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Factors that Hinder the Modernization of Jeepneys as

Perceived by Commuters in Metro Manila


Aniara B. Gatbonton
Toribio Noel Job M. Ilao
Mathew Laurence H. Lee
Eliana Marcean S. Pimentel
April Joy S. Solis

A Research Paper Submitted to the Mapúa Senior High School Department

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Practical Research 2 (RES04)

Mapúa University
December 2024


This is to certify that we have supervised the preparation of and read the research paper prepared
by Firstname M. Lastname (1), Firstname M. Lastname (2), Firstname M. Lastname (3),
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and that the said research paper has been submitted for final approval by the Oral Examination

Mr./Ms. Firstname M. Lastname Mr./Ms. Firstname M. Lastname

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As members of the Oral Examination Committee, we certify that we have examined this research
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This research paper is hereby approved and accepted by the Mapúa Senior High School as
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My deepest ‘thank you’ LORD for all the gifts You have given me and for directing my path to
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Background of the Study
Review of Related Literature
Synthesis and Research Gap
Research Objectives
Significance of the Study
Scope and Delimitation
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Research Design
Participants and Sampling Technique
Data Gathering Tools
Research Procedures
Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations







TABLE 1: Title … 36
TABLE 2: Title … 37
TABLE 3: Title … 55
TABLE 4: Title … 67


FIGURE 1: Title … 16
FIGURE 2: Title … 23
FIGURE 3: Title … 24
FIGURE 4: Title … 27


The abstract presents insights from qualitative research on the factors hindering the
modernization of jeepneys, as perceived by commuters in Metro Manila. The study reveals the
profound reliance of Metro Manila citizens on jeepneys for daily commuting, underscoring the
significance of addressing concerns related to their modernization. Commuters exhibit varying
levels of awareness and familiarity with the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program
(PUVMP), indicating the importance of ongoing education and information dissemination. While
many commuters anticipate benefits such as increased efficiency and reduced congestion from
the program, a considerable proportion remains skeptical about its overall impact, suggesting
areas for improvement in implementation. The study identifies numerous challenges faced by
commuters during the modernization process, including higher fares, perceived inadequacy of
modernized jeepney units, and affordability issues for drivers. Addressing these concerns is
essential for garnering widespread support for the program and ensuring its success. The findings
underscore the necessity of stakeholder involvement and proactive strategies in developing
transportation policies that cater to the needs and preferences of the public, ultimately enhancing
commuter welfare and satisfaction.

Keywords (maximum of five): keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4, keyword5


Background of the Study

The Philippine traditional jeepney, or as it is named the “King of the Road”, is the most

prevalent mode of transportation in the Philippines and is considered a cultural icon of the

Philippines. The jeepney is a paratransit or a type of transportation in which it follows a specific

or a fixed route where the jeepneys pick and drop its passengers. Initially, the jeepneys were

military jeeps that were abandoned by the United States after the Second World War, which were

then creatively modified by the Filipinos to serve as a public mode of transportation. The

jeepneys were modified to become more passenger friendly by lengthening the body to

accommodate more passengers (Ragodon, 2017). Not only was the design of the jeep altered.

Eventually, the engines were switched to diesel motors as well (Ragodon, 2017).

The Public Utility Vehicle Modernization (PUVM) is implemented by the Land

Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) which aims to transform the road

sector of public transportation through the introduction of safer and environmentally friendly

vehicles and improved regulations (Mariano, 2018). The LTFRB requires individual jeepney

operators to be consolidated by corporations and to acquire modernized jeepneys (The Good

News Pilipinas, 2023). The jeepney modernization will not be implementing a “jeepney

phaseout”, or will still accept traditional jeepneys on the road, if the condition of the vehicle is

able to comply with the standards provided by the PUVM (Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada,

2023). Although the PUVM program has been introduced since 2017, its implementation has

been delayed repeatedly.

