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Question 1

Explain in your own words, how pure devotional service has the power to nullify all four
kinds of sinful reactions, with reference to Prabhupädaǁs comments, appropriate
analogies, and other relevant Shastrik references.

Any conditioned living entity suffers life after life due to a chain of sinful activities and
concomitant distresses. But all of these reactions to sinful deeds can immediately be stopped if
we take to Kṛṣṇa consciousness. As Srila Prabhupada mentions in BG 18.66, Krishna says,
“Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful
reactions. Do not fear”. Hence, devotional service has the potency to nullify all sins and sinful

Characteristics of Pure Devotional Service

Srila Rupa Goswami states that there are six characteristics of pure devotional service, which
are as follows:

(1) Klesagni( brings immediate relief from all kinds of material distress)
(2) Shubhda( beginning of all auspiciousness)
(3) Sandranand Visheshatma( automatically puts one in transcendental pleasure)
(4) Sudurlabha(rarely achieved)
(5) Mokshlaghuta( those in pure devotional service deride even the conception of liberation)
(6) Shri Krishna Akarshini( only means to attract Krishna)

Klesagni- Relief from all distress

Klesa refers to distress and the causes of distress. Distress has three causes-
(1) Papam(Sins)
(2) Beejam(Material Desires)
(3) Avidya(Root cause, ignorance)

Srila Rupa Goswami explains that the devotional service is the best means of obtaining relief
from all distresses, because it is the only process of counteracting all the three causes. Sinful
actions(papam) produces two kinds of effects namely-
(1) Prarabdha(manifest)
(2) Aprarabdha(unmanifest)

Srila Prabhupada describes,” for some of our sinful activities we are awaiting distress in the
future and for others which are mature, we are suffering at the present moment”.

Papam-Sinful Activity

Manifest sinful reactions (Prarabdha Papam)

Sinful reactions are more difficult to counteract if they become manifest. However, devotional
service can remove even manifest sinful reactions and suffering they bring. One's birth is a
tangible result of karma- a manifest reaction (prarabdha-papam).

Shastrik Reference- In Srimad Bhagwatam, Devahuti explains that by practicing devotional

service even someone born in the lowest family of dog-eaters becomes qualified to perform the
highest brähmiëical sacrifices. The behavior of those born into degraded families disqualifies
them from performing Vedic sacrifices. Devahuti points out that even slight engagement in
devotional service can counteract the disqualifications incurred by a low birth.

Thus Devahuti's statement is Shastrik evidence that devotional service can counteract

Unmanifest sinful reactions(Aprarabdha Papam)

As mentioned above, these are the sinful reactions which are yet to fructify. It begins from
provoking bad propensities which later translate to sinful activities and produce sinful reactions.
But Srila Prabhupada says in an analogy, “ as the blazing fire can burn any amount of fuel to
ashes, so devotional service to the Lord in Krsna consciousness can burn up all the fuel of
sinful activities ”.

How Unmanifest Reactions Cause Suffering

A sinful action generates two types of unmanifest reactions. One type creates direct physical or
emotional suffering. The other type creates indirect suffering by increasing one's sinful
proclivities. For example, if one engages in cheating he receives two types of reactions. One
type creates some direct physical or emotional suffering. The other type creates indirect
suffering by punishment in jail with increasing proclivity towards theft.
When sinful desires increase, sinful activities increase. When sinful activities increase, sinful
desires increase — it is a self-perpetuating cycle. The more one tries to satisfy his desires, the
stronger they become.

To break this cycle of bondage one must tolerate sinful desires and not endeavor to fulfil them.
Not being reinforced by unmanifest reactions, they will gradually dissipate and leave the heart

Evolution of Unmanifest Sinful Activities

It is stated in the Padma Purana that there are four kinds of effects due to sinful activities,
(1) Aprarabdha (unmanifest reaction): In this stage the reaction is completely unmanifest
and has no perceptible effect.
(2) Kuta(sinful proclivity): In this stage the reaction shows some signs of manifesting (eg
some hint of symptoms of sickness)
(3) Beejam(sinful desire): In this stage the sinful reaction manifests more (the symptoms of
sickness are showing themselves clearly).
(4) Prarabdha(manifest sinful reaction): In this stage the sinful reaction is fully manifest (eg
one becomes completely sick).

