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Individual Assignment

ITEC 640: Managing Change in Information

Technology Project Management: Challenges and


29 OCTOBER 2023

Table of Contents
Performance Management..........................................................................................................................5

Change and Communication Planning.........................................................................................................5
Managing Expectations...............................................................................................................................6
Risk Management........................................................................................................................................6
Culture Management..................................................................................................................................7
Implications of Management.......................................................................................................................8
Implications for further research.................................................................................................................9


A series of tasks that must be completed to attain a certain outcome, to any temporary

endeavor with a definite beginning and end" is the definition of a project. Once the management

team starts working on a project, a lot of things might happen and modify it. The expertise and

experience of the project managers determine how to reduce and neutralize risks and issues. In

order to fulfill the anticipated closeout date for the customers, the team must adjust and

overcome obstacles as they arise. Major participants and moving elements in the project include

managers, employees, stakeholders, customers, and approaches, skill sets, and processes to fulfill

the development's requirements. Maintaining assignments, including tasks, deadlines, and

milestones, will guarantee that the project proceeds at a steady pace. Ultimately, communication

between all stakeholders makes it possible for the project's goal and vision to be understood



Change is a constant in both personal and professional life. In the field of project

management, reducing the effect of these changes is often our main goal. This is due to the fact

that different factors, such as goals, team members, and job durations, may change and develop

during the project management process. Project management always involves difficulties and

difficulties, but the advantages greatly exceed the difficulties. Julia Martins said that "Project

management helps teams organize, track, and execute work within a project" (Mohd Adnan &

Valliappan, 2019). The management team's duty is still to see that the project is completed as

originally agreed upon with the customer. Projects are often broken down into five separate

stages: initiation, planning, execution, closeout, and maintenance, each with its own set of goals,

benchmarks, and sprints, to help efficiently traverse these small obstacles (Cameron & Green,


The project's commencement phase involves the identification of major goals, key

stakeholders, and other parties who will be influenced by the project. The management team

plans and prepares the project schedule, budget, and foresees any challenges throughout the

planning phase in order to be ready for execution. The team puts the project into action during

the execution phase, as the name indicates, using time management tools like Gantt charts to

track progress and make sure the right team members are responsible for meeting sprint and

milestone deadlines on time. The closeout phase entails gathering the project after it has been

finished and presenting it to customers and stakeholders. Importantly, the customer shouldn't just

view the project at the closeout phase; they should have been updated and maybe seen beta

projects throughout the process (Koi-Akrofi et al., 2019). The modifications that often take place

during projects in each of these stages are covered below.

Performance Management

Cappelli and Tavis (2016), performance management is a continuous activity that

involves dialogue between managers and staff members and is in line with the strategic goals of

a business. Because missed deadlines and goals may create delays in later phases and an increase

in team members' workloads, effective performance management is essential. To make sure that

activities are proceeding as planned, project directors or managers must get reliable project

updates. Additionally, performance management aids in finding and fixing errors in the

responsibilities given to members of the project management team, assuring timely project

completion. Performance management improves the effectiveness of project team members by

resolving these problems, permitting efficient project execution.

Change and Communication Planning

Planning for change management and communication becomes crucial when project

goals, missions, or visions change. To ensure that everyone is aware of the changes and their

ramifications, it is crucial to maintain open and honest communication with customers and

stakeholders. It is crucial to have excellent communication since "poor communication" has been

highlighted as a major factor in scope gaps and project failures (Konapala et al., 2020). Changes

to purpose and vision statements have an influence on project deadlines, timetables, and goals.

To preserve project progress and completion under such circumstances, project managers must

swiftly address these changes using multiple channels including video conferencing, phone calls,

or emails.

Every project or business often includes a mission and vision statement that outlines its

objectives for the future. Their purpose and vision statements may change, having an impact on

project management allocations, just as businesses and projects do. Project managers must

coordinate the project with the client organization's growing vision and goal. Assignments,

activities, dates, and goals for projects may all be dramatically impacted by changes to the

mission and vision statement. To ensure that the project stays in line with the client's shifting

aims and expectations under such circumstances, project managers should proactively

communicate with stakeholders (Mohd Adnan & Valliappan, 2019).