Modernized jeepneys are modified jeepneys according to the Euro 4 and Philippine

National Standards. The modernization of jeepneys is aligned with the global standards that aim

to provide a transport system that is safe, convenient, and environmentally sustainable (Viado,

2023). Modernized jeepneys are commonly minibuses with either Euro 4 engines, LPG-powered

engines, electronic engines, or hybrid engines. Modifications of these jeepneys include a fixed

rate of income for jeepney drivers, built based on the national standards and international vehicle

safety conventions, and a slight increase in fare prices. Modernized jeepneys are also installed

with a GPS tracker, a CCTV Camera, and a dashboard camera to ensure the safety of the

passengers. The vehicles are also spacious, and most units are air-conditioned (Adrian, 2019).

This study aims to support and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)

11, Sustainable cities and communities, which states that it seeks to alleviate living conditions

through improving the carbon emission issue and providing sustainable transportation (United

Nations, 2020) by determining the factors that hinder the modernization of jeepneys through the

perceptions of commuters within the area of Metro Manila. The researchers will measure the

PUVM’s hindering factors based on the commuters by gathering their beliefs, perceptions, and

opinions on the said program. This study may be used to improve the regulations of the current

Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program using the factors that result from this study.

Review of Related Literature

This collection of articles and studies offers a comprehensive exploration of the factors

that hinder the modernization of jeepney as perceived by commuters .The first article, "The

modernization plan is changing jeepney drivers’ lives forever," delves into the transformative

effects of the PUVMP on the livelihoods and welfare of jeepney drivers, shedding light on the

challenges and opportunities they encounter as they adapt to the new system (CNN Philippines,


The second article, headed "What you need to know about the proposed jeepney

modernization," includes a full description of the objectives, characteristics, and benefits of the

PUVMP. It also specifies the critical information regarding the timeline and requirements for

jeepney operators to engage in a consolidated business or face the risk of losing their franchise

(PIA News Agency, 2023).

A research study titled "Implementation Challenges and stakeholders' Perception of

modernized Jeepneys in Metro Manila" contributes valuable insights by examining the

agreement and perception levels of jeepney operators, drivers, and passengers on various aspects

of the modernization, including fare changes, implementation duration, safety measures,

payment protocols, and convenience. The paper also identifies and addresses obstacles and

barriers to the effective application of the PUVMP (Open Access Proceedings Journal of

Physics: Conference Series, n.d.).

"The Philippine Jeepney: 3 Reasons to Support Modernization and 3 Reasons Not To"

offers a balanced approach, addressing the advantages and cons of jeepney modernization from

many angles, embracing environmental, economic, social, and cultural issues. The essay further

discusses potential methods to satisfy the concerns of stakeholders (Soriano, 2023).

Finally, "The Future of Jeepney Modernization in the Philippines" presents a

complete account of the historical evolution of the jeepney, its current condition, and future

prospects within the context of modernization. Additionally, the piece underlines the function of

the jeepney as a symbol of Filipino identity and culture (Golden Haven, n.d.). Together, these

sources provide a diverse view of the ongoing changes and problems linked with jeepney

modernization in the Philippines.

Synthesis and Research Gap

This compilation of articles and studies provides a comprehensive examination of the factors

hindering jeepney modernization as perceived by commuters in Metro Manila. According to

CNN Philippines (2020), the modernization plan is changing jeepney drivers’ lives forever. It

explores the transformative effects of the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program

(PUVMP) on jeepney drivers, emphasizing the challenges and opportunities they face during

adaptation. "What you need to know about the proposed jeepney modernization" (PIA News

Agency, 2023) offers a detailed description of the PUVMP objectives and outlines critical

information for jeepney operators, including the timeline and requirements for participation.

A research study published in the Open Access Proceedings Journal of Physics: Conference

Series (n.d.) investigates the implementation challenges and stakeholders' perceptions of

modernized jeepneys in Metro Manila. This study delves into the agreement and perception

levels of jeepney operators, drivers, and passengers on various aspects of modernization,

addressing issues such as fare changes, implementation duration, safety measures, payment

protocols, and convenience. "The Philippine Jeepney: 3 Reasons to Support Modernization and 3

Reasons Not To" (Soriano 2023) presents a balanced perspective on the advantages and

drawbacks of jeepney modernization, considering environmental, economic, social, and cultural

factors. Lastly, "The Future of Jeepney Modernization in the Philippines" (Golden Haven, n.d.)

provides a comprehensive account of the historical evolution, status, and prospects of jeepney

modernization, emphasizing its symbolic importance in Filipino identity and culture.

