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Project Based Learning -II Report on



Mr. Kshiteej Salunke Mr. Ram Wasankar

Ms. Taniksha Morankar Mr. Nishant Ethape

Prof. Minal Jungare

Department of Computer Engineering

Indira College of Engineering and Management

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22

Indira College of Engineering and Management


This is to certify that -

Mr. Kshiteej Salunke
Mr. Ram Wasankar
Ms. Taniksha M
Mr. Nishant Ethape
have successfully completed the PBL entitled “Job Recommender” under my
supervision in the partial fulfilment of Second Year of Engineering – Computer
Engineering of Savitribai Phule Pune University.
Date :
Place :
Prof. Minal Jungare Prof. Manjusha Tatiya
Guide Project Coordinator

Dr. Soumitra Das Dr. Sunil Ingole

Head of Department Principal

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22


With immense pleasure, we are presenting this Project Based Learning II as a part of
the curriculum of S.E Computer Engineering. We wish to thank all the people who gave us
endless support right from the stage the idea was conceived.

We are heartily thankful to Prof. Minal Jungare (Guide) whose encouragement,

guidance and support from the initial to the final level enabled us to develop an
understanding of the subject. We would also like to thank Dr. Soumitra Das (HOD,
Computer Engg. Department), Prof. Manjusha Tatiya (PBL Coordinator) and Dr. Sunil
Ingole (Principal), for giving us opportunity to make project on this interesting topic.

This project would not be possible without help of library department who helped us
gathering the information from various sources. Lastly, we offer our regards to all those who
supported us in any respect during the completion of PBL II project.

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22



1 Introduction………………………………………………………. 1
1.1 Motivation……………………………………………………….… 2
1.2 Problem Definition………………………………………………… 3
2 Literature Survey………………………………………………… 4
3 Software Requirements
3.1 Introduction………………………………………………………... 8
3.1.1 Project Scope………………………………………………. 8
3.1.2 Purpose……………………………………………………. 9
3.1.3 Objectives…………………………………………………. 9
3.2 Functional Requirements
3.2.1 Resume tracking functionality…………………………………. 11
3.3 External Interface Requirements
3.3.1 User Interfaces………………………………………………. 11
3.3.2 Hardware Interfaces…………………………………………. 12
3.3.3 Software Interfaces…………………………………………... 12
3.3.4 Communication Interfaces…………………………………... 12
3.4 Non-functional Requirements
3.4.1 Performance Requirements…………………………………. 13
3.4.2 Safety Requirements………………………………………… 13
3.4.3 Security Requirements………………………………………. 13
3.4.4 Software Quality Attributes…………………………………. 13
3.5 System Requirements
3.5.1 Database Requirements……………………………………… 14
3.5.2 Software Requirements……………………………………… 15
3.5.3 Hardware Requirements……………………………………... 15
3.6 Analysis Models
3.6.1 Waterfall Model……………………………………………... 16
3.7 System Implementation Plan……………………………………. 17

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22

4 System Design
4.1 System Architecture………………………………………………. 19
4.2 UML Diagram……………………………………………………. 29
5 Conclusions & Future Work…………………………………….. 44
References…………………………………………………………. 45

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22


An Job Recommender System (JRS) : These sophisticated algorithms, drawing upon

principles of machine learning, data analytics, and artificial intelligence, offer invaluable
assistance to job seekers in identifying suitable employment opportunities aligned with
their skills, experiences, preferences, and career aspirations. This comprehensive
introduction aims to delve into the intricacies of JRS, exploring their significance,
functionality, challenges, and potential implications.

At its core, a Job Recommender System operates as a personalized advisor, leveraging

vast repositories of data to deliver targeted recommendations tailored to the individual
user. These systems are predicated on the principle of understanding user preferences and
matching them with relevant job postings or career paths. By analyzing historical data
regarding job seekers' profiles, previous job searches, application outcomes, and feedback
loops, JRS can discern patterns and correlations, thereby refining the accuracy of its
recommendations over time.

The utility of JRS extends beyond mere convenience; it addresses several key pain points
encountered by both job seekers and employers. For job seekers, the process of sifting
through countless job listings can be daunting and time-consuming. Moreover, the lack of
visibility into suitable opportunities may lead to frustration and suboptimal career
choices. JRS alleviates these challenges by providing curated recommendations tailored
to each user's unique profile, thereby streamlining the job search process and enhancing
the likelihood of finding a fulfilling career path.

