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Epicor 9.

05 Business Object Reference Guide


This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its contents, including the viewpoints, dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as of its date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with regard to the enclosed information and specifically disclaims any applicable implied warranties, such as fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor software is likely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this document are always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information contained herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important information about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice. The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of any consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be pursuant to Epicor's standard services terms and conditions. Usage of the solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third party products may require the purchase of licenses for such other products. Where any software is expressed to be compliant with local laws or requirements in this document, such compliance is not a warranty and is based solely on Epicor's current understanding of such laws and requirements. All laws and requirements are subject to varying interpretations as well as to change and accordingly Epicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements of platform and product compatibility in this document shall be considered individually in relation to the products referred to in the relevant statement, i.e., where any Epicor software is stated to be compatible with one product and also stated to be compatible with another product, it should not be interpreted that such Epicor software is compatible with both of the products running at the same time on the same platform or environment. Additionally platform or product compatibility may require the application of Epicor or third-party updates, patches and/or service packs and Epicor has no responsibility for compatibility issues which may be caused by updates, patches and/or service packs released by third parties after the date of publication of this document. Epicor is a registered trademark and/or trademark of Epicor Software Corporation in the United States, certain other countries and/or the EU. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Copyright Epicor Software Corporation 2011. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Epicor Software Corporation.

9.05.605 Revision: May 23, 2011 12:38 p.m. Total pages: 2403 sys.ditaval

Business Object Reference Guide

The Business Objects Methods Reference Guide documents all business objects in the Epicor application. Use this reference guide to review the methods used by each business object. Leverage this guide when you are configuring or developing applications that require some interaction with business object methods. For example, use this guide when you are setting up WCF services to perform business tasks. Review this guide to locate the specific business object methods you need to link to the WCF services. This reference guide divides the business objects into four alphabetical sections: A-E F-L M-R S-Z Within each section, the business objects are organized in alphabetical order. The Epicor application contains 797 business objects and a total of 11737 public methods.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Part I: A-E
Chapter 1: A
Epicor.Mfg.BO.AbcCode: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AccountBudget: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method updates the DispTotalBudgetAmt and the BudgetAmt of the GLBudgetHd when the GLBudgetDtl.BudgetAmt changes.

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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ds Type Description G/L Account Budget Data Set

This method updates the DispTotalBudgetAmt when the BudgetPerCode or BudgetAmt changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description G/L Account Budget Data Set

This method copies the entire Budget from a valid fiscal year to a new Fiscal Year. Parameters Name bookToCopy fromFiscalYear fromFiscalYearSuffix sourceBudgetActual adjustmentPct Type String Int32 String String Decimal Description The book budget to copy. The Fiscal Year of the Budget to copy. The Fiscal Year Suffix of the Budget to copy. Radio set for budget (B) or actuals (A). The Adjustment Percentage by which to adjust the numbers for the Target Fiscal Year. If 0 then budget will be copied as is. The Target Fiscal Year for the new budget. The Target Fiscal Year Suffix for the new budget.

toFiscalYear toFiscalYearSuffix Returns G/L Account Budget Data Set

Int32 String

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ACTType: This business object contains 72 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Add book to book list.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name actTypeUID actRevisionUID bookID ds Type Int32 Int32 String Description aCTTypeUID actRevisionUID Book ID actTypeDataSet

Create new BR Operation. Parameters Name actTypeUID actRevisionUID parentAbtDocLineUID ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description aCTTypeUID actRevisionUID Parent ABTDocLineUID actTypeDataSet

Create new ABTPostcode. Parameters Name actTypeUID actRevisionUID abtDocLineUID abtPostEntityUID developMode ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean Description actTypeUID actRevisionUID abtDocLineUID abtPostEntityUID Developer Mode actTypeDataSet

Parameters Name aCTTypeUID aCTRevisionUID bookID Type Int32 Int32 String Description aCTTypeUID aCTRevisionUID bookID


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Create new Booking Rule. Parameters Name actTypeUID actRevisionUID bookID isPost ds Type Int32 Int32 String Boolean Description aCTTypeUID actRevisionUID bookID Is Post Rule actTypeDataSet

Create new variable of type of type book, function, rule. Parameters Name actTypeUID actRevisionUID bookID vType vUID ds Type Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Description aCTTypeUID actRevisionUID bookID vType vUID actTypeDataSet

Create new BR Operation. Parameters Name actTypeUID actRevisionUID functionUID operationUID chldSequenceNumber ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Description aCTTypeUID actRevisionUID functionUID operationUID childSequenceNumber actTypeDataSet

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Business Object Reference Guide

Create new BR Operation. Parameters Name actTypeUID actRevisionUID bookID ruleUID operationUID chldSequenceNumber ds Type Int32 Int32 String Int32 Int32 Int32 Description aCTTypeUID actRevisionUID bookID ruleUID operationUID childSequenceNumber actTypeDataSet

Change ACT Type Single Active Mode. Parameters Name iACTTypeUID lSingleMode ds Type Int32 Boolean Description iACTTypeUID SingleMode actTypeDataSet

Refresh parameter list after BAQ change. Parameters Name actTypeUID actRevisionUID abtDocLineUID abtQueryUID baqName ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 String Description actTypeUID actRevisionUID abtDocLineUID abtQueryUID baqName actTypeDataSet


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Business Object Reference Guide


Change Revision Status or Mode. Parameters Name companyName iACTTypeUID iACTRevisionUID cStatus lSingleMode lNeedRefresh ds Type String Int32 Int32 String Boolean Boolean@ Description CompanyName iACTTypeUID iACTRevisionUID Status SingleMode NeedRefresh actTypeDataSet

Checks if BAQ exists. Parameters Name baqid isexisted Type String Boolean@ Description baqid isexisted

Copy defined function list Parameters Name listOfFuncUID destinationACTTypeUID destinationRevisionUID destinationBookUID Type String Int32 Int32 String Description listOfFuncUID identifier of destination ActType identifier of destionation revision identifier of destination book

Copy defined booking rule list

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name listOfRuleUID destinationACTTypeUID destinationRevisionUID destinationBookUID Type String Int32 Int32 String Description listOfRuleUID identifier of destination ActType identifier of destionation revision identifier of destination book

Copies defined function to another Revision, book etc. Parameters Name sourceFunctionUID destinationACTTypeUID destinationRevisionUID destinationBookUID createdFuncUID Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Int32@ Description identifier of function will be copied identifier of destination ActType identifier of destionation revision identifier of destination book createdFuncUID

Copies defined operation. Parameters Name aCTTypeUID aCTRevisionUID bookID ruleUID functionUID operationUID destACTRevisionUID destBookID destRuleUID destFunctionUID destOperationUID bMulti bMove Type Int32 Int32 String Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 String Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean Boolean Description ACTTypeUID ACTRevisionUID bookID RuleUID FunctionUID OperationUID ACTRevisionUID destination destBookID RuleUID destination FunctionUID destination identifier of destination operation Multi Copy Move


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Business Object Reference Guide


Name ds


Description actTypeDataSet

Copy rule with their operations Parameters Name sourceRuleUID destinationACTTypeUID destinationRevisionUID destinationBookUID newRuleUID Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Int32@ Description identifier of rule will be copied identifier of destination ActType identifier of destionation revision identifier of destination book newRuleUID

Custom Update Database Parameters Name ds Type Description A/R invoice data set.

Delete single Operation or with child operations Parameters Name aCTTypeUID aCTRevisionUID bookID ruleUID functionUID operationUID bMulti ds Type Int32 Int32 String Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean Description ACTTypeUID ACTRevisionUID bookID RuleUID FunctionUID OperationUID Multi Delete actTypeDataSet

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Business Object Reference Guide

Delete revision by Revision Code. Parameters Name acttypeUID revisionCode compList Type Int32 String String Description ACTType ACTTypeUID ACTRevision Revision Code Companies List

Delete all previous revisions for spec. transaction types. Parameters Name typeName compList Type String String Description ACTType Display Name Companies List

Export revision to XML format Parameters Name strRevisionList strXML aCTTypeUID Type String String@ Int32 Description strRevisionList strXML aCTTypeUID

Check BAQ Name. Parameters Name ds Type Description actTypeDataSet


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name companyName aCTTypeUID aCTRevisionUID singleActive errorText Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean String@ Description Company Name aCTTypeUID aCTRevisionUID singleActive errorText

Returns all revisions for Export Form Returns Returns the result dataset

Returns all COA with Segments Parameters Name coaCode Returns Returns the result dataset Type String Description coaCode

Get list of book variable owner id's. If owner is function or rule the list will include names and id's. Parameters Name actTypeUID actRevisionUID bookID ownerType strList Type Int32 Int32 String String String@ Description aCTTypeUID actRevisionUID bookID ownerType strList

Get list of bookVar owners - Global, Book, Rule, Function.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns strList

Get list of fields. Parameters Name tag bookID actTypeUID actRevisionUID Returns Returns the result dataset Type String String Int32 Int32 Description tag bookID actTypeUID actRevisionUID

Get ACTType ID by Name. Parameters Name actTypeName abtVer Type String String@ Description ACT Type Name ABT version

Returns context menu items as xml for rules constructor. Parameters Name actTypeID actRevisionUID bookID ruleID functionID sXML Type Int32 Int32 String Int32 Int32 String@ Description ACTTypeUID ACTRevisionUID BookID RuleUID FunctionUID XML

Get a value of Entity for a Booking Rule in table PatchFld.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name actTypeID actRevisionUID bookID ruleID brEntity Type Int32 Int32 String Int32 String@ Description ACTTypeUID ACTRevisionUID BookID RuleUID brEntity

Get list of flow statements. Returns strList

Get ACTType ID by Name. Parameters Name companyName actTypeName actTypeID Type String String Int32@ Description CompanyName ACT Type Name ACT Type UID

Get list of operators. Returns strList

Get list of possible post code types. Returns strTypes

Get ACTRevision ID by Name.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name companyName actRevisionCode actTypeID actRevisionID Type String String Int32 Int32@ Description Company Name ACT Revision Code ACTTypeID ACTRevisionID

Get list of revision statuses. Returns strList

Get list of summarize options. Returns strList

Transactional currency options. Returns strList

Get list of possible types. Returns arTypes

Return warning if status is changing. Parameters Name iACTTypeUID iACTRevisionUID cStatus lSingleMode cWarning Type Int32 Int32 String Boolean String@ Description iACTTypeUID iACTRevisionUID Status SingleMode cWarning


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Business Object Reference Guide


Import revision to XML format Parameters Name typeName cRevisionList cXML isACTType compList bookMap errorMess Type String String String Boolean String String String@ Description ACTType Display Name Revisions List XML Document as string isACTType Companies List Books Map as List Text message with error description

Checks if a variable (book, function, rule) is used. Parameters Name acttypeuid actrevisionuid bookid bookvaruid errorreturn isinuse Type Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean Boolean@ Description acttypeuid actrevisionuid bookid bookvaruid errorreturn isinuse

LoadBooks Parameters Name aCTRevisionUID Type Int32 Description ACTRevisionUID

This method should be called when action of validation rule is changed.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description ACT Type data set

This method should be called before the revision effective date has been updated. Parameters Name aCTRevisionUID newEffFromDate ds Type Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Description ACTRevisionUID Proposed Effective Date ACT Type data set

refresh datasource of post codes. Parameters Name ds Type Description actTypeDataSet

Refresh Books list Parameters Name aCTRevisionUID Type Int32 Description ACTRevisionUID

Create copy of Revision. Parameters Name revisionCopyFromUID isDocOnly ds Type Int32 Boolean Description RevisionCopyFromUID isDocOnly actTypeDataSet


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Business Object Reference Guide


Update a value of Entity for a Booking Rule in table PatchFld. Parameters Name actTypeID actRevisionUID bookID ruleID entity Type Int32 Int32 String Int32 String Description ACTTypeUID ACTRevisionUID BookID RuleUID Entity

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AddPartWhse: This business object contains 2 methods.

Creates a PartWhse record. Parameters Name partNum plant wareHseCode Type String String String Description Part number. Plant. Warhouse code.

Get a list of warehouses where the part does not exist. Parameters Name partNum plant Type String String Description Part number for the search. Plant for the search.

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.AddPartWhseDataSet

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AdminCompany: This business object contains 17 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method adds a new Company. Parameters Name companyId companyName serialNumber currencyCode decimalsGeneral decimalsCost decimalsPrice countryCode countryGroupCode Type String String Decimal String Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Description Id for the new Company Name for the new Company Serial number to be assigned for the new Company The base currency code for the new Company General Decimals for the base currency code for the new Company Unit Cost Decimals for the base currency code for the new Company Unit Prices Decimals for the base currency code for the new Company The Country code to use for Country Specific Functionality. The Country Group code to use for Country Specific Functionality.

This method updates the serial number for a Company. Parameters Name companyId serialNumber Type String Decimal Description Id for the Company Serial number to be assigned for the Company

This method updates the CGC codes for a Company.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name companyId countryCode countryGroupCode Type String String String Description Id for the Company New country code for the Company New country group code for the Company

This method updates the name for a Company. Parameters Name companyId companyName Type String String Description Id for the Company New name for the Company

This method deletes the Company with the specified id and and all of the associated data for the company. Parameters Name companyId Type String Description Id for Company to be deleted

This method deletes the Company with the specified id and and all of the associated data for the company. Parameters Name sysRowId Type String Description SysRowId for Company to be deleted

This method retrieves details of the Company with the specified id. Parameters Name companyId Type String Description CompanyId for Company to be retrieved


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Business Object Reference Guide


This method retrieves details of the Company with the specified serial number. Parameters Name serialNumber Type Decimal Description The serial number for Company to be retrieved

This method retrieves details of the Company with the specified id. Parameters Name sysRowId Type String Description SysRowId for Company to be retrieved

Returns a list of all companies.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AdminLicensing: This business object contains 16 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method updates the product name for a license. Parameters Name serialNumber productName Type Decimal String Description Serial number for the license New product name for the license

This method deletes the License with the specified serial number.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name serialNumber Type Decimal Description Serial number of license to be deleted

This method enables a licensed country group/country. Parameters Name ds Type Description Dataset containg serial number and country group/countries that need to be enabled.

This method enables a licensed feature/module. Parameters Name ds Type Description Dataset containg serial number and modules that need to be enabled.

This method retrieves details of the License with the specified id. Parameters Name sysRowId Type String Description SysRowId for License to be retrieved

Returns a list of all csf codes for a license. Parameters Name serialNumber Type Decimal Description Serial number of license.

Returns a list of all licenses. Returns a list of all usable licenses.

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Business Object Reference Guide

This method imports a new License. Parameters Name licenseInfo Type String Description Serial number and codes of license to be imported.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AdminSession: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method deletes the session with the specified SessionId Parameters Name sessionId Type String Description SessionId for session to be deleted

This method deletes the session with the specified SysRowId Parameters Name sysRowId Type String Description SysRowId for session to be deleted

Returns the current session. Returns a list of all users sessions.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AgingRptFmt: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.AlcBatchSchedSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AlcHed: This business object contains 51 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Parameters Name ipProposedAllocType ds Type Int32 Description proposed allocation type GL Allocations Data Set

Parameters Name ds Type Description GL Allocations Data Set

Parameters Name ds Type Description GL Allocations Data Set

Validate Argument1 and Argument2 values and return the values in the rigth format. Parameters Name ipAllocID ipArgument1 ipArgument2 opArgument1 Type String String String String@ Description ipAllocID of selected record Argument1 to validate Argument2 to validate Returns Argument1 with special format


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Name opArgument2

Type String@

Description Returns Argument1 with special format

Validate BAQ Export ID Parameters Name ipBAQExportID ds Type String Description BAQ proposed value GL Allocations Data Set

Parameters Name ipBAQExportID ipFieldName Type String String Description ipBAQExportID">BAQ to validate the parameter Field to validate

Parameters Name ipBAQExportID ipFieldName ipValue Type String String String Description ipBAQExportID">BAQ to validate the parameter Field to validate query field value to validate

Validate the selected book is valid and of type standard Parameters Name ipBookID ds Type String Description GL Book ID GL Allocations Data Set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipAllocID Type String Description Allocation Code

Validate Category Parameters Name ipCategoryID ds Type String Description Category ID to validate GL Allocations Data Set

Parameters Name ipGLAccount ipParamNbr ipAllocID Type String Int32 String Description proposed GL Account parameter nbr allocation id

Validate Journal Code Parameters Name ipJournalCode ds Type String Description Journal Code to validate GL Allocations Data Set

Validate Min and max values Parameters Name ipMinRange Type String Description Minimum range to validate


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Name ipMaxRange ipCOACode ipSegmentNbr

Type String String Int32

Description Maximum range to validate COA Code Segment Number to validate

Validate parameter name is not a valid math operator. Parameters Name ipParamName Type String Description Proposed parameter name

Parameters Name ipParamOpt ds Type Int32 Description parameter option GL Allocations Data Set

Parameters Name ipParamOpt ds Type Int32 Description parameter option GL Allocations Data Set

Parameters Name ipParamSegmentNbr ipParamType ds Type Int32 String Description parameter option either NonFin or BAQ GL Allocations Data Set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipAllocID ipProposedPercentage opWarnMsg Type String Decimal String@ Description Allocation Code percent to allocate warning message

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method is to be used in place of GetNewAlcRange. This method Validates there are still COA Segments available. Parameters Name ipAllocID ipParamNbr ipSegmentNbr Type String Int32 Int32 Description Allocation ID Parameter Number Proposed Segment Number

Check Syntax for formula field. Parameters Name ipAllocID ipFormula Type String String Description AllocID of selected record Formula to validate


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Business Object Reference Guide


Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Parameters Name ipTier ds Type Int32 Description proposed tier GL Allocations Data Set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Create Source Fields Records for the selected MapUID Parameters Name ds Type Description GL Allocations Data Set

Returns a List of valid values for the cmbLinkUID Combo-box Parameters Name ipMapUID Type Int32 Description Map Unique ID

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name ipSrcSeqNbr ipWhereClause opLinkList

Type Int32 String String@

Description Src Sequence Number Where Clause Returns Link List

This method is to be used in place of GetNewAlcNFSrc. This method Validates that only one AlcNFSrc record is created for each AlcParam record created. Parameters Name ipAllocID ipParamNbr ds Type String Int32 Description Allocation ID Parameter Number GL Allocations Data Set

This method is to be used in place of GetNewAlcRange. This method Validates there are still COA Segments available. Parameters Name ipAllocID ipParamNbr ipCOACode ds Type String Int32 String Description Allocation ID Parameter Number COA Code GL Allocations Data Set

Return a list of valid operators in a format ready to be use on a combo-box Parameters Name opOperatorsList Type String@ Description Return List of operators Menu Items

Return a list of valid operators in a format ready to be use on the context Menu (i.e +'Operators~-'Operators~*'Operators~/'Operators~('Operators~)'Operators


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Parameters Name opMenuItem Type String@ Description Return List of operators Menu Items

Return a list of available parameters in a format ready to be use on the context Menu Parameters Name ipAllocID opMenuItem Type String String@ Description Allocation ID Return List of parameters Menu Items

Parameters Name ds Type Description GL Allocations Data Set

Updates AlcLookup set Records for an already existent AlcLookup set. Parameters Name ipMapUID ipSrcSeqNbr ds Type Int32 Int32 Description MapUID Source Sequence Number GL Allocations Data Set

Updates Account Balance Account. Parameters Name ipUseTgtAcct ds Type Boolean Description Use Target Account field value GL Allocations Data Set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AlcHedTgtStampSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AlcHistory: This business object contains 23 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

One AlcHist record for each BatchID. Call normal GetList method. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The Allocation History List data set This method creates a new AlcHistoryFilter record. Returns The Allocation History Filter data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

This method is called when the BookID is changed.

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Parameters Name cInBookID iOutFiscalYear cOutFiscalYearSuffix iOutStartPeriod iOutEndPeriod Type String Int32@ String@ Int32@ Int32@ Description Proposed BookID Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Start Period End Period

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AlertGroup: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AlertLog: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process. This method deletes all alert logs for current company.

This method resends specified alert log row. Parameters Name alertLogRowid ds Type String Description The RowIdent of the record of which Resend

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AllocBatch: This business object contains 21 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method deletes AlcBatchSched records given a fiscal year. Parameters Name ds cOutMessage Returns The Allocation Batch data set String@ Type Description The generate schedule parameters data set Output message

This method creates AlcBatchSched records given a fiscal year. Parameters Name ds cOutMessage Returns The Allocation Batch data set String@ Type Description The generate schedule parameters data set Output message

This method returns the AlcBatchSchedGen dataset. Parameters Name inBatchID Returns The Generate Schedule data set Type String Description The AlcBatch BatchID

This method returns the AlcBatchSchedGen dataset.


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Parameters Name inBatchID Returns The Generate Schedule data set Type String Description The AlcBatch BatchID

Method to call when changing the AlcBatchCD.AllocID field. Parameters Name proposedAllocID ds Type String Description The proposed Allocation ID The Allocation Batch data set

Method to call when changing the AlcBatchSched.ApplyDate field. Parameters Name proposedApplyDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Proposed Apply Date The Allocation Batch data set

Method to call when changing the AlcBatch.BookID field. Parameters Name proposedBookID ds Type String Description The proposed book The Allocation Batch data set

Parameters Name ipBatchID ipReverseFlag Type String Boolean Description Allocation Batch ID to schedule all periods reverse flag

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Returns The Allocation Batch data set

Method to call when changing the AlcBatchSched.SchedDate field. Parameters Name proposedApplyDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Proposed Schedule Date The Allocation Batch data set

Method to call when changing the AlcBatchSched.scheduled field. Parameters Name ipScheduled ds Type Boolean Description Proposed Scheduled The Allocation Batch data set

Method to call when changing the AlcBatchSched.SchedDate field. Parameters Name proposedStatus Type Int32 Description Proposed Schedule Date

Parameters Name ipBatchID Returns The Allocation Batch data set Type String Description Allocation Batch ID to schedule all periods


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.AlternatePart: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method returns a list Alternate part with some calculated columns added. Parameters Name whereClause custNum shipToNum orderDate currencyCode sellingQuantity sellingUOM pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 String Nullable{System.DateTime} String Decimal String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Filter by this CustNum Ship To Num Order Date Currency Code Selling Qty Selling Unit of Measure Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

Returns The list of OrderRel

This method returns a list Alternate part with some calculated columns added. Parameters Name whereClause custNum shipToNum orderDate Type String Int32 String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The criteria Filter by this CustNum Ship To Num Order Date


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Name currencyCode sellingQuantity sellingUOM Returns The list of OrderRel

Type String Decimal String

Description Currency Code Selling Qty Selling Unit of Measure

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AnalysisCode: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Annotation: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Validate the Annotation Type change is valid. Parameters Name annotationType helpPageRef langNameID origAnnotationType ds Type String String String String Description The proposed annotation type. Part of the key. Part of the key. The original annotation type The Annotation data set

Validate the CreatedBy change is valid.

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Parameters Name createdBy helpPageRef langNameID annotationType ds Type String String String String Description The CreatedBy to change to. Part of the key. Part of the key. Part of the key. The Annotation data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.APAdjustment: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method updates the APTran amounts when the adjustment amount changes or the currency switch toggles. Parameters Name ipTranAmtType Type String Description Indicate which of the transaction amount is changed. Valid values are: 'B' for Base Tran Amount and 'D' for Doc Tran Amount The proposed Display Transaction Amount rate group code for adjustment

proposedTranAmt ipRateGroupCode

Decimal String

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Name ds


Description The A/P Adjustment Entry data set

Performs required logic when APTran.IncomeTaxCode is modified. Parameters Name ipIncomeTaxCode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of Income Tax Code APAdjustment data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method updates the APTran fiscal period and year when the transaction date changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The A/P Adjustment Entry data set

Call this method once to validate the G/L Interface. This method checks for GLSyst availability and if G/L is interfaced with A/P. If A/P is not interfaced with G/L then user should be asked if okay to continue without posting to G/L. This method will return a Message for the user if not interfaced else the Message is blank. If the user do not wish to continue then exit this object. This method also returns a logical flag to indicate if Posting to G/L. This value should be passed on to each new A/P Adjustment (APTran) record to process. Parameters Name opMessage opPostToGL Type String@ Boolean@ Description The Message to ask the user if A/P is not interfaced with G/L. Indicates if the A/P Adjustment will be Posted to G/L.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.APAgingTracker: This business object contains 1 methods.

This method should be called to populate the dataset for the AR Aging Tracker. Parameters Name supplierID Type String Description Supplier ID.

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.APAgingTrackerDataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.APAlcHed: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Call this method to check that the A/P Allocation header has at least one A/P Allocation detail before allowing the user to leave the header record. If user does not want to create an allocation detail, the A/P Allocation header needs to be deleted. Parameters Name cAllocID Type String Description Allocation ID


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.APBankFileImport: This business object contains 18 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Method to call when changing the bank account. Parameters Name proposedBankAcctID ds Type String Description The proposed bank account id The AP Bank File Import data set

Validate entered record number - user matches payments Parameters Name matchFlag pcGroupID ds Type Boolean String Description Record number entered/proposed Group ID of the paymnet The AP Bank File Import data set

Validate entered record number - user matches payments Parameters Name ds Type Description The AP Bank File Import data set


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Name recordNumber pcGroupID

Type Int32 String

Description Record number entered/proposed Group ID of the paymnet

Returns record in BankFileImportParam dataset Parameters Name cGroupID Returns Type String Description The Payment Group ID

Imports a bank file Parameters Name ds Returns The AP Bank File Import data set Type Description

Method Match imported file records to unmatched payments of Proposed Payment Groups Parameters Name pcGroupID Returns The AP Bank File Import data set Type String Description Group ID of the paymnet

Method Match imported file records to unmatched payments of Proposed Payment Groups Parameters Name groupID ds Type String Description Group ID of the paymnet The AP Bank File Import data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Method Match imported file records to unmatched payments of Proposed Payment Groups Parameters Name pcGroupID opMsg ds Type String String@ Description Group ID of the paymnet Message to the user The AP Bank File Import data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.APChkGrp: This business object contains 16 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process. This method exists soley for the purpose of allowing security for processing payments to be defined

This method deletes TaxDtl records which have zero amounts Since Payments TAx logic calculates tax conditionally only for the first tax line the invoice could have multiple zero tax records. Parameters Name postGroupID Type String Description The Group ID of the Group to post

Call this method when the display currency changed Parameters Name pCurrencyCode ds Type String Description The display currency. Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.APChkGrpDataSet

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This procedure is GetById + Lock the Group. This procedure can be run instead of GetById if you want to lock along with doing a GetByID. If the lock is acquired successfully, plSuccess is returned as true. Parameters Name pcGroupID plSuccess Type String Boolean@ Description The Group ID selected by the user. Returns a True or False value. True means successfully locked the Group

Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.APChkGrpDataSet

Call this method when the user changes the Bank Account. Parameters Name pcBankAcctID ds Type String Description The proposed value of BankAcctID. Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.APChkGrpDataSet

Call this method when the user changes the PayMethod. Parameters Name vPMUID ds Type Int32 Description The proposed value of PMUID. Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.APChkGrpDataSet

Method to call before posting invoices for a specific group.. This method will check if there are records with zero tax amounts and return message text asking the user if they would like to continue with posting or delete these tax records. Parameters Name postGroupID taxRecMessage Type String String@ Description The Group ID of the Group to post Contains text of the message to present to the user if zero amount tax line exist.


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Unlock the group. The user who locked the group can only unlock it. Parameters Name pcGroupID plSuccess Type String Boolean@ Description The Group ID selected by the user. Returns a True or False value. True means successfully locked the Group

Epicor.Mfg.BO.APInvDtlSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.APInvGrp: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method should be called to validate the new apply date entered by the user. Parameters Name groupID newApplyDate ds Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Group ID. New Apply Date. AP Invoice Entry data set.

Method to call before posting invoices for a specific group. If the G/L module is installed, this method will determine if A/P is interfaced with G/L. If it is not, text of a question is returned indicating this and asking if it is ok to continue. This question should be presented to the user in yes/no format. If the user replies no, the PostGroupInvoices method should not be called. This method can also throw exceptions if certain configuration

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records do not exist. This method will also check if variances exist on the header or lines and return message text asking the user if they would like to continue nor not with posting. Parameters Name postGroupID returnMessage varianceMessage Type String String@ String@ Description The Group ID of the Group to post Contains text of the message to present to the user. Contains text of the message to present to the user if variances exist.

Method to call to unlock a group record. This method should be called whenever the group no longer needs to be locked. The group no longer needs to be locked when the invoice object is closed, or when a different group is selected. Parameters Name inGroupID Type String Description The group id of the group record to unlock

Epicor.Mfg.BO.APInvMscSearch: This business object contains 6 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.


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Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.APInvoice: This business object contains 139 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method create the invoices for the rebates selected.


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Parameters Name invoiceType groupID opMsg ds Type String String String@ Description Type of invoice, AP or AR Invoice Group to generate the invoices in tax connect message List of rebates available for invoicing

This method returns a list of rebates available for invoicing. Parameters Name invoiceType Type String Description Type of invoice, AP or AR

Returns List of rebates available for invoicing

Method to call when adding a po miscellaneous charge to an ap invoice line. Parameters Name invHedVendorNum invHedInvoiceNum poMiscMiscCode ds Type Int32 String String Description The vendor number of the invoice line to add the charge to The invoice number of the invoice line to add the charge to The miscellaneous code on the po misc charge record to create the invoice miscellaneous charge from. The APInvoice data set

Method to call when adding a po miscellaneous charge to an ap invoice line. Parameters Name invDtlVendorNum invDtlInvoiceNum invDtlInvoiceLine Type Int32 String Int32 Description The vendor number of the invoice line to add the charge to The invoice number of the invoice line to add the charge to The line number of the invoice line to add the charge to

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Name poMiscPOLine poMiscSeqNum ds

Type Int32 Int32

Description The po line of the po misc charge record The SeqNum of the po misc charge record The APInvoice data set

Method to allocate late cost. Parameters Name ds Type Description

Method to call when changing the adjustment value on the invoice detail. It is used only for correction invoice in adjustment line. Parameters Name proposedValue ds Type Decimal Description The proposed adjustment value The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the advance pay amount on the invoice detail. Updates APInvDtl with default values based on the new pay amount. Parameters Name proposedAdvancePayAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed advance payment amount The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the assembly sequence on the job miscellaneous charge. Validates the assembly sequence and updates APInvJob with values from the new assembly sequence. Parameters Name proposedAssemblySeq Type Int32 Description The proposed assembly sequence


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Name ds


Description The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the cost per code on the invoice detail. Updates APInvDtl with default values based on the new code. Parameters Name proposedCostPerCode ds Type String Description The proposed cost per code The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the currency on the invoice. Validates the currency code and updates APInvHed with default values based on the currency. Parameters Name proposedCurrencyCode ds Type String Description The proposed currency code The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the currency on the invoice. Validates the currency code and updates APInvHed with default values based on the currency. Parameters Name proposedCurrencyCode vRateGrpCode vExchangeRate vXRateLabel ds Type String String Decimal@ String@ Description The proposed currency code Currency Rate Group selected for the APInvoice Current exchange rate between the APInvoice currency and the Ref Currency Label for the Exchange Rate field The APInvoice data set

This method resets the regular Expense and Multi-Company G/L Accounts and the Reference Codes when the External Company ID changes. This should only be called when updating APInvExp and not the APIHAPInvExp.

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Parameters Name proposedExtCompID ds Type String Description The proposed External Company ID The AP Invoice data set

Method to call when changing the ext cost on the invoice detail. Validates the ext cost and updates APInvDtl with default values based on the new cost. Parameters Name proposedExtCost ds Type Decimal Description The proposed ext cost The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the fixed amount on a tax record. Updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new fixed amount. Parameters Name proposedFixedAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed fixed amount The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the Tax Basis Amount - Taiwan Localization on an invoice record. Updates APInvHed amounts based on the new invoice vendor amount. Parameters Name proposedGUITaxBasisAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed tax amount The APInvoice data set

Performs required logic when APInvDtl.IncomeTaxCode is modified.


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Parameters Name ipIncomeTaxCode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of Income Tax Code APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the invoice date on the invoice. Updates APInvHed with default values based on the new date. Parameters Name proposedInvoiceDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed invoice date The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the invoice reference on the debit memo. Validates the invoice reference number id and updates APInvHed with values from the new invoice reference. Parameters Name proposedInvoiceRef ds Type String Description The proposed invoice reference number The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the invoice vendor amount on an invoice record. Updates APInvHed amounts based on the new invoice vendor amount. Parameters Name proposedInvoiceVendorAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed tax amount The APInvoice data set

Parameters Name proposedJobMisc Type String Description The proposed job misc code

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Name ds


Description The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the projectID. Updates APInvJob Parameters Name propProject ds Type String Description The proposed project The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the job number on the job miscellaneous charge. Validates the job number and updates APInvJob with values from the new job. Parameters Name proposedJobNum ds Type String Description The proposed job number The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the discount amount on the invoice detail. Updates APInvDtl with default values based on the new discount amount. Parameters Name proposedLineDiscAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed discount amount The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the LOC ID on the invoice. Validates the LOC ID and updates APInvHed with default values based on the new code. Parameters Name proposedLOCID outMsg Type String String@ Description The proposed LOC ID Output message


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Name outTermsDiff outLocTerms ds

Type String@ String@

Description indicates if the loc terms are different from the AP Invoice LOC Terms The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the LOC ID on Posted AP Invoice Maintenance EXCLUSIVE. Validates the proposed LOC ID vs Vendor and Currency, then updates APInvHed with default values based on the new code. Parameters Name proposedLOCID ds Type String Description The proposed LOC ID The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the lock rate flag on the invoice. Updates APInvHed.EnableExchangeRate field. Parameters Name ds Type Description The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the manual tax calculation value on a tax record. Updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new value of the flag. Parameters Name ds Type Description The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the miscellanous amount on a miscellaneous charge. This method can be called for both the APInvMsc table and APIHAPInvMsc table. Updates the respective miscellanous charge table with default values based on the new amount. Parameters Name proposedMiscAmt Type Decimal Description The proposed miscellanous amount

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Name tableName ds

Type String

Description The table the charge is for. Values are "APInvMsc" or "APIHAPInvMsc" The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the miscellanous code on a miscellaneous charge. This method can be called for both the APInvMsc table and APIHAPInvMsc table. Validates the code and updates the respective miscellanous charge table with default values based on the new code. Parameters Name proposedMiscCode tableName ds Type String String Description The proposed miscellanous code The table the charge is for. Values are "APInvMsc" or "APIHAPInvMsc" The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the LCFLag on a miscellaneous charge. This method can be called for both the APInvMsc table and APIHAPInvMsc table. Validates the code if can be flagged as Landed Cost Charge. Parameters Name ipLCFlag tableName ds Type Boolean String Description The proposed Landed Cost Flag The table the charge is for. Values are "APInvMsc" or "APIHAPInvMsc" The APInvoice data set

This method recalculates Misc Charges Amounts when Percentage was changed. Parameters Name proposedPrcnt tableName ds Type Decimal String Description new Percentage value name of table being passed in Returns the updated dataset


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Method to call when changing the material sequence on the job miscellaneous charge. Validates the material sequence and updates APInvJob with values from the new material sequence. Parameters Name proposedMtlSeq ds Type Int32 Description The proposed material sequence The APInvoice data set

This method resets the External Company ID, regular and Multi-Company G/L Accounts and the Reference Codes when the Multi-Company flag changes. Parameters Name proposedMulti ds Type Boolean Description The proposed Multi-Company flag The AP Invoice data set

Method to call when changing the override reverse charge. If override flag is unchecked then default the original value of RevChargeMethod back. Parameters Name proposedOverrideRC ds Type Boolean Description The proposed Override Reverse Charge The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the part number on a detail record. Updates APInvDtl with defaults from the part. Parameters Name proposedPartNum ds Type String Description The proposed part number The APInvoice data set

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Method to call when changing the payment amount on the payment schedule for the invoice header. Validates the payment amount and updates APInvPaySched with default values based on the payment amount. Parameters Name ds proposedPaymentAmount apInvVendorNum apInvInvoiceNum paySchedPaySchedSeqNum Returns Decimal Int32 String Int32 The proposed payment amount The vendor number on the invoice The invoice number The payment schedule sequence number Type Description

Parameters Name proposedInvDtlValue ds Type Decimal Description The proposed value The APInvoice data set

Parameters Name proposedMtlChrg ds Type Decimal Description The proposed value The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the phase on a detail record. Updates APInvJob with defaults from the part. Parameters Name propPhase ds Type String Description The proposed phase number The APInvoice data set


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Method to call when changing the Payment Method. Parameters Name ds Type Description The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the Payment Method. Parameters Name ipPaymentMethod ds Type Int32 Description Payment Method ID The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the po line on a detail record. Validates the po line and updates APInvDtl with defaults from the purchase order line. Parameters Name proposedPOLine ds Type Int32 Description The proposed po line The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the po number on a detail record. Validates the po number and updates APInvDtl with defaults from the purchase order. Parameters Name proposedPONum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed po number The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the po release number on a detail record. Validates the po release number and updates APInvDtl with defaults from the purchase order release.

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Parameters Name proposedPORelNum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed po release number The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the number of a prepayment invoice on the invoice header. Parameters Name prepaymentNum ds Type String Description The number of prepayment invoce The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the prepayment amount. Parameters Name prepaymentAmount ds Type Decimal Description The proposed prepayment amount The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the tax percent on a tax record. Updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new tax percent. Parameters Name ds Type Description The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the rate code on a tax record. Validates the rate and tax code Parameters Name proposedRateCode ds Type String Description The proposed rate code The APInvoice data set


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Method to call when changing the po number reference on the invoice. Validates the po number reference and updates APInvHed with default values based on the po number. Parameters Name proposedRefPONum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed po number reference The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the taxable amount on a tax record. Updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new taxable amount. Parameters Name proposedReportableAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed reportable amount The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the reverse charge method. If override flag is true then check if the proposed method is valid. Parameters Name proposedRevChrgMethod ds Type String Description The proposed Reverse Charge Method The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the taxable amount on a tax record. Updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new taxable amount. Parameters Name proposedTaxableAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed taxable amount The APInvoice data set

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Method to call when changing the fixed tax amount on a tax record. Updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new tax amount. Parameters Name proposedTaxAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed tax amount The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the Tax Category ID Parameters Name ipTaxCatID ds Type String Description The proposed Tax Category ID The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the tax code on a tax record. Validates the tax code and updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new tax code. Parameters Name proposedTaxCode ds Type String Description The proposed tax code The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the tax deductable on a tax record. Updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new tax percent. Parameters Name proposedTaxDeductable ds Type Decimal Description The proposed tax deductable The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the lock rate flag on the invoice. Updates APInvHed.EnableTaxExRate field.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the tax percent on a tax record. Updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new tax percent. Parameters Name proposedTaxPercent ds Type Decimal Description The proposed tax percent The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the terms code on the invoice. Validates the terms code and updates APInvHed with default values based on the new code. Parameters Name proposedTermsCode ds Type String Description The proposed terms code The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the unit cost on the invoice detail. Updates APInvDtl with default values based on the new unit cost. Parameters Name proposedUnitCost ds Type Decimal Description The proposed unit cost The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the vendor id on the invoice. Validates the vendor id and updates APInvHed with values from the new vendor.

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Parameters Name proposedVendorID ds Type String Description The proposed vendor id The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the vendor quantity on the invoice detail. Updates APInvDtl with default values based on the new quantity. Parameters Name proposedVendorQty ds Type Decimal Description The proposed vendor quantity The APInvoice data set

Before updating the APInvHed record, CheckBankRef will be called to check if the bank reference conforms to format standards. If not, the user will be presented with a warning message and allowed to continue with the save. At this time this method is specific to Finland/Sweden localization Parameters Name ds opMessage String@ Type Description The APInvoice data set The Message to ask the user if the changes for the linked AP Invoice are okay.

Before updating the APInvHed record, CheckCPayBeforeUpdate will have to be called. The CheckCPayBeforeUpdate method will pass back opMessage. - If opMessage is not equal to null then a Yes/No question will have to be asked to the user displaying the message in opMessage. - If the user answers "Yes", then call the Update method to continue else stop update. Parameters Name ds opMessage String@ Type Description The APInvoice data set The Message to ask the user if the changes for the linked AP Invoice are okay.

Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth.


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Parameters Name keyValue keyValue2 Type String String Description VendorNum InvoiceNum

Method for retrieving logical variable which shows is it neccessary to generate legal numbers for Debit Memos. Parameters Name cGroupID lEnabled Type String Boolean@ Description The group id The logical variable which shows is it neccessary to generate legal numbers

Parameters Name ipVendNum ipInvNum ipInvLine ipRoleCd ipProposedValue Type Int32 String Int32 String Decimal Description The group id The group id The group id The group id The group id

Check for the correct Payment Method assigned. Parameters Name ipPaymentMethod ds Type Int32 Description Payment Method ID APInvoice dataset

Update APInvoice Detail information when the RateGrp is changed.

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Parameters Name ipRateGrpCode ds Type String Description Currency Rate Group Code APInvoice dataset

Before updating the APInvDtl record, CheckRevChrgBeforeUpdate will have to be called. The CheckRevChrgBeforeUpdate method will pass back opMessage. - If opMessage is not equal to null then a Yes/No question will have to be asked to the user displaying the message in opMessage. - If the user answers "Yes", then call the Update method to continue else stop update. Parameters Name ds opMessage String@ Type Description The APInvoice data set The Message to ask the user if the changes to reverse charge method is okay.

Update APInvoice Detail information when the TaxRateGrp is changed. Parameters Name ipRateGrpCode ds Type String Description Currency Rate Group Code APInvoice dataset

Creates a correction invoice from a another invoice. Parameters Name groupID sourceInvoiceNum sourceVendorNum newInvoiceNum newInvoiceDate newDocType grpTotalInvAmt Type String String Int32 String Description Current group for new invoice Invoice num which should be corrected Invoice vendor num Invoice num provided by user

Nullable{System.DateTime} Date of new invoice String Decimal@ Document Type for the new invoice return new TotalInvAmt to update APInvGrp in UI


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Name lEnableGenLegalNum

Type Boolean@

Description flag for UI to determine whether Generate Legal Numbers option is available

Parameters Name ds Type Description The APInvoice data set

Parameters Name ds cGroupID keyValue keyValue2 grpTotalInvAmt lEnableGenLegalNum String String String Decimal@ Boolean@ current APInvGrp GroupID VendorNum InvoiceNum return new TotalInvAmt to update APInvGrp in UI flag for UI to determine whether Generate Legal Numbers option is available Type Description

Method to call to deselected selected lines. This method will run through each APSelectedRcptLines where the DeselectLine flag is true and remove it from the APSelectedRcptLines table. Also, if the APUninvoicedReceipts record for the receipt line being delesected is currently in the dataset, it will add the line back to the APUninvoicedRcptLines table. Parameters Name ds Returns Type Description

Method to call to retrieve the invoice header payment schedule in table form in order to update dates and/or amounts for the payment schedule.

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Parameters Name inVendorNum inInvoiceNum Returns Type Int32 String Description The vendor number on the invoice The invoice number

Method to call to retrieve the POMisc records that can be added to an AP Invoice Header or an AP Invoice Line. This method will create the available po misc charges for the invoice and all lines of the invoice. Parameters Name inVendorNum inInvoiceNum Returns Type Int32 String Description The vendor number on the invoice. The invoice number.

Method to call to get uninvoiced receipts for Receipt billing. Parameters Name ds inVendorNum inInvoiceNum inPONum Int32 String Int32 The APInvHed Vendor Number The APInvHed Invoice Number The PO Number to retrieve uninvoiced receipts for. May be blank. Type Description

Method to call to get DMR Correction Invoice Requests. Parameters Name addToGroupID returnMsg ds Type String String@ Description The group id to add the invoices to Text of a message to inform the user of how many invoices were created. Informational only. The APInvoice data set


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Method to call to get DMR Debit Memos for invoicing. Parameters Name addToGroupID returnMsg grpTotalInvAmt lEnableGenLegalNum ds Type String String@ Decimal@ Boolean@ Description The group id to add the invoices to Text of a message to inform the user of how many invoices were created. Informational only. return new TotalInvAmt to update APInvGrp in UI flag for UI to determine whether Generate Legal Numbers option is available The APInvoice data set

Method for generating legal numbers for generated Debit Memo. Parameters Name cGroupID Type String Description The group id

Method to call when adding a new Advance Billing line AP Invoice Detail record Parameters Name ds iVendorNum cInvoiceNum Int32 String Type Description The APInvoice data set The vendor number of the invoice The invoice number of the invoice

Method to call when adding a new Asset line AP Invoice Detail record Parameters Name ds iVendorNum Int32 Type Description The APInvoice data set The vendor number of the invoice

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Name cInvoiceNum

Type String

Description The invoice number of the invoice

Method to call when adding a new DMR Credit line AP Invoice Detail record Parameters Name ds iVendorNum cInvoiceNum iDMRNum iDMRActionNum Int32 String Int32 Int32 Type Description The APInvoice data set The vendor number of the invoice The invoice number of the invoice The DMR Num that we are creating a line for. The DMR ActionNum that we are creating a line for.

Method to call when adding a new Job Miscellaneous line AP Invoice Detail record Parameters Name ds iVendorNum cInvoiceNum Int32 String Type Description The APInvoice data set The vendor number of the invoice The invoice number of the invoice

Method to call when adding a new Miscellaneous line AP Invoice Detail record Parameters Name ds iVendorNum cInvoiceNum Int32 String Type Description The APInvoice data set The vendor number of the invoice The invoice number of the invoice

Method to call when adding a new Unreceived Billing line AP Invoice Detail record


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Parameters Name ds iVendorNum cInvoiceNum Int32 String Type Description The APInvoice data set The vendor number of the invoice The invoice number of the invoice

Method to call when adding a new Debit Memo AP Invoice record Parameters Name ds cGroupID String Type Description The APInvoice data set The group id to add the invoice to

Method to call when adding a new Debit Memo AP Invoice record Parameters Name ds cGroupID String Type Description The APInvoice data set The group id to add the invoice to

Method to call when adding a new Header/Late Cost charge Parameters Name ds iVendorNum cInvoiceNum lcFlag Int32 String Boolean Type Description The APInvoice data set The vendor number of the invoice The invoice number of the invoice true if late cost should be added

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find

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QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method returns the Exchange Rate information for the selected Currency. The system may not have an exchange rate between the APInvoice and Base so it may use an middle Currency so that it will go APInvoice Currency -> Ref Currency -> Base Currency Parameters Name vCurrencyCode vRateGrpCode vExchangeRate vXRateLabel ds Type String String Decimal@ String@ Description Currency selected for the APInvoice Currency Rate Group selected for the APInvoice Current exchange rate between the APInvoice currency and the Ref Currency Label for the Exchange Rate field The APInvoice data set

Method to call when peforming G/L allocation. This method uses the AllocationID and AllocationAmount fields from APInvDtl to create the allocation records. After this method runs, the APInvDtl and APInvExp records will be passed back. It is expected that the AllocationID and AllocationAmount fields will be entered separately from the other APInvDtl fields since the fields are used only for this method and are not written to the APInvDtl database table. Parameters Name ds Type Description The APInvoice data set

Method to call to invoice the selected receipt lines. This method will run through each APSelectedRcptLines and create an APInvDtl record. After this method is called, the GetRows method should be called to get the invoice lines that were created. Parameters Name ds Type Description


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Method that creates/update AP Invoice from a existent Logged Invoice (LogAPInv) Parameters Name ds cGroupID ds1 String Type Description The LogAPInv data set The group id to add the invoice to. The APInvoice data set

This method should be called to validate the new apply date entered by the user. Parameters Name vendorNum invoiceNum recalcAmts newApplyDate ds Type Int32 String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Vendor Number. Invoice Number. Recalculate Amounts String. New Apply Date. AP Invoice Entry data set.

This method should be called to validate the new tax rate date entered by the user. Parameters Name vendorNum invoiceNum newTaxDate ds Type Int32 String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Vendor Number. Invoice Number. New Tax Date. AP Invoice Entry data set.

This method should be called to validate the new apply date entered by the user for transferred invoice.

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Parameters Name vendorNum invoiceNum newTransApplyDate ds Type Int32 String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Vendor Number. Invoice Number. New Apply Date for Transferred Invoice. AP Invoice Entry data set.

Sets default values when the TranDocTypeID changes Parameters Name ipTranDocTypeID ds Type String Description TranDocTypeID supplied

Call this method when the user enters the ttApInv.BankID Parameters Name pcVendBankID ds Type String Description Vendor Bank ID

Verifies if a Miscellaneous Charge can be marked as Landed Cost. Parameters Name ipMiscCode ipLCFlag Type String Boolean Description The Purchase Miscellaneous ID The Landed Cost Flag (true/false)

Verifies if a Shipment ID (ContainerHeader.ContainerID) is valid.


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Parameters Name ipShipmentID ds Type Int32 Description The Shipment ID (ContainerHeader.ContainerID) AP Invoice Entry data set.

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Indicates if the legal number requires user input Type Description

Method to call to selected uninvoiced lines. This method will run through each APUninvoicedRcptLines where the SelectLine flag is true, move the record to the APSelectedRcptLines table and remove it from the APUninvoicedRcptLines table. This method can also be called for the SelectAll functionality. In that case all APUninvoicedRcptLines must have the SelectLine flag set to true before calling the method. Parameters Name ds inVendorNum inPurPoint inPONum inPackSlip inDropShip Int32 String Int32 String Boolean The Vendor Number of the receipt the uninvoiced lines are assigned to. The PurPoint of the receipt the uninvoiced lines are assigned to. The PO Number of the receipt the uninvoiced lines are assigned to. The Pack Slip of the receipt the uninvoiced lines are assigned to. The Drop Ship value. Type Description

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Parameters Name ipGroupID ipInvoiceNum ipVendorNum ipCalcAll ds Type String String Int32 Boolean Description ipGroupID ipInvoiceNum ipVendorNum ipCalcAll APInvoice dataset

Parameters Name ipVendorNum ipInvoiceNum ipInvoiceLine ds Type Int32 String Int32 Description Vendor Num Invoice Num Invoice Line APInvoice dataset

Method to call when transfering an invoice to a different group. Parameters Name transferToGroupID xferInvVendorNum xferInvInvoiceNum cGroupID grpTotalInvAmt lEnableGenLegalNum Type String Int32 String String Decimal@ Boolean@ Description The group id to transfer the invoice to The vendor number on the invoice to transfer The invoice number of the invoice to transfer current APInvGrp GroupID return new TotalInvAmt to update APInvGrp in UI flag for UI to determine whether Generate Legal Numbers option is available

Updates an AP Invoice using a Logged Invoice.


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Parameters Name txtGroup intVendorNum txtInvoiceNum ds Type String Int32 String Description Group Id Vendor Num Invoice Num APInvoice data set

Method to call when updating the payment schedule for an invoice header. Validates the payment amounts and and writes the new payment schedule to the APInvHed datatable. Prior to calling this method all APInvPaySched records must be marked as modified by setting the APInvPaySched.RowMod field to 'U'. Parameters Name ds Returns Type Description

Parameters Name ds cGroupID cTableName runPreUpdate runChkCPay runChkBankRef runChkRevChrg suppressUserPrompts grpTotalInvAmt requiresUserInput opMessage opMsgChkBankRef opChkRevMsg String String Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Decimal@ Boolean@ String@ String@ String@ current GroupID on Invoice Indicates the tableName that triggered the update Indicates whether the preUpdateCore method should be called Indicates whether the chkCPayCore method should be called Indicates whether the chkBankRefCore method should be called Indicates whether the chkRevChrgCore method should be called Indicates if user prompts should be suppressed APInvGrp.BaseAmount to update in UI Indicates if the legal number requires user input output message returned to user for response output message returned to user for response output message returned to user for response Type Description

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Name lEnableGenLegalNum lUpdateRan

Type Boolean@ Boolean@

Description Indicates whether the Generate legal Numbers option should be enabled on action menu Indicates that the Update process did run

Updates name of supplier. Parameters Name ds Type Description The LogAPInv data set

Method to call to determine if Purchase Codes are in use or not. They are only in use when Financial Integration is implemented with Purchase Types. Parameters Name usePurchaseCode Type Boolean@ Description True if purchase codes are in use; otherwise false

Validate InvoiceID and return a true if a logged invoice exist for it. Parameters Name txtVendorID txtInvoiceNum intVendorNum logAPInvFound Type String String Int32@ Boolean@ Description Vendor ID Invoice Num Returns VendorNum as a character

Method to call when changing the rate code on a tax record. Validates the rate and tax code Parameters Name proposedRateCode ds Type String Description The proposed rate code The APInvoice data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.APInvoiceLoad: This business object contains 19 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method updates the A/P Apply Date. Parameters Name ds Type Description A/P Invoice Load Data Set

This method updates the A/P Invoice Amounts when the invoice balance changes or the exchange rate changes. Use the external fields APInvoiceLoad.DispInvoiceBal and APInvoiceLoad.DocDispInvoiceBal to accept the user entered amount. An input parameter is expected to indicate if this method is called after changing the Exchange Rate or the Base Invoice Balance or the Doc Invoice Balance. When changing the actual InvoiceBal and DocInvoiceBal fields instead of the Disp counterparts, set the Change Type to be: 'B1' and 'D1' for base and doc fields. Parameters Name ds ipChangeType String Type Description A/P Invoice Load Data Set Valid values: 'E' = Exchange Rate; 'B' = DispInvoiceBal; 'D' = DocDispInvoiceBal 'B1' = InvoiceBal; 'D1' = DocInvoiceBal

This method updates the A/P Invoice Dates and Exchange Rates when the Invoice Date changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description A/P Invoice Load Data Set

This method updates the A/P Invoice Due Date when the Terms Code changes.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description A/P Invoice Load Data Set

This method defaults the A/P Invoice Load details based on the proposed Vendor ID. Parameters Name ds ipProposedVendorID String Type Description A/P Invoice Load Data Set The proposed Vendor ID

This method checks if okay to post and returns a warning message to let the user decide whether to continue posting or not. This should be called prior to calling the PostOpenInvLoad method if the user chooses to continue with the posting. Parameters Name opMessage Type String@ Description Warning Message for the user.

This method returns the Base CurrencyCode Parameters Name opCurrencyBase Type String@ Description Base Currency

This method returns the Exchange Rate information for the selected Currency. The system may not have an exchange rate between the APInvHed and Base so it may use an middle Currency so that it will go A/P Invoice Currency -> Ref Currency -> Base Currency. This method also returns the converted Invoice Balance (DispInvoiceBal) into Doc Invoice Balance (DocDispInvoiceBal) based on the new exchange rate. Parameters Name vCurrencyCode vRateGrpCode Type String String Description Currency selected for the Invoice Rate Group selected for the Invoice

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Name vDispInvBal vDocDispInvBal vExchangeRate vXRateLabel

Type Decimal Decimal@ Decimal@ String@

Description User entered Invoice Balance to convert Doc Invoice Balance using the new exchange rate Current exchange rate between the A/P Invoice currency and the Ref Currency Label for the Exchange Rate field

This method is to be used in place of GetNewAPInvoiceLoad. Parameters Name ds Type Description A/P Invoice Load Data Set

This method returns the total unposted invoice load balance and the base currency symbol. Parameters Name opTotalInvBal opBaseCurrSymbol Type Decimal@ String@ Description Total Invoice Balance Base Currency Symbol

This method performs the actual posting of open invoice loads. It is assumed that the user already okayed to continue with the posting. Returns A/P Invoice Load Data Set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.APInvSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.APLOC: This business object contains 16 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Called when the CurrencyCode field has been changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The APLOC data set

Called when the LCValue field has been changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The APLOC data set

This method will retrieve all the information related to Purchase Orders. Parameters Name aplocid Returns The APLOC data set Type String Description AP Letters Of Credit ID

This method will retrieve all the information related to Purchase Orders. Parameters Name aplocid Returns The APLOC data set Type String Description AP Letters Of Credit ID

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Called when the CurrencyCode field is changing. Parameters Name ds Type Description The APLOC data set

Called when changing the FromDate field. Parameters Name proposedFromDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Proposed From Date The APLOC data set

Called when changing the LCValue field. Parameters Name proposedLCValue warningMsg ds Type Decimal String@ Description Proposed LCValue Warning message The APLOC data set

Called when changing the ToDate field. Parameters Name proposedToDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Proposed To Date The APLOC data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.APPIWriteOff: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Call this method once to validate the G/L Interface. This method checks for GLSyst availability and if G/L is interfaced with A/P. If A/P is not interfaced with G/L then user should be asked if okay to continue without posting to G/L. This method will return a Message for the user if not interfaced else the Message is blank. If the user do not wish to continue then exit this object. This method also returns a logical flag to indicate if Posting to G/L. This value should be passed on to each new A/P Adjustment (APPNMove) record to process. Parameters Name opMessage opPostToGL Type String@ Boolean@ Description The Message to ask the user if A/P is not interfaced with G/L. Indicates if the A/P Adjustment will be Posted to G/L.

Parameters Name ipPIType ipID ipVendID opRet Type String String String String@ Description ipPIType ipID ipVendID opRet


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Parameters Name ipType ipPNID ipVendID Type String String String Description ipType ipPNID ipVendID

Returns The AP Promissory Notes data set for Write Off

This method will retrieve the GroupID for an APPNHead record that's for the APPromNoteID supplied. Parameters Name apPromNoteID groupID headNum Type String String@ Int32@ Description AR Promissory Note ID Cash Group ID HeadNum

This method is to be used in place of GetNewAPPNMove. This method asks for vendor number and invoice number to link the A/P Invoice Header (APPNHead) to A/P Invoice Adjustment (APPNMove). Parameters Name ds ipGroupID ipHeadNum String Int32 Type Description The AP Promissory Notes data set for Write Off The Group ID for this A/P Promissory Note Head The A/P Promissory Note Head Number

Parameters Name ipHeadNum ipPIType ipID Type Int32 String String Description ipHeadNum ipPIType ipID

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Name ipVendID ipCurGroupID ipNewPIType ds

Type String String String

Description ipVendID ipCurGroupID ipNewPIType The AP Promissory Notes data set for Write Off

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ApplyCreditMemo: This business object contains 24 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method needs to be run as the last method as the user leaves the CashHead record. It validates that the entire memo has been applied and creates the required GL records If the entire memo has not been applied, then an exception will be raised and the user cannot leave the record until it all has been applied. Parameters Name inHeadNum inPNRef Type Int32 String Description CashReceipt ID PNRef Number, blank if the line is a normal invoice credit

This method updates the DocTranAmt, UnuppliedAmt fields after the CMAmount field is updated. Parameters Name cmAmount ds Type Decimal Description Proposed value change to the DocTranAmt field Apply Credit Memo Data Set

Procedure to be called when changing the PNRef field in the CashDtl table. This field will only be used for Credit Payment records

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Parameters Name ds proposedPNRef Type String Description Apply Credit Memo Data Set The PNRef to validate against CreditTran

This procedure will look for Credit Card records within CreditTran using the information in the CashHead table Parameters Name iHeadNum oHasCreditCardRecords Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Cash Head Number Logical output parameter, true if any Credit Card records are found

Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth. Parameters Name keyValue Type String Description InvoiceNum

This method is called first thing when opening the screen. It checks to see if the G/L is interfaced and if the Fiscal Period is valid. If the G/L is not interfaced, a question asking if the user wants to continue will be returned. If the user answers no, then they are returned to the main menu. If the Fiscal Period is invalid, an exception will be raised and the user should be returned to the main menu. Parameters Name vQuestion Type String@ Description Ask the user if they want to continue if the G/L is not interfaced

This method needs to be run as the last method if the user chooses not to Apply Credit Memo but wants to leave the CashHead record to create a new one or closes/exits the ApplyCreditMemo UI screen. This will delete the appropriate CashHead and CashDtl records and update the related InvcHead to reflect the appropriate invoice balance.


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Parameters Name ipHeadNum Type Int32 Description CashHead HeadNum

This method is used to determine whenever the document has taxes Parameters Name documentNum documentType hasTaxes Type Int32 String Boolean@ Description Document Number Document Type True if the document has taxes

This method is used when the Currency Code changed Parameters Name currencyCode ds Type String Description Proposed Currency Code Apply Credit Memo Data Set

This method is called when the CashDtl InvoiceNum field is modified Parameters Name invoiceNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Invoice Number Apply Credit Memo Data Set

This method is run when the DocTranAmt field is modified Parameters Name docTranAmt ds Type Decimal Description Proposed discount amount Apply Credit Memo Data Set

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This method is run when the Transaction date is changed to update the fiscal period fields Parameters Name tranDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Proposed Transaction Date Apply Credit Memo Data Set

This method will validate the document number provided and if valid, will default CashHead fields to the values in the Document (Credit Memo, Deposit Invoice or Deposit Payment) Parameters Name documentNum ds Type Int32 Description proposed Document Number Apply Credit Memo Data Set

This method is used to validate/update the dataset when the DocTranAmt is udpated Parameters Name docTranAmt ds Type Decimal Description Proposed value change to the DocTranAmt field Apply Credit Memo Data Set

This method is to be used when creating new Credit Payments. In this case the invoice should be the same used in the header Parameters Name ds inGroupID inHeadNum String Int32 Type Description Apply Credit Memo Data Set Credit memo Group ID field CashHead.HeadNum field


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This method validates changings of the 'DocumentType' field Parameters Name ds documentType String Type Description Apply Credit Memo Data Set Document Type

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ApplyDebitMemo: This business object contains 21 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status


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This method needs to be run as the last method as the user leaves the CheckHed record. It validates that the entire memo has been applied and creates the required GL records If the entire memo has not been applied, then an exception will be raised and the user cannot leave the record until it all has been applied. Parameters Name inHeadNum outRevJrnUID Type Int32 Int32@ Description CheckHead.HeadNum Review Journal UID

This method is used to validate/update the dataset when the DocPaymentTotal is udpated Parameters Name paymentAmt ds Type Decimal Description Proposed value change to the DocPaymentTotal field Apply Debit Memo Data Set

This method is called when the APTran InvoiceNum field is modified Parameters Name invoiceNum ds Type String Description Proposed Invoice Number Apply Credit Memo Data Set

This method is run when the DocTranAmt field is modified Parameters Name docTranAmt ds Type Decimal Description Proposed amount Apply Credit Memo Data Set

This method is used when no Invoice Number is specified in the GetNewCheckHedInv function This will validate the invoice number provided and if valid, will default CheckHed fields to the values in the Invoice

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Parameters Name invoiceNum ds Type String Description proposed Invoice Number Apply Credit Memo Data Set

This method is run when the Transaction date is changed to update the fiscal period fields Parameters Name tranDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Proposed Transaction Date Apply Credit Memo Data Set

Call this method when the user enters the ttCheckHed.VendorID Parameters Name pcVendorID ds Type String Description Vendor ID - character code for Vendor The ApplyDebitMemo data set

Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth. Parameters Name keyValue1 keyValue2 Type String String Description VendorNum InvoiceNum

This method is called first thing when opening the screen. It checks to see if the G/L is interfaced and if the Fiscal Period is valid. If the G/L is not interfaced, a question asking if the user wants to continue will be returned. If the user answers no, then they are returned to the main menu. If the Fiscal Period is invalid, an exception will be raised and the user should be returned to the main menu.


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Parameters Name vQuestion Type String@ Description Ask the user if they want to continue if the G/L is not interfaced

This method needs to be run as the last method if the user chooses not to Apply Debit Memo but wants to leave the CheckHed record to create a new one or closes/exits the ApplyDebitMemo UI screen. This will delete the appropriate CheckHed and APTran records and update the related APInvHed to reflect the appropriate invoice balance. Parameters Name ipHeadNum Type Int32 Description CheckHed.HeadNum

This method replaces the standard GetNewCheckHed method. Requires a Debit Memo Invoice Parameters Name vendorNum invoiceNum ds Type Int32 String Description Vendor Number Invoice Number Apply Debit Memo Data Set

Parameters Name ipHeadNum ipAPTranNo ipCalcAll ds Type Int32 Int32 Boolean Description ipHeadNum ipAPTranNo ipCalcAll ApplyDebitMemo dataset

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.APPromissoryNotes: This business object contains 57 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Assigns a legal number to the miscellaneous shipment.


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Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum ds opLegalNumMsg Returns The Promissory Note data set String@ Legal number message Type String Int32 Description Group ID number Header number

Call method when the user changes APPNHead.TransDate. Parameters Name ds Type Description The APPromissoryNotes data set

This method updates the BankTran amounts when the adjustment amount changes or the currency switch toggles. Parameters Name ipTranAmtType Type String Description Indicate which of the transaction amount is changed. Valid values are: 'B' for Base Tran Amount and 'D' for Doc Tran Amount The proposed Transaction Amount The AP Promissory Notes data set

proposedTranAmt ds


Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth. Parameters Name keyValue keyValue2 Type String String Description GroupID HeadNum

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Create Vendor Checks for selected invoices. Parameters Name pcGroupID ds Type String Description AP Promissory Note Group ID The APInvSel data set

Create New CheckHed record. To be used instead of GetNewCheckHed record. Parameters Name pcGroupID ds Type String Description AP Promissory Note Group ID The AP Promissory Note data set

DeleteNegPayments. Deletes all checks in the group that have negative check. amounts. Works the same as MassDelete but only deletes negative balance checks. Parameters Name pcGroupID Type String Description AP Check Group ID

This method combines the GetNewAPPNDtl and Update() method into one routine so that the user can run an "Auto Apply" Payment function Parameters Name groupID headNum Returns AP Promissory Notes data set Type String Int32 Description Cash Group ID Promissory Note HeadNum

Get the APPNMove records for an APPromissoryNotes.


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Parameters Name iGroupID iHeadNum Returns The APPNMove data set Type String Int32 Description The Group Number The Header Number

This method is called when the BankAcctID field is modified Parameters Name bankAcctID ds Type String Description Proposed BankAcctID AR Promissory Notes data set

Get the GLJrnDtl records for an APPromissoryNote. Parameters Name iGroupID iHeadNum Returns The GLJrnlDtlMov data set Type String Int32 Description The Group Number The Header Number

This method will retrieve the GroupID for an APPNHead record that's for the APPromNoteID supplied. Parameters Name apPromNoteID groupID headNum Type String String@ Int32@ Description AR Promissory Note ID Cash Group ID HeadNum

Returns the legal number generation options.

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Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum opPromptForNum Type String Int32 Boolean@ Description Group ID number Header number Prompt for the number

Returns The Legal Number Generation Options dataset

Alternate routine to create new Payment Instrument from AP Invoice Entry Parameters Name pcGroupID ds Type String Description AP Promissory Note Group ID The AP Promissory Notes data set

Get new record for APPNMove table. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum Type String Int32 Description APPNHead.GroupID APPNHead.HeadNum

Returns The AP Promissory Notes Move data set

Alternate routine to load the Bank Fee Parameters Name lvHeadNum lvBankAcctID ds Type Int32 String Description Bank Fee Code Bank Account ID The AP Promissory Notes data set


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Wrapper on GetRows for Trackers so Adjustment records are not deleted

Mass Delete. Delete all checks in the Group. Parameters Name pcGroupID Type String Description AP Promissory Note Group ID

Validate for a Correct Bank Fee Code Parameters Name pcBankFeeID ds Type String Description Bank Fee Code The AP Promissory Notes Entry data set

Call method when the user changes the Doc Tran Amount. Parameters Name pdDocTranAmt ds Type Decimal Description Proposed Document Amount value The AP Promissory Notes data set

Call method when the user changes the FixedAmount in Tax screen. Use this method with Misc. Payment screen for APPromissoryNotesDataSet.

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Parameters Name plCurrencySwitch pdFixed taxtbl ds Type Boolean Decimal String Description Currency switch Proposed taxable amount value Tax temp-table name The AP Promissory Notes data set

Call this method when the user enters the Invoice Number in Pay Invoice screen. Parameters Name pcInvoiceNum Type String Description Invoice Num Response to the question pcChangeExchangeRateResponse. ? means question has not been asked. Yes/No is considered a response. The AP Promissory Notes data set String@ Question to be answered by the user in pcChangeExchangeRateResponse.

pcChangeExchangeRateResponse String

ds pcQuestion

Call this method when the user changes either Gross Payment or Disc. Taken field. Use this method with Payment maintenance screen for ApInvSelDataSet. Parameters Name pdDocGrossPay pcRowIdent ds Type Decimal String Description Proposeed Document Gross Payment value Pass ttAPInvSel.RowIdent value here to uniquely identify the record to change. The APInvSel data set

This method updates the dataset when the RateCode field changes Parameters Name rateCode Type String Description Proposed RateCode value


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Name taxtbl ds

Type String

Description Tax temp-table name The AP Promissory Notes data set

Call method when the user changes the Taxable Amt in Tax screen. Parameters Name plCurrencySwitch pdTaxableAmt taxtbl ds Type Boolean Decimal String Description Currency switch Proposed taxable amount value Tax temp-table name The AP Promissory Notes data set

Call method when the user changes the Tax Amt in Tax screen. Parameters Name plCurrencySwitch pdTaxAmt taxtbl ds Type Boolean Decimal String Description Currency switch Proposed taxable amount value Tax temp-table name The AP Promissory Notes data set

Call method when the user changes the Tax ID in Tax maintainence. Parameters Name pcTaxCode taxtbl ds Type String String Description Proposed Tax ID Tax temp-table name The AP Promissory Notes data set

Call method when the user changes the Tax Percent in Tax screen.

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Parameters Name plCurrencySwitch pdPercent taxtbl ds Type Boolean Decimal String Description Currency switch Proposed taxable amount value Tax temp-table name The AP Promissory Notes data set

Call method when the user changes APPNHead.TransDate. Parameters Name pdtTransDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Propopsed TransDate The APPromissoryNotes data set

Call this method when the user enters the ttAPNHead.VendBankAcctID Parameters Name pcVendBankAcctID ds Type String Description Vendor Bank Acct ID - Bank Account ID for Vendor The AP Promissory Notes data set

Call this method when the user enters the ttAPNHead.VendorNum Parameters Name pcVendorID ds Type String Description Vendor ID - character code for Vendor The AP Promissory Notes data set

Check APPNHead before posting


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Parameters Name inGroupID inHeadNum inPIStatusNew inTypeNew outPostToGL Returns The Promissory Note data set Type String Int32 String String String@ Description Group ID number Header number new value of PIStatus new value of Type run posting to GL and whar kind

Read ApInvHed records and create ApinvSel records if they meet the selection criteria. Parameters Name pcGroupID pcPayableAccountsList pdtDueDate pdtInvoicePM pcSupplierList pcPaymentMethod Returns The APInvSel data set Type String String Description AP Check Group ID Delimited list of Payable Accounts

Nullable{System.DateTime} Select invoices due by this date. Boolean String String Select invoices wihtout Payment Method. Select invoices for the supplier list. Select payment methods for the specific.

Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum ipInvoiceNum ipBankAcctID ipTranNum ipVoided ipCalcAll ds Type String Int32 String String Int32 Boolean Boolean Description ipGroupID ipHeadNum ipInvoiceNum ipBankAcctID ipTranNum ipVoided ipCalcAll AP Promissory Notes dataset

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Update APPNMove table and write off APPNHead. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum ds Type String Int32 Description APPNHead.GroupID APPNHead.HeadNum The AP Promissory Notes Move data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Voids the legal number. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum ipVoidedReason Returns The Promissory Note data set Type String Int32 String Description Group ID number Header number Reason for the void

Epicor.Mfg.BO.APPromNoteGrp: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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This procedure is GetById + Lock the Group. This procedure can be run instead of GetById if you want to lock along with doing a GetByID. If the lock is acquired successfully, plSuccess is returned as true. Parameters Name pcGroupID plSuccess Type String Boolean@ Description The Group ID selected by the user. Returns a True or False value. True means successfully locked the Group

Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.APPromNoteGrpDataSet

Call this method when the user changes the Bank Account. Parameters Name pcBankAcctID ds Type String Description The proposed value of BankAcctID. Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.APPromNoteGrpDataSet

Unlock the group. The user who locked the group can only unlock it. Parameters Name pcGroupID plSuccess Type String Boolean@ Description The Group ID selected by the user. Returns a True or False value. True means successfully locked the Group

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AprvCode: This business object contains 0 methods.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AprvVend: This business object contains 21 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

. Parameters Name ipCalledFrom whereClauze Returns AprvVendDataSet DataSet Type String String Description Called From WhereClauze

Search suppliers by Vendor Name. Call normal GetList method. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage vendorName morePages Returns The AprvVendListDataSet data set Type String Int32 Int32 String Boolean@ Description Whereclause. Page size. Absolute page. Vendor Name. More pages.

Search suppliers by Vendor Name. Call normal GetList method. Parameters Name whereClauseAprvVend whereClausePartXRefVend pageSize absolutePage Type String String Int32 Int32 Description Where Clause for AprvVend. Where Clause for PartXRefVend. Page size. Absolute page.


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Name vendorID morePages Returns The AprvVend data set

Type String Boolean@

Description Vendor Name. More pages.

. Parameters Name ipClassID ds Type String Description The new value for VendorID. The Receipt data set

. Parameters Name ipCustID ds Type String Description The new value for VendorID. The Receipt data set

. Parameters Name ipCustNum ds Type Int32 Description The new value for VendorID. The Receipt data set

. Parameters Name ipMfgNum Type Int32 Description The new value for VendorID.

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Name ds


Description The Receipt data set

. Parameters Name ipMfgPartNum ds Type String Description The new value for VendorID. The Receipt data set

. Parameters Name ipOpCode ds Type String Description The new value for VendorID. The Receipt data set

. Parameters Name ipPartNum ds Type String Description The new value for VendorID. The Receipt data set

. Parameters Name ipVendorID ds Type String Description The new value for VendorID. The Receipt data set


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. Parameters Name ipVendorNum ds Type Int32 Description The new value for VendorID. The Receipt data set

Run when the PartXRefVend.VendPartNum is changing. Parameters Name ipVendPartNum ds Type String Description The new value for VendPartNum. The Receipt data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.APTranSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ARAdjustment: This business object contains 17 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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This method updates the CashDtl details when the adjustment amount changes or the currency switch toggles. Use the external fields CashDtl.DispTranAmt and CashDtl.DocDispTranAmt to accept the user entered adjustment amount. Parameters Name ds Type Description A/R Invoice Adjustment Data Set

Performs required logic when CashDtl.IncomeTaxCode is modified. Parameters Name ipIncomeTaxCode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of Income Tax Code ARAdjustment data set

This method updates the CashDtl fiscal period and year when the transaction date changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The A/R Adjustment Entry data set

Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth. Parameters Name keyValue Type String Description InvoiceNum

Call this method once to validate the G/L Interface. This method checks for GLSyst availability and if G/L is interfaced with A/R. If A/R is not interfaced with G/L then user should be asked if okay to continue without posting to G/L. This method will return a Message for the user if not interfaced else the Message is blank. If the user do not wish to continue then exit this object. This method also returns a logical flag to indicate if Posting to G/L. This value should be passed on to each new A/R Adjustment (CashDtl) record to process.


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Parameters Name opMessage opPostToGL Type String@ Boolean@ Description The Message to ask the user if A/R is not interfaced with G/L. Indicates if the A/R Adjustment will be Posted to G/L.

This method generates a legal number if necessary date changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The A/R Adjustment Entry data set

This method is to be used in place of GetNewCashDtl. This method asks for invoice number to link the A/R Invoice Header (InvcHead) to A/R Invoice Adjustment (CashDtl). Parameters Name ds ipInvoiceNum Int32 Type Description The A/R Adjustment Entry data set The A/R Invoice Number to adjust

This method checks that all necessary data are entered, that should be done before adjustment. Parameters Name ds Type Description The A/R Adjustment Entry data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ARAgingTracker: This business object contains 11 methods.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record

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QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method should be called after all the input parameters have been entered. It will generate a dataset containing records for the AR Aging report used by a tracker. Parameters Name ds Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ARDtlsDataSet

This method should be called to populate the dataset for the AR Aging Tracker. Parameters Name custID Type String Description Customer ID.

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ARTrackerTotDataSet

This method should be called after all the input parameters have been entered. It will generate a dataset containing records for the AR Aging report used by a tracker.


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Parameters Name ageBylist Type String@ Description AgeBylist

This method returns a list of valid 'AgingFormatCode' codes UI note - user should select only ONE of the valid codes. Parameters Name agingFormatCodelist Type String@ Description 'AgingFormatCode' codes

This method returns a list of ARAccounts and descriptions Parameters Name arActsList Type String@ Description ARAccounts and description

This method should be called after all the input parameters have been entered. It will generate a dataset containing records for the AR Aging report used by a tracker. Parameters Name ds Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ARDtlsDataSet

This method returns a select by list. Parameters Name selectbylist Type String@ Description Select by list

This method returns a sort by list.

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Parameters Name sortbylist Type String@ Description Sort by list

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ARInvcDtlSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Allows use of InvcHead filter but returns only InvcDtl records. Parameters Name invcHeadWhereClause invcDtlWhereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The ARInvcDtlSearch data set Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for invcHead table. Whereclause for InvcDtl table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ARInvoice: This business object contains 157 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Receives CustId, returns CustNum Parameters Name ipCustID opCustNum Type String Int32@ Description Customer ID Returns Customer Num

Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum Type Int32 Int32 Description Quote Number Order Number.

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Name ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus

Type Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@

Description Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method create the invoices for the rebates selected. Parameters Name invoiceType groupID opMsg ds Type String String String@ Description Type of invoice, AP or AR Invoice Group to generate the invoices in tax connect message List of rebates available for invoicing

This method returns a list of rebates available for invoicing. Parameters Name invoiceType Type String Description Type of invoice, AP or AR


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Returns List of rebates available for invoicing

Assigns a legal number to the invoice. Parameters Name ipInvoiceNum ds opLegalNumMsg Returns The Miscellaneous Shipment data set String@ Legal number message Type Int32 Description Invoice number

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This procedure returns the invoices to Cash Receipt Entry Parameters Name payDay whereClause Returns A/R invoice data set. Type Nullable{System.DateTime} String Description Payment date. Where clause for Cash Receipt.

Performs required logic when InvcDtl.IncomeTaxCode is modified. Parameters Name ipIncomeTaxCode Type String Description Proposed input value of Income Tax Code

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Name ds


Description ARInvoice data set

Parameters Name ds opGenMessage String@ text UI prompts user with if schedules are to be generated Type Description

Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth. Parameters Name keyValue showError isLocked Type String Boolean Boolean@ Description InvoiceNum true/false to show error message box if doc is locked true if doc is locked.

Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth. Parameters Name keyValue showError isLocked lockedStatus Type String Boolean Boolean@ String@ Description GroupID true/false to show error message box if group is locked true if group is locked. Locked status: Not Posted, Posting, Reviewing.

Parameters Name iInvoiceNum cARLOCID Type Int32 String Description Invoice number Letter of Credit ID


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Name dTotalCharges outMsg Returns The AR Invoice data set

Type Decimal String@

Description OrderHed.TotalCharges Output message

Copy Invoice lines from source invoice to ttInvc tables Parameters Name sourceInvoiceNum destInvoiceNum recalculateTaxes reverseSignQty ds Type Int32 Int32 Boolean Boolean Description Invoice num which should be cancelled Destination invoice number

Creates a correction invoice from a another invoice. Parameters Name groupID sourceInvoiceNum newInvoiceDate newDocType recalculateTaxes opNewInvoiceNum Type String Int32 Description Current group for new invoice Invoice num which should be corrected

Nullable{System.DateTime} Date of new invoice String Boolean Int32@ Document Type for the new invoice Flag to indicate if is necessary to recalculate taxes Correction Invoice Num

Creates deposit invoices from deposit payments. The list of deposit payments should be ~ delimited. Parameters Name groupID payments Type String String Description Group to generate invoices for. The list of deposit payments

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Name invoices errors msgNumInvoices grpTotalInvAmt

Type String@ String@ String@ Decimal@

Description Invoice numbers generated delimited by a ~. Errors that may have occured during the processing message displaying the number of invoices created new InvcGrp total accumulated from all invoices to update UI

Parameters Name ipResetDefRevFlag ds Type Boolean Description indicates if the invcdtl.DeferredRev is to be reset A/R invoice data set.

Parameters Name ds cGroupID keyValue grpTotalInvAmt String String Decimal@ current APInvGrp GroupID VendorNum return new TotalInvAmt to update APInvGrp in UI Type Description

Method to call to deselect selected drop shipments. Parameters Name ds Returns Type Description

This method return wish dates have to be enable on AR Invoice.


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Parameters Name enApplyDate enShipDate enTaxPDate enTaxRDate enCurrRDate enTaxRCDate Type Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Description Enable Apply Date. Enable Shipment Date. Enable Tax Point Date. Enable Tax Rate Date. Enable Currency Rate Date. Enable Tax Rate Date for credits.

Call tax integration and loads temp tables from the results. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine statusFlag errorFlag errorMsg Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Description InvcHead.InvoiceNum InvcDtl.InvoiceLine Set to true if the integration is up, false if down. If true, an error occured. If Error Flag is true, this is the associated message.

Returns The ETCAddrValidation data set

Parameters Name ds Type Description A/R invoice data set.

Method to call to get uninvoiced receipts for Receipt billing. Parameters Name groupID custNums plantChoice Type String String String Description Group to generate invoices for. A list customer numbers Current or All

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Name billToFlag onlyNotInvoiced Returns

Type Boolean Boolean

Description If true, customers are bill to's. If false they are sold to's. All or Only Only Not Invoiced for better perfomance

This method finds the invoice for Bill of Exchange Parameters Name invoiceNum Returns The AR Invoice data set Type Int32 Description The invoice num

Creates new credit memo invoice as cancellation invoice. Parameters Name groupID sourceInvoiceNum newInvoiceDate newDocType recalculateTaxes Type String Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} String Boolean Description Current group for new invoice Invoice num which should be cancelled Date of new invoice

This method returns the Base Currency Parameters Name opCurrencyBase Type String@ Description Base Currency

Method selects deposit payments for specified customers and the earliest payment date.


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Parameters Name custNums fromDate Returns Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description A list customer numbers The earliest date of deposit payments

Creates invoices for Drop Shipments. The list of customers should be a ~ delimited list of customer numbers. The Plant should be either the string "CURRENT" or "ALL". The invoice numbers are in a ~ delimited list. Parameters Name ds groupID custList plant billToFlag invoices errors msgNumInvoices grpTotalInvAmt String String String Boolean String@ String@ String@ Decimal@ Group to generate invoices for. A list of ~ delimited customer numbers. the string "CURRENT" or "ALL". If true, customers are bill to's. If false they are sold to's. Invoice numbers generated delimited by a ~. Errors that may have occured during the processing message displaying the number of invoices created new InvcGrp total accumulated from all invoices to update UI Type Description

Creates an FS Call invoice. The list of customers should be a ~ delimited list of customer numbers. The Plant should be either the string "CURRENT" or "ALL". The number of invoices is an integer. Parameters Name groupID custList plant numInvs grpTotalInvAmt Type String String String Int32@ Decimal@ Description Group to generate invoices for. A list of ~ delimited customer numbers. the string "CURRENT" or "ALL". Number of Invoices generated. new InvcGrp total accumulated from all invoices to update UI

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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Returns the legal number generation options. Parameters Name ipInvoiceNum opPromptForNum Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Packing Slip number Prompt for the number

Returns The Legal Number Generation Options dataset

Creates Milestone billing invoices. Parameters Name groupID custList selectedItems_Key1 selectedItems invoicesCreated Type String String String String Boolean@ Description Group for this invoice. A list of ~ delimited customer numbers. A list of ~ delimited project numbers. A list of ~ delimited project/milestone numbers. True if invoice was created.


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Name msgNumInvoices grpTotalInvAmt

Type String@ Decimal@

Description message displaying the number of invoices created new InvcGrp total accumulated from all invoices to update UI

Search for Milestone billing that could create an invoice and return them for customer's selection. Parameters Name groupID custList Returns ARInvGetMilestoneDataSet Type String String Description Group for this invoice. A list of ~ delimited customer numbers.

Creates a new InvcHead record for Deposit Billing or Deposit Billing Credit Memo based on Deposit Billing type. This method is separate from GetNewInvcHeadType so security can be set on deposit invoices. Parameters Name groupID depositBillType ds Type String String Description Group for this invoice. Deposit Billing type. Valid types are DEPOSIT-BILL- Deposit invoice. DEPOSIT-MEMO- Deposit credit memo invoice. ARInvoiceDataSet.

Creates a new InvcHead record for Bill of Exchange. Parameters Name ds Type Description A/R invoice data set.

Creates a new InvcHead record based on the Invoice type.

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Parameters Name groupID invoiceType Type String String Description Group for this invoice. Invoice type. Valid types are MISC-BILL - Miscelaneous invoice. ADV-BILL - Advanced billing. CREDIT-MEMO - Credit memo invoice. ADV-MEMO - Advanced billing credit A/R invoice data set.


Method to call when obtaining the payment schedule for the invoice header. Parameters Name invoiceNum ds Returns Type Int32 Description The invoice number

Search for Projects that could create an invoice and return them for customer's selection. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPrjList Returns ARInvGetPBDataSet Type String String Description Group to generate invoices for. A list of ~ delimited projects.

Creates an Project invoice. The list of projects should be a ~ delimited. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPrjList opInvcList opErrorList msgNumInvoices Type String String String@ String@ String@ Description Group to generate invoices for. A list of ~ delimited projects. Invoice numbers generated delimited by a ~ delimiter. Errors that may have occured during the processing. message displaying the number of invoices created


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Name grpTotalInvAmt

Type Decimal@

Description new InvcGrp total accumulated from all invoices to update UI

Creates a re occurring invoice. Parameters Name groupID custList contractList invoicesCreated msgNumInvoices grpTotalInvAmt Type String String String Boolean@ String@ Decimal@ Description Group for this invoice. A list of ~ delimited customer IDs. A list of ~ delimited contract numbers. True if invoice was created. message displaying the number of invoices created new InvcGrp total accumulated from all invoices to update UI

Search for Service Contracts that could create an invoice and return them for customer's selection. Parameters Name custList Returns ARInvGetFSContDataSet Type String Description A list of ~ delimited customer numbers.

Selects InvcHead records with a group of RMACRREQ and changes the group to the group ID passed in. A GetList needs to be run after this process so the user can choose the invoice they want to process. This method returns a of how many invoices were converted. Parameters Name groupID custList invList rMAMessage invoicesCreated Type String String String String@ Boolean@ Description Group for this invoice. A list of ~ delimited customer numbers. A list of ~ delimited invoice numbers. Numbers of RMA's converted. True if invoice was created.

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Name grpTotalInvAmt

Type Decimal@

Description new InvcGrp total accumulated from all invoices to update UI

Selects InvcHead records with a group of RMACRREQ and return them for customer's selection. Parameters Name custList Returns ARInvGetRMADataSet Type String Description A list of ~ delimited customer numbers.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Head/Dtl fields for the contact tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseInvcHead whereClauseInvcHeadAttch whereClauseInvcDtl whereClauseInvcDtlAttch whereClauseInvcMisc whereClauseInvcTax whereClauseARIHeadTax contactName pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.InvcCustTrkDataSet Type String String String String String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for InvcHead table. Whereclause for InvcHeadAttch table. Whereclause for InvcDtl table. Whereclause for InvcDtlAttch table. Whereclause for InvcMisc table. Whereclause for InvcTax table. Whereclause for ARIHeadTax table. Contact to return data for. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Head/Dtl fields for the customer tracker.


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Parameters Name whereClauseInvcHead whereClauseInvcHeadAttch whereClauseInvcDtl whereClauseInvcDtlAttch whereClauseInvcMisc whereClauseInvcTax whereClauseARIHeadTax pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.InvcCustTrkDataSet Type String String String String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for InvcHead table. Whereclause for InvcHeadAttch table. Whereclause for InvcDtl table. Whereclause for InvcDtlAttch table. Whereclause for InvcMisc table. Whereclause for InvcTax table. Whereclause for ARIHeadTax table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Creates an Shipment invoice. The list of customers should be a ~ delimited list of customer numbers. The list of pack slips should be null (room for enhancement). The Plant should be either the string "CURRENT" or "ALL". The invoice numbers are in a ~ delimited list. Parameters Name groupID custList packSlips plant billToFlag overBillDay invoices errors msgNumInvoices grpTotalInvAmt Type String String String String Boolean Boolean String@ String@ String@ Decimal@ Description Group to generate invoices for. A list of ~ delimited customer numbers. As of the initial release, null the string "CURRENT" or "ALL". If true, customers are bill to's. If false they are sold to's. If true, create all selected invoices irrespective of the billing days Invoice numbers generated delimited by a ~. Errors that may have occured during the processing message displaying the number of invoices created new InvcGrp total accumulated from all invoices to update UI

Method to call when the search is done on GetShipments. CustIDs: You can specify a list of customers. Plant Choice: C is for current.

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Parameters Name groupID custNums plantChoice billToFlag onlyNotInvoiced Returns Type String String String Boolean Boolean Description Group to generate invoices for. A list customer numbers Current or All If true, customers are bill to's. If false they are sold to's. All or Only Only Not Invoiced for better perfomance

Checkes if InvcGrp record exists or not. Parameters Name groupID result Type String Boolean@ Description Group for this invoice. return true if Group exists

Returns true if deposit invoice is converted from deposit payment. Parameters Name invoiceNum converted Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Invoice number. True if deposit invoice is converted from deposit payment

Parameters Name ipPMUID ipIsGenPIType Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Payment Method Is invoice payment method for a generated PI Type

This procedure is used to validate the ARLOCID (AR Letter of Credit ID) for both AR Invoice Entry and Posted Invoice Update. The argument "ipInvoiceNum is only supplied when called from Posted Invoice Update. For AR Invoice Entry, if either the Terms or the Bill To Customer is different on the Invoice than it is on the Letter of


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Credit, a message to the user and a value for the UI to put in that field (if the user decides to) are passed back. When called from Posted Invoice Update, the Customer, Bill To Customer and the Currency must match or an error is given. Parameters Name ipARLOCID ipInvoiceNum opTermsCodeValue opTermsCodeMsg opBTCustIDValue opBTCustIDMsg ds Type String Int32 String@ String@ String@ String@ Description The Letter of Credit ID value Current Invoice number The value to put in the InvcHead.TermsCode field The message to give the user if the TermsCode needs to be changed The value to put in the InvcHead.BTCustID field The message to give the user if the BTCustID needs to be changed The AR Invoice data set

This method should be called when the plant is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum ds Type Int32 Description Invoice Number. A/R invoice data set.

Parameters Name ipHold ds Type Boolean Description proposed hold value A/R invoice data set.

Parameters Name ipReason ds Type String Description proposed reason code A/R invoice data set.

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Method to call when changed the UseOTS field the contract header record. Refreshes the address list and contact info Parameters Name ds Type Description A/R invoice data set.

Parameters Name ipDefRev ds opOutMsg String@ Type Boolean Description Input deferred revenue option A/R invoice data set. out message the user is prompted for

This method should be called when the withhold amount on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name newDspWithholdAmt ds Type Decimal Description Proposed withhold amount. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called before the InvcDtl invoice reference has been updated. Specific to Bill of Exchange invoices. Parameters Name newInvoiceRef ds Type Int32 Description Proposed invoice reference. A/R invoice data set.


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Parameters Name ipAmortDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Proposed Amortization Date The AR Invoice data set

This method should be called before the apply date has been updated. Parameters Name invoiceNum newApplyDate recalcamts ds Type Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} String Description Invoice Number. Proposed Apply Date. Recalc amount and taxes. A/R invoice data set.

Calculates the amounts for Miscellaneous charges when the misc. amt. changes. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine seqNum newChrgAmt ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Decimal Description Invoice Number. Invoice Line Number. Fin charge sequence number. Fin charge proposed amount. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the contact is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum newContact ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Invoice Number. Proposed Contact. A/R invoice data set.

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If it is a new invoice, the currency fields are set. Otherwise they are updated. Parameters Name invoiceNum newCurrencyCode ds Type Int32 String Description Invoice Number. The New currency code. A/R invoice data set.

Called for change of bill to customer. Parameters Name invoiceNum newCustomerID ds Type Int32 String Description Invoice Number. Proposed customer Number. A/R invoice data set.

Parameters Name ipDefRevStart ipInvoiceNum ipInvoiceLine Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Int32 Int32 Description Deferred Revenue Start Date invoice number Invoice line number

This method should be called after the document deposit amount has been changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum depositAmt ds Type Int32 Decimal Description Invoice Number. DepositAmt A/R invoice data set.


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This method should be called after the document deposit amount has been changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum dspCredit ds Type Int32 Decimal Description Invoice Number. DspCredit. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the exchange rate is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum newExchangeRate ds Type Int32 Decimal Description Invoice Number. The New exchange rate. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the tax amount on the invoice tax record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine taxCode rateCode newTaxAmt ds Type Int32 Int32 String String Decimal Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Invoice line tax code. Invoice line tax rate code. Proposed Tax amount. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the FOB changes. Parameters Name invoiceNum Type Int32 Description Invoice Number.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name newFOB ds

Type String

Description Proposed FOB. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called before the invoice date has been updated. Parameters Name invoiceNum newInvoiceDate ds Type Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Invoice Number. Proposed invoice Date. A/R invoice data set.

This method will set the BillToInvoiceAddress field and the SoldToInvoiceAddress based on the field name and value passed in. If one is true, then the other is false. Parameters Name fieldName fieldValue ds Type String Boolean Description Either BillTo/SoldToInvoiceAddress. True or false. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called before the invoice reference has been updated. Parameters Name invoiceNum newInvoiceRef ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Invoice Number. Proposed invoice reference. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the advanced billing amount on the invoice detail record is changed.


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Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newAdvBillAmt ds Type Int32 Int32 Decimal Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed advanced billing amount. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the Contact on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newContact ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed Contact number. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the part description on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newPartDesc ds Type Int32 Int32 String Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed part description. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the discount amount on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newDiscAmt ds Type Int32 Int32 Decimal Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed discount amount. A/R invoice data set.

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Business Object Reference Guide

This method should be called when the discount percent on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newDiscPerc ds Type Int32 Int32 Decimal Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed discount percent. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the extended amount on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newExtAmt ds Type Int32 Int32 Decimal Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed discount amount. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the Invoice Line Reference number on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newInvoiceLineRef ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed Invoice Line Reference number A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the OrderLine number on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum Type Int32 Description Invoice Number.


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Name invoiceLine newOrderLine ds

Type Int32 Int32

Description Invoice line number. Proposed order line number. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the order release number on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newOrderRel ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed order release number. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the part number on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newPartNum ds Type Int32 Int32 String Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed part number. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the price per code on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newPricePer ds Type Int32 Int32 String Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed price per code. A/R invoice data set.

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Business Object Reference Guide

This method should be called when the Product code on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newProdCode ds Type Int32 Int32 String Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed product code. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the quantity on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newQty ds Type Int32 Int32 Decimal Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed quantity. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the revision number on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newRevNum ds Type Int32 Int32 String Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed revision number. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the sales UM on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum Type Int32 Description Invoice Number.


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Name invoiceLine newSalesUM ds

Type Int32 String

Description Invoice line number. Proposed sales UM. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the ship date on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newShipDate ds Type Int32 Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed ship date. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the Customer ShipTo ID on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name newShipToCustID ds Type String Description Proposed Customer ShipTo ID. AR Invoice data set.

This method should be called when the ship to number on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newShipToNum ds Type Int32 Int32 String Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed ship to number. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the ship via on the invoice detail record is changed.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newShipVia ds Type Int32 Int32 String Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed ship via. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the Tax category on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newTaxCat ds Type Int32 Int32 String Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed tax category. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the Tax exempt on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newTaxExempt ds Type Int32 Int32 String Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed tax exempt. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the Tax Region on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name iTaxRegionCode ds Type String Description Proposed tax category. A/R invoice data set.


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This method should be called when the unit price on the invoice detail record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine newUnitPrice ds Type Int32 Int32 Decimal Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Proposed unit price. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the invoice lock rate has been changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum newLockRate ds Type Int32 Boolean Description Invoice Number. Proposed invoice lock rate. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the manual tax switch on the invoice tax record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine taxCode rateCode newManualTax ds Type Int32 Int32 String String Boolean Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Invoice line tax code. Invoice line tax rate code. Proposed Manual tax. A/R invoice data set.

Calculates the amounts for Miscellaneous charges when the misc. amt. changes.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine seqNum newMiscAmt ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Decimal Description Invoice Number. Invoice Line Number. Misc charge sequence number. Misc charge proposed amount. A/R invoice data set.

Obtains defaults from the MiscCode table. This method needs to be called when a code is being changed or after a new InvcMisc record is obtained. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine seqNum newMiscCode ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Description Invoice Number. Invoice Line Number. Misc charge sequence number. New miscellaneous code. A/R invoice data set.

Calculates the amounts for Miscellaneous charges when the misc. percentage changes. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine seqNum newPrcnt ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Decimal Description Invoice Number. Invoice Line Number. Misc charge sequence number. Misc charge proposed percentage. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called before the Order number has been updated.


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Parameters Name invoiceNum newOrderNum ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Invoice Number. Proposed Order number. A/R invoice data set.

Method to call when changing the payment amount on the payment schedule for Parameters Name ds invoiceNum newPayMethod Int32 Int32 Type Description A/R invoice data set. The invoice number. The Proposed Payment method PMUID.

Method to call when changing the payment amount on the payment schedule for the invoice header. All ARInvPaySched temp table records must be marked as 'dirty' so they will pass through the framework. Parameters Name ds invoiceNum lineNumber newPayAmt Int32 Int32 Decimal The invoice number. The line number or sequence number. The Proposed Pay Sched Amount. Type Description

Method to call when changing the payment date on the payment schedule for the invoice header. All ARInvPaySched temp table records must be marked as 'dirty' so they will pass through the framework. Parameters Name ds invoiceNum lineNumber Int32 Int32 The invoice number. The line number or sequence number. Type Description

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This method should be called when the plant is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum newPlant ds Type Int32 String Description Invoice Number. Proposed Plant. A/R invoice data set.

Parameters Name ipRACode ds Type String Description Deferred Revenue Code

This method should be called when the tax code on the invoice tax record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine taxCode newRateCode ds Type Int32 Int32 String String Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Invoice line tax code. Invoice line tax rate code. A/R invoice data set.

Parameters Name invoiceNum newRateGrpCode ds Type Int32 String Description Invoice Number. The New currency code. A/R invoice data set.


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This method should be called when a sales rep code on the invoice header record is changed. All the line items will be updated with the new sales rep. Parameters Name invoiceNum repIndexNum Type Int32 Int32 Description Invoice Number. The index number for the rep. If it is the 2nd rep in the list then 2 would be passed. If it is a new rep then the last line number plus one would be passed. The maximum index number is 5. Proposed sales rep code. A/R invoice data set.

newRepCode ds


This method should be called before the shipment date has been updated. Parameters Name invoiceNum newShipDate ds Type Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Invoice Number. Proposed Ship Date. A/R invoice data set.

This method returns the Sold To customer info. Parameters Name newSoldToCustID ds Type String Description Proposed sold to custid The ARInvoice data set

This method should be called when the taxable amount on the invoice tax record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine Type Int32 Int32 Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number.

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Name taxCode rateCode newTaxableAmt ds

Type String String Decimal

Description Invoice line tax code. Invoice line tax rate code. Proposed Taxable amount. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the tax amount on the invoice tax record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine taxCode rateCode newTaxAmt ds Type Int32 Int32 String String Decimal Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Invoice line tax code. Invoice line tax rate code. Proposed Tax amount. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the tax code on the invoice tax record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine rateCode newTaxCode ds Type Int32 Int32 String String Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Invoice line tax rate code. Invoice line tax code. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the invoice tax lock rate has been changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum newLockRate Type Int32 Boolean Description Invoice Number. Proposed invoice tax lock rate.


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Name ds


Description A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called before the Tax Point date has been updated. Parameters Name invoiceNum newTaxPDate ds Type Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Invoice Number. Proposed Tax Point Date. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the tax percent on the invoice tax record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine taxCode rateCode newPercent ds Type Int32 Int32 String String Decimal Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Invoice line tax code. Invoice line tax rate code. Proposed Tax percent. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called before the tax rate date has been updated. Parameters Name invoiceNum newTaxRateDate ds Type Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Invoice Number. Proposed Tax Rate Date. A/R invoice data set.

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Parameters Name invoiceNum newRateGrpCode ds Type Int32 String Description Invoice Number. The New currency code. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the reportable amount on the invoice tax record is changed. Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine taxCode rateCode newRptAmt ds Type Int32 Int32 String String Decimal Description Invoice Number. Invoice line number. Invoice line tax code. Invoice line tax rate code. Proposed reportable amount. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the InvcHead.TaxRegionCode changes Parameters Name invoiceNum taxRegionCode ds Type Int32 String Description Invoice Number Proposed Tax Region Code. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the Terms Code changes. Parameters Name invoiceNum Type Int32 Description Invoice Number.


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Name newTermsCode ds

Type String

Description Proposed Terms code. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called before the transferred invoice apply date has been updated. Parameters Name invoiceNum newTransApplyDate ds Type Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Invoice Number. Proposed Transferred Invoice Apply Date. A/R invoice data set.

This method should be called when the user changes the value in the UseSOCCdefaults. The UseSOCCdefaults allows the user to specify whether or not to use the sales order credit card info or enter it themselves.. Parameters Name invoiceNum useSOCC ds Type Int32 Boolean Description Invoice Number. Use sales order credit card defaults. A/R invoice data set.

Sets default values when the TranDocTypeID changes Parameters Name ipTranDocTypeID ds Type String Description TranDocTypeID supplied

Method to call when obtaining the payment schedule for the invoice header.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name invoiceNum ds Returns Type Int32 Description The invoice number

This method should be called before a BOE Invoice is posted. If the GL is not interfaced the user will be asked to continue Y/N. If they choose N, the PostInvoices method should not be called. Parameters Name ipBOEInvoiceNum ipTCOnline glMessage glWarning Type Int32 Boolean String@ String@ Description BOE Invoice Number. Tax Connect status. Error messages generated. Warning message.

Purpose: Check if Taxes are calculated, for whole Group (ipInvoiceNum=0), or for one invoice (ipGroupID = "") Copied from Rpt/ARInvForm/ARInvForm.p Parameters Name ipGroupID ipInvoiceNum Type String Int32 Description Group ID Invoice Num

Parameters Name ipProposedPct ds Type Decimal Description proposed amortization percent A/R invoice data set.


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Parameters Name ipProposedAmt ds Type Decimal Description proposed amortization amount A/R invoice data set.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Parameters Name ipInvoiceNum ipInvoiceLine ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Invoice Number invoice line number A/R invoice data set

This method creates tax lines when we create invoice from RMA Processing Parameters Name invoiceNum invoiceLine ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Invoice Number. Invoice Line Number ARInvoice dataset

Method to call to select uninvoiced drop shipments.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Returns Type Description

Parameters Name ipGroupID ipInvoiceNum ipCalcAll ds Type String Int32 Boolean Description ipGroupID ipInvoiceNum ipCalcAll ARInvoice dataset

Parameters Name ds cGroupID cTableName runCheckAmortSched runChkLtrOfCredit genAmortSched lRASchedExists ipInvoiceNum ipInvoiceLine cARLOCID suppressUserPrompts dTotalCharges grpTotalInvAmt opGenMessage opLtrCrdMsg lUpdateRan String String Boolean Boolean Boolean@ Boolean Int32 Int32 String Boolean Decimal Decimal@ String@ String@ Boolean@ current GroupID on Invoice Indicates the tableName that triggered the update Indicates whether the chkAmortSchedCore method should be called Indicates whether the chkLtrOfCredit method should be called Indicates whether Amortization schedules should be either restored or generated value of current InvcDtl.RASchedExists field current invoice num used to call chkLtrOfCredCore current invoice line current ARLOCID used to call chkLtrOfCredCore Indicates if user prompts should be suppressed InvcHead.InvoiceAmt used in call to CheckLtrOfCredit InvGrp.BaseAmount to update in UI possible output message from chkAmortSchedCore possible output message from chkLtrOfCredCore Indicates that the Update process did run Type Description


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Method to call when updating the payment schedule for the invoice header. The only reason the Parameters Name invoiceNum ds Type Int32 Description The invoice number

Voids the legal number. Parameters Name ipInvoiceNum ipVoidedReason Returns The Miscellaneous Shipment data set Type Int32 String Description Invoice number Reason for the void

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ARInvoiceLoad: This business object contains 23 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.

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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Gets another invoice with the same customer and customer defaults..


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Parameters Name priorCustNum priorLockRate Returns ARInvoiceLoad DataSet Type Int32 Boolean Description Customer number Rate

This method returns the Base CurrencyCode Parameters Name opCurrencyBase Type String@ Description Base Currency

Gets the total base invoice amount for invoices available for posting. Parameters Name totInvoiceAmt currSymbol Type Decimal@ String@ Description The total amount for invoices available for posting. The base currency symbol.

Called when the ApplyDate field changes. Validates the ApplyDate field. Updates the FiscalPeriod and FiscalYear fields. Parameters Name ds Type Description ARInvoiceLoad DataSet

Called when the CreditMemo field changes. Reverses the sign of the InvoiceBal and DocInvoiceBal fields. Parameters Name ds Type Description ARInvoiceLoad DataSet

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Called when the currency code changes. Gets the new currency information. Gets the xrate label and currency symbol. Recalc the DocInvoiceBal. Parameters Name ds Type Description ARInvoiceLoad DataSet

Gets new defaults from the Customer table. Parameters Name ds Type Description ARInvoiceLoad DataSet

Called when the DispInvoiceBal field is changed. Updates the InvoiceBal, DocInvoiceBal, DispInvoiceBal and DocDispInvoiceBal fields. Parameters Name ds Type Description ARInvoiceLoad DataSet

Called when the DocDispInvoiceBal field is changed. Updates the InvoiceBal, DocInvoiceBal, DispInvoiceBal and DocDispInvoiceBal fields. Parameters Name ds Type Description ARInvoiceLoad DataSet

Called when the DocInvoiceBal field is changed. Updates the InvoiceBal, DocInvoiceBal, DispInvoiceBal, DocDispInvoiceBal and CreditMemo fields.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description ARInvoiceLoad DataSet

Called when the ExchangeRate field changes. Updates the balance fields. Parameters Name ds Type Description ARInvoiceLoad DataSet

Called when the FiscalPeriod field is changed. Validates the FiscalPeriod field. Parameters Name ds Type Description ARInvoiceLoad DataSet

Called when the FiscalYear field changes. Validates the FiscalYear field. Parameters Name ds Type Description ARInvoiceLoad DataSet

Called when the InvoiceBal field is changed. Updates the InvoiceBal, DocInvoiceBal, DispInvoiceBal, DocDispInvoiceBal and CreditMemo fields. Parameters Name ds Type Description ARInvoiceLoad DataSet

Called when the InvoiceDate field changes. Validates the InvoiceDate field. Updates the FiscalPeriod and FiscalYear fields and gets the correct exchange rate.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description ARInvoiceLoad DataSet

Sets the posted flag on the InvcHead records. The OK to post flag is used to determine what to do under certain circumstances. Parameters Name oktoPost Type Int32@ Description A value of zero will be sent back to the UI when the open balance does not match the total invoice amount and an error will be thrown. A value of one sent by the UI means it is ok to post, but the open balance must match the total invoice amount. A value of two sent by the UI means that it is ok to post when the open balance does not match total invoice amount. In this case the business logic will not set the error flag to zero and the ErrMsg parameter will not be set. Error message



Epicor.Mfg.BO.ARInvSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Returns InvcHead records which have Taxes waiting for Confirmation. Parameters Name invcHeadWhereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The ARInvSearch data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for invcHead table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ARLOC: This business object contains 17 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method returns the Bill To customer info. Parameters Name newBillToCustID ds Type String Description Proposed bill to custid The ARLOC data set

Called when the CurrencyCode field has been changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ARLOC data set

Called when the DocLCValue field has been changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ARLOC data set

This method will retrieve all the information related to AR Invoices.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name arlocid Returns The ARLOC data set Type String Description AR Letters Of Credit ID

This method will retrieve all the information related to Sales Orders. Parameters Name arlocid Returns The ARLOC data set Type String Description AR Letters Of Credit ID

This procedure returns a list of Alternate Bill To Customer for a Customer. Parameters Name pcCurComp piCustNum pcCustID cBillToList Type String Int32 String String@ Description Current Company Customer Number Customer ID Delimited list of Customer ID Customer Named

Called when changing the DocLCValue field. Parameters Name proposedLCValue warningMsg ds Type Decimal String@ Description Proposed From Date Warning message The ARLOC data set

Called when changing the FromDate field.


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Parameters Name proposedFromDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Proposed From Date The ARLOC data set

Called when changing the ToDate field. Parameters Name proposedToDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Proposed To Date The ARLOC data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ARPIStatusChg: This business object contains 20 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Add a single PI to the group


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Parameters Name piGroup piHeadNum piNewGroup piGrpStatus Returns The Status Change data set Type String Int32 String String Description Header Group ID Header Number New Group ID Group Status

Assigns a legal number to the status change. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum ds opLegalNumMsg Returns The Status Change data set String@ Legal number message Type String Int32 Description Group ID Payment Instrument Head Number

Create Bank Export output file Parameters Name ipGroupID ipFileFormat ipOutFileName Type String Int32 String Description Group ID Output File Format Output Filename

Parameters Name ipGroupID Type String Description ipGroupID

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Business Object Reference Guide

Get Current ARPNHead records by group Parameters Name piGroup morePages Returns The Status Change data set Type String Boolean@ Description Group ID more pages

Returns the legal number generation options. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum ipStatusChgTranDocType opPromptForNum Type String Int32 String Boolean@ Description Group ID Payment Instrument Head Number Document Type for the status change Prompt for the number

Returns The Legal Number Generation Options dataset

Parameters Name piGroup poRunGL Type String String@ Description Group ID poRunGL

Removes AR PN records from the current group Returns The Status Change data set

Select Payment Instruments to add to group


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Parameters Name piGroup piGrpStatus piFromDate piToDate piType piCustFilter piCurrencyFilter piStatusFilter Returns The Status Change list data set Type String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} String String String String Description Group ID Group Status From DueDate To DueDate PI Type Customer Filter Currency Filter StatusFilter

Select Payment Instruments to add to group Parameters Name piGroup piGrpStatus piType piPIList ds Returns The Status Change data set Type String String String String Description Group ID Group Status PI Type PI List

Voids the legal number. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum ipVoidedReason Returns The Status Change data set Type String Int32 String Description Group ID Payment Instrument Head Number Reason for the void

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ARPIWriteOff: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Call this method once to validate the G/L Interface. This method checks for GLSyst availability and if G/L is interfaced with A/P. If A/P is not interfaced with G/L then user should be asked if okay to continue without posting to G/L. This method will return a Message for the user if not interfaced else the Message is blank. If the user do not wish to continue then exit this object. This method also returns a logical flag to indicate if Posting to G/L. This value should be passed on to each new A/P Adjustment (ARPNMove) record to process. Parameters Name opMessage opPostToGL Type String@ Boolean@ Description The Message to ask the user if A/P is not interfaced with G/L. Indicates if the A/P Adjustment will be Posted to G/L.

Parameters Name ipPIType ipID ipCustID opRet Type String String String String@ Description ipPIType ipID ipCustID opRet

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Parameters Name ipType ipPNID ipCustID Type String String String Description ipType ipPNID ipCustID

Returns The AR Promissory Notes data set for Write Off

This method will retrieve the GroupID for an ARPNHead record that's for the ARPromNoteID supplied. Parameters Name arPromNoteID groupID headNum Type String String@ Int32@ Description AR Promissory Note ID Cash Group ID HeadNum

This method is to be used in place of GetNewARPNMove. This method asks for vendor number and invoice number to link the A/R Invoice Header (ARPNHead) to A/R Invoice Adjustment (ARPNMove). Parameters Name ds ipGroupID ipHeadNum String Int32 Type Description The AR Promissory Notes data set for Write Off The Group ID for this A/R Promissory Note Head The A/R Promissory Note Head Number

Parameters Name ipHeadNum ipPIType ipID Type Int32 String String Description ipHeadNum ipPIType ipID


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Name ipCustID ipCurGroupID ipNewPIType ds

Type String String String

Description ipCustID ipCurGroupID ipNewPIType The AR Promissory Notes data set for Write Off

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ARPromissoryNotes: This business object contains 76 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description


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Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Assigns a legal number to the miscellaneous shipment. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum ds opLegalNumMsg String@ Legal number message Type String Int32 Description Group ID number Header number

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Returns The Promissory Note data set

Parameters Name ipCutOffDate ipPIStatus ipPmntMeth ipGroupID ipCurrencyCode Returns The Promissory Note data set Type Nullable{System.DateTime} String String String String Description ipCutOffDate ipPIStatus ipPmntMeth ipGroupID ipCurrencyCode

Parameters Name ipARPNID ipInvoiceNum Type String Int32 Description ipARPNID ipInvoiceNum

Parameters Name ipHeadNum ipID ipCustID ipCurGroupID ipNewPIType Type Int32 String String String String Description ipHeadNum ipID ipCustID ipCurGroupID ipNewPIType

This method updates the BankTran amounts when the adjustment amount changes or the currency switch toggles.


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Parameters Name ipTranAmtType Type String Description Indicate which of the transaction amount is changed. Valid values are: 'B' for Base Tran Amount and 'D' for Doc Tran Amount The proposed Transaction Amount The AR Promissory Notes data set

proposedTranAmt ds


Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth. Parameters Name keyValue keyValue2 Type String String Description GroupID HeadNum

Parameters Name ipPIType ipID ipCustID opRet Type String String String String@ Description ipPIType ipID ipCustID opRet

Checks to see if any AR Promissory Notes exist for a given promissory note ID regardless of customer number or PI type Parameters Name ipID opRet headNum groupID Type String String@ Int32@ String@ Description ipID opRet HeadNum for promissory note ID groupID for promissory note ID

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Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum ipCurGroupID ipPIStatus ipPIType ipPIStage Type String Int32 String String String String Description ipGroupID ipHeadNum ipCurGroupID ipPIStatus ipPIType ipPIStage

This method deletes a CashGrp from AR Invoice Entry Parameters Name groupID Type String Description Cash Group ID

Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum Type String Int32 Description ipGroupID ipHeadNum

Parameters Name ipGroupID Type String Description ipGroupID

Method to call when obtaining the payment schedule for the invoice header.


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Parameters Name ipcustNum ipStageFilter Returns Type Int32 String Description The customer number All, Open, Closed, or New

This method combines the GetNewARPNDtl and Update() method into one routine so that the user can run an "Auto Apply" cash receipt function Parameters Name groupID headNum invoiceNum Returns AR Promissory Notes data set Type String Int32 Int32 Description Cash Group ID Promissory Note HeadNum Promissory Note Invoice Num

Parameters Name ipType ipPNID ipCustID Returns The Promissory Note data set Type String String String Description ipType ipPNID ipCustID

Create a list of ARPN for a certail ARPromNoteID regardless of customer, type or post status Parameters Name ipPNID Returns The Promissory Note data set Type String Description ipPNID

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Get the ARPNMove records for an ARPromissoryNote. Parameters Name iGroupID iHeadNum Returns The ARPNMove data set Type String Int32 Description The Group Number The Header Number

This method is called when the BankAcctID field is modified Parameters Name bankAcctID ds Type String Description Proposed BankAcctID AR Promissory Notes data set

Procedure wrapper for procedure GetById for PI tracker to prevent removing ARPNHead when there is not corresponded record in CashGrp table.(It was removed after posting in post_post file) Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum ds Type String Int32 Description Group ID Head Num AR Promissory Notes data set

Parameters Name ipGroupID opCurrencyCode opDefaultFound Type String String@ Boolean@ Description ipGroupID ipCurrencyCode ipDefaultFound


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This method is used when the Currency Code changes for Invoice payments only Parameters Name currencyCode ds Type String Description Proposed Currency Code AR Promissory Notes data set

This method is used when the Currency Code changes for Invoice payments only Parameters Name currencyCode ds Type String Description Proposed Currency Code AR Promissory Notes data set

This method is called when the CustID field is modified Parameters Name custID ds Type String Description Proposed Customer ID AR Promissory Notes data set

This method gets the AutoGenPromNotes and DirectDebiting flags from the Customer record. Also sets the flag hasBank to true if there are CustBank records associated to the Customer and false if not. Parameters Name custID autoGenPromNotes directDebiting hasBank Type String Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Description CustID for Customer Value of AutoGenPromNotes field Value of DirectDebiting field True if Customer has a least one CustBank record

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This method is called when the InvoiceNum field is modified Parameters Name invoiceNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Invoice Number AR Promissory Notes data set

This method is called when the InvLegalNumber field is modified Parameters Name legalNumber ds Type String Description Proposed Legal Number AR Promissory Notes data set

This method is run when the DocTranAmt field is modified Parameters Name docTranAmt ds Type Decimal Description Proposed transaction amount AR Promissory Notes data set

Get the GLJrnDtl records for an ARPromissoryNote. Parameters Name iGroupID iHeadNum Returns The GLJrnDtlMov data set Type String Int32 Description The Group Number The Header Number

This method will retrieve the GroupID for an ARPNHead record that's for the ARPromNoteID supplied.


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Parameters Name arPromNoteID groupID headNum Type String String@ Int32@ Description AR Promissory Note ID Cash Group ID HeadNum

This method will default customer information from an invoice. Parameters Name invoiceNum ds Type Int32 Description Invoice Number to get Customer information from AR Promissory Notes data set

This method will default customer information from an invoice. Parameters Name legalNumber ds Type String Description Legal Number to get Customer information from AR Promissory Notes data set

This method will retrieve the HeadNum for an ARPNHead record that's for the invoice number supplied. Parameters Name invoiceNum headNum Type Int32 Int32@ Description Invoice Number ARPN Head Num

Retur list of open posted AR invoices for a specific Customer. Parameters Name ipCustID Type String Description customer ID

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Name ipCurrencyCode Returns Invoices for customer data set

Type String

Description currency code

This method is called when the InvLegalNumber field is modified Parameters Name legalNumber ds Type String Description Proposed Legal Number AR Promissory Notes data set

Returns the legal number generation options. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum opPromptForNum Type String Int32 Boolean@ Description Group ID number Header number Prompt for the number

Returns The Legal Number Generation Options dataset

Alternate routine to create new Payment Instrument Parameters Name piGroupID ds Type String Description Group ID The AR Promissory Notes data set

Alternate routine to create new Payment Instrument from AR Invoice Entry


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Parameters Name invoiceNum ds Type Int32 Description Invoice Number to create Payment Instrument for The AR Promissory Notes data set

Alternate routine to load the Bank Fee Parameters Name lvHeadNum lvBankAcctID ds Type Int32 String Description Bank Fee Code Bank Account ID The AR Promissory Notes data set

Parameters Name ipPMUID opCustBankDtl opInitiation opBankAcctID Type Int32 Boolean@ String@ String@ Description PMUID CustBankDtl Initiation BankAcctID

Parameters Name ipGroupID Returns The Promissory Note List data set Type String Description ipGroupID

This method updates the dataset when the RateCode field changes

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Parameters Name rateCode taxtbl ds Type String String Description Proposed RateCode value Tax temp-table name AR Promissory Notes data set

Parameters Name ipGroupiD Returns The Promissory Note data set Type String Description Group ID

This method updates the dataset when the TaxCode field changes Parameters Name taxCode taxtbl ds Type String String Description Proposed TaxCode value Tax temp-table name AR Promissory Notes data set

This method is called when the Taxable Amount Tax Percent or Fixed Amount is changed to recalculate the Tax Total Parameters Name taxableAmt taxPercent fixedAmount taxtbl ds Type Decimal Decimal Decimal String Description Proposed new taxable Amount Proposed Tax Percent Propoed Fixed Amount tax temp-table name AR Promissory Notes data set


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This method upates the TranAmt/DocTranAmt field after the TranAmt, DocTranAmt or ExchangeRate field is updated. If BaseEntered flag is yes, the TranAmt and DocTranAmt fields will be used to calculat the exchangeRate. Otherwise, the TranAmt will be calculated using the exchangeRate and DocTranAmt fields. Parameters Name baseEntered ds Type Boolean Description If the TranAmt field was updated then value should be yes, otherwise no AR Promissory Notes data set

This function will retrived existing Unapproved Stage PIs and pull them into the group to be converted to Portfolio Stage PIs. Parameters Name piGroup piPayMethodFilter Returns The Promissory Note List data set Type String String Description Group ID PayMethodFilter Filter

This method checks calculates the GainLoss Adjustment record when finally leaving a ARPNHead record after adding/updating all the ARPNDtl records Parameters Name groupID headNum onAccount ds Type String Int32 Boolean Description Cash Receipt Group ID Cash Receipt number Indicates if excess cash should go on account AR Promissory Notes data set

This method marks a Promissory Note as "Sent".

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Parameters Name ds Type Description AR Promissory Notes Data Set

This method marks a Promissory Note as "Signed". Parameters Name ds Type Description AR Promissory Notes Data Set

Validate for a Correct Bank Fee Code Parameters Name pcBankFeeID ds Type String Description Bank Fee Code The AR Promissory Notes Entry data set

Run when user changes Payment Instrument type Parameters Name pcType ds Type String Description Payment Instrument Type The AR Promissory Notes Entry data set

PostPIGroupWithoutGL is to update ARPNMove records and delete CashGrp if all ARPNMove records were posted. Parameters Name ipGroupID Type String Description Group ID of PI


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Parameters Name ipGroupID Type String Description ipGroupID

This method is called after the TaxAmt is changed to recalculate the doc or base tax amounts Parameters Name ds Type Description AR Promissory Notes data set

This method is called after the TaxAmt is changed to recalculate the doc or base tax amounts Parameters Name ds Type Description ARPromissoryNotes data set

This method is called after the TaxAmt is changed to recalculate the doc or base tax amounts Parameters Name ds Type Description ARPromissoryNotes data set

Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum ipInvoiceNum ipInvoiceRef ipBankAcctID Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 String Description ipGroupID ipHeadNum ipInvoiceNum ipInvoiceRef ipBankAcctID

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Name ipTranNum ipVoided ipCalcAll ds

Type Int32 Boolean Boolean

Description ipTranNum ipVoided ipCalcAll AR Promissory Notes dataset

Parameters Name ipCustNum ipPIStatus ipPIType ipInvcList ipGroupID ipCurrencyCode Returns The Promissory Note data set Type Int32 String String String String String Description ipCustNum ipPIStatus ipPIType ipInvcList ipGroupID ipCurrencyCode

Voids the legal number. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum ipVoidedReason Returns The Promissory Note data set Type String Int32 String Description Group ID number Header number Reason for the void

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AssetAddEntry: This business object contains 27 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

To be called on leave of FAAddition.Added field to update costs based on new exchange rate derived from this apply date. Parameters Name ipAdded ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Added Date that was entered. The FAAddition data set

To be called on leave of addition cost field to update the Book Value field. Parameters Name ipAdditionCost ipbaseordoc ds Type Decimal String Description AdditionCost that was entered. The field type - base or doc The FAAddition data set

To be called on leave of AdditionType field


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Parameters Name ipAdditionType ds Type String Description addition type that was selected. Asset Add Entry data set

To be called on leave of grant amount field to update the Book Value field. Parameters Name ipGrantAmt ipbaseordoc ds Type Decimal String Description GrantAmt that was entered. The field type - base or doc The FAAddition data set

To be called on leave of FAAddition.InterGroup field to populate or delete the miscellaneous addition registers (FAAddReg). Parameters Name ipInterGroup ds Type Boolean Description InterGroup value that was entered. The FAAddition data set

Called on the leave of FAAddition.InvoiceLine for validation purpose. Parameters Name ipInvoiceLine ds Type Int32 Description Invoice Line Number that was entered. The FAAddition data set

Called on the leave of Invoice Number for validation purpose.

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Parameters Name ipInvoiceNum ds Type String Description Invoice Number that was entered. The FAAddition data set

To be called on leave of Job Number field for validating an existing Job. Parameters Name ipJobNum ds Type String Description Job Number that was entered. The FAAddition data set

To be called on leave of FAAddition.LotNum field Parameters Name ipLotNum ds Type String Description Lot Number that was entered. Asset Addition Entry data set

To be called on leave of FAAddition.PartNum field Parameters Name ipPartNum ds Type String Description partnum that was entered. Asset Addition Entry data set

To be called on leave of VendorID field to validate an existing PO Parameters Name ipPONum ds Type Int32 Description PO Number that was entered. The AssetAddEntry data set


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To be called on leave of FAAddReg.CurrDepreciation field to update the Book Value field. Parameters Name ipAssetNum ipAdditionNum ipAssetRegID ipCurrDepreciation ipAdditionCost ipGrantAmt ipBaseOrDoc ds Type String Int32 String Decimal Decimal Decimal String Description asset number asset addition number asset register ID current depreciation that was entered. addition cost grant amount The field type - base or doc The FAAddition data set

To be called on leave of FAAddReg.CurrGrantDep field to update the Grant Book Value field. Parameters Name ipAssetNum ipAdditionNum ipAssetRegID ipCurrGrantDep ipGrantAmt ipBaseOrDoc ds Type String Int32 String Decimal Decimal String Description asset number asset addition number asset register ID current depreciation that was entered. grant amount The field type - base or doc The FAAddition data set

To be called on leave of FAAddReg.PrevDepreciation field to update the Book Value field. Parameters Name ipAssetNum ipAdditionNum ipAssetRegID Type String Int32 String Description asset number asset addition number asset register ID

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Name ipPrevDepreciation ipAdditionCost ipGrantAmt ipBaseOrDoc ds

Type Decimal Decimal Decimal String

Description previous years depreciation that was entered. addition cost grant amount The field type - base or doc The FAAddition data set

To be called on leave of FAAddReg.PrevGrantDep field to update the Grant Book Value field. Parameters Name ipAssetNum ipAdditionNum ipAssetRegID ipPrevGrantDep ipGrantAmt ipBaseOrDoc ds Type String Int32 String Decimal Decimal String Description asset number asset addition number asset register ID current depreciation that was entered. grant amount The field type - base or doc The FAAddition data set

To be called on leave of FAAddition.TransferQty field. This qty is always expressed in IUM. Parameters Name ipTransferQty ds Type Decimal Description Transfer Qty that was entered. Asset Addition Entry data set

To be called on leave of VendorID field to validate an existing Vendor Parameters Name ipVendorID ds Type String Description VendorID or SupplierID that was entered. The AssetAddEntry data set


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To be called on leave of FAAddition.WarehouseCode field. Parameters Name ipWarehouseCode ds Type String Description Warehouse Code that was entered. Asset Addition Entry data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AssetClosePeriod: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Returns a logical value to indicate if the Year End Process should be enabled. Parameters Name ipCalendarID ipYear ipYearSuffix opAllowed Type String Int32 String Boolean@ Description The input fiscal calendar ID The input fiscal year The input fiscal year suffix Logical value to indicate if Year End Process is allowed

Run when the FiscalPer.FAClosedPeriod field changes. Parameters Name ipProposedValue opMessage ds Type Boolean String@ Description Value that the user has entered (yes/no) Warning message to the user The AssetClosePeriod data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.AssetDispEntry: This business object contains 19 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

To be called on leave of custid field Parameters Name ipcustid ds Type String Description custid that was entered. Asset Disposal Entry data set

To be called on leave of DisposalCost field Parameters Name ipdisposalcost ipbaseordoc ds Type Decimal String Description disposalcost that was entered. The field type - base or doc Asset Disposal Entry data set


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To be called on leave of DisposalType field Parameters Name ipdisposaltype ds Type String Description disposal type that was selected. Asset Disposal Entry data set

To be called on leave of Job Number field Parameters Name ipjobnum ds Type String Description jobnum that was entered. The AssetDispEntryDataSet data set

To be called on leave of ordernum field Parameters Name ipordernum ds Type Int32 Description ordernum that was entered. Asset Disposal Entry data set

To be called on leave of partnum field Parameters Name ippartnum ds Type String Description partnum that was entered. Asset Disposal Entry data set

To be called on leave of Proceed field

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Parameters Name ipproceed ipbaseordoc ds Type Decimal String Description disposalcost that was entered. The field type - base or doc Asset Disposal Entry data set

To be called on leave of FADispReg.CurrDepreciation field Parameters Name ipcurrdepreciation ipdisposalcost ipbaseordoc ds Type Decimal Decimal String Description current depreciation that was entered. disposal cost The field type - base or doc Asset Disposal Entry data set

To be called on leave of FADispReg.PrevDepreciation field Parameters Name ipprevdepreciation ipdisposalcost ipbaseordoc ds Type Decimal Decimal String Description previous depreciation that was entered. disposal cost The field type - base or doc Asset Disposal Entry data set

Recalculates default values for FADispReg depreciation values Parameters Name inassetnum indisposalnum ds Type String Int32 Description The Asset Number to recalc for. The Disposal Number Asset Disposal Entry data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.AssetImpair: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Method to call when changing the impairment cost. Parameters Name proposedImpairCost baseOrDoc ds Type Decimal String Description The proposed impairment cost The field type - base or doc The AssetImpair data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ATP: This business object contains 6 methods.

Call this method from Forecast button of ATP screen. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcPlant pdtStartDate Type String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Part number. Plant Start Date

Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ATPForecastDataSet

When the user changes the value of any field except Plant and Part call this method.


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Parameters Name pcFieldName pcPartNum pcPlant pcRowIdent Type String String String String@ Description Field name from where this method is called. Part number. Plant RowIdent of AvailableToPromise datatable. If non-blank, reposition the AvailableToPromise browse to the row with this value of RowIdent. Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ATPDataSet


When the user changes the Plant, call this method. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcPlant Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ATPDataSet Type String String Description Part number. Plant

Call this method from Receipts button of ATP screen. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcPlant Type String String Description Part number. Plant

Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ProjectedReceiptsDataSet

Call this method from Sales Order button of ATP screen. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcPlant Type String String Description Part number. Plant

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Name pdtStartDate

Type Nullable{System.DateTime}

Description Start Date

Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ATPOrderRelDataSet

Call this method from Transfer Order button of ATP screen. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcPlant pdtStartDate Type String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Part number. Plant Start Date

Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ATPTFOrderDataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Attachment: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.


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Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Returns a list of rows that reference the same path. Parameters Name path Returns The list DataSet. Type String Description The path to match.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AttrBin: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Attribut: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AttrWhseGroup: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.AutoRpt: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Emulates the Auto-Printing of a Report like if it was fired from a BAM Action. Parameters Name ipTableName ipReportID ipRptDefID ipTableRowId Type String String String String Description Table Name Report ID Data Definition ID used by the Report RowId of a row of the Table where the BAM we want to emulate was defined.

Checks if a given Report can be used on Auto-Print actions in BAMs Parameters Name ipReportID canAutoPrint Type String Boolean@ Description Report ID Indicates if the given Report can be used on Auto-Print actions in BAMs

Checks if a given table can enable the Auto-Print action in BAMs Parameters Name ipTableName canAutoPrint Type String Boolean@ Description Table Name Indicates if the given table can enable the Auto-Print action in a BAM

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.AutoTranReversal: This business object contains 5 methods.

Check if New Reversing Apply Date is valid or not. Parameters Name reverseDate bookID Type Nullable{System.DateTime} String Description Reversing Apply Date BookID

Delete linking memos is posting was not run. Parameters Name iABTUID ds Type String Description ABTUID of GLTransaction. Epicor.Mfg.BO.AutoTranReversalDataSet

Get a list of GL journal Lines. Parameters Name abtUID Type String Description ABTUID for the search. Epicor.Mfg.BO.AutoTranReversalDataSet

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.


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Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Post Parameters Name ds outErrorMessage String@ Type Description DataSet outErrorMessage

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Business Object Reference Guide

Chapter 2: B
Epicor.Mfg.BO.BackflushLabor: This business object contains 2 methods. Run BackFlushLabor Get company list Returns BackflushLabor data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankAcct: This business object contains 19 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Check if the Bank Branch code changed.

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Parameters Name proposedBankBranchCode ds Type String Description The proposed Bank Branch code BankAcct data set

Check if the Bank DebNoteOnly flag could be changed. Parameters Name ds debNoteOnly Boolean Type Description Bank Acct data set Proposed value of the flag

Method to call when changing the Limit of Credit amount on an Bank record. Updates BankAcct amounts based on the new Limit of Credit amount. Parameters Name proposedLOCLimit ds Type Decimal Description The proposed Limit amount The Bank Account data set

This method will retrieve information about Letter of Credit with status Closed Parameters Name bankAcctID Returns The APLOC data set Type String Description Bank Account ID

This method will retrieve information about Letter of Credit with status Open Parameters Name bankAcctID Type String Description Bank Account ID


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Returns The APLOC data set

Get bank balance. Parameters Name fyear fyearsuffix bankID Returns Balance data set Type Int32 String String Description Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Bank ID

This method returns the Base Currency Parameters Name opCurrencyBase Type String@ Description Base Currency

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankAdjEntry: This business object contains 29 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.


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Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

This method checks to see if the selected Bank Group is valid (i.e. not in use by other user and not a CashBook entry) before fetching the dataset. Parameters Name groupID Type String Description Selected Bank Group ID

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Call this method to update the BankGrp Bank Account information when the Bank Account ID changes. Parameters Name proposedBankAcctID ds Type String Description The proposed Bank Account ID The Bank Adjustment Entry data set

Call this method to update the BankGrp fiscal period and year when the transaction date changes. Parameters Name proposedTranDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed Transaction Date The Bank Adjustment Entry data set

This method updates the BankTran amounts when the adjustment amount changes or the currency switch toggles. Parameters Name ipTranAmtType Type String Description Indicate which of the transaction amount is changed. Valid values are: 'B' for Base Tran Amount and 'D' for Doc Tran Amount The proposed Transaction Amount The Bank Adjustment Entry data set

proposedTranAmt ds


Call this method to update the Rate field when the Adjustment Transaction date changes. Parameters Name proposedTranDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed Adjustment Transaction Date The Bank Adjustment Entry data set


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Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth. Parameters Name vGroupID Type String Description GroupID

This method deletes TaxDtl records which have zero amounts Since Payments TAx logic calculates tax conditionally only for the first tax line the invoice could have multiple zero tax records. Parameters Name postGroupID Type String Description The Group ID of the Group to post

Same functionality as GetByID. Except you can use BankAcctID and TranNum to fetch the BankAdjEntryDataSet. Parameters Name pcBankAcctID piTranNum plVoided Returns The Bank Adjustment Entry data set Type String Int32 Boolean Description Bank Acct ID BankTran.TranNum BankTran.Voided

This method is to be used in place of GetNewBankTran. This method asks for Group ID to link the Bank Adjustment Group (BankGrp) to BankTran. Parameters Name ds vGroupID String Type Description The Bank Adjustment Entry data set The Bank Adjustment Group ID

This method updates the dataset when the RateCode field changes

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Parameters Name rateCode ds Type String Description Proposed RateCode value Cash Receipt data set

This method updates the dataset when the TaxCode field changes Parameters Name taxCode ds Type String Description Proposed TaxCode value Cash Receipt data set

This method is called when the Taxable Amount Tax Percent or Fixed Amount is changed to recalculate the Tax Total Parameters Name taxableAmt taxPercent fixedAmount ds Type Decimal Decimal Decimal Description Proposed new taxable Amount Proposed Tax Percent Propoed Fixed Amount Cash Receipt data set

This method must be run whenever the use is leaving the current BankGrp record (either by selecting a new Bank Group or by leaving the screen) Parameters Name groupID Type String Description Bank Group ID to clear

Validate for a Correct Bank Fee Code


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Parameters Name pcBankFeeID ds Type String Description Bank Fee Code The Bank Adjustment Entry data set

Method to call before posting bank adjustment group.. This method will check if there are tax records with zero amounts and return message text asking the user if they would like to continue with posting or delete these tax records before posting. Parameters Name postGroupID taxRecMessage Type String String@ Description The Group ID of the Group to post Contains text of the message to present to the user if zero amount tax line exist.

This method is called after the TaxAmt is changed to recalculate the doc or base tax amounts Parameters Name ds Type Description Cash Receipt data set

Parameters Name ipGroupID ipTranNum ipBankAcctID ipVoided ipCalcAll ds Type String Int32 String Boolean Boolean Description ipGroupID ipTranNum ipBankAcctID ipVoided ipCalcAll BankAdjEntry dataset

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankBrnch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankFee: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Performs required logic when BankFee.IncomeTaxCode is modified. Parameters Name ipIncomeTaxCode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of Income Tax Code BankFee data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankFileImport: This business object contains 23 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Method to call when changing the apply amount on the invoice to match. Parameters Name proposedApplyAmt inInvoiceNum ds Type Decimal Int32 Description The proposed apply amount The invoice number The Invoice Selection data set

Method to call when changing the discount amount for the invoice to match. Parameters Name proposedDocDiscAmt inInvoiceNum ds Type Decimal Int32 Description The proposed doc discount amount The invoice number The Invoice Selection data set

Method to call when selecting or deselecting an invoice to match. Parameters Name proposedSelected inInvoiceNum inTranDate ds Type Boolean Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed selected value The invoice number The tran date The Invoice Selection data set

Method to call when changing the discount on the payment detail. Parameters Name proposedDocDiscount ds Type Decimal Description The proposed discount The Bank File Import data set


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Method to call when changing the tran amount on the payment detail. Parameters Name proposedDocTranAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed tran amt The Bank File Import data set

Method to call when changing the invoice number. Parameters Name proposedInvoiceNum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed invoice number The Bank File Import data set

Method to call when changing the bank account. Parameters Name proposedBankAcctID ds Type String Description The proposed bank account id The Bank File Import data set

Method to call when changing the customer. Parameters Name proposedCustID ds Type String Description The proposed bank account id The Bank File Import data set

Create payments for selected invoices.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name pcGroupID pcHeadNum ds Returns Bank File Import data set Type String Int32 Description Cash Receipt Group ID Imported payment to create the line for The ARInvSel data set

Returns record in BankFileImportParam dataset Parameters Name cGroupID Returns Type String Description The Cash Group ID

Imports a bank file Parameters Name ds Type Description

Method to call to automatically match the invoices, called after import Parameters Name matchGroupID Type String Description The Group to match

Method to call to accept the matched receipts Parameters Name cGroupID cReturnMsg Type String String@ Description The group id to process Return message to display to the user


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Name lClearRcds

Type Boolean@

Description Clear the dataset records - will be true if all payments were processed

Read InvcHead records and create ARInvSel records if they meet the selection criteria. Parameters Name pcGroupID piHeadNum Returns The ARInvSel data set Type String Int32 Description AR Check Group ID IMCashRec header number

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankFundTran: This business object contains 9 methods.

This method validates the proposed Tranfer Amount and updates the dataset accordingly Parameters Name docTranAmt ds Type Decimal Description Proposed Transaction Amount Bank Funds Transfer data set

This method validates the proposed from (source) bank and updates the dataset accordingly Parameters Name bankAcctID ds Type String Description Proposed From Bank Accout ID Bank Funds Transfer data set

This method validates the proposed RateGrpCode and updates the dataset accordingly

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Parameters Name ipRateGrpCode ds Type String Description Proposed RateGrpCode Bank Funds Transfer data set

This method validates the proposed target bank and updates the dataset accordingly Parameters Name toBankAcctID ds Type String Description Proposed Target Bank Accout ID Bank Funds Transfer data set

This method validates the proposed To Tranfer Amount and updates the dataset accordingly Parameters Name toDocTranAmt ds Type Decimal Description Proposed To Transaction Amount Bank Funds Transfer data set

This method validates the proposed Transaction date and updates the dataset according to the new date/fiscal period Parameters Name tranDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Proposed Transaction Date Bank Funds Transfer data set

This method creates the BankFundTran record for the user to edit Returns Bank Funds Transfer data set

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does,


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the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Type Description Bank Funds Transfer data set Indicates if the legal number requires user input

This method validates all entered data, that need to do before transfer. Parameters Name ds Type Description Bank Funds Transfer data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankPayMethodSearch: This business object contains 0 methods.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRec: This business object contains 52 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Add Statement. It is similar to GetNewCashBHed in functionality. It should be used to create CashBHed with BankAcctID as input. Parameters Name pcBankAcctID ds Type String Description Bank Account ID of the statement. Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet

Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth.