Despite the extensive coverage of various aspects related to jeepney modernization, a notable

research gap exists in the limited exploration of commuters' specific perceptions and

experiences. The synthesized literature predominantly focuses on the viewpoints of Mapua

Senior High School students and working parents. A more in-depth examination of the attitudes

and experiences of commuters is essential to understand comprehensively the factors perceived

as hindrances to jeepney modernization. This gap suggests a need for research that specifically

addresses the nuanced perspectives of commuters, providing insights crucial for policymakers

and stakeholders aiming to enhance commuter acceptance and support for ongoing

modernization efforts in Metro Manila.

Research Objectives

 To evaluate awareness levels among commuters regarding modernization initiatives for


 To analyze the perception factors contributing to resistance or inability among

commuters towards the modernization efforts for jeepneys along Quezon City and


 To assess specific issues that commuters in Quezon City and Manila consider limiting the

modernization of jeepneys.

Significance of the Study

The significance of the study will be of benefit to the students, the working parents and/or

relatives, and the regular commuters of Quezon City and Manila City. Through this research, the

participants will greatly benefit from the results of this research. Examining the answers of

different participants will help the researchers know about the factors that cause the

modernization of jeepneys to be delayed based on the perceptions of the participants. This

research will benefit the students as it will be able to give information on how it could affect

their daily commuting experience. The working parents and relatives will also benefit from this

research by obtaining insights from the obstacles being faced during the modernization of

jeepneys. This research will also benefit everyday commuters as it will serve as their knowledge

on what hinders the delay of the modernization of jeepneys. Also, it would help future

researchers in this study as it provides the foundation for future research.

Scope and Delimitation

The researcher focuses to find factors that hinder the modernization of jeepneys within

Quezon City and Manila City. It aims to focus on the three main participants of this research

students, working parents and relatives, and everyday commuters. The research aims to provide

complete understanding of the challenges the stakeholders have, in this case the jeepney drivers,

in adapting to the modernization of jeepneys. Also, the research will aim to evaluate the

awareness of the participants regarding the modernization of jeepneys. Assessing the specific

issues that consider limiting the modernization of jeepneys. The research is only limited within

Quezon City and Manila City only, no other cities will be involved in this research. Also, the

participants are only limited to the students, working parents and relatives, and everyday

commuters, the jeepney drivers will not be a part of the research as they could provide biased

answers, by defending their claims. Also, any government officials will be excluded in this

research so that the answers will be relying on the consumers who are dependent on public

transportation. By excluding them in this research, the researchers will have full understanding

of the perceptions of the consumers that are dependent on public transportation within Quezon

City and Manila City.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

FIg. 1.1. Conceptual Framework

The carbon dioxide theory of climatic change states that as the concentration of carbon

dioxide in the atmosphere increases, the temperature of the Earth increases with it. When the

CO2 concentration is doubled the average surface temperature of the Earth increases by 3.6 °C

and when the concentration is halved the temperature decreases by 3.6 °C (Plass, 1955).

According to Plass (1955) excessive emission of carbon dioxide gases due to industrial practices

and human activities cause the increase of temperature of the Earth which then influences the

climate. The continuous emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere needs to be lessened and

mitigated which is aligned with the SDG 11 goal. SDG 11 aims to alleviate living conditions;

one is by providing accessible and sustainable transportation and two is by creating an

environment with less air pollution and carbon emissions. In supporting the SDG 11, the study

will focus on transportation as a contributor of carbon gas emissions. The most prevalent mode

of public transportation in the Philippines is the jeepney. Given the number of jeepneys, it makes

them the greatest PUV that emits carbon gas emissions. Which is why this study will specifically

be focusing on jeepneys to evaluate. Although the government proposed a mitigation that

adheres to the increasing air pollution, the modernization of jeepneys has been slow in progress

and at times postponed. Thus, this study will measure and determine the factors that hinder the

PUVM program through jeepney commuters as participants of the study. The commuters are

chosen as participants through convenience sampling and will be divided into two categories,

SHS students in Mapua University and employees who commute within Quezon City and

Manila. The ANOVA Analysis will then be used to analyze the data gathered from the

participants where the factors that hinder the modernization of jeepneys will be based on.