Similarly, employers stand to benefit from the adoption of JRS, as these systems facilitate
more efficient talent acquisition processes. By leveraging data-driven insights to identify
candidates whose profiles align with the job requirements, employers can streamline
recruitment efforts, reduce time-to-hire, and enhance the quality of candidate matches.
ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22

In regard to today’s society, the process of finding a job can be very long and complex, resulting in some
people losing their will to continue. Because of that fact, this thesis project can be considered as an
opportunity to contribute as much as possible to making the entire process simpler for people who need a
job. Even helping only one person would be of a great importance and would make a difference.
Although there are already some similar services online, using the right combination of tools and
machine learning algorithms can have an influence on this matter. Bringing the idea to life would benefit
everyone, from companies who look for new employees to potential employees themselves. Also,
Pitchler AB is a very young company whose main project requires the component which this thesis
project focuses on. Consequently, the solution proposed by this thesis project is planned to be put into
use in the real-world environment as soon as it reaches the level required for that.

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22


Increased need for new machine learning-based solutions yield an increased number of tools, techniques,
and specialists. A specific problem to be solved in this thesis is training a machine learning model for
recruitment of new employees. The thesis is done as a part of the platform Pitchler AB, in association
with the company Pitchler AB. The platform is meant to provide an option to all people to find the most
suitable job ads with one click. The focus of this thesis project is based on training the machine learning
model, using machine teaching and learning techniques and algorithms to get a machine learning-based
recommendation system. The problem of the thesis can be divided into subproblems.

• Select which data attributes would be used for both candidates’ and jobs’ representation.
• Extract the relevant data from informal candidates’ and jobs’ representations.
• Divide the data into the training and the test set.
• Present the first prototype recommendation system.
• Recommend a better approach for future use.

Since there are already numerous machine learning and data processing techniques for this purpose, a
good combination of them can result in a very good and accurate model that could have an impact on the
real world by enabling many people to find a job faster. There already are some similar systems, but the
one being developed in this thesis project is meant to serve as a very important component.

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22


Literature review is a method where data is collected from what other authors have
published on the same or similar topic. In this case, books and papers were explored to get
insights on multiple matters. For example, this method was helpful when it comes to
methods of data preprocessing. Also, it was used to better understand which sort of
problems require different types of machine learning approaches, such as supervised or
unsupervised learning and others. It also refers to model selection, since different models
perform better than the others in different situations. Literature review had an impact on
tools used during the project. For example, multiple Python libraries were discovered and
used through the process.

A Literature Survey on Job Recommender Systems

In today's rapidly evolving job market, the demand for effective tools to match job
seekers with suitable employment opportunities has never been greater. Job
Recommender Systems (JRS) have emerged as a promising solution, leveraging
advanced algorithms to analyze user data and provide personalized job
recommendations. This literature survey aims to explore the evolution, methodologies,
applications, and challenges of JRS, shedding light on the current state of research and
identifying avenues for future exploration.

The concept of recommender systems traces its roots back to the early days of e-
commerce, where platforms like Amazon pioneered the use of collaborative filtering to
suggest products based on user preferences. Building upon this foundation, researchers
began applying similar techniques to the domain of job recommendation, recognizing
the parallels between recommending products and recommending career opportunities.
Over time, JRS have evolved from simple rule-based systems to sophisticated models
powered by machine learning algorithms, capable of analyzing vast amounts of data to
generate personalized recommendations.

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22

A variety of methodologies have been employed in the development of JRS, each with
its unique strengths and limitations. Collaborative filtering, one of the earliest
approaches, relies on user-item interaction data to identify similarities between users
and recommend items that similar users have liked or interacted with. Content-based
filtering, on the other hand, analyzes the attributes of jobs and user profiles to generate
recommendations based on similarity metrics. Hybrid approaches, which combine
collaborative and content-based filtering techniques, aim to leverage the complementary
strengths of both approaches to enhance recommendation accuracy.

More recently, advancements in deep learning have led to the emergence of neural
network-based recommender systems, capable of capturing complex patterns and
relationships in the data. These models, which include techniques such as deep
collaborative filtering and neural collaborative filtering, have demonstrated promising
results in improving recommendation accuracy and addressing cold start problems.