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Parameters Name iBankAcctID iFiscalYear iFiscalYearSuffix iBankSlip iFiscalCalendarID Type String Int32 String Int32 String Description BankAcctID FiscalYear FiscalYearSuffix BankSlip FiscalCalendarID

Call this method to validate if a check exists in the db Parameters Name inCheckNum inBankAcctID outExists Type Int32 String Boolean@ Description Check number Bank account outExists

Used in A/P Payment clearing to clear a single A/R Payment Instrument. Parameters Name piHeadNum pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine plClearingMode ds Type Int32 Decimal Int32 Boolean Description HeadNum for the Payment Instrument to be cleared. CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Clearing Mode, Yes for Clear Payment Instrument No for Not Clear Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecAPPIClearingDataSet

Used in A/P Payment clearing to clear a single A/R Payment Instrument. Parameters Name piHeadNum pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine Type Int32 Decimal Int32 Description HeadNum for the Payment Instrument to be cleared. CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name plClearingMode ds

Type Boolean

Description Clearing Mode, Yes for Clear Payment Instrument No for Not Clear Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecARPIClearingDataSet

Used in A/P Payment clearing to clear a single or range of checks. Parameters Name piStartCheckNum piEndCheckNum pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine plClearingMode ds Type Int32 Int32 Decimal Int32 Boolean Description Starting check number of the range of checks to be cleared. Ending check number of the range of checks to be cleard. CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Clearing Mode, Yes for Clear Check No for Not Clear Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecPaymentClearingDataSet

Used in Payroll clearing to clear a single or range of checks. Parameters Name piStartCheckNum piEndCheckNum pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine plClearingMode ds Type Int32 Int32 Decimal Int32 Boolean Description Starting check number of the range of checks to be cleared. Ending check number of the range of checks to be cleard. CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Clearing Mode, Yes for Clear Check No for Not Clear Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecPayrollClearingDataSet

Used in Transaction clearing to clear or not clear BankTran. Parameters Name pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine pcBankAcctID Type Decimal Int32 String Description CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Bank Account ID from BankTran datatable


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Name piTranNum plClearingMode ds

Type Int32 Boolean

Description Transaction number from BankTran datatable Clearing Mode, Yes for Clear Check No for Not Clear Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecTransClearingDataSet

Call this method before calling other business objects like Cash Receipts, PaymentEntry, Bank Adjustment etc. This method creates the CashBDtl record and any other records required to call the business object. Parameters Name pcLineType pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds Type String Decimal Int32@ Description Line Type. For example, Manual, MisPay, PayInv, Deposit, APPay, PRPay, CRPay, BankTran, APPIPay and ARPIPay Cash book number Cash book line number. Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet

Used in A/P Payment Instrument clearing - to De-Select All A/P Payment Instrument clearing. Parameters Name pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds Type Decimal Int32 Description CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecAPPIClearingDataSet

Used in A/R Payment Instrument clearing - to De-Select All A/R Payment Instrument clearing. Parameters Name pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds Type Decimal Int32 Description CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecARPIClearingDataSet

Used in A/P Payment clearing - to De-Select All Payment clearing.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds Type Decimal Int32 Description CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecPaymentClearingDataSet

Used in Payroll clearing - to De-Select All Payroll clearing. Parameters Name pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds Type Decimal Int32 Description CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecPayrollClearingDataSet

Used in A/P Transaction Clearing - to De-Select BankTran. Parameters Name pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds Type Decimal Int32 Description CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecTransClearingDataSet

Get a list of A/P Payment Instruments. Parameters Name ds pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine Decimal Int32 Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecAPPIClearingDataSet

Get a list of A/R Payment Instruments.


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Parameters Name ds pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine Decimal Int32 Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecARPIClearingDataSet

This method returns the Base CurrencyCode Parameters Name opCurrencyBase Type String@ Description Base Currency

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Indicates if the legal number requires user input Type Description

Get a list of A/P Payments. Parameters Name ds pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine Decimal Int32 Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecPaymentClearingDataSet

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Business Object Reference Guide

Get a list of Payroll Clearing. Parameters Name ds pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine Decimal Int32 Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecPayrollClearingDataSet

Get Statement. Call this method when the user enters the Statement#. It is similar to GetByID in functionality. Parameters Name pcBankAcctID piFiscalYear piBankSlip Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Description Bank Account ID of the statement. Fiscal Year of the statement Bank slip#

Used Transaction Clearing - To get a list of Transactions Clearing from BankTran. Parameters Name ds pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine Decimal Int32 Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecTransClearingDataSet

Used in A/P Payment Instrument clearing - Call after user enters a Cleared Amt.


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Parameters Name plCurrencySwitch pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds Type Boolean Decimal Int32 Description Currency switch, If Yes, accept input in ClearedAmt, else accept input in DocClearedAmt CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecAPPIClearingDataSet

Used in A/P Payment Instrument clearing - Call after user enters a Cleared Amt. Parameters Name plCurrencySwitch pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds Type Boolean Decimal Int32 Description Currency switch, If Yes, accept input in ClearedAmt, else accept input in DocClearedAmt CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecARPIClearingDataSet

Used in A/P Payment clearing - Call after user enters a Cleared Amt. Parameters Name plCurrencySwitch pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds ds1 Type Boolean Decimal Int32 Description Currency switch, If Yes, accept input in ClearedAmt, else accept input in DocClearedAmt CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecPaymentClearingDataSet Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet

This method should be called before the apply date has been updated. Parameters Name pdCashBookNum Type Decimal Description CashBookNum from CashBHed datatable

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Name newApplyDate ds

Type Nullable{System.DateTime}

Description Proposed Apply Date. Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecPaymentClearingDataSet

Used in Payroll clearing - Call after user enters a Cleared Amt. Parameters Name plCurrencySwitch pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds Type Boolean Decimal Int32 Description Currency switch, If Yes, accept input in ClearedAmt, else accept input in DocClearedAmt CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecPayrollClearingDataSet

Used to validate new Reconciled Date. Parameters Name plMXRecDate pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Decimal Int32 Description New Reconciled Date CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable

Post bank reconciliation transactions. Parameters Name pcBankAcctID pdCashBookNum plGLWarningContinue Type String Decimal String Description Bank Account ID Cash book number to be posted. Yes/No response to the question "WARNING: A/P is NOT interfaced with General Ledger. G/L transactions will NOT be created. Do you wish to continue?" Posting Errors



Call this method to validate if a check exists in the db


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Parameters Name inCheckNum inBankAcctID outHeadNum Type Int32 String Int32@ Description Check number Bank account out Head number

Call this method after calling other business objects like Cash Receipts, PaymentEntry, Bank Adjustment etc. This method updates the CashBDtl record with the data from other business objects. Parameters Name pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet Type Decimal Int32 Description Cash book number CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable

Used in A/P Payment Instrument clearing - to Select All A/P Payment Instrument clearing. Parameters Name pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds Type Decimal Int32 Description CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecAPPIClearingDataSet

Used in A/R Payment Instrument clearing - to Select All A/R Payment Instrument clearing. Parameters Name pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds Type Decimal Int32 Description CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecARPIClearingDataSet

Used in A/P Payment clearing - to Select All Payment clearing.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds Type Decimal Int32 Description CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecPaymentClearingDataSet

Used in Payroll clearing - to Select All Payroll checks for clearing. Parameters Name pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds Type Decimal Int32 Description CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecPayrollClearingDataSet

Used in A/P Transaction Clearing - to Select BankTran. Parameters Name pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds Type Decimal Int32 Description CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecTransClearingDataSet

Select a Bank. Parameters Name pcBankAcctID pdCashBookNum Type String Int32@ Description Bank account ID Returns a Cash book number if there is an un-posted CashBHed present.

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecBankAcctDataSet

Used in Transaction Clearing - to Select BankTran.


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Parameters Name pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine cReference ds Type Decimal Int32 String Description CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Cash group reference selected Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecTransClearingDataSet

Unlocks the group record locked by group name pcBankAcctID and by the user DCD-USERID. Parameters Name pcBankAcctID plSuccess Type String Boolean@ Description Unlock the groups for Bank account ID Returns Yes if successfully unlocked the group.

Update the changes made to A/P Payment Instrument Clearing browse. Parameters Name ds pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds1 Decimal Int32 Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecAPPIClearingDataSet CashBookNum from CashBDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashBDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet

Update the changes made to A/R Payment Instrument Clearing browse. Parameters Name ds pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds1 Decimal Int32 Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecARPIClearingDataSet CashBookNum from CashBDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashBDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet

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Business Object Reference Guide

Update the changes made to Payment Clearing browse. Parameters Name ds pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds1 Decimal Int32 Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecPaymentClearingDataSet CashBookNum from CashBDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashBDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet

Update the changes made to Payroll clearing browse. Parameters Name ds pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds1 Decimal Int32 Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecPayrollClearingDataSet CashBookNum from CashBDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashBDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet

Used in Transaction clearing - to Update transaction clearing. Parameters Name ds pdCashBookNum piCashBookLine ds1 Decimal Int32 Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecTransClearingDataSet CashBookNum from CashbDtl datatable CashBookLine from CashbDtl datatable Epicor.Mfg.BO.BankRecDataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BAQDesigner: This business object contains 31 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Create files for updatable query


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Parameters Name dcdUserID pcQueryID Returns Returns PcDynLst Type String String Description UserID, to which the query belongs The Query(Exports) ID

Get list from PcDynLst where specified query is used Parameters Name pcQueryID Returns Returns PcDynLst Type String Description The Query(Exports) ID

Get list from ABTQuery where specified query BAQID is used Parameters Name baQID Returns Returns ABTQueryLst Type String Description The Query(Exports) ID

Get list from of BAQs where specified query is used Parameters Name pcQueryID Type String Description The Query(Exports) ID

Returns Returns UsedInBAQListDataSet dataset Get full list of tables from zDataTable for palette and code editor Returns Returns list from zDataTable

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Business Object Reference Guide

This method returns serialized query diagram Parameters Name pcQueryID companyID dcdUserID Returns Returns the dataset with diagram Type String String String Description The Query(Exports) ID The Company) ID The User ID

This method returns serialized query diagram Parameters Name pcQueryID companyID dcdUserID Returns Returns the dataset with diagram Type String String String Description The Query(Exports) ID The Company) ID The User ID

This method saves SOAP-serialized query diagram Parameters Name ds Type Description The dataset representing the current diagram

Check if query name entered is valid Parameters Name pcQueryID queryFound cUser Type String@ Boolean@ String@ Description The proposed Query(Exports) ID true, if such query exists The User ID, who created query


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returns list of BOs where query tables are used Parameters Name tableNames boNames Type String String@ Description comma delimeted table name list comma delimeted BO name list

This method returns the list of tables, belonging to specified business object Parameters Name boName topTableID Type String String@ Description Business Object Name comma delimeted BO name list

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BAQExtODBCSearch: This business object contains 5 methods. Get full list of ODBC DSN Returns Returns list from zDataTable

Get full list of ODBC DSN - equal to GetDSNList. Used for Combobox listing Returns Returns list from zDataTable

Get full list of tables from Recordset.Open for palette and code editor Returns Returns list from zDataTable

Get full list of columns for the specified table Returns Returns list of table fields

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Business Object Reference Guide

Get full list of foreign key realtions for the specified table using infrmational views Returns Returns list of FK And FK fields

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BAQQueryParamSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BAQSelFieldSearch: This business object contains 3 methods.

This method returns a dataset representing an existing query Parameters Name exportID Type String Description The Query(Exports) ID

Returns Returns the dataset representing the query

This method returns a list of existing queries Parameters Name whereClauseExports pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Exports where clause Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.BAQSelFieldSearchDataSet

This method returns a list of existing queries

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClauseExports whereClauseSelectedField pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Exports where clause SelectedField where clause size of page absolutePage true = more pages yet to be retrieved, false = end of result

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.BAQSelFieldSearchDataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BatchOps: This business object contains 1 methods.

Combines the given list of job operations from different jobs into a single "bathced" job. Parameters Name jobProcessMode pullDirection autoReceive oPRowIDList newJobNumber Type String String Boolean String String@ Description Process Mode for the new job. Values: S(Sequential) or C(Concurrent). Direction to pull operations beginning at the specified operation. Can be Forward or Backward AutoReceive Comma separated list of Operations (JobOper.RowIdent) to begin pulling into batched job. Job number of the newly created batched job.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BdnCd: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BdnSetActPct: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BinSize: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method returns the volume for the defined Warehouse Bin Size Group. Parameters Name ipLength ipWidth ipHeight ds Type Decimal Decimal Decimal Description Length Value Width Value Height Value The Warehouse Bin Size Group Dataset


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.BOL: This business object contains 17 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Method to call when changing the UseOTS field the contract header record. Refreshes the address list and contact info Parameters Name ds Type Description The Service Contract data set

Update BOL Header information with values from the Third Party Ship To when the Ship To is changed. Parameters Name iShipToCustID ds Type String Description Proposed Third-Party Ship To The BOL data set

This method sets the default values when the BOLType field changes. This should only be possible on adds. The field is not updateable in Update Mode.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description Bill of Lading DataSet

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method populates the address information when the BillID field changes Parameters Name billID ds Type String Description Proposed Billing ID. Bill of Lading DataSet

This method populates the Shipping information when the ShipID field changes Parameters Name shipID ds Type String Description Proposed Shipping ID Bill of Lading DataSet

This method generates a list of linked or unlinked packs. If the bolNum field is not 0, then only the packs associated with that record will be returned. Otherwise unlinked packs will be returned. The records returned will be unlinked pack lines (not the headers). Parameters Name bolNum bolType Type Int32 String Description Bill of lading for which to get the linked Packs for. If 0, then unlinked Packs will be returned Type of BOL record to create. If left blank, all unlinked packs will be returned so the UI can filter based on BOLType. Otherwise only the

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Description specified BOLType records will be returned. Can be left Blank if returning linked packs

updateLinkFlag Returns


it's true when the method is called after Update Linked Packs

This method will print out the Bill of Lading. Gives the option of Print Preview Parameters Name bolNum printPreview Type Int32 Boolean Description Bill of Lading number to print Flag indicating whether to preview the print job

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BOLGenerateSearch: This business object contains 1 methods.

This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table (BOLSlip) we need our own public method. Code is based on GetSlips from bo/BOL/BOL.p Parameters Name whereClause ipType ipShipDate ipShipViaCode ipCustNum ipVendorNum ipPackNum pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String Description The where clause to restrict data for The type of shipment

Nullable{System.DateTime} The ship date String Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean@ The ship via code The customer when type is Custopmer (ShipHead) The supplier when type is Subcontract (SubShipH) Pack Num The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

Returns The BOLGenerateSearchDataSet data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.BomSearch: This business object contains 3 methods.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This methods will return a dataset that will include PartRev, PartOpr, PartOpDtl, PartMtl, PartMtlRestriction, PartMtlRestrictSubst, PartMtlRefDes, PartOprRestriction and PartOprRestrictSubst if those records exist for the appropriate input parameters. ALL ALTERNATES OF THE PARTREVISION WILL BE RETURNED if ipcomplete is true This method will also allow you to return the whole dataset or allow the user to specify how far down the tree they would like to return possible "part" records for. Parameters Name ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipUseDefaultMethod Type String String Boolean Description The Part Number to return data for. The Revision Number to return data for. For partrev records other than the first one, would you like to use the default alternate method or the inputted one?

ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree

Nullable{System.DateTime} The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group?

Returns Dataset to search for Bom records.

This methods will return a dataset that will include PartRev, PartOpr, PartOpDtl, PartMtl, PartMtlRestriction, PartMtlRestrictSubst, PartOprRestriction and PartOprRestrictSubst if those records exist for the appropriate input parameters. This method will also allow you to return the whole dataset or allow the user to specify how the revision to return possible "part" records for. Parameters Name ipPartNum Type String Description The Part Number to return data for.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipUseDefaultMethod

Type String String Boolean

Description The Revision Number to return data for. The Alternate Method to return data for. For partrev records other than the first one, would you like to use the default alternate method or the inputted one?

ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree

Nullable{System.DateTime} The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group?

Returns Dataset to search for Bom records.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BookOrd: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BORelationSearch: This business object contains 2 methods.

Parameters Name boName ds Type String Description The BO name The BORelationSearchDataSet data set

Parameters Name boName ds Type String Description The BO name The BORelationSearchDataSet data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BpActionGroup: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BpConditionGroup: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.BpDirectiveExport: This business object contains 0 methods.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BpDirectiveImport: This business object contains 0 methods.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BpDirectiveUpdate: This business object contains 0 methods.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BpHolds: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BpInstanceCounter: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BpmCodeGen: This business object contains 0 methods.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BpMethod: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Returns The BO data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BpTableDependSearch: This business object contains 0 methods.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BpTextStorage: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BurdenSet: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.BusEntities: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.BuyerWorkbench: This business object contains 12 methods.

This methods will add supplier record for an individual suggestion. Parameters Name ipBuyerID ipSugNum ipVendorNum ipPurPoint opStatusMsg ds Type String Int32 Int32 String String@ Description The buyer id to add data for. The suggestion number to link suppliers to. The vendor number of the supplier to add. The purchase point of the supplier to add. Message to be displayed showing potential non error messages Buyer Workbench Data Set

This method validates the RFQSuggVend.PurPoint when it changes. This method should run when changing the RFQSuggVend.PurPoint. Parameters Name ipRFQSuggVendRowid ds Type String Description The rowident of the record being updated/created. Buyer Workbench Data Set

This methods takes the RFQSuggVend.VendorNum and populates the associated fields with value based on the vendornum. This method should run when changing the RFQSuggVend.VendorNum. Parameters Name ipBuyerID ipRFQSuggVendRowid Type String String Description The buyer id used to locate records. The rowident of the record being updated/created.

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Name opStatusMsg ds

Type String@

Description Message to be displayed showing potential non error messages Buyer Workbench Data Set

This methods checks to see if the new RFQSuggVend.VendorNum has changed from the original RFQSuggVend.VendorNum and validates the value. This method should run before changing the RFQSuggVend.VendorNum. Parameters Name ipProposedVendorID ipRFQSuggVendRowid ds Type String String Description The new proposed RFQSuggVend.VendorID value The rowident of the record being updated/created. Buyer Workbench Data Set

This methods will return all of the records for the Buyer Workbench. Parameters Name ipBuyerID Returns Buyer Workbench Data Set Type String Description The buyer id to return data for.

This methods will delete supplier record for an individual suggestion. Parameters Name ipSugNum ipVendorNum opStatusMsg ds Type Int32 Int32 String@ Description The suggestion number to delete suppliers for. The vendor number of the supplier to delete. Message to be displayed showing potential non error messages from this process. Buyer Workbench Data Set

This method will change the ProcessRFQ field in the RFQSugg table and the RFQSuggBWB temp table to false (deselected) for the inputted buyerid.


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Parameters Name ipBuyerID ds Type String Description The buyer id to deselect all for. Buyer Workbench Data Set

This method will generate RFQ's for lines. This method can generate for all suggestions for a buyer by only entering a buyerid or a specific suggestion by also entering a suggestion number. This method will call CreateDataset at the end of running to refresh the dataset. Parameters Name ipBuyerID ds Type String Description The buyer id to generate for. Buyer Workbench Data Set

This methods will create a blank RFQSuggVend record for an individual suggestion and allow the user to type in field values through the grid. Parameters Name ipBuyerID ipSugNum ds Type String Int32 Description The buyer id to add data for. The suggestion number to link suppliers to. Buyer Workbench Data Set

This methods will return logical values to be passed to the SupplierWizard method. Parameters Name ipBuyerID ipSugNum opSoldPart opPreviousRFQ opPriceBreak ds Type String Int32 Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Description The buyer id to return data for. The suggestion number to link suppliers to. Suppliers have sold us this part? Suppliers have previously received an RFQ? Suppliers have provided price break information? Buyer Workbench Data Set

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This method will change the ProcessRFQ field in the RFQSugg table and the RFQSuggBWB temp table to true (selected) for the inputted buyerid. Parameters Name ipBuyerID ds Type String Description The buyer id to select all for. Buyer Workbench Data Set

This methods will return suppliers for the suggestion based on the 6.1 vendor wizard button. Parameters Name ipBuyerID ipSoldPart ipPreviousRFQ ipPriceBreak ipComplianceList opStatusMsg ds Type String Boolean Boolean Boolean String String@ Description The buyer id to return data for. Suppliers have sold us this part? Suppliers have previously received an RFQ? Suppliers have provided price break information? Compliance list Message to be displayed showing potential non error messages from this process. Buyer Workbench Data Set


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Chapter 3: C
Epicor.Mfg.BO.CallType: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Capability: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CapAddl: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CapPromise: This business object contains 25 methods. Built Temp Table for processing ATP. Procedure to calculate the ATP qty for the Temp Table ATP record.

Passing in a quantity returns a date when that quantity will be available. Passing in a date returns a quantity that will be available.


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Parameters Name atpdate atpqty ipPast Type Nullable{System.DateTime}@ Decimal@ Boolean Description Date Quantity Use past dates

Will set Temp Table ATP records ATP Quantity to the input quantity value passed in for records >= today and less than the input date value. Parameters Name curDate atpqty Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Decimal@ Description Date Quantity

Passing in a part and quanity, returns a date when avail. Parameters Name ipPart ipStartDate ipQtyNeeded opDateAvail Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Decimal Nullable{System.DateTime}@ Description Part Start Date Quantity needed decimal Date Available

Passing in a part and date, returns quanity avail. Parameters Name ipPart ipStartDate ipJobNum ipAsmSeq ipLeadTime ipMfgLeadTime ipQuantity Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} String Int32 Int32 Int32 Decimal Description Part Start Date JobNum Assembly Seq Lead Time Mfg Lead Time Quantity

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Name atpamount

Type Decimal@

Description Available To Promise Amount

Get system parameters Forecast Days Before and Forecast Days After. Parameters Name daysbefore daysafter Type Int32@ Int32@ Description Forecast Days Before Forecast Days After

Passing in a part and plant and date, returns next MPS date. Parameters Name inputPartNum inputPlant inputDate nextDate Type String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime}@ Description Part Plant Date Next MPS Date

Passing in a part and plant, returns onhand quantity. Parameters Name inpartnum inplant outqty Type String String Decimal@ Description Part Plant Onhand Quantity

Passing in a part and quanity, returns a date when avail. This also will look at demand through the end of the leadtime add that to current demand, so that demands after will not be effected. Parameters Name ipPart Type String Description Part


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Name ipStartDate ipLeadDate ipQtyNeeded ctpProcess curjobnum lookinpast opDateAvail

Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Decimal Boolean String Boolean Nullable{System.DateTime}@

Description Start Date Lead Date Quantity needed decimal Ctp Process Job Number Look In Past Date Available

Passing in a part, plant, Begin Date and End Date, returns supply quantity. Parameters Name ipPartNum ipPlant begdate enddate suppqty Type String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Decimal@ Description Part Plant Begin Date End Date Supply Quantity

Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

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Performs the calculation logic for CTP. Before calling this method all CapPromiseDtl records must have the RowMod field set to 'U'. Parameters Name lDemandEntry outMessage ds Type Boolean String@ Description If comes from Demand Entry or not. Output message The CapPromise data set

Performs the cancellation of CTP. Before calling this method all CapPromiseDtl records must have the RowMod field set to 'U'. Parameters Name ds Type Description The CapPromise data set

Creates a temporary record to store information needed for the Capable To Promise process. Parameters Name demandContractNum demandHeadSeq demandDtlSeq demandScheduleSeq Returns The CapPromise data set Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Contract number for the process The Demand Head Sequence for the process The Demand Detail Sequence for the process The Demand Schedule Sequence number for the process

Creates a temporary record to store information needed for the Capable To Promise process. Parameters Name orderNum Type Int32 Description The order number for the process


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Returns The CapPromise data set

Reassigns the OverrideMtlConstraints and EnableOverrideMtlConstraints fields based on the value of FiniteSchedule. Parameters Name proposedFiniteSchedule orderNum orderLine orderRelNum ds Type Boolean Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The proposed value for FiniteSchedule The Order Number The Order Line The Order Release Number The CapPromise data set

Updates CapPromiseDtl records based on the new value of CapPromise.GlobalCTP. Before calling this method all CapPromiseDtl records must have the RowMod field set to 'U'. Parameters Name proposedGlobalCTP ds Type Boolean Description The proposed value for GlobalCTP The CapPromise data set

Updates CapPromiseDtl records based on the new value of CapPromise.ProjectedStartDate. Before calling this method all CapPromiseDtl records must have the RowMod field set to 'U'. Parameters Name proposedProjectedStartDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed value for ProjectedStartDate The CapPromise data set

Performs the confirmation logic for CTP. Before calling this method all CapPromiseDtl records must have the RowMod field set to 'U'. Parameters Name opError Type String@ Description opError

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Name ds


Description The CapPromise data set

Performs the confirmation logic for the PO Suggestion created for CTP. Parameters Name iSugNum opError Type Int32 String@ Description PO Suggestion Number to be confirmed. opError

Passing in a quantity returns a date when that quantity will be available. Passing in a date returns a quantity that will be available. Parameters Name atpdate atpWhseqty ipPast Type Nullable{System.DateTime}@ Decimal@ Boolean Description ATP Date ATP Whse Quantity Use past dates

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Case A - If the User enters in the CTP sheet a date in the Completion Date field (ttCapPromiseDtl.UserCompDate) for a line then the job (the CTP job) that is created needs to be backward scheduled from that date. If the scheduling engine concludes that this date is achievable (i.e. the job was not bounce due to being job being scheduled in the past) then the Estimated Completion date is set the same as the user entered date. If the job due date is different to the user entered completion date then this will be used. Case B - If the User DOES NOT enter a completion date and we ONLY have a projected start date then the job created will the forward scheduled using the projected start date as the start date. The job due date is then displayed and used in CTP sheet.


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Parameters Name opJobNum lError Type String Boolean@ Description JobNum Error has occurred

Sets the completion date for all detail records based on the latest date of the detail records. Before calling this method all CapPromiseDtl records must have the RowMod field set to 'U'. Parameters Name ds Type Description The CapPromise data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CapResLnk: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Carrier: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CartonStage: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.

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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CashDtlSearch: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Called from Contact tracker instead of GetRows for better performance Parameters Name whereClauseCashDtl contactName pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for CashDtl table. Contact to retrieve data for. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Called from Customer tracker instead of GetRows for better performance Parameters Name whereClauseCashDtl pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for CashDtl table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CashFlow: This business object contains 1 methods.

This method replaces the standard GetRows method Parameters Name bookID startingCash displayType Type String Decimal String Description Book ID Starting Cash T = Terms, D = Terms w/Discount, A = Avg Pay Days

Returns Cash Flow Data Set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.CashGrp: This business object contains 19 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method checks to see if the selected group is in use before fetching the dataset if the group is in use, the user must answer yes to continue before the GetByID method is run Parameters Name groupID ipCheckUserID vQuestion Returns The Cash Group data set Type String Boolean String@ Description Selected Group ID Selected Group ID Question to ask if group is in use

This method deletes TaxDtl records which have zero amounts Since Payments TAx logic calculates tax conditionally only for the first tax line the payment could have multiple zero tax records. Parameters Name postGroupID Type String Description The Group ID of the Group to post

This method is called when the Bank Account changes


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Parameters Name bankAcctId ds Type String Description Proposed Bank Account Cash Grp Data Set

This method is run when the Transaction date is changed to update the fiscal period fields Parameters Name tranDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Proposed Transaction Date Cash Grp Data Set

Parameters Name ipStage ds Type String Description Stage to get default status for Cash Grp Data Set

Parameters Name ds Type Description Cash Grp Data Set

Parameters Name groupID Returns Cash Group DataSet Type String Description Selected Group ID

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Parameters Name groupID Returns Cash Group DataSet Type String Description Selected Group ID

This method must be run whenever the use is leaving the current CashGrp record (either by selecting a new Group or by leaving the screen) Parameters Name groupID Type String Description Cash Group ID to clear

This methos is for Electronically processed group This methos first checks if the Group Receipt/Payment was processed and CashGrp.EIPaymSent fiels is true This method checks that the A/R is interfaced to the G/L. If not, then ask the user if they want to go ahead and post the cash receipts Parameters Name groupID vQuestion vTaxQuestion Type String String@ String@ Description Cash Group ID to check if it was processed Question to Continue with Post if not interfaced Question to Continue with Post if any Tax records with 0 amounts are found

This method checks that the A/R is interfaced to the G/L. If not, then ask the user if they want to go ahead and post the cash receipts This method also checks if this Group has any related Tax Records with 0 amounts The user is asked if these reacords are supposed to be deleted before Post Parameters Name groupID vQuestion vTaxQuestion Type String String@ String@ Description Cash Group ID to check if it was processed Question to Continue with Post if not interfaced Question to Continue with Post if any Tax records with 0 amounts are found


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.CashRec: This business object contains 69 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description


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Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Assigns a legal number (Tax Receipt) to the selected invoice when apply With Holding Tax. Parameters Name ipGroupID opLegalNumMsg ds Type String String@ Description Group ID Legal number message Cash Receipt data set

Procedure to Clear the Credit Card Information Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Procedure to be called when selecting a record in the Transaction history grid, the data selected is loaded in the CashHead table

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Parameters Name inTranDate inTranTime inTranNum ds Returns opMessage Nullable{System.DateTime} Int32 Int32 Type Description TranDate from the CreditTran table TranTime from the CreditTran table TranNum from the CreditTran table The SalesOrder data set

Procedure to attempt to process transaction for the amount specified in the "Total" field. Parameters Name inTranType Type String Description The transaction type to apply to the credit card. Valid transaction types : D (Deposit), S (Sale), A (Authorize), C (Credit - 803), V (Void). returns opMessage The SalesOrder data set

opMessage ds


This method upates the TranAmt, DocTranAmt, ReceiptAmount fields after the BankAmount field is updated. Parameters Name ds Type Description Cash Receipt data set

This method upates the BankAmount field after the BankReceiptExchangeRate field is updated. Parameters Name exchangeRate ds Type Decimal Description The exchange rate from Receipt currency to Bank currency Cash Receipt data set

This procedure should be called when any of the Credit Card amounts change (from the Column Changed event in the UI) to calculate the total to be charged to the credit card


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The Cash Rec data set

Procedure to validate Credit Card Expiration Date Parameters Name ipExpMonth ipExpYear ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Expiration Month Expiration Year The Sales Order data set

This method is called when the Debit Note value field is modified Parameters Name dnAmount ds Type Decimal Description Proposed Debit Note Value Cash Receipt data set

Performs required logic when CashHead.IncomeTaxCode is modified. Parameters Name ipIncomeTaxCode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of Income Tax Code CashRec data set

This method upates the TranAmt, DocTranAmt, BankAmount fields after the ReceiptAmt field is updated. Parameters Name ds Type Description Cash Receipt data set

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This method upates the TranAmt, DocTranAmt, BankAmount fields after the ReceiptCurrencyCode field is updated. Parameters Name currencyCode ds Type String Description Proposed Currency Code Cash Receipt data set

This method upates the TranAmt, DocTranAmt fields after the SettlementExchangeRate field is updated. Parameters Name exchangeRate ds Type Decimal Description The exchange rate from Receipt currency to settlement currency Cash Receipt data set

Parameters Name taxWhld ds Type Decimal Description Withhold tax amount withheld by the customer Cash Receipt data set

This method updates the BankTran amounts when the adjustment amount changes or the currency switch toggles. Parameters Name ipTranAmtType Type String Description Indicate which of the transaction amount is changed. Valid values are: 'B' for Base Tran Amount and 'D' for Doc Tran Amount The proposed Transaction Amount The Cash Receipt data set

proposedTranAmt ds


Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth.


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Parameters Name keyValue keyValue2 Type String String Description GroupID HeadNum

Create Customer Checks for selected invoices. Parameters Name pcGroupID useDisc ds opTotalCashReceived opTotalApplied opUnappliedBalance opTotalMisc opTotalDiscount opTotalDeposit opTotalARAmount opTotalWithhold Returns Cash Receipt data set Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Type String Boolean Description Cash Receipt Group ID Yes or no The ARInvSel data set The new Cash Group total received amount The new Cash Group total applied amount The new Cash Group unapplied balance The new Cash Group total misc amount The new Cash Group total discount amount The new Cash Group total deposit amount The new Cash Group total AR amount The new Cash Group total withhold amount

This method calls GetNewCashDtl to create a new Debit Note record instead of the standard way so DebNote.CashHeadNum and DebNote.GroupID fields could be assigned . Parameters Name ds groupID headNum String Int32 Type Description Cash Receipt data set Cash Group ID Cash Receipt HeadNum

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Parameters Name ds pcGroupID ipHeadNum opTotalCashReceived opTotalApplied opUnappliedBalance opTotalMisc opTotalDiscount opTotalDeposit opTotalARAmount opTotalWithhold String String Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ current CashGrp GroupID Cash Header HeadNum The new Cash Group total received amount The new Cash Group total applied amount The new Cash Group unapplied balance The new Cash Group total misc amount The new Cash Group total discount amount The new Cash Group total deposit amount The new Cash Group total AR amount The new Cash Group total withhold amount Type Description

This method is called when the Debit Note number assigned by the customer is entered or modified Parameters Name dnCustNbr ds Type String Description Proposed Debit Note Number Cash Receipt data set

This method combines the GetNewCashDtl and Update() method into one routine so that the user can run an "Auto Apply" cash receipt function Parameters Name groupID headNum invoiceNum takeDiscount Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean Description Cash Group ID Cash Receipt HeadNum Cash Receipt Invoice Num If yes, force the line to take the discount. If no, the discount will be taken only if within the discount parameters


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Returns Cash Receipt data set

This method is used when the Currency Code changes for Invoice payments only Parameters Name currencyCode ds Type String Description Proposed Currency Code Cash Receipt data set

This method is called when the CustID field is modified Parameters Name custID ds Type String Description Proposed Customer ID Cash Receipt data set

This method is called when invoice number field (DNInvNbr) referenced by Debit Note is modified Parameters Name dnInvNbr ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Invoice Number Cash Receipt data set

This method is run when the DocDiscount field is modified Parameters Name docDiscount ds Type Decimal Description Proposed discount amount Cash Receipt data set

This method is called when the InvoiceNum field is modified

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Parameters Name invoiceNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Invoice Number Cash Receipt data set

This method is called when the InvLegalNumber field is modified Parameters Name legalNumber ds Type String Description Proposed Legal Number Cash Receipt data set

This method is run when the DocTranAmt field is modified Parameters Name docTranAmt ds Type Decimal Description Proposed discount amount Cash Receipt data set

This method will default customer information from an invoice. Parameters Name invoiceNum ds Type Int32 Description Invoice Number to get Customer information from Cash Receipt data set

This method will default customer information from an invoice. Parameters Name legalNumber ds Type String Description Legal Number to get Customer information from Cash Receipt data set


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Alternate routine to load the Bank Fee Parameters Name lvHeadNum lvBankAcctID ds Type Int32 String Description Bank Fee Code Bank Account ID The AP Payment Entry data set

This method replaces the standard GetNewCashHead method. The 3 Tran Types available are "PayInv":U for AR Receipt, "Deposit":U for Deposits, or "MisPay":U for Miscellaneous Parameters Name ds groupID tranType String String Type Description Cash Receipt data set Cash Group ID Transaction type

This method is run when the OrderNum field is changing to validate/update dataset fields Parameters Name orderNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Order Number Cash Receipt data set

This method is run when the OrderNum field is changing to validate/update dataset fields Parameters Name orderNum dskCurrCode ds Type Int32 String Description Proposed Order Number Petty Cash Desc Currency Code Cash Receipt data set

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This method updates the dataset when the RateCode field changes Parameters Name rateCode taxtbl ds Type String String Description Proposed RateCode value Tax temp-table name Cash Receipt data set

This method updates the dataset when the TaxCode field changes Parameters Name taxCode taxtbl ds Type String String Description Proposed TaxCode value Tax temp-table name Cash Receipt data set

This method is called when the Taxable Amount Tax Percent or Fixed Amount is changed to recalculate the Tax Total Parameters Name taxableAmt taxPercent fixedAmount taxtbl ds Type Decimal Decimal Decimal String Description Proposed new taxable Amount Proposed Tax Percent Propoed Fixed Amount tax temp-table name Cash Receipt data set

This method upates the TranAmt/DocTranAmt field after the TranAmt, DocTranAmt or ExchangeRate field is updated. If BaseEntered flag is yes, the TranAmt and DocTranAmt fields will be used to calculat the exchangeRate. Otherwise, the TranAmt will be calculated using the exchangeRate and DocTranAmt fields.


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Parameters Name baseEntered ds Type Boolean Description If the TranAmt field was updated then value should be yes, otherwise no Cash Receipt data set

This method checks calculates the GainLoss Adjustment record when finally leaving a CashHead record after adding/updating all the CashDtl records Parameters Name groupID headNum onAccount ds Type String Int32 Boolean Description Cash Receipt Group ID Cash Receipt number Indicates if excess cash should go on account Cash Receipt data set

This procedure processes un-applied Debit Notes, ttDebNote records with RowMod = "U" is passed in, changed ttDebNote, ttCashDtl, ttCashHead are passed back. Parameters Name custNum dnApplyErrorMsg ds Type Int32 String@ Description Customer Number Indicates if one or more selected debit notes generated an error Cash Receipt data set

Delete cash receipts from group having electronic payment method. Parameters Name pcGroupID Type String Description Cash Receipt Group ID

Create multiple CashDtl for a CashHead from multiple selected invoices. CahsHead and CashGrp must exist

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Parameters Name pcGroupID ipHeadNum useDisc ds massGenErrorMsg opTotalCashReceived opTotalApplied opUnappliedBalance opTotalMisc opTotalDiscount opTotalDeposit opTotalARAmount opTotalWithhold Returns Cash Receipt data set String@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Type String Int32 Boolean Description Cash Receipt Group ID Cash Receipt Header HeadNum Yes or no The ARInvSel data set for selected invoices Indicates if one or more selected invoices generated an error The new Cash Group total received amount The new Cash Group total applied amount The new Cash Group unapplied balance The new Cash Group total misc amount The new Cash Group total discount amount The new Cash Group total deposit amount The new Cash Group total AR amount The new Cash Group total withhold amount

Validate for a Correct Bank Fee Code Parameters Name pcBankFeeID ds Type String Description Bank Fee Code The Cash Receipt Entry data set

This method is called after the TaxAmt is changed to recalculate the doc or base tax amounts Parameters Name ds Type Description Cash Receipt data set

This method is called after the TaxAmt is changed to recalculate the doc or base tax amounts


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Parameters Name ds Type Description Cash Receipt data set

This method is called after the TaxAmt is changed to recalculate the doc or base tax amounts Parameters Name ds Type Description Cash Receipt data set

Reverse Cash Receipt Parameters Name headNum reverseDate postErrorLog Type Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} String@ Description Head number Reverse Date Error log

Read InvcHead records and create ARInvSel records if they meet the selection criteria. Parameters Name pcGroupID pdtDueDate pdtTranDate plApplyDiscount pcCustomerList pcPaymentMethod Returns The ARInvSel data set Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Boolean String String Description AR Check Group ID Select invoices due by this date. The date of the transaction. Yes or no Select invoices for the customer list. Select payment methods for the specific.

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Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum ipInvoiceNum ipInvoiceRef ipBankAcctID ipTranNum ipVoided ipCalcAll ds Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean Boolean Description ipGroupID ipHeadNum ipInvoiceNum ipInvoiceRef ipBankAcctID ipTranNum ipVoided ipCalcAll CashRec dataset

This method is run when the Take discount option is selected Parameters Name ds Type Description Cash Receipt data set

This method is called instead of the standard Update because several actions in relation to the update might be required and it avoids multiple BL calls from the UI. This method will a create record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. And then this method will be called again. Parameters Name ds ipGroupID ipTableName needsLegalNumGenOpt updGroupTotals requiresUserInput opTotalCashReceived String String Boolean Boolean Boolean@ Decimal@ current GroupID Cash Receipts Indicates the tableName that triggered the update Indicates whether the LegalNumGenOpts logic should be executed Indicates if the group totals should be calculated Indicates if the legal number requires user input The new Cash Group total received amount Type Description


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Name opTotalApplied opUnappliedBalance opTotalMisc opTotalDiscount opTotalDeposit opTotalARAmount opTotalWithhold opUpdateRan

Type Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Boolean@

Description The new Cash Group total applied amount The new Cash Group unapplied balance The new Cash Group total misc amount The new Cash Group total discount amount The new Cash Group total deposit amount The new Cash Group total AR amount The new Cash Group total withhold amount Indicates that the Update process did run

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CashRecSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CCCountCycle: This business object contains 26 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This procedure will delete all records relating to a physical inventory cycle.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.CCCountCycleDataSet

Closes Parts on the Cycle with no associated Tags if the user indicates to do so after Post Counts. Parameters Name ds pcMessage String@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.CCCountCycleDataSet Non-error, informational message.

Parameters Name ds Type Description The CCCountCycle data set

Parameters Name vFirstTag vLastTag ds Type Int32@ Int32@ Description First Tag generated integer Last Tag generated integer The CCCountCycle data set

Parameters Name vBlankTagsAvail ds ds1 Type Boolean@ Description Blank tags available for void logical The CCCountCycle data set The CCTag data set


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Parameters Name ipWarehouseCode ipPeriod ipYear opCycles Type String Int32 Int32 String@ Description Selected Warehouse. period. Year. opCycles.

Returns the legal number generation options. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Type Description The CCCountCycleDataSet dataset Requires User Input

Return Primary Keys for generated PartTran records. Parameters Name ipWarehouseCode ipCCYear ipCCMonth ipCycleSeq partTranPKs Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 String@ Description The Warehouse Code The CCYear The CCMonth The CycleSeq The PartTranPKs number

Parameters Name ipWarehouseCode ipYear opPeriodList Type String Int32 String@ Description Selected Warehouse. Selected Year list of periods.

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Parameters Name opWhseList Type String@ Description list of warehouses.

Parameters Name ipWarehouseCode opYears Type String String@ Description Selected Warehouse. opYears.

Post Count. Parameters Name ds pcMessage noTags String@ Boolean@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.CCCountCycleDataSet Non-error, informational message. Flag indicating if parts with no tags were skipped.

Parameters Name ds Type Description The CCCountCycle data set

Parameters Name ds Type Description The CCCountCycle data set

Validate void tags by part number


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Parameters Name warnmsg ds Type String@ Description Warning message to return to UI The CCCountCycle data set

Parameters Name ds vTextMessage String@ Type Description The CCTag data set Message to display in UI

Validate void tags by part number Parameters Name ds Type Description The CCCountCycle data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CCDtlSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Retrieves Count History related to a Part Parameters Name partNum Returns The CCDtlSearch data set. Type String Description Part Number


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.CCHdrSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CCPartSelectUpd: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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Parameters Name moveToMonth moveToYear moveToCycle ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The move-to month The move-to month The move-to month CCPartSelectUpd dataset

Parameters Name ipPartNum ds Type String Description Part Number CCPartSelectUpd dataset

Parameters Name ds Type Description CCPartSelectUpd dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CCPeriodDefn: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CCSchedule: This business object contains 17 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Parameters Name vWarehouseCode vCCYear vCCMonth vFullPhysical vCycleSeq vPartNum Returns CCDtlUOM data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean Int32 String Description Warehouse Year Month Full Physical cycle Seq Part Number

This method validates CCProdCal Parameters Name periodSeq ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Cycle Count Period Defintion PeriodSeq The Warehouse Cycle Count Schedule Control data set

This method validates CCProdCal

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Parameters Name calendarID ds Type String Description Proposed Cycle Count Calendar ID field The Warehouse Cycle Count Schedule Control data set

This method validates CCProdCal Parameters Name ccYear ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Cycle Count Year The Warehouse Cycle Count Schedule Control data set

Parameters Name ipWhseCode ds Type String Description ipWhseCode CCSchedule dataset

Parameters Name ds Type Description CCSchedule dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CCSheetSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CCTagSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.ChangeImpact: This business object contains 2 methods. Loads the start up data for Change Impact Informer If a change is made to this method the same change should be applied to the GetSpecificBinSearch method. Returns Returns the new Change Impact Calculations

This method will recalculate the Early/Late/OnTime jobs when the JobReq, EarlyGracePeriod and LateGracePeriod change. Parameters Name ds Type Description Change Impact DataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CheckLst: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description


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This method returns the data table ttChecklistImportExport containing all appropriate checklist information. The resulting records from the ttChecklistImportExport will then need to be outputted as a CSV file (comma delimited). Parameters Name ipListID opMessage Returns Type String String@ Description The List ID of the selected Checklist. Returns message about the status of the process.

This method upload data into the database. This method expects an input data table ttCheckListImportExport with data coming from an external comma delimited file. The ttChecklistImportExport table should only contain data (i.e. if the first line of the external file is just the field descriptions then this record should not be included in ttChecklistImportExport.) Parameters Name ipListID opMessage ds Type String String@ Description The List ID of the selected Checklist. Returns message about the status of the process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CheckRecSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ChgLog: This business object contains 1 methods.

Gets the related ChgLog records based on TableName,RowID Parameters Name ip_TableName ip_RowID Type String String Description Tablename to retrieve ChgLog records for RowID of the record to retrieve ChgLog records for


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.ChgLogGA: This business object contains 16 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Validate and update the data type of the field selected. Parameters Name ds Type Description ChgLogGA Dataset

Only specific tables will have the ability to enable auto-printing. Parameters Name proposedTableName ds Type String Description Table to validate if it can auto-print ChgLogGA Dataset

Validate that no column name is removed from the ChgLogGA.UseFieldList if it's already being used on a BAMRule.RuleField.


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Parameters Name proposedUseFieldList ds Type String Description Proposed Use Field List ChgLogGA Dataset

Validate external fields for Row Rules when changing the UseFromToday field Parameters Name ds Type Description ChgLogGA Dataset

This method updates the dataset with the AvailableFields once a table has been specified Parameters Name ds Type Description Change Log/User Defined Global Alerts data set

This method returns a list of tables that a change log can be added to. Returns The list of tables returned

Gets the Operator List to compare FieldName against a constant or another field Parameters Name fieldType operatorList Type String String@ Description Field Data-Type Operator List

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ClosePeriod: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Close all periods in a Fiscal Year Parameters Name ipBookID ipFiscalCalendarID ipFiscalYear ipFiscalYearSuffix ds Type String String Int32 String Description BookID FiscalCalendarID FiscalYear FiscalYearSuffix The ClosePeriod data set

Run when the ClosedPeriod field is changed. Parameters Name ipProposedValue opMessage opCloseAll ds Type Boolean String@ Boolean@ Description Value that the user has entered (yes/no) Warning message to the user Indication to the UI that the CloseAllPeriods method should be run if the user answers Yes The ClosePeriod data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.COA: This business object contains 33 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record

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QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Determines if a balance segment is changing, and if it is, checks if a budget is setup. If it is, and the number of balance segments are being increased, informs the user the budgets may be invalid with this change. Parameters Name ds ipMessage String@ Type Description Chart of Accounts Data Set Message to display to the user

Parameters Name ipDynamic ds Type Boolean Description Proposed value of COASegment.Dynamic Chart of Accounts Data Set


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Parameters Name ipCOACode ipSegmentNbr opWarningMsg opRenumberRequired Type String Int32 String@ Boolean@ Description Chart of Accounts Code Segment Number the user wants to delete Warning message if this is NOT the last segment Indicates if the segments have to be renumbered

Parameters Name ds Type Description Chart of Accounts Data Set

Parameters Name ipSepChar Type String Description proposed separator character

Parameters Name ipUseRefEntity ds Type Boolean Description Proposed value of COASegment.UseRefEntity Chart of Accounts Data Set

Parameters Name ds Type Description Chart of Accounts Data Set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipCOACode ipSegDelete Returns Chart of Accounts Dataset Type String Int32 Description COA Code Segment Number to Delete

This method moves the COASegment Display Order Up/Down one position in the grid and returns the whole updated datatable. Parameters Name coaCode segmentNbr dynamicOpt displayOrder moveDir Returns Chart of Accounts Dataset Type String Int32 Boolean Int32 String Description Chart of Accounts Code COA Segment Number Indicates if a dynamic (yes) or controlled (no) segment (yes) is being moved Current display order Direction to move task, "Up" or "Down"

Parameters Name ds opAutoCreateSegValMsg String@ Type Description Chart of Accounts Data Set Message asking the user if dynamic seg values are to be created

Parameters Name ds Type Description Chart of Accounts Data Set


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Parameters Name ipCOACode ipSegmentNbr Type String Int32 Description COA Code Segment Number

Parameters Name ipDynamic ds Type Boolean Description Proposed value of COASegment.Dynamic Chart of Accounts Data Set

Parameters Name ipSegmentNbr ipRefEntity ipEntryControl Type Int32 String String Description Segment Number Reference entity value Entry Control

Parameters Name ipRefEntity ds opAutoCreateSegValMsg opValuesAlreadyExist String@ String@ Type String Description Reference Entity to validate Chart of Accounts Data Set Message asking the user if dynamic seg values are to be created Message informing the user that COASegValues already exist

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipMaxLength ds Type Int32 Description Proposed value of COASegment.MaxLength Chart of Accounts Data Set

Parameters Name ipMinLength ds Type Int32 Description Proposed value of COASegment.MaxLength Chart of Accounts Data Set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.COAActCat: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.


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Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

returns a list-delimited of available parent categories in id,description pairs for selection Parameters Name cCategory Type String Description Unique identifier of this category of accounts

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name cType cCOACode cParentCatList

Type String String String@

Description Indicates if this category is a (B)alance Sheet or (I)ncome statement category. COA Code of the account category. list of available parent categories

Checks COACode entered Parameters Name newCoaCode Type String Description COA code entered

Checks netincome flag when the column changes Parameters Name ipNetIncome ipCOACode ipCategoryID ds Type Boolean String String Description proposed net income flag COA Code Category ID COA Account Category Data Set

Checks type flag when the column changes Parameters Name ipType opWarnMsg ds Type String String@ Description proposed net income flag warning message COA Account Category Data Set

This method copy Account Categories from one COA (Chart Of Account) to another COA.


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Parameters Name fromCOACode toCOACode Returns The COA Category dataset Type String String Description COA code to copy from COA code to create

returns a COA code, Master flag and description of default COA code Parameters Name defaultCoaCode defaultCoaDescription isDefaultCoaMaster Type String@ String@ Boolean@ Description default COA code The description of the default COA code . the flaf to indicate if it is master COA code

returns a description and Master COA flag of the entered COA code Parameters Name coaCode coaDescription coaMaster Type String String@ Boolean@ Description COA code entered The description of the COA code entered. list of available parent categories

Epicor.Mfg.BO.COABookSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.COAMapData: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method returns COAMapData dataset if display name is known Parameters Name displayName Returns COAMap Data Data set Type String Description Display Name

This method cleares history lookup tables. Parameters Name inDate Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Oldest record date

This method called when value of Source/Target COA were changed. Parameters Name coa Type String Description Source/Target COA

Populates dataset Parameters Name iCoaMap cSource cTarget iSrcSeg iTrgSeg cFld ds Type Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Description srcSeg field field srcSeg trgSeg field COAMap Data Data set


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Parameters Name ipTargetCOA ds Type String Description Proposed COA code Coa map Data Set

Parameters Name ipTargetCompany ds Type String Description Proposed target Company Coa map Data Set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.COAPE: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.COARefSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.COARefSegSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.CoaSegAcctSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.COASegBalance: This business object contains 14 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Checks COACode entered Parameters Name newCoaCode Type String Description COA code entered

returns a COA code, Master flag and description of default COA code Parameters Name defaultCoaCode defaultCoaDescription isDefaultCoaMaster Type String@ String@ Boolean@ Description default COA code The description of the default COA code . the flaf to indicate if it is master COA code

This method convert the document currency to the journal currency. Parameters Name iSegSelfBal ds Type Boolean Description The entry for the check box Self-Balancing The Self-Balancing Segment Entry data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name iBalancingAcct icoaCode isegmentNbr ds Type String String Int32 Description The balancing account to validate COA Code Segment Number The Self-Balancing Segment Entry data set

This method validates the level Parameters Name ipProposedLevel ipSegmentNbr ipCOACode Type Int32 Int32 String Description The proposed new level Segment number currently being maintained COA Code for this segment

Parameters Name iOffsetAcct icoaCode isegmentNbr ds Type String String Int32 Description The offset account to validate COA Code Segment Number The Self-Balancing Segment Entry data set

returns a description and Master COA flag of the entered COA code Parameters Name coaCode coaDescription coaMaster Type String String@ Boolean@ Description COA code entered The description of the COA code entered. list of available parent categories


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.COASegmentSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.COASegValues: This business object contains 16 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method convert the document currency to the journal currency. Parameters Name proposedCategory ds Type String Description The proposed Amount The GL COASegValues Entry data set

Parameters Name ipValue ds Type String Description The proposed segment value The GL COASegValues Entry data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipCOACode ipSubSegmentNbr ipSegmentCode Type String Int32 String Description COA Code Segment Number to check for existence Segment Code to search for

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Parameters Name ipCOACode ipSubSegmentNbr ipSegmentCode Type String Int32 String Description COA Code Segment Number to check for existence Segment Code to search for

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Company: This business object contains 48 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Performs required logic when XbSyst.ITFiscalCalendarID is modified. Parameters Name ipITFiscalCalendarID ds Type String Description Proposed input value of Income Tax Fiscal Calendar Company data set

Performs required logic when XbSyst.JPFiscalCalendarID is modified.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipJPFiscalCalendarID ds Type String Description Proposed input value of Japan Fiscal Calendar Company data set

This method test the link of the dates in AR Invoice Parameters Name opMessage Type String@ Description Message to display to user if not null

This method is to be run before the update method (or on leave of the field). If there is a problem with the date, a message will be returned for the user to approve or cancel. If the user approved the error, then the update method can be run. Parameters Name payrollDate payrollMessage Type Nullable{System.DateTime} String@ Description Payroll Start Date Error message that the user needs to respond to

This method test the validity of the VAT format Parameters Name opMessage ds Type String@ Description Message to display to user if not null Company data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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This method defaults the tax region information when the Company.CountryNum field changes Parameters Name ds Type Description Company data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method defaults the Maintenance Job Description when the MMSyst.TemplateJobNum field changes Parameters Name ds proposedTemplateJobNum String Type Description Company data set Proposed input value of the Template Job Num

This method sens back a list of fields to be disabled Parameters Name vCompany vFieldList Type String String@ Description Company number List of G/L Fields to be disabled

After the tax integration has been called, update the Company address if it was changed.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds ds1 companyID String Type Description The Company data set The ETCAddrValidation data set Company.CompanyID

Call tax integration and loads temp tables from the results. Parameters Name companyID statusFlag errorFlag errorMsg Type String Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Description Company.Company If set to true, the service is up. Else false it is down If true, an error occured. If Error Flag is true, this is the associated message.

Returns The ETCAddrValidation data set

This method returns the list of available G/L account format styles Parameters Name vCompany formatList Type String String@ Description Company number List of G/L formats

This method returns a delimited list of the CheckOff labels for either Job, Quote or DMR Parameters Name appName labelList Type String String@ Description Either Job, Quote or DMR List of delimited labels

This method returns a list of valid Central Payment 'Parent Company' IDs UI note - user should select only ONE of the valid codes.


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Parameters Name cpayCompanyList Type String@ Description List of valid external company IDs

This method returns the licensing flags for the company beging updates. If updating a company different from the one logged in on, then you need to use these variables in your licensing checks Parameters Name vCompany vModules Type String String@ Description Company number List of Licensed Modules

This method replaces the standard GetNewBorderPct() method so the Company can be passed as a parameter Parameters Name ds company String Type Description Company data set The company ID

This method provides a list of license serial number available for use Parameters Name serialList Type String@ Description List of License Numbers

This method will test the tax integration connection to Avalara Parameters Name svcURL svcAccount svcLicense testResult Type String String String Boolean@ Description SvcURL SvcAccount SvcLicense is Connection good, true or false

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name testMessage

Type String@

Description text of whether test was good or why it wasn't good

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ConfigSearch: This business object contains 8 methods. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause whereClause2 inspPlanOnly partOnly pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String String Boolean Boolean Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the Part rows. Can be left blank for all rows. An expression used to filter InspPlan rows. Can be left blank for all rows. Only return InspPlan records Only return Part records. Number of rows to return. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

This methods will return ConfigResultsRevs that will get populated for the given part number Parameters Name ipPartNum ipInspPlan Type String Boolean Description The PartNum to filter by True if inspection plan

Returns Dataset to search for configureable records.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Configuration: This business object contains 48 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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To test on hand quantity of the bin - i.e. whether it will go negative. Call this method on change of Quantity. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pdTranQty pcNeqQtyAction Type String String String String String Decimal Decimal String@ Description Part Number Warehouse Code Bin Number Lot Number From UNIT OF MEASURE (old Dimension Code) Obsolete Dimension Conversion Factor Quantity (in stocking uom) Valid values are STOP, NONE or ASK User. If Ask User, the user can decide to go ahead with the update even if the qty is negative Error message passed back from the business logic.

pcMessage Returns pcNeqQtyActionpcMessage


To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Parameters Name parentMfgCompID partNum revisionNum pageNum Type String String String Int32 Description The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The part being configured The revision being configured The page of the configuration on which the event has taken place

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name inputName testMode ds mtlSeq ruleTag ds1 Remarks

Type String String

Description The name of the input for which the LEAVE triggers should be applied The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode)

Int32 String

Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured

QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Parameters Name testMode ds ds1 Type String Description Current test mode

Parameters Name parentMfgCompID partNum revisionNum testMode mtlSeq ruleTag ds Type String String String String Int32 String Description The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The part being configured The revision being configured The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured


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Name totalPrice basePrice ds1 Remarks

Type Decimal@ Decimal@

Description The total price (in the base currency) of the configuration pricing The base price (in the base currency) of the configuration that not associated with an input

QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Parameters Name parentMfgCompID partNum revisionNum testMode mtlSeq ruleTag ds totalPrice basePrice ds1 Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns Decimal@ Decimal@ The total price (in the base currency) of the configuration pricing The base price (in the base currency) of the configuration that not associated with an input Type String String String String Int32 String Description The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The part being configured The revision being configured The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name parentMfgCompID partNum revisionNum testMode mtlSeq ruleTag ds totalPrice basePrice ds1 Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns Decimal@ Decimal@ The total price (in the base currency) of the configuration pricing The base price (in the base currency) of the configuration that not associated with an input Type String String String String Int32 String Description The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The part being configured The revision being configured The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured

Parameters Name testMode Type String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured parent part number parent revision number parent rule tag sub part number sub revision number

parentMfgCompID parentPartNum parentRevisionNum parentRuleTag subPartNum subRevisionNum

String String String String String String


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Name mtlSeq ruleTag relatedToFile relatedType sourceKey1 sourceKey2 sourceKey3 sourceKey4 sourceKey5 configMode pcStructRowID ds keepIt ds1 ds2

Type Int32 String String String String String String String String String String

Description Material Sequence to check Rule tag to check Related to source file Related Type Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1 Configuration Mode Rowid of PcStruct Record


Keep the material

Parameters Name testMode Type String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured parent part number parent revision number parent rule tag sub part number sub revision number Material Sequence to check Rule tag to check Related to source file Related Type Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1

parentMfgCompID parentPartNum parentRevisionNum parentRuleTag subPartNum subRevisionNum mtlSeq ruleTag relatedToFile relatedType sourceKey1 sourceKey2

String String String String String String Int32 String String String String String

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name sourceKey3 sourceKey4 sourceKey5 configMode pcStructRowID ds curPartCfgSeq ds1 ds2

Type String String String String String

Description Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1 Configuration Mode Rowid of PcStruct Record


Current Part Configuration Sequence

Parameters Name testMode orderNum orderLine Type String Int32 Int32 Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The order for which the configuration should be deleted. The order line for which the configuration should be deleted.

Parameters Name testMode quoteNum quoteLine Type String Int32 Int32 Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The quote for which the configuration should be deleted. The quote line for which the configuration should be deleted.

Parameters Name parentMfgCompID partNum revisionNum Type String String String Description The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The part being configured The revision being configured


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Name pageNum testMode previousPage mtlSeq ruleTag ds skipOPL ds1

Type Int32 String Int32 Int32 String

Description The current page of the configuration The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The previous page of the configuration Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured


Skipping OnLeave expressions when page loads

Parameters Name configMode partNum revisionNum relatedToFile relatedType linkKey1 linkKey2 linkKey3 linkKey4 linkKey5 nonApprvMessage Returns Type String String String String String String String String String String String@ Description Configuration Mode The main part being configured The main revision being configured Related To File Related Type Source Key1 value Source Key1 value Source Key1 value Source Key1 value Source Key1 value Message with non approved part revisions

Parameters Name testMode Type String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) Related to source file Related Type

relatedToFile relatedType

String String

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name sourceKey1 sourceKey2 sourceKey3 sourceKey4 sourceKey5 mtlSeq Returns

Type String String String String String Int32

Description Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1 Material Sequence of the revision being configured

Parameters Name linkMode key1 key2 key3 key4 key5 Returns Type String String String String String String Description QuoteDtl, OrderDtl, or JobAsmbl Key1 on which the configuration was saved. Key2 on which the configuration was saved. Key3 on which the configuration was saved. Key4 on which the configuration was saved. Key5 on which the configuration was saved.

Parameters Name testMode partNum revisionNum displaySummary Type String String String Boolean@ Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) Configured Part Number Configured Part Revision Number Returns true if the summary grid should be displayed.

Parameters Name parentMfgCompID Type String Description The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured


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Name partNum revisionNum testMode

Type String String String

Description The part being configured The revision being configured The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode)


Parameters Name parentMfgCompID partNum revisionNum mtlSeq specID specRev testMode Type String String String Int32 String String String Description The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The part being configured The revision being configured Material Sequence of the revision being configured If a test plan then specification ID to test If a test plan then specification revision to test The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode)


Parameters Name testMode parentMfgCompID jobNum targetAssembly partNum revisionNum ds mtlSeq ruleTag ds1 Int32 String Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured Type String String String Int32 String String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The job on which the configuration should be saved. The assembly sequence of the configured part. The part being configured The revision being configured

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name testMode parentMfgCompID orderNum orderLine partNum revisionNum ds mtlSeq ruleTag kitFlag kitCompOrigSeq kitCompParentPart kitCompParentSeq ds1 Int32 String String Int32 String Int32 Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured Kit Flag Kit component original sequence Kit component parent part number Kit component parent sequence Type String String Int32 Int32 String String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The order on which the configuration should be saved. The order line on which the configuration should be saved. The part being configured The revision being configured

Parameters Name testMode parentMfgCompID demandContractNum demandHeadSeq demandDtlSeq partNum revisionNum ds Type String String Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The demand contract number on which the configuration should be saved. The demand head sequence on which the configuration should be saved. The demand detail sequence on which the configuration should be saved. The part being configured The revision being configured


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Name mtlSeq ruleTag kitFlag kitCompOrigSeq kitCompParentPart kitCompParentSeq ds1

Type Int32 String String Int32 String Int32

Description Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured Kit Flag Kit component original sequence Kit component parent part number Kit component parent sequence

Parameters Name testMode relatedRowID ds ds1 Type String String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The rowID of the current InspResults record

Parameters Name testMode parentMfgCompID partNum revisionNum ds ipSmartString ds1 String Smart String value Type String String String String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The part being configured The revision being configured

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name testMode partNum revisionNum ipSmartString Type String String String String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The part being configured The revision being configured Smart String value

Parameters Name testMode Type String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The part being configured The revision being configured configuration related to file Target assembly sequence key1 of related to file key2 of related to file key3 of related to file key4 of related to file key5 of related to file Display smart string form

partNum revisionNum relatedToFile targetAssembly key1 key2 key3 key4 key5 displaySmartString

String String String Int32 String String String String String Boolean@

Parameters Name parentMfgCompID iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq iDemandDtlSeq Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 Description Parent Manufacturing Company ID Demand Contract Number Demand Head Sequence that contains the configurable line Demand Detail Sequence that contains the configurable part


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Name iSmartString

Type String

Description Smart String value

Parameters Name testMode parentMfgCompID quoteNum quoteLine targetAssembly partNum revisionNum ds mtlSeq ruleTag kitFlag kitCompOrigSeq kitCompParentPart kitCompParentSeq ds1 Int32 String String Int32 String Int32 Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured Kit Flag Kit component original sequence Kit component parent part number Kit component parent sequence Type String String Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The quote on which the configuration should be saved. The quote line on which the configuration should be saved. The quote assembly on which the configuration should be saved. The part being configured The revision being configured

Parameters Name parentMfgCompID partNum revisionNum testMode Type String String String String Description The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The part being configured The revision being configured The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) Related to source file



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Business Object Reference Guide

Name relatedType sourceKey1 sourceKey2 sourceKey3 sourceKey4 sourceKey5 mtlSeq ruleTag smartString createPart promptForPartNum notifyOfExistingPart newPartNum createCustPart promptForCustPartNum newCustPartNum promptForAutoCreatePart ds promptForSIValues ds1

Type String String String String String String Int32 String String@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Boolean@

Description Related Type Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1 Source Link Key1 Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured The generated smartstring of the configuration True if a new part should be created True if the user should be prompted for the part number If true the user should be warned if the new part number already exists The generated portion of the new part number If true the user should be asked if they want the Customer Part Number assigned If true the user should be prompted to update the new Customer Part Number The generated customer part number True if the user should be prompted to create part


If returned true then prompt user to overwrite existing configuration

When paging paging forward to a lower level subassembly configured part, the GetxxxValues methods are called and the global variables defined in the ttConfigurationValue are updated from the ttGlbConfigurationValue table. This doesn't happen when paging backward from a subassembly configured part to a parent configured part. This procedure will update the GIVs in the current configurations ttConfigurationValue table from the ttGlbConfigurationValue. Parameters Name parentMfgCompID partNum revisionNum Type String String String Description The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The parent configured part The revision number of the parent part


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Name newPageNum mtlSeq ruleTag testMode ds

Type Int32 Int32 String String

Description The new page number we are moving to Material Sequence of the parent part Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode)

Parameters Name parentMfgCompID partNum revisionNum testMode ds mtlSeq ruleTag specID specRev ds1 Int32 String String String Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured If a test plan then specification ID to test If a test plan then specification revision to test Type String String String String Description The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The part being configured The revision being configured The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode)

Parameters Name parentMfgCompID partNum revisionNum currentPageNum testMode mtlSeq ruleTag Type String String String Int32 String Int32 String Description The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The part being configured The revision being configured The current page of the configuration The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name newPageNum errText ds skipOPL ds1

Type Int32@ String@

Description The next page number. If 0 the current page is the last page. Text of error message.


Skipping OnLeave expressions when page loads

Parameters Name testMode Type String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) RowID of the InspResults record Key1 value from InspResults record Key2 value from InspResults record Key3 value from InspResults record Key4 value from InspResults record Key5 value from InspResults record Inspection Date from InspResults record Inspection Date from InspResults record

inTgtRowID startKey1 startKey2 startKey3 startKey4 startKey5 startInspDate startInspTime

String String@ String@ String@ String@ String@ String@ String@

Parameters Name testMode basePartNum baseRevisionNum testPassed failText ds ds1 Type String String String Boolean@ String@ Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The base part number used of the configuration. The base revision number used of the configuration. Inspection plan passed Fail text to be displayed


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Part exists. Parameters Name testMode Type String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) Base Part Number Base Revision Number The part being configured Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured Part Exists Prompt to overwrite SI values Saving input values for this configuration

basePartNum baseRevisionNum newPartNum mtlSeq ruleTag partExists promptForSIValues sIValues

String String String Int32 String Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@

Parameters Name parentMfgCompID partNum revisionNum currentPageNum testMode mtlSeq ruleTag ds newPageNum ds1 Int32@ The previous page number. If 0 the current page is the first page. Type String String String Int32 String Int32 String Description The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The part being configured The revision being configured The current page of the configuration The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name testMode parentMfgCompID jobNum targetAssembly basePartNum baseRevisionNum smartString newPartNum responseAutoCrtPart overwriteSIValues mtlSeq ruleTag configSmartString ds newPartAlreadyExists ds1 ds2 Boolean@ Returns true a new part was not created because it already exists. Type String String String Int32 String String String String Boolean Boolean Int32 String String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The job on which the configuration should be saved. The assembly sequence of the configured part. The base part number used of the configuration. The base revision number used of the configuration. The generated smartstring of the configuration The Part Number to be used for a new part creation. If blank, a part will not be created. Answer to the question presented to user about auto creating a part. If user answers yes to question about overwrite saved input values then input true else always input false Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured Config Smart String Value

Parameters Name testMode parentMfgCompID orderNum orderLine basePartNum Type String String Int32 Int32 String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The order on which the configuration should be saved. The order line on which the configuration should be saved. The base part number used of the configuration.


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Name baseRevisionNum smartString newPartNum newCustPartNum responseAutoCrtPart overwriteSIValues mtlSeq ruleTag configSmartString ds newPartAlreadyExists ds1 ds2

Type String String String String Boolean Boolean Int32 String String

Description The base revision number used of the configuration. The generated smartstring of the configuration The Part Number to be used for a new part creation. If blank, a part will not be created. The Customer Part Number to stored on the order line. Answer to the question presented to user about auto creating a part. If user answers yes to question about overwrite saved input values then input true else always input false Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured Config Smart String Value


Returns true a new part was not created because it already exists.

Parameters Name testMode parentMfgCompID demandContractNum demandHeadSeq demandDtlSeq basePartNum baseRevisionNum smartString newPartNum newCustPartNum Type String String Int32 Int32 Int32 String String String String String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The demand contract number on which the configuration should be saved. The demand head sequence on which the configuration should be saved. The demand detail sequence on which the configuration should be saved. The base part number used of the configuration. The base revision number used of the configuration. The generated smartstring of the configuration The Part Number to be used for a new part creation. If blank, a part will not be created. The Customer Part Number to stored on the demand detail line.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name responseAutoCrtPart overwriteSIValues mtlSeq ruleTag configSmartString ds newPartAlreadyExists ds1 ds2

Type Boolean Boolean Int32 String String

Description Answer to the question presented to user about auto creating a part. If user answers yes to question about overwrite saved input values then input true else always input false Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured Config Smart String Value


Returns true a new part was not created because it already exists.

Parameters Name testMode parentMfgCompID quoteNum quoteLine targetAssembly basePartNum baseRevisionNum smartString newPartNum newCustPartNum responseAutoCrtPart overwriteSIValues mtlSeq ruleTag configSmartString Type String String Int32 Int32 Int32 String String String String String Boolean Boolean Int32 String String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The quote on which the configuration should be saved. The quote line on which the configuration should be saved. The quote assembly on which the configuration should be saved. The base part number used of the configuration. The base revision number used of the configuration. The generated smartstring of the configuration The Part Number to be used for a new part creation. If blank, a part will not be created. The Customer Part Number to stored on the quote line. Answer to the question presented to user about auto creating a part. If user answers yes to question about overwrite saved input values then input true else always input false Material Sequence of the revision being configured Generated Rule Tag of the part being configured Config Smart String Value


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Name ds newPartAlreadyExists ds1 ds2




Returns true a new part was not created because it already exists.

Parameters Name testMode relatedRowID ds ds1 Type String String Description The configuration test mode ("INPUTS" - Test Inputs Only, "RULES" Test Inputs and Rules, otherwise production mode) The RowID of the related InspResults record

Parameters Name parentMfgCompID partNum revisionNum workStationID mtlSeq ds Type String String String String Int32 Description The manufacturing company of the parent of the part being configured The part being configured The revision being configured The name of the workstation requesting the test Material Sequence of the revision being configured

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Configurator: This business object contains 77 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Update expression fields for the given table using the text in the PcTempExpr dataset Parameters Name ipTableName ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ds ipInputName ipTypeCode ipPageSeq ds1 String String Int32 Type String String String Description Table for expression being updated Current Part Number Current Revision Number The Temp Expression data set Current Input Name Type of expression Current Page Sequence The Configurator data set

Delete expression fields for the given table Parameters Name ipTableName ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipInputName ipPageSeq ipTypeCode ds Type String String String String Int32 String Description Table for expression being updated Current Part Number Current Revision Number Current Input Name Current PageSeq Type of expression to delete The Configurator data set


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Updates the PcStatus Sample Smart String when the smart string parameters are changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Configurator data set

This methods checks to see if any enterprise configurator specific settings have been created. If so then a message should be displayed prior to unchecking the enterprise configurator checkbox Parameters Name ipPartNum ipRevisionNum settingsExist Type String String Boolean@ Description Current Part Number Current Revision Number Returns if enterprise configurator setting exist

This methods is called prior to expanding a tree node on the Rules tab. If the part is a configureable part, the node will not be expanded Parameters Name ipPartNum isConfigured Type String Boolean@ Description The proposed part number Returns true if the part is configured

Copy the Order Input Pricing to the Quote Input Pricing. Parameters Name configPartNum configRevisionNum ds Type String String Description The configuration Part Number The configuration Revision Number The Configurator data set

Copy the Quote Input Pricing to the Order Input Pricing.

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Parameters Name configPartNum configRevisionNum ds Type String String Description The configuration Part Number The configuration Revision Number The Configurator data set

Create a new input for a configuration Parameters Name partNumber revisionNumber pageNumber controlType dataType xPos yPos pWidth pHeight ds Type String String Int32 String String Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The configuration Part number The configuration revision number The configuration page number The type of control being created The datatype of the control The initial x position of the control. If 0 then a default will be provided. The initial y position of the control. If 0 then a default will be provided. The initial width of the control. If 0 then a default will be provided. The initial height of the control. If 0 then a default will be provided. The Configurator data set

Create a new configuration page Parameters Name partNum revisionNum newPageNumber ds Type String String Int32 Description The configuration Part number The configuration revision number Page number of the new page The Configurator data set

Create a new PcRules record


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Parameters Name elementType Type String Description The type of element "par" - Header level rule "opr" - Operation level rule "dtl" - Operation Detail level rule "asm" - Assembly level rule "mtl" - Material level rule The configuration Part number The configuration revision number The alternate method of the rule The Assembly Part Number for subassemblies The related operation The OpDtlSeq for "dtl" rules The MtlSeq for "mtl" and "asm" rules The type of rule: "Calculation": A calculated value "Set Field": Set a field on a record "Keep When": Keep a operation, detail, or material only if the expression is true "Program Call": Run a program The expression of the rule The name The datatype of the calculation The DB table name of any referenced field (either as a Set Field or an expression reference) The DB Field for a "Set Field" rule User defined Rule Tag for this rule The Configurator data set

partNum revisionNum altMethod asmPartNum oprSeq opDtlSeq mtlSeq ruleType

String String String String Int32 Int32 Int32 String

ruleExpr calcName calcDataType dbTable dbField ruleTag ds

String String String String String String

Create a new configuration for a Part Revision Parameters Name partNum revisionNum isInspPlan Returns The Configurator data set Type String String Boolean Description The configuration Part number The configuration revision number Is this an inspection plan configuration

This methods will return a dataset that will include PartRev, PartOpr, PartOpDtl, PartMtl, PartMtlRestriction, PartMtlRestrictSubst, PartOprRestriction and PartOprRestrictSubst if those records exist for the appropriate input

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Business Object Reference Guide

parameters. ALL ALTERNATES OF THE PARTREVISION WILL BE RETURNED if ipcomplete is true This method will also allow you to return the whole dataset or allow the user to specify how far down the tree they would like to return possible "part" records for. Parameters Name ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipUseDefaultMethod ipCurrentRuleTag Returns The Rule BOM data set Type String String Boolean String Description The Part Number to return data for. The Revision Number to return data for. For partrev records other than the first one, would you like to use the default alternate method or the inputted one? Generated Rule Tag for current material record

This methods will return a dataset that will include PartRev, PartOpr, PartOpDtl, PartMtl, PartMtlRestriction, PartMtlRestrictSubst, PartOprRestriction and PartOprRestrictSubst if those records exist for the appropriate input parameters. This method will also allow you to return the whole dataset or allow the user to specify how the revision to return possible "part" records for. Parameters Name ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipUseDefaultMethod ipCurrentRuleTag ds Type String String String Boolean String Description The Part Number to return data for. The Revision Number to return data for. The Alternate Method to return data for. For partrev records other than the first one, would you like to use the default alternate method or the inputted one? Generated Rule Tag for current material record PC Rules BOM dataset

Generate the HTML that can be used as a template for Customer Connect Parameters Name partNum revisionNum productCode Type String String String Description The configuration Part number The configuration revision number The product for which the HTML should be generated "CustConnect" = Customer Connect "SalesConnect" = Sales Connect


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Name pageSeq allPages outputPath

Type Int32 Boolean String@

Description The sequence number of the configuration page being generated. If true, PageSeq will be ignored and all pages will be generated. The path to which the HTML files were generated.

Get the available inputs that may be used to build smart string. Parameters Name partNum revisionNum availInputs Type String String String@ Description The part number of the configurator The part number of the configurator The list of available inputs

Get the base string for use with expression building methods Parameters Name expressionType Type String Description The type of base expression string "PW": Prompt When "PR": Pricing "OL": On Leave "DL": Dynamic List "PPW": Page Prompt When "POL": Page On Leave "PPF": Page Pass Fail



Get the valid options that are used for populating configuration design options. This will populate the ConfigPartCreateMethod, ConfigSmartStringStyle, Parameters Name optionType Type String Description The type of option to get. Valid values are: PartCreateMethods, SmartStringStyles, SeparatorChars, NumberFormats, PriceMultipliers, SmartStringDateFormats, SmartStringDateSeparators, SmartStringLogicalFormats, NumFormatSignOptions, HTMLProducts A list of valid options.



Move a rule up in the order of configuration rules.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name tableName fieldName exprType Type String String String@ Description The name of the database table The name of the database field The expression type of the database field

Get the functions available for a specific token Parameters Name token expressionMode Type String String Description The token for which to get functions The mode of the expression string "PW" - Prompt When "OL" - On Leave "DL" - Dynamic List "PR" - Pricing "RU" - Rules Current part number Current revision number Current input name

curPartNum curRevisionNum curInputName Returns The Configurator data set

String String String

Get a list of Global Input Variables to be used as available inputs in an expression. Parameters Name iPartNum iRevisionNum ds Type String String Description Part Number where the global input variables may reside Revision Number where the global input variables may reside The GlbInputVarList data set

Get the list of inputs and input functions available Parameters Name expressionMode Type String Description The mode of the expression string "PW" - Prompt When "OL" - On Leave "DL" - Dynamic List "PR" - Pricing "RU" Rules


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Name token partNum revisionNum currentInputName lastInputName ruleElementType isForRule inputList inputFunctionList

Type String String String String String String String String@ String@

Description The token being evaluated The part number of the configurator The part number of the configurator The input for which the expression is being built The last input referenced in the expression The type of rule expression (from PcRules.ElementType) Ignored if not processing a rule. Document Rule, Structure Rule, or Method Rule The list of inputs that can be selected The functions that can be chosen instead of an input

Get the potential values of an input. This will include static values and dynamic list values Parameters Name partNum revisionNum currentInputName inputValues Type String String String String@ Description The part number of the configurator The part number of the configurator The input for which the expression is being built The list of potential values for the input

Get the next expression token out of an expression string Parameters Name currentString token tokenStart tokenEnd Type String String@ Int32@ Int32@ Description The string to be parsed for a token The token that was found. If blank, no token was found. The index (one-based) of the first character of the token The index of the last character of the token.

Get the next page sequence to be defaulted into new page form

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name currentPartNum currentRevisionNum newPageSeq Type String String Int32@ Description Current Part Number Current Revision Number Next page number

Get the functions available for a rule element type Parameters Name ruleElementType Returns The Configurator data set Type String Description The type of element

The types of rules that can be added for a specific element type/part number Parameters Name ruleParPartNum ruleAsmPartNum ruleElementType ruleList Type String String String String@ Description The base configured part number The assembly part number The type of element The list of rule types that can be added

Get a list of available field that can be set for a table. The list is returned in the PcFuncList of the ConfiguratorDataSet Parameters Name ruleParPartNum ruleElementType ruleTable tokenType currentlyCreating Type String String String String String Description The base configured part number The type of rule expression (from PcRules.ElementType) The table that has been selected The token that the field should replace Valid options are Document if creating document rule or null for method rule.


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Returns The Configurator data set

Get a list of available tables for selection Parameters Name ruleParPartNum ruleElementType currentTable currentlyCreating Type String String String String Description The base configured part number The type of rule expression (from PcRules.ElementType) The current table in use for the rule expression. (PcRules.dbTable) Valid options are Document if creating document rule or null for method rule.

Returns The Configurator data set

Receives a dataset that contains the information about another configurator and will be imported into the current configurator. Parameters Name iPartNum iRevisionNum replComp aprvConfig doInputs doPartCreation doSmartString doComments doStructRules doDocRules doPcRules doQuotePricing doOrderPricing doPOPricing ds Type String String Boolean Boolean String Boolean Boolean Boolean String String String String String String Description Part Number Revision Number Replace Company Approve configurator after data is imported Import Inputs Import Part Creation Import SmartString Import Comments Import Structure Rules Import Document Rules Import Method Rules Import Quote Pricing Import Order Pricing Import PO Pricing The ConfiguratorDataSet

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Business Object Reference Guide

Check if the given BAQProgramName is valid and default the initial value Parameters Name baqProgramName ds Type String Description The proposed BAQ Program Name The Configurator data set

Check if the given ColumnName is valid and default the initial value Parameters Name newColumnName ds Type String Description The proposed Column Name The Configurator data set

Default values using the selected external company Parameters Name inExtCompany ds Type String Description The proposed external company ID The Configurator data set

Check if the given Input Value is valid and default the initial value Parameters Name newInputValue ds Type String Description The proposed input value The Configurator data set

Check if the given GlbInputVarName is valid and default the initial value


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Parameters Name glbInputVarName ds Type String Description The new global input var name The Configurator data set

Check if the given PcInPrice.InValue is valid Parameters Name inValue ds Type String Description The new InValue setting The Configurator data set

Check if the given PcInPrice.AllValues setting is valid Parameters Name allValues ds Type Boolean Description The new InValue setting The Configurator data set

Defaults the PcInputs Increment Precision when the Minimum or Maximum value changes Parameters Name ds Type Description The Configurator data set

Check to see if any plant exist with a SourceType other than Sales Kit. Parameters Name pcPartNum newSingleLevelConf ds Type String Boolean Description The current part number The new singlelevelconf setting The Configurator data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

This method checks the BMSyst record to see if a password should prompted for and then validated by the ValidatePassword method in UserFile BO. Run this before SyncRevision method is called. Parameters Name ipTestPlan ipPartNum ipRevisionNum opPromptForPassword opRevisionStatus opRevisionFound Type Boolean String String Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Description Is this a test plan. Part number of the revision being synched. Revision number being synched. Logical value stating whether the UI should prompt to validate for a password. Logical value indicating the current revision status. Logical value indicating whether the revision was found.

This methods will return a dataset that will include PcStruct records. It's for the parent configured part. Parameters Name ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ds Type String String Description The Part Number to return data for. The Revision Number to return data for. The Configurator data set

Replace the first occurance of a token in an expression string with another string Parameters Name expressionString token replacementString Type String@ String String Description The expression string to be modified The token to replace The string that will replace the token

Move a rule down in the order of configuration rules.


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Parameters Name pcRulesRowid ds Type String Description The RowIdent of the rule to be moved down The Configurator data set

Move a rule up in the order of configuration rules. Parameters Name pcRulesRowid ds Type String Description The RowIdent of the rule to be moved up The Configurator data set

If a partplant record is available for the current plant then check the SourceType If not partplant available then check the typecode on the part record. Parameters Name pcPartNum salesKit Type String Boolean@ Description The current part number SalesKit

Move a smart string input down in the available inputs list Parameters Name pcStrCompRowid ds Type String Description The RowIdent of the input to be moved down The Configurator data set

Move a smart string input up in the selected inputs list Parameters Name pcStrCompRowid ds Type String Description The RowIdent of the PcStrComp to be moved up The Configurator data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

This method synchronizes the part revision approval flag when the PcStatus.Approved flag changes Parameters Name ipTestPlan ipApproved ipValidPassword Type Boolean Boolean Boolean Description Is this a test plan configuration The proposed approval flag Did the user supply a valid password to run this functionality? The value for this parameter should come from running the ValidatePassword method in the UserFile BO. The part number of the revision to synchronize The revision number to synchronize The audit description entered for the configuration approval Returns true if the revision was successfully approved

ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAuditDesc revSynched

String String String Boolean@

Test the syntax for the expression builders Parameters Name configPartNum configRevisionNum elementType ruleType ruleExpression calcName calcDataType isForRule syntaxIsCorrect syntaxMessage Type String String String String String String String String Boolean@ String@ Description The configurator part number The configurator revision number The element type of the rule The rule type The rule expression to be checked If a calcuation, the name of the calculation If a calcuation, the datatype of the calculation Document Rule, Structure Rule, or Method Rule True if the syntax passes A message regarding the syntax to return to the user.

Called prior to testing input/rules to generate configuration sequence records Parameters Name configPartNum Type String Description The configurator part number


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Name configRevisionNum

Type String

Description The configurator revision number

Called after testing inputs/rules to delete configuration sequence records Parameters Name configPartNum configRevisionNum Type String String Description The configurator part number The configurator revision number

Test the syntax for the expression builders Parameters Name configPartNum configRevisionNum codeType syntaxIsCorrect syntaxMessage ds Type String String String Boolean@ String@ Description The configurator part number The configurator revision number The type of syntax to be checked True if the syntax passes A message regarding the syntax to return to the user. The Temp Expression data set

Validate a new calculation name Parameters Name partNum revisionNum altMethod calcName Type String String String String Description The configuration Part number The configuration revision number The alternate method of the rule Calculation Name

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipFormatString Type String Description input format string to validate

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ConsolidToParent: This business object contains 21 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Method to check if the Consolidation is ready to Generate. This needs to be run before GenerateConsolidation. Parameters Name intGenID txtSourceBook txtFiscalCalendarID intFiscalYear txtFiscalYearSuffix Type Int32 String String Int32 String Description GenID of record to post Source Book of record to post FiscalCalendarID of record to post FiscalYear of record to post Fiscal Year Suffix of record to post

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Name intFiscalPeriod txtpriorPeriodNotPostedMsg txtperiodAlreadyPostedMsg txtperiodAlreadyGeneratedMsg txtfileAlreadyExistsMsg

Type Int32 String@ String@ String@ String@

Description Fiscal Period of record to post Prior Period not posted message text Period already posted message text Period already generated message text File Already Exists message text

Send a Error message Parameters Name ipcMethod ipcGenID ipcSourceBook ipcMsg Type String String String String Description Who is calling the method. Gen ID of the record with error. Source Book of the record with error. Error Messaged to be displayed.

Validate ClosingPeriods Parameters Name ipFiscalCalendarID ipFiscalYear ipFiscalYearSuffix proposedClosingPeriods ipCalledFromUI opcMsg Type String Int32 String Int32 Boolean String@ Description FiscalCalendarID FiscalYear Fiscal Year Suffix Proposed Closing Periods Logical value. True = Called from UI, False = Called from internal method in BO A message is returned if the given Period is invalid.

Validate FiscalPeriod Parameters Name ipcompany Type String Description Company. If left empty, the method use current company value.


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Name ipFiscalCalendarID ipFiscalYear ipFiscalYearSuffix proposedFiscalPeriod ipCalledFromUI opcMsg

Type String Int32 String Int32 Boolean String@

Description FiscalCalendarID Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix proposed Fiscal Period Logical value. True = Called from UI, False = Called from internal method in BO A message is returned if the given Period is invalid.

Validate FiscalYear and send back FiscalYearSuffix Parameters Name ipFiscalCalendarID proposedFiscalYear opFiscalYearSuffix ipCalledFromUI opcMsg Type String Int32 String@ Boolean String@ Description FiscalCalendarID Proposed FiscalYear FiscalYearSuffix Logical value. True = Called from UI, False = Called from internal method in BO A message is returned if the given Period is invalid.

Validate the GenID Parameters Name intGenID Type Int32 Description GenID. Also know as Consolidation ID

Validate ConsDefID and updates TgtCompany, TgtBook, TragetCOA, IntermediateBookID and ImmediateTrans Parameters Name proposedConsDefID ds Type String Description Proposed ConsDefID ConsolidToParent Dataset

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Business Object Reference Guide

Method to call to get the default consolidation types and currency exchange rates. Parameters Name ipGetDefaultType ds Type Int32 Description GetDefault Type. 1 - All, 2 - Just record in screen. The ConsolidToParent data set

Validate changes on ExchangeRates and updates User Modified accordingly. Parameters Name ds Type Description ConsolidToParent dataset row

Validate FiscalPeriod Parameters Name proposedFiscalPeriod ds opcMsg opClosingPeriod String@ Int32@ Type Int32 Description proposed Fiscal Period ConsolidToParent Dataset A message is returned if the given Period is invalid. Closing period number if proposed period is a closing period.

Validates record and returns message if a previous period has o has not been posted/generated. Parameters Name intYear intPeriod txtPriorPeriodNotPostedMsg txtPeriodAlreadyPostedMsg txtPeriodAlreadyGeneratedMsg ds Type Int32 Int32 String@ String@ String@ Description Fiscal year to be evaluated Fiscal period to be evaluated Prior Period not posted message text Period already posted message text Period already generated message text ConsolidToParent dataset row


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.ConsTgtDef: This business object contains 21 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Parameters Name ipCOAMapUID Type Int32 Description COA Map ID to validate

Parameters Name ipConsolidationType ds Type String Description proposed consolidation type (Periodic/Continuous) Consolidation targetDefinition Data Set

Parameters Name ipConsType ipConsTypeText Type String String Description ConsType to edit text that identifies the constype being validated

Parameters Name ipCurrencyCode Type String Description currency code to validate


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Parameters Name ds Type Description Consolidation targetDefinition Data Set

Parameters Name ipIntermediateBook ds Type String Description IntermediateBookID Consolidation targetDefinition Data Set

Parameters Name ipJrnlCode ipJrnlCodeType ds Type String String Description Journal code to edit Identifies which journal code to edit: target or intermediate Consolidation targetDefinition Data Set

Parameters Name ipOutputFile Type String Description output file

Parameters Name ipRemoteParent ds Type Boolean Description remote parent value Consolidation targetDefinition Data Set

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Parameters Name ipTargetBook ds Type String Description target book ID Consolidation targetDefinition Data Set

Parameters Name ipTargetCompany ds Type String Description target Company ID Consolidation targetDefinition Data Set

Parameters Name ipSourceBook ds Type String Description Source GL Book ID Consolidation targetDefinition Data Set

Parameters Name ipConsDefID ipSourceBook Type String String Description Consolidation Definition ID Source GL Book ID

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ConsType: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field.

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Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Get rate type list Parameters Name cRateTypeList Type String@ Description Rate type list

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Contact: This business object contains 6 methods.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Condenses the list of contacts. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ContactListDataSet Set

Get customers, shiptos and contacts by Contact Name.


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Parameters Name contactName custNumList inCustNum inShipToNum inConNum Returns The ContactDataSet Set Type String String Int32 String Int32 Description The Contact Name Delimited list of customer numbers selected Specific Customer number. Used for context menu Specific ShipTo Number. Used for context menu Specific Contact Number. Used for context menu

List of contacts. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The ContactListDataSet Set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description Where condition # of records returned. 0 means all

List of contacts. Parameters Name whereClause shipToWhereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The ContactListDataSet Set Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description Where condition ShipTo Where condition # of records returned. 0 means all

Empty method so the adapter will add the attachment logic for CustCnt.

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Parameters Name custNum shipToNum conNum Type Int32 String Int32 Description The Customer Number The ShipTo Number The Contact Number

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ContainerClass: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Calculates container cost when CostPerVolume or Volume change. Parameters Name ds Type Description Container Class Data Set

Calculates the CostPerVolume. Parameters Name ds Type Description Container Class Data Set

Verifies if proposed Vendor Contact number is valid. If so, loads Vendor Contact Information. Parameters Name ipContactNum ds Type Int32 Description The Contact Number The Supplier Shipment Class Data Set.

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Verifies if proposed Landed Cost Indirect Cost Code is valid. If so, loads Indirect Cost Amount and Currency code. Parameters Name ipMiscCode ds Type String Description The Supplier ID The Supplier Shipment Class Data Set.

Verifies if proposed Supplier ID is valid. If so, loads Supplier's name. Parameters Name ipSupplierID ds Type String Description The Supplier ID The Supplier Shipment Class Data Set.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ContainerTracking: This business object contains 59 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name shipQty shipUOM partNum ourUnitCost weight grossWeight vExtCost Type Decimal String String Decimal Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Description Quantity to ship Shipping UOM Part number on container detail Unit Cost on container detail Extended weight of detail Gross weight of detail Extended container cost or value

Parameters Name ipContainerID Type Int32 Description ContainerID

Creates the default Miscellaneous Charges for the Container based on the Parameters Name ds ds1 Type Description APInvMiscCharges DataSet Container Tracking Data Set

Parameters Name ds containerErrors detailAdded String@ Boolean@ Type Description Container Tracking Data Set List of PO releases not added as container details Indicates that at least one detail was added and is used by the UI to determine if the zero volume message is to be displayed

Calculates container cost when CostPerVolume or Volume change


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Parameters Name ds Type Description Container Tracking Data Set

Calculates the CostPerVolume Parameters Name ds Type Description Container Tracking Data Set

Parameters Name ipContainerID opLCApplied Type Int32 Decimal@ Description Container IDt Total applied landed cost

Gets the list of AP Invoice Miscellaneous Charges marked as Landed Cost and and not linked to any container or receipt yet. Parameters Name ipContainerID Returns The APInvMiscCharges DataSet Type Int32 Description Container ID

This method defaults the container class information into the conatiner header file whenever the container class is added/amended Parameters Name cclass volume containerCost costPerVolume Type String Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Description cclass volume container Cost Cost per volume

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Name shippingDays validContainer

Type Int32@ Boolean@

Description shipping Days valid Container

Gets the Detail of a specific Container Header to be splitted. Parameters Name ipContainerID Returns The ContainerDetailToSplit DataSet Type Int32 Description Container ID

Gets the Indirect Costs of a specific Container Header to be transfered. Parameters Name ipContainerID Returns The ContainerMiscToTransfer DataSet Type Int32 Description Container ID

This method updates the dataset when the detail Line PONum field has changed. Parameters Name ds poLine poNum Int32 Int32 Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Line to check New PO Number

This method updates the dataset when the detail Line POLine field has changed. Parameters Name poNum Type Int32 Description New POLine Number


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Name poLine ds

Type Int32

Description Receipt Line to check The Receipt data set

This method updates the dataset when the ShipQty or IUM field changes Parameters Name ds poNum poLine poRelNum inputShipQty inputIUM whichField warnMsg Int32 Int32 Int32 Decimal String String String@ Type Description The ContainerTracking data set Container PO Number Container PO Line Container PO Rel Proposed change to the Ship qty field Proposed change to the IUM field Indicates either 'QTY' or 'UOM' field changed A warning message for users. Does not stop processing

This method defaults the container class information into the conatiner header file whenever the container class is added/amended Parameters Name porelnum ds Type Int32 Description pore num Container Tracking Data Set

This method should be invoked when the Container Class ID changes. This method will validate the container class and pull in the new default class information. Parameters Name ipClassCode ds Type String Description Proposed Container Class Code to be validated The Container Tracking data set

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This method should be invoked when the ConNum changes. This method will validate the VendCnt and pull in the new default information. Parameters Name ipConNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed ConNum to be validated The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the PO Transaction Value has changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the CommodityCode in ContainerDetail changes. This method will validate the commodity code and get defaults. Parameters Name ipCommCode ds Type String Description Proposed Commodity Code to be validated The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the OrigCountryNum in ContainerDetail changes. This method will validate country of origin. Parameters Name ipCountryNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Country of Origin to be validated The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the LCIndCost in ContainerDetail changes. This method will validate the manually disbursed indirect cost.


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Parameters Name ipLCIndCost ds Type Decimal Description Proposed LC Indirect Cose to be validated The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the UpliftPercent in ContainerDetail changes. This method will validate the UpliftPercent and calculate the Uplift Indirect Cost. Parameters Name ipUpliftPercent ds Type Decimal Description Proposed Uplift Percentage to be validated The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the Tariff Code changes. This method will validate the tariffcode and defaults the duty amount. Parameters Name ipTariffCode ds Type String Description Proposed Tariff Code to be validated The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the Loading Port ID changes. This method validate selected Port and set default value of Country Imported From. Parameters Name ipLoadPortID ds Type String Description Loading Port ID The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the Apply Date in ContainerMisc changes. This method will validate the date and get new exchange rate.

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Parameters Name ipApplyDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Proposed Apply Date to be validated The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the Miscellaneous Charge ID changes. This method will validate the misc. charge and pull in the new default information. Parameters Name ipChargeID ds Type String Description Proposed PurMisc ID to be validated The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the Currency Code in ContainerMisc changes. This method will validate the currency code and pull in the new default information. Parameters Name ipCurrCode ds Type String Description Proposed Currency Code to be validated The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the ContainerMisc.EstimateAmt changes. This method will validate the amount and convert it to the base currency. Parameters Name ipDocEstimateAmt ds Type Decimal Description Proposed Estimate Amount in document currency The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the Currency Exchange Rate in ContainerMisc changes. Parameters Name ipExchangeRate Type Decimal Description Proposed Currency Exchange Rate to be validated


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Name ds


Description The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the Invoice Line in ContainerMisc changes. This method will validate the invoice line and pull in the new default information. Parameters Name ipInvLine ds Type Int32 Description The AP Invoice Line to be validated The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the Invoice Number in ContainerMisc changes. This method will validate the invoice number and pull in the new default information. Parameters Name ipInvNum ipVendorNum ds Type String Int32 Description The AP Invoice Number to be validated The Vendor Number associated with the invoice The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the MscNum in ContainerMisc changes. This method will validate the MscNum and pull in the new default information. Parameters Name ipMscNum ds Type Int32 Description The AP Invoice Line Miscellaneous Sequence Number to be validated The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the Currency Rate Group in ContainerMisc changes. This method will validate the rate group and get new exchange rate.

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Parameters Name ipRateGrpCode ds Type String Description Proposed Currency Rate Group Code to be validated The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the vendor ID in ContainerMisc changes. This method will validate the vendor and pull in the new default vendor information. Parameters Name vendID ds Type String Description Proposed vendor ID to be validated The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the Ship Status changes. This method will validate the ship status and returns a value to indicate if the UI needs to run special method to ship/unship container details when necessary. Parameters Name ipShipStat opShipLogic ds Type String String@ Description Proposed Shipment Status to be validated Returns one of the valid values: SHIP, UNSHIP, or blank The Container Tracking data set

This method should be invoked when the vendor ID changes. This method will validate the vendor and pull in the new default vendor information. Parameters Name vendID ds Type String Description Proposed vendor ID to be validated The Container Tracking data set

This method will return a message if the Container Header has a change in UpliftPercent. The user will be asked if the change should be applied to all the Container Details as well. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called.


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Parameters Name opWarnMsg ds Type String@ Description The warning message to be returned to the user. The Container Tracking data set

Parameters Name inContainerID opMessage Type Int32 String@ Description Container ID Message to return back to user.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Initialize landed cost amounts to 0 and updates the landed cost disburse method. Parameters Name ipContainerID ipDisburseMethod Type Int32 String Description Container ID to reset Landed Cost Disbursment method

container To Ship Parameters Name containerToShip Type Int32 Description container To Ship

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Splits a Container by creating a new Container Header and assigning the selected Container Detail lines into the new Container. Parameters Name ds opContainerID Int32@ Type Description The ContainerDetailToSplit DataSet New Container ID

Transfers Indirect Costs from one container to another. Parameters Name ipTargetContainerID ds Type Int32 Description Target Container ID The ContainerMiscToTransfer DataSet

container To UnShip Parameters Name containerToUnShip Type Int32 Description container To UnShip

Parameters Name origLCAmt newLCAmt ipcontainerID ipAppliedAmt totApplied Type Decimal Decimal Int32 Decimal Decimal@ Description original landed cost amount new landed cost amount container ID current applied landed cost amount total applied landed cost


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Parameters Name ds lcError String@ Type Description Container Tracking Data Set error message

Parameters Name shipQty shipUOM ium partNum poNum poLine poRelNum warningMsg Type Decimal String String String Int32 Int32 Int32 String@ Description Proposed Ship Qty Ship Qty UOM PODetail.IUM PartNum Purchase order number Purchase order line number Purchase order release number Warning mesage

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ContractRenewalSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Returns the renewals Parameters Name customerNum whereClause sortByClause pageSize absolutePage Type Int32 String String Int32 Int32 Description customer number to return renewals for WhereClause to filter the Parent records. To sort by the detail records. Page Size. Absolute Page


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Name morePages

Type Boolean@

Description More Pages

Returns The Service Contract Search list data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CorrectiveAction: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Call this method to reopen a particular DMR Corrective Action record. Parameters Name ipActionID Returns Corrective Actions Data Set Type Int32 Description The Action ID of the Corrective Action to reopen

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CostAdjustment: This business object contains 14 methods.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Obtains the cost fields, part description, transaction date, cost method and other fields for the Cost Adjustment UI.


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Parameters Name pcPartNumber ds Type String Description The part number entered by the user.. DataSet for the cost adjustment UI.

It accepts a list of Partnumber and builds a CostAdjustmentDataSet. The CostAdjustmentDataSet contains the cost fields, part description, transaction date, cost method and other fields for the Cost Adjustment UI. Parameters Name ds Returns DataSet for the cost adjustment UI. Type Description List of Partnumber

Obtains the FIFO costs for a part which has a cost method of 'F'. Parameters Name ds Type Description Updated dataset with the FIFO costs.

Obtains the lot costs for a part which has a cost method of 'T'. Parameters Name ds Type Description Updated dataset with the lot costs.

This method creates a new CostAdjustmentDataSet row entry. Parameters Name ds Type Description DataSet for the cost adjustment UI.

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This method creates a new ttCostAdjustmentList row entry. Parameters Name ds Type Description DataSet for the cost adjustment UI.

Call this method when the user changes the Average Material Unit Cost. Parameters Name dAvgMtlUnitCost ds Type Decimal Description The average material unit cost entered by the user.. DataSet for the cost adjustment UI.

Call this method when the user changes the FIFO Material Unit Cost. Parameters Name dFIFOMaterialCost ds Type Decimal Description The FIFO material unit cost entered by the user. DataSet for the cost adjustment UI.

Call this method when the user changes the Last Material Unit Cost. Parameters Name dLastMtlUnitCost ds Type Decimal Description The last material unit cost entered by the user.. DataSet for the cost adjustment UI.

Call this method when the user enters a PartNum.


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Parameters Name pcPartNumber ds Type String Description The part number entered by the user.. DataSet for the cost adjustment UI.

Call this method when the user changes the Standard Material Unit Cost. Parameters Name dStdMtlUnitCost ds Type Decimal Description The standard material unit cost entered by the user.. DataSet for the cost adjustment UI.

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Indicates if the legal number requires user input Type Description

This procedure validates the fields in the CostAdjustment dataset. Then updates the costs in the Part record, PartLot (if applicable) and creates the appropriate PartTran records. Parameters Name ds partTranPKs String@ Type Description CostAdjustment data set. Part Tran primary keys.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CostBurdenSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.CostLaborSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CostPartSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CostWorkBench: This business object contains 33 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Method to call when changing the copy from group id on the cost group. Validates the group id and updates CostGrp with default values based on the new group id.


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Parameters Name proposedGroupID ds Type String Description The proposed plant cost id The CostWorkBench data set

Method to call when changing the copy from plant cost id on the cost group. Validates the plant cost id and updates CostGrp with default values based on the new plant cost id. Parameters Name proposedPlantCostID ds Type String Description The proposed plant cost id The CostWorkBench data set

Method to call when changing the post to cost id on the post cost table (CostWorkBenchPost). Validates the plant cost id recreates CostWorkBenchPostPlants records for the new cost id. Prior to calling this method all CostWorkBenchPostPlants records must have the RowMod value set to U because they will be deleted. Parameters Name proposedPlantCostID ds Type String Description The proposed plant cost id The CostWorkBenchPost data set

Method to call when changing the primary plant on the cost group. Validates the plant id and updates CostGrp with default values based on the new plant. Parameters Name proposedPlant ds Type String Description The proposed plant The CostWorkBench data set

Post costs for the group.

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Parameters Name ds pcCostsNotUpdatedMsg pcLegalNumberMessage Returns The CostWorkBench data set String@ String@ Type Description The CostWorkBenchPost data set Informational message to display to indicate which costs were not updated. Message text to indicate the generated number.

Roll up costs for the group. Parameters Name ds pcPartsNotUpdatedMsg String@ Type Description The CostWorkBenchRollUp data set Informational message to display to indicate which parts were not updated.

Returns The CostWorkBench data set

This method creates/refreshes the costs for the Cost Group. Parameters Name ds cReturnMessage Returns The CostWorkBench data set String@ Type Description The CostWorkBenchCostSet data set Informational message to display after the process is done

This method will create an empty CostWBInternalPrices record to use in populating the parameters required to update the internal prices The WorkstationID, DateFormat and NumericFormat fields are not user updatable The Action field is one of 3 values 'All' = 'Calculate, Print, Update', 'Print' = 'Calculate, Print', 'Update' = 'Calculate, Update' Parameters Name cGroupID Type String Description The Group ID


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Returns The CostWBInternalPrices data set

This method will create a CostWorkbenchCostSet record which is used to store user options for the getting the CostPart, CostLabor, and CostBurden records. Parameters Name cGroupID Type String Description The Group ID

Returns The CostWorkBenchCostSet data set

This method will create a CostWorkbenchPost record which is used to store user options for the Post option. Parameters Name cGroupID Returns The CostWorkBenchPost data set Type String Description The Group ID

This method will create a CostWorkbenchRefresh record which is used to store user options for refreshing costs in the CostPart, CostLabor, and CostBurden records. Parameters Name cGroupID Type String Description The Group ID

Returns The CostWorkBenchRefresh data set

This method will create a CostWorkbenchRollUp record which is used to store user options for the rollup option. Parameters Name cGroupID Returns The CostWorkBenchRollUp data set Type String Description The Group ID

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Returns the list for Costing Edits. The list is in code1`desc1~code2`desc2 format. Parameters Name cCostingEditList Type String@ Description The Costing Edits List.

Returns the list for filter options for parts. The list is in code1`desc1~code2`desc2 format. Parameters Name cFilterList Type String@ Description The Filter List.

Returns the list for sort by options for Operations and Resource Groups. The list is in code1`desc1~code2`desc2 format. Parameters Name cOprResourceSortByList Type String@ Description The Sort By List.

Returns the list of available costing methods for a part. The list is in code1`desc1~code2`desc2 format. Parameters Name cPartCostingMethodList Type String@ Description The Part Costing Method List.

Returns the list for sort by options for parts. The list is in code1`desc1~code2`desc2 format. Parameters Name cPartSortByList Type String@ Description The Sort By List.


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Returns the list of available rates for Resource Groups and Operations. The list is in code1`desc1~code2`desc2 format. Parameters Name cRatesList Type String@ Description The Rates List.

Pre-processing before the rolling up of costs for the group. Check if there are unapproved revisions that are in the rollup criteria. If there are, return a message to the UI to ask the user if it is ok to proceed. If pcQuestion is blank, a question does not need to be asked. Parameters Name ds pcQuestion String@ Type Description The CostWorkBenchRollUp data set The text of the question to ask the user.

This method refreshes the costs for the Cost Group. Parameters Name ds Returns The CostWorkBench data set Type Description The CostWorkBenchRefresh data set

This method takes the CostWBInternalPricesDataSet and either prints and/or updates the Internal Price change Parameters Name ds cReturnMessage String@ Type Description The CostWBInternalPrices data set Informational message to display after the process is done

This method will return the data need to display Part Rev costs.

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Parameters Name ipGroupID ipTypeCode ipPartNum ipQuantity ipMaxLevel ipAssembliesOnly Type String String String Decimal Int32 Boolean Description The Cost Group ID to return costs for. The Type Code of the Part to return costs for (CostPart.TypeCode). The Part Number to return costs for. The Quantity to return costs for. The Max Level to return costs for. Assemblies only

Returns The CostWorkBenchCosts data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.COSWIP: This business object contains 7 methods.

Capture COS/WIP Activity Parameters Name ds Type Description The COSWIP data set

Change ending date Parameters Name ds endDate Nullable{System.DateTime} Type Description The COSWIP data set The ending date

Check inconsistent dates Parameters Name ds daStartingDate Nullable{System.DateTime} Type Description The COSWIPDates data set The starting date for the wip/cos process


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Name lAskToContinue cMessageText

Type Boolean@ String@

Description Boolean that defines if we ask to continue The message text

Update COSWIPDates data set Parameters Name ds Type Description The COSWIPDates data set

Get new record in COSWIP data set Returns The COSWIP data set

Public method to get the COSWIPDates dataset. Parameters Name ipGLPost daStartingDate pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The COSWIPDates data set Type Boolean Nullable{System.DateTime} Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Boolean that defines if we can post to GL The starting date for the wip/cos process The size of page The number of pages Boolean that defines if we need more pages

Changing of Transaction Date Parameters Name ds cRowIdent daStartingDate proposedTranDate String Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Type Description The COSWIPDates data set The Row Identifier for the COSWIPDates datatable The starting date for the wip/cos process The proposed transaction date

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.Country: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CountryPortSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CountTag: This business object contains 22 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record

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QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Parameters Name pQty ds Type Decimal Description CCTag.CountedQty The CountTag data set

This is a custome GetByID to be used when the user manually enters a tag number in count Tag Entry. It will ensure that the tag belongs to the specific cycle that is selected in Count Tag Entry.


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Parameters Name iTagNum iWarehouseCode iMonth iYear iCycleSeq iFullPhysical Returns The Count Tag dataSet Type String String Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean Description The Tag Number The Warehouse Code The TFOrdLine code The Year The Cycle Number Full Physical Inventory flag

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name partNum uomCode sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch Type String@ String@ String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Proposed PartNumber change UOM Code (only used for Product Codes) RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

Parameters Name ipPartNum ds Type String Description Proposed PartNum The CountTag data set

Procedure that validates the Bin Num

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Parameters Name inBinNum ds Type String Description Proposed BinNum The CountTag data set

Recalculate the CountedQty field. Parameters Name pQty ds Type Decimal Description Proposed DimCode The CountTag data set

This method returns an error or question if the LotNum field does not exist depending upon the security of the user Parameters Name ds lotNum questionMsg errorMsg String String@ String@ Type Description The CountTag data set New Lot Number to validate Asks if user want to create new lot Tells user if they can't create a new lot

CountTag - Call this method when the user changes the PartNum. Parameters Name pcPartNum uomCode ds Type String String Description Proposed PartNum UOM Code (only used for Product Codes) The CountTag data set

CountTag - Call this method when the user changes the PartNum.


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Parameters Name ipCCUOM ds Type String Description Proposed UOM The CountTag data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Course: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Adjust 'where' clause with 'contains' keyword Parameters Name whereClause Type String@ Description Where clause

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method returns the list of Expiration type codes and descriptions . /// Returns The expiratin types list

Method to validate the possibility of Course deletion.


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Parameters Name courseID isDeleteOK Type String Boolean@ Description Course ID Is it possible to delete the course

Validation of course ID Parameters Name courseID Type String Description Course ID

Validation of course revision Parameters Name courseID revisionCode Type String String Description Course ID Revision Code

Method to validate the possibility of Course revision deletion. Parameters Name courseID revisionCode isDeleteOK Type String String Boolean@ Description Course ID Course Revision Code Is it possible to delete the course

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CourseSch: This business object contains 14 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.


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Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Method to call when changing the InstrType field. Parameters Name proposedInstrType ds Type String Description The proposed Instructor Type The Course Schedule data set

Method to call when changing the CourseResult field. Parameters Name proposedCourseResult ds Type String Description The proposed Course Result The Course Schedule data set

Method to call when changing the StartDate field. Parameters Name proposedStartDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed Start Date The Course Schedule data set

The method for assigning employees to the scheduled course. Parameters Name courseID revisionCode startDate endDate empCourses Type String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} String Description The Course ID The Course Revision ID The Course Start Date The Course End Date The list of employee records IDs from EmpCourse table

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Name ds


Description The Course Schedule data set

The method for assigning employees to the scheduled course. Parameters Name courseID revisionCode startDate endDate numAttendees roomOK Type String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Int32 Boolean@ Description The Course ID The Course Revision ID The Course Start Date The Course End Date The number of attendees to be added to the Scheduled Course The room for the requested number of attendees is available

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CreditCardProc: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.


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Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method validates the Processor ID Parameters Name ds Type Description CreditCardProcDataSet

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The purge process will remove any credit card account number that has not been used within the number of days as specified in the CreditCardProc.DaysToRetainInfo field. Other characteristics that would prevent the account number from being purged would be if the account number is in use on an order that has not been completely shipped, or if the account number is used on an invoice that has not been fully paid.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CreditCardType: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CreditManager: This business object contains 28 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.

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Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

To return the list of fields that are maintained by the "Master/Owner" of global record. The client can use this list to disable these fields on the UI.

Call this method when the user updates the order's credit hold field. This will calculate or reset the default Credit Override Limit of a particular order. The toggling of the credit hold check box will determine when OrderHed.CreditOverrideLimit should be enabled. The Credit Override Limit should be enabled if the Credit Hold field is unchecked. Conversely, Credit Override Limit is disabled if Credit Hold is checked. Parameters Name ds Type Description The CreditManager data set

This method checks if customer will go on credit hold. Then asks if the user wants all orders to go on credit hold. To be called right before update. If the user answers yes to putting orders on hold, then the ApplyHoldToOrder field needs to be populated. Parameters Name ds Type Description Credit Manager data set

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Name vMessage

Type String@

Description If customer going on credit hold, returns question UI needs to ask User before update

Call this method to export customer credit information. This method accepts an input parameter to exclude or include customer with credit limit of zero. This method returns the data table ttExportCustCred containing all valid customer credit information. The resulting records from the ttExportCustCred will then need to be outputted as a CSV file (comma delimited) with the first output line containing the description or label of all fields. Parameters Name inpIncludeZero Type Boolean Description A logical flag to indicate whether to include 0 Credit Limit Customers.

Returns The ExportCustCred

Parameters Name ipCustID Returns The ARLOCDataSet data set Type String Description The customer character ID

This method finds the customer record by CustId instead of CustNum Parameters Name custID Returns The CreditManager data set Type String Description The customer character ID

Parameters Name ipCustID Type String Description The customer character ID


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Returns The CustCntDataSet data set

Parameters Name ipCustID Returns The InvcHeadDataSet data set Type String Description The customer character ID

Parameters Name ipCustID Type String Description The customer character ID

Returns The CMOrderHedDataSet data set

Parameters Name ipCustID Returns The ARPNHeadDataSet data set Type String Description The customer character ID

Parameters Name ipCustID Returns The CashHeadDataSet data set Type String Description The customer character ID

Call this method to import customer credit information into the database. This method expects an input data table ttImportCustCred with data coming from an external comma delimited file.

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Parameters Name ds Returns The CreditManager data set Type Description The ImportCustCred data set

Call this method to do a mass credit information update on all customers. This method returns a log file (MassUpdLog) to store minimal information about the affected customers after the credit check evaluation process. Display the process log if not empty. Parameters Name ipCustID ds Returns The MassUpdLog data set Type String Description The Customer ID currently on display. The CreditManager data set

This method updates the ttCMOrderHed's fisical table Parameters Name ipCustNum ds Type Int32 Description The customer Num The CMOrderHedDataSet data set

This method updates the TotOpenCredit and TotGlobalCredit fields. To be called when the include credit flags are changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The CreditManager data set

This method converts the global credit limit from the global currency value to the local currency value. To be used when the global currency code changes or when the global credit limits are changed.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The CreditManager data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CreditTran: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Called from Contact tracker instead of GetRows for better performance Parameters Name whereClauseCreditTran whereClauseOrderHed contactName pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.CreditTranDataSet Type String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for HDCase table. Whereclause for OrderHed table. The contact to return data for. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Filter by Credit Card Fields Parameters Name whereClause inGroupID inHeadNum inOrderNum inCardProcess pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause. CashHead.GroupID field if available CashHead.HeadNum field if available CashHead.OrderNum field if available Encrypted Credit Card. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.


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Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.CreditTranDataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CRMCall: This business object contains 32 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Update CRMCallCnt information when the contact Name is changed. Parameters Name pName ds Type String Description Proposed Name The CRMCall data set

Update CRMCallCnt information when the contact PerConLnkRowID is changed. Parameters Name pPerConLnkRowID ds Type String Description Proposed PerConLnkRowID The CRMCall data set


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Update CRMCall information when the CustomerId is changed. Parameters Name pCustomerId ds Type String Description Proposed Customer ID The CRMCall data set

Update CRMCall information when the FSCall Number is changed. Parameters Name pFSCallNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed FSCall Number The CRMCall data set

Update CRMCall information when the Case Number is changed. Parameters Name pHDCaseNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Case Number The CRMCall data set

Update CRMCall information when the AR Invoice Number is changed. Parameters Name pInvoiceNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Invoice Number The CRMCall data set

Update CRMCall information when the Order Number is changed.

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Parameters Name pOrderNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Order Number The CRMCall data set

Update CRMCall information when the Purchase Point is changed. Parameters Name pVendorNum pPurPoint ds Type Int32 String Description Proposed Supplier number. Proposed purchase point.. The CRMCall data set

Update CRMCall information when the Quote Number is changed. Parameters Name pQuoteNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Quote Number The CRMCall data set

Update CRMCall information when the RMA Number is changed. Parameters Name pRMANum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed RMA Number The CRMCall data set

Update CRMCall information when the ShipToNum is changed. Parameters Name pCustNum Type Int32 Description Proposed Customer number.


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Name pShipToNum ds

Type String

Description Proposed Ship To number. The CRMCall data set

Update CRMCall information when the Task ID is changed. Parameters Name pTaskID ds Type String Description Proposed Task ID The CRMCall data set

Update CRMCall information when the VendorID (Supplier ID) is changed. Parameters Name pVendorID ds Type String Description Proposed Supplier ID The CRMCall data set

Update CRMCall information when the contact is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The CRMCall data set

Update CRMCall information when the supplier contact is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The CRMCall data set

Gets the number of CRM Calls to show at startup according to the Company settings.

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Parameters Name crmCallsToShow Type Int32@ Description Number of CRM Calls to show.

Called from Contact tracker for better performance. Parameters Name whereClauseCRMCall whereClauseCRMCallHistory contactName pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for CRMCall table. Whereclause for CRMCallHistory table. The contact to return data for. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Called from Customer tracker for better performance. Parameters Name whereClauseCRMCall whereClauseCRMCallHistory pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for CRMCall table. Whereclause for CRMCallHistory table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Gets the list of calls where the DcdUserID is an authorized user for the Workforce specified in the call. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.


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Name morePages Returns The rows DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Return a list of the sort by options based on the data passed in. Parameters Name cTableName iCustNum iQuoteNum iVendorNum cSortByList Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 String@ Description The table name to base the sort by on. Valid values are: Customer, QuoteHed, Task The Customer ID if available. Can be blank. The Quote Number if available. Can be zero. The Vendor ID if available. Can be blank. The Sort By List.

Checks if user is authorized Parameters Name cSalesRepCode Type String Description The SalesRep code

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CRMComp: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.

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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method finds the CRMComp record by CompId instead of CompNum Parameters Name compID Type String Description The CRMComp character ID


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Returns The CRMComp data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CrossDock: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Currency: This business object contains 18 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method returns the Base CurrencyCode Parameters Name opCurrencyBase Type String@ Description Base Currency

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This returns the Currency dataset for linking. Parameters Name currencyCode Type String Description Global currency code field on the Glbcurrency record to link

Returns The currency data set

This method returns the GlbCurrency dataset based on a delimited list of GlbCurrCode values passed in. Parameters Name glbCurrCodeList Returns The GlbCurrency data set This method returns a list of reporting currency positions and the the currencies that are currently populating each slot Returns The Global Currency data set Type String Description Delimited list of glbCurrCode values

This method checks if GlbCurrency records exist or not. Can be used to determine if the option to link/unlink customers is available. Parameters Name glbCurrenciesExist Type Boolean@ Description Yes - they do exist; No - they do not exist

This method performs the actual logic behind linking a currency. It is run after the PreLinkGlbCurrency method which determines the Currency Code to link to. If the Currency Code is for a Currency that already exists, the GlbCurrency information is translated and then copied to the CurrencyDataSet as an update. If the Currency Code is for a new Currency, the GlbCurrency information is translated and then copied to the CurrencyDataSet as an Add. Until the update method is run on Currency record the Link process is not completed.


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Parameters Name glbCompany glbCurrencyCode ds ds1 Type String String Description Global Company field on the GlbCurrency record to link Global Currency Code field on the GlbCurrency record to link The Global Currency data set The Currency data set

Linking a GlbCurrency record ties a global record to a new or existing Currency record so that any changes made to the GlbCurrency record in another company are automatically copied to any linked Currencies. This method performs the pre link logic to check of okay to link or get the new currencyid to create/link to. Will be run before LinkGlbCurrency which actually creates/updates a Currency record and will send the modified record back for update. When the Link "button" is originally selected, the LinkCurrencyID will be defaulted to the GlbCurrencyId field. It will then check to see if this ID is available for Use. If available for use the system will return a question asking the user if they want to use this number. If the answer is no, then the user either needs to select an existing currency's ID to link to or enter a brand new ID. You will run this method until the user answer is yes. Then the LinkGlbCurrency method is called. Parameters Name glbCompany glbCurrencyCode ds vMessage String@ Type String String Description Global Company field on the GlbCurrency record to link Global Currency Code field on the GlbCurrency record to link The Global Currency data set Returns a message the user needs to respond yes or no to. If the user answers no, then they need to update the LinkCurrencyId field and then run this method again to test the new CurrencyId they want to link to

This method performs the logic behind the skip option for GlbCurrency Skip - sets the Skipped flag to true. If the CurrencyCode field is not blank will error out Parameters Name glbCompany glbCurrencyCode ds Type String String Description Global Company field on the GlbCurrency record to skip Global CurrencyCode field on the GlbCurrency record to skip The Global Currency data set

This method performs the logic behind the unlink option for GlbCurrency Unlink - clears the CurrencyCode and CustId field in GlbCurrency. Returns the Currency DataSet

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Parameters Name glbCompany glbCurrencyCode ds Returns The Currency data set Type String String Description Global Company field on the GlbCurrency record to unlink Global CurrencyCode field on the GlbCurrency record to unlink The Global Currency data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CurrExRate: This business object contains 16 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process. This method exists soley for the purpose of allowing security for updating Exchange Rate information to be defined.

This method will be use instead of GetNewCurrExRate because we need to create not one record but a set of records. When a new CurrExRate record is created a new record must be created in CurrExRate for every CurrConvRule record that has a RuleCode of 1 Parameters Name plRateGrpCode plEffectiveDate ds Type String String Description Proposed Rate Group Code Proposed Effective Date The CurrExRate DataSet to update the EffectiveDate.

This method receive RateGrpCode and gives back default values for Source and Target Currencies. The Default values for Source and Target currencies are found by searching for the first record in CurrConvRule with RuleCode = 1 using the Current company and the given Rate Group Code as filters. Parameters Name proposedRateGrpCode plSourceCurrCode plTargetCurrCode Type String String@ String@ Description The RateGrpCode introduced by the user. Rate Group CrossCurrCode used here as default for SourceCurrCode. Rate Group AltCrossCurrCode used here as default for TargetCurrCode.

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Filter Exchange Rate Groups by Date and RateGrp. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The CurrExRateList data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

This method receive RateGrpCode and gives back RateGrpDesc. Parameters Name proposedRateGrpCode plRateGrpCode plRateGrpDesc Type String String@ String@ Description The RateGrpCode selected by the user. Rate Group Code whit format as in DataBase. Rate Group Description.

This method conditionally Imports Exchange records. Parameters Name pFileName pListDelimiter pDateOrder pNumberFormat pSuccess Type String String String String Boolean@ Description Name of the file to export Selected Delimiter to use when parsing the import file Selected date format that will be imported. Selected numeric format that will be imported. Flag that tell us if the import of the file was successfully imported.

and then validate this records against the records of CurrConvRule, if there is any record that exist in CurrConvRule with RuleCode = 1 it must exist in the CurrExRate for the same RateGrp.


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Parameters Name pRateGrpCode pEffectiveDate ds Type String String Description The RateGrpCode selected by the user. Effective Date selected by the user. The CurrExRate DataSet to update the Exchange Rate set of Records

Validates the date. Parameters Name proposedRateGrpCode proposedEffectiveDate Type String String Description The RateGrpCode selected by the user. Effective Date selected by the user.

Validate if a new set of Exchange Rate can be created. We cannot add exchange rates to a Rate Group until all CurrConvRule records have valid RuleCodes (no 0 s) Parameters Name plRateGrpCode Type String Description Proposed Rate Group

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CurrRateGrp: This business object contains 30 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Validate UseBaseRate decide if RuleCode is set to 0. Parameters Name ds Type Description The CurrRateGrp DataSet.

Validate CrossCurrency and Alternative Currency and decide if their rounding fields are to be reset to default values. Parameters Name ds Type Description The CurrRateGrp DataSet.

This returns the CurrRateGrp dataset for linking. Parameters Name currRateGrpCode Type String Description Global Rate Group Code GLBCurrRateGrp record to link

Returns The Currency Rate Group data set

This method returns the GlbCurrRateGrp dataset based on a delimited list of GlbRateGrpCode values passed in. Parameters Name glbRateGrpCodeList Returns The GlbCurrRateGrp data set Type String Description Delimited list of glbRateGrpCode values

This method checks if GlbCurrRateGrp records exist or not. Can be used to determine if the option to link/unlink customers is available.

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Parameters Name glbCurrRateGrpsExist Type Boolean@ Description Yes - they do exist; No - they do not exist

This method performs the actual logic behind linking a Currency Rate Group. It is run after the PreLinkGlbCurrRateGrp method which determines the Currency Rate Group Code to link to. If the Currency Rate Group Code is for a Rate Group that already exists, the GlbCurrRateGrp information is translated and then copied to the CurrRateGrpDataSet as an update. If the Rate Group Code is for a new Rate Group, the GlbCurrRateGrp information is translated and then copied to the CurrRateGrpDataSet as an Add. Until the update method is run on CurrRateGrp record the Link process is not completed. Parameters Name glbCompany glbRateGrpCode ds ds1 Type String String Description Global Company field on the GlbCurrRateGrp record to link Global CurrRateGrp Code field on the GlbCurrRateGrp record to link The Global CurrRateGrp data set The CurrRateGrp data set

Linking a GlbCurrRateGrp record ties a global record to a new or existing CurrRateGrp record so that any changes made to the GlbCurrRateGrp record in another company are automatically copied to any linked Rate Groups. This method performs the pre link logic to check of okay to link or get the new RateGrpCode to create/link to. Will be run before LinkGlbCurrRateGrp which actually creates/updates a CurrRateGrp record and will send the modified record back for update. When the Link "button" is originally selected, the LinkRateGrpCode will be defaulted to the GlbRateGrpCode field. It will then check to see if this RateGrpCode is available for Use. If available for use the system will return a question asking the user if they want to use this code. If the answer is no, then the user either needs to select an existing rate group's code to link to or enter a brand new ID. You will run this method until the user answer is yes. Then the LinkGlbCurrRateGrp method is called. Parameters Name glbCompany glbRateGrpCode ds vMessage String@ Type String String Description Global Company field on the GlbCurrRateGrp record to link Global Rate Group Code field on the GlbCurrRateGrp record to link The Global Currency Rate Group data set Returns a message the user needs to respond yes or no to. If the user answers no, then they need to update the LinkRateGrpCode field and then run this method again to test the new RateGrpCode they want to link to


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This method performs the logic behind the skip option for GlbCurrRateGrp Skip - sets the Skipped flag to true. If the CurrRateGrpCode field is not blank will error out Parameters Name glbCompany glbRateGrpCode ds Type String String Description Global Company field on the GlbCurrRateGrp record to skip Global Rate Group Code field on the GlbCurrRateGrp record to skip The Global Currency Rate Group data set

This method performs the logic behind the unlink option for GlbCurrRateGrp Unlink - clears the RateGrpCode field in GlbCurrRateGrp. Returns the CurrRateGrp DataSet Parameters Name glbCompany glbRateGrpCode ds Returns The Currency Rate Group data set Type String String Description Global Company field on the GlbCurrency record to unlink Global Rate Group Code field on the GlbCurrRateGrp record to unlink The Global Currency Rate Group data set

This method validates AltCrossCurrCode. AltCrossCurrCode cannot be changed if exist at least one record on CurrConvRule with Rulecode value equal to 5 or 6 Parameters Name plRateGrpCode plCrossRate proposedAltCrossRate Type String String String Description The RateGrpCode selected by the user The CrossCurrCode selected by the user The AltCrossCurrCode selected by the user

This method validates that: (1) BaseRate must be a valid, active CurrRateGrp (2) If this CurrRateGrp is used as a BaseRateGrp on any other CurrRateGrp then it's own BaseRateGrp cannot be populate. (3) If choosing a BaseRateGrp, cannot choose a CurrRateGrp that has a BaseRateGrp defined. (4) If any Conversion Rule (currConvRule) have their UseBaseRate set to true, cannot clear BaseRateGrp field.

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Parameters Name plRateGrpCode proposedBaseRateGrp plCrossCurrCode plAltCrossCurrCode Type String String String String Description The proposed value for Rate Grp The proposed value for Base Rate Grp field The proposed value for CrossCurrCode field The proposed value for AltCrossCurrCode field

This method validates if exist at least one record on CurrConvRule with Rulecode value equal to 3, 4, 5 or 6 CrossCurrCode cannot be changed if exist at least one record on CurrConvRule with Rulecode value equal to 3, 4, 5 or 6 Parameters Name plRateGrpCode proposedCrossRate plAltCrossRate Type String String String Description The RateGrpCode selected by the user The CrossCurrCode selected by the user The AltCrossCurrCode selected by the user

Validate that when changing the cross rate currencies on a RateGrp if BaseRateGrp is defined must validate against the BaseRateGrp's currencies if it is used as a BaseRateGrp on other RateGrps (could be more than one) must validate against the RateGrps' currencies Parameters Name plRateGrpCode plBaseRateGrp proposedCrossRate proposedAltCrossRate Type String String String String Description The RateGrpCode The Base Rate Group The AltCrossCurrCode selected by the user The AltCrossCurrCode selected by the user

This method validate , that the CurrRateGrp record cannot be marked as Global if there are any CurrConvRule recods that reference currencies that are not marked as global Parameters Name plRateGrpCode proposedGlobal Type String Boolean Description The RateGrpCode selected by the user The proposed CrossCurrCode


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This method validate , that CurrRateGrp.Inactive cannot be marked as true if the rate group is assigned to a Company Default. Parameters Name plRateGrpCode proposedInactive plCrossCurrCode plAltCrossCurrCode plBaseRateGrpCode Type String Boolean String String String Description The RateGrpCode selected by the user The proposed value for Inactive field The current Cross Rate Currency The current Alternative Cross Rate Currency The current Base Rate Group

This method validate , that RateGrpCode is unique Parameters Name proposedRateGrpCode Type String Description The RateGrpCode selected by the user

This method validate , that Description is unique Parameters Name plRateGrpCode proposedDescription Type String String Description RateGrpCode value The Rate group description

This method validate , that RateNumDec not exceed 6 decimal places Parameters Name plRateGrpCode proposedRateNumDec Type String Int32 Description The RateGrpCode selected by the user The RateNumDec

Validates the value of "RuleCode"

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Parameters Name plRateGrpCode plUseBaseRate plSourceCurrCode plTargetCurrCode proposedRuleCode Type String Boolean String String Int32 Description RateGrpCode value UseBaseRate value UseBaseRate value UseBaseRate value Proposed RuleCode value

Validates the value of "UseBaseRate" Parameters Name plRateGrpCode proposedUseBaseRate Type String Boolean Description RateGrpCode value Proposed UseBaseRate value

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustBankSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustBillTo: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Calls the normal GetList but returns the list dataset with the starting at. Parameters Name custNum btCustID Type Int32 String Description Sold to customer number. BTCustID to start at and sort by.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustBillToListDataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustCnt: This business object contains 16 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the list of fields that are maintained by the "Master/Owner" of global record. The client can use this list to disable these fields on the UI.

This method checks the Customer Name and address fields to see if they conform to the length allowed in an External Financials integration. Will return a list of fields longer than allowed to allow the users to change them or accept that they will be truncated when sent to External Financials. Needs to be run right before update. If the user answers no to the question then the update method should not be run. Parameters Name vCustNum vShipToNum vConNum vName vAddress1 vAddress2 vAddress3 vCity vState vCorpName vFirstName vMiddleName vLastName Type Int32 String Int32 String String String String String String String String String String Description CustCnt.CustNum CustCnt.ShipToNum CustCnt.ConNum CustCnt.Name CustCnt.Address1 CustCnt.Address2 CustCnt.Address3 CustCnt.City CustCnt.State CustCnt.CorpName CustCnt.FirstName CustCnt.MiddleName CustCnt.LastName


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Name vInitials vMessage

Type String String@

Description CustCnt.Initials If any fields are too long, returns the question to ask the user before update

This method populates the detail fields from CustCnt.Name when targetName = "Detail". When targetField = "Name", then the CustCnt.Name is built from the detail fields. Parameters Name targetField custNum shipToNum conNum ds Type String Int32 String Int32 Description Indicates which fields to populate either "Detail" or "Name" CustCnt.CustNum CustCnt.ShipToNum CustCnt.ConNum The CustCnt data set

This method returns the GlbCustCnt dataset like GetList() method GlbCustCnt.CustNum gt 0 indicates linked GlbCustCnt records GlbCustCnt.CustNum lt = 0 indicates unlinked GlbCustCnt records Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The GlbCustCnt data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Where clause to specify set of GlbCustCnt records to return Page Size Absolute Page More Pages

Used to validate the PerCon. Parameters Name perConID ds Type Int32 Description Proposed PerConID. CustCnt data set.

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This method performs the actual logic behind linking a contact. It is run after the PreLinkGlbCustCnt method which determines the Contact to link to. If the Contact Number is for a Contact that already exists, the GlbCustCnt information is translated and then copied to the CustCntDataSet as an update. If the Contact Number is for a new Contact, the GlbCustCnt information is translated and then copied to the CustCntDataSet as an Add. Until the update method is run on CustCnt record the Link process is not completed. Parameters Name glbCompany glbCustNum glbShipToNum glbConNum ds Returns The CustCnt data set Type String Int32 String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbCustCnt record to link Global CustNum field on the GlbCustCnt record to link Global ShipToNum field on the GlbCustCnt record to link Global ConNum field on the GlbCustCnt record to link The GlbCustCnt data set

This sets the ShipTo table based on the MasterCustNum and MasterShipToNum fields. To be used when the alternate fields change Parameters Name iProposedMasterCustID iProposedMasterShipToNum iProposedMasterConNum ds Type String String Int32 Description The proposed CustID value The proposed ShipTo Num value The proposed Contact number value The Customer data set

This method clears or sets the Address fields based on the SpecialAddress flag. If CustCnt.SpecialAddress is checked then the address fields are defaulted from the Customer. Parameters Name ds Type Description The CustCnt data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustContImport: This business object contains 22 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process. Method to call to auto match import customers to existing customers. Returns The Customer/Contact import data set

Method to call when changing the role code on an imported customer contact record. Validates the role code and updates the role code description with the new value. Parameters Name proposedRoleCode ds Type String Description The proposed role code The Customer/Contact import data set

Method to call when changing the sales rep code on an imported customer record. Validates the sales rep code and updates the Sales Rep Name with the new value. Parameters Name proposedSalesRepCode ds Type String Description The proposed sales rep code The Customer/Contact import data set

Method to call when changing the territory id on an imported customer record. Validates the territory id and updates the territory description with the new value.


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Parameters Name proposedTerritoryID ds Type String Description The proposed sales rep code The Customer/Contact import data set

Method to call delete all CustomerImport and CustCntImport records. The CustContImport dataset should be cleared by the app that called this method after this method is run because the records in the dataset will be obsolete. Method to call to retrieve the existing Customers and Customer contacts. Returns The Customer/Contact existing data set

Method to call to import customers and contacts from a datatable. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Customer/Contact import/export data set

Method to call to match an import customer contact to an existing customer contact. Parameters Name iParentImportID iImportID existingCustNum existingConNum Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The ParentImportID of the imported customer contact record The ImportID of the imported customer contact record The Customer Number of the existing customer contact to match to The Contact Number of the existing customer contact to match to

Returns The Customer/Contact import data set

Method to call to match an import customer to an existing customer.

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Parameters Name impCustomerImportID existingCustNum Type Int32 Int32 Description The ImportID of the imported customer record The Customer Number of the existing customer to match to

Returns The Customer/Contact import data set

Method to call to unmatch an import customer contact from an existing customer contact. Parameters Name iParentImportID iImportID Type Int32 Int32 Description The ParentImportID of the imported customer contact record The ImportID of the imported customer contact record

Returns The Customer/Contact import data set

Method to call to unmatch an import customer from an existing customer. Parameters Name iImportID Type Int32 Description The ImportID of the imported customer record

Returns The Customer/Contact import data set Method to call update existing Customers with data from the imported Customers.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustGrup: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method validates and populates the ListCode in either CustomerPriceLst or ShipToPriceLst Parameters Name listCode tableName ds Type String String Description Proposed Price List Code Table to look in The Customer Group data set

This method moves the PriceLst or DiscPriceLst Up/Down one position in the grid and returns the whole updated datatable. Parameters Name groupCode seqNum moveDir Returns Customer Group Dataset Type String Int32 String Description Customer Group Code Current Sequence number of price list to move Direction to move task, "Up" or "Down"

This method moves the PriceLst or DiscPriceLst Up/Down one position in the grid and returns the whole updated datatable. Parameters Name groupCode seqNum moveDir Returns Customer Group Dataset Type String Int32 String Description Customer Group Code Current Sequence number of price list to move Direction to move task, "Up" or "Down"


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.Customer: This business object contains 107 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

To return the list of fields that are maintained by the "Master/Owner" of global record. The client can use this list to disable these fields on the UI.

To return the list of fields that are maintained by the "Master/Owner" of global record. The client can use this list to disable these fields on the UI.