Research Design

This research aims to investigate the major challenges encountered by commuters

aspiring to upgrade traditional jeepneys into modernized jeepneys, specifically in Manila and

Quezon City within the Metro Manila area. The study employs a quantitative research approach,

utilizing a survey questionnaire to collect data from participants. The analysis will involve the

application of an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to identify factors perceived by commuters

that hinder the modernization of jeepneys. The use of a survey technique and convenience

sampling for data collection aligns with previous research in this sector. This demographic

choice is deliberate, aiming to gather insights from those directly affected by the challenges and

considerations associated with the modernization of jeepneys within the context of their daily

commuting experiences in the mentioned locations.


The participants for this research will be individuals who utilize jeepneys as their mode

of transportation, with a specific focus on Mapua senior high school students and workers in

Manila and Quezon City. Participant selection will be limited to Metro Manila, as this region is

the designated area for the research's implementation. Participants were chosen based on their

accessibility and willingness to participate.

Setting/Locale of the Study

This research will specifically take place in Manila and Quezon City within the Metro

Manila area. The researchers selected this setting to investigate the factors that impede the

modernization of jeepneys, seeking insights from the participants.

Data Gathering Instruments

The researchers utilized surveys as the study’s data gathering instrument. According to

McCombes, 2019, a survey is the process of gathering information from a sample population

through the use of a set of questions in line with the research objectives and is commonly used in

social research, health research, market research, etc. (McCombes, 2019). Since this study may

be considered as social research, the survey is an appropriate research instrument. The type of

survey that was used is a questionnaire and is composed of a Likert scale. A questionnaire is a

set of questions that is used to collect data from respondents regarding their attitudes,

experiences, or opinions toward a subject (McCombes, 2019). A Likert scale is a type of close-

ended questionnaire that is composed of a statement or a question and has a provided series of 5

to 7 answer statements (Bhandari & Nikolopoulou, 2023. The questionnaire is conducted through

an online setting and is disseminated by the use of Google Forms.

Research Procedures

This research explores the challenges commuters face in upgrading traditional jeepneys

to modernized versions in Manila and Quezon City within Metro Manila. Employing a

quantitative approach, the study will utilize a survey questionnaire with a Likert scale to collect

data from individuals, particularly students and working parents, who predominantly use

jeepneys as their mode of transportation. The survey online through Google Forms aligns with

previous market research methodologies. The study's focus on Manila and Quezon City reflects a

deliberate choice to gather insights directly from those affected by the modernization challenges

in their daily commuting experiences. The research design incorporates a two-way Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA) for data analysis. Ethical considerations include ensuring participant

anonymity and obtaining informed consent. The findings from this research have the potential to

contribute valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders involved in the modernization

efforts of jeepneys in these specific locations within Metro Manila.


The following are the results from responses collected from one hundred and forty-seven (147)

respondents, consisting of workers from various industries in Manila and Quezon City, as well as

Mapúa University senior high school students:

1. Commute within Metro Manila via Jeepneys

Figure 1.1

The majority of respondents, comprising 55.1% (n = 81), reported commuting often,

typically 2-3 days a week, indicating a substantial reliance on jeepneys for their transportation

needs. Meanwhile, 21.1% (n = 31) stated that they rarely use jeepneys for commuting, suggesting

the availability of alternative transportation options or limited access to jeepney routes.

Additionally, 17.7% (n = 26) reported commuting very often, indicating a consistent and frequent

reliance on jeepneys for daily transportation. Lastly, a smaller proportion of respondents,

constituting 6.1% (n = 9), indicated never commuting via jeepneys, which may reflect either a

preference for other modes of transportation or limited necessity. These results, as illustrated in

Figure 1, underscore the varied usage patterns of jeepneys in the commuting habits of individuals

within the Metro Manila area.

