) sprain / burn your ankle,
D act up especially if you do sports like running or
football. The good news is that although it can
be painful, it’s (2) relatively / relative easy to
treat. The first thing is to stop what you’re doing
and rest the ankle. Although some people may
Vocabulary suggest using heat, most doctors advise (3) for /
against doing that. You should put an ice pack on
9 Complete the sentences with the words in the ankle (4) regular / regularly in the day and
the box. keep the ankle in a raised position. After about
three days, you should start moving the ankle
against | of | of | to | to again. Your doctor can show you some (5) basic
/ basically exercises that should help you get
better within six to eight weeks.
1 He doesn’t approve        students using
mobile phones in class.
2 My parent’s house dates back        the
17th century.
3 The doctor advised        doing any sports
for a month.
4 My brother is allergic        some
medicines. If he takes them, he can get very ill.
5 I’m going to get rid        my video games
because I never really use them.

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6 UNIT 6 TEST | Standard B1+

13 Complete the sentences with words from 3 My preference would be     a hotel with a
the box. swimming pool.
4 I’d rather not go to a burger restaurant     the
due to | for | not to | so | than fact that I’m vegetarian.
5 I don’t like going in the water     I never go to
1 I’d rather spend time relaxing on the beach     the swimming pool.
doing a sport.
2 I’d prefer     have salad for lunch.

14 Look at the two photographs showing healthy activities and write sentences to answer the
questions. Use the phrases below to help you.

because (of) | due to | my preference would be | so | than | the reason why / for this is
would prefer (not) to do | would rather

1 What are the positive aspects of each activity?

2 What are the negative aspects of each activity?
3 How do you think the person in each photograph feels?
4 Which activity would you prefer?
5 Why would you prefer that activity?

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6 UNIT 6 TEST | Standard B1+

Use of English
15 Decide if the words in bold are adjectives (adj) or adverbs (adv).
1 When you log in, the music player should open automatically. adj / adv
2 They’re looking for someone who speaks Japanese well. adj / adv
3 A five kilometre walk to school is part of their daily life. adj / adv
4 He’s been working very hard lately. adj / adv
5 My mum says her dream is to have a fast car. adj / adv

16 Write a form of the word in capitals in each gap to complete the text.

In recent years, there have been many articles in magazines and newspapers about
‘superfoods.’ Depending on the article you read, everything from eggs to spinach
are superfoods and, (1)      , supermarkets and food companies have been SURPRISE
using this label to sell their products. The problem is that there is often a lack of
(2)      evidence to support these claims. For example, one article says that garlic SCIENCE
is a superfood because it can protect your heart and prevent damage to cells. However,
what it doesn’t explain is that you would have to eat about two heads of garlic a day for
it to (3)      make a difference. The fact is that if we want to live long and TRUE
(4)      lives, we need to eat a balanced diet. That means eating fish, fruit and HEALTH
vegetables on a (5)      basis. And we need to stop looking for superfoods! DAY

17 Look at the exam task below and the paragraph plan. Match ideas from the list a–e to the
paragraphs. You see this notice in an English-language magazine for teenagers:

Articles wanted
We’re looking for articles about the importance of staying healthy. Why is it important? What can you do to
stay healthy? The best articles will be published in our magazine.

Paragraph 1: engage the reader and introduce the topic

Paragraph 2: talk about why it’s important to stay healthy
Paragraph 3: suggest what the reader can do to stay healthy
a) Staying healthy is good for your body and your brain.
b) We all do unhealthy things but we know that they’re bad for you.
c) It’s important to do at least 30 minutes of exercises a day.
d) Staying healthy is a good way to avoid some illnesses.
e) It’s important to have a balanced diet.

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18 Write the third paragraph (4–5 sentences) of the article in the exam task in Exercise 17.
Remember to:
• include the information from your paragraph plan
• engage the reader by asking questions or saying something surprising
• use a conversational style.

Total score

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