To return the list of fields that are maintained by the "Master/Owner" of global record. The client can use this list to disable these fields on the UI.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record


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QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method exists soley for the purpose of allowing security for updating customer detail information to be defined

Set TranDocType when Invice Type was changed Parameters Name ipInvoiceType ds Type String Description Invoice Type value The Customer data set

Validates ChargeCode value Parameters Name ipChargeCode ds Type String Description ChargeCode value The Customer data set

Validates FinCharges value Parameters Name ipFinCharges ds Type Boolean Description FinCharges value The Customer data set

Validates ReminderGroup value Parameters Name ipReminderCode ds Type String Description ReminderCode value The Customer data set

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Performs required logic when Customer.DeferredRev is modified. Parameters Name ipDeferredRev ds Type Boolean Description Proposed input value of Deferred Rev Customer data set

This method validates and populates the ListCode in either CustomerPriceLst or ShipToPriceLst Parameters Name listCode tableName ds Type String String Description Proposed Price List Code Table to look in, either Customer or ShipTo or FieldService The Customer data set

Performs required logic when Customer.RACode is modified. Parameters Name ipRACode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of RA Code Customer data set

This method checks if customer will go on credit hold. Then asks if the user wants all orders to go on credit hold. To be right befor updated. If the user answers yes to putting orders on hold, then the ApplyHoldToOrder field needs to be populated Parameters Name ds vMessage String@ Type Description Customer data set If customer going on credit hold, returns question UI needs to ask User before update


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This method checks the Name,Address1 and ZipCode fields to see if there are any duplicate customers. A ListDataSet will be returned to the user of any duplicates asking if the user wants to continue. Needs to be run before Update on a NEW record only Parameters Name vName vRowid vAddress1 vZip Type String String String String Description This parameter takes a value for something RowIdent field of the Customer Customer Address field Customer Postal Code

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustomerListDataSet

This method checks if the field length of the Name and address fields will fit within the External Financials integration rules. If not, a list of problem fields will be sent back to the user to either change, or accept that they will be truncated when the customer is sent over to SoftCell. Parameters Name vCustNum vCustType vName vAddress1 vAddress2 vAddress3 vCity vState vBTName vBTAddress1 vBTAddress2 vBTAddress3 vBTCity vBTState vMessage Type Int32 String String String String String String String String String String String String String String@ Description Customer.CustNum Customer.CustType Customer.Name Customer.Address1 Customer.Address2 Customer.Address3 Customer.City Customer.State Customer.BTName Customer.BTAddress1 Customer.BTAddress2 Customer.BTAddress3 Customer.BTCity Customer.BTState Returns a list of problem fields for the user to accept or change

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This method test the validity of the VAT format Parameters Name tableName opMessage ds Type String String@ Description Indicates which table is being updated, Customer or ShipTo Message to display to user if not null The Customer data set

This method clears the BillTo address format string if the country has changed Parameters Name ds Type Description The Customer data set

This method sets the ShipVia, Language and FormatStr fields when the Country has changed. Parameters Name ds tableName String Type Description The Customer data set Indicates which table is being updated, Customer or ShipTo

Method to call when changing the global customer flag on a customer. Assigns the GlbFlag base on the new value. Parameters Name proposedGlobalCust ds Type Boolean Description The proposed global customer value The Customer data set

Method to call when changing the ICTrader flag on a customer. Assigns the EnableGlobalCust based on the new value.


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Parameters Name proposedICTrader ds Type Boolean Description The proposed IC Trader value The Customer data set

This method clears out the Billto Address fields. To be run if the user no longer wants a separate Bill To Address Parameters Name ds custNum Int32 Type Description The Customer data set Customer.CustNum

After the tax integration has been called, update the customer address if it was changed. Parameters Name ds ds1 custNum Int32 Type Description The Customer data set The ETCAddrValidation data set Customer.CustNum

Call tax integration and loads temp tables from the results. Parameters Name custNum statusFlag errorFlag errorMsg Type Int32 Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Description Customer.CustNum Set to true if the integration is up, false if down. If true, an error occured. If Error Flag is true, this is the associated message.

Returns The ETCAddrValidation data set

This method returns the available address elements in a delimited list

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Parameters Name addrElementList Type String@ Description Delimited list of Address Elements available

This returns the ShipTo record in the Customer dataset with ShipTo child records returned. Parameters Name custNum ds Type Int32 Description CustNum of the customer for the Ship To The Customer data set

This returns the alternate ShipTo record in the Customer dataset. ShipTo child records are not returned. Parameters Name custID shipToNum masterCustNum masterShipToNum Returns The Customer data set Type String String Int32 String Description CustID of the customer for the Ship To ShipToNum of the ShipTo to return Alternate CustNum of the customer for the Ship To Alternate ShipToNum of the ShipTo to return

This method returns the list of Bill Days to select from based on the billing Frequency Parameters Name billFreq billDayList Type String String@ Description The Customer Billing Frequency "W"eekly or "M"onthly The list of available days to choose from a selection list

This method returns all the 'sold to' customers for this alt bill to.


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Parameters Name custID Returns The ttBillToRefs data set Type String Description Current CustID

This method finds the customer record by CustId instead of CustNum Parameters Name custID withShipTo Returns The Customer data set Type String Boolean Description The customer character ID Indicates if shipTo should be retrieved or not

This returns the CustBillTo record in the Customer dataset for linking. Parameters Name custID Returns The Customer data set Type String Description CustID field on the GlbCustomer record

This returns the Customer dataset with only the Customer datatable populated. Customer child records are not returned. Parameters Name custID Returns The Customer data set Type String Description CustID of the customer to return

This returns the Customer dataset for linking. OBSOLETE METHOD: Use method GetCustomer instead.

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Parameters Name custID Returns The Customer data set Type String Description LinkCustID field on the GlbCustomer record to link

This method sets the Customer's Territory ID according to system rules Parameters Name ds custNum Int32 Type Description The Customer data set Customer.CustNum

This method returns a list of fields the user has access to when the user does not have rights to update detail information. Parameters Name fieldList Type String@ Description The list if fields to disable

This method returns the GlbCustomer dataset based on a delimited list of GlbCustNum values passed in. Parameters Name glbCustNumList Returns The GlbCustomer data set Type String Description Delimited list of GlbCustNum values

This overload of GetList adds Customers which ShipTo's fall within authorized territories. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description The search criteria Size of a page


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Name absolutePage customClause morePages Returns Returns the list of Customers

Type Int32 String Boolean@

Description The absolute page Custom WhereClause Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

This returns the alternate ShipTo record in the Customer dataset using the default ShipTo as a base. Parameters Name custID shipToNum Returns The Customer data set Type String String Description CustID of the customer for the Ship To ShipToNum of the ShipTo to return

This method sets the parent Customer information Parameters Name ds custNum parentCustID Int32 String Type Description The Customer data set The Customer Number Parent Customer ID

This returns the ShipTo record in the Customer dataset. ShipTo child records are not returned. Parameters Name custID shipToNum Returns The Customer data set Type String String Description CustID of the customer for the Ship To ShipToNum of the ShipTo to return

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This returns the ShipTo record in the Customer dataset for linking. OBSOLETE METHOD: Use method GetShipTo instead. Parameters Name custID shipToNum Returns The Customer data set Type String String Description CustID field on the GlbCustomer record LinkShipToNum field on the GlbShipTo record

This method defaults the ShipTo Territory according to system rules Parameters Name ds custNum shipToNum Int32 String Type Description The Customer data set Customer.CustNum ShipTo.ShipToNum

This method checks if GlbCustomer records exists or not. Can be used to determine if the option to link/unlink customers is available. Parameters Name glbCustomersExist Type Boolean@ Description Yes - they do exist; No - they do not exist

This method performs the actual logic to link CustBillTo records for a linked customer. It will only allow CustBillTo's of linked customers to be processed, otherwise an exception will be raised. The ability to link CustBillTo's for a linked Customer should be offered immediately after performing the update method on a Linked Customer but it does not have to be limited to that time only. It is run after the PreLinkGlbCustBillTo method which determines the CustBillToNum to link to. If the CustBillToNum is for a CustBillTo that already exists, the GlbCustBillTo information is translated and then copied to the CustomerDataSet as an update. If the CustBillToNum is for a new CustBillTo, the GlbCustBillTo information is translated and then copied to the CustomerDataSet as an Add. Until the update method is run on the CustBillTo record the Link process is not completed. Once the CustBillTo record has been linked, the GlbCustCnt records need to be offered up to be linked as well.


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Parameters Name glbCompany glbCustNum ds ds1 warnMsg String@ Type String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbCustBillTo record to link Global CustNum field on the GlbCustBillTo record to link The Global Customer data set The Customer data set Warnings regarding Customer Bill To information that was not accepted during the linking

This method performs the actual logic behind linking a customer. It is run after the PreLinkGlbCustomer method which determines the Customer ID to link to. If the Customer Id is for a Customer that already exists, the GlbCustomer information is translated and then copied to the CustomerDataSet as an update. If the Customer ID is for a new Customer, the GlbCustomer information is translated and then copied to the CustomerDataSet as an Add. Until the update method is run on Customer record the Link process is not completed. Once the Customer record has been linked, the GlbShipto and GlbCustCnt records needs to be offered up to be linked as well. Parameters Name glbCompany glbCustNum ds ds1 Type String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbCustomer record to link Global CustNum field on the GlbCustomer record to link The Global Customer data set The Customer data set

This method performs the actual logic to link shipto records for a linked customer. It will only allow shipto's of linked customers to be processed, otherwise an exception will be raised. The ability to link ShipTo's for a linked Customer should be offered immediately after performing the update method on a Linked Customer but it does not have to be limited to that time only. It is run after the PreLinkGlbShipto method which determines the ShiptoNum to link to. If the ShipToNum is for a Shipto that already exists, the GlbShipTo information is translated and then copied to the CustomerDataSet as an update. If the ShipToNum is for a new ShipTo, the GlbShipTo information is translated and then copied to the CustomerDataSet as an Add. Until the update method is run on the ShipTo record the Link process is not completed. Once the ShipTo record has been linked, the GlbCustCnt records need to be offered up to be linked as well. Parameters Name glbCompany glbCustNum glbShipToNum ds Type String Int32 String Description Global Company field on the GlbShipTo record to link Global CustNum field on the GlbShipTo record to link Global ShipToNum field on the GlbShipTo record to linke The Global Customer data set

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Name ds1


Description The Customer data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method moves the Customer/ShipTo PriceLst Up/Down one position in the grid and returns the whole updated datatable. Parameters Name custNum shipToNum seqNum moveDir Returns Customer Dataset Type Int32 String Int32 String Description Customer Number Ship To Number Current Sequence number of price list to move Direction to move task, "Up" or "Down"

This method moves the Customer/ShipTo Disc PriceLst Up/Down one position in the grid and returns the whole updated datatable. Parameters Name custNum shipToNum Type Int32 String Description Customer Number Ship To Number


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Name seqNum moveDir Returns Customer Dataset

Type Int32 String

Description Current Sequence number of price list to move Direction to move task, "Up" or "Down"

This sets the ShipTo table based on the MasterCustNum and MasterShipToNum fields. To be used when the alternate fields change Parameters Name iProposedMasterCustID iProposedMasterShipToNum ds Type String String Description The proposed CustID value The proposed ShipToNum value The Customer data set

This method validates field CreditCardOrder Parameters Name ipCreditCardOrder ds Type Boolean Description Proposed CreditCardOrder value The Customer data set

This method populates Pay Method type. Parameters Name ds iProposedBankID iProposedPMUID Int32 String Type Description The Customer data set The proposed BankID value The proposed PMUID value

This method validates TaxRegionCode and populates description for customer.

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Parameters Name ds iProposedTaxRgnCode String Type Description The Customer data set The proposed TaxCode value

This method retrieves the CustBillTo record using the CustID passed. The AllowAsBillTo flag must be set on the bill to customer record. Parameters Name custID ds Type String Description CustBillTo CustID The Customer data set

Set the AddressVal flag to false which will indicate the address needs validation. Parameters Name ds custNum proposedVal addrField Int32 String String Type Description The Customer data set Customer.CustNum Proposed value of change. Address1, 2, 3, City, State, Zip and CountryNum.

Set the AddressVal flag to false which will indicate the address needs validation. Parameters Name ds custNum shipToNum proposedVal addrField Int32 String String String Type Description The Customer data set ShipTo.CustNum ShipTo.ShipToNum Proposed value of change. Address1, 2, 3, City, State, Zip and CountryNum.

This method validates TaxRegionCode and populates description for shipto.


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Parameters Name ds iProposedTaxRgnCode iCustNum iShipToNum String Int32 String Type Description The customer data set The proposed TaxCode value Customer num ShipTo num

This method validates VendorID and populates vendor name. Parameters Name ds iProposedVendorID String Type Description The Customer data set The proposed VendorID value

Linking a GlbCustBillTo record ties a global record to a new or existing CustBillTo record so that any changes made to the GlbCustBillTo record in another company are automatically copied to any linked CustBillTo's. This method performs the pre link logic to check of okay to link or get the new BTCustNum to create/link to. Will be run before LinkGlbCustBillTo which actually creates/updates a CustBillTo record and will send the modified record back for update. When the Link "button" is originally selected, the LinkBTCustNum will be defaulted to the GlbBTCustNum field. It will then check to see if this ID is available for use. If available for use the system will return a question asking the user if they want to use this number. If the answer is no, then the user either needs to select an existing BTCustNum for the current customer to link to or enter a brand new BTCustNum for the customer. You will run this method until the user's answer is yes. Then the LinkGlbCustBillTo method is called. Parameters Name glbCompany glbCustNum ds vMessage String@ Type String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbCustBillTo record to link Global CustNum field on the GlbCustBillTo record to link The Global Customer data set Returns a message the user needs to respond yes or no to. If the user answers no, then they need to update the LinkBTCustNum field and then run this method again to test the new BTCustNum they want to link to

Linking a Glbcustomer record ties a global record to a new or existing Customer record so that any changes made to the GlbCustomer record in another company are automatically copied to any linked customers. This method performs the pre link logic to check of okay to link or get the new custid to create/link to. Will be run before LinkGlbCustomer which actually creates/updates a customer record and will send the modified record back for update. When the Link "button" is originally selected, the LinkCustID will be defaulted to the GlbCustId

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field. It will then check to see if this ID is available for Use. If available for use the system will return a question asking the user if they want to use this number. If the answer is no, then the user either needs to select an existing customer's ID to link to or enter a brand new ID. You will run this method until the user answer is yes. Then the LinkGlbCustomer method is called. Parameters Name glbCompany glbCustNum ds vMessage String@ Type String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbCustomer record to link Global CustNum field on the GlbCustomer record to link The Global Customer data set Returns a message the user needs to respond yes or no to. If the user answers no, then they need to update the LinkCustId field and then run this method again to test the new CustId they want to link to

Linking a GlbShipTo record ties a global record to a new or existing ShipTo record so that any changes made to the GlbShipTo record in another company are automatically copied to any linked shipto's. This method performs the pre link logic to check of okay to link or get the new shiptonum to create/link to. Will be run before LinkGlbShipTo which actually creates/updates a shipto record and will send the modified record back for update. When the Link "button" is originally selected, the LinkShipToNum will be defaulted to the GlbShipToNum field. It will then check to see if this ID is available for use. If available for use the system will return a question asking the user if they want to use this number. If the answer is no, then the user either needs to select an existing ShipToNum for the current customer to link to or enter a brand new ShipToNum for the customer. You will run this method until the user's answer is yes. Then the LinkGlbShipTo method is called. Parameters Name glbCompany glbCustNum glbShipToNum ds vMessage String@ Type String Int32 String Description Global Company field on the GlbShipto record to link Global CustNum field on the GlbShipTo record to link Global ShipToNum field on the GlbShipto record to link The Global Customer data set Returns a message the user needs to respond yes or no to. If the user answers no, then they need to update the LinkShipToNum field and then run this method again to test the new ShipToNum they want to link to

Parameters Name ds Type Description The customer data set


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Parameters Name ipQVEnable ipUpdCustUPS ipUPDShipToUPS ds Type Boolean Boolean Boolean Description logical indicating if the quantum view is to enabled/disabled Yes, if the CustUPSEmail table is to be updated Yes, if the ShipToUPSPPEml talbe is to be updated The customer data set

After the tax integration has been called, update the customer address if it was changed. Parameters Name ds ds1 ipCustNum ipShipToNum Int32 String Type Description The ETCAddrValidation data set The Customer data set ShipTo.CustNum ShipTo.ShipToNum

Call tax integration and loads temp tables from the results. Parameters Name custNum shipToNum statusFlag errorFlag errorMsg Returns The ETCAddrValidation data set Type Int32 String Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Description ShipTo.CustNum ShipTo.ShipToNum Set to true if the service is up, false if down.

This sets the ShipTo TerritoryID field based on the TerritorySelect flag. To be used when the Territory Select field changes

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The Customer data set

This method performs the logic behind the skip option for GlbCustomer Skip - sets the Skipped flag to true. If the CustNum field is not 0 will error out Parameters Name glbCompany glbCustNum ds Type String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbCustomer record to skip Global CustNum field on the GlbCustomer record to skip The Global Customer data set

This method performs the logic behind the unlink option for GlbCustomer Unlink - clears the CustNum and CustId field in GlbCustomer. Returns the Customer DataSet Parameters Name glbCompany glbCustNum ds Returns The Customer data set Type String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbCustomer record to unlink Global CustNum field on the GlbCustomer record to unlink The Global Customer data set

This method updates the TotOpenCredit and TotGlobalCredit fields. To be called when the include credit flags are changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Customer data set

This method converts the global credit limit from the global currency value to the local currency value. To be used when the global currency code changes or when the global credit limits are changed.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The Customer data set

Parameters Name ipProposedCountry Type Int32 Description country number to validate

Parameters Name ipPayBTFlag ipValCust ipValShipTo ipCustNum ipShipTo Type String Boolean Boolean Int32 String Description requested pay bt flag to edit logical indicating if the pay flag on the CustMFBill is to be checked logical indicating if the pay flag on the ShipToMFBill is to be checked customer Number Ship To

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustomerConnectSetup: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustomerPartXRef: This business object contains 19 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK


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QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

When Changing CustXPrt.PartNum field. Parameters Name iPartNum ds sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Type String@ Description Part Number The CustomerPartXRef dataset RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

When Changing CustXPrt.SNMask field. Parameters Name iSNMask ds Type String Description Serial Number Mask Id The CustomerPartXRef dataset

When Changing PartRef.SNOverride field.

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Parameters Name iSNOverride ds Type String Description Override Mask The InternalPartCrossRef dataset

When Changing CustXPrt.XPartNum field. Parameters Name iXPartNum ds Type String Description Customer Part Number The CustomerPartXRef dataset

When Changing CustomerRef.MaskPrefix or Suffix field. Parameters Name icValue icPorC ds Type String String Description MaskPrefix or MaskSuffix value Which one to check The CustomerPartXRef dataset

Get all Customer Part References for a given Customer Parameters Name iCustNum ds Type Int32 Description Customer Number The CustomerPartXRef dataset

Update Customer CustPartOpts Parameters Name pcCustID pcCustPartOpts Type String String Description CustID CustPartOpts


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustPriceListSearch: This business object contains 2 methods.

Get Line's ship to warehouse.

Populates the CustPriceList table. Parameters Name whereClause absolutePage morePages Returns Inventory qty adj data set Type String Int32 Int32 Description whereClause. absolutePage. More pages.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustReminderSearch: This business object contains 7 methods. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Parameters Name whereClauseCustReminderSearch pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns CustReminderSearch List Data Set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Customer search clause Page size Absolute page More Pages

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustRpt: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method returns file name list.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The Customer Report data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustShip: This business object contains 122 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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To test on hand quantity of the bin - i.e. whether it will go negative. Call this method on change of Quantity. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pdTranQty pcNeqQtyAction Type String String String String String Decimal Decimal String@ Description Part Number Warehouse Code Bin Number Lot Number From UNIT OF MEASURE (old Dimension Code) Obsolete Dimension Conversion Factor Quantity (in stocking uom) Valid values are STOP, NONE or ASK User. If Ask User, the user can decide to go ahead with the update even if the qty is negative Error message passed back from the business logic.

pcMessage Returns pcNeqQtyActionpcMessage


Parameters Name ipNbrCartonsToCreate ipPkgCode ipPkgLength ipPkgWidth ipPkgHeight ipRecalcAmts ipZeroWeight ds Type Int32 String Decimal Decimal Decimal Boolean Boolean Description Number of cartons or cases to create Package Code to use when creating cartons length to use when creating cartons Width to use when creating cartons Height to use when creating cartons Logical indicating if the amounts are to be recalculated Logical indicating if the weights are recalculated

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK


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QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method exists soley for the purpose of allowing security for unchecking the external delivery note flag to be defined

Checks if user must be asked for take a different Shipping Information Parameters Name iPackNum iOrderNum iOrderLine iOrderRelNum Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Description Pack Number Order Number Order Line Number Release Number


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Name askUser

Type Boolean@

Description Tells if the user must be asked for changing the Shipping Information

Assigns a legal number to the customer shipment. Parameters Name ipPackNum ds opLegalNumMsg Returns The Customer Shipment data set String@ Legal number message Type Int32 Description Packing Slip number

Parameters Name ipPartNum ipRevNum ipSerialNumbers Returns Customer Shipment data set Type String String String Description ipPartNum ipRevNum ipSerialNumbers

This method fills the SerialMatchingParams Dataset with information Parameters Name ds ds1 packLine Int32 Type Description Serial Matching data set Customer Shipment data set Detail Line Number to update

If the Order has releases to multiple Customers, this will return the list of available Customer shiptos to select from

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Parameters Name orderNum shipToCustomerList Type Int32 String@ Description Order Number delimited list of available ShipTo's

If the Order has releases to multiple shipto's, this will return the list of available shiptos to select from Parameters Name orderNum iShipToCustNum shipToList Type Int32 Int32 String@ Description Order Number Ship To Customer ID delimited list of available ShipTo's

Parameters Name cartonNumber calculatedWeight Type Int32 Decimal@ Description PackID calculated weight

This method clears the void flag on the Pack Slip Parameters Name packNum Returns Customer Shipment data set Type Int32 Description Packing Slip Number

This method check that a shipment can be staged Parameters Name ipShipHedRowID Type String Description Unique Identifier for the Transfer Order Shipment


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Parameters Name ipWeight Type Decimal Description weight to validate

This method performs validations when the ShipDtl.ShipCmpl field changes Parameters Name ds packLine shipCmpl questionString Int32 Boolean String@ Type Description Customer Shipment data set Detail Line Number to update Proposed ShipCmpl change If the ShipCmpl is being set for release 1 and OrderDtl.LockQty other releases will be closed ask if the user wants to continue

Method to call when changing the Mark For Customer ID on the ShipDtl record. Validates the Mark For Customer ID and ressets the ShipToNum to the Customer default. Parameters Name ipMFCustID ds Type String Description The proposed Mark For Customer ID The Customer Shipment data set

Update ShipDtl information with values from the Mark For when the Mark For is changed. Parameters Name proposedMFShipToNum ds Type String Description The Proposed Mark For ShipToNum The Customer Shipment data set

Method to call when changing the UseOTMF field the ShipDtl record. Refreshes the address list and contact info

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The Customer Shipment data set

Executed when ShipToCustID has changed in the Ship Header Parameters Name iShipToCustID ds Type String Description Ship To Customer ID CustShip Data set

This method populates the miscellaneous amount fields after a miscellaneous charge percentage has been changed Parameters Name ds newPrcnt Decimal Type Description Customer Shipment data set Proposed Miscellaneous Change Percentage

This method will be called to perform a change in the header status. Parameters Name ipShipHedRowID ipStatus ipResetCODCharges ipResetInsCharges Returns Customer Shipment Data Set Type String String Boolean Boolean Description Unique Identifier for the Transfer Order Shipment Selected Status. Valid Options: Open, Close, Void, UnVoid, Freight, UnFreight, Stage Indicates if the CODAmount is to be reset to zero Indicates if the DeclaredAmt is to be reset to zero

Check for every line of the Pack if it requires if it is compliant.


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Parameters Name packNum compliant ds Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Current PackNum. Indicates if the current Pack is compliant. Customer Shipment dataset

Checks to see if the Qty percent and value percent fields total 100 percent. Parameters Name iPackNum iPackLine Type Int32 Int32 Description The current PackNum The current PackLine

This method check releases related with this pack were refused to close because non shipped pack existing. Parameters Name packNum msg Type Int32 String@ Description The Pack Number to check out releases weren't closed message

This method is to be run before update Shipped flag (true) to check if order or line of the pack needs to be shipped complete, and ask the user if he wants to continue. If the user answers no, then the update method should not be called. Parameters Name ds ipPackNum msg Int32 String@ Type Description Customer Shipment data set Pack Num to validate If the Order or line need to be shipped complete, this asks if the user wants to continue

This method checks to see if there are any questions or issues with the part entered and returns a message, a part number and if any substitutes exist.

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Parameters Name partNum orderNum orderLine vMsgText vSubAvail vMsgType Type String@ Int32 Int32 String@ Boolean@ String@ Description The input-output part number to validate and it gets returned The Order Number being changed The Order Line being changed The returned message for the inputted part Returned flag stating if substitutes exist for this part Type of message returned. Values can be; "Question" (asking if they want to use the substitute part) "Warning" (Warns them that a part is onhold or runout). "Error" (Part in Inactive, or Onhold/Runout parts are not accepted in this case) . "Question" is asking if they want to use the substitute part. Returned origninal PartNum



This method should be run when the ReadyToInvoice flag has been unchecked. It will look to see if the record was sent to an External package and send back an error message for the user to review. Calling the update Method assumes the user answered yes to the question. Parameters Name readyToInvoice legalNumberMessage ds Type Boolean String@ Description Proposed value of the ReadyToInvoice field to validate Error warning about Legal Numbers

This method is to be run before update to ask the user any question that need to be answered before the record(s) can be saved. If the user answers no to any one of the questions, then the update method should not be called. Parameters Name ds releaseMessage completeMessage shippingMessage lotMessage String@ String@ String@ String@ Type Description Customer Shipment data set If the Order release is closed, this asks if the user wants to continue If the order complete status has changed, this would alert the user to any problems (yes/no) Alerts to any potential shipping error If the lot doesn't exist, ask the user if they'd like to create it


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Name inventoryMessage lockQtyMessage allocationMessage

Type String@ String@ String@

Description If the inventory will go negative, ask user if they want to continue If the OrderDtl.LockQty=true and release 1 is being set to ship complete, ask user if they want to continue If this transaction overrides a allocation, ask user if they want to continue

Parameters Name ipPackNum Type Int32 Description Pack Num to validate weights

Parameters Name ipPackNum Type Int32 Description Pack Num to clear Manifest fields

Parameters Name ipPackNum Type Int32 Description Pack Num to populate Manifest fields

This method converts a qty from one UOM to another Parameters Name partNum baseQty baseUOM convUOM convQty Type String Decimal String String Decimal@ Description Part number Qty you wish to convert UOM baseQty is specified in UOM to convert to Qty converted to UOM specified in convUOM

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This method copies the available Order Release lines to the ShipDtl datatable for update Parameters Name packNum orderNum ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Pack Number to add new shipment lines to Order Number to create shipment lines from Customer Shipment data set

Parameters Name ds Type Description Customer Shipment data set

Parameters Name ipFromCase ipToCase ds Type Int32 Int32 Description First case number to start deletes Last case number to delete Customer Shipment data set

This method checks if the shipment is able to ship.

Parameters Name ipPkgCode opPkgHeight opPkgWidth opPkgLength Type String Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Description package code package height package width package length

Get Customer Shipments for the Order.


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Parameters Name orderNum Type Int32 Description Order Number

Returns Customer Shipment for Order Tracker data set

This method displays the customer/address information when the OrderNum field in the header changes. Should only be called for new Customer Shipments, or Customer Shipments w/o lines Parameters Name orderNum creditMessage ds Type Int32 String@ Description Proposed change to OrderNum If customer is on credit hold an error message will be returned. Customer Shipment data set

This method defaults the ShipDtl fields with the JobNum field changes Parameters Name ds packLine jobNum Int32 String Type Description Customer Shipment data set Detail Line Number to update Proposed change to JobNum field

This method populates the Order and Address fields after the JobNum field has been populated Parameters Name jobNum creditMessage ds Type String String@ Description proposed JobNum change on ShipDtl If customer is on credit hold an error message will be returned. Customer Shipment data set

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This method Gets the Job Suboperations Sequence Numbers to retrive the Serial Numbers Selected for the PartNum Parameters Name jobNum partNum mtlSeq Type String String String@ Description JobNum field The part number to validate Material Sequences

Returns the legal number generation options. Parameters Name ipPackNum opPromptForNum Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Packing Slip number Prompt for the number

Returns The Legal Number Generation Options dataset

Parameters Name ipSalesOrder ipPackNum ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Sales Order Pack Number Customer Shipment data set

Creates a new ShipDtl record, but defaulting the order number (if provided) as well as other data from the OrderHed record. Parameters Name ds packNum orderNum Int32 Int32 Type Description Customer Shipment data set Pack ID Order number to default in the new record (optional)


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Creates a new ShipUS record, Parameters Name ds packNum Int32 Type Description Customer Shipment data set Pack ID

This method displays the customer/address information when the OrderNum field changes Should only be called for new Customer Shipments, or Customer Shipments w/o lines Parameters Name orderNum creditMessage ds Type Int32 String@ Description Proposed change to OrderNum If customer is on credit hold an error message will be returned. Customer Shipment data set

This method defaults the ShipDtl fields with the OrderLine fields change Parameters Name ds packLine orderLine subsPart Int32 Int32 String Type Description Customer Shipment data set Detail Line Number to update Proposed Orderline change Proposed substitute PartNum

This method defaults the ShipDtl fields with the OrderRel fields change Parameters Name ds packLine orderRelNum Int32 Int32 Type Description Customer Shipment data set Detail Line Number to update Proposed OrderRelease change

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Name allowNewShipTo

Type Boolean

Description Allow to take new ShipTo from release

Parameters Name ipPkgCode ds Type String Description package code Customer Shipment data set

Parameters Name ipPkgClass ds Type String Description package class Customer Shipment data set

This method defaults PackOut fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name ds packLine partNum sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch Int32 String@ String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Type Description Pack Out data set Detail Line Number to update Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was Multiple matches were found by FindPart on the order, ask if the user wants to continue

This method defaults ShipDtl fields when the PartNum field changes


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Parameters Name ds packLine partNum sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString Int32 String@ String String String@ String@ Type Description Customer Shipment data set Detail Line Number to update Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the shipdtl line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was Multiple matches were found by FindPart on the order, ask if the user wants to continue

Parameters Name ipOrderNum ipPayFlag ds Type Int32 String Description First sales order on shipment Pay Flag to retrieve defaults The customer shipment data set

Parameters Name ipPkgCode ds Type String Description package code Customer PackOut data set

Parameters Name ipPkgClass ds Type String Description package class Packout data set

This method defaults the ShipDtl Netweight and Quantity fields when the ShipDtl.DisplayInvQty or ShipDtl.OurJobShipQty fields change

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Parameters Name ds packLine displayInvQty ourJobShipQty Int32 Decimal Decimal Type Description Customer Shipment data set Detail Line Number to update Proposed change to Inventory Qty field Proposed change to OurJobShipQty field

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Head/Dtl fields for the contact tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseShipHead whereClauseShipHeadAttch whereClauseShipDtl whereClauseShipDtlAttch whereClauseShipMisc whereClauseSelectedSerialNumbers whereClauseSerialNumberSearch whereClauseSNFormat contactName pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustShipCustTrkDataSet Type String String String String String String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for ShipHead table. Whereclause for ShipHeadAttch table. Whereclause for ShipDtl table. Whereclause for ShipDtlAttch table. Whereclause for ShipMisc table. Whereclause for SelectedSerialNumbers table. Whereclause for SerialNumberSearches table. Whereclause for SNFormat table. Contact to return data for. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Head/Dtl fields for the customer tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseShipHead whereClauseShipHeadAttch whereClauseShipDtl Type String String String Description Whereclause for ShipHead table. Whereclause for ShipHeadAttch table. Whereclause for ShipDtl table.


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Name whereClauseShipDtlAttch whereClauseShipMisc whereClauseSelectedSerialNumbers whereClauseSerialNumberSearch whereClauseSNFormat pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustShipCustTrkDataSet

Type String String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description Whereclause for ShipDtlAttch table. Whereclause for ShipMisc table. Whereclause for SelectedSerialNumbers table. Whereclause for SerialNumberSearches table. Whereclause for SNFormat table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Calls GetDefaultScale Parameters Name workstationID scaleID Type String String@ Description Workstation ID Scale ID

Parameters Name ipPartNum ipQuantity ipUOM ipPackNum ipPackLine ipTranType ipJobNum ipWhseCode ipBinNum ipFromPO Type String Decimal String Int32 Int32 String String String String Boolean Description ipPartNum ipQuantity ipUOM ipPackNum ipPackLine ipTranType ipJobNum ipWhseCode ipBinNum ipFromPO

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This method populates the Description and miscellaneous amount fields after a miscellaneous charge code has been selected Parameters Name ds miscCode String Type Description Customer Shipment data set Proposed Miscellaneous Code change

This method displays the shipto address information when the ShipToNum field changes Should only be called on new Shipments or if the Shipment has no lines and if the MultipleShippers flag is yes Parameters Name ds shipToNum String Type Description Customer Shipment data set Proposed ShipTo Number change

Sets default values when the TranDocTypeID changes Parameters Name ipTranDocTypeID ds Type String Description TranDocTypeID supplied

This method defaults the ShipDtl Warehouse and bin fields when the warehousecode changes Parameters Name ds packLine whseCode whseField Int32 String String Type Description Customer Shipment data set Detail Line Number to update Proposed WarehouseCode change Warehouse field that is being changed


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This method copies the available Order Release lines to the ShipDtl datatable for update Parameters Name packNum orderNum ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Pack Number to add new shipment lines to Order Number to create shipment lines from Customer Shipment data set

This method sets the defaults quantities and Primary Bins fields as CreateMassShipment complements This method is used for HandHelds Version Parameters Name orderNum creditMessage ds Type Int32 String@ Description Proposed change to OrderNum If customer is on credit hold an error message will be returned. Customer Shipment data set

OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE Use MarkShipmentLines instead (the same logic that is used by the regular screen) OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE - OBSOLETE This method sets the defaults quantities and Primary Bins fields as CreateMassShipment complements This method is used for HandHelds Version Parameters Name ds Type Description Customer Shipment data set

This method sets all the temp-table records to be shipped (Ship all button selected) Parameters Name ds Type Description Customer Shipment data set

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Parameters Name ipPackNum Type Int32 Description pack number to check status

OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE - Call ProcessPickedOrder directly now - OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE This method creates the packing slip for the selected picked order Parameters Name plant orderNum orderLine orderRelNum whseCode binNum jobNum lotNum vMessage Returns Customer Shipment data set Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 String String String String String@ Description Picked Order Plant Picked Order Number Picked Order Line Number Picked Order Release Number Picked Order Warehouse Picked Order Bin Number Picked Order Job Number Picked Order Lot Number List of lines with errors to be corrected

This method will be called to perform a change in the pack stage. Parameters Name ds Type Description Customer PackOUt data set

This method will be called to perform a change in the header status from the pack Out screen.


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Parameters Name ipStatus ipResetCODCharges ipResetInsCharges ds Type String Boolean Boolean Description Selected Status. Valid Options: Open, Close, Void, UnVoid, Freight, UnFreight, Stage Indicates if the CODAmount is to be reset to zero Indicates if the DeclaredAmt is to be reset to zero Customer PackOUt data set

This method returns a count order of lines that match the incomming scanned criteria. If there is no unique match, logical fields are updated to que the UI as to what need to be prompted in order to find a matching order dtl. Parameters Name found rowident ds Type Int32@ String@ Description Number of matches count Rowident of unique match order dtl Customer PackOUt data set

This method copies the available Order Release lines to the PackOut datatable for update Parameters Name ipPackNum ipOrderNum ipPackMode cWarning Returns Customer PackOUt data set Type Int32 Int32 String String@ Description Pack Number Order to get detail from Pack Mode ship to warning message

This method creates a new packout record for the customer shipment packout screen. can pass in a OrderNum or PackNum or Both. Parameters Name ipOrderNum Type Int32 Description Order Number

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Name ipPackNum pcWarningMsg Returns Customer PackOUt data set

Type Int32 String@

Description Pack Num If the order is on hold - warning msg

This method creates a new packout record for the customer shipment packout screen Parameters Name ds Type Description Customer PackOut data set

This method will return a message if a credit card shipment was processed during update or there are warning messages regarding outbound lower level serial tracking Parameters Name ipPackNum opMessage Type Int32 String@ Description Customer Shipment Number Text Message to display

This method creates a new packout record to create Shiphead and shipdtl records Parameters Name opPackNum ipSourceRowID ds Type Int32@ String Description Pack Num RowIdent Customer Shipment data set

This method sets the service contract invoiced flag to match the shiphead flag Parameters Name ipCustNum Type Int32 Description Customer Number


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Name ipOrderNum opVaildOrder

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Order chose to add to carton If we can add the order

Parameters Name ipPackNum ipOrderNum ipOrderLine ipOrderRelNum Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Description pack number sales order number sales order line number sales order release number

Validates whether the provided part is valid or not for a given sales order. Parameters Name ipPartNum ipOrderNum ds opValidPart vMsgText vSubAvail vMsgType Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ String@ Type String Int32 Description Proposed part number. Order number. Customer shipment packout dataset True if the part is valid, false otherwise. Part edits message text substitution logical indicates if warning, error, etc

This method checks to see if it's okay to copy the available Order Release lines to the ShipDtl datatable for update in Mass Shipments Parameters Name packNum orderNum warnMsg ds Type Int32 Int32 String@ Description Pack Number to add new shipment lines to Order Number to create shipment lines from Returns a warning of lines that will not be created due to Serial Number tracking Customer Shipment data set

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This method is run right before PickedOrders. If not all of the line details have been picked to ship a question will be returned to the user. If yes, then call PickedOrders, if no allow the user to pick another order Parameters Name ds vMessage String@ Type Description PickedOrders dataset. Question needed to be asked of user

This method prints the Customer Packing Slip Parameters Name packNum printPreview Type Int32 Boolean Description The Packing Slip Number to print Flag if print should be previewed.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method creates the packing slip for the selected picked order Parameters Name pConsolidate vMessage skipDelete ds Returns Customer Shipment List data set Type Boolean String@ Boolean Description Consolidates Orders in a single Carton. List of lines with errors to be corrected Skip Delete? (for testing purposes) PickedOrders dataset.


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Parameters Name ipPackNum ds Type Int32 Description Packnum to update The customer shipment data set

Parameters Name ipQVEnable ds Type Boolean Description logical indicating if the quantum view is to enabled/disabled The customer shipment data set

Parameters Name ipShipStatus ds Type String Description Shipment status The customer shipment data set

Parameters Name iPackNum iWarning Type Int32 String@ Description Serial number to validate. Serial Number Voided flag

This method re-sets all the temp-table records shipped (Undo Ship all button selected) Parameters Name ds Type Description Customer Shipment data set

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Parameters Name ipAmountType ipAction ds Type String Boolean Description COD or DeclaredAmt Yes = recalculate No = reset to zero Customer Shipment data set

Parameters Name ipPackNum ipCaseNum ipOldCOD ipCOD ipFlag ds Type Int32 Int32 Decimal Decimal Boolean Description Pack Number to process Case Number to set value to zero Previous COD Current Case COD Current COD flag value Customer Shipment data set

Parameters Name ipPackNum ipCaseNum ipOldDeclared ipDeclared ipDeclaredFlag ds Type Int32 Int32 Decimal Decimal Boolean Description Pack Number to process Case Number to set value to zero Previous COD Current Case COD current setting of declared insurance Customer Shipment data set

Parameters Name ipPackNum ipBTCustNum Type Int32 Int32 Description Packing Slip Number Bill To Customer Number.


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Name creditMessage cError

Type String@ Boolean@

Description Credit Message. Error flag.

This method will validate the kit part when changing lines in the Sales Kit Component Issue grid Parameters Name packLine ds Type Int32 Description Detail Line Number to update Customer Shipment data set

Parameters Name ipSerialNum ipPartNum ipJobNum ipOurJobshipQty ipOurInvShipQty ipOrderNum ipOrderLine ipOrderRelNum ipShipFromWIP isVoided Type String String String Decimal Decimal Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean Boolean@ Description Serial number to validate. Part number Job number Job Ship Quantity Inventory Ship Quantity Order number Order Line number OrderRelease number Flag to indicate shipping from WIP Serial Number Voided flag

Voids the legal number. Parameters Name ipPackNum ipVoidedReason Returns The Customer Shipment data set Type Int32 String Description Packing Slip number Reason for the void

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This method sets the void flag on the Pack Slip Parameters Name packNum Returns Customer Shipment data set Type Int32 Description Packing Slip Number

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustXPrt: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method defaults the customer information when the Customer ID is entered. Parameters Name custID ds Type String Description Proposed Customer ID Customer Part Dataset

This method populates the PartDescription field if the Part exists in the Part Master table Parameters Name ds Type Description Customer Part Dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.CustXPrtSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Chapter 4: D
Epicor.Mfg.BO.DashBoard: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This methods returns a "list" dataset with possible DashBdDef records that match the current company, inputted productid and inputted queryid for each DashBdBAQ record. Parameters Name ipProductId ipQueryID Returns Dashboard definition list dataset Type String String Description The productid to return data for. The queryid to return data for.

This methods returns a "list" dataset with possible DashBdDef records that match the current company, inputted productid and inputted likefield for each DashBdLike record. Parameters Name ipProductId ipLikeField Returns Dashboard definition list dataset Type String String Description The productid to return data for. The likefield to return data for.


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This methods should be ran instead of the base Update method. This method will require the dataset to come in, next it will delete all DashBdChunk, DashBdBAQ, DashBdLike records associated with each ttDashBdDet in the dataset while also deleting the DashBdDef records in the database. Next the ttDashBdDef table will be the driving force behind the creation of new DashBdDef, DashBdChunk, DashBdBAQ, and DashBdLike records in the database. The values for the fields in these records will come from what is in the dataset. This 'StoreData' process is basically a complete 'overlay' of the DashBoard data. This method will require that all dataset records have a value of 'A' in the corresponding rowident field/column. Parameters Name ds Type Description Dashboard dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DashboardMaint: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DataDict: This business object contains 3 methods.

This method returns the DataDict dataset. Returns DataDict dataset

This method returns the Data Schema records Parameters Name whereDBFile pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns DBFileList dataset Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Data Table Where Clause Page Size Absolute Page More Pages flag


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This method returns the Data Schema records Parameters Name whereDBFile whereDBField whereDBIndex pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns DataDict dataset Type String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Data Table Where Clause Data Field Where Clause Data Index Where Clause Page Size Absolute Page More Pages flag

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DBFieldSearch: This business object contains 3 methods.

This method returns the DBFieldSearchDataSet dataset. Returns DBFieldSearchDataSet dataset

Returns DB Fields from _Field Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns DBFieldListDataSet dataset Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Data Table Where Clause Page Size Absolute Page More Pages flag

Returns DB Fields from the schema table _Field

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Parameters Name whereClauseDBFile pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns DBFieldSearchDataSet dataset Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Data Table Where Clause Page Size Absolute Page More Pages flag

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DBTableSearch: This business object contains 3 methods.

This method returns the BusEntTableSearch dataset. Returns DBTableSearchDataSet dataset

Returns DB Tables from _File where their primary index is composed of Company + Another Field Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns DBFileList dataset Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Data Table Where Clause Page Size Absolute Page More Pages flag

Returns DB Tables from _File where their primary index is composed of Company + Another Field Parameters Name whereClauseDBFile pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Data Table Where Clause Page Size Absolute Page More Pages flag


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Returns DBTableSearchDataSet dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DeliveryType: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Validate that Delivery Type does not exists in the following Tables: Customer, CustShip, Masterpack, MiscShip, PlantConfCtrl, ShipTo, SubConShipEntry, TransOrderShip, Vendor Parameters Name ipDeliveryType opFail opMessage Type String Boolean@ String@ Description DeliveryType Id opFail opMessage

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DemandCntDtlSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DemandContract: This business object contains 32 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.


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Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

To change the currency value Parameters Name ipReplaceValue ipbaseordoc ds Type Decimal String Description ReplaceValue that was entered. The field type - base or doc The DemandContract data set

Update DmdCntDtl infomation when Customer Part Number is changed. Parameters Name iSellingTotalContractQty ds Type Decimal Description The Selling Total Contract Quantity The DemandContract data set

Update DmdCntDtl Totals UOM when TotalContract Quantity UOM is changed.


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Parameters Name iTotalContractQtyUOM ds Type String Description The Total Contract Quantity The DemandContract data set

Update MktgCampaign on the DmdCntDtl. Parameters Name iMktgCampaignID ds Type String Description The Marketing Campaign ID The DemandContract data set

Update MktgEvnt on the DmdCntDtl. Parameters Name iMktgEvntSeq ds Type Int32 Description The Marketing Event The DemandContract data set

Update DmdCntDtl information when Part Number is changed. Parameters Name ds iPartNum sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch String@ String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Type Description The DemandContract data set The Part Number RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

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Update ProjectID on the DmdCntDtl. Parameters Name iProjectID ds Type String Description The ProjectID The DemandContract data set

Update DmdCntDtl infomation when Customer Part Number is changed. Parameters Name iPartNum iXPartNum ds Type String String Description The Customer Part Number The Customer Part Number The DemandContract data set

Update DmdCntHdr information when Bill To Customer is changed. Parameters Name iBTCustNum ds Type Int32 Description The Bill To Customer Number The DemandContract data set

Update Order Header information with values from the Sold To when the Sold To is changed. Parameters Name iCustID ds Type String Description The Customer Number The DemandContract data set

Update ProjectID on the DmdCntHdr.


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Parameters Name iProjectID ds Type String Description The ProjectID The DemandContract data set

Closes the Demand Contract Header. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iOpenContract Returns The DemandContract data set Type Int32 Boolean Description The Demand Contract Number The Demand Contract Number

Gets row by DemandContract. Parameters Name demandContract customerID Returns The DemandContract data set Type String String Description DemandContract Customer ID

Gets row by DemandContract. Parameters Name demandContract tradingPartnerName Returns The DemandContract data set Type String String Description DemandContract Trading Parner Name

Gets contract number by contract id.

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Parameters Name contractID contractNum Type String Int32@ Description Demand Contract ID Demand Contract Number

Update Plant on DemandDetail related records. Parameters Name inputDMCNum inputDMCLine inputDMCPlant Type Int32 Int32 String Description The Demand Contract Num The Demand Contract Line The Demand Plant

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DemandEntry: This business object contains 76 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK


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QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Update Demand Header information when the Bill To. Parameters Name ipCreateNewSO ds Type Boolean Description Boolean value to enable/disable CreateNewOrder flag The DemandEntry data set

Update UnitPrice Based on Customer Price. Parameters Name iCustomerPrice ds Type Decimal Description The Customer Price The DemandEntry data set

Update Demand Detail information when the Demand Contract Line is changed. Parameters Name proposedDemandContractLine ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Demand Contract Line The DemandEntry data set

Update UnitPrice Based on Internal Price. Parameters Name iInternalPrice ds Type Decimal Description The Internal Price The DemandEntry data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Update MktgCampaign on the DmdCntDtl. Parameters Name iMktgCampaignID ds Type String Description The Marketing Campaign ID The DemandEntry data set

Update partnum on the DmdCntDtl. Parameters Name iPartNum ds Type String Description The part The DemandEntry data set

Update Demand Detail information when the Part Revision Number is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The DemandEntry data set

Update Demand Header information when the Bill To. Parameters Name proposedBTCustID ds Type String Description The proposed Bill To Cust ID The DemandEntry data set

Update Demand Header information when the Cancel PO flag changes.


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Parameters Name ipCancelPO ds Type Boolean Description Boolean value to enable/disable Cancel PO flag The DemandEntry data set

Update Demand Header information when the Demand Contract is changed. Parameters Name proposedDemandContract ds Type String Description The proposed Demand Contract The DemandEntry data set

Update Demand Header information when the Demand Contract is changed. Parameters Name proposedDemandContractNum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Demand Contract Number The DemandEntry data set

Update Demand Header information when the ERS Order changes. Parameters Name proposedERSOrder ds Type Boolean Description The proposed ERS Order The DemandEntry data set

Method to call when changing the ShipTo Customer ID on the DemandHead record. Validates the ShipTo Customer ID and ressets the ShipToNum to the Customer default. Parameters Name ipShipToCustID ds Type String Description The proposed ShipTo Customer ID The DemandEntry data set

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Update Demand Header information when the Ship To Num changes. Parameters Name proposedShipToNum ds Type String Description The proposed Ship To Num The DemandEntry data set

Method to call when changing the UseOTS field the DemandHead record. Refreshes the address list and contact info Parameters Name ds Type Description The DemandEntry data set

Update DemandScheduleCreate information with values from the Ship To when the Ship To is changed. Parameters Name proposedShipToNum cCreateCycleList ds Type String String@ Description The Proposed ShipToNum List of Cycle Types the user has to choose from. The DemandScheduleCreate data set

Update DemandSchedule information with values from the Mark For when the Mark For is changed. Parameters Name proposedMarkForNum ds Type String Description The Proposed ShipToNum The DemandEntry data set

Method to call when changing the Mark For Customer ID on the DemandSchedule record. Validates the Mark For Customer ID and ressets the ShipToNum to the Customer default.


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Parameters Name ipMFCustID ds Type String Description The proposed Mark For Customer ID The DemandEntry data set

Calculate the DemandSchedule Ship Date when the NeedByDate is changed. Parameters Name proposedNeedByDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The Proposed NeedByDate The DemandEntry data set

Method to call when changing the OTS fields the DemandSchedule record. Refreshes the address list and contact info Parameters Name ds Type Description The DemandEntry data set

Update DemandSchedule information with values from the Plant when the Plant is changed. Parameters Name proposedPlant ds Type String Description The Proposed Plant The DemandEntry data set

Calculate the DemandSchedule NeedByDate when the Ship Date (ReqDate) is changed. Parameters Name proposedReqDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The Proposed ReqDate The DemandEntry data set

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Update Demand Schedule information when the Selling Req Qty is changed. Parameters Name proposedSellingReqQty ds Type Decimal Description The proposed Selling Req Quantity The DemandEntry data set

Method to call when changing the ShipTo Customer ID on the DemandSchedule record. Validates the ShipTo Customer ID and ressets the ShipToNum to the Customer default. Parameters Name ipShipToCustID ds Type String Description The proposed ShipTo Customer ID The DemandEntry data set

Update DemandSchedule information with values from the Ship To when the Ship To is changed. Parameters Name proposedShipToNum ds Type String Description The Proposed ShipToNum The DemandEntry data set

Method to call when changing the UseOTMF field the DemandSchedule record. Refreshes the address list and contact info Parameters Name ds Type Description The DemandEntry data set

Method to call when changing the UseOTS field the DemandSchedule record. Refreshes the address list and contact info


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The DemandEntry data set

Update Order Miscellaneous information when the amount changes. Parameters Name tableName ds Type String Description name of table being passed in The DemandEntry data set

This method returns default information for the MiscChrg. Method must use parameters instead of the dataset due to the problem with changing the primary key field. Also allows DemandMiscChgDH and DemandMiscChg to use the same code Parameters Name tableName ds Type String Description name of table being passed in The DemandEntry data set

Update Order Miscellaneous information when the percentage was changed. Parameters Name tableName ds Type String Description name of table being passed in The DemandEntry data set

The method is to be run on leave of the PartNum and Revision fields before the ChangePart, ChangeRevision, or Update methods are run. When run before CreateOrderFromQuote, the Part Number expected is the part number from the quote. This returns all the questions that need to be asked before a part can be changed. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum Type Int32 Description The current DemandDetail.DemandContractNum field

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Name iDemandHeadSeq iDemandDtlSeq cFieldName cPartNum cConfigPartMessage

Type Int32 Int32 String String@ String@

Description The current DemandDetail.DemandHeadSeq field The current DemandDetail.DemandDtlSeq field The name of the field you are leaving The new PartNum if a substitute part is found, partNum will be the substitute part If the part is configured, asks if it's okay to delete the configuration inputs. No means the part cannot be changed

Close All Schedules. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq Type Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Detail Contract Num The Demand Detail Header Sequence number

Closes the Demand detail and sub-table (DemandSchedule). Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq iDemandDtlSeq Returns The DemandEntry data set Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Detail Contract Num The Demand Detail Header Sequence number The Demand Detail Detail Sequence number

Closes the Demand Header and sub-tables (DemandDetail and DemandSchedule). Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq Returns The DemandEntry data set Type Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Header Contract Num The Demand Header Sequence number


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Closes the Demand Schedule record. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq iDemandDtlSeq iDemandScheduleSeq Returns The DemandEntry data set Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Schedule Contract Num The Demand Schedule Header Sequence number The Demand Schedule Detail Sequence number The Demand Schedule Sequence number

Create DemandDetail records from the contract lines selected. This method will create a DemandDetail record for each contract line where SelectedForDemand is true. After this method is run the GetRows or GetByID method should be called so the dataset has the new DemandDetail records. Parameters Name ds iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq Int32 Int32 The Demand Header Contract Number The Demand Header Sequence Type Description

Deletes DemandSchedule records by Schedule Number. All DemandSchedule records where the Schedule Number equals the number passed in will be deleted. cReturnMessage will return a message of how many records were deleted. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq cScheduleNumber cReturnMessage Returns The DemandEntry data set Type Int32 Int32 String String@ Description The Demand Detail Contract Num The Demand Detail Header Sequence number The Schedule Number to delete The return message

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Calls the method Process Demand To create a Sales Order. Parameters Name cReturnMessage dprocess matchDemand ds Type String@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Description Text to display to the user Flag that indicate if the Demand will be process it Match Demand Flag The DemandEntry data set

Get Demand Contract Detail lines for Create Demand Detail from Demand Contract lines functionality. The contract lines returned can be selected by the user to indicate what contract lines to create Demand Detail records from. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum Returns Type Int32 Description The Demand Contract Number to get the lines from

Creates records in the DemandReview DataSet so the user can review the impact of the demand schedule prior to accepting or rejecting it. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq Returns Type Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Header Contract Number The Demand Header Sequence Number

Creates records in the DemandMatching DataSet so the user can manually match DemandSchedule records to existing OrderRel records. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq Type Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Header Contract Number The Demand Header Sequence Number


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Creates a record in the DemandScheduleCreate datatable to store the parameters needed to mass-build DemandSchedule records for a DemandDetail line. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq iDemandDtlSeq cCreateCycleList Returns Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String@ Description The Demand Header Contract Number The Demand Header Sequence Number The Demand Detail Sequence Number List of Cycle Types the user has to choose from.

Custom Search Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Returns the list of Demands Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The search criteria Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

Check if the differente between the UnitPrice and EDIUnitPrice is less than the value defined in the PriceTolerance field of the ShipTo or Customer tables. Parameters Name ipCustNum ipPONum ipUnitPrice ipEDIUnitPrice ipDemandDtlSeq opPriceDiscrepancy Type Int32 String Decimal Decimal Int32 Boolean@ Description CustNum PONum UnitPrice EDIUnitPrice DemandDtlSeq PriceDiscrepancy

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Creates DemandSchedule records based on user criteria entered in the DemandScheduleCreate datatable. At the end refresh the DemandHead/DemandDetail/DemandSchedule for a specific Demand Contract Line to avoid perform a GetByID that consumes a lot of time. Parameters Name ds cReturnText Returns String@ Text to display to the user Type Description

Opens the Demand detail. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq iDemandDtlSeq Returns The DemandEntry data set Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Detail Contract Num The Demand Detail Header Sequence number The Demand Detail Detail Sequence number

Opens the Demand Header. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq Returns The DemandEntry data set Type Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Header Contract Num The Demand Header Sequence number

Opens the Demand Schedule record. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum Type Int32 Description The Demand Schedule Contract Num


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Name iDemandHeadSeq iDemandDtlSeq iDemandScheduleSeq Returns The DemandEntry data set

Type Int32 Int32 Int32

Description The Demand Schedule Header Sequence number The Demand Schedule Detail Sequence number The Demand Schedule Sequence number

Contains all the logic to perform the part validation defined by the user on a hierarchical order when receiving an inbound file. oXRefPartType = {P=Part, C=Customer, U=UPC, M=Manufacturer, 2=UPC-12, 3=EAN-13, 4=EAN-14, 8=EAN-8, G=GTIN-14} Parameters Name iContractNum iHeadSeq iDocName iPartNum iXPartNum oValidPart oPartDesc oUOM oXRefPartType Type Int32 Int32 String String@ String Boolean@ String@ String@ String@ Description Demand Contract Number Demand Head Seq Document Name Part Number entered or returned by this method X Part Number Is it a Valid Part? Part Description of the founded Part UOM associated to the founded Part, blank if not product code Cross Reference Part Type

Process the demand. This will accept or reject DemandHead, DemandDetail, and DemandSchedule records and create/update Forecasts or Orders. cReturnMessage contains an informational message that lets the user know the process has completed and if any errors were written to the DemandLog table. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq cReturnMessage cRejectFlag Type Int32 Int32 String@ Boolean@ Description The Demand Header Contract Number The Demand Header Sequence Number Text to display to the user Flag to disable the ready to process through workflow

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Updates the Order fields in DemandSchedule with the values from DemandScheduleToMatch. Parameters Name ds Type Description

Rejects the Demand detail and sub-table (DemandSchedule). Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq iDemandDtlSeq Returns The DemandEntry data set Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Detail Contract Num The Demand Detail Header Sequence number The Demand Detail Detail Sequence number

Rejects the Demand Header and sub-tables (DemandDetail and DemandSchedule). Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq Returns The DemandEntry data set Type Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Header Contract Num The Demand Header Sequence number

Rejects the Demand Schedule record. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq iDemandDtlSeq iDemandScheduleSeq Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Schedule Contract Num The Demand Schedule Header Sequence number The Demand Schedule Detail Sequence number The Demand Schedule Sequence number


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Returns The DemandEntry data set

Set the Ready to Process flag on the Demand Header. This was created mainly for web services. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq lReady Type Int32 Int32 Boolean Description The Demand Header Contract Number The Demand Header Sequence Number Indicates if the demand is ready to be processed

Provide a way to unlock a demand entry for cases when ESC fails. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq iDemandDtlSeq Returns The DemandEntry data set Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Header Contract Num The Demand Header Sequence number The Demand Detail Detail Sequence number

Unrejects the Demand detail. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq iDemandDtlSeq Returns The DemandEntry data set Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Detail Contract Num The Demand Detail Header Sequence number The Demand Detail Detail Sequence number

UnReject the Demand Header.

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Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq Returns The DemandEntry data set Type Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Header Contract Num The Demand Header Sequence number

Unrejects the Demand Schedule record. Parameters Name iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq iDemandDtlSeq iDemandScheduleSeq Returns The DemandEntry data set Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The Demand Schedule Contract Num The Demand Schedule Header Sequence number The Demand Schedule Detail Sequence number The Demand Schedule Sequence number

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DemandFromOrders: This business object contains 2 methods.

Procedure to validate Demand Contract Parameters Name pOrderNum pDcontract Type Int32 String Description Complete Message Complete Message

A List of orders to Create Demand. Parameters Name ds opcCompMsg String@ Type Description DemandFromOrdersDataSet Complete Message


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.DemandLog: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DemandMassReview: This business object contains 19 methods.

Parameters Name Type Description The Demand Mass Review Data Set

Parameters Name ipGroupID ds Type String Description Demand Mass Review Current Group. The Demand Mass Review Data Set

Parameters Name ipGroupID ds Type String Description Demand Mass Review Current Group. The Demand Mass Review Data Set

Parameters Name ipGroupID ds Type String Description Demand Mass Review Current Group. The Demand Mass Review Data Set


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Parameters Name ipGroupID ds Type String Description Demand Mass Review Current Group. The Demand Mass Review Data Set

Delete the schedules related to the selected Part/Demand. Demand Mass Review summarize demands, on that case will we be deleting all schedules that were included on that selected record. If a schedule is selected for another Group different than the current, we'll check if it is not locked and if not we can delete the schedule. Parameters Name ds ipGroupID String Type Description The Demand Mass Review Data Set Demand Mass Review Current Group.

Parameters Name ipGroupID cOutputMsg Type String String@ Description Demand Mass Review Current Group. Message text to display to the user. Can be blank.

Call this method when the user selects parts or demands to review. This method populates the Epicor.Mfg.BO.DemandMassReviewDataSet dataset for criteria selected. Parameters Name ipGroupID ds cOutputMsg String@ Type String Description Demand Mass Review Current Group. Input dataset contains the parts or demands selected by the user. Message text to display to the user. Can be blank.

Returns The Demand Mass Review Data Set

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Call this method to get the demand details for a part when a different part is selected. Parameters Name ipGroupID cPrimaryField lFirm lUnfirm lForecast ds cOutputMsg Type String String Boolean Boolean Boolean String@ Description Demand Mass Review Current Group. The primary field value of DemandMassReview Include Firm Demand Schedules? Include Unfirm Demand Schedules? Include Forecast Demand Schedules? The Demand Mass Review Data Set Message text to display to the user. Can be blank.

This method will perform the default matching of Demand Schedules to Order Releases for a demand. Parameters Name ipGroupID iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq cOutputMessage Type String Int32 Int32 String@ Description Demand Mass Review Current Group. The Contract Number to process The Demand Head identifier to process Return message

This method will perform the default matching of Demand Schedules to Order Releases for a part. Parameters Name ipGroupID cPartNum cOutputMessage Type String String String@ Description Demand Mass Review Current Group. The Part Number to process Return message

Updates the On Hand Quantity according to the UOM method populates the Epicor.Mfg.BO.DemandMassReviewDataSet dataset for criteria selected.


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Parameters Name cPrimaryField ds Type String Description The primary field value of DemandMassReview The Demand Mass Review Data Set.

This method will set all demands that have not been posted to be ready for processing. Parameters Name ipGroupID cSelectType cOutputMessage Type String String String@ Description Demand Mass Review Current Group. (S)elect or (U)nselect all Return messsage

This method will mark all demands for a part to be ready for processing. Parameters Name ipGroupID cPartNum cSelectType cOutputMessage Type String String String String@ Description Demand Mass Review Current Group. The Part Number to process (S)elect or (U)nselect Return message

This method will mark a demand as be ready for processing. Parameters Name ipGroupID iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq cSelectType cOutputMessage Type String Int32 Int32 String String@ Description Demand Mass Review Current Group. The Contract Number to process The Demand Head identifier to process (S)elect or (U)nselect Return message

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This method will mark all demands for the work list to be ready for processing. Parameters Name ds ipGroupID cSelectType cOutputMessage String String String@ Type Description Input dataset contains the parts or demands selected by the user. Demand Mass Review Current Group. (S)elect or (U)nselect Return message

This method will mark a demand as rejected. Parameters Name ipGroupID iDemandContractNum iDemandHeadSeq cRejectType cOutputMessage Type String Int32 Int32 String String@ Description Demand Mass Review Current Group. The Contract Number to process The Demand Head identifier to process (R)eject or (U)nreject Return message

This method will mark all demands for a part as rejected. Parameters Name ipGroupID cPartNum cRejectType cOutputMessage Type String String String String@ Description Demand Mass Review Current Group. The Part Number to process (R)eject or (U)nreject Return message

Unmatch all the demand entries previously loaded


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Parameters Name ds cOutputMessage String@ Type Description The Demand Mass Review Data Set Return message

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DemandPartSearch: This business object contains 1 methods.

List of parts that are on non-posted demands. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description Where condition # of records returned. 0 means all

Returns The DemandMassPartsListDataSet Set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DemandReconcile: This business object contains 19 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Restart the cumulative info stored for the company.

Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number.


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Name ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus

Type String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@

Description Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Recalc Variance when the Adjustment Quantity changes. Parameters Name proposedQty ds Type Decimal Description The proposed Adjustment Quantity The DemandReconcile data set

Used when the CustID field is being changed to a new value. Parameters Name proposedCustID ds Type String Description The proposed Customer ID The DemandReconcile data set

Used when the DemandContract field is being changed to a new value. Parameters Name proposedDemandContract ds Type String Description The proposed Demand Contract The DemandReconcile data set

Used when the PartNum field is being changed to a new value.

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Parameters Name proposedPartNum ds Type String Description The proposed Part Number The DemandReconcile data set

Recalc Adjust Quantity when the Reconcile Quantity changes. Parameters Name proposedQty ds Type Decimal Description The proposed Reconcile Quantity The DemandReconcile data set

Recalc Adjust Quantity and set Company Cumulative Quantity when the Start Cumulative Quantity changes. Parameters Name proposedQty ds Type Decimal Description The proposed Start Cumulative Quantity The DemandReconcile data set

Changed event of Company Cumulative Quantity field. Parameters Name proposedQty ds Type Decimal Description The proposed Shipped Cumulative Quantity The DemandReconcile data set

Updates the Reconcile Qty for the selected PackNum. Parameters Name proposedQty ds Type Decimal Description The proposed Reconcile Quantity The DemandReconcile data set


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Changed event of Trading Partner Quantity field. Parameters Name proposedQty ds Type Decimal Description The proposed Trading Partner Cumulative Quantity The DemandReconcile data set

This method will create an AR Invoice from the DemandReconcile adjustment Parameters Name iReconcileNum iPackNum iTranNum iSysDate iSysTime iInvoiceNum iInvoiceLine opErrMsg Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The Reconcile number The target pack number for which the invoice will be created The adjustment tran number

Nullable{System.DateTime} The adjustment system date Int32 Int32@ Int32@ String@ The adjustment system time The invoice number The invoice line Error message from invoice processing

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DemandReconcileSearch: This business object contains 1 methods.

List of Demand Reconciliation records by Demand Contract Name. Parameters Name whereClauseDemandReconcileSearch pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description Where condition # of records returned. 0 means all

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Returns The Demand Reconcile Search DataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DmdMassGrp: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Delete the schedules related to the selected Part/Demand. Demand Mass Review summarize demands, on that case will we be deleting all schedules that were included on that selected record. If a schedule is selected for another Group different than the current, we'll check if it is not locked and if not we can delete the schedule. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Demand Mass Group Data Set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DMRActnSearch: This business object contains 6 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DMRProcessing: This business object contains 39 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method recalculates the exchange rate and base price when the currency code changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The DMRProcessing data set

This method recalculates the base price when the exchange rate changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The DMRProcessing data set

This method initializes the job material sequence and accepted quantity when the Job Assembly Sequence changes. Parameters Name ds iProposedAssemblySeq Int32 Type Description The DMRProcessing data set The proposed AssmeblySeq value

This method initializes the IssuedComplete check box and defaults Warehouse and Bin (if necessary) when the Job Material Sequence changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The DMRProcessing data set


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Name iProposedDMRSeqNum

Type Int32

Description The proposed material sequence number

This method initializes the job assembly/material sequences, accepted quantity and the comment text when the Job Number changes. Parameters Name ds cProposedJobNum String Type Description The DMRProcessing data set The proposed Job Number

This method retrieves information related to the packing slip where this material was originally received. Parameters Name ds Type Description The DMRProcessing data set

This method validates Ref Invoice Number. Parameters Name ds cProposedRefInvoiceNum String Type Description The DMRProcessing data set The proposed Ref Invoice Number

This method initializes the serial tracking data when the Accept to Stock warehoues changes, because a warehouse change might mean a "to" plant change which can affect serial process under some circumstances. Parameters Name ds cProposedWarehouseCode String Type Description The DMRProcessing data set The proposed Accept to Stock warehouse

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This method recalculates the base price when the doc price changes or recalculates the doc price when the base price changes. The CurrencySwitch flag in DMRActn is used to determine which value to calculate. Parameters Name ds Type Description The DMRProcessing data set

This method will load the bin number only if one bin exists for the selected warehouse. Parameters Name ds Type Description The DMRProcessing data set

This method returns text of a message to be asked of the user when changing the issue complete flag for Accepting to Job Materials. The purpose of the question is to verify the user wants to continue with the change. If the user answers yes, the change can occur; otherwise the change shouldn't occur. Parameters Name iDMRNum cJobNum iAssemblySeq iDMRSeqNum dQuantity cUOM lProposedIssueComplete cMessageText Type Int32 String Int32 Int32 Decimal String Boolean String@ Description The DMR Number The Job Number The Assembly Sequence Number The DMR Action Sequence Number (Material Sequence) The DMRActn Quantity The DMRActn UOM The proposed value for the Issue Complete flag The text of the message to ask the user

This method returns a message for the user if the job material selected is already issued complete. The user would then have the option to continue with the selected job material or change the material sequence.


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Parameters Name cJobNum iAssemblySeq iDMRSeqNum cMessage Type String Int32 Int32 String@ Description The job number The assembly sequence The DMR sequequence number The message text

This method returns text of a message to be asked of the user when changing the operation complete flag for Accepting to Job Operations. The purpose of the question is to verify the user wants to continue with the change. If the user answers yes, the change can occur; otherwise the change shouldn't occur. Parameters Name cJobNum iAssemblySeq iDMRSeqNum lProposedOperationComplete cMessageText Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean String@ Description The Job Number The Assembly Sequence Number The DMR Action Sequence Number (Operation Sequence) The proposed value for the Operation Complete flag The text of the message to ask the user

This is a custom version of the standard Update method. Parameters Name ds opLegalNumberMessage String@ Type Description The DMRProcessing data set The legal number message to display

This method defaults the appropriate value for the Issue Complete check box whenever the quantity to be accepted to Job Material changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The DMRProcessing data set

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This method updates the default Contact information when the ConNum field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The DMRProcessing data set

This method returns the Base CurrencyCode Parameters Name opCurrencyBase Type String@ Description Base Currency

Get DMR history Parameters Name ipDMRNum Returns The DMRHistory data set Type Int32 Description DMR Number

Call this method instead of GetNewDMRActn to assure that appropriate DMR Action (Accepting Material to Job Material) is created. This method requires the DMR Number as input parameter. In addition, this method sets the external fields to indicate whether certain fields are enabled or disabled for input. Parameters Name ds ipDMRNum Int32 Type Description The DMRProcessing data set The DMR Number being processed.

Call this method instead of GetNewDMRActn to assure that appropriate DMR Action (Accepting Material to Job Operation) is created. This method requires the DMR Number as input parameter. In addition, this method sets the external fields to indicate whether certain fields are enabled or disabled for input.


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Parameters Name ds ipDMRNum Int32 Type Description The DMRProcessing data set The DMR Number being processed.

Call this method instead of GetNewDMRActn to assure that appropriate DMR Action (Accepting Material to Stock) is created. This method requires the DMR Number as the input parameter. In addition, this method sets the external fields to indicate whether certain fields are enabled or disabled for input. Parameters Name ds ipDMRNum Int32 Type Description The DMRProcessing data set The DMR Number being processed.

Call this method instead of GetNewDMRActn to assure that appropriate DMR Action (Requesting Debit Memo) is created. This method requires the DMR Number as input parameter. In addition, this method sets the external fields to indicate whether certain fields are enabled or disabled for input. Parameters Name ds ipDMRNum Int32 Type Description The DMRProcessing data set The DMR Number being processed.

Call this method instead of GetNewDMRActn to assure that appropriate DMR Action (Rejecting Material) is created. This method requires the DMR Number as input parameter. In addition, this method sets the external fields to indicate whether certain fields are enabled or disabled for input. Parameters Name ds ipDMRNum Int32 Type Description The DMRProcessing data set The DMR Number being processed.

This method updates Purchase Point default information when the PurPoint field changes.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The DMRProcessing data set

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ipPartNum ipQuantity ipDestinationType ipActionType ipSerialControlPlant ipSerialControlPlantIsFromPlt ipDMRNum ipJobNum ipPartTrackSerialNum ipActionNum ipQtyIUM Type String Decimal String String String Boolean Int32 String Boolean Int32 String Description DMRActn Part Number Serial Number quantity required DMR Action destination DMR Action action type Plant that is controlling serial entry rules Indicates if the from plant is the controllin plant for serial entry DMR Number DMR Action Job Number Indicates if Serial Numbers required on this DMR Action DMR Action Number UOM for the DMR quantity

Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset

This method updates the default Vendor information when the VendorNumVendorID field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The DMRProcessing data set

This method does one thing. 1 . This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information.


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Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Indicates if the legal number requires user input Type Description

This method returns the reason code where clause for searching for Reason codes for DMR Rejections or Request of Debit Memos. Parameters Name cAction iDMRNum cReasonWhereClause Type String Int32 String@ Description The reason the where clause is being built. Values are "REJ" for reject or "DM" for debit memo The DMR number. This is needed when cAction is "REJ". For cAction = "DM" the value can be 0 (zero) The reason where clause.

Validates that a single serial number is valid for this transaction Parameters Name ds serialNumber isVoided String Boolean@ Type Description DMR Processing data set Serial number to validate. Serial Number Voided flag

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DOCAssoc: This business object contains 6 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DocType: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.Drawings: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get XFileAttch list Parameters Name ipRelatedToFile ipKey1 ipKey2 ipKey3 ipKey4 ipKey5 Returns XFileAttch dataset Type String String String String String String Description Related To file Key1 Key2 Key3 Key4 Key5

Get Job Documents Table Name Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq ipOprSeq opTableName Type String Int32 Int32 String@ Description Job number Assembly sequence Operation sequence Table name

Get Primary index fields Parameters Name ipTableName opFieldList Type String String@ Description Table name Field list

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Call when DocTypeID is changed. Will reset the path portion of the file name with the BaseURL of the DocType. Note: It will not overlay a fully qualified filename. Parameters Name ipDocTypeID iOFileName Type String String@ Description The Document Type ID (tablenameAttch.DocTypeID) that has been entered. The fully qualified file name that the user is referencing for this attachment.

Call when FileName is changed. The purpose of this method is to find out if a given FileName is already known in the database. That is, does a XFileRef record exist. Client program should pass the current values from the dataset for the given parameters. The returned parameter values should unconditionally moved to the corresponding fields in the dataset. Parameters Name ipFileName iOXFileRefNum iOXFileDesc iODocTypeID iOPDMDocID Type String Int32@ String@ String@ String@ Description The fully qualified file name (tablenameAttch.FileName) that the user is referencing for this attachment. External File Reference Number (tablenameAttch.XFileRefNum). File Descripttion (tablenameAttch.DrawDesc). Document Type ID (tablenameAttch.DocTypeID). PDMDocID (tablenameAttch.PDMDocID).

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DropShip: This business object contains 35 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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If the Order has releases to multiple Customer, this will return the list of available Customers Parameters Name poNum customersToList Type Int32 String@ Description PO Number delimited list of available Customers

Return a list of Ship To Customers. Customers Parameters Name poNum shipToCustList Type Int32 String@ Description PO Number Delimited list of available Ship To Customers

If the Order has releases to multiple shipto's, this will return the list of available shiptos to select from Parameters Name poNum custNum shipToList Type Int32 Int32 String@ Description PO Number Customer Number delimited list of available ShipTo's

Updates the Complete of DropShipDtl. Parameters Name ds ipComplete vMessage Boolean String@ Type Description The DropShip data set The Complete value Question asking if the user is sure they want to set/clear the flag

Updates the IUM of DropShipDtl.


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Parameters Name ds ipIUM warnMsg String String@ Type Description The DropShip data set The IUM value A warning message for users. Does not stop processing

Updates the LotNum of DropShipDtl. Parameters Name ds ipLotNum String Type Description The DropShip data set The LotNum value

Updates the OurQty of DropShipDtl. Parameters Name ds ipOurQty warnMsg Decimal String@ Type Description The DropShip data set The OurQty value A warning message for users. Does not stop processing

Updates the POLine of DropShipDtl. Parameters Name ds ipPOLine serialWarning Int32 String@ Type Description The DropShip data set The POLine value Warning message if the receipt line contains serial numbers

Updates the PONum of DropShipDtl.

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Parameters Name ds ipPONum Int32 Type Description The DropShip data set The PONum value

Updates the PORelNum of DropShipDtl. Parameters Name ds ipPORelNum Int32 Type Description The DropShip data set The PORelNum value

Updates the VendorQty of DropShipDtl. Parameters Name ds ipVendorQty warnMsg Decimal String@ Type Description The DropShip data set The VendorQty value A warning message for users. Does not stop processing

Call this method when the PONum changes on the DropShipHead. Parameters Name ipPONum ds Type Int32 Description New PONum The DropShip data set

Call this method when the ShipToCustNum changes on the DropShipHead. Parameters Name ipShipToCustNum ds Type Int32 Description New ShipToCustNum The DropShip data set


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Call this method when the ShipToCustNum changes on the DropShipHead. Parameters Name ipShipToNum ds Type String Description New ShipToNum The DropShip data set

The Create Mass Drop Ship method. Parameters Name ipVendorNum ipPurPoint ipPackSlip ipPONum warnMsg ds Type Int32 String String Int32 String@ Description The VendorNum value The PurPoint value The PackSlip value The PONum value A warning message DropShip data set

This method creates the data for the tables ShipDtl and DropShipDtl Parameters Name ds orderNum orderLine Int32 Int32 Type Description The OrderShipments data set Order Number Order Line

Updates PendingDropShipDtl. Parameters Name ds ipPONum Int32 Type Description The DropShip data set The PO number

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This method returns default information for the PO Number and the new Vendor ID information. Parameters Name ds poNum vendorNum purPoint Int32 Int32@ String@ Type Description The Receipt data set Proposed Purchase Order Number Numeric Vendor ID assigned to the PO Default Purchase Point assigned to the PO

This method returns default information for the Vendor Purchase Point. Parameters Name ds purPoint String Type Description The DropShip data set Proposed Purchase Point value

Parameters Name ipPartNum ipQuantity ipUOM ipVendNum ipVendPP ipPackSlip ipPackSlipLine Returns Type String Decimal String Int32 String String Int32 Description ipPartNum ipQuantity ipUOM ipVendNum ipVendPP ipPackSlip ipPackSlipLine

This method builds the ShipTo Address


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Parameters Name poNum custNum shipToNum shipToListMult Type Int32 Int32 String String@ Description PO Num Cust Num Ship To Num Addresses List

This method returns default information for the Vendor. Parameters Name ds vendorID vendorNum purPoint String Int32@ String@ Type Description The DropShip data set Proposed Vendor ID value Numeric Vendor ID default Purchase Point for Vendor

This method sets all the temp-table records to be drop shipped (Ship all button selected) Parameters Name ds Type Description DropShip data set

This method returns an error or question if the LotNum field does not exist depending upon the security of the user Parameters Name ds ipLotNum questionMsg errorMsg String String@ String@ Type Description The DropShip data set The LotNum value Asks if user want to create new lot Tells user if they can't create a new lot

The Pre Create Mass Drop Ship method.

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Parameters Name ipVendorNum ipPurPoint ipPackSlip ipPONum warnMsg ds Type Int32 String String Int32 String@ Description The VendorNum value The PurPoint value The PackSlip value The PONum value A warning message DropShip data set

This method is to be called right before the update method is called. Parameters Name ds qMessageStr sMessageStr String@ String@ Type Description The DropShip data set Quantity Question to ask user before update. If no, update method is not run Serial Number Question to ask users before update. If no, update method is not run

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DropShipDtlSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DynamicQuery: This business object contains 60 methods.

This method returns comma delimited query table list in order of execution. Parameters Name ds tableList String@ Type Description Query design dataset List of tables

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This method adds a calculated field to a query. The data type of a calculated field is always character. Parameters Name ds pcQueryID pcName pcDataType pcFormat pcLabel pcExpression String String String String String String Type Description Query design dataset The current Query(Exports) ID The name of this calculated field The data type of this calculated field The format of this calculated field The label of this calculated field The expression

This method adds (selects) a field the list of a query's selected fields Parameters Name ds pcQueryID pcTableID pcField String String String Type Description Query design dataset The current Query(Exports) ID The DataTable ID The field name

This method adds a list of QueryFields to a BAQ Parameters Name ds pcQueryID String Type Description The dataset representing the current query The current Query(Exports) ID

This method adds a relation(a join) to a query If the pcKey is a valid key then a default matching of fields based on the field name is returned in the QueryRelationField table. If a matching field cannot be found in the child table then the ChildFieldName is left blank. If pcKey is blank, then no default matching is returned. The AddQueryRelationField method should be called in this case to compeletely define the relation.


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Parameters Name ds pcQueryID pcRelationID pcParentAlias pcKey pcChildAlias pcWhichItem isOuterJoin String String String String String String Boolean Type Description Query design dataset The current Query(Exports) ID The name of the relation The alias of parent DataTable ID The key(index) of the parent DataTable The alias of the child table Specify "each", "first" or "last" true if is an outer-join

This method adds a relation field mapping (parentField = childField) to a query Parameters Name ds pcQueryID pcRelationID pcParentField pcChildField String String String String Type Description Returns the updated dataset The current Query(Exports) ID The name of the relation The parent field name The child field name

This method adds a valid table to the list of a query's selected tables Parameters Name ds pcQueryID pcTableID pbIsSummary String String Boolean Type Description Returns the updated dataset The current Query(Exports) ID The Table ID yes = this is a summary table

This method adds a related table to a query This method adds a new table to another table that is already in the query(pcMainTable). If a predefined relation can be found between these two tables then a relation and relation fields for that relation will be returned. The new relation ID is the combination of the MainTable and the relatedTable. Otherwise this method is the same as AddQueryTable. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET

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Parameters Name ds pcQueryID pcMainTable pcRelatedTable pcWhichItem isSummary isOuterJoin String String String String Boolean Boolean Type Description Returns the updated dataset The current Query(Exports) ID The name of the table that this new table relates to The related table Specify "each", "first" or "last" true if should add as a summary table true if is an outer-join

This method adds a sortby clause to a query. Parameters Name ds pcQueryID pcTable pcField pbAscending String String String Boolean Type Description Returns the updated dataset The current Query(Exports) ID The table of this sort by field The field name of this sort by true = ascending, false = descending

This method adds a QueryWhereItem to a query. Parameters Name ds pcQueryID pcTable pcField pcCondition pbIsConst pcValue pcToTable pcToField pcLeftParentheses String String String String Boolean String String String String Type Description Returns the updated dataset The current Query(Exports) ID The table of this sort by field The field name of this sort by comparison operator true = right side of comparison is a constant false = right side of comparison is another field The value to compare to The table name of a field to compare to The field to compare to number of left parentheses


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Name pcRightParentheses pcAndOr pbNeg

Type String String Boolean

Description number of right parentheses "and" or "or" apply "Not"

This method verifies a query and returns true if it is valid. False otherwise. Parameters Name ds bSuccess pcMessage Boolean@ String@ Type Description The dataset represents the current query true = query syntax is correct, false = there is a syntax error Returns the error message if there is an error

This method verifies a query and returns true if it is valid. False otherwise. Parameters Name ds cBOSource cBOName bSuccess pcMessage String String Boolean@ String@ Type Description The dataset represents the current query Specifies whether the bo represents a business entity (BL) or a DB table Name of business object which defines the temp-tables used in the query true if query syntax is correct, false if there is a syntax error Returns the error message if there is an error

This method verifies a query and returns true if it is valid. False otherwise. Parameters Name ds Type Description The dataset represents the current query

errFieldList String@ Returns the list of missed fields if there are any. format is DF:AbcCode:f1,AbcCode.f2;SF:AbcCode:f1,AbcCode.f2;RF:AbcCode:f1,AbcCode.f2;WF:AbcCode:f1,AbcC where DF - display fields, SF - sorting fields, RF - relation fields, WF - where clause fields, FF - fields, where f equal to db table field format).These formats also are fixed during check, so this list is for information pur

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This method change the Author of a Dynamic Query to a different one Parameters Name pcQueryID pcNewAuthor Type String String Description The Query(Exports) ID The new author

Returns Returns the dataset representing the query

This method makes a copy of an existing query Parameters Name pcSourceQueryID pcDestQueryID pbSucceed Type String String Boolean@ Description The source Query(Exports) ID The target Query(Exports) ID yes = save secceeded, no = failed

This method deletes an existing query Parameters Name pcQueryID Type String Description The current Query(Exports) ID

This method deletes an unapproved query Parameters Name pcQueryID Type String Description The current Query(Exports) ID

This method runs a query based on default settings.


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Parameters Name ds Returns Returns the result dataset Type Description The dataset represents a Query

This method run an existing query and returns an untyped dataset Parameters Name pcQueryID Returns Returns the result of the query Type String Description The current Query(Exports) ID

This method run an existing query and returns an untyped dataset Parameters Name pcQueryID ds resultFieldList topNRecords hasMoreRecords String Int32 Boolean@ Type String Description The current Query(Exports) ID The Query execution parameters (named parameter values, filtering and etc.) Comma delimited list of fields in result dataset. List is subset of query's SelectedField table content Number of first records in result set to be returned Flag indicating if there are more records

Returns Returns the result of the query

This method runs a dash board query. Parameters Name ds Returns Returns the result dataset Type Description The dataset represents a Dash Board Query

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This method runs a dash board query. Parameters Name ds piPageSize pbMorePage Returns Returns the result dataset Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset represents a Dash Board Query The size of page Flag indicating if there are more pages

This method runs a query based on default settings and return lists of distinct values of specified fields. Parameters Name queryID distinctFields Type String String Description The Query ID Comma delimited list of query display fields distinct values of should be returned

Returns Returns the result dataset

This method runs a query based on default settings and passed execution parameters and return lists of distinct values of specified fields. Parameters Name queryID ds distinctFields String Type String Description The Query ID The Query execution parameters (named parameter values, filtering and etc.) Comma delimited list of query display fields distinct values of should be returned

Returns Returns the result dataset

This method prepare a query for paged access by using additional query's parameters.


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Parameters Name ds ds1 pageSize resultFieldList pagedQueryToken totalRowCount String Int32 String@ Int32@ Type Description The dataset represents a Query The Query parameters dataset Size of first page of result set to be returned. Initially is null that means no query results should be returned Comma delimited list of fields in result dataset. List is subset of query's SelectedField table content Paged query token which is used in subsequent calls. Can be null if pageSize is set to value and result set fits that page Total count of result rows

Returns Returns the result dataset where Results table is filled with data only if pageSize parameter is not null

This method prepare a query for paged acess. Parameters Name ds pageSize pagedQueryToken totalRowCount Int32 String@ Int32@ Type Description The dataset represents a Query Size of first page of result set to be returned. Initially is null that means no query results should be returned Paged query token which is used in subsequent calls. Can be null if pageSize is set to value and result set fits that page Total count of result rows

Returns Returns the result dataset where Results table is filled with data only if pageSize parameter is not null

This method prepare a query for paged acess. Parameters Name queryID pageSize pagedQueryToken totalRowCount Type String Int32 String@ Int32@ Description The Query ID Size of first page of result set to be returned. Initially is null that means no query results should be returned Paged query token which is used in subsequent calls. Can be null if pageSize is set to value and result set fits that page Total count of result rows

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Returns Returns the result dataset where Results table is filled with data only if pageSize parameter is not null

This method prepare a query for paged access by using additional query parameters. Parameters Name queryID ds resultFieldList pageSize pagedQueryToken totalRowCount String Int32 String@ Int32@ Type String Description The Query ID The Query parameters dataset Comma delimited list of fields in result dataset. List is subset of query's SelectedField table content Size of first page of result set to be returned. Initially is null that means no query results should be returned Paged query token Total count of result rows

Returns Returns the result dataset where Results table is filled with data only if pageSize parameter is not null

This method returns a requested page of the query. Parameters Name pagedQueryToken pageNumber pageSize hasMorePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The paged query token. Number of the page Number of records in the page Whether is more pages left

Returns Returns the requested page of the query

This method ends paged access to the query and discards all related temporary data. Parameters Name pagedQueryToken Type String Description The paged query token.


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This method runs a query based on selected tables, fields, joins, etc and on passed execution parameters. Parameters Name ds ds1 resultFieldList topNRecords hasMoreRecords Returns Returns the result dataset String Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset represents a Query The dataset contains Query execution parameters Comma delimited list of fields in result dataset. List is subset of query's SelectedField table content Number of first records in result set to be returned Flag indicating if there are more records

This method exports a query's result to a file. Parameters Name ds pcFile pcFileType pcTextDelim String String String Type Description The dataset represents a Query The file name The type of export The delimiter to use for delimited export formats. If blank the format in the query definition will be used. Ignored for XML exports. Output results labels file. Ignored for XML exports. indicating if the method finished successfully

pbOutputLabels pbSuccess

Boolean Boolean@

This method export an existing query to a file Parameters Name pcQueryID pcExportFormatOverride pcFilenameOverride Type String String String Description The current Query(Exports) ID Type of export to perform. Currently only "XML" is supported and this parameter is ignored. The filename to use for the export. If blank the filename in the query definition will be used.

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Name pcTextDelim

Type String

Description The delimiter to use for delimited export formats. If blank the format in the query definition will be used. Ignored for XML exports. Output results labels file. Ignored for XML exports. The file created indicating if the method finished successfully indicating if the method finished successfully

pbOutputLabels pcFile pbSuccess pbMessage

Boolean String@ Boolean@ String@

Generate an ASP file with the given . The ASP file is used in conjunction with an XML export to display exported information in a web browser. Parameters Name pcQueryID pcFilename ds Type String String Description The Query(Exports) ID File name ASP Export field dataset

Get the fields that would be used to generate an ASP file. The ASP file is used in conjunction with an XML export to display exported information in a web browser. Parameters Name pcQueryID Type String Description The Query(Exports) ID

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ASPExportFieldDataSet

This method returns a list of available tables that can be added to a query Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch


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Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.AvailableTableListDataSet

This method returns a dataset representing an existing query Parameters Name pcQueryID Type String Description The Query(Exports) ID

Returns Returns the dataset representing the query

This method returns a dataset representing a list of dash board queries Parameters Name ds Returns Returns the dataset representing the query Type Description The list of queries

This method returns a dataset representing a list of dash board queries Parameters Name pcQueryID Type String Description The Query(Exports) ID List

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.QueryDesignDataSet

This method returns the query procedure file which can be run outside the BAQ engine Parameters Name pcQueryID pbPrepareOnly pcProcedure Type String Boolean String@ Description The current Query(Exports) ID When true, portions of the query will contain placeholders and caller must modify results to provide them before use. Returns the procedure or SQL batch

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This method returns a list of available tables that can be added to a query Parameters Name pcTable Returns The list of fields that in the table Type String Description The TableID

This method returns a list of fiscal periods between pdBeginDate and pdEndDate Parameters Name pdBeginDate pdEndDate Returns The list of fiscal periods Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The begin date The end date

This method returns a list of existing queries Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.DynamicQueryListDataSet

This method returns a list of BAQs that have a specific like field Parameters Name pcLikeTable Type String Description The table name of the like field


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Name pcLikeField

Type String

Description The field name of the like field

Returns The list of queries that meet the criteria

This method createa a new DynamicQuery object with a blank query ID. The query object is not saved until the Update method is called Parameters Name ds Type Description Returns the newly created query

This method creates a new query relation row Parameters Name ds pcQueryID String Type Description Returns the updated dataset The current Query(Exports) ID

This method creates a new query relation field row Parameters Name ds pcQueryID pcRelationID String String Type Description Returns the updated dataset The current Query(Exports) ID The relation ID

This method creates a new QueryWhereItemRow. Parameters Name ds pcQueryID String Type Description Returns the updated dataset The current Query(Exports) ID

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Name pcTable

Type String

Description The table of this sort by field

This method run an existing query and returns an untyped dataset Parameters Name pcQueryID pcProcedure Type String String@ Description The current Query(Exports) ID Returns the procedure or SQL batch

This method returns a dataset representing an existing query Parameters Name pcQueryID Type String Description The Query(Exports) ID

Returns Returns the dataset representing the query

This method returns a dataset representing an query's execution parameters information Parameters Name ds Type Description The query design dataset

Returns Returns the dataset representing the query execution parameters

This method returns a dataset representing an query's execution parameters information Parameters Name pcQueryID Type String Description The Query(Exports) ID

Returns Returns the dataset representing the query execution parameters


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This method returns a list of tables that are related to a list of tables Parameters Name pcTable Type String Description The name of a table you want to get the related tables for

Returns The list of tables that are related to pcTable

This method returns a set of queries based on the criteria Parameters Name whereClauseDynamicQuery whereClauseQueryTable whereClauseQueryField whereClauseQueryWhereItem whereClauseQueryCalcFld whereClauseQueryRelation whereClauseQueryRelationField whereClauseQuerySortBy pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String String String String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Criteria for the Query Criteria for the QueryTable Criteria for the QueryField Criteria for the QueryWhereItem Criteria for the QueryCalcFld Criteria for the QueryRelation Criteria for the QueryRelationField Criteria for the QuerySortBy size of page absolutePage true = more pages yet to be retrieved, false = end of result

Returns the returned set of wueries

This method returns a dataset representing an unapproved query Parameters Name pcQueryID Type String Description The Query(Exports) ID

Returns Returns the dataset representing the query

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This method imports a query from the passed in dataset. Parameters Name ds bOK Boolean@ Type Description The dataset represents a Query Import result

This method parse a query string and return the list of tables in the query string and fields in those tables Parameters Name pcQueryPhrase Type String Description The criteria

Returns The list of tables that are in the query string and available fields in those tables

This method removes a list of QueryFields to a BAQ. The caller should also remove any QuerySortBy before this method is called Parameters Name ds pcQueryID String Type Description The dataset representing the current query The current Query(Exports) ID

This method save a query to the database Parameters Name pcQueryID pbSucceed Type String Boolean@ Description The current Query(Exports) ID yes = save secceeded, no = failed

This method persists a dataset that representing a query to the database


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The dataset representing the current query

Epicor.Mfg.BO.DynamicReport: This business object contains 16 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.

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Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method makes a copy of an existing DynamicReport Parameters Name pcSourceRptID pcDestRptID pbSucceed Type String String Boolean@ Description The source Report ID The target Report ID yes = save secceeded, no = failed

This method returns a BAQ report XML with sample data Parameters Name pcBAQRptID pcXmlDoc Type String String@ Description The BAQ report ID Returns the XML document string


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This method returns a list of reports that use a given BAQ Parameters Name pcBAQID Returns The returned list Type String Description The BAQ ID

This method returns a BAQ report XML schema as a string Parameters Name pcBAQRptID pcXmlSched Type String String@ Description The BAQ report ID Returns the XML schema string

This method imports a DynamicReport from the passed in dataset. Parameters Name ds bOK Boolean@ Type Description The dataset represents a DynamicReport Import result

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Chapter 5: E
Epicor.Mfg.BO.EAD: This business object contains 14 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK

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QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ECORevSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ECSalesReport: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Export EU Sales List. Parameters Name ipECSalesReportID Returns Type String Description ECSalesReportID

Generate XML DATA on XML Tables. Parameters Name ipECSalesReportID ipManualXML Returns Type String Boolean Description ECSalesReportID ipManualXML

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EDIExport: This business object contains 5 methods.

This method runs the export based on the document the user has entered. If the user wants to re export items, the ReExport flag should be set to true. Parameters Name reExport ds Type Boolean Description Re-export flag. EDI Export dataset

This method should be called when the user enters the screen. It defaults the translator type, and from and to date. Returns EDI Export dataset

This method should be called when the document type has changed.

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Parameters Name newDocType ds Type String Description New document type. EDI Export dataset

This method should be called when the from date has changed. Parameters Name newFromDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description From date. EDI Export dataset

This method should be called when the to date has changed. Parameters Name newToDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description From date. EDI Export dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EDITrnsl: This business object contains 6 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EduLicense: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.

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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Acquire an education course license token Parameters Name eduLicenseID Type Int32 Description Which license to use


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Name sysRowID

Type String@

Description The license token identifier

Release an education course license token Parameters Name sysRowID Type String Description The license token identifier

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EKeyLog: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ElectronicInterface: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Returns dataset by the interface name. Parameters Name name Returns The full DataSet. Type String Description interface name

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Returns list of interfaces types defined in TypeNames array Symbol | will be replaced by ~ on the client side. For using in combos Parameters Name list Type String@ Description list of interfaces types defined in TypeNames array

Returns interfaces type by TypeName Parameters Name typeName typeID Type String Int32@ Description TypeName for interfaces type interfaces type

Parameters Name headUID canbe Type Int32 Boolean@ Description electronic interface identifier true if the interface can be deleted

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ElectronicReport: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

GenerateTaxTranReport. Parameters Name lRound Type Boolean Description If yes then amounts are rounded

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name reportIDList taxCodeList rangeOption startDate endDate eftHeadUID success

Type String String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Int32 Boolean@

Description List of the Tax Report IDs List of the Tax Codes Date Range or VAT Report Start Date End Date Electronic Interface unique ID If the procedure hase done it's work without any errors then returns yes

GenerateIntrastatReport. Parameters Name filterFlow sortByPeriod iYear iPeriod startDate endDate eftHeadUID success Type String Boolean Int32 Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Int32 Boolean@ Sort By Date / Sort By Date Year EPeriod Start Date End Date Electronic Interface unique ID If the procedure hase done it's work without any errors then returns yes Description

GenerateTaxBoxReport. Parameters Name eftHeadUID success Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Electronic Interface unique ID If the procedure hase done it's work without any errors then returns yes



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Parameters Name reportID eftHeadUID success Type String Int32 Boolean@ Description Tax Report ID Electronic Interface unique ID If the procedure hase done it's work without any errors then returns yes

Call this method when the user changes the Electronic Interface. Parameters Name pcEFTHeadUID ds Type Int32 Description The proposed value of EFTHeadUID. Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.APChkGrpDataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EmpBasic: This business object contains 38 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Check shift Parameters Name ipEmpID ipLaborShift opMessage Type String Int32 String@ Description Employee ID Labor Shift Output Message

Clock In Parameters Name employeeID shift Type String Int32 Description Employee ID Labor Shift

Clock Out Parameters Name employeeID Type String@ Description Employee ID

This method will get a current ResourceCal record or create a temporary ResourceCal record to be modified for a Employee. The ProdHours will be defaulted from the weekday of the selected date. If any changes are made

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to the ttResourceCal record, the UpdateResourceCal method will have to be called to write the temporary ResourceCal record to the database. Parameters Name ipEmpID ipDate ds Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The current Employee ID The selected date to be customized The Employee data set

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Contains special processing for Time and Expense Entry. Returns The DataSet.

Get Defaults Emp ID Parameters Name defaultEmpID Type String@ Description default EmpID

Called to retrieve employees that can have expenses entered for them Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.EmpBasicListDataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for EmpBasic table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Called to retrieve employees for Time and Expense Entry


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.EmpBasicListDataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for EmpBasic table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Used to validate the PerCon. Parameters Name perConID ds Type Int32 Description Proposed PerConID. EmpBasic data set.

Get rows from list dataset Parameters Name ds Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.EmpBasicDataSet Type Description Whereclause for EmpBasicAttch table.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then screens out only those employees who should be here but are not. Parameters Name whereClauseEmpBasic whereClauseEmpBasicAttch pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for EmpBasic table. Whereclause for EmpBasicAttch table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

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Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.EmpBasicDataSet

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find


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QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method will check to see if the current ttResourceCal record was modified. If it is a special working day or non-working day then it save the ttResourceCal record to the database. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Employee data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EmpCourse: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Creates an Employee Course Request for multiple employees. Parameters Name courseID revisionCode empIDs Type String String String Description The course for which the employees are requesting. The course's revision. A list of EmpIDs that represent the employees requesting the course.

Call this method when the user changes the Course Status. Parameters Name pcCompany pcEmpCourseID pcCourseStatus Type String Int32 String Description EmpCourse Company EmpCourse ID New EmpCourse Status Response to the question pcDeleteCourseSchAttdResponse. ? means question has not been asked. Yes/No is considered a response. Question to be answered by the user in pcDeleteCourseSchAttdResponse.

pcDeleteCourseSchAttdResponse String



Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EmpExpense: This business object contains 33 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

The procedure is called when the user selects EmpExpense records for reject or approve Parameters Name ipSalesRepCode ipAction ipComment ds outMessage String@ Type String String String Description The sales Rep Code of the approver. Action to take A = approver, R = reject. Comment text if comments are to be created. EmpExpense Entry Data set Informational message returned to display to the user after the process has run

Method to call when changing the Claim Currency Code. Exchange rate is reevaluted


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Parameters Name proposedClaimCurrencyCode ds Type String Description The proposed claim currency code The EmpExpense data set

Method to call when changing the claim exchange rate. Parameters Name proposedClaimExchangeRate ds Type Decimal Description The proposed claim exchange rate The EmpExpense data set

Method to call when changing the Claim Rate Group Code. Exchange rate is reevaluted Parameters Name proposedClaimRateGrpCode ds Type String Description The proposed expense currency code The EmpExpense data set

Method to call when changing the Claim Amount. The field DispClaimAmt is the field that should trigger the call to this procedure. Parameters Name proposedDispClaimAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed claim amount The EmpExpense data set

Method to call when changing the Doc Expense Amount. Parameters Name proposedDocExpenseAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed doc expense amount The EmpExpense data set

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Method to call when changing the Expense Currency Code. Exchange rate is reevaluted Parameters Name proposedExpCurrencyCode ds Type String Description The proposed expense currency code The EmpExpense data set

Method to call when changing the Expense Date. This can affect the exchange rate. Parameters Name proposedExpenseDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed expense date The EmpExpense data set

Method to call when changing Indirect. Parameters Name proposedIndirect ds Type Boolean Description The proposed indirect value The EmpExpense data set

Method to call when changing the Miscellaneous Code. Parameters Name proposedMiscCode ds Type String Description The proposed miscellaneous code The EmpExpense data set

Method to call when changing the Payment Method.


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Parameters Name proposedPMUID ds Type Int32 Description The proposed pay method id The EmpExpense data set

Method to call when changing the WBS Phase ID. Parameters Name proposedPhaseID ds Type String Description The proposed phase The EmpExpense data set

Method to call when changing the Project ID. Parameters Name proposedProjectID ds Type String Description The proposed project The EmpExpense data set

Method to call when changing the quick entry code. Quick entry values are used for default values on the expense. Parameters Name proposedQuickEntryCode ds Type String Description The proposed quick entry code The EmpExpense data set

Method to call when changing the Unit Rate. Parameters Name proposedUnitRate ds Type Decimal Description The proposed unit rate The EmpExpense data set

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Method to call when changing the Units. Parameters Name proposedUnits ds Type Decimal Description The proposed units The EmpExpense data set

The procedure is called prior to performing a recall. It will check if subsequent approvals have occurred. If they have the user will have the opportunity to cancel the recall. Parameters Name ipSalesRepCode ds outRecallMsg String@ Type String Description The sales Rep Code of the approver. The EmpExpense data set Recall message

Method to copy the vales from one EmpExpense record to a new EmpExpense record. Parameters Name ds cMessageText String@ Type Description The EmpExpense data set Message text to present to the user after the process is finished

This method returns a list of Expenses to be viewed in the Time and Expense Entry screen based on Claim Reference, Invoice Num, Invoice Status and Expense Status. This method builds the where clause instead of having the UI build the where clause on their end. Parameters Name ipEmpID ipClaimRef ipExpenseStatus ipInvoiceNum Type String String String String Description Employee id Claim Reference Expense Status Invoice Number


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Name ipInvoiceStatus pageSize absolutePage morePages

Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description Invoice Status The page size the absolute page The more pages

Called from Aprrovals screen to get related task expense transactions Parameters Name ds Type Description TaskListDataSet

Method to call when recalling submitted expense records Parameters Name ds Type Description The EmpExpense data set

Method to call when recalling from approval entry Parameters Name ipSalesRepCode ds outMessage String@ Type String Description The sales Rep Code of the approver. The EmpExpense data set Informational message returned to display to the user after the process has run

Method to call to submit selected expenses Parameters Name ds Type Description The EmpExpense data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name outMessage

Type String@

Description Informational message returned to display to the user after the process has run

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EmpExpenseGroup: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

A public method to test if a given Employee ID already exists in the EmpBasic table. Return True if it exists else returns False. Parameters Name empID Returns Type String Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EmpRoleSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EmpYTDLoad: This business object contains 4 methods.

Deletes the PRCheck record. The delete trigger for PRCheck deletes the PRChkDtl, PRChkTax and PRChkDed records. Parameters Name employeeID Type String Description Employee number

Gets the data for the Deductions, Earnings and Tax temp tables based on the employee ID's from the Employee ID temp table.


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Parameters Name ds Returns EmpYTDLoad DataSet This method is only to be used in the BL Tester to get a EmployeeList record for employee 100. Returns List of employee ID's. Type Description List of employee ID's.

Updates the appropriate tables with the data for the Deductions, Earnings and Tax temp tables. Parameters Name ds Type Description EmpYTDLoad DataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EngWorkBench: This business object contains 116 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Creates new ECOMtlRefDes records based on the ECOMtl dataset fields. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipMtlSeq Type String String String String Int32 Description The Group ID of ECO revision The Part Number of ECO revision The ECO Revision Number The ECO Alternate Method The ECO Material Seq

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name ipPrefix ipStartNum ipEndNum ipSuffix ds

Type String Int32 Int32 String

Description The Prefix to be used to create Reference Designators The Starting Number to create Reference Designators The Ending Number to create Reference Designators The Suffix to be used to create Reference Designators The Engineering Workbench data set

This method exists soley for the purpose of allowing security for approving a method to be defined This method exists soley for the purpose of allowing security for unapproving a method to be defined

This methods approves all revisions within an ECOGroup and returns a results string and returns an updated dataset if the user chooses to. This method runs the logic behind the Vantage 6.1 Group>Approve All menu option. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Description The ECOGroup.GroupID to approve all for Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Part Number to return data for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Revision Number to return data for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Alternate Method to return data for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. Did the user supply a valid password to run this functionality? The value for this parameter should come from running the ValidatePassword method in the UserFile BO. A return list of statements from the Approve All process

ipUseMethodForParts ipValidPassword

Boolean Boolean




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Returns EngWorkBench dataset

This methods assigns fields associated with ECOGroup.GroupClosed changing. If ECOGroup.GroupClosed changes to true, ClosedBy, ClosedDate, and ClosedTime gets populated. This method should run before/at the time ECOGroup.GroupClosed field changes. Parameters Name ipProposedGroupClosed ds Type Boolean Description The new proposed ECOGroup.GroupClosed value EngWorkBench dataset

This methods assigns fields associated with ECOGroup.WFGroupID changing. If ECOGroup.WFGroupID changes, verify and check if there is a default TaskSetID associated with the WFGroupID and if so, populate ECOGroup.TaskSetID. This method should run before/at the time ECOGroup.WFGroupID field changes. Parameters Name ipProposedWFGroupID ds Type String Description The new proposed ECOGroup.WFGroupID value EngWorkBench dataset

This methods assigns ECOMtl.EstScrap field when ECOMtl.FixedQty changes. This method should run when the ECOMtl.FixedQty changes. Parameters Name ipProposedFixedQty ds Type Boolean Description The new proposed ECOMtl.FixedQty value EngWorkBench dataset

Parameters Name ipProposedInspPlan ipProposedSpecId Type String String Description The new proposed ECOMtl.InspPlanPartNum value The new proposed ECOMtl.SpecID value

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This method assigns the associated fields when the ECOMtl.MtlPartNum field changes. This method should run when changing the ECOMtl.MtlPartNum. Parameters Name ds Type Description EngWorkBench dataset

This method create a new ttECOMtl record and delete the existing one when changing this component of the primary unique index and update the ecomtl.mtlseq. This method should run before changing the ECOMtl.MtlSeq. Parameters Name ipProposedMtlSeq ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed ECOMtl.MtlSeq value EngWorkBench dataset

This method assigns the associated fields when the ECOMtl.MtlPartNum field changes. This method should run when changing the ECOMtl.MtlPartNum. Parameters Name ds Type Description EngWorkBench dataset

This method assigns the associated fields when the ECOMtl.MtlPartNum field changes. This method should run when changing the ECOMtl.MtlPartNum. Parameters Name ds Type Description EngWorkBench dataset

This methods assigns ECOMtl.ReqRefDes and ECOMtl.RDEndNum fields when ECOMtl.QtyPer changes. This method should run when the ECOMtl.QtyPer changes.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description EngWorkBench dataset

This methods assigns associated fields when ECOMtl.RelatedOperation changes. This method should run when the ECOMtl.RelatedOperation changes. Parameters Name ipProposedRelatedOperation ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed ECOMtl.RFQNeeded value EngWorkBench dataset

This methods assigns associated fields when ECOMtl.RelatedStage changes. This method should run when the ECOMtl.RelatedStage changes. Parameters Name ipProposedRelatedStage ds Type String Description The new proposed ECOMtl.RFQNeeded value EngWorkBench dataset

This methods assigns ECOMtl.RDEndNum field when ECOMtl.ReqRefDes changes. This method should run when the ECOMtl.ReqRefDes changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description EngWorkBench dataset

This methods assigns associated fields when ECOMtlRestriction.RestrictionTypeID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description EngWorkBench dataset

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This methods assigns ECOMtl.RFQVendQuotes field when ECOMtl.RFQNeeded changes. This method should run when the ECOMtl.RFQNeeded changes. Parameters Name ipProposedRFQNeeded ds Type Boolean Description The new proposed ECOMtl.RFQNeeded value EngWorkBench dataset

This methods assigns ECOMtl.SalvageEstMtlBurUnitCredit field when ECOMtl.SalvageMtlBurRate changes. This method should run when the ECOMtl.SalvageMtlBurRate changes. Parameters Name ipProposedSalvageMtlBurRate ds Type Decimal Description The new proposed ECOMtl.SalvageMtlBurRate value EngWorkBench dataset

This methods assigns associated fields when ECOMtl.SalvagePartNum changes. This method should run when the ECOMtl.SalvagePartNum changes. Parameters Name ipProposedSalvagePartNum ds Type String Description The new proposed ECOMtl.SalvagePartNum value EngWorkBench dataset

This methods assigns ECOMtl.SalvageEstMtlBurUnitCredit field when ECOMtl.SalvageUnitCredit changes. This method should run when the ECOMtl.SalvageMtlBurRate changes. Parameters Name ipProposedSalvageUnitCredit ds Type Decimal Description The new proposed ECOMtl.SalvageUnitCredit value EngWorkBench dataset

This methods assigns associated fields when ECOMtlRestrictSubst.SubstanceID changes.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description EngWorkBench dataset

Method to call when changing the Capability ID. This method will update ECOOpDtl to see if the labor and burden rates need to be reset. Blank is a valid entry for Capability ID. Parameters Name proposedCapID ds Type String Description The proposed Capability ID The Engineering Workbench data set

Method to call when changing the Resource Group ID. Blank is a valid entry for Resource Group ID. Parameters Name proposedResGrpID ds Type String Description The proposed Resource Group ID The Engineering Workbench data set

Method to call when changing the Resource ID. Blank is a valid entry for Resource ID. Parameters Name proposedResourceID ds Type String Description The proposed Resource ID The Engineering Workbench data set

This method also returns a list of values/descriptions for the LaborEntryMethod dropdown based on the value of the ECOOpr.AutoReceive field. This does not change the actual value of the ECOOpr.LaborEntryMethod field, just returns values for its dropdown list. This method should run before/at the time ECOGroup.GroupClosed field changes. Parameters Name opLaborEntryMethodList Type String@ Description The returning value for the LaborEntryMethod

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Name ds


Description The Engineering Workbench data set

Verification when changing the LaborEntryMethod field Parameters Name iLaborEntryMethod ds Type String Description Proposed value for LaborEntryMethod field The Engineering Workbench data set

This method defaults/resets specific fields related to the new operation code. This method should run when the ECOOpr.OpCode field changes. Parameters Name proposedOpCode refreshMessage ds Type String String@ Description The proposed Operation Code The refresh message text The Engineering Workbench data set

This method will update all of the associated records to the ECOOpr if the OprSeq field is changing. This method should run before changing the ECOOpr.OprSeq. Parameters Name ipProposedOprSeq ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed ECOOpr.OprSeq value The Engineering Workbench data set

This method defaults/resets the production standards when selecting an Operation Standard This method should run when the ECOOpr.OpStdID field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Engineering Workbench data set


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This method defaults/resets the production standards when selecting Primary Production Operation Detail. This method should run when the ECOOpr.PrimaryProdOpDtl field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Engineering Workbench data set

This method defaults/resets the setup values when selecting Primary Setup Operation Detail. This method should run when the ECOOpr.PrimarySetupOpDtl field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods assigns associated fields when ECOOprRestriction.RestrictionTypeID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description EngWorkBench dataset

This methods assigns ECOOpr.RFQVendQuotes field when ECOOpr.RFQNeeded changes. This method should run when the ECOOpr.RFQNeeded changes. Parameters Name ipProposedRFQNeeded ds Type Boolean Description The new proposed ECOGroup.RFQNeeded value The Engineering Workbench data set

Validates SNRequiredOpr flag to avoid to set it false if the prior operation has the flag set to true The flag cannot be set to true if the part is not serial tracked also.

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Parameters Name ipProposedSNRequired ds Type Boolean Description The new proposed ECOGroup.SNRequiredOpr value The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods assigns ECOOpr.OpsPerPart a default value based on the StdFormat value. Parameters Name ipProposedStdFormat ds Type String Description The new proposed ECOOpr.StdFormat value The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods assigns associated fields when ECOOpr.SubPartNum changes. This method should run when the ECOOpr.SubPartNum changes. Parameters Name ipProposedSubPartNum ds Type String Description The new proposed ECOGroup.SubPartNum value The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods assigns associated fields when ECOOprRestrictSubst.SubstanceID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description EngWorkBench dataset

This methods assigns associated fields when ECOOpr.VendorNumVendorID changes. This method should run when the ECOOpr.VendorNumVendorID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Engineering Workbench data set


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This methods assigns fields associated with ECORev.Approved changing. This method should run before ECOGroup.Approved field changes. Parameters Name ipProposedApproved ds Type Boolean Description The new proposed ipProposedApproved value The Engineering Workbench data set

Verification when changing the AutoReceive field Parameters Name iAutoReceive ds Type Boolean Description Proposed value for AutoReceive field The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods checks the ECOMtl.MtlPartNum when it changes to see if any messages when validating it arise. Messages could be from the analysis code or if the user is trying to use the parent part as a component of itself. This method should run before changing the ECOMtl.MtlPartNum. Parameters Name ipProposedMtlPartNum opMessage opMsgType ds Type String String@ String@ Description The new proposed ttECOMtl.PartNum value The returning message. Type of message returned. Value is Question, with Yes/No as options The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods checks to see if the ECOMtl.MtlSeq has changed from the original ECOMtl.MtlSeq or if the ECOMtl.RelatedOperation has changed from the original ECOMtl.RelatedOperation or the ECOMtl.RelatedStage has changed from the original ECOMMtl.RelatedStage and provides a message asking the user if they would like to set the current configuration to unapproved if the MtlSeq, RelatedOperation or RelatedStage did change. This method does not actually validate the ECOMtl.MtlSeq, ECOMtl.RelatedOperation or ECOMtl.RelatedStage. For RelatedOperation and RelatedStage, it is one or the other, i.e. both a RelatedOperation and a RelatedStage should not be passed in. The value to pass in is based on ECORev.UseStaging. If this value is true, RelatedStage is used, otherwise RelatedOperation is used. Actual validation is handle in the beforeupdate logic in a private method. This method should run before changing the ECOMtl.MtlSeq or ECOMtl.RelatedOperation

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Parameters Name ipProposedMtlSeq ipProposedRelatedOperation ipProposedRelatedStage opMessage opMsgType ds Type Int32 Int32 String String@ String@ Description The new proposed ECOMtl.MtlSeq value The new proposed ECOMtl.RelatedOperation value The new proposed ECOMtl.RelatedStage value The returning message value Type of message returned. Value is Warning, with OK as options The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods checks the ECOMtl.PlanAsAsm when it changes to see if any messages when validating it arise. Messages could be from the analysis code This method should run before changing the ECOMtl.PlanAsAsm. Parameters Name ipProposedPlanAsAsm opMessage opMsgType ds Type Boolean String@ String@ Description The new proposed ECOMtl.PlanAsAsm value The returning message. Type of message returned. Value is Question, with Yes/No as options The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods checks the ECOMtl.PullAsAsm when it changes to see if any messages when validating it arise. Messages could be from the analysis code This method should run before changing the ECOMtl.PullAsAsm. Parameters Name ipProposedPullAsAsm opMessage opMsgType ds Type Boolean String@ String@ Description The new proposed ECOMtl.PullAsAsm value The returning message. Type of message returned. Value is Question, with Yes/No as options The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods checks the ECOMtl.ViewAsAsm when it changes to see if any messages when validating it arise. This method should run before changing the ECOMtl.ViewAsAsm.


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Parameters Name ipProposedViewAsAsm ds Type Boolean Description The new proposed ECOMtl.ViewAsAsm value The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods checks to see if the ECOOpr.OprSeq has changed from the original ECOOpr.OprSeq and provides a message asking the user if they would like to set the current configuration to unapproved if the OprSeq did change. This method does not actually validate the ECOOpr.OprSeq. Actual validation is handle in the beforeupdate logic in a private method. This method should run before changing the ECOOpr.OprSeq. Parameters Name ipProposedOprSeq opMessage opMsgType ds Type Int32 String@ String@ Description The new proposed ECOOpr.OprSeq value The returning message. Type of message returned. Value is Warning, with OK as options The Engineering Workbench data set

This method validated the value of Primary Production Operation Detail. This method should run when the ECOOpr.PrimaryProdOpDtl field changes. Parameters Name ds ipPrimaryProdOpDtl Int32 Type Description The Engineering Workbench data set The new PrimaryProdOpDtl value to change to

This method validated the value of Primary Setup Operation Detail. This method should run when the ECOOpr.PrimarySetupOpDtl field changes. Parameters Name ds ipPrimarySetupOpDtl Int32 Type Description The Engineering Workbench data set The new PrimarySetupOpDtl value to change to

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This methods checks to see if the new ECOOpr.PurPoint has changed from the original ECOOpr.PurPoint and validates the value. This method should run before changing the ECOOpr.PurPoint. Parameters Name ipProposedPurPoint ds Type String Description The new proposed ECOOpr.PurPoint value The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods checks to see if the new ECOOpr.VendorNumVendorID has changed from the original ECOOpr.VendorNumVendorID and validates the value. This method should run before changing the ECOOpr.VendorNumVendorID. Parameters Name ipProposedVendorNumVendorID ds Type String Description The new proposed ECOOpr.VendorNumVendorID value The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods checks if the BMSyst.VerifyPassword flag is set, and verifies a password before the user is able to approve this revision. This method should run before the ECORev.Approved field changes (ChangeECORevApproved). Parameters Name ipProposedApproved ipValidPassword Type Boolean Boolean Description The new proposed ECOGroup.Approved value Did the user supply a valid password to run this functionality? The value for this parameter should come from running the ValidatePassword method in the UserFile BO. The Engineering Workbench data set


Verify that there are no other ECOMtlRefDes records in the revision having the same RefDes value if the ECORev.ValRefDes = true. This method should run before changing the ECORev.ValRefDes. Parameters Name ipProposedValResDes Type Boolean Description The new proposed ECORev.ValRefDes value


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Name ds


Description The Engineering Workbench data set

This method checks in a single revision. This method runs the logic behind the old Vantage 6.1 Revision>Check In menu option. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipValidPassword Type String String String String Description The Group ID to return costs for. The Part Number to return costs for. The Revision Number to return costs for. The Alternate Method to return costs for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Did the user supply a valid password to run this functionality? The value for this parameter should come from running the ValidatePassword method in the UserFile BO. Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. The text to write to the audit record. Outputted message if an 'Unapproved Configuration Exists'

ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree

Boolean Boolean

ipUseMethodForParts ipAuditText opMessage

Boolean String String@

Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods checks in all revisions within an ECOGroup and returns a results string and returns an updated dataset if the user chooses to. This method runs the logic behind the Vantage 6.1 Group>Check In All menu option. Parameters Name ipGroupID Type String Description The ECOGroup.GroupID to check in all for

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree

Type String String String

Description Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Part Number to return data for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Revision Number to return data for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Alternate Method to return data for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. Did the user supply a valid password to run this functionality? The value for this parameter should come from running the ValidatePassword method in the UserFile BO. The text to write to the audit record(s). A return list of statements from the Check In All process

ipUseMethodForParts ipValidPassword

Boolean Boolean

ipAuditText opResultString

String String@

Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method checks out a single revision This method runs the logic behind the old Vantage 6.1 Revision>Check Out menu option. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipValidPassword Type String String String String Description The Group ID to check out for. The Part Number to check out for. The Revision Number to check out for. The Alternate Method to check out for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} The As Of Date to check out for. Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Did the user supply a valid password to run this functionality? The value for this parameter should come


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Description from running the ValidatePassword method in the UserFile BO.

ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree

Boolean Boolean

Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. The Revision Number that will be checked out. Message indicating that more than one alt method will be checked out. A logical flag indicating the message should be displayed.



opCheckedOutRevisionNum String@ altMethodMsg altMethodFlg String@ Boolean@

Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method will delete all ECOMtl, ECOOpr and ECOOpDtl associated with the ECORev to clear all for. When the method is finished running, it will run a GetById based on the inputted Group ID. This will cause a refreshing of the dataset to reflect all of the changes. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Description The Group ID to clear all for The Part Number to clear all for. The Revision Number to clear all for. The Alternate Method to clear all for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method.



Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

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Deletes ECOMtlRefDes records based on the ECOMtl dataset fields. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipMtlSeq ipPrefix ipStartNum ipEndNum ipSuffix ds Type String String String String Int32 String Int32 Int32 String Description The Group ID of ECO revision The Part Number of ECO revision The ECO Revision Number The ECO Alternate Method The ECO Material Seq The Prefix to be used to delete Reference Designators The Starting Number to delete Reference Designators The Ending Number to delete Reference Designators The Suffix to be used to delete Reference Designators The Engineering Workbench data set

This method accepts a ECOGroup.ECOGroupID and determines if the ECOGroupID exists as a valid record in the database. Parameters Name ipGroupID opECOGroupExists Type String Boolean@ Description The Group ID to check if it exists in the database. Does the ECOGroup exist?

Method required to set the initial value of ECOOpr.SNRequiredSubConShip Parameters Name ds Type Description The Engineering Workbench data set

This method accepts a ECOGroup.ECOGroupID and sends a xml message describing the ECO to PLM


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Parameters Name ipGroupID Type String Description The GroupID of the ECOGroup to export.

This method will generate an ECOGroup for the user to check out the part to if an ECOGroup doesn't already exist for the user. Once the ECOGroup is properly created, the inputted part information will be checked out to the ECOGroup that was created or to the one that already exists for the user. Parameters Name ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipValidPassword Type String String String Description The Part Number to check out for. The Revision Number to check out for. The Alternate Method to check out for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} The As Of Date to check out for. Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Did the user supply a valid password to run this functionality? The value for this parameter should come from running the ValidatePassword method in the UserFile BO. Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. The Revision Number that will be checked out. The ECOGroup.GroupID the part was checked out to. Message indicating that more than one alt method will be checked out. A logical flag indicating the message should be displayed.

ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree

Boolean Boolean



opCheckedOutRevisionNum String@ opGroupID altMethodMsg altMethodFlg String@ String@ Boolean@

Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method gets the available TaskSets for the TaskSet combo in the EngineeringWorkbenchEntry.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name newList Type String@ Description (output) A delimited list of TaskSet IDs and descriptions

This methods will return a dataset that will include PartRev, PartOpr, PartMtl and PartOpDtl if those records exist for a ECOMtl and there is no ECORev, ECOOpr, ECOMtl and ECOOpDtl associated with it. These added "Part" records will be able to be determined by the associated tables "IsPartRev", "IsPartOpr", "IsPartMtl" or "IsPartOpDtl" field. If this field is checked then the record in the dataset was copied from the associated "part" table. These "part" records will not be maintable as they will not be "real" database records, just a picture of the "part" record for display purposes. This method will also allow you to return the whole dataset or allow the user to specify how far down the tree they would like to return possible "part" records for. This method is different from the "GetRows" or "GetById" methods. Those methods only return maintainable "ECO" records. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipUseMethodForParts Type String String String String Description The Group Id to return data for. The Part Number to return data for. The Revision Number to return data for. The Alternate Method to return data for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Boolean Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method.

Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method gets the details from an import file This method runs the logic behind the old Vantage 6.1 Revision>Get Details>Import menu option Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipFileName Type String String String String String Description The Group ID of revision to get details for The Part Number of revision to get details for The Revision Number to get details for The Alternate Method to get details for The filename to import from. This file should reside on the client side. Used for messages.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Name ds altMethodMsg altMethodFlg


Description The Engineering Workbench data set

String@ Boolean@

Alternate Method Message. Alternate Method Flag.

This method gets the details from a job assembly. This method runs the logic behind the old Vantage 6.1 Revision>Get Details> Get From Job menu option. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Description The Group ID of revision to get details for The Part Number of revision to get details for The Revision Number to get details for The Alternate Method to get details for

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean String Int32 Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? The job number to get details from The assembly sequence to get details from Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method.



Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method gets the details from a method. This method runs the logic behind the old Vantage 6.1 Revision>Get Details> Get From Methods menu option. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum Type String String String Description The Group ID of ECO revision to get details for The Part Number of ECO revision to get details for The ECO Revision Number to get details for

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipPartRevPartNum ipPartRevRevisionNum ipPartRevAltMethod ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree

Type String

Description The ECO Alternate Method to get details for

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean String String String Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? The Part Number of part revision to get details from The Part Revision Number to get details from The Part Alternate method to get details from Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. Logical to specify to copy the configuration

ipUseMethodForParts ipCopyConfiguration

Boolean Boolean

Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method gets the details from a quote assembly. This method runs the logic behind the old Vantage 6.1 Revision>Get Details> Get From Quote menu option. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipQuoteNum ipQuoteLine ipAssemblySeq ipReturn Type String String String String Description The Group ID of ECO revision to get details for The Part Number of ECO revision to get details for The ECO Revision Number to get details for The ECO Alternate Method to get details for

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? The quote number of the QuoteAsm to get details from The quote line of the QuoteAsm to get details from The assemblyseq of the QuoteAsm to get details from Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back


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Business Object Reference Guide


Name ipGetDatasetForTree

Type Boolean

Description If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method.



Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method gets the details from operations for a revision. This method runs the logic behind the old Vantage 6.1 Revision>Get Details> Get Operations Details menu option. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipPartRevPartNum ipPartRevRevisionNum ipPartRevAltMethod ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Description The Group ID of ECO revision to get details for The Part Number of ECO revision to get details for The ECO Revision Number to get details for The ECO Alternate Method to get details for

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean String String String Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? The Part Number of part revision to get details from The Part Revision Number to get details from The Part Alternate method to get details from Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method.



Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method returns the ECOGroup record and all associated ECORev records based on the inputted GroupID and ipCheckOutStatus (yes = checked out, no = not checked out). In some UI cases, this method will be used to replace the base GetByID. This method should improve the performance because it will not be bringing back a complete dataset.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipGroupID ipCheckOutStatus Type String Boolean Description The Group ID to return data for. Return Checked Out ECORev?

Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method checks if a group doesn't have a lock and locks a group Parameters Name ipGroupID Type String Description The Group ID of ecogroup to lock

This method deletes a lock on the group and revisions within a group. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Description The Group ID of ecogroup to lock Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Part Number to return data for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Revision Number to return data for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Alternate Method to return data for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. The Engineering Workbench data set

ipUseMethodForParts ds



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Business Object Reference Guide


This methods allows for the insertion of an engineering material for drag/drop functionality, Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipSourceRowid ipOperSeq ipMtlSeq ipBeforeMtlRowid ipDroppedAs Type String String String String Description The Group ID of ECO revision to drop materials to The Part Number of ECO revision to drop materials to The ECO Revision Number to drop materials to The ECO Alternate Method to drop materials to

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean String Int32 Int32 String String Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? The rowid of source record could be jobasmbl, jobmtl, or quotemtl, partmtl to be added to the parent ECORev The related operation seq (or 0 if unrelated) The material seq to use The material rowid to insert material before The character value to determine where to drop and to drop as what. valid values: PartMtl, JobMtl, JobAsmbl, QuoteMtl, QuoteAsm Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method.

ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree

Boolean Boolean



Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods allows for the insertion of an engineering operation for drag/drop functionality, Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod Type String String String String Description The Group ID of ECO revision to drop operations to The Part Number of ECO revision to drop operations to The ECO Revision Number to drop operations to The ECO Alternate Method to drop operations to

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipSourceRowid ipNewOperSeq ipBeforeOperRowid ipDroppedAs ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree



Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean String Int32 String String Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? The rowid of source record could be partopr, joboper, or quoteopr to be added to the parent ECORev The new operation sequence The material rowid to insert material before The character value to determine where to drop and to drop as what. valid values: PartOpr, JobOper, QuoteOpr Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method.



Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods allows for the insertion on a part for drag/drop functionality, validates a ECORev record exists and the part is valid. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipPartPartNum ipOperSeq ipMtlSeq ipBeforeMtlRowid ipReturn Type String String String String Description The Group ID of ECO revision to drop part to The Part Number of ECO revision to drop part to The ECO Revision Number to drop part to The ECO Alternate Method to drop part to

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean String Int32 Int32 String Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? The part number being added from the part table The related operation seq (or 0 if unrelated) The material seq to use The material rowid to insert part before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Name ipGetDatasetForTree

Type Boolean

Description If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method.



Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method allows for the insertion of Capability on an operation to create ECOOpDtl for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipOprSeq ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipCapabilityID ipNewOpDtlSeq ipBeforeOpDtlRowid ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Int32 Description The Group ID of ECO revision to drop operation detail to The Part Number of ECO revision to drop operation detail to The ECO Revision Number to drop operation detail to The ECO Alternate Method to drop operation detail to The ECO Operation Sequence to drop operation detail to

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean String Int32 String Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? The Capability ID being added The new operation detail seq The operation detail rowid to insert operation detail before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method.



Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method allows for the insertion of Resource Group on an operation to create ECOOpDtl for drag/drop functionality.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipOprSeq ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipResourceGrpID ipNewOpDtlSeq ipBeforeOpDtlRowid ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Int32 Description The Group ID of ECO revision to drop operation detail to The Part Number of ECO revision to drop operation detail to The ECO Revision Number to drop operation detail to The ECO Alternate Method to drop operation detail to The ECO Operation Sequence to drop operation detail to

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean String Int32 String Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? The Resource Group ID being added The new operation detail seq The operation detail rowid to insert operation detail before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method.



Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method allows for the insertion of Resource on an operation to create ECOOpDtl for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipOprSeq ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree Type String String String String Int32 Description The Group ID of ECO revision to drop operation detail to The Part Number of ECO revision to drop operation detail to The ECO Revision Number to drop operation detail to The ECO Alternate Method to drop operation detail to The ECO Operation Sequence to drop operation detail to

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group?


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Business Object Reference Guide


Name ipResourceID ipNewOpDtlSeq ipBeforeOpDtlRowid ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree

Type String Int32 String Boolean Boolean

Description The Resource ID being added The new operation detail seq The operation detail rowid to insert operation detail before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method.



Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This methods allows for the insertion on an operation for drag/drop functionality Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipOpCode ipNewOperSeq ipBeforeOperRowid ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Description The Group ID of ECO revision to drop operations to The Part Number of ECO revision to drop operations to The ECO Revision Number to drop operations to The ECO Alternate Method to drop operations to

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean String Int32 String Boolean Boolean The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. Warning message to let the user know that a subcontract operation will be created with no vendor information. Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group?

ipUseMethodForParts opMessage

Boolean String@

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method allows for the insertion of Capability on a revision to create ECOOpr/ECOOpDtl for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipCapabilityID ipNewOperSeq ipBeforeOperRowid ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Description The Group ID of ECO revision to drop operations to The Part Number of ECO revision to drop operations to The ECO Revision Number to drop operations to The ECO Alternate Method to drop operations to

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean String Int32 String Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? The Capability ID being added The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. Warning message to let the user know that a subcontract operation will be created with no vendor information.

ipUseMethodForParts opMessage

Boolean String@

Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method allows for the insertion of ResourceGroup on a revision to create ECOOpr/ECOOpDtl for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum Type String String String Description The Group ID of ECO revision to drop operations to The Part Number of ECO revision to drop operations to The ECO Revision Number to drop operations to


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Business Object Reference Guide


Name ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipResourceGrpID ipNewOperSeq ipBeforeOperRowid ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree

Type String

Description The ECO Alternate Method to drop operations to

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean String Int32 String Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? The Resource Group ID being added The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. Warning message to let the user know that a subcontract operation will be created with no vendor information.

ipUseMethodForParts opMessage

Boolean String@

Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method allows for the insertion of Resource on a revision to create ECOOpr/ECOOpDtl for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipResourceID ipNewOperSeq ipBeforeOperRowid ipReturn Type String String String String Description The Group ID of ECO revision to drop operations to The Part Number of ECO revision to drop operations to The ECO Revision Number to drop operations to The ECO Alternate Method to drop operations to

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean String Int32 String Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? The Resource ID being added The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name ipGetDatasetForTree

Type Boolean

Description If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. Warning message to let the user know that a subcontract operation will be created with no vendor information.

ipUseMethodForParts opMessage

Boolean String@

Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method locks all the revisions in a group. This method runs the logic behind the old Vantage 6.1 Group>Lock All menu option. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Description The Group ID to lock for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Part Number to return data for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Revision Number to return data for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Alternate Method to return data for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. A return list of statements from the Check In All process The Engineering Workbench data set

ipUseMethodForParts opResultString ds

Boolean String@

This method will mass assign ECOGroup.Description, ECOGroup.ECO, and ECOGRoup.EffectiveDate to associated ECORev records and their ECORev.RevShortDesc, ECORev.ECO, and ECORev.EffectiveDate fields respectively. This method will assign values based on external fields in the ECOGroup dataset. This method should run from the menu/task "Group>Mass Assign as it was in the old Vantage 6.1. When the method is finished running, it


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Business Object Reference Guide


will run a GetById based on the inputted Group ID. This will cause a refreshing of the dataset to reflect all of the changes. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipMassAssignDesc ipMassAssignECO Type String String String String Description The Group ID to mass assign for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Part Number to return data for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Revision Number to return data for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Alternate Method to return data for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Do you want to mass assign Description? Value comes from external ECOGroup.MassAssignDesc Do you want to mass assign ECO? Value comes from external ECOGroup.MassAssignECO. Do you want to mass assign Effective Date? Value comes from external ECOGroup.MassAssignEffectiveDate. The value of the new description to be mass assigned. The value of the new ECO to be mass assigned.

ipMassAssignEffectiveDate Boolean ipMADescription ipMAECO ipMAEffectiveDate ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree String String

Nullable{System.DateTime} The value fo the new Effective Date to be mass assigned. Boolean Boolean Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. The Engineering Workbench data set

ipUseMethodForParts ds


This method checks the BMSyst record to see if a password should prompted for and then validated by the ValidatePassword method in UserFile BO. Run this before ApproveAll, CheckECORevApproved, CheckIn, CheckInAll, and CheckOut.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name opPromptForPassword Type Boolean@ Description Logical value stating whether the UI should prompt to validate for a password.

This method will resequence the operations, update theECOMtl records. This method should run from the menu/task "Material>Resequence" as it was in the old Vantage 6.1. When the method is finished running, it will run a GetById based on the inputted Group ID. This will cause a refreshing of the dataset to reflect all of the changes. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipResequenceBy ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Description The Group ID to resequence for. The Part Number to resequence for. The Revision Number to resequence for. The Alternate Method to resequence for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean String Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? The way the user wants the material resequenced by. Valid Values: Material, Part, Item Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method.



Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method will resequence the operations, update the ECORev and ECOMtl records. This method should run from the menu/task "Operation>Resequence" as it was in the old Vantage 6.1. When the method is finished running, it will run a GetById based on the inputted Group ID. This will cause a refreshing of the dataset to reflect all of the changes. Parameters Name ipGroupID Type String Description The Group ID to resequence for.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Name ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree

Type String String String

Description The Part Number to resequence for. The Revision Number to resequence for. The Alternate Method to resequence for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method.



Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

This method locks a single revision This method runs the logic behind the old Vantage 6.1 Revision>Lock Revision menu option. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Description The Group ID of revision to lock The Part Number of revision to lock The Revision Number to lock The Alternate Method to lock

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. The Engineering Workbench data set

ipUseMethodForParts ds


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Business Object Reference Guide

This method unlocks a single revision This method runs the logic behind the old Vantage 6.1 Revision>Unlock Revision menu option. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Description The Group ID of revision to unlock The Part Number of revision to unlock The Revision Number to unlock The Alternate Method to unlock

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. The Engineering Workbench data set

ipUseMethodForParts ds


This method undoes the check out of a revision This method runs the logic behind the old Vantage 6.1 Revision>Undo Check Out menu option. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipReturn Type String String String String Description The Group ID to check out for. The Part Number to check out for. The Revision Number to check out for. The Alternate Method to check out for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} The As Of Date to check out for. Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Name ipGetDatasetForTree

Type Boolean

Description If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. The Engineering Workbench data set

ipUseMethodForParts ds


This method unlocks all the revisions in a group. This method runs the logic behind the old Vantage 6.1 Group>Lock All menu option. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Description The Group ID to unlock for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Part Number to return data for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Revision Number to return data for. Used for GetDatasetForTree, The Alternate Method to return data for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. A return list of statements from the UnLock All process The Engineering Workbench data set

ipUseMethodForParts opResultString ds

Boolean String@

This method validate the bill for the revision. This method runs the logic behind the old Vantage 6.1 Revision>Validate Bill menu option.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipCompleteTree ipReturn ipGetDatasetForTree Type String String String String Description The Group ID to return costs for. The Part Number to return costs for. The Revision Number to return costs for. The Alternate Method to return costs for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} Used for GetDatasetForTree, The as of date for the revisions, what would this look as of this date Boolean Boolean Boolean Used for GetDatasetForTree, Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this group? Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back If ipReturn=True then Logical to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed by GetDatasetForTree? True = call GetDatasetFor, False = call GetByID If true use the method passed in for all parts in the tree, if false use the part's default method. If bill is valid, this will state that, otherwise if invalid, exceptions will be thrown. This is here so the UI can tell something happended.

ipUseMethodForParts opMessage

Boolean String@

Returns The Engineering Workbench data set

Method to validate the Inspection control fields. (EQM) Parameters Name ipProposedInspPlan ipProposedSpecId iptable ds Type String String String Description The new proposed InspPlanPartNum value The new proposed SpecID value table name The EWB Dataset.

Verify that there are no other ECOMtlRefDes records in the revision having the same RefDes value if the ECORev.ValRefDes = true. Check the number of reference designators are equal to the Required Ref Designators defined on ECOMtl.


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Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod Type String String String String Description The Group ID of ECO revision The Part Number of ECO revision The ECO Revision Number The ECO Alternate Method

This method will return the data need to display Part Rev costs. Parameters Name ipGroupID ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod ipAsOfDate ipQuantity ipMaxLevel ipAssembliesOnly Type String String String String Description The Group ID to return costs for. The Part Number to return costs for. The Revision Number to return costs for. The Alternate method to return costs for.

Nullable{System.DateTime} The As of Date to return costs for. Decimal Int32 Boolean The Quantity to return costs for. The Max Level to return costs for. Assemblies only?

Returns The Engineering Workbench Costs data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EpiSearch: This business object contains 4 methods.

This method does a BAQ search Parameters Name nswNamedSearch nswControlSetting nswWhereClause ds pcProdID pcLike String String Type String String String Description Where clause for NamedSearch table Where clause for ControlSetting table Where clause for WhereClause table Returns the dashboards with the specified like field Product ID Like field in format of (table).(field)

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name ds1 piPage piAbsolutePage pbMore


Description Returns the BAQs with the specified like field

Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Page number Absolute page number Flag indicating if there are more pages

Returns Returns the NamedSearch dataset

This method does a dashboard search Parameters Name nswNamedSearch nswControlSetting nswWhereClause ds pcProdID pcLike ds1 piPage piAbsolutePage pbMore Int32 Int32 Boolean@ String String Type String String String Description Where clause for NamedSearch table Where clause for ControlSetting table Where clause for WhereClause table Returns the dashboards with the specified like field Product ID Like field in format of (table).(field) Returns the BAQs with the specified like field Page number Absolute page number Flag indicating if there are more pages

Returns Returns the NamedSearch dataset

This method does a named search Parameters Name nswNamedSearch nswControlSetting nswWhereClause ds pcProdID pcLike String String Type String String String Description Where clause for NamedSearch table Where clause for ControlSetting table Where clause for WhereClause table Returns the dashboards with the specified like field Product ID Like field in format of (table).(field)


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Name ds1 piPage piAbsolutePage pbMore


Description Returns the BAQs with the specified like field

Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Page number Absolute page number Flag indicating if there are more pages

Returns Returns the NamedSearch dataset

This method does a combined search Parameters Name nswNamedSearch nswControlSetting nswWhereClause ds pcProdID pcLike ds1 piPage piAbsolutePage pbMore Int32 Int32 Boolean@ String String Type String String String Description Where clause for NamedSearch table Where clause for ControlSetting table Where clause for WhereClause table Returns the dashboards with the specified like field Product ID Like field in format of (table).(field) Returns the BAQs with the specified like field Page number Absolute page number Flag indicating if there are more pages

Returns Returns the NamedSearch dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Equip: This business object contains 28 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.