Example- As a result of some sinful act, a man is destined to

become a thief and suffer punishment. However, this reaction is
not immediately felt — it is stored for a future birth (this is the
stage of aprarabdha). In his next life, the reaction begins to
manifest as an almost unnoticed proclivity towards dishonesty and
cheating (this is the stage of kuta). This proclivity gradually
intensifies and eventually manifests an explicit desire to steal (this
is the stage of bija). Finally, this desire causes the man to commit
theft and undergo consequential suffering (this is the stage of

It is also stated that all these four effects become immediately

vanquished for those who surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, and
become engaged in His devotional service.
Shastrik examples of attaining perfection and nullifying sins

1. (S.B. 9.4.18-20) Maharaj Ambarish always engaged his senses towards serving the
Lord. This is the way to increase attachment for the Lord and be completely free from all
material desires and sins.
2. Maharaj Parikshit attained the highest perfection, shelter at Lord Krishna's lotus feet,
simply by hearing about Lord Vishnu.
3. Sukadeva Gosvami attained perfection simply by reciting Srimad-Bhagavatam.
4. Prahlada Maharaj and Dhruv Maharaj attained perfection by remembering the Lord.
5. The goddess of fortune attained perfection by massaging the transcendental legs of
6. Maharaj Prathu attained perfection by worshiping the Deity, and Akrra attained
perfection by offering prayers unto the Lord
7. Hanuman attained perfection by rendering service to Lord Rmacandra, and Arjuna
attained perfection simply by being Krishna's friend
8. Bali Maharaj attained perfection by dedicating everything to the lotus feet of Krishna.

Devotional services can eradicate sinful reactions, nullify sinful desires, counteract material
proclivities and most importantly uproots ignorance. And therefore it is the only efficient and
effective way to achieve permanent relief from all suffering.
Question 6
Explain the difference between principle and detail, as referred to in Chapter 6 of Nectar
of Devotion. Discuss the significance of this distinction, for ISKCON's future
development. Give appropriate reference to Nectar of Devotion Chapter 6 in your
response. (Understanding/ Evaluation / Mood and Mission)

In Hari-bhakti-vilasa, Sanatana Gosvami has enumerated the basic principles of devotional
service to be followed by the Vaishnavas. In chapter 6, Nectar of Devotion, Srila Prabhupada
mentions that there are a total of sixty-four regulative principles. If a neophyte devotee observes
these principles from the beginning, he will quickly advance in Krishna consciousness.

Difference between Principle and Detail

S.No Principle Detail

1 A principle of bhakti is a proposition or It is an extended action upon a principle

value that is a guide for proper etiquette
among Vaishnavas

2 A principle represents universal values Details can vary from one circumstance to

3 Same principle can be applied to both Detail changes as per age, gender, ashram
gender, to people of all geographies, and geography.

4 An example can be, “always remember Detail can be through deity worship, by
Krishna, never forget Krishna” preaching, through sadhna, or fund raising

As Srila Prabhupada mentions, in Nectar of Devotion Chapter 6, “ For example, a basic

principle is that one has to accept a spiritual master. Exactly how one follows the instructions of
his spiritual master is considered a detail. For example, if one is following the instruction of his
spiritual master and that instruction is different from the instructions of another spiritual master,
this is called detailed information. But the basic principle of acceptance of a spiritual master is
good everywhere, although the details may be different.
Application of Principles in ISKCON
Srila Prabhupada has very tactfully included all the Principles in the daily routine of temples and
even for grihastha householders to practice at home. So that ‘details’ vary as per the capacity of
the devotees, while they follow the same principle. Here are few example how Srila Prabhupada
has woven all the principles in daily routine activity at temples
Activity- Getting Ready for the Manglarti
Principle- Decorating with Tilak in 12 places on the body
Principle- Writing Hare Krsna on the body (or

Activity- Mangala Arti

Principle- Dancing before the deity
Principle- Bowing down before the Lord and Spiritual master
Principle- Standing up as soon as one visits the temple of the
Lord Principle- Singing

Activity- Tulasi Arti

Principle- Worshiping Sacred Trees
Principle- One must offer Prayers - “Lalasamayi – Desiring some perfectional stage”

