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Reading 1
Read the text and answer the question.

What is the purpose of the article?

a. To give an opinion about the film.
b. To compare the film characters with the real people.
c. To tell the story of Facebook.

The Social Network: A Story of Friendship

The Social Network tells the story of Facebook, the social networking site. But it is also
a film about friendship, and loss of friendship, among a group of University students.
The characters in the film are based on real people, but how similar are the film
characters and the real people? Jesse Eisenberg, the actor who plays Facebook founder Mark
Zuckerberg, is better looking than Zuckerberg, but in most ways, they look very similar: they
are both pale-skinned and have curly hair; they are both one metre seventy-five centimetres
tall and Eisenberg is just six months older than Zuckerberg.
In the film, Zuckerberg always wears casual clothes. He even goes to one important
meeting in his pyjamas. The real Zuckerberg confirms that this actually happened, and he
recognises his own clothes in the film. ‘It’s interesting that every single shirt and fleece* is
actually a shirt or fleece that I own,’ he commented.
However, he says that the similarity ends there. In the film, Zuckerberg is a loner with
just one close friend. The film also suggests that he creates Facebook because he’s angry
with an ex-girlfriend.
In fact, people who know the real Zuckerberg say that he is a confident young man.
not very talkative, but very intelligent and extremely hard-working. He gets on well with his
family and friends, and has had the same girlfriend since he was at Harvard. Zuckerberg
comments that the film makes the story of Facebook more exciting than it really was. 'I’m just
a little kid,’ he told an interviewer, 'I get bored easily and computers excite me.
Zuckerberg’s best friend, Eduardo Saverin is played by Andrew Garfield. The actor
looks very similar to the real person - tall, slim, good-looking with dark eyes and dark brown
hair. In the film, he is kind, honest, helpful and sensitive, and friends say that this is true of the
real Saverin.
He invests in Facebook and becomes Zuckerberg’s business partner, but after an
argument, Zuckerberg gets rid of him. The other main characters in the film are the Winklevoss
twins who accuse Zuckerberg of stealing the idea for Facebook from them. The twins are one
metre ninety-six centimetres, blond, handsome, sporty and extremely confident. It was
impossible to find similar twin actors, so Armie Hammer, who’s also one metre ninety-six
centimetres, handsome and blond, plays both parts. When he was filming The Social Network,
he became friends with the Winklevoss brothers on Facebook!
Click here for an interview with David Fincher. Director of The Social Network.

2. Reading 2
Read the text again and choose the correct options.

1. In what way are Jesse Eisenberg and Mark Zuckerberg similar?

a. They are both handsome.
b. They have the same skin tone.
c. They are exactly of the same age.

2. What is true in the film?

a. Mark doesn’t pay much attention to clothes.
b. Mark created Facebook because he had an argument with his ex-girlfriend.
c. Mark is a very lonely person.

3. According to Zuckerberg, ...

a. The film story of Facebook is more boring than the real one.
b. The real story is more boring than the film one.
c. Both of the stories are boring.

4. How many actors play the parts of the Winklevoss brothers?

a. one
b. two
c. Three

3. Use of English (задание с ручной проверкой) - макс. 10 баллов

Complete the following sentences about yourself. You may use the ideas from the list
or your own. Mind Conditional 1 or Conditional 2.
1. If I want to earn some money, I …
2. I can do the yard work if …
3. If I were you, I …
4. I would have much pocket money if …
5. I won’t do well on a test if ...

Ideas that you may use:

- help the community
- be more responsible
- have a good excuse
- find a win-win solution
- be more confident
- come to a compromise

4. Speaking (задание с ручной проверкой) - макс. 5 баллов.

Describe a photo. You should say 10-12 phrases using the following plan:
- where the photo is probably taken
- who you can see in the photo
- what is happening in the photo
- what kind of problem the girl has
- what you would do if you had the same problem

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