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Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method returns the Average Daily Usage Parameters Name equipID avgUsage Type String Int32@ Description equipID avgUsage

This method should be called when Import Assets records. Parameters Name ipAssetNum vMsg ds Type String String@ Description Asset Num Message AssetNums already created Equip data set

This method should be called when Import Resources records. Parameters Name ipResourceID vMsg ds Type String String@ Description ResourceID Message ResourceIDs already created Equip data set

Returns true if Current Plant is a Maintenance plant. Created to be called from EquipEntry. If not a Maintenance plan the form will be in "Read Only" mode Parameters Name isMaintPlant Type Boolean@ Description variable which is true if the current plant is a maintenance plant

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Business Object Reference Guide

This method should be called when AssetNum change. Parameters Name assetNum ds Type String Description assetNum Equip data set

This method should be called when Equip.TemplateJobNum changes. Parameters Name ipJobNum ds Type String Description Job Num Equip data set

This method should be invoked when the IssueTopics changes. Validates and sets the individual IssueTopic fields. Parameters Name topics ds Type String Description Proposed topics string id Equip data set

This method should be called when MeterFreq change. Parameters Name ipMeterFreq ds Type Int32 Description Meter Freq Equip data set

This method should be called when ParentEquipID change.


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Parameters Name parentID ds Type String Description parentID Equip data set

This method should be called when ProjectID change. Parameters Name projectID ds Type String Description projectID Equip data set

This method should be called when ResourceID change. Parameters Name resourceID ds Type String Description resourceID Equip data set

This method should be called when SellingPurPoint change. Parameters Name sellingPurPoint ds Type String Description sellingPurPoint Equip data set

This method should be called when SellingVendor change. Parameters Name vendorID ds Type String Description vendorID Equip data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

This method should be called when ServicePurPoint change. Parameters Name servicePurPoint ds Type String Description sellingPurPoint Equip data set

This method should be called when ServiceVendor change. Parameters Name vendorID ds Type String Description vendorID Equip data set

This method should be called when EquipPlan.TemplateJobNum change. Parameters Name ipJobNum ds Type String Description Job Num Equip data set

This method should be called when TimeFreq change. Parameters Name ipTimeFreq ds Type Int32 Description Time Freq Equip data set

This method should be called when TimeUOM change.


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Parameters Name ipTimeUOM ds Type String Description Time UOM Equip data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EquipLoc: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EquipMeter: This business object contains 6 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EquipStatus: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.EquipType: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.ESSearch: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method returns true if the BAQ exists and is approved. Parameters Name pcGlbComp pcSearchID pbExists Type String String Boolean@ Description The ID of the global company The ID of the Enterprise Search Returns true if the BAQ in this Enterprise Search exists

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ETCAddrValidation: This business object contains 4 methods. Called when the user chooses a new valid address. Returns ETCAddrValidation data set

Called when the user chooses a new valid address. Parameters Name requestID ds Type String Description RequestID ETCAddrValidation data set

Called when the user changes the address.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name requestID statusFlag errorFlag errorMsg ds Type String Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Description RequestID Set to true if the integration is up, false if down. If true, an error occured. If Error Flag is true, this is the associated message. ETCAddrValidation data set

Parameters Name requestID ds Type String Description RequestID ETCAddrValidation data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ExportPackage: This business object contains 7 methods.

This method deletes an existing Export package Parameters Name packageID Type String Description The current Package ID

This method returns a dataset representing a ExportPackage Parameters Name packageID Type String Description The package ID code

Returns Returns the dataset representing the Export package

This method returns a list of Security, including those with blank Company ID


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Parameters Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Returns the list of Securities Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

This method creates a EPFileContents row Parameters Name ds packageID String Type Description Returns the updated dataset The package ID

This method creates a EPHistory row Parameters Name ds packageID String Type Description Returns the updated dataset The package ID

This method creates a new Export package Parameters Name ds Type Description

Update Parameters Name ds Type Description Returns the list of Securities

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ExpressShip: This business object contains 46 methods.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Add case Parameters Name caseType numberPcs casePrice caseWeight ds isError errorMsg Boolean@ String@ Type String Int32 Decimal Decimal Description Case Type Number of pieces Case Price Case Weight ExpressShip dataset Is Error? Error message

Add Customer Billing Parameters Name ds iNewBillingSeq isError Int32@ Boolean@ Type Description ExpressShip dataset New Billing Sequence Is Error?

Can change Billing?


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Parameters Name ds canChange Boolean@ Type Description ExpressShip dataset Can Change?

Can unship? Parameters Name ds okToUnShip Boolean@ Type Description ExpressShip dataset Can unship?

Delete Case Parameters Name ds caseNumber isError errorMsg String Boolean@ String@ Type Description ExpressShip dataset Case Number Is Error? Error message

Delete Customer Billing Parameters Name billingSeq ds isError Boolean@ Type Int32 Description Billing Sequence ExpressShip dataset Is Error?

Delete Quantum Mail

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name caseNumber billType ds isError errorMsg Boolean@ String@ Type String String Description Case Number Bill Type ExpressShip dataset Is Error? Error message

Delete Shipment Parameters Name ds isError errorMsg Boolean@ String@ Type Description ExpressShip dataset Is Error? Error message

Delete Ups Quantum View Parameters Name caseNumber billType ds isError errorMsg Boolean@ String@ Type String String Description Case Number Bill Type ExpressShip dataset Is Error? Error message

Express Ship after get rows

Get Account Number List Parameters Name pcBillType ds Type String Description Bill Type ExpressShip dataset


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Name pcAccountNumberList

Type String@

Description Account Number List

Get Billing Option Parameters Name ds Type Description ExpressShip dataset

Get Billing option list Parameters Name pcCompany pcShipCode billingOptionList Type String String String@ Description Company number Ship Code Billing Option List

Get By ID Parameters Name packNum shipType packLine Returns ExpressShip dataset Type Int32 String Int32 Description Pack Number Ship Type Pack Line

Get Carrier Parameters Name shipCode carrier Type String String@ Description Ship Code Carrier

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Business Object Reference Guide

Get Case Types List Parameters Name company caseTypesList Type String String@ Description Company number Case Types List

Get COD Options Parameters Name pcCompany pcService pcCODOptions Type String String String@ Description Company number Service number COD Options

Get Countries Parameters Name cCountryList Type String@ Description Country List

Get Customer Billing options List Parameters Name pcCarrier pcBillingOptionsList Type String String@ Description Carrier Billing Options List

Get Fedx Ground COD Collection Type


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Parameters Name gndColType Type String@ Description Ground Collection Type

Get Fedx Home Delivery Type Parameters Name homeDelTypes Type String@ Description Home Delivery Types

Get List Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns ExpressShipList DataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Where conditions Page Size Absolute Page More Pages?

Get New Case Parameters Name ds Type Description ExpressShip dataset

Get New Customer Billing Parameters Name ds newBillingSeq Int32@ Type Description ExpressShip dataset New Billing Sequence

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Business Object Reference Guide

Get New ExpressShip; Parameters Name shipType packNum ds Type String Int32 Description Ship Type Pack Number ExpressShip dataset

Get New Ups QV; Parameters Name ds viewType caseNum String String Type Description ExpressShip dataset View Type Case Number

Get Rows Parameters Name whereClauseExpressShip pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns ExpressShip dataset Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Where Clause ExpressShip Page Size Absolute Page More Pages?

Get Scale Settings Parameters Name ds getWeightFrom String@ Type Description ExpressShip dataset Get Weight From


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Name scalePort scaleSettings

Type Int32@ String@

Description Scale Port Scale Settings

Get Scale Settings Note: pcService is the ttShipment.ShipCode entry Parameters Name pcCompany pcService pcServiceOptions Type String String String@ Description Company Service Service Options

Get Ship Code List Parameters Name company shipCodeList Type String String@ Description Company Ship Code List

Get New ExpressShip; Parameters Name packNum shipType packLine ds Type Int32 String Int32 Description Pack Number Ship Type Pack Line ExpressShip dataset

Get States Parameters Name pcCountry Type String Description Country

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name pcStateList

Type String@

Description State List

Get Truck Ship Code List Parameters Name pcCompany pcTruckShipCodesList Type String String@ Description Company Truck Ship Codes List

Get UPS Delivery Confirmation Types Parameters Name delConfTypes Type String@ Description Delivery Confirmation Types

Is Customer Pickup? Parameters Name ds isCustomerPickup Boolean@ Type Description ExpressShip dataset Customer Pickup

Is Reference Printed On Label Parameters Name ds referenceField isPrinted Int32 Boolean@ Type Description ExpressShip dataset Reference Field Is Printed?

Process shipment


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Parameters Name ds shipmentType isError opMessage String Boolean@ String@ Type Description ExpressShip dataset Shipment Type Is Error? Text Message to display for informative messages

Ready to ship Parameters Name ds readyToShip Boolean@ Type Description ExpressShip dataset Ready To Ship?

Reprint Carrier Label Parameters Name company caseNumber Type String String Description Company Case Number

Unship Shipment Parameters Name ds processComplete Boolean@ Type Description ExpressShip dataset Process Complete?

Update Parameters Name ds Type Description ExpressShip dataset

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Business Object Reference Guide

Update Case Parameters Name caseNumber ds isError errorMsg Boolean@ String@ Type String Description Case Number ExpressShip dataset Is Error? Error Message

Update Customer Billing Parameters Name seq ds isError Boolean@ Type Int32 Description Billing Sequence ExpressShip dataset Is Error?

Update Shipment Parameters Name ds isError errorMsg Boolean@ String@ Type Description ExpressShip dataset Is Error? Error Message

Version Check Parameters Name lInsync cErrorMsg Type Boolean@ String@ Description In syncronize? Error Message


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.ExpressShipManifests: This business object contains 5 methods.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Close Carrier Parameters Name company cPrinterSettings cPageSettings workStationID printDetail upsUploadProcessed upsUploadSuccessful upsUploadErrorMsg Type String String String String Boolean Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Description Company Printer Settings Page Settings Work Station ID Print Detail (yes/no) UPS Upload Processed? UPS Upload Successful? UPSUploadErrorMsg?

Get UPS manifest Parameters Name company ds Type String Description Company ExpressShip Manifests DataSet

Get USPS manifests

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name company Returns ExpressShip USPS manifest DataSet Type String Description Company

Send manifests Parameters Name company carrier manifestID workStationID cPrinterSettings cPageSettings printDetail Type String String String String String String Boolean Description Company Carrier Manifest ID Work Station ID Printer Settings Page Settings Print Detail (yes/no)

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ExtCompany: This business object contains 28 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Customer Connect Parameters Name disabledList checkedList Type String@ String@ Description Returns the list of fields to be disabled Returns the list of fields to be checked

Convert this ExtCompany record from Sonic to Direct Parameters Name ipCompany ipExtSystemID ipTransferMethod ipExtCompanyID ipSysRowID opSuccess Type String String String String String Boolean@ Description Input the ExtCompany.Company value to be converted Input the ExtCompany.ExtSystemID value to be converted Input the ExtCompany.TransferMethod value to be converted Input the ExtCompany.ExtCompanyID value to be converted Input the ExtCompany.SysRowID value to be converted Indicates if the External Company was successfully converted

Convert this ExtCompany record from Direct to Sonic Parameters Name ipCompany ipExtSystemID Type String String Description Input the ExtCompany.Company value to be converted Input the ExtCompany.ExtSystemID value to be converted


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Name ipTransferMethod ipExtCompanyID ipSysRowID opSuccess

Type String String String Boolean@

Description Input the ExtCompany.TransferMethod value to be converted Input the ExtCompany.ExtCompanyID value to be converted Input the ExtCompany.SysRowID value to be converted Indicates if the External Company was successfully converted

Enterprise Configurator Parameters Name disabledList checkedList Type String@ String@ Description Returns the list of fields to be disabled Returns the list of fields to be checked

Generic Parameters Name disabledList checkedList Type String@ String@ Description Returns the list of fields to be disabled Returns the list of fields to be checked

Retrieves the fields for the given DB Table Parameters Name tableName ds Type String Description The Table from wich you want to retrieve the Fields The dataset represents the table object

This method returns a table and field dataset for the system tables. Returns The dataset represents the table object

This method initializes/sends the enterprise configurator records for the specified ExtCompanyID

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name extCompanyID errlog Type String String@ Description The External Company ID Error log resulting of the operation

This method initializes/sends the applicable GL data for the specified ExtCompanyID Parameters Name extCompanyID errlog Type String String@ Description The External Company ID Error log resulting of the operation

This method initializes/sends the applicable GL data for the specified ExtCompanyID Parameters Name extCompanyID errlog Type String String@ Description The External Company ID Error log resulting of the operation

Mobile Connect Parameters Name disabledList checkedList Type String@ String@ Description Returns the list of fields to be disabled Returns the list of fields to be checked

Multi Company Parameters Name disabledList checkedList Type String@ String@ Description Returns the list of fields to be disabled Returns the list of fields to be checked


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PLM Parameters Name disabledList checkedList Type String@ String@ Description Returns the list of fields to be disabled Returns the list of fields to be checked

Supplier Connect Parameters Name disabledList checkedList Type String@ String@ Description Returns the list of fields to be disabled Returns the list of fields to be checked

Test Connection Parameters Name extCompRowid Type String Description The RowIdent of the record of which to test connection

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ExtPlantSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ExtSystem: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ExtWarehouseSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Part II: F-L

Chapter 6: F
Epicor.Mfg.BO.FAClass: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FAGroup: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FAMethod: This business object contains 16 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Updates temp table depreciation method formulas.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipAnnualChargeType ds Type String Description annual charge type The FA Method data set

To be called after changing FAMethod.PeriodChargeType field Parameters Name ds Type Description Asset Depreciation Method data set

To be called on leave of FAMethod.AltAssetMethod field Parameters Name ipAltMethod ds Type String Description alternative asset method that was entered. Asset Depreciation Method data set

To be called on leave of FAMethod.DepChargeBasis field Parameters Name ipDepCharge ds Type String Description depreciation charge basis that was entered. Asset Depreciation Method data set

To be called on leave of FAMethod.SwitchMethod field Parameters Name ipSwitchMethod ds Type String Description switch method that was entered. Asset Depreciation Method data set


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Test the formula syntax. Parameters Name ipFormulaToCheck ipDepChargeBasis ipCallFromButton opSyntaxIsCorrect opSyntaxMessage Type String String Boolean Boolean@ String@ Description Formula to check DepChargeBasis Annual or Period Will only display Correct Syntax if Check Syntax button is pressed will only display error from save button. True if the syntax passes A message regarding the syntax to return to the user.

Returns variables to create depreciation method formulas. Used in annual formula context menu. Returns Returns operands to create depreciation method formulas. Returns Returns variables to create depreciation method period formulas. Used in period formula context menu. Returns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FASpreadCode: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description


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This is to delete ttFASprdDy record based on the SpreadCode, Fiscal Year and Period. Parameters Name spreadCode fiscalYear fiscalYearSuffix fiscalPeriod ds Type String Int32 String Int32 Description SpreadCode of record that is being updated. FiscalYear of record that is being updated. FiscalYearSuffix of record that is being updated. FiscalPeriod of record that is being updated. Fixed Asset SpreadCode dataset

Exports the Spread Code data to a CSV file. Parameters Name inStartCode inEndCode inSelectBy inSelectType Type String String String String Description Starting Spread Code Ending Spread Code Select By option Select Type option

Returns Asset SpreadCode dataset for Import and Export.

This procedure is to generate ttFASprdDy records based on the Spread Type and the parameters entered by the user in the Generate Values form. Parameters Name iPSpreadCode ds Type String Description SpreadCode of record that is being updated. Fixed Asset SpreadCode dataset

Get list of descriptions for the Export combos.

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Parameters Name inListType selectList Type String String@ Description The type of list that is going to be returned Output list of descriptions

Imports the Spread Code data from a CSV file. Parameters Name allImported ds Type Boolean@ Description Shows if all records were imported successfully Asset SpreadCode dataset for Import and Export

Returns Fixed Asset SpreadCode dataset with the imported records.

This procedure sets the Defalut values of the Parameters in the Generate Values form. Parameters Name inCalendarID inSpreadType outCurrYear outLastYear Type String String Int32@ Int32@ Description Fiscal Calendar ID Spread Code Type Output value for Start Year Output value for End Year

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FAsset: This business object contains 34 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Called to calculate the Tax for the AP Invoice Line Parameters Name ipSupplier ipInvoiceNum ipInvoiceLine ipTaxCode ipRateCode opInvestAmount opTaxAmount Type Int32 String Int32 String String Decimal@ Decimal@ Description Supplier Invoice Line that was entered. Invoice Num that was entered. Invoice Line that was entered. Tax Code Invoice Line that was entered. Rate Code Invoice Line that was entered. Investment Amount. Tax Amount.

Update AssetMethod when a different AssetMethod is selected. Parameters Name ipAssetMethod ds Type String Description The Method proposed value The FAsset data set


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Update AssetRegister when a different AssetRegister is selected. Parameters Name ipAssetRegister ds Type String Description The Register proposed value The FAsset data set

Duplicate function of the fixed asset. Parameters Name ipOldAssetNum ipAssetNum ipAssetDesc ipDupCost Type String String String Boolean Description Old Asset Number New Asset Number New Asset Description Indicates if Asset Cost is to be copied as Addition Cost

Returns Results of the Duplicate The purpose of this code is to export the fixed assets. Returns FAssetImportExportDataSet Dataset of candidates for import.

Get the ChildAsset records for a parent asset. Parameters Name ds parentAssetNum String Type Description Fixed Asset dataset The Parent Asset Number

Get Fixed Asset by ID

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipAssetNum Returns Results of the Duplicate Type String Description New Asset Number

To be called when a new ChildAssets row is needed. Parameters Name ipParentAssetNum ds Type String Description AssetNum of the current asset. The FAsset data set

Import Fixed Assets Function. Parameters Name ds Type Description FAssetImportExportDataSet Dataset of candidates for import.

Returns FAssetDataSet Dataset of records that are imported.

The purpose of this code is to assign the commissioned date to the acquired date for a new fixed asset. (Only run this code on a new fixed asset) Called on leave of Acquired Date field. Parameters Name ipAcquiredDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description AcquiredDate was entered. The FAsset data set

To be called on leave of (Child) AssetNum field.


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Parameters Name ipChildAssetNum ipParentAssetNum ds Type String String Description AssetNum that was entered. The current Asset AssetNum. The FAsset data set

To be called on leave of FAsset.InsurancePremium field Parameters Name ipInsPremium ipbaseordoc ds Type Decimal String Description InsurancePremium that was entered. The field type - base or doc FAsset data set

To be called on leave of FAsset.InsuranceValue field Parameters Name ipInsValue ipbaseordoc ds Type Decimal String Description InsuranceValue that was entered. The field type - base or doc FAsset data set

Called on the leave of Invoice Line Parameters Name ipInvoiceLine ds Type Int32 Description Invoice Line that was entered. The FAsset data set

Called on the leave of Invoice Number

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Parameters Name ipInvoiceNum ds Type String Description Invoice Number that was entered. The FAsset data set

To be called on leave of Job Number field Parameters Name ipJobNum ds Type String Description Job Number that was entered. The FAsset data set

To be called on leave of FAsset.LeaseValue field Parameters Name ipLeaseValue ipbaseordoc ds Type Decimal String Description LeaseValue that was entered. The field type - base or doc FAsset data set

To be called on leave of VendorID field Parameters Name ipPONum ds Type Int32 Description PO Number that is entered. The JobEntry data set

To be called on leave of ReplaceValue field Parameters Name ipReplaceValue Type Decimal Description ReplaceValue that was entered.


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Name ipbaseordoc ds

Type String

Description The field type - base or doc FAsset data set

To be called on leave of ResidualValue field Parameters Name ipResidualValue ipbaseordoc ds Type Decimal String Description ResidualValue that was entered. The field type - base or doc FAsset data set

To be called on leave of VendorID field Parameters Name ipVendorID ds Type String Description VendorID or SupplierID that was entered. The JobEntry data set

This procedure is to provide a check before deleting the records You can use this method to provide a message to the user of this fact and provide a confirmation dialog. This is intended to be called before the delete procedure. If there are existing records SureMsg will contain a translated text message which can be used to display in your message dialog. Otherwise it returns blanks and there is no need to provide a dialog. Parameters Name assetNum sureMsg Type String String@ Description AssetNum of record that is being updated. Contains message text if records should be deleted.

This procedure should be called to check for parent\child integrity. The procedure throws an exception if the relation is invalid.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipOrgAssetNum ipAssetNum ippAssetType Type String String String Description Orig. Asset Number New Asset Number Asset Type

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FAssetReg: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method is called when the BookID changes. This validates if the GL Book is valid and if book's calendar can be defaulted to asset register. Parameters Name ipBookID ds Type String Description The proposed BookID The FAssetReg data set

This method is called when the CalendarID changes. This validates if the Calendar has an open Asset Fiscal Period that can be used as default. Parameters Name ipCalendarID ds Type String Description The proposed CalendarID The FAssetReg data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FATranSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Favorite: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Move or Copy one menu item (source) before another (Target) Parameters Name theUserID folderSeq sourceMenuId targetMenuId bSuccess Type String Int32 String String Boolean@ Description The user ID The folder sequence number Menu ID of the source The menu ID of the target true = successful

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FinCharge: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Performs required logic when FinCharge.IncomeTaxCode is modified. Parameters Name ipIncomeTaxCode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of Income Tax Code FinCharge data set

Validate FinInvTerms value Parameters Name ipFinInvTerms ds Type String Description The proposed FinInvTerms value The FinCharge data set

Validate MiscCode value Parameters Name ipMiscCode ds Type String Description The proposed Misc Charge Code value The FinCharge data set

Validate TaxCatID value Parameters Name ipTaxCatID ds Type String Description The proposed TaxCatID value The FinCharge data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.FirstArt: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method takes in the key field values for a First Article, and returns a FirstArtList dataset of the history of related inspections. Parameters Name jobNum assemblySeq oprSeq resourceID Returns FirstArtList dataset. Type String Int32 Int32 String Description The Job Number The Job Assembly Sequence The Job Operation Sequence The Resource ID

This method validates the ProposedAssemblySeq, then updates the following assembly-related fields: FirstArt.JobAsmPartNum FirstArt.JobAsmRevisionNum This method should be run when the FirstArt.AssemblySeq field changes. An exception is thrown if: - No Job Assembly exists with the given Assembly Sequence Number


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Parameters Name piProposedAssemblySeq ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed Job Assembly value FirstArt dataset.

This method validates the pcProposedJobNum, then clears the job-related fields. FirstArt.JobAsmPartNum FirstArt.JobAsmRevisionNum This method should be run when the FirstArt.JobNum field changes. An exception is thrown if: - No Job exists with the given Job Number Parameters Name pcProposedJobNum ds Type String Description The new proposed Job Number value FirstArt dataset.

This method validates the piProposedOprSeq, then updates the operation-related fields. This method should be run when the FirstArt.OprSeq field changes. An exception is thrown if: - No Job Operation exists with the given OprSeq Number A warning message is returned if there is no First Article quantity set on the Job Operation Parameters Name piProposedOprSeq pcWarningMsg ds Type Int32 String@ Description The new proposed Job Operation Sequence value Warning message FirstArt dataset.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FiscalCal: This business object contains 18 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Uses Income Tax Fiscal Year values to populate all its related fiscal Periods. Method only used for MX Localization. Parameters Name ipFiscalCalendarID ipFiscalYear ipFiscalYearSuffix ds Type String Int32 String Description current Fiscal Calendar ID current Fiscal Year current Fiscal Year Suffix. FiscalCal data set

Get dataset record for Generate Fiscal Periods functionality. Parameters Name ds cOutMessage Returns String@ Output message Type Description

Get dataset record for Generate Fiscal Periods functionality. Parameters Name cFiscalCalendarID iFiscalYear cFiscalYearSuffix Type String Int32 String Description The Fiscal Calendar ID The Fiscal Year The Fiscal Year Suffix

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Get first GL journal line entry by input params. This entry existence will need checking of Book Balances by 'Verify Balances' utility Parameters Name cFiscalCalendarID iFiscalYear cFiscalYearSuffix iFiscalPeriodFrom iWorkMode lIsGetIt Type String Int32 String Int32 Int32 Int32@ Description Fiscal Calendar Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Fiscal Period From Work Mode 0 Is is correct to delete it. 1 There is reference in Assets Management 2 There is reference in GL journal line GL Book Journal Code Journal Num Journal Line Fiscal Year out Fiscal Year suffix out Fiscal Period

cBookID cJournalCode iJournalNum iJournalLine iFiscalYearOut cFiscalYearSuffixOut iFiscalPeriodOut

String@ String@ Int32@ Int32@ Int32@ String@ Int32@

Returns Income Tax Calendar defined in company Parameters Name opFiscalCalID Type String@ Description Income Tax Fiscal Calendar

Validates that no update is done if the period if close. Parameters Name ipFiscalCalendarID ipFiscalYear Type String Int32 Description current Fiscal Calendar ID current Fiscal Year


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Name ipFiscalYearSuffix ipFiscalPeriod ds

Type String Int32

Description current Fiscal Year Suffix. current Fiscal Period FiscalCal data set

Validates that no update is done if the year if close. Parameters Name ipFiscalCalendarID ipFiscalYear ipFiscalYearSuffix ds Type String Int32 String Description current Fiscal Calendar ID current Fiscal Year current Fiscal Year Suffix. FiscalCal data set

Get first GL journal line entry by input params. This entry existence will need checking of Book Balances by 'Verify Balances' utility Parameters Name cFiscalCalendarID iFiscalYear cFiscalYearSuffix iFiscalPeriod dStartDate dEndDate iWorkMode cBookID cJournalCode iJournalNum iJournalLine Type String Int32 String Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Int32 String@ String@ Int32@ Int32@ Description Fiscal Calendar Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Fiscal Period From Start Date End Date Work Mode GL Book Journal Code Journal Num Journal Line

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FiscalPerSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FiscalYrSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Fob: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Forecast: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method deletes all Forecast records for the Current Plant, or all Plants, with two exceptions: - Forecasts for Global Parts are not deleted - Forecasts marked as autoTransfer are not deleted. Parameters Name plAllPlants pdFromDate Type Boolean Nullable{System.DateTime} Description If TRUE, clear all plants; if FALSE, clear Current Plant. Only Forecast records on or after the given date will be deleted.

This method exports all Forecast records for the current company, after the given date. If ForecastImportExport records are present as input, they are used to build the following lists for selection of records: PlantList PartList CustNumList If a record in the input dataset: 1) has a value for Plant, PartNum, or CustID and blank values for the other two, and 2) blank values for the fields ImportErrorMsg and ForeQty, then the value in Plant, PartNum, or CustID will be added to the respective list. If a record has a value in more than one of these fields, it will be ignored. After the above lists have been constructed, the record selection will use the lists as follows: - if a list is non-empty, only records whose corresponding field value appears in the list will be a candidate for being included in the returned dataset, subject to the other conditions - if a list is empty, no filtering will occur on the values for that field, except possibly conditions in the "whereClauseForecast" parameter. Parameters Name ds whereClauseForecast pdFromDate pageSize absolutePage morePages String Type Description ForecastImportExport dataset. (optional)Additional Where conditions for Forecast table.

Nullable{System.DateTime} (optional)Only records on or after the given date will be considered for import. Int32 Int32 Boolean@ For future use. For future use. For future use.

To retrieve the ForecastDaysBefore and ForecastDaysAfter from the JC system settings.

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Parameters Name piDaysBefore piDaysAfter Type Int32@ Int32@ Description Days before Days after

This method creates a new ForecastImportExport dataset row. Parameters Name ds Type Description

This method provides a ForecastSalesHistory dataset filled with Sales History data. This can be used as the basis of the External Forecast Export. Notes: taken from mre10-sm-ex-dg.w (PROCEDURE Export-Forecast) Parameters Name pdBeginDate pdEndDate pcCustList pcCustGrpList pcPartList pcProdGrpList pcPlantList pcOutputFile pcOutputFormat Type Description

Nullable{System.DateTime} Begin Date of Sales to extract. Nullable{System.DateTime} End Date of Sales to extract. String String String String String String String Tilde-delimited list of Customer Numbers for Sales extract. Blank means all. Tilde-delimited list of Customer Group Codes for Sales extract. Blank means all. Tilde-delimited list of Part Numbers for Sales extract. Blank means all. Tilde-delimited list of Product Group Codes for Sales extract. Blank means all. Tilde-delimited list of Plants for Sales extract. Blank means all. Export file path. Export output format.

Returns ForecastSalesHistory dataset; derived from invoice data.

This method populates the ttForecastImportExport dataset with forecast data.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name pcImportFormat pcImportFile Returns ForecastImportExport dataset Type String String Description Import file format. Import file path.

This method conditionally adds/overwrites Forecast records using the same logic as the Vantage Forecast Import screen. Parameters Name ds pcImportOptions plAllPlants pdFromDate String Boolean Type Description ForecastImportExport Dataset of candidates for import. Valid choices are "A"=Add+Replace, "C"=Clear+Reload, "N"=New. If TRUE, clear all plants; if FALSE, clear Current Plant.

Nullable{System.DateTime} Only records on or after the given date will be considered for import.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FreightService: This business object contains 74 methods.

Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name opMessage opTCStatus

Type String@ Boolean@

Description Message TC Status

Parameters Name packID Returns freight data set Type Int32 Description Pack Number

Parameters Name packID Returns freight data set Type Int32 Description Pack Number

Parameters Name packID Returns freight data set Type Int32 Description Pack Number

Parameters Name packID Returns freight data set Type Int32 Description Pack Number


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name packID Returns freight data set Type Int32 Description Pack Number

Parameters Name ipPackID ipShipmentType ds Type Int32 String Description package code shipment type Freight Response data set

Parameters Name ipPackID ipShipmentType ds Type Int32 String Description package code shipment type Freight Response data set

Call context dataset Constructor Parameters Name connPool Type Description Connection pool

Returns UnfreightInfoResponseDataSet

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns FreightInfoResponseDataSet

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record


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QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last

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Business Object Reference Guide

Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Represents a strongly typed in-memory cache of data. Represents the strongly named DataTable class. Represents the strongly named DataTable class. Represents the strongly named DataTable class. Represents the strongly named DataTable class. Represents the strongly named DataTable class. Represents the strongly named DataTable class. Represents the strongly named DataTable class. Represents the strongly named DataTable class. Represents the strongly named DataTable class. Represents strongly named DataRow class. Represents strongly named DataRow class. Represents strongly named DataRow class. Represents strongly named DataRow class. Represents strongly named DataRow class. Represents strongly named DataRow class. Represents strongly named DataRow class. Represents strongly named DataRow class. Represents strongly named DataRow class. Row event argument class

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Business Object Reference Guide

Row event argument class Row event argument class Row event argument class Row event argument class Row event argument class Row event argument class Row event argument class Row event argument class Represents a strongly typed in-memory cache of data. Represents the strongly named DataTable class. Represents the strongly named DataTable class. Represents strongly named DataRow class. Represents strongly named DataRow class. Row event argument class Row event argument class Represents a strongly typed in-memory cache of data. Represents the strongly named DataTable class. Represents strongly named DataRow class. Row event argument class Represents a strongly typed in-memory cache of data.


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Represents the strongly named DataTable class. Represents strongly named DataRow class. Row event argument class

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FRxEx: This business object contains 6 methods.

Change End Fiscal Period Parameters Name ds Type Description FRxEx DataSet

Change End Fiscal Year Parameters Name ds Type Description FRxEx DataSet

Change Start Fiscal Period Parameters Name ds Type Description FRxEx DataSet

Change Start Fiscal Year Parameters Name ds Type Description FRxEx DataSet

This is used for Exporting the Vantage/Vista data for FRx database.


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Parameters Name ds procMsg String@ Type Description FRxEx DataSet Populated with completion message if buildFRxDb completed properly.

This method creates a new FRxEX dataset row for storing the parameters needed for the export. Parameters Name ds Type Description FRxEx DataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FSAssetClass: This business object contains 6 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FSAssetCondition: This business object contains 6 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.


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Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FSCallCd: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Performs required logic when FSCallCd.IncomeTaxCode is modified. Parameters Name ipIncomeTaxCode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of Income Tax Code FSCallCd data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.FSCallDtSearch: This business object contains 6 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FSContCd: This business object contains 18 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Performs required logic when FSContCd.DeferredRev is modified. Parameters Name ipDeferredRev ds Type Boolean Description Proposed input value of Deferred Rev FSContCd data set

Performs required logic when FSContCd.FiscalCalendarID is modified. Parameters Name ipFiscalCal Type String Description Proposed input value of FiscalCalendarID

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name ds


Description FSContCd data set

Performs required logic when FSContCd.IncomeTaxCode is modified. Parameters Name ipIncomeTaxCode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of Income Tax Code FSContCd data set

This method should be called to set Quoted. Parameters Name ipQuoted ds Type Boolean Description Quoted. FSContCd data set

Performs required logic when FSContCd.RACode is modified. Parameters Name ipRACode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of RA Code FSContCd data set

This method should be called to set Recurring Inv. Parameters Name ipRecurInv ds Type Boolean Description Recurring Invoice. FSContCd data set


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This method should be called to set RenewalCode and ShipRenewal when Renewable = false. Parameters Name ipRenewable ds Type Boolean Description Renewal true or false code FSContCd data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Performs required logic when FSContCd.TaskSetID is modified. Parameters Name ipTaskSet ds Type String Description Proposed input value of TaskSetID FSContCd data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FSContDtSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FSContSNSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FSTechSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.FSWarrCd: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK


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QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Business Object Reference Guide

Chapter 7: G
Epicor.Mfg.BO.GenXData: This business object contains 14 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method deletes a XXXDef record and possibly XXXChunk records for a specific Company Parameters Name ipCompany ipProductID ipTypeCode ipCGCCode ipKey1 ipKey2 ipKey3 Type String String String String String String String Description The Company. The Product id. The type code. The CSF Code. The Key1. The Key2. The Key3.

This method returns a dataset representing a XXXDEF with a blank CompanyID Parameters Name ipProductID ipTypeCode ipCGCCode ipKey1 ipKey2 ipKey3 Type String String String String String String Description The company id. The type code. The CSF Code. The Key1. The Key2. The Key3.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns GenXData DataSet.

This method returns a list of XXXDef, including those with blank Company ID Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Returns the list of XXXDef Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

This method returns XXXDef, including those with blank Company ID Parameters Name whereClauseXXXDef whereClauseXXXChunk pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria XXX Def The criteria XXX Chunk Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

Returns GenXData DataSet.

This method will require the primary unique index fields locate the xxxdef record and return the "version" field value. Parameters Name ipCompanyID ipProductID ipTypeCode ipCGCCode Type String String String String Description The company id value to return version for. The product id value to return version for. The type code value to return version for. The CSF Code.


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Name ipKey1 ipKey2 ipKey3 opVersion opRecordExists

Type String String String String@ Boolean@

Description The key1 value to return version for. The key2 value to return version for. The key3 value to return version for. The returned version value. Logical to state whether the XXXDef record exists.

This methods should be ran instead of the base Update method. This method will require the dataset to come in, next it will delete all XXXChunk records associated with each ttXXXDef in the dataset while also deleting the XXXDef records in the database. Next the ttXXXDef table will be the driving force behind the creation of new XXXDef and XXXChunk records in the database. The values for the fields in these records will come from what is in the dataset. This 'StoreData' process is basically a complete 'overlay' of the Generic Large Data data. This method will require that all dataset records have a value of 'A' in the corresponding rowident field/column. Parameters Name ds Type Description GenXData DataSet.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GetAmortization: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method returns four possible lists of selected Deferred Revenue Amortization Schedules (ttInvcDtlRASch). This should be called to return a list containing the key fields of selected InvcDtlRASch records. Since each record has three key fields the list could potentially exceed the maximum allowed length of characters. To avoid this runtime error, the list will be split into four lists if needed. Parameters Name opInvRASchList1 opInvRASchList2 opInvRASchList3 opInvRASchList4 opReasonMsg ds Type String@ String@ String@ String@ String@ Description The first list of selected InvcDtlRASch records The second list of selected InvcDtlRASch records The third list of selected InvcDtlRASch records The fourth list of selected InvcDtlRASch records Warning message to indicate if Hold Reason is required GetAmortization Dataset


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This method returns the ttInvcDtlRASch dataset of Deferred Revenue Amortization Schedule with some calculated columns added. Parameters Name ipCustList ipInvList ipContList ipApplyDate ipShowStatus ds Type String String String Description The Customer Number list to filter the records with The Invoice Number list to filter the records with The Service Contract Number list to filter the records with

Nullable{System.DateTime} The Apply Date filter String If value is 'H', show records marked as On Hold; if 'U', show records Not On Hold; if 'B', show all. GetAmortization Dataset

This method returns the Base Currency Parameters Name opCurrencyBase Type String@ Description Base Currency

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GetContractRenewal: This business object contains 8 methods. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method returns three possible lists of selected Contract (FSContHd) and/or Renewal (FSRenewal) records. This should be called to return a list containing the key fields of selected records. Since each record has two key fields the list could potentially exceed the maximum allowed length of characters. To avoid this runtime error, the list will be split into three lists if needed. Parameters Name opContRenewList1 opContRenewList2 opContRenewList3 ds Type String@ String@ String@ Description The first list of selected Contract/Renewal records The second list of selected Contract/Renewal records The third list of selected Contract/Renewal records GetContractRenewal Dataset


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This method returns the ttContractRenewal dataset consisting of expired or soon to expire contracts (FSContHd) and renewals (FSRenewal) mixed records with some calculated columns added. Parameters Name ipCustList ipTypeList ipExpireDate ds Type String String Description The Customer Number list to filter the records with The Contract Type list to filter the records with

Nullable{System.DateTime} The Expire Date filter GetContractRenewal Dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.getodbcnp: This business object contains 1 methods.

Get ODBC NP Parameters Name opName opPassword Type String@ String@ Description OP Name OP Password

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GetRequest: This business object contains 10 methods.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method needs to be called from the main menu only. if the object is being called from the shop floor menu then the employee id has already been determined and validated and is passed in

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name empID empName Type String String@ Description Employee ID Employee Name

Call this method to create a new Epicor.Mfg.BO.GetRequestDataSet with Job# Parameters Name empID ds Type String Description Employee ID GetRequest Dataset

Call this method to update the dataset when the GetRequest.AssemblySeq is changed RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name assemblySeq ds Type Int32 Description AssemblySeq GetRequest Dataset

Call this method to update the dataset when the GetRequest.CalcHours is changed RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name hours ds Type Decimal Description Hours GetRequest DataSet

Call this method to update the dataset when the GetRequest.CalcOption is changed Valid values are "O" Outstanding, "P" - Pieces, "H" - hours CalcHours only enabled for "H" and CalcPieces only enabled for "P" RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work


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Parameters Name calcOption ds Type String Description calcOption GetRequest DataSet

Call this method to update the dataset when the GetRequest.CalcPieces is changed RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name pieces ds Type Decimal Description Pieces GetRequest DataSet

Call this method to update the dataset when the GetRequest.JobNum is changed RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name jobNum ds Type String Description JobNum GetRequest DataSet

Call this method to update the dataset when the GetRequest.OprSeq is changed RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name oprSeq ds Type Int32 Description OprSeq GetRequest DataSet

Run this method when done updating all the detail lines (currently OK button in 6.1) clear screen when done Must set the GetRequest RowMod to "U" for this method to work

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description GetRequest DataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLAccount: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Parameters Name ipActive ds Type Boolean Description Proposed value of active The GLAccount data set

Parameters Name ipEffFrom ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Effective From Date to validate The GLAccount data set

Parameters Name ipEffTo ds Type String Description Effective To Date to validate The GLAccount data set

Parameters Name ipGLAccount ds Type String Description GL Account being added The GLAccount data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.glaccountmassadd: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Parameters Name coacode generationmode overrideoption ds createdcombinationnumber Int32@ Type String Int32 Int32 Description COA Code for used chart of accounts Generation mode Override option glaccountmassadd dataset Created Combination Number

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLAcctDisp: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLAlcHed: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GlbAlert: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLBCOA: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLBCOASegmentSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLBCOASegValues: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLBCurrency: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLBCurrRateGrp: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GlbCustomerSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLBFiscalCalSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GlbForecast: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method conditionally adds/overwrites Forecast records by copying the data out of GlbForecast records. Similar to the ImportForecasts routine, which takes in a dataset derived from a spreadsheet file. Parameters Name ds pcImportOptions plAllPlants pdFromDate String Boolean Type Description GlbForecast Dataset of candidates for import. Valid choices are "A"=Add+Replace, "C"=Clear+Reload, "N"=New. If TRUE, clear all plants; if FALSE, clear Current Plant.

Nullable{System.DateTime} Only records on or after the given date will be considered for import.

This method deletes all GlbForecast records for the Current Plant, or all Plants, on or after the given date. Parameters Name plAllPlants pdFromDate Type Boolean Nullable{System.DateTime} Description If TRUE, clear all plants; if FALSE, clear Current Plant. Only GlbForecast records on or after the given date will be deleted.

Returns TRUE If any revision, or any revision of any child part in BOM, is/was configurable.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GlbGLAccount: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.GlbGLAcctDisp: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLBGLBook: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLBGLCOARefAcct: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLBGLCOARefType: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GlbGLSyst: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLBJrnlCode: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLBook: This business object contains 20 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Re-set MainBook and MainBookID Parameters Name ipNewMainBook ds Type String Description The new book Id flagged as Main The GLBook data set

Check value Parameters Name ipBookType ipMainBook Type Int32 Boolean Description The proposed Book The flag for Main Book

Check PartNum value

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipBookType ipMainBook Type Int32 Boolean Description The Book Type The proposed flag for Main Book

Create new MapBook. Parameters Name trgBook srcBook linkID ds Type String String Int32 Description Target Book Source Book linkID glBookDataSet

Check value Parameters Name srcBook trgBook mapList Type String String String@ Description The proposed Source Book The proposed Source Book List of COA maps

Create new MapBook. Parameters Name trgBook linkID ds Type String Int32 Description Target Book linkID glBookDataSet

Check to see if Currency can be changed


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ipCurrencyCode ds Type String Description The Currency Code entered The GLBook data set

Validate RE Account entered and define RE Account Description Parameters Name ipCOACode ipGLAccount ipSegValue1 ipSegValue2 ipSegValue3 ipSegValue4 ipSegValue5 ipSegValue6 ipSegValue7 ipSegValue8 ipSegValue9 ipSegValue10 ipSegValue11 ipSegValue12 ipSegValue13 ipSegValue14 ipSegValue15 ipSegValue16 ipSegValue17 ipSegValue18 ipSegValue19 ipSegValue20 upDescription upWarnMsg Type String String String String String String String String String String String String String String String String String String String String String String String@ String@ Description The COACode entered The GL Account entered Segment 1 value Segment 2 value Segment 3 value Segment 4 value Segment 5 value Segment 6 value Segment 7 value Segment 8 value Segment 9 value Segment 10 value Segment 11 value Segment 12 value Segment 13 value Segment 14 value Segment 15 value Segment 16 value Segment 17 value Segment 18 value Segment 19 value Segment 20 value Description of GL Account Warning message for self-balancing segments

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Business Object Reference Guide

Write change log then book mapping is doing something with GL transaction types.. Parameters Name actTypeUID oldRevUID newRevUID Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description ACTType UID Old Revision New revision

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLBookPerSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GlbPartSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GlbPerConSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GlbTable: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName Type String Description


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Business Object Reference Guide


Name fieldName Returns

Type String


This method returns a delimited list of available fields for the specified table Parameters Name cTableName cFieldList Type String String@ Description Table Name List of delimited fields for the selected table

This method automatically creates the GlbTable records once a company has been selected Parameters Name cExtSystemID cExtCompanyID ds Type String String Description System ID Company ID GlbTable DataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GlbVendorSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLCntrl: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Method to call to retrieve the GL Control Code description. Parameters Name inGLControlType inGLControlCode outDescription Type String String String@ Description GL Control Type GL Control Code Description

Validates an account has been entered for account contexts that are required. Validate all journal contexts have a journal code selected. Parameters Name inGLControlType inGLControlCode outShowMsg outMessage Type String String Boolean@ String@ Description GL Control Type GL Control Code Show the message to the user Message text

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLCntrlType: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Method to call when changing the AllBooks.

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Parameters Name proposedAllBooks ds Type Boolean Description AllBooks The GLCntrlType DataSet to update the AllBooks related data.

Method to call when changing the Required. Parameters Name proposedRequired vGLControlType vGLCTAcctNum wmessage Type Boolean String Int32 String@ Description Reguired GLControlType GLCTAcctNum out put warning message.

Method to call when changing the UseMasterChart. Parameters Name proposedUseMasterChart ds Type Boolean Description UseMasterChart The GLCntrlType DataSet to update the UseMasterChart related data.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLCntrlTypeSys: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLCOARefAcct: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Checks COACode entered Parameters Name ipCoaCode Type String Description COA code entered

returns a description and Master COA flag of the entered COA code Parameters Name coaCode coaDescription coaMaster Type String String@ Boolean@ Description COA code entered The description of the COA code entered. list of available parent categories

returns a COA code, Master flag and description of default COA code Parameters Name defaultCoaCode defaultCoaDescription isDefaultCoaMaster Type String@ String@ Boolean@ Description default COA code The description of the default COA code . the flaf to indicate if it is master COA code

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLCOARefType: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Parameters Name opCOACode opCOADesc opSegmentNbr opSegmentName opMasterCOA Type String@ String@ Int32@ String@ String@ Description COA to set combo box COA Description to display in the combo box Segment Number to set combo box Segment Name to display in the combo box Indentifies the master coa

Parameters Name ipCOACode Type String Description COA Code - Chart of Accounts

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLCostTrans: This business object contains 1 methods.

Custom GetRows method. Parameters Name glJrnDtlRowid pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The GL Journal Detail data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The GLJrnDtl Rowid Page size Absolute page More Pages?

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLCTEntitySearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Method to call to retrieve the GL Control Type description for an entity. This method is called when adding types to entities to validate the type does not already exist for the entity and to return the description for display purposes. Parameters Name inGLControlType inRelatedToFile inKey1 inKey2 inKey3 inKey4 inKey5 inKey6 outDescription Type String String String String String String String String String@ Description GL Control Type Related To File Key1 Key2 Key3 Key4 Key5 Key6 Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLDailyBalance: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method copies all masks for a given COACode and Book to a list of Books. Parameters Name ipCOACode ipSourceBookID ipTargetBookIDList Type String String String Description Chart Of Account Code Source Book ID Delimeter separated list of target Book IDs

Returns Returns all GLAccountMasks record for a given COACode

This method deletes all masks for a given COACode and Book.


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Parameters Name ipCOACode ipBookID Type String String Description Chart Of Account Code Book ID

Returns Returns all GLAccountMasks record for a given COACode

This method retrieves all records for table GLAccountMasks for a given COACode. Parameters Name ipCOACode Type String Description Chart Of Account Code

Returns Returns all GLAccountMasks record for a given COACode

Validate the COA code against the COA table. If it is valid, retrieve all GLBooks with the specified COA code. Parameters Name ipCOACode Type String Description COA Code to validate

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLJournalEntry: This business object contains 28 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method will create a new line with the balancing figure defaulted into the appropriate debit or credit column if the current line has a non-zero balance. If the current line has zero debit/credit values then the debit/credit values of that line are updated with the balancing entry. Parameters Name groupID Type String Description The current group ID


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Name journalNum journalLine ds

Type Int32 Int32

Description The current Journal Number The current Journal Line The GL Journal Entry data set

This method populates ttGlalocation table Parameters Name ipAllocID ipBookID ds Type String String Description The proposed Allocation" The proposed BookIK" The GL Journal Entry data set

This method resets the regular and Multi-Company G/L Accounts and the Reference Codes when the External Company ID changes. Parameters Name proposedExtCompID ds Type String Description The proposed External Company ID The GL Journal Entry data set

This method resets the Multi-Company G/L Reference Type and Code when the Multi-Company G/L Account changes. Depending on the new Multi-Company GL account, the Multi-Company Reference Type/Code can become mandatory or optional. Make sure to call the GetMaskRefCodes method of the GLRefTypBusiness Object to get the new list of all GL Reference Codes related to the entered Account number. This method will also return values for GlJrnDtl.ExtRefCodeStatus and GlJrnDtl.ExtRefAcctDiv/ExtRefAcctDept/ExtRefAcctChart. Enable update of GlJrnDtl.ExtRefCode if the value returned for ExtRefCodeStatus is either "M" for Mandatory or "O" for Optional. Parameters Name ds Type Description The GL Journal Entry data set

This method updates the Multi-Company G/L Reference Type and Code Description when the Multi-Company GL Reference Code changes.

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Parameters Name proposedRefCode ds Type String Description The proposed Multi-Company G/L Reference Code The GL Journal Entry data set

This method resets the G/L Reference Type and Code when the G/L Account changes. Depending on the new GL account, the Reference Type/Code can become mandatory or optional. Make sure to call the GetMaskRefCodes method of the GLRefTypBusiness Object to get the new list of all GL Reference Codes related to the entered Account number. This method will also return values for GlJrnDtl.RefCodeStatus and GlJrnDtl.RefAcctDiv/RefAcctDept/RefAcctChart. Enable update of GlJrnDtl.GLRefCode if the value returned for RefCodeStatus is either "M" for Mandatory or "O" for Optional. Parameters Name ds Type Description The GL Journal Entry data set

This method updates the G/L Reference Type and Code Description when the GL Reference Code changes. Parameters Name proposedRefCode ds Type String Description The proposed G/L Reference Code The GL Journal Entry data set

This method resets the External Company ID, regular and Multi-Company G/L Accounts and the Reference Codes when the Multi-Company flag changes. Parameters Name proposedMulti ds Type Boolean Description The proposed Multi-Company flag The GL Journal Entry data set

This method defaults the Reverse Date when the Reverse flag is checked.


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Parameters Name proposedReverse ds Type Boolean Description The proposed Reverse value The GL Journal Entry data set

This procudura validata if there is Allocations for the Journal Book Parameters Name ipBookID opAlloc Type String Boolean@ Description The current COACode The Allocation Flag

This procudura validata if the Account is a currency Account Parameters Name ipCOACode ipSegValue opCurr Type String String Boolean@ Description The current COACode The current segment value one The Currency accont Flag

Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth. Parameters Name keyValue keyValue2 keyValue3 keyValue4 keyValue5 Type String String String String String Description GroupID BookID FiscalYear JournalCode JournalNum

Before updating the GlJrnDtl record, CheckDtlBeforeUpdate will have to be called. The GroupID, JournalNum and JournalLine from the current GlJrnDtl record will have to be passed to this method. The CheckDtlBeforeUpdate method will pass back opMessage. - If opMessage is not equal to null then a Yes/No question will have to be

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asked to the user displaying the message in opMessage. - If the user answers "Yes", then call the Update method to continue else stop update. Parameters Name ds opMessage String@ Type Description The GL Journal Entry data set The Message to ask the user if the changes for the linked Journal are okay.

This method convert the document currency to the journal currency. Parameters Name proposedAmount ds Type Decimal Description The proposed Amount The GL Journal Entry data set

This method convert the document currency to the journal currency. Parameters Name proposedAmount ds Type Decimal Description The proposed Amount The GL Journal Entry data set

Call this method when the user clicks OK on the allocation sheet. It will create journal entries using the allocation information entered. Parameters Name ds journalNum groupID allocID Int32 String String Type Description The GL Journal Entry data set Current Journal Number Current Group ID Selected Allocation ID

This method is called in place of the GetByID method, requiring only the the GL Group ID.


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Parameters Name groupID Returns The GL Journal Entry data set Type String Description Current Group ID

This method is called in place of the GetNewGlJrnHed method. It allows the input of the Current Group so that certian fields on the header record can be defaulted from the group record. Parameters Name ds groupID String Type Description The GL Journal Entry data set Current Group ID

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Indicates if the legal number requires user input Type Description

This procedure validate it the currency is allowed. Parameters Name ipCOACode ipSegValue ipCurrency Type String String String Description The current COACode The current segment value one The proposed Currency value

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLJrnDtl: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Filter journals by gl acct. Calls normal getRows method and filters the GLJrnDtl table by the contents of the GLAccountList table. Parameters Name balType whereClause ds pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLJrnDtlDataSet Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Type String String Description Balance Type B or T Whereclause. Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLAccountTrackerDataSet Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLJrnGrp: This business object contains 19 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Method to call when changing the Book.


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Parameters Name proposeBookID ds Type String Description The proposed Book ID The GL Journal Group DataSet to update the Group related data.

Method to call when changing the Entry Mode. Parameters Name proposedBookMode ds Type String Description The proposed Entry Mode The GL Journal Group DataSet to update the Group related data.

Method to call when changing the Fiscal Period. Parameters Name proposedFiscalPeriod ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Fiscal Period The GL Journal Group DataSet to update the Group related data.

Method to call when changing the Fiscal Period Type. Parameters Name proposedPeriodType ds opMessage String@ Type String Description The proposed Fiscal Period Type The GL Journal Group DataSet to update the Group related data. Informational message indicating if the default fiscal year does not have any open closing periods

Method to call when changing the Fiscal Year.

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Parameters Name proposedFiscalYear ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Fiscal Year The GL Journal Group DataSet to update the Group related data.

Method to call when changing the Fiscal Year Suffix. Parameters Name proposedFiscalYearSuffix ds Type String Description The proposed Fiscal Year Suffix The GL Journal Group DataSet to update the Group related data.

Method to call when changing the Rate Type. Parameters Name proposedRateType ds Type String Description The proposed Rate Type The GL Journal Group DataSet to update the Group related data.

Method to call before updating the journal group. This method will check the date that the user entered to verify it is in the current fiscal year and period. If it is not then opMessage will be assigned with message text. If it is then the Fiscal Period and Year will be updated. Parameters Name ds cGroupID cJEDate opMessage String Type Description General Ledger Journal Entry Data Entry Group control file. Group Id field

Nullable{System.DateTime} JEDate proposed value String@ Contains text to present to the user of the date entered is not within the current fiscal year or period

Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth.


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Parameters Name keyValue Type String Description keyValue

Method to call when posting journal for a specific group. Posting of a group causes the GlJrnGrp to be deleted from the database if all the records in the group posted correctly. It will also cause the GlJrnHed record to be deleted after the specific journal is posted. Parameters Name postGroupID notAllPostedMessage Type String String@ Description The group id of the group of journals to be posted Contains message text if not all journals in group were posted. The error message text is assigned to the GlJrnGrp.PostErrorLog

Method to call to unlock a group record. This method should be called whenever the group no longer needs to be locked. The group no longer needs to be locked when the journal object is closed, or when a different group is selected. Parameters Name inGroupID Type String Description The group id of the group record to unlock

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLJrnSrcSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GlobalInputVars: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLPeriodBalSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLPurch: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method returns Financial Integration Status. Parameters Name vItegStatus Type Boolean@ Description Financial Integration Status

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLRptColSetSearch: This business object contains 2 methods.

This method returns the Data Schema records Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns GL dataset for Rpt report Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Where clause Page Size Absolute Page More Pages

This method returns the Data Schema records Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description Where clause


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns GL dataset for Rpt report

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description Page Size Absolute Page More Pages

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GlRptMas: This business object contains 31 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.

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Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Method to call to get the list for Category or Accounts option. The list is returned in code1`code desc1~code2`code desc2 format. Parameters Name categoryOrAccountsList Type String@ Description The list of options for Category or Accounts


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Method to call when the GLRptCol.ColSetID value changes. The ColSetID can only be changed for a new record. This method will reassign the ColSetID of the GLRptColSet record. Prior to calling this method, the GLRptColSet record that exists for the GLRptCol record needs to have the RowMod field set to 'U'. Parameters Name proposedColSetID ds Type String Description The proposed column set id The GlRptMas data set

Method to call to reset values in a GLRptCol record when the column type changes. Parameters Name proposedColumnType ds Type String Description The proposed column type The GlRptMas data set

Method to call when the GLRptCol.IntervalType value changes. Parameters Name proposedIntervalType ds Type String Description The proposed interval type value The GlRptMas data set

Method to call when the GLRptMas.BookID value changes. Parameters Name proposedBookID ds Type String Description The proposed book id The GlRptMas data set

Method to call to reset values in a GLRptRow record when the category or accounts option changes. Prior to calling this method, any GLRptRow subrecords that exist for the GLRptRow record need to have the RowMod

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field set to 'U'. The subtables for GLRptRow are: GLRptRowAccounts, GLRptRowCharts, GLRptRowDepts, GLRptRowDivisions. Parameters Name proposedCategoryOrAccounts ds Type String Description The proposed value The GlRptMas data set

Method to call to reset values in a GLRptRow record when the line type changes. Prior to calling this method, any GLRptRow subrecords that exist for the GLRptRow record need to have the RowMod field set to 'U'. The subtables for GLRptRow are: GLRptRowAccounts, GLRptRowCharts, GLRptRowDepts, GLRptRowDivisions. Parameters Name proposedLineType ds Type String Description The proposed column type The GlRptMas data set

Method to call to get the list of valid column types. The list is returned in code1`code desc1~code2`code desc2 format. Parameters Name columnTypeList Type String@ Description The list of valid column types

Method to call to delete a column set for a financial report. This method delete the records in the column set and return the GlRptMas dataset. Parameters Name deleteFromReportID deleteColSetID ds Type String String Description The report id to delete from The column set to delete The GlRptMas data set

Method to call to duplicate a financial report. This method will return the newly created records in the GlRptMas dataset.


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Parameters Name duplicateFromReportID newReportID newReportDesc newReportTitle ds Type String String String String Description The report id to duplicate from The new report id The new report description The new report title The GlRptMas data set

Creates a new GLRptRowAcct record based on type. Parameters Name reportID lineNum rowAcctType ds Type String Int32 String Description Report ID Line number Row account type. Valid types are S - Single segment. A - Account. GLRptMas data set.

Method to call to get the list of valid line types. The list is returned in code1`code desc1~code2`code desc2 format. Parameters Name lineTypeList Type String@ Description The list of valid line types

Method to call to move a report column down within a column set. This method resequences the columns as appropriate and returns the updated dataset. Parameters Name colReportID colColSetID colColumnNum colColSetSeq ds Type String String Int32 Int32 Description The report id of the column to move down The column set id of the column to move down The column number of the column to move down The column sequence number of the column to move down The GlRptMas data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Method to call to move a report column up within a column set. This method resequences the columns as appropriate and returns the updated dataset. Parameters Name colReportID colColSetID colColumnNum colColSetSeq ds Type String String Int32 Int32 Description The report id of the column to move up The column set id of the column to move up The column number of the column to move up The column sequence number of the column to move up The GlRptMas data set

Method to call to create a financial report using a wizard. The wizard will create a template report that be modified via the GlRptMas dataset. Parameters Name reportID reportType ds Type String String Description The report id to create the template for The type of report to create. Valid values are: B (Balance Sheet) or I (Income Statement) The GlRptMas data set

Method to call to get the list of valid options for the report wizard. The list is returned in code1`code desc1~code2`code desc2 format. Parameters Name reportWizardOptionsList Type String@ Description The list of valid options

Method to call to check the syntax of a report. Syntax errors that occured will be stored in datatable GLRptSyntaxErrors. Parameters Name checkReportID Type String Description The report id to check the syntax of


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Name syntaxCheckType

Type String

Description The type of syntax check to perform. Values are: I (Income Statment), B (Balance Sheet), or O (Other)

Returns The GlRptSyntaxErrors data set

Method to call to get the list of valid options for the syntax check. The list is returned in code1`code desc1~code2`code desc2 format. Parameters Name syntaxCheckOptionsList Type String@ Description The list of valid options

Method to call to validate that accounts or charts have been added to a row. if applicable. If accounts or charts are required, an exception will be thrown. This method should be called prior to leaving the row for a different row. Parameters Name reportID lineNum categoryOrAccounts Type String Int32 String Description The ReportID of the row The LineNum of the row The CategoryOrAccounts option of the row

Method to call to get the list of valid entries for Yes/No/Default options. The list is returned in code1`code desc1~code2`code desc2 format. Parameters Name yesNoDefaultList Type String@ Description The list of valid options

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLSyst: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLTracker: This business object contains 5 methods.

Returns the Fiscal Year periods Parameters Name ipBookID ipFiscalYear ipFiscalYearSuffix opFiscalPerStart opFiscalPerEnd Type String Int32 String Int32@ Int32@ Description Book ID if not specified values will be based on Company.FiscalCalendarID" Current Fiscal Year Current Fiscal Year Suffix start Fiscal Period ending Fiscal Period

Returns the Current Fiscal Year Parameters Name vBookID outFiscalYear outFiscalYearSuffix outFiscalPeriod Type String Int32@ String@ Int32@ Description Book ID if not specified values will be based on Company.FiscalCalendarID" Current Fiscal Year Current Fiscal Year Suffix Current Fiscal Period

This method replaces the standard GetRows method Parameters Name vBookID vBalanceType vUseCarryFwdBal sBalanceAcct fiscalYear fiscalYearSuffix Type String String Boolean String Int32 String Description Book ID Balance Type P or T Use Carry Forward Balance Balance Account Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix

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Name openBalance

Type Decimal@

Description Open Balance

Returns This table is used to document the temp table that is used with the G/L Account Tracker program.

Get currency balance rows for specifid balance account. Parameters Name vBookID vTransCurrencyCode vUseCarryFwdBal sBalanceAcct fiscalYear fiscalYearSuffix Type String String Boolean String Int32 String Description Book ID Transactional CurrencyCode Use Carry Forward Balance Balance Account Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix

Returns This table is used to document the temp table that is used with the G/L Account Tracker program.

This method gets all the rows for a group of glaccounts specified GLAccount table Parameters Name vBookID vBalanceType vUseCarryFwdBal fiscalYear fiscalYearSuffix ds Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLTrackerDataSet Type String String Boolean Int32 String Description Book ID Balance Type Use Carry Forward Balance Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLAccountTrackerDataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.GLTransMatch: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

This method allows users to search for previously used Match Codes. Parameters Name ipMatchCode ipMatchDate ipBookID Returns GLTransMatch dataset Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} String Description The MatchCode used to select transactions The MatchDate used to select transactions The BookID used to select transactions

This method fills the GLTransMatch dataset with all transactions with a particular MatchCode/Date/BookID. Parameters Name ipMatchCode ipMatchDate ipBookID Returns GLTransMatch dataset Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} String Description The MatchCode used to select transactions The MatchDate used to select transactions The BookID used to select transactions

This method gets the next Match Code. Parameters Name opMatchCode Type String@ Description The next MatchCode

This method removes the match code from GLJrnDtl records. Returns GLTransMatch dataset


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Chapter 8: H
Epicor.Mfg.BO.HelpDesk: This business object contains 75 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.

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Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Create a Field Service call from this Help Desk Case. Parameters Name helpDeskCaseNum callCode newCallNum validPackingSlip ds Type Int32 String Int32@ Boolean@ Description The Help Desk case number to use as a source The call code to be used for the Field Service call The created call's call number Is the Packing Slip Valid Help Desk data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Create a Job from this Help Desk Case. PartNum must be populated before calling this method, as it is required on a Job The HDCase in the database will be used for this call. Parameters Name helpDeskCaseNum optionTool newJobNum ds Type Int32 String String@ Description The Help Desk case number to use as a source Action Menu Option The created Job's job number Help Desk data set

Create a Request from this Help Desk Case. Parameters Name helpDeskCaseNum newReqID ds Type Int32 String@ Description The Help Desk case number to use as a source The created Request ID Help Desk data set

Create a quote from this Help Desk Case. CustNum must be populated before calling this method, as it is required on a quote The HDCase in the database will be used for this call. Parameters Name helpDeskCaseNum orderPONum newOrderNum ds Type Int32 String Int32@ Description The Help Desk case number to use as a source The PO number to use on the order. (This may be required by the customer) The created order's order number Help Desk data set

Create a quote from this Help Desk Case. CustNum must be populated before calling this method, as it is required on a quote The HDCase in the database will be used for this call.


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Parameters Name helpDeskCaseNum newQuoteNum ds Type Int32 Int32@ Description The Help Desk case number to use as a source The created quote's quote number Help Desk data set

Create an RMA from this Help Desk Case. CustNum must be populated before calling this method, as it is required on an RMA The HDCase in the database will be used for this call. Parameters Name helpDeskCaseNum newRMANum ds Type Int32 Int32@ Description The Help Desk case number to use as a source The created RMA's RMA number Help Desk data set

Get the topics to make available as children to a given topic. For top level topics, pass in a blank parentTopicID For all topics pass in "ReturnFullTopicList" Parameters Name whereClause ds Type String@ Description Where clause to be built for the use of TaskSetCombo Help Desk data set

Get the topics to make available as children to a given topic. For top level topics, pass in a blank parentTopicID For all topics pass in "ReturnFullTopicList" Parameters Name parentTopicID childList Type String String@ Description The parent topic or "" for top level topics. A delimited list of topics

Get a blank set of search parameters

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Parameters Name ds Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.HDCaseSearchDataSet

Called from Contact tracker instead of GetRows for better performance Parameters Name whereClauseHDCase contactName pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Help Desk Contact Trk DataSet Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for HDCase table. The contact to return data for. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Perform a search of the helpdesk and/or knowledgebase cases Parameters Name ds Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.HDCaseListDataSet Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.HDCaseSearchDataSet

Get the defaults from the AttrCodeList field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedAttrCodeList String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed AttrCodeList

This method should be called when BuyerID change.


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Parameters Name buyerID ds Type String Description BuyerID Help Desk data set

Get the defaults from the CallLine field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedCallLine getDefaults Int32 Boolean Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed CallLine Assign any fields related to CallLine

Get the defaults from the CallNum field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedCallNum getDefaults Int32 Boolean Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed CallNum Assign any fields related to CallNum

Get the defaults from the CaseOwner field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedCaseOwner String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed CaseOwner

Get the defaults 10 Topics fields

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Parameters Name ds proposedCaseTopics String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed case topics delimited with spaces

Get the defaults for the Case Type on HDCase. Parameters Name ds proposedCaseTypeID String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed CaseTypeID

Get the defaults from the ContractNum field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedContractNum getDefaults Int32 Boolean Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed ContractNum Assign any fields related to ContractNum

Get the defaults from the CustID field on the HDCase record. This will set: The Customer Contact Parameters Name ds proposedCustID getDefaults String Boolean Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed Customer ID Assign any fields related to CustID

This method should be called when EmpID change.


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Parameters Name empID ds Type String Description EmpID Help Desk data set

This method should be called when EquipID change. Parameters Name equipID ds Type String Description equipID Help Desk data set

Validates the search fields Parameters Name ds Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.HDCaseSearchDataSet

Get the defaults from the InvoiceLine field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedInvoiceLine getDefaults Int32 Boolean Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed InvoiceLine Assign any fields related to InvoiceLine

Get the defaults from the InvoiceNum field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedInvoiceNum getDefaults Int32 Boolean Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed InvoiceNum Assign any fields related to InvoiceNum

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Get the defaults from the MktgCampaignID field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedMktgCampaignID String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed MktgCampaignID

Get the defaults from the MktgEvntSeq field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedMktgEvntSeq Int32 Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed MktgEvntSeq

This method should be called when Name change. Parameters Name ipName ds Type String Description Name Help Desk data set

Get the defaults from the OrderLine field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedOrderLine getDefaults Int32 Boolean Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed OrderLine Assign any fields related to OrderLine

Get the defaults from the OrderNum field on the HDCase record.


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Parameters Name ds proposedOrderNum getDefaults Int32 Boolean Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed OrderNum Assign any fields related to OrderNum

Get the defaults from the OrderRelNum field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedOrderRelNum Int32 Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed OrderRelNum

Get the defaults from the PartNum field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedPartNum getDefaults sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch String@ Boolean String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed PartNum Assign any fields related to PartNum RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

This method should be called when PerConLnkRowID change. Parameters Name ipPerConLnkRowID Type String Description PerConLnkRowID

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Name ds


Description Help Desk data set

Get the defaults from the PrcConNum field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedPrcConNum proposedPrcCustNum proposedPrcShipToNum Int32 Int32 String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed PrcConNum The proposed PrcCustNum The proposed PrcShipToNum

Validate the ProjectID record. Parameters Name ds proposedProjectID String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed ProjectID

Get the defaults from the PurPoint field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedPurPoint String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed PurPoint

Get the defaults from the PurPointConNum field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedPurPointConNum proposedPurPoint Int32 String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed PurPointConNum The proposed PurPoint


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Name proposedVendorNum

Type Int32

Description The proposed VendorNum

Calculate de Ext Price when Quantity Change Parameters Name proposedQuantity ds Type Decimal Description The proposed UnitPrice Help Desk data set

Calculate de Unit Price when change Parameters Name proposedQuantityUOM ds Type String Description The proposed QuantityUOM Help Desk data set

Get the defaults from the QuoteLine field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedQuoteLine getDefaults Int32 Boolean Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed QuoteLine Assign any fields related to QuoteLine

Get the defaults from the QuoteNum field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedQuoteNum getDefaults Int32 Boolean Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed QuoteNum Assign any fields related to QuoteNum

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Get the defaults from the ReqPerConID field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedReqPerConID Int32 Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed Person Contact ID

Get the defaults from the ReqPerConLnkRowID field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedReqPerConLnkRowID String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed Person Contact Link ID

Get the defaults from the RevisionNum field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedRevisionNum String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed RevisionNum

Get the defaults from the RMALine field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedRMALine getDefaults Int32 Boolean Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed RMALine Defaults

Get the defaults from the RMANum field on the HDCase record.


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Parameters Name ds proposedRMANum getDefaults Int32 Boolean Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed RMANum Defaults

Get the defaults 10 Topics fields Parameters Name ds proposedCaseTopics String Type Description The Help Desk search data set The proposed case topics delimited with spaces

Get the defaults 10 Topics fields Parameters Name ds proposedTopicID1 proposedTopicID2 proposedTopicID3 proposedTopicID4 proposedTopicID5 proposedTopicID6 proposedTopicID7 proposedTopicID8 proposedTopicID9 proposedTopicID10 String String String String String String String String String String Type Description The Help Desk search data set The proposed TopicID1 The proposed TopicID2 The proposed TopicID3 The proposed TopicID4 The proposed TopicID5 The proposed TopicID6 The proposed TopicID7 The proposed TopicID8 The proposed TopicID9 The proposed TopicID10

Get the defaults from the SerialNumber field on the HDCase record.

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Parameters Name ds proposedSerialNumber getDefaults proposedPartNum opMessage String Boolean String String@ Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed SerialNumber Assign any fields related to SerialNumber The proposed PartNum The error message

Get the defaults from the ShipToNum field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedShipToNum String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed ShipToNum

Get the defaults from the ShpConNum field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedShpConNum proposedShipToNum proposedShpCustNum Int32 String Int32 Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed ShpConNum The proposed ShipToNum The proposed ShpCustNum

Get the defaults 10 Topics fields Parameters Name ds proposedTopicID1 proposedTopicID2 proposedTopicID3 proposedTopicID4 String String String String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed TopicID1 The proposed TopicID2 The proposed TopicID3 The proposed TopicID4


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Name proposedTopicID5 proposedTopicID6 proposedTopicID7 proposedTopicID8 proposedTopicID9 proposedTopicID10

Type String String String String String String

Description The proposed TopicID5 The proposed TopicID6 The proposed TopicID7 The proposed TopicID8 The proposed TopicID9 The proposed TopicID10

Calculate de Ext Price Parameters Name proposedUnitPrice ds Type Decimal Description The proposed UnitPrice Help Desk data set

Get the defaults from the PrcConNum field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedVenConNum proposedVendorNum proposedPurPoint Int32 Int32 String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed VenConNum The proposed CustNum The proposed PurPoint

Get the defaults from the VendorID field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedVendorID getDefaults String Boolean Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed VendorID Assign any fields related to VendorID

Get the defaults from the WarrantyCode field on the HDCase record.

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Parameters Name ds helpDeskCaseNum proposedPackNum proposedPackLine proposedDropShipPackSlip proposedDropShipPackLine getDefaults Int32 Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean Type Description Help Desk data set Current Help Desk Case Number The proposed PackNum The proposed PackLine The proposed Drop Shipment Pack Slip The proposed Drop Shipment Pack Line Assign any fields related to Packing Slip

Get the defaults from the WFGroupID field on the HDCase record. Parameters Name ds proposedWFGroupID String Type Description Help Desk data set The proposed WFGroupID

This method either opens or closes a Case and returns the updated object Parameters Name hdCaseNum closeCase Type Int32 Boolean Description HDCaseNum to be opened or closed Yes to close Case, no to open Case

Returns Returns the newly opened/closed Case

This method is to be run befor the OpenCloseCase method so that any questions that need to be asked before the OpenCloseCase method can run can be asked Parameters Name hdCaseNum closeCase vMessage Type Int32 Boolean String@ Description The current HDCase.HDCaseNum field Yes to close Case, no to open Case Returns a string containing the question to be asked


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.HelpDeskTopic: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Validate that the ParentTopicID isn't a duplicate. Parameters Name ds parentTopicID String Type Description The HelpDeskTopic data set Parent Topic ID to be validated

Epicor.Mfg.BO.HXProjectSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Chapter 9: I
Epicor.Mfg.BO.ICommCode: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ICReceiptSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This overload of AfterGetRows filters the Dataset for the criteria Parameters Name whereClause poNum poLine poRel pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Returns the Receipts list Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria PONum - Purchase Order Number POLine - Line PORel - Release Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMAPInvoice: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMAPPayment: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.


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Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMARInvoice: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMARPayment: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMCurrConvRule: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMCurrency: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMCurrExRate: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMCurrRateDisp: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMCurrRateGrp: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMCustCnt: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMCustomer: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMGLJournal: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMPart: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMPerCon: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMPO: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMPOChangeSuggestion: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMPORequisition: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ImportEDIDocs: This business object contains 10 methods.

Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Name ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus

Type String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@

Description Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Invoke this procedure to mark the OrderRels for creating during the posting proceess Parameters Name ds Type Description The ImportEDI data set

Invoke this procedure to mark the Order Releases NOT to be created during the Posting process. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ImportEDI data set

Invoke this procedure to re-count the number of Orders to Import after reviewing. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ImportEDI data set

Use this method after the user has imported the data. To populate the EDINetChange report table Parameters Name ds Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ImportEDIDocsDataSet

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.EDINetChgDataSet

Call this procedure to read external EDI file. Parameters Name translatorID ds Type String Description Input EDI Translator Output ImportEDI data set

Use this method when the user enters the screen. It defaults the EDI Translator and EDI Document type. Returns Output ImportEDI data set

Import EDI documents. Parameters Name ds Type Description Output ImportEDI data set

Execute or call this method when the EDI Document Type has changed. Parameters Name newDocType ds Type String Description New document type. The ImportEDI data set

Posting EDI Documents. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ImportEDI data set


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Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.ImportSubsid: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Parameters Name ipBook ds warnMsg String@ Type String Description book id ImportSubsid dataset row A warning message is returned if the book changes and the gljrngrp exists.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Parameters Name ipGroupID ds opCreateGroup String@ Type String Description Journal Group to Create for this import ImportSubsid dataset row prompt asking if it is okay to create the group

Method to call when validating fiscal year Parameters Name proposedFiscalYear proposedSuffix Type Int32 String Description The proposed Fiscal Year The proposed Fiscal Year suffix


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Business Object Reference Guide


Name ipCalendar

Type String

Description Calendar ID

This method provides a warning message to present to the user if the given Fiscal Year/Period has already been imported. The user should be given the choice to import it again. The user's answer to the question "This fiscal period has previously been imported. Do you want to import it again?" should be stored in MCConGen.OkToRegenerate. In v6.10 Vantage, the user was never warned of a duplicate import--the system just quietly did as it was told. An exception is thrown if: - no MCConGen dataset row is found - the given Fiscal Year/Period is not valid Parameters Name ipFiscalPeriod ds pcMsg String@ Type Int32 Description fiscal period to validate ImportSubsid dataset row A warning message is returned if the given Fiscal Year/Period has already been imported.

This method generates Journal Entries from a MCConsolImport dataset. It is expected that the UI will first read a file from disk to create the MCConsolImport dataset. Each row in the MCConsolImport dataset that fails to "import" gets updated with the reason for the failure in MCConsolImport.ImportErrorMsg, and these are returned to the client; if there are any technical failures, such as improper datatypes in the input, all the non-failing rows are backed out, and an exception is thrown. Less serious failures, such as "Account not found", prevent only the import of the problematic line--the remainder can still be accepted. When successful, a MCConGen record is created in the database to indicate the consolidation was performed. An exception is thrown if: - the GLJrnGrp indicated by the GroupId is nto found - the fiscal period indicated by the GLJrnGrp is invalid - the filename is blank Parameters Name ds ds1 Type Description ImportSubsid dataset row MCConsolImport dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMPOSuggestion: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMPurPoint: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMPurTerms: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMReceipt: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description


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Business Object Reference Guide



Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMReceiptLine: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMRFQSuggestion: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMShipment: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMShipTo: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMSupplier: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMSupplierContact: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IMTerms: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IncomeTax: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

BL performed when user propose a new IncomeTaxType value


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Parameters Name ipIncomeTaxType ds Type String Description Proposed Income Tax Type IncomeTax Dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IncomeTaxRate: This business object contains 7 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Create a New ttIncomeTaxRate record with a given Effective Date Parameters Name ipEffectiveDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Effective Date IncomeTaxRate Dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IncomeTaxYr: This business object contains 28 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Performs all necessary operations in order to get a Income Tax Calculation for a given period/year. Parameters Name ipFiscalCalendarID ipFiscalYear ipFiscalYearSuffix ipFiscalPeriod Type String Int32 String Int32 Description Fiscal Calendar ID Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Fiscal Period, this value is zero when it is about a Fiscal Year

Updates the amounts that should by the change of one. Parameters Name ipFiscalCalendarID ipFiscalYear ipFiscalYearSuffix ipFiscalPeriod ipSeq ipAmount Type String Int32 String Int32 Int32 Decimal Description Fiscal Calendar ID Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Fiscal Period, this value is zero when it is about a Fiscal Year Sequence Proposed Amount

Verifies whether the proposed Fiscal Period is a valid one Parameters Name ipFiscalPeriod ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Fiscal Period IncomeTaxYr data set

Verifies whether the proposed Update Rate overrides the Fiscal Calendar Period Update Rate.


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Parameters Name ipUpdateRate opOverrideFiscalCal ds Type Decimal Boolean@ Description Proposed UpdateRate Returns a value of true or false IncomeTaxPer data set

Verifies whether the proposed Fiscal Year is a valid one. Parameters Name ipFiscalYear ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Fiscal Year IncomeTaxYr data set

Verifies whether the proposed Fiscal Year suffix is a valid one. Parameters Name ipFiscalYearSuffix ds Type String Description Proposed Fiscal Year Suffix IncomeTaxYr data set

Verifies whether the proposed Update Rate overrides the Fiscal Calendar Year Update Rate. Parameters Name ipUpdateRate opOverrideFiscalCal ds Type Decimal Boolean@ Description Proposed UpdateRate Returns a value of true or false IncomeTaxYr data set

Close Income Tax Period for update, validate first that previous period it's closed.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipFiscalCalendarID ipFiscalYear ipFiscalYearSuffix ipFiscalPeriod ds Type String Int32 String Int32 Description Fiscal Calendar ID Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Fiscal Period, this value is zero when it is about a Fiscal Year The Income Tax Workbench data set

Close Income Tax Year for update, validate first that previous period it's closed. Parameters Name ipFiscalCalendarID ipFiscalYear ipFiscalYearSuffix ds Type String Int32 String Description Fiscal Calendar ID Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix The Income Tax Workbench data set

Returns data according to the Fiscal Calendar defined in Company for Income Taxes Returns Fiscal Calendar IDFiscal YearFiscal Year SuffixFiscal Period

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Recalculates the Income Taxes when after existing IT transactions are updated by the user. Parameters Name ipFiscalCalendarID Type String Description Fiscal Calendar ID


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Name ipFiscalYear ipFiscalYearSuffix ipFiscalPeriod

Type Int32 String Int32

Description Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Fiscal Period, this value is zero when it is about a Fiscal Year

Reopen Income Tax Period for update, validate first that later period it's open. Parameters Name ipFiscalCalendarID ipFiscalYear ipFiscalYearSuffix ipFiscalPeriod ds Type String Int32 String Int32 Description Fiscal Calendar ID Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Fiscal Period, this value is zero when it is about a Fiscal Year The Income Tax Workbench data set

Reopen Income Tax Year for update, validate first that later period it's open. Parameters Name ipFiscalCalendarID ipFiscalYear ipFiscalYearSuffix ds Type String Int32 String Description Fiscal Calendar ID Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix The Income Tax Workbench data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IndClassCodeSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.Indirect: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method validates the Indirect Labor code to ensure it's not in use by an active labor detail record. Parameters Name newExpenseCode ds Type String Description Expense Code. Indirect Data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IndustryClass: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.


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Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.InfoPromptForm: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.InspAttr: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.InspDataTracker: This business object contains 32 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.

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Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Generate Columns that will be displayed in the grid Parameters Name inSpecID inSpecRevNum inInspPlanPartNum inInspPlanRevNum Returns Type String String String String Description The specification ID The specification revision number The inspection plan part number The inspection plan revision number


This method wil assign values depending the inspection type selection This method should be run when the InspDataParam.InspType field changes. Parameters Name pcProposedInspType ds Type String Description The new proposed inspection type value The InspDataParam data set

This method validates the ProposedAssemblySeq, then updates related fields: This method should be run when the InspDataParam.AssemblySeq field changes.


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Parameters Name piProposedAssemblySeq ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed Job Assembly value The InspDataParam data set

This method validates the JobNum, then updates related fields: This method should be run when the InspDataParam.JobNum field changes. Parameters Name pcProposedJobNum ds Type String Description The new proposed JobNum value The InspDataParam data set

This method validates the piProposedOprSeq, then updates related fields: This method should be run when the InspDataParam.OprSeq field changes. Parameters Name piProposedOprSeq ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed Job Operation Sequence value The InspDataParam data set

This method validates the non conformance transaction ID, then updates related fields This method should be run when the InspDataParam.NCMTranID field changes. Parameters Name pcProposedNCMTranID ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed NCMTranID value The InspDataParam data set

This method validates the piProposedPackSlip, then updates related fields. This method should be run when the InspDataParam.PackSlip field changes.

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Parameters Name piProposedPackSlip ds Type String Description The new proposed PackSlip value The InspDataParam data set

This method validates the piProposedPartNum, then updates related fields. This method should be run when the InspDataParam.PartNum field changes. Parameters Name piProposedPartNum ds Type String Description The new proposed PartNum value The InspDataParam data set

Retrieve records that will be displayed in the grid. Parameters Name ds Returns Type Description The InspDataParam data set

To return the default inspection plan revision Parameters Name ipInspPlan Returns Type String Description

To return the default specification revision Parameters Name ipSpecID Type String Description


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To return the revList values of a given inspection plan Parameters Name ipPartNum Returns Type String Description

To return the revList values of a given specification Parameters Name ipSpecID Returns Type String Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Inspectr: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.InspPlan: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName Type String Description

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Name fieldName Returns

Type String


To create a new InspPlaRev by duplicating from another. Parameters Name sourcePartNum sourceRevNum targetRevNum Returns The InspPlan Data Set Type String String String Description Existing Part number that will be duplicated. Existing Revision number that will be duplicated. New Revision number that will be duplicated.

To set if duplicate option is allowed. Parameters Name sourcePartNum sourceRevNum oKToDuplicate Type String String Boolean@ Description Existing Part number that will be duplicated. Existing Revision number that will be duplicated. OKToDuplicate.

Parameters Name ipProposedPlanNum ds Type String Description The new proposed InspPlanNum value The Inspection Plan Dataset.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.InspPlanRevSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.InspProcessing: This business object contains 35 methods.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

To assign an Inspector to the First Article. Validates the Inspector against the database and assigns it to the ttTable Parameters Name pcInspectorID ds Type String Description (optional) The Inspector ID typed in by the user. Inspection Processing dataset.

To assign an Inspector to the non conformance(s). Validates the Inspector against the database and assigns it to the ttTable Parameters Name pcInspectorID ds Type String Description (optional) The Inspector ID typed in by the user. Inspection Processing dataset.


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To assign an Inspector to the PO Recipt(s). Validates the Inspector against the database and assigns it to the ttTable Parameters Name pcInspectorID ds Type String Description (optional) The Inspector ID typed in by the user. Inspection Processing dataset.

This method provides a message suitable for prompting the user to approve a mismatch between the number of serial numbers selected and the quantity being inspected. Note that this mismatch is not always allowed; the prompt is only offered when: 1) there is a quantity mismatch AND 2) the situation is one that permits the mismatch, if the user approves. This method should be run just before any of the following: InspectMaterial InspectOperation InspectInventory InspectReceipt If the pcMsg parameter comes back non-empty, present its contents to the user as a Yes or No question. Example: "Number of selected Serial Numbers does not match passed quantity. Serial Numbers selected: num_1 Total Serial Numbers required: num_2 Continue with quantity discrepancy?" ***** Important ***** Important ***** The user is answering the question "Continue with quantity discrepancy?". Therefore, if the user answers "NO", set the EnforceSerialNumCount field to YES. and if the user answers "YES", set the EnforceSerialNumCount field to NO An exception is thrown if: - the InspNonConf or InspRcpt row with a RowMod of "A" or "U" is not found Parameters Name ds pcSource pcMsg String String@ Type Description Inspection Processing dataset. "NonConf" or "Receipt" A message suitable for prompting the user

Convert Quantities to base qtys for serial number processing Parameters Name pcPartNum piQuantity piPassedQty piFailedQty pcAcceptUM piBaseQty piBasePassQty Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 String Int32@ Int32@ Description AcceptUM. dimQuantity. dimPassedQty. dimFailedQty. AcceptUM. dimQuantity converted to Part.IUM. dimPassedQty converted to Part.IUM.

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Name piBaseFailQty

Type Int32@

Description dimFailedQty converted to Part.IUM.

To retrieve the Inspection non conformance (InspProcessing dataset) corresponding to the given TranID and the Operations tab or the Materials tab of the Inspections Processing screen in Vantage v6.10. Parameters Name pcTranID Returns Inspection Processing dataset. Type Int32 Description The TranID of the NonConformance.

This method puts a date/time/user stamp in the text value for the user Parameters Name pText Type String@ Description Text

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for the failed transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds inspectionType requiresUserInput String Boolean@ Type Description Inspection Processing dataset. The type of inspection: Inventory, Material, Operation, Receipt Indicates if the legal number requires user input

To retrieve the Inspection FirstArt (InspProcessing dataset) corresponding to the given JobNum, AssemblySeq, OprSeq, ResourceID, and SeqNum and the First Article tab of the Inspections Processing screen in Vantage v6.10.


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Parameters Name pcJobNum piAssemblySeq piOprSeq pcResourceID piSeqNum Returns Inspection Processing dataset. Type String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Description The JobNum of the First Article. The AssemblySeq of the First Article. The OprSeq of the First Article. The ResourceID of the First Article. The SeqNum of the First Article.

This method will populate the SelectedSerialNumber datatable for the InspRcpt RowIdent. Parameters Name pcInspRcptRowIdent ds Type String Description Input RowIdent field of InspRcpt datatable Inspection Processing dataset.

This method will get the passed/failed quantity from InspResults for Non Conformance Parameters Name ds ipSource totPassed totFailed inspDataEntered String Int32@ Int32@ Boolean@ Type Description Inspection Processing dataset. "NonConf", "Receipt", "FirstArt" Total Passed Quantity. Total Failed Quantity. Inspection Data Found.

Return Primary Keys for generated PartTran records. Parameters Name ipNonConfID ipDMRNum ipPassedIssueTo Type Int32 Int32 String Description ipNonConfID DMR number PassedIssueTo

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Name partTranPKs

Type String@

Description The PartTranPKs number

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds inspectionType requiresUserInput String Boolean@ Type Description Inspection Processing dataset. The type of inspection: Inventory, Material, Operation, Receipt Indicates if the legal number requires user input

To retrieve the Inspection Receipt (InspProcessing dataset) corresponding to the given VendorNum, PurPoint, PackSlip, and PackLine and the Receipts tab of the Inspections Processing screen in Vantage v6.10. Parameters Name piVendorNum pcPurPoint pcPackSlip piPackLine Returns Inspection Processing dataset. Type Int32 String String Int32 Description The VendorNum of the Receipt. The PurPoint of the Receipt. The PackSlip of the Receipt. The PackLine of the Receipt.

Return Primary Keys for generated PartTran records. Parameters Name ipVendorNum ipPurPoint ipPackSlip ipPackLine ipDMRNum Type Int32 String String Int32 Int32 Description Vendor number PurPoint PackSlip PackLine DMR number


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Name ipPassedIssueTo partTranPKs

Type String String@

Description PassedIssueTo The PartTranPKs number

To retrieve the list of items waiting to be inspected (InspProcList dataset). This combines onto one screen the browses shown on the various tabs of Inspection Processing screen in Vantage v6.10. Note that three of the six tabs are NonConformances, one is First Articles, one is Receipts (from either POs or SubContracted operations) and one is for RMAs. In Vantage v6.10, the columns showing for each tab are different from those in the other tabs; an attempt has been made here to include "identifying" columns. This should allow a GetByID() call to load the appropriate sheet for any of the different types. There is an input parameter for each of these types, for which there should be a corresponding checkbox. The rows for a given type will only be fetched if its corresponding input is TRUE. Parameters Name plOperation plMaterial plInventory plFirstArt plReceipt plRMA pcInspectorID whereClauseNonConf whereClauseFirstArt whereClauseRcvDtl whereClauseRMA Type Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean String String String String String Description If TRUE, include items that were sent to Inspection from a Job Operation. If TRUE, include items that were sent to Inspection from a Job Material. If TRUE, include items that were sent to Inspection from Inventory. If TRUE, include items that were sent to Inspection from a First Article. If TRUE, include items that were sent to Inspection from a PO or SubContract receipt. If TRUE, include items that were sent to Inspection from an RMA. (optional) The Inspector ID typed in by the user. (optional)Additional Where conditions for NonConf table. (optional)Additional Where conditions for FirstArt table. (optional)Additional Where conditions for RcvDtl table. (optional)Additional Where conditions for RMAHead table. (optional)Additional Where conditions for SelectedSerialNumbers table. (optional)Additional Where conditions for SNFormat table. (optional)Additional Where conditions to be applied to result set. Page Size Absolute page

whereClauseSelectedSerialNumbers String whereClauseSNFormat whereClauseInspProcList pageSize absolutePage String String Int32 Int32

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Name morePages Returns Inspection Processing dataset.

Type Boolean@

Description Returns TRUE if there are more pages.

This method will populate the SelectedSerialNumber datatable for the InspNonConf RowIdent. Parameters Name pcInspNonConfRowIdent ds Type String Description Input RowIdent field of InspNonConf datatable Inspection Processing dataset.

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset Type Description Inspection Processing data set

To process an inspection of First Article (InspFirstArt datatable). Corresponds to the First Articles tab of the Inspections Processing screen in Vantage v6.10. Use this method where you would typically use the Update() method, when the item being inspected is a First Article. Parameters Name ds Type Description Inspection Processing dataset.

To process an inspection of Inventory-related non conformances (NonConf dataset). Corresponds to the Inventory tab of the Inspections Processing screen in Vantage v6.10. Use this method where you would typically use the Update() method, when the item being inspected is an Inventory Material. Parameters Name legalNumberMessage Type String@ Description The legal number message


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Name iDMRNum ds

Type Int32@

Description The DMR number for the new DMR. Inspection Processing dataset.

To process an inspection of JobMaterial-related non conformances (NonConf dataset). Corresponds to the Material tab of the Inspections Processing screen in Vantage v6.10. Use this method where you would typically use the Update() method, when the item being inspected is an Inventory Material. Parameters Name legalNumberMessage iDMRNum ds Type String@ Int32@ Description The legal number message The DMR number for the new DMR. Inspection Processing dataset.

To process an inspection of Operations-related non conformances (NonConf dataset). Corresponds to the Operations tab of the Inspections Processing screen in Vantage v6.10. Use this method where you would typically use the Update() method, when the item being inspected is a Job Assembly / Job Operation. Parameters Name legalNumberMessage iDMRNum ds Type String@ Int32@ Description The legal number message The DMR number for the new DMR. Inspection Processing dataset.

To process an inspection of Receipt, either a PO or SubContract. Corresponds to the PO Receipts tab of the Inspections Processing screen in Vantage v6.10. Use this method where you would typically use the Update() method, when the item being inspected is a PO Receipt. Parameters Name legalNumberMessage iDMRNum iNonConfID ds Type String@ Int32@ Int32@ Description The legal number message The DMR number for the new DMR. The new Nonconformance number created for the new DMR. Inspection Processing dataset.

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This method validates the piProposedAssemblySeq, then clears the related fields. This method should be run when the Assembly Seq field changes. An exception is thrown if: - the proposed Assembly Seq does not exist for the given Assembly Parameters Name ds pcSource piProposedAssemblySeq String Int32 Type Description Inspection Processing dataset. "NonConf" or "Receipt" The new proposed Assembly Seq value

This method validates the pdProposedFailedQty, then if zero, clears the related fields. This method should be run when the FailedQty field changes. An exception is thrown if: - Passed Quantity + Failed Quantity greater than the original quantity Parameters Name ds pcSource pdProposedFailedQty String Decimal Type Description Inspection Processing dataset. "NonConf" or "Receipt" The new proposed Failed Quantity value

This routine is for First Article inspections only. Gives a warning message if the proposed Inspected Quantity is less than the Expected Quantity. This method should be run when the ttInspFirstArt.InspectedQuantity field changes. An exception is thrown if: - No added or modified row is found in the dataset. Parameters Name ds pdInspectedQuantity pcWarningMsg Decimal String@ Type Description Inspection Processing dataset. The new proposed Inspected Quantity value If the Quantity is less than the Expected Quantity, a warning message will be present here.

For use only with Receipt Inspections This method checks for a conflict among: - the quantity passing inspection, - the remaining quantity needed, - the IssuedComplete field in the dataset (aka a checkbox on the screen), - the IssuedComplete flag stored on the JobMtl or JobOper record If a conflict is found, this routine returns: - text intended for prompting the user to give their okay - the name of the field in the dataset in which to put the user's Okay/NotOkay response. There are four possible scenarios where the user may be asked to confirm an


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unusual action: 1) Issuing to a JobMtl that had been marked complete, and now the user indicates it is no longer considered complete. Text for prompt returned (may be translated): "The Job Material requirement is Closed... do you really want it reopened?" Field in which to record the user's response: IsOkToReopenJobMtl 2) Issuing to a JobMtl that would still need more quantity, but the user indicates it is considered complete. Text for prompt returned (may be translated): "Quantity issued is less than requirement... Are you sure you want to close this material requirement?" Field in which to record the user's response: IsOkToCloseJobMtl 3) Issuing to a SubContract that had been marked complete, and now the user indicates it is no longer considered complete. Text for prompt returned (may be translated): "The Subcontract operation is complete... do you really want it reopened?" Field in which to record the user's response: IsOkToReopenSubContract 4) Issuing to a SubContract that would still need more quantity, but the user indicates it is considered complete. Text for prompt returned (may be translated): "Quantity issued is less than requirement... Are you sure you want to close this subcontract operation?" Field in which to record the user's response: IsOkToCloseSubContract This method should be run when the InspRcpt.IssuedComplete field changes. An exception is thrown if: Parameters Name ds pcSource plProposedIssuedComplete pcWarningMsg pcResponseField String Boolean String@ String@ Type Description Inspection Processing dataset. "NonConf" or "Receipt" The new proposed Issued Complete value If there is a conflict, a warning message will be present here. If the Job is closed, a warning message will be present here.

This method validates the pcProposedJobNum, then clears the job-related fields. This method should be run when the InspRcpt.JobNum field changes. An exception is thrown if: - No Job exists with the given Job Number Parameters Name ds pcSource pcProposedJobNum pcWarningMsg String String String@ Type Description Inspection Processing dataset. "NonConf" or "Receipt" The new proposed Job Number value If the Job is closed, a warning message will be present here.

For use only with Receipt Inspections. For Inventory Inspections, see OnChangeMtlSeq(). This method validates the piProposedJobSeq, then clears the job-related fields. The JobSeq field holds a JobMtl.MtlSeq when passing inspection to a Job Material. The JobSeq field holds a JobOper.OprSeq when passing inspection to a Job Operation. This method should be run when the InspRcpt.JobSeq field changes. An exception is thrown if: - No related JobMtl or JobOper exists with the given Job sequence number.

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Parameters Name ds piProposedJobSeq pcWarningMsg Int32 String@ Type Description Inspection Processing dataset. The new proposed Job Sequence Number value If the user needs to be informed of some condition, a warning message will be present here.

For use only with Inventory Inspections. For Receipt Inspections, see OnChangeJobSeq(). This method validates the pcProposedMtlSeq, then provides the defaults for the material-related fields. This method should be run when the InsNonConf.MtlSeq field changes. An exception is thrown if: - No related JobMtl exists with the given sequence number. Parameters Name ds piProposedMtlSeq pcWarningMsg Int32 String@ Type Description Inspection Processing dataset. The new proposed Material Sequence Number value If the user needs to be informed of some condition, a warning message will be present here.

This method validates the pcProposedIssueTo, then sets the default values of the related fields. This method should be run when the PassedIssueTo field changes. Only Inventory and Receipt Inspections offer a choice of where to send items passing inspection--so the others have no need for this routine. An exception is thrown if: - the proposed PassedIssueTo is not valid. If this is a radio set as in v6.10, only a programming error could ever lead to an exception. Parameters Name ds pcSource pcProposedIssueTo String String Type Description Inspection Processing dataset. "NonConf" or "Receipt" The new proposed PassedIssueTo value

This method validates the pdProposedPassedQty, then if zero, clears the related fields. This method should be run when the PassedQty field changes. An exception is thrown if: - Passed Quantity + Failed Quantity greater than the original quantity


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Parameters Name ds pcSource pdProposedPassedQty String Decimal Type Description Inspection Processing dataset. "NonConf" or "Receipt" The new proposed Passed Quantity value

This method validates the WarehouseCode, then, if valid, calls for the procedure to to bring a primary bin for this Warehose (if defined). This method should be run when the PassedWarehouseCode field or FailedWarehouseCode field are changed by the user. An exception is thrown if: - WarehouseCode entered is not valid Parameters Name ds pcSource pcWhseType pdProposedWhse String String String Type Description Inspection Processing dataset. "NonConf" or "Receipt" "Passed" or "Failed" The new proposed Passed Warehouse

Epicor.Mfg.BO.InspResults: This business object contains 46 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Generate Sample List Parameters Name ds callProgram key1 key2 key3 key4 String String String String String Type Description The InspParam data set The calling program Key1 of existing records Key2 of existing records Key3 of existing records Key4 of existing records

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Name key5 dateStamp timeStamp inspPlanNum inspRevNum specID specRevNum inspectQty ds1

Type String String Int32 String String String String Int32

Description Key5 of existing records DateStamp of existing records TimeStamp of existing records Inspection Plan Number. Inspection Revision Number. Specification ID. Specification revision number. Inspection Quantity. The InspSampleLst data set

Parameters Name callProgram callInspType tgtRowID inNCMTranID inNCMTranType inJobNum inAsmSeq inOprSeq inPartNum inRevisionNum inRMANum inRMALine inRMAReceipt inRMADisp inRMADispType inWhseCode inVendorNum inPurPoint inPackSlip inPackLine inSerialNum Type String String String Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 String String Int32 String Description The calling program The calling inspection type The rowid of the calling inspection record The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program The calling program


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Name inLotNum inQty inResourceID inSeqNum Returns

Type String Decimal String Int32

Description The calling program The calling program ResourceID from the calling program SeqNum from the calling program

Validates after calling SN selection screen Parameters Name ds Type Description InspParam data set

Convert Quantities to base qtys for serial number processing Parameters Name pcPartNum piQuantity piPassedQty piFailedQty pcAcceptUM piBaseQty piBasePassQty piBaseFailQty Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 String Int32@ Int32@ Int32@ Description AcceptUM. dimQuantity. dimPassedQty. dimFailedQty. AcceptUM. dimQuantity converted to Part.IUM. dimPassedQty converted to Part.IUM. dimFailedQty converted to Part.IUM.

Parameters Name ds Type Description The InspParam data set

Get the inspection quantity for the given quantity

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The InspParam data set

Parameters Name relatedRowID inspType passedSetting Type String String Boolean@ Description RowID of the InspResults record inspection Type Returns InspResults.Passed value

This method will populate the SelectedSerialNumber datatable for the InspNonConf RowIdent. Parameters Name pcLaborRowIdent ds Type String Description Input RowIdent field of InspNonConf datatable Inspection Param dataset.

This method will populate the SelectedSerialNumber datatable Parameters Name pcRowIdent ds Type String Description Input RowIdent field of InspNonConf datatable Inspection Param dataset.

Call before allowing the select of serial numbers Parameters Name ds notEnoughSerials totSNReq String@ Decimal@ Type Description InspParam data set Not enough serials for labor entry Total number of serials required for labor entry


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Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds enableCreate Boolean Type Description Inspection Param data set Enable create serial numbers

Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset Type Description RMADisp data set

Parameters Name ds Type Description The InspParam data set

This method validates the Proposed InspPlanPartNum, then updates related fields: This method should be run when the InspPlanSampleLst.InspPlanNum field changes. Parameters Name piProposedInspPlan ds Type String Description The new proposed inspection plan part num value The InspParam data set

This method updates passed/failed value on selectedserialnumbers.

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Parameters Name ds ds1 Type Description The InspPlanSampleLst data set The InspParam data set

This method wil assign values depending the inspection type selection This method should be run when the InspParam.InspType field changes. Parameters Name pcProposedInspType ds Type String Description The new proposed inspection type value The InspParam data set

This method validates the ProposedAssemblySeq, then updates related fields: This method should be run when the InspParam.AssemblySeq field changes. Parameters Name piProposedAssemblySeq ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed Job Assembly value The InspParam data set

This method validates the JobNum, then updates related fields: This method should be run when the InspParam.JobNum field changes. Parameters Name pcProposedJobNum ds Type String Description The new proposed JobNum value The InspParam data set

This method validates the piProposedOprSeq, then updates related fields: This method should be run when the InspParam.OprSeq field changes.


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Parameters Name piProposedOprSeq ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed Job Operation Sequence value The InspParam data set

This method validates the non conformance transaction ID, then updates related fields This method should be run when the InspParam.NCMTranID field changes. Parameters Name pcProposedNCMTranID ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed NCMTranID value The InspParam data set

This method validates the piProposedPartNum, then updates related fields. This method should be run when the InspParam.PartNum field changes. Parameters Name piProposedPartNum ds Type String Description The new proposed PartNum value The InspParam data set

This method validates the Proposed Specification ID, then updates related fields: This method should be run when the InspPlanSampleLst.SpecID field changes. Parameters Name piProposedSpecID ds Type String Description The new proposed specification id value The InspParam data set

This method processes the Proposed Specification Revision, then updates related fields: This method should be run when the InspParam.SpecRev field changes.

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Parameters Name piProposedSpecRev ds Type String Description The new proposed specification revision value The InspParam data set

This method should be called prior to calling the GenerateResults method. It will validate InspParam data and check for existing InspResults records. Parameters Name ds inspPlanNum inspRevNum specID specRevNum inspectQty existsMessage key1 key2 key3 key4 key5 dateStamp timeStamp String String String String Int32 String@ String@ String@ String@ String@ String@ String@ Int32@ Type Description The InspParam data set Inspection Plan Number. Inspection Revision Number. Specification ID. Specification revision number. Inspection Quantity. Message to be displayed to user. Key1 value to use for InspResults retrieval Key2 value to use for InspResults retrieval Key3 value to use for InspResults retrieval Key4 value to use for InspResults retrieval Key5 value to use for InspResults retrieval InspectDate to use for InspResults retrieval InspectTime to use for InspResults retrieval.

Generate Columns that will be displayed in the grid Parameters Name inSpecID inSpecRevNum inInspPlanPartNum inInspPlanRevNum Type String String String String Description The specification ID The specification revision number The inspection plan part number The inspection plan revision number


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Retrieve records that will be displayed in the grid. Parameters Name ds relatedRowID Returns String Type Description The InspParam data set RowID of the InspResults record.

Gets a new LbrScrapSerialNumbers record for current InspParam Parameters Name ds Type Description Labor data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.InternalPartCrossRef: This business object contains 18 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record


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QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

When Changing PartRef.MaskPrefix or Suffix field. Parameters Name icValue icPorC ds Type String String Description MaskPrefix or MaskSuffix value Which one to check The InternalPartCrossRef dataset

When Changing PartRef.PartNum field.

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Parameters Name iPartNum sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch Type String@ String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Part Number Reference RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

When Changing PartRef.SNMask field. Parameters Name iSNMask ds Type String Description Serial Mask ID The InternalPartCrossRef dataset

When Changing PartRef.SNOverride field. Parameters Name iSNOverride ds Type String Description Override Mask The InternalPartCrossRef dataset

When Changing PartRef.XRefPartNum field. Parameters Name iXRefPartNum ds Type String Description Part Number Reference The InternalPartCrossRef dataset

Get all Internal Part References for a given Part
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Parameters Name iPartNum ds Type String Description Part Number The CustomerPartXRef dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IntgWorkbench: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Given a list of Groups/Objects we will delete the IntQueIn and all the IM records related to each one of them. Parameters Name Type Description

ipRelatedToFile String List of Groups/Objects (suing the RelatedToFile field as code) to be deleted. Valid Values = APInvHed,InvcHead,Customer,Supplier,Vendor,Part,CustCnt,POHeader,RcvHead,GLJrnHed,Currency,Cur

To retrieve the list of errors from failed attempts to import data from external systems. This allows a UI to combine onto one screen the 18 browses of the separate maintenance programs in the External Systems Integration / Operations menu in Vantage v6.10. Note that separate BOs are used for viewing / updating the details of each type (table); this BO only provides the list of rows needing attention, with minimal description intended to be sufficient for labeling nodes in a tree view. It should be possible for the UI to construct calls to GetByID() in the appropriate BO to load the appropriate sheet for any of the different types. There is an input parameter for each of these types, for which there should be a corresponding checkbox. The rows for a given type will only be fetched if its corresponding input is TRUE.


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Parameters Name pcRelatedToList whereClauseIntQueIn pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns IntgWorkbench dataset. Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Returns TRUE if there are more pages. Description (optional)A tilde-delimited list of values for the RelatedTo field to match. (optional)Where conditions for the IntQueIn* tables.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.InvcGrp: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Sets the user lock on the Current group. This method also run GetByID.. Parameters Name groupID ds Type String Description Group ID. Invoice Entry data set.

This method should ONLY be called for RMA processing. It creates a group with a groupid of RMACRREQ. This group cannot be updated. Returns Invoice Entry data set.

This methods should be called to validate the new apply date entered by the user. Parameters Name groupID Type String Description Group ID.


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Name newApplyDate ds

Type Nullable{System.DateTime}

Description New Apply Date. Invoice Entry data set.

This methods should be called to validate the new invoice date entered by the user. Parameters Name groupID newInvoiceDate ds Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Group ID. New invoice date. Invoice Entry data set.

Posts the invoices for a group. Parameters Name groupID invoicesGenerated errorMessage legalNumberMessage Type String String@ String@ String@ Description Group ID. Invoices and legal numbers generated. Error messages generated. Legal number messages generated.

This method should be called before Invoices for a group are posted. If the GL is not interfaced the user will be asked to continue Y/N. If they choose N, the PostInvoices method should not be called. Parameters Name ipTCOnline glMessage glWarning ds Type Boolean String@ String@ Description Tax Connect status. Error messages generated. Warning message. Invoice Entry data set.

Resets the user lock on the old group. Needs to be called on a change of group and when the screen closes. This method does not affect the temp table, only the database table.

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Parameters Name priorGroupID ds Type String Description Prior Group ID. Invoice Entry data set.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.InventoryQtyAdj: This business object contains 16 methods.

To test on hand quantity of the bin - i.e. whether it will go negative. Call this method on change of Quantity. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pdTranQty pcNeqQtyAction Type String String String String String Decimal Decimal String@ Description Part Number Warehouse Code Bin Number Lot Number From UNIT OF MEASURE (old Dimension Code) Obsolete Dimension Conversion Factor Quantity (in stocking uom) Valid values are STOP, NONE or ASK User. If Ask User, the user can decide to go ahead with the update even if the qty is negative Error message passed back from the business logic.

pcMessage Returns pcNeqQtyActionpcMessage


Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record

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QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Determines if serial numbers are required for this transaction Parameters Name partNum warehouseCode serialNumbersRequired Type String String Boolean@ Description Part Number Warehouse Code Serial Numbers Required Flag

Gets the default values for the InventoryQtyAdj data table based on the part number entered. Parameters Name partnumber uomCode Returns Inventory qty adj data set Type String String Description Part number to adjust. UOM Code (only used for Product Codes)

Gets the default values for the browse section of the adjustment screen Parameters Name partNum wareHouseCode primaryBin Type String String String@ Description Part number for the adjustment. Warehouse code used to get bin information. Part Warehouse's Primary Bin.

Returns Browse for inventory qty adj data set

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes


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Parameters Name partNum sysRowID rowType uomCode serialWarning questionString multipleMatch Type String@ String String String@ String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. UOM Code (only used for Product Codes) Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset Type Description Inventory qty adj data set

Checks Part's type and returns warning message if the part is a Sales Kit. Parameters Name partNum kitMessage Type String String@ Description Part number. Message to warn that Kits shouldn't have stock quantities.

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called.

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Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Type Description Inventory qty adj data set Indicates if the legal number requires user input

Create Part Tran records from the Inventory QtyAdj dataset. If Serial numbers are entered, SerialNo records and SNTran records are created. If the Serial number format is changed, the Part table will be updated with the information provided in the SNFormat data table. Parameters Name ds partTranPKs String@ Type Description Inventory qty adj data set Inventory qty adj data set

Validates that a single serial number is valid for this transaction Parameters Name ds serialNumber isVoided String Boolean@ Type Description Inventory qty adj data set Serial number to validate. Serial Number Voided flag

Epicor.Mfg.BO.InvoiceIStatTrn: This business object contains 6 methods.

Gets the InvoiceIStatTrn record for an APInvDtl record. Parameters Name inVendorNum inInvoiceNum inInvoiceLine forTracker Type Int32 String Int32 Boolean Description The vendor number of the invoice detail line The invoice number of the invoice detail line The line number of the invoice detail line This flag indicates that this function is called for Tracker


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Returns The InvoiceIStatTrn data set

Gets the InvoiceIStatTrn record for an AR InvcDtl record. Parameters Name inInvoiceNum inInvoiceLine forTracker Returns The InvoiceIStatTrn data set Type Int32 Int32 Boolean Description The invoice number of the invoice detail line The line number of the invoice detail line This flag indicates that this function is called for Tracker

Method to call when changing the commodity code. Validates the code and updates CommodityCodeDescription field for the code. Parameters Name proposedCommodityCode ds Type String Description The proposed commodity code The InvoiceIStatTrn data set

Method to call when changing the FOB code. Validates the code and updates FOBDescription field for the code. Parameters Name proposedFOB ds Type String Description The proposed FOB code The InvoiceIStatTrn data set

Method to call when changing the ship via code. Validates the code and updates ShipViaDescription field for the code. Parameters Name proposedShipViaCode ds Type String Description The proposed ship via code The InvoiceIStatTrn data set

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Updates/creates the IStatTrn record. Parameters Name ds Type Description The InvoiceIStatTrn data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.InvoiceReceiptMatch: This business object contains 9 methods.

Checks to see if GL interface is available before posting. Is run before the PostMatches method. A question is returned to ask the user if they want to continue with the post or not if the interface is not available. If the answer is no, the PostMatches method is not run. Parameters Name cContinuePostMsg Type String@ Description The text of the question to ask of the user

Get the APIRMtch records. Parameters Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The pageSize parameter The absolutePage parameter The morePages parameter

Returns A/P Invoice to Receipt matching data set

Get the InvoiceReceipt records from the list dataset. Parameters Name ds Type Description


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Returns Invoice to Receipt matching data set

This method returns the Data Schema records Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns AP Invoice Match List data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Where clause Page Size Absolute Page More Pages

This method gets the XRef information for a given supplier part Parameters Name partNum vendorNum poNum poLine purPoint packSlip packLine Returns The Supplier XRef data set Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Description Receipt Part Number Receipt Supplier Number PO Number PO Line Purchase Point packing Slip packing Line

Match an invoice and a receipt. Parameters Name cInvoiceNum iInvoiceLine iVendorNum cPurPoint Type String Int32 Int32 String Description The Invoice Number of the APInvoiceMatch record The Invoice Line Number of the APInvoiceMatch record The Vendor Number of the APInvcRcptDtlMatch record The Purchase Point of the APInvcRcptDtlMatch record

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Name cPackSlip iPackLine ds

Type String Int32

Description The Pack Slip of the APInvcRcptDtlMatch record The Pack Slip Line of the APInvcRcptDtlMatch record Invoice to Receipt matching data set

Returns A/P Invoice to Receipt matching data set

Post the Invoice/Receipt matches. Parameters Name ds cPostErrorLog cErrorLogMsg String@ String@ Type Description AP Invoice matching list data set The specific errors that occurred when posting If errors occurred, message to present the user to inform them

Returns AP Invoice matching list data set

This method sets the XRef fields for a supplier part Parameters Name ds Type Description The Supplier XRef data set

Unmatch an invoice and a receipt. Parameters Name cInvoiceNum iInvoiceLine iVendorNum cPurPoint cPackSlip iPackLine ds Type String Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Description The Invoice Number of the APInvcRcptDtlMatch record The Invoice Line of the APInvcRcptDtlMatch record The Vendor Number of the APInvcRcptDtlMatch record The Purchase Point of the APInvcRcptDtlMatch record The Pack Slip of the APInvcRcptDtlMatch record The Pack Slip Line of the APInvcRcptDtlMatch record Invoice to Receipt matching data set


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Returns A/P Invoice to Receipt matching data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.InvTransfer: This business object contains 21 methods.

To test on hand quantity of the bin - i.e. whether it will go negative. Call this method on change of Quantity. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pdTranQty pcNeqQtyAction Type String String String String String Decimal Decimal String@ Description Part Number Warehouse Code Bin Number Lot Number From UNIT OF MEASURE (old Dimension Code) Obsolete Dimension Conversion Factor Quantity (in stocking uom) Valid values are STOP, NONE or ASK User. If Ask User, the user can decide to go ahead with the update even if the qty is negative Error message passed back from the business logic.

pcMessage Returns pcNeqQtyActionpcMessage


Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last

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Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method will pull qty for the bin.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description Inventory Transfer data set

This method validate from warehouse. Parameters Name ds Type Description Inventory Transfer data set

Recalculates on hand qty when lot number changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Inventory Transfer data set

This method will pull qty for the TO bin. Parameters Name ds Type Description Inventory Transfer data set

This method validate to warehouse. Parameters Name ds Type Description Inventory Transfer data set

Recalculates on hand qty when the inventory transfer UOM changes.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description Inventory Transfer data set

This method will commit the inventory transfer . Serial numbers are passed from the serial number object through the ttSelectedSerialNumbers temptable. Parameters Name ds legalNumberMessage partTranPKs String@ String@ Type Description Inventory Transfer data set The legal number message to display to the user. Can be blank PartTran primary keys.

Based on the parameter AllBins, either all bins or only current bins will be returned in the Bins Data table. Parameters Name partNum allBins warehouseCode lotNum dimCode binList Type String String String String String String@ Description Part Number (current only). A for all bins or C for current warehouse. Warehouse code. Lot number (current only). UNIT OF MEASURE (old Dimension Code) List of bins and descriptions. The bins and descriptions are ` delimited, while the set of bins and descriptions are delimited by a ~.

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name partNum uomCode sysRowID Type String@ String@ String Description Proposed PartNumber change UOM Code (only used for Product Codes) RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value.


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Name rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch

Type String String@ String@ Boolean@

Description RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

Note: This method should be called when either the From or To Warehouse code changes. Purpose: Get the Part (From or To) Warehouse's Primary Bin when the Warehouse is changed. Parameters Name iPartNum iWarehouseCode primaryBin Type String String String@ Description Part Number WarehouseCode Ouput parameter which contains the Part Warehouse's Primary Bin

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset Type Description Inventory Transfer data set

This method creates a template transfer record . Gets defaults for the part to be transfered . Parameters Name iPartNum uomCode Returns Inventory Transfer data set Type String String Description Part Number UOM Code (only used for Product Codes)

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This method will return a record in the LegalNumberGenerate datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Type Description Inventory Transfer data set Indicates if the legal number requires user input

Validates that a single serial number is valid for this transaction Parameters Name ds serialNumber isVoided String Boolean@ Type Description Inventory Transfer data set Serial number to validate. Serial Number Voided flag

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IRWarehseSearch: This business object contains 1 methods.

This method returns a list of warehouses. In a STK type of transaction this search looks into PlantWhse table and returns the warehouses where the pcPartNum is defined. For other transaction types it looks into PlantShare table and returns the shared warehouses. Parameters Name pcTranType pcPartNum pcWarehseType Type String String String Description IssueReturn Transaction type PartNum involved in Issue / Return Valid values are From or To.

Returns List of warehouses - IRWarehseSearchDataSet


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturn: This business object contains 38 methods.

To test on hand quantity of the bin - i.e. whether it will go negative. Call this method on change of Quantity. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pdTranQty pcNeqQtyAction Type String String String String String Decimal Decimal String@ Description Part Number Warehouse Code Bin Number Lot Number From UNIT OF MEASURE (old Dimension Code) Obsolete Dimension Conversion Factor Quantity (in stocking uom) Valid values are STOP, NONE or ASK User. If Ask User, the user can decide to go ahead with the update even if the qty is negative Error message passed back from the business logic.

pcMessage Returns pcNeqQtyActionpcMessage


Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

List of jobs that can be selected for Mass Issue. Parameters Name whereClauseJobHead whereClauseJobAsmbl Type String String Description Where condition without the where word Where condition without the where word

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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description # of records returned. 0 means all

Are there more pages ? Yes/No

Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnJobAsmblDataSet

List of jobs that can be selected for Mass Issue. Parameters Name whereClauseJobHead pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description Where condition without the where word # of records returned. 0 means all

Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnJobListDataSet

Call this method to create a new Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet with default values. Parameters Name pcTranType pcMtlQueueRowID pCallProcess ds Type String String String Description Material movement type XXX-XXX e.g STK-MTL. It can be blank when a valid MtlQueue RowIdent is passed. Progress database RowId of MtlQueue record Calling Process IssueReturnDataSet

Call this method to create a new Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet with default values. Parameters Name pcFromJobNum piFromAssemblySeq pcTranType Type String Int32 String Description From Job number. From Assembly Seq. Material movement type XXX-XXX e.g STK-MTL


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Name pcMtlQueueRowID ds

Type String

Description Progress database rowid for MtlQueue record IssueReturnDataSet

Call this method to create a new Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet with default values. Parameters Name pcToJobNum piToAssemblySeq pcTranType pcMtlQueueRowID pcMessage ds Type String Int32 String String String@ Description To Job number. To Assembly Seq. Material movement type XXX-XXX e.g STK-MTL Progress database rowid for MtlQueue record Non-Error, informational message IssueReturnDataSet

This method creates multiple IssueReturnJobs rows using IssueReturnJobSearch dataset. Parameters Name pcTranType pcMtlQueueRowID pCallProcess ds pcMessage Returns IssueReturnDataSet String@ Type String String String Description Material movement type XXX-XXX e.g STK-MTL Progress database rowid for MtlQueue record Calling Process SelectedJobAsmblDataSet Non-Error, informational message

This method creates a new ttSelectedJobAsmbl row entry. Parameters Name ds Type Description SelectedJobAsmblDataSet

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This method creates multiple IssueReturnJobs rows using IssueReturnJobSearch dataset. Parameters Name pcTranType pcMtlQueueRowID ds pcMessage Returns IssueReturnDataSet String@ Type String String Description Material movement type XXX-XXX e.g STK-MTL Progress database rowid for MtlQueue record SelectedPartDataSet Non-Error, informational message

Call this method to create a new Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet with Part#. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcTranType pcMtlQueueRowID ds Type String String String Description Part number Material movement type XXX-XXX e.g STK-UKN Progress database rowid for MtlQueue record IssueReturnDataSet

This method creates a new ttSelectedParts row entry. Parameters Name ds Type Description SelectedPartDataSet

List of jobs that can be selected for Mass Issue. Parameters Name whereClauseJobHead whereClauseJobAsmbl pageSize Type String String Int32 Description Where condition without the where word Where condition without the where word # of records returned. 0 means all


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Name absolutePage morePages

Type Int32 Boolean@


Are there more pages ? Yes/No

Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnJobAsmblDataSet

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset Type Description Issue Return data set

Call this method to set the Qty to the remaining unissued amount. Parameters Name ds Type Description IssueReturnDataSet

Sets ttIssueReturn fields for Unpick Parameters Name ds Type Description Issue Return data set

Validate if an assembly is valid for a job. if not returns false, otherwise returns true. Parameters Name pcJobNum piAssemblySeq plFound Type String Int32 Boolean@ Description Job Number A sequence number that uniquely identifies the JobAsmbl record within the JobNum. Found or not

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Check JobNum and return JobRelease and JobClosed Parameters Name ipJobNum opJobReleased opJobClosed opJobExists Type String Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Description JobNum which should check Job Released Job Closed Job exists

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.FromAssemblySeq changes. Parameters Name piFromAssemblySeq ds pCallProcess String Type Int32 Description From Assembly Seq IssueReturnDataSet Calling Process value

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.FromBinNum changes. Parameters Name plOverrideBinChange ds Type Boolean Description User said yes to bin changing msg IssueReturnDataSet

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.FromJobNum changes. Parameters Name pcFromJobNum ds pCallProcess String Type String Description From Job Number IssueReturnDataSet Calling Process value


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Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.FromJobNum changes. Parameters Name ds pCallProcess pcMessage String String@ Type Description IssueReturnDataSet Calling Process value Non-error, informational message

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.PartNum changes. Parameters Name ds pCallProcess String Type Description IssueReturnDataSet Calling Process value

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.LotNum changes. Parameters Name pcLotNum ds Type String Description Proposed LotNum value IssueReturnDataSet

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.PartNum changes. Parameters Name ds pCallProcess String Type Description IssueReturnDataSet Calling Process value

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.ToAssemblySeq changes.

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Parameters Name ds pCallProcess String Type Description IssueReturnDataSet Calling Process value

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.ToJobNum changes. Parameters Name ds pCallProcess pcMessage String String@ Type Description IssueReturnDataSet Calling Process value Non-Error, informational message

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.ToJobSeq changes. Parameters Name ds pCallProcess pcMessage String String@ Type Description IssueReturnDataSet Calling Process value Non-Error, informational message

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.PartNum changes. Parameters Name ds pCallProcess String Type Description IssueReturnDataSet Calling Process value

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.TranQty changes. This method performs validation on TranQty and sets the Issued Complete flag.


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Parameters Name pdTranQty ds Type Decimal Description Transaction Qty IssueReturnDataSet

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.UM changes. Parameters Name pUM ds Type String Description Transaction UOM IssueReturnDataSet

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.FromBinNum is changing. Parameters Name ds pcMessage String@ Type Description IssueReturnDataSet Warning if serial numbers have already been selected for another bin.

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSetjobseq (either to or from is changing) Parameters Name piJobSeq pcDirection pCallProcess ds Type Int32 String String Description JobSeq Direction Calling Process value IssueReturnDataSet

Perform Material Movement.

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Parameters Name plNegQtyAction ds legalNumberMessage partTranPKs String@ String@ Type Boolean Description when TranQty changes, perform NegativeInventoryTest. Provide the answer of that test here. IssueReturnDataSet The legal number message. Can be blank. The PartTran primary keys.

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Type Description Issue Return data set Indicates if the legal number requires user input

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Validates that a single serial number is valid for this transaction Parameters Name ds serialNumber isVoided String Boolean@ Type Description Issue Return data set Serial number to validate. Serial Number Voided flag


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.IStatTrn: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Method to call to get validate the IStatTrnExportParam record for the generic or Iris export. May return a warning message to inform the user that there are unposted entries outside the fiscal period/date range or that there aren't any posted entries in the given fiscal period/date range. This is informational only and does not prevent the user from continuing. Parameters Name ds warningText String@ Type Description IStat Transaction Export data set The warning text. May be blank.

Method to call to get an IStatTrnExportParam record to obtain export parameters for the Generic Export. Returns IStat Transaction Export data set Method to call to get an IStatTrnExportParam record to obtain export parameters for the Iris Export. Returns IStat Transaction Export data set

Method to call to perform the export process for the generic or Iris export. Returns a dataset containing all the records that are to be exported.


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Parameters Name ds Returns IStat Transaction Export data set Type Description

Return a list of the export sort by options. Only needs to be called for generic exports. Parameters Name cSortByList Type String@ Description The Sort By List.

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Chapter 10: J
Epicor.Mfg.BO.JCDept: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JCShift: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Calculate the length between the times in JCShift. Parameters Name ds Type Description The JCShift data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobAddlInfo: This business object contains 10 methods. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.

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Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Returns Job Add Info details Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq ipOprSeq ipCrewCount Returns Job Add Info data set Returns Operations data set Returns Operations data set Returns Resource Groups data set Returns Resource Groups data set Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 Description Job number Assembly Seq Opr Seq Crew Count

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobAdjustment: This business object contains 25 methods.

This method should be run when any of the follwing fields change on the job material adustment sheet to recalcuate the extended unit cost; ttJATrans.MtlUnitCost ttJATrans.BurUnitCost ttJATrans.LbrUnitCost ttJATrans.SubUnitCost ttJATrans.MtlBurUnitCost Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Adjustment data set

This method needs to be called when the Assembly changes on the material sheet.


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Parameters Name laborAssmSeq ds Type Int32 Description LaborDtl.AssemblySeq Job Adjustment data set

This method should be invoked when the complete flag changes . Parameters Name laborDtlComplete ds Type Boolean Description LaborDtl.complete Job Adjustment data set

This method changes the name of the employee when the employee number changes. Parameters Name laborDtlEmployeeNum ds Type String Description LaborDtl.EmployeeNum Job Adjustment data set

This method validates the job number and resets the assembly and operation . This validation is also performed when the transaction is committed. Parameters Name laborDtlJobNum ds Type String Description LaborDtl.JobNum Job Adjustment data set

This method needs to be called when the operation on the Labor sheet changes. It validates the sequences and pulls in some defaults . Parameters Name laborDtlOprSeq Type Int32 Description LaborDtl.OprSeq

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Name ds


Description Job Adjustment data set

Run this method when the labor type changes. Valid labor types are 's' setup or 'p' production. This method will also set the ' complete ' flag appropiately. Parameters Name ttJALaborDtlLaborType ds Type String Description ttJALaborDtl.LaborType Job Adjustment data set

This method needs to be called when the Assembly changes on the material sheet. Parameters Name mtlAssmSeq ds Type Int32 Description PartTran.AssemblySeq Job Adjustment data set

This method should be run when the extended cost changes on the adjust material sheet. Parameters Name ttJATransExtCost ds Type Decimal Description PartTran.ExtCost Job Adjustment data set

This method should be invoked when the material changes. This method will find the associated JobMtl record and reset the defaults. Parameters Name partTranJobSeq ds Type Int32 Description PartTran.JobSeq Job Adjustment data set


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This method should be invoked when the material changes. This method will find Parameters Name partTranJobNum ds Type String Description parttran.JobNum Job Adjustment data set

Run this method after the TranQty on the JobMaterial sheet is changed. This method will recalculate totals for the new tran amount. Parameters Name ttJATransTranQty ds Type Decimal Description ttJATrans.TranQty Job Adjustment data set

This method needs to be called when the Assembly changes on the subcontract sheet. It clears out the JobSeq. Parameters Name ttJATransAssemblySeq ds Type Int32 Description PartTran.AssemblySeq Job Adjustment data set

Run this method after the ExtCost is changed on the Subcontract sheet. This method will recalculate the total for SubUnitCost. Parameters Name ttJATransExtCost ds Type Decimal Description parttran.ExtCost Job Adjustment data set

This method validates the job number and resets the assembly and operation . This validation is also performed when the transaction is committed.

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Parameters Name ttJATransJobNum ds Type String Description PartTran.JobNum Job Adjustment data set

This method should be invoked when the Job Operation (JobSeq) on the SubContract sheet changes. This method will find . Parameters Name ttJATransJobSeq ds Type Int32 Description PartTran.JobSeq Job Adjustment data set

Run this method after the TranQty is changed on the Subcontract sheet. This method will recalculate totals for the new Unit Cost. Parameters Name ttJATransTranQty ds Type Decimal Description PartTran.TranQty Job Adjustment data set

Run this method after the SubUnitCost is changed on the Subcontract sheet. This method will recalculate the ExtCost. Parameters Name ttJATransSubUnitCost ds Type Decimal Description PartTran.SubUnitCost Job Adjustment data set

This method will validate and commit the Labor record . Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Adjustment data set


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This method will validate and commit the Material adjustment record . Before this is run, it is assumed that the ChangeMtlTranQty, ChangeMtlJobNum, ChangeMtlJobMtl, ChangeMtlExtCost or CalcUnitCost were invoked on leave of a the related field. Parameters Name ds legalNumberMessage String@ Type Description Job Adjustment data set The generated legal number message

This method should be run to commit the SubContract adjustoment. Parameters Name ds legalNumberMessage String@ Type Description Job Adjustment data set The generated legal number message

This method will return a record in the LegalNumberGenerate datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Type Description Job Adjustment data set Indicates if the legal number requires user input

This method will return a record in the LegalNumberGenerate datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Type Description Job Adjustment data set Indicates if the legal number requires user input

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Business Object Reference Guide

Use this method to start the Adjusment process . Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Adjustment data set

Returns TRUE if Part Quantity Reporting is allowed for a given operation. Notes: In order to be allowed the following conditions must be meet. 1. Must be final assembly (AssemblySeq = 0) 2. Must be the final operation. 3. Job must have more that one end part defined or has one or more Parts with PartPerOp > 1 Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq ipOprSeq Type String Int32 Int32 Description Job number Assembly Sequence number Operation Sequence number

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobAsmblCosts: This business object contains 1 methods.

Retrieves the Hours and Costs for a Job Assembly Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq Returns JobAsmblCosts data set Type String Int32 Description Job Number Assembly Sequence

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobAsmSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobClosing: This business object contains 13 methods.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

To test on hand quantity of the bin - i.e. whether it will go negative. Call this method on change of Quantity. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pdTranQty pcNeqQtyAction Type String String String String String Decimal Decimal String@ Description Part Number Warehouse Code Bin Number Lot Number From UNIT OF MEASURE (old Dimension Code) Obsolete Dimension Conversion Factor Quantity (in stocking uom) Valid values are STOP, NONE or ASK User. If Ask User, the user can decide to go ahead with the update even if the qty is negative Error message passed back from the business logic.

pcMessage Returns pcNeqQtyActionpcMessage


This method exists soley for the purpose of allowing security for availability of the close job field to be defined.

Call this method to close or complete the job. The Job database is not updated till this method is successfully executed.


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Parameters Name ds pcMessage String@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobClosingDataSet non error, informational message returned from the server

Call this method when it is necessary to know in UI if the Serial Matching option should be enabled. Parameters Name ds plEnable Boolean@ Type Description Contains Job closing data. To indicate if Serial Matching option in UI should or should not be enabled

Returns a new , empty Call JobClosingDataSet row. Parameters Name ds Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobClosingDataSet

This method creates a new JobClosingListDataSet row entry. Parameters Name ds Type Description Input dataset contains the jobs selected by the user.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobClosingDataSet.JobClosed changes.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description Contains Job closing data.

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobClosingDataSet.JobComplete changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Contains Job closing data.

Call this method when the user selects a job. This method populates the Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobClosingDataSet dataset with Job , JobOper and JobMtl information. Parameters Name pcJobNum ds pcMessage String@ Type String Description Job # selected Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobClosingDataSet informational message returned to the user to let him or her know why the job cannot be closed.

This method will return a record in the LegalNumberGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Type Description Contains Job closing data. Indicates if the legal number requires user input

Call this method when the user selects multiple jobs. This method populates the Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobClosingDataSet dataset with Job , JobOper and JobMtl information.


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Parameters Name ds Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobClosingDataSet Type Description Input dataset contains the jobs selected by the user.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobClosingCd: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobEntry: This business object contains 219 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.


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Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

To test on hand quantity of the bin - i.e. whether it will go negative. Call this method on change of Quantity. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pdTranQty pcNeqQtyAction Type String String String String String Decimal Decimal String@ Description Part Number Warehouse Code Bin Number Lot Number From UNIT OF MEASURE (old Dimension Code) Obsolete Dimension Conversion Factor Quantity (in stocking uom) Valid values are STOP, NONE or ASK User. If Ask User, the user can decide to go ahead with the update even if the qty is negative Error message passed back from the business logic.

pcMessage Returns pcNeqQtyActionpcMessage


Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Business Object Reference Guide

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns



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Parameters Name ipJobAsmblRowID ipOPCode ipNewOprSeq ipReturn opShowmsg Type String String Int32 Boolean Boolean@ Description

Creates new JobMtlRefDes records based on the JobMtl dataset fields. Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAsmSeq ipMtlSeq ipPrefix ipStartNum ipEndNum ipSuffix ds Type String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Int32 String Description The Job Number The Job Assembly The Job Material Seq The Prefix to be used to create Reference Designators The Starting Number to create Reference Designators The Ending Number to create Reference Designators The Suffix to be used to create Reference Designators The Job Entry data set

This method exists solely for the purpose of allowing security for unchecking the AllowJobCosts flag

This method takes the records built in BuildAppendDetails that are marked as append and writes them to the database. It will return the updated dataset. Parameters Name ds targetJob targetAsm sourceFile keyOne keyTwo String Int32 String String String Type Description Temporary tables for Append details Target Job Number Target Job AssemblySeq Indicates where the details are being appended from. Either Quote, Job or Method Unique key field one for Quote or Method source Unique key field two for Quote or Method source

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name keyThree errorList Returns Job Entry data set

Type String String@

Description Unique key field three for Method source (is blank for quote source) Returns a message listing any parts in error

This method returns the information that can be appened for approval Parameters Name sourceFile keyOne keyTwo keyThree targetJob targetAsm Type String String String String String Int32 Description Source of the append details, Quote, Job or Method First key field of source Second key field of source Third key field of source Target Job Num Target Assembly

Returns Temporary tables for Append details

This methods builds a list of linked warehouses for the jobprod records. Parameters Name ipJobProdRowid opWhseList ds Type String String@ Description The rowid of the JobProd record to build the warehouses for The resulting warehouse list Job Entry data set

This method updates the calculation for the Estimated Material Burden Unit Cost, (JobMtl.EstMtlBurUnitCost) field. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set


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This method should be invoked when the Equip ID changes. Validates the EQUIPID and refreshes linked fields. Parameters Name equipID ds Type String Description Proposed equipment id The Job Entry data set

This method should be invoked when the IssueTopics changes. Validates and sets the individual IssueTopic fields. Parameters Name topics ds Type String Description Proposed topics string id The Job Entry data set

This method is called when the user has changed the JobAsmbl.Direct field. This methods is currently not working. This method needs to check for a remote warehouse, if errors then set the JobAsmbl.Direct flag to true and then set the warehouse. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method calculates the Estimated Unit Cost and Material Burden Unit Cost. This method is called when the user has changed one of the Unit Cost Breakdown fields: JobAsmbl.EstMtlUnitCost/EstLbrUnitCost/EstBurUnitCost/EstSubUnitCost. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method calculates the Estimated Material Burden Unit Cost. This method is called when the user has changed the JobAsmbl.EstUnitCost field.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This methods updates the JobAsmbl Material Burden Rate. This method should run when the JobAsmbl.MtlBurRate changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This methods updates the JobAsmbl Related Operation Description. This method should run when the JobAsmbl.RelatedOperation field changes. Parameters Name iProposedRelatedOperation ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed JobAsmbl.RelatedOperation value Job Entry data set

This methods updates the JobAsmbl Required Quantity. This method should run when the JobAsmbl.OverRunQty field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method validates the new Parent field and populates defaults assoicated witht the Parent. This method should run when the JobAsmbl.Parent field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set


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This method validates the JobAsmbl.PartNum and defaults fields associated with the partnum. This method should run when the JobAsmbl.PartNum field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This methods updates the JobAsmbl Required Quantity. This method should run when the JobAsmbl.QtyPer field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This methods updates the JobAsmbl Drawing Number and creates drawing records. This method should run when the JobAsmbl.OverRunQty field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

Verify that there are no other JobMtlRefDes records in the assembly having the same RefDes value if the JobAsmbl.ValRefDes = true. This method should run before changing the JobAsmbl.ValRefDes. Parameters Name ipProposedValResDes ds Type Boolean Description The new proposed JobAsmbl.ValRefDes value The Job Entry data set

This methods updates the JobAsmbl Available Quantity. This method should run when the JobAsmbl.WarehouseCode field changes.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This methods assigns JobAsmbl.RDEndNum field when JobAsmbl.ReqRefDes changes. This method should run when the JobAsmbl.ReqRefDes changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry dataset

This methods assigns associated fields when JobAsmblRestriction.RestrictionTypeID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description JobEntry dataset

Called when the user changes the Manual field at the Job Assembly Restriction. Parameters Name checkManual ds Type Boolean Description Indicates if the Restriction is Manual Compliant JobEntry dataset.

