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Vocabulary practice: (Change the forms if necessary)

annual cultural occasion originate religious

週年 文化的 場合 源於 宗教的

commemorate display lanterns fireworks offer gifts feast on

紀念 燈籠裝飾 display 發放禮物 delicacies
煙花展示 吃美食

attend a parade disappointed nervous stressed depressed

參加巡遊 失望 緊張 感到有壓力 絕望

frustrated confused academic stress cyberbullying negative

生氣 疑惑 學業壓力 網絡暴力 self-image

strict parent(s) body odour mood swings peer pressure self-conscious

嚴格的家長 體味 情緒波動 同伴壓力 自我意識

1. Tom has a strange _______ after Sports Lesson, we always keep away from him.
2. It is better not to speak so loud in this formal _________.
3. Different _______ have their own principles and faith.
4. I feel so _______ for the exam tomorrow because I didn’t do well last time.
5. You must attend ________ in Disneyland! It is definitely an once in a lifetime experience!
6. We usually buy _________ during MId-Autumn Festivals for house decorations.
7. Peter experienced several ________ after he went overseas alone, he was facing huge
academic ______ and demands from his _______ parents.
8. Mary is being _________ because she fails to get along with her classmates. They made
fun of her by teasing and isolating her. Mary develops a negative ________.
9. This statue was erected to ________ the great warrior Wei Qin who fought against the
northern barbarians and recaptured lost territories.
10. Bill is unconfident as he came from a grass root family. He dare not to compare himself
with other classmates. He is deeply trapped by ____ pressure.
11. My sister is ______ with me as her cake was secretly eaten and she thought it was me
who ate it, however I am ______ as I didn’t even enter her room a single step.
12. Under great _______, Gabriel is _______ with everything around him. He just want to
escape from the existing struggles and get a good rest.
13. During important festivals, my family wil hold reunions and ________. We have a happy
and unforgettable time.
14. This Athletic Competition is held _________, therefore don’t be down this time and try
again next year.
15. The ritual of ________ gifts to the God is _______ from Daoism, which serves as a
significant Chinese ________.
16. A _________ in Victorial Harbour will be featured this evening, It’s for the countdown of
2025! Make sure you don’t miss it!

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