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Tierney Cash

Sept. 5, 2023

Communications Plan Outline

Communications Plan:

1. Goal

Representatives at the Red Cross Central and Southwest Oklahoma Chapter are trying to increase

blood donations.

2. Target Audiences

Any Norman resident who is capable of donating blood is a member of the target audience.

Donors must be in good health and weigh no less than 110 lbs. Students at the University of

Oklahoma are the primary audience. The media is also an audience because the organization

needs its message to spread quickly.

● Teenagers at least 17 years of age

● Young adults ages 18-25 (primary audience)

● Mid-range adults ages 26-39

● Adults ages 40+

● The media (OU Daily and Norman Transcript)

3. Research about EACH Target Audience

Some people might not be able to give blood. Or, maybe people are scared of blood or needles.

However, despite the pandemic and people’s fears about donating blood, the audience is likely

motivated by human emotions. Maybe people have sympathy for others in need of blood

transfusions, maybe those people have needed blood themselves in the past. There may be

differing reasons why people choose to donate their blood, but they all likely point back to

emotions. People care about helping others in times of need.

As for the media, they care about providing the public with news they believe is important. How

can you pitch this situation to the media? How do you want the media to write about the lack of

blood donations?

4. Communications Channels

The primary audience, students at OU, can be reached via flyers posted around campus, campus

messaging (e.g., sending out a mass email) and social media. A news story would be a good

option for residents who are not students because many adults watch or read the news every


5. Writing Style

The writing style for people ages 17-25 would be less formal than the style for older adults. The

writing style for middle-aged and older adults would be more formal. The media will have its

own style because you are not persuading the media to give blood. Rather, you are using the

media to persuade other people to donate.

6. Key Messages for Target Audiences:

1. Donate blood.

2. Donating blood could save someone’s life.

3. It is safe, quick and easy to donate blood.

7. Spokesperson(s):

Since this campaign is Norman-based, players from the OU football team could be good

spokespeople for a majority of the target audience. Many Norman residents are big fans of OU

football, so they could be persuaded to donate blood if the team suggests it. The athletes would

obviously need to know the facts about donating blood in order to be credible sources.

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