This methods assigns associated fields when JobAsmblRestrictSubst.SubstanceID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description JobEntry dataset

This method potentially updates the JobHead.JobReleased field and the ttJobHead.EnableJobFirm This method should run when the JobHead.JobEngineered field changes.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method potentially updates the JobHead.JobEngineered field and the ttJobHead.EnableJobFirm This method should run when the JobHead.JobReleased field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method validates the JobHead.PartNum and defaults fields associated with the partnum. This method should run when the JobHead.PartNum field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method should run when the JobHead.PersonID field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method updates the JobHead Required Due Date field This method should run when the JobHead.PhaseID field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method should run when the JobHead.ProdCode field changes.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method should run when the JobHead.ProdTeamID field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method should run when the JobHead.ProjectID field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method updates the JobHead Drawing number and creates drawing records. This method should run when the JobHead.RevisionNum field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method updates fields associated with the JobMtl.Backflush field This method should run when the JobMtl.Backflush field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method updates the JobMtl Unit Price. This method should run when the JobMtl.Billable field changes.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method updates numerous fields associated with the JobMtl.BuyIt field This method should run when the JobMtl.BuyIt field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method changes the display unit prices based on the flipping of the JobMtl.CurrencySwitch field This method should run when the JobMtl.CurrencySwitch external field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method updates fields associated with the JobMtl direct flag. This method should run when the JobMtl.Direct field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method calculates the db unit price fields when the external display unit price changes. This method should run when the JobMtl.DisplayUnitPrice field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

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This method calculates the Estimated Salvage Unit Credit and Salvage Material Burden Unit Credit. This method is called when the user has changed one of the Salvage Unit Credit Breakdown fields: JobMtl.SalvageEstMtlUnitCredit/SalvageEstLbrUnitCredit/ SalvageEstBurUnitCredit/SalvageEstSubUnitCredit. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method updates the JobMtl Required Quantity and price breaks This method should run when the JobMtl.EstScrap field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method updates the JobMtl Required Quantity and price breaks This method should run when the JobMtl.EstScrapType field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method calculates the Estimated Unit Cost and Material Burden Unit Cost. This method is called when the user has changed one of the Unit Cost Breakdown fields: JobMtl.EstMtlUnitCost/EstLbrUnitCost/EstBurUnitCost/EstSubUnitCost. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method updates the JobMtl Required Quantity and price breaks and if FixedQty is true then JobMtl.EstScrap = 0 This method should run when the JobMtl.FixedQty field changes.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

procedure for changing JobMtl.IUM field Parameters Name ipProposedIUM ds Type String Description The proposed IUM. Job Entry data set

This method validates if transaction exists and updates fields based on value of Misc. Charge flag. This method should run when the JobMtl.MiscCharge field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method updates the JobMtl.EstMtlBurUnitCost This method should run when the JobMtl.MtlBurRate field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method validates the JobMtl.PartNum and defaults fields associated with the partnum. This method should run when the JobMtl.PartNum field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

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This method should run when the JobMtl.Plant field changes. This method determines the default JobMtl.WarehouseCode associated with the new JobMtl.Plant. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method recalculates the JobMtl Display Extended Price This method should run when the JobMtl.PricePerCode field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method runs vendor price break logic and sets RcvInspectionReq when JobMtl.PurPoint changes This method should run when the JobMtl.PurPoint field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method calculates the JobMtl Required Quantity when the JobMtl Quantity Per changes. This method should run when the JobMtl.QtyPer field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method checks the vendor and partclass to see if inspection is required This method should run when the JobMtl.RcvInspectionReq field changes.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method validates the JobMtl Related Operation field, sets the Estimated Scrap, and calculates the Required Quantity. This method should run when the JobMtl.RelatedOperation field changes. Parameters Name iProposedRelatedOperation ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed JobMtl.RelatedOperation value Job Entry data set

This methods assigns JobMtl.RDEndNum field when JobMtl.ReqRefDes changes. This method should run when the JobMtl.ReqRefDes changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry dataset

This methods assigns associated fields when JobMtlRestriction.RestrictionTypeID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description JobEntry dataset

This method sets the RFQVendQuotes field to zero if RFQNeeded flag is false. This method should run when the JobMtl.RFQNeeded field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

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This methods updates the JobMtl Salvage Est Material Burden Unit Credit. This method should run when the JobMtl.SalvageMtlBurRate changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This methods assigns associated fields when ECOMtl.SalvagePartNum changes. This method should run when the ECOMtl.SalvagePartNum changes. Parameters Name ipProposedSalvagePartNum ds Type String Description The new proposed ECOMtl.SalvagePartNum value Job Entry data set

This method calculates the Salvage Estimated Material Burden Unit Credit. This method is called when the user has changed the JobMtl.SalvageUnitCredit field. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This methods assigns associated fields when JobMtlRestrictSubst.SubstanceID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description JobEntry dataset

This method runs vendor price break logic and sets RcvInspectionReq when JobMtl.VendorNumVendorID changes and validates the jobmtl.vendornumvendorid and assigns the associated fields. This method should run when the JobMtl.VendorNumVendorID field changes.


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Parameters Name ipProposedVendorNumVendorID ds Type String Description The proposed supplier id. Job Entry data set

Method to call when changing the Capability ID. This method will update JobOpDtl to see if the labor and burden rates need to be reset. Blank is a valid entry for Capability ID. Parameters Name proposedCapID ds Type String Description The proposed Capability ID The JobEntry data set

This method recalculates the Estimated Setup Hours when Estimated Setup Hours Per Machine changes. This method should run when the JobOpDtl.EstSetHoursPerMch field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method calculates Estimated Production Hours when the OpsPerPart field changes. This method should run when the JobOpDtl.OpsPerPart field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

Method to call when changing the Override Rates Flag. This method will update JobOpDtl with the default labor and burden rates from the appropriate resource or resource group if the JobOpDtl.OverrideRates is set to false. Parameters Name ds Type Description The JobEntry data set

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This method recalculates the Estimated Production Hours when ProdStandard changes. This method should run when the JobOpDtl.ProdStandard field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

Method to call when changing the Resource Group ID. This method will update JobOpDtl with the default labor and burden rates from the new resource group. Blank is a valid entry for Resource Group ID. Parameters Name proposedResGrpID ds Type String Description The proposed Resource Group ID The Job Entry data set

Method to call when changing the Resource ID. This method will update JobOpDtl with the default labor and burden rates from the new resource. Blank is a valid entry for Resource ID. Parameters Name proposedResourceID ds Type String Description The proposed Resource ID The JobEntry data set

This method recalculates the Estimated Production Hours when StdBasis changes. This method should run when the JobOpDtl.StdBasis field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method recalculates the Estimated Production Hours when StdFormat changes. This method should run when the JobOpDtl.StdFormat field changes.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method calculates the Labor Rate and Unit Price when the Billable flag changes. This method should run when the JobOper.Billable field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method changes the display unit prices based on the flipping of the JobOPer.CurrencySwitch field This method should run when the JobOper.CurrencySwitch external field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method runs logic to calculate the doc price fields and the display extended price. This method should run when the JobOper.UnitPrice field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method calculates Unit Price and Billable Unit Price when Doc Unit Price changes. This method should run when the JobOper.DocUnitPrice field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

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This method updates the Estimated Production Hours, rate fields, and Production Standard along with others. This method should run when the JobOper.EstLabHours field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method calculates Production and Scrap Quantities and estimate producition hours. This method should run when the JobOper.EstScrap field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method calculates Production and Scrap Quantities and estimate producition hours. This method should run when the JobOper.EstScrapType field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method calculates the estimated labor hours when Job Type = "SRV" and update the display fields for service amount and labor amount. This method should run when the JobOper.EstSetHoursPerMch field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

procedure for changing JobOper.IUM field Parameters Name ipProposedIUM Type String Description The proposed IUM.


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Name ds


Description Job Entry data set

Will default the necessary fields when changing the LaborEntryMethod field Parameters Name iLaborEntryMethod ds Type String Description Proposed value for LaborEntryMethod field The Job entry data set

This method updates the fields associated with the changing of the machines, EstLabHours should change. This method should run when the JobOper.Machines field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method sets Labor Rates when the JobOper.OpCode changes. This method should run when the JobOper.OpCode field changes. Parameters Name proposedOpCode refreshMessage ds Type String String@ Description The proposed Operation Code The refresh message text The Job entry data set

Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method calculates Estimated Production Hours when the OpsPerPart field changes. This method should run when the JobOper.OpsPerPart field changes.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method defaults the new setup and production values when the Operation Standard ID changes. This method should run when the JobOper.OpStdID field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method validates the JobOper.PartNum and defaults fields associated with the partnum. This method should run when the JobOper.PartNum field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method recalculates the JobOper Display Extended Price when PricePerCode changes. This method should run when the JobOper.PricePerCode field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method defaults/resets the production standards when selecting Primary Production Operation Detail. This method should run when the JobOper.PrimaryProdOpDtl field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set


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This method defaults/resets the setup values when selecting Primary Setup Operation Detail. This method should run when the JobOper.PrimarySetupOpDtl field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method recalculates teh Estimated Production Hours when ProdStandard changes. This method should run when the JobOper.ProdStandard field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method determines price breaks and check if inspection is required. This method should run when the JobOper.PurPoint field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method calculates the production scrap, determines vendor price breaks, and updates the display extended price. This method should run when the JobOper.QtyPer field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method runs logic to determine if inspection is required. This method should run when the JobOper.RcvInspection field changes.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

Parameters Name ipProposedSNRequired ds Type Boolean Description The new proposed JobOper.SNRequiredOpr value The Job entry data set

Parameters Name Type Description The new proposed JobOper.SNRequiredOprSubConShip value The Job entry data set

ipProposedSNRequiredSubConShip Boolean ds

This method runs logic to calculate the estimated production hours. This method should run when the JobOper.StdBasis field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method runs logic to calculate the estimated production hours. This method should run when the JobOper.StdFormat field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method runs logic to calculate the doc price fields and the display extended price. This method should run when the JobOper.UnitPrice field changes.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method runs logic to set the purchase points, calculate the price breaks, and checks to see if inspection is required. This method should run when the JobOper.VendorNumVendorID field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This methods assigns associated fields when JobOperRestriction.RestrictionTypeID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description JobEntry dataset

This methods assigns associated fields when JobOperRestrictSubst.SubstanceID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description JobEntry dataset

This method validates the JobPart.PartNum and defaults fields associated with the partnum. This method should run when the JobPart.PartNum field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method runs public method CheckJobProdQtyJob to validate quantities. This method should run when the JobProd.MakeToJobQty field changes.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method runs logic to set the stock and order WIP quantities This method should run when the JobProd.MakeToStockQty field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method runs logic determine what fields can have value based on the MakeToType and runs logic to set the stock and order WIP quantities. This method should run when the JobProd.MakeToType field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method runs sets the OrderRelNum to zero when OrderLine changes. This method should run when the JobProd.OrderLine field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method runs logic to numerous associated fields to blank or zero based on a new OrderNum. This method should run when the JobProd.OrderNum field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set


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This method runs logic to validate if a link exists, update the Production Quantity, set stock and order WIP quantities, and validate if direct has been selected. This method should run when the JobProd.OrderRelNum field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method runs public method CheckJobProdProdQty to validate quantities. This method should run when the JobProd.OurStockQty field changes. Parameters Name oMessage ds Type String@ Description Checking message The Job entry data set

This method runs public method CheckJobProdProdQty to validate quantities and set stock and order WIP quantities. This method should run when the JobProd.ProdQty field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method runs logic to clear detail sequence and populate the MakeToJobQty field. This method should run when the JobProd.TargetAssemblySeq field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method should run when the JobProd.TargetJobNum field changes.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method runs validation for links, assign values, and populate MakeToJobQty field This method should run when the JobProd.TargetMtlSeq field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This method should be invoked when the ResTopics changes. Validates and sets the individual ResTopic fields. Parameters Name topics ds Type String Description Proposed topics string id The Job Entry data set

This method runs logic to verify if supplier is approved. This should be called after adding/updating a demand link or adding/updating a subcontract operation. This method always needs a jobnumber inputted. However, ipJobOperRowid or ipJobProdRowid can either be blank. If ipJobOperRowid has value then this method will ignore any value in ipJobProdRowid. This method will output warning messages that may or may not exist. Parameters Name ipJobNum ipJobOperRowid ipJobProdRowid opWarningMsg Type String String String String@ Description The job number to check for approved suppliers. The rowid of subcontract operation to check. The rowid of the demand link to check. The potential warning message.

This method validates validates the new Parent field


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Parameters Name ipNewParent ds Type Int32 Description New Parent value to check against Job Entry data set

This method validates if transaction exists Parameters Name ipMiscCharge ds Type Boolean Description New Misc Charge Job Entry data set

This method validates the JobOper.PartNum This method should run when the JobOper.PartNum field changes. Parameters Name ipJobNum ipPartNum ipAssemblySeq Type String String Int32 Description The Job Number The New PartNum to validate against. The inputted Assembly Sequence to validate

This method runs logic to validate if a link exists, and validate if direct has been selected. Parameters Name ipNewOrderRelNum ds Type Int32 Description New OrderRelNum value to check against Job Entry data set

This method checks if a record to make the assembly direct already exists. Parameters Name ipNewTargetAssemblySeq ds Type Int32 Description New Target Assembly Number Job Entry data set

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This method checks to see if the target job is closed or not and returns a message if job is closed, also validates the jobnum Parameters Name ipNewTargetJobNum vMessage ds Type String String@ Description The New TargetJobNum to validate against. The returned message Job Entry data set

This method runs validation for links, assign values, and populate MakeToJobQty field This method should run when the JobProd.TargetMtlSeq field changes. Parameters Name ipNewTargetMtlSeq ds Type Int32 Description The New TargetMtlSeq to validate against. Job Entry data set

This method checks if a part must be configured prior to a GetDetails. Parameters Name jobNum sourcePart sourceRev targetAssembly findRevision configurationExists canGetDetails needsConfiguration Type String String String Int32 Boolean Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Description Job Number of the target Assembly Part Num to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") Revision number to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") Target Assembly If true the revision number will be looked up rather than using the sourceRev If true the configurator should be run on the Job for the Part/Rev If false, GetDetails will fail for a configuration reason that can't be resolve by reconfiguring now If true the configurator should be run on the Job for the Part/Rev


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Name configureRevision reasonMessage

Type String@ String@

Description The revision that should be configured (if configuration is needed) The reason or for the failure or need for configuration. This should be displayed to the user.

This method will check to see if an existing configuration exists for a configured part. This method should be called prior to calling the CheckConfiguration method. If the configurationExists is set to "true", then the reasonMessage should be displayed to the user. Parameters Name jobNum sourcePart sourceRev targetAssembly findRevision configurationExists configureRevision reasonMessage Type String String String Int32 Boolean Boolean@ String@ String@ Description Job Number of the target Assembly Part Num to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") Revision number to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") Target Assembly If true the revision number will be looked up rather than using the sourceRev If true the configurator should be run on the Job for the Part/Rev The revision that should be configured (if configuration is needed) The reason or for the failure or need for configuration. This should be displayed to the user.

This method determines if a job audit description needs to be entered into ttjobhead.changedescription to be stored in the jobaudit record. Call this before the update of the JobHead record. Parameters Name cCompany cJobNum lJobEng lJobRel lInCopy lSchedL Type String String Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Description Should the user to be prompted for change description? Should the user to be prompted for change description? Should the user to be prompted for change description? Should the user to be prompted for change description? Should the user to be prompted for change description? Should the user to be prompted for change description?

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Name lChkOff1 lChkOff2 lChkOff3 lChkOff4 lChkOff5 opChangeDescription

Type Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean@

Description Should the user to be prompted for change description? Should the user to be prompted for change description? Should the user to be prompted for change description? Should the user to be prompted for change description? Should the user to be prompted for change description? Should the user to be prompted for change description?

This method should run when the JobMtl.BuyIt field is changing. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

This method validates the Fixed Qty checkbox control on screen, according to Serial Numbers rules. Parameters Name ipProposedMtlPartNum ds Type String Description The new proposed ttJobMtl.PartNum value The JobEntry DataSet

This method validates for an invalid sequence for Operation of Subcontract Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq ipOprSeq vMessage Type String Int32 Int32 String@ Description The inputted Job Number to validate The inputted Assembly Sequence to validate The inputted Operation Sequence to validate The value of the message if invalid subcontract or operation sequence

This method validated the value of Primary Production Operation Detail. This method should run when the JobOper.PrimaryProdOpDtl is changing.


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Parameters Name ds ipPrimaryProdOpDtl Int32 Type Description The Job entry data set The new PrimaryProdOpDtl value to change to

This method validated the value of Primary Setup Operation Detail. This method should run when the JobOper.PrimarySetupOpDtl is changing. Parameters Name ds ipPrimarySetupOpDtl Int32 Type Description The Job entry data set The new PrimarySetupOpDtl value to change to

This method validates the JobPart.PartNum is not serial tracked. The rule is that additional JobPart records are not allowed to be serial tracked. Parameters Name ipProposedPartNum ds Type String Description The new proposed JobPart.PartNum value The Job entry data set

This method validates for an invalid if you can change the JobProd.MakeToType to the provided new value. Parameters Name ipChangeToType ds Type String Description The new maketotype value to change to Job Entry data set

This method validates the JobProd.ProdQty field and returns a message. Parameters Name dProposedProdQty Type Decimal Description The new proposed JobProd.ProdQty value

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Name vMessage ds

Type String@

Description The returned message Job Entry data set

This method checks the allocated material/assembly to see if short/over requested quantity and returns a message. Parameters Name vMessage ds Type String@ Description The returned message Job Entry data set

Parameters Name targetJob targetAsm targetMtl isEnabled Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Target Job Number Target Job AssemblySeq Target Job Mtl Make Direct Is Enabled

This method checks to see if there are any questions or issues with the part entered and returns a message, a part number and if any substitutes exist. Parameters Name ds partNum sysRowID skipXRefUpdate xrefPartNum xrefPartType vMsgText vSubAvail vMsgType String@ String Boolean String String String@ Boolean@ String@ Type Description JobEntryDataSet The input-output part number to validate and it gets returned SysRowID (used only after multiple match resolved) Skip part xref jobhead field update logic (true for asm and mtl) XRef Part Number (used only after multiple match resolved) XRef Part Type (used only after multiple match resolved) Potential message to return, will be blank Returned flag stating if substitutes exist for this part Type of message returned. Values can be; "Question" (asking if they want to use the substitute part) "Warning" (Warns them


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Description that a part is onhold or runout). "Error" (Part in Inactive, or Onhold/Runout parts are not accepted in this case) . "Question" is asking if they want to use the substitute part.



Multiple matches were found.

This method validates the project id and returns a question if you would like to proceed message. Parameters Name ipJobProdRowid vMessage ds Type String String@ Description The character rowid value of the JobProd to validate The returned message Job Entry data set

This method validates that the Plant of the job operation resources are the same as the job Maintenance Jobs are and exception, they can have resources of the Job Plant or Equipments Plant or the Plant Maintenance Plant Parameters Name cjobnum runOutWarning Type String String@ Description Job number Warning Message about RunOut Parts on Job. Client to display this as a warning only

This method checks the required due date and production quantity and returns a message asking if you would like to schedule if the conditions are met. Parameters Name cCompany cJobNum reqDueDate prodQty dueDate startDate jobEngineered Type String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Decimal Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Boolean Description The returned message The returned message The returned message The returned message The returned message The returned message The returned message

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Name vMessage

Type String@

Description The returned message

This method checks the total production quantity and returns messages if conditions exist and the returned message will contain 'do you want to continue?'. Depending on how/where it is called, the ipJobNum may be blank and the ipQuantity may be zero. Job Entry calls this on "changing" of the Engineered flag to true. In this case it passes the ipQuantity is zero since the jobs production demands are already known. During Job Manager, Create Job the ipJobNum is blank, but the ipQuantity of the demand is passed since this demand is yet in the job. Parameters Name ipJobNum ipPartNum ipQuantity vMessage Type String String Decimal String@ Description The job number to validate The part number to validate The quantity of the new Demand being added. The returned message

This method unlinks and deletes a jobprod record and returns the updated dataset Parameters Name ipJobProdRowid Type String Description The character rowid value of the JobProd to unlink

Returns Results of dataset with the jobprod record removed

The method will create a job when properly called from Planning Workbench. Parameters Name ipNewJobNum ipPartSugRowid ipGetDetails ipScheduleAll ipReleaseAll ipTravelerReadyToPrint Type String String Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Description The next/new job number to use. The rowid of the partsug record to create job for. The flag to get details. The flag to schedule all. The flag to release all. Indicates if the Traveler can be printed


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Name opCreatedJobNum

Type String@

Description The value of the created job number. If ipNewJobNum was blank then this would show the value of the generated job number. Potential error messages that did not cause processing to terminate.



The method deletes all assemblys and their subassemblys, materials and operations while leaving the base assembly sequence alone however removing the base assembly's material and operations. Parameters Name ipJobHeadRowid Returns Job Entry data set Type String Description The JobHead rowid of to delete all of the assemblies for

Deletes JobMtlRefDes records based on the JobMtl dataset fields. Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAsmSeq ipMtlSeq ipPrefix ipStartNum ipEndNum ipSuffix ds Type String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Int32 String Description The Job Number The Job Assembly The Job Material Seq The Prefix to be used to delete Reference Designators The Starting Number to delete Reference Designators The Ending Number to delete Reference Designators The Suffix to be used to delete Reference Designators The Job Entry data set

This method will locate a JobAsmbl record in the tree based on the inputted parameters. Parameters Name ipJobNum ipStartAssemblySeq Type String Int32 Description The job number to search from. The starting assembly sequence to search from.

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Name ipPartNum opAssemblySeq opRowid

Type String Int32@ String@

Description The part number or part number string to search for. The assembly sequence that was located by the search. The character representation of rowid of the JobAsmbl record located.

Returns the costs of Assemblies and Materials. Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq Returns Results JobCostsDataSet Type String Int32 Description Job Number of the target Assembly Assembly Sequence

This method will retrieve the base configured part number to be passed to configuration entry Parameters Name targetJobNum targetAssembly sourcePartNum sourceRevisionNum basePartNum baseRevisionNum curPartNum curRevNum siValues Type String Int32 String String String@ String@ String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Indicates the target job number Indicates the target job assembly sequence Indicates the source part number to get details from Indicates the source revision number to get details from Returns the Base Part Number to use for configuration Returns the Base Revision Number to use for configuration Returns the Current Part Number to use for configuration Returns the Current Revision Number to use for configuration Returns whether the configuration is set to save input values

A variation of the standard GetByID. Besides JobNum also has parameter for JobType(s). Note JobType is a comma separated list of types to be considered valid for this Get. Used as a predecessor to calling GetByID.


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Parameters Name jobNum jobType Type String String Description JobHead.JobNum JobHead.JobType

This methods will return the dataset for Job Entry. The method will return the records related to the assembly provided and the first child level assemblies related to the input inputted assembly. Parameters Name ipJobNum ipStartAssemblySeq ipCurrentAssemblySeq ipCompleteTree ipJobTypeMode Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean String Description The Job Number to return data for. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this job number? Job must be one of these types else it is an error. ipJobTypeMode can be blank, no constraint

Returns Job Entry data set

This method retrieves the manufacturing details from a source file. The source file will either be a Quote, a Job, or a Method (Part). The assembly records will be created regardless if the part is in error or not. Parameters Name jobNum targetAsm sourceFile sourceQuote sourceLine sourceJob sourceAsm sourcePart Type String Int32 String Int32 Int32 String Int32 String Description Job Number of the target Assembly Sequence of the target Assembly Source (Quote, Job, or Method) of the details to copy Quote Number to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Quote") Quote Line to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Quote") Job Number to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Job") Quote Assembly to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Quote" or "Job") Part Num to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method")

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Name sourceRev sourceAltMethod resequence useMethodForParts

Type String String Boolean Boolean

Description Revision number to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") Alternate Method to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") Indicates if assemblys should be resequenced If true use the method passed in for all parts in assemblies, if false use the assembly part's default method.

Returns Results of the get details

This method returns the JMtlStat dataset. This dataset is used for the Job Material Status view. Prior to running this method, the RowMod field in JMtlStatFilters must be set to U if it does not alreay have this value. Parameters Name ds Returns Job Tracker Material Status data set Type Description Job Tracker Material Status filters data set

This method returns a record in the JMtlStatFilters dataset. This record is used to capture the filters to retrieve the JMtlStat data for the Job Material Status view. Parameters Name jobNum Type String Description Job Number for the Job Material Status view

Returns Job Tracker Material Status filters data set

This method returns a list of QuoteNum and QuoteLine values for a JobProd record whose OrderNum is greater than 0. Parameters Name ipJobNum opQuoteLineList Type String String@ Description The JobNum to return values for The returned values in list form


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This methods generates the next available job number from the JCSyst table. Parameters Name opNextJobNum Type String@ Description The outputted string of the next available job number

This methods generates the job number based off of the OrderRel record related to the input PartSug. Parameters Name ipPartSugRowid opNextJobNum Type String String@ Description The rowid of the partsug record to create job for. The outputted string of the job number

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Returns list of Project Roles

Parameters Name ds Type Description The Job entry data set

This methods allows for the insertion of an engineering assembly for drag/drop functionality, Parameters Name ipParentJobAsmblRowid Type String Description The rowid of the parent jobasmbl to add to

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Name ipSourceRowid ipOperSeq ipDroppedAs

Type String Int32 String

Description The rowid of source record could be jobasmbl, jobmtl, or quotemtl to be added to the parent jobasmbl The related operation seq (or 0 if unrelated) The character value to determine where to drop and to drop as what. valid values: JobAsmbl, JobAsmbl-AsMtl, QuoteAsm, QuoteAsm-AsMtl Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this job number?

ipReturn ipStartAssemblySeq ipCurrentAssemblySeq ipCompleteTree

Boolean Int32 Int32 Boolean

Returns Job Entry data set

This methods allows for the insertion of an engineering material for drag/drop functionality, Parameters Name ipParentJobAsmblRowid ipSourceRowid ipOperSeq ipMtlSeq ipBeforeMtlRowid ipDroppedAs Type String String Int32 Int32 String String Description The rowid of the JobAsmbl record to add the material to The rowid of source record could be jobasmbl, jobmtl, or quotemtl to be added to the parent jobasmbl The related operation seq (or 0 if unrelated) The material seq to use The material rowid to insert material before The character value to determine where to drop and to drop as what. valid values: PartMtl-AsMtl, PartMtl-AsAsm, JobMtl-AsAsm, JobMtl, QuoteMtl-AsAsm, QuoteMtl Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this job number?

ipReturn ipStartAssemblySeq ipCurrentAssemblySeq ipCompleteTree

Boolean Int32 Int32 Boolean

Returns Job Entry data set

This methods allows for the insertion of an engineering operation for drag/drop functionality,


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Parameters Name ipParentJobAsmblRowid ipSourceRowid ipNewOperSeq ipBeforeOperRowid ipDroppedAs ipReturn ipStartAssemblySeq ipCurrentAssemblySeq ipCompleteTree Type String String Int32 String String Boolean Int32 Int32 Boolean Description The rowid of the parent jobasmbl to add to The rowid of source record could be joboper, partopr, or quoteopr to be added to the parent jobasmbl The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before The character value to determine where to drop and to drop as what. valid values: PartOpr, JobOper, QuoteOpr Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this job number?

Returns Job Entry data set

This methods allows for the insertion on a material for drag/drop functionality, validates a JobAsmbl record exists and the part is valid. Parameters Name ipJobAsmblRowID ipPartNum ipOperSeq ipMtlSeq ipBeforeMtlRowid ipReturn ipStartAssemblySeq ipCurrentAssemblySeq ipCompleteTree Type String String Int32 Int32 String Boolean Int32 Int32 Boolean Description The rowid of the JobAsmbl record to add the material to The part number being added The related operation seq (or 0 if unrelated) The material seq to use The material rowid to insert material before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this job number?

Returns Job Entry data set

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This method creates a new Assembly after prompting for the AsemblySeq and BOMLevel as well as the JobNum field. This is to replace the standard GetNewJobAsmbl when needing to insert a new record between two existing records. Parameters Name ds jobNum assemblySeq bomLevel priorAssemblySeq String Int32 Int32 Int32 Type Description Job Entry data set Assembly's parent Job Assembly's parent assembly Seq Assembly's parent BOMLevel If adding a sub-assembly record, this value is 0. If insterting after a specific assembly then use that record's assembly seq (must be different from the parent assembly seq)

This methods allows for the insertion on a material for drag/drop functionality, validates a JobAsmbl record exists and the part is valid. Parameters Name ipJobAsmblRowID ipPartNum ipOperSeq ipMtlSeq ipBeforeMtlRowid ds Type String String Int32 Int32 String Description The rowid of the JobAsmbl record to add the material to The part number being added The related operation seq (or 0 if unrelated) The material seq to use The material rowid to insert material before Job Entry data set

This methods allows for the insertion on a new operation between two records Parameters Name ipJobAsmblRowID ipNewOprSeq ipBeforeOperRowid ds Type String Int32 String Description The rowid of the JobAsmbl record to add the operation to The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before Job Entry data set


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This method allows for the insertion of Capability on an operation to create operation detail for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipJobOperRowID ipCapabilityID ipNewOpDtlSeq ipBeforeOpDtlRowid ipReturn Type String String Int32 String Boolean Description The rowid of the JobOper record to add the operation detail to The Capability ID being added The new operation detail seq The operation detail rowid to insert operation detail before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back.

Returns Job Entry data set

This method allows for the insertion of Resource Group on an operation to create operation detail for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipJobOperRowID ipResourceGrpID ipNewOpDtlSeq ipBeforeOpDtlRowid ipReturn Type String String Int32 String Boolean Description The rowid of the JobOper record to add the operation detail to The Resource Group ID being added The new operation detail seq The operation detail rowid to insert operation detail before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back.

Returns Job Entry data set

This method allows for the insertion of Resource on an operation to create operation detail for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipJobOperRowID Type String Description The rowid of the JobOper record to add the operation detail to

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Name ipResourceID ipNewOpDtlSeq ipBeforeOpDtlRowid ipReturn

Type String Int32 String Boolean

Description The Resource ID being added The new operation detail seq The operation detail rowid to insert operation detail before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back.

Returns Job Entry data set

This methods allows for the insertion on an operation for drag/drop functionality Parameters Name ipJobAsmblRowID ipOpCode ipNewOprSeq ipBeforeOperRowid ipReturn opMessage Type String String Int32 String Boolean String@ Description The rowid of the JobAsmbl record to add the operation to The operation code being added The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Warning message to let the user know that a subcontract operation will be created with no vendor information.

Returns Job Entry data set

This method allows for the insertion of Capability on an assembly to create JobOper/JobOpDtl for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipJobAsmblRowID ipCapabilityID ipNewOprSeq ipBeforeOprRowid ipReturn opMessage Type String String Int32 String Boolean String@ Description The rowid of the JobAsmbl record to add the operation detail to The Capability ID being added The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Warning message to let the user know that a subcontract operation will be created with no vendor information.


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Returns Job Entry data set

This method allows for the insertion of ResourceGroup on an assembly to create JobOper/JobOpDtl for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipJobAsmblRowID ipResourceGrpID ipNewOprSeq ipBeforeOprRowid ipReturn opMessage Type String String Int32 String Boolean String@ Description The rowid of the JobAsmbl record to add the operation detail to The Resource Group ID being added The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Warning message to let the user know that a subcontract operation will be created with no vendor information.

Returns Job Entry data set

This method allows for the insertion of Resource on an assembly to create JobOper/JobOpDtl for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipJobAsmblRowID ipResourceID ipNewOprSeq ipBeforeOprRowid ipReturn opMessage Type String String Int32 String Boolean String@ Description The rowid of the JobAsmbl record to add the operation detail to The Resource ID being added The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Warning message to let the user know that a subcontract operation will be created with no vendor information.

Returns Job Entry data set

This methods allows for the insertion of a subassembly for drag/drop functionality, validates the part.

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Parameters Name ipJobAsmblRowID ipPartNum ipOperSeq ipReturn ipStartAssemblySeq ipCurrentAssemblySeq ipCompleteTree Type String String Int32 Boolean Int32 Int32 Boolean Description The rowid of the JobAsmbl record to add the material to The part number being added The related operation seq (or 0 if unrelated) Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this job number?

Returns Job Entry data set

Calls jc/jcshded.p and performs the job scheduling without an interface like in Sales Order Parameters Name ipJobNum ipReturn ipStartAssemblySeq ipCurrentAssemblySeq ipCompleteTree Type String Boolean Int32 Int32 Boolean Description The Job to schedule Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this job number?

Returns Job Entry data set

This method is ran before GetNewJobProd. It will determine if you can create a demand link with a Make To Type of Stock. It will validate that you aren't creating a Stock demand link with a non-stock part. Parameters Name ipJobNum ipPartNum ipMakeToType Type String String String Description The job number to create the jobprod for The part number to create the jobprod for The new maketotype value to create the jobprod with. Valid Values: STOCK, ORDER, JOB


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This method should be called right before the GetDetails method. It necessasry, it'll return a question on resequencing assembly's while getting details. The answer will be sent as a parameter to the GetDetails method. This method will also return a BasePartNum and BaseRevisionNum. If the BasePartNum isn't null then use this as the default part number for GetDetails. Parameters Name sourcePartNum sourceRevisionNum sourceFile targetJobNum targetAsm vMessage basePartNum baseRevisionNum Type String String String String Int32 String@ String@ String@ Description Indicates the source part number to get details from Indicates the source revision number to get details from Indicates where the details are being appended from. Either Quote, Job or Method Target Job Number Sequence of the target Assembly Returns resequence question Returns the Base Part Number to use for get details Returns the Base Revision Number to use for get details

This method should be called right before the InsertMaterial. It necessasry, it'll return a warning if there is no source method. Parameters Name ipPartNum vMessage Type String String@ Description The inputted part number Returns warning

Removes job from schedule Parameters Name ipJobNum Type String Description Job number

Method to validate the Inspection control fields. (EQM)

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Parameters Name ipProposedInspPlan ipProposedSpecId iptable setRev ds Type String String String Boolean Description The new proposed InspPlanPartNum value The new proposed SpecID value table name if set default revision The Job entry Dataset.

This method will validate that the job number entered not through a search will be a valid job number for the entered plant. Parameters Name ipJobNum Type String Description The entered job number.

Check the number of reference designators are equal to the Required Ref Designators defined on JobMtl. Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAsmSeq Type String Int32 Description Job Number to validate Assembly Seq of the Job Number to validate or -1 to validate all of them

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobManager: This business object contains 18 methods.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method checks to see if there are any questions or issues with the part entered and returns a message, if any substitutes exist and Message type. Intended to be called prior to calling the CreateJob method.

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Parameters Name partNum vMsgText vSubAvail vMsgType Type String String@ Boolean@ String@ Description The part number to validate Potential message to return, will be blank Returned flag stating if substitutes exist for this part Type of message returned. Values can be; "Question" (asking if they want to use the substitute part) "Warning" (Warns them that a part is onhold or runout). "Error" (Part in Inactive, or Onhold/Runout parts are not accepted in this case) . "Question" is asking if they want to use the substitute part. Note: In this case, we do not give option to accept a substitute part. Therefore a Question type will never be returned.

To create a new Job for production demand. You pass this method the Reckey of the demand record for which a job will be created. The job will be created and this demand record will be linked to it. You must also pass the Job Number you wish to use. This should have been determined using the standard object to assign job numbers. IMPORTANT: Your logic should have also called the CheckPartStatus method and provided the appropriate user interaction before calling this mehtod. Parameters Name demandReckey newJobNum Returns Job Manager data set Type String String Description The JMDemand.RecKey field value of row for which a new job will be created. Job number to be assigned to the newly created job

To delete the Job of a specific JMSupply record. Parameters Name jmSupply_RecKey Type String Description The JMSupply.Reckey field is the physical rowid of the JobPart record. Therefore it can be used to indicate the job that you wish deleted.

Returns Job Manager data set

Deletes Part Suggestion


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Parameters Name partSug_RowID Returns Job Manager data set Type String Description Part Suggestions Row id

To retrieve the JobManager dataset for a given part number. This dataset is a Demand/Supply matrix for the part. Note: Part numbers may not exist in the Part table. Therefore, this method allows you to pass in the part description. Depending on where you are calling from, you might use OrderDtl.LineDesc, JobMtl.Description, etc. Parameters Name ipPartNum ipPartDescription uomCode Returns Job Manager data set Type String String String Description Part number to be retrieved. Description of the Part. Optional, used only if the the given part does not exist in the Part table. UOM Code (only used for Product Codes)

This methods generates the job number based off of the OrderRel record related to the input PartDtl. Parameters Name ipPartDtlRowid opNextJobNum Type String String@ Description The rowid of the partdtl record to create job for. The outputted string of the job number

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name partNum uomCode sysRowID rowType Type String@ String@ String String Description Proposed PartNumber change UOM Code (only used for Product Codes) RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID.

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Name serialWarning questionString multipleMatch

Type String@ String@ Boolean@

Description Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

To link a production demand (JMDemand record) with an existing job. This validates the following: 1. The demand record still exists in the database. 2. That it is not already linked to a source of supply (job, warehouse) 3. Target job exists. 4. Target job is not a Field Service Job. 5. System configuration allows changes to engineered Jobs. 6. Job is not Closed. Parameters Name demandReckey targetJobNum Returns Job Manager data set Type String String Description The JMDemand.RecKey field value of row to be linked. Job number that you want to link the demand to.

This method checks to see if the part is a valid part in the part master. Configured parts have the option to create part numbers without create a part record. If this is the case, then use the OrderDtl.BasePartNum and OrderDtl.BaseRevisionNum or QuoteDtl.BasePartNum and QuoteDtl.BaseRevisionNum to get details. If the basePartNum isn't equal to null then use it to Get Details Parameters Name partNum revisionNum targetJobNum targetAsm basePartNum baseRevisionNum Type String String String Int32 String@ String@ Description The part number to validate The revision number to validate Target Job Number Sequence of the target Assembly Base Part Number to use for Get Details Base Revision Num to use for Get Details

To link a demand with to a warehouse that will supply the demand.


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Parameters Name demandReckey linkToWareHouseCode Returns Job Manager data set Type String String Description JMDemand.RecKey of the record to be pulled from stock. Warehouse to be pulled from (allocated against).

To transfer a demand on one job to another job. Parameters Name transferRecKey targetJobNum Returns Job Manager data set Type String String Description TransferRecKey (either DemandSupply or SupplyDemand.RecKey) of the record to be transferred. Job Number that the demand will be transfered to.

To unlink a demand from the related Job. Parameters Name supplyDemandReckey Type String Description JMttJMSupplyDemand.RecKey of the record to be unlinked.

Returns Job Manager data set

To unlink a supply from it's related demand. Parameters Name demandSupplyReckey demandSupplySourceTable Type String String Description JMttJMDemandSupply.RecKey of the record to be unlinked. ttJMDemandSupply.SourceTable of the record to be unlinked.

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Returns Job Manager data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobMtlSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobOperSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobPart: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobProdSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobSched: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Retrieve a record by the description Parameters Name jobSchedDescription Type String Description The description of the record to retrieve

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Returns The RMAProc data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobStatus: This business object contains 14 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method validates the JobHead.JobFirm and potentially changes the jobreleased fields. This method should run when the JobHead.JobFirm field changes. Parameters Name ipProposedJobFirm jobNum ds Type Boolean String Description The new proposed JobFirm value The job number to search appropriate record The dataset for the Job Status Maintenance

This method validates the JobHead.JobEngineered and potentially changes the jobreleased field. This method should run when the JobHead.JobEngineered field changes. Parameters Name ipProposedJobEngineered jobNum ds Type Boolean String Description The new proposed JobEngineered value The job number to search appropriate record The dataset for the Job Status Maintenance

This method validates the JobHead.JobReleased and potentially changes the jobengineered and/or jobfirm fields. This method should run when the JobHead.JobReleased field changes. Parameters Name ipProposedJobReleased jobNum ds Type Boolean String Description The new proposed JobReleased value The job number to search appropriate record The dataset for the Job Status Maintenance

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This methods will return all of the JobHeadSearch records which will be a subset of the JobHead records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table we need our own public method. Parameters Name ds pageSize absolutePage morePages Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset with pupolated key values The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

This methods will return all of the JobHeadSearch records which will be a subset of the JobHead records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table we need our own public method. Parameters Name ds pageSize absolutePage morePages Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset with pupolated key values The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

Call this method to update multiple JobHead records. Parameters Name ds Type Description The dataset for the Job Status Maintenance

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JournalTrackerDetail: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.

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Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Filter journals by Journal Code and Journal Number. Parameters Name opMessage ds Type String@ Description returns informational messages to the user when no records are found. Epicor.Mfg.BO.JournalTrackerDetailDataSet

This method replaces the standard GetRows method Parameters Name vJournalCode vBookID Returns JournalTracker Type String String Description Journal Code Book ID

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JPPerBill: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Receives CustId, returns CustNum Parameters Name ipCustID opCustNum Type String Int32@ Description Customer ID Returns Customer Num

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Validates that only one "end of month" record exist per customer. Parameters Name ipEndOfMonth ds Type Boolean Description Proposed EndofMonth value Periodic Billing data set

Validates that the Summarization Day is unique. Parameters Name ipSummDay ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Summarization Day value Periodic Billing data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JPPerBillStmt: This business object contains 17 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Receives CustId, returns CustNum Parameters Name ipCustID opCustNum Type String Int32@ Description Customer ID Returns Customer Num

Syncronize the DueDate and Billing date HeadInvoice with the values of the PerBillStmtDtl table.

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Parameters Name ipGrpID ds Type String Description Group ID Periodic Billing Statement data set

Syncronize the DueDate and Billing date HeadInvoice with the values of the PerBillStmtDtl table. Parameters Name ipGrpID ipCustNum ds Type String Int32 Description Group ID Customer Num Periodic Billing Statement data set

Updates the table PerBillStmtDtl with the new due date from PerBillStmtHead Parameters Name ipGrp ipBillingDate ipCustNum ipDueDate ds Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Billing Statement Group ID. Billing Date Customer number Billing Date Periodic Billing Statement data set

Validate that the Billing date is not higer than the due date. Parameters Name ipBillingDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Proposed Billing Date Periodic Billing Statement data set

Receives CustId, returns CustNum


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Parameters Name ipCustID opCustNum ds Type String Int32@ Description Customer ID Returns Customer Num Periodic Billing Statement data set

Validate that the due date is not lower than the billing date. Parameters Name ipDueDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Proposed DueDate Periodic Billing Statement data set

Validate that all the invoices are syncronized before setting the customer to "ready to bill. Parameters Name ipReadyToBill ds Type Boolean Description Proposed Ready To Bill status Periodic Billing Statement data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.JrnlCode: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

returns TRUE if the JournalCode is being used in a System Table. Parameters Name cJournalCode Type String Description Journal Code


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Chapter 11: K
Epicor.Mfg.BO.KanbanPartSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.KanbanReceipts: This business object contains 23 methods.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Update default information based on the bin changing Parameters Name ds lValidBin Boolean@ Type Description The KanbanReceipts data set Is the Bin Number valid

Update default information based on the employee changing Parameters Name ds lValidEmployee Boolean@ Type Description The KanbanReceipts data set Is the Employee valid

Update default information based on the lot changing

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Parameters Name ds lValidLot Boolean@ Type Description The KanbanReceipts data set Is the Lot Number valid

Update default information based on the bin changing Parameters Name ds lValidNonConfReason Boolean@ Type Description The KanbanReceipts data set Is the Non Conformance reason valid

Update default information based on the part number changing Parameters Name ds lValidPart uomCode Boolean@ String Type Description The KanbanReceipts data set Is the Part valid UOM Code (only used for Product Codes)

Update default information based on the revision number changing Parameters Name ds Type Description The KanbanReceipts data set

Update default information based on the scrap reason changing Parameters Name ds lValidScrapReason Boolean@ Type Description The KanbanReceipts data set Is the Scrap Reason valid


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Update lot number and description if the value is changed to true. Parameters Name ds Type Description The KanbanReceipts data set

Update default information based on the warehouse changing Parameters Name ds lValidWarehouse Boolean@ Type Description The KanbanReceipts data set Is the Warehouse valid

Verify if a similar process is running for the same part. Parameters Name ip_partnum oMsgText Type String String@ Description The required PartNum to run the Kanban Receipt. Return message if Process is Running, blank if not.

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name partNum sysRowID rowType uomCode serialWarning questionString Type String@ String String String@ String@ String@ Description Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. UOM Code (only used for Product Codes) Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue

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Name multipleMatch

Type Boolean@

Description Multiple matches were found by FindPart

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset Creates a temporary record to store information needed for the receipt process. Returns The KanbanReceipts data set Type Description The KanbanReceipts data set

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Indicates if the legal number requires user input Type Description

Processes the Kanban Receipt. Parameters Name ds dSerialNoQty cMessageText Decimal String@ Type Description The KanbanReceipts data set The quantity of Serialized parts. This value is returned by Serial # selector object. Contains non-error processing information the user may need to see


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Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds ipInventory ipScrapped ipNonconformance Int32 Int32 Int32 Type Description The Kanban receipts dataSet Is the quantity of serial numbers to inventory Is quantity of serial numbers to scrapped Is the quantity of serial numbers nonconformance

Submit the Kanban Receipt Process. Parameters Name ds dSerialNoQty Decimal Type Description The KanbanReceipts data set The quantity of Serialized parts. This value is returned by Serial # selector object.

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds ipInventory ipScrapped ipNonconf Int32 Int32 Int32 Type Description The Kanban receipts dataSet Is the quantity of serial numbers to inventory Is quantity of serial numbers to scrapped Is the quantity of serial numbers nonconformance

Epicor.Mfg.BO.KanBanType: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field.


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Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.KeyMgmt: This business object contains 3 methods.

This method will return a record for updating. Parameters Name company Returns Key Mgmgt Dataset Type String Description Current company

This method takes the entered Password value, validates and saves it to the database. Parameters Name ds Type Description Key Management Dataset

This method takes the entered salt value, validates and saves it to the database. Parameters Name ds Type Description Key Mgmt Dataset

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Chapter 12: L
Epicor.Mfg.BO.LabExpCd: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Labor: This business object contains 89 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description


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This proc will return the whereclause for the role code combo Customers Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq ipOprSeq ipEmpID whereClause Type String Int32 Int32 String String@ Description JobNum AssemblySeq OprSeq EmpID Where Clause to use for role code combo

This method should call when EquipID is changed Parameters Name equipID ds Type String Description equipID Labor Entry Data set

This method clears the JobNumber and Quantity fields when the LaborType changes to Indirect leaves the values as is if changed between Production and Setup Parameters Name ds Type Description Labor Entry Data set

This method clears the JobNumber and Quantity fields when the LaborType changes to Indirect leaves the values as is if changed between Production and Setup Parameters Name ds Type Description Labor Entry Data set

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For use with MES (ShopFloor) only. This method checks the Resource Group of the proposed Resource, and if it is different than the current Resource Group, provides a warning question suitable for presenting to the user. The UI code should place the user's answer to the question in the ttLaborDtl.OkToChangeResourceGrpID. This method should be called prior to calling the DefaultResourceID method. Parameters Name ds pcResourceID pcMsg String String@ Type Description Labor Entry Data set The ID of the machine that was used to do the work. The message sent as output for the user

This method checks if the current employee is already working on a Job/Asm/Opr/Resource combination If he/she is already working on it, the opMessage will be populated with an error message Parameters Name ipEmpID ipLaborHedSeq ipJobNum ipAsmSeq ipOprSeq ipResourceID opMessage Type String Int32 String Int32 Int32 String String@ Description The current Employee ID LaborHed Sequence Job Number Assembly Sequence Operation Sequence Resource ID Error Message

Performs all First Article Validations Parameters Name ds pcMsg String@ Type Description The Labor data set The message sent as output for the user

This method validates if InspResults has been entered when the Inspection Data is allowed for the current OprSeq.


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Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq ipOprSeq inspectionOK Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Current Job Current AssembleSeq Current OprSeq Returns true if InspResults records are found

This method checks to see if the new resource is in the current resource group. This needs to be run right before the DefaultResourceID. If the user answers okay then the group will be changed in the DefaultResourceID method. Parameters Name ds proposedResourceID vMessage String String@ Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed Resource ID List of error warnings for user

This method runs the labor warning routine and returns any warnings the user needs to be aware of. This needs to be run right before the update method. If the user answers okay to all of the questions, then the update method can be run. Otherwise the labor record needs to be corrected Parameters Name ds vMessage String@ Type Description Labor Entry Data set List of error warnings for user

Method to copy the vales from one Labor record to a new Labor record. Parameters Name ds cMessageText String@ Type Description The Labor data set Message text to present to the user after the process is finished

Method to copy the vales from one Weekly Time record to a new Weekly Time record.

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Parameters Name ds cMessageText String@ Type Description The Labor data set Message text to present to the user after the process is finished

This method sets dataset fields when the AssemblySeq field changes Parameters Name ds assemblySeq Int32 Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed AssemblySeq change

This method updates the dataset after complete flag is set Parameters Name ds cmplete vMessage Boolean String@ Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed change to the Complete field Returns a string of warnings user needs to know

This method updates the clock in and clock out dates for the LaborHed and LaborDtl tables when the payroll date has changed. Parameters Name ds payrollDate Nullable{System.DateTime} Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed Payroll Date change

This method defaults fields when the discrepancy reason code field changes. Also checks for any warnings the user needs to be aware of


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Parameters Name ds proposedDiscrpRsnCode String Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed discrepancy reason

This method updates the hours when a time field changes Parameters Name ds Type Description Labor Entry Data set

This method defaults the expense code when the indirect code has changed Parameters Name ds indirectCode String Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed change to the indirect code

This method defaults dataset fields when the JobNum field changes Parameters Name ds jobNum String Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed change to the JobNum field

This method updates the tot hours display field when the labor hours clock in/out time changes Parameters Name ds laborHrs Decimal Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed Labor Hrs change

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This method defaults fields when the labor qty fields changes. Also checks for any labor warnings the user needs to be aware of Parameters Name ds laborQty vMessage Decimal String@ Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed change to LaborQty field Returns a string of warnings user needs to know

This method defaults dataset fields when the LaborType field changes. Parameters Name ds ipLaborType String Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed LaborType change

This method defaults the Lunch Time fields when the Lunch Break field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Labor Entry Data set

This method updates the dataset after next operation seq is set Parameters Name ds proposedNextOprSeq Int32 Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed next operation sequence

This method checks for any warnings user needs to know on change of OpCode


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Parameters Name ds opCode vMessage String String@ Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed OpCode field change Returns list of warnings for user's review

This method defaults fields when Operation sequence changes. Also returns any warnings user needs to know. Parameters Name oprSeq vMessage ds Int32 String@ Type Description Proposed oprSeq change Returns warnings for user's review Labor Entry Data set

This method defaults dataset fields when the PhaseID field changes. Parameters Name ds ipPhaseID String Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed PhaseID change

This method defaults dataset fields when the PhaseOprSeq field changes. Parameters Name ds ipPhaseOprSeq vMessage Int32 String@ Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed PhaseOprSeq change Returns warnings for user's review

This method defaults dataset fields when the ProjectID field changes.

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Parameters Name ds ipProjectID String Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed ProjectID change

This method updates dataset fields when the ResourceID field changes. Parameters Name ds proposedResourceID String Type Description The Labor data set The proposed resource id

This method defaults dataset fields when the RoleCd field changes. Parameters Name ds ipRoleCd String Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed RoleCd change

This method defaults fields when the scrap reason code fields changes. Also checks for any labor warnings the user needs to be aware of Parameters Name ds proposedScrapReasonCode vMessage String String@ Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed scrap reason Returns a string of warnings user needs to know

This method validates and reassigns the setup percent complete field. Parameters Name ds Type Description Labor Entry Data set


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Name percentComplete

Type Decimal

Description Proposed percent complete

This method updates clock in/out and lunch in/out fields after shift field changes Parameters Name ds shift Int32 Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed Shift field change

This method updates time and pay hours when a time field changes Parameters Name ds cFieldName timeValue String Decimal Type Description Labor Entry Data set name of field being changed proposed time change

This method defaults dataset fields when the TimeTypCd field changes. Parameters Name ds ipTimeTypCd String Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed TimeTypCd change

This method updates dataset fields when the ResourceGroup field changes. Also checks for any warning the user needs to know Parameters Name ds wcCode vMessage String String@ Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed WorkCenter Code change Returns any warnings the user needs to review

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Method to call to end an activity in Shop Floor. This method will mark the EndActivity flag in LaborDtl so when the Update method is run, special end activity processing can occur. It will also default values in other fields that apply to the end activity. Before this method is called, the LaborDtl.RowMod value needs to be set to 'U'. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Labor data set

This method checks for any necessary labor warning when the complete flag is checked in MES End Activity Parameters Name ds cmplete vMessage Boolean String@ Type Description Labor Entry Data set Proposed change to the Complete field Returns a string of warnings user needs to know

Method to call to retrieve the Labor dataset with just the header and a specific detail record. Parameters Name iLaborHedSeq iLaborDtlSeq Returns The Labor data set Type Int32 Int32 Description The LaborHedSeq of the LaborHed record to retrieve The LaborDtlSeq of the LaborDtl record to retrieve

This method is called to add a new labor detail without having a labor header record available Parameters Name ds employeeNum shopFloor clockInDate String Boolean Nullable{System.DateTime} Type Description Labor Entry Data set The employee id for this labor record Indicates whether this is being called from the shop floor labor entry program The clock in date


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Name clockInTime clockOutDate clockOutTime

Type Decimal Nullable{System.DateTime} Decimal

Description The clock in time The clock out date The clock out time

This method is called to add a new labor detail without having a labor header record available Parameters Name ds ipClockInDate ipClockInTime ipClockOutDate ipClockOutTime ipLaborHedSeq Nullable{System.DateTime} Decimal Nullable{System.DateTime} Decimal Int32 Type Description Labor Entry Data set The clock in date The clock in time The clock out date The clock out time Unique identifier of the LaborHed

This method to be used in place of GetNewLaborHed. This method asks for an employee number to default fields based on the employee. Parameters Name ds employeeNum shopFloor String Boolean Type Description Labor Entry Data set The employee id for this labor record Indicates whether this is being called from the shop floor labor entry program

Gets a new LbrScrapSerialNumbers record for current LaborDtl Parameters Name ds Type Description Labor data set

Gets a new TimeWeeklyView record for the current week

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Parameters Name ds ipEmployeeNum ipDateInWeek String Type Description Labor data set The employee id for this labor record

Nullable{System.DateTime} Date within the week for which a new TimeWeeklyView record is to be created

Calls the normal GetRows method and then if a supervisor search criteria has been passed, it screens out only the appropriate rows. Used by Shop Tracker Parameters Name whereClauseLaborHed whereClauseLaborDtl whereClauseLaborDtlCom whereClauseLaborEquip whereClauseLaborPart whereClauseLbrScrapSerialNumbers whereClauseTimeWorkHours whereClauseTimeWeeklyView whereClauseLaborDtlGroup whereClauseSelectedSerialNumbers whereClauseSNFormat pageSize absolutePage ipEmployeeNum ipCalendarStartDate ipCalendarEndDate morePages Returns Labor Dataset Type String String String String String String String String String String String Int32 Int32 String Description Whereclause for LaborHed table. Whereclause for LaborDtl table. Whereclause for LaborDtlCom table. Whereclause for LaborDtlEquip table. Whereclause for LaborPart table. Whereclause for LbrScrapSerialNumbers table. Whereclause for TimeWorkHours table. Whereclause for TimeWeeklyView table. Whereclause for LaborDtlGroup table. Whereclause for SelectedSerialNumbers table. Whereclause for SNFormat table. Page size. Absolute page. The employee id for this labor record

Nullable{System.DateTime} The first date visible on the calendar Nullable{System.DateTime} The last date visible on the calendar Boolean@ More pages.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then if a supervisor search criteria has been passed, it screens out only the appropriate rows. Used by Shop Tracker


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Parameters Name whereClauseLaborHed whereClauseLaborDtl whereClauseLaborDtlCom whereClauseLaborEquip whereClauseLaborPart whereClauseLbrScrapSerialNumbers whereClauseTimeWorkHours whereClauseTimeWeeklyView whereClauseLaborDtlGroup whereClauseSelectedSerialNumbers whereClauseSNFormat pageSize absolutePage ipSupervisorID morePages Returns Labor Dataset Type String String String String String String String String String String String Int32 Int32 String Boolean@ Description Whereclause for LaborHed table. Whereclause for LaborDtl table. Whereclause for LaborDtlCom table. Whereclause for LaborDtlEquip table. Whereclause for LaborPart table. Whereclause for LbrScrapSerialNumbers table. Whereclause for TimeWorkHours table. Whereclause for TimeWeeklyView table. Whereclause for LaborDtlGroup table. Whereclause for SelectedSerialNumbers table. Whereclause for SNFormat table. Page size. Absolute page. Supervisor ID from search criteria. More pages.

Method to get the value UserFile.TERetrieveApproved Parameters Name opTERetrieveApproved Type Boolean@ Description Should Approved records be retrieved on search? Yes/No

Method to get retrieve by options Parameters Name opTERetrieveByDay opTERetrieveByWeek opTERetrieveByMonth Type Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Description Should records be retrieve one day at a time? Yes/No Should records be retrieve a week at a time? Yes/No Should records be retrieve a month at a time? Yes/No

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Method to get the value UserFile.TERetrieveEntered Parameters Name opTERetrieveEntered Type Boolean@ Description Should Entered records be retrieved on search? Yes/No

Method to get the value UserFile.TERetrievePartiallyApproved Parameters Name opTERetrievePartiallyApproved Type Boolean@ Description Should Partially Approved records be retrieved on search? Yes/No

Method to get the value UserFile.TERetrieveRejected Parameters Name opTERetrieveRejected Type Boolean@ Description Should Rejected records be retrieved on search? Yes/No

Method to get the value UserFile.TERetrieveSubmitted Parameters Name opTERetrieveSubmitted Type Boolean@ Description Should Submitted records be retrieved on search? Yes/No

Validate if an assembly is valid for a job. if not returns false, otherwise returns true. Parameters Name pcJobNum Type String Description Job number to which this labor transaction applies.


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Name piAssemblySeq plFound

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description The Assembly Sequence of the Job that the labor transaction applies to. Found YES/NO

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method validates field QuickEntryCode, and if it is valid, uses the values from the QuickEntry record to populate the LaborDtl values. Parameters Name ipEmpID ipQuickEntryCode ds Type String String Description Proposed EmpID value Proposed QuickEntryCode value The Labor data set

Call this procedure when TimeWeeklyView.ResourceGrpID changes Parameters Name ds ipResourceGrpID String Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.LaborDataSet Proposed Resource Group

Call this procedure to override the Resource Group and Operation Code in a job. Parameters Name ds inOpCode String Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.LaborDataSet OpCode to override

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Name inResGrpID

Type String

Description Resource Group OD to override

Call this procedure to override the Resource in a LaborDtl record Parameters Name ds proposedResourceID String Type Description The Labor data set The proposed resource id

Method to recall Labor for Approval. Parameters Name ds lWeeklyView cMessageText Boolean String@ Type Description The Labor data set Is this method being called with WeeklyView records? Message text to present to the user after the process is finished

This method is intended to be used when the MES/ShopFloor user selects an operation from the WorkQueue to work on. Use this method in place of the Update method in this situation. This method expects a LaborDataSet containing a single LaborHed with a RowMod indicating a changed row, and a LaborDtl row with a RowMod indicating a changed row. This can be obtained with a call to Labor.GetRows() with a whereClauseLaborHed of ActiveTrans = YES and EmployeeNum = xxxx substituting the desired employeeNum for the xxxx. followed by a call to LaborDtlGetNew. After validating the given Job, Assembly, Operation, ResourceID, ResourceGrpID and LaborType, and additional validations are applied, the LaborDtl is updated. An exception is thrown if: - a changed Laborhed row is not found. - the given Job, Assembly and Operation is not valid - the LaborHed.ActiveTrans = no. This method is for MES (ShopFloor) use only. - the given LaborType is not "S" or "P" Parameters Name ds pcResourceGrpId pcResourceId pcLaborType String String String Type Description Labor Entry Data set The Resource Group id for this work. The Resource id for this work. Labor Type: S=Setup, P=Production


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This method runs the shop warning routine and returns any warnings the user needs to be aware of. This needs to be run right before the SelectForWork method. If the user answers okay to all of the questions, then the SelectForWork method can be run. Otherwise the labor record needs to be corrected Parameters Name ds vMessage String@ Type Description Labor Entry Data set List of error warnings for user

Sets the Time Stamp in which the Employee Starts his/her activity and also populates the field that displays the time correctly. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Labor data set

Method to set the value UserFile.TERetrieveApproved Parameters Name ipTERetrieveApproved Type Boolean Description Value to set UserFile.TERetrieveApproved Yes/No

Method to set the value for retrieve by day Parameters Name ipTERetrieveByDay Type Boolean Description Value to set the by day option Yes/No

Method to set the value for retrieve by month

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Parameters Name ipTERetrieveByMonth Type Boolean Description Value to set the by month option Yes/No

Method to set the value for retrieve by week Parameters Name ipTERetrieveByWeek Type Boolean Description Value to set the by week option Yes/No

Method to set the value UserFile.TERetrieveEntered Parameters Name ipTERetrieveEntered Type Boolean Description Value to set UserFile.TERetrieveEntered Yes/No

Method to set the value UserFile.TERetrievePartiallyApproved Parameters Name ipTERetrievePartiallyApproved Type Boolean Description Value to set UserFile.TERetrievePartiallyApproved Yes/No

Method to set the value UserFile.TERetrieveRejected Parameters Name ipTERetrieveRejected Type Boolean Description Value to set UserFile.TERetrieveRejected Yes/No

Method to set the value UserFile.TERetrieveSubmitted


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Parameters Name ipTERetrieveSubmitted Type Boolean Description Value to set UserFile.TERetrieveSubmitted Yes/No

Method to call to start an activity in Shop Floor. Parameters Name laborHedSeq startType ds Type Int32 String Description The labor header sequence The type of activity being started. Values are: P - Production I - Indirect S - Setup R - Rewwork The Labor data set

Method to submit Labor for Approval. Parameters Name ds lWeeklyView cMessageText Boolean String@ Type Description The Labor data set Is this method being called with WeeklyView records? Message text to present to the user after the process is finished

Validates after calling SN selection screen Parameters Name ds Type Description Labor data set

Call before allowing the select of serial numbers Parameters Name ds Type Description Labor data set

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Name notEnoughSerials totSNReq

Type String@ Decimal@

Description Not enough serials for labor entry Total number of serials required for labor entry

Returns TRUE if Part Quantity Reporting is allowed for a given operation. Notes: In order to be allowed the following conditions must be meet. 1. Must be final assembly (AssemblySeq = 0) 2. Must be the final operation. 3. Job must have more that one end part defined or has one or more Parts with PartPerOp > 1 Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq ipOprSeq Type String Int32 Int32 Description Job number Assembly Sequence number Operation Sequence number

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LaborApproval: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

The procedure is called when the user selects LaborDtl records for reject or approve Parameters Name ipSalesRepCode ipAction ipComment ds outMessage String@ Type String String String Description The sales Rep Code of the approver. Action to take A = approver, R = reject. Comment text if comments are to be created. Labor Approval Entry Data set Informational message returned to display to the user after the process has run

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The procedure is called prior to performing a recall. It will check if subsequent approvals have occurred. If they have the user will have the opportunity to cancel the recall. Parameters Name ipSalesRepCode ds outRecallMsg String@ Type String Description The sales Rep Code of the approver. Labor Approval Entry Data set Recall message

Called from Aprrovals screen to get related task transactions Parameters Name calcLbrChrg ds Type Boolean Description To inlcude charge rate LaborApprovalDataSet

The procedure is called when the user selects LaborDtl records to recall Parameters Name ipSalesRepCode ds outMessage String@ Type String Description The sales Rep Code of the approver. Labor Approval Entry Data set Informational message returned to display to the user after the process has run

This method should call when EquipID is changed Parameters Name ds Type Description Labor Approval Entry Data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.LaborDtl: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LaborDtlGroup: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

A public method to test if a given Employee ID already exists in the EmpBasic table. Return True if it exists else returns False. Parameters Name empID Returns Type String Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LaborDtlSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LangName: This business object contains 9 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This overload of GetList shows all or only the languages with translations. Parameters Name whereClause installed pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Boolean Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Show only Installed Languages Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

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Returns Returns the list of Languages

This overload of GetList filters out languages with no translations. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Returns the list of Securities Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

Returns next language. Parameters Name languageID nextLanguage Type String String@ Description Language ID Next language

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LangOrg: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Returns Original Text ID. Parameters Name pcText piTextID Type String Int32@ Description Text ID Original Text ID

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.LangProg: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LangTran: This business object contains 19 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Deletes Translation Parameters Name pcLanguageID pcProgramID pcText bSucceed Type String String String Boolean@ Description The language ID The program ID Text Deleted YES/NO

Deletes Translation Parameters Name pcLanguageID pcProgramID pcOrgTextID bSucceed Type String String Int32 Boolean@ Description The language ID The program ID ID Deleted YES/NO

This method returns a list of program specific translations for a original text and language Parameters Name pcLangID piOrigTextID Type String Int32 Description The language ID The original text ID


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Returns Translation Text data set

This method returns a list of translations from a start at program id Parameters Name pcLangID pcProgID Returns Translation Text data set Type String String Description The language ID The start at program ID

This method returns a list of translations from a start at text Parameters Name pcLangID pcText Returns Translation Text data set Type String String Description The language ID The start at text

This method returns a list of translations from a start at text id Parameters Name pcLangID piTextID Returns Translation Text data set Type String Int32 Description The language ID The start at text ID

This method returns a list of translations from a start at translated text Parameters Name pcLangID Type String Description The language ID

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Name pcTranslation Returns Translation Text data set

Type String

Description The start at translated text

Translate procedure Parameters Name ds bCustomization Returns Translation Text data set Boolean Type Description Translation Text data set If True and record is missing in LangOrg, it will be added

Translate procedure Parameters Name ds bAddIfMissing bFindSimilar Returns Translation Text data set Boolean Boolean Type Description Translation Text data set If True and record is missing in LangOrg, it will be added If True search for similar record when exact unmatched

This method update LangTran table Parameters Name ds Type Description Language Translation data set

Updates single translation.


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Parameters Name pcLanguage pcProgram pcText pcTranslation pcProgTranslation bSeccess Type String String String String String Boolean@ Description Language Program Text Translation ProgTranslation Updated YES/NO

This method update translations and also LangOrg, LangXref if necessary Parameters Name ds pbUpdateLangOrg bReturn Returns Translation Text data set Boolean Boolean@ Type Description Translation Text data set Flag indicating if a LangOrg should be created if not exists Not used

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LangXref: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LbrPrjRole: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method validates the NewPrjRoleCd. Parameters Name ipNewPrjRoleCd Type String Description The NewPrjRoleCd value.

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Name ds


Description ProjectDataSet

. Parameters Name ds Type Description Inventory qty adj data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LegalNumCnfg: This business object contains 24 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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This method should be called after the Generation Type changes. The OnChangeOfGenerationType method is going to set the the PrefixIsOverrideable field to false if the generation type = 'system'. If the new value is 'system' then it will check to see if any LegalNumPrefix records exist. If they do then it will return a message in opMsgText. If OpMsgText is not returned as null, it should be displayed to the user as a Yes/No question. If the user answers "Yes" then the method RemoveAltPrefix should be called. Parameters Name ipLegalNumberID proposedGenerationType opMsgText ds Type String String String@ Description The current legalNumCnfg Number The proposed value of the new generation type Message to be displayed to the user legalNumCnfg is to used to set up the parameters used to generate legal numbers.

This method return the TranDoctType that has not already assinged to legalNumber Parameters Name ipLegalNumberType ipLegalNumberID Returns Available DocType Type String String Description The current legalNumberType Number The current legalNumberID Number

This method should be called if the Generate SSCC changes. Parameters Name ipGenSSCC ds Type Boolean Description The current Generate SSCC value LegalNumCnfg dataset

This method should be called if the Generation Type changes.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description legalNumCnfg is to used to set up the parameters used to generate legal numbers.

This method should be called after the LegalNumberType comboBox changes. Parameters Name ipLegalNumberType ds Type String Description The current legalNumCnfg Number LegalNumCnfg is to used to set up the parameters used to generate legal numbers.

This method should be called after the NumberOption comboBox changes. Parameters Name ipNumberOption ds Type String Description The Number Option LegalNumCnfg is to used to set up the parameters used to generate legal numbers.

This method should be called if the Prefix Type changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description legalNumCnfg is to used to set up the parameters used to generate legal numbers.

This method should be called after the Overridable Prefix checkbox changes. If the new value is false then it will check to see if any LegalNumPrefix records exist. If they do then it will return a message in opMsgText. If OpMsgText is not returned as null, it should be displayed to the user as a Yes/No question. If the user answers "Yes" then the method RemoveAltPrefix should be called.

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Parameters Name ipLegalNumberID proposedPrefixIsOverrideable opMsgText Type String Boolean String@ Description The current legalNumCnfg Number The proposed value of PrefixIsOverrideable Message to be displayed to the user

This method should be called after changing the default prefix. This method checks for a modified ttLegalNumCnfg record so an update shouldn't be done before calling this method (it needs the modified record to see what the old default prefix was). It will check to see if sequences have been created using the old default sequence. If opMsgText is not returned as null, it should be displayed to the user as a Yes/No question. If the user answers "Yes" then the method RemoveSequences should be called. Parameters Name ipLegalNumberID proposedDefaultPrefix opMsgText ds Type String String String@ Description The current legalNumCnfg Number Proposed default prefix Message to be displayed to the user legalNumCnfg is to used to set up the parameters used to generate legal numbers.

This method should be called after calling the OverrideablePrefixChanged method and the user answers "Yes" to the message returned from OverrideablePrefixChanged. This method will delete all Alternate Prefix record for the current Legal Number. Parameters Name ipLegalNumberID ds Type String Description Current LegalNumCnfg Number LegalNumCnfg is to used to set up the parameters used to generate legal numbers.

This method should be called after calling the ProcessPrefix method and the user answer "Yes" to the message returned from ProcessPrefix. This method will remove sequences that are using the old Default Prefix. Parameters Name ipLegalNumberID Type String Description Current legalNumCnfg Number


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Name ds


Description legalNumCnfg is to used to set up the parameters used to generate legal numbers.

Parameters Name ds Type Description legalNumCnfg is to used to set up the parameters used to generate legal numbers.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LegalNumGenOpts: This business object contains 2 methods.

This method will update values in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable based on the number prefix. This method should be called when the prefix is changing. Parameters Name proposedNumberPrefix ds Type String Description The proposed prefix value Object for legal number prompts

This method performs validation on the legal number prompt data that was entered. This method will also verify the legal number entered is not already being used. If it is, the user has the option of continuing with this number. If the answer to the question is no, the user will be required to enter different data. If the answer is yes, the user can continue with the number. This method should be called when the user attempts to save the data. Parameters Name ds questionText String@ Type Description Object for legal number prompts Text of the question to ask the user if the number is already in use

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.LegalNumHistory: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LegalNumPrefix: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Lifecycle: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LinkQuoteSearch: This business object contains 1 methods.

This methods will return all of the LinkQuoteSearch records which will be a subset of the 'for each jobprod, each orderdtl of jobprod, each quotedtl of orderdtl' records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table (LinkQuoteSearch) we need our own public method. Parameters Name whereClauseJobProd whereClauseOrderDtl whereClauseQuoteDtl pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The where clause to restrict data for The where clause to restrict data for The where clause to restrict data for The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

Returns The dataset for the linkquotesearch temp table.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LogAPInv: This business object contains 48 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Method to call when changing the currency on the invoice. Validates the currency code and updates APInvHed with default values based on the currency. Parameters Name proposedCurrencyCode ds Type String Description The proposed currency code The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the fixed amount on a tax record. Updates LogAPInvTax tax amounts based on the new fixed amount.
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Parameters Name proposedFixedAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed fixed amount The Logged AP Invoice data set

Return if GL Control Type have GL Control Code Parameters Name vGLControlType opGLControlCode opDescription Type String String@ String@ Description GL Control Type selected for the Invoice Return GLControlCode. Return description of GLControlCode.

Method to call when changing the invoice date on the invoice. Updates APInvHed with default values based on the new date. Parameters Name proposedInvoiceDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed invoice date The Log AP Invoice data set

Method to call when changing the invoice num. Parameters Name ipInvoiceNum ipVendorNum Type String Int32 Description The proposed invoice Number The vendor Num (ID)

Method to call when changing the invoice reference on the debit memo. Validates the invoice reference number id and updates APInvHed with values from the new invoice reference.


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Parameters Name proposedInvoiceRef ds Type String Description The proposed invoice reference number The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the invoice vendor amount on an invoice record. Updates APInvHed amounts based on the new invoice vendor amount. Parameters Name proposedInvoiceVendorAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed tax amount The Logged AP Invoice data set

Method to call when changing the lock rate flag on the invoice. Updates APInvHed.EnableExchangeRate field. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Logged AP Invoice data set

Method to call when changing the manual tax calculation value on a tax record. Updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new value of the flag. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Logged AP Invoice data set

Method to call when changing the tax percent on a tax record. Updates LogAPInvTax tax amounts based on the new tax percent. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Logged AP Invoice data set

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Method to call when changing the po number reference on the invoice. Validates the po number reference and updates APInvHed with default values based on the po number. Parameters Name proposedRefPONum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed po number reference The Logged AP Invoice data set

Method to call when changing the taxable amount on a tax record. Updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new taxable amount. Parameters Name proposedReportableAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed reportable amount The Logged AP Invoice data set

Method to call when changing the Payment Method. Parameters Name ds Type Description The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the taxable amount on a tax record. Updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new taxable amount. Parameters Name proposedTaxableAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed taxable amount The Log AP Invoice data set

Method to call when changing the tax amount on a tax record. Updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new tax amount.


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Parameters Name proposedTaxAmt ds Type Decimal Description The proposed tax amount The Logged AP Invoice data set

Method to call when changing the tax code on a tax record. Validates the tax code and updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new tax code. Parameters Name proposedTaxCode ds Type String Description The proposed tax code The Logged AP Invoice data set

Method to call when changing the tax deductable on a tax record. Updates APInvTax tax amounts based on the new tax percent. Parameters Name proposedTaxDeductable ds Type Decimal Description The proposed tax deductable The APInvoice data set

Method to call when changing the tax lock rate flag on the invoice. Updates LogAPInv.EnableTaxExRate field. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Logged AP Invoice data set

Method to call when changing the tax percent on a tax record. Updates LogAPInvTax tax amounts based on the new tax percent. Parameters Name proposedTaxPercent ds Type Decimal Description The proposed tax percent The Log AP Invoice data set

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Method to call when changing the terms code on the invoice. Validates the terms code and updates LogAPInv with default values based on the new code. Parameters Name proposedTermsCode ds Type String Description The proposed terms code The Logged AP Invoice data set

Method to call when changing the vendor id on the invoice. Validates the vendor id and updates LogAPInv with values from the new vendor. updates LogAPInv with values from the new vendor. Parameters Name proposedVendorID ds Type String Description The proposed vendor id The Log AP Invoice data set

Before updating the LogAPInv record, CheckBankRef will be called to check if the bank reference conforms to format standards. If not, the user will be presented with a warning message and allowed to continue with the save. At this time this method is specific to Finland/Sweden localization Parameters Name ds opMessage String@ Type Description The APInvoice data set The Message to ask the user if the changes for the linked AP Invoice are okay.

Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth. Parameters Name keyValue keyValue2 Type String String Description VendorNum InvoiceNum


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Update APInvoice Detail information when the RateGrp is changed. Parameters Name ipRateGrpCode ds Type String Description Currency Rate Group Code The Log AP Invoice data set

Update APInvoice Detail information when the TaxRateGrp is changed. Parameters Name ipRateGrpCode ds Type String Description Currency Rate Group Code The Log AP Invoice data set

Method to call when adding a new Logged Debit Memo AP Invoice record Parameters Name ds cGroupID String Type Description The Logged Invoice data set The group id to add the invoice to

Method to call when adding a new logged AP Invoice record Parameters Name ds cGroupID String Type Description The Logged AP Invoice data set The group id to add the invoice to

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Parameters Name ipInvDate Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Invoice date to use

This method returns the Exchange Rate information for the selected Currency. The system may not have an exchange rate between the APInvoice and Base so it may use an middle Currency so that it will go APInvoice Currency -> Ref Currency -> Base Currency Parameters Name vCurrencyCode vRateGrpCode vExchangeRate vXRateLabel Type String String Decimal@ String@ Description Currency selected for the Logged APInvoice Currency Rate Group selected for the Logged APInvoice Current exchange rate between the Logged APInvoice currency and the Ref Currency Label for the Exchange Rate field

This method should be called to validate the new apply date entered by the user. Parameters Name vendorNum invoiceNum newApplyDate ds Type Int32 String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Vendor Number. Invoice Number. New Apply Date. Logged AP Invoice Entry data set.

This method should be called to validate the new apply date entered by the user. Parameters Name vendorNum invoiceNum newTaxDate Type Int32 String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Vendor Number. Invoice Number. New Tax Date.


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Name ds


Description Logged AP Invoice Entry data set.

This method should be called to validate the new apply date entered for the transferred invoice. Parameters Name vendorNum invoiceNum newTransApplyDate ds Type Int32 String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Vendor Number. Invoice Number. New Apply Date. Logged AP Invoice Entry data set.

Call this method when the user enters the ttLogApInv.BankID Parameters Name pcVendBankID ds Type String Description Vendor Bank ID The Logged AP Invoice data set

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Indicates if the legal number requires user input Type Description

Parameters Name ipGroupID ipInvoiceNum Type String String Description ipGroupID ipInvoiceNum

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Name ipVendorNum ipCalcAll ds

Type Int32 Boolean

Description ipVendorNum ipCalcAll The Log AP Invoice data set

Method to call when transfering an invoice to a different group. Parameters Name transferToGroupID xferInvVendorNum xferInvInvoiceNum Type String Int32 String Description The group id to transfer the invoice to The vendor number on the invoice to transfer The invoice number of the invoice to transfer

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LogInvAprvVoid: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Parameters Name ipInvoiceNum ipVendorNum opCanVoid opMessage Type String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Description Invoice Number user wants to void Vendor assigned to ipInvoiceNum indicates if the user can void the logged invoice text indicating why a user cannot void

Method to call when changing the approved flag on the invoice. Parameters Name proposedApproved ds Type Boolean Description The proposed approval flag value The Logged APInvoice approval void data set

Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth.


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Parameters Name keyValue keyValue2 Type String String Description VendorNum InvoiceNum

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LogInvGrp: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method deletes LogAPInvTax records which have zero amounts Since Logged Invoices TAx logic calculates tax conditionally only for the first tax line the invoice could have multiple zero tax records. Parameters Name postGroupID Type String Description The Group ID of the Group to post

This method should be called to validate the new apply date entered by the user. Parameters Name groupID newApplyDate ds Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Group ID. New Apply Date. Log Invoice Entry data set.

Method to call before posting invoices for a specific group. If the G/L module is installed, this method will determine if A/P is interfaced with G/L. If it is not, text of a question is returned indicating this and asking if it is ok to


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continue. This question should be presented to the user in yes/no format. If the user replies no, the PostGroupInvoices method should not be called. This method can also throw exceptions if certain configuration records do not exist. This method will also check if variances exist on the header or lines and return message text asking the user if they would like to continue nor not with posting. Parameters Name postGroupID returnMessage varianceMessage taxRecMessage Type String String@ String@ String@ Description The Group ID of the Group to post Contains text of the message to present to the user. Contains text of the message to present to the user if variances exist. Contains text of the message to present to the user if zero amount tax line exist.

Method to call to unlock a group record. This method should be called whenever the group no longer needs to be locked. The group no longer needs to be locked when the invoice object is closed, or when a different group is selected. Parameters Name inGroupID Type String Description The group id of the group record to unlock

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LotSelectUpdate: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method checks the Lot Number to see if there is any duplicate lot number used by another part number. A warning message will be returned to the user asking if the user wants to continue creating a duplicate lot number. This needs to be run before Update method. If the user answers yes to the question then the update method can be run.


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Parameters Name vLotNum vPartNum vRowid vMessage Type String String String String@ Description The Lot Number to be checked for duplicate Part Number associated with the current Lot Number RowIdent field of the PartLot Returns a warning message for duplicate lot number

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method Parameters Name vPartNum vNewLotNum Type String String@ Description Part Number associated with the current Lot Number Returns the next valid lot number

Validate the attributes information introduced by the user. Parameters Name ds Type Description The LotSelectUpdate DataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.LotSeq: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.


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Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

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Part III: M-R

Chapter 13: M
Epicor.Mfg.BO.MaintReq: This business object contains 14 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method should be called when request is approved. Parameters Name plant reqID onHold ds Type String String Boolean Description plant reqID onHold MaintReq data set

This method should be called when EquipID change. Parameters Name equipID ds Type String Description equipID MaintReq data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

This method should be invoked when the IssueTopics changes. Validates and sets the individual IssueTopic fields. Parameters Name topics ds Type String Description Proposed topics string id MaintReq data set

This method should be invoked when the ResTopics changes. Validates and sets the individual ResTopic fields. Parameters Name topics ds Type String Description Proposed topics string id MaintReq data set

This method should be called when Status Request is changed. Parameters Name ipReqID ipPlant ipStatus ds Type String String String Description RequestID Plant StatusRequest MaintReq data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.MaintResource: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MangCustSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Search Managed Customers by Customer ID. Call normal GetList method. Parameters Name whereClauseMangCust pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The MangCust data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Where Clause for MangCust. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Manufacturer: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method finds the manufacturer record by MfgId instead of MfgNum


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Parameters Name mfgID Type String Description The manufacturer character ID

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MassIssueToMfg: This business object contains 21 methods.

This method is called when the user presses Issue button after entering the Job#. This method builds and returns the Epicor.Mfg.BO.MassIssueToMfgDataSet dataset. Parameters Name ds pcMessage String@ Type Description Input dataset - Epicor.Mfg.BO.MassIssueInputDataSet with the Job# to which the Mass issue is to be done. If the job has any serialized parts, those are listed in this variable.

Returns The MassIssueToMfg Data Set

Clear All - Clear all issued quantities Parameters Name pcView ds Type String Description Input the filter shown in the browse. Valid values are Open, Completed or All. The MassIssueToMfg Data Set

List of jobs that can be selected for Mass Issue. Parameters Name whereClauseSetupGrp pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description Where condition without the where word # of records returned. 0 means all

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The MassIssueJobList Data Set

Create a new Epicor.Mfg.BO.MassIssueInputDataSet. Only few fields like Company and TranDate are populated. All other fields are dependent on the user selecting a job#. After the user enters a Job# call OnChangeJobNum to populate other fields in MassIssueInputDataSet . Parameters Name ds Type Description The MassIssueInput Data Set

Create a new Epicor.Mfg.BO.MassIssueInputDataSet based on the Job# input. Parameters Name pcJobNum ds Type String Description Job number. The MassIssueInput Data Set

This method creates a new ttMassIssueInputList row entry. Parameters Name ds Type Description The MassIssueInputList Data Set

Call this method when the user selects multiple jobs. This method populates the Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobClosingDataSet dataset with Job , JobOper and JobMtl information. Parameters Name ds Returns The JobClosing Data Set Type Description Input dataset contains the jobs selected by the user.

List of jobs that can be selected for Mass Issue.


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Parameters Name whereClauseSetupGrp pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The MassIssueJobList Data Set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description Where condition without the where word # of records returned. 0 means all

Issue All - Default Issue All Parameters Name pcView ds Type String Description Input the filter shown in the browse. Valid values are Open, Completed or All. The MassIssueToMfg Data Set

This method performs the Negative Stock check. This procedure should be run before calling PerformMassIssue method. Parameters Name pcJobNum ds pcQuestion pcError String@ String@ Type String Description Job# to which the Mass issue is to be done. The MassIssueToMfg Data Set, contains information to PerformMassIssue If non-blank, display the question to the user. The response should be passed as parameter to PerformMassIssue method. If non-blank, stop error has occured. Display message to the user. The response should be passed as parameter to PerformMassIssue method.

To populate the MassIssueInputDataSet dataset with the fields when JobNum changes This method populates and returns the Epicor.Mfg.BO.MassIssueInputDataSet dataset.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description Call this method when JobNum to which the Mass issue is to be done changes in the MassIssueInput Data Set

Call this method when binnum changes in Epicor.Mfg.BO.MassIssueToMfgDataSet dataset It returns a new Bin number and onhandqty. Parameters Name pcWarehouse pcPartNum pcBinNum ds Type String String String Description Warehouse Part number New Bin number which should be checked The MassIssueToMfg Data Set

Call this method when the Job# changes in ttMassIssueInputJob. Parameters Name pcJobNum ds Type String Description Job Number. The MassIssueInput Data Set

Call this method when Lot number changes in Epicor.Mfg.BO.MassIssueToMfgDataSet dataset. This method checks wheter the user has security permissions to create lot. Parameters Name plLotTrack pcLotNum plCreatePartLot ds Type Boolean String Boolean Description Is the part lot tracked ? Lot number User's answer to the question - Do you want to create a lot number The MassIssueToMfg Data Set


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To populate the Epicor.Mfg.BO.MassIssueToMfgDataSet dataset with the fields when PartNum changes Call this method when PartNum changes. Parameters Name pcJobNum piAssemblySeq piSeqNum ds Type String Int32 Int32 Description Job # to which the Mass Issue is done Assembly# Seq Number The MassIssueToMfg Data Set

Call this method when Qty Issued changes in Epicor.Mfg.BO.MassIssueToMfgDataSet dataset It returns a yes or no value for IssuedComplete. Parameters Name piAssemblySeq piSeqNum pdQtyIssued pdAssemblyQty ds pcWarning String@ Type Int32 Int32 Decimal Decimal Description Assembly# Seq Number Proposed Quantity Issued Current Assembly Quantity The MassIssueToMfg Data Set, contains information to PerformMassIssue If non-blank, display the warning to the the user.

Recalculates stockqty when the UOM changes. Parameters Name pcRowIdent pcUOM pdAssemblyQty ds Type String String Decimal Description RowIdent of the current record Proposed UOM Current Assembly Quantity The MassIssueToMfg Data Set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Call this method when Ware house changes in Epicor.Mfg.BO.MassIssueToMfgDataSet dataset It returns a new Bin number Parameters Name pcWarehouse pcPartNum pcWarning ds Type String String String@ Description Ware house Part number If non-blank, display the warning to the user. The MassIssueToMfg Data Set, contains information to PerformMassIssue

Call this method when the value of Part is changing for validation. Parameters Name pcPartNum Type String Description PartNum

This function performs the processing required to do the Mass Issue to manufacturing. No transactions are committed to the database unless this function is invoked. Please call NegativeStockCheck method before calling PerformMassIssue. Parameters Name pcJobNum pdtTranDate piCallNum plMaterialComplete Type String Description Job# to which the Mass issue is to be done.

Nullable{System.DateTime} Transaction Date Int32 Boolean Identifies the Service Call. Material complete? - Answer to the user question - Have all materials been issued for this Service Call? The response to the question generated from NegativeStockCheck method. The MassIssueToMfg Data Set, contains information to PerformMassIssue String@ Non-error, informational message

plNegStockCheckContinue Boolean ds pcMessage


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This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name pdtTranDate ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Transaction Date The MassIssue data set Indicates if the legal number requires user input

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MassOperationReplace: This business object contains 4 methods.

Validates the FromOpCode field and poplutes the From OpCode description. Is called when the From Op Code changes. If the code is not valid, an exception will be thrown. Parameters Name cFromOpCode ds Type String Description The proposed from operation code The MassOperationReplace data set

Validates the ToOpCode field and poplutes the To OpCode description. Is called when the To Op Code changes. If the code is not valid, an exception will be thrown. Parameters Name cToOpCode ds Type String Description The proposed To operation code The MassOperationReplace data set

Peforms the Mass Operation Replace.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The MassOperationReplace data set

Creates a temporary record to store information needed for the mass operation replace process. Returns The MassOperationReplace data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MassPartReplaceDelete: This business object contains 4 methods.

Validates the FromPartNum field and poplutes the From Part description. Is called when the From Part Number changes. If the part is not valid, an exception will be thrown. Parameters Name cFromPartNum ds Type String Description The proposed from part number The MassPartReplaceDelete data set

Validates the ToPartNum field and poplutes the To Part description. Is called when the To Part Number changes. If the part is not valid, an exception will be thrown. Parameters Name cToPartNum ds Type String Description The proposed to part number The MassPartReplaceDelete data set

Creates a temporary record to store information needed for the mass part replace/delete process. Parameters Name cAction Type String Description The action to take: Options are Replace or Delete

Returns The MassPartReplaceDelete data set


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Peforms the Mass Replace/Mass Delete of the Part. The field ActionRequest determines which action to perform. Parameters Name ds Type Description The MassPartReplaceDelete data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MassRscGrpReplace: This business object contains 4 methods.

Validates the FromResourceGrpID field and poplutes the From ResourceGrpID description. Is called when the From ResourceGrpID changes. If the code is not valid, an exception will be thrown. Parameters Name ipFromResourceGrpID ds Type String Description The proposed from op code The MassOperationReplace data set

Validates the ToResourceGrpID field and poplutes the To ResourceGrpID description. Is called when the To ResourceGrpID changes. If the code is not valid, an exception will be thrown. Parameters Name ipToResourceGrpID ds Type String Description The proposed from op code The MassOperationReplace data set

Creates a temporary record to store information needed for the mass work center replace process. Returns The MassRscGrpReplace data set

Peforms the Mass Work Center Replace.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The MassRscGrpReplace data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Masterpack: This business object contains 38 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Assigns a legal number to the miscellaneous shipment.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipPackNum ds opLegalNumMsg Returns The Master Pack data set String@ Legal number message Type Int32 Description Packing Slip number

Parameters Name ds weight Decimal@ Type Description MasterpackDataSet Pack Weight

Checks to see if the carton void can be cancelled and re-opens it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iPackNum Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The carton number of the carton to open

Parameters Name ipPackNum Type Int32 Description Pack Num to clear Manifest fields

Checks to see if the carton can be closed and closes it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iPackNum Type Int32 Description The carton number of the carton to close


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Returns The SalesOrder data set

Parameters Name ipPackNum Type Int32 Description Pack Num to populate Manifest fields

Parameters Name ipPayFlag Type String Description Pay Flag to retrieve defaults

Returns the legal number generation options. Parameters Name ipPackNum opPromptForNum Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Packing Slip number Prompt for the number

Returns The Legal Number Generation Options dataset

Parameters Name ipPayFlag Type String Description Pay Flag to retrieve defaults

Parameters Name ipPkgCode ds Type String Description package code Masterpack Shipment data set

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Parameters Name ipPkgClass ds Type String Description package class Masterpack Shipment data set

Parameters Name ipPayFlag ds Type String Description Pay Flag to retrieve defaults The Masterpack shipment data set

Parameters Name workstationID scaleID Type String String@ Description Workstation ID to retrieve scale settings Workstation default scale

This method displays the shipto address information when the ShipToNum field changes Should only be called on new Shipments or if the Shipment has no lines and if the MultipleShippers flag is yes Parameters Name ds packNum dtlPackNum shipmentType Int32 Int32 String Type Description Master Pack Shipment data set Master Pack ID Detail Pack ID Shipment type:Sales,Misc,Sub or Transfer


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Parameters Name ipPayFlag Type String Description Pay Flag to retrieve defaults

Sets default values when the TranDocTypeID changes Parameters Name ipTranDocTypeID ds Type String Description TranDocTypeID supplied Masterpack Shipment data set

Parameters Name ipPayFlag Type String Description Pay Flag to retrieve defaults

Checks to see if the carton can be opened and opens it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iPackNum ipResetCODCharges ipResetInsCharges opWarnMsg Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Boolean Boolean String@ Description The carton number of the carton to open Indicates if the CODAmount is to be reset to zero Indicates if the DeclaredAmt is to be reset to zero Warning message the UI is to display to the user

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name iPackNum ds Returns The Masterpack data set Type Int32 Description The carton number of the carton to open Freight Response data set

Parameters Name iPackNum opWarnMsg Returns The Masterpack data set Type Int32 String@ Description The carton number of the carton to open Warning message the UI is to present to the user

Parameters Name ipQVEnable ds Type Boolean Description logical indicating if the quantum view is to enabled/disabled The Masterpack data set

Parameters Name ipShipStatus ds Type String Description Shipment status The Masterpack shipment data set

Checks to see if the carton can be voided and voids it if it is allowed.


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Parameters Name iPackNum Returns The Masterpack data set Type Int32 Description The carton number of the carton to Stage

Parameters Name ipAmountType ipAction ds Type String Boolean Description COD or DeclaredAmt Yes = recalculate No = reset to zero Masterpack Shipment data set

Checks to see if the carton can be voided and voids it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iPackNum Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The carton number of the carton to void

Voids the legal number. Parameters Name ipPackNum ipVoidedReason Returns The Master Pack data set Type Int32 String Description Packing Slip number Reason for the void

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Parameters Name packNum shipmentType Type Int32 String Description PackID Sales,Sub,Transfer or Misc

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MaterialQueue: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process. Retrieve material queue entry by company and by employee. Returns The MaterialQueue Data Set

Retrieve material queue entry by company and by mtlQueueSeq. Parameters Name ipMtlQueueSeq Returns The MaterialQueue Data Set Type String Description Material Queue Sequence

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.Memo: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MemoCat: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process. This returns a list of RelatedToFileList records. The reason getcodedesclist could not be used is because the list changes based on Vista or Vantage system. Returns The RelatedToFileList Data Set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Menu: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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Move or Copy one menu item (source) before another (Target) Parameters Name sourceMenuId targetMenuId newMenuID bSuccess Type String String String@ Boolean@ Description Menu ID of the sourcerp Menu ID of the Target new menu ID if source is copied true = successful

Move or Copy one menu item to the last menu item of the parent Parameters Name sourceMenuId parentMenuID newMenuID bSuccess Type String String String@ Boolean@ Description Menu ID of the sourcerp Menu ID of the parent new menu ID if source is copied true = successful

Gets translation for each existing Row Parameters Name whereClauseMenu pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The Menu data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description whereClauseSetupGrp">Where condition without the where word # of records returned. 0 means all

Gets Rows that that are accessible from the WEB


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Parameters Name whereClauseMenu pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The Menu data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description whereClauseSetupGrp">Where condition without the where word # of records returned. 0 means all

Gets Rows that that are accessable from the WEB Parameters Name whereClauseMenu pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The Menu data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description whereClauseSetupGrp">Where condition without the where word # of records returned. 0 means all

Gets Rows that that are accessible from the WEB Parameters Name whereClauseMenu pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The Menu data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description whereClauseSetupGrp">Where condition without the where word # of records returned. 0 means all

Gets Rows that that are accessable from the WEB

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClauseMenu pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The Menu data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description whereClauseSetupGrp">Where condition without the where word # of records returned. 0 means all

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MenuTab: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MeterRead: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MfgCubeDefSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MfgCubeDimSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.MfgPart: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MiscChrg: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.


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Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Performs required logic when MiscChrg.IncomeTaxCode is modified. Parameters Name ipIncomeTaxCode Type String Description Proposed input value of Income Tax Code

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Name ds


Description MiscChrg data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MiscShip: This business object contains 39 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Assigns a legal number to the miscellaneous shipment. Parameters Name ipPackNum ds opLegalNumMsg Returns The Miscellaneous Shipment data set String@ Legal number message Type Int32 Description Packing Slip number

Parameters Name cartonNumber calculatedWeight Type Int32 Decimal@ Description Carton Number Shipment weight based upon part values

Checks to see if the carton void can be cancelled and re-opens it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iPackNum Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The carton number of the carton to open


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Checks to see if the Qty percent and value percent fields total 100 percent. Parameters Name iPackNum iPackLine Type Int32 Int32 Description The current PackNum The current PackLine

Parameters Name ipPackNum Type Int32 Description Pack Num to clear Manifest fields

Checks to see if the carton can be closed and closes it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iPackNum Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The carton number of the carton to close

Parameters Name ipPackNum Type Int32 Description Pack Num to populate Manifest fields

Creates Miscellaneous Shipment Records from DRM Entries. Header and details. Parameters Name ipDMRNum Type Int32 Description DMR number supplied

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This method updates the address information from either the Vendor or Customer table when the Shipto or PurPoint field has been changed. If custID and VendorID fields are both blank this procedure assumes that the user is entering the information in free form and there is nothing to default (or no need to call this method). Parameters Name ds Type Description The MiscShip data set

This method defaults the Call Number and shipto fields when the Job, PO or Order number fields change Parameters Name updatedField ds Type String Description Name of the field that changed, Order, Job, or PO The MiscShip data set

Gets the default UOM from Part or XaSyst Parameters Name ds Type Description

Gets DRM Supplier's info Parameters Name ipDMRNum ds Type Int32 Description IPDMRNum DMR number supplied FAssetImportExportDataSet Dataset of candidates for import.

Returns the legal number generation options.


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Parameters Name ipPackNum opPromptForNum Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Packing Slip number Prompt for the number

Returns The Legal Number Generation Options dataset

This method defaults the Quantity, Part and Line description fields when the MtlSeq field has been updated Parameters Name ds Type Description The MiscShip data set

Parameters Name ipPkgClass ds Type String Description package class to validate Miscellaneaous shipment dataset

Parameters Name ipPkgCode ds Type String Description package code Miscellaneaous shipment dataset

Gets PO Supplier's info Parameters Name ipPONum ds Type Int32 Description IPPONum PO number supplied

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Parameters Name workstationID scaleID Type String String@ Description Proposed change to OrderNum If customer is on credit hold an error message will be returned.

Sets default values when the TranDocTypeID changes Parameters Name ipTranDocTypeID ds Type String Description TranDocTypeID supplied

Checks to see if the carton can be opened and opens it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iPackNum ipResetCODCharges ipResetInsCharges Type Int32 Boolean Boolean Description The carton number of the carton to open Indicates if the CODAmount is to be reset to zero Indicates if the DeclaredAmt is to be reset to zero

Returns The Miscellaneous shipment data set

This method prints the Miscellaneous Packing Slip Parameters Name packNum Type Int32 Description Packing Slip number


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Parameters Name ipQVEnable ds Type Boolean Description logical indicating if the quantum view is to enabled/disabled The miscellaneous data set

Parameters Name ipShipStatus ds Type String Description Shipment status The Miscellaneous shipment data set

Checks to see if the carton can be voided and voids it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iPackNum Returns The MscShpHd data set Type Int32 Description The carton number of the carton to Stage

Parameters Name ipAmountType ipAction ds Type String Boolean Description COD or DeclaredAmt Yes = recalculate No = reset to zero Miscellaneous Shipment data set

Checks to see if the carton can be voided and voids it if it is allowed.

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Parameters Name iPackNum Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The carton number of the carton to void

Voids the legal number. Parameters Name ipPackNum ipVoidedReason Returns The Miscellaneous Shipment data set Type Int32 String Description Packing Slip number Reason for the void

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MiscShipToSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.


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Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

MiscShipTo is not a real database table. It stores results from ShipTo and VendorPP tables. The UI needs the standard methods (GetByID, GetRows, GetList etc..) for the Search model to work. So we have to use core/BOBase.i . When we do that we get compilation error. To overcome that we have defined PHYSICAL_TABLE_01 ShipTo. This solves most of the problems i.e. we can compile the code and generate a dll. The GetList also works, except it displays invalid query when we try to use a where clause on non ShipTo fields. To overcome that problem. This method is developed. It is a copy of GetList. Except it fills the data from both the tables and then applies the where condition. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The MiscShipToList data set. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Where clause to filter the query results. page size. absolute page more pages.

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.MktgAct: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MktgAdv: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MktgCamp: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MktgEvnt: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MktgLst: This business object contains 26 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method refreshes the dataset when the CreateTask flage is turned off Parameters Name ds Type Description Marketing List Export DataSet

This method refreshes the dataset when the CreateTask flage is turned off


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Parameters Name ds Type Description Marketing List Export DataSet

This method copies detail records from another MktgList to the current MktgList Parameters Name fromListID toListID Returns Marketing List Dataset Type String String Description Marketing List ID to copy FROM Marketing List ID to copy TO

This method creates detail records from MktgListGenerate dataset Parameters Name ds statusMsg String@ Type Description Marketing List Detail Generate Dataset A message that indicates how many records were added

This method creates the MktgLstExp table using the values in the MktgLstExpParam table Parameters Name listID ds Type String Description Marketing List to export Marketing List Export DataSet

This method creates the MktgLstParam table for use in the export process Returns Marketing List Export DataSet

This method validates and defaults Call Type information when CallType is changed

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Parameters Name callType ds Type String Description Proposed Call Type Marketing List Export DataSet

This method validates the Campaign ID when the user changes the value Parameters Name campaignID ds Type String Description Proposed Marketing Campaign ID Marketing List Dataset

This method validates the Contact when the user changes the value Parameters Name conNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Contact Number Marketing List Dataset

This method validates the Customer ID when the user changes the value Parameters Name custID ds Type String Description Proposed Customer ID Marketing List Dataset

This method validates the Event Sequence when the user changes the value Parameters Name evntSeq ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Marketing Event Sequence Marketing List Dataset


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This method validates the Ship To Number when the user changes the value Parameters Name shipTo ds Type String Description Proposed ShipTo Number Marketing List Dataset

This method validates and defaults Task information when TaskID is changed Parameters Name listID taskID ds Type String String Description Marketing List to export Proposed Task ID Marketing List Export DataSet

This method validates and defaults Task Type information when TaskType is changed Parameters Name taskType ds Type String Description Proposed TaskType value Marketing List Export DataSet

This method is to be run before the PullList method to validate the BatchID if the batch Id already exists for the target Marketing List a question will be returned to the user asking them if they'd like to reuse the batch ID. If the user answers yes they can continue on to the PullList method. Parameters Name listID batchID vQuestion Type String String String@ Description Marketing List ID to add the data to Batch id associated with the execution of the query Question asking if the user wants to reuse the batch id (yes/no)

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This method takes the Busines Activity Query ID and runs the query internally. It will create MktLstDtl record for every Customer/Contact that is returned by the B.A. Query and will return the updated dataset to the UI Parameters Name queryID listID batchID noCustomer Type String String String Boolean Description Business Activity ID to run Marketing List ID to add the data to Batch id associated with the execution of the query If true, then only contacts will be created, otherwise a Customer record for every contact will be created

Returns Marketing List Dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MktgPub: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MLSupplyDemand: This business object contains 1 methods.

This method returns the pegging information for the selected supply/demand/part. No maintenance is allowed in this object so there is only this one method. Parameters Name key1 key2 key3 Type String String String Description First unique key Second optional key Third optional key

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Name mlType

Type String

Description S = Sales Order, P = PO, J = Job, T = Transfer Order, R = Part

Returns SupplyDemand Dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MobileConnectConflict: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method is the final step in the KeyReassignment stage. If this has been run then row has passed all the error checking and UI updates required. because of the potential cascading changes to other IntQueOut record, it would be best to refetch the dataset after running this method Parameters Name vMessage ds Type String@ Description Message to display to user when method is done

This method is to be run before the actual delete method. This method may return a question to ask the user. If the user answers yes to this question (or there was no question to ask) then the UI may run the DeleteQueue method. Otherwise the delete process should be cancelled. Parameters Name vIntQueID vQuestion ds Type Decimal String@ Description Unique ID for IntQueOut Question to ask the user (yes/no)

This method is to be run before the KeyReassignment method. This method will return the field(s) the User is allowed to update. Once the user has updated the fields, you need to call PreKeyReassignmentVal method which validates the newly changed keys.

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Parameters Name vIntQueID vIntQueFieldList vActualFieldList ds Type Decimal String@ String@ Description Unique identifier of IntQueOut List of fields the user needs to update for key reassignment List of the actual database labels that correspond to the IntQue fields

This method is to be run before the update method and after the PreKeyReassignmentChk method. This method will validate the new keys the user entered. It may return a question. If the user answers yes to the question (or no question was returned an no errors) the user can continue on to the KeyReassignment method. Parameters Name vIntQueID vQuestion ds Type Decimal String@ Description The unique identifier of IntQueOut A possible question to ask the user (yes/no) The MobileConnectConflict Data Set

This method allows the user to resend the Mobile Connect syncronization record to the main database Parameters Name vIntQueID vMessage ds Type Decimal String@ Description Unique identifier of IntQueOut Message to display to the user when the method is done The MobileConnectConflict Data Set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MobileConnectSetup: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Test Connction method. Creates initial connection setups. Parameters Name dCRMDevRowid Type String Description rowid of DCRMDev

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MoveRequest: This business object contains 13 methods.

This method needs to be called from the main menu only. if the object is being called from the shop floor menu then the employee id has already been determined and validated and is passed in Parameters Name empID empName Type String String@ Description Employee ID Employee Name

Call this method to create a new Epicor.Mfg.BO.MoveRequestDataSet with the RequestType Parameters Name requestType ds Type String Description Request Type MoveRequestDataSet

Call this method when the AssemblySeq field changes RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work


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Parameters Name asmSeq ds Type Int32 Description Assembly Sequence The MoveRequest data set

Call this method when the FromBin field changes RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name fromBin ds Type String Description From Bin Number The MoveRequest data set

Call this method when the FromWhse field changes RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name fromWhse ds Type String Description From Warehouse The MoveRequest data set

Call this method when the JobNum field changes RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name jobNum ds Type String Description Job Number The MoveRequest data set

Call this method when the lotNum field changes RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name lotNum ds Type String Description Lot Number The MoveRequest data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Call this method when the MtlSeq field changes if RequestType = "MW":U then MtlSeq is actually the JobOper.OprSeq RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name mtlSeq ds Type Int32 Description Material Sequence The MoveRequest data set

Call this method when the PartNum field changes RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name partNum ds Type String Description Part Number The MoveRequest data set

Call this method when the ReqDirection field changes RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name reqDirection ds Type String Description Request Direction The MoveRequest data set

Call this method when the ToBin field changes RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name toBin ds Type String Description To Bin Number The MoveRequest data set

Call this method when the ToWhse field changes RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work


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Parameters Name toWhse ds Type String Description To Warehouse The MoveRequest data set

Must set the MoveRequest RowMod to "U" or "A" for this method to work The method updates the Mtl Queue record when the user is done inputing data Parameters Name ds Type Description The MoveRequest data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MPS: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Copy the master production schedule from the forecast for the given Part/Plant and the forecast horizon of the given date. The forecast horizon is determined from the company MRP configuration settings to determine a starting date. All forcast entries after that date will be copied to the Master Production Schedule. Parameters Name ipPartNum ipPlant ipDate Type String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The Part number of the forecast/schedule The Plant of the forecast/schedule The starting date of the schedule. This is typically TODAY.

This will determine if a forecast entry exists for a part/plant within the forecast horizon of a given date. The forecast horizon starts at the given dates and looks backward the number of days as defined in the MRP configuration. Parameters Name ipPartNum Type String Description The Part number of the forecast


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Name ipPlant ipDate opForecastExists

Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Boolean@

Description The Plant of the forecast The starting date of the forecast. This is typically TODAY. Returns TRUE if a forecast entry exists within the horizon.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MRPProc: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MRPProcQueue: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

UPdate MRPPRocQueue when a different GroupID is selected. Parameters Name ipGroupID ds Type String Description The MRPProcQueue data set The MRPProcQueue data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.MRPQueue: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.

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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Chapter 14: N
Epicor.Mfg.BO.NamedSearch: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.NARelationship: This business object contains 18 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Add Child to the Customer for both tiered and non tiered classes Parameters Name ds ipRlsClassCode ipTopCustNum ipCustNum ipChildCustID errorMsg String Int32 Int32 String String@ Type Description The Relationship data set RlsClass.RlsClassCode Top Cust Num Parent Cust Num Child CustID associated error message

Gets list CustNum of customers which can be payed by Customer ipPayerCustNum Parameters Name ipPayerCustNum listPayFor Type Int32 String@ Description Payer Cust Num list Pay For

Get National Accout dataset by RlsClass and any Customer from Relationship (TODO-rename parameters TopCust with Cust) Parameters Name ipRlsClassCode ipTopCustID ipNewNA pTopCustNum errorMsg Returns The Relationship data set Type String String Boolean Int32@ String@ Description RlsClass.RlsClassCode Customer CustID Is it a new record Customer Num associated error message


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Check Cust Id, get Name, Num Parameters Name ipCustID pCustName Type String String@ Description Customer ID Cust Name

Check all customers if they are Global if the flag was set Parameters Name ds ipRlsGlobal isSetGlobal Boolean Boolean@ Type Description The Relationship data set Global flag Confirm Global settings

Check Parent Cust Id for non tiered Relationship Parameters Name ds ipParentCustID String Type Description The Relationship data set Parent CustID

Check Rls Class Code

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Parameters Name ipRlsClassCode errorMsg Type String String@ Description Relationship Class Code associated error message

Epicor.Mfg.BO.NaturalAcctCurrSearch: This business object contains 1 methods.

Get Rows Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns ExpressShip dataset Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Where Clause ExpressShip Page Size Absolute Page More Pages?

Epicor.Mfg.BO.NCChgLog: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method gets Table list Parameters Name outTables Type String@ Description List of tables' names

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.NonConf: This business object contains 28 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

To test on hand quantity of the bin - i.e. whether it will go negative. Call this method on change of Quantity. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pdTranQty pcNeqQtyAction Type String String String String String Decimal Decimal String@ Description Part Number Warehouse Code Bin Number Lot Number From UNIT OF MEASURE (old Dimension Code) Obsolete Dimension Conversion Factor Quantity (in stocking uom) Valid values are STOP, NONE or ASK User. If Ask User, the user can decide to go ahead with the update even if the qty is negative Error message passed back from the business logic.

pcMessage Returns pcNeqQtyActionpcMessage


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Add NonConf of a certain type. Valid types are Operation, Inventory, JobMaterial, SubContract, and Other. Since Update() disallows changes to the TrnTyp field, you MUST use this instead of GetNewNonConf(). Parameters Name pcNonConfType Returns Inspection Processing dataset. Type String Description Type/origin of NonConformance.

Get the latest Revision (as of TODAY) for the given Part. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcRevisionNum Type String String@ Description Part Number. Revision Number.

Get the available quantity for the part/warehouse/bin/dim code/lot. Parameters Name ds Type Description The NonConf data set

To retrieve the list of possible Material Sources for the given Job Material, as a dataset, to facilitate presenting them to the user to pick one. See the Pick Material Source dialog in v6.10 (qae10-ml.w). The purpose of determining the material source is to set NonConf.VendorNum and NonConf.PurPoint in the case where the tranType = "PUR-MTL". The user's selection of one of these should be stored in the NonConf.MtlSourceTrnType field (i.e. NonConf.MtlSourceTrnType = NonConfSource.TrnType). Note that in v6.10, the user is only presented


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with the dialog if the Job Material has more than one possible source. To support that behavior, this routine sets the output parameter pcMtlSourceTrnType to the PartTran.TranType when it is unambiguous. Parameters Name pcJobNum piAssemblySeq piMtlSeq pcMtlSourceTrnType Returns Material Sources data set. Type String Int32 Int32 String@ Description Job number of the Job Material. Job Assembly Sequence of the Job Material. Material Sequence of the Job Material. Material Source Transaction Type.

For a given Part Number, retrieve the current Revision, Unit of Measure, Default Warehouse, and whether it is tracked by Lot, and/or Dimension. Any time the Part has changed, the Lot-, Dimension-, and SerialNumber-tracking attributes need to be checked, and corresponding fields enabled/disabled as appropriate. Also, the SelectedSerialNumbers dataset needs to be cleared out. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcRevisionNum pcUM pcWarehouseCode plLotTracked plDimTracked pcWareHseCodeDesc pcBinNum Type String String@ String@ String@ Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ String@ Description Part Number. Part Revision Number. Unit of Mesaure. Warehouse Code. Item is tracked by Lot Number. Item is tracked by Dimension. Warehouse description. Bin Number.

Returns primary keys of the part transaction related to the particular non conformance. Parameters Name tranID partTranPKs Type Int32 String@ Description NonConf.TranID. Part transaction primary keys

This method will populate the SelectedSerialNumber datatable for the Non Conf RowIdent.

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Parameters Name pcNonConfRowIdent snIsEnabled serialControlPlant ds Type String Boolean String Description Input RowIdent field of NonConf datatable Indicates if serial numbers are requied for the NonConf line The plant that is controlling the serial behavior for the NonConf line The NonConf data set

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name Type Description Indicates if the from plant is controlling the serial processing (UI Application). The plant that is controlling serial behavior for the transaction(UI Application). The to plant for the transaction if from plant is controlling (UI Application). Indicates if the transaction requires serial number selection (UI Application). The part number for the transaction(UI Application). The bin for the transaction(UI Application). The warehouse for the transaction(UI Application). The job for the transaction(UI Application). The assembly for the transaction(UI Application). The quantity for the transaction(UI Application). The unit of measure for the transaction(UI Application). The the converted UOM for the transaction(UI Application). The RowIdent of the NonConf line for the transaction(UI Application). The name of the calling process (UI Application). The name of the calling process (UI Application). The Material Sequence for the transaction.

serialControlPlantIsFromPlt Boolean serialControlPlant serialControlPlant2 snIsEnabled partNum binNum warehouseCode jobNum assemblySeq quantity scrapUM tranUOM sourceRowID pcProcessID trnTyp materialSeq String String Boolean String String String String String Decimal String String String String String Int32

Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset


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This method validates the ProposedAssemblySeq, then updates the following assembly-related fields: NonConf.PartNum NonConf.PartNumPartDescription NonConf.RevisionNum NonConf.ScrapUM NonConf.WarehouseCode NonConf.BinNum NonConf.PartNumTrackSerialNum NonConf.PartNumTrackLots NonConf.PartNumTrackDimension NonConf.OprSeq NonConf.MtlSeq NonConf.ResourceID NonConf.ResourceIDDescription This method should be run when the NonConf.AssemblySeq field changes. Any time the Part has changed, the Lot-, Dimension-, and SerialNumber-tracking attributes need to be checked, and corresponding fields enabled/disabled as appropriate. Also, the SelectedSerialNumbers dataset needs to be cleared out. An exception is thrown if: - No Job Assembly exists with the given Assembly Sequence Number Parameters Name piProposedAssemblySeq ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed Job Assembly value The NonConf data set

This method validates the piProposedMtlSeq, then updates the following material-related fields: NonConf.PartNum NonConf.PartNumPartDescription NonConf.RevisionNum NonConf.ScrapUM This method should be run when the NonConf.MtlSeq field changes. Any time the Part has changed, the Lot-, Dimension-, and SerialNumber-tracking attributes need to be checked, and corresponding fields enabled/disabled as appropriate. Also, the SelectedSerialNumbers dataset needs to be cleared out. An exception is thrown if: - No Job Material exists with the given MtlSeq Number Parameters Name piProposedMtlSeq ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed Job Material value The NonConf data set

This method validates the JobNum, then updates the following Job-related fields: PartNum, AssemblySeq, MtlSeq, OprSeq, ResourceID, ResourceIDDescription, JobNumPartDescription, Plant This method should be run when the NonConf.JobNum field changes. If the Part related to the job has only one possible Assembly, the appropriate assembly information is returned, and the plAsmReturned flag is returned as TRUE. This should be used to disable the Assembly Number field and lookup, if appropriate. Any time the Part has changed, the Lot-, Dimension-, and SerialNumber-tracking attributes need to be checked, and corresponding fields enabled/disabled as appropriate. Also, the SelectedSerialNumbers dataset needs to be cleared out. An exception is thrown if: - No Job exists with the given JobNum - Job is not for current plant - Job has been closed - Job has not been released - Job is for a service call that has been invoiced Parameters Name pcProposedJobNum plAsmReturned Type String Boolean@ Description The new proposed JobNum value TRUE if the indicated Part only has one assembly.

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Name snWarning ds

Type String@

Description Message returned if there are currently selecte serial numbers. The NonConf data set

This method validates the piProposedOprSeq, then updates the following operation-related fields: NonConf.OprSeq NonConf.WCCode NonConf.WrkCntrDesc NonConf.WarehouseCode NonConf.WarehouseCodeDescription NonConf.BinNum This method should be run when the NonConf.OprSeq field changes. Any time the Part has changed, the Lot-, Dimension-, and SerialNumber-tracking attributes need to be checked, and corresponding fields enabled/disabled as appropriate. Also, the SelectedSerialNumbers dataset needs to be cleared out. An exception is thrown if: - No Job Operation exists with the given OprSeq Number Parameters Name piProposedOprSeq ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed Job Operation Sequence value The NonConf data set

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.TranQty changes. This method performs validation on TranQty and sets the Issued Complete flag. Parameters Name pdTranQty ds Type Decimal Description Transaction Qty IssueReturnDataSet

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.IssueReturnDataSet.UM changes. Parameters Name pUM ds Type String Description Transaction UOM IssueReturnDataSet

This method does: 1 - Returns a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called.


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Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Indicates if the legal number requires user input Type Description

Validates that a single serial number is valid for this transaction Parameters Name ds serialNumber isVoided String Boolean@ Type Description NonConf data set Serial number to validate. Serial Number Voided flag

Provides a WHERE clause for obtaining a list of Reason codes suitable for the given type of NonConformance. Valid types are Operation, Inventory, JobMaterial, SubContract, and Other. Parameters Name pcNonConfType Type String Description Type/origin of NonConformance.

Returns WHERE clause suitable for use with Reason.GetList()

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Business Object Reference Guide

Chapter 15: O
Epicor.Mfg.BO.ObjectSecurity: This business object contains 20 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method is run before Update procedure to warn the user if the same record exists, the old record will be deleted during saving. Parameters Name pcSecCode pcCurCompOnly rowExists Type String Boolean Boolean@ Description The current security code The flag CurrentCompanyOnly It returns true if the record already exists

This method deny token access to a particular user or group Parameters Name pcSecCode pcUser Type String String Description The security token The user id or a group code

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Name pbCurrentCompanyOnly ds

Type Boolean

Description yes = no particular company The dataset representing Security object

This method deny token access to a particular user or group Parameters Name pcSecCode pcUser pbCurrentCompanyOnly ds Type String String Boolean Description The security token The user id or a group code yes = no particular company The dataset representing Security object

This method returns a dataset representing a Security with CompanyID, which is allowable for the current company. Parameters Name pcSecCode pcComp strictPrimKey Type String String Boolean Description The security code The company If it is false, look for all recordes allowed for the current company

Returns The dataset representing the Security row

This method returns a double-delimited list of value-name pairs of all Users and Groups. This could be used to provide a "picker list" as a starting point when adding a new Security record related to a method. These would look the same as a Security record for an object, but with a SecCode field that has been appended with "." + MethodName. For example, a security record for the Parameters Name pcGroupUserList Type String@ Description The double-delimited list of Group and User codes and names.


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This method returns a list of Security, including those with blank Company ID Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Returns the list of Securities Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

This method returns a delimited list of the public methods for the given object. This could be used to provide a "picker list" as a starting point when adding a new Security record related to a method. These would look the same as a Security record for an object, but with a SecCode field that has been appended with "." + MethodName. For example, a security record for the Parameters Name pcSecCode pcMethodList Type String String@ Description The security code for which you want the list of methods. The delimited list of method names.

This method creates a new sub security row Parameters Name ds pcParentSecCode pcSecCode String String Type Description Returns the created subsecurity row The parent security code The security code

This method Grant security token access to a particular user or group Parameters Name pcSecCode Type String Description The Security token

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Name pcColumn pcUser pbCurrentCompanyOnly ds

Type String String Boolean

Description The column The user id or a group code yes = only for current company The dataset representing Security object

This method Grant security token access to a particular user or group Parameters Name pcSecCode pcColumn pcUser pbCurrentCompanyOnly ds Type String String String Boolean Description The Security token The Column The user id or a group code yes = only for current company Returns the dataset representing Security object

This method don't allow create new record, if there are records with the same code for all companies and for the current company. If there is only record for all companies, this method retuns the current company ID to allow create new record only for the current company. Parameters Name newSecCode curComp Type String String@ Description The new security code The current company

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ObjectSecuritySearch: This business object contains 6 methods. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.OpMaster: This business object contains 27 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Method to call when changing the Capability ID. Blank is a valid entry for Capability ID. Parameters Name proposedCapID ds Type String Description The proposed Capability ID The OpMaster data set

This methods assigns associated fields when OpMasRestriction.RestrictionTypeID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description OpMaster dataset

This methods assigns associated fields when OpMasRestrictSubst.SubstanceID changes.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description OpMaster dataset

This method checks if the entered primary production operation detail is valid. This method should run when the OpMaster.ScrPrimaryProdOpDtl field changes. Parameters Name proposedProdOpDtl ds Type Int32 Description The proposed primary production operation detail sequence The Operation Master data set

This method checks if the entered primary setup operation detail is valid. This method should run when the OpMaster.ScrPrimarySetupOpDtl field changes. Parameters Name proposedSetupOpDtl ds Type Int32 Description The proposed primary setup operation detail sequence The Operation Master data set

Method to call when changing the Resource Group ID. This method will update OpMasDtl with the default labor and burden rates from the new resource group. Blank is a valid entry for Resource Group ID. Parameters Name proposedResGrpID ds Type String Description The proposed Resource Group ID The Operation Master data set

Method to call when changing the Resource ID. Blank is a valid entry for Resource ID. Parameters Name proposedResourceID ds Type String Description The proposed Resource ID The Operation Master data set


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Method to call when changing the Vendor Num. Blank is a valid entry for Vendor Num. Parameters Name proposedVendorNumVendorID ds Type String Description The proposed Vendor ID The OpMaster data set

Method to call check the capability, resource group, or resource is active. This method should be called prior to calling the Update method on an OpMasDtl record. Will return message text to present to the user if the code is inactive. The message is asking the user if it is ok to save the record with an inactive code. If the user answers yes, the record can be saved. If a blank value is returned for InactiveMessage, continue as normal - no special processing needs to occur. Parameters Name ds inactiveMessage String@ Type Description The OpMaster data set The text of the message

A variation of the standard GetByID. Gets a OpMaster for a specific OpCode with consideration of OpType(s). Note OpType is a comma separated list of Operation types to be considered valid for this Get. Used as a predecessor to calling GetByID. Parameters Name opCode opType Type String String Description Opmaster.OpCode Opmaster.OpType

This methods allows for the insertion of Capability on an operation to create operation detail for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipOpMasterRowID ipCapabilityID Type String String Description The rowid of the OpMaster record to add the operation detail to The Capability ID being added

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Name ipNewOpDtlSeq ipBeforeOpDtlRowid

Type Int32 String

Description The new operation detail seq The operation detail rowid to insert operation detail before

Returns The OpMaster data set

This methods allows for the insertion of Resource on an operation to create operation detail for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipOpMasterRowID ipResourceID ipNewOpDtlSeq ipBeforeOpDtlRowid Type String String Int32 String Description The rowid of the OpMaster record to add the operation detail to The Resource ID being added The new operation detail seq The operation detail rowid to insert operation detail before

Returns The OpMaster data set

This methods allows for the insertion of Resource Group on an operation to create operation detail for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipOpMasterRowID ipResourceGrpID ipNewOpDtlSeq ipBeforeOpDtlRowid Type String String Int32 String Description The rowid of the OpMaster record to add the operation detail to The Resource Group ID being added The new operation detail seq The operation detail rowid to insert operation detail before

Returns The OpMaster data set

Method to validate the Inspection control fields. (EQM)


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Parameters Name ipProposedInspPlan ipProposedSpecId ds Type String String Description The new proposed InspPlanPartNum value The new proposed SpecID value The OpMaster entry Dataset.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.OpStd: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.OpText: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.OrderAlloc: This business object contains 45 methods.

Allocate sales demand records by choosing specific Lots and/or Bins Parameters Name ds cIPWhseList cWhseType String String Type Description The OrderAlloc data set The list of warehouses All or primary warehouse only

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Name cMessageText

Type String@

Description Message text to present to the user after the process is finished

Allocate demand by choosing specific Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds cIPWhseList cWhseType cMessageText String String String@ Type Description The OrderAlloc data set The list of warehouses All or primary warehouse only Message text to present to the user after the process is finished

Auto allocate demand Parameters Name ds cIPWhseList cWhseType cMessageText String String String@ Type Description The OrderAlloc data set The list of warehouses All or primary warehouse only Message text to present to the user after the process is finished

Auto Pick demand Parameters Name ds cIPWhseList o_Success cMessageText String Boolean@ String@ Type Description The OrderAlloc data set The list of warehouses Sends a flag if there are records to process Message text to present to the user after the process is finished


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Auto reserve demand Parameters Name ds cIPWhseList cWhseType cMessageText String String String@ Type Description The OrderAlloc data set The list of warehouses All or primary warehouse only Message text to present to the user after the process is finished

Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq ipCutoffDate Returns The AutoReserveJob data set Type String Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Job Number AssemblySeq - can be zero Cutoff Date - can be blank

Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq ipCutoffDate Type String Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Job Number AssemblySeq - can be zero Cutoff Date - can be blank

Rebuild the AllocSupply list when the part number changes. Prior to calling this procedure, the RowMod field in all OrderAllocSupply records must be set to "U":U because these records need to be cleared from the table before rebuilding the list. Parameters Name ds cPartNum String Type Description The OrderAlloc data set The part number

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Name iOrderNum iOrderLine iOrderRelNum

Type Int32 Int32 Int32

Description The order number The order line The order release number

Default the staging bin based on the staging warehouse code passed in. Parameters Name ds cProposedStageWhseCode String Type Description The OrderAlloc data set The proposed warehouse code

Check Dates, return any warnings Parameters Name ds cMessageText String@ Type Description The OrderAlloc data set Warning Message Text

Parameters Name ipWaveDesc ipDemandType opWaveNum Type String String Int32@ Description Wave Description Demand Type - valid values are Order/Job/Transfer New Wave Number

Parameters Name opCalcFulfillOnSearch Type Boolean@ Description Should calculations be executed after search? Yes/No


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Gets List of order records that can be selected for Order Allocation. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The OrderAllocList Data Set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description where condition without the where word # of records returned. 0 means all

Gets List of order records that can be selected for fulfillment. Parameters Name i_CustId i_GroupCode i_ReservePri i_FromDate i_ToDate i_StartOrder i_EndOrder i_PONum i_PartNum i_DoNotShipBefore i_ShipVia i_SortBy i_StartingAt i_Order i_Job i_Transfer pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String String String String Int32 Int32 String String String String String String Boolean Boolean Boolean Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description Customer ID associated with the release Customer Group Code associated with the release Reservation Priority Code associated with the release Earliest Ship Date Latest Ship Date Lowest Order Number Highest Order Number Customer PO Number associated with the release Part Number Do Not Ship before date associated with the release Ship Via Code Sort By field Starting At field Order filter Job filter Transfer filter # of records returned. 0 means all

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The OrderAllocList Data Set

Called from "Basic" search screen Parameters Name ipPartFrom ipPartTo ipWaveFrom ipWaveTo ipPlantFrom ipPlantTo ipWhseFrom ipWhseTo ipNeedByFrom ipNeedByTo ipOrderFrom ipOrderTo ipShipByFrom ipShipByTo ipDemandType ipSortBy pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The OrderAllocList Data Set Type String String String String String String String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description From Part To Part From Wave To Wave From Plant To Plant From Whse To Whse From Need By Date To Need By Date From Order Date To Order Date To Ship By Date From Ship By Date Demand Type Sort By # of records returned. 0 means all

This methods will return all of the OrderAlloc records which will be a subset of the PartDtl records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method. Parameters Name ds pageSize Int32 Type Description The dataset with populated key values The page size, used only for UI adaptor


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Name absolutePage morePages

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

Gets List of Job records that can be selected for fulfillment. Parameters Name whereClausePartDtl whereClauseJobMtl whereClauseJobHead whereClausePartAlloc whereClauseWaveOrder sortBy pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The OrderAllocList Data Set Type String String String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description PartDtl where condition without the where word JobMtl where condition without the where word JobHead where condition without the where word PartAlloc where condition without the where word WaveOrder where condition without the where word Sort condition WITH the by word # of records returned. 0 means all

Gets List of order records that can be selected for Order Allocation. Parameters Name waveWhereClause orderHedWhereClause orderDtlWhereClause orderRelWhereClause customerWhereClause partAllocWhereClause countryWhereClause shipToWhereClause creditHoldClause i_SortByOrder i_SortByWarehouse Type String String String String String String String String String String String Description Order Head where clause Order Head where clause Order Dtl where clause Order Release where clause Customer where clause PartAlloc where clause Country where clause ShipTo where clause Credit Hold filter clause Sort By Order field Sort By WarehouseCode

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name i_SortByAllocation pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The OrderAllocList Data Set

Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description Sort By Allocated # of records returned. 0 means all

Are there more pages ? Yes/No

Gets List of Transfer Order records that can be selected for fulfillment. Parameters Name whereClausePartDtl whereClauseTFOrdDtl whereClauseTFOrdHed whereClausePartAlloc whereClauseWaveOrder sortBy pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The OrderAllocList Data Set Type String String String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description PartDtl where Clause TFOrdDtl where Clause TFOrdHed where Clause PartAlloc where Clause WaveOrder where Clause Sort By # of records returned. 0 means all

Select OrderAlloc rows based on criteria. Parameters Name ds Type Description The OrderAlloc data set

Select OrderAlloc rows based on criteria for warehouse, pass a blank warehouse to include all warehouses.


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Parameters Name ds ipWarehouseCode String Type Description The OrderAlloc data set Warehouse Code

Select OrderAlloc rows based on criteria for warehouse, pass a blank warehouse to include all warehouses. Parameters Name ds ipWarehouseCode ipWarehouseZone ipBinType String String String Type Description The OrderAlloc data set Warehouse Code Warehouse Zone Bin Type

This methods will return all of the OrderAlloc records which will be a subset of the PartDtl records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method. Parameters Name ds ipLastDisplaySeq pageSize absolutePage morePages Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset with populated key values Last DisplaySeq value currently in the grid The page size, used only for UI adapter The absolute page, used only for the UI adapter More pages?, used only for the UI adapter

Select OrderAlloc rows based on criteria. Parameters Name ds Type Description The OrderAlloc data set

Select OrderAlloc rows based on criteria for warehouse, pass a blank warehouse to include all warehouses.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds ipWarehouseCode String Type Description The OrderAlloc data set Warehouse Code

Select OrderAlloc rows based on criteria for warehouse, pass a blank warehouse to include all warehouses. Parameters Name ds ipWarehouseCode ipWarehouseZone ipBinType String String String Type Description The OrderAlloc data set Warehouse Code Warehouse Zone Bin Type

Returns a delimited list of the pick options in code`description format. Each code-description entry is separated with character ~. Parameters Name cSubmitOptionsList Type String@ Description The submit options list

Returns the list of all employees from Database Table WhseGroupEmp Parameters Name groupCode Returns The WhseTeamEmpList Data Set Type String Description Warehouse Group Code.

Update the JobMtl database table with changes saved to the OrderAlloc datatable.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The OrderAlloc data set

Mass assign data in various columns as defined by user Parameters Name ds cStageWhseCode cStageBinNum cMessageText String String String@ Proposed staging warehouse code Proposed staging bin number Message text to present to the user after the process is finished Type Description

Material Queue Update Parameters Name iReleaseForPickingSeq Type Int32 Description This Release for Pickings Seq

OnChangeWaveNum Parameters Name newWaveNum ds Type Int32 Description Wave.WaveNum The OrderAllocList Data Set

Only one Demand Type can be selected Parameters Name ds o_ErrorText String@ Type Description The OrderAlloc data set Error Text if more than one Demand Type is selected

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Name o_DemandType

Type String@

Description If only one Demand Type is selected, return the value

Returns the full dataset. Parameters Name ds ipLastDisplaySeq Returns The OrderAlloc data set Int32 Type Description The OrderAllocList data set Last DisplaySeq value currently in the grid

Update the PartAlloc database table with changes saved to the OrderAllocSupply datatable. Parameters Name ds Type Description The OrderAlloc data set

Update the OrderRel database table with changes saved to the OrderAlloc datatable. Parameters Name ds Type Description The OrderAlloc data set

Recalculate public method - called from Refresh Fulfillment button in Fulfillment Workbench Parameters Name ds Type Description The OrderAlloc data set

Select OrderAlloc rows based on criteria.


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Parameters Name ds cCountry cShipVia dEndDate cCustID cPartNum lAllDates dPctFillable cMessageText String String Nullable{System.DateTime} String String Boolean Decimal String@ Type Description The OrderAlloc data set Country code Ship Via code The end date The customer id The part number Indicates if all dates should considered for the allocate process Percent Fillable Message text to present to the user after the process is finished

Parameters Name ipCalcFulfillOnSearch Type Boolean Description Value to set UserComp.CalcFulfillOnSearch Yes/No

Submit order releases for picking Parameters Name ds iNumDays dNeedByDate lUseSpecifiedDate cMessageText iReleaseForPickingSeq Int32 Type Description The OrderAlloc data set Number of days prior to ship by date

Nullable{System.DateTime} Specific need by date Boolean String@ Int32@ Use the specific date passed in Message text to present to the user after the process is finished iReleaseForPickingSeq

Update the TFOrdDtl database table with changes saved to the OrderAlloc datatable.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The OrderAlloc data set

Unallocate and Unreserve demand records Parameters Name ds cMessageText String@ Message text to present to the user after the process is finished Type Description

Unallocate and Unreserve sales demand records Parameters Name ds cMessageText String@ Message text to present to the user after the process is finished Type Description

Unreserve demand Parameters Name ds cMessageText String@ Message text to present to the user after the process is finished Type Description

This methods will return all the Search Sort Defaults defined in the Plant Configuration Parameters Name ipDemandType opSearchSort Type String String@ Description Demand Type - valid values are Order/Job/Transfer Search Sort Default


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.OrderDtlSearch: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Job and Order fields for the customer tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseOrderDtl whereClauseOrderRel jobWhereClause contactName pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The JobCustTrk data set Type String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for OrderDtl table. Whereclause for OrderRel table. Whereclause for Job table. Contact name to return records for. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Job and Order fields for the customer tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseOrderDtl whereClauseOrderRel jobWhereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The JobCustTrk data set Type String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for OrderDtl table. Whereclause for OrderRel table. Whereclause for Job table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.OrderHist: This business object contains 1 methods.

This method returns latest Parts sold by a given Customer. Parameters Name custNum orderNum Returns OrderHist dataset Type Int32 Int32 Description CustNum OrderNum

Epicor.Mfg.BO.OrderJobWiz: This business object contains 6 methods.

This method creates job for selected orderdtls and/or orderrels. This method will process any and all records where the ttJWJobOrderDtl.JobChkBox or ttJWOrderRel.RelJobChkBox is set to true. This method will also process the getDetails, Schedule and Release booleans. Parameters Name ds pErrorMessages String@ Type Description The OrderJobWiz Data Set If non-blank, display the message to the user.

To retrieve the OrdJobWiz dataset for a given part number. This dataset consists of the Order Detail lines that are of type 'make' and thier related releases. The dataset also includes open jobs for any part in the detail, The client my need to filter the job dataset to represent only the jobs relevant to the part on the detail. Index constraints on the xsd, did not allow me to do that in the BL. Parameters Name curOrderNum curOrderLine curOrderRelNum Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description OrderNum to be processed Optional, Passing in when comming from Job Planner to valid Suggestion Optional, Passing in when comming from Job Planner to valid Suggestion

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Returns The OrderJobWiz data set

Creates link between selected release and selected job . Parameters Name ds Type Description The OrderJobWiz data set

This method processes the select all, getallmethod, sheduleall and releaseall fields in the ttJWJobOrderDtl record. If any of the values in these fields change, this method must be invoked in order for that change to be refelcted to the database. Notes: ttJWJobOrderDtl.Selectall = Set all values of Job checkbox to true for all lines in the Order Lines Grid EXCEPT whre partID is an MRP part OR any release line for the detail line linked to a job. ttJWJobOrderDtl.DetailChkBox = Get All methods for all dtl lines, Selectall must be checked ttJWJobOrderDtl.ScheduleAll = Schedule all jobs, DetailChkBox must be checked ttJWJobOrderDtl.ReleaseAll = Release all jobs, ScheduleAll must be checked Parameters Name curOrderNum insavedSelectAll insavedgetallmethods insavedScheduleAll insavedReleaseAll Returns OrderJobWiz data set Type Int32 Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Get All Methods Schedule All Release All Description Order Number

Unlink releases to Jobs . Parameters Name ds Type Description The OrderJobWiz data set

Gather all of the parts that are flagged to create jobs, and display the ones in a message that won't be getting details.


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Parameters Name ds warnMsg String@ Type Description The OrderJobWiz data set The Warning message

Epicor.Mfg.BO.OrderRelPlantSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.OrderRelSearch: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method returns a list of OrderRel filtered by CustNum. Parameters Name whereClause custNum pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list of OrderRel Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Filter by this CustNum Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

This method returns a list of OrderRel that have not been shipped Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list of Securities Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.OverrideSchedOrders: This business object contains 3 methods.

Delete current record and reset values (Job Number - number or list Parameters Name ipJobNum Type String Description Job Number

Populates ttOverrideSchedOrders table from JobHead, PatchFld Parameters Name WasChanged ds Type Boolean@ Description DataSet has been Changed The OverrideSchedOrders data set

Update default information based on the warehouse changing Parameters Name ds Type Description The OverrideSchedOrders data set


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Chapter 16: P
Epicor.Mfg.BO.PackagingUnit: This business object contains 25 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Link the selected Packaging Units to the current Packaging Unit. Parameters Name ipPkgNum ds Returns Packaging Unit DataSet Type Int32 Description The Parent Packaging Unit The SelectSubPkgID dataset

Assigns a legal number to the Packaging Unit. Parameters Name ipPkgNum ds opLegalNumMsg Returns The Packaging Unit data set String@ Legal number message Type Int32 Description Invoice number

Update information when Sales Order is changed.


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Parameters Name pOrderNum ds Type Int32 Description Sales Order Number Packaging Unit DataSet

Update information when Sales Order Release is changed. Parameters Name pOrderRelNum ds Type Int32 Description Order Release Packaging Unit DataSet

Validate Part Number when it is changed. Parameters Name pPartNum ds Type String Description Part Number Num Packaging Unit DataSet

Update information when Sales Order is changed. Parameters Name pOrderNum ds Type Int32 Description Sales Order Number Packaging Unit DataSet

Update information when Sales Order Release is changed. Parameters Name pOrderRelNum ds Type Int32 Description Order Release Packaging Unit DataSet

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Validate Parent Packaging ID when it is changed. Parameters Name pParentPkgNum ds Type Int32 Description Parent Packaging ID Packaging Unit DataSet

Sets default values when the PkgCode changes Parameters Name ipPkgCode ds Type String Description PkgCode supplied Packaging Unit DataSet

Sets default values when the TranDocTypeID changes Parameters Name ipTranDocTypeID ds Type String Description TranDocTypeID supplied Packaging Unit DataSet

Set the status of the current Packaging Unit to Close. This is only available if the current status is Open. Parameters Name iPkgNum Returns The Packaging Unit DataSet Type Int32 Description The Pre-Pack ID

This methods will return the dataset for Packaging Unit Entry. The method will return the records related to the Packaging Unit provided and the first child level related to the input inputted Packaging.


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Parameters Name ipPkgNum ipSubPkgNum Returns Packaging Unit DataSet Type Int32 Int32 Description The Top Packaging Unit to return data for. The current sub Packaging Unit to return data for.

Returns the legal number generation options. Parameters Name ipPkgNum opPromptForNum Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Packaging Unit Number Prompt for the number

Returns The Legal Number Generation Options dataset

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset Type Description Packaging Unit DataSet

Reset the status of the current Packaging Unit to Open. This is only available if the current status is Closed. If the Pre-Pack is detail of another Pre-Pack then the Unit status cannot be changed to Open. Parameters Name iPkgNum Returns The Packaging Unit DataSet Type Int32 Description The Pre-Pack ID

Validates that a single serial number is valid for this transaction

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds serialNumber isVoided String Boolean@ Type Description Packaging Unit DataSet Serial number to validate. Serial Number Voided flag

Voids the legal number. Parameters Name ipPkgNum ipVoidedReason Returns The Packaging Unit data set Type Int32 String Description Packaging Unit Number Reason for the void

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PackClss: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.


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Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Packing: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PackOutSearch: This business object contains 1 methods.

This methods will return all of the ttPackOut search records. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table we need our own public method. Parameters Name whereClausettPackOutSearch matchfield Type String String Description The where clause to restrict data for comma delimited list of field to find unique hits


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Name ds Returns The PoDetailSearch data set


Description The PoDetailSearch data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PAPlan: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Call when PAPlan.PAWeekID is changing to validate the ID and populate the description. Parameters Name pWeekID ds Type String Description The new week ID. The PAPlanDataSet. If valid, the week description will be returned in the dataset.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Part: This business object contains 102 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.


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Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the list of fields that are maintained by the "Master/Owner" of global record. The client can use this list to disable these fields on the UI.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

TO BE CALLED ON CHANGE OF ttSerialMask.Mask Parameters Name ipMask ipPart opExampleStr Type String String String@ Description SerialMask.Mask Part.PartNum SerialMask.Example

Parameters Name ipGenSeqStr ipLastUsedSeq Type String String Description SerialMask.GenerateSeqString SerialMask.SNLastUsedSeq

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Business Object Reference Guide

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method exists soley for the purpose of allowing security for dimension maintenance to be defined This method exists soley for the purpose of allowing security for inventory information to be defined This method exists soley for the purpose of allowing security for lot maintenance to be defined


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This method exists soley for the purpose of allowing security for purchasing information to be defined This method exists soley for the purpose of allowing security for viewing part lot costs to be defined

When the ProcessMRP flag for a Part/Plant is changed from Yes to No all related unfirm jobs will be deleted when the record is committed to the database. You can use this method to provide a warning to the user of this fact and provide a confirmation dialog. This is intended to be called upon value change of the ProcessMRP field. If there are existing unfirm Jobs for the given Part/PlantThis warningMsg will contain a translated text message which can be used to display in your message dialog. Otherwise it returns blanks and there is no need to provide a dialog. Parameters Name partNum plant processMRP warningMsg Type String String Boolean String@ Description Part number of the PartPlant record that is being updated. Plant ID of the PartPlant record that is being updated . New value of the PartPlant.ProcessMRP field. Contains warning message text if jobs will be deleted by changing the ProcessMRP value.