Figure 1.1

The respondents were asked on how often they encounter the PUVMP. They’re answers

was scaled from 1 to 5, where 1 is strongly agree and 5 is strongly disagree. The table shows that

29.3% (n = 43) answered strongly agree. 34.7% (n = 51) agree. 21.1% (n = 31) are neutral. 8.2%

(n = 12) disagree. 6.8% (n = 10) answered strongly disagree. As we can see in this results 64% of

the respondents are aware of the Public Utility Vehical Modernization Program. While 36% of

the respondents are neutral or unaware of the current PUVMP.

Figure 1.2

To further understand the awareness jeepney modernization program

The respondents were asked on how accessible is the information regarding the jeepney

modernization initiative. The result shows that 21.1% (n = 31) strongly agree. 43.5% (n = 64)

agree. 21.8% (n = 32) is neutral. 10.9% (n = 16) disagree. 2.7% (n = 4) strongly disagree.

Figure 1.3

Based on the figure 1.3 it shows the number of respondents who are able to read and

understand the articles related to jeepney modernization. The result shows that 24.5% (n = 36)

strongly agree. 36.7% (n = 54) agree. 22.4% (n = 33) is neutral. 10.2% (n = 15) disagree. 6.4% (n

= 9) strongly disagree. The results shows that 61.2% of the respondents are able to read and

understand the articles related to the modernization of jeepneys, while 38.8% of the respondents

remained neutral or have not yet read an articles regarding the jeepney modernizations.

Figure 1.4

The figure 1.4 shows that the respondents are knowledgeable about the jeepney

modernization programs and its policies. It shows that 18.4% (n = 27) strongly agree. 32.7% (n =

48) agree. 32% (n = 47) is neutral. 12.2% (n = 18) disagree. 4.8% (n = 7) strongly disagree.

Based on the results on figure 1.4 it shows that 51.1% of the respondents are knowledgeable

about the jeepney modernization program and their policies, while 48.9% of the respondents

remained neutral or does not know about the jeepney modernization program and policies.

Figure 2.1

The respondents where asked whether the PUVMP is beneficial for jeepney drivers. On a

scale of 1 - 5, where 1 is strongly agree and 5 strongly disagree. Based on the results it shows

that 8.2% (n = 12) strongly agree. 15.6% (n = 23) agree. 35.4% (n = 52) is neutral. 25.9% (n =

38) disagree. 15% (n = 22) strongly disagree. The results show that only 23.8% of the

respondents agrees that the PUVMP is beneficial of the jeepney drivers. While 76.2% of the

respondents remained neutral or disagree that the PUVMP will be beneficial for jeepney drivers.

Figure 2.2

In the figure 2.2 asks the respondents if the PUVMP is beneficial for commuters. Results

shows that 15% (n = 22) strongly agree. 25.9% (n = 38) agree. 31.3% (n = 46) is neutral. 21.1%

(n = 31) disagree. 6.8% (n = 10) strongly disagree. The results shows that 40.9% of the

respondents agrees that the PUVMP is beneficial for commuters. While 59.1% of the respondents

remained neutral or disagree about the PUVMP being beneficial to commuters.

Figure 2.3

In the figure 2.3 asks about the PUVMP will be contributing to the country’s economy.

13.6% (n = 20) strongly agree. 28.6% (n = 42) agree. 34.7% (n = 51) is neutral. 17% (n = 25)

disagree. 6.1% (n = 9) strongly disagrees. Only 42.2% of the respondents agrees that the PUVMP

will contribute for the country’s economy. While 57.8% of the respondents remained neutral or

disagree that the PUVMP will contribute to the economy of the country.

Figure 2.4

The figure 2.4 asks about the beneficiality of the PUVMP in the country’s traffic

congestion issues. The results shows that 9.5% (n = 14) strongly agree. 25.9% (n = 38) agree.

30.6% (n = 45) is neutral. 21.8% (n = 32) disagree. 12.2% (n = 18) strongly disagree. The results

shows that 64.6% of the respondents remained neutral or disagree about the PUVMP being

beneficial for the traffic congestion issues of the country. While 35.4% of the respondents agrees.