Activity- Japa Period

Principle- Accepting flowers and garlands offered to the deity or spiritual
master Principle- One should chant the holy name of the Lord

Activity- Cleansing the temple/Dressing the deity/Cooking for the

deity Principle- One should render personal service to the
Principle- One should do whatever is done with great care and devotion for the Deity

Activity- Darsana Arti

Principle- Visiting the temple (Srila Prabhupad, walks into darsana Arti after his morning
Principle- Worshiping the deity according to regulative principles(arati,boga, decoration
Principle- Offering Prayers
Principle- Smelling the incense and flowers offered to the
deity. Principle- Seeing the deity with great devotion
Activity- Prabhupad Pooja
Principle- Circumambulate the temple building at least three
times Principle- Drinking Carnamrta
Principle- Touching the lotus feet of the deities

Activity- Srimad Bhagavatam Class

Principle- Inquiring about the eternal religious principles
Principle- Hearing about Lord and his pastimes from Srimad-Bhagavatam, and other
similar books

Activity- Prasadam
Principle- One must taste maha-prasada

Activity- Other Services

Principle- Yukta vairagya :Accepting only what is necessary or dealing with the material
world only as far as necessary.
Principle- One must pray to the Deity for His
mercy Principle- One should remember the deity
Principle- One should meditate upon the deity
Principle- One should think Lord as one's friend
Principle- One should offer everything to the Lord
Principle- One should offer service to Vaisnavas
Principle- One should arrange one's devotional service according to one's means

Activity- Madyana Arti/Sandhya Arti

Principle- One must offer arati at different
times Principle- Sankirtana

Activity- Residing in the temple

Principle- Residing in a Sacred Place
Significance of distinction between Principle and Details for
ISKCON’s future development
The 64 principles mentioned in Hari Bhakti vilasa are meant for spiritual advancement of any
devotees. The distinction between Principle and Details for ISKCON’s future development are
significant due to following reasons-
1. Principles as Framework Design and Details as body upon Framework: Having Principle
and Details distinctly provides the devotees an explanatory framework within to
understand them. And ISKCON is actually the details and principles of Nectar of
Devotion in practice. Srila Prabhpada has created an automated system, in which
anyone who takes up the process is pushed towards success.
2. Improves Effectiveness for sustenance for a long time: The whole purpose of
experiential learning at ISKCON is not to abstract simply policies or guidelines, but
primarily the principles laid by Srila Prabhupada, considering the teachings of Lord
Chaitanya and six goswamis. Unless devotees, universally, understand the foundational
principles behind its specific reason, it will not be able to effectively respond to changing
circumstances, nor preserve its tradition. Specifically it must discern between context-
relevant instructions (or temporary policies) which we term as ‘details' and unchanging,
axiomatic truths which we term as ‘principles’.
3. Maintaining Core Beliefs and Essence: If the distinction is not followed, then, ISKCON
will commit one of two blunders-
(a) Either taking account of, and reacting to, changing circumstances and public
opinion, but losing grip on its core beliefs, values, mission etc.
(b) Or, sticking rigidly to externals, and to doctrine, often in the name of preventing
mission-shift, but losing the real essence of that which needs to be preserved
and perpetuated
4. Nurtures unity in diversity: A further advantage of a principle-based approach (over one
which simply defines practice and procedure) is it’s legitimate accommodation of diversity. It is
flexible, but not capricious; liberal, but not promiscuous; doctrinal but not doctrinaire. It
maintains and communicates clear standards by which to gauge a wide variety of practices. It is
not the culture of rigid compliance and conformity, but values the individuality and initiative of all
the Society’s members (though within the bounds of the mission which defines their
membership). Additionally, a principle based approach will enable the mission to synthesise its
conservative and radical features and avoid fragmentation into various opposing camps.
Principles form the bedrock of continuity.

The future of ISKCON ultimately points to varnashrama, which accommodates the common
principle of service to Lord Krishna and, within that, the whole spectrum of principles according
to our respective positions within matter and ‘details’ of practical application of principles
globally. If all the devotees can cooperate to introduce systematic training and education based
on the principles outlined in Srila Prabhupada’s books, then everything else will fall into place for
the benefit of all.

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