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Global Essay Competition 2024

Title: Striving for more or thriving with less –

What pressing scarcity do you see, and how do
you suggest to tackle it?

The duality between striving for more and thriving with less encapsulates a significant
challenge in contemporary society. As individuals and nations pursue aspirations for success
and abundance, various scarcities emerge, posing threats to the environment, well-being,
and equitable opportunities. This essay explores a pressing scarcity in each dimension and
proposes strategies to tackle them, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to
sustainable growth and contentment. The dichotomy between striving for more and thriving
with less is a central challenge in today's society. As aspirations for success, wealth, and
abundance drive individuals and nations forward, the consequential scarcity in various
realms poses significant threats. This essay aims to shed light on a pressing scarcity and
propose strategies to tackle it, emphasizing the delicate balance required for sustainable
growth and contentment.

1. Environmental Scarcity:
One of the most pressing issues of our time is the scarcity of environmental resources.
Deforestation, pollution, and climate change threaten the delicate balance of our
ecosystems. To overcome environmental scarcity, a shift towards sustainable practices is
imperative. Embracing renewable energy sources, promoting afforestation, and adopting
eco-friendly technologies are essential steps in mitigating the environmental crisis.

"Unless we keep this planet healthy, everything else is for naught".

Environmental scarcity, exacerbated by factors like deforestation and climate change,
demands immediate attention. To address this, a shift toward sustainable practices is
essential. Initiatives such as investing in renewable energy (Gillingham et al., 2016), adopting
eco-friendly technologies (United Nations Environment Programme, 2019), and advocating
for conservation efforts are crucial. Fostering awareness and education on environmental
issues can also promote a collective commitment to sustainable living (Stokes, 2020).

"To waste, to destroy our natural resources, to skin and exhaust the land
instead of using it so as to increase its usefulness, will result in
undermining in the days of our children the very prosperity which we ought
by right to hand down to them amplified and developed".
2. Economical Scarcity:
 Economic inequality and poverty persist globally, creating a scarcity of opportunities for
many. To address economic scarcity, governments and businesses must prioritize inclusive
economic policies. Investing in education, vocational training, and social welfare programs
can empower individuals to break cycle of poverty. Additionally, promoting fair trade and
ethical business practices can contribute to a more equitable distribution of resources.

"Scarcity and inefficiency are the movers of money; the more there is of
any resource the less you can charge for it".

Economic inequality and poverty persist globally, creating a scarcity of opportunities for
many. To address economic scarcity, governments and businesses must prioritize inclusive
economic policies. Investing in education, vocational training, and social welfare programs
can empower individuals to break the cycle of poverty. Additionally, promoting fair trade and
ethical business practices can contribute to a more equitable distribution of resources.

"To be free from a scarcity trap, it is not enough to have more resources
than desires on average".

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3. Consumerism and Material
The relentless pursuit of material wealth often results in a scarcity of contentment.
Addressing material scarcity involves promoting mindful consumption and embracing
minimalism. Encouraging responsible consumer behavior, supporting ethical and sustainable
businesses, and emphasizing the value of experiences over possessions can contribute to a
more balanced and fulfilling life.Tackling material scarcity involves promoting mindful
consumption and embracing minimalism. Supporting ethical and sustainable businesses
(Cohen, 2018), encouraging responsible consumer behavior, and emphasizing the value of
experiences over possessions can contribute to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

"From the scarcity of time arises the habit of hurrying. From the scarcity
of money comes the habit of greed. From the scarcity of attention comes the
habit of showing off. From the scarcity of meaningful labor comes the habit of

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4. Social Scarcity:
In an interconnected world, social bonds sometimes face scarcity due to factors like
individualism and digital isolation. To tackle social scarcity, fostering genuine connections
and community engagement is essential. Governments can invest in community-building
initiatives, while individuals can prioritize meaningful relationships over superficial
"Praise, like gold and diamonds, owes its value only to its scarcity“
Additionally, digital platforms can be leveraged to facilitate positive social interactions and
bridge gaps between people.Social bonds sometimes face scarcity due to individualism and
digital isolation. Fostering genuine connections and community engagement is crucial to
address social scarcity. Governments can invest in community-building initiatives, and
individuals can prioritize meaningful relationships over superficial connections. Digital
platforms can also be leveraged to facilitate positive social interactions (Hampton et al.,
"Scarcity captures the mind. Just as the starving subjects had food on
their mind, when we experience scarcity of any kind, we become absorbed by

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5. Education Scarcity:
Unequal access to quality education perpetuates socio-economic disparities. Addressing
education scarcity requires a commitment to providing accessible and inclusive educational
resources. Governments should invest in education infrastructure, ensure equal opportunities
for all students, and promote vocational training (Chetty et al., 2014). Online learning
platforms can also expand educational access globally (Zheng et al., 2018).
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those
who prepare for it today".