Figure 3.1

The survey results indicate a mixed reception towards supporting the modernization of

the jeep, particularly when considering its price per unit. While a significant portion, comprising

53.1% (21.8% strongly agree and 31.3% agree), express some level of inclination towards

supporting modernization if price concerns are addressed, a sizable 32.7% remain neutral,

suggesting uncertainty or a lack of strong opinion on the matter. However, it's noteworthy that

only a minority, 14.3% (10.9% disagree and 3.4% strongly disagree), exhibit outright opposition

to the idea, indicating a potential openness to persuasion or negotiation regarding the pricing

aspect. These results underscore the importance of addressing price concerns as part of any

modernization initiative, as it could significantly sway a substantial portion of stakeholders

towards supporting the endeavor.

Figure 3.2

The survey results illustrate a considerable level of agreement among respondents regarding the

impact of the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) on increased fare rates. A

combined total of 59.2% (30.6% strongly agree and 28.6% agree) express a clear

acknowledgment of being affected by the program's influence on fare rates, suggesting a

widespread perception of its effects within the community. Furthermore, while a notable 21.1%

remain neutral, indicating some uncertainty or lack of strong opinion, only a minority, totaling

19.7% (14.3% disagree and 5.4% strongly disagree), exhibit disagreement with the notion. These

results highlight the significant impact of the PUVMP on fare rates and underscore the need for

further examination and potential mitigation strategies to address concerns raised by affected


Figure 3.3

The figure 3.3 asks the respondents about their support on the governments efforts in

committing to the modernization of jeepneys. The results shows that 7.5% (n = 11) strongly

support. 28.6% (n = 42) somewhat support. 32.7% (n = 48) is neither or neutral. 21.1% (n = 31)

somewhat oppose. 10.2% (n = 15) strongly oppose. Only 36.1% of the respondents supports the

government in implementing the jeepney modernization, while 63.9% of the respondents

remained neutral or opposes the government’s action in jeepney modernization

Figure 3.4

The figure 3.4 shows the results from the survey that asks about whether the PUVMP is

necessary for improving the overall transportation of the Philippines. The respondents answered

on a scale of 1 - 5, where 1 is strongly agree and 5 is strongly disagree. The result shows that

15.1% (n = 22) strongly agree. 31.5% (n = 46) agree. 29.5% (n = 43) are neutral. 16.4% (n = 24)

disagree. 7.5% (n = 11) strongly disagree. The results shows that 53.5% of the respondents

agrees that the PUVMP is necessary to improve the overall transportation system in the



Figure 4.1

The results of the study show a wide range of opinions regarding the attainability of the

cost of modernized jeepneys per unit for jeepney drivers. While a minority (10.9%) strongly

agree that the cost is feasible, a slightly larger segment (17.7%) agrees with this sentiment,

indicating a degree of optimism about affordability. However, a substantial proportion (27.9%)

remains neutral, reflecting uncertainty or a lack of strong conviction on the matter. On the

contrary, a significant portion (23.1%) disagrees with the notion that the cost is attainable,

suggesting concerns about financial feasibility. Moreover, a notable minority (20.4%) strongly

disagrees. These results underscore the complexity of perceptions surrounding the financial

viability of modernized jeepneys and highlight the need for further examination and potentially

targeted interventions to address divergent views and concerns among stakeholders.

4.1 ito

Figure 4.2

The results of the survey indicate a mixed perception regarding the effectiveness of the

Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) or jeepney modernization initiatives in

addressing transportation challenges. While a majority of respondents, 61.2 percent, consider the

efforts somewhat effective, a significant minority, 24.5 percent, find them somewhat ineffective.

Additionally, 10.2 percent view the initiatives as highly effective, suggesting some level of

optimism about their potential impact. However, it's noteworthy that 4.1 percent of respondents

perceive them as highly ineffective, indicating a segment of the population skeptical about the

program's ability to address transportation challenges comprehensively. These findings

underscore the need for further analysis and potentially adjustments to ensure the success of

modernization efforts while addressing concerns and improving public perception.


