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Jogging is a great way to get fit and lose weight. It's also good for your heart and lungs. You can
do it anywhere and you don't need any special equipment, apart from a pair of good running shoes.
Before you start jogging, you need to warm up. Start with a walk and then do some gentle
stretches. To stretch your calf muscles, stand about 1 metre away from a wall. Put your hands on
the wall and keep your back leg straight. Bend your front leg and move closer to the wall until you
feel a stretch in your back leg. Hold for 10 seconds and then repeat with the other leg. To stretch
your thighs, bend one leg behind you and hold your foot with your hand. Hold for 10 seconds and
then repeat with the other leg.
When you're ready to jog, start with a slow run. Try not to lift your feet too high off the ground.
Make sure your shoulders are relaxed and your arms are bent at right angles. Breathe deeply and
try to breathe out as your left foot touches the ground. This will help you find a natural rhythm.
You should be able to talk while you're jogging. If you can't, you're running too fast.
To begin with, jog for about 10 minutes, three times a week. As you get fitter, you can gradually
increase the time and frequency of your runs. After about a month, try jogging for 20 minutes, four
times a week. If you want to lose weight, you'll need to jog for longer or more often. You could
also try doing some interval training. This means alternating between short bursts of fast running
and slower running. For example, jog for 2 minutes, then run as fast as you can for 30 seconds.
Repeat this five times. Interval training burns more calories than normal jogging.
After your run, cool down by walking for a few minutes and then do some more stretches. To
stretch your hamstrings, stand with your feet together and bend forward from your hips. Try to
touch the ground with your hands. Hold for 10 seconds. You should feel a stretch in the back of
your legs.
It's important to listen to your body when you're jogging. If you get out of breath or have any pain,
slow down or stop. Don't try to run too far or too fast at first. It's also important to drink plenty of
water before, during and after your run, especially in hot weather.
Finally, don't give up! Jogging can be hard work, but it gets easier over time. Try to find a friend to
jog with you. This will make it more enjoyable and motivate you to keep going.
1. What is one benefit of jogging mentioned in the text?
A. It helps improve your balance and coordination.
B. It requires expensive equipment.
C. It can be done indoors or outdoors.
D. It only requires a short warm-up.
2. How should you stretch your calf muscles before jogging?
A. Bend your front leg and move closer to the wall.
B. Bend one leg behind you and hold your foot with your hand.
C. Bend forward from your hips and try to touch the ground.
D. Bend your back leg and keep your back leg straight.
3. How should your arms be positioned while jogging?
A. Straight and relaxed.
B. Bent at right angles.
C. Raised high above your head.
D. Hanging loosely by your sides.
4. How often should you jog when you first start?
A. 10 minutes, three times a week.
B. 20 minutes, four times a week.
C. 30 minutes, five times a week.
D. 40 minutes, six times a week.
5. What is interval training?
A. Running at a steady pace for a long duration.
B. Alternating between short bursts of fast running and slower running.
C. Jogging for a longer time period without breaks.
D. Increasing the frequency of your runs gradually.
6. How should you cool down after jogging?
A. Do some gentle stretches.
B. Sit down and rest for a few minutes.
C. Take a cold shower.
D. Walk for a few minutes.
7. What should you do if you experience pain or get out of breath while jogging?
A. Slow down or stop.
B. Push yourself harder.
C. Ignore the discomfort and keep running.
D. Drink more water.

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