Used when the KBCode field of PartBinInfo is being changed to a new value. It will validate the new KBCode field. If it is valid the dataset will be updated with the new KBCode and related KBActionCode. Parameters Name newKBCode ds Type String Description The new Kan Ban Type code field value. The PartDataset. If valid, the NewKBCode will be returned in the dataset, along with a refreshed KBActionCode field. IMPORTANT, the PartWhse record must be sent as modified otherwise you will received error that record cannot be found.

Used when the Buy To Order field of Part is being changed to a new value. Parameters Name ipBuyToOrder ds Type Boolean Description The new part Buy To Order value. The PartDataset.

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Used when the Part.CommodityCode field is being changed to a new value. It will validate the new value, passed in with newCommodityCode If it is valid the dataset will be updated with the new value and related values will be refreshed. Parameters Name newCommodityCode ds Type String Description The new commodity code. The PartDataset. IMPORTANT, the Part record must be sent as modified otherwise you will received error that record cannot be found.

Method to call when changing the global part flag on a part. Assigns the GlbFlag base on the new value. Parameters Name proposedGlobalPart ds Type Boolean Description The proposed global part value The Part data set

Method to call when changing the Part Number. Validates this is a "Add", PartNumber does not already exist, sets defaults for UOMClass, UOM Parameters Name proposedPartNum ds Type String Description The proposed product code value The Part data set

Used when the Buy To Order field of PartPlant is being changed to a new value. Parameters Name ipBuyToOrder ds Type Boolean Description The new part Buy To Order value. The PartDataset.


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Used when the SourceType field of PartPlant or the TypeCode of Part is being changed to a new value and the user selected to update the PartPlant records with the change. It will check to see if a configuration exists for the part. If a configuration exists it will return a warning message in ruleMessage that should be displayed to the user as a warning. If the configuration is not marked as single-level configuration then a message will be returned in singleLevelConfMsg which should be displayed to the user asking if they want to continue. If they answer Yes to continue then the method DeleteMultiLevelRules should be called. Parameters Name newSourceType ruleMessage singleLevelConfMsg ds Type String String@ String@ Description The new SourceType value. If this message isn't returned as null then it should be displayed to the user. If this message isn't returned as null then it should be displayed to the user. The PartDataset. IMPORTANT, the PartPlant record must be sent as modified otherwise you will received error that record cannot be found.

Used when the VendorID field of PartPlant is being changed to a new value. It will validate the new VendorID field. If it is valid the dataset will be updated with the new value and related values will be refreshed. Parameters Name newVendorId ds Type String Description The new Vendor ID value. The PartDataset. IMPORTANT, the PartPlant record must be sent as modified otherwise you will received error that record cannot be found.

Method to call when changing the product group code on a part. Validates the code and defaults the part tax category code based on the product group. Parameters Name proposedProdCode ds Type String Description The proposed product code value The Part data set

Used when Manual field of PartRestriction is being changed to a new value.

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Parameters Name checkManual ds Type Boolean Description Manual value The PartDataset.

This methods assigns associated fields when PartRestriction.RestrictionTypeID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Part dataset

This methods assigns associated fields when PartRestrictSubst.SubstanceID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Part dataset

This method checks that a valid password was provided when required before changing the PartRev.Approved flag Parameters Name ipApproved ipValidPassword Type Boolean Boolean Description The proposed PartRev.Approved value Did the user supply a valid password to run this functionality? The value for this parameter should come from running the ValidatePassword method in the UserFile BO. The Part data set


Parameters Name ipSNBaseDataType ds Type String Description Part.SNBaseDataType The PartDataset.


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Parameters Name ipSNMaskPrefix ipSNMaskSuffix ds Type String String Description Part.SNMaskPrefix Part.SNMaskSuffix The PartDataset.

Method to call when changing the Part Number for an Alternate Part Parameters Name proposedPartNum ds Type String Description The proposed PartNum The Part data set

Used when the Track Dimension field of Part is being changed to a new value. It cannot be turned On if Part.TypeCode is Sales Kit (K). Parameters Name trackDimension ds Type Boolean Description The new part Track Dimension value. The PartDataset. If valid, the TypeCode will be returned in the dataset.

Used when the Track Lots field of Part is being changed to a new value. It cannot be turned On if Part.TypeCode is Sales Kit (K). Parameters Name trackLots ds Type Boolean Description The new part Track Lots value. The PartDataset. If valid, the TypeCode will be returned in the dataset.

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Used when the Track Serial Numbers field of Part is being changed to a new value. It cannot be turned On if Part.TypeCode is Sales Kit (K). Parameters Name trackSerialNum ds Type Boolean Description The new part Track Serial Numbers value. The PartDataset. If valid, the TypeCode will be returned in the dataset.

Used when the Type field of Part is being changed to a new value. It can be turned to Sales Kit if any of Track Lots, Dimension or Serial Numbers are ON. Parameters Name typeCode ds Type String Description The new part Type Code field value. The PartDataset. If valid, the TypeCode will be returned in the dataset.

Parameters Name ipConvOverrride ds Type Boolean Description The new ConvOverrride field value. The Part Dataset.

Used when the KBCode field of PartWhse is being changed to a new value. It will validate the new KBCode field. If it is valid the dataset will be updated with the new KBCode and related KBActionCode. Parameters Name newKBCode ds Type String Description The new Kan Ban Type code field value. The PartDataset. If valid, the NewKBCode will be returned in the dataset, along with a refreshed KBActionCode field. IMPORTANT, the PartWhse record must be sent as modified otherwise you will received error that record cannot be found.


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Parameters Name ipSNBaseDataType ds Type String Description Part.SNBaseDataType The PartDataset.

Parameters Name ipSNMaskPrefix ipSNMaskSuffix ds Type String String Description Part.SNMaskPrefix Part.SNMaskSuffix The PartDataset.

Parameters Name newQtyBearing ds Type Boolean Description The new QtyBearing value. The PartDataset.

Parameters Name ipSNMask ds Type String Description Part.SNMask The PartDataset.

Used when the UOM Class ID is modified Parameters Name uomClassID ds Type String Description proposed UOMClassId. The PartDataset.

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Used when the UOM code is modified Parameters Name uomCode ds Type String Description proposed uomCode. The PartDataset.

This methods to validate duplicated substances on the part. Parameters Name pSubstanceID ds Type String Description Substance ID Part dataset

This method should be called before allowing delete a revision. This method will determine if the revision being deleted has alternate methods. If it does, the user will be prompted with a message indicating this revision has alternate methods and if they want to delete those records as well. If the user answers yes, the delete can procede. If they answer no, the delete should be canceled. This method will return a string that contains the text of the message to ask the user. Parameters Name ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipAltMethod opMessage Type String String String String@ Description The current Part Number The current Revision Number The current Alt Method The message to be displayed to the user if alt methods exist.

This method should be called before allowing delete a part or revision. This method will determine if the part/revision being deleted has an existing configuration. If it does, the user will be prompted with a message indicating this part/revision has an existing configuration and if they want to delete those records as well. If the user answers yes, the delete can procede. If they answer no, the delete should be canceled. This method will return a string that contains the text of the message to ask the user.


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Parameters Name ipPartNum ipRevisionNum ipForRevision opMessage Type String String Boolean String@ Description The current Part Number The current Revision Number True if deleting revision record The message to be displayed to the user if configuration exist.

CheckCOOPercents Parameters Name cPartNum Type String Description The Part Number

Check Duplicate COO - called only when the coo is changed or a partcoo is being added Parameters Name ipPart ipOrigCountry Type String Int32 Description The Part Number proposed origin country

Checks to see if certain fields changed on the part record. If they did, a question is presented to the user asking if these changes should carry over to the PartPlant records. Changes to Part serial format fields builds a separate message. This method returns the text of the message to ask. When adding a part it is not necessary to call this method because the default (current) PartPlant record already uses the Part fields to default from. The user can answer yes or no, but processing doesn't stop based on the answer. The answers should be stored in the dataset in field Part.UpdatePartPlant and Part.UpdateSNPartPlant. Parameters Name ds cPartChangedMsgText cPartSNChangedMsgText String@ String@ Type Description The Part data set The message text The message for change of part serial format changes text

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Deletes MRP Jobs. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Part data set

Used when the SourceType field of PartPlant is being changed to SalesKit and a multi-level configuration exists for the part. This method is called after displaying the message returned from ChangePartPlantSourceType. This method will unapprove the revision and configuration, set the single-level configuration flag to true on the configuration, and then delete any existing lower level rules that may have been created for the configuration. Parameters Name newSourceType ds Type String Description The new SourceType value. The PartDataset. IMPORTANT, the PartPlant record must be sent as modified otherwise you will received error that record cannot be found.

To create a new part by duplicating from another. Parameters Name sourcePartNum targetPartNum targetPartDescription Returns The Part Data Set Type String String String Description Existing part number that will be duplicated. New part number that will be created. Description that will be used for the new part.

This method returns the GlbPart dataset based on a delimited list of GlbPartNum values passed in. If GlbPart.PartNum = chr(9) that means the record has been skipped and should be shown at the bottom of the browser. (GlbPart only) Parameters Name glbPartNumList Type String Description Delimited list of GlbPartNum values


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Returns The GlbPart data set

Filter parts by plant. Call normal GetList method. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The PartList data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

This methods will return all of the Part recordsthat meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetList method but since we are populating a temp table we need our own public method. Parameters Name ds pageSize absolutePage morePages Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset with pupolated key values The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

This returns the Part dataset for linking. Parameters Name partNum Returns The Part data set Type String Description Global PartNum field on the GlbPart record to link

To return a PartWhereUsed dataset for a given part number

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Parameters Name whereUsedPartNum pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The PartWhereUsed data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Part number which you want the where used dataset for. pageSize absolutePage morePages

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name partNum sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch Type String@ String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

This method checks if GlbPart records exist or not. Can be used to determine if the option to link/unlink parts is available. Parameters Name glbPartsExist Type Boolean@ Description Yes - they do exist; No - they do not exist

To determine if the Current company is using Intrastat The following fields on the part table are controlled by this method part.CommodityCode part.ISOrigCountry part.ISSuppUnitsFactor


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Parameters Name hasIntrastat Type Boolean@ Description The current company has intrastat

This method receives a part and returns a flag if the part is a run out part with on hand quantity. Parameters Name partNum isRunOutOnHand Type String Boolean@ Description The PartNum The flag indicating if it is a run out part with on hand qty

This method performs the actual logic behind linking a Part. It is run after the PreLinkGlbPart method which determines the Part Number to link to. If the Part Number is for a Part that already exists, the GlbPart information is translated and then copied to the PartDataSet as an update. If the Part Number is for a new Part, the GlbPart information is translated and then copied to the PartDataSet as an Add. Until the update method is run on Part record the Link process is not completed. Parameters Name glbCompany glbPartNum ds ds1 Type String String Description Global Company field on the GlbPart record to link Global PartNum field on the GlbPart record to link The GlbPart data set The Part data set

Run after Plant changing. Parameters Name plantCode ds Type String Description Code of Plant which is changed to The Part data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK

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QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Linking a GlbPart record ties a global record to a new or existing Vendor record so that any changes made to the GlbPart record in another company are automatically copied to any linked Parts. This method performs the pre link logic to check of okay to link or get the new partnum to create/link to. Will be run before LinkGlbPart which actually creates/updates a Part record and will send the modified record back for update. When the Link "button" is originally selected, the LinkPartNum will be defaulted to the GlbPartNum field. It will then check to see if this part number is available for Use. If available for use the system will return a question asking the user if they want to use this number. If the answer is no, then the user either needs to select an existing Part Number to link to or enter a brand new number. You will run this method until the user answer is yes. Then the LinkGlbPart method is called. Parameters Name glbCompany glbPartNum ds vMessage String@ Type String String Description Global Company field on the GlbPart record to link Global VendorNum field on the GlbPart record to link The GlbPart data set Returns a message the user needs to respond yes or no to. If the user answers no, then they need to update the LinkPartNum field and then run this method again to test the new PartNum they want to link to

This method checks the BMSyst record to see if a password should prompted for and then validated by the ValidatePassword method in UserFile BO. Run this before ApproveAll, CheckECORevApproved, CheckIn, CheckInAll, and CheckOut. Parameters Name opPromptForPassword Type Boolean@ Description Logical value stating whether the UI should prompt to validate for a password.

To rename a part revision for Vista Non BOM customers. Parameters Name sourcePartNum sourcePartRevNum Type String String Description Existing part number. Existing part revision number that will be renamed.


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Name targetPartRevNum targetPartRevDescription

Type String String

Description New part revision number for the existing part revision. New description for the existing part revision.

This method is used to enable the MRPRecalcFlag on PartPlant. This field determines whether the part is picked up in MRP Net Change mode or not. Parameters Name partNum plant Returns Part Dataset Type String String Description Part to update MRP flag for Plant to update MRP flag for, blank for all plants of part

Set the Next Generated Lot Number. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Part Dataset

This method performs the logic behind the skip option for GlbPart Skip sets the Skipped flag to true. If the PartNum field is not blank will error out Parameters Name glbCompany glbPartNum ds Type String String Description Global Company field on the GlbPart record to skip Global PartNum field on the GlbPart record to skip The GlbPart data set

This method performs the logic behind the unlink option for GlbPart Unlink - clears the PartNum field in GlbPart. Returns the Part DataSet

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Parameters Name glbCompany glbPartNum ds Returns The Part data set Type String String Description Global Company field on the GlbPart record to unlink Global CustNum field on the GlbPart record to unlink The GlbPart data set

Method to validate the Inspection control fields. (EQM) Parameters Name ipProposedInspPlan ipProposedSpecId iptable ds Type String String String Description The new proposed InspPlanPartNum value The new proposed SpecID value table name The PartDataset.

Method to validate the Inspection control fields. (EQM) Parameters Name ipProposedVendor ds Type String Description The new proposed Vendor value The PartDataset.

A public method to test if a given part number already exists in the part table. Return True if it exists else returns False. Parameters Name partNumber Returns Type String Description

A public method to test if a given part number already is active in the part table. Return True if it exists else returns False.


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Parameters Name partNumber Returns Type String Description

Returns true if the given PartNumber is defined as a Sales Kit on the current plant (PartPlant.SourceType = "K") Parameters Name partNumber isSalesKit isPhantom Returns Type String Boolean@ Boolean@ Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartAdvisor: This business object contains 16 methods.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find

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QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Allows profitability

This method returns a dataset for Part Advisor Parameters Name ipPartNum Type String Description Part Number

Returns The dataset representing the Security row

Searches and fills the InvcDtlPA table with the InvcDtl records that match the given part and the InvoiceType = SHP Parameters Name iPartNum Type String Description Part Number for which you want details


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Returns PartAdvisor data set

Searches and fills the JobHeadPA table with the JobHead records that match the given part Parameters Name iPartNum Returns PartAdvisor data set Type String Description Part Number for which you want details

This method returns a list of Part, including those with blank Company ID Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list of Parts Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

Searches and fills the OrderDtlPA table with the OrderDtl records that match the given part Parameters Name iPartNum Returns PartAdvisor data set Type String Description Part Number for which you want details

Searches and fills the PartBin table with the PartBin records that match the given part Parameters Name iPartNum Type String Description Part Number for which you want details

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Returns PartAdvisor data set

This method returns a list of Parts, including those with blank Company ID Parameters Name iPartNum Returns PartAdvisor data set Type String Description Part Number for which you want details

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name partNum sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch Type String@ String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

Searches and fills the QuoteDtlPA table with the QuoteDtl records that match the given part Parameters Name iPartNum Returns PartAdvisor data set Type String Description Part Number for which you want details

This method returns a list of Parts


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Parameters Name whereClausePart pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list of Parts Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartAllocTemplate: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Returns the list of all employees from Database Table WhseGroupEmp Parameters Name groupCode Returns The WhseTeamEmpList Data Set Type String Description Warehouse Group Code.

Call this method when User Assignment is changed. Parameters Name empID ds Type String Description Proposed value for User Assignment. Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartAllocTemplateDataSet

Call this method when the user changes team whse group. Parameters Name teamWhse ds Type String Description Proposed value for team whse. Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartAllocTemplateDataSet


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Checks PartAllocType code entered Parameters Name newPartAllocType ds Type String Description PartAllocType code entered The Part Allocation Template Entry data set

Checks Part Alloc Demand Type code entered Parameters Name newPartAllocDemandType ds Type String Description PartAllocDemandType code entered The Part Allocation Template Entry data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartBinSearch: This business object contains 12 methods.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Validate the bin and warehouse for the current plant.. Parameters Name whseCode binNum errMsg Type String String String@ Description The Warehouse. The Bin. Blank if no error. Otherwise error message.

Gets a listing of parts in a particular whse/bin.


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Parameters Name whseCode binNum Returns The PartBinSearch data set Type String String Description The Warehouse is required. A specific Bin. Required.

Gets the dataset of bins, in difference with GetPartBinSearch, this one includes All bins whether they have a dimension or lot number or neither of both. Parameters Name partNum whseCode Type String String Description Part number. The Warehouse can be for a specific warehouse or null for all warehouses.

Returns The PartBinSearch data set

Gets the warehouse/bin information for a specific lot. Parameters Name partNum lotNum Returns The PartBinSearch data set Type String String Description Part number. Required. The Lot number. Required.

Gets the dataset of warehouses and bins for a Part. If a change is made to this method the same change should be applied to the GetSpecificBinSearch method. Parameters Name partNum whseCode Type String String Description Part number. The Warehouse can be for a specific warehouse or null for all warehouses.

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Name lotNum uomCode

Type String String

Description The Lot number can be for a specific lot if null is passed, only bins with no lot number will be returned . The UOM Code can be for a specific Unite of Measure code if null is passed, only bins with no UOM codes will be returned. True or False. False will search for bins with a qty ne 0. True will return all bins for a warehouse. If a starting bin is to be used. If a specific type of bin is to be used. If a specific vendorNum for a managed bin is to be used. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

displayAllBins startAtBinNum binType vendorNum pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The PartBinSearch data set

Boolean String String Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean@

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name partNum sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch Type String@ String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

Gets the dataset of warehouses and bins for a Part. If a change is made to this method the same change should be applied to the GetPartBinSearch method. Parameters Name partNum whseCode Type String String Description Part number. Required The Warehouse can be for a specific warehouse or null for all.


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Name lotNum uomCode displayAllBins binNum

Type String String Boolean String

Description The Lot number can be for a specific lot if null is passed, only bins with no lot number will be returned. The UOM Code can be for a specific Unit of Measure code if null is passed, only bins with no UOM codes will be returned. True or False. False will search for bins with a qty ne 0. True will return all bins for a warehouse. A specific Bin. Required.

Returns The PartBinSearch data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartClass: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.

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Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Gets value if Purchase Code is used Parameters Name plUsePurchCode Type Boolean@ Description is there are anypurchase codes?


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Validates if changes in Commodity codes are correct. Parameters Name ds Type Description The PartClass data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartCostSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartDim: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartFIFOCost: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartLangDesc: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartOnHandWhse: This business object contains 1 methods.

Get the Part quantity on hand records from the parameters.

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Parameters Name cPartNum cPlant Returns The PartOnHandWhse data set Type String String Description The Part Number The plant

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartPlantSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Calls the standard GetRows and filters the Inactive parts Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartPlantSearchDataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartPlantWhseSearch: This business object contains 1 methods.

This method returns a list of warehouses (including shared warehouses) available for a plant. The Plant parameter allows the user to search on just one plant or leave blank to search on all plants. Parameters Name vPart pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Part pageSize absolutePage morePages

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Returns Returns the dataset representing Part Plant Warehouse

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartRevSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartSched: This business object contains 32 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find


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QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name partNum sysRowID rowType Type String@ String String Description Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name uomCode serialWarning questionString multipleMatch

Type String@ String@ String@ Boolean@

Description UOM Code (only used for Product Codes) Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

Validate CalendarId value Parameters Name proposedCalendarId ds Type String Description The proposed CalendarId value The PartSched data set

Validate InspNextDelivery value Parameters Name proposedInspNextDelivery ds Type Int32 Description The proposed InspNextDelivery value The PartSched data set

Validate MinDeliveryQty1 value Parameters Name ipMinDeliveryQty1 ds Type Int32 Description The proposed MinDeliveryQty1 value The PartSched data set

Validate MinDeliveryQty2 value


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Parameters Name ipMinDeliveryQty2 ds Type Int32 Description The proposed MinDeliveryQty2 value The PartSched data set

Validate MinForwardSpan value Parameters Name proposedMinForwardSpan ds Type Int32 Description The proposed MinForwardSpan value The PartSched data set

Validate OrderCover value Parameters Name proposedOrderCover ds Type Int32 Description The proposed OrderCover value The PartSched data set

Validate PartNum value Parameters Name proposedPartNum uomCode ds Type String String Description The proposed PartNum value UOM Code (only used for Product Codes) The PartSched data set

Validate PercentShare value Parameters Name proposedPercentShare ds Type Int32 Description The proposed PercentShare value The PartSched data set

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Validate PeriodicityCode1 value Parameters Name proposedPeriodicityCode1 ds Type Int32 Description The proposed PeriodicityCode1 value The PartSched data set

Validate PeriodicityCode2 value Parameters Name proposedPeriodicityCode2 ds Type Int32 Description The proposed PeriodicityCode2 value The PartSched data set

Validate PeriodShift value Parameters Name proposedPeriodShift ds Type Int32 Description The proposed PeriodShift value The PartSched data set

Validate PrintLength value Parameters Name proposedPrintLength ds Type Int32 Description The proposed PrintLength value The PartSched data set

Validate PurPoint value


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Parameters Name proposedPurPoint ds Type String Description The proposed Purchase Point value The PartSched data set

Validate ScheduleFirm value Parameters Name proposedScheduleFirm ds Type Int32 Description The proposed ScheduleFirm value The PartSched data set

Validate ScheduleLength value Parameters Name proposedScheduleLength ds Type Int32 Description The proposed ScheduleLength value The PartSched data set

Validate VendorId value Parameters Name proposedVendorID ds Type String Description The proposed VendorId value The PartSched data set

Validate VendorNum value Parameters Name proposedVendorNum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed VendorNum value The PartSched data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartSchedSearch: This business object contains 1 methods.

This method returns a list of parts. The Table parameter allows the user to search in the PartSched or the Part table. Parameters Name whereClause vTable pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns PartSchedSearch DataSet Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause Table to search in page Size absolute Page more Pages: true/false

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartSchedVendSearch: This business object contains 1 methods.

This methods will return all of the PartSchedVend records which will be a subset of the PartSched records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table (PartSchedVendSearch) we need our own public method. Parameters Name whereClausePartSchedSearch Type String Description The where clause to restrict data for The where clause to restrict data for The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

whereClausePartSchedVendSearch String pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The PartSchedVendSearch data set Int32 Int32 Boolean@


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartTran: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartTranHist: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method returns the Sort By selection list. Parameters Name ipPartNum sortByList Type String String@ Description The Part Number to be processed The list of available Sort By options

This method returns the transaction history of a given part. Parameters Name ipPartNum ipPlant ipTranDate ipLotNum ipDimCode ipSortBy Type String String Description The Part Number to process The valid Plant ID to process.

Nullable{System.DateTime} The starting Transaction Date to process. If not supplied then the default is today. String String String The starting Lot Number to process The starting Dimension Code to process The sort by selected by the user. Valid options are: THIST-BRW (Tran Date Browse); THISTLOT-BRW (Lot Number/Tran Date browse) and THISTDIM-BRW (Dim Code/Tran Date browse)

Returns The Part Transaction History data set

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartWhseFullSearch: This business object contains 6 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartWhseSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Filter warehouses by current KB Plant. Call normal GetList method. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage curKBPlant morePages Returns The PartWhseSearchList data set Type String Int32 Int32 String Boolean@ Description Whereclause. Page size. Absolute page. Current KB Plant. More pages.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartWipSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

The same as GetList but deletes the records with IsDistinct = false Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The PartWipListDataSet data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The Where Clause The Page Size The Absolute Page The More Pages

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartXRefMfg: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method finds the part Description Parameters Name pNum pDesc Type String String@ Description The Part Num The Part Description

This method retrieves the Part Info (qualified Manufacturers) Parameters Name partNum Type String Description Part Number

Verifies if the Manufacturer is valid. Parameters Name ipPartNum ipMfgID ds Type String String Description The PartNum The Manufacturer ID The Qualified Manufacturer DataSet

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartXRefSelect: This business object contains 1 methods.

Parameters Name ipPartNum Type String Description Part Number

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PASchedule: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Used when the PlanID is being changed to a new value Parameters Name ipNewPlanID ds Type String Description The new Plan ID code field value. The PAScheduleDataset.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PatchFld: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PAWeek: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PaymentEntry: This business object contains 59 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Assigns a legal number to the paid invoice when apply With Holding Tax. Parameters Name ipGroupID opLegalNumMsg ds Type String String@ Description Group ID Legal number message The Payment Entry data set

Performs required logic when APTran.IncomeTaxCode is modified. Parameters Name ipIncomeTaxCode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of Income Tax Code PaymentEntry data set


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This method updates the BankTran amounts when the adjustment amount changes or the currency switch toggles. Parameters Name ipTranAmtType Type String Description Indicate which of the transaction amount is changed. Valid values are: 'B' for Base Tran Amount and 'D' for Doc Tran Amount The proposed Transaction Amount The Payment Entry data set

proposedTranAmt ds


Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth. Parameters Name keyValue Type String Description HeadNum

Create Vendor Checks for selected invoices. Parameters Name pcGroupID ds Type String Description AP Check Group ID The APInvSel data set

Create New CheckHed record. To be used instead of GetNewCheckHed record. Parameters Name pcGroupID ds Type String Description AP Check Group ID The PaymentEntry data set

DeleteNegPayments. Deletes all checks in the group that have negative check. amounts. Works the same as MassDelete but only deletes negative balance checks.

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Parameters Name pcGroupID Type String Description AP Check Group ID

Check if Payment Method is marked as Electronic Interface. Parameters Name pcGroupID opElecInt Type String Boolean@ Description AP Check Group ID If Payment Method is electronic interface then Yes

Alternate routine to load the Bank Fee Parameters Name lvHeadNum lvBankAcctID ds Type Int32 String Description Bank Fee Code Bank Account ID The AP Payment Entry data set

Create New Miscellaneous APTran record. Parameters Name piHeadNum ds Type Int32 Description value of CheckHed.HeadNum The PaymentEntry data set

Gets restart Process Payment Parameters Name groupID restartProcessPayment Type String Boolean@ Description GroupID should the process payment be restarted: Yes/No


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Mass Delete. Delete all checks in the Group. Parameters Name pcGroupID Type String Description AP Check Group ID

Validate for a Correct Bank Fee Code Parameters Name pcBankFeeID ds Type String Description Bank Fee Code The Payment Entry data set

Call method when the user changes Bank Total Amount Parameters Name pBankTotalAmt ds Type Decimal Description Propopsed Bank Total Amount The PaymentEntry data set

Call method when the user changes CheckHed.CheckDate. Parameters Name pdtCheckDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Propopsed CheckDate The PaymentEntry data set

Call method when the user changes CheckHed.CheckNum.

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Parameters Name piCheckNum ds Type Int32 Description Propopsed check num The PaymentEntry data set

Call method when the user changes flag CheckHed.IsEnterTotal Parameters Name pCurrencyCode ds Type String Description Propopsed Currency The PaymentEntry data set

Call method when the user changes the Doc Discount Amount changes in Pay Invoice. Use this method with Payment Invoice screen for PaymentEntryDataSet. Parameters Name pdDocDiscAmt ds Type Decimal Description Proposed Document Amount value The PaymentEntry data set

Call method when the user changes Payment Total Parameters Name pDocPaymentTotal ds Type Decimal Description Propopsed DocPaymentTotal The PaymentEntry data set

Call method when the user changes the Doc Tran Amount changes in Pay Misc and Invoice. Parameters Name pdDocTranAmt ds Type Decimal Description Proposed Document Amount value The PaymentEntry data set


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Call method when the user changes Rate from Payment Currency to Bank Currency Parameters Name pExchangeRate ds Type Decimal Description Propopsed ExchangeRate - Check Document currency - Base Currency The PaymentEntry data set

Call method when the user changes the FixedAmount in Tax screen. Use this method with Misc. Payment screen for PaymentEntryDataSet. Parameters Name plCurrencySwitch pdFixed taxtbl ds Type Boolean Decimal String Description Currency switch Proposed taxable amount value Tax temp-table name The PaymentEntry data set

Call this method when the user enters the Invoice Number in Pay Invoice screen. Parameters Name pcInvoiceNum Type String Description Invoice Num Response to the question pcChangeExchangeRateResponse. ? means question has not been asked. Yes/No is considered a response. The PaymentEntry data set String@ Question to be answered by the user in pcChangeExchangeRateResponse.

pcChangeExchangeRateResponse String

ds pcQuestion

Call this method when the user changes either Gross Payment or Disc. Taken field. Use this method with Payment maintenance screen for ApInvSelDataSet.

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Parameters Name pdDocGrossPay pdDocDiscAmt pcRowIdent ds Type Decimal Decimal String Description Proposeed Document Gross Payment value Proposeed Disc. Taken value. Not applicable in Debit Memos Pass ttAPInvSel.RowIdent value here to uniquely identify the record to change. The APInvSel data set

Call method when the user changes flag CheckHed.IsEnterTotal Parameters Name pIsEnterTotal ds Type Boolean Description Propopsed IsEnterTotal The PaymentEntry data set

Call method when the user checks / unChecks the Manual Print flag. Parameters Name plManualPrint ds Type Boolean Description Manual Print The PaymentEntry data set

Call method when the user changes Rate from Payment Currency to Bank Currency Parameters Name pPaymentBankRate ds Type Decimal Description Propopsed Rate The PaymentEntry data set

Call this method when the user change flag PrePayment in Misc Payment screen.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The PaymentEntry data set

This method updates the dataset when the RateCode field changes Parameters Name rateCode taxtbl ds Type String String Description Proposed RateCode value Tax temp-table name The PaymentEntry data set

Call this method when the user enters the RefPONum for PrePayment Parameters Name piRefPONum ds Type Int32 Description Reference Purchase Order Number The PaymentEntry data set

Call method when the user changes the Taxable Amt in Tax screen. Use this method with Misc. Payment screen for PaymentEntryDataSet. Parameters Name plCurrencySwitch pdTaxableAmt taxtbl ds Type Boolean Decimal String Description Currency switch Proposed taxable amount value Tax temp-table name The PaymentEntry data set

Call method when the user changes the Tax Amt in Tax screen. Use this method with Misc. Payment screen for PaymentEntryDataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name plCurrencySwitch pdTaxAmt taxtbl ds Type Boolean Decimal String Description Currency switch Proposed taxable amount value Tax temp-table name The PaymentEntry data set

Call method when the user changes the Tax ID in Tax maintainence. Use this method with Misc. Payment screen for PaymentEntryDataSet. Parameters Name pcTaxCode taxtbl ds Type String String Description Proposed Tax ID Tax temp-table name The PaymentEntry data set

Call method when the user changes the Tax Percent in Tax screen. Use this method with Misc. Payment screen for PaymentEntryDataSet. Parameters Name plCurrencySwitch pdPercent taxtbl ds Type Boolean Decimal String Description Currency switch Proposed taxable amount value Tax temp-table name The PaymentEntry data set

Call this method when the user enters the ttCheckHed.VendorNum Parameters Name pcVendorID ds Type String Description Vendor ID - character code for Vendor The PaymentEntry data set


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Check if Post operation is available. Parameters Name pcGroupID allowed Type String Boolean@ Description AP Check Group ID If Post operation is allowed then Yes

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Indicates if the legal number requires user input Type Description

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Clears out the check numbers from all checks in the CheckHed table and refreshes the checks data (i.e. the Supplier information, etc.). Parameters Name pcGroupID Returns The Payment Entry data set Type String Description AP Check Group ID

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Read ApInvHed records and create ApinvSel records if they meet the selection criteria. Parameters Name pcGroupID pcPayableAccountsList pdtDueDate pdtInvoicePM pdtInvoiceLC pcSupplierList pcPaymentMethod plConsiderDiscountDate pcCurrencyList Returns The APInvSel data set Type String String Description AP Check Group ID Delimited list of Payable Accounts

Nullable{System.DateTime} Select invoices due by this date. Boolean Boolean Boolean String String String Select invoices wihtout Payment Method. Select invoices wiht Letter of Credit. Select invoices for the supplier list. Select payment methods for the specific. Consider discount date for invoice selection Select invoices for the currency list.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Parameters Name ipGroupID ipHeadNum ipAPTranNo ipBankAcctID ipTranNum ipVoided ipCalcAll ds Type String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean Boolean Description ipGroupID ipHeadNum ipAPTranNo ipBankAcctID ipTranNum ipVoided ipCalcAll Payment dataset


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PayMethod: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Method to call when changing the paymethod electronic interface. Parameters Name proposedEFTHeadUID ds Type Int32 Description The proposed paymethod electronic interface The pay method data set

Method to call when changing the paymethod source. Parameters Name proposedPMSource ds Type Int32 Description The proposed paymethod source The pay method data set

Method to call when changing the paymethod source.


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Parameters Name proposedType ds Type Int32 Description The proposed paymethod type The pay method data set

This method should be called when the invoice lock rate has been changed. Parameters Name returnMsg ds Type String@ Description Text of a message to inform the user if PayMethod Properties are in use. Pay Method Entry data set.

Method for retrieving ID, PMUID using Payment Method Name. Parameters Name cName iPMUID Type String Int32@ Description Name The logical variable which shows is it neccessary to generate legal numbers

Enable APInfo Tab. Parameters Name ds Type Description PayMethodDataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PayMethodSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PayrollCheckEntry: This business object contains 31 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Method to call to calculate deductions and taxes. Parameters Name groupID headNum ds Type String Int32 Description The group id to calculate deductions and taxes for The current PRCheck.HeadNum record. Is used to rebuild the dataset so the data is current The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Method to call to calculate overtime. Parameters Name groupID Type String Description The group id to calculate overtime for


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Name headNum ds

Type Int32

Description The current PRCheck.HeadNum record. Is used to rebuild the dataset so the data is current The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Method to call prior to calling CalculateOvertime. This method will return text of a verification message to ask the user to verify the process should run. The question is yes-no. If the answer is yes, proceed with the calculation of overtime. If the answer is no, cancel the calculation of overtime. Parameters Name verificationMsg Type String@ Description The text of the verification message

Method to call to when the Employee ID changes. This method will set employee fields in PRCheck based on the new employee id. Parameters Name proposedEmpID ds Type String Description The proposed employee id The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Method to call to when the Check Detail Amount Type changes. This method will reset values for the new amount type. Parameters Name proposedAmountType ds Type String Description The proposed amount type The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Method to call to when the Check Detail Base Hours changes. This method will recalculate detail values based on the new hours. Parameters Name proposedBaseHours Type Decimal Description The proposed base hours

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Name ds


Description The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Method to call to when the Check Detail Base Pay changes. This method will recalculate detail values based on the new base pay amount. Parameters Name proposedBasePay ds Type Decimal Description The proposed base pay amount The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Method to call to when the Check Detail Pay Rate changes. This method will recalculate detail values based on the new pay rate. Parameters Name proposedPayRate ds Type Decimal Description The proposed pay rate The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Method to call to when the Check Detail Payroll Date changes. This method will recalculate detail values if the amount type is calculated. Parameters Name proposedPayrollDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed payroll date The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Method to call to when the Check Detail Pay Type changes. This method will recalculate detail values based on the new pay type. Parameters Name proposedPayTypeID ds Type String Description The proposed pay type id The PayrollCheckEntry data set


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Method to call to when the Check Detail Premium Hours changes. This method will recalculate detail values based on the new hours. Parameters Name proposedPremiumHours ds Type Decimal Description The proposed premium hours The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Method to call to when the Check Detail Premium Pay Type changes. This method will recalculate detail values based on the new pay type. Parameters Name proposedPremiumPayType ds Type String Description The proposed premium pay type id The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Method to call to when the Check Detail Shift changes. This method will reassign values based on the new shift. Parameters Name proposedShift ds Type Int32 Description The proposed shift The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Method to call to retrieve the text of the question to ask the user when checks have been printed. This question is asked when the user attempts to add hours, update hours, delete hours, update deductions, or update taxes to a check. Parameters Name groupID questionText Type String String@ Description The group id the check is assigned to The text of the question to ask the user. If blank, a question does not need to be asked.

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Method to call to generate paychecks. Parameters Name groupID headNum Type String Int32 Description The group id to generate paychecks for The current PRCheck.HeadNum record. Is used to rebuild the dataset so the data is current. Not required. If the value is 0, a refreshed dataset won't be passed back. The PayrollCheckEntry data set


Method to call prior to calling GeneratePaychecks. This method will return text of a verification message to ask the user to verify the process should run. The question is yes-no. If the answer is yes, proceed with the check generation. If the answer is no, cancel the check generation. Parameters Name verificationMsg Type String@ Description The text of the verification message

Method to call to get a new PRCheck record.. Parameters Name groupID ds Type String Description The group id to add the payroll check to The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Validates the FromOpCode field and poplutes the From OpCode description. Is called when the From Op Code changes. If the code is not valid, an exception will be thrown. Parameters Name empID whereClausePRCheck whereClausePRChkDtl whereClausePRChkDed Type String String String String Description Employee ID WhereClause Payroll Check WhereClause Payroll Check Details WhereClause Payroll Check Deductions


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Name whereClausePRChkTax whereClausePRCheckTGLC pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description WhereClause Payroll Check Tax WhereClause Payroll Check TranGLC PageSize Absolute Page MorePages?

Method to call to update a PRChkDed record. This method should be called in place of the standard Update method when updating a PRChkDed record. Parameters Name ds Type Description The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Method to call to update a PRChkTax record. This method should be called in place of the standard Update method when updating a PRChkTax record. Parameters Name ds Type Description The PayrollCheckEntry data set

Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth. Parameters Name keyValue Type String Description HeadNum

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PayrollTax: This business object contains 18 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method is to be called when leaving the PRTaxMas record by any means (changing rows, new search, leaving the screen, etc.). A PRTaxMas record must have at least one PRTaxDtl record to be considered a valid PRTaxMas record. If no details exist for the PRTaxDtl, the user must either delete the PRTaxMas record or add a detail record before being allowed to leave. Parameters Name taxTblID errorMsg Type String String@ Description Tax Table ID of the Tax Table record to validate String containing the error message. If blank it is okay to leave the PRTaxMas record

This method copies a detail record for a specific TaxTblID, FileStatus and Year to the specified new Year

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Parameters Name taxTblID fileStat fromYear toYear ds Type String String Int32 Int32 Description TaxTblID to copy from Filing Status to copy from Tax year to copy from Tax year to copy to The PayrollTax data set

This method creates a new PRTaxMas record after prompting for the TaxType. Certain fields are initialized on create depending on which TaxType is being created. This method replaces the standard GetNewPRTaxMas() method Parameters Name ds taxType String Type Description The PayrollTax data set Payroll Tax Master's Tax Type for new record

This method uses the PRTaxDtl.FileStatus field to determine the PRTaxDtl.FileStatusDesc if there exists another PRTaxDtl with the same FileStatus for the same TaxTblID Parameters Name ds Type Description The PayrollTax data set

This method sets the W2State to the first 2 digits of the TaxTblId when the taxType = "SIT" if the W2State is blank Parameters Name ds Type Description The PayrollTax data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PayType: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Performs required logic when PayType.IncomeTaxCode is modified. Parameters Name ipIncomeTaxCode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of Income Tax Code PayType data set

Deletes records with appropriate Type Id and Expence Code Parameters Name cPayTypeID cExpenseCode Type String String Description The PayType IDproposed from operation code The Expence Code

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PBGInvoice: This business object contains 14 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

ApproveInvoice. Parameters Name ipProjectID askWarning warnMessage ds Type String Boolean String@ Invoice DataSet Description The ProjectID.

Custom GetRows method to retrieve data by ProjectID and ConInvMeth. Parameters Name ipProjectID ipConInvMeth Returns The PBGInvoice DataSet Type String String Description The ProjectID. The ConInvMeth.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PBillSchSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PBSchWrkSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PCashCloseDay: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PCashDesk: This business object contains 25 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Method to call when changing the currency code. Parameters Name proposedCurrencyCode ds Type String Description The proposed currency code The PCashDesk data set

Method to call when changing the entrusted cashier. Parameters Name proposedEntrustedCashier ds Type String Description The proposed entrusted cashier The PCashDesk data set

Method to call when changing the initial payroll balance. Parameters Name proposedInitPayrollBal docOrBase ds Type Decimal String Description The proposed initial payroll balance Was the base amount (Base) or doc amount (Doc) changed The PCashDesk data set

Method to call when changing the initial balance.


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Parameters Name proposedInitTotalBal docOrBase ds Type Decimal String Description The proposed initial balance Was the base amount (Base) or doc amount (Doc) changed The PCashDesk data set

Method to call when changing the initial balances date. Parameters Name proposedOpenedFrom ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed opened from date The PCashDesk data set

Method to call when changing the operation type code. Parameters Name proposedOprTypeCode ds Type String Description The proposed operation type code The PCashDesk data set

Method to call when changing the tran doc type id. Parameters Name proposedTranDocTypeID ds Type String Description The proposed tran doc type id The PCashDesk data set

Method to call when changing the rate group code. Parameters Name proposedRateGrpCode Type String Description The proposed rate group code

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Name ds


Description The PCashDesk data set

Method to call when changing the report tran document type. Parameters Name proposedReportTranDocType ds Type String Description The proposed report tran document type The PCashDesk data set

Get overall balance for defined Cash Desk Parameters Name ipCashDeskID ds Type String Description Cash Desk ID The PCashDeskTracker data set

Get day balances for defined Cash Desk Parameters Name ipCashDeskID ipFromDate ipToDate ipIncludeDrafts ipPayrollOnly ds Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Boolean Boolean Description Cash Desk ID From Date To Date Include Drafts Payroll Only The PCashDeskTracker data set

Get documents for defined Cash Desk and Date Parameters Name ipCashDeskID Type String Description Cash Desk ID


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Name ipDate ipDirection ds

Type Nullable{System.DateTime} String

Description To Date To Date The PCashDeskTracker data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PCashEntry: This business object contains 35 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.

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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName Type String Description


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Name fieldName Returns

Type String


Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Assigns a legal number to the customer shipment. Parameters Name ipCashDeskID ipReferenceNum ds opLegalNumMsg Returns The Customer Shipment data set String@ Legal number message Type String Int32 Description Cash Desk ID Cash Doc Reference Num

Call this method before calling other business objects like Cash Receipts, PaymentEntry, Bank Adjustment etc. This method creates the CashBDtl record and any other records required to call the business object.

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Parameters Name ipCashDeskID ipReferenceNum ipLineType opGroupID opLineNum Type String Int32 String String@ Int32@ Description Identifier of Cash Desk Petty Cash document number Line type Line type Line type

Returns the legal number generation options. Parameters Name ipCashDeskID ipReferenceNum opPromptForNum Type String Int32 Boolean@ Description Cash Desk ID Cash Doc Reference Num Prompt for the number

Returns The Legal Number Generation Options dataset

Alternate routine to load the Bank Fee Parameters Name inCashDeskID inReferenceNum ds Type String Int32 Description Cash Desk ID Cash Desk Reference Number The Petty Cash Entry data set

Creates a new PCashDoc record based on the add new option selected. Parameters Name inCashDeskID inNewType Type String String Description The cash desk id selected The type of new option selected. Valid types are CR-DOC Cash Receipt Document. CI-DOC - Cash Issue Document. CR-DRAFT - Cash Receipt Draft. CI-DRAFT - Cash Issue Draft


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Name inDocDate ds



Nullable{System.DateTime} Document Date. If null the default of today is use. PCashEntry data set.

Validate for a Correct Bank Fee Code Parameters Name inBankFeeID ds Type String Description Bank Fee Code The Petty Cash Entry data set

Call method when the user changes the Tax Amt in Tax screen. Parameters Name inAmtType inTaxAmt ds Type String Decimal Description Indicate which of the amount is changed. Valid values are: 'B' for Base Amount and 'D' for Doc Amount Proposed taxable amount value The Petty Cash Entry data set

Call method when the user changes the Tax ID in Tax maintainence. Parameters Name inTaxCode ds Type String Description Proposed Tax ID The PCashEntry data set

Call method when the user changes the Tax Percent. Parameters Name inPercent ds Type Decimal Description Proposed taxable amount value The Petty Cash Entry data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

This method updates the dataset when the RateCode field changes Parameters Name inRateCode ds Type String Description Proposed RateCode value The PaymentEntry data set

Call method when the user changes the Taxable Amt in Tax screen. Parameters Name inAmtType inTaxableAmt ds Type String Decimal Description Indicate which of the amount is changed. Valid values are: 'B' for Base Amount and 'D' for Doc Amount Proposed taxable amount value The PCashEntry data set

This method updates the BankTran amounts when the adjustment amount changes or the currency switch toggles. Parameters Name ipTranAmtType Type String Description Indicate which of the transaction amount is changed. Valid values are: 'B' for Base Tran Amount and 'D' for Doc Tran Amount The proposed Transaction Amount The Petty Cash Entry data set

proposedTranAmt ds


Occurs when Apply Date is changed Parameters Name ipApplyDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description New Apply Date


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Occurs when Bank Account ischanged Parameters Name ipBankAcctID ds Type String Description New Bank Acct ID

This method updates the bank amounts when the cash amount changes Parameters Name inAmtType proposedCashAmt ds Type String Decimal Description Indicate which of the cash amount is changed. Valid values are: 'B' for Base Cash Amount and 'D' for Doc Cash Amount The proposed Transaction Amount The Petty Cash Entry data set

Occurs when Cash Desk ID Transfer is changed Parameters Name ipCashDeskIDTransfer ds Type String Description New Cash Desk ID Num

Occurs when Customer is changed Parameters Name ipCustomerID ds Type String Description New Customer ID

Occurs when Employee is changed

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Parameters Name ipEmployeeNum ds Type String Description New Employee Num

Occurs when Operation type was changed Parameters Name ipOprTypeCode ds Type String Description New Operation type code

Occurs when Vendor is changed Parameters Name ipVendorID ds Type String Description New Vendor ID

Call this method after calling other business objects like Cash Receipts, PaymentEntry, Bank Adjustment etc. This method updates the PCashDoc record with the data from other business objects. Parameters Name pCashDeskID pReferenceNum Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.PCashEntryDataSet Type String Int32 Description Cash Desk ID Cash Desk reference number

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PCashOprType: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.

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Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Method to call when changing the operation type direction. Parameters Name proposedDirection ds Type String Description The proposed direction The PCashOprType data set

Method to call when changing the operation class. Parameters Name proposedOprClass ds Type String Description The proposed operation class The PCashOprType data set

Method to call when changing the payer type. Parameters Name proposedRecPayerType ds Type String Description The proposed payer type The PCashOprType data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PcConData: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method validates and populates the TypeCode Parameters Name iProposedTypeCode ds Type String Description Proposed Type Code The PcConData data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PcConType: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PeLogViewer: This business object contains 9 methods. This procedure supposed to delete old logging file. (pelog.txt)

Returns list of posting modes

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Returns list of posting modes

Returns RJ

Turn On/Off PE logging Returns LogMessage

Turn On/Off PE logging Parameters Name turnOn Type Int32 Description valid review journal

Return True if Logging is Turn On Returns Is Logging

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages ds Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available. The PeLogDataSet. This procedure should populate this dataset with the info.


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This function should return dataset containing logging infromation about requested posting process Parameters Name inActType inPostDate inGroupID inRJ inValid inPostMode ds Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} String Int32 String String Description Act type name Posting Date posting group id review journal number valid review journal posting process mode The PeLogDataSet. This procedure should populate this dataset with the info.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PerCon: This business object contains 20 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the list of fields that are maintained by the "Master/Owner" of global record. The client can use this list to disable these fields on the UI.

Method to call when changing the GlobalPerCon on a PerCon. Parameters Name ipGlobalPerCon ds Type Boolean Description The proposed GlobalPerCon value. The PerCon data set.


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. Parameters Name ipNewPerConID ipPerConID ipContextLink ipLinkSysRowID ds Type Int32 Int32 String String Description New PerConID. Current PerConID. ContextLink. LinkSysRowID. The PerCon data set.

This method checks the Name, FirstName and LastName fields to see if there are any duplicate contacts. A ListDataSet will be returned to the user of any duplicates asking if the user wants to continue. Needs to be run before Update on a NEW record only. Parameters Name vName vSysRowID Type String String Description The name of the contact. SysRowID field of the PerCon record.

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.PerConListDataSet

This method populates the detail fields from PerCon.Name when targetName = "Detail". When targetField = "Name", then the PerCon.Name is built from the detail fields. Parameters Name targetField perConID ds Type String Int32 Description Indicates which fields to populate either "Detail" or "Name" PerCon.PerConID The PerCon data set

This method returns the GlbPerCon dataset based on a delimited list of GlbPerConID values passed in.

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Parameters Name glbPerConIDList Returns The GlbPerCon data set Type String Description Delimited list of GlbPerConID values

This returns the PerCon dataset for linking. Parameters Name ipPerConID Returns The PerCon data set Type Int32 Description Global PerConID field on the GlbPerCon record to link

This method performs the actual logic behind linking a PerCon. It is run after the PreLinkGlbPerCon method which determines the PerConID to link to. If the PerConID is for a PerCon that already exists, the GlbPerCon information is translated and then copied to the PerConDataSet as an update. If the PerConID is for a new PerCon, the GlbPerCon information is translated and then copied to the PerConDataSet as an Add. Until the update method is run on PerCon record the Link process is not completed. Parameters Name glbCompany glbPerConID ds ds1 Type String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbPerCon record to link Global PerConID field on the GlbPerCon record to link The GlbPerCon data set The PerCon data set

Linking a GlbPerCon record ties a global record to a new or existing PerCon record so that any changes made to the GlbPerCon record in another company are automatically copied to any linked PerCon's. This method performs the pre link logic to check of okay to link or get the new PerConID to create/link to. Will be run before LinkGlbPerCon which actually creates/updates a PerCon record and will send the modified record back for update. When the Link "button" is originally selected, the LinkPerConID will be defaulted to the GlbPerConID field. It will then check to see if this PerConID is available for use. If available for use the system will return a question asking the user if they want to use this number. If the answer is no, then the user either needs to select an existing PerConID to link to or enter a brand new number. You will run this method until the user answer is yes. Then the LinkGlbPerCon method is called.


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Parameters Name glbCompany glbPerConID checkDuplicate ds vMessage String@ Type String Int32 Boolean Description Global Company field on the GlbPerCon record to link Global PerConID field on the GlbPerCon record to link checkDuplicate The GlbPerCon data set Returns a message the user needs to respond yes or no to. If the user answers no, then they need to update the LinkPerConID field and then run this method again to test the new PerConID they want to link to

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.PerConListDataSet

This method performs the logic behind the skip option for GlbPerCon Skip - sets the Skipped flag to true. If the PerConID field is not 0 will error out Parameters Name glbCompany glbPerConID ds Type String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbPerCon record to skip Global PerConID field on the GlbPerCon record to skip The Global PerCon data set

This method performs the logic behind the unlink option for GlbPerCon Unlink - clears the PerConID field in GlbPerCon. Returns the PerCon DataSet Parameters Name glbCompany glbPerConID ds Returns The PerCon data set Type String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbPerCon record to unlink Global PerConID field on the GlbPerCon record to unlink The Global PerCon data set

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PerConLnkSearch: This business object contains 2 methods.

This methods will return all of the PerConLnkSearch records which will be a subset of the PerCon records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table (PerConLnkSearch) we need our own public method. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The where clause to restrict data for. The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

Returns The PerConLnkSearch list data set

This methods will return all of the PerConLnkSearch records which will be a subset of the PerCon records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table (PerConLnkSearch) we need our own public method. Parameters Name whereClausePerConSearch whereClausePerConLnkSearch pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The PerConLnkSearch data set Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The where clause to restrict data for The where clause to restrict data for The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Periodicity: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Returns the CustNum and Customer Name. Parameters Name inCustID outCustNum outCustName Type String Int32@ String@ Description The CustID to get the CustNum for The CustNum for The Customer Name for

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.Person: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PickedOrders: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method creates the packing slip for the selected picked order Parameters Name plant whseCode Returns The PickedOrders data set Type String String Description Picked Order Plant Picked Order Warehouse (optional)

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PipeLine: This business object contains 10 methods.

Call this method to build the Pipeline grid for a Salesperson. Parameters Name pdtFromFilterDate pdtToFilterDate piFiscalYear piFiscalPeriod Returns The PipeLine data set Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Int32 Int32 Description From Filter Date To Filter Date Fiscal Year Fiscal Period

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Company Actual Quota. Parameters Name piFiscalYear pcFiscalYearSuffix piFiscalPeriod pdtFromFilterDate pdtToFilterDate ds Type Int32 String Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Fiscal Period From Filter Date To Filter Date The PipeLineTotals data set

Call this method to get list of Region, Territory and Sales Rep There are three levels of access: View All: This is enabled when the user's SalesRepID has 'View Company Pipeline' turned on in Workforce Maintenance. Can view aggregate totals of Actuals by Company, Region, Territory or SalesRep for ALL regions, territories, salesreps in the company Sales Manager: This is enabled when the user's SalesRepID is entered as the Sales Manager for one or more Regions in Sales Region Maintenance. Can view aggregate totals of Actuals by Region, Territory or SalesRep for the regions for which they are Sales Manager In this situation: pcTypeList contains Region, Territory, SalesManager and SalesRep pcRegionList contains the Regions for which the current user is Sales Manager pcTerritoryList contains the territories for their Regions pcSalesRepList contains only the SalesReps that "Report To" the current user Sales Rep: This is the level of access granted when neither of the other two levels apply. Can view only their own totals, and NOT aggregated by Region, or Territory In this situation: pcTypeList contains only the "SalesRep" choice pcRegionList and pcTerritoryList are empty pcSalesRepList contains only the SalesRep associated with the current user Parameters Name pcActualsType pcRegionList pcTerritoryList pcSalesRepList Type String String@ String@ String@ Description Type (aggregation-level). One of: Company, Region, Territory, SalesManager, SalesRep Delimited list of regions Delimited list of territory Delimited list of sales rep

This method returns the initial default values for FiscalYear and FiscalPeriod and From and To FilterDate. Parameters Name piFiscalYear Type Int32@ Description Fiscal Year


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Name pcFiscalYearSuffix piFiscalPeriod pdtFromFilterDate pdtToFilterDate

Type String@ Int32@ Nullable{System.DateTime}@ Nullable{System.DateTime}@

Description Fiscal Year Suffix piFiscal Period From Filter Date To Filter Date

This method returns the Fiscal Quarter for given Company and FiscalPeriod. Parameters Name piFiscalYear pcFiscalYearSuffix piFiscalPeriod piFiscalQtr Type Int32 String Int32 Int32@ Description Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Fiscal Period Fiscal Quarter

Call this method to get list of Region, Territory and Sales Rep There are three levels of access: View All: This is enabled when the user's SalesRepID has 'View Company Pipeline' turned on in Workforce Maintenance. Can view aggregate totals of Actuals by Company, Region, Territory or SalesRep for ALL regions, territories, salesreps in the company Sales Manager: This is enabled when the user's SalesRepID is entered as the Sales Manager for one or more Regions in Sales Region Maintenance. Can view aggregate totals of Actuals by Region, Territory or SalesRep for the regions for which they are Sales Manager In this situation: pcTypeList contains Region, Territory, SalesManager and SalesRep pcRegionList contains the Regions for which the current user is Sales Manager pcTerritoryList contains the territories for their Regions pcSalesRepList contains only the SalesReps that "Report To" the current user Sales Rep: This is the level of access granted when neither of the other two levels apply. Can view only their own totals, and NOT aggregated by Region, or Territory In this situation: pcTypeList contains only the "SalesRep" choice pcRegionList and pcTerritoryList are empty pcSalesRepList contains only the SalesRep associated with the current user Parameters Name pcTypeList Type String@ Description Delimited list of aggregation-levels (Actuals Types)

This method displays the Regional Actual Quota Parameters Name pcSalesRepCode Type String Description SalesRep Code

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Name pcRegionCode piFiscalYear pcFiscalYearSuffix piFiscalPeriod pdtFromFilterDate pdtToFilterDate ds

Type String Int32 String Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime}

Description Region Code Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Fiscal Period From Filter Date To Filter Date The PipeLineTotals data set

This method displays Sales Manager Actual Quota. Parameters Name pcSalesRepCode piFiscalYear pcFiscalYearSuffix piFiscalPeriod pdtFromFilterDate pdtToFilterDate ds Type String Int32 String Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Description SalesRep Code Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Fiscal Period From Filter Date To Filter Date The PipeLineTotals data set

This method displays Sales Rep's Actual Quota. Parameters Name pcSalesRepCode pcTerritoryID piFiscalYear pcFiscalYearSuffix piFiscalPeriod pdtFromFilterDate pdtToFilterDate ds Type String String Int32 String Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Description SalesRep Code Territory ID Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Fiscal Period From Filter Date To Filter Date The PipeLineTotals data set


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This method displays Territory Actual Quota Parameters Name pcSalesRepCode pcTerritoryID piFiscalYear pcFiscalYearSuffix piFiscalPeriod pdtFromFilterDate pdtToFilterDate ds Type String String Int32 String Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Description SalesRep Code Territory ID Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix Fiscal Period From Filter Date To Filter Date The PipeLineTotals data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PIStatus: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PIType: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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This method should be called to set GLStage for PIScope. Parameters Name ipPIType ipPIScopeNew ds Type String Int32 Description PI Type. New PI Type Scope. PI Type data set.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PlanningWB: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Plant: This business object contains 17 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

After the tax integration has been called, update the Plant address if it was changed. Parameters Name ds ds1 plantID String Type Description The Plant data set The ETCAddrValidation data set Plant.Plant


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Call tax integration and loads temp tables from the results. Parameters Name plantID statusFlag errorFlag errorMsg Type String Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Description Plant.Plant Set to true if the integration is up, false if down. If true, an error occured. If Error Flag is true, this is the associated message.

Returns The ETCAddrValidation data set This Method Get all Companies Plants Returns Plant List dataset.

This method is the same as GetList(), except that it causes a bypass of the call to removeUnauthorizedRows. It is to be used only in the situations where the user is allowed to see Plants for which they are not authorized, such as in this example from Vantage Help for Multi-Plant Management: The selection list for Plants will include all Plants for the To option when creating Plant to Plant transfers. However, when receiving a Plant to Plant transfer the user must be authorized to the receiving Plant. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Plant List dataset. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Returns TRUE if there are more pages. Description (optional)Additional Where conditions.

This method will send a list of fields to be disabled on the UI side if either the Multi-Plant or Advanced Planning and Scheduling license is not available or MRP, data collection and field service. Parameters Name disabledList Type String@ Description Returns the list of fields to be disabled

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IsAuthorizedForPlant determines whether the logged user is allowed to access a specific plant Parameters Name plantID isValid Type String Boolean@ Description The plant ID parameter. True if authorized for that plant, false if plant does not exist, and throws an exception if not authorized

This method validates the CalendarID Parameters Name calendarID ds Type String Description Proposed Calendar ID field The Plant data set

This method should be called anytime the PlantCostID is changed when updating a plant record (this method does not need to be called when adding a record). This method returns message text to present to the user in question form. The question informs the user Plant General Ledger Cost values will need to be updated, do they wish to continue with this change. Parameters Name pcQuestion Type String@ Description Question message passed back from the business logic.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PlantConfCtrl: This business object contains 38 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Checks if a workflow group already exists for any of the selected options. If yes, returns a message asking if the defaults should be rebuilt Parameters Name ds cQuestionText String@ Question to display to the user Type Description

Creates default records needed for time and expense approvals.


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Parameters Name ds cReturnText String@ Text to display to the user Type Description

This method is the same as GetList(), except that it causes a bypass of the call to removeUnauthorizedRows. It is to be used only in the situations where the user is allowed to see Plants for which they are not authorized, such as in this example from Vantage Help for Multi-Plant Management: The selection list for Plants will include all Plants for the To option when creating Plant to Plant transfers. However, when receiving a Plant to Plant transfer the user must be authorized to the receiving Plant. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Plant List dataset. Creates a record in the DfltApprTasksParams DataSet so the user can choose what default tasks are created Returns Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Returns TRUE if there are more pages. Description (optional)Additional Where conditions.

This method will send a list of fields to be disabled on the UI side if either the Multi-Plant or Advanced Planning and Scheduling license is not available or MRP, data collection and field service. Parameters Name disabledList Type String@ Description Returns the list of fields to be disabled

IsAuthorizedForPlant Parameters Name plantID Type String Description Plant ID

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Name isValid

Type Boolean@

Description Flag that indicates if the Plant is authorized

Parameters Name ds ipABCCode String Type Description PlantConf data set Plant ABC code

This method validates CCProdCal Parameters Name calendarID ds Type String Description Proposed Cycle Count Calendar ID field The Plant Confif Control data set

This method resets default values when ExpenseApprovalReqd changes Parameters Name ipApprovalRequired ds Type Boolean Description Proposed ExpenseApprovalReqd field The Plant Confif Control data set

This method resets default values when ExpenseRestrictEntry changes Parameters Name ipRestrictEntry ds Type Boolean Description Proposed ExpenseRestrictEntry field The Plant Confif Control data set


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Parameters Name ipLLSerTrk ds Type Int32 Description PlantConfCtrl.LowLvlSerialTrk The Plant data set

This method should be called when Equip.TemplateJobNum changes. Parameters Name ipJobNum ds Type String Description Job Num PlantConf data set

Parameters Name ipPcntTolerance Type Decimal Description Percentage Tolerance

Parameters Name ipQtyTolerance Type Decimal Description Quantity Tolerance Value

This method validates SerialTracking Parameters Name ipSerialTracking ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Serial Tracking field The Plant Confif Control data set

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Parameters Name ipStockValPcnt Type Decimal Description Stock Value Percent

This method resets default values when TimeApprovalReqd changes Parameters Name ipApprovalRequired ds Type Boolean Description Proposed TimeApprovalReqd field The Plant Confif Control data set

This method resets default values when TimeRestrictEntry changes Parameters Name ipRestrictEntry ds Type Boolean Description Proposed TimeRestrictEntry field The Plant Confif Control data set

Parameters Name ipValTolerance Type Decimal Description Value of tolerance

Plant Resource Transfers allow you to create new plants from the resources available in current plants. Once resources are moved to a new plant, they are no longer available in their previous plant. Parameters Name pcPlant pcRemotePlant Type String String Description The plant from where you want to move the resources The plant where you want to move the resources


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Name pcWrkCenterList pcWareHseList plExecuteTransfer pcMessage cTransferLog

Type String String Boolean String@ String@

Description The delimited list of Work centers that you want to transfer to the remote plant The delimited list of warehouses that you want to transfer to the remote plant Yes will update the records. No will run a simulation Non error, informational message passed back from the business logic. The parameter that is sent to PlantTranferRsrcTestReport

SetUPSQVEnable Parameters Name ipQVEnable ds Type Boolean Description logical indicating if the quantum view is to enabled/disabled The Plant data set

ValidatePayBTFlag Parameters Name ipPayBTFlag Type String Description requested pay bt flag to edit

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PlantCost: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method will return a message/question for the user to answer before continuing with the update. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds opMessage String@ Question for the user to confirm FIFO Layer status Type Description


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PlantTranSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PlantWhseSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This procedure should return the same list of warehouses as the buildWhseList procedure in CustShip.p does. Parameters Name i_PartNum pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Part number that we're building the warehouse list for Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.PlantWhseSearchListDataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PO: This business object contains 90 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Invoke this method when the Approve switch on the summary screen changes. Parameters Name approveValue violationMsg ds Type Boolean String@ Description Was PO approved? Yes/No The message contains error text The Purchase Order data set

Call this method when the PODetail.ContractQtyUOM changes.


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Parameters Name newUOM ds Type String Description New UOM The Purchase Order data set

Changes country Parameters Name ds Type Description The Purchase Order data set

Run this method when the currency code changes on the poheader. This method will pull in the exchange rate. Parameters Name iCurrencyCode ds Type String Description Currency Code The Purchase Order data set

Run this method when the currency toggle changes on the POHeadeMisc. It will update the currency symbol. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Purchase Order data set

Invoke when assembly on the detail sheet changes. It will validate the release and zero out the JobSeq. Parameters Name newAsmSeq ds Type Int32 Description New Assembly to be tested The Purchase Order data set

Run this method when our quantity on the detail changes.

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Parameters Name newCalcOurQty ds Type Decimal Description New Quantity The Purchase Order data set

Run this method when supplier quantity on the detail changes. Parameters Name newCalcVendQty ds Type Decimal Description New Quantity The Purchase Order data set

Call this method when the IUM changes on the PODetail. Parameters Name newIUM ds Type String Description New IUM The Purchase Order data set

This method is used when the jobnumber on the detail screen changes . Parameters Name newJobNum ds Type String Description New Job Number The Purchase Order data set

Invoke when Job/mtl sequence on the Detail sheet changes. I Parameters Name newJobSeqNum ds Type Int32 Description New job/mtl seq to be tested The Purchase Order data set


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Run this method when MangCustID on the detail changes. Parameters Name newMangCust ds Type String Description New MangCustID The Purchase Order data set

Call this method when the MfgNum changes on the PODetail. Parameters Name newMfgNum ds Type Int32 Description New MfgNum The Purchase Order data set

Call this method when the MfgPartNum changes on the PODetail. Parameters Name newMfgPartNum ds Type String Description New MfgPartNum The Purchase Order data set

Call this method when the OrderLine changes on the PODetail. Parameters Name ipOrderLine ds Type Int32 Description New OrderLine The Purchase Order data set

Call this method when the OrderNum changes on the PODetail.

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Parameters Name ipOrderNum ds Type Int32 Description New OrderNum The Purchase Order data set

Run this method when the partnumber on the detail screen changes . Parameters Name newClassID ds Type String Description New Class ID The Purchase Order data set

Run this method when the partnumber on the detail screen changes . Parameters Name newPartNum sysRowID rowType isSubstitute multipleMatch ds Type String@ String String Boolean Boolean@ Description New Part Number Sys Row ID for match (conflict resolution only) Row Type for match (conflict resolution only) True whether it is a Substitute Part Returns whether multiple matches were found. The Purchase Order data set

Call this method when the PUM changes on the PODetail. Parameters Name newPUM ds Type String Description New PUM The Purchase Order data set

Call this method when the TranType (LineType) changes on the PODetail. It will update the price on the release


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Parameters Name newTranType ds Type String Description New Transaction Type The Purchase Order data set

This method sets the flag in PORelTGLC that indicates if the account has been overridden from the default. Parameters Name proposedAccountNum inTGLCTranNum ds Type String Int32 Description The proposed account number The TGLCTranNum of the PORelTGLC record to be checked The Purchase Order data set

Run this method when the misc code is changed on the POHeadMisc. It will recalaculate amounts. Parameters Name newMiscCode ds Type String Description The code of misc charge The Purchase Order data set

Run this method when the percentage changes on the POHeadMisc. It will recalaculate doc and base amounts. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Purchase Order data set

Run this method when the misc code is changed on the POMisc. It will recalaculate amounts. Parameters Name newMiscCode ds Type String Description The code of misc charge The Purchase Order data set

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Run this method when the currency toggle changes on the POMisc. It will update the currency symbol and recalaculate doc and base amounts. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Purchase Order data set

Run this method when the percentage changes on the POMisc. It will recalaculate doc and base amounts. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Purchase Order data set

This method should be invoked when the newPOType changes. Parameters Name newPOType ds Type String Description Proposed newPOType to be validated The Purchase Order data set

This method should be invoked when the PrcConNum changes. This method will validate the vendorCnt and pull in the new default information. Parameters Name prcConNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed PrcConNum to be validated The Purchase Order data set

Invoke this method to change the purchase point on the POHeader. This method will validate the PP and pull in default information.


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Parameters Name purPoint ds Type String Description New Purchase Point The Purchase Order data set

Invoke when assembly on the release sheet changes. It will validate the release and zero out the JobSeq. Parameters Name newAsmSeq ds Type Int32 Description New Assembly to be tested The Purchase Order data set

This method should be called when the GlbCompany field on a po release changes. It will populate default values in PORel based on the new GlbCompany value. Parameters Name proposedGlbCompany ds Type String Description Proposed GlbCompany value The Purchase Order data set

This method should be called when the GlbPlant field on a po release changes. It will populate default values in PORel based on the new GlbPlant value. Parameters Name proposedGlbPlant ds Type String Description Proposed GlbPlant value The Purchase Order data set

This method should be called when the GlbWarehouse field on a po release changes. It will populate default values in PORel based on the new GlbWarehouse value. Parameters Name proposedGlbWarehouse Type String Description Proposed GlbCompany value

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Name ds


Description The Purchase Order data set

Call this method when the IUM changes on the PORel. Parameters Name newIUM ds Type String Description New IUM The Purchase Order data set

Purpose: Invoke after the jobnumber has changed either on the release sheet . Parameters Name newJobNum ds Type String Description New Job Number The Purchase Order data set

Invoke when Job/mtl sequence on the release sheet changes. It will validate the release and zero out the JobSeq. Parameters Name newJobSeqNum ds Type Int32 Description New job/mtl seq to be tested The Purchase Order data set

Gets specified material or operation record and changes the warning message. Parameters Name ipTranType ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq ipNewJobSeq ipPODtlPartNum Type String String Int32 Int32 String Description Transaction Type Job Number Assembly Sequence Job Sequence Part Number


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Name opWrnMsg

Type String@

Description Warning Message to be displayed to the user

Run this method when MangCustID on the release changes. Parameters Name newMangCust ds Type String Description New MangCustID The Purchase Order data set

Call this method when the OrderLine changes on the PORel. Parameters Name ipOrderLine ds Type Int32 Description New OrderLine The Purchase Order data set

Call this method when the OrderNum changes on the PORel. Parameters Name ipOrderNum ds Type Int32 Description New OrderNum The Purchase Order data set

Call this method when the OrderRelNum changes on the PORel. Parameters Name ipOrderRelNum ds opWrnMsg String@ Type Int32 Description New OrderRelNum The Purchase Order data set Warning Message to be displayed to the user

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This should be run after OurQty (PORel.XRelQty) changed on the PO release. Parameters Name newOurQty ds opWarningMsg String@ Type Decimal Description New quantity to be tested The Purchase Order data set BTO Warning message.

Call this method when the PUM changes on the PORel. Parameters Name newPUM ds Type String Description New PUM The Purchase Order data set

This should be run after VendorQty (PORel.RelQty) changed on the PO release. Parameters Name newVendQty ds opWarningMsg String@ Type Decimal Description New quantity to be tested The Purchase Order data set BTO Warning message.

Call this method when the TranType (LineType) changes on the POREL. ExpAccount will change Parameters Name newTranType ds Type String Description New transaction type The Purchase Order data set

Calculates the UnitPrice or DocUnitPrice depending of the Currency Switch.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The Purchase Order data set

This method should be invoked when the vendor ID changes. This method will validate the vendor and pull in the new default vendor information. 1. Validate Vendor ID / Vendor Num 2. check for inactive vendor 3. check Vendor for Approved flag 4. check item(s) for conficts with AprvVend Parameters Name vendID ds Type String Description Proposed vendor ID to be validated The Purchase Order data set

Check for every release of the PO if it is compliant. Parameters Name poNum compliant Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Current PO Number. Indicates if the current PO is compliant.

Checks outstanding amounts to limit on APLOC (if applicable) This should be called before updating POHeader, PODetail, POMisc, or POHeadMisc If limit is exceeded a string is returned asking the user if they want to override. Parameters Name opMsg ds Type String@ Description Any returned error message. The Purchase Order data set

Method to call when entering proposed PO Number. This method will return two output variables. One is a logical field to indicate if the PO number entered is existing or not. The other variable is for the error message in case the proposed PO number is invalid.

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Parameters Name proposedPONum opFoundPO opMessage Type Int32 Boolean@ String@ Description The proposed PO Number Indicates if the proposed PO number is already existing. Error message for the user to see.

Validate Projec ID value Parameters Name ipProjectID ds Type String Description The Project ID value The Purchase Order data set

Update Quote Detail information when the Part Number is changed. Parameters Name ipRateGrpCode ds Type String Description Currency Rate Group Code Quote dataset

Filters up available open orders/lines Parameters Name poNum Returns The Purchase order data set Type Int32 Description The purchase order number

Filters up available open lines


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Parameters Name poNum poLine Returns The Purchase order data set Type Int32 Int32 Description The purchase order number The purchase order line

Run this method to close a release . Parameters Name poNum poLine poRelease Returns The Purchase order data set Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The purchase order number The purchase order line The purchase order release number

Duplicates PO Parameters Name poNum copyUnitCosts copyJobInfo newDueDate Returns The Purchase order data set Type Int32 Boolean Boolean Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The purchase order number Unit Costs Job Info new Due Date

This method should be invoked when it is required to set the APLOC Description changes. Parameters Name poAPLOCID ds Type String Description Proposed newPOType to be validated The Purchase Order data set

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This method returns the Base CurrencyCode Parameters Name opCurrencyBase Type String@ Description Base Currency

Returns a list of available companies to choose from for the Global Company field. Returns the list in code1`desc1~code2`desc2 format. Parameters Name glbCompanyList Type String@ Description The global company list

Method to call when adding a Consolidated PO Parameters Name ds Type Description The PO data set

Method to call when adding a Consolidated PO Parameters Name ds Type Description The PO data set

Public method to get the poapvmsg dataset. Parameters Name partNum pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description The part number pageSize absolutePage


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Name morePages Returns The PartSubs data set

Type Boolean@

Description is there more Pages? Yes/No

Gets Plant for appropriate Part Parameters Name ipPartNum opPlantList Type String String@ Description Part Number Delimited list of plants for part

Gets RcvDtl's and DropShipDtl's for a given PONum. Parameters Name ipPONum Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.POReceiptsDataSet. Type Int32 Description PONum.

The method is to be run on leave of the PartNum, Revision fields before the GetPartInfo or Update methods are run. This returns all the questions that need to be asked before a part can be changed. Parameters Name valpartnum questionString substitutePartAvail msgType Type String@ String@ Boolean@ String@ Description The new PartNum if a substitute part is found, partNum will be the substitute part Asks if the user wants to use a substitute part Indicates other substitute parts besides the default exist Type of message returned. if avail porel then message porel.poline porel.trantype. Values can be; "Question" (asking if they want to use the substitute part) "Warning" (Warns them that a part is onhold or runout). "Error" (Part in Inactive, or Onhold/Runout parts are not accepted in this case) . "Question" is asking if they want to use the substitute part.

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Reopens order Parameters Name poNum Returns The Purchase Order data set Type Int32 Description The Purchase ordre number

Reopens order line Parameters Name poNum poLine Returns The Purchase Order data set Type Int32 Int32 Description The Purchase ordre number The Purchase ordre line

Run this method to reopen a release. Parameters Name poNum poLine poRelease Returns The Purchase Order data set Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The Purchase ordre number The Purchase order line The Purchase ordre release

Method to validate the Inspection control fields. (EQM) Parameters Name ipProposedInspPlan ipProposedSpecId Type String String Description The new proposed InspPlanPartNum value The new proposed SpecID value


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Name ds


Description The PO entry Dataset.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.POApvMsg: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method determines whether the Approval needs to be passed on to a manager To be run before the update method Parameters Name vPONum vAprvAmt vApproved vMessage Type Int32 Decimal String String@ Description PO Number Amount being Approved Approver Response If approval is needed, this message will ask the user if they want to continue

GetAllRows displays all the rows from POApvMsg table just like GetRows. Except - no filtering of POApvMsg records based on PurAuth will be performed in afterGetRows. Parameters Name whereClausePOApvMsg pageSize Type String Int32 Description Where Clause for POApvMsg table. Page Size


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Name absolutePage morePages Returns Returns the new POApvMsg DataSet

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description absolutePage morePages

GetApprovalActivity displays all the rows from POApvMsg table just like GetRows. Except - no filtering of POApvMsg records based on PurAuth will be performed in afterGetRows. Parameters Name whereClausePOApvMsg pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Returns the new POApvMsg DataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Where Clause for POApvMsg table. Page Size absolutePage morePages

This method puts a date/time/user stamp in the MsgText box for the user Parameters Name ds Type Description Returns the new POApvMsg DataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PODetailSearch: This business object contains 4 methods.

This methods will return all of the PoDetailSearch records which will be a subset of the PoHeader records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table (PoDetailSearch) we need our own public method. Parameters Name whereClausePoHeaderSearch whereClausePoDetailSearch pageSize Type String String Int32 Description The where clause to restrict data for The where clause to restrict data for The page size, used only for UI adaptor

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Name absolutePage morePages Returns The PoDetailSearch data set

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

This methods will return all of the PoDetailSearch records which will be a subset of the PoHeader records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table (PoDetailSearch) we need our own public method. Parameters Name ds pageSize absolutePage morePages Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset with pupolated key values The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

This methods will return all of the PoDetailSearch records which will be a subset of the PoHeader records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table (PoDetailSearch) we need our own public method. Parameters Name whereClausePoHeaderSearch whereClausePoDetailSearch pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The PoDetailSearch data set Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The where clause to restrict data for The where clause to restrict data for The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

This methods will return all of the PoDetailSearch records which will be a subset of the PoHeader records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table (PoDetailSearch) we need our own public method.


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Parameters Name ds pageSize absolutePage morePages Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset with pupolated key values The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PODetailTrackerSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Job and Order fields for the customer tracker. Parameters Name whereClausePODetail poHeaderVendorNum pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The PODetailTrackerSearch data set Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for PODetail table. POHeder Vendor Number Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PORelSearch: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Parameters Name whereClausePoRel pageSize Type String Int32 Description PO Release search clause Page size

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Name absolutePage morePages Returns PO Rel List Data Set

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Absolute page More Pages

Filter Releases from other Companies. Call normal GetRows method. Parameters Name whereClausePoRel excludeGlobal pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns PO Rel List Data Set Type String Boolean Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description PO Release search clause excludeGlobal Page size Absolute page More Pages

Epicor.Mfg.BO.POSchedule: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Approved all schedules Parameters Name ds Type Description The POSchedule data set

Approved one schedule

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The POSchedule data set

Provides a simply way of being able to copy the quantities from either the Current, Suggestion or Adjusted fields to the Proposed field for the whole schedule Parameters Name ipFromField ipContractPONum ipContractPOLine ipContractRev ds Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The From field value The current ContractPONum value The current ContractPOLine value The current ContractRev value The POSchedule data set

Add your summary for this object here Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.POSugg: This business object contains 28 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method will automatically change the Buy specification to Yes for any suggestion for the currently selected buyer that spicifies a vendor, a unit price a quantity , a purchasing factor and a unit of measure . The UI must mark the selected ttSugPODtl records are "dirty" before calling this method. This is to allow auto select to only run on the records selected This is a danger that there will be some records selected that will not show up in this dataset. These records may have been updated using a previous filter ( or lack of filter ) or by another user. This is consistant with Vantage 6.1. The result is more records may be marked as buy then expected.... Parameters Name ds ipPlantKey ipCurBuyer ipCutOffDate String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Type Description The POSugg data set Plant or blank for all BuyerId or blank for all buyers Cut off date for suggestions

This method recalculates RelQty, XRelQty Parameters Name calcField ds Type String Description calcField The POSugg data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Returns the currency display symbol base on currencyswitch. Parameters Name currencySwitch vendorNum displaySymbol Type Boolean Int32 String@ Description Logical indicating if the currency toggle is checked SugPODtl.VendorNum DisplaySymbol for currency

Called when MfgNum is changed. Updates MfgNumName. Parameters Name ipMfgNum ds Type Int32 Description Manufacturer Number PO Suggestion data set

This method should be invoked when the poLine changes. It validates the poline and sets the Taxable field. Parameters Name newPoLine ds Type Int32 Description New Po Line The POSugg data set

This method will change the PoNum and pull in the defaults associated with the PO. The default fields are; PONum,VendorNum,BuyerID,CommentText,ShipVia,FOB,TermsCode and Taxable Parameters Name newPoNum ds Type Int32 Description Indicates the Po to retrieve The POSugg data set

Run this method when the amount changes on the ttSugPoMsc .

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The POSugg data set

Run this method when the poMsc charge changes to default in a description. Parameters Name newMiscCode ds Type String Description New Misc Code The POSugg data set

Run this method when the percentage changes on the ttSugPoMsc . Parameters Name ds Type Description The POSugg data set

This method returns the default information for a vendor. Such as FOB,Terms, purchase point and currency . This method must be run after changing the VendorID and before invoking the update method, otherwise all related vendor information on the screen will not be updated. Parameters Name newVendID ds Type String Description New Vendor ID The POSugg data set

Need to be run before generating po's, the Generate() method. This method will check to see if generating PO from the currently tagged suggestions will generate po's for other buyers. Running the Generate method will assume that all tagged suggestion records will generate PO's, regardless of the buyer. Parameters Name poForOtherBuyer Type Boolean@ Description Logical of whether or not Generate() will generate PO's for other buyers


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Name suggList opCurBuyer opBuyerName

Type String@ String@ String@

Description List of Suggestions that will generate PO's for other buyers Current BuyerID Current Buyer Name

This method processes all suggestion records where buy has been set to true within the passed parameters. Note: This is doing a getrows and passing back a new dataset minus the records that were processed. The dataset at the client will still have the processed records, in order to removed these records we may have to somehow tag the processed records with a "D":U or, have the UI replace their dataset with this new one. Parameters Name ds ipPlantKey ipCurBuyer ipCutOffDate String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Type Description The POSugg data set Plant or blank for all BuyerId or blank for all buyers Cut off date for suggestions

Returns a list of Buyers, authorized for the Current User. Parameters Name opBuyerName Type String@ Description List of buyers.

This method returns a list of inter-company trading partners. Use to populate the grid to select inter-company partners. Returns The ForecastVendors data set

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Use in place of GetList Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The POSugg List data set

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. use in place of GetRows Parameters Name whereClauseSugPODtl whereClauseSugPOMsc pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The POSugg data set Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description whereClause for SugPODtl table whereClause for SugPOMsc table pageSize absolutePage morePages

The method chekcs status of the current Part and if this Part is Active and not onHold or it`s HoldDay later then today, but it is flagged as Run Out then it sets value of isRunOut parament in true.. Parameters Name valpartnum msg Type String String@ Description The PartNum, whose status need to check return not empty value if this part is Active and not onHold or it`s HoldDay later then today, but it is flagged as Run Out

This method will process the selected forcast vendor records and send a forcast. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ForecastVendors data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.POSuggChg: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This methods will accept the PO Suggestion change. Parameters Name ipPONum ipPOLine ipPORelNum ipVendorChange ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean Description The po number. The po line number. The po release number. The Vendir Change. The POSuggChg data set

This method does stuff . Parameters Name partTrackerOK Type Boolean@ Description Indicates whether or not this user has securty rights to part tracker

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Use in place of GetList Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The POSugg List data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. use in place of GetRows Parameters Name whereClauseSugPOChg pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The POSuggChg data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description whereClause for SugPOChg table pageSize absolutePage morePages

Epicor.Mfg.BO.POWorkbench: This business object contains 2 methods.

Get the total quantity we have in stock of this part converted to the parts primary inventory UOM. Parameters Name ipPartNum opOnHandQty Type String Decimal@ Description Part Number Primary UOM On Hand Quantity

Retrieves data for UOM codes per part that are defined to be tracked for it (PartUOM.TrackOnHand = true). Part: Only Parts where Part.TrackDimension is true should be used. Horizon Date: Default to today. Parameters Name ipPartNum ipHorizonDate Returns POWorkbench Dataset Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Part Number Horizon Date

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PRChkGrp: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Method to call when changing the bank account. Parameters Name proposedBankAcctID ds Type String Description The proposed bank account id The PRChkGrp data set

Method to call to update the fiscal period fields for the new check date. Parameters Name proposedCheckDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed check date The PRChkGrp data set

Method to call when posting checks for a specific group. Posting of a group causes the PRChkGrp record to be deleted from the database if all checks in the group posted correctly. Parameters Name postGroupID postErrors Type String String@ Description The group id of the group of checks to be posted Contains information regarding why a check may not have been posted. This field should be presented to the user to inform them of what the posting issues are.

Method to call before posting checks for a specific group. It will check to see if the register has printed or not. The text for this question is returned in RegisterText. It will also check to see if payroll is interfaced with G/L. The text for this question is returned in InterfacedText. For both questions, if the answer is yes, posting can continue, otherwise posting is canceled.

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Parameters Name postGroupID registerText interfacedText Type String String@ String@ Description The Group ID of the Group to post Contains text of the register message to present to the user. Contains text of the interface message to present to the user.

Method to call to perform pre-validations on the update of a check group record. The pre-validations involve asking the user various questions about the changes being made and if the changes will be ok. The validations are: 1) The check date is less than today or more than 14 days out 2) The check date changed, which will require taxes and deductions to be recalculated. 3) The Deduction period value is zero. If the user answers yes to all questions, the save can continue. If the user answers no to any question, the update is canceled. This method should be called prior to the Update method. Parameters Name groupID checkDate deductionPeriod dateRangeText Type String Description The group id

Nullable{System.DateTime} The check date Int32 String@ The deduction period to validate The text of the question to ask the user if the check date range is not between today's date and 14 days out. If blank, a question does not need to be asked. The text of the question to ask the user when the check date changes, which requires taxes and deductions to be recalculated. If blank, a question does not need to be asked. The text of the question to ask the user if the deduction period is zero. If blank, a question does not need to be asked. The PRChkGrp data set






Method to call to unlock a group record. This method should be called whenever the group no longer needs to be locked. The group no longer needs to be locked when the payroll entry object is closed, or when a different group is selected. Parameters Name inGroupID Type String Description The group id of the group record to unlock


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PRClass: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PRDeduct: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PrefScheme: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PREmployee: This business object contains 28 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method will add employee results link to all employees in the company


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Parameters Name ds opMessage String@ Type Description The PREmployee data set Message to be displayed to the user

This method returns a list of valid Classes to select from for the user's security Parameters Name classList Type String@ Description Limited list of ClassIDs and Description

This method returns a list of filing status' based on the TaxTable ID selected Parameters Name taxTblID filingList Type String String@ Description Tax Table ID code Filing Status List

This method generates a list of TaxTbls available to choose from when Adding/Updating a PREmpTax record Parameters Name taxTblID empID taxList Type String String String@ Description Current Tax Table ID, blank if new Curreny Employee ID Delimited List of available TaxTblID including the current one

This method updates the salary or rate field on PREmpRt when the other field is updated It is to be run after either Salary or PayRate is updated. Parameters Name ds Type Description The PREmployee data set

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This method should run when the JobMtl.Plant field changes. This method determines the default JobMtl.WarehouseCode associated with the new JobMtl.Plant. Parameters Name proposedFileStatus ds Type String Description propsed value PREmploye Entry data set

This method checks if a PREmpRt record exists for the current employee record if no record exists then the user cannot leave the record until they create a rate record or delete the employee record. Parameters Name empId vMessage Type String String@ Description The current employee's ID Error string if no rate record exists (otherwise blank)

This method sets the deduction defaults once the DeductionID is selected Parameters Name ds Type Description The PREmployee data set

This method will default the name and address information from EmpBasic if the EmpId entered exists in EmpBasic Parameters Name ds Type Description The PREmployee data set

Gets Employee Link


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Parameters Name inEmpID outEmpLink Type String String@ Description in Employee Link out Employee Link

This method creates a new PREmpMas record based on information from the EmpBasic record. It takes EmpID as a parameter. The standard GetNewPREmpMas method will be used when adding a new Payroll Employee from scratch. Parameters Name ds empID String Type Description The PREmployee data set Shop Employee's ID

This method is identical to the GetList method except that it overrides the PREmpMas find trigger and will return all Employees, not just the ones the user has clearance for. This is mainly for the SupervisorID lookups for Shop and Payroll employee maintenance Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns List dataset Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The search statement to filter the PREmpMas table on The page size (required) Absolte Page size (required) More Pages? Yes/No

Used to validate and Get the PerCon info. Parameters Name perConID ds Type Int32 Description Proposed PerConID. PREmployee data set.

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This method is called for a new employee. If the employee exists in the Parameters Name ds Type Description The PREmployee dataset

This method will add employee results link to all employees in the company Parameters Name ds opMessage String@ Type Description The PREmployee data set Message to be displayed to the user

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PRHoldy: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.


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Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PriceGroup: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.

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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Add all available Product Groups to current Price Group Parameters Name prPriceGroupCode Type String Description Price Group Code


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Name ds


Description Price Group data set

Add new Product Group to Price Group or replace old Product Group Parameters Name prPriceGroupCode prProdCodeOld prProdCodeNew ds Type String String String data set Description

Validation of new Product group before it'll be added to Price Group Parameters Name prPriceGroupCode prProdCodeNew Type String String Description Price Group Code Product Group Code

Add new Product Group as child record to Price Group with empty Prod Code Parameters Name prPriceGroupCode ds Type String Price Group data set Description

Delete link between Price and Product Group (delete child record) Parameters Name prProdCode ds Type String Price Group data set Description

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Delete all links between Product Groups and current Price Group Parameters Name prPriceGroupCode ds Type String Description Price Group Code Price Group data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PriceListInquiry: This business object contains 13 methods.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Get filter values from the Customer. Parameters Name cCustID cCustName cShipToNum cCustGroupCode dDiscountPercent Type String String@ String@ String@ Decimal@ Description The Customer ID The Customer name The Ship To Number The Customer Group Code The Customer discount percent

Update NetPrice when the discount percent changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Price List Inquiry data set

Get filter values from the Part.

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Parameters Name cPartNum cProdCode cPartDesc Type String String@ String@ Description The part number The part product code The part description

Get filter values from the ShipTo. Parameters Name cCustID cShipToNum cCustName Type String String String@ Description The Customer ID The Ship To Number The Customer name

Get currency values from the Customer. Parameters Name cCustID cCurrencyCode cCurrencyCurrDesc Type String String@ String@ Description The Customer ID The Currency Value The currency Description

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name partNum sysRowID rowType uomCode serialWarning Type String@ String String String@ String@ Description Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. UOM Code (only used for Product Codes) Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers


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Name questionString multipleMatch

Type String@ Boolean@

Description If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

Get the PriceListInquiry records for the inquiry parameters. Parameters Name icCustID icShipToNum icPartNum icCustGroupCode icProductCode idQuantity icUOMCode icWarehouseCode icCurrencyCode pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The PriceListInquiry data set Type String String String String String Decimal String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The Customer ID The Part Number The Ship To Number The Customer Group Code The Product Code The Quantity The UOM Code The Warehouse Code The Currency Code The pageSize parameter The absolutePages parameter The morePages parameter

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PriceLst: This business object contains 20 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.
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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Build a list of all the valid UOM's defined for all the parts within the product group. Parameters Name prodCode uomList Type String String@ Description Order Number delimited list of available ShipTo's

Get the track multiple UOM setting when the part number changes. Parameters Name proposedPartNum Type String Description Proposed Part Number

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Name trackMulti opUOM pListCode

Type String Boolean@ String@

Description Track Multiple UOM setting. UOM ListCode

Validate the entered part an UOM doesn't exist in the price list. Parameters Name pPartNum pListCode pUOMcode Type String String String Description Part Number List Code UOM Code

Filter parts by plant. Call normal GetList method. Parameters Name orderNum orderLine partNum prodCode whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The PriceList data set Type Int32 Int32 String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Order Number. Order Line. Part Number. Product Code. Whereclause. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Gets the following fields for the product group: Description. Parameters Name prodCode prodGrpDescription Type String String@ Description Product group code to retrieve details for. Product group description.


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Gets the following fields for the Part: Sales unit of measure, selling factor, price per code, part description and selling factor direction. Parameters Name partNum salesUM sellingFactor pricePerCode partDescription sellingFactorDirection Type String@ String@ Decimal@ String@ String@ String@ Description Part number to retrieve details for. Part unit of measure. Part selling factor. Part price per code. Part description. Part selling factor direction.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PriceLstGroups: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This methods will return all of the PriceLstGroups records which will be a subset of the PriceLstGroups records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method. Parameters Name ds pageSize Int32 Type Description The dataset with pupolated key values The page size, used only for UI adaptor


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Name absolutePage morePages

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

This methods will return all of the PriceLstGroups records which will be a subset of the PriceLstGroups records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method. Parameters Name ds pageSize absolutePage morePages Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset with pupolated key values The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PriceLstHed: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PriceLstParts: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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This methods will return all of the PriceLstParts records which will be a subset of the PriceLstParts records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method. Parameters Name ds pageSize absolutePage morePages Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset with pupolated key values The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

This methods will return all of the PriceLstParts records which will be a subset of the PriceLstParts records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method. Parameters Name ds pageSize absolutePage morePages Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset with pupolated key values The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ProcessSet: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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This method copies an existing process set to a new process set specified by the user. Parameters Name targetProcessID sourceProcessID Returns ProcessSet Dataset Type String String Description New Process Set ID Process Set ID to copy from

This method moves the Task Up/Down one position in the ProcessSet and returns the whole updated dataset. Parameters Name processID taskNum moveDir Returns ProcessSet Dataset Type String Int32 String Description Process Set ID Task Number to move up one position Direction to move task, "Up" or "Down"

This method moves a process task from a source process set to the target process set. The source process set cannot be a system process set. Parameters Name targetProcessID sourceProcessID sourceTaskNum ds Type String String Int32 Description Process Set ID to move task into Process Set ID to move task from Process Task Num to move ProcessSet Dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ProdActDay: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.

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Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Parameters Name ipShiftValue ds Type Int32 Description ipShiftValue. Production Activity Day Data Set

Parameters Name ipTimeValue ipStartEnd ds Type Int32 String Description Time to convert. Whether this is start time or end time. Production Activity Day Data Set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ProdActivity: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Parameters Name ipPlanID ds Type String Description plan ID dataset parameter

Parameters Name ds Type Description dataset parameter

Parameters Name ds Type Description dataset parameter

Parameters Name ds Type Description dataset parameter

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ProdCal: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Call this method to specify a special working day or non working day. When this method is called, if a ProdCalDay record exists it will be deleted (undo the special working or non working day). If a ProdCalDay record doesn't

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exist, it will create a ProdCalDay record. If the date specified is a normal working day, then the WorkingDay field will be set to false and the capacity is set to 0. If the date specified is not a normal working day, then the WorkingDay field will be set to true and the ProdHour fields will be set to true depending on the number of ProdCal.HoursPerDay (example: If the ProdCal.HoursPerDay is 8 then ProdHour 1 through 8 would be set to true) and the capacity for the working day is set equal to the ProdCal.HoursPerDay. Parameters Name cCalendarID daDate ds Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description cCalendar Descriptive Code Modified date The ProdCal data set

Decides if start processReadOnlyFieldsor not Parameters Name ds Type Description The ProdCal data set

This duplicates the production calendar for calendar ID. Parameters Name cOldCalendarID cNewCalendarID ds Type String String Description The Current Calendar ID. Calendar ID of the new Calendar The ProdCal data set

This method gets the plant calendar. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ProdCal data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.ProdCalWk: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ProdGrup: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Performs required logic when ProdGrup.DeferredRev is modified. Parameters Name ipDeferredRev ds Type Boolean Description Proposed input value of Deferred Rev ProdGrup data set

Performs required logic when ProdGrup.RACode is modified.

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Parameters Name ipRACode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of RA Code ProdGrup data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ProdTeam: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ProjAnalysis: This business object contains 7 methods.

Call this method when the user already selected project(s) to process. This method expects a LIST-DELIM delimited string of RowIds of all selected Project records. Parameters Name ipRowList opMessage Type String String@ Description A RowId list of selected Project records. Returns message indicating number of records processed.

Call this method to delete or clear all ProjectAnalysis records. This method expects that the user already confirmed that records will be deleted. Parameters Name ipProjectID opMessage Type String String@ Description ProjectID Returns message indicating process completion.

Get the default Download % Complete code before passing the input parameters for the Project Download to MS Project. Call this method before the user manipulate the MSP Download input parameters. This method will return the default value for PctComplete variable.

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Parameters Name vPctComplete Type String@ Description The default value for Percent Complete code.

This method finds the Project record by ProjectId. Parameters Name ipProjectID Returns The ProjAnalysis data set Type String Description The Project ID

This method assembles the Project browse for the main data set. Parameters Name whereClauseProject pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Where clause to specify set of ProjectBrw records to return Page Size Absolute Page More Pages

Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ProjAnalysisDataSet

This method performs the actual Project Download to MS Project. Call this method after the user selected the Project and entered the necessary input parameters. This method returns the data table ttMSPDownload containing all appropriate project information. The resulting records from the ttMSPDownload will then need to be outputted as a CSV file (comma delimited). Parameters Name ipProjectID ipPctComplete ipPredecessors ipTasks ipPhases Type String String Boolean Boolean Boolean Description The project ID of the selected Project. The Download Percent Complete code. Include Predecessors in the download. Include Tasks in the download. Include Phases in the download.


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Name ipJobs ipJobAsm ipJobOper ipDuration opMessage Returns The MSPDownload data set

Type Boolean Boolean Boolean String String@

Description Include Jobs in the download. Include Job Assemblies in the download. Include Job Operations in the download. The operation duration unit (Days or Hours). Returns message about the status of the process.

This method performs the actual Project Upload from MS Project. Call this method after the user selected the Project and entered the necessary input parameters. This method expects an input data table ttMSPUpload with data coming from an external comma delimited file. The ttMSPUpload table should only contain data (i.e. if the first line of the external file is just the field descriptions then this record should not be included in ttMSPUpload.) Parameters Name ipProjectID ipPhases ipTasks ipProjJobs ipPhaseTasks ipPhaseJobs ipPhaseStart ipPhaseEnd ipTaskStart ipTaskEnd ipJobStart ipJobEnd ds opMessage String@ Type String Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Description The project ID of the selected Project. Indicates if Phases should be created. Indicates if Tasks should be created. Indicates if Project and Job links should be updated. Indicates if Phase and Task links should be updated. Indicates if Phase and Job links should be updated. Indicates if Phase Start Date should be updated. Indicates if Phase End Date should be updated. Indicates if Task Start Date should be updated. Indicates if Task End Date should be updated. Indicates if Job Start Date should be updated. Indicates if Job End Date should be updated. The MSPUpload data set Returns message about the status of the process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ProjChkLstType: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.Project: This business object contains 109 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method validates the given PONum, POLine and PORelease, then if valid, adds a ttProjectPO record. An exception is thrown if: - The given PO/Line/Rel does not exist - The given PO/Line/Rel... Parameters Name piQuoteNum piQuoteLine pcWarningMsg Type Int32 Int32 String@ Description The PO number of the candidate release to Add to the Project. The PO Line number of the candidate release to Add to the Project. A warning message appears here if the given release is associated with another Project.

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Name ds


Description ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given JobNum, then if valid, adds a ttProjectJob record. An exception is thrown if: The given Job does not exist - The given Job... Parameters Name pcJobNum pcWarningMsg ds Type String String@ Description The Job number of the candidate Job to Add to the Project. A warning message appears here if the given Job is associated with another Project. The Project data set

This method validates the given OrderNum and OrderLine, then if valid, adds a ttProjectOrderLine record. An exception is thrown if: - The given Order/Line does not exist - The given Order/Line... Parameters Name piOrderNum piOrderLine pcWarningMsg ds Type Int32 Int32 String@ Description The Order number of the candidate OrderLine to Add to the Project. The Line number of the candidate OrderLine to Add to the Project. A warning message appears here if the given OrderLine is associated with another Project. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given PONum, POLine and PORelease, then if valid, adds a ttProjectPO record. An exception is thrown if: - The given PO/Line/Rel does not exist - The given PO/Line/Rel... Parameters Name piPONum piPOLine piPORelNum Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The PO number of the candidate release to Add to the Project. The PO Line number of the candidate release to Add to the Project. The Release number of the candidate release to Add to the Project.


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Name pcWarningMsg ds

Type String@

Description A warning message appears here if the given release is associated with another Project. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given PONum, POLine and PORelease, then if valid, adds a ttProjectPO record. An exception is thrown if: - The given PO/Line/Rel does not exist - The given PO/Line/Rel... Parameters Name piQuoteNum piQuoteLine pcWarningMsg ds Type Int32 Int32 String@ Description The PO number of the candidate release to Add to the Project. The PO Line number of the candidate release to Add to the Project. A warning message appears here if the given release is associated with another Project. ProjectDataSet

Parameters Name ds Type Description ProjectDataSet

This procedure returns the available Invoicing Methods depending if the Progress Billing license is installed or not. Parameters Name opInvMethList Type String@ Description Delimited list of available Invoicing Methods

Parameters Name ipProjectID Type String Description project id

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Returns PBCloseBSDataSet

Parameters Name ipProjectID ipPhaseID Type String String Description ipProjectID ipPhaseID

This procedure returns the available Retention Proc Parameters Name opRetentionProcList Type String@ Description Delimited list of available Retention Proc

Parameters Name ipProjectID Type String Description ipProjectID

Parameters Name ds Type Description RevenRecogDataSet

Parameters Name ipConInvMeth outMessage ds Type String String@ Description ipConInvMeth outMessage Project DataSet


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Call this method to delete or clear all ProjectAnalysis records. This method expects that the user already confirmed that records will be deleted. Parameters Name ipProjectID opMessage ds Type String String@ Description ipProjectID. Returns message indicating process completion. ProjectDataSet

Call this method to clear the Approvals Methods of children of the Phase given. Parameters Name ipProjID ipPhaseID ds Type String String Description Project ID Phase ID ProjectDataSet

Call this method to clear the Task Sets of children of the Phase given. Parameters Name ipProjID ipPhaseID ds Type String String Description Project ID Phase ID ProjectDataSet

Parameters Name ds ds1 Type Description ProjectDataSet PBCloseBSDataSet

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Parameters Name ds Type Description RevenRecogDataSet

Parameters Name ds Type Description ProjectDataSet

To create a new Project by duplicating from another. All project Dates are amended according to the new Start Date. Parameters Name sourceProjectID targetProjectID targetDescription ipCreateWBSJobs targetStartDate outMessage Returns The Project DataSet Type String String String Boolean Description Existing Project that will be duplicated. New Project ID that will be created. Description that will be used for the new Project. Create WBS Phase Jobs.

Nullable{System.DateTime} New Project Start Date. String@ Warning message.

This method performs the actual Project Download to MS Project. Call this method after the user selected the Project and entered the necessary input parameters. This method returns the data table ttMSPDownload containing all appropriate project information. The resulting records from the ttMSPDownload will then need to be outputted as a CSV file (comma delimited). Parameters Name ipProjectID ipPctComplete ipPredecessors Type String String Boolean Description The project ID of the selected Project. The Download Percent Complete code. Include Predecessors in the download.


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Name ipTasks ipPhases ipPhaseAsTask ipJobs ipJobAsm ipJobOper ipDuration opMessage Returns

Type Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean String String@

Description Include Tasks in the download. Include Phases in the download. Send phase as task. Include Jobs in the download. Include Job Assemblies in the download. Include Job Operations in the download. The operation duration unit (Days or Hours). Returns message about the status of the process.

This method returns a double-delimited list of value-name pairs of all active Persons for the Person table. This could be used to provide a starting point for a "picker list" to maintain the Project.PersonList. Parameters Name pcAvailablePersonList Type String@ Description The double-delimited list of PersonIDs and names.

This method returns the Base CurrencyCode Parameters Name opCurrencyBase Type String@ Description Base Currency

This method adds a ProjectQuot row to the dataset. Parameters Name ds projectID phaseID String String Type Description ProjectDataSet ProjectID. PhaseID.

This method adds a ProjectJob row to the dataset.

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Parameters Name ds projectID String Type Description ProjectDataSet ProjectID.

This method adds a ProjectOrderLine row to the dataset. Parameters Name ds projectID String Type Description ProjectDataSet ProjectID.

This method adds a ProjectPO row to the dataset. Parameters Name ds projectID String Type Description ProjectDataSet ProjectID.

This method adds a ProjectQuot row to the dataset. Parameters Name ds projectID String Type Description ProjectDataSet ProjectID.

This method adds a ttWBSProjPhase row to the dataset. Parameters Name ds projectID measuredWorkID String String Type Description ProjectDataSet ProjectID. MeasuredWorkID.


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This method gets the related PBillHistory for a ProjectID,BillSchedID. Parameters Name ipProjectID ipBillSchedID Type String String Description The ProjectID The BillSchedID.

Gets the related Progress Billing History for a ProjectID. Parameters Name ipProjectID Type String Description ProjectID

Parameters Name ipProjectID ipPhaseID opPhaseList Type String String String@ Description ProjectID. PhaseID. Returns Valid Parent Phases.

This method performs the actual Project Upload from MS Project. Call this method after the user selected the Project and entered the necessary input parameters. This method expects an input data table ttImportFromMSP with data coming from an external comma delimited file. The ttImportFromMSP table should only contain data (i.e. if the first line of the external file is just the field descriptions then this record should not be included in ttImportFromMSP.) Parameters Name ipProjectID ipPhases ipTasks ipProjJobs ipPhaseTasks ipPhaseJobs Type String Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Description The project ID of the selected Project. Indicates if Phases should be created. Indicates if Tasks should be created. Indicates if Project and Job links should be updated. Indicates if Phase and Task links should be updated. Indicates if Phase and Job links should be updated.

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Name ipCrtePhsJobs ipPhaseStart ipPhaseEnd ipTaskStart ipTaskEnd ipJobStart ipJobEnd ds opMessage

Type Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean

Description Indicates if Jobs should be created. Indicates if Phase Start Date should be updated. Indicates if Phase End Date should be updated. Indicates if Task Start Date should be updated. Indicates if Task End Date should be updated. Indicates if Job Start Date should be updated. Indicates if Job End Date should be updated.


Returns message about the status of the process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method validates the ActivityUnit. Parameters Name ipActivityUnit ds Type String Description The ActivityUnit value. ProjectDataSet

Validates the given Burden Set Code. Parameters Name ipBdnSetID ipProjectID ds Type String String Description Burden Set Code. Project ID Code. ProjectDataSet


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This method validates the given OrderNum and OrderLine, then if valid, updates the ttPBillSch dataset row. Parameters Name piOrderNum piOrderLine ds Type Int32 Int32 Description The Order number of the candidate OrderLine to Add to the Project. The Line number of the candidate OrderLine to Add to the Project. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given OrderNum, then if valid, updates the related fields in the dataset row. Parameters Name piOrderNum ds Type Int32 Description The Order number of the candidate OrderLine to Add to the Project. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given Project.ConBTCustNumCustID, then if valid, updates the related fields in the dataset row. Parameters Name ipConBTCustNumCustID ds Type String Description The ConBTCustNumCustID. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given Project.ConCustNumCustID, then if valid, updates the related fields in the dataset row. Parameters Name ipConCustNumCustID ds Type String Description The ConCustNumCustID. ProjectDataSet

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This method validates the given Project.ConEndDate, then if valid, updates the related fields in the dataset row. Parameters Name ipConEndDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The ConEndDate. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the ConInvMeth. Parameters Name ipConInvMeth ds Type String Description The ConInvMeth value. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the ConListCode. Parameters Name ipConListCode ds Type String Description The ConListCode value. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the ConProjMgr. Parameters Name ipConProjMgr ds Type String Description The ConProjMgr value. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given Project.ConTotValue, then if valid, updates the related fields in the dataset row.


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Parameters Name ipConTotValue ds Type Decimal Description The ConProjMgr value. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the ProjectCriteria fields JobNum/AsmSeq. Parameters Name pcJobNum piAssemblySeq ds Type String Int32 Description The Job number of the candidate Job to Add to the Project. The Assembly Sequence number of the candidate Job to Add to the Project. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the ProjectCriteria fields JobNum. Parameters Name pcJobNum ds Type String Description The Job number of the candidate Job to Add to the Project. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the ProjectCriteria fields JobNum/AsmSeq/OprSeq. Parameters Name pcJobNum piAssemblySeq piOprSeq ds Type String Int32 Int32 Description The Job number of the candidate Job to Add to the Project. The Assembly Sequence number of the candidate Job to Add to the Project. The Operation Sequence number of the candidate Job to Add to the Project. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given Project.CurrencyCode, then if valid, updates the related fields in the dataset row.

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Parameters Name ipCurrencyCode ds Type String Description The ConProjMgr value. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the OnChangeDecimalValue. Parameters Name ipColumnName ipDecimal ds Type String Decimal Description The column name value. The decimal value. ProjectDataSet

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method validates the given PPhaseOper.EstHours, then if valid, updates the related fields in the dataset row. Parameters Name ipEstHours ds Type Decimal Description The EstHours. ProjectDataSet


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This method validates the given JobNum, then if valid, updates the ttProjectJob dataset row. Parameters Name pcJobNum pcWarningMsg ds Type String String@ Description The Job number of the candidate Job to Add to the Project. A warning message appears here if the given Job is associated with another Project. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the MarkupID field. Parameters Name ipMarkupID ds Type String Description The MarkupID value. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the complete value Parameters Name pcMessage ds Type String@ Description The warning message. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given OrderNum and OrderLine, then if valid, updates the related fields in the dataset row. Parameters Name piOrderNum piOrderLine ds Type Int32 Int32 Description The Order number of the candidate OrderLine to Add to the Project. The Line number of the candidate OrderLine to Add to the Project. ProjectDataSet

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This method validates the given OrderNum, then if valid, updates the related fields in the dataset row. Parameters Name piOrderNum ds Type Int32 Description The Order number of the candidate OrderLine to Add to the Project. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given PPhaseOper.OpCode, then if valid, updates the related fields in the dataset row. Parameters Name ipOpCode ds Type String Description The OpCode. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given OrderNum and OrderLine, then if valid, updates the ttProjectOrderLine dataset row. Parameters Name piOrderNum piOrderLine pcWarningMsg ds Type Int32 Int32 String@ Description The Order number of the candidate OrderLine to Add to the Project. The Line number of the candidate OrderLine to Add to the Project. A warning message appears here if the given OrderLine is associated with another Project. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the Mgr. Parameters Name ipMgr ds Type String Description The Mgr value. ProjectDataSet


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Validates the given OrderNum and OrderLine Parameters Name ipProjectID ipOrderNum ipOrderLine ipValidate opAskMessage opErrMessage ds Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean String@ String@ Description The Project ID. Order Number. The Project ID. if true, validate order detail. Question generated to the user. A string message that indicates if there were errors. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given PONum, POLine and PORelease, then if valid, updates the ttProjectPO dataset row. Parameters Name piPONum piPOLine piPORelNum pcWarningMsg ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String@ Description The PO number of the candidate release to Add to the Project. The PO Line number of the candidate release to Add to the Project. The Release number of the candidate release to Add to the Project. A warning message appears here if the given release is associated with another Project. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given PPhaseOper.RoleCd, then if valid, updates the related fields in the dataset row. Parameters Name ipRoleCd ds Type String Description The RoleCd. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the PricePerUnit.

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Parameters Name ipPricePerUnit ds Type Decimal Description The PricePerUnit value. ProjectDataSet

Method to call when changing the ProjectID. Validates this is a "Add", ProjectID does not already exist Parameters Name proposedProjectID ds Type String Description The proposed ProjectID value The Project data set

Update the Project TaskSet fields according to the WF Group. Parameters Name ipColChanging ipWFGrpID ds Type String String Description The column name changing The value changing ProjectDataSet

Update the Project Phase TaskSet fields according to the WF Group. Parameters Name ipColChanging ipWFGrpID ds Type String String Description The column name changing The value changing ProjectDataSet

This method validates the QtySurveyor.


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Parameters Name ipQtySurveyor ds Type String Description The QtySurveyor value. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given QuotNum, QuotLine then if valid, updates the ttProjectQuot dataset row. Parameters Name piQuoteNum piQuoteLine pcWarningMsg ds Type Int32 Int32 String@ Description The Quote number of the candidate release to Add to the Project. The Quote Line number of the candidate release to Add to the Project. A warning message appears here if the given release is associated with another Project. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given Project.RateGrpCode, then if valid, updates the related fields in the dataset row. Parameters Name ipRateGrpCode ds Type String Description The ConProjMgr value. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the given Project.StartDate, then if valid, updates the related fields in the dataset row. Parameters Name ipStartDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The StartDate. ProjectDataSet

This method validates the TotalQty.

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Parameters Name ipTotalQty ds Type Decimal Description The TotalQty value. ProjectDataSet

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method evaluates the ProjectCriteria for all active Projects in the current company, and sets the "complete" flag for milestones that have been met. Parameters Name projectID pcCompletedMessage Type String String@ Description Project ID. Message showing a count of how many milestones were completed.

Parameters Name ipFieldName ds Type String Description field name RevenRecogDataSet

Save Recognition data before posting (in ProjCstHistory table) Parameters Name ds Type Description RevenRecogDataSet


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Custom GetByID method to retrive historical data if necessary. Parameters Name projectID revision Returns The Project DataSet Type String Int32 Description The ProjectID. The Revision.

Hold percentages, recalculate Actual burden amounts Parameters Name ipYear ds Type Int32 Description Fiscal Year Project True up DataSet

Create True Up invoice according to true up amounts for each line Parameters Name ouMessage ds Type String@ Description Messages Project True up DataSet

Get dataset of Burden codes and actual amounts Parameters Name ipProjectID ouYearsList Type String String@ Description The Project ID List of the years when Invoices have been generated

Validates data has been entered for Project.

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Parameters Name ipProjectID outShowMsg outMessage Type String Boolean@ String@ Description ProjectID Show the message to the user Message text

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ProjPhaseSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ProjSummary: This business object contains 2 methods.

Culculates summary orders. Parameters Name curProjectID totord totinv totdep totstkmtl totstklbr totstkbur totstksub totstkmbur totactstk Type String Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Decimal@ Description Project ID Total Order amount Total Invoice amount Total Deposit amount Total stock material amount Total stock labor amount Total stock burden amount Total stock sub amount Total stock material burden amount Total Order active stock amount

Calculates Project cost hours Parameters Name curProjectID Type String Description Project ID

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Returns The ProjSummary data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PropertyValueSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PRTaxDtlSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PRW2Dtl: This business object contains 14 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Checks if PRW2Dtl exists Parameters Name inTaxYear dataExists Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Tax Year Data Exists logical value

This procedure deletes the PRW2Dtl records from the database. Parameters Name taxYrFill ds Type Int32 Description Tax Year The PRW2Dtl data set

This procedure takes the pin code number and tax year as input parameters and returns the PRW2DtlExportDataSet. The UI person has to read the records in the data set and export it in the LineNum order. It is very important that the export order be in the line number ascending order.

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Parameters Name pinNum taxYrFill Type String Int32 Description Pin code Number Tax Year

Returns PRW2DtlExport Dataset of candidates for export.

Gets Employee Adress Parameters Name empID employeeAddress Type String String@ Description Employee ID Employee Address

Gets Employer Adress Parameters Name employerAddress Type String@ Description Employer Address

Gets Employer FIN Parameters Name oEIN Type String@ Description Employer EIN

This procedrue must be called on leave of TaxYear field. Parameters Name taxYrFill Type Int32 Description Tax Year


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PRWrkCmp: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PublishedView: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PurAgent: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Gets the person contact information. Parameters Name perConID ds Type Int32 Description Person Contact ID Buyer DataSet


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Set the EnableDefaultBuyer flag Parameters Name buyerID dcDUserID ds Type String String Description Buyer for this user. Authorized user ID. The PurAgent data set

Set the EnableDefaultBuyer flag to no on all PurAuth records except for the one that meets the parameters passed in as it is the primary user. Parameters Name buyerID dcDUserID ds Type String String Description Buyer for this user. Authorized user ID. The PurAgent data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PurAuthSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Gets list of BuyerID according to PurAgen available for the curren User Parameters Name listBuyer Type String@ Description list Pay For


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.PurchaseAdvisor: This business object contains 4 methods.

Rebuild the On Order list when the plant changes. Prior to calling this procedure, the RowMod field in all ttPAOnOrder records must be set to "U" because these records need to be cleared from the table before rebuilding the list. Parameters Name ds cPartNum iPONum cPlant String Int32 String Type Description The PurchaseAdvisor data set The part number The PO number The plant

Rebuild the Purchased Before list when the plant changes. Prior to calling this procedure, the RowMod field in all ttPAPurchasedBefore records must be set to "U" because these records need to be cleared from the table before rebuilding the list. Parameters Name ds cPartNum cPlant String String Type Description The PurchaseAdvisor data set The part number The plant

Get the PurchaseAdvisor records from the parameters. Parameters Name cPartNum iPONum cAPVType cClassID cOpCode iCustNum Type String Int32 String String String Int32 Description The Part Number The Purchase Order Number The APVType for Approved Vendors The Class ID The Op Code The customer number

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Returns The PurchaseAdvisor data set

Method to call to get the dataset based on a specific part. Parameters Name cPartNum Returns The SupplierPriceList data set Type String Description The Part Number to retrieve the dataset for

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PurMisc: This business object contains 14 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Performs required logic when PurMisc.IncomeTaxCode is modified.

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Parameters Name ipIncomeTaxCode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of Income Tax Code PurMisc data set

Sets or clears the fields related to the EmpExpanseFlag Parameters Name ipEmpExpenseFlag ds Type Boolean Description The proposed value for EmpExpenseFlag The Purchase Miscellaneous charge/credit master Data Set.

Verifies if is valid supplier. Parameters Name ipSupplierID ds Type String Description The Supplier ID The Purchase Miscellaneous charge/credit master Data Set.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PurTerms: This business object contains 14 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Parameters Name vDueOnDay ds Type Int32 Description Propose Discount Days Temporary tables for PurTerms details

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Parameters Name vDiscountPercent ds Type Decimal Description Propose Discount Days Temporary tables for PurTerms details

Parameters Name vNumOfDay ds Type Int32 Description Propose Discount Days Temporary tables for PurTerms details

Parameters Name vNumOfMonths ds Type Int32 Description Propose Discount Days Temporary tables for PurTerms details

Parameters Name pDueOnDay Type Int32 Description Propose Discount Days

Epicor.Mfg.BO.PWLocHisSearch: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Retrieves Part Locations Inspections related to a Job

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Parameters Name jobNum Returns The PWInspect data set. Type String Description Job Number

Retrieves Part Locations Inspections related to a Part Parameters Name partNum Returns The PWInspect data set. Type String Description Job Number


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Chapter 17: Q
Epicor.Mfg.BO.QMarkUp: This business object contains 17 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Validate BurdenMarkUp when it is changing. Parameters Name ipBurdenMarkUp ds Type Decimal Description The proposed BurdenMarkUp value The QMarkUp data set

Validate CommissionPct when it is changing. Parameters Name ipCommissionPct ds Type Decimal Description The proposed CommissionPct value The QMarkUp data set

Validate LaborMarkUp when it is changing. Parameters Name ipLaborMarkUp ds Type Decimal Description The proposed LaborMarkUp value The QMarkUp data set


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Validate MaterialMarkUp when it is changing. Parameters Name ipMaterialMarkUp ds Type Decimal Description The proposed MaterialMarkUp value The QMarkUp data set

Validate MiscCostMarkUp when it is changing. Parameters Name ipMiscCostMarkUp ds Type Decimal Description The proposed MiscCostMarkUp value The QMarkUp data set

Validate MtlBurMarkUp when it is changing. Parameters Name ipMtlBurMarkUp ds Type Decimal Description The proposed MtlBurMarkUp value The QMarkUp data set

Validate SubcontractMarkUp when it is changing. Parameters Name ipSubcontractMarkUp ds Type Decimal Description The proposed SubcontractMarkUp value The QMarkUp data set

Validate MaterialMarkUp when it is changing.

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Parameters Name ipMaterialMarkUp ds Type Decimal Description The proposed MaterialMarkUp value The QMarkUp data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.QuickEntry: This business object contains 21 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Method to call when changing the Indirect Code Parameters Name proposedIndirectCode ds Type String Description The proposed Indirect Code The QuickEntry data set

Method to call when changing the Labor Type

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Parameters Name proposedLaborType ds Type String Description The proposed Labor Type The QuickEntry data set

Method to call when changing the Miscellaneous Code. Parameters Name proposedMiscCode ds Type String Description The proposed miscellaneous code The QuickEntry data set

Method to call when changing the Operation Sequence Parameters Name proposedOprSeq ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Operation Sequence The QuickEntry data set

Method to call when changing the Payment Method. Parameters Name proposedPMUID ds Type Int32 Description The proposed pay method id The QuickEntry data set

Method to call when changing the Phase ID. Parameters Name proposedPhaseID ds Type String Description The proposed phase ID The QuickEntry data set


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Method to call when changing the Project ID. Parameters Name proposedProjectID ds Type String Description The proposed project ID The QuickEntry data set

This method defaults dataset fields when the RoleCd field changes. Parameters Name ds ipRoleCd String Type Description The QuickEntry data set Proposed RoleCd change

Returns a where clause to filter the Role Codes. Parameters Name iEmpID iProjID iJobNum iAssSeq iOprSeq Returns Type String String String Int32 Int32 Description

A public method to test if a given Employee ID already exists in the EmpBasic table. Return True if it exists else returns False. Parameters Name empID Type String Description

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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.QuickEntrySearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.QuickJobEntry: This business object contains 14 methods.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record

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Business Object Reference Guide

QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method validates the QuickJob.Engineered and potentially changes the Released field. This method should run when the QuickJob.Engineered field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuickJobEntry data set

This method validates the QuickJob.Firm and potentially changes the Released and Engineered fields. This method should run when the QuickJob.Firm field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuickJobEntry data set

This method validates the QuickJob.PartNum and defaults fields associated with the partnum. This method should run when the QuickJob.PartNum field changes.


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Parameters Name ds uomCode String Type Description The QuickJobEntry data set UOM Code (only used for Product Codes)

This method validates the QuickJob.Released and potentially changes the firm and engineered fields. This method should run when the QuickJob.Released field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuickJobEntry data set

This method validates the QuickJob.WarehouseCode and defaults warehousedesc field associated with the warehousecode. This method should run when the QuickJob.WarehouseCode field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuickJobEntry data set

Generate the job. Parameters Name ds cMessageText String@ Type Description The QuickJobEntry data set Contains non-error processing information the user may need to see

This method is the first thing that should be ran. It creates a ttQuickJob record in the dataset that we will use to collect user inputs for this Quick Job Entry process. This method creates the record and assigns the next job number, date, firm, released,engineered,and legal number fields and returns the dataset with the one record. This dataset is not a database dataset, it is a temporary dataset with the only record ever in the dataset is the one that you create here. Returns The QuickJobEntry data set

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This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name partNum sysRowID rowType uomCode serialWarning questionString multipleMatch Type String@ String String String@ String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. UOM Code (only used for Product Codes) Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Type Description The QuickJobEntry data set Indicates if the legal number requires user input

Epicor.Mfg.BO.QuickSearch: This business object contains 20 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

This method returns a list of quick searches for this user Parameters Name pcGlbComp pcQuickSearchID pbExists Type String String Boolean@ Description The ID of the global company The ID of the quick search Returns true if the BAQ in this quick search exists

This method returns a dataset of quick searches indicating if a BAQ exists for each Quick Search Parameters Name pcGlbComp ds Type String Description The ID of the global company Returns the list of Quick Searches

This method copies a quick search Parameters Name pcSourceQuickSearchID pcTargetQuickSearchID pbSucceeded Type String String Boolean@ Description The ID of source quick search The ID of target quick search Returns true if copy operation is successful

This method returns a quick search dataset with the given like field and call from name. Parameters Name pcLikeField pcCallFrom pcBaseSearchID Type String String String@ Description The Like Field The name of the call from Returns the quick search ID which is the BaseDefault


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This method returns a quick search dataset with the given like field and call from name. Parameters Name pcLikeField pcCallFrom pcContextSearchID Type String String String@ Description The Like Field The name of the call from Returns the quick search ID which is the ContextDefault

This method returns a list of quick searches for a like field A like field has a format of table.field Parameters Name pcLikeField Returns Returns the list of Quick Searches Type String Description The name of the like field

This method returns a list of quick searches that use a given BAQ Parameters Name pcBAQID Returns The returned list This method returns a list of quick searches for this user Returns Returns the list of Quick Searches Type String Description The BAQ ID

This method returns the version code of a quick searches Parameters Name pcGlbComp Type String Description The ID of the global company

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name pcQuickSearchID pcVersion

Type String String@

Description The ID of the quick search Returns the version code

This method runs a quick search based on a QuickSearchDataSet. Parameters Name ds Returns Returns the result dataset Type Description The dataset represents a QuickSearch

This method runs a quick search based on a QuickSearchDataSet. Parameters Name ds piPageSize pbMorePage Returns Returns the result dataset Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset represents a QuickSearch The size of page Flag indicating if there are more pages

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Quote: This business object contains 109 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK

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QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method exists soley for the purpose of allowing security for unchecking the Ready To Quote flag to be defined

This method applys the OrderBased Discount logic Parameters Name quoteNum Returns Returns the updated dataset Type Int32 Description The current QuoteHed.QuoteNum field

Each part class can have its own material markup percentage This method calculates the Material Markup from the Qtmmkup table Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine qtyNum ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description Quote Num Quote Line Quote Qty Number Returns the updated dataset

Change the DiscBreakListCode Parameters Name ds Type Description The Quote data set

Method to call when changing the ContractNum field in the Quote Line record. Updates the QuoteDtl with values based on the new ContractNum.


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Parameters Name ipContractNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Contract Number The Quote data set

Method to call when changing the RenewalNbr field in the Quote Line record. Updates the QuoteDtl with values based on the new RenewalNbr. Parameters Name ipRenewalNbr ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Renewal Number The Quote data set

Recalculates the parent line's unit price when the kit pricing is set to "P", if the kit pricing is set to "C" the price will be calculated on the AfterUpdate procedure. Parameters Name ds Type Description Quote DataSet

Used to recalculate the OrderQty of the component kit line using the parent's OrderQuantity Parameters Name ds Type Description Quote DataSet

This method recalculates Misc Charges Amounts when Percentage was changed. Parameters Name ds tableName String Type Description Returns the updated dataset name of table being passed in

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Gets the proposed OrderQty and if the current OrderDtl record is a sales kit then it recalculates the order qty of each component based on the proposed OrderQty amount Parameters Name ds Type Description Quote dataset to get the dirty OrderDtl and update its components

Rerun the price break calculation if the override price list flag is changed from true to false. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Quote data set

Update Quote Detail information when the Part Number is changed. Parameters Name ds uomCode String Type Description Quote dataset UOM Code (only used for Product Codes)

This method takes in a proposed CustID, and if valid, updates the customer- related fields on the QuoteCnt. Parameters Name pcCustID ds Type String Description Proposed Customer ID Quote DataSet

Method to call when changing the UseOTS field. Refreshes the address list Parameters Name ds Type Description The Service Contract data set


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Get the defaults from the RevisionNum field on the QuoteDtl record. Parameters Name ds proposedRevisionNum String Type Description Quote data set The proposed RevisionNum

Parameters Name ds Type Description Quote DataSet

Update Ship To Information when Ship To is changed Parameters Name iShipToCustID ds Type String Description Ship To Customer ID Quote dataset

This method updates the QuoteQty markup percents and the Qtmmkup table using the specified markup record Parameters Name markupId quoteNum quoteLine qtyNum ds Type String Int32 Int32 Int32 Description Standard Percent Markup Id Quote Number Quote Line Quote Quantity Number Returns the updated dataset

This method runs through a quote's BOM and returns a list of assembly and/or materials that are on hold or inactive. Quote Line cannot be engineered or QuoteHed cannot be Quoted until these errors are taken care of

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Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine errorList Type Int32 Int32 String@ Description Quote Number QuoteLine, 0 for all lines, otherwise only looks a specific line contains the Run Out warning messages

The method returns a character string if the customer will go over their credit limit and the user is given the choice of continuing or not. Parameters Name ds cCreditLimitMessage String@ Type Description QuoteDataSet The over credit limit message text

The method review if phaseid is availble in ProjPhase Table Parameters Name ipProjectID ipPhaseID Type String String Description Project ID Phase ID

The method is to be run on leave of the CustPartNum field before the GetCustPartInfo or Update methods are run. In case existance of CustomerPart it returns Part Number which belongs this CustomerPart. Parameters Name xPartNum custNum partNum Type String Int32 String@ Description The new Customenr Part Number The current QuoteHed.CustNum The new Part Num for this Customer Part

The method is to be run on leave of the PartNum, Revision and CustPartNum fields before the GetCustPartInfo or Update methods are run. This returns all the questions that need to be asked before a part can be changed.


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Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine fieldName partNum vMessage vBMessage vPMessage vSubAvail vMsgType Type Int32 Int32 String String@ String@ String@ String@ Boolean@ String@ Description The current QuoteHed.QuoteNum field The current QuoteDtl.QuoteLine field The name of the field you are leaving The new PartNum if a substitute part is found, partNum will be the substitute part If the part is configured, asks if it's okay to delete the configuration inputs No means the part cannot be changed Asks if you want to refresh the QuoteQty records. The answer will be stored in QuoteDtl.RefreshQty Asks if the user wants to use a substitute part Indicates other substitute parts besides the default exist Indicates what type of message vPMessage is

The method review if projectid is availble in Project Table Parameters Name ipProjectID Type String Description Project ID

This method will check if the quote number entered is valid. If the quote number that's entered doesn't already exist and the number entered is greater than the number defined as the starting quote number in company maintenance, then the quote number is invalid. Parameters Name quoteNum Type Int32 Description Quote Number

Parameters Name ipquoteNum Type Int32 Description The current QuoteHed.QuoteNum field

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Update Quote Detail information when the Part Number is changed. Parameters Name ipRateGrpCode ds Type String Description Currency Rate Group Code Quote dataset

This method copies lines from other Quotes to the current Quote Parameters Name targetQuoteNum sourceQuoteLines mtlCosts opStds vMessage Returns returns the new lines Type Int32 String Boolean Boolean String@ Description The Quote to write the lines to A delimited list of quote lines to be copied. Format QuoteNum tick QuoteLine tilde QuoteNum tick QuoteLine Indicates if Material/Operation Costs should be refreshed Indicates if Operation Standards should be refreshed Output list of lines that could not be copied

This method takes the specified QuoteDtl lines and creates a Sales Order Parameters Name ds orderNum Int32@ Type Description QuoteDataSet New Order Number

This method takes the specified QuoteDtl lines and creates a Sales Order after saving the One Time Ship To as Customer. Parameters Name ds Type Description SaveQuoteOTSParamsDataSet


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Name ds1 orderNum


Description QuoteDataSet


New Order Number

Create new lines for every complement selected for a given Line, Parameters Name iQuoteNum ds Type Int32 Description The Quote Number The Quote data set

This method takes the Quote and initializes the fields used during CreateOrder. The user will then update the Quote dataset and then call the CreateOrder method to actually create the order. Parameters Name quoteNum creditMessage Type Int32 String@ Description Quote Number If the Customer is on credit hold, this will warn the user before the order can be created


This method creates a new Quote from an existing quote Parameters Name sourceQuote sourceLines mtlCosts opStds Returns Returns the new Quote Type Int32 String Boolean Boolean Description The Quote to duplicate List of lines from the source Quote to be copied. If blank all lines will be copied Format:QuoteLine~QuoteLine Indicates if Material/Operation Costs should be refreshed Indicates if Operation Standards should be refreshed

Call tax integration and loads temp tables from the results.

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Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine statusFlag errorFlag errorMsg Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Description QuoteHed.QuoteNum QuoteDtl.QuoteLine Set to true if the integration is up, false if down. If true, an error occured. If Error Flag is true, this is the associated message.

Returns The ETCAddrValidation data set

Exports quotation for the Estimating System. Parameters Name quoteNum Type Int32 Description Quote Number

This method returns default information for the competitor. Method must use parameters instead of the dataset due to the problem with changing the primary key field Parameters Name quoteNum compNum name faxNum phoneNum emailAddress compURL Type Int32 Int32 String@ String@ String@ String@ String@ Description QuoteNum of the QuoteCom record Competitor Number of the QuoteCom record Returns the Competitor Name Returns the Competitor Fax# Returns the Competitor Phone# Returns the Competitor Email Address Returns the Competitor Web Site Address

This method returns default information for the Contact. Method must use parameters instead of the dataset due to the problem with changing the primary key field


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Parameters Name quoteNum custNum shipToNum conNum name func phoneNum fax emailAddress Type Int32 Int32 String Int32 String@ String@ String@ String@ String@ Description QuoteNum of the QuoteCom record Customr Number of the QuoteCom record ShipTo Number of the QuoteCom record Contact Number of the QuoteCom record Returns the Contact Name Returns the Contact fucntion Returns the Contact Phone# Returns the Contact Fax# Returns the Contact Email Address

This method returns the Base CurrencyCode Parameters Name opCurrencyBase Type String@ Description Base Currency

This method returns default information for the Customer. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Quote data set

Defaults Part Information when the Customer Part Number changes MUST RUN UPDATE AFTER THIS METHOD Parameters Name ds Type Description The Quote data set

This method updates the QuoteDtl unit price and revenue fields when the SellingExpextedQty changes

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Parameters Name skipDiscLookup preserveAmt ds Type Boolean Boolean Description Skip lookup of DiscPercent Preserve the DiscountAmt The Quote data set

This method returns the Exchange Rate information for the selected Currency. The system may not have an exchange rate between the Quote and Base so it may use an middle Currency so that it will go Quote Currency -> Ref Currency -> Base Currency Parameters Name vCurrencyCode vRateGrpCode vExchangeRate vXRateLabel Type String String Decimal@ String@ Description Currency selected for the Quote Currency Rate Group selected for the quote Current exchange rate between the Quote currency and the Ref Currency Label for the Exchange Rate field

Calls GetKitComponents from SalesKitting.p, which creates a list of OrderDtl records that will be treated as kit components of the given OrderLine. Parameters Name iPartNum iRevisionNum iAltMethod iTargetAsm quoteNum quoteLine iUseMethodForParts regenerateKit errorMsg ds Type String String String Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean Boolean String@ Description Part Number of the given QuoteLine Revision Number selected for the given PartNum Aletrnate Method of the given Part number Target assembly to be exploded (usually asm 0) Quote number to be exploded Quote line which will be the Kit Parent If TRUE then it will delete all components before getting them again Input-Output parameter that will hold the error messages in case something went wrong Quote DataSet


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This overload of GetList adds Quotes which ShipTo's fall within authorized territories. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage customClause morePages Returns Returns the list of Quotes Type String Int32 Int32 String Boolean@ Description The search criteria Size of a page The absolute page Custom WhereClause Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

This methods will return all of the Quote records which will be a subset of the QuoteHEd records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method. Parameters Name ds pageSize absolutePage morePages Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset with pupolated key values The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

This procedure is used to be called from EQR10.p to get the MaterialMarkupP and MaterialMarkupM fields since these two fields are external and they're needed to be displayed on the report. Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine qtyNum mtlMarkupP mtlMarkupM Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Decimal@ Decimal@ Description Quote Num Quote Line Quote Qty Number The MarkupP The MarkupM

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This method returns default information for the MiscChrg. Method must use parameters instead of the dataset due to the problem with changing the primary key field as well as QuoteMsc and QtQtyMsc can the same code Parameters Name ds tableName String Type Description Returns the updated dataset name of table being passed in

This method updates the description fields for the Marketing Campaign and Event fields Parameters Name ds Type Description Returns the updated dataset

Method to call when adding a new QuoteDtl record for a Service Contract or a Renewal Parameters Name ds ipQuoteNum Int32 Type Description The Quote data set The quote number to add the line to

Created a new QuoteDtl and sets it as a kit component for the given QuoteLine Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Quote number where the Kit Parent resides Quote line that has the SalesKit and to which the kit component will be added Quote Dataset with the new QuoteDtl record as a Sales Kit

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes


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Parameters Name partNum sysRowID rowType uomCode serialWarning questionString multipleMatch Type String@ String String String@ String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. UOM Code (only used for Product Codes) Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

This procedure will explode the BOM of a part set as Phantom Parameters Name phPartNum quoteNum quoteLine errMessage ds Type String Int32 Int32 String@ Description The phantom part number Quote number where the lines will be saved Quote line of the parent line Returns any error messages found during the process Quote DataSet

Finds the default pricelist if override field is blank updates the QuoteDtl record with the new pricebreak information called when OverridePriceList, BreakListCode or ProdCode fields change Parameters Name refreshQty ds Boolean Type Description Indicate if the app needs to refresh the Quantity Breaks Returns the updated dataset

Returns list of Project Roles

This method updates the unitprice information when the QuoteQty SellingQty has changed

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Parameters Name ds hasPriceBreak Boolean@ Type Description Returns the updated dataset Indicates if there is a price break

This method updates the unitprice information when the QuoteQty SellingQty has changed Parameters Name ds hasPriceBreak Boolean@ Type Description Returns the updated dataset Indicates if there is a price break

This method takes the QuantityToOrder field and returns the base and doc unit price Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine quantityToOrder sellingUM orderUnitPrice docOrderUnitPrice Type Int32 Int32 Decimal String Decimal@ Decimal@ Description Quote Number Quote Line Quantity used to create order Selling UM Base Expected Unit Price Document Expected Unit Price

Updates the DateQuoted,ExpirationDate and FollowUpDate fields based on the Quoted field Parameters Name ds Type Description Returns the updated dataset

This method returns default reason code for the specified ReasonType. Run when the reasonType field has changed.


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Parameters Name vReasonType vQuoteNum vOrdered vReasonCode Type String Int32 Boolean String@ Description ReasonType of the Quote (Win, Task) Unique key of the Quote Flag indicating if an order has been created from the quote Default ReasonCode for the Quote Task/ReasonType

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Hed/Dtl fields for the customer tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseQuoteHed whereClauseQuoteHedAttch whereClauseQSalesRP whereClauseQuoteCnt whereClauseQuoteCom whereClauseQuoteDtl whereClauseQuoteDtlAttch whereClauseQuoteMsc whereClauseQuoteHedMsc whereClauseQuoteQty whereClauseQtmmkup whereClauseQtQtyMsc pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.QuoteCustTrkDataSet Type String String String String String String String String String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for QuoteHed table. Whereclause for QuoteHedAttch table. Whereclause for QSalesRP table. Whereclause for QuoteCnt table. Whereclause for QuoteCom table. Whereclause for QuoteDtl table. Whereclause for QuoteDtlAt table. Whereclause for QuoteMsc table. Whereclause for QuoteHedMsc table. Whereclause for QuoteQty table. Whereclause for Qtmmkup table. Whereclause for QtQtyMsc table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

This methods will return all of the Quote records which will be a subset of the QuoteHEd records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method.

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Parameters Name ds pageSize absolutePage morePages Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset with pupolated key values The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

This method returns default commision information when the SalesRepCode or RoleCode field(s) change. Method must use parameters instead of the dataset due to the problem changing the primary key field Parameters Name defaultRoleCode quoteNum salesRepCode roleCode name repRate repSplit officePhone homePhone reportsTo emailAddress fax mobilePhone salesRepTitle roleCodeRoleDescription Type Boolean Int32 String String@ String@ Decimal@ Int32@ String@ String@ String@ String@ String@ String@ String@ String@ Description Indicates whether to default the RoleCode from the SalesRep QuoteNum of the QSalesRP record Salesperson of the QSalesRP record RoleCode of the QSalesRP record, if defaultRoleCode is checked, then a different value may be returned Returns the SalesRep Name Returns the Commission Rate Returns the Commission Split flag Returns the SalesRep Office# Returns the SalesRep Home# Returns the SalesRep Manager Returns the SalesREp Email Address Returns the SalesRep Fax# Returns the SalesRep Cell# Returns the SalesRep Title Returns the Role Code Description

This method is to be used in searches only. It returns only partial information on the QuoteHed, QuoteDtl, and QSalesRP tables. Parameters Name whereClauseQuoteHed Type String Description Whereclause for QuoteHed table.


