20240530-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. To COVID-19 Response Inquiry - Care of Kate Husband

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3 COVID-19 Response Inquiry 30-5-2024
4 Email kate.husband@pmc.gov.au
7 Re COVID-19 Response Inquiry
8 Kate,
9 Thank you for your email (2024-05-13 17:46).
11 Nearly 2 months ago my son Mark Craig Schorel (41) was given the living time table of 2
12 months to 2 years, due to having been jabbed while working for PAC GROUP who placed him
13 as a qualified motor mechanic with Holden Fisherman Bend in Port Melbourne. Holden insisted
14 he be “vaccinated’ even so Mark didn’t want to do so.

17 Each time he waited until the last day hoping the mandates would be stopped but he was given
18 the understanding that he was to have the jabs or loses his job. As he was paying child support
19 and paying rent for a room, he had in that regard no choice but to have the jabs. However, after
20 mark had the jabs then Holden commenced to downsize workforce and Mark lost his job
21 anyhow. He no longer could afford renting a room and ended up sleeping on park benches and
22 becoming very ill.
23 He faced considerable medical bills out of his own pocket.
24 End April, Mark ended up in hospital and while he was first in ICU and then later in a ward his
25 backpack with belongings were stolen. The person who Mark suspected stole the items (he was
26 moved to another ward when nurses forget to take his belonging with them, and Mark reported
27 the missing of his personal belongings including his mobile) still tries to use his mobile for
28 fraudulent charges. Well, Commonwealth Bank refuses to replace the any of the about $2,135
29 that was stolen from Mark’s accounts on the basis that he might have authorized someone else to
30 use his mobile. This despite that Mark reported the theft of all his belongings while in hospital.
31 Mark was under medication (drugs) while in hospital because of the severe pain he has.
32 This is a clear example how Holden forced an employee to be jabbed and then isn’t there when
33 things went wrong. I did write to PAC GROUP (his actual employer at the time) but they didn’t
34 respond.
30-5-2024 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
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2 Mark granted me “Enduring Power of Attorney” which was witnessed by a Justice of the
3 Peace and also by a Police officer at the Prahran Police Station.
5 I provided him with a station wagon he now uses to sleep in, however last week when I attended,
6 I found the passengers front door wide open at 5.10 PM in the afternoon, and Mark was half way
7 outside the car and half way in the car, asleep. Had I not attended he would likely have frozen to
8 death.
9 Mark has signed documents his last will and testament for me to be the executor and if mark was
10 to pass away, I can assure you so to say hell will brake lose because I will pursue everyone
11 directly/indirectly involved to be held legally accountable.
13 No one seems to care less about the victims of the unconstitutional mandates and the harm
14 inflicted upon the many and those who died. Just that in April 2020 I then already filed a
15 complaint with the Victorian Ombudsman who then claimed not to have any powers and that
16 IBAC was to deal with it. I also filed on 13 April 2020 an extensive complaint with the
17 Victorian Human Rights Commissioner who never even bothered to respond. IBAC on 19
18 April 2020 then responded that it was not a matter of “public interest”. Well, tell that on all those
19 victims who suffer and those who died!
21 It is only that this year I became aware that Mark was so ill as he had been hiding this from me.
23 Representing myself in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka, having served a NOTICE OF
24 CONSTITUTIONAL MATTER also upon all 9 Attorney Generals, I succeeded in both
25 appeals on 19 July 2006 unchallenged.
27 I am well aware that politicians and their officials are essentially ignoring what I write about and
28 well even so I prefer them to respond appropriately I can assure you that the time will come that
29 they be faced with this in litigation. About 30 years ago I did an appeal before a Full Court and
30 succeeded even so I presented my appeal in about 2 minutes, while the opponent Counsel was
31 going on and on, but miserably failed. A lawyer who had been in the public gallery (specially to
32 see me in action) afterwards made known he never would want to have me as an opponent party
33 because of how I litigate and with a knowledge most lawyers don’t have this ability.
35 I on 6 August 2021 commenced to file a complaint with the Australian Federal Police and with
36 the numerous supplements ever since it is some 7,045 pages. Obviously, one has to question why
37 did the AFP not investigate? Why did it stand by while people were murdered?
39 Anyone who take the position that the States/Territories had the legislative, executive and/or the
40 administrative powers regarding MANDATES simply hasn’t got a clue as to the true meaning
41 and application of the legal principles embedded in the constitution.
43 In November 2023 the High Court of Australia then stated that indefinite detention was
44 unconstitutional. Well as a self-educated constitutionalist I knew the judges were all wrong and
45 so on 18 November 2023 wrote to the Federal Attorney-General and others that basically the
46 person held in detention had the key to his own cell door as the person could leave anytime. The
47 High Court of Australia then this month ruled that indefinite detention was lawful if the person
48 was given an option to leave the country. One obviously has to question why on earth the High
49 Court of Australia didn’t understand this in the first place.
50 The same with the Palmer v WA where the High Court of Australia quoted the Framers of the
51 Constitution but out of context and so wrongly dismissed the appeal. I have made clear that the
30-5-2024 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
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1 States/Territories since 1908 had no longer any “concurrent” legislative powers regarding “man-
2 kind” infectious diseases as it became then a Commonwealth exclusive legislative power.
4 Hansard 7-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
5 Convention)
6 QUOTE Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-
7 I do not think the word quarantine, for instance, which is used in the sub-section of the 52nd
8 clause, is intended to give the Commonwealth power to legislate with regard to any
9 quarantine. That simply applies to quarantine as referring to diseases among man-kind.
12 You will find that the High Court of Australia concealed this part in their Palmer v WA
13 judgment!
14 After some of the Framers of the Constitution ended up as judges of the High Court of Australia,
15 they decided to go against what was debated and this is where the problems started in 1904. And
16 the judges continued to do so for another about 70 years. And well, I challenged the
17 constitutional validity of “compulsory” voting in 2 cases and succeeded in both on constitutional
18 grounds. I also challenged on constitutional grounds that “Australian citizenship” is NOT a
19 nationality but no more to indicate a person’s place of “abode” and again I succeeded in this. As
20 long as politicians and their officials are ignoring me they only are by this building my case
21 against them.
22 I for more than 25 years opposed on constitutional grounds the “State land taxation” “delegated”
23 “council rates”. Despite this 2-councils ignored it all and so the politicians, etc. Well now I
24 stopped paying the unconstitutional “council rates” and well I make clear they have no legal
25 standing to litigate against me. Actually, the Framers of the Constitution made clear any
26 unconstitutional tax must be refunded.
28 In 2021 a specialist urged my wife to have a jab, I then asked him to explain the possible harm to
29 my wife considering she suffers from heart failure and other comorbidities, in fact her heart
30 pumps for 30% and her valves are leaking (according to her cardiologist). The specialist made
31 known he didn’t know. I then commenced to explain the dangers to my wife and his response
32 was “You are very intelligent”. I didn’t come for him to tell me that. My wife changed specialist!
34 The Department of Health was ongoing publishing false and misleading information and yet the
35 Federal Government desires to combat mis/disinformation when it was the biggest offender.
36 The then Minister for Health Greg Hunt was claiming as I understood it that the jabs were safe
37 and effective. And then TGA John Skerritt appeared to go along. And recently Greg Hunt
38 claimed he didn’t know about certain MANDATES Victoria had in force. Well, my wife and I
39 do not watch television for the last 20 years or so and seldom ever listened to the radio and we
40 were well aware what unconstitutional MANDATES were pursued.
41 Actually, I even wrote to the police way back in August 2020, and also to the then Premier of
42 Victoria Daniel Andrews as well as to Federal Ministers, etc.
44 What is important to know is that any Parliament often seeks to protect Ministers and their
45 officials against being sued. Well, I got news for them!
47 Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
49 I think we might, on the attempt to found this great Commonwealth, just advance one step,
50 not beyond the substance of the legislation, but beyond the form of the legislation, of the
51 different colonies, and say that there shall be embedded in the Constitution the righteous

