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Software Requirement Specification (SRS) Document


Project Name:




Version History:

Version Author Updated Date

Review History:

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Approval History:

Version Author Updated Date


1. Purpose
a. Define the purpose of document
2. Scope
a. Define the scope of document
3. Project Definition
a. Objective
b. Target Audience
c. System Platforms
d. Platform Orientation
e. Language
4. Project Strategy
a. Define Project Strategy
b. Milestones
5. Tools and Technologies to Use
6. Flowchart of Application (If required)
7. Functional Requirements
8. Non-functional Requirements
a. Security
b. Compatibility
c. Reliability
d. Scalability
e. Maintainability
f. Usability
g. Capacity
h. Other non-functional requirements
9. Definitions and Acronyms
1. Purpose of Document

2. Scope of Document

3. Project Definition

3.1 Objective

3.2 Target Audience

3.3 System Platform

3.4 Platform Orientation

3.5 Language

4. Project Strategy
4.1 Define Project Work Strategy

Write about your project work strategy. Describe the strategy of design and
development software and software development life cycle.

4.2 Milestones of the Project

Prepare and write about the different milestones of the project. Describe the date of
the deliverable here.

No. of Milestones Delivery Date

5. Tools and Technology to Use

Tools and Technologies in the Project

Programming Language

Web Server


Server OS



6. Flow Chart of Software

7. Functional Requirements
8. Non-functional Requirements

8.1 Security
8.2 Compatibility

8. 3 Reliability

8.6 Scalability

8.7 Maintainability
8.8 Usability

8.9 Capacity

8.9 Other non-functional requirements

9. Definitions and Acronyms

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