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Three pillars of

I - Content

II - Consistency

III - Community
Three pillars of

So you want to grow on Instagram, well
you’re in the right place. But why should you
trust what I have to say. It’s not because this
E-book is free and you have nothing to lose,
but because I have been growing multiple
Instagram pages since January 2021. This
experience has taught me not only how to
to go viral and bring large amounts of traffic
through my page but how to generate a
full-time income with all that attention.

Check out some of that attention.

Three pillars of


Whilst nothing worth having in life comes

easy, the process which gets you there can
be simple. That is why this E-book is free and
not a $500 course like some creators will
try to sell you. The complex part is
monetising the attention.
Three pillars of

One misconception about coming up with
content on Instagram, or any social media, is
that you need to find the next big thing. The
truth is, that is very risky. What you should do
is find ten creators in your niche and find
videos that work for them.

There are two types of posts which do

extremely well on Instagram. Slideshow posts
and reels.

Slideshows are very simplistic, if you are

posting photos or quotes, match the colours
and theme. It’s hard to go wrong.
Three pillars of

Reels offer much more stimulation and are
the easiest way to blow up. Find the top
creators in your niche look, through their reels
section and chances are there will be a
recent reel that has ten times the views of
their other reels.

There is something working here, is it the hook

(the first three seconds that build suspense)?
Is it the trending audio? Is it the call to action,
telling the viewer to comment or read a long
caption which keeps the viewer on the post?

Or is it a combination of all three?

(Most likely)
Three pillars of

Before we get to the technical stuff, how do
you start putting the reel together.

Go to your reels tab a scroll for a while, find a

audio that is popular at the moment. Check
to see how many reels have been made with
that audio. The fewer videos with more views
the better. Then screen record the audio.

Now you need footage to go with the audio,

but first let’s go over your camera settings.
Three pillars of

Go to the camera settings on your phone and
select ‘4K at 30 fps’ for your video settings.
Also, turn HDR off and turn the grid on.

Now your camera is set up, you can begin

recording. Film similar shots of the ones in
other creators successful videos. When
recording a scene or object get multiple
shots at different angles and distances.
Three pillars of

Different shots and angles in quick
succession help to boost stimulation. This is
essential if you want people to watch the full
reel. In the modern world everyone’s
dopamine receptors have been fried with
instant gratification through social media,
processed food, etc. This makes it infinitely
harder to keep someone’s attention.

So, let’s discuss audience retention.

Three pillars of

Here are two examples, one of a high level of
audience retention, the other of poor
audience retention.

One factor contributing to retention is

obvious from the screenshots you see. Which
is the length of the video, the shorter the
video the higher the probability the viewer will
watch the entire reel. The sweet spot is 5-10
seconds. This is essential if you want your
reel to be pushed to more viewers
by the algorithm.
Three pillars of

Instagram wants to keep the viewer on the
app for as long as possible so they can
charge more for advertising. Therefore, if you
keep people looking at your posts longer than
other creators your posts will be pushed by
the algorithm.

But how do you keep people watching your


- Hook

- Call to action

- Value
Three pillars of

Let me explain.

The hook or the first three seconds is what

stops people from scrolling past your video.
Try to target a pain point, what is something
people in your niche struggle with. Then tell
you solve their problems.

Hook Promise of value

Three pillars of

Next is the call to action, tell the viewer the
solution to your problems is in your caption.
This part is golden, the viewer scrolls down to
your caption to read the information whilst
the reel is running in the background and
they are still on your post boosting the watch
time massively.

Call to action
Three pillars of

So spread your caption out, list information in
bullet points or make every sentence it’s own
paragraph. In your caption you only want to
give them a taster of the value. As the real
value is in a digital product you have made,
this could be a notion template, a video filter
or an E-book. It’s free to make, free to send
and it’s instant.

So how does the viewer get this digital

product. You tell them at the bottom of your
caption to comment on your reel with a
certain word and you send it to their DM’s.
Three pillars of

Your video comments and DM’s explode with
messages. This tells the algorithm people
love your posts and your profile due to
the high engagement.

Value offer
Three pillars of

There are also other ways of boosting
engagement such as providing the value in
the video in different shots with rapid
succession. This way the viewer will pause
your reel to read the value.

Now you know how to make a reel that has all

the ingredients to go viral.

Once it is ready go onto Instagram and turn

on ‘upload at highest quality’ in your data

Now time to post.

Three pillars of

When posting your video let it play out fully,
and make sure you have a strong internet
connection to ensure your video is at the
highest quality.

Upload at least one reel a day and stay

consistent. The algorithm only rewards
creators who put in the effort. The longer you
have been posting the higher the chances of
a reel going viral. Also most of my reels don’t
go viral straight away, they only start to gain
traction two weeks after being uploaded.

So, be patient.
Three pillars of

Eventually this happens.

Once your reel goes viral you will get massive

amounts of new traffic coming to your page.
Now how do you make them stay.
Three pillars of

You retain your followers by actually
providing value in your reels, this could be
information or general entertainment. As long
as you are somewhat unique and not a
complete copy cat your following will grow.

Here is a great tip for you, start to follow many

different creators in your niche, not just the
most popular we are looking for quantity
here. As soon as they upload comment on
their post, comment anything this could just
be an emoji. However keep in mind the more
likes your comment gets the closer to the top
of the comment section it will be.
Three pillars of

Eventually their followers will see your name
over and over again. This sparks curiosity,
which leads them to click on your profile,
which can lead to a follow and more profile

Post stories daily this way you look active

even before people view your profile. This is
also a great way to show your personality
more. Also you can post a story similar to the
hook of a video, then upload your reel as a
story. This get’s you twice as many story
views and more engagement on your reels.

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