Figure 4.3

The results of the survey on the adequacy of alternative transportation vehicles replacing

traditional jeepneys, it's evident that opinions are varied. While 37.4% find the current number

somewhat adequate, 8.8% perceive it as highly adequate. On the other hand, 19.7% consider it

somewhat inadequate, and 11.6% find it highly inadequate. Interestingly, 22.4% express

neutrality, indicating neither adequacy nor inadequacy. These results suggest a mixed sentiment

towards the sufficiency of alternative transportation vehicles, highlighting the need for further

assessment and potential adjustments to meet diverse transportation needs.

Interpretation of Results Based on Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program

(PUVMP) Awareness

The results of the data gathered from this study provide an evaluation of the awareness

and confidence levels of jeepney commuters about the jeepney modernization program which

answers objective one of the research. The results indicate that the majority of the jeepney

commuters in Metro Manila are highly to adequately aware, familiar, and have a highly to

adequate understanding of the Public Utility Modernization program and less than 50% of the

commuters are somewhat to inadequately aware, familiar, and have a low understanding of the

Public Utility Modernization program. While more than 50% of the jeepney commuters in Metro

Manila are somewhat to fairly confident in their knowledge of the PUVM program. Given that

most of the jeepney commuters are knowledgeable and aware of the program, their perception of

the modernization program will be more accurate and reliable and will not be based solely on

their experiences as commuters but also on their apprehended knowledge from articles, news,

and media.

Interpretation of Results Based on Commuter’s Perspective and Support on

Modernization Program

In line with the research objective 2, the results of the data gathered provide the jeepney

commuters’ perceptions on the PUVM program and their beliefs and opinion on the factors that

may be hindering the further progression of the modernization program. The overall results and

data gathered indicates that most of the commuters perceive that the modernization program will

either be barely beneficial to fairly beneficial for jeepney drivers, commuters, the country’s

economy, and the traffic congestion issues. This indicates that the implementation of the

modernization program will have a small impact on the said areas and will produce outcomes

that solve only some of the issues of the affected areas of the program. The results indicate that

the protocols of the program do not have a maximized outcome according to the results and do

not meet the goals of the modernization program itself, which is to overhaul the transportation

system to increase its efficiency. The results regarding the support or the resistance of the

commuters toward the modernization program indicate that 61.2% of the commuters are neutral.

The commuters neither support nor oppose the idea and implementation of the program.

Interpretation of Results Based on Factors and Issues that Limit the PUVMP

The results from the data gathered answers to the research objective three which aims to

assess the issues that commuters experience and perceive that limits the implementation of the

modernization of jeepneys. The results of the data gathered measure the effect of the outcomes of

the modernization program on commuters and jeepney drivers that may be factors hindering its

implementation. One of the outcomes of the modernization program is the increase in fare rates

wherein 30.6% of the respondents claimed to be highly affected from and 28.6% claimed that

they are affected. The responses of the commuters indicate that most of the commuters are

affected by the increase of fare rates and may be the cause of the opposition toward the

modernization program. Although many of the respondents have no issue on the adequacy of the

modernized jeepney units having 37.4% responses on the adequacy of the units and 22.4%

responses on their neutrality on the number of units in operation, indicating that the

implementation of the modernization program barely has an impact to the adequacy of the units

in operation of jeepneys. The difficulty of commuting is also affected amidst the implementation

of the modernization program and the results from the data present that 46.3% of the respondents

claimed that they don’t experience difficulties commuting amidst the implementation of the

program and they don’t experience an improvement in commuting as well while 38.8% of the

respondents claimed that they find commuting amidst the implementation of the modernization

program somewhat difficult. These indicate that the modernization program does not improve

the ease of commuting via jeepneys. The modernization program also affects the cost of jeepney

per unit that the drivers need to attain and according to the responses of the commuters, the

commuters who responded that the cost of the modernized jeepney per unit is unattainable or

highly unattainable for the jeepney drivers is higher than the responses that claim that it is

attainable for the drivers which indicates that the cost of the modernized jeepney remains an

issue and can be considered as a factor that limits the implementation of the program. Lastly, the

commuters will be more inclined to support the modernization program if these issues within the

implementation of the modernization program are addressed by the government.


