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CODE: 19CA02301


Chadalawada Nagar, Renigunta Road, Tirupati – 517 506
B. Tech II Year I Semester (R19) Supplementary Examinations, October - 2021
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 70
1. Answer any ten questions (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
(a) Give the formula for Active and Reactive powers in three phase unbalanced systems

(b) Give the relationship between phase and line values of voltages and currents for three
phase delta connected systems
(c) In the sinusoidal response of R-L-C circuit, Write the complementary function of the
solution of ‘i'
(d) Write the equation for particular current obtained from the solution of ’ i' in the
sinusoidal response of R-L circuit is
(e) State the ohms law for magnetic circuits
(f) Write the two port network equations for h parameters
(g) If f(t) = t, 0 < t < π, f(t+nπ)=f(t), the value of ωo is
(h) State the “Fourier Theorem”
(i) Draw a circuit which acts as a high pass filter
(j) What is a filter network
(k) Write the equations for line currents in terms of phase currents in three phase delta
connected system
(l) Write the equation for coefficient of coupling in terms of self and mutual inductances.
Answer all five units (5 x 10 = 50 Marks)

2. Three coils, each of 5Ω resistance and 6Ω inductive reactance are connected in closed
delta and supplied from a 440V, three phase system. Calculate the line and phase
currents, the power factor of the system, Active and Reactive power taken by the load.
3. A delta connected three phase load is supplied from a 3-phase, 400V balanced supply
system. The line current is 20A and power taken by the load is 10kW. Determine a)
impedance in each branch B) line current, power factor and power consumed if the same
load is connected in star.

4. Derive an expression of series RL circuit when excited with sinusoidal system.
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5. In the given circuit shown in fig below, switch ‘K’ is Initially at position 1. On the steady
state having reached, Switch ‘K’ is changed to position 2.Find the particular Solution for
the current in the circuit. Also calculate the Voltage across R1 and L at time ‘t’.

6. A flux of 2 mWb is to be produced in the air gap of the magnetic circuit shown in figure.
How much ampere turns the coil must provide to achieve this? Relative permeability μr
of the core material may be assumed to be constant and equal to 5000. All the dimensions
shown are in cm and the sectional area is 25cm2 throughout.

7. Find the z-parameters for the two port network shown below:

8. Obtain the Fourier series expansion for the wave form shown:

9. Find the exponential Fourier series for the waveform in Figure:

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10. Determine the cut-off frequency and the nominal impedance of the low-pass filter
sections shown in figure:


11. A low pass π section filter has a nominal impedance of 600 ohms, cut off frequency 2
MHz. Find the frequency at which the characteristics impedance of the section (i) 600
ohms and (ii) 1000 ohms

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