14 Appendix

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The backscattering coefficients at 532 nm /3su (z) (both parallel and perpendicular)
and at 1064nm )' a n used to derive other optical properties like back-scattering
ratio, depolarization ratio and colow ratio which provide important information about
the aerosol and cloud layers. The definitions of these properties are given below:

(a) Backscattering ratio (B): It is the ratio o f total backscattering coeficient

(molecular plus particulates) to the molecular backscattering coefficient. It is
expressed as

where, subscripts M and P denote the backscattering coefficients for molecules and
particulates. It i s a measure of the strength of backscattering from atmospheric targets
like aerosols and clouds with respect to the molecules. For a purely molecular
atmosphere its value i s equal to unity while for an atmosphere with particulates it
exceeds unity.

(b) Particulate Depolarization Ratio (dp): It is the ratio of perpendicular to the

parallel components of backscattering coefficients at 532 nm. It i s expressed as

where, p ~(z) , and pil., (I) are perpendicular (cross-polarized) and parallel (co-
polarized) components of particulate backscattering coefficient at a given altitude.
Depolarization ratio provides information about the shape and phase of the
atmospheric particles. Its value ranges between 0 and I. The value o f bP for
atmospheric particles like haze, fog, water clouds and rain droplets lies between 0 to
0.lwhile the values greater than 0.25 to 0.8 indicates to non-spherical particles like
dust, snowflakes ice-crystals. So, G, can be used as a measure to discriminate water
cation ratio is affected by the size
multiple scattering effects.

(c) Particulate Colour ratio (Xp): It i s the ratio of particulate backscattering

coeEcients at 1064 nm and 532 nm wavelengths. It is expressed as
Colour ratio gives information about the size of the particulates. A low value of
colour ratio indicates towards smaller particles like aerosols whereas a high value of
colour ratio indicates towards cloud dropletslice-crystals which are larger than aerosol
particles. Thus, colour ratio can be used to distinguished aerosols from clouds based
on their size information provided by colour ratio.

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Publications in refereed internatloaal journals

1. Pandit, A. K., Gadhavi, H. S., Venkat Ratnam, M., Raghunath, K., Rao, S. V. B.
and Jayaraman, A.: Long-term trend analysis and climatology of tropical cirrus
clouds using 16 years of lidar data set over Southern India, Atmos Chem Phys,
15(24), 13833-13848, doi:10.5194/acp-15-13833-2015,2015.

2. Pandit, A. K., Gadhavi, H., Venkat Ratnam, M., Jayaraman, A., Raghunath, K.
and Rao, S. V. B.: Characteristics of cirrus clouds and tropical tropopause layer:
Seasonal variation and long-term trends, J. Atmospheric Sol.-Terr. Phys.,

Papers presented in conference/schooUsymposium/workshop

1. Pandit A.K., Gadhavi, H.S., Venkat Ratnam, M., Raghunath, K., and Jayaraman,
A.: Cirrus clouds in changing climale: Long-term Lidar observations from a
tropical lndian station, Second Workshop on Stratospheric Sulphur and their Role
in Climate, Alfred Wegener lnstitute, Potsdam, Germany, 25-28 April, 2016.

2. Pandit A.K., Gadhavi, H.S., Venkat Ratnam, M., Raghunath, K., and Jayaraman,
A.: Cirrus clouds in changing climate: Long-term Lidar observations from a
tropical lndian station, First International Training School on C,70nvecliveand
Volcanic Clouds, Detection, Monitoring and Modelling, Castiglione del Lago,
Italy, 04-09 October, 2015.

3. Pandit A.K., Gadhavi, H.S., Venkat Ratnam, M., Raghunath, K., and Jayaraman,
A,: Cirrus clouds in changing climate: Long-term Lidar observations from a
tropical lndian station, National Climate Science C:onjercnce, Divecha Centre for
Climate Change, lndian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore, India, 02-04 July, 2015.

4. Pandit kK.,Gadhavi, H.S., Venkat Ratnam, M., Raghunath, K., and Jayaraman,
A.: Cirrus clouds in changing climate: 16-year climatology of cirrus clouds over a
tropical south-Indian station, Inrernalional Conference on Climate Change and
Disaster Management, Kovalam, Thiruvananthapuram, India, 26-28 February,

5. Parrdit A.K. Jay- A., Gadhavi, H.S.,and Raghunath, K.: C l h c h g y d
thin c i m s clouds over a south-Indian ngion, 39m COSPAR Sdent$c Assembly,
Infosys campus, Mysore, India, 14-22 July, 2012.

6. Pandit A.K., Jayaraman, A., and Gadhavi, H.S.:Lidar observations of nocturnal

descent and ascent of c i m s clouds over Gadanki (1 3.45' N, 79.1 8' E), National
Space Science Symposium, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India, 14- 17
February, 201 2.

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