Managing Expectations

For all project stakeholders, effective expectation management is crucial, particularly

after the project's beginning. Achieving big benefits with little effort may not be achievable for

certain firms. For a project to succeed, expectations must be in line with the investments and

resources needed. Inconsistencies and discontent later on may be avoided by having a clear grasp

of expectations up front (Al-Mashat et al., 2018).

Risk Management

The act of recognizing, evaluating, and managing risks to an organization's resources and

profits is known as risk management (Mohammad, 2020). Project results may be under danger

from insider risks, such as customer or stakeholder discontent. It's critical to properly manage

risks by attending to customer concerns and making sure the finished product meets their

expectations. Risks and possible penalties might arise from failing to get required permissions or

adhere to rules.

Culture Management

In a project management team, diversity may provide new ideas and skills, but it can also create

difficulties for goal setting and teamwork. Since team members from different backgrounds may

have different perspectives and methods, changes in organizational culture may have an

influence on how projects are developed. Recognizing and using varied team members' abilities

while establishing a collaborative and inclusive atmosphere are both essential components of

effective culture management.

Adapting to Changes in Project Management

Project managers may influence change in performance management by placing a strong

emphasis on meeting deadlines and goals. Scope, resources, time, and money are the main

focuses of project management (Gell et al., 2021). The achievement of project objectives

depends on ensuring effective resource use and keeping project schedules. Delays may result

from deviations from the original plan, highlighting how crucial it is to deal with problems as

soon as they arise to prevent having to go back.

Central to change management is communication. Project managers and directors should

use a variety of communication methods to efficiently inform their teams and stakeholders of

changes. Keeping stakeholders informed reduces the likelihood of any interruptions brought on

by changes. To ensure project integrity, it's crucial to find a balance between openness and

disclosing just pertinent information.

Implications of Management

Implications of management refer to the consequences, effects, and outcomes of various

management decisions, actions, and strategies within an organization. These implications can

have far-reaching impacts on different aspects of the organization, its employees, and its

operations. Here are some of the key implications of management:

Organizational Performance: Management decisions and actions can significantly influence the

overall performance of the organization. Effective management can lead to improved

productivity, profitability, and competitiveness, while poor management can result in

underperformance and financial losses.

Employee Satisfaction and Engagement: How management treats and interacts with employees

can affect their job satisfaction and engagement. Good management practices can lead to a

motivated and committed workforce, while poor management can lead to disengagement and

high turnover rates.

Resource Utilization: Management decisions impact the allocation and utilization of resources,

including financial, human, and physical assets. Efficient resource management can lead to cost

savings and optimal resource allocation, while mismanagement can result in resource wastage.

Innovation and Creativity: Management plays a role in fostering a culture of innovation and

creativity within the organization. Supportive management can encourage employees to generate

new ideas and solutions, while rigid or risk-averse management can stifle innovation.

Risk Management: Effective management involves assessing and mitigating risks. Inadequate

risk management can lead to operational, financial, or reputational crises, while proactive risk

management can enhance the organization's resilience (Muriithi & Crawford, 2003).

Stakeholder Relations: Management decisions impact relationships with various stakeholders,

including customers, suppliers, investors, and the community. Positive management practices can

strengthen these relationships, while negative actions can lead to conflicts and reputational


Implications for further research

The discussion on change management in project management offers several implications for

further research in this field:

Effective Change Management Strategies: Research can delve into the development of more

effective change management strategies and methodologies specific to project management. This

may involve examining case studies or conducting empirical research to identify best practices.

Performance Management Metrics: There is a need for research on the development of

performance management metrics that can better measure the effectiveness of performance

management in project execution. This can help project managers understand the impact of

performance management on project success.

