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Secondary school N1 Date:04.11.

The name of the subject: English Grade: II A
The theme of the lesson: The letters: Cc, Hh, Tt
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “The letters: Cc,
Hh, Tt”, to develop students' speaking, writing skills;
to teach pupils to understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
upbringing: love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Combined lesson.
Visual aids and Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards,
additional material: letters
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the
Working on the class register.
Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get ready for the lesson.
Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date today? What
season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
Ex 5 pg. 47. Trace and copy.

3. Сhecking pupils' knowledge by oral questioning.

1. What letter is it?
2. What letter does this word begin?
4. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
5. Explaining of new material:
Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Teach pronunciation of the letters: “Cc, Hh, Tt”
3. Listen and read the text.
4. Work with pictures.
5. Doing exercises.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme.
- The letters: “Cc, Hh, Tt”.
- Describe the picture.
- Read the words with letters: “Cc, Hh, Tt”
- Sing the song: “Aa, Bb, Cc”.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- distinguishes the studied words;
- correlates the heard words with the corresponding pictures;
- understands the meaning of simple, clearly formulated, often repeated instructions from the
Ex 2 pg. 54. Listen and say.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
Cc - cat Hh – horse Tt - table
6. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 3 pg. 54. Listen and read.
Ben, Ted, cat, hat, cap, hand, ten, black, sack, desk, lemon, melon. Hand and leg, hat and cap,
melon and lemon.
Ex.6. on pg.55. Match the letters to the pictures.
Ex. 7 on pg.56. Draw and colour the picture Ex. 8. on pg.57. Draw and colour the picture
beginning with the letter. beginning with the letter.
Hen-h h-hat
Sack-s sack-s
Hand-h cap-c
Cap-c desk-d

Learn the song ABC.

Aa-Bb-Cc-Dd-Ee-Ff-Gg Aa-Bb-Cc-Dd-Ee-Ff-Gg
Hh-Ii-Jj-Kk-Ll-Mm-Nn-Oo-Pp Hh-Ii-Jj-Kk-Ll-Mm-Nn-Oo-Pp
Qq-Rr-Ss, Tt-Uu-Vv Qq-Rr-Ss, Tt-Uu-Vv
Ww–Xx, Yy-and-Zz, Ww–Xx, Yy-and-Zz,
Now I know my A-B-C Mother will be pleased with me
Come on now and sing with me. Now I know my A-B-C.
7. Homework: Ex 4 pg. 54. Trace and copy.

8. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.

Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises,
are named and evaluated (grades are given in the class putting in journal and diaries).
Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the pupils.

Written by the teacher: J.Seidova

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:

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