30-5-2024 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 4

1 principle that the Ministers of the Crown and their officials shall be liable for any
2 arbitrary act or wrong they may do, in the same way as any private person would be.
5 Any inquiry must commence with what legal conduct was constitutionally permitted for the
6 federal government to engage in contracts with pharmaceutical companies as they did?
7 My position is there was no constitutional legislative powers!
9 John Skerritt seemed to claim he checked batches and yet, I understand that about 30% of the
10 batches had poisonous content in them. Actually, Pfizer organized for its own staff to have
11 different jabs. It argued that this was done to avoid using the stock pile of the government. Well,
12 what a nonsense when you talk about perhaps 1,500 jabs versus what was ordered! Pfizer as I
13 understand it knew the jabs were killing people and that is why it went around to avoid its own
14 staff to drop dead, and the TGA simply played along.
16 John Skerritt claimed to rely upon others and well the FDA didn’t do all testing, and neither did
17 the TGA and neither so the UK and so there really never was any proper testing. Reality is, as I
18 published on my blog at https://www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati that the pharmaceutical
19 companies were simply dictating governments around the world that they had to lock down,
20 using mandates and prevent people to work, etc, if they didn’t have the jab and well governments
21 simply did what they were told. Meaning, our politicians and officials betrayed Australians and
22 followed the mantra’s issued by an advertising agency for the pharmaceutical company of “Do it
23 for your grandmother”, “grandma killer”, the unvaccinated were a danger to the vaccinated,
24 etc. What we had was a planned DEPOPULATION “covid scam” involving the (US of A) DoD,
25 W.E.F., WHO, U.N., etc, and there are no short cuts to investigate.
27 If an inquiry committee desires to talk to me well, I reside in Melbourne and limited to
28 travel about due to my wife’s health issues and in addition my sons health problems, it
29 would have to be at a convenient place in Melbourne.
31 My wife and I have been and still are subjected to LAWFARE where Banyule City Council
32 seemingly unhappy about my writings to expose unconstitutional conduct have vandalized my
33 wife’s legally parked motor vehicle, trespassed many times upon our property despite signs
34 prohibiting entry, causing damages, etc, and even scared the living daylights out of my already
35 ill wife, that she ended up in having to rely upon using a wheelchair. As I make clear anyone
36 ignoring my writings does so on their own peril because I will succeed! It doesn’t matter of
37 certain politicians and/or officials retired because legally accountable they will be held!
39 Due to a hearing disability I do not use oral communication via mobile, albeit text messages or
40 email is OK.
42 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
44 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
45 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


47 (Our name is our motto!)

30-5-2024 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati

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