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Project 1

Task 1: Change the master design theme to Wisp Theme and change the
font to Arial
Task 2: On slide 3, Change the color of the car icon to Blue and add a 3pt
Yellow Outline
Task 3: On slide 5, Add hyperlink to the website
"" to the sentence "Click here to view
on website"
Task 4: On slide 4 only, Add a footer with the text "Hep Hep"
Project 2

Task 1: Change the master design theme colors Blue

Task 2: On slide 3, Group the business image and its title
Task 3: On slide 4, align the title"Popular flavor orders" to the middle
Task 4: On slide 5, Align the smiley face and heart shapes so they are
centered horizontally on the slide
Task 5: Configure the video on slide 6 to start at 00:00.500 and end at
Project 3

Task 1: Change the top-level bullet of the Slide master to use the
"Galaxy.png" file in the Exam 3 folder
Task 2: On slide master, modify the Titles Placeholder to use a
Newsprint texture fill
Task 3: Bring the text on slide 3 in fornt of the image the hands, Then,
send the family image to the back
Task 4: Hide the comments in the presentation
Task 5: Configure PPT to show gridlines and snap object to the gird
Task 6: On the "How Our Service Works"slide , Format the list as a Two-
column with Spacing 0.5"

Trang 1
Project 4

Task 1: Create a new Slide layout called "mosminhlong" with picture

placeholder on the right, and text placehoder on the left. Keep default
placeholders. The size and exact position of the new placeholder do not

Task 2: On slide 5, resize the Heart so that it is lock aspect ratio and
twice as large. The height and width of the shape should remain
Task 3: Change the animation Path for the Explosion1 shape and text on
slide 4 to Circle
Task 4: On slide 3, Set the playback options so that the audio clip Fades in
for 0.75 second when th user clicks the audio icon and the contrinues to
play when the presenter advances to another slide

Task 5: Add curtains transition betweem slide 1 and slide 2

Task 6: On the slide 6, Add a 3_D Clustered Bar chart that shows the
majors as the categories and "Number" as the series. Use the data from
table to populate the chart

Project 5

Task 1: Add a linear Down gradient fill to the body placeholder of the
Notes Master
Task 2: On slide 3, Apply Offset Diagonal Top Right (Offset: Top Right)
outer shadow to the shape. Set the shadow's color to Orange, Accent 3,
ít size to 103% and ít distance to 10pt
Task 3: On slide 5, Replace the Circle with a heart
Task 4: Change the video window so it is 90% of current size

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Project 6

Task 1: On the slide 8, Insert a comment that reads "Updates" on the

Task 2: On the slide 6, Change the aligment of the narrows so that the
right edge of each arrow is aligned to the right edge of the top arrow
Task 3: On the slide 5, Animation the text so that the first the wipes from
the top immidiately when the slide is shown and each subsequent line wipes
from the top one second after the previous line
Task 4: Add the Blue, 18pt glow, Accent color 2 (Glow 18 - point
Orange, Accent color 1) Glow effect and 5-point soft Edge to the picture
on slide 2)
Task 5: On the slide 7, change the circles so that overlap in the following
order (form back to front): "Early Rock", "Traditional Country","Folk"
Task 6: Set to print 4 slides on 1 horizontal sheet, the first page will be
printed first, the 2nd page will be printed later
Task 7: On the slide 4, modify the chart so that the Modify the chart so that
the Legend on Top of the chart. Show the legend should overlap the chart on
Top of the chart. Show the legend should overlap the chart

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