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Name whereClauseQSalesRP whereClauseQuoteDtl pageSize absolutePage morePages

Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description Whereclause for QSalesRP table. Whereclause for QuoteDtl table. The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

Returns The dataset with pupolated key values

This method updates the ShipTo information when the ShipToNum field changes Parameters Name ds Type Description Quote DataSet

Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine partNum revisionNum smartString createPart promptForPartNum notifyOfExistingPart newPartNum createCustPart promptForCustPartNum newCustPartNum promptForAutoCreatePart Type Int32 Int32 String String String@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Kit component quote number Kit component quote line The part being configured The revision being configured The generated smartstring of the configuration True if a new part should be created True if the user should be prompted for the part number If true the user should be warned if the new part number already exists The generated portion of the new part number If true the user should be asked if they want the Customer Part Number assigned If true the user should be prompted to update the new Customer Part Number The generated customer part number True if the user should be prompted to create part

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This method updates the QuoteHed.Stage field when the TaskSetId is changed Parameters Name ds Type Description The updated dataset

This method returns the TaskSetId when the territory ID changes Parameters Name vQuoteNum vTerritoryID vActiveTaskID vTaskSetId Type Int32 String String String@ Description The current QuoteHed.QuoteNum field The QuoteHed.TerritoryID The QuoteHed.ActiveTaskID Returns the correct TaskSet for the Territory

This method updates the Base and Doc Unit Prices when the Quoted Unit Price or Price Per Code changes on the Quote Worksheet form Parameters Name ds Type Description The updated dataset

Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine partNum revisionNum smartString newPartNum newCustPartNum Type Int32 Int32 String String String String String Description Kit component quote number Kit component quote line The part being configured The revision being configured The generated smartstring of the configuration The Part Number to be used for a new part creation. If blank, a part will not be created. The Customer Part Number to stored on the quote line.


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Name responseAutoCrtPart newPartAlreadyExists

Type Boolean Boolean@

Description Answer to the question presented to user about auto creating a part. Returns true a new part was not created because it already exists.

Call this method when the value of MktgCamp changes. Parameters Name mktgCampID ds Type String Description The CampID The updated dataset

Call this method when the value of MktgCamp changes. Parameters Name mktgEvntSeq ds Type Int32 Description The EvntSeq The updated dataset

This method returns the Bill To customer info. Parameters Name newBillToCustID ds Type String Description Proposed bill to custid The Quote data set

This method Check the number of reference designators are equal to the Required Ref Designators defined on JobMtl Parameters Name newReadyToQuote ds Type Boolean Description Proposed ReadyToQuote The Quote data set

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This method either opens or closes a Quote and returns the updated object Parameters Name quoteNum closeQuote Type Int32 Boolean Description QuoteNum to be opened or closed Yes to close Quote, no to open Quote

Returns Returns the newly opened/closed Quote

This method is to be run befor the OpenCloseQuote method so that any questions that need to be asked before the OpenCloseQuote method can run can be asked Parameters Name quoteNum closeQuote vMessage Type Int32 Boolean String@ Description The current QuoteHed.QuoteNum field Yes to close Quote, no to open Quote Returns a string containing the question to be asked

Procedure to find if the app needs to ask the user to refresh the Quantity Breaks. Parameters Name strquestion Type String@ Description Returns the Question string

When configuring a part, the QuoteDtl unit price may change during the configuration process. This method is to be called after running product configurator to recalculate the kit pricing. Parameters Name iQuoteNum iQuoteLine Type Int32 Int32 Description Quote Number for configured part Quote Line for configured part


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This procedure is used to recalculate the unit price of the kit parent and the parent Quote Qty record if the KitPricing field is set to 'C' then the procedure will add the unit price of each component and the total value will be the unit price of the kit parent line.

Each part class can have its own material markup percentage This method calculates the Material Markup from the Qtmmkup table Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine qtyNum ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description Quote Num Quote Line Quote Qty Number The Quote dataset

To delete the QuoteDtl records created as components for a Parent Sales Kit. Parameters Name iPartNum quoteNum quoteLine ds Type String Int32 Int32 Description Parent Sales Kit number Quote number of the QuoteDtl record (0 if an Order is being processed) Quote Line of the QuoteDtl record (0 if an Order is being processed Quote DataSet

This method updates Order Defaults. Parameters Name quoteNum setReqShipDt setOrdQty reqShipDate Type Int32 Boolean Boolean Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The current QuoteHed.QuoteNum field Yes to set the QuoteDtl.ReqShipDate to the specified date Yes to set the Order Qty equal to the Expected Qty Requested Ship Date

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Returns Updated Quote

Public method to call ValidateReqRefDes method and check the number of reference designators are equal to the Required Ref Designators defined on QuoteMtl. Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipQuoteLine Type Int32 Int32 Description Quote Number to validate Quote Line of the Quote Number to validate

Set a default date for scheduling starting from Today Parameters Name schedDate Type Nullable{System.DateTime}@ Description The calculated start date for scheduling

This method runs the whatif Scheduling code. Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine prodQty schedDate schedFinite considerLeadTime completionDate Type Int32 Int32 Decimal Nullable{System.DateTime} Boolean Boolean Nullable{System.DateTime}@ Description The current QuoteHed.QuoteNum field The QuoteLine to schedule Production Qty to schedule Schedule Start date Schedule Finitely flag Consider Material Lead Times flag Returns the schedule completion date

Epicor.Mfg.BO.QuoteAdt: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.QuoteAnalysisExp: This business object contains 4 methods.

Call this method when the user already selected quote lines to process. This method expects a LIST-DELIM delimited string of RowIds of all selected QuoteDtl records. Parameters Name vRowList vMessage Type String String@ Description A RowId list of selected QuoteDtl records. Returns message indicating number of records processed.

Call this method to delete or clear all QuoteAnalysis records. This method expects that the user already confirmed that records will be deleted. Parameters Name vMessage Type String@ Description Returns message indicating process completion.

This method finds the QuoteDtl record by QuoteNum/QuoteLine. Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipQuoteLine Type Int32 Int32 Description The Quote Number The Quote Line Number

Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.QuoteAnalysisExpDataSet

This method assembles the QuoteDtl browse for the main data set. Parameters Name whereClauseQuoteDtl pageSize Type String Int32 Description Where clause to specify set of QuoteDtlBrw records to return Page Size


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Name absolutePage morePages

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Absolute Page More Pages

Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.QuoteAnalysisExpDataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.QuoteAsm: This business object contains 95 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field.


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Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Creates new QuoteMtlRefDes records based on the QuoteMtl dataset fields. Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipQuoteLine ipAsmSeq ipMtlSeq ipPrefix ipStartNum ipEndNum ipSuffix ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 String Int32 Int32 String Description The Quote Number The Quote Line Number The Quote Assembly The Quote Material Seq The Prefix to be used to delete Reference Designators The Starting Number to delete Reference Designators The Ending Number to delete Reference Designators The Suffix to be used to delete Reference Designators The Quote Asm data set

This method takes the records built in BuildAppendDetails that are marked as append and writes them to the database. It will return the updated dataset. Parameters Name ds targetQuote targetLine targetAsm sourceFile keyOne keyTwo keyThree Int32 Int32 Int32 String String String String Target Quote Target QuoteLine Target Quote AssemblySeq Indicates where the details are being appended from. Either Quote, Job or Method Unique key field one for Job or Method source Unique key field two for Method source Unique key field two for Method source Type Description

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Name ipCompleteTree errorList Returns Results of the append detail

Type Boolean String@

Description Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm? Returns a message listing any parts in error

This method returns the information that can be appended for approval Parameters Name sourceFile keyOne keyTwo keyThree targetQuote targetLine targetAsm Returns Type String String String String Int32 Int32 Int32 Description Source of the append details, Quote, Job or Method First key field of source Second key field of source Third key field of source Target Quote Num Target Line Number Target Assembly

Method to call when changing the Capability ID. This method will update QuoteOpDtl to see if the labor and burden rates need to be reset. Blank is a valid entry for Capability ID. Parameters Name proposedCapID ds Type String Description The proposed Capability ID The QuoteAsm data set

Verification when changing the AutoReceive field Parameters Name iAutoReceive ds Type Boolean Description Proposed value for AutoReceive field The QuoteAsm data set


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Verification when changing the LaborEntryMethod field Parameters Name iLaborEntryMethod ds Type String Description Proposed value for LaborEntryMethod field The QuoteAsm data set

Method to call when changing the Override Rates Flag. This method will update QuoteOpDtl with the default labor and burden rates from the appropriate resource or resource group if the QuoteOpDtl.OverrideRates is set to false. Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuoteAsm data set

Method to call when changing the Resource Group ID. This method will update QuoteOpDtl with the default labor and burden rates from the new resource group. Blank is a valid entry for Resource Group ID. Parameters Name proposedResGrpID ds Type String Description The proposed Resource Group ID The QuoteAsm data set

Method to call when changing the Resource ID. This method will update QuoteOpDtl with the default labor and burden rates from the new resource. Blank is a valid entry for Resource ID. Parameters Name proposedResourceID ds Type String Description The proposed Resource ID The QuoteAsm data set

This method defaults/resets the production standards when selecting Primary Production Operation Detail. This method should run when the QuoteOpr.PrimaryProdOpDtl field changes.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuoteAsm data set

This method defaults/resets the setup values when selecting Primary Setup Operation Detail. This method should run when the QuoteOpr.PrimarySetupOpDtl field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuoteAsm data set

This method updates the vendor related information when the Vendor/Purchase Point field changes. It updates the vendor price breaks as well. This method should run when the field ttQuoteOpr.PurPoint changes. Parameters Name proposedPurPoint ds Type String Description The proposed Purchase Point The QuoteAsm data set

This method updates the vendor related information when the Vendor/Purchase Point field changes. It updates the vendor price breaks as well. This method should run when the field ttQuoteOpr.VendorNumVendorID changes. Parameters Name proposedVendorID ds Type String Description The proposed Vendor ID The QuoteAsm data set

Method to call when changing the OpMtlReqQty. Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuoteAsm data set


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This methods updates the QuoteAsmbl Required Quantity. This method should run when the QuoteAsmbl.QtyPer field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Quote Asm data set

Verify that there are no other QuoteMtlRefDes records in the assembly having the same RefDes value if the QuoteAsmbl.ValRefDes = true. This method should run before changing the QuoteAsmbl.ValRefDes. Parameters Name ipProposedValResDes ds Type Boolean Description The new proposed QuoteAsmbl.ValRefDes value The Quote Asm data set

This methods assigns QuoteAsm.RDEndNum field when QuoteAsm.ReqRefDes changes. This method should run when the QuoteAsm.ReqRefDes changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Quote Asm dataset

This methods recalculates the Est Mtl Burden Unit Cost when the Est Unit Cost value changes. This method should run when the QuoteMtl.EstUnitCost changes. Parameters Name ipProposedEstUnitCost ds Type Decimal Description The new proposed QuoteMtl.MtlBurRate value QuoteAsmDataSet

This methods recalculates the Est Mtl Burden Unit Cost when the Mtl Burden Rate value changes. This method should run when the QuoteMtl.MtlBurRate changes.

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Parameters Name ipProposedMtlBurRate ds Type Decimal Description The new proposed QuoteMtl.MtlBurRate value QuoteAsmDataSet

This methods assigns QuoteMtl.RDEndNum field when QuoteMtl.ReqRefDes changes. This method should run when the QuoteMtl.ReqRefDes changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Quote Asm dataset

This methods recalculates the Salvage Mtl Burden Unit Cost when the Salvage Mtl Burden Rate value changes. This method should run when the ECOMtl.SalvageMtlBurRate changes. Parameters Name ipProposedSalvageMtlBurRate ds Type Decimal Description The new proposed ECOMtl.SalvageMtlBurRate value QuoteAsmDataSet

This methods assigns associated fields when ECOMtl.SalvagePartNum changes. This method should run when the ECOMtl.SalvagePartNum changes. Parameters Name ipProposedSalvagePartNum ds Type String Description The new proposed ECOMtl.SalvagePartNum value The QuoteAsm data set

This methods recalculates the Salvage Mtl Burden Unit Cost when the Salvage Unit Credit value changes. This method should run when the ECOMtl.SalvageUnitCredit changes. Parameters Name ipProposedSalvageUnitCredit Type Decimal Description The new proposed ECOMtl.SalvageUnitCredit value


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Name ds


Description QuoteAsmDataSet

This method will update all of the associated records to the QuoteOpr if the OprSeq field is changing. This method should run before changing the QuoteOpr.OprSeq and not when a new record. Parameters Name ipProposedOprSeq ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed QuoteOpr.OprSeq value The QuoteAsm data set

This method checks if a part must be configured prior to a GetDetails. Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine sourcePart sourceRev targetAssembly findRevision canGetDetails needsConfiguration configureRevision reasonMessage Type Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Boolean Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ String@ Description Quote Number of the target Assembly Quote Line of the target Assembly Part Num to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") Revision number to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") Target Assembly If true the revision number will be looked up rather than using the sourceRev If false, GetDetails will fail for a configuration reason that can't be resolve by reconfiguring now If true the configurator should be run on the Job for the Part/Rev The revision that should be configured (if configuration is needed) The reason or for the failure or need for configuration. This should be displayed to the user.

This method will check to see if an existing configuration exists for a configured part. This method should be called prior to calling the CheckConfiguration method. If the configurationExists is set to "true", then the reasonMessage should be displayed to the user.

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Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine sourcePart sourceRev targetAssembly findRevision configurationExists configureRevision reasonMessage Type Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Boolean Boolean@ String@ String@ Description Quote Number of the target Assembly Quote Line of the target Assembly Part Num to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") Revision number to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") Target Assembly If true the revision number will be looked up rather than using the sourceRev If true the configurator should be run on the Job for the Part/Rev The revision that should be configured (if configuration is needed) The reason or for the failure or need for configuration. This should be displayed to the user.

This method validated the value of Primary Production Operation Detail. This method should run when the QuoteOpr.PrimaryProdOpDtl is changing. Parameters Name ds ipPrimaryProdOpDtl Int32 Type Description The QuoteAsm data set The new PrimaryProdOpDtl value to change to

This method validated the value of Primary Setup Operation Detail. This method should run when the QuoteOpr.PrimarySetupOpDtl is changing. Parameters Name ds ipPrimarySetupOpDtl Int32 Type Description The QuoteAsm data set The new PrimarySetupOpDtl value to change to

This method runs through a quote's BOM and returns a list of assembly and/or materials that are on hold or inactive. Quote cannot be engineered or Quoted until these errors are taken care of


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Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine runOutWarnings Type Int32 Int32 String@ Description Quote Number QuoteLine, 0 for all lines, otherwise only looks a specific line Warning Message about RunOut Parts on Job. Client to display this as a warning only

The method is to be run on leave of the PartNum, Revision fields before the GetPartInfo or Update methods are run. This returns all the questions that need to be asked before a part can be changed. Parameters Name partNum vMessage vSubAvail vMsgType Type String@ String@ Boolean@ String@ Description The new PartNum if a substitute part is found, partNum will be the substitute part Asks if the user wants to use a substitute part Indicates other substitute parts besides the default exist Type of message returned. Values can be; "Question" (asking if they want to use the substitute part) "Warning" (Warns them that a part is onhold or runout). "Error" (Part in Inactive, or Onhold/Runout parts are not accepted in this case) . "Question" is asking if they want to use the substitute part.

The method deletes all assemblys and their subassemblys, materials and operations while leaving the base assembly sequence alone. Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine Returns Type Int32 Int32 Description Quote Number of the assemblys Quote Assembly Line Number

Deletes QuoteMtlRefDes records based on the QuoteMtl dataset fields. Parameters Name ipQuoteNum Type Int32 Description The Quote Number

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Name ipQuoteLine ipAsmSeq ipMtlSeq ipPrefix ipStartNum ipEndNum ipSuffix ds

Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Int32 Int32 String

Description The Quote Line Number The Quote Assembly The Quote Material Seq The Prefix to be used to delete Reference Designators The Starting Number to delete Reference Designators The Ending Number to delete Reference Designators The Suffix to be used to delete Reference Designators The Quote Asm data set

This method returns whether or not the supplier price list option is enabled. This is based on security rights for the user. Parameters Name lEnableSupplierPriceList Type Boolean@ Description

This method updates the related operation description when the RelatedOperation field changes. To be run before update. Parameters Name ds relatedOperation Int32 Type Description The QuoteAsm data set Value of the RelatedOperation that is being tested

This method updates the dataset with Part Defaults when the PartNum or Revision field changes. To be run before update. CheckPrePartInfo should be run first Parameters Name ds defaultRev Boolean Type Description The QuoteAsm data set Indicates if the system should try and find the correct RevisionNum (yes) or use the value in the dataset (no)


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This method will retrieve the base configured part number to be passed to configuration entry Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine targetAssembly sourcePartNum sourceRevisionNum basePartNum baseRevisionNum curPartNum curRevNum siValues Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String String@ String@ String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number of the target Assembly Quote Line of the target Assembly target Assembly Indicates the source part number to get details from Indicates the source revision number to get details from Returns the Base Part Number to use for configuration Returns the Base Revision Number to use for configuration Returns the Current Part Number to use for configuration Returns the Current Revision Number to use for configuration Returns whether the configuration is set to save input values

This methods will return the dataset for QuoteAsm. The method will return the records related to the assembly provided and the first child level assemblies related to the input inputted assembly. Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipQuoteLine ipStartAssemblySeq ipCurrentAssemblySeq ipCompleteTree Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean Description The Quote Number to return data for. The Quote Line Number to return data for. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. The Assembly Sequence to return data for. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this job number?

Returns Quote Asm Data Set

This method retrieves the manufacturing details from a source file. The source file will either be a Quote, a Job, or a Method (Part). The assembly records will be created regardless if the part is in error or not. If there are errors, the quote cannot be "quoted" unless all parts are fixed. To find the parts in error run CheckPartErrors

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Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine targetAsm sourceFile sourceQuote sourceLine sourceJob sourceAsm sourcePart sourceRev sourceAltMethod useMethodForParts ipCompleteTree partErrors Returns Results of the get details Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Int32 Int32 String Int32 String String String Boolean Boolean String@ Description Quote Number of the target Assembly Quote Line of the target Assembly Sequence of the target Assembly Source (Quote, Job, or Method) of the details to copy Quote Number to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Quote") Quote Line to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Quote") Job Number to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Job") Quote Assembly to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Quote" or "Job") Part Num to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") Revision number to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") Alternate Method to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") If true use the method passed in for all parts in assemblies, if false use the assembly part's default method. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm? Message of any bad parts that were copied

This method updates Vendor and LeadTime when BuyIt is checked Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuoteAsm data set

This method updates Vendor and LeadTime when BuyIt is checked Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuoteAsm data set


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This method defaults the EstScrap fields when the QuoteMtl.RelatedOperation changes Parameters Name relatedOperation ds Type Int32 Description Value of the RelatedOperation that is being tested The QuoteAsm data set

Parameters Name ds ipProposedPartNum String Type Description The QuoteAsm data set Identifies the PartNum to validate

This method updates the dataset with Part Defaults when the PartNum field changes. To be run after partNum changes but before update. CheckPrePartInfo should be run first Parameters Name ds partName String Type Description The QuoteAsm data set Identifies the PartNum field to validate either PartNum or SalvagePartNum

This method defaults the Vendor fields when the VendorNumVendorID field is changed Parameters Name ds vendorID String Type Description The QuoteAsm data set Proposed Vendor ID

This method creates a new Assembly after prompting for the AsemblySeq and BOMLevel as well as the QuoteLine and QuoteNum fields. This is to replace the standard GetNewQuoteAsm

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Parameters Name ds quoteNum quoteLine assemblySeq bomLevel priorAssemblySeq Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Type Description The QuoteAsm data set Assembly's parent Quote Assmebly's parent Quote detail Line Assembly's parent assembly Seq Assembly's parent BOMLevel If adding a sub-assembly record, this value is 0. If insterting after a specific assembly then use that record's assembly seq (must be different from the parent assembly seq)

This method creates a new Operation after prompting for the SubConType as well as the AssemblySeq, QuoteLine and QuoteNum fields. This is to replace the standard GetNewQuoteOpr Parameters Name ds quoteNum quoteLine assemblySeq subContract Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean Type Description The QuoteAsm data set Operations's parent Quote Operations's parent Quote detail Line Operations's parent assembly Seq Operations's sub contract type

This method defaults the OpStd information when the OpCode field changes. Updates the burden rates as well. Parameters Name proposedOpCode refreshMessage ds Type String String@ Description The proposed Operation Code The refresh message text The Quote Assembly data set

This method defaults Operation Standard information when OpStdId changes


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuoteAsm data set

This method updates the dataset with Part Defaults when the PartNum field changes. To be run after partNum changes but before update. CheckPrePartInfo should be run first Parameters Name ds partName String Type Description The QuoteAsm data set Identifies the PartNum field to validate either PartNum or SalvagePartNum

This method updates the dataset after the StdFormat field changes. Can be run on the ColumnChanged event Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuoteAsm data set

This methods allows for the insertion of an engineering assembly for drag/drop functionality, Parameters Name ipParentQuoteAsmRowid ipSourceRowid ipOperSeq ipDroppedAs Type String String Int32 String Description The rowid of the parent quoteasm to add to The rowid of source record could be jobasmbl or quoteasm to be added to the parent quoteasm The related operation seq (or 0 if unrelated) The character value to determine where to drop and to drop as what. valid values: JobAsmbl, JobAsmbl-AsMtl, QuoteAsm, QuoteAsm-AsMtl Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm?

ipReturn ipCompleteTree Returns Quote Asm Data Set

Boolean Boolean

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This methods allows for the insertion of an engineering material for drag/drop functionality, Parameters Name ipParentQuoteAsmRowid ipSourceRowid ipOperSeq ipMtlSeq ipBeforeMtlRowid ipDroppedAs Type String String Int32 Int32 String String Description The rowid of the quoteasm record to add the material to The rowid of source record could be partmtl, jobmtl, or quotemtl to be added to the parent quoteasm The related operation seq (or 0 if unrelated) The material seq to use The material rowid to insert material before The character value to determine where to drop and to drop as what. valid values: PartMtl, PartMtl-AsAsm, JobMtl-AsAsm, JobMtl, QuoteMtl-AsAsm, QuoteMtl Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm?

ipReturn ipCompleteTree Returns Quote Asm Data Set

Boolean Boolean

This methods allows for the insertion of an engineering operation for drag/drop functionality, Parameters Name ipParentQuoteAsmRowid ipSourceRowid ipNewOperSeq ipBeforeOperRowid ipDroppedAs ipReturn ipCompleteTree Type String String Int32 String String Boolean Boolean Description The rowid of the parent jobasmbl to add to The rowid of source record could be joboper, partopr, or quoteopr to be added to the parent jobasmbl The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before The character value to determine where to drop and to drop as what. valid values: PartOpr, JobOper, QuoteOpr Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm?

Returns Quote Asm Data Set


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This methods allows for the insertion on a material for drag/drop functionality, validates a QuoteAsm record exists and the part is valid. Parameters Name ipQuoteAsmRowID ipPartNum ipOperSeq ipMtlSeq ipBeforeMtlRowid ipReturn ipCompleteTree Type String String Int32 Int32 String Boolean Boolean Description The rowid of the QuoteAsm record to add the material to The part number being added The related operation seq (or 0 if unrelated) The material seq to use The material rowid to insert material before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm?

Returns Quote Asm Data Set

This method allows for the insertion of Capability on an operation to create operation detail for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipQuoteOprRowID ipCapabilityID ipNewOpDtlSeq ipBeforeOpDtlRowid ipReturn ipCompleteTree Type String String Int32 String Boolean Boolean Description The rowid of the QuoteOpr record to add the operation detail to The Capability ID being added The new operation detail seq The operation detail rowid to insert operation detail before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm?

Returns Quote Asm Data Set

This method allows for the insertion of Resource on an operation to create operation detail for drag/drop functionality.

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Parameters Name ipQuoteOprRowID ipResourceID ipNewOpDtlSeq ipBeforeOpDtlRowid ipReturn ipCompleteTree Type String String Int32 String Boolean Boolean Description The rowid of the QuoteOpr record to add the operation detail to The Resource ID being added The new operation detail seq The operation detail rowid to insert operation detail before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm?

Returns Quote Asm Data Set

This method allows for the insertion of Resource Group on an operation to create operation detail for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipQuoteOprRowID ipResourceGrpID ipNewOpDtlSeq ipBeforeOpDtlRowid ipReturn ipCompleteTree Type String String Int32 String Boolean Boolean Description The rowid of the QuoteOpr record to add the operation detail to The Resource Group ID being added The new operation detail seq The operation detail rowid to insert operation detail before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm?

Returns Quote Asm Data Set

This methods allows for the insertion of an operation for drag/drop functionality using operation code as input. This would eventually replace the original InsertOperation method where work center code is the input. Parameters Name ipQuoteAsmRowID ipOpCode Type String String Description The rowid of the QuoteAsm record to add the operation to The operation code being added


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Name ipNewOprSeq ipBeforeOperRowid ipReturn ipCompleteTree opMessage

Type Int32 String Boolean Boolean String@

Description The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm? Warning message to let the user know that a subcontract operation will be created with no vendor information.

Returns Quote Asm Data Set

This method allows for the insertion of Capability on an assembly to create QuoteOpr/QuoteOpDtl for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipQuoteAsmRowID ipCapabilityID ipNewOprSeq ipBeforeOprRowid ipReturn ipCompleteTree opMessage Type String String Int32 String Boolean Boolean String@ Description The rowid of the QuoteAsm record to add the operation detail to The Capability ID being added The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm? Warning message to let the user know that a subcontract operation will be created with no vendor information.

Returns Quote Asm Data Set

This method allows for the insertion of ResourceGroup on an assembly to create QuoteOpr/QuoteOpDtl for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipQuoteAsmRowID ipResourceGrpID Type String String Description The rowid of the QuoteAsm record to add the operation detail to The Resource Group ID being added

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Name ipNewOprSeq ipBeforeOprRowid ipReturn ipCompleteTree opMessage

Type Int32 String Boolean Boolean String@

Description The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm? Warning message to let the user know that a subcontract operation will be created with no vendor information.

Returns Quote Asm Data Set

This method allows for the insertion of Resource on an assembly to create QuoteOpr/QuoteOpDtl for drag/drop functionality. Parameters Name ipQuoteAsmRowID ipResourceID ipNewOprSeq ipBeforeOprRowid ipReturn ipCompleteTree opMessage Type String String Int32 String Boolean Boolean String@ Description The rowid of the QuoteAsm record to add the operation detail to The Resource ID being added The new operation seq The operation rowid to insert operation before Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm? Warning message to let the user know that a subcontract operation will be created with no vendor information.

Returns Quote Asm Data Set

This methods allows for the insertion of a subassembly for drag/drop functionality, validates a QuoteAsm record exists and the part is valid. Parameters Name ipQuoteAsmRowID ipPartNum Type String String Description The rowid of the QuoteAsm record to add the material to The part number being added


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Name ipOperSeq ipReturn ipCompleteTree

Type Int32 Boolean Boolean

Description The related operation seq (or 0 if unrelated) Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back. Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm?

Returns Quote Asm Data Set

This method validates validates the new Parent field Parameters Name ipNewParent ds Type Int32 Description New Parent value to check against Job Entry data set

This method validates the new Parent field and populates defaults assoicated witht the Parent. This method should run when the JobAsmbl.Parent field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Job Entry data set

Method required to set the initial value of QuoteOpr.SNRequiredSubConShip Parameters Name ds Type Description The Quote data set

This method updates the columns SNRequiredOpr and SNRequiredSubConShip when the main Part changes. If the new part number is not serial tracked and those fields were set as true previuosly, they must be set to false.

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Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipQuoteLine ipQuoteAsmSeq ipPartNum ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Description Quote Number Quote Line Assembly Seq Part Number The QuoteAsm data set

Method to validate the Inspection control fields. (EQM) Parameters Name ipProposedInspPlan ipProposedSpecId iptable setRev ds Type String String String Boolean Description The new proposed InspPlanPartNum value The new proposed SpecID value table name if set default revision The QuoteAsm entry Dataset.

This method refreshes the QuoteMtl PBrkQty and PBrkCost fields after VendPart and VendPBrk tables have been udpated. It will also update the LeadTime and Unit Cost fields as well. Parameters Name ds quoteNum quoteLine assemblySeq mtlSeq vendorNum effectiveDate Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Type Description The QuoteAsm data set Material Quote Material Quote Line Material Assembly Material Sequence Vendor Number from vendor price break

Nullable{System.DateTime} Effective date from vendor price break

This method refreshes the QuoteOpr PBrkQty and PBrkCost fields after VendPart and VendPBrk tables have been udpated. It will also update the LeadTime and Unit Cost fields as well.


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Parameters Name ds quoteNum quoteLine assemblySeq oprSeq vendorNum effectiveDate Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Type Description The QuoteAsm data set Operation Quote Operation Quote Line Operation Assembly Operation Sequence Vendor Number from vendor price break

Nullable{System.DateTime} Effective date from vendor price break

This method resequences Material for an assembly by sequence, part or bubble Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine assemblySeq reseqOption ipCompleteTree Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Boolean Description Quote Number Quote Line Assembly Sequences "M" for Material, "P" for Part, or "B" for Bubble Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm?

Returns Quote Asm Data Set

This method resequences the operations of an assembly by 10's Parameters Name quoteNum quoteLine assemblySeq ipCompleteTree Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean Description Quote Number Quote Line Assembly Sequence Would you like to retun a complete dataset for this QuoteAsm?

Returns Quote Asm Data Set

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procedure for changing QuoteOpr.IUM field Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuoteAsm data set

procedure for changing QuoteOpr.QtyPer field Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuoteAsm data set

procedure for changing QuoteMtl.IUM field Parameters Name ds Type Description The QuoteAsm data set

Validates SNRequiredOpr flag to avoid to set it false if the prior operation has the flag set to true The flag cannot be set to true if the part is not serial tracked also. Parameters Name ipProposedSNRequired ds Type Boolean Description The new proposed QuoteAsm.SNRequiredOpr value The QuoteAsm data set

Check if SNRequiredOpr column is enabled/disabled on Subcontract Detail panel on UI Parameters Name ipProposedPartNum ds Type String Description The new proposed QuoteOpr.PartNum value The QuoteAsm data set


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Validates if JobHead.PartNum is serial tracked, additionals JobParts cannot be added. Returns list of Project Roles

Epicor.Mfg.BO.QuoteAsmSearch: This business object contains 1 methods.

This methods will return all of the QuoteAsmSearch records which will be a subset of the QuoteAsm records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table (QuoteAsmSearch) we need our own public method. Parameters Name whereClauseQuoteAsmSearch pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The where clause to restrict data for The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

Returns The dataset with pupolated key values

Epicor.Mfg.BO.QuoteDtlSearch: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This methods will return all of the QuoteDtlSearch records which will be a subset of the QuoteHed records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table we need our own public method. Parameters Name ds pageSize absolutePage morePages Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset with pupolated key values The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor


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This methods will return all of the QuoteDtlSearch records which will be a subset of the QuoteHed records that meet the selection criteria. This method will try to mirror the functionality of the base GetRows method but since we are populating a temp table we need our own public method. Parameters Name ds pageSize absolutePage morePages Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Type Description The dataset with pupolated key values The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

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Chapter 18: R
Epicor.Mfg.BO.RASchedCd: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RateType: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Rating: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RcvDtlSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Reason: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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This method returns the list of Reason codes and descriptions . ReasonTypeCode ReasonTypeDesc Returns The output ReasonType data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Rebate: This business object contains 20 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method validates and populates the Part related fields when the

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Parameters Name inPartNum ds Type String Description The proposed Part Num Rebate Dataset

This method validates and populates the Customer fields when the Parameters Name inCustID ds Type String Description The proposed Customer ID Rebate Dataset

This method should run before changing the RebatePymt.PymtDate. Parameters Name ipProposedPymtDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The new proposed RebatePymt.PymtDate value Rebate Dataset

This method validates and populates the Customer fields when the Parameters Name inCustID ds Type String Description The proposed Customer ID Rebate Dataset

This method copies one rebate to a new rebate. The user can change either the dates of the rebate or the customers for the rebate. If changing the dates, then custNum and groupCode fields will be ignored If date fields are null, then either custID or groupCode must be populated Parameters Name fromRebateID Type String Description RebateID to copy from


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Name newRebateID newRebateDesc optionType startDate endDate custID groupCode Returns Rebate Dataset

Type String String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} String String

Description RebateID to create New description for rebate Flag to indicate if Date or Customer copy Rebate Start date Rebate End date Customer to be used for rebate Customer Group Code to be used for rebate

This method generates RebateCust records for the specified Rebate and Customer Group. Parameters Name rebateID groupCode Returns Rebate Dataset Type String String Description Rebate ID Customer Group Code

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RebateTrans: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method deletes all the selected rebate transactions. Parameters Name ds Type Description Contains the records to be delete

Call this method to import rebate transactions into the database. This method expects an input data table ttImportRebateTrans with data coming from an external comma delimited file.


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Parameters Name ds opMessage Returns The RebateTrans data set String@ Type Description The ImportRebateTrans data set If not all records imported successfully, alert the user

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Receipt: This business object contains 95 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This procedure sets RcvDtl.SetToLocation to yes in given data set. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Receipt data set

. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip compliant ds Type Int32 String String Boolean@ Description Vendor Number Purchase Point Number Receipt Packing Slip Number Indicates if the current Pack is compliant. The Receipt data set

This method is to be called right before the update of a ContainerReceipt. If there is a discrepancy between the quantities, serial numbers the user is asked if they are sure they want to continue. qQuestion and sQuestion are provided so the UI can format the message box and make it easier for the end user to read the text. Parameters Name ds qMessageStr qQuestion String@ String@ Type Description The Receipt data set Quantity Question to ask user before update. If no, update method is not run Question asked when there is a quantity discrepancy.

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Name sMessageStr sQuestion lMessageStr

Type String@ String@ String@

Description Serial Number Question to ask users before update. If no, update method is not run Question asked when there is a serial number discrepancy. Lot Number error message

This method is to be called right before the update method is called. If there is a discrepancy between the vendorqty and ourqty, the user will be asked if they're sure they want to continue. Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packLine packSlip qMessageStr sMessageStr lcMessageStr Int32 String Int32 String String@ String@ String@ Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Line to check Receipt Packing Number Quantity Question to ask user before update. If no, update method is not run Serial Number Question to ask users before update. If no, update method is not run Landed Cost Question to ask users before update. If no, update method is not run

. Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packLine packSlip qMessageStr Int32 String Int32 String String@ Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Line to check Receipt Packing Number Quantity Question to ask user before update. If no, update method is not run


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This method is to be run before the GetDtlPOLine and GetDtlPORel and GetDtlJobInfo methods are called If the Job/PO to a closed or complete job, a question or a warning will be returned Parameters Name poNum poLine poRelNum jobNum poQuestion questionMsg warnMsg Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String@ String@ String@ Description Purchase Order Number for Receipt Purchase Order Line Purchase Order Release Job Number Question if the PORelease is closed. If the user answers no then the next 2 messages never need to be displayed Question to continue if job is closed Warning if job is complete

This method returns an error or question if the LotNum field does not exist depending upon the security of the user Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine lotNum questionMsg errorMsg Int32 String String Int32 String String@ String@ Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check New Lot Number to validate Asks if user want to create new lot Tells user if they can't create a new lot

This method is run when the JobSeq field is changed along with GetSeqInfo. If the JobMtl is marked as IssuedComplete, the user is asked whether they are sure they want to change the sequence number. Only move forward if the answer is yes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Receipt data set

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Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine jobSeq vMessage

Type Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String@

Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check The proposed JobSeq value This is the question that the user needs to answer

This method tests to see if Serial Numbers exist that may be deleted if the ReceivedTo field or PartNum changes. The update method assumes the user answered yes and will delete the Serial Numbers. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine receivedTo partNum vMessage vWMessage Type Int32 String String Int32 String String String@ String@ Description Vendor Number Vendor Purchase Point ID Packing Slip Number Packing Slip Line Receipt ReceivedTo field (proposed or current) Proposed Receipt Part Number (proposed or current) Question if ReceivedTo has changed and Serial Numbers will be deleted Warning if Part Number has changed

This method is to be run right after the form opens to determine whether the default receiving warehouse and bin have been populated for the cur-plant. If not, the form will close.

This method will return three warning messages if the Receipt Header changes any of the UpliftPercent, ReceiptDate and ArrivedDate. The user will be asked if the changes should be applied to all the Receipt Details as well. This method should be called before the Update method is called. Parameters Name opUpliftWarnMsg opReceiptWarnMsg opArriveWarnMsg ds Type String@ String@ String@ Description The warning message about the change in uplift percent. The warning message about the change in receipt date. The warning message about the change in arrival date. The Receipt data set


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This method is to be run after the IssuedComplete flag is changed. Any questions returned require a yes/no response from the user. Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine issuedComplete vMessage Int32 String String Int32 Boolean String@ Question asking if the user is sure they want to set/clear the flag Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check

This method will return a warning message if any of the partial receipt lines needs to recalculate container landed costs. The user will be asked if he wants to continue to receive the line(s) or undo update to review the container landed costs first. Parameters Name ipVendorNum ipPurPoint ipPackSlip ipPackLine opMessage ds Type Int32 String String Int32 String@ Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check Question asking if the user will continue with update or review landed costs first The Receipt data set

This method needs to be run when leaving the RcvHead record either by going to another RcvHead record or leaving the screen. It checks that the landed cost has been evenly disbursed between all the lines. If not, the landed cost needs to be corrected before leaving It also verifies that attachements have been entered for all the parts which require them. Parameters Name vendorNum Type Int32 Description Vendor Number of the Receipt

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Name purPoint packSlip

Type String String

Description Purchase Point of the Receipt Packing Slip number of the Receipt

This method checks how many numbers of PO Releases are closed in the current PONum Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip warnMsg Type Int32 String String String@ Description Vendor Number of Receipt Purchase Point of Receipt Packing Slip number of Receipt Warning message to display the number of POReleases closed

This method is to be run after the ReceivedComplete flag is changed. Any questions returned require a yes/no response from the user. Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine receivedComplete vMessage Int32 String String Int32 Boolean String@ Question asking if the user is sure they want to set/clear the flag Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check

This method validates that if Supplier Price was change it satisfies Company options. Parameters Name ds vendorNum Int32 Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number


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Name purPoint packSlip packLine suppPrice warningMsg

Type String String Int32 Decimal String@

Description Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check new Supplier Price Reason the Supplier Price is invalid

This method creates the Lines Received from MassReceipt option directly into the DB. This was done for performance purposes. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip ds Type Int32 String String Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number The Receipt data set

This method is used to populate the ShipDtl datatable for Mass Receipts and Intercompany Receipt linking Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip intQueId poNum ds Type Int32 String String Decimal String Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Intercompany Queue ID for Intercompany Receipts PO Number for Purchase Order Receipts The Receipt data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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This method is used to disburse the Total Landed Cost across the receipt details. The RcvDtl records will be updated to distribute the receipt Indirect Costs according to the specified disburse method. The Specific DutyAmt if available will be divided equally among lines or by the percentage of the line's duties against total duties. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip Type Int32 String String Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number

This method updates the dataset when the AssemblySeq number changes Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine Int32 String String Int32 Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check

This method default the Job Information when the RcvDtl.JobNum field changes Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine jobNum ds Type Int32 String String Int32 String Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check The new Job Number The Receipt data set

This method updates the unitCost when the LotNum field changes


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Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine lotNum questionMsg errorMsg Int32 String String Int32 String String@ String@ Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check New Lot Number to validate Asks if user want to create new lot Tells user if they can't create a new lot

This method updates the dataset when the part number has changed. CheckDtlSSN should be run first. Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine partNum Int32 String String Int32 String Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check Proposed partNum value

This method updates the dataset when the detail Line PONum field has changed. Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine poNum Int32 String String Int32 Int32 Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check New PO Number

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This method updates the dataset when the detail Line POLine field has changed. Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine poLine serialWarning Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String@ Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check New POLine Number Warning message if the receipt line contains serial numbers

This method updates the dataset when the detail Line PORelNum field has changed. Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine poRelNum Int32 String String Int32 Int32 Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check New PO Release Number

This method updates the dataset when the InputOurQty field changes Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine Int32 String String Int32 Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check


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Name inputOurQty inputIUM whichField warnMsg

Type Decimal String String String@

Description Proposed change to the Input qty field Proposed change to the IUM field Indicates either 'QTY' or 'UOM' field changed A warning message for users. Does not stop processing

This method is run when the ReceivedTo field is changed after the CheckSSN method is called Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine rcvdTo Int32 String String Int32 String@ Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check Proposed ReceivedTo value

This method updates the dataset when the JobSeq field changes. Fields will be defaulted from JobMtl for PUR-MTL and from JobOper for PUR-SUB. Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine jobSeq serialWarning Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String@ Type Description The Receipt data set Vendor Number Purchase Point Packing slip number Receipt Line to check Proposed JobSeq change Warning message if the receipt line contains serial numbers

This method updates the dataset when the VendorQty field changes

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine vendorQty warnMsg Int32 String String Int32 Decimal String@ Type Description The Receipt data set Vendor Number Purchase Point Packing slip number Receipt Line to check Proposed VendorQty value A warning message for users. Does not stop processing

Parameters Name whereClauseRcvDtl pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.InvcCustTrkDataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for RcvDtl table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

This method should be called from Container Receipt Entry and Receipt Entry when the ImportNumber or ImportedFromDesc values have changed for a receipt line. Parameters Name inPartNum inLotNum outImportNum outImportedFromDesc Type String String String@ String@ Description PartNum LotNum ImportNum ImportedFromDesc

This method creates a new Miscellaneous receipt line entry


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Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip Int32 String String Type Description The Receipt data set

Updates Receipt data set with PendingDtl. Parameters Name packSlip partTranPKs Type String String@ Description The PackSlip number The PartTranPKs number

Updates Receipt data set with PendingDtl. Parameters Name ds inPONum Int32 Type Description The Receipt data set The PO number

This method returns default information for the PO Number and the new Vendor ID information. Parameters Name ds poNum vendorNum purPoint Int32 Int32@ String@ Type Description The Receipt data set Proposed Purchase Order Number Numeric Vendor ID assigned to the PO Default Purchase Point assigned to the PO

This method returns default information for the Vendor Purchase Point.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds purPoint String@ Type Description The Receipt data set Proposed Purchase Point value

Parameters Name ipPartNum ipQuantity ipUOM ipVendNum ipVendPP ipPackSlip ipPackSlipLine ipJobNum ipAsmSeq ipSubOprSeq ipReceivedTo Returns Type String Decimal String Int32 String String Int32 String Int32 Int32 String Description ipPartNum ipQuantity ipUOM ipVendNum ipVendPP ipPackSlip ipPackSlipLine ipJobNum ipAssmSeq ipSubOprSeq ipReceivedTo

This method returns default information for the Vendor. Parameters Name ds vendorID vendorNum purPoint String Int32@ String@ Type Description The Receipt data set Proposed Vendor ID value Numeric Vendor ID default Purchase Point for Vendor

This method was developed for HandHeld version to validate if a pack slipt exist. In the handheld version users can't edit the lines.


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Parameters Name piPONum pcPackSlip pbIsEdit Type Int32 String Boolean@ Description A valid PONumber Packing slip to check if this one was received

This method is to be called by the Hand Held PO Receipt program. It can be called before or after calling the update for the RcvDtl. It checks to see if receipt documents are required for a given Part/Lot number. If they are then message text is returned in the infoMsg parameter. The client displays this in a message box. Note: For Hand Held this is only an informational and not an exception. Parameters Name partNum lotNum infoMsg Type String String String@ Description Part number Part Lot number Contains the text for the message box

This method imports the Receipt Head record from the IMRcvHead table. It returns the unique key information on the newly created Receipt header needed to import the detail lines. The detail records are imported by processing Mass Receipts for the same IntQueId as indicated here. Parameters Name intQueId vendorNum purPoint packSlip Type Decimal Int32@ String@ String@ Description Unique key of IMRcvHead Vendor Number of Receipt Purchase Point of Receipt Packing Slip number of Receipt

This method is used to populate the MassReceipt dataset for use in Landed Costs it also returns the default recovery account information Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint Type Int32 String Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point

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Name packSlip lcComment lcReference Returns Result Set

Type String String@ String@

Description Receipt Packing Number Landed Cost Comments Landed Cost Reference

This method updates the dataset record when the LCAmt field changes Parameters Name ds packSlip packLine String Int32 Type Description MassRecieptDataSet Receipt Pack Number Receipt Line Number

This method is to be run from Container Receipt Entry when import Number or Imported From values are changed on the Container. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the POTransValue of RcvDtl has changed. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine ds Type Int32 String String Int32 Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the CommodityCode in RcvDtl changes. This method will validate the commodity code and get defaults.


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Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine ipCommCode ds Type Int32 String String Int32 String Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check Proposed Commodity Code to be validated The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the OrigCountryNum in RcvDtl changes. This method will validate country of origin. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine ipCountryNum ds Type Int32 String String Int32 Int32 Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check Proposed Country of Origin to be validated The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the LCIndCost in RcvDtl changes. This method will validate the manually disbursed indirect cost. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine ipLCIndCost ds Type Int32 String String Int32 Decimal Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check Proposed LC Indirect Cose to be validated The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the Received flag in RcvDtl has changed.

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Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine ipReceived ds Type Int32 String String Int32 Boolean Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check Received flag The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the Supplier Price in RcvDtl changes. This method calculates Base and Reporting values. Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine Int32 String String Int32 Type Description The Receipt data set Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check

This method should be invoked when the UpliftPercent in RcvDtl changes. This method will validate the UpliftPercent and calculate the Uplift Indirect Cost. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine ipUpliftPercent ds Type Int32 String String Int32 Decimal Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check Proposed Uplift Percentage to be validated The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the Tariff Code changes. This method will validate the tariffcode and defaults the duty amount.


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Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine dutySeq ipTariffCode ds Type Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Line to check Receipt Duty Sequence Proposed Tariff Code to be validated The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the Received flag in RcvHead has changed. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip ipReceived ds Type Int32 String String Boolean Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Received flag The Receipt data set

This method updates the dataset when the Inspection Required flag changes Parameters Name ds vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine Int32 String String Int32 Type Description The Receipt data set Vendor Number Purchase Point Packing slip number Receipt Line

This method should be invoked when the Apply Date in RcvMisc changes. This method will validate the date and get new exchange rate.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip miscSeq ipApplyDate ds Type Int32 String String Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Indirect Cost Sequence Proposed Apply Date to be validated The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the Miscellaneous Charge ID changes. This method will validate the misc. charge and pull in the new default information. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip miscSeq ipChargeID ds Type Int32 String String Int32 String Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Indirect Cost Sequence Proposed PurMisc ID to be validated The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the Currency Code in RcvMisc changes. This method will validate the currency code and pull in the new default information. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip miscSeq ipCurrCode ds Type Int32 String String Int32 String Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Indirect Cost Sequence Proposed Currency Code to be validated The Receipt data set


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This method should be invoked when the RcvMisc.ActualAmt changes. This method will validate the amount and convert it to the base currency. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip miscSeq ipDocActualAmt ds Type Int32 String String Int32 Decimal Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Indirect Cost Sequence Proposed Actual Amount in document currency The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the Currency Exchange Rate in RcvMisc changes. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip miscSeq ipExchangeRate ds Type Int32 String String Int32 Decimal Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Indirect Cost Sequence Proposed Currency Exchange Rate to be validated The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the Invoice Line in RcvMisc changes. This method will validate the invoice line and pull in the new default information. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip miscSeq ipInvLine ds Type Int32 String String Int32 Int32 Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Indirect Cost Sequence The AP Invoice Line to be validated The Receipt data set

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This method should be invoked when the Invoice Number in RcvMisc changes. This method will validate the invoice number and pull in the new default information. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip miscSeq ipInvNum ds Type Int32 String String Int32 String Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Indirect Cost Sequence The AP Invoice Number to be validated The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the MscNum in RcvMisc changes. This method will validate the MscNum and pull in the new default information. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip miscSeq ipMscNum ds Type Int32 String String Int32 Int32 Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Indirect Cost Sequence The AP Invoice Line Miscellaneous Sequence Number to be validated The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the RcvMisc.Percentage changes. This method will calculate the amount and convert it to the base currency. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip miscSeq Type Int32 String String Int32 Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Indirect Cost Sequence


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Name ipPercent ds

Type Decimal

Description Proposed Actual Amount in document currency The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the Currency Rate Group in RcvMisc changes. This method will validate the rate group and get new exchange rate. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip miscSeq ipRateGrpCode ds Type Int32 String String Int32 String Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Indirect Cost Sequence Proposed Currency Rate Group Code to be validated The Receipt data set

This method should be invoked when the vendor ID in RcvMisc changes. This method will validate the vendor and pull in the new default vendor information. Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip miscSeq vendID ds Type Int32 String String Int32 String Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number Receipt Indirect Cost Sequence Proposed vendor ID to be validated The Receipt data set

This method will return a record in the LegalNumberGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called.

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Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Type Description The Receipt data set Indicates if the legal number requires user input

Finish processing a successful IC import Parameters Name pintQueId curpackSlip ds Type Decimal String Description A valid IntQueId Packing slip number The Receipt data set

This method is used to process the Landed Costs into the RcvHead and RcvDtl tables All the MassReceipt records need to be marked as modified for this Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip Returns Result Set Type Int32 String String Description Receipt Vendor Number Receipt Purchase Point Receipt Packing Number

This method updates the Quantity for the lines created from MassReceipt Parameters Name ds Type Description The Receipt data set

Sets ttRcvDtl.Received to true in all lines selected for MassReceipt.


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Parameters Name ipReceived ds Type Boolean Description Received flag The Receipt data set

Parameters Name ds inContainerID Int32 Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptDataSet ContainerID

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ContainerTrackingDataSet

Mass Receive the po lines on a container. Parameters Name ds inContainerID inCreateNewPoRels outEshReceived outPartialReceipt outReceiveAll Int32 String Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptDataSet

Initialize landed cost amounts to 0 and updates the landed cost disburse method. Parameters Name ipVendorNum ipPurPoint ipPackSlip ipDisburseMethod Type Int32 String String String Description Vendor Number to reset Purchase Point to reset Packing Slip Number to reset Landed Cost Disbursment method

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Set the Part Warehouse's Primary Bin when the Warehouse is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Receipt data set

This method gets the Warehouse and Bin to the defaults for the Part/Job Parameters Name vendorNum purPoint packSlip packLine ds Type Int32 String String Int32 Description Vendor Number Purchase Point Number Receipt Packing Slip Number Receipt Line number The Receipt data set

This method validates that the PO Number is a valid PO before the UI calls CreateMassReceipts. Does not need to be run for Intercompany Receipts. Parameters Name poNum vendorNum errorMsg Type Int32 Int32 String@ Description The PO Number to validate The Receipt Header Vendor's Number Reason the PO Number is invalid

Parameters Name ipPartNum ipSerialNo ipVendorNum Type String String Int32 Description Part Number Serial Number Vendor Number


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfg: This business object contains 35 methods.

To test on hand quantity of the bin - i.e. whether it will go negative. Call this method on change of Quantity. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pdTranQty pcNeqQtyAction Type String String String String String Decimal Decimal String@ Description Part Number Warehouse Code Bin Number Lot Number From UNIT OF MEASURE (old Dimension Code) Obsolete Dimension Conversion Factor Quantity (in stocking uom) Valid values are STOP, NONE or ASK User. If Ask User, the user can decide to go ahead with the update even if the qty is negative Error message passed back from the business logic.

pcMessage Returns pcNeqQtyActionpcMessage


To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Validates if the option Serial Matching should be enabled. Parameters Name ds plEnable Boolean@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Set by the BL. It is used to tell the UI if it should enable Serial Matching option or not.

Validates if the option to enter Serial Numbers should be anabled. Parameters Name ds pcProcessID plEnable String Boolean@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Set from UI. It is used to tell the BL which process called this public procedure. Set by the BL. It is used to tell the UI if it should enable Serial Matching option or not.

List of jobs that can be selected for Mass Issue. Parameters Name whereClauseJobHead whereClauseJobAsmbl pageSize absolutePage Type String String Int32 Int32 Description Where condition without the where word Where condition without the where word # of records returned. 0 means all


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Name morePages

Type Boolean@

Description Are there more pages ? Yes/No

Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgJobAsmblDataSet

This method creates a new ttSelectedJobAsmbl row entry. Parameters Name ds pcTranType String Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.SelectedReceiptsJobAsmblDataSet Tran Type. Determines the nature of Receipts

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet

This method creates a new ttSelectedJobAsmbl row entry. Parameters Name ds Type Description SelectedReceiptsJobAsmblDataSet

This method creates a new ttPartTran row entry. Parameters Name pcTranType ds Type String Description Tran Type. Determines the nature of Receipts Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet

This method creates a new ttSelectedJobAsmbl row entry. Parameters Name pcJobNum piAssemblySeq Type String Int32 Description Job Number Assembly Sequence

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Name pcTranType ds

Type String

Description Tran Type. Determines the nature of Receipts Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet

This method creates a new ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet using MtlQueue RowIdent. Parameters Name pcMtlQueueRowIdent ds Type String Description RowIdent of MtlQueue record Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet

List of jobs that can be selected for Mass Issue. Parameters Name whereClauseJobHead whereClauseJobAsmbl pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description Where condition without the where word Where condition without the where word # of records returned. 0 means all

Returns Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgJobAsmblDataSet

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds pcProcessID String Type Description ReceiptsFromMfg data set The name of the calling process (UI Application).

Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset

Returns logical true if the assembly is valid and false otherwise.


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Parameters Name pcJobNum piAssemblySeq plFound Type String Int32 Boolean@ Description The job number The assembly sequence number. True if the assembly exist, false otherwise

Change the PartTran values based on the new value of PartTran.ActTranQty. Parameters Name ds pcMessage String@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Information passed back from the business logic.

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.PartTran.ActTransUOM changes. Parameters Name pUOM ds pcMessage String@ Type String Description Transaction UOM ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Information passed back from the business logic.

Change the PartTran values based on the new PartTran.AssemblySeq. Parameters Name ds pcMessage String@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Information passed back from the business logic.

Change the PartTran values based on the new value of PartTran.AssemblySeq2.

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Parameters Name ds pcMessage String@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Information passed back from the business logic.

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet.BinNum changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet

When the user enters the Job# in ReceiptsFromMfgJobsDataSet call this method. Parameters Name ds Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet

Change the PartTran values based on the new value of PartTran.JobNum2. Parameters Name ds pcMessage String@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Information passed back from the business logic.

Change the PartTran values based on the new value of PartTran.JobSeq2. Parameters Name ds pcMessage String@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Information passed back from the business logic.

Change the PartTran values based on the new value of PartTran.LotNum.


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Parameters Name ds messageasked Boolean Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Set by the UI. If set to true then lot messages will not be returned. If false, either pcMessage or errormsg will be set if there is an error. Lot number the user entered. Set when a new lot is going to be created. Asks user to create Y/N. Set when the user does not have permissions to create lots. Or null.

proposedLotNumber pcMessage errormsg

String String@ String@

Recalculate the PartTran unit cost values when the user unchecks the Override Cost toggle box. Parameters Name ds proposedOverride Boolean Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Override Cost value that the user selected.

When the user changes the PartNum in ReceiptsFromMfgJobsDataSet call this method. Parameters Name ds Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet

When the user changes the Plant2 in ReceiptsFromMfgJobsDataSet call this method. Parameters Name ds Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet

Change the PartTran values based on the new PartTran.JobSeq. This method is used while receiving Salvaged material to Inventory.

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Parameters Name ds pcMessage String@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Information passed back from the business logic.

Change the PartTran values based on the new PartTran.PartNum. This method is used while receiving Salvaged material to Inventory. Parameters Name ds pcMessage String@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Information passed back from the business logic.

Change the PartTran values based on the new value of PartTran.TranQty. Parameters Name ds pcMessage String@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Information passed back from the business logic.

This method will return a record in the LegalNumberGenerate datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Indicates if the legal number requires user input

Update the Receipts from Manufacturing to Inventory.


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Parameters Name ds pdSerialNoQty plNegQtyAction pcMessage pcPartTranPKs pcProcessID Decimal Boolean String@ String@ String Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet The quantity of Serialized parts. This value is returned by Serial # selector object. When TranQty changes, perform NegativeInventoryTest. Provide the answer of that test here. Non error, informational message passed back from the business logic. PartTran primary keys generated for this operation. The name ID of the UI process that's calling this procedure.

Update the Receipts from Manufacturing to Job. Parameters Name ds pdSerialNoQty plNegQtyAction plIssuedComplete pcMessage pcPartTranPKs pcProcessID Decimal Boolean Boolean String@ String@ String Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet The quantity of Serialized parts. This value is returned by Serial # selector object. When TranQty changes, perform NegativeInventoryTest. Provide the answer of that test here. Issue Complete Non error, informational message passed back from the business logic. PartTran primary keys for this operation. The name ID of the UI process that's calling this procedure.

Update Salvaged Material to Inventory. Parameters Name ds pcMessage pcPartTranPKs pcProcessID String@ String@ String Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Non error, informational message passed back from the business logic. Part Tran primary keys of the generated partTran records The name ID of the UI process that's calling this procedure.

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Validates that a single serial number is valid for this transaction Parameters Name ds serialNumber isVoided pcProcessID String Boolean@ String Type Description ReceiptFromMfg data set Serial number to validate. Serial Number Voided flag The ID of the calling process in UI

Verifies if the user should enter child serial numbers for the serial numbers being received depending on the setting of the Serial Number Matching before save. Parameters Name ds pcMsg piMsgType String@ Int32@ Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReceiptsFromMfgDataSet Set by the BL. It is used to send warining or error messages to the UI. The type of the message being returned. when 1 - it is a warning msg, when 2 - it is an error msg, when 0 - no msg should be displayed.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RecurringJournal: This business object contains 24 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName Type String Description

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Name fieldName Returns

Type String


This method does Auto Balance for Recurring Journal record with number recurNum and with line recurLine. Parameters Name recurNum recurLine ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Recurring Journal record number Recurring Journal record line number The Recurring Journal data set

This method updates the Fiscal Calendar when the book changes. Book can be blank. A blank book indicates use of the company fiscal calendar. Parameters Name proposedBookID ds Type String Description The proposed Book The Recurring Journal data set

Method to call when changing the Entry Mode. Parameters Name proposedBookMode ds Type String Description The proposed Entry Mode The Recurring Journal DataSet to update the Header related data.

This method resets the G/L Reference Type and Code when the G/L Account changes. Depending on the new GL account, the Reference Type/Code can become mandatory or optional. Make sure to call the GetMaskRefCodes method of the GLRefTypBusiness Object to get the new list of all GL Reference Codes related to the entered Account number. This method will also return values for GlRecDtl.RefCodeStatus and GlRecDtl.RefAcctDiv/RefAcctDept/RefAcctChart. Enable update of GlRecDtl.GLRefCode if the value returned for RefCodeStatus is either "M" for Mandatory or "O" for Optional.


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Parameters Name proposedDispAcct ds Type String Description The proposed G/L Display Account The Recurring Journal data set

Method to call when changing the Rate Type. Parameters Name proposedRateType ds Type String Description The proposed Rate Type The Recurring Journal DataSet to update the Header related data.

Before updating the GlRecHed record, CheckBalance will have to be called. The CheckBalance method will check to make sure the TotCredit and TotDebit fields are equal. Parameters Name ds recurNum Int32 Type Description The Recurring Journal data set The current recurring journal number

This procudura validata if the Account is a currency Account Parameters Name ipCOACode ipSegValue opCurr Type String String Boolean@ Description The current COACode The current segment value one The Currency accont Flag

This method checks if the group prefix on the recurring journal header changed and if there are other recurring journals created for the book/multi-book. If there are the group prefix on those records will be updated to the new value, but check with user before performing this action.

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Parameters Name inRecurNum inBookID inGroupPrefix outMessage Type Int32 String String String@ Description The recurring journal entry number The book id The proposed group prefix Message to the user

This method convert the document currency to the journal currency. Parameters Name proposedAmount ds Type Decimal Description The proposed Amount The GL Journal Entry data set

This method convert the document currency to the journal currency. Parameters Name proposedAmount ds Type Decimal Description The proposed Amount The GL Journal Entry data set

This method created GLRecSched records given a fiscal year. Parameters Name ds cOutMessage Returns The Recurring Journal data set String@ Type Description The generate schedule parameters data set Output message

This method returns the generate schedule dataset.


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Parameters Name inRecurNum Returns The Recurring Journal data set Type Int32 Description The GLRecHed number

This method renumbers lines in Recurring Journal record with number recurNum. Parameters Name recurNum ds Type Int32 Description Recurring Journal record number The Recurring Journal data set

This procedure validate it the currency is allowed. Parameters Name ipCOACode ipSegValue ipCurrency Type String String String Description The current COACode The current segment value one The proposed Currency value

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RefCategory: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Region: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReminderGroup: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReminderLetter: This business object contains 14 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Purpose: run the calcCombinedFinanceCharge.p that will create fin charge invoices Parameters Name ds ipAsOfDate ipCustomerList ipGroupID Nullable{System.DateTime} String String Type Description Reminder Letter Data Set As of Date Customer List Invoice Group

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Purpose: returns the "Combined with Reminder Letter" company setting


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Parameters Name opCombined Type Boolean@ Description opCombined

This method posts reminder letters to the DB. Parameters Name ds Type Description Reminder Letter Data Set

Purpose: put temp records into DB, so that they can be updated in case of successfull printing. Parameters Name ds Type Description Reminder Letter Data Set

Purpose: Get Printed field value for all generated letters. Parameters Name ds Type Description Reminder Letter Data Set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RenewalCode: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method should be called to set Increase Method.


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Parameters Name ipRenewalCode ipIncreaseMethNew ds Type String Int32 Description Renewal Code. New Increase Method. Renewal Code data set.

This method should be called to set Quoted. Parameters Name ipQuoted ds Type Boolean Description Quoted. Renewal Code data set.

Performs required logic when RenewalCode.PriceListCode is modified. Parameters Name ipPriceListCode ds Type String Description Proposed input value of PriceListCode Renewal Code data set

Performs required logic when RenewalCode.TaskSetID is modified. Parameters Name ipTaskSet ds Type String Description Proposed input value of TaskSetID Renewal Code data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Replication: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReplProfile: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Report: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Set Defaut OutputEDI after change RptTypeID

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Parameters Name newRptTypeID ds Type String Description New Report Type. Report data set.

Use to get a sub delimited list of ReportType.RptTypeID and ReportType.RptTypeDescription. The Code/Desc pairs are delimited by the ~ character. The Code/Desc element is subdelimited by the ` character.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReportMonitor: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get a report's data from the server Parameters Name sysRowID Returns Report data Type String Description The row ID of the report to get the data for

Get a report's data from the server Parameters Name sysRowID Returns Report data Type String Description The row ID of the report to get the data for

This method reverts the last used time so that we don't prevent time-out from working. After that call base GetRows. Parameters Name whereClauseSysRptLst Type String Description The where clause to restrict data for

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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The dataset with populated values Call context dataset Constructor Parameters Name connPool

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The page size The absolute page More pages?


Description Connection pool

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReportQty: This business object contains 12 methods.

This method validates if InspResults has been entered when the Inspection Data is allowed for the current OprSeq. Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq ipOprSeq inspectionOK Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Current Job Current AssembleSeq Current OprSeq Returns true if InspResults records are found

This method should call when EquipID is changed Parameters Name empID equipID hedSeq dtlSeq Type String String Int32 Int32 Description Current Employee ID Current Labor Equipment ID Current LaborDtl.LaborHedSeq value Current LaborDtl.LaborDtlSeq value


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Name ds


Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReportQtyDataSet

This method returns the new Labor Equipment Parameters Name empID ds Type String Description Current Employee ID Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReportQtyDataSet

This method returns the new ReportQty dataset in place of the standart GetNew method. Parameters Name empID dtlLaborHedSeq dtlLaborDtlSeq Returns Report Qty Dataset Type String Int32 Int32 Description Current Employee ID Current LaborDtl.LaborHedSeq value if record is available Current LaborDtl.LaborDtlSeq value if record is available

This method validates the Assembly sequence. Parameters Name assemblySeq ds Type Int32 Description Assembly Sequence Report Qty Dataset

This method should call when EquipID is changed Parameters Name equipID dtlLaborHedSeq Type String Int32 Description equipID Current LaborDtl.LaborHedSeq value

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Name dtlLaborDtlSeq ds

Type Int32

Description Current LaborDtl.LaborDtlSeq value Report Quantity DataSet

This method validates the Operation sequence. Parameters Name jobNum ds Type String Description Job Number Report Qty Dataset

This method validates the Next Operation sequence. Parameters Name nextOprSeq ds Type Int32 Description Next Operation Sequence Report Qty Dataset

This method validates the Operation sequence. Parameters Name oprSeq ds Type Int32 Description Operation Sequence Report Qty Dataset

This method validates the ResourceID. Parameters Name resourceID ds Type String Description Resource ID Report Qty Dataset


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This method reports the quantity changes to the database Parameters Name ds Type Description Report Qty Dataset

This method should call when EquipID is changed Parameters Name empID equipID hedSeq dtlSeq ds Type String String Int32 Int32 Description Current Employee ID Current Labor Equipment ID Current LaborDtl.LaborHedSeq value Current LaborDtl.LaborDtlSeq value Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReportQtyDataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReportStyleSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Req: This business object contains 30 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.

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Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This methods builds next Dispatcher. Returns list of user ids and list of user names. Parameters Name nextActionID dispIDList dispNmList Type String String@ String@ Description The next action ID Users ID list Users Name list

This method checks to see if the proposed Job Number is a valid Job Parameters Name jobNum Type String Description The proposed Job Number

Perform Part Inactive, Obsolete, Runout validation.

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Parameters Name partNum vMessage vSubAvail vMsgType Type String@ String@ Boolean@ String@ Description Part number to be validated String of questions UI needs to ask the user var indicating if substitute parts exist to choose from output parameter used by the client logic to determine what action to take for the given message.

This method closes Requisition. Parameters Name reqNum reqUserId Returns The Req dataset Type Int32 String Description The number of Requisition to close The ID of user

This method deletes Requisition log with given type changedate and changetime. Parameters Name reqNum changeDate changeTime reqLogType Type Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} Int32 String Description The number of Requisition The ChangeDate of log to delete The ChangeTime of log to delete The LogType of log to delete

This method sets Unit Cost and Extended Cost. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Req dataset

This method gets the Exchange Rate by the given date.


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Parameters Name ds reqDate Nullable{System.DateTime} Type Description The Req dataset The last date a rate is valid

This method defaults ShipDtl fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name ds reqLine partNum uomCode sysRowID rowType multipleMatch Int32 String@ String@ String String Boolean@ Type Description Requisition data set Detail Line Number to update Proposed PartNumber change Proposed UOM Code RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Multiple matches were found by FindPart

This method defaults ReqDetail part fields. Parameters Name ds uomCode String Type Description ReqDataSet Proposed Part Cross Reference UOM Code

This method applies PurchasingFactor to Qties by given field that was changed OrderQty or XOrderQty. Parameters Name ds fieldName String Type Description ReqDataSet Indicates field that was changed. Possible values OrderQty or XOrderQty

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Public method to get the ReqLog dataset. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns ReqLogDataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The where clause to restrict data for The page size, used only for UI adaptor The absolute page, used only for the UI adaptor More pages?, used only for the UI adaptor

This method update Vendor related field. Parameters Name ds Type Description ReqDataSet

returns flags indicating whether Reset Dispatching or Dispatch Requisiton should be enabled or disabled Parameters Name reqNum reqUserId resetDispatch dispatchReq Type Int32 String Boolean@ Boolean@ Description The number of Requisition to close The ID of user Logical flag indicating Reset Dispatching should be enabled or disabled Logical flag indicating Dispatch Requisiton should be enabled or disabled

This method resets Dispatching. UI needs to ask before running method "WARNING: This will delete all entries in the action log and delete all previous Dispatching steps. Do you wish to continue?" Parameters Name reqNum Type Int32 Description The number of Requisition


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Name reqUserId Returns ReqDataSet

Type String

Description The user ID

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReqActs: This business object contains 6 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReservePri: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Resource: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ResourceCollection: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ResourceGroup: This business object contains 23 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method will populate the ttResourceCal table using the resource group that was passed in. Parameters Name cResourceGrpID Returns The ResourceGroup data set Type String Description The current Resource GroupID

This method will populate the ttResourceCal table using the resource group that was passed in. Parameters Name cResourceGrpID cResourceID Returns The ResourceGroup data set Type String String Description The current Resource Group ID The current Resource ID

This method will verify that the Resource Group ID entered is from the Current plant.

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Parameters Name cResourceGrpID Type String Description The current Resource GroupID

This method will get a current ResourceCal record or create a temporary ResourceCal record to be modified for a RESOURCE. The ProdHours will be defaulted from the weekday of the selected date. If any changes are made to the ttResourceCal record, the UpdateResourceCal method will have to be called to write the temporary ResourceCal record to the database. Parameters Name cResourceID cResourceGrpID daDate ds Type String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The current Resource ID The current Resource Group ID The selected date to be customized The ResourceGroup data set

This method will get a current ResourceCal record or create a temporary ResourceCal record to be modified for a RESOURCE GROUP. The ProdHours will be defaulted from the weekday of the selected date. If any changes are made to the ttResourceCal record, the UpdateResourceCal method will have to be called to write the temporary ResourceCal record to the database. Parameters Name cResourceGrpID daDate ds Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The current Resource Group ID The selected date to be customized The ResourceGroup data set

This method creates a new Resource after prompting for the ResourceID and ResourceGrpID. This is to replace the standard GetNewResource . Parameters Name ipResourceID ipResourceGrpID ds Type String String Description The new resource id value. The resourcegrp id value that you are adding this resource to The ResourceGroup data set


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This method creates a new Resource after prompting for the ResourceID and ResourceGrpID. This is to replace the standard GetNewResource . Parameters Name ipResourceID ipFromResourceGrpID ipToResourceGrpID Type String String String Description The moving resource id value. The resourcegrp id value that you are moving the resource from. The resourcegrp id value that you are moving the resource to.

Returns The ResourceGroup data set

Call this method when the Inactive Flag on the Resource Group changes and the user answer "Yes" to set the inactive flag on the Resources. All of the Resources Inactive flags will be set to equal to the new inactive setting on the Resource Group. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ResourceGroup data set

This method will check to see if the current ttResourceCal record was modified. If it was modified then it compares the capacity from the ttResourceCal the capacity of the production calendar for that day of the week. If they are different, or if it is a special working day or non-working day then it save the ttResourceCal record to the database. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ResourceGroup data set

Parameters Name ipProposedInspPlan ipProposedSpecId Type String String Description The new proposed InspPlanPartNum value The new proposed SpecID value

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This method validates that the Resource exists and that it isn't assigned to another Resource Group. Parameters Name ipResourceID ipResourceGrpID Type String String Description The resource id value to validate. The resourcegrp id value to validate.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ResourceType: This business object contains 6 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RestrictedFcts: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RestrictFcts: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReturnRequest: This business object contains 16 methods.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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This method needs to be called from the main menu only. if the object is being called from the shop floor menu then the employee id has already been determined and validated and is passed in Parameters Name empID empName Type String String@ Description Employee ID Employee Name

Call this method to create a new Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReturnRequestDataSet with Job# Parameters Name jobNum ds Type String Description Job Number ReturnRequestDataSet

Call this method to create a new Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReturnRequestDataSet with Part# Parameters Name partNum ds Type String Description Part Number ReturnRequestDataSet

Call this method to create a new Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReturnRequestDataSet with Job# Parameters Name jobNum ds Type String Description Job Number ReturnRequestDataSet

Call this method to update the dataset when the ReturnRequest.AssemblySeq is changed RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work


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Parameters Name assemblySeq ds Type Int32 Description AssemblySeq ReturnRequestDataSet

Call this method to update the dataset when the RequestLines.FromBinNum is changed RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name binNum cRowIdent ds Type String String Description BinNum RequestLines RowIDent ReturnRequestDataSet

Call this method to update the dataset when the RequestLines.FromWhse is changed RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name whseCode cRowIdent ds Type String String Description From Warehose RequestLines RowIDent ReturnRequestDataSet

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReturnRequest.IUM changes. Parameters Name pUM ds Type String Description Transaction UOM IssueReturnDataSet

Call this method to update the dataset when the ReturnRequest.JobNum is changed RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work

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Parameters Name jobNum ds Type String Description JobNum ReturnRequestDataSet

Call this method to update the dataset when the ReturnRequest.MtlSeq is changed RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name mtlSeq ds Type Int32 Description MtlSeq ReturnRequestDataSet

Call this method to update the dataset when the ReturnRequest.PartNum is changed RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name partNum ds Type String Description PartNum ReturnRequestDataSet

Call this method when the value of Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReturnRequest.RequestQty changes. Parameters Name requestQty ds Type Decimal Description Request Quantity IssueReturnDataSet

Call this method to update the dataset when the RequestLines.ToBinNum is changed RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name binNum Type String Description BinNum


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Name cRowIdent ds

Type String

Description RequestLines RowIDent ReturnRequestDataSet

Call this method to update the dataset when the RequestLines.ToWhse is changed RowMod must be "A" or "U" for this method to work Parameters Name whseCode cRowIdent ds Type String String Description To Warehose RequestLines RowIDent ReturnRequestDataSet

Run this method when done updating all the detail lines (currently OK button in 6.1) clear screen when done Must set the ReturnRequest RowMod to "U" for this method to work Parameters Name ds Type Description ReturnRequestDataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReverseCashReceipt: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth. Parameters Name keyValue keyValue2 Type String String Description GroupID HeadNum

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does,


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the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds inputDate requiresUserInput Nullable{System.DateTime} Boolean@ Type Description Reverse Cash Receipt data set The date of Cash Receipt Reverse Indicates if the legal number requires user input

Reverse Cash Receipt Parameters Name ds headNum reverseDate postErrorLog legalNumberMessage Int32 Nullable{System.DateTime} String@ String@ Type Description Reverse Cash Receipt data set Head number Reverse Date Error log The legal number message to display to the user. Can be blank

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ReviewJrn: This business object contains 17 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Parameters Name ipRvJrnUID ipRecLimitPerTr Returns The DataSet. Type Int32 Int32 Description RvJrnUID RecLimitPerTr

Parameters Name ipRvJrnUID ipRvJrnTrUID ipBookID ipTreeLeafUID ipRecLimitPerTr ds Type Int32 Int32 String Int32 Int32 Description RvJrnUID RvJrnTrUID BookID TreeLeafUID RecLimitPerTr Review Jrn Data Set

Parameters Name ipRvJrnUID ipRvJrnTrUID ipBookID ipTreeLeafUID ds Type Int32 Int32 String Int32 Description RvJrnUID RvJrnTrUID BookID TreeLeafUID Review Jrn Data Set

Exclude journals from the list with do not conform search criteria. Parameters Name intRvJrnUID intACTTypeUID Type Int32 Int32 Description Journal number Search criteria for RvJrnTr table

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Name strGroupID lExclude

Type String Boolean@

Description Search criteria for RvJrnTrDtl table True if journal should be excluded from the list

Get list of reference types. Returns strList

Confirm or cancel journal entry. Parameters Name bConfirm inrvJrnUID Type Boolean Int32 Description True if confirm journal number

Validate Transactions for current journal. Parameters Name rvJrnUID isValid Type Int32 Boolean@ Description journal number is Valid journal

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RevisionCompare: This business object contains 4 methods.

Parameters Name pcMOM1PartNum pcMOM1RevisionNum pcMOM1AltMethod pcMOM1JobNum Type String String String String Description Item1 Part number (applies to Part comparison). Item1 RevisionNum (applies to Part comparison). (optional) Item1 AltMethod (applies to Part comparison). Item1 JobNum (applies to Job comparison).


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Name piMOM1QuoteNum piMOM1QuoteLine piMOM1AssemblySeq pdMOM1AsOfDate pcMOM2PartNum pcMOM2RevisionNum pcMOM2AltMethod pcMOM2JobNum piMOM2QuoteNum piMOM2QuoteLine piMOM2AssemblySeq pdMOM2AsOfDate pcFrameTitle Returns RevComparison dataset

Type Int32 Int32 Int32

Description Item1 QuoteNum (applies to Quote comparison). Item1 QuoteLine (applies to Quote comparison). Item1 AssemblySeq (applies to Job or Quote comparison).

Nullable{System.DateTime} (optional) Item1 "as of" date for Revisions to be used (applies to Job or Part comparison). String String String String Int32 Int32 Int32 Item2 Part number (applies to Part comparison). Item2 RevisionNum (applies to Part comparison). (optional) Item2 AltMethod (applies to Part comparison). Item2 JobNum (applies to Job comparison). Item2 QuoteNum (applies to Quote comparison). Item2 QuoteLine (applies to Quote comparison). Item2 AssemblySeq (applies to Job or Quote comparison).

Nullable{System.DateTime} (optional) Item2 "as of" date for Revisions to be used (applies to Job or Part comparison). String@ Description of Comparison being made.

To retrieve the Assemblies, Materials and Operations that make up the Method of Manufacturing for the given Job (or optionally, the given assembly within that Job's MOM). The set of fields in the dataset is NOT COMPLETE, it only contains fields that are in common with the MOM definitions corresponding to all three of Quote, Job and Part. (Actually, only the fields that are present in Vantage 6.10 Revision Compare; it is possible there are fields have been omitted.) Parameters Name pcJobNum piAssemblySeq Returns RevisionCompare dataset Type String Int32 Description Job ID of MOM (Bill of Materials + Bill of Operations) to be retrieved. (optional) Assembly number of MOM to be retrieved.

To retrieve the Assemblies, Materials and Operations that make up the Method of Manufacturing for the given Part Revision. The set of fields in the dataset is NOT COMPLETE, it only contains fields that are in common with the MOM definitions corresponding to all three of Quote, Job and Part. (Actually, only the fields that are present in Vantage 6.10 Revision Compare; it is possible there are fields have been omitted.)

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Parameters Name pcPartNum pcRevisionNum pcAltMethod pdAsOfDate Type String String String Description Part number of MOM (Bill of Materials + Bill of Operations) to be retrieved. Revision ID of MOM to be retrieved. Alt Method of MOM to be retrieved.

Nullable{System.DateTime} (optional) Revisions that were current as of this date to be used.

Returns RevisionCompare dataset

To retrieve the Assemblies, Materials and Operations that make up the Method of Manufacturing for the given QuoteLine (or optionally, the given assembly within that QuoteLine's MOM). The set of fields in the dataset is NOT COMPLETE, it only contains fields that are in common with the MOM definitions corresponding to all three of Quote, Job and Part. (Actually, only the fields that are present in Vantage 6.10 Revision Compare; it is possible there are fields have been omitted.) Parameters Name piQuoteNum piQuoteLine piAssemblySeq pdAsOfDate Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description Quote number of MOM (Bill of Materials + Bill of Operations) to be retrieved. Quote Line of MOM to be retrieved. (optional) Assembly number of MOM to be retrieved.

Nullable{System.DateTime} (optional) Revisions that were current as of this date to be used.

Returns RevisionCompare dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQDecisionWizard: This business object contains 7 methods.

This method will do the following (text from 6.1 procedure): Find Related JobMtl/JobOper/QuoteMtl/QuoteOpr (must be avail), and update estunitcost. Note, if related to Job, the JobMtl write trigger was changed to fire off and create a POSuggestion - like it should have done when you marked it "Purchase/direct" but we changed it so that if you flag RFQNeeded also, would create an RFQSuggestion INSTEAD of a POSuggestion. Once the RFQ has been created and vendor responds, the trigger will create a POSuggestion. Set rest of vendor responses for this rfq to status = NO, close rfqLine/item


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Parameters Name ipRFQNum ipRFQLine ipVendorNum ipPurPoint ipAnswer ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Boolean Description The rfq number to accept for. The rfq line number to accept for. The vendor num to accept for. The purchase point to accept for. The user answer to PreAccept potential message. RFQDecisionWizardDataSet

This method will create the RFQReadyVend records associated with the RFQFilterDW record and the selected filter and sort options. Parameters Name ds Type Description RFQDecisionWizardDataSet

Asks user before create the PO for a Quoted Item Parameters Name iQuoteNum oMsg Type Int32 String@ Description Quote Number on RFQItem. Can be zero Message to be displayed. Don't display if blank.

This method create the purchase order for this rfqitem. Parameters Name ipRFQNum ipRFQLine ipVendorNum ipPurPoint ipLineQty ipDueDate ipPromiseDate Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Decimal Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The rfq number to create po for. The rfq line number to create po for. The vendor num to create po for. The purchase point to create po for. The line quantity. The due date. The promise date.

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Name opStatusMsg ds

Type String@

Description The message if PO created successfully. RFQDecisionWizardDataSet

This method will create a RFQFilterDW record with information from the RFQ and populate the attributes to include/exclude and sort options. The record created here will then be used for the Apply method to generate the RFQReadyVend records. Run this as the first method. Parameters Name ipRFQNum ipRFQLine Returns RFQDecisionWizardDataSet Type Int32 Int32 Description The rfq number to get data for. The rfq line number to get data for.

This method gets the Job Qty (if job related) and sets a flag to tell the UI to update the Qty, duedate and promise date fields. Run this before CreatePO. Parameters Name ipRFQNum ipRFQLine ipVendorNum ipPurPoint opTmpLineQty opPromptQty Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String@ Boolean@ Description RFQ Number RFQ Line Number Vendor Number Vendor Purchase Point Calculated Line Quantity If yes, the Quantity and date fields need to be updated

This method will potentially produce a message that will provide the user with a choice of continuing with the Accept. Call this before the Accept method and then pass into the Accept method the logical choice from the user's response to the potential message from this method. Parameters Name ipRFQNum ipRFQLine Type Int32 Int32 Description The rfq number to validate for. The rfq line number to validate for.


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Name ipVendorNum ipPurPoint opStatusMsg

Type Int32 String String@

Description The vendor num to validate for. The purchase point to validate for. The potential message to ask user.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntry: This business object contains 30 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method adds RFQItem from Job Parameters Name piRFQNum pcJobNum pcGlbCompany ds pcMessage String@ Type Int32 String String Description RFQ Number Job Number GlbCompany Number Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryDataSet Return Message


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This method adds RFQItem from Qoute Parameters Name piRFQNum piQuoteNum pcGlbCompany ds pcMessage String@ Type Int32 Int32 String Description RFQ Number Quote Number GlbCompany Number Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryDataSet Return Message

This method adds RFQItem with SugNumList Parameters Name piRFQNum pcSugNumList ds pcMessage String@ Type Int32 String Description RFQ Number SugNumList Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryDataSet Return Message

This method adds RFQItem with SugNumList from Qoute Parameters Name pcSugNumList piRFQNum ds pcMessage String@ Type String Int32 Description SugNumList RFQ Number Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryDataSet Return Message

Call this method when UI uses Add (search).

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Parameters Name ds pcVendorID pcPurPoint String String Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryDataSet VendorID PurPoint

Check for every vendor of the RFQ if it requires to be compliant. Parameters Name rfqNum rfqLine vendorNum purPoint compliant Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Boolean@ Description Current RFQ. Current RFQ Line. Current Vendor. Current Purchase Point. Indicates if the current RFQ is compliant.

Create RFQQty record. Please use this method instead of GetNewRFQQty. Parameters Name ds rfqNum rfqLine Int32 Int32 Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryDataSet RFQ Number RFQ Line Number

Duplicates RFQ. Parameters Name piSourceRFQNum Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryDataSet Type Int32 Description Source RFQ Number

get UserName, Password and SourcingURL


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Parameters Name username password sourcingURL Type String@ String@ String@ Description Field Exists Field Exists Field Exists

Checks if sourcing is enabled Parameters Name oStatus Type Boolean@ Description Output parameter that will tell if sourcing is enabled in this company.

Call this method when the value of BuyerID changes. Parameters Name piRFQNum newBuyerID rtnMessage ds Type Int32 String String@ Description RFQ Number RFQ line Number Populated when the current user is not an authorized user. Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryDataSet

Call this method when the value of PartNum changes. Parameters Name piRFQNum piRFQLine ds Type Int32 Int32 Description RFQ Number RFQ line Number Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryDataSet

Call this method when the value of PurPoint changes.

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Parameters Name ds pcVendorID pcVendorPP String String Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryDataSet VendorID VendorPP

Call this method when the value of RFQItem.PUM changes. Parameters Name ds ipPUM String Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryDataSet PUM

Call this method when the value of VendorID changes. Parameters Name ds pcVendorID String Type Description Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryDataSet VendorID

Close/Open the RFQ. Parameters Name piRFQNum piOpenRFQ Returns The RFQ Data Set Type Int32 Boolean Description The RFQ number True/False open RFQ

Reopens the RFQ line.


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Parameters Name piRFQNum piRFQLine ds Type Int32 Int32 Description The RFQ number The RFQ Line number Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryDataSet

This procedures generates a list of potential Vendors for the RFQItem.PartNum. Parameters Name piRFQNum piRFQLine plCheckPOs plCheckPriceBreaks plCheckRFQs pcIncludeVendAttrList pcExcludeVendAttrList pcComplianceList ds pcMessage String@ Type Int32 Int32 Boolean Boolean Boolean String String String Description The RFQ number The RFQ Line number The CheckPOs The CheckPriceBreaks The CheckRFQs The include vendor attributes list The exclude vendor attributes list The Compliances the vendor must accomplish Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryDataSet The message

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryJobSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQEntryQuoteSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQSugg: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.RFQVend: This business object contains 16 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Return list of available responses. Parameters Name responseList Type String@ Description The list of available responses.

Run this method when our quantity on the detail changes. Parameters Name newCalcOurQty ds Type Decimal Description New Quantity The RFQVend dataset

Run this method when supplier quantity on the detail changes. Parameters Name newCalcVendQty ds Type Decimal Description New Quantity The RFQVend dataset

This method checks if everything is okay before creating a PO. If there are any questions to be asked they will be returned in the 2 message parameters. If the user answers yes to both questions, then CreatePO can be run Parameters Name rfqNum rfqLine vendorNum Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description RFQ Number RFQ Line Number Vendor Number


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Name purPoint vMessage vendMessage vWarningMessage

Type String String@ String@ String@

Description Vendor Purchase Point Number Ask user if okay to create a PO for a Quoted Item Ask user if they want to use an unapproved vendor Warn user that not enough responses have been received

This method Creates a PO for the current RFQVend Line. If a PO is above a person's approval limit, then the PO will be created but not approved Parameters Name rfqNum rfqLine vendorNum purPoint lineQty dueDate promDate msgString Returns The RFQVend dataset Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} String@ Description RFQ Number RFQ Line Number Vendor Number Vendor Purchase Point Line Quantity Due Date Promised Date Status of PO created

This method gets the Job Qty (if job related) and sets a flag to tell the UI to update the Qty, duedate and promise date fields Parameters Name rfqNum rfqLine vendorNum purPoint tmpLineQty promptQty Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String@ Boolean@ Description RFQ Number RFQ Line Number Vendor Number Vendor Purchase Point Calculated Line Quantity If yes, the Quantity and date fields need to be updated

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This is a copy of GetList modified to have the RFQ Source and RFQ Status search values be passed as parameters instead of being in the where clause. Run This instead of GetList. UI - DO NOT include 'RFQ source' and 'RFQ status' in the where clause. Instead, pass them as parameters per the following: Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages rfqSourcein rfqStatusin Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ String String Description Where clause to filter the query results. page size. absolute page more pages. If 'all' -> input 'A', if 'jobs' -> input 'J', if 'Quotes' -> input 'Q'. If "all' -> input 'A', if 'closed' -> input 'C', if "open" -> input 'O'.

Returns Returns RFQVendListDataSet data set.

This method does refresh for each loaded recodrs. Parameters Name ds Type Description The RFQVend dataset

This is a copy of GetRows modified to have the RFQ Source and RFQ Status search values be passed as parameters instead of being in the where clause. can be run instead of GetRows. UI - DO NOT include 'RFQ source' and 'RFQ status' in the where clause. Instead, pass them as parameters per the following: Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages rfqSourcein Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ String Description Where clause to filter the query results. page size. absolute page more pages. If 'all' -> input 'A', if 'jobs' -> input 'J', if 'Quotes' -> input 'Q'.


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Name rfqStatusin

Type String

Description If 'all' -> input 'A', if 'closed' -> input 'C', if 'open' -> input 'O'.

Returns Returns RFQVendDataSet data set.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RlsClass: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RMADisp: This business object contains 21 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.


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Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last

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Columns - List of columns

Method to call when changing the bin number. Provides the bin description. Parameters Name ds cBinNum String Type Description The RMADisp data set The proposed bin number

Method to call when changing the Disposition Type. Provides default values for the RMADisp record. Parameters Name ds cDispType cMessage String String@ Type Description The RMADisp data set The proposed Disposition Type Warning message returned to UI

Method to call when changing the job number. Provides default values for the RMADisp record. Parameters Name ds cJobNum cMessage String String@ Type Description The RMADisp data set The proposed Job number Warning message returned to UI

Method to call when changing the warehouse. Provides default values for the RMADisp record. Parameters Name ds cWarehouseCode cMessage String String@ Type Description The RMADisp data set The proposed warehouse code Warning message returned to UI


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This method checks to see if the job is closed. Returns text of a question to be asked of the user if it is. This method should be called when entering a job number. Parameters Name cJobNum cQuestionText Type String String@ Description The Job number The text of the question to ask the user

This method returns text of a message to be asked if the number of serial numbers selected does not match the quantity entered for the RMADisp record. The user has the option of continuing with the mismatch quantities or canceling. This method should be called before the update method and should be called only when the RMARcpt.TrackSerialNum = true and RMADisp.DispQty > 0. If the user answers yes, the change can occur; otherwise the change shouldn't occur. Parameters Name ds cMessageText String@ Type Description The RMADisp data set The text of the message to ask the user

Method to check the Inspection Results Qty (EQM) Parameters Name totPassed totFailed inspDataEntered ds Type Int32@ Int32@ Boolean@ Description Total Passed Total Failed InspectioN data entered The RMADisp entry Dataset.

Returns the legal number generation options. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Type Description The RMADispDataSet dataset Requires User Input

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Return Primary Keys for generated PartTran records. Parameters Name ipRMANum ipRMALine ipRMAReceipt ipRMADisp partTranPKs Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 String@ Description RMANum field RMALine field RMAReceipt field RMADisp field The PartTranPKs number

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset Type Description RMADisp data set

Validates that a single serial number is valid for this transaction Parameters Name ds serialNumber isVoided String Boolean@ Type Description RMA Disposition data set Serial number to validate. Serial Number Voided flag

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RMADtlSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then if a customer ID has been passed, it screens out only the appropriate rows.

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Parameters Name whereClauseRMADtl contactName pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.RMADtlSearchDataSet Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for RMADtl table. The contact to return data for. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then if a customer ID has been passed, it screens out only the appropriate rows. Parameters Name whereClauseRMADtl pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.RMADtlSearchDataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for RMADtl table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RMAProc: This business object contains 40 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Update RMA header contact information when the ConNum Contact is changed.

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Parameters Name ds iConNum Int32 Type Description The RMAProc data set The proposed contact number

Update RMA header contact information when the ConNum Contact is changed. Parameters Name ds iConNum Int32 Type Description The RMAProc data set The proposed contact number

This populates the customer information in the RMAHead datatable. Parameters Name ds cCustID String Type Description The RMAProc data set The proposed customer id

This method validates the order line and updates the RMADtl record with values from the line. Parameters Name ds iOrderLine Int32 Type Description The RMAProc data set The proposed order line

This method validates that the order number entered exists and the customer on the order matches the customer on the RMAHead record. Parameters Name ds iOrderNum Int32 Type Description The RMAProc data set The proposed order number


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This method validates the order release and updates the RMADtl record. Parameters Name ds iOrderRelNum Int32 Type Description The RMAProc data set The proposed order release number

This method validates the part number and updates the RMADtl record with values from the part. Parameters Name ds cPartNum sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch String@ String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Type Description The RMAProc data set The proposed part number RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

This method validates the ReceivedQty and ReceivedQtyUOM and updates the RMARcpt record. Parameters Name ds iReceivedQty iReceivedQtyUOM Decimal String Type Description The RMAProc data set The proposed received quantity The proposed received quantity UOM

Update RMA Header InvoiceLine it is changed.

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Parameters Name ds ipInvoiceLine Int32 Type Description The RMAProc data set The proposed InvoiceNum

Update RMA Header LegalNumber it is changed. Parameters Name ds ipLegalNumber String Type Description The RMAProc data set The proposed LegalNumber

Update RMA Header LegalNumber when it is changed. Parameters Name ds ipLegalNumber String Type Description The RMAProc data set The proposed LegalNumber

This method validates the ShipToNum and updates the RMADtl record. Parameters Name ds iShipTo String Type Description The RMAProc data set The proposed ship to number

This method validates the order release and updates the RMADtl record. Parameters Name ds ipShipToCustID String Type Description The RMAProc data set. The proposed ShipToCustID.


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This method updates values in RMARcpt based on the new selling received quantity. Parameters Name ds cMessageText String@ Type Description The RMAProc data set The text of the message to ask the user

This method returns text of a message to be asked if the number of serial numbers selected does not match the quantity entered for the RMARcpt or RMADtl record. The user has the option of continuing with the mismatch quantities or canceling. This method should be called before the update method and should be called only when part is serial number tracked and the quantity is greater than zero. If the user answers yes, the change can occur; otherwise the change shouldn't occur. Parameters Name ds cTableName cMessageText String String@ Type Description The RMAProc data set The table name to check against; values are 'RMADtl' or 'RMARcpt' The text of the message to ask the user

This method puts a date/time/user stamp in the Note box for the user Parameters Name ds Type Description Returns the new RMAProc DataSet

This method will retrieve the serial numbers for an RMADtl or RMARcpt record and update the SelectedSerialNumbers table with these records. Parameters Name cTableName iRMANum iRMALine Type String Int32 Int32 Description The table to retrieve the serial numbers for. Valid values are: RMADtl or RMARcpt The RMA Number The RMA Detail line number

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Name iRMAReceipt ds

Type Int32

Description The RMA Receipt number; will be 0 when cTableName = RMADtl The RMAProc data set

Get all the parameters needed for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds ipTableName String Type Description RMA Processing Dataset Table Name RMADtl or RMARcpt

Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Indicates if the legal number requires user input Type Description

This method creates an RMA Credit record from the RMA Number and Line passed in. The RMA Credit is stored in the InvcHead and InvcDtl tables. Once the invoice is created, the user has the option of updating the header and invoice line information. It is expected that the A/R Invoice business object will be called to handle the update of the header and/or line. Parameters Name iRMANum iRMALine iCorrection iInvoiceNum iInvoiceLine Type Int32 Int32 Boolean Int32@ Int32@ Description The RMA Number to create the invoice from The RMA Line to create the invoice line from True will create a correction invoice, false will create a credit memo The invoice number of the RMA line The invoice line of the RMA line


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Name opErrMsg ds

Type String@

Description Error message from invoice processing The RMAProc data set

Validates that a single serial number is valid for this transaction Parameters Name ds serialNumber ipTableName isVoided warningMsg String String Boolean@ String@ Type Description RMA Processing data set Serial number to validate. RMA TableName Serial Number Voided flag Warning Message

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RoleCd: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Method to call when changing supervisor role. Parameters Name proposedSupervisorRole ds Type Boolean Description The proposed supervisor role value The EmpExpense data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record


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QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Method used to validate if the Role Code is currently in use by operations, employees or projects Parameters Name ipRoleCode opOKDelete Type String Boolean@ Description The role code value OkDelite value

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RoughCutParam: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RptDataDef: This business object contains 27 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Validate new Report Type Parameters Name rptDefID rptTypeID success ds Type String String Boolean@ Description Data Definition ID Report Type ID Indicates whether the new Report Type validation was successful or not. Report Data Definition Dataset

Validate and update the data type of the proposed Condition field.


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Parameters Name proposedField ds Type String Description Proposed Field value Report Data Definition Dataset

Validate external fields for Row Rules when changing the UseFromToday field Parameters Name ds Type Description Report Data Definition Dataset

To create a new report data definition by duplicating from another. Typically this is used to duplicate a system report definition so that it can be modified. Parameters Name sourceRptDefID targetRptDefID targetRptDescription Type String String String Description Id of report that will be duplicated. ID for the new report. Description that will be used for the new report. if blank, the source description will be used.

Returns RptDataDef DataSet

Returns a DataSet with a list of tables and their fields in use on a Report Data Definition given a Report Definition ID. Parameters Name rptDefID onlyDBTables Returns Report Definition DataSet Type String Boolean Description Report Definition ID Return Only DataBase Tables

Gets the Operator List to compare FieldName against a constant or another field

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Parameters Name fieldType operatorList Type String String@ Description Field Data-Type Operator List

Gets the Report Data Definition List for a specific ReportID Parameters Name whereClause reportID pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The RptDataDef List data set Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause. ReportID. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RptStyleExt: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.RptStylePrintersList: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Part IV: S-Z

Chapter 19: S
Epicor.Mfg.BO.SaleAuthSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SalesCat: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SalesOrder: This business object contains 176 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

To test on hand quantity of the bin - i.e. whether it will go negative. Call this method on change of Quantity. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pdTranQty Type String String String String String Decimal Decimal Description Part Number Warehouse Code Bin Number Lot Number From UNIT OF MEASURE (old Dimension Code) Obsolete Dimension Conversion Factor Quantity (in stocking uom)

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Name pcNeqQtyAction

Type String@

Description Valid values are STOP, NONE or ASK User. If Ask User, the user can decide to go ahead with the update even if the qty is negative Error message passed back from the business logic.

pcMessage Returns pcNeqQtyActionpcMessage


Apply order based discounts to an order. Parameters Name iOrderNum Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The order to apply the discounts to

Procedure to Clear the Credit Card Information Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Procedure to be called when selecting a record in the Transaction history grid, the data selected is loaded in the OrderHed table Parameters Name inTranDate inTranTime inTranNum ds Nullable{System.DateTime} Int32 Int32 Type Description TranDate from the CreditTran table TranTime from the CreditTran table TranNum from the CreditTran table The SalesOrder data set

Procedure to attempt to process transaction for the amount specified in the "Total" field.


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Parameters Name inTranType Type String Description The transaction type to apply to the credit card. Valid transaction types : D (Deposit), S (Sale), A (Authorize), C (Credit - 803), V (Void). The SalesOrder data set opMessage

ds opMessage


This method returns the Bill To customer info. Parameters Name newBillToCustID lchkCustCredHold iOrderNum cCreditLimitMessage lCustomerAllowed ds Type String Boolean Int32 String@ Boolean@ Description Proposed bill to custid flag to determine if we run CheckCustomerCreditHold The Order Number - optional The over credit limit message text Flag to indicate if using the customer on the order is valid The SalesOrder data set

Procedure to validate the Credit Card Number. Validations to be performed: MOD10, Lenght and Prefix (according to the credit card type) Parameters Name inCardNumber ds Type String Description Proposed Card Number The SalesOrder data set

This procedure should be called when any of the Credit Card amounts change (from the Column Changed event in the UI) to calculate the total to be charged to the credit card Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

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Update Order Detail commission information when the Commissionable flag is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Detail information when the contract is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Validates the entered ContractNum value. Parameters Name iOrderNum iOrderLine iContractNum outMsg ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String@ Description Order number whose field is getting modified Order Line number that is getting modified Proposed Contract Number contains warning messages for UI The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Header information when the counter sale flag changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Procedure to validate Credit Card Expiration Date


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Parameters Name ipExpMonth ipExpYear ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Expiration Month Expiration Year The Sales Order data set

Update Order Header Exchange Rate when the currency code changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Header Credit Card Customer information when the Customer is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Procedure to encrypt and mask the Credit Card Number. This method should be called in the Column Changed event, assuming that the validation performed in ChangeCardNumber was successful. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Sales Order data set

Change the DiscBreakListCode Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

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Update Order Detail information when the price discount percent is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Detail information when the price discount percent is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Header information when the ERS Order changes. Parameters Name proposedERSOrder ds Type Boolean Description The proposed ERS Order The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Detail information when the Group is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Method to call when changing the OrderHed.UseOTS field. Refreshes the address list and contact info Parameters Name ds Type Description SalesOrder Dataset


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Recalculates the parent line's unit price when the kit pricing is set to "P", if the kit pricing is set to "C" the price will be calculated on the AfterUpdate procedure. Parameters Name ds Type Description SalesOrder Dataset

Used to recalculate the SellingQty of the component kit line using the parent's SellingQuantity Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Release information when the Make value is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Parameters Name ipOrderNum ipLineNum ipRelNum ipTaxCode ipRateCode ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Description Order Number. Order line number. Order Rel number. Release tax code. Release rate code. Sales Order data set.

Update Order Miscellaneous information when the amount changes.

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Parameters Name ds tableName String Type Description The SalesOrder data set name of table being passed in

This method returns default information for the MiscChrg. Method must use parameters instead of the dataset due to the problem with changing the primary key field. Also allows OrderMsc and OHOrderMsc to use the same code Parameters Name ds tableName String Type Description The SalesOrder data set name of table being passed in

Update Order Miscellaneous information when the percentage changes. Parameters Name ds tableName String Type Description The SalesOrder data set name of table being passed in

Update Order Header information based on the NeedByDate changing. Parameters Name ds cTableName String Type Description The SalesOrder data set The table that is changed: OrderHed,OrderDtl, or OrderRel

Update Global PO information based on the New Need By Date changing. Parameters Name ds Type Description The GlbSugPOChgDataSet data set


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Update Global PO information based on the New Selling Quantity changing. Parameters Name ds Type Description The GlbSugPOChgDataSet data set

Update Order Detail information when the Warehouse changes. This needs to be called only for Counter Sales. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Release information when the Buy To Order value is changed. Parameters Name ipBuyToOrder ds Type Boolean Description The new Buy To Order value. The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Release information when the Buy To Order value is changed. Parameters Name ipDropShip ds Type Boolean Description The new DropShip value. The SalesOrder data set

Update OrderRel information with values from the Mark For when the Mark For is changed. Parameters Name proposedMarkForNum Type String Description The Proposed ShipToNum

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Name ds


Description The Sales Order data set

Method to call when changing the Mark For Customer ID on the OrderRel record. Validates the Mark For Customer ID and ressets the ShipToNum to the Customer default. Parameters Name ipMFCustID ds Type String Description The proposed Mark For Customer ID The Sales Order data set

Update Order Release information with values from the Ship To when the Ship To is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Release ship to contact information when the Release Ship To Contact is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Rel information with values from the Third Party Ship To when the Ship To is changed. Parameters Name iShipToCustID ds Type String Description Proposed Third-Party Ship To The SalesOrder data set

Method to call when changing the UseOTMF field the OrderRel record. Refreshes the address list and contact info


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The Sales Order data set

Update Order Release information when the Vendor ID is changed. Parameters Name ipVendorID ds Type String Description The new Vendor ID value. The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Release information when the Warehouse changes. This needs to be called only for Counter Sales. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Rerun the price break calculation if the override price list flag is changed from true to false. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Rerun the price break calculation if the override price list flag is changed from true to false. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Detail information when the Part Number is changed.

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Parameters Name ds lSubstitutePartsExist uomCode Boolean String Type Description The SalesOrder data set Flag to indicate if a substitute part exists UOM Code (only used for Product Codes)

Parameters Name partNum lSubstitutePartExist lIsPhantom uomCode sysRowID rowType salesKitView removeKitComponents suppressUserPrompts getPartXRefInfo checkPartRevisionChange checkChangeKitParent cDeleteComponentsMessage questionString cWarningMessage multipleMatch promptToExplodeBOM cConfigPartMessage cSubPartMessage explodeBOMerrMessage Type String@ Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ String String Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean String@ String@ String@ Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ String@ String@ Description proposed PartNum bool which identifies whether a substitute part exists. set in 'checkPartRevisionChange' logic bool which identifies whether this is a phantom part. set in 'getPartXRefInfo' logic associated uomCode for this part. maybe overwritten in chkPartXRefInfo sysRowID for current row current rowType flag to identify whether this OrderDtl record is from salesKitView (or OrderDtlView) flag (set by user unless suppressUserPrompts is true) to ok removing kit components if kit parent changes flag to determine is user wants to be able to respond to messages and return to UI flag to determine whether a particular part of validation logic is run flag to determine whether a particular part of validation logic is run flag to determine whether a particular part of validation logic is run message to display to the user message to display to user message to display to user indicates there are multiple matches for this part request input from user - display message message to display to user message to display to user message to display to user


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Name cMsgType multiSubsAvail runOutQtyAvail ds

Type String@ Boolean@ Boolean@

Description type of message...warning, question, error indicates if there are multiple substitutes available for this part indicates if there is enough run out available for this part to fulfill order The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Release information when the Plant is changed. Parameters Name proposedPlant ds Type String Description The proposed plant The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Detail information when the price list is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Detail information when the price per code is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Detail Quick Entry options. This method is called whenever the CreateNewJob, GetDtls, or SchedJob option is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

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Update Order Detail information when selecting a quote line. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update the Order Detail line with values from the selected QuoteQty record. This method should be called whenever the action to select a quote quantity occurs. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Method to call when changing the OrderRel.UseOTS field. Refreshes the address list and contact info Parameters Name ds Type Description SalesOrder Dataset

Update Order Detail information when the renewalnbr is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Validates the entered RenewalNbr value. Parameters Name iOrderNum iOrderLine Type Int32 Int32 Description Order number whose field is getting modified Order Line number that is getting modified


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Name iContractNum iRenewalNbr ds

Type Int32 Int32

Description Contract Number Proposed Renewal Number The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Detail information when the Part Revision Number is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Detail information when the Part Revision Number is changed. Parameters Name checkPartRevChange suppressUserPrompts proposedRev cConfigPartMessage ds Type Boolean Boolean String String@ Description bool to determine whether we run the CheckPartRevChange logic flag to determine is user wants to be able to respond to messages and return to UI proposed RevisionNum message to display to user The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Detail RMALine field when the RMA Number is changed. This method needs to be called only if the RMA Number was not selected via a lookup. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update rep rate and rep split when the salesrep changes.

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Parameters Name cSalesRepCode dRepRate iRepSplit cRepName Type String Decimal@ Int32@ String@ Description The SalesRep code The Sales Rep commission rate The Sales Rep split percentage The Sales Rep name

Update Order Detail information when the SalesUM changes Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Detail information when the selling quantity is changed. Parameters Name ds ipSellingQuantity chkSellQty negInvTest chgSellQty chgDiscPer suppressUserPrompts lKeepUnitPrice pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pcMessage Decimal Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean String String String String String Decimal String@ Type Description The SalesOrder data set New value for SellingQuantity flag to determine if we run checkSellingQuantityChange logic flag to determine if we run negativeInventoryTest logic flag to determine if we run changeSellingQuantity logic flag to determine if we run changeDiscountPercent logic flag to determine if we suppress any user input Keep the current unit price even if it will be recalcuated based on the new quantity partNum for negativeInventoryTest whseCode for negativeInventoryTest binNum for negativeInventoryTest lotNum for negativeInventoryTest dimcode for negativeInventoryTest dimConvFactor for negativeInventoryTest pcMessage for negativeInventoryTest


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Name pcNeqQtyAction opWarningMsg

Type String@ String@

Description pcNegQtyAction for negativeInventoryTest Warning message for BTO releases message to be displayed to user regarding quantity change

cSellingQuantityChangedMsgText String@

Update Order Detail information when the selling quantity is changed. Parameters Name ds lKeepUnitPrice ipSellingQuantity opWarningMsg Boolean Decimal String@ Type Description The SalesOrder data set Keep the current unit price even if it will be recalcuated based on the new quantity New value for SellingReqQty Warning message for BTO releases

Update Order Release information when the selling quantity is changed. Parameters Name ds ipSellingReqQty opWarningMsg Decimal String@ Type Description The SalesOrder data set New value for SellingReqQty Warning message for BTO releases

Update Order Header ship to contact information when the Ship To Contact is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Header information with values from the Third Party Ship To when the Ship To is changed.

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Parameters Name iShipToCustID ds Type String Description Proposed Third-Party Ship To The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Header information with values from the Ship To when the Ship To is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Header sold to contact information when the Sold To Contact is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Header information with values from the Sold To when the Sold To is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update Order Detail information when the unit price changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Update the suggestion status when the "Ready to Send" box is checked or unchecked. In the GlbSugPOChg dataset, this is field VendorChange.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The GlbSugPOChgDataSet data set

Update Order Detail information when the selling quantity is changed. Parameters Name ds negInvTest chgDtlWhse suppressUserPrompts pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pdSellingQuantity pcMessage pcNeqQtyAction Boolean Boolean Boolean String String String String String Decimal Decimal String@ String@ Type Description The SalesOrder data set flag to determine if we run negativeInventoryTest logic flag to determine if we run changeODtlWarehouse logic flag to determine if we suppress any user input partNum for negativeInventoryTest whseCode for negativeInventoryTest binNum for negativeInventoryTest lotNum for negativeInventoryTest dimcode for negativeInventoryTest dimConvFactor for negativeInventoryTest sellingQty for negativeInventoryTest pcMessage for negativeInventoryTest pcNegQtyAction for negativeInventoryTest

Update Order Detail information when the xpart changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Check for every line of the Pack if it requires if it is compliant. Parameters Name orderNum Type Int32 Description Current Order Number.

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Name orderLine orderRelNum compliant

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description Current Order Line. Current Order Release. Indicates if the current Order is compliant.

Check for every line of the Order if it is compliant. Parameters Name orderNum compliantMsg Type Int32 String@ Description Current Order Number Indicates if the current Order is compliant.

Checks is part should be configured on a given OrderLine Parameters Name orderNum orderLine sourcePart sourceRev findRevision canGetDetails needsConfiguration configureRevision reasonMessage Type Int32 Int32 String String Boolean Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ String@ Description Order number to be searched Order Line to be checked Part Num to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") Revision number to get details from (populated when sourceFile = "Method") If true the revision number will be looked up rather than using the sourceRev If false, GetDtls will fail for a configuration reason that can't be resolve by reconfiguring now If true the configurator should be run on the Job for the Part/Rev The revision that should be configured (if configuration is needed) The reason or for the failure or need for configuration. This should be displayed to the user.

Returns Part Dataset

Validates the entered ContractNum value.


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Parameters Name iOrderNum iOrderLine iContractNum Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description Order number whose field is getting modified Order Line number that is getting modified Proposed Contract Number

This method should be called before the Update method is called for a detail record. The method returns a character string if the customer will go over their credit limit and the user is given the choice of continuing or not. Parameters Name iOrderNum iCustNum cCreditLimitMessage lContinue ds Type Int32 Int32 String@ Boolean@ Description The Order Number The Customer Number The over credit limit message text Indicates if the user is allowed to continue with processing The SalesOrder data set

This method should be called before the Update method is called for a release record. The method returns a character string if the customer will go over their credit limit and the user is given the choice of continuing or not. Parameters Name iOrderNum iOrderDtlNum iCustNum cCreditLimitMessage lContinue ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String@ Boolean@ Description The Order Number The line number. The Customer Number The over credit limit message text Indicates if the user is allowed to continue with processing The SalesOrder data set

On selection of an order or customer, checks to see if the customer is on credit hold and returns a message string if they are. iOrderNum and cCustID are optional, but one or the other should be passed.

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Parameters Name iOrderNum cCustID cCreditLimitMessage lCustomerAllowed Type Int32 String String@ Boolean@ Description The Order Number - optional The Customer ID - optional The over credit limit message text Flag to indicate if using the customer on the order is valid

Method to call when trying to determine whether there are any incoming ICPO entries. This method will return true or false. . Parameters Name icpoFound Type Boolean@ Description Indicates if there are any incoming ICPO records.

Checks to see if there are any Intercompany PO's not ready to send for the order. If there are, returns message text that should be presented to the user asking if they would like to continue or not. This method should be called before calling the VerifySendICPOSugg and SendICPOSuggestions methods. Parameters Name iOrderNum cReadyToSendMsgText Type Int32 String@ Description The order number to check against The message text

Checks the current selected revision of a kit parent line to see if it has any components to be generated. If no revision is selected, or there are no mfg details then a return message will be returned to notify the user about it. Parameters Name iPartNum iRevisionNum outMsg Type String String String@ Description Part number Revision number Output message


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Parameters Name iOrderNum cARLOCID dTotalCharges outMsg Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 String Decimal String@ Description Sales Order number Letter of Credit ID OrderHed.TotalCharges Output message

Validate whether all make direct releases have jobs if and OrderDtl is checked. Parameters Name ipOrderNum opIssueWarning Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Order Number Flag to indicate if make direct releases exist without job link

Checks to see if certain fields changed on the order header. If they did, Parameters Name ds cOrderChangedMsgText String@ Type Description The SalesOrder data set The message text

Checks to see if the order is linked to a PO. If it is, an informational message is presented Parameters Name iOrderNum cICPOLinkMessage Type Int32 String@ Description The Order Number The message text

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The method is to be run on leave of the PartNum and Revision fields before the ChangePart, ChangeRevision, or Update methods are run. When run before CreateOrderFromQuote, the Part Number expected is the part number from the quote. This returns all the questions that need to be asked before a part can be changed. Parameters Name iOrderNum iOrderLine cFieldName cPartNum cConfigPartMessage cSubPartMessage lSubAvail cMsgType Type Int32 Int32 String String@ String@ String@ Boolean@ String@ Description The current OrderHed.OrderNum field The current OrderDtl.OrderLine field The name of the field you are leaving The new PartNum if a substitute part is found, partNum will be the substitute part If the part is configured, asks if it's okay to delete the configuration inputs. No means the part cannot be changed Asks if the user wants to use a substitute part Indicates other substitute parts besides the default exist Type of message returned. Values can be; "Question" (asking if they want to use the substitute part) "Warning" (Warns them that a part is onhold or runout). "Error" (Part in Inactive, or Onhold/Runout parts are not accepted in this case). "Question" is asking if they want to use the substitute part.

Validate Projec ID value Parameters Name ipProjectID ds Type String Description The Project ID value The SalesOrder data set

The method is to be run after a Quote Number is obtained for creating an order from a quote, but before the CreateOrderFromQuote method is executed. This method returns the text of the question to be asked to the user if quote lines are found without an order quantity. Parameters Name iQuoteNum cQuoteLineWOQtyMsgText Type Int32 String@ Description The Quote Number The message text


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Update Check if Rate Group Code entered is valid. Parameters Name ipRateGrpCode ds Type String Description Currency Rate Group Code Quote dataset

Validates the entered RenewalNbr value. Parameters Name iOrderNum iOrderLine iContractNum iRenewalNbr Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Description Order number whose field is getting modified Order Line number that is getting modified Contract Number Proposed Renewal Number

OBSOLETE METHOD..... Validate Selling Factor Direction value Parameters Name ipSellingFactorDirection ds Type String Description The Selling Factor Direction value The SalesOrder data set

The method is to be run on leave of the SellingQuantity field before the ChangeSellingQuantity or Update methods are run. If the unit price will be different based on the new quantity, this returns the question asking if user would like to use the new unit price or keep the current one. Calling this method is necessary only if the Quote Number on the detail record is not zero. Parameters Name ds dSellingQuantity cSellingQuantityChangedMsgText Decimal String@ Type Description The SalesOrder data set The proposed selling quantity The message text

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Method to call when entering proposed Sales Order Number. This method will return two output variables. One is a logical field to indicate if the SO number entered is existing or not. The other variable is for the error message in case the proposed SO number is invalid. Parameters Name proposedSONum opFoundSO opMessage Type Int32 Boolean@ String@ Description The proposed SO Number Indicates if the proposed SO number is already existing. Error message for the user to see.

Checks to see if the order can be closed and closes it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iOrderNum Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The Order Number to close

Checks to see if the order can be closed and closes it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iOrderNum iOrderLine Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Int32 Description The Order Number of the Order Line to close The Order Line Number to close

Checks to see if the order release can be closed and closes it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iOrderNum Type Int32 Description The Order Number of the Order Release to close


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Name iOrderLine iOrderRelNum Returns The SalesOrder data set

Type Int32 Int32

Description The Order Line of the Release to close The Order Release Number of the release to close

Copy an order. Parameters Name orderNum ipPONum ipOpenRel ipReNbr ipPreserve ipCalc newOrderNum outMessage Type Int32 String Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Int32@ String@ Description The order to apply the discounts to

Create a new ttGlbSugPOChg record for processing. Parameters Name ds iOrderNum iOrderLine iOrderRel Int32 Int32 Int32 Type Description The GlbSugPOChgDataSet data set The Order Number The Order Line Number The Order Release Number

Method to call to create Line Misc Charges when adding a new OrderDtl record from a quote Parameters Name ipOrderNum Type Int32 Description The Order Number

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Name ipOrderLine ipQuoteNum ipQuoteLine ipQtyNum ds

Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32

Description The Line Number The Quote Number The Quote Line The Quote Quantity The SalesOrder data set

Create new lines for every Order Lines selected from History, Parameters Name iOrderNum ds Type Int32 Description The Order Number The SalesOrder data set

Create new lines for every complement selected for a given Line, Parameters Name iOrderNum ds Type Int32 Description The Order Number The SalesOrder data set

Creates an order from a quote. Parameters Name iQuoteNum Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The Quote Number with which to create the order

Creates an order from a quote and saves the OTS.


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Parameters Name iQuoteNum ds Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The Quote Number with which to create the order Save OTS parameters DataSet

Call tax integration and loads temp tables from the results. Parameters Name orderNum orderLine orderRelNum statusFlag errorFlag errorMsg exceptionFlag Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description OrderHed.OrderNum OrderDtl.OrderLine OrderRel.OrderRelNum Set to true if the integration is up, false if down. If true, an error occured. If Error Flag is true, this is the associated message. This parameter is only used by the UI, it should not be modified here.

Returns The ETCAddrValidationDataSet data set

Update Order Header information with values from the Ship To when the Ship To is changed. Parameters Name iOrderNum Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The Order Number of the order to get

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record

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QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Get the GlbSugPOChg records for an Order Release. Parameters Name iOrderNum iOrderLine iOrderRelNum pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The GlbSugPOChgDataSet data set Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The Order Number The Order Line Number The Order Release Number The Page Size The absolute page More Pages

Get the JobProd records for an Order Release. Parameters Name iOrderNum iOrderLine iOrderRelNum pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The OrdRelJobProdDataSet data set Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The Order Number The Order Line Number The Order Release Number The Page Size The absolute page More Pages

Calls GetKitComponents from SalesKitting.p, which creates a list of OrderDtl records that will be treated as kit components of the given OrderLine. Parameters Name iPartNum Type String Description Part Number of the given OrderLine


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Name iRevisionNum iAltMethod iTargetAsm orderNum orderLine iUseMethodForParts regenerateKit errorMsg errorType ds

Type String String Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean Boolean String@ Int32@

Description Revision Number selected for the given PartNum Aletrnate Method of the given Part number Target assembly to be exploded (usually asm 0) Order number to be exploded Order line which will be the Kit Parent If true this will cause the previous loaded components to be deleted Text message returned in case an error/warning was found 1 = No components on Revision, 2 = Cannot Get Details, 3 = Missing configuration The sales order data set

Creates a new OrderDtl and sets it as a kit component for the given OrderLine Parameters Name orderNum orderLine ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Order number where the Kit Parent resides Order line that has the SalesKit and to which the kit component will be added Order Dataset with the new OrderDtl record as a Sales Kit

Parameters Name ds Type Description The sales order data set

Retrieves specific data from PlantConfCtrl for sale order form Parameters Name opSuppressWarning Type Boolean@ Description The message text

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Get the QuoteQty records for an Order Release. Parameters Name iQuoteNum iQuoteLine pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The OrdDtlQuoteQtyDataSet data set Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The Quote Number The Quote Line Number The Page Size The absolute page More Pages?

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Hed/Dtl fields for the customer tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseOrderHed whereClauseOrderHedAttch whereClauseOHOrderMsc whereClauseOrderDtl whereClauseOrderDtlAttch whereClauseOrderMsc whereClauseOrderRel whereClauseOrderRepComm whereClauseSelectedSerialNumbers whereClauseSerialNumberSearch whereClauseSNFormat pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The OrderCustTrkDataSet data set Type String String String String String String String String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for OrderHed table. Whereclause for OrderHedAttch table. Whereclause for OHOrderMsc table. Whereclause for OrderDtl table. Whereclause for OrderDtlAttch table. Whereclause for OrderMsc table. Whereclause for OrderRel table. Whereclause for RepComm table. Whereclause for SelectedSerialNumbers table. Whereclause for SerialNumberSearch table. Whereclause for SNFormat table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.


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Parameters Name ipPartNum ipWhseCode ipBinNum ipQuantity ipTranType ipRowID Returns Type String String String Decimal String String Description ipPartNum ipWhseCode ipBinNum ipQuantity ipTranType ipRowID

Parameters Name orderNum orderLine partNum revisionNum smartString createPart promptForPartNum notifyOfExistingPart newPartNum createCustPart promptForCustPartNum newCustPartNum promptForAutoCreatePart Type Int32 Int32 String String String@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Kit component order number Kit component order line The part being configured The revision being configured The generated smartstring of the configuration True if a new part should be created True if the user should be prompted for the part number If true the user should be warned if the new part number already exists The generated portion of the new part number If true the user should be asked if they want the Customer Part Number assigned If true the user should be prompted to update the new Customer Part Number The generated customer part number True if the user should be prompted to create part

Get the parameters needed for the UI on startup. Returns The SO entry UI Params data set

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Delete a new GlbSugPOChg record. Parameters Name cRowIdent Type String Description The row ident of the record to delete

Returns The GlbSugPOChgDataSet data set

Update/Add a new GlbSugPOChg record. Parameters Name ds Type Description The GlbSugPOChgDataSet data set

Delete JobProd records. Parameters Name iOrderNum iOrderLine iOrderRelNum cJobNum Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Description The Order Number The Order Line Number The Order Release Number Job Number

Parameters Name orderNum orderLine partNum revisionNum smartString Type Int32 Int32 String String String Description Kit component order number Kit component order line The part being configured The revision being configured The generated smartstring of the configuration


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Name newPartNum newCustPartNum responseAutoCrtPart newPartAlreadyExists

Type String String Boolean Boolean@

Description The Part Number to be used for a new part creation. If blank, a part will not be created. The Customer Part Number to stored on the order line. Answer to the question presented to user about auto creating a part. Returns true a new part was not created because it already exists.

Parameters Name lcheckForResponse cTableName iCustNum iOrderNum lweLicensed lContinue cResponseMsg cDisplayMsg cCompliantMsg ds Type Boolean String Int32 Int32 Boolean Boolean@ String@ String@ String@ Description bool to determine whether to run code that may require user input identifies which table was modified The current custNum The current orderNum whether the WE module is licensed Return bool to identify whether a stop condition was reached Return message which requires a user response Return message to display to user from ChkLtrOfCrdt routine Return check compliance message to display to user The SalesOrder data set

Validate ARLOCID value Parameters Name ipARLOCID opOverwriteValue opFieldName opMsg ds Type String String@ String@ String@ Description The Letter of Credit ID value The value to put in the field The name of the field that the overwrite value goes in Message to the user The SalesOrder data set

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This method validates field CreditCardOrder Parameters Name ipCreditCardOrder ds Type Boolean Description Proposed CreditCardOrder value The SalesOrder data set

This method returns the Bill To Contact info. Parameters Name newBillToConNum ds Type Int32 Description Proposed bill to custid The SalesOrder data set

This method returns the Bill To customer info. Parameters Name newBillToCustID ds Type String Description Proposed bill to custid The SalesOrder data set

This method should be called when the taxable amount on the invoice tax record is changed. Parameters Name orderNum orderLine orderRel taxCode rateCode newFixedAmount ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Decimal Description Order Number. Order line number. Order Rel number. Release tax code. Release rate code. Proposed Fixed AMount. SalesOrder dataset


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This method should be called when MktgCampaign changes. It will validate to select an Active MktgCampaign. This method defaults the Marketing Event field Parameters Name mktgCampaignID ds Type String Description The MktgCampaign Id The SalesOrder data set

This method should be called when MktgEvent changes. It will validate to select an Active MktgEvent. Parameters Name mktgCampaignID mktgEvntSeq ds Type String Int32 Description The MktgCampaign Id The MktgCampaign Id The SalesOrder data set

This method should be called when the sold to customer changes. It will validate the default bill to customer credit. The method returns a character string if the customer will go over their credit limit and the user is given the choice of continuing or not. Parameters Name iOrderNum iCustID cCreditLimitMessage lContinue ds Type Int32 String String@ Boolean@ Description The Order Number The Sold To Customer ID The over credit limit message text Indicates if the user is allowed to continue with processing The SalesOrder data set

This method should be called when the taxable amount on the invoice tax record is changed.

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Parameters Name orderNum orderLine orderRel taxCode newTaxAmt ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Decimal Description Order Number. Order line number. Order Rel number. Release tax code. Proposed Taxable amount. SalesOrder dataset

This method should be called when the taxable amount on the invoice tax record is changed. Parameters Name orderNum orderLine orderRel taxCode newPercent ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Decimal Description Order Number. Order line number. Order Rel number. Release tax code. Proposed Percent. SalesOrder dataset

Validate Tax Region Code entered by the user. Parameters Name iTaxRegionCode ds Type String Description Proposed tax region code. Sales Order data set.

Parameters Name proposedRateCode ds Type String Description Release tax rate code. Sales Order data set.


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This method should be called when the taxable amount on the invoice tax record is changed. Parameters Name orderNum orderLine orderRel taxCode rateCode newTaxableAmt ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Decimal Description Order Number. Order line number. Order Rel number. Release tax code. Release rate code. Proposed Taxable amount. SalesOrder dataset

Parameters Name ipOrderNum ipLineNum ipRelNum ipTaxCode ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String Description Order Number. Order line number. Order Rel number. Release tax code. Sales Order data set.

Method to call when adding a new OrderDtl record for a Contract or a Service Contract Parameters Name ds iOrderNum Int32 Type Description The SalesOrder data set The order number to add the line to

Method to call when adding a new OrderDtl record for a counter sale

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Parameters Name ds iOrderNum Int32 Type Description The SalesOrder data set The order number to add the line to

Method to call when adding a new OrderDtl record from a quote Parameters Name ds iOrderNum Int32 Type Description The SalesOrder data set The order number to add the line to

This should be called whenever the user selects an order either by typing the order number on the screen or picking it via a lookup. This method checks to see if the order is over the credit limit, and if it is it then checks a system setting to see if orders over the credit limit can be updated. If they cannot, it returns a value of false and updates cannot occur. Parameters Name iOrderNum lUpdateAllowed Type Int32 Boolean@ Description The Order Number Update allowed flag; true if update allowed, false if not.

This procedure will explode the BOM of a part set as Phantom Parameters Name phPartNum orderNum orderLine errMessage Type String Int32 Int32 String@ Description The phantom part number Order number where the lines will be saved Order line of the parent line Returns any error messages found during the process

Process the counter sale by generating the packing slip and/or the invoice for the order.


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Parameters Name iOrderNum lGeneratePackingSlip lGenerateInvoice lReadyToShip cPackNum iInvoiceNum opMessage ds Type Int32 Boolean Boolean Boolean String@ Int32@ String@ Description The Order Number of the counter sale order to process Flag to indicate if the packing slip should be generated Flag to indicate if the invoice should be generated Indicates if the packing slip should be marked as ready to ship The number of the packing slip that was generated The number of the invoice that was generated Message to display to user when processing is done The SalesOrder data set

Process the Quick Entry job options on the order detail lines. Parameters Name iOrderNum lProcessComplete ds Type Int32 Boolean@ Description The Order Number of the order to process Indicates if the process completed without error The SalesOrder data set

Parameters Name ipCustNum ipShipToNum ds Type Int32 String Description Customer to update Ship To Num The Order Entry dataSet

When configuring a part, the OrderDtl unit price may change during the configuration process. This method is to be called after running product configurator to recalculate the kit pricing. Parameters Name iOrderNum Type Int32 Description Sales Order Number for configured part

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Name iOrderLine

Type Int32

Description Sales Order Line for configured part

Removes a PO Link from this order. Parameters Name iOrderNum Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The Order Number of the Order to remove the link from

Reopens an order. Parameters Name iOrderNum Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The Order Number of the Order to reopen

Reopens an order line. Parameters Name iOrderNum iOrderLine Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Int32 Description The Order Number of the Order Line to reopen The Order Line Number to close

Reopens an order release. Parameters Name iOrderNum Type Int32 Description The Order Number of the Order Release to reopen


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Name iOrderLine iOrderRelNum Returns The SalesOrder data set

Type Int32 Int32

Description The Order Line Number of the Release to close The Release Number of the Release to close

Send a linked IC PO Suggestion.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Parameters Name ipOrderNum ds Type Int32 Description The Order Number of the Order to remove the link from ARInvoice dataset

Parameters Name ipQVEnable ds Type Boolean Description logical indicating if the quantum view is to enabled/disabled The sales order data set

Validate that the order detail line transaction does not cause the part to result in negative onhand quantity. Parameters Name iOrderNum opNegInvMessage Type Int32 String@ Description The Order Number of the counter sale order to process pcMessage for negativeInventoryTest

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Name opNeqQtyAction ds

Type String@

Description pcNegQtyAction for negativeInventoryTest The SalesOrder data set

Validate serial numbers are entered for each part before calling generatepackslip. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesOrder data set

Returns the text of the message to be presented to the user asking if they are sure they want to continue with the SendICPOSuggestions process or not. This method should be called after CheckICPOReadyToSend if the user chose to continue and before the SendICPOSuggestions method. Parameters Name cVerifySendMsgText Type String@ Description The message text

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.SalesOrdHedDtl: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Hed/Dtl fields for the customer tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseOrderHed whereClauseOrderDtl contactName pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Order Customer Trk DataSet Type String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for OrderHed table. Whereclause for OrderDtl table. The contact name to return orders for. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Hed/Dtl fields for the customer tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseOrderHed whereClauseOrderDtl pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Order Customer Trk DataSet Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for OrderHed table. Whereclause for OrderDtl table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.SalesRep: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Used to determine the default setting for the DefaultUser flag when creating a new SaleAuth record. This method can be called after the SaleAuth.DCDUserId field has been assigned but prior to calling the Update method. Will return as true when 1. SalesRep is not already a default for a user and 2. The user does not have a primary salesrep. Parameters Name salesRepCode dcDUserID defaultUser Type String String Boolean@ Description The SalesRep code User ID Is User Default for this SalesRep

Used to validate the PerCon. Parameters Name perConID ds Type Int32 Description Proposed PerConID. SalesRep data set.

This method should be called when the Terms Code changes.


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Parameters Name salesRepCode newUserID ds Type String String Description SalesRepCode. Proposed DcdUserID. SalesRep data set.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SalesRepQuota: This business object contains 16 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method updates the DispTotalQuotaAmt and the QuotaAmt of the SRepQHed when the SRepQDtl.QuotaAmt changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesRepQuota dataset

This method updates the DispTotalQuotaAmt when the QuotaPerCode or QuotaAmt changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SalesRepQuota dataset


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This method validates if sales quota exists when changing the Salesperson field. Parameters Name proposedSalesRepCode ds Type String Description The proposed Salesperson code. The SalesRepQuota data set

This method copies the entire Sales Quota from a valid fiscal year to a new Fiscal Year. Parameters Name fromFiscalYear fromFiscalYearSuffix adjustmentPct Type Int32 String Decimal Description The Fiscal Year of the Sales Quota to copy. The Fiscal Year Suffix of the Sales Quota to copy. The Adjustment Percentage by which to adjust the numbers for the Target Fiscal Year. If 0 then quota will be copied as is. The Target Fiscal Year for the new quota. The Target Fiscal Year Suffix for the new quota.

toFiscalYear toFiscalYearSuffix

Int32 String

Returns Returns the new Salesperson Quota

This method deletes the entire Sales Quota of a valid fiscal year. Parameters Name inpFiscalYear inpFiscalYearSuffix Returns The SalesRepQuota dataset Type Int32 String Description The Fiscal Year of the Sales Quota to delete. The Fiscal Year Suffix of the Sales Quota to delete.

This method returns fiscal year/suffix based on todays date

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Parameters Name fiscalCalendarID fiscalYear fiscalYearSuffix Type String@ Int32@ String@ Description Fiscal Calendar Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Suffix

This method checks to see if the FiscalYear/FiscalYearSuffix selected is a valid year Parameters Name fiscalYear fiscalYearSuffix Type Int32 String Description Fiscal Year to test Fiscal Year Suffix to test

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SalesTax: This business object contains 20 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method resets appropriate values when taxConnectCalc is true. Parameters Name proposedCollectionType ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Tax Collection Type. The Sales Tax data set.

This method resets appropriate values when taxConnectCalc is true. Parameters Name proposedDiscountType ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Discount Type value. The Sales Tax data set.

This method validates BoxCode entered and populates the record from TaxBoxDefault. Parameters Name proposedBoxCode ds Type String Description The proposed BoxCode value. The Sales Tax data set.

This method resets appropriate values when taxConnectCalc is true. Parameters Name proposedTaxConnectCalc ds Type Boolean Description The proposed TaxConnectCalc value. The Sales Tax data set.


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This method resets appropriate values ServiceTaxPoint when Timing is 0. Parameters Name proposedTiming ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Timing. The Sales Tax data set.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SalesTer: This business object contains 20 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method sets PendingTerritoryies to new Territory boundaries Parameters Name cTerritoryID vMessage Type String String@ Description Blank for All, otherwise specify the territory to adjust Success Message

We want to know if the user has the permissions to retrieve the territory


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Parameters Name cTerritoryID Type String Description Territory to validate

This method checks that the territory has at least one Salesperson before allowing the user to leave the territory record Parameters Name cTerritoryID Type String Description Territory to validate

This method clears the pending territory updates from all customer/shipto's

This method returns a single Territory (which can be inactive) Parameters Name territoryID Type String Description The territory code

Returns Returns a single Territory (which can be inactive)

This method returns a list of Territories, including inactive ones. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

Returns Returns the list of Territories including inactive ones.

This method returns a list of Territories, including the Read-Only ones.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

Returns Returns the list of Territories including Read-Only ones.

This method returns a list of Territories, including inactive ones Parameters Name whereClauseSalesTer whereClauseSalesTBD whereClauseSalesTRP pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria The TBD criteria The TRP criteria Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

Returns Returns the list of Territories including inactive

This method defaults the role code field in SalesTRP once salesRepCode is selected This method posts the PendingTerritoryID to the actual TerritoryID for all Customer/ShipTo's.

This method reassigns SalesPeople and Tasks to their new Territory or SalesPerson Parameters Name cTerritoryId cSalesRepCode cNewSalesRepCode Type String String String Description Territory Id to update Current SalesPerson New SalesPerson


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Name cActionType lReassignTasks

Type String Boolean


If yes, then Tasks will be reassigned to the new SalesPerson

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SalesTRCSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SchedPri: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ScheduleEngine: This business object contains 13 methods.

This method commits a job. Move Whatif to scheduled. Parameters Name jobsMoved Type String Description The string, contains list of Jobs(separates "~~"), each Job contains JobData,JobNum,AssemblySeq,OprSeq, OpDtlSeq, AllocNum (separates "`") The ScheduleEngine dataset


This method does stuff. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ScheduleEngine dataset

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This method will change the resource on a resourcetimeused record. Parameters Name ds ipAllocNum ipResourceID ipBlocksChanged warnLogTxt Int32 String Boolean String@ Type Description The ScheduleEngine DataSet The ResourceTimeUsed AllocNum The ResourceTimeUsed ResourceID Determines wether the number of scheduling blocks changed or not String for warning messages

This method does stuff. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ScheduleEngine DataSet

This method does stuff . Parameters Name ds Type Description The ScheduleEngine DataSet

Returns the list of Schedule Type Code and Descriptions . Two lists are return the SchedTypecodes are used when moving a job, assembly and operation. OperationOnlySchedTypecodes are used in addition to the previous codes, but only for operations. Parameters Name schedTypecodes operationOnlySchedTypecodes Type String@ String@ Description The list of Schedule Type Code and Descriptions OperationOnlySchedTypecodes are used in addition only for operations


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This method allows the UI to retrieve a blank Schedule record. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ScheduleEngine DataSet

Load method. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ScheduleEngine DataSet

Procedure to move an Operation Detail. Parameters Name ds l_finished c_WarnLogTxt Boolean@ String@ Type Description The ScheduleEngine DataSet The indication that the procedure was successful The string with warning messages

Procedure to move an Operation Detail, used for moving a scheduling board item, allows the movement of a locked job. Parameters Name ds l_finished c_WarnLogTxt Boolean@ String@ Type Description The ScheduleEngine DataSet The indication that the procedure was successful The string with warning messages

This method does stuff .

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The ScheduleEngine DataSet

This method does stuff. Assign JobOper.WIMachines from ScheduleEngine.Machines. Parameters Name ds Type Description The ScheduleEngine DataSet

This method commits a job. Move Whatif to scheduled . Parameters Name jobsMoved Type String Description The string, contains list of Jobs(separates "~~"), each Job contains JobData,JobNum,AssemblySeq,OprSeq, OpDtlSeq, AllocNum (separates "`") The ScheduleEngine DataSet


Epicor.Mfg.BO.SchedulingBoard: This business object contains 6 methods.

This methods will return all of the JobLine Header type records. This will be a JobLine record that would represent the JobHead and JobAsmbl.AssemblySeq = 0 information. To retrieve the details run the ExpandJobLine publice method. If ipJobNum and ipProjectID are both blank or unknown you will get all jobs for the current plant, or if ipJobNum is not blank then just that job, or if ipjobnum is blank and ipProjectID is not, then all jobs associated with that projectid. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SchedulingBoard DataSet

This methods will return all of the Resource Header type records. This will be a SchedulingBoard record that would represent the ResourceTimeUsed and it's assoc information.


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Parameters Name ipResourceGrpID ipResourceID ipJobNum startDate endDate Returns The SchedulingBoard DataSet This methods will create new record of the SchedulingBoard. Returns The SchedulingBoard DataSet Type String String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The resource group id to schedule for. The resource id or a list of resource id to schedule for The job number to schedule for. The StartDate to schedule for. The EndDate to schedule for.

This method will restore the schedule based on the schedule id and return and potential errors or warings with the restore in the SchedRestoreLog table. Parameters Name ipScheduleID opJobList Returns The SchedulingBoard DataSet Type Int32 String@ Description The Schedule ID The Restored Schedule Job List

This methods will return the calendar id information along with whether or not this calendar information can be used. Parameters Name ipResourceGrpID ipResourceID opCalendarID opValidCalendar Type String String String@ Boolean@ Description The resource group id locate calendar for. The resource id or a list of resource id locate calendar for. The calendar id that is returned based on inputs. The resource id or a list of resource id to schedule for.

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This method locks/unlocks the schedule of a specific jobnum. Parameters Name inLockedStatus ds Type Boolean Description The locked status of the schedule. The SchedulingBoard DataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Schema: This business object contains 8 methods.

This method returns a field dataset for the given table/field Parameters Name pcFile pcField Type String String Description name of the table name of the field

Returns The dataset represents the field object

This method returns a list of fields for the given table Parameters Name pcFile Type String Description name of the table

Returns The dataset represents the field object

This method returns a fileSchema dataset for the given table Parameters Name pcFile Type String Description name of the table


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Returns The dataset represents the file object

This method returns a fileSchema dataset for the given criteria Parameters Name pcWhere Type String Description where clause

Returns The file records that meet the criteria

This method returns an index dataset for the given table/index Parameters Name pcFile pcIndex Type String String Description name of the table name of the index

Returns The dataset represents the index object

This method returns an index field dataset for the given table/index/sequence Parameters Name pcFile pcIndex piSeq Type String String Int32 Description name of the table name of the index the sequence number in the index

Returns The dataset represents the index field object

This method returns a list of index fields for the given table/index Parameters Name pcFile Type String Description name of the table

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Name pcIndex Returns The index fields in the index

Type String

Description name of the index

This method returns a list of indexes in a table Parameters Name pcFile Returns The indexes for the table Type String Description name of the table

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SecColumn: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SecGroup: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Security: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method deny token access to a particular user or group

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name pcSecCode pcUser pbCurrentCompanyOnly ds Type String String Boolean Description The security token The user id or a group code yes = no particular company Returns the dataset representing Security object

This method returns a dataset representing a Security with a blank CompanyID Parameters Name pcSecCode Type String Description The security code

Returns Returns the dataset representing the Security row

This method returns a double-delimited list of value-name pairs of all Users and Groups. This could be used to provide a "picker list" as a starting point when adding a new Security record related to a method. These would look the same as a Security record for an object, but with a SecCode field that has been appended with "." + MethodName. For example, a security record for the Parameters Name pcGroupUserList Type String@ Description The double-delimited list of Group and User codes and names.