The study's findings shed light on crucial aspects of commuting patterns and attitudes of

the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) among Metro Manila jeepney

commuters. To begin, the findings highlight the high reliance on jeepneys for transportation,

with most respondents commuting frequently and a large share commuting extremely frequently.

This emphasizes the importance of jeepneys in Metro Manila citizens' daily lives, highlighting

the need to recognize and solve concerns about their modernization. The study found that

commuters had a complex understanding of the PUVMP, with the majority displaying high to

adequate levels of awareness and familiarity. This awareness is critical because it shapes

commuters' perceptions and attitudes about the program, allowing for a more educated

discussion about its ramifications. Furthermore, the study finds that commuters have various

levels of trust in their knowledge of the program, indicating the necessity for ongoing education

and information dissemination to ensure a well-informed population.

Moreover, commuters' attitudes about the PUVMP indicate key considerations for its

implementation. While there is a widespread view that the program will provide certain benefits,

such as increased transportation efficiency and reduced traffic congestion, a sizable proportion

remains skeptical about its overall impact. This demonstrates skepticism or uncertainty about the

program's efficacy, indicating potential areas for development or refinement in its execution.

Furthermore, the study sheds light on the many obstacles and issues that commuters encounter as

the modernization initiative is being implemented. These include higher price rates, a perceived

lack of contemporary jeepney units, commuting challenges, and the affordability of modernized

jeepneys for drivers. Addressing these concerns is critical to building widespread support for the

program and ensuring its successful execution. Finally, this study provides important insights

into the dynamics of commuting behavior and perceptions of the PUVMP among jeepney

commuters in Metro Manila. Understanding these intricacies and addressing commuter issues

allows policymakers to better design plans and interventions to upgrade the public transportation

system while ensuring commuter welfare and pleasure. Finally, the findings emphasize the

necessity of stakeholder participation and proactive approaches in developing transportation

policies that are responsive to the needs and preferences of the public.


Recommendations for Future Research

In recommendations for future research, it is highly recommended that ongoing research

should be done to evaluate how commuters' perceptions and awareness of jeepney modernization

operations have changed over time. The results of this research could provide useful outcomes

on the efficacy of awareness campaigns and modifying beliefs about modernization efforts.

Furthermore, in order to further elaborate on particular concerns raised in the survey, it is

recommended to accompany the quantitative results with qualitative research techniques like

focus groups or interviews. Future researchers will be able to compare results and gain much

deeper insights about the study. Additionally, broadening the scope of the study to encompass

other Philippine cities outside of Manila and Quezon city would allow for a comparative analysis

of the obstacles to modernization in various metropolitan areas, which could reveal issues

particular to a given area and guide the development of customized policy solutions. Lastly, it

would be necessary to determine the economic effects of modernizing the jeepney from the

perspectives of many stakeholders, such as operators, drivers, passengers, and legislators. The

results of the research could evaluate the modernization plans' financial viability and investigate

any socio-economic implications, offering important information for the formulation and

execution of future policy.

Recommendations for Practice

In terms of recommendation in practical efforts in jeepney modernization, the

implementation of focused communication methods should be considered in order to increase the

awareness of commuters in modernizing the jeepneys. Accurate information can be properly

disseminated to ensure individuals are informed about modernization through various venues,

including social media, community outreach programs, and educational campaigns. Additionally,

the process of jeepney drivers upgrading to modernized jeepneys could be facilitated through the

development of financial support systems or subsidy programs, such as grants for jeepney

upgrades or low-interest loans. To minimize the interruptions brought about by modernization, it

is essential that stakeholders work together to control the cost of modernized jeepneys and

guarantee affordability for drivers, all the while giving priority to the availability of alternative

modes of transportation. Encourage collaborations between public sector, private sector, and

civil society organizations to take advantage of resources and skills to provide comprehensive

and sustainable alternatives for modernizing public transportation. Introducing incentives or

rewards for environmentally friendly practices, such as using hybrid or electric vehicles, can

promote the transition towards a greener and more efficient transportation system. Through these

recommendations, interested parties may contribute to reducing barriers to jeepney

modernization and promote a more sustainable and inclusive transportation system within and

outside of Metro Manila.


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