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Nguyen Minh Khoi_SE172625



I suggest choosing Agile methodology, because:

- Reliability:

The reason making this system comes to our life is very clear and had its own
purposes to help FPT’s students and Lecturers.
- Requirements Characteristics: cleared and straight up.
+ The students enrolling problems are increasing recent years so this is the good
solution for it.
+ The system’s also helping students at their constructivism learning by viewing
questions, giving their own critical opinions or critically evaluate by voting at
other group presentations.
+ It’s also helping the lecturers for better teaching by giving them permission for
managing questions and student groups. Fully controlling the classes which they
are teaching with the help of FAP and voting system.
+ The systems will help the school’s staffs that provide functions that allow
statistics on class hours and monitoring student feedbacks.
- School technologies developing of this project are hugely evolving because of
the impacts it created at helping managing students.
- With the experienced resources of the FU’s IT department, it will boost up the
project developing so the time needed will decrease.
=> Conclusion: The development methodology I suggest for this situation is AGILE
because of clear requirements and a big dev team. This is a huge jump to the top
for the sake of the school technology. With all of that, Agile, in my opinion, is the
most suitable methodology.

I suggest that using the black box testing method will be the most suitable.
Because the requirements of the school are clear, pre-defined and easy to follow.
And secondly, it’s a new program by applying new technology so the outcome will
be the most important factor to define the level of success of this project.
The FU’s IT Department and the FU’s leaders will do the testing and taking
care of the project.


* 4 functional requirements:
- The system needs to provide the ability for lecturers to manage constructive
question and student group
- The system needs to ensure high performance and reliability.
- The system provides functions that allow statistics on class hours conducted
according to the constructivist method, and monitor student’s feedback during
the learning process.
- The system needs to allow users to log in with the FU’s email account on the
Gmail platform, ensuring information security.

* 2 non-functional requirements:
- The lecturers can import student lists from the FAP system or Excel files, assign
presentation and review groups.
- Students can view constructive questions, give their own critical opinions,
critically evaluate (vote) for other group presentations.


4 test cases:
- Test if lecturer can import students lists from the FAP or Excel or not.
- Test if students can vote for other group presentations or not.
- Test if the system did provide functions that allow statistic on class hours or
receiving feedbacks from students or not.
- Test if users could login to the website using FU’s email or not and also ensuring
information security.


2 user stories based on Q3:
- As a student, I want to votes and give my own opinions to a presentation of
other group so I access FU-EduNext system to do that.
- As a lecturer, I want to assign presentation and reviewing groups so I just
importing student lists from FAP system or from Excel to Edunext.


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