The application of JRS extends beyond traditional job search platforms, encompassing a
wide range of domains including recruitment, talent management, and workforce
planning. In the realm of recruitment, JRS empower employers to identify and attract
top talent by providing personalized recommendations tailored to the specific
requirements of each job opening. Similarly, job seekers benefit from JRS by receiving
targeted recommendations that align with their skills, experiences, and career
aspirations, thereby streamlining the job search process and enhancing job satisfaction.

In addition to individual job recommendations, JRS can also facilitate broader

workforce planning initiatives by analyzing aggregate data to identify trends, skill gaps,
and emerging job roles. By providing insights into evolving labor market dynamics,
JRS enable organizations to make informed decisions regarding talent acquisition,
training, and organizational development strategies.

Despite their potential benefits, JRS face several challenges that warrant further
investigation. One key challenge lies in the mitigation of algorithmic biases, which may
inadvertently perpetuate inequalities or disadvantage certain demographic groups.

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22

Addressing these biases requires careful attention to data collection, feature
engineering, and model training processes to ensure fairness and equity in
recommendation outcomes.

Furthermore, the dynamic nature of the job market presents another challenge, as
trends, preferences, and skill requirements evolve over time. To remain effective, JRS
must adapt to these changes by continuously learning from user feedback, updating
their recommendation models, and incorporating real-time data sources.

Looking ahead, future research in the field of JRS is poised to explore innovative
approaches for improving recommendation accuracy, addressing algorithmic biases,
and enhancing user engagement. Collaborative efforts between researchers, industry
practitioners, and policymakers will be essential to realize the full potential of JRS and
create a more inclusive, efficient, and equitable job market for all.

Job Recommender Systems represent a powerful tool for matching job seekers with
suitable employment opportunities and empowering organizations to make informed
talent management decisions. Through the application of advanced algorithms and
methodologies, JRS have the potential to streamline the job search process, enhance
recruitment outcomes, and facilitate workforce planning initiatives. However,
addressing challenges related to algorithmic biases and the dynamic nature of the job
market remains a critical area for future research and development. By leveraging
interdisciplinary approaches and fostering collaboration across academia, industry, and
government, we can unlock the full potential of JRS to create a more efficient,
equitable, and fulfilling job market for individuals and organizations alike.

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22



The software requirement specification of our project will have the entire necessary
requirement which will be a baseline of our project. The software requirement
specification will incorporate functional and nonfunctional requirements, system
architecture, data flow diagrams, UML diagrams, experimental setup requirements and
performance metrics.

3.1.1 Project Scope

During the work on this project, there were limitations which made it impossible to do
everything that was initially planned. The first limitation was the quality of data. It was
significantly lower than expected. The data that Pitchler AB managed to collect was
related only to job seekers. Furthermore, the dataset contained only short resumes for
each candidate. Unfortunately, it contained only skills that candidates claimed they had,
not including any level of those skills. Also, only candidates within IT area were
available. Consequently, only skills related to IT-related abilities such as knowledge in
programming languages, frameworks, operating systems, and other similar IT skills
were present. Candidates’ data did not contain experience, the skill level, or any other
information for any of the skills that could help provide better results. The reason for
this was the low quality of the questionnaire, or candidates’ lack of interest in filling in
the information. Due to the latest GDRP regulations, obtaining existing (candidate, job)
pairs was not possible. When it comes to the data related to job postings, it was
retrieved from Arbetsförmedlingen, the Swedish unemployment agency, using their free
API. One of the limitations was the fact that most of these records were in Swedish.
This was a limitation because I could not understand jobs’ descriptions written in
Swedish. To change the language, a script was written to translate the records to

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22

English. Google Cloud Translation API was used in the script. Given the fact that the
Google Cloud platform is not free, there were also some financial limitations, but those
were solved successfully.
Since machine learning models need data to learn from, it was necessary to have pre-
recorded matches of candidates’ profiles and job postings that match those candidates.
This sort of data is known as user-item transaction data within recommendation system
and it was expected to be available for the learning. However, it was not. The major
problem was the fact that training and testing data, in (candidate, job) pairs, had to be
created manually, in an ad hoc way. This sort of data is essential for a project of this
sort, so some other methods were applied. These methods provided needed data, but the
quality of that data was significantly lower. Despite that, it was the best that could have
been done with the data that was available.

