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Exercise 1: Fill in the Possessive Nouns

1. The ……..…………… (dog) tail wagged excitedly when it saw its owner.

2. ………………………. (Jenny) favourite book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

3. The ………………………. (cat) fur was soft and smooth after being groomed.

4. I couldn’t find my keys, so I had to use ………………………… (mom) spare set.

5. We went to ……………………………. (Italy) famous Colosseum during our vacation.

6. ………………………….. (Tom) bicycle has a flat tire, so he’ll need to fix it.

7. The ……………………………….. (lion) roar could be heard throughout the entire zoo.

8. ………………………………….. (Katie) new dress is perfect for the upcoming party.

9. The …………………………………. (teacher) instructions were clear and easy to understand.

10. ……………………………….. (Grandma) cookies are the best I’ve ever tasted.

11. We admired the ……………………………… (painter) beautiful artwork at the gallery.

12. …………………………. (Peter) decision to move away was difficult for his family.

13. The ………………………. (baby) laughter filled the room with joy.

14. ………………………… (Dad) old car has been in the family for years.

15. The …………………………. (sun) rays warmed the beach, making it a perfect day for


Exercise 2: Complete the Sentences with Possessive Nouns

1. The ……………………………. (neighbour) dog barks loudly every morning.

2. ……………………………… (Sarah) handwriting is very neat and easy to read.
3. We walked through the ………………………………… (forest) dense foliage during our hike.
4. …………………………………….. (Mike) new job requires him to travel a lot.
5. The …………………………………. (baker) pastries are always fresh and delicious.
6. …………………………..…….. (Emily) favourite colour is a bright shade of green.
7. The ………………………….…………. (elephant) strength is truly impressive.
8. ……………………………………………….. (Uncle John) cabin in the woods is a peaceful retreat.
9. The ……………………………………….. (gardener) flowers bloom beautifully each spring.
10. ………………………… (Samantha) passion for music led her to become a professional singer.
11. We climbed to the ……………………….. (mountain) peak and enjoyed the breathtaking view.
12. …………………………………. (Kevin) collection of comic books is extensive.
13. The ……………………………………….. (bird) song was a pleasant sound to wake up to.
14. …………………………… (Sister) wedding was an unforgettable event for the whole family.
15. The ……………………………… (moon) light illuminated the night sky.

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