This method returns a list of Security, including those with blank Company ID Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch


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Returns Returns the list of Securities

This method returns a delimited list of the public methods for the given object. This could be used to provide a "picker list" as a starting point when adding a new Security record related to a method. These would look the same as a Security record for an object, but with a SecCode field that has been appended with "." + MethodName. For example, a security record for the Parameters Name pcSecCode pcMethodList Type String String@ Description The security code for which you want the list of methods. The delimited list of method names.

This method creates a new sub security row Parameters Name ds pcParentSecCode pcSecCode String String Type Description Returns the created subsecurity row The parent security code The security code

This method returns a list of Security, including those with blank Company ID Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Returns the list of Securities Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The criteria Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch

This method Grant security token access to a particular user or group

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Parameters Name pcSecCode pcColumn pcUser pbCurrentCompanyOnly ds Type String String String Boolean Description The Security token The Column The user id or a group code yes = only for current company Returns the dataset representing Security object

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SelectedSerialNumbers: This business object contains 6 methods.

This method is used for adding an existing SerialNo record to the Selected Serial Numbers dataset. Parameters Name ds partNum xrefPartNum xrefPartType xrefCustNum serialNum sourceRowID transType plantID String String String Int32 String String String String Type Description The SelectedSerialNumbers dataset Part number for the serial number. XRef Part Number. XRef Part Type (C=Customer/I=Internal Xref). XRef Customer Number. Serial Number to be added. RowID from the source transaction record. Transaction Type from the source transaction record. Plant associated with the transaction.

Parameters Name ds ipPartNum ipXrefPartNum ipXrefPartType ipXrefCustNum ipBaseSerialNum String String String Int32 String Type Description The SelectedSerialNumbers dataset Part number for the serial number. XRef Part Number. XRef Part Type (C=Customer/I=Internal Xref). XRef Customer Number. Serial Number to be used as the base serial number.


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Name ipSourceRowID ipTransType ipPlantID ipFullSerialNum opExists

Type String String String String Boolean@

Description RowID from the source transaction record. Transaction Type from the source transaction record. Plant associated with the transaction. Full Serial Number including prefixs, suffix, subs, etc - used with generate masks Returns whether the SN already exists or not.

Add a serial number temporary record to the Selected Serial Number dataset. Parameters Name ds partNum xrefPartNum xrefPartType xrefCustNum baseSerialNum sourceRowID transType plantID fullSerialNum String String String Int32 String String String String String Type Description The SelectedSerialNumbers dataset Part number for the serial number. XRef Part Number. XRef Part Type (C=Customer/I=Internal Xref). XRef Customer Number. Serial Number to be used as the base serial number. RowID from the source transaction record. Transaction Type from the source transaction record. Plant associated with the transaction. Full Serial Number including prefixs, suffix, subs, etc - used with generate masks

Create multiple serial number temporary records in the Selected Serial Numbers dataset. Parameters Name ds partNum xrefPartNum xrefPartType xrefCustNum numToAdd String String String Int32 Decimal Type Description The SelectedSerialNumbers dataset Part number for the serial number. XRef Part Number. XRef Part Type (C=Customer/I=Internal Xref). XRef Customer Number. Number of serial numbers to create.

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Name baseBeginNum sourceRowID transType plantID

Type String String String String

Description The beginning base serial number. RowID from the source transaction record. Transaction Type from the source transaction record. Plant associated with the transaction.

Gets the next serial number based on the format for the part number passed in. Parameters Name ds snPartNum xrefPartNum xrefPartType xrefCustNum plantID nextBaseSN snPrefix nextFullSN snCounterMax String String String Int32 String String@ String@ String@ Boolean@ Type Description The SelectedSerialNumbers DataSet Part number to create serial numbers for. XRef Part Number. XRef Part Type (C=Customer/I=Internal Xref). XRef Customer Number. Plant associated with the transaction. The next base serial number to create. The serial number prefix. The next full serial number to create. Indicate if the Serial Number counter has hit its max value.

Gets the next serial number format based on the part number passed in. Parameters Name ds partNum xrefPartNum xrefPartType xrefCustNum plantID String String String Int32 String Type Description The SelectedSerialNumbers DataSet Part number to create serial numbers for. XRef Part Number. XRef Part Type (C=Customer/I=Internal Xref). XRef Customer Number. Plant associated with the transaction.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.SerialMatch: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set for the Serial Number tracker. Parameters Name serialNumber partNumber pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Serial Number. Part Number. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.SerialMatchLLSerTrkData

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set for the Serial Number tracker. Parameters Name serialNumber partNumber pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Serial Number. Part Number. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.SerialMatchWUSerTrkData


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.SerialMatching: This business object contains 17 methods.

Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq ipSerialNo ipPartNum ipRevNum ipCrtHdr opRevMsg ds Type String Int32 String String String Boolean String@ Description JobHead.JobNum JobAsmbl.AssemblySeq SerialNo.SerialNumber Part.PartNum PartRev.RevisionNum ipCrtHdr revision The Serial Matching data set

Parameters Name ipSerialNo ipPartNum ipRevNum ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq opRevMsg opnoBOMMsg Type String String String String Int32 String@ String@ Description SerialNo.SerialNumber SerialNo.PartNum PartRev.RevisionNum JobHead.JobNum JobAsmbl.AssemblySeq revision bommessage

Parameters Name ipFullyMatched ds Type Boolean Description ttSerialMatchHdr.FullyMatched The Serial Matching data set

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Parameters Name ipType ds Type String The Serial Matching data set Description

Parameters Name ds Type Description The Serial Matching data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Parameters Name ipMode ipSerialNum ipInt ds Type String String Int32 Description revision bommessage ipInt The Serial Matching data set

Parameters Name ipMode ipSerialNo Type String String SerialNo.SerialNumber Description


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Name ipAsmSeqNum ds

Type Int32


The Serial Matching data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Parameters Name ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq opQuestion ds Type String Int32 String@ The Serial Matching data set Description JobHead.JobNum JobAsmbl.AssemblySeq

Parameters Name ipJobNum opQuestion Type String String@ Description JobHead.JobNum

Parameters Name ipSerialNo ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq opErrMsg Type String String Int32 String@ Description SerialNo.SerialNumber JobHead.JobNum JobAsmbl.AssemblySeq

GetPlantLLSerTrk getMatchToParentAsmblSerialNo
Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.SerialNo: This business object contains 37 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Method to call when changing the AssemblySeq. Parameters Name proposedAsmSeq ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Job Assembly Seq The Serial Number DataSet to update the Job Asm related data.

Method to call when changing the CustID, passing a blank CustID clears the related fields.

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Parameters Name proposedCustID ds Type String Description The proposed Customer ID The Serial Number DataSet to update the Customer related data.

Method to call when changing the DMRAction. Parameters Name proposedDMRAction ds Type Int32 Description The proposed DMR Action The Serial Number DataSet to validate the DMR related data.

Method to call when changing the DMRNum, passing a 0 clears the related fields. Parameters Name proposedDMRNum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed DMR Number The Serial Number DataSet to validate the DMR related data.

Method to call when changing the JobNum, passing a blank JobNum clears the related fields. Parameters Name proposedJobNum ds Type String Description The proposed Job Number The Serial Number DataSet to update the Job related data.

Method to call when changing the MtlSeq. Parameters Name proposedMtlSeq Type Int32 Description The proposed Job Assembly Seq


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Name ds


Description The Serial Number DataSet to update the JobMtl related data.

Method to call when changing the Ship To PackLine. Parameters Name proposedPackLine ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Ship To Pack Line The Serial Number DataSet to validate the Pack Line.

Method to call when changing the Ship To PackNum, passing 0 clears the PackLine. Parameters Name proposedPackNum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Ship To Packing Number The Serial Number DataSet to update the PackNum related data.

Method to call when changing the Receiving PackSlip, passing a blank PackSlip clears the PackSlipLine. Parameters Name proposedPackSlip ds Type String Description The proposed Receiving Packing Slip The Serial Number DataSet to update the PackSlip related data.

Method to call when changing the Receiving PackSlipLine. Parameters Name proposedPackSlipLine ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Receiving Packing Slip Line The Serial Number DataSet to validate the Pack Slip Line.

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Call this method when the SerialNo.PartNum changes. Parameters Name pcProposedPartNum ds Type String Description The proposed Vendor Purchase Point The Serial Number DataSet to update the Part related data.

Method to call when changing the RMALine. Parameters Name proposedRMALine ds Type Int32 Description The proposed RMA Line The Serial Number DataSet to validate the DMR related data.

Method to call when changing the RMANum, passing a 0 clears the related fields. Parameters Name proposedRMANum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed RMA Number The Serial Number DataSet to validate the DMR related data.

Method to call when changing the RMAReceipt. Parameters Name proposedRMAReceipt ds Type Int32 Description The proposed RMA Receipt The Serial Number DataSet to update the RMAReceipt.

Method to call when changing the ShipToCustID.


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Parameters Name proposedShipToCustID ds Type String Description /// The proposed Ship To CustID /// The Serial Number DataSet to update the ShipToCustID related data.

Method to call when changing the ShipToNum. Parameters Name proposedShipToNum ds Type String Description The proposed Ship To Number The Serial Number DataSet to update the ShipToNum related data.

Method to call when changing the VendorID, passing a blank VendorID clears the related fields. Parameters Name proposedVendorID ds Type String Description The proposed Vendor ID The Serial Number DataSet to update the Vendor related data.

Method to call when changing the VendorPP. Parameters Name proposedPurPoint ds Type String Description The proposed Vendor Purchase Point The Serial Number DataSet to update the VendorPP related data.

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes

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Parameters Name partNum sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch Type String@ String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

Gets the SerialNo dataset using a string with a WHERE clause and Plant as parameters to execute the query. Parameters Name paramWhereClause paramPlant Type String String Description String Representing the WHERE Clause, Company = cur-comp is already assumed Unique identifier of the Plant, if it's an empty string it will search for all Plants

Verifies if the current login plant is set for Serial Tracking Parameters Name plantTracking Type Boolean@ Description Boolean indicating if the plant is set for Serial Tacking

Verifies if a Serial Number exists in the Database. Parameters Name serialNumber snExists Type String Boolean@ Description Serial Number Boolean indicating if the Serial Number exists


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.SerialNoAssign: This business object contains 4 methods.

Parameters Name ipPartNum ipQuantity ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq Returns Type String Decimal String Int32 Description ipPartNum ipQuantity ipJobNum ipAssemblySeq

Gets the default values for the Serial number assignment screen. Also populates the Selectedserialnumbers table for the job. Parameters Name jobNum assemblySeq ipPartNum ipReqQtyOverride trackSerialNo Returns Type String Int32 String Decimal Boolean@ Description Job number. Assembly sequence for the job. (Possible) Job Part (Possible) Override to RequiredQty Flag to indicate if part is S/N tracked

Validates the job number, assembly sequence and part number. Also validates the part is serial tracked. Updates the SerialNo table and the Part table for the SN Format fields. Calls the SNTran create subroutine. Parameters Name ds Type Description

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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SerialNumberSearch: This business object contains 2 methods.

Parameters Name ds Type Description The SerialNumberSearch DataSet

To be whenever a search on the serial table is required. Depending on the contents of the tokens, a specific where clause is determined and returned. ProcessToken contains the Sonoma process name. GenericToken1 List of field names and corresponding values ~ delimited. The format of each value pair is (field name)=(value). GenericToken2 not used. The following is a list of processes supported by this object. xae65-jb SerialNoAssign ProcessToken = SerialNoAssign GenericToken1 = SortBy xae65-ct Customer transfer lib/brwsn ProcessToken = SerialNoAssign GenericToken1 = SortBy ime20-dg Issues and returns xae65-mi ProcessToken = IssuesandReturns GenericToken1 = JobNum ~ TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode ime10-dg Receipts from manufacturing xae65-mi ProcessToken = ReceiptsfromManufacturing GenericToken1 = JobNum ~ TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode ime30-dg Inventory transfers xae65-mi ProcessToken = InventoryTransfer GenericToken1 = JobNum ~ TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode ime30-dg-vs Inventory transfers xae65-mi ProcessToken = InventoryTransfer GenericToken1 = JobNum ~ TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode ime40-qa Inventory quantity adjust xae65-mi ProcessToken = InventoryQtyAdj GenericToken1 = TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode jce10-gj Processing of jobs xae65-mi ProcessToken = JobProcessing GenericToken1 = JobNum ~ TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode jce10-js Job split xae65-mi ProcessToken = JobSplit GenericToken1 = JobNum ~ TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode mse30-dg Receive from plant xae65-mi ProcessToken = PlantReceipt GenericToken1 = JobNum ~ TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode qae10-in NonConformance Entry from Inventory xae65-qr ProcessToken = NonConf GenericToken1 = TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode qae10-ma NonConformance Entry from Job Material xae65-qr ProcessToken = NonConf GenericToken1 = JobNum ~ TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode qae10-op NonConformance Entry from Operation xae65-qr ProcessToken = NonConf GenericToken1 = JobNum ~ TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode qae40-iv DMR to stock/inventory xae65-mi ProcessToken = DMRtoInventory GenericToken1 = JobNum ~ TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode qae40-jm DMR to job material xae65-mi ProcessToken = DMRtoJobMtl GenericToken1 = JobNum ~ TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode qae40-op DMR to job operation xae65-mi ProcessToken = DMRtoJobOper GenericToken1 = JobNum ~ TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode qae40-rm Rejecte material from DMR xae65-mi ProcessToken = RejectfromDMR GenericToken1 = JobNum ~ TranType ~ TranQty ~ WareHseCode xa/snleavetrig.i SN select from receipts xae65-pm ProcessToken = Receipts GenericToken1 = null xa/snleavetrig.i SN select from shipments xae65-sh ProcessToken = Shipment GenericToken1 = ShipFrom xa/snleavetrig.i SN select from transfer orders xae65-to ProcessToken = TransferOrder


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GenericToken1 = ShipFrom xa/xam65-dg Serial Number Maintenance Process Token = SNMaint GenericToken1 = SortBy om/ome80-dt RMA detail maintentance xae65-rm ProcessToken = RMADTL GenericToken1 = RMANum ~ RMALine om/ome80-re RMA Receipt maintenance xae65-rm ProcessToken = RMARCPT GenericToken1 = RMANum ~ RMALine ~ RMAReceipt om/ome81-rd RMA Disposition xae65-rm ProcessToken = RMADISP GenericToken1 = RMANum ~ RMALine ~ RMAReceipt ~ RMADisp xa/xae65-sc Service Contract Maintenance Process Token = ServiceContract GenericToken1 = Null SubConShipEntry Subcontract Shipment Entry (NEW for 8.0) Process Token = SubConShipment GenericToken1 = null Receipt Entry Receipt Entry - (for Job Subcontract) (NEW for 8.0) Process Token = SubConReceipts GenericToken1 = null Parameters Name ds Type Description The SerialNumberSearch DataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SerialNumMasking: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

TO BE CALLED ON CHANGE OF ttSerialMask.Mask Parameters Name ipMask ipPart opExampleStr Type String String String@ Description SerialMask.Mask Part.PartNum SerialMask.Example

Parameters Name ipGenSeqStr ipLastUsedSeq Type String String Description SerialMask.GenerateSeqString SerialMask.SNLastUsedSeq



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Parameters Name ipNewMask ipMaskType opWarnMsg ds Type String Int32 String@ Description SerialMask.Mask SerialMask.MaskType output warning message The Serial Mask data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ServiceCallCenter: This business object contains 51 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find

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QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

This method activates the Service Call. Parameters Name ipCallNum Returns The Service Call Center data set Type Int32 Description The Service Call Number to close

This method assigns a Service Technician to a service call. Parameters Name ipCallNum ipEmpID ds Type Int32 String Description The Service Call Number The Employee ID of the service technician The Service Call Center data set

Update Service Call Line Contract information when the Contract Line Number field changes. Parameters Name ipContractLine ds Type Int32 Description The proposed service contract line number The Service Call Center data set

Update Service Call Line Contract information when the Contract Number field changes. Parameters Name ipContractNum Type Int32 Description The proposed service contract number


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Name ds


Description The Service Call Center data set

Update Service Call Line Warranty information when the Drop Shipment PackLine Number field changes. Parameters Name ipDropShipPackLine ds Type Int32 Description The proposed drop shipment pack line number The Service Call Center data set

Update Service Call Line Warranty information when the Drop Shipment PackSlip field changes. Parameters Name ipDropShipPackSlip ds Type String Description The proposed drop shipment pack slip The Service Call Center data set

Update Service Call Line Warranty information when the Pack Line Number field changes. Parameters Name ipPackLine ds Type Int32 Description The proposed pack line number The Service Call Center data set

Update Service Call Line Warranty information when the Pack ID field changes. Parameters Name ipPackNum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed pack ID The Service Call Center data set

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Update Service Call Line information when the Part Number field changes. Parameters Name ds uomCode String Type Description The Service Call Center data set UOM Code (only used for Product Codes)

Update Service Call Line information when the Revision Number field changes. Parameters Name ipRevNum ds Type String Description The proposed Revision Number The Service Call Center data set

Update Service Call Line Serial Number/Contract information when the Serial Number field changes. Parameters Name ipPartNum ipSerialNum opMessage ds Type String String String@ Description The part number for the proposed serial number The proposed serial number Warning message to tell the user if the serial number is not required and will not be validated. The Service Call Center data set

Update Service Call Line information when the Customer Part Number field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Service Call Center data set


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This method updates the related Customer Contact information when the Customer Bill To Contact field (FSCallHd.PrcConNum) changes. Parameters Name ipPrcConNum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Customer Contact The Service Call Center data set

This method gets the default Tax Category and Call Comment when the Service Call Type field (FSCallHd.CallCode) changes. Parameters Name ipCallCode ds Type String Description The proposed Service Call Type Code The Service Call Center data set

This method gets the appropriate exchange rate for the new currency. Call this method when the field FSCallHd.CurrencyCode changes. Parameters Name ipCurrencyCode ds Type String Description The proposed Currency Code The Service Call Center data set

This method updates the related Customer and ShipTo information when the Customer ID field (FSCallHd.CustNumCustID) changes. Parameters Name ipCustID ds Type String Description The proposed Customer ID The Service Call Center data set

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Validates the entered RequestTime. Parameters Name ipRequestTime ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Request Time as integer (number of minutes past midnight) The Service Call Center data set

This method validates the entered Scheduled Time. Call this method when the field FSCallHd.DispSchedTime changes. Parameters Name ipSchedTime ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Request Time as integer (number of seconds past midnight) The Service Call Center data set

This method updates the related Customer Ship To Contact information when the Customer Ship To Contact field (FSCallHd.ShpConNum) changes. Parameters Name ipShpConNum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed ShipTo Contact The Service Call Center data set

This method updates the ShipTo information when the ShipToCustID field (Link) changes. Parameters Name ipShipToCustID ds Type String Description The proposed Ship To Customer ID The Service Call Center data set


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This method updates the related ShipTo information when the Customer ShipTo Number field (FSCallHd.ShipToNum) changes. Parameters Name ipShipToNum ds Type String Description The proposed Customer ShipTo Number The Service Call Center data set

Method to call when changing the UseOTS field. Refreshes the address list and contact info Parameters Name ds Type Description The Service Contract data set

Check the serial number field and return messages about the serial number to the user. The method will check the following: The serial number exists The customer and ship to matches The part number on the line matches the serial part number The contract number and line matches (if applicable) The pack id matches (if appicable) If any of these conditions are met where the data in the service contract doesn not match the data for the serial number, the user is prompted with this information and asked if they would like to continue with the save. Parameters Name opMessage ds Type String@ Description Warning message to tell the user if the serial number data does not match. The Service Call Center data set

This method checks to see if there are any questions or issues with the part entered and returns a message, a part number and if any substitutes exist. Call this method first before calling the ChangeDtlPartNum method when the field FSCallDt.PartNum changes. Parameters Name vPartNum vContractNum Type String@ Int32 Description The input-output part number to validate and it gets returned The current Service Contract number associated with the call

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Name vPackNum vContractMsg vWarrantyMsg vSubPartMsg vSubAvail vMsgType

Type Int32 String@ String@ String@ Boolean@ String@

Description The current Pack id associated with the call Warn the user if the Contract becomes invalid Warn the user if the Warranty becomes invalid Asks if the user wants to use a substitute part Returned flag stating if substitutes exist for this part Type of vSubPartMsg message returned. Values can be; "Question" (asking if they want to use the substitute part) "Warning" (Warns them that a part is onhold or runout). "Error" (Part in Inactive, or Onhold/Runout parts are not accepted in this case).

Update Service Call information when the currency is changed. Parameters Name ipRateGrpCode ds Type String Description Currency Rate Group Code Field Service dataset

This method closes the Service Call. Run this method after calling PreCloseServiceCall. Parameters Name ipCallNum Returns The Service Call Center data set Type Int32 Description The Service Call Number to close

This method creates the Service Call Job for the service call line. A warning message is returned by this method if the service call plant and the current plant is not the same. Do not call the JobEntry object if the opMessage is not blank. Parameters Name ipCallNum ipCallLine Type Int32 Int32 Description The Service Call Number to create the job for. The Service Call Line Number to create the job for.


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Name opMessage ds

Type String@

Description Warning message for the user if the current plant and the service call plant are not the same. The Service Call Center data set

This method is to be used in place of GetNewFSCallHd. This method asks for customer number and shipto number to default the fields based on the customer/shipto. Parameters Name ds ipCustNum ipShipToNum Int32 String Type Description The ServiceCallCenter DataSet The Customer Number for this Service Call The Customer ShipTo Number for this Service Call

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name partNum uomCode sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch Type String@ String@ String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Proposed PartNumber change UOM Code (only used for Product Codes) RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Hed/Dtl fields for the customer tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseFSCallhd Type String Description Whereclause for FSCallhd table.

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Name whereClauseFSCallhdAttch whereClauseFSCallDt whereClauseFSCallDtAttch whereClauseFsTech contactName pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.FSCallCustTrkDataSet

Type String String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description Whereclause for FSCallhdAttch table. Whereclause for FSCallDt table. Whereclause for FSCallDtAttch table. Whereclause for FsTech table. Contact to return data for. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Hed/Dtl fields for the customer tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseFSCallhd whereClauseFSCallhdAttch whereClauseFSCallDt whereClauseFSCallDtAttch whereClauseFsTech pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.FSCallCustTrkDataSet Type String String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for FSCallhd table. Whereclause for FSCallhdAttch table. Whereclause for FSCallDt table. Whereclause for FSCallDtAttch table. Whereclause for FsTech table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Checks to see if the service call can be closed and gives a warning message to let the user decide to continue closing or not. This method should be called prior to calling the CloseServiceCall method which does the actual closing logic. If a warning message returns with this method and the user chooses to continue or NO warning message then call CloseServiceCall method else cancel close request. Parameters Name ipCallNum Type Int32 Description The Service Call Number to close


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Name opMessage

Type String@

Description Question to ask the user if to continue closing.

This method reopens the Service Call. Parameters Name ipCallNum Returns The Service Call Center data set Type Int32 Description The Service Call Number to close

This method voids the Service Call. Parameters Name ipCallNum Returns The Service Call Center data set Type Int32 Description The Service Call Number to close

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ServiceContract: This business object contains 87 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Method to call when activating the contract. Parameters Name activateContractNum ds Type Int32 Description The contract number to activate The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the billing end date on the contract detail record. Updates FSContDt with values based on the new billing start date.

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Parameters Name ipBillEndDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed bill end date The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the billing start date on the contract detail record. Updates FSContDt with values based on the new billing start date. Parameters Name ipBillStartDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed bill start date The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the contract quantity on the contract detail record. Recalculates Ext Prices on FSContDt with values from the new quantity. Parameters Name proposedContractQty ds Type Decimal Description The proposed contract quantity The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the order line on the contract detail record. Validates the line and updates FSContDt with values from the order line. Parameters Name proposedOrderLine ds Type Int32 Description The proposed order line number The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the order number on the contract detail record. Validates the number and updates FSContDt with values from the order.


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Parameters Name proposedOrderNum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed order number The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the part number on the contract detail record. Updates FSContDt with values from the part number. Prior to calling this method, the CheckPartNumChange method should be run to validate the part. Parameters Name proposedPartNum ds Type String Description The proposed part number The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the price per unit on the contract detail record. Recalculates Ext Prices on FSContDt with values from the new price per unit. Parameters Name proposedPricePerUnit ds Type Decimal Description The proposed price per unit The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the product code on the contract detail record. Validates the code and updates FSContDt with values from the product code. Parameters Name proposedProdCode ds Type String Description The proposed product code The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the project id on the contract detail record. Validates the id and updates FSContDt with values from the project.

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Parameters Name proposedProjectID ds Type String Description The proposed project id The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the customer part number (XPartNum) on the contract detail record. Updates FSContDt with values from the customer part. Parameters Name proposedXPartNum ds Type String Description The proposed xref part number The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the effective date on the contract header record. Updates FSContHd with values based on the new effective date. Parameters Name proposedActiveDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed active date The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the customer id on the contract header record. Validates the customer id and updates FSContHd with values from the customer. Parameters Name proposedCustNum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed Bill To customer Num The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the contract code on the contract header record. Validates the code and updates FSContHd with values from the contract.


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Parameters Name proposedContractCode ds Type String Description The proposed contract code The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the currency code on the contract header record. Validates the code and updates FSContHd with values from the currency. Parameters Name proposedCurrencyCode ds Type String Description The proposed currency code The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the customer id on the contract header record. Validates the customer id and updates FSContHd with values from the customer. Parameters Name proposedCustID ds Type String Description The proposed customer id The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the Deferred Revenue flag on the contract header record. Parameters Name ipDeferredRev ds Type Boolean Description The proposed Deferred Revenue value The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the duration on the contract header record. Updates FSContHd with values based on the new duration.

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Parameters Name proposedDuration ds Type Int32 Description The proposed duration The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the Fiscal Calendar on the contract header record. Parameters Name ipFiscalCalendarID ds Type String Description The proposed Fiscal Calendar ID value The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the Modifier on the contract header record. Updates FSContHd with values based on the new Modifier. Parameters Name proposedModifier ds Type String Description The proposed Modifier The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the customer contact number on the contract header record. Validates the number and updates FSContHd with values from the contact. Parameters Name proposedConNum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed contact number The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the PricePer on the contract header record. Updates FSContHd with values based on the new PricePer.


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Parameters Name ipPricePer ds Type String Description The proposed PricePer The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the Quoted Contract flag on the contract header record. Parameters Name ipQuotedContract ds Type Boolean Description The proposed Quoted Contract value The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the RACode on the contract header record. Parameters Name ipRACode ds Type String Description The proposed Revenue Amortization Code value The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the RecurringFreq on the contract header record. Updates FSContHd with values based on the new RecurringFreq. Parameters Name ipRecurringFreq ds Type String Description The proposed RecurringFreq The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the ShipTo Customer ID on the contract header record. Validates the ShipTo Customer ID and updates FSContHd with values from the customer. Parameters Name ipShipToCustID Type String Description The proposed ShipTo Customer ID

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Name ds


Description The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the ship to on the contract header record. Validates the number and updates FSContHd with values from the ship to. Parameters Name proposedShipToNum ds Type String Description The proposed ship to number The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the ship to contact on the contract header record. Validates the contact and updates FSContHd with values from the ship to contact. Parameters Name proposedShpConNum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed ship to number The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the Suspended flag on the contract header record. This method determines if the contract has outstanding invoice revenue amortization schedules that need to be updated to be put on hold or not. If InvcDtlRASch records exist then a message will be returned to the user to let the user decide whether to continue the update of invoice revenue schedules or not. The FSContHd.Suspended is updated right away if no related invoice schedule exists. Parameters Name ipSuspended opMessage ds Type Boolean String@ Description The proposed Suspended value Message to ask the user if update of invoice schedules is required The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the Task Set ID on the contract header record.


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Parameters Name ipTaskSetID ds Type String Description The proposed Task Set ID value The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the tax category id on the contract header record. Validates the id and updates FSContHd with values from the tax category. Parameters Name proposedTaxCatID ds Type String Description The proposed tax category id The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the UseOTS field the contract header record. Refreshes the address list and contact info Parameters Name ds Type Description The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the contract code on the contract renewal header record. Validates the code and updates FSRenewal with values from the contract code defaults. Parameters Name ipContractCode ds Type String Description The proposed contract code The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the Deferred Revenue flag on the contract renewal header record. Parameters Name ipDeferredRev Type Boolean Description The proposed Deferred Revenue value

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Name ds


Description The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the billing end date on the contract renewal detail record. Updates FSRenewalDt with values based on the new billing start date. Parameters Name ipBillEndDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed bill end date The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the billing start date on the contract renewal detail record. Updates FSRenewalDt with values based on the new billing start date. Parameters Name ipBillStartDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed bill start date The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the contract quantity on the contract renewal detail record. Recalculates Ext Prices on FSRenewalDt with values from the new quantity. Parameters Name ipContractQty ds Type Decimal Description The proposed contract quantity The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the increase percent on the contract renewal detail record. Recalculates Prices on FSRenewalDt with values from the new increase percent. Parameters Name ipIncreasePct Type Decimal Description The proposed increase percent


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Name ds


Description The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the order line on the contract renewal detail record. Validates the line and updates FSRenewalDt with values from the order line. Parameters Name ipOrderLine ds Type Int32 Description The proposed order line number The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the order number on the contract renewal detail record. Validates the number and updates FSRenewalDt with values from the order. Parameters Name ipOrderNum ds Type Int32 Description The proposed order number The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the part number on the contract renewal detail record. Updates FSRenewalDt with values from the part number. Prior to calling this method, the CheckPartNumChange method should be run to validate the part. Parameters Name ipPartNum ds Type String Description The proposed part number The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the price per unit on the contract renewal detail record. Recalculates Ext Prices on FSRenewalDt with values from the new price per unit. Parameters Name ipPricePerUnit Type Decimal Description The proposed price per unit

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Name ipBaseOrDoc ds

Type String

Description Indicates if calculating for Base ('B') or Doc ('D') The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the product code on the contract renewal detail record. Validates the code and updates FSRenewalDt with values from the product code. Parameters Name ipProdCode ds Type String Description The proposed product code The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the project id on the contract renewal detail record. Validates the id and updates FSRenewalDt with values from the project. Parameters Name ipProjectID ds Type String Description The proposed project id The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the customer part number (XPartNum) on the contract renewal detail record. Updates FSRenewalDt with values from the customer part. Parameters Name ipXPartNum ds Type String Description The proposed xref part number The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the duration on the contract renewal header record. Updates FSRenewal with values based on the new duration.


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Parameters Name ipDuration ds Type Int32 Description The proposed duration The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the Fiscal Calendar on the contract renewal header record. Parameters Name ipFiscalCalendarID ds Type String Description The proposed Fiscal Calendar ID value The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the Modifier on the contract renewal header record. Updates FSRenewal with values based on the new Modifier. Parameters Name ipModifier ds Type String Description The proposed Modifier The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the PricePer on the contract renewal header record. Updates FSRenewal with values based on the new PricePer. Parameters Name ipPricePer ds Type String Description The proposed PricePer The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the Quoted Renewal flag on the contract renewal header record. Parameters Name ipQuotedRenewal Type Boolean Description The proposed Quoted Renewal value

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Name ds


Description The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the RACode on the contract renewal header record. Parameters Name ipRACode ds Type String Description The proposed Revenue Amortization Code value The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the RecurringFreq on the contract renewal header record. Updates FSRenewal with values based on the new RecurringFreq. Parameters Name ipRecurringFreq ds Type String Description The proposed RecurringFreq The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the renewal effective date on the contract renewal header record. Updates FSRenewal with values based on the new effective date. Parameters Name ipRenewEffDate ds Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The proposed renewal effective date The Service Contract data set

Method to call when changing the Task Set ID on the contract renewal header record. Parameters Name ipTaskSetID ds Type String Description The proposed Task Set ID value The Service Contract data set


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Method to call when changing the tax category id on the contract renewal header record. Validates the id and updates FSRenewal with values from the tax category. Parameters Name ipTaxCatID ds Type String Description The proposed tax category id The Service Contract data set

The method is to be run on leave of the PartNum field before the ChangeFSContDtPartNum or Update methods are run. This returns all the questions that need to be asked before a part can be changed. Parameters Name cPartNum cSubPartMessage lSubAvail cMsgType Type String@ String@ Boolean@ String@ Description The new PartNum if a substitute part is found, partNum will be the substitute part No means the part cannot be changed Asks if the user wants to use a substitute part Indicates other substitute parts besides the default exist Type of message returned. Values can be; "Question" (asking if they want to use the substitute part) "Warning" (Warns them that a part is onhold or runout). "Error" (Part in Inactive, or Onhold/Runout parts are not accepted in this case) . "Question" is asking if they want to use the substitute part.

This method returns text of a message to be asked if the number of serial numbers selected does not match the quantity entered for the FSContDt record. The user has the option of continuing with the mismatch quantities or canceling. This method should be called before the update method and should be called only when part is serial number tracked and the quantity is greater than zero. If the user answers yes, the change can occur; otherwise the change shouldn't occur. Parameters Name ds contractQty cMessageText Decimal String@ Type Description The ServiceContract data set Quantity of Serial Numbers required for the Contract Line The text of the message to ask the user

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Call this method to create RMA for a given service contract. Parameters Name ipContractNum ipReasonCode ds Type Int32 String Description The contract number to create the RMA for. The Reason Code for the RMA. The Service Contract data set

Call this method to expire a service contract. Allow the user to confirm the intention to expire the contract before calling this method. Warn the user that expiring the contract cannot be undone. Parameters Name ipContractNum ds Type Int32 Description The contract number to expire The Service Contract data set

Method to call to get the list for the Frequency options. The list is returned in code1`code desc1~code2`code desc2 format. Parameters Name frequencyList Type String@ Description The list of options for the frequence

Call this method to generate Contract Renewal (FSRenewal and FsRenewalDt) from a given Contract or Renewal. Parameters Name ipContractNum ds Type Int32 Description The source contract number. The Service Contract data set

Call this method to generate Contract Renewal Lines (FsRenewalDt) for a given Contract Renewal Header.


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Parameters Name ipContractNum ipRenewalNbr ds Type Int32 Int32 Description The target contract number. The target renewal number. The Service Contract data set

Custom GetList method. Retrieves records based on a delimited list of Contract Numbers. Parameters Name contractNumList pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The Service Contract list data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The contract number list The pageSize number list The absolutePage number list The morePages number list

Method to call when adding a contract from an order. Parameters Name orderNum ds Type Int32 Description The order number The Service Contract data set

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Hd/Dt fields for the contact tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseFSContHd whereClauseFSContDt whereClauseFSContSN whereClauseSelectedSerialNumbers Type String String String String Description Whereclause for FSContHd table. Whereclause for FSContDt table. Whereclause for FSContSN table. Whereclause for SelectedSerialNumbers.

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Name whereClauseSerialNumberSearch whereClauseSNFormat contactName pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.FSContCustTrkDataSet

Type String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description Whereclause for SerialNumberSearch Whereclause for SNFormat table. Contact to return data for. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Custom GetList method. Retrieves records based on a delimited list of Contract Numbers. Parameters Name contractNumList pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The Service Contract data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The contract number list The pageSize number list The absolutePage number list The morePages number list

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Hd/Dt fields for the customer tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseFSContHd whereClauseFSContDt whereClauseFSContSN whereClauseSelectedSerialNumbers whereClauseSerialNumberSearch whereClauseSNFormat pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for FSContHd table. Whereclause for FSContDt table. Whereclause for FSContSN table. Whereclause for SelectedSerialNumbers. Whereclause for SerialNumberSearch Whereclause for SNFormat table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.


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Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.FSContCustTrkDataSet

This method will retrieve the serial numbers for a service contract line and update the SelectedSerialNumbers table with these records. Parameters Name iContractNum iContractLine iPartNum ds Type Int32 Int32 String Description The Contract Number The Contract Detail line number The Part Num The Service Contract data set

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset Type Description Service Contract data set

Verifies if the current login plant is set for Serial Tracking Parameters Name isSerialTracking Type Boolean@ Description Boolean indicating if the plant is set for Serial Tacking

Method to call to get the list for the Price Per options. The list is returned in code1`code desc1~code2`code desc2 format. Parameters Name pricePerList Type String@ Description The list of options for the price per

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Call this method after the user answered yes to the warning message returned by SuspendContract method. This logic updates all related InvcDtlRASch records for this service contract. Based on the input contract status, the related invoice revenue schedules will be put on hold/unhold. Parameters Name ipSuspend ipReasonCode ds Type Boolean String Description The requested Suspend or Unsuspend status change. The Reason Code for the hold request. The Service Contract data set

Validates that a single serial number is valid for this transaction Parameters Name ds serialNumber isVoided String Boolean@ Type Description Service Contract data set Serial number to validate. Serial Number Voided flag

Method to call when voiding the contract. Parameters Name voidContractNum ds Type Int32 Description The contract number to void The Service Contract data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ServiceContractDtSearch: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process. This procedure uses in ServiceContactSearch

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This procedure uses in ServiceContactSearch This procedure uses in ServiceContactSearch

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ServiceContractSearch: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Returns the service contracts as the GetRows does but filtering them out by one with renewals Parameters Name renewalsOnly whereClause sortByClause partDescContains pageSize absolutePage morePages Type Boolean String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Indicates if only those contracts with renewals are returned WhereClause to filter the Parent records. To sort by the detail records. The part contains filter Page Size. Absolute Page More Pages

Returns The Service Contract Search list data set

Custom GetList method. Parameters Name whereClause sortByClause partDescContains pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description WhereClause to filter the Parent records. To sort by the detail records. The part contains filter Page Size. Absolute Page More Pages

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Returns The Service Contract Search list data set

Custom GetList method. Parameters Name whereClause sortByClause partDescContains pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description WhereClause to filter the Parent records. To sort by the detail records. The part contains filter Page Size. Absolute Page More Pages

Returns The Service Contract Search list data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SetupGrp: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.


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Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ShipDtlSearch: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Calls the normal GetList method and then constructs a custom data set combining Hed/Dtl fields for the case entry. Parameters Name whereClauseShipDtl pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for ShipDtl table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.


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Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ShipDtlListDataSet

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Hed/Dtl fields for the contact tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseShipDtl contactName pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ShipDtlSearchDataSet Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for ShipDtl table. Contact to return data for. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Calls the normal GetRows method and then constructs a custom data set combining Hed/Dtl fields for the customer tracker. Parameters Name whereClauseShipDtl pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.ShipDtlSearchDataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for ShipDtl table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ShipTo: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ShipVia: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.ShipWhseSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ShopLoad: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.ShopWrn: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Set MoveToHistory flag Parameters Name ds Type Description Results of the Move

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SkipLotCtl: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SNTranSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.SOPOLink: This business object contains 26 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Update PO Link Misc Charge information when the MiscCode is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Sales Order/PO data set

Update PO Link information with values from the Part Number when the Part Number is changed. Parameters Name ds lUsePartDefaults Boolean Type Description The Sales Order/PO data set Use part defaults


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Name cReturnMessage

Type String@

Description The message returned if PO and SO currencies don't match

Update PO Link information with values from the Sold To when the Sold To is changed. Parameters Name ds cReturnMessage String@ Type Description The Sales Order/PO data set The message returned if PO and SO currencies don't match

This method should be called before the Update method is called for a detail record. The method returns a character string if the customer will go over their credit limit and the user is given the choice of continuing or not. Parameters Name iCustNum cCreditLimitMessage lContinue Type Int32 String@ Boolean@ Description The Customer Number The over credit limit message text Indicates if the user is allowed to continue with processing

The method is to be run on leave of the PartNum and Revision fields before the ChangePart or Update methods are run. This returns all the questions that need to be asked before a part can be changed. Parameters Name cPartNum cGlbPartNum cAction cSubPartMessage lSubAvail cGlbPartMessage Type String@ String String String@ Boolean@ String@ Description The new PartNum if a substitute part is found, partNum will be the substitute part The global part number The action field from IMOrderDtl Asks if the user wants to use a substitute part Indicates other substitute parts besides the default exist Asks if the user wants to use local part defaults if the part is not a global part

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Description Returns message text if the PO Defaults will be used for the part related fields Type of message returned. Values can be; "Question" (asking if they want to use the substitute part) "Warning" (Warns them that a part is onhold or runout). "Error" (Part in Inactive, or Onhold/Runout parts are not accepted in this case) . "Question" is asking if they want to use the substitute part.

cUsingPODefaultsMessage String@ cMsgType String@

Validate/return questions to ask the user before marking a record ReadyForOrder. Parameters Name dIntQueID lChildUnitPricesDiffer cGlbPartQuestionText cPricesDifferQuestionText Type Decimal Boolean String@ String@ Description The IntQueID of the IMOrderHed record Flag from IMOrderHed to indicate if the unit prices on the detail lines or miscellaneous charges differ The text of the part number question to ask the user The text of the unit prices differ question to ask the user

Return text of messages to present to the user informing them unit prices differ on detail lines or miscellaneous charges, or the currencies are different on the SO and PO. Parameters Name lChildUnitPricesDiffer dIntQueID cUnitPricesDifferMessage cCurrenciesDifferMessage cUOMDifferMessage Type Boolean Decimal String@ String@ String@ Description Flag from IMOrderHed to indicate if detail or misc charges unit prices differ IntQueID from the IMOrderHed record The message returned if PO and SO currencies don't match Returns message text if the PO Currency differs from the SO currency Returns message text if the PO UOM is not a valid Part UOMs

Loops through the input ttOrderDtl records which should be configured kit parts and generates the components for each kit. This method is called after processing the ICPO Suggestions and once that the order has been created and the user had already answered the Configuration Q-A


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Parameters Name regenerateKit ds Type Boolean Description If true this will cause the previous loaded components to be deleted The SOPOOrderDtl DataSet

Get the OrderDtl record related to the IMOrderDtl record. Parameters Name iOrderNum iOrderLine pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The SOPOOrderDtl DataSet Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The Order Number The Order Line Number The Page Size The Absolute Page The More Pages

Get the OrderMsc record related to the IMOrderMsc record. Parameters Name iOrderNum iOrderLine iSeqNum pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The SOPOOrderMsc DataSet Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The Order Number The Order Line Number The Order Misc Sequence Number The Page Size The Absolute Page The More Pages

Get the OrderRel record related to the IMOrderRel record.

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Parameters Name iOrderNum iOrderLine iOrderRelNum pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The SOPOOrderRel DataSet Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The Order Number The Order Line Number The Order Release Number The Page Size The Absolute Page The More Pages

Checks to see if the po link can be rejected and returns a question to be asked of the user if necessary. Parameters Name dIntQueID cMessageText Type Decimal String@ Description The IntQueID of the record to reject The text of the message to be asked of the user

This method processes the suggestions and either creates/updates an order or rejects the suggestion. Parameters Name needsConfig Returns The SOPOOrderDtl DataSet Type Boolean@ Description Indicates if any of the created Order Lines need kits

Mark a list of records as ready to order. Parameters Name cIntQueIDList Type String Description A delimited list of IntQueIDs of the IMOrderHed records to mark as ReadyForOrder


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Validation for marking all orders as Ready For Order. This method should be called before method ReadyForOrderAll is called. Parameters Name cIntQueIDList Type String Description A delimited list of IntQueIDs of the IMOrderHed records to mark as ReadyForOrder

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Specification: This business object contains 16 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To create a new SpecRev by duplicating from another. Parameters Name sourceSpecID sourceRevNum Type String String Description Existing Specfication ID that will be duplicated. Existing Revision number that will be duplicated.


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Name targetRevNum Returns The Specification Data Set

Type String

Description New Revision number that will be duplicated.

Used when the Inspection Attribute field of SpecAttr is being changed to a new value. It will validate the new AttributeID field. Parameters Name newAttributeID ds Type String Description The new Attribute ID value. The Specification Dataset.

To set if duplicate option is allowed. Parameters Name sourceSpecID sourceRevNum oKToDuplicate Type String String Boolean@ Description Existing Specification that will be duplicated. Existing Revision number that will be duplicated. OKToDuplicate.

Used when the Inspection Plan Num field of SpecRev is being changed to a new value. Parameters Name newInspPlan ds Type String Description The Insp plan value. The Specification Dataset.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SpecRevSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.SplitJob: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method checks to see if it is valid to split the specified job. Parameters Name jobNum Type String Description Job Number

This methods generates the next available job number from the JCSyst table. Parameters Name opNextJobNum Type String@ Description The outputted string of the next available job number

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ds ipJobNum String Type Description Split Job data set Job Num before split

Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called.


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Parameters Name ds ipDueDate requiresUserInput serialNumberQtyAlert Nullable{System.DateTime} Boolean@ String@ Type Description The SplitJob dataSet The due date Indicates if the legal number requires user input Indicates if the legal number requires user input

This method will perform pre-update validations It validates whether the serial numbers selected for the Split are valid based on serail matching requirements. It will send message to inform the user if there is active labor for the job. Parameters Name ipJobNum ipDoLbrCheck ds opLbrMessage opSerialMatchMsg opSerialNumber opSerialMatchErr opLLTrkWarning String@ String@ String@ Boolean@ String@ Type String Boolean Description The input jobnum to split. Flag to indicate whether to check for active labor The SplitJob dataSet Serial Match error message Serial Match error message Serial Match error message Lower Level Serial Matching error flag Lower level tracking is not used but subassemblies have serial numbers assigned

This method runs the split job process. This should be ran after updating and validating the jobprods that have been split. This will create a new job with associated records but with new quantities specified in the split quantities. Parameters Name ipJobNum ipNewJobNum ipDueDate opLegalNumberMessage ds Type String String Description The input jobnum to split. The input jobnum to split to.

Nullable{System.DateTime} The input DueDate to split to. String@ The output legal number message. The SplitJob dataSet

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This method validates the JobProd record. Parameters Name ipJobProdRowid ds Type String Description The character rowid value of the JobProd to validate The SplitJob dataSet.

Validates that a single serial number is valid for this transaction Parameters Name ds serialNumber isVoided String Boolean@ Type Description Split Job data set Serial number to validate. Serial Number Voided flag

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SplitMergeUOM: This business object contains 16 methods.

To test on hand quantity of the bin - i.e. whether it will go negative. Call this method on change of Quantity. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pdTranQty pcNeqQtyAction Type String String String String String Decimal Decimal String@ Description Part Number Warehouse Code Bin Number Lot Number From UNIT OF MEASURE (old Dimension Code) Obsolete Dimension Conversion Factor Quantity (in stocking uom) Valid values are STOP, NONE or ASK User. If Ask User, the user can decide to go ahead with the update even if the qty is negative Error message passed back from the business logic.




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Returns pcNeqQtyActionpcMessage

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Calculates The Remaining Qty Parameters Name partNum ds Type String Description Part number to split or merge. SplitMerge Dataset. If valid, the New BinNum and LotNum will be returned in the dataset

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name partNum sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch Type String@ String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

Gets the default values for the ttSMHdr data table based on the part number entered.


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Parameters Name partNum Returns Split Merge Dataset Type String Description Part number to split or merge.

Used to verify if the selected Bin is valid for the selected warehouse Parameters Name partNum binNum ds Type String String Description Part number to split or merge. Bin Number. SplitMerge Dataset. If valid, the New BinNum and LotNum will be returned in the dataset

Used to default the Lot Number when the BinNum has been changed Parameters Name partNum lotNum ds Type String String Description Part number to split or merge. Lot Number. SplitMerge Dataset. If valid, the New BinNum and LotNum will be returned in the dataset

Used to create the Split or Merge Records Parameters Name partNum processType ds Type String String Description Part number to split or merge. Process Type. SplitMerge Dataset. If valid, the New BinNum and LotNum will be returned in the dataset

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Used to verify that quantity to split or merge Parameters Name partNum dQuantity ds Type String Decimal Description Part number to split or merge. Quantity. SplitMerge Dataset. If valid, the New BinNum and LotNum will be returned in the dataset

Used to return a list of valid UOM to process the split or merge Parameters Name partNum uOMCode ds Type String String Description Part number to split or merge. Unit of Messure. SplitMerge Dataset. If valid, the New BinNum and LotNum will be returned in the dataset

Used to verify that selected warehouse is valid for the part and current plant and to default the Bin and Lot Number when the Warehouse has been changed Parameters Name partNum whseCode ds Type String String Description Part number to split or merge. Warehouse Code. SplitMerge Dataset. If valid, the New BinNum and LotNum will be returned in the dataset

Runs the Split or Merge Process Parameters Name partNum Type String Description Part number to split or merge.


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Name ds


Description SplitMerge Dataset. If valid, the New BinNum and LotNum will be returned in the dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SRTSearch: This business object contains 2 methods.

This method returns a list of Substance Restriction Types available. The RelatedTo parameter allows the user to search for SRT related to Part or Operation to use them on a BOM, or leave blank to search for all available. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns SRTSearch DataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description WhereClause to perform the search page Size absolute Page more Pages: true/false

This method returns a list of Substance Restriction Types available. The RelatedTo parameter allows the user to search for SRT related to Part or Operation to use them on a BOM, or leave blank to search for all available. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns SRTSearch DataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description WhereClause to perform the search page Size absolute Page more Pages: true/false

Epicor.Mfg.BO.StageNo: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.StageShipConfirm: This business object contains 16 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To test on hand quantity of the bin - i.e. whether it will go negative. Call this method on change of Quantity. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pdTranQty pcNeqQtyAction Type String String String String String Decimal Decimal String@ Description Part Number Warehouse Code Bin Number Lot Number From UNIT OF MEASURE (old Dimension Code) Obsolete Dimension Conversion Factor Quantity (in stocking uom) Valid values are STOP, NONE or ASK User. If Ask User, the user can decide to go ahead with the update even if the qty is negative Error message passed back from the business logic.

pcMessage Returns pcNeqQtyActionpcMessage


Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Parameters Name ds Type Description Carton Stage DataSet

This method check releases related with this pack were refused to close because non shipped pack existing. Parameters Name packNum msg Type Int32 String@ Description The Pack Number to check out releases weren't closed message

This method runs the ship confirm logic Parameters Name dateShift ds opMessage String@ Type String Description The date shift Carton Stage DataSet Lists the cartons that failed to ship and why

This method runs the unstage logic. Parameters Name ds Type Description Carton Stage DataSet

This method runs the Unship logic Parameters Name dateShift Type String Description The date shift

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Name ds opMessage


Description Carton Stage DataSet


Lists the cartons that failed to unship and why

This methods assigns the TFShipHead.Shipped field and updates/deletes all of the associated records (parttran) when a Packing Slip is unshipped. Also potentially creates partbin and partdtl records. Parameters Name ipTFShipHeadRowid Returns Type String Description The rowid of the TFShipHead to unship

This method runs the unstage logic. Parameters Name workStationID ds Type String Description Workstation ID. Carton Stage DataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.StockProvisionFormat: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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This method provides a list of values and description for Tran Types. Returns TranTypeList - list of Tran Types and translated desc for the front end UI

Parameters Name ds Type Description The StockProvisionFormat data set

This method validates the StockProvisionFormat.Type when changed in UI form. Parameters Name ipType ds Type String Description Proposed Type value The StockProvisionFormat data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SubConShipEntry: This business object contains 47 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Assigns a legal number to the subcontract shipment. Parameters Name ipPackNum ds opLegalNumMsg Returns The Subcontract Shipment data set String@ Legal number Type Int32 Description Packing Slip number

Parameters Name cartonNumber calculatedWeight Type Int32 Decimal@ Description Carton Number Shipment weight based upon part values

Checks to see if the carton void can be cancelled and re-opens it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iPackNum Returns The Subcontract Ship data set Type Int32 Description The carton number of the carton to open

This methods updates associated fields. This method should run when the SubShipD.AssemblySeq field changes.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The SubConShipEntry dataSet

This methods updates associated fields. This method should run when the SubShipD.JobNum field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SubConShipEntry dataSet

This methods validates the SubShipD.OprSeq and updates associated fields. This method should run when the SubShipD.OprSeq field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SubConShipEntry dataSet

This method validates the SubShipD.PONum field. This method should run when the SubShipD.PONum chages. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SubConShipEntry dataSet

This methods validates the SubShipH.PurPoint and updates some variables and DspShipAddr. This method should run when the SubShipH.PurPoint field changes. Parameters Name cProposedPurPoint ds Type String Description The new proposed SubShipH.PurPoint value The SubConShipEntry dataSet

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This methods updates the vendornum and purpoint fields based on validating the SubShipH.VendorNumVendorID field. This method should run when the SubShipH.VendorNumVendorID field changes. Parameters Name cProposedVendorNumVendorID ds Type String Description The new proposed SubShipH.VendorNumVendorID value The SubConShipEntry dataSet

Checks to see if the Qty percent and value percent fields total 100 percent. Parameters Name iPackNum iPackLine Type Int32 Int32 Description The current PackNum The current PackLine

This method validates the ShipCOO.OrigCountry field. This method should run before changing the ShipCOO.OrigCountry field. Parameters Name ipProposedCountry ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed ShipCOO.OrigCountry value The SubConShipEntry dataSet

This method validates the SubShipD.AssemblySeq field. This method should run before changing the SubShipD.AssemblySeq field. Parameters Name ipProposedAssemblySeq serialWarning ds Type Int32 String@ Description The new proposed SubShipD.AssemblySeq value Warning message if the shipdtl line contains serial numbers The SubConShipEntry dataSet


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This method validates the SubShipD.JobNum field. This method should run before changing the SubShipD.JobNum field. Parameters Name ipProposedJobNum serialWarning ds Type String String@ Description The new proposed SubShipD.JobNum value Warning message if the shipdtl line contains serial numbers The SubConShipEntry dataSet

This method validates the SubShipD.OprSeq field. This method should run before changing the SubShipD.OprSeq field. Parameters Name ipProposedOprSeq serialWarning ds Type Int32 String@ Description The new proposed SubShipD.OprSeq value Warning message if the shipdtl line contains serial numbers The SubConShipEntry dataSet

This method validates the SubShipD.POLine field. This method should run before changing the SubShipD.POLine field. Parameters Name ipProposedPOLine ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed SubShipD.POLine value The SubConShipEntry dataSet

This method validates the SubShipD.PONum field. This method should run before changing the SubShipD.PONum field. Parameters Name ipProposedPONum ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed SubShipD.PONum value The SubConShipEntryDataSet dataSet

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This method validates the SubShipD.PORelNum field. This method should run before changing the SubShipD.PORelNum field. Parameters Name ipProposedPORelNum ds Type Int32 Description The new proposed SubShipD.PORelNum value The SubConShipEntry dataSet

Parameters Name ipPackNum Type Int32 Description Pack Num to clear Manifest fields

Checks to see if the carton can be closed and closes it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iPackNum Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The carton number of the carton to close

Parameters Name ipPackNum Type Int32 Description Pack Num to populate Manifest fields

Returns the legal number generation options. Parameters Name ipPackNum Type Int32 Description Packing Slip number


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Name opPromptForNum

Type Boolean@

Description Prompt for the number

Returns The Legal Number Generation Options dataset

Parameters Name ipPkgClass ds Type String Description package class to validate Subcontract shipment dataset

Parameters Name ipPkgCode ds Type String Description package code Sub Contractor Shipment data set

Parameters Name ds Type Description The subcontract shipment data set

Parameters Name workstationID scaleID Type String String@ Description workstation ID Scale ID

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers

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Parameters Name ds Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams dataset Type Description The SubShipD dataSet

Sets default values when the TranDocTypeID changes Parameters Name ipTranDocTypeID ds Type String Description TranDocTypeID supplied Subcontract Shipment data set

Checks to see if the carton can be opened and opens it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iPackNum Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The carton number of the carton to open

This method is to be run before update of SubShipD to ask the user any question that need to be answered before the record can be saved. If the user answers no to any one of the questions, then the update method should not be called. Parameters Name ds lotMessage qtyMessage String@ String@ Type Description SubConShipEntry data set If the lot doesn't exist, ask the user if they'd like to create it Qty message


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Parameters Name ipPackNum ds Type Int32 Description Packnum to update The SubConShipEntry dataSet

Parameters Name ipQVEnable ds Type Boolean Description logical indicating if the quantum view is to enabled/disabled The subcontract shipment data set

Parameters Name ipShipStatus ds Type String Description shipment status The subcontract shipment data set

Checks to see if the carton can be voided and voids it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iPackNum Returns The SubConShipEntry data set Type Int32 Description The carton number of the carton to Stage

Validates that a single serial number is valid for this transaction Parameters Name ds Type Description SubContract Shipment Entry data set

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Name serialNumber isVoided

Type String Boolean@

Description Serial number to validate. Serial Number Voided flag

Checks to see if the carton can be voided and voids it if it is allowed. Parameters Name iPackNum Returns The SalesOrder data set Type Int32 Description The carton number of the carton to void

Voids the legal number. Parameters Name ipPackNum ipVoidedReason Returns The Subcontract Shipment data set Type Int32 String Description Packing Slip number Reason for the void

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Substance: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SubstanceRestriction: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method should be called when ValidateCompliance change. Parameters Name validaSubstance typeID ds Type String String Description Valida SubstanceID Restriction Type SubstanceRestriction data set.

This method should be called when ValidateCompliance change. Parameters Name validaThreshold Type Decimal Description Valida Threshold

This method should be called when ValidateCompliance change. Parameters Name checkCompliance ds Type Boolean Description Proposed Compliance. SubstanceRestriction data set.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SubstanceSearch: This business object contains 2 methods.

This method returns a list of Restricted Substances available. The RelatedTo parameter allows the user to search for Substances related to Part or Operation to use them on a BOM, or leave blank to search for all available.

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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns SubstanceSearch DataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description WhereClause to perform the search page Size absolute Page more Pages: true/false

This method returns a list of Restricted Substances available. The RelatedTo parameter allows the user to search for Substances related to Part or Operation to use them on a BOM, or leave blank to search for all available. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns SubstanceSearch DataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description WhereClause to perform the search page Size absolute Page more Pages: true/false

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SupplierConnectSetup: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.SupplierPart: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

When Changing SupplierPart.MfgtNum field. Parameters Name iMfgNum ds Type Int32 Description Manufacturer Number SupplierPart dataset

When Changing SupplierPart.MfgPartNum field. Parameters Name iMfgPartNum ds Type String Description Manufacturer Part Number SupplierPart dataset

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SupplierXRef: This business object contains 1 methods.

This method gets the XRef information for a given supplier part Parameters Name partNum vendorNum poNum Type String Int32 Int32 Description Receipt Part Number Receipt Supplier Number PO Number

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Name poLine purPoint packSlip packLine Returns

Type Int32 String String Int32

Description PO Line Purchase Point packing Slip packing Line

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SysActivityLog: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method returns Activity Log for a particular Company and Type Parameters Name pcActivityCompany pcActivityType Type String String Description The Company ID The Activity Type - Created, Updated, Deleted

Returns Returns the dataset representing the list

This method returns Activity Log after the specified date Parameters Name pcActivityDate Type Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The Date for Activities after

Returns Returns the dataset representing the list

This method returns Activity Log for a specified Activity Type and Company

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Parameters Name pcActivityTable pcActivityCompany Returns Returns the dataset representing the list Type String String Description The Table Name The Activity Company

This method returns Activity Log for a particular Table Parameters Name pcActivityTable pcActivityDate Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The TableName The Date that the Activities occurred after

Returns Returns the dataset representing the list

This method returns Activity Log for a specified Activity Type and Company Parameters Name pcActivityType pcActivityCompany pcActivityDate Type String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The Activity Type The Activity Company The date that the Activities occurred after

Returns Returns the dataset representing the list

This method returns Activity Log for a specified User and Company Parameters Name pcActivityUser pcActivityCompany pcActivityDate Type String String Nullable{System.DateTime} Description The Activity User The Activity Company The date that the activities occurred after


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Returns Returns the dataset representing the list

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SysAgent: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

To return a dataset of SysAgentSched records for a given agent id. Parameters Name agentID Type String Description Agent ID which you want the schedules for.

Returns The SysAgentSchedList dataSet

Returns the default Task Agent ID.


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Parameters Name defaultAgentID Type String@ Description Default Agent ID.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SysConfig: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get a system configuration value

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SysMonitor: This business object contains 6 methods.

Use to terminate a running task. Parameters Name sysTaskNum Type Int32 Description System Task Number to be terminated.

To return the SysMonitorSchedDataSet which contains the scheduled tasks for a user. Parameters Name userIDent Type String Description User ID for which you want the schedule tasks. Leave blank to consider all users.

Returns The SysMonitorSched dataSet

To return Task history records for the current user for a specified number of days.


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Parameters Name taskNumOfDays rptUserID Type Int32 String Description The number of days from today you wish to retrieve task history for. User ID for which you want SysRptLst and SysTask records. Leave this blank to consider all users for available reports.

Returns The SysMonitorTaskHist dataSet

To return the SysMonitorDataSet which contains the SysTask and SysRptLst tables. Parameters Name rptUserID rptWorkStationID Type String String Description User ID for which you want SysRptLst and SysTask records. Leave this blank to consider all users for available reports. Computer/Workstation name for which you want SysRptLst records. Leave this blank to consider ALL workstations for available reports

Returns The SysMonitor dataSet

Use to commit updates and deletions of the SysMonitor dataset to the database. Does NOT support adding new records. Does NOT support deletion of SysTask records. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SysMonitor dataSet

Use to commit deletions of the SysMonitor dataset to the database. Does NOT support adding or updating of records. Parameters Name ds Type Description The SysMonitorSched dataSet

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.SysPrinter: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SysTag: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.SysTaskRule: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Chapter 20: T
Epicor.Mfg.BO.Tariff: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Validates the Commodity Code. Parameters Name ipCommCodeID ds Type String Description The Commodity Code ID The Import Tariff Data Set.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Task: This business object contains 31 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Type String String Description


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Assigns defaults for the task when is created from a Quote. Parameters Name quoteNum ds Type Int32 Description Num of quote to assign values The Task data set

Assigns defaults for the task when the complete field is checked. Parameters Name ds lProposedComplete cMessage Boolean String@ Type Description The Task data set The proposed value for the complete flag The message to display if not blank

Assigns defaults for the task when the conclusion is changed. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Task data set

Update TaskCnt information when the contact Name is changed. Parameters Name pName ds Type String Description Proposed Name The Task data set

Update TaskCnt information when the contact PerConLnkRowID is changed.

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Parameters Name pPerConLnkRowID ds Type String Description Proposed PerConLnkRowID The Task data set

Assigns defaults for the task when the customer changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Task data set

Assigns defaults for the task when the customer contact changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Task data set

Assigns defaults for the task when the customer ship to changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Task data set

Get the Next Task Description when the NextTaskSeq changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Task data set

Assigns defaults for the task when the salesRep changes.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The Task data set

Assigns defaults for the task when the task id changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Task data set

Assigns the format for the task Start and End Time fields when their value changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Task data set

Assigns defaults for the task when the time or expense approval action changes. Parameters Name ds lProposedTEApprovalAction String Type Description The Task data set The proposed value for approval action

Assigns defaults for the task when the vendor changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Task data set

Assigns defaults for the task when the vendor contact changes.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The Task data set

Assigns defaults for the task when the vendor purchase point changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Task data set

Retrieve the customer on credit hold message text. Parameters Name icCustID ocMessageText Type String String@ Description The customer id The text of the message returned

This method returns a list of Tasks to be viewed in the Task List screen based a Sales Representative, Date Range, and sort options. This method builds the where clause instead of having the UI build the where clause on their end. Although either method could be used to build the Tree. Parameters Name ipSalesRepCode ipApprovalStatus ipTime ipExpense ipSortby ipStartDate ipEndDate ipEmployeeNum ipProject Type String String Boolean Boolean String String String String String Description IPsalesRepCode Stauts of Tasks Include Time Transactions Include Expense transactions Sort the data - currently not used Starting date of the results set, blank will return all dates Starting date of the results set, blank will return all dates Search for time or expenses for a employee, blank for all Search for time or expenses for a project, blank for al


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The Task dataSet

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The page size the absolute page The more pages

This method returns the message text for the case where there aren't any quote lines with an order quantity. Parameters Name ocMessageText Type String@ Description Contains the message text to display

Called from Contact tracker instead of GetRows for better performance Parameters Name whereClauseTask contactName pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaskDataSet Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for Task table. The contact to return data for. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Called from Customer tracker instead of GetRows for better performance Parameters Name whereClauseTask pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for Task table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

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Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaskDataSet

This method returns a list of Tasks to be viewed in the Task List screen based a Sales Representative, Date Range, and sort options. This method builds the where clause instead of having the UI build the where clause on their end. Although either method could be used to build the Tree. Parameters Name salesRepCode includeComplete dateType startDate endDate filterStatus filterType pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The Task dataSet Type String Boolean String String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Current SalesRep, blank to use default or code of SalesRep selected by user Include Complete Tasks or not Options are startDate or dueDate Starting date of the results set, blank will return everything upto the ending date Ending date of the results set, blank will become the last day of the next month A Specific Task Status to look for, blank for all A specific Task Type to look for, blank for all The page size the absolute page The more pages

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaskMast: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This sets the TETaskType field when the TypeCode changes. Parameters Name newTypeCode ds Type String Description The proposed TypeCode value The TaskMast data set

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaskSet: This business object contains 21 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Returns a delimited list of next task sequences available in id`desc pairs Parameters Name taskSetId taskSetSeq taskNextSeq nextList Type String Int32 Int32 String@ Description Task Set Id Current Task Sequence Existing Next Task to exclude from list Delimited list of available next tasks

Returns a delimited list of available parent task sequences in id`desc pairs

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Parameters Name cTaskSetId cParentList Type String String@ Description Task Set Id Delimited list of Parent(Milestone) tasks

Returns a delimited list of available stages in the format "ID`Desc~ID`Desc" Parameters Name workflowType stageList Type String String@ Description Workflow Type to determine the list of stages Delimited list of available stages

Copies a task set to a new task set Parameters Name sourceTaskSetID targetTaskSetID targetTaskSetDesc Returns The TaskSet DataSet Type String String String Description The ID of the source task set (copy from) The ID of the new task set (copy to) The Description of the new task set

This method assigns the RoleCode and CurrentStage based on the task selected Parameters Name ds Type Description Task Set Data set with changes

This method updates the TaskSNxt record after the next seq has been selected Parameters Name ds Type Description Task Set Data set with changes to TaskSNxt


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This method updates the RoleCode and Mandatory fields once the TaskId has been selected Parameters Name ds Type Description Task Set Data set with related task changes

This method asks for a taskSetId and activeTaskId (currently found on QuoteHed) and it will only return TaskSets that are applicable to those inputs Parameters Name taskSetId activeTaskId pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns TaskSet List dataset Type String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description QuoteHed.TaskSetId QuoteHed.ActiveTaskId The page size The absolute page The more pages

This method is used to filter the search results of TaskSet depending on the current Active TaskID. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage activeTaskID morePages Returns TaskSet List Type String Int32 Int32 String Boolean@ Description WorkflowType='HelpDesk' And Inactive=true PageSize AbsolutePage HDCase.ActiveTaskID MorePages

This method creates the new TaskSDtl record in place of the standard method

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds taskSetID parentTaskSeq String Int32 Type Description Task Set Data set with new record Task Set Id TaskSetSeq of the parent milestone

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaskSetSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaskStat: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaskType: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaxAlgrm: This business object contains 20 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName Type String Description


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Name fieldName Returns

Type String


Update multiple fields when the Operand1 changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The TaxAlgrm data set

Update multiple fields when the Operand2 changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The TaxAlgrm data set

Update multiple fields when the operator changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description The TaxAlgrm data set

Uncheck the Base line flag if different line is flagged as BaseLine . Parameters Name iBaseLine Type Boolean Description The proposed flag for Base Line

Uncheck the Tax Line flag if different line is flagged as TaxLine.

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Parameters Name iTaxLine Type Boolean Description The proposed flag for Tax Line

Validates the value of "Operand1" Parameters Name proposedOperand1 iLine iAlgorithm Type String Int32 String Description Proposed Operand1 value Line Number Algorithm code

Validates the value of "Operand2" Parameters Name proposedOperand2 iLine iAlgorithm iOperator Type String Int32 String String Description Proposed Operand2 value Line Number Algorithm code Operator code

Validates the value of "Operand3" Parameters Name proposedOperand3 iLine iAlgorithm Type String Int32 String Description Proposed Operand3 value Line Number Algorithm code

Validates the value of "Operand4"


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Parameters Name proposedOperand4 iLine iAlgorithm Type String Int32 String Description Proposed Operand4 value Line Number Algorithm code

Validates the value of "Operand2" Parameters Name proposedOperator iOperand1 Type String String Description Proposed Operator value Operator code

Validates the value of "Operand3TaxCode" and "Operand4TaxCode" Parameters Name proposedTaxCode Type String Description Proposed Tax Code

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaxAuthorityCd: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaxBoxDefault: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaxCat: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaxCatDSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaxCent: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.


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Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Method to call when changing the CentTo. Parameters Name proposedCentTo pCentFrom Type Decimal Decimal Description CentTo CentFrom

Method to Validate that TaxCentD goes to the limit. Parameters Name pCentCode Type String Description pCentCode

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Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaxExemptSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Method to call to retrieve the Tax Type description for an entity. This method is called when adding types to entities to validate the type does not already exist for the entity and to return the description for display purposes. Parameters Name inTaxCode inRelatedToFile inKey1 inKey2 inRateCode inEffectiveFrom outDescription Type String String String String String Nullable{System.DateTime} String@ Description Tax Type Related To File Key1 Key2 Rate Code Effective From Date Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaxJuris: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaxReconciliation: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.

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Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Parameters Name ipQuoteNum ipOrderNum ipInvoiceNum ipAPInvKey ipCashHeadNum ipPayHeadNum ipShipPackNum ipEmpID ipEmpExpenseNum opCommFailure opMessage opTCStatus Type Int32 Int32 Int32 String String Int32 Int32 String Int32 Boolean@ String@ Boolean@ Description Quote Number Order Number. Invoice Number. AP Invoice Number. Cash Receipt Number. Payment Number. Shipment Number. Employee ID. Employee Expense Number. Comm Failure Message TC Status

Get the last doc id from taxsvcconfig.. Parameters Name lastDocID Type Int32@ Description Used to select TaxSvcHead records.

Performs reconcile tax history. Parameters Name lastDocID statusFlag resultCode resultMessage Type Int32 Boolean@ String@ String@ Description Used to select TaxSvcHead records. Set to true if the tax service is up, false if down. Could be either error or exception Message for result code.


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Called when the user chooses a new action. Parameters Name action taxSvcID docType ds Type String String Int32 Description Action TaxSvcID from TaxSvcHead. DocType from TaxSvcHead. TaxReconciliation data set

Performs reconcile tax history. Parameters Name statusFlag resultStatus resultMessage Type Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Description Set to true if the tax service is up, false if down. True if an error occurred. Error message.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaxResults: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaxRgn: This business object contains 15 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method moves the TaxRgn/TaxRgnSalesTax Tax Type Up/Down one position in the grid and returns the whole updated datatable. Parameters Name taxRegionCode taxCode taxNum moveDir Returns TaxRgn Dataset Type String String Int32 String Description Tax Region Code Tax Code Tax Sequence number of tax type to move Direction to move task, "Up" or "Down"

This method validates SalesTaxCode and populates description. Parameters Name ds iProposedExemptType Int32 Type Description The TaxRgn data set The proposed Exempt type value

This method chnages the value of IncludeInAP when InPrice is true. Parameters Name ds iProposedInPrice Boolean Type Description The TaxRgn data set The proposed InPrice flag


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This method validates SalesTaxCode and populates description. Parameters Name ds iProposedSalesTaxCode String Type Description The TaxRgn data set The proposed SalesTaxCode value

This method validates SalesTaxCode and populates description. Parameters Name ds iProposedTaxMethod String Type Description The TaxRgn data set The proposed Tax Method value

This method validates SalesTaxCode and populates description. Parameters Name ds iProposedUseInAR Boolean Type Description The TaxRgn data set The proposed UseInAR flag

This method validates Exempt percent to be assign between 0 and 100. Parameters Name ipExemptType ipExemptPercent Type Int32 Decimal Description Exempt Type Exempt Percent

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaxRptCat: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaxRptDtl: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TaxText: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.


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Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TEApprovalTask: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Contains additional parameter considerations for the data returned.


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Returns The DataSet.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Terms: This business object contains 17 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Parameters Name vDueOnDay ds Type Int32 Description Propose Discount Days Temporary tables for Terms details

Parameters Name vDiscountPercent ds Type Decimal Description Propose Discount Days Temporary tables for Terms details


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Parameters Name vNumOfDay ds Type Int32 Description Propose Discount Days Temporary tables for Terms details

Parameters Name vNumOfMonths ds Type Int32 Description Propose Discount Days Temporary tables for Terms details

Parameters Name pDueOnDay Type Int32 Description Propose Discount Days

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TFOrdDtlSearch: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method GetDetail by ID


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Parameters Name tfOrdNum tfOrdLine Returns The TFOrdDtlSearch dataSet Type String Int32 Description The TFOrdNum code The TFOrdLine code

This method is used to provide a list of OrderHed Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The TFOrdDtlList dataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.THLocAPTaxReceipt: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TimePhas: This business object contains 15 methods. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Business Object Reference Guide

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

SET Enable or Disable WhatIf And TFSugTogs


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Parameters Name enableBoth Type Boolean@ Description EnableBoth

Geting of FrameTitle by Plant Parameters Name inPlant inPart frameTitle mRPLastRunDate frameLastSchedTitle mRPLastScheduledDate Type String String String@ Nullable{System.DateTime}@ String@ Nullable{System.DateTime}@ Description The Plant The Partt Frame Title MPRLastRunDate Last schedule title Date MRP last scheduled

This method defaults PartAdvisor fields when the PartNum field changes Parameters Name partNum sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch Type String@ String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

Creating the TimePhase by PartNum and Plant Parameters Name inputPartNum Type String Description Part Number

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name ipplant whatIfTog tFSug Returns Output Online TimePhase Dataset

Type String Boolean Boolean

Description Plant Suggestions Transfer Order Suggestions

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TimeType: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Tip: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Parameters Name whereClauseTip pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The Tip data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Are there more pages ? Yes/No Description whereClauseSetupGrp">Where condition without the where word # of records returned. 0 means all

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TopicChildSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TrackingDtl: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Retrieve TrackingDtl records for a given order number and shipment type. Parameters Name orderNum shipmentType Returns The TrackingDtl dataSet Type Int32 String Description The OrderNum The ShipmentType

Retrieve TrackingDtl records for a given Packing Slip Number and shipment type. Parameters Name packNum shipmentType Returns The TrackingDtl dataSet Type Int32 String Description The PackNum The ShipmentType

Retrieve all TrackingDtl records for a given shipment type - CUST, XFER, MISC. Parameters Name shipmentType Returns The TrackingDtl dataSet Type String Description The ShipmentType

Retrieve TrackingDtl record for a given tracking number.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name trackNum shipmentType Returns The TrackingDtl dataSet Type String String Description The TrackNum The ShipmentType

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TranDocType: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.TranDocTypeDataSet

Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.TranDocTypeDataSet

This method validates All Users flag. Parameters Name ds pAllUsers Boolean Type Description The TranDocType data set The proposed All Users value

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Business Object Reference Guide

This method check if the selected User has alreay default Transaction Document Type.for this type to update flag Default correctly. Parameters Name ds Type Description The TranDocType data set

This method save data about the authorized User. Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.TranDocTypeDataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TranGLCDetail: This business object contains 1 methods.

Parameters Name ipBookID ipDocumentType ipKey1 ipKey2 ipKey3 ipKey4 ipKey5 ipKey6 opMessage opNoData opNoGLPosting Type String String String String String String String String String@ Boolean@ Boolean@ Description ipBookID ARInvoice, APInvoice, etc Key1 Key2 Key3 Key4 Key5 Key6 returns informational messages to the user when no records are found. if yes then no TranGLC records and no GLJrnDtl records were found. Yes indicates there are not GL Postings for this document.

Returns TranGLC and GLJrnDtl data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.TranGLCJournal: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method obtain the TranGLC record linked to GLJrnDtl. Parameters Name vJournalCode vJournalNum vBookID Returns TranGLC DataSet Type String Int32 String Description Journal Code Journal Code Book ID

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TransferChgSug: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

This method is called when the required quantity or required UOM changes to convert quantities.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The TransferChgSug dataSet

This method updates existing transfer lines with the suggested changes from MRP. Suggested where statement for Search clause: (TFOrdDtl where) TFOrdDtl.Plant = ipPlant and TFOrdDtl.ToPlant = cur-plant and TFOrdDtl.Shipped = no and TFOrdDTl.NeedByDate less or = horizonDate Parameters Name ds Type Description The TransferChgSug dataSet

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TransferOrderEntry: This business object contains 22 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record

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Business Object Reference Guide

QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Sets the transfer ship via code base on fromplant Parameters Name ds Type Description The TransferOrderEntry dataSet

This method is to be called when the Selling Quantity field changes


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Parameters Name ds Type Description Transfer Order Entry Dataset

This method is to be called when the Selling Quantity UOM field changes Parameters Name ds Type Description Transfer Order Entry Dataset

Custom GetList method. Retrieves records based on a delimited list of Contract Numbers. Parameters Name transferOrderList pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The Transfer Order list data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The Transfer Order List The pageSize The absolutePage The morePages

This method is to override the standard GetNewTFOrdDtl method since TFOrdDtl needs to be passed in and that is no longer the primary key. Parameters Name ds tfOrdNum String Type Description The TransferOrderEntry dataSet Transfer Order Number

Custom GetList method. Retrieves records based on a delimited list of Contract Numbers.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name transferOrderList pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The Transfer Order data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The Transfer Order number list The pageSize The absolutePage The morePages

Sets the transfer ship date base on fromplant, toplant, and needbydate. It's calculated using the needby date and subtracting the transfers days held in the PltTranDef Table. Parameters Name ds Type Description The Transfer Order data set

This method is to be called when the Part Number field changes Parameters Name partNum ds sysRowID rowType serialWarning questionString multipleMatch String String String@ String@ Boolean@ Type String@ Description Part Number Transfer Order Entry Dataset RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TransferWorkBench: This business object contains 20 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find


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QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Sets the transfer ship date base on fromplant, toplant, and needbydate. It's calculated using the needby date and subtracting the transfers days held in the PltTranDef Table. Parameters Name ds Type Description Transfer WorkBench Dataset

This method is called when the Firm checkbox changes Parameters Name ds Type Description Transfer WorkBench Dataset

This method is to be called when the Part Number field changes Parameters Name ds partNum sysRowID rowType String@ String String Type Description Transfer WorkBench Dataset Part Number RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name serialWarning questionString multipleMatch

Type String@ String@ Boolean@

Description Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart

This method is called when the Quantity or Quantity UOM changes to convert quantities. Parameters Name ds Type Description Transfer WorkBench Dataset

Parameters Name plantID success Type String Boolean@ Description PlantID Success

This method converts unfirm to firm requirements, creates transfer orders . The suggested where clause: where TFOrdDtl.Plant = ipPlant and TFOrdDtl.ToPlant = cur-plant and TFOrdDtl.NeedByDate less or = horizonDate and TFOrdDtl.TFOrdNum = "":U and TFOrdDtl.Shipped = no Parameters Name ds Type Description The TransferWorkBench dataSet

This method is to be called when the CreateOrder field changes Parameters Name ds Type Description Transfer WorkBench Dataset


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.TransOrderReceipt: This business object contains 23 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This methods updates fields associated with PlantTran.AssemblySeq field. This method should run when the PlantTran.AssemblySeq field changes. Parameters Name tranNum ipProposedAssemblySeq ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Transaction line to check The new proposed PlantTran.AssemblySeq value The Transfer Order Shipment data set

This methods assigns fields associated with PlantTran.JobMtl changing. This method should run before the PlantTran.JobMtl field changes. Parameters Name tranNum ds Type Int32 Description Transaction line to check The Transfer Order Shipment data set

This methods assigns fields associated with PlantTran.JobNum changing. This method should run before the PlantTran.JobNum field changes. Parameters Name tranNum Type Int32 Description Transaction line to check


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Name ds


Description The Transfer Order Shipment data set

This methods updates fields associated with PlantTran.ReceiveTo field. This method should run when the PlantTran.ReceiveTo field changes. Parameters Name tranNum ipProposedReceiveTo ds Type Int32 String Description Transaction line to check The new proposed PlantTran.ReceiveTo value (values: STOCK or JOB) The Transfer Order Shipment data set

This methods changes the BinNumDescription when changing the PlantTran.BinNum This method should run before the PlantTran.BinNum field changes. Parameters Name tranNum ds Type Int32 Description Transaction line to check The Transfer Order Shipment data set

This methods changes the ReceiveToBinNum when changing the PlantTran.ReceiveToWhseCode This method should run before the PlantTran.ReceiveToWhseCode field changes. Parameters Name tranNum ipProposedWhseCode ds Type Int32 String Description Transaction line to check The new proposed PlantTran.WhseCode value The Transfer Order Shipment data set

This methods validates the JobMtl when changing the PlantTran.JobMtl This method should run before the PlantTran.JobMtl field changes.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name tranNum ipProposedJobMtl ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Transaction line to check The new proposed PlantTran.JobMtl value The Transfer Order Shipment data set

This methods validates the JobNum when changing the PlantTran.JobNum This method should run before the PlantTran.JobNum field changes. Parameters Name tranNum ipProposedJobNum ds Type Int32 String Description Transaction line to check The new proposed PlantTran.JobNum value The Transfer Order Shipment data set

This methods validates the BinNum when changing the PlantTran.BinNum This method should run before the PlantTran.BinNum field changes. Parameters Name tranNum ipProposedBinNum ds Type Int32 String Description Transaction line to check The new proposed PlantTran.BinNum value The Transfer Order Shipment data set

This is a custom version of the standard Update method. Parameters Name ds opLegalNumberMessage String@ Type Description The TransOrderReceipt data set The legal number message to display

Returns the Transfer Orders as the GetList does but filtering them out by received or unreceived ones.


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Parameters Name received pageSize absolutePage morePages Type Boolean Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Flag to specify if we want to return Received Transfer Orders, false to return the Unreceived ones. Number of records to retrieve. Page Number. Output parameter to know if there are more pages to display.

Returns The TransOrderReceipt list data set

Parameters Name ipPartNum ipQuantity ipUOM ipOrderNum ipOrderLine ipPackSlip ipPackSlipLine ipReceivedTo Returns Type String Decimal String String Int32 Int32 Int32 String Description ipPartNum ipQuantity ipUOM ipOrderNum ipOrderLine ipPackSlip ipPackSlipLine ipReceivedTo

Returns the Transfer Orders as the GetRows does but filtering them out by received or unreceived ones. Parameters Name received whereClauseTFShipHead whereClauseTFShipDtl whereClausePlantTran whereClauseLegalNumGenOpts Type Boolean String String String String Description Flag to specify if we want to return Received Transfer Orders, false to return the Unreceived ones. Where clause to filter the TFShipHead table. Where clause to filter the TFShipDtl table. Where clause to filter the PlantTran table. Where clause to filter the LegalNumGenOpts table. Where clause to filter the SelectedSerialNumbers table. Where clause to filter the SNFormat table.

whereClauseSelectedSerialNumbers String whereClauseSNFormat String

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name pageSize absolutePage morePages

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description Number of records to retrieve. Page Number. Output parameter to know if there are more pages to display.

Returns The TransOrderReceipt data set

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds requiresUserInput Boolean@ Type Description The TransOrderReceipt data set Indicates if the legal number requires user input

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TransOrderShip: This business object contains 82 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

To test on hand quantity of the bin - i.e. whether it will go negative. Call this method on change of Quantity. Parameters Name pcPartNum pcWhseCode pcBinNum pcLotNum pcDimCode pdDimConvFactor pdTranQty pcNeqQtyAction Type String String String String String Decimal Decimal String@ Description Part Number Warehouse Code Bin Number Lot Number From UNIT OF MEASURE (old Dimension Code) Obsolete Dimension Conversion Factor Quantity (in stocking uom) Valid values are STOP, NONE or ASK User. If Ask User, the user can decide to go ahead with the update even if the qty is negative Error message passed back from the business logic.

pcMessage Returns pcNeqQtyActionpcMessage


Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Assigns a legal number to the subcontract shipment.


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Parameters Name ipPackNum ds opLegalNumMsg Returns The Subcontract Shipment data set String@ Legal number message Type Int32 Description Packing Slip number

calculate the weight of a carton based upon Part.Weight. Parameters Name cartonNumber calculatedWeight Type Int32 Decimal@ Description Carton Number Shipment weight based upon part values

This methods validates PackOut.LotNum field Parameters Name ds Type Description

This method will be called to perform a change in the header status. Parameters Name ipShipHedRowID ipStatus Type String String Description Unique Identifier for the Transfer Order Shipment Selected Status. Valid Options: Open, Close, Void, UnVoid, Freight, UnFreight, Stage


This methods creates PartLot record if criteria is met in CheckTFOrdDtlLotNum This method should run when the TFOrdDtl.LotNum field changes AND after the running of CheckTFOrdDtlLotNum (which potentially returns questions/errors).

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Parameters Name ds Type Description

This methods updates fields associated with TFOrdDtl.OurStockQty. This method should run when the TFORdDtl.DisplayShipQty field changes. Parameters Name ipProposedOurStockQty ds Type Decimal Description The new proposed TFOrdDtl.DisplayShipQty value

This methods updates fields associated with TFOrdDtl.OurStockQty. This method should run when the TFORdDtl.SellingQtyUOM field changes. Parameters Name ipProposedSellingQtyUOM ds Type String Description The new proposed TFOrdDtl.SellingQtyUOM value Transfer Direct Order Dataset

This method defaults fields associated with the partnum. This method should run when the TFOrdDtl.PartNum field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description

This methods updates fields associated with TFOrdDtl.WarehouseCode. This method should run when the TFOrdDtl.WarehouseCode field changes. Parameters Name ipProposedWarehouseCode ds Type String Description The new proposed TFOrdDtl.WarehouseCode value


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Business Object Reference Guide


This methods creates PartLot record if criteria is met in CheckTFShipDtlLotNum This method should run when the TFShipDtl.LotNum field changes AND after the running of CheckTFShipDtlLotNum (which potentially returns questions/errors). Parameters Name ds Type Description

This methods updates fields associated with TFShipDtl.OurStockShippedQty. This method should run when the TFShipDtl.DisplayShipQty field changes. Parameters Name packNum packLine ipProposedOurStockShippedQty ds outMessage outNegQtyAction outNetWeight String@ String@ Decimal@ negative quantity message action that needs to be taken if the quantity is negative total weight based upon part Type Int32 Int32 Decimal Description Pack Number to be modified Pack Line to be modified The new proposed TFShipDtl.DisplayShipQty value

This method defaults fields associated with the partnum. This method should run when the TFShipDtl.PartNum field changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description

This methods updates TFShipDtl.ShippedQty if criteria is met in CheckTFShipDtlTFOrderLine This method should run when the TFShipDtl.TFOrdLine field changes AND after the running of CheckTFShipDtlTFOrderline (which potentially returns errors).

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description

This methods validates the TFShipDtl.TFOrdNum field and updates associated fields. This method should run when the TFShipDtl.TFOrdNum field changes. Parameters Name ipProposedTFOrdNum ds Type String Description The new proposed TFShipDtl.TFOrdNum value

This methods updates fields associated with TFShipDtl.WarehouseCode. This method should run when the TFShipDtl.WarehouseCode field changes. Parameters Name packNum packLine ipProposedWarehouseCode ds Type Int32 Int32 String Description Pack Number to be modified Pack Line to be modified The new proposed TFShipDtl.WarehouseCode value

This method is to be run before the CreateDirectOrderLine. Any message returned needs to be displayed to the user. If they answer no to any the messages then don't run the CreateDirectOrderLine method. Parameters Name ds allocationMessage String@ If overriding allocations, ask user if they want to continue Type Description

This method is to be run before the CreateDirectOrderLine check the on hand quantity of the part. It will return a message in inventoryMessage if the on hand quantity is less than zero. If inventory message isn't null, then it needs to be displayed to the user. If they answer no to the question then don't run the CreateDirectOrderLine method.


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Parameters Name ds inventoryMessage String@ If the inventory will go negative, ask user if they want to continue Type Description

This methods validates PackOut.BinNum field Parameters Name ipBinNum ds String Type Description The new proposed BinNum value

This methods validates PackOut.LotNum field Parameters Name ipLotNum vMsgText vMsgType ds String String@ String@ Type Description The new proposed LotNum value Ouput Error Text value Output Error Type value

This methods validates PackOut.OrderLine field Parameters Name ipOrderLine ds Int32 Type Description The new proposed OrderLine value

This methods validates PackOut.PartNum field

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipPartNum ds String Type Description The new proposed PartNum value

This methods validates PackOut.TFOrdNum field Parameters Name ipTFOrdNum ds String Type Description The new proposed TFOrdNum value

This methods validates PackOut.Warehousecode field Parameters Name ipWarehousecode ds String Type Description The new proposed Warehousecode value

This method checks to see if there are any questions or issues with the part entered and returns a message, a part number and if any substitutes exist. Parameters Name partNum vMsgText vSubAvail vMsgType Type String@ String@ Boolean@ String@ Description The input-output part number to validate and it gets returned The returned message for the inputted part Returned flag stating if substitutes exist for this part Type of message returned. Values can be; "Question" (asking if they want to use the substitute part) "Warning" (Warns them that a part is onhold or runout). "Error" (Part in Inactive, or Onhold/Runout parts are not accepted in this case). "Question" is asking if they want to use the substitute part.

This method checks to see if there are any questions or issues with the lotnum entered and returns a message, run this before ChangeTFOrdDtlLotNum


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Parameters Name ipLotNum ipPartNum vMsgText vMsgType Type String String String@ String@ Description The lotnum to validate The value of the TFOrdDtl.PartNum used to locate partlot records The returned message for the inputted lotnum Type of message returned. Values can be; "Question" (asking if they want to create new partlot) "Error" (Invalid LotNum if record doesn't exist and you don't have permissions to create new partlots) .

This method is to be run before update to ask the user any question that need to be answered before the record(s) can be saved. If the user answers no to any one of the questions, then the update method should not be called. Parameters Name ds allocationMessage String@ Type Description Transfer Order Ship data set If this transaction overrides a allocation, ask user if they want to continue

This method checks to see if there are any questions or issues with the lotnum entered and returns a message, run this before ChangeTFShipDtlLotNum Parameters Name ipLotNum ipPartNum vMsgText vMsgType Type String String String@ String@ Description The lotnum to validate The value of the TFShipDtl.PartNum used to locate partlot records The returned message for the inputted lotnum Type of message returned. Values can be; "Question" (asking if they want to create new partlot) "Error" (Invalid LotNum if record doesn't exist and you don't have permissions to create new partlots) .

This method validates the TFShipDtl.TFOrdLine and returns potential errors. Run this before running ChangeTFShipDtl.TFOrdLine.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipPackNum ipPackLine ipProposedTFOrdLine ds Type Int32 Int32 Int32 Description The packnum value of the TFShipDtl to check The packline value of the TFShipDtl to check The proposed TFOrdline value

Parameters Name ipPackNum Type Int32 Description Pack Num to clear Manifest fields

Parameters Name ipPackNum Type Int32 Description Pack Num to populate Manifest fields

This method converts a qty from one UOM to another Parameters Name partNum baseQty baseUOM convUOM convQty Type String Decimal String String Decimal@ Description Part number Qty you wish to convert UOM baseQty is specified in UOM to convert to Qty converted to UOM specified in convUOM

This method takes the the TranDirectOrder dataset and create the Transfer Order Header records. It will also create and send back a new TFShipHed record for the UI to update. The GetNewDirectOrder method must be called first.


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Parameters Name ds Returns The Transfer Shipment DataSet Type Description The Transfer Order Dataset

This method takes the the TranDirectOrder dataset and creates the Transfer Order Detail record. It will also create and send back a new TFShipDtl record for the UI to update. The GetNewDirectOrderLine method must be called first. The update method to create the TFShipHed record must also be run before GetNewDirectOrderLine is called. Parameters Name ipShipHeadRowID ds ds1 Returns The Transfer Shipment DataSet The Transfer Order Dataset Type String Description Unique Identifier for the Transfer Order Shipment

This methods creates TFShipDtl records based on the quantities remaining to be shipped from the transfer order. Parameters Name packNum orderNum ds Type Int32 String Description Your existing packing slip number The transfer order number

This method takes the direct transfer order number tied to the packing slip and returns the full Direct Order Dataset Parameters Name tfOrdNum ds Type String Description Unique Identifier for the Transfer Order The Transfer Order Dataset

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Business Object Reference Guide

Sets the transfer ship date base on fromplant, toplant, and needbydate. It's calculated using the needby date and subtracting the transfers days held in the PltTranDef Table. To be called when the TFOrdDtl.NeedByDate changes Parameters Name ds Type Description The Transfer Order Dataset

Returns the legal number generation options. Parameters Name ipPackNum opPromptForNum Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Packing Slip number Prompt for the number

Returns The Legal Number Generation Options dataset

This method creates the default empty Transfer Order Header for the user to update before calling the CreateShipmentDirectOrder (update Order, new Shipment) Parameters Name ds Type Description

This method creates an empty Transfer Order Detail record for the user to update before calling the CreateShipmentDirectOrderLine (update TFOrdDtl, new tFShipDtl) This method replaces the GetNewShipDtl method for Direct Order Shipments The TFOrdHed record is sent back as well for constraint reasons Parameters Name tfOrdNum needByDate requestDate ds Type String Nullable{System.DateTime} Nullable{System.DateTime} Description Transfer Order Number NeedByDate Ship Date


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This methods creates a new packing slip with header information pulled from the transfer order header. Parameters Name ordNum ds Type String Description The transfer order number

Parameters Name ipPkgCode ds Type String Description package code Transfer Shipment data set

Parameters Name ipPkgClass ds Type String Description package class Transfer Order Shipment data set

Parameters Name ds Type Description The transfer order data set

Parameters Name ipPkgCode ds Type String Description package code Transfer PackOut data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipPkgClass ds Type String Description package class Packout data set

Calls GetDefaultScale Parameters Name workstationID scaleID Type String String@ Description Workstation ID Scale ID

Gets parameters required for launching Select Serial Numbers Parameters Name ipPartNum ipWarehouseCode ipBinNum ipQuantity ipUOM ipTransType ipSourceRowID Returns The SelectSerialNumbersParams data set Type String String String Decimal String String String Description Part Number Warehouse Code Bin Num Quantity UOM TransType sourceRowID

Sets default values when the TranDocTypeID changes Parameters Name ipTranDocTypeID ds Type String Description TranDocTypeID supplied


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This method will be called to perform a change in the header status for the Pack Out screen. Parameters Name ipStatus ds Type String Description Selected Status Valid Options: Open, Close, Void, UnVoid, Freight, UnFreight, Stage

This method copies the available Order Release lines to the PackOut datatable for update Parameters Name ipOrderNum ipPackNum ds Type String Int32 Description TFOrdNum value PackNum value Customer PackOut data set

This method returns a count order of lines that match the incomming scanned criteria. If there is no unique match, logical fields are updated to que the UI as to what need to be prompted in order to find a matching order dtl. Parameters Name found rowident ds Type Int32@ String@ Description Number of matches to the entered line Rowident of unique match order dtl Customer PackOUt data set

This method copies the available Carton Dtl lines to the PackOut datatable for update Parameters Name ipPackNum Type Int32 Description Carton to get the detail lines from

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Business Object Reference Guide


This method creates a new packout record for the customer shipment packout screen Parameters Name ipPackNum Returns Type Int32 Description Packing number

This methods simulates Undo. Parameters Name ds Type Description

This method creates a new packout record to create TFShiphed and TFshipdtl records Returns Customer Shipment data set

This methods simulates Undo. Parameters Name ds Returns TransOrderShip Dataset Type Description PackOut Dataset

This method needs to be called before deleting line items. It asks the user if they want to delete the TFOrdDtl as well as the TFShipDtl. Parameters Name packNum packLine Type Int32 Int32 Description Pack number. Pack line number.


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Name cMessage

Type String@

Description Message for the user. Null if no question needs to be asked.

Parameters Name ipQVEnable ds Type Boolean Description logical indicating if the quantum view is to enabled/disabled The transfer order data set

Parameters Name ipShipStatus ds Type String Description Shipment status The transfer shipment data set

This methods assigns the TFShipHead.Shipped field and updates/creates all of the associated records (partbin, parttran, tfordhed, etc.) when a Packing Slip is shipped. Parameters Name ipTFShipHeadRowid ipReturn Type String Boolean Description The rowid of the TFShipHead to ship Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back.


This methods assigns the TFShipHead.Shipped field and updates/deletes all of the associated records (parttran) when a Packing Slip is unshipped. Also potentially creates partbin and partdtl records. Parameters Name ipTFShipHeadRowid ipReturn Type String Boolean Description The rowid of the TFShipHead to unship Logical used to determine if you would like the dataset refreshed and brought back.

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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ipWhse ipBinNum Type String String Description Warehouse code used to edit bin Bin Code to validate

Parameters Name ipPartNum Type String Description Part Number

Validates that a single serial number is valid for this transaction Parameters Name ds ds1 ds2 serialNumber isVoided String Boolean@ Type Description The TransOrderShip data set The TranDirectOrder data set The Packout data set Serial number to validate. Serial Number Voided flag

Voids the legal number. Parameters Name ipPackNum ipVoidedReason Returns The Subcontract Shipment data set Type Int32 String Description Packing Slip number Reason for the void


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Parameters Name ipBinNum ds outMessage outNegQtyAction String@ String@ The output Message value The output Action value Type String Description The new proposed TFShipDtl.BinNum value

Parameters Name packNum packLine ipLotNum ds outMessage outNegQtyAction String@ String@ The output Message value The output Action value Type Int32 Int32 String Description Pack Number to be modified Pack Line to be modified The new proposed TFShipDtl.LotNum value

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.TransSugSearch: This business object contains 1 methods.

Get a list of all (changed and new) transfer order suggestions.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name includeNew includeOld plant horizonDate columnName columnValue pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns TransSugSearchDataSet Type Boolean Boolean String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Include suggestions from TFOrdDtl. Include suggestions from TFOrdSug. Plant for the search filter. Horizon date for the search filter. Column name (Part or Part Descriotion) for the search filter. Column value for the search filter. Size of a page The absolute page Indicating if there are more pages after this batch


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Chapter 21: U
Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD01: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD01. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table1 Data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD02: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD02. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table2 Data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD03: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD03. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table3 Data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD04: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD04. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table4 Data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD05: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD05. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table5 Data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD06: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD06. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table6 Data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD07: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD07. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table7 Data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD08: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD08. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table8 Data set


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD09: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD09. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table9 Data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD10: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD10. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table10 Data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD100: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD100. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table100 Data set

Get new for UD100A. Parameters Name ds parentKey1 parentKey2 parentKey3 parentKey4 parentKey5 String String String String String Type Description User Defined Table100 Data set Parent key1 Parent key2 Parent key3 Parent key4 Parent key5

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD101: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.


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Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD101. Returns

Get new for UD101A. Parameters Name ds parentKey1 parentKey2 parentKey3 parentKey4 parentKey5 String String String String String Parent key1 Parent key2 Parent key3 Parent key4 Parent key5 Type Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD102: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD102. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table102 Data set


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Get new for UD102A. Parameters Name ds parentKey1 parentKey2 parentKey3 parentKey4 parentKey5 String String String String String Type Description User Defined Table102 Data set Parent key1 Parent key2 Parent key3 Parent key4 Parent key5

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD103: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD103. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table103 Data set

Get new for UD103A. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table103 Data set


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Name parentKey1 parentKey2 parentKey3 parentKey4 parentKey5

Type String String String String String

Description Parent key1 Parent key2 Parent key3 Parent key4 Parent key5

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD104: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD104. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table104 Data set

Get new for UD104A. Parameters Name ds parentKey1 parentKey2 parentKey3 parentKey4 parentKey5 String String String String String Type Description User Defined Table104 Data set Parent key1 Parent key2 Parent key3 Parent key4 Parent key5


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD105: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD105. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table105 Data set

Get new for UD105A. Parameters Name ds parentKey1 parentKey2 parentKey3 parentKey4 parentKey5 String String String String String Type Description User Defined Table105 Data set Parent key1 Parent key2 Parent key3 Parent key4 Parent key5

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD106: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD106. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table106 Data set

Get new for UD106A. Parameters Name ds parentKey1 parentKey2 parentKey3 parentKey4 parentKey5 String String String String String Type Description User Defined Table106 Data set Parent key1 Parent key2 Parent key3 Parent key4 Parent key5

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD107: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD107.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table107 Data set

Get new for UD107A. Parameters Name ds parentKey1 parentKey2 parentKey3 parentKey4 parentKey5 String String String String String Type Description User Defined Table107 Data set Parent key1 Parent key2 Parent key3 Parent key4 Parent key5

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD108: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD108. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table108 Data set

Get new for UD108A.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds parentKey1 parentKey2 parentKey3 parentKey4 parentKey5 String String String String String Type Description User Defined Table108 Data set Parent key1 Parent key2 Parent key3 Parent key4 Parent key5

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD109: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD109. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table109 Data set

Get new for UD109A. Parameters Name ds parentKey1 parentKey2 parentKey3 String String String Type Description User Defined Table109 Data set Parent key1 Parent key2 Parent key3

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name parentKey4 parentKey5

Type String String

Description Parent key4 Parent key5

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD11: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD11. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table11 Data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD110: This business object contains 11 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD110. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table110 Data set


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Get new for UD110A. Parameters Name ds parentKey1 parentKey2 parentKey3 parentKey4 parentKey5 String String String String String Type Description User Defined Table110 Data set Parent key1 Parent key2 Parent key3 Parent key4 Parent key5

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD12: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage Type String Int32 Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Boolean@

Description Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD12. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table12 Data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD13: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Get new for UD13. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table13 Data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD14: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD14. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table14 Data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD15: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD15. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table15 Data set


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD16: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD16. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table16 Data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD17: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD17. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table17 Data set

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD18: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD18. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table18 Data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD19: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD19. Parameters Name ds Type Description User Defined Table19 Data set


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD20: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD20. Returns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD21: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD22: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD23: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD24: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD25: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD26: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD27: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD28: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD29: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD30: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.

Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605



Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD31: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD31.

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Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD32: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD32. Returns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD33: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD33. Returns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD34: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD34.

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Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD35: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD35. Returns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD36: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD36. Returns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD37: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD37.

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Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD38: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD38. Returns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD39: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD39. Returns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UD40: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Get new for UD40.

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Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.UnpickTransaction: This business object contains 23 methods. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Validate the bin and populate description Parameters Name ipProposedValue ds Type String Description Proposed Value Unpick Transaction data set

Validate the whse and populate description Parameters Name ipProposedValue ds Type String Description Proposed Value Unpick Transaction data set

Validate the job assembly Parameters Name ipProposedValue ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Value Unpick Transaction data set

Validate the job mtl seqr and populate mtl data Parameters Name ipProposedValue ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Value Unpick Transaction data set

Validate the job number

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipProposedValue ds Type String Description Proposed Value Unpick Transaction data set

Validate the part and set the description Parameters Name ipProposedValue ds Type String Description Proposed Value Unpick Transaction data set

Validate the order line Parameters Name ipProposedValue ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Value Unpick Transaction data set

Validate the order number Parameters Name ipProposedValue ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Value Unpick Transaction data set

Validate the order release number and populate release data Parameters Name ipProposedValue opMessage ds Type Int32 String@ Description Proposed Value Message Unpick Transaction data set


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Business Object Reference Guide


Validate the part and set the description Parameters Name ipProposedValue ds Type String Description Proposed Value Unpick Transaction data set

Validate the transfer order line number and populate line data Parameters Name ipProposedValue ds Type Int32 Description Proposed Value Unpick Transaction data set

Validate the transfer order number Parameters Name ipProposedValue ds Type String Description Proposed Value Unpick Transaction data set

Validate the bin and populate description Parameters Name ipProposedValue ds Type String Description Proposed Value Unpick Transaction data set

Validate the whse and populate description

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ipProposedValue ds Type String Description Proposed Value Unpick Transaction data set

Gets a new ttUnpickTransaction record Parameters Name ipType ds Type String Description Type (O=Order/J=Job/T=TO) Unpick Transaction data set

PreUnpickTransaction - Validates unpick before any changes happen Parameters Name ds Type Description Unpick Transaction data set

Unpicks a transaction 1) Validates Unpick 2) Updates PartAlloc Parameters Name ds Type Description Unpick Transaction data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UOM: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Execute necessary modifications when UOM.AllowDecimals is changed Parameters Name proposedValue ds Type Boolean Description Proposed value for AllowDecimals The UOM data set

Execute necessary modifications when UOM.NumOfDec is changed Parameters Name proposedValue Type Int32 Description Proposed value for NumOfDec

Do necessary modifications when UOMCode is changed Parameters Name proposedValue ds Type String Description Proposed value for UOMCode The UOM data set

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns


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Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.UOMClass: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method should be called when AllowDecimal changes. Parameters Name uomClassID uomCode newAllowDec ds Type String String Boolean Description UOMClassID UOMCode Proposed value for AllowDec UOMClass data set.

This method should be called when Base UOM changes. Parameters Name uomClassID uomCode newBaseUOM ds Type String String Boolean Description UOMClassID. Old UOMCode Proposed BaseUOMCode UOMClass data set.

This method should be called when the ClassType changes. Parameters Name uomClassID newClassType ds Type String String Description UOMClassID. Proposed ClassType. UOMClass data set.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Called when the UOMCode is changed when creating a new UOMConv Record. Refreshes UOMConv.UOMDesc Fractions UOMSymbol AllowDecimals NumOfDec Rounding Parameters Name uomCode ds Type String Description Proposed UOMCode. UOMClass data set.

An override to the standard GetCodeDescList Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UOMSearch: This business object contains 0 methods.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UOMStkSearch: This business object contains 0 methods.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UserCodes: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UserCompSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UserDefinedData: This business object contains 0 methods.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.UserFile: This business object contains 18 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method will create a new row in the UserComp datatable related to the given UserID. Use this method instead of GetNewUserComp(), which is generated by the BL framework--so it can't be deleted--but is unusable due to its lack of input parameters. Without an input parameter for the UserID, a new row has a blank UserID and blank Company, which violates the dataset contraints. Parameters Name uid ds Type String Description The UserId for which a Company will be added. The User data set

Implements change password logic Parameters Name uid currentPassword newPassword Type String String String Description User ID current Password new Password

This method is to be run when the user leaves the UserFile record. It will check to see that at least one UserComp record exists. If not the user must add one before continuing on.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name uid Type String Description User ID

Get Defaults values by User ID Parameters Name uid companyID companyName plantID plantName Type String String@ String@ String@ String@ Description User ID company ID company Name plant ID plant Name

This method is to be run when the user leaves the UserFile record. It will check to see that at least one UserComp record exists. If not the user must add one before continuing on. Parameters Name inAuthCompany extCompList Type String String@ Description Authorized Company List of CompanyID and ExtCompID

Save user settings Unlike the Update method, there is no optimistic locking performed. So the settings are saved in a last in wins basis Parameters Name uid saveSettings curComp viewFavoriteBar viewFullTree viewStatusBar viewStatusPanelCompany Type String Boolean String Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Description


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Business Object Reference Guide


Name viewStatusPanelLanguage viewStatusPanelPlant viewStatusPanelServer viewStatusPanelUserID viewStatusPanelWorkstationID winX winY winWidth winHeight listViewMode curMenuID plantID workstationID curFolderSeq maxGroupsFavorites maxGroupsSystemMenu

Type Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 String String String Int32 Int32 Int32


Check payroll rights for current user and company

Check if password is expired Parameters Name uid graceCount Type String Int32@ Description User ID grace Count

Check if password is valid Parameters Name uid password Type String String Description User ID Password

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Business Object Reference Guide

Chapter 22: V
Epicor.Mfg.BO.VATTax: This business object contains 16 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Check Dates, return any warnings Parameters Name ds ipReportID cMessageText String String@ Type Description Vat Tax data set Report ID Warning messages

Call this method to manually refresh the TaxRptDtl records. This should be called after calling PreInitTaxRptDtl method and the user answered yes to to the output message of the PreInitTaxRptDtl if any. Parameters Name ipReportID opErrlog Type String String@ Description The VAT Tax Report ID. Error log resulting of the operation

Run Mexico Vat query and returns total values. Parameters Name ds Type Description VATTAXDataSet

To post the tax report, for a user selected tttaxreport record where taxreport.posted = no

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name inputReportDate inputReportID inputUpdTaxRptDtl Returns VatTax DataSet Type Description

Nullable{System.DateTime} ReportDate(default to tttaxreport.reportdate, can be overridden). String Boolean report id of report to be posted. Indicates if the TaxRptDtl will be updated or not.

Call this method to check if there are TaxRptDtl records that have been manually updated or voided by the user. This is to warn them that these records will not be refreshed if they choose to continue with the InitializeTaxRptDtl method. If the opMessage is not blank then show this to the user and let the user decide whether to continue or not. If the user answers yes then call InitializeTaxRptDtl. Parameters Name ipReportID opMessage Type String String@ Description The VAT Tax Report ID. Returns a warning message the user needs to respond yes or no to.

Call this method to check if there are TaxRptDtl records that have been manually updated or voided by the user. This is to warn them that these records will not be refreshed if they choose to continue with the InitializeTaxRptDtl method. If the opMessage is not blank then show this to the user and let the user decide whether to continue or not. If the user answers yes then call InitializeTaxRptDtl. Parameters Name inputReportID inputUpdTaxRptDtl opMessage Type String Boolean String@ Description report id of report to be posted. Indicates if the TaxRptDtl will be updated or not. Returns a warning message the user needs to respond yes or no to.

Fills From/To dates according selected calendar, year and period if that is possible. Parameters Name ds Type Description VATTAXDataSet


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns Taiwan localization flag state. Returns True if Taiwan localization is ON

Validates Fiscal Calendar ID. Parameters Name ds fiscalCalID String Type Description VATTAXDataSet The fiscal calendar ID

Epicor.Mfg.BO.VBFormMap: This business object contains 5 methods.

Method to call to clear the mapping between source and target. Parameters Name sourceForm targetForm ds Type String String Description The name of new VBForm. The name of current target VBForm. VB Form Map data set

Method to call to get the combo list for a source field in the grid. The combolist is a "code`description" list separated by a ~. Parameters Name targetField targetVBForm comboList Type String String String@ Description The name of current target field. The name of current target field.

Method to call to obtain the VB forms.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns VBForm Map Data Set

Method to call when he source field changes. Parameters Name sourceVBForm targetForm newSourceField targetField ds Type String String String String Description The name of Source VBForm. The name of current target VBForm. The Source field. The new target field. VBForm Map Data Set

Method to call when updating the target fields. Parameters Name sourceForm targetForm ds Type String String Description The new VBForm. The current target VBForm. VBForm Map Data Set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.VendBankSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.VendCntSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.VendGrup: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Vendor: This business object contains 54 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

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Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

To return the list of fields that are maintained by the "Master/Owner" of global record. The client can use this list to disable these fields on the UI.

To return the list of fields that are maintained by the "Master/Owner" of global record. The client can use this list to disable these fields on the UI.

To return the list of fields that are maintained by the "Master/Owner" of global record. The client can use this list to disable these fields on the UI.

Check if the Bank Branch code changed. Parameters Name proposedBankBranchCode Type String Description The proposed Bank Branch code


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Name ds


Description Vendor data set

Change Calendar for new and updated vendors Parameters Name ic_CalendarID ds Type String Description Calendar Code Vendor Data Set

This method validates TaxRegionCode and populates description for supplier. Parameters Name iProposedTaxRgnCode ds Type String Description The proposed TaxCode value The Vendor data set

Method to change related fields to the county. Run when the country changes. Parameters Name i_CountryNum ds Type Int32 Description Country Number Vendor Data Set

Method to call when changing the global vendor flag on a vendor. Assigns the GlbFlag base on the new value. Parameters Name proposedGlobalVendor ds Type Boolean Description The proposed global vendor value The Vendor data set

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Method to call when changing the ICTrader flag on a vendor. Assigns the EnableGlobalVendor based on the new value. Parameters Name proposedICTrader ds Type Boolean Description The proposed ICTrader value The Vendor data set

Method to change related fields to the county. Run when the country changes. Parameters Name i_CountryNum ds Type Int32 Description Country Number The Vendor data set

This method test the validity of the VAT format Parameters Name opMessage ds Type String@ Description Message to display to user if not null The Vendor data set

If the Vendor Contact name is updated this method will parse the name into firstname middlename and lastname fields. If one of the name components is updated the components will be assembled into the Vendor Contact name field The contact must exist in the database before this method can be run. This means that the update method must be run first. The rowmod column must be set to 'U' in order for the method to process the record. This procedure passes a dataset in and out, Parameters Name targetField ds Type String Description Indicates which fields to populate either "Detail" or "Name" The Vendor data set


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This method checks to see if the price list option should be enabled or not based on security rights. Parameters Name lEnablePriceList Type Boolean@ Description Enable price list option

This method calculates Address Element List Parameters Name addrElementList Type String@ Description Address Element List

Get vendor by ID Parameters Name vendorID Returns The Vendor data set Type String Description Vendor ID

This method returns the GlbVendor dataset based on a delimited list of GlbVendorNum values passed in. If GlbVendor.VendorNum = -1 that means the record has been skipped and should be shown at the bottom of the browser. (GlbVendor only) Parameters Name glbVendorNumList Returns Global Vendor Data Set Type String Description Delimited list of GlbVendorNum values

Gets the person contact information.

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Parameters Name targetTable perConID ds Type String Int32 Description The table to fill with the PerCon data. Use empty string to fill all contact tables. Person Contact ID Supplier DataSet

This returns the Vendor dataset for linking. Parameters Name vendorID Returns Global Vendor Data Set Type String Description LinkVendorID field on the GlbVendor record to link

This returns the VendorPP record in the Vendor dataset for linking. Parameters Name vendorID purPoint Returns Global Vendor Data Set Type String String Description vendorID field on the GlbVendor record LinkPurPoint field on the GlbVendorPP record

This method checks if GlbVendor records exists or not. Can be used to determine if the option to link/unlink vendors is available. Parameters Name glbVendorsExist Type Boolean@ Description Yes - they do exist; No - they do not exist

This method performs the actual logic to link VendCnt records for a linked vendor. It will only allow VendCnt's of linked vendors to be processed, otherwise an exception will be raised. The ability to link VendCnt's for a linked Vendor should be offered immediately after performing the update method on a Linked Vendor or a Linked Purchase Point but it does not have to be limited to that time only. If the Contact is for a VendCnt that already


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exists, the GlbVendCnt information is translated and then copied to the VendorDataSet as an update. If the Contact is for a new Vendor or Purchase Point, the GlbVendCnt information is translated and then copied to the VendorDataSet as an Add. Until the update method is run on the Contact record the Link process is not completed. If this link is for a contact on the Vendor, the contact data in the VendorDataSet will be returned in the VendCntMain datatable. If it is for a purchase point, the data will returned in the VendCnt datatable. This is determined by the value of glbPurPoint. If it is blank, it is processed as a contact for the vendor; otherwise it is process as a contact for the purchase point. Parameters Name glbCompany glbVendorNum glbPurPoint glbConNum ds Returns The Vendor data set Type String Int32 String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbVendorPP record to link Global VendorNum field on the GlbVendCnt record to link Global PurPoint field on the GlbVendCnt record to link Global Contact Number field on the GlbVendCnt record to link Global Vendor Data Set

This method performs the actual logic behind linking a Vendor. It is run after the PreLinkGlbVendor method which determines the Vendor ID to link to. If the Vendor Id is for a Vendor that already exists, the GlbVendor information is translated and then copied to the VendorDataSet as an update. If the Vendor ID is for a new Vendor, the GlbVendor information is translated and then copied to the VendorDataSet as an Add. Until the update method is run on Vendor record the Link process is not completed. Once the Vendor record has been linked, the GlbVendorPP and GlbVendCnt records needs to be offered up to be linked as well. Parameters Name glbCompany glbVendorNum ds ds1 Type String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbVendor record to link Global VendorNum field on the GlbVendor record to link Global Vendor Data Set Vendor Data Set

This method performs the actual logic to link VendorPP records for a linked vendor. It will only allow VendorPP's of linked vendors to be processed, otherwise an exception will be raised. The ability to link VendorPP's for a linked Vendor should be offered immediately after performing the update method on a Linked Vendor but it does not have to be limited to that time only. It is run after the PreLinkGlbVendorPP method which determines the PurPoint to link to. If the PurPoint is for a VendorPP that already exists, the GlbVendorPP information is translated and then copied to the VendorDataSet as an update. If the PurPoint is for a new VendorPP, the GlbVendorPP information is translated and then copied to the VendorDataSet as an Add. Until the update method is run on the VendorPP record the Link process is not completed. Once the VendorPP record has been linked, the GlbVendCnt records need to be offered up to be linked as well.

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Parameters Name glbCompany glbVendorNum glbPurPoint ds ds1 Type String Int32 String Description Global Company field on the GlbVendorPP record to link Global VendorNum field on the GlbVendorPP record to link Global PurPoint field on the GlbVendorPP record to link Global Vendor Data Set Vendor Data Set

Linking a GlbVendor record ties a global record to a new or existing Vendor record so that any changes made to the GlbVendor record in another company are automatically copied to any linked Vendors. This method performs the pre link logic to check of okay to link or get the new vendid to create/link to. Will be run before LinkGlbVendor which actually creates/updates a Vendor record and will send the modified record back for update. When the Link "button" is originally selected, the LinkVendID will be defaulted to the GlbVendorId field. It will then check to see if this ID is available for Use. If available for use the system will return a question asking the user if they want to use this number. If the answer is no, then the user either needs to select an existing Vendor's ID to link to or enter a brand new ID. You will run this method until the user answer is yes. Then the LinkGlbVendor method is called. Parameters Name glbCompany glbVendorNum ds vMessage String@ Type String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbVendor record to link Global VendorNum field on the GlbVendor record to link Global Vendor Data Set Returns a message the user needs to respond yes or no to. If the user answers no, then they need to update the LinkVendorId field and then run this method again to test the new VendorId they want to link to

Linking a GlbVendorPP record ties a global record to a new or existing Purchase Point record so that any changes made to the GlbVendorPP record in another company are automatically copied to any linked purchase points. This method performs the pre link logic to check of okay to link or get the new PurPoint to create/link to. Will be run before LinkGlbVendorPP which actually creates/updates a purchase point record and will send the modified record back for update. When the Link "button" is originally selected, the LinkPurPoint will be defaulted to the glbPurPoint field. It will then check to see if this ID is available for use. If available for use the system will return a question asking the user if they want to use this number. If the answer is no, then the user either needs to select an existing PurPoint for the current customer to link to or enter a brand new PurPoint for the vendor. You will run this method until the user's answer is yes. Then the LinkGlbVendorPP method is called. Parameters Name glbCompany Type String Description Global Company field on the GlbVendorPP record to link


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Name glbVendorNum glbPurPoint ds vMessage

Type Int32 String

Description Global VendorNum field on the GlbVendorPP record to link Global PurPoint field on the GlbVendorPP record to link Global Vendor Data Set


Returns a message the user needs to respond yes or no to. If the user answers no, then they need to update the LinkPurPoint field and then run this method again to test the new PurPoint they want to link to

Parameters Name ds Type Description The customer data set

Parameters Name ipQVEnable ipUpdVenUPS ipUPDVenPPUPS ds Type Boolean Boolean Boolean Description logical indicating if the quantum view is to enabled/disabled Yes, if the VenUPSEmail table is to be updated Yes, if the VenUPSPPEmail talbe is to be updated The Vendor data set

This method performs the logic behind the skip option for GlbVendor Skip - marks the VendorNum field with a -1 to move the record to the bottom of the list if the VendorNum field is not 0 will error out Parameters Name glbCompany glbVendorNum ds Type String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbVendor record to skip Global VendorNum field on the GlbVendor record to skip Global Vendor Data Set

This method performs the logic behind the unlink option for GlbVendor Unlink - clears the VendorNum and VendorID field in GlbVendor. Returns the Vendor DataSet

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Parameters Name glbCompany glbVendorNum ds Returns Vendor Data Set Type String Int32 Description Global Company field on the GlbVendor record to unlink Global VendorNum field on the GlbVendor record to unlink Global Vendor Data Set

Parameters Name ipPayBTFlag ipValVen ipValVenPP ipVendorNum ipPurPoint Type String Boolean Boolean Int32 String Description requested pay bt flag to edit logical indicating if the pay flag on the venMFBill is to be checked logical indicating if the pay flag on the venPPMFBill is to be checked Vendor Number Purchase Point

This method checks vendor bank existence. Parameters Name vendorNum vendBankExists Type Int32 Boolean@ Description Vendor Number True if vendor bank existence

Epicor.Mfg.BO.VendorAging: This business object contains 1 methods.

This method should be called to populate the dataset for the Vendor Aging Tracker. Parameters Name vendID Type String Description Vendor ID


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Returns Vendor aging tracker data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.VendorPPSearch: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Called to retrieve Purchase Points for active vendors Parameters Name whereClauseVendorPP pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns Epicor.Mfg.BO.VendorPPListDataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause for VendorPP table. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.VendPart: This business object contains 28 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns



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Parameters Name ds ipAprvSupplier opExistApprovedSupplier Boolean Boolean@ Type Description Vendor Part Data Set Proposed part number Proposed part number

This should be called on change of VendPart.ConvOverride when false it will refresh the Conversion fields to UOM Master values. Parameters Name pConvOverride ds Type Boolean Description Proposed value for ConvOverride Vendor Part Data Set

Method to call when changing the EffectiveDays, EffectiveDate, or ExpirationDate changes. This method will recalculate the ExpirationDate if the EffectiveDate or EffectiveDays change; it will recaculate the EffectiveDays if the ExpirationDate changes. Parameters Name ds cFieldModified String Type Description The VendPart data set cFieldModified indicates which field was updated. Possible values are: blank - indicates we are just getting a value for days "days" - indicates the number of days changed; recalculate expiration date "eff" - indicates effective date changed; recalculate expiration date "exp" - indicates expiration date changed; recalculate effective date

This assignes the vendor name in the SupListImpExpParams datatable. Parameters Name cProposedSupplierID ds Type String Supplier List Dataset of candidates for import Description

Run this method when Part Number on the detail screen changes (copied from SO)

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Parameters Name partNum sysRowID rowType uomCode serialWarning questionString multipleMatch ds Type String@ String String String@ String@ String@ Boolean@ Description Proposed PartNumber change RowID of the selected record. Skips find part logic if this has a value. RowType of the selected record. Only used with sysRowID. UOM Code (only used for Product Codes) Warning message if the InvTransfer line contains serial numbers If the part is being changed to something different than what was on the order, ask if the user wants to continue Multiple matches were found by FindPart Vendor Part Data Set

Method to call when changing the price modifier on the vendor part break record. Recaculates the effective price based on the new price modifier. Parameters Name ds Type Description The VendPart data set

This method creates a new ttVendPart record and deletes the existing one when changing this component of the primary unique index and update the VendPart.PUM. This method should run before changing the VendPart.PUM. Parameters Name ds inPUM String Type Description Vendor Part Data Set Proposed PUM

This method is called when the Supplier Price List object is called from Supplier Response. After a new VendPart record has been created, this method needs to be called to default the specific RFQ information Parameters Name rfqRowIDent Type String Description Supplier Response RowIDent


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Returns The Vendor Part data set

This method conditionally adds/overwrites supplier part records from an import file. Parameters Name ds dtEffectiveDate cSupplierID Nullable{System.DateTime} String Type Description Supplier List Dataset of candidates for import Effective Date Supplier Code

Method to get the last effective VendPart record. Parameters Name iVendorNum cPartNum cOpCode cPUM dtEffDate Returns The VendPart data set Type Int32 String String String Description The Vendor Number to retrieve the dataset for The Part Number to retrieve the dataset for The OpCode to retrieve the dataset for The UOM to retrieve the dataset for

Nullable{System.DateTime} The Date to retrieve the dataset for

This method creates a record in SupListImpExpParams. This record is used to store the import/export parameters. Parameters Name cSupplierID Type String Description

Returns Supplier List Dataset of candidates for import

Method to call get a VendorNum given a VendorID.

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Parameters Name cVendorID iVendorNum Type String Int32@ Description The Vendor ID The Vendor Number

Method to call to get the dataset based on a specific part. Parameters Name cPartNum Returns The VendPart data set Type String Description The Part Number to retrieve the dataset for

Method to call to get the dataset based on a specific vendor and part. Parameters Name iVendorNum cPartNum Returns The VendPart data set Type Int32 String Description The Vendor Number to retrieve the dataset for The Part Number to retrieve the dataset for

This method conditionally adds/overwrites supplier part records from an import file. Parameters Name ds dtEffectiveDate cSupplierID numRecsImported Nullable{System.DateTime} String Int32@ Type Description Supplier List Dataset of candidates for import Effective Date Supplier Code Output number of records from import


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.VendPartRestriction: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Used when Manual field of VendPartRestriction is being changed to a new value. Parameters Name checkManual ds Type Boolean Description Manual value The VendPartRestrictionDataset.

This methods assigns associated fields when VendPartRestrictSubst.SubstanceID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description VendPartRestriction dataset

This methods assigns associated fields when VendPartRestriction.RestrictionTypeID changes. Parameters Name ds Type Description VendPartRestriction dataset

Used when RestrictionTypeID field of VendPartRestriction is being changging to a new value. Parameters Name checkRestrictionTypeID Type String Description RestrictionTypeID value


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Name ds


Description The VendPartRestrictionDataset.

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

Epicor.Mfg.BO.VoidPayment: This business object contains 12 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Method to call when it is necessary to check if document is lock, before doing smth. Parameters Name keyValue Type String Description HeadNum

This method is called only on first build of the screen. If the GL is not interfaced the user will get a warning asking if they'd like to continue or not. If the user answers no or any exceptions were raised, then the screen is immediately shut down and the user is sent back to the main menu. Parameters Name vQuestion Type String@ Description Warning/Continue message if GL is not interfaced

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called.


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Parameters Name ds inHeadNum Int32 Type Description Bank Funds Transfer data set HeadNum of current checkhed record

This method will return a record in the LegalNumGenOpts datatable if a legal number is required for this transaction. The RequiresUserInput flag will indicate if this legal number requires input from the user. If it does, the LegalNumberPrompt business objects needs to be called to gather that information. This method should be called when the user saves the record but before the Update method is called. Parameters Name ds inHeadNum requiresUserInput Int32 Boolean@ Type Description Bank Funds Transfer data set HeadNum of current checkhed record Indicates if the legal number requires user input

This method will void legal numbers that have been generated for checks that were not voided. This can happen if legal numbers were generated, but the user never actually voided the check(s). Parameters Name ds Type Description Bank Funds Transfer data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.VoidPRCheck: This business object contains 9 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

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Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Call this method after user enters the Employee ID. Parameters Name ds pcEmployeeID String Type Description VoidPR Check PREmpMas Data Set Employee ID


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Returns VoidPR Check Data Set

check if interface Parameters Name interfacedText Type String@ Description Contains text of the interface message to present to the user.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Chapter 23: W
Epicor.Mfg.BO.Warehse: This business object contains 22 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method is used to verify Plant on current Warehouse. Parameters Name ipWarehouseCode opMessage Type String String@ Description Current Warehouse Code Message to be displayed to user if not null

This method is used to verify that a bin exists for the current warehouse. It should be called before exiting Warehouse Maintenance or before selecting a different warehouse. If a bin doesn't exist for the current warehouse then a message will be returned in the output parameter opMessage. If opMessage isn't null then the message should be displayed to the user and they shouldn't be allowed to exit Warehouse maintenance or select a different warehouse until a bin is added. Parameters Name ipWarehouseCode opMessage Type String String@ Description Current Warehouse Code Message to be displayed to user if not null

After the tax integration has been called, update the WareHse address if it was changed.

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Parameters Name ds ds1 wareHouseCode String Type Description The WareHse data set The ETCAddrValidation data set WareHse.WareHouseCode

Call tax integration and loads temp tables from the results. Parameters Name wareHouseCode statusFlag errorFlag errorMsg Type String Boolean@ Boolean@ String@ Description WareHse.WareHouseCode Set to true if the integration is up, false if down. If true, an error occured. If Error Flag is true, this is the associated message.

Returns The ETCAddrValidation data set

Filter warehouses that do not have an active cycle count or physical inventory. Call normal GetList method. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The WarehseList data set Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Whereclause. Page size. Absolute page. More pages.

Parameters Name ds ipABCCode String Type Description Warehse data set Warehouse ABC code


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Parameters Name ipCountFreq ipOvrrideCountFreq Type Int32 Boolean Description Cycle Count Frequency Override count frequency

Parameters Name ipPcntTolerance Type Decimal Description Percentage Tolerance

Parameters Name ipQtyTolerance Type Decimal Description Quantity Tolerance Value

Parameters Name ipStockValPcnt Type Decimal Description Stock Value Percent

Parameters Name ipValTolerance Type Decimal Description Value of tolerance

This method will refresh the bin status for each warehouse. The Warehouse can be passed in as a parameter or if left blank, the bin status will be returned for all warehouses

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Parameters Name iplant iWarehousecode Type String String Description Plant that is to have its bin status refreshed or blank for all plants Warehouse code that is to have its bin status refreshed or blank for all warehouses

Returns Warehse Data Set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.WarehseSearch: This business object contains 2 methods.

This method returns a list of warehouses (including shared warehouses) available for a plant. The Plant parameter allows the user to search on just one plant or leave blank to search on all plants. Parameters Name vPlant pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns WarehseSearch DataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Plant to search the warehouses for, blank for all plants page Size absolute Page more Pages: true/false

This method returns a list of warehouses (including shared warehouses) available for a plant. The Plant parameter allows the user to search on just one plant or leave blank to search on all plants. Parameters Name vPlant pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns WarehseSearch DataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Plant to search the warehouses for, blank for all plants page Size absolute Page more Pages: true/false


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Epicor.Mfg.BO.Warning: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Wave: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.WebLog: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.WFGroup: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Delete WFGroup record by parameters

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name cWorkflowType cWFGroupID cSalesRepCode Type String String String Description Work Flow Type Work Flow Group Code Sales Rep Code

This method gets the available TaskSets for the TaskSet combo in the WFGroupEntry. Parameters Name cCurrentWorkflowType newList Type String String@ Description cCurrent Work Flow Type (output) A delimited list of TaskSet IDs and descriptions

Method to call when changing the SalesRepCode. Parameters Name proposedSalesRep ds Type String Description The proposed SalesRepCode The QuickEntry data set

Reassign Work Flow Parameters Name cCurrentWorkflowType cCurrentWFGroupID cCurrentSalesRepCode cNewSalesRepCode cReassignOption lReassignOpenTasks ds Type String String String String String Boolean Description cCurrent Work Flow Type Current Work Flow Group Code Current Sales Rep Code New Sales Rep Code Reassign Option Reassign Open Tasks:true/false Work Flow Data Set


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Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.WFStage: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Epicor.Mfg.BO.WhseBin: This business object contains 20 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Add a New record in WhseBinFormat table Parameters Name ds Type Description The WhseBinWizard data set

Commit to database the proposed Bin Numbers selected Parameters Name ds Type Description The WhseBinWizard data set

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Business Object Reference Guide

Generates the Bin format according to the segments defined Parameters Name ds Type Description The WhseBinWizard data set

Create Bin numbers according to the specified format Parameters Name totalBins ds Type Int32 Description Number of Bin Numbers to be generated The WhseBinWizard data set

OnChangeCustId Parameters Name newCustID ds Type String Description Customer.CustID The WhseBin data set

OnChangeSuppId Parameters Name newVendorID ds Type String Description Vendor.VendorID The WhseBin data set



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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name newCustID ds Type String Description Customer.CustID The WhseBinWizard data set

OnChangeWhseBinWizardSuppId Parameters Name newVendorID ds Type String Description Vendor.VendorID The WhseBin data set

Execute necessary modifications when Maximum value is changed for the segment Parameters Name iSegment newValue ds Type Int32 String Description Segment that is being modified New Maximum value The WhseBinWizard data set

Execute necessary modifications when Minimum value is changed for the segment Parameters Name iSegment newValue ds Type Int32 String Description Segment that is being modified New Minimum value The WhseBinWizard data set

Execute necessary modifications when Number of Positions is changed for the Segment

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name iSegment newValue ds Type Int32 Int32 Description Segment that is being modified New Positions value The WhseBinWizard data set

Execute necessary modifications when Segment Type is changed Parameters Name iSegment newValue ds Type Int32 String Description Segment that is being modified New Type value The WhseBinWizard data set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.WhseGroup: This business object contains 20 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Creates or updates the records for WhseGroupItems according to what option was selected (Part, Group, or Class) Parameters Name groupCode whseCode typeClass ds ds1 Type String String String Description Warehouse Group Code. Warehouse Code. Item Class. Available Items Dataset. creates the records for ttWhseGroupItems Records Returns the records for ttWhseGroupItems created

Creates or updates the WhseGroupTrans records according to what is selected in the availTransTypes Parameters Name groupCode ds Type String Description Warehouse Group Code. WhseGroup Dataset. creates the ttWhseGroupTrans Records

Returns the list of available employees not assigned to any Warehouse Group yet Parameters Name groupCode Type String Description Warehouse Group Code.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns Available employees

Creates and Returns the list of available Transactions Types Parameters Name groupCode Returns List of Transactions Types Type String Description Warehouse Group Code.

Used to verify that Priority must be between the range of whole values 0 - 9 Parameters Name priority Type Int32 Description Priority.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.WhseGroupEmpSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause Type String Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Int32 Boolean@

Description The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.WhseZone: This business object contains 10 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName Type String Description

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name fieldName Returns

Type String


returns the default Warehouse info when the form is opened the first time, then it extracts the Warehouse Description Parameters Name warehouseCode warehouseDesc Type String@ String@ Description Default WarehouseCode Description of the WarehouseCode.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.WorkforceSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.WorkQueue: This business object contains 7 methods.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize Type String Int32 Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet.

Type Int32 Boolean@

Description Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method returns a WorkQueueDataSet containing the operations of the given ResourceGroup (formerly known as WorkCenter). Use this method in place of GetRows(). Parameters Name pcResourceGrpID pcEmpID pcwhereClauseWorkQueue pcwhereClausePartWip pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String String String String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description The Code of the Resource Group for which the operations should be retrieved. The employee Code of the current employee. where Clause WorkQueue where Clause PartWip Page Size Absolute Page More Pages: true/false


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns WorkQueue Data Set

Epicor.Mfg.BO.Workstation: This business object contains 13 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

To return the CodeDescriptionList values of a given table.field. Parameters Name tableName fieldName Returns Type String String Description

Parameters Name ipworkstationID ipdeviceType ds deviceWarning String@ Type String String Description Workstation ID Scale or Printer Work station data set Warning message used to communicate information that does not prevent updates

Parameters Name workstationID deviceType Type String String Description Workstation ID Scale or Printer

To create a new part by duplicating from another.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name sourceStationID targetStationID Returns The Part Data Set Type String String Description Source Station ID Target Station ID

Remarks QTableName - MANDATORY - Name of table to find QLock - type of lock to put on record NO-LOCK (default) or EXCLUSIVE-LOCK QWhere - MANDATORY - criteria to find record QFind - type of find to perform, unique, first, next or last Columns - List of columns

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Business Object Reference Guide

Chapter 24: X
Epicor.Mfg.BO.XAttachMetaData: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.XDocTypeCtrl: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.XFileRef: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns The list DataSet.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Call when DocTypeID is changed. Will reset the path portion of the file name with the BaseURL of the DocType. Note: It will not overlay a fully qualified filename. Parameters Name ipDocTypeID iO-FileName Type String String@ Description The Document Type ID (XFileRef.DocTypeID) that has been entered. The fully qualified file name that the user is referencing for this attachment.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Chapter 25: Z
Epicor.Mfg.BO.zBODef: This business object contains 8 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.zDataFieldSearch: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated. Deletes a row given its ID. Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

Epicor.Mfg.BO.zDataSet: This business object contains 18 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method should be invoked when the KeyID in a parent table changes. This method will validate the KeyID and pull in the new relation fields information. Parameters Name pcDataSetID pcRelationID Type String String Description The DataSetID we want to change Key with The RelationID we want to change Key with

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Business Object Reference Guide

Name newKeyID ds

Type String

Description Proposed KeyID zDataSet data set

Delete all fields from the table of relation fields Parameters Name pcSet pcRel Type String String Description The DataSet Code The Relation Code

This method returns a list of attachment tables Returns AttachTableList data set

This method returns a list of tables in the dataset Parameters Name pcSet Returns zDataTableList data set Type String Description name of the dataset

Add new Relation Parameters Name ds pcDataSetID String Type Description zDataSet data set DataSet Code

Get Relations Fields


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name pcDataSetID pcRelationID Returns zDataSet data set Type String String Description DataSet Code The Relation Code

Get Relations for DataSet Parameters Name pcDataSetID Returns zDataSet data set Type String Description DataSet Code

This method returns the complete Datasets with all tables/fields that are needed for generating a class. Parameters Name className Returns The GenXsd data set returned Type String Description Class name

Epicor.Mfg.BO.zDataTable: This business object contains 18 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store.


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Business Object Reference Guide


Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.

This method should be invoked when the LikeFieldName changes. Parameters Name dataTableID fieldName dbTableName dbFieldName likeDataFieldTableID likeDataFieldName defaultFormat defaultLabel defaultInitValue defaultFieldScale Type String String String String String String String@ String@ String@ Int32@ Description

Get Key Fields Parameters Name pcTableID pcKeyID Returns zData Table data set Type String String Description Table ID Proposed KeyID

Get Key Fields for Table

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Business Object Reference Guide

Parameters Name pcTableID Returns zData Table data set Type String Description Table ID

Synchronize one table Parameters Name dataTableID Type String Description Table ID

Synchronize all the tables of a class Parameters Name className classNS Type String String Description Class name Class namespace

Epicor.Mfg.BO.zDBTables: This business object contains 1 methods.

This method returns a list of db Tables Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns DB Tables DataSet Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description Where Clause, blank for all page Size absolute Page more Pages: true/false


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

Business Object Reference Guide


Epicor.Mfg.BO.zKey: This business object contains 7 methods.

Inserts a new row in the DataSet with defaults populated.

Deletes a row given its ID.

Returns a DataSet given the primary key. Returns The DataSet.

Returns a list of rows that satisfy the where clause. Parameters Name whereClause pageSize absolutePage morePages Returns The list DataSet. Type String Int32 Int32 Boolean@ Description An expression used to filter the rows. Can be left blank for all rows. The maximum number of rows to return. Leave as zero for no maximum. Page of rows to return. Whether there are more pages of rows available.

Returns a dataset containing all rows that satisfy the where clauses. Returns The full DataSet.

Commits the DataSet changes to the data store. Parameters Name ds Type Description The full DataSet.

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Business Object Reference Guide

Apply input data to BO by calling GetByID/GetNew/Update methods. Returns The dataset with list of errors occured during update process.


Epicor 9.05 | 9.05.605

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