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22

3.1.2 Purpose

JobRecommendation systems is a type of software tools designed to provide suggestions for items, that a
user might find useful. The suggestion can refer to any decision-making process such as buying a
product, seeing a movie or applying for a job. The term “item” generally refers to any entity that a
system recommends to a user. Similarly, the term “user” refers to any entity to whom an item is

The popularity of job recommendation systems has grown during the recent years and proof for that is
the fact that many globally popular platforms such as Netflix, Amazon and YouTube use
recommendation systems to provide their users with more quality content. For example, Netflix uses
recommendation systems to suggest shows and movies to their users based on previous watching
experience. Amazon also employs recommendation systems to recommend products or books to their
users based on ratings or previously liked products. The list of examples could be infinite since the
application of recommendation systems is very wide.

Job Recommendation systems tend to be beneficial to both service providers and users. They bring the
possibility of reducing transaction costs of finding and selecting items in, say, an online shopping
environment .

Starting from 2010, many researches were conducted on recommendation systems. Most of those
focused on exploring and designing new algorithms and techniques to improve existing solutions. As a
result of that, nowadays a designer of an application using recommendation systems must carefully
choose between available algorithms in order to obtain the best possible results.

Job Recommendation systems are mostly classified as content-based (CB) and collaborative filtering
(CF) systems. Content-based recommendation systems cluster users by comparing representations of
items to representations of users’ profiles. Representations of users’ profiles express users’ interests.
However, collaborative filtering is the technique that uses peer opinions to predict the interests of others.
In collaborative filtering, a target user is matched against all other users in order to discover which users
are similar and which users have similar interests as a target user .

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22

3.1.3 Objectives

Objective 1 (O1): Explore the data to get basic insights.

Exploring the data is the first crucial step in understanding the underlying patterns and characteristics of
the dataset. By examining various attributes such as job descriptions, candidate profiles, and historical
user interactions, the team gains valuable insights into the nature of the data and its potential implications
for the recommender system. This exploration phase helps identify relevant features, assess data quality,
and uncover potential challenges or biases that may impact subsequent stages of the project.

Objective 2 (O2): Prepare data to expose underlying patterns to machine learning algorithms.
Once the data has been thoroughly explored, the focus shifts to data preparation, where the goal is to
preprocess and transform the data to make it suitable for machine learning algorithms. This involves
tasks such as cleaning data, handling missing values, encoding categorical variables, and scaling
features. By preparing the data effectively, the team ensures that underlying patterns and relationships
are more readily discernible to machine learning models, ultimately enhancing the system's predictive

Objective 3 (O3): Explore as many different machine learning models as possible and focus on those that
provide the best results.
With the data prepared, the team embarks on an iterative process of model exploration and evaluation.
This involves experimenting with a diverse range of machine learning algorithms, including but not
limited to collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, and hybrid approaches. By systematically
testing various models and tuning hyperparameters, the team identifies the most effective algorithms that
yield optimal performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. The selection of the
best-performing models lays the foundation for building the recommendation engine.

Objective 4 (O4): Present the prototype solution.

Armed with insights from data exploration and model experimentation, the team develops a functional
prototype of the job recommender system. This prototype encapsulates the selected machine learning
models, integrated with a user-friendly interface that allows for seamless interaction. The presentation of
the prototype involves demonstrating its key features, functionalities, and performance metrics to
stakeholders, including Pitchler AB and potential users. Feedback gathered during this stage informs
further refinements and enhancements to ensure that the prototype aligns with the intended business
objectives and user needs.

Objective 5 (O5): Recommend a better approach for future use.

As the project reaches its conclusion, the team reflects on the lessons learned and recommends
improvements for future iterations of the recommender system. This may involve identifying areas for
algorithmic refinement, data augmentation, or user experience enhancements. Additionally, the team
may propose strategies for ongoing monitoring and maintenance to ensure the long-term effectiveness
and scalability of the system. By offering actionable insights and recommendations, the team empowers
Pitchler AB to continuously iterate and evolve the recommender system to meet the evolving needs of its
users and business goals.

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22

In summary, the successful completion of the objectives outlined in Table 1.1 culminates in the
development of a functional and working prototype of a job recommender system. By leveraging data
insights, machine learning algorithms, and user-centric design principles, the system has the potential to
make a meaningful impact on its users, empowering them to make informed decisions and navigate their
career paths more effectively. Through collaboration, experimentation, and continuous improvement, the
project sets the stage for ongoing innovation and success in the realm of job recommendation.

