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Fieldtrip Observation to Wetland Park and Sein Farm Cisurupan Report

Submitted To Fulfill Hospitality and Tourism Individual Assignment

given by Ilma Aulia Zaim

In Semester 8

19021213 - Maria Listya Puspitarini

School of Business and Management ITB

Ganesha Street No. 10, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132
I. Observation Report
This field trip report is based on empirical observations conducted in the Cisurupan
area, Ujung Berung, West Java, as part of fulfilling one of the requirements for the
Hospitality and Tourism course on Thursday, February 22, 2024. Before departing, we, the
students enrolled in the related course, gathered at MBA SBM ITB in Gelap Nyawang. After
roll call, at 1 PM, we set off with transportation arranged into 3 travel buses. The journey
took approximately one and a half hours. Upon our arrival, we were warmly welcomed by the
local community of Cisurupan, who even presented a dance performed by a young girl.
After the opening at the multipurpose building concluded, we received a small green
bag containing pots and chili seedlings. Subsequently, we returned to our respective travel
buses and continued on a short journey to Wetland Park Cisurupan.
Upon arriving at the parking lot, we were directed to line up according to our
respective groups. Despite the scorching sun, our enthusiasm remained high for the field trip
and observation activities. We slowly explored the land, which was surrounded by trees and
green grass. Along the way, there were small streams and numerous water catchments that
added to the freshness of the atmosphere. It is known that these water catchments have a
significant influence on the Wetland area, aiding in flood prevention. Additionally, there were
several gazebo houses donated by the Jarambah Community, serving as multipurpose
facilities for visitors. These bamboo-made gazebos added vibrancy to the surroundings.
After traversing rocky roads, bridges, and grassy paths, we arrived at an open field
that seemed to be frequently used as a gathering spot and for bonfires. At this location, we as
students were invited to plant chili seeds in pots that had been distributed beforehand. This
activity was immensely enjoyable and undoubtedly provided a new experience for some of
us. Upon completing the planting, we took group photos together. The evening was pleasantly
cool with a hint of clouds, allowing us to enjoy the atmosphere without feeling too hot.
Following the group photos, we were directed to head towards Sein Farm. The
journey was quite steep and challenging, highlighting the need for better road development if
this place were to become a tourist destination in the future. The journey to Sein Farm also
involved significant ups and downs. Upon our arrival, we headed straight to a moderately
sized gazebo to sit and enjoy the scenery offered by Sein Farm.
Sein Farm is short for Sekemala Integrated Farm, one of its practices is to utilize
chicken manure as compost fertilizer for plants. I myself then explored around and found
several facilities at Sein Farm, such as chicken coops, illustrated buildings, and a biofloc
system for fish breeding. Additionally, I was captivated by the beautiful scenery offered by
Sein Farm. Another interesting aspect was the available photo spots, such as miniature
replicas of the Pasupati flyover, heart-shaped framed chairs, and sitting nets. With this
opportunity, us as students didn't want to miss out and immediately captured moments
together with our friends in the form of photos.
After thoroughly exploring, we returned to the parking lot at Wetland Park. Some of
us felt tired, thirsty, and even hungry. Nevertheless, we were satisfied with what we saw and
realized the importance of preserving the cool natural beauty of Bandung. Based on this
observation, I do think that there are several things that can be done in both Wetland and Sein
Farm to improve the potential that they already have.

II. Pictures

Picture Explanation

Wetland Park green field

Wetland Park green field

Planting chilli seedlings with my friends

Wetland Park garden, gazebo, and pond

Building in Wetland Park with water drain

Wetland road for walking and a small bridge

My friends enjoying Wetland view

Sein Farm view from afar

Sein Farm view

Sein Farm view

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