Communication in Change Management: Investigating the role of communication in change

management within project management is essential. Research can explore how different

communication methods and tools impact project outcomes, stakeholder satisfaction, and overall

project success.

Mission and Vision Alignment: Research can focus on the alignment of project objectives

with the evolving mission and vision statements of client organizations. This may involve

exploring how project managers can effectively adapt project goals to match changing

organizational objectives.

Stakeholder Expectation Management: Further research can examine the strategies and

techniques for managing stakeholder expectations, particularly after the project's initiation phase.

Understanding how to align stakeholder expectations with project resources and goals is crucial

for successful project management.

Risk Management in Project Management: There is a need for ongoing research in the area of

risk management within project management, especially concerning the identification and

mitigation of risks related to changes in project goals, scope, and stakeholders.

Culture Management and Diversity in Project Teams: Research can investigate how to effectively

manage diverse project teams and leverage their skills while ensuring a collaborative and

inclusive environment. This research can provide insights into how cultural diversity influences

project outcomes.

Adaptation to Changes in Project Management: Research can focus on the development

of tools and techniques that aid project managers in adapting to changes effectively. This may

include studying how agile project management methodologies and other adaptive approaches

can be implemented in different contexts.

Balancing Communication and Disclosure: Finding the right balance between open

communication and the disclosure of pertinent information is critical. Research can explore how

project managers can navigate this balance effectively to maintain project integrity and

stakeholder satisfaction.

Long-Term Project Impacts: Examining the long-term impacts of changes on projects can

be an important area of research. Understanding how changes influence project success, client

relationships, and organizational outcomes over time can provide valuable insights (Galliers &

Leidner, 2014).

It is a question of when rather than if to change management inside project management and

creation. Before, during, and after the project is completed, the management team and agencies

should be ready and take into account all important aspects. Every stage of a project has its share

of challenges and opportunities for the client or customer to ask for adjustments. By emphasizing

to the client early on in the project that any modifications might lead to higher resource costs,

more man-hours, and a later completion date. Moreover, throughout the project, the team is

making efforts to reduce and mitigate any potential modifications that can cause a delay in the

project's completion. Early detection of these mistakes and adjustments facilitates smoother

transitions and change management. Since this may be the client's first request for a project of

any kind, being accommodating to them is essential to providing excellent customer service. As

previously said, the modifications included risk management, culture management, mission and

vision management, performance management, communications planning, and explanations to

the other development organization alterations In order to implement the execution

modifications, the project manager should encourage and direct the crew partners to follow the

schedules and guidelines in order to complete the assigned tasks by the deadline.


Al-Mashat, R., Clinton, K., Laxton, D., & Wang, H. (2018). Managing expectations. Advancing
the Frontiers of Monetary Policy, 31-44.
Cameron, E., & Green, M. (2019). Making sense of change management: A complete guide to
the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers.
Cappelli, P., & Tavis, A. (2016). The performance management revolution. Harvard Business
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strategies in managing information systems. Routledge.
Gell, N., Hoffman, E., & Patel, K. (2021). Technology support challenges and recommendations
for adapting an evidence-based exercise program for remote delivery to older adults:
exploratory mixed methods study. JMIR aging, 4(4), e27645.
Koi-Akrofi, G. Y., Koi-Akrofi, J., & Matey, H. A. (2019). Understanding the characteristics,
benefits and challenges of agile it project management: A literature based perspective.
International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), 10(5), 25-44.
Konapala, G., Mishra, A. K., Wada, Y., & Mann, M. E. (2020). Climate change will affect global
water availability through compounding changes in seasonal precipitation and
evaporation. Nature communications, 11(1), 3044.
Mohammad, S. M. (2020). Risk Management in Information Technology. Available at SSRN
Mohd Adnan, S. N. S., & Valliappan, R. (2019). Communicating shared vision and leadership
styles towards enhancing performance. International Journal of Productivity and
Performance Management, 68(6), 1042-1056.
Muriithi, N., & Crawford, L. (2003). Approaches to project management in Africa: implications
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