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22

3.2.1 Resume Tracking System Functionality

In our system once the user/ applicant will upload his/ her information and
resumes. Also the admin will be able to check the applicant and select the best
resume/applicant from the crowd.


3.3.1 User Interfaces

The requirements section of hardware includes minimum of 180 GB hard disk and 4
GB RAM with 2 GHz or higher speed. The primary requirements include a memory of
4GB for the Android Application development and MySQL.

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22

3.3.2 Hardware Interfaces

As this is an online application for product management we are not enabling or

installing any hardware components for user interface. It’s not an embedded system

• Processor - Pentium IV 2.4 GHz

• Speed - 1.5 GHz and Above

• RAM - 4 GB (min)

• Hard Disk - 500 GB

• Keyboard - Standard Windows Keyboard

• Mouse - Two or Three Button Mouse

3.3.3 Software Interfaces

This is the software configuration in which the project was shaped. The programming
language used, tools used, etc are described here.

• Operating System : Windows

• Front End : Web

• Tool : VS Code, XAMPP

• Database : MySQL

3.3.4 Communication Interfaces

• User can access the web application from remote location.

• Standard internet connection is required.

• TCP/UDP connection will be required.

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22


3.4.1 Performance Requirement

• The performance of the functions and every module must be well.

• The overall performance of the software will enable the users to work efficiently.

• Performance of encryption of data should be fast.

• Performance of the providing virtual environment should be fast.

3.4.2 Safety Requirement

The application is designed in modules where errors can be detected and fixed easily.
This makes it easier to install and update new functionality if required.

3.4.3 Security Requirement

All data will be encrypted using strong encryption algorithm and according to location
encryption is done.

3.4.4 Software Quality Attributes

Our software has many qualities attribute that are given below:

• Adaptability: This software is adaptable by all users.

• Availability: This software is freely available to all users. The availability of the
software is easy for everyone.

• Maintainability: After the deployment of the project if any error occurs then it can be
easily maintained by the software developer.
ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22
• Reliability: The performance of the software is better which will increase the
reliability of the Software.

• User Friendliness: Since, the software is a GUI application; the output generated is
much user friendly in its behaviour.

• Integrity: Integrity refers to the extent to which access to software or data by

unauthorized persons can be controlled.

• Security: Users are authenticated using many security phases so reliable security is

• Testability: The software will be tested considering all the aspects.


3.5.1 Database Requirements

MySQL: MySQL is an open-source relational database management system

(RDBMS). Its name is a combination of "My", the name of co-founder Michael
Widenius's daughter, and "SQL", the abbreviation for Structured Query Language.

MySQL is free and open-source software under the terms of the GNU General
Public License and is also available under a variety of proprietary licenses. MySQL was
owned and sponsored by the Swedish company MySQL AB, which was bought by Sun
Microsystems (now Oracle Corporation). In 2010, when Oracle acquired Sun, Widenius
forked the open-source MySQL project to create MariaDB.

MySQL is a component of the LAMP web application software stack (and

others), which is an acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python. MySQL is
used by
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many database-driven web applications, including Drupal, Joomla, phpBB, and

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WordPress. MySQL is also used by many popular websites, including Facebook, Flickr,
MediaWiki, Twitter, and YouTube.

3.5.2 Software Requirements

Operating system : Windows 7 and

above. Coding Language : HTML, CSS, PHP

Tool Kit : VS Code

IDE : VS Code

3.5.3 Hardware Requirements

System: Intel I3 Processor and above.

Hard Disk: 500 GB.

Monitor: 15 VGA Colour.

Ram: 4 GB.

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22


3.6.1 Waterfall Model

Figure: 3.6.1 General Overview of “Waterfall Model”

Waterfall approach was first SDLC Model to be used widely in Software Engineering
to ensure success of the project. In "The Waterfall" approach, the whole process of
software development is divided into separate phases. In this Waterfall model, typically,
the outcome of one phase acts as the input for the next phase sequentially.

The sequential phases in Waterfall model are −

 Requirement Gathering and analysis − All possible requirements of the system

to be developed are captured in this phase and documented in a
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specification document.

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 System Design − The requirement specifications from first phase are studied in
this phase and the system design is prepared. This system design helps in
specifying hardware and system requirements and helps in defining the overall
system architecture.

 Implementation − With inputs from the system design, the system is first
developed in small programs called units, which are integrated in the next
phase. Each unit is developed and tested for its functionality, which is referred
to as Unit Testing.