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Tackling education scarcity requires a commitment to providing accessible and inclusive
educational resources. Governments should invest in education infrastructure, ensure equal
opportunities for all students, and promote vocational training to address the diverse needs
of the workforce. Additionally, initiatives such as online learning platforms can expand
educational access globally.
"Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your
temper or your self-confidence".

6. Time Scarcity:
The frenetic pace of modern life often leads to a scarcity of time, impacting mental health and
overall well-being. Addressing time scarcity involves reevaluating priorities and fostering a
culture of work-life balance. Employers can play a pivotal role by implementing flexible work
arrangements (Bloom et al., 2019) and promoting a healthy organizational culture that values
employees' time outside of work.
"Scarcity in one walk of life means we have less attention, less mind, in
the rest of life"
In the fast-paced modern world, time has become a scarce commodity. Balancing work,
family, and personal life can be challenging. To overcome time scarcity, individuals must
prioritize their commitments, practice time management, and embrace the concept of slow
living. Employers can contribute by promoting flexible work schedules and encouraging a
healthy work-life balance.
"Scarcity of any kind, not just time, should yield a focus dividend".

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7. Technology Scarcity:
Access to technology has become a vital determinant of success in the modern world.
However, a digital divide still exists, limiting opportunities for those without access to
technology. Bridging this gap requires a concerted effort to provide affordable and accessible
technology to underserved communities. Initiatives such as community technology hubs and
digital literacy programs can empower individuals and communities, reducing technological
"If these resources are very valuable, if these resources are scarce, if
these resources are degraded, there is going to be competition".

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8. Emotional and Mental Scarcity:
The prevalence of stress, anxiety, and mental health issues highlights a scarcity of emotional
well-being. Prioritizing mental health education, reducing the stigma surrounding mental
health, and fostering supportive communities can contribute to overcoming emotional and
mental scarcity. Additionally, mindfulness practices and self-care strategies can help
individuals thrive with less emotional burden.
"We become so absorbed by the feeling of lack that it dominates our
mind, no matter how trivial the matter may seem".

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Striking a balance between striving for more and thriving with less is a complex but
necessary endeavour for the well-being of individuals and the planet. By acknowledging and
addressing pressing scarcities in environmental, material, social, educational, and time-
related domains, we can create a sustainable and fulfilling future. Embracing conscious
choices, fostering community connections, and prioritizing well-being over unbridled growth
are essential steps in navigating the delicate equilibrium between aspirations and
sustainability. Only through collective efforts can we build a world where both personal and
global flourishing co-exist harmoniously.

Reference List / Bibliography / Sources:

 Gillingham, K., Newell, R. G., & Pizer, W. A. (2016). Modelling endogenous technological
change for climate policy analysis. Energy Economics, 56, 412-422.

 United Nations Environment Programme. (2019). Emissions Gap Report 2019. Retrieved from

 Stokes, L. (2020). Environmental Education: Improving Student Achievement. The Clearing

House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 93(1), 1-8.

 Cohen, J. (2018). The Business Case for Ethical and Sustainable Fashion. Forbes. Retrieved

 Hampton, K. N., Rainie, L., Lu, W., Shin, I., & Purcell, K. (2016). Social Media and the Cost of
Caring. Pew Research Centre. Retrieved from

 Chetty, R., Friedman, J. N., & Rockoff, J. E. (2014). Measuring the Impact of Teachers II:
Teacher Value-Added and Student Outcomes in Adulthood. American Economic Review,
104(9), 2633–2679.

 Zheng, S., Miao, M., Zhang, L., & Xie, X. (2018). Online Learning and Residential College
Students' Well-being: A Longitudinal Study. Educational Technology Research and
Development, 66(2), 393-407.

 Bloom, N., Liang, J., Roberts, J., & Ying, Z. (2019). Does Working from Home Work?
Evidence from a Chinese Experiment. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 134(1), 423–462.

Word Count (essay text only): (1525/2100)

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