 Integration and Testing − All the units developed in the implementation phase
are integrated into a system after testing of each unit. Post integration the entire
system is tested for any faults and failures.

 Deployment of system − Once the functional and non-functional testing is done;

the product is deployed in the customer environment or released into the

 Maintenance − There are some issues which come up in the client environment.
To fix those issues, patches are released. Also, to enhance the product some
better versions are released. Maintenance is done to deliver these changes in
the customer environment.


1. Requirement gathering and analysis:

In this step of waterfall, we identify what are various requirements are need for our
project such are software and hardware required, database, and interfaces.

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22

2. System Design:

In this system design phase, we design the system which is easily understood for end
user i.e., user friendly. We design some UML diagrams and data flow diagram to
understand the system flow and system module and sequence of execution.

3. Implementation:

In implementation phase of our project, we have implemented various module

required of successfully getting expected outcome at the different module levels. With
inputs from system design, the system is first developed in small programs called units,
which are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is developed and tested for its
functionality which is referred to as Unit Testing.

4. Testing:

The different test cases are performed to test whether the project module is giving
expected outcome in assumed time. All the units developed in the implementation
phase are integrated into a system after testing of each unit. Post integration the entire
system is tested for any faults and failures.

5. Deployment of System:

Once the functional and non-functional testing is done, the product is deployed in
the customer environment or released into the market.

6. Maintenance:

There are some issues which come up in the client environment. To fix those issues
patches are released. Maintenance is done to deliver these changes in the customer
environment. The next phase is started only after the defined set of goals are achieved
for previous phase and it is signed off, so the name "Waterfall Model". In this model
phases do not overlap.
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Figure: 4.1 Proposed System

It is an important tool as it provides an overall view of the physical deployment of the software system
and its evolution roadmap.

In the above given figure,

In the presentation tier there are two entities that are Applicant and HR. The Website contains different
features of the system that are Resume Tracking , Review and ratings and finally the Database Tier

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Figure: 4.4.1 Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram is used to represent the dynamic behaviour of a system. It

encapsulates the system's functionality by incorporating use cases, actors, and their
relationships. It models the tasks, services, and functions required by a
system/subsystem of an application. It depicts the high-level functionality of a system
and also tells how the user handles a system.

In the above figure,

 HR: The HR logs into the system, manages the Applicant’s login, manages the
resumes, creates the vacancies and scrutinize the applicants
 Users: The user logs into the system, updates the basic information which is
assigned to him/ her and uploads the resumes.

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ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22


The findings of this project have shown that a variety of algorithms and approaches can be used for
building a recommendations system. Collaborative filtering is just one of the methods that are useful in
this field. Understanding of the algorithms and technologies can be used to build very powerful tools that
would provide a lot of good to the person behind them. The solution prototype proposed in this thesis
can, with some modification, be applied to other areas as well. Any area that could use the
recommendation system is a potential target for such a system. Also, these results are likely to be used as
a prototype for the recommendation engine for a recruitment platform owned by Pitchler AB. After
improvements and with some good fortune, this prototype is going to affect the society by helping people
in finding the employment. Also, the prototype is going to contribute to a business of Pitchler AB.
When it comes to the matters that could have been done differently, data acquisition is the first one. As
already mentioned, data quality was significantly lower than the average. Better data would yield better
results since the models would gain better knowledge in users’ tastes. More time should have been
dedicated to data acquisition. Due to the GDPR regulations and strict policies when it comes to obtaining
personal data, anonymous surveys should have been made few months before the start of the project.
These steps would have a great influence in the results and would affect their quality.

Future work

Although this was a nine-month project, as every other degree project it has a limited scope. Collaboration
with Pitchler AB is already planned regarding this project. Recognizing the data issue, they are willing to
continue improving this prototype and eventually use it to meet their business goals. An important step in
improving the prototype is following suggestions from Chapter 6. Data acquisition in suggested format will
make the improvement of this solution easier. Also, since time did not allow to try some other approaches,
such as content-based, it will be one of the goals for the future as well. The proposed prototype recommends
jobs to candidates. However, with slight modifications, it can be made an opposite, meaning that is possible
to modify the prototype to recommend candidates for a certain job posting. This could be useful for
companies when looking for new employees. Depending on the needs of Pitchler AB, this might be done in

ICEM, Department of Computer Engineering 2021-22


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