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Full Name
Gender M/F Male
(As in National ID Card) Jawid
Address 15th district Herat city Afghanistan
Email Address 0792600575

2. QUALIFICATIONS (start with the highest level first and add rows as necessary)
e.g. B.A. e.g. Health Studies e.g. Kabul University e.g. 1997-99 e.g. 1st
LLB(5 years Law bachelor degree) Osmania university India 2011-2016 1 division

3. WORK EXPERIENCE (start with the most recent and add rows as necessary)
Start date End date
1: WASSA Community Mobilizer Work as a community Mobilizer in WASSA 1-10-2023 1-4-2024 Due to the end
organization (women’s Activities and Social Services of project
Association organization) for the UNHCR urgent
project to help the people who were affected of the
earthquake in the districts of zandah Jan, koshk
Robatsangi and Gulran, Herat.
• As a Community Mobilizer working on an
earthquake-affected people project, your role would
involve coordinating and organizing efforts to
support and empower the affected community. Here
are some typical duties and responsibilities of a
Community Mobilizer in such a project:
• 1. Needs Assessment: Conducting thorough
assessments to identify the specific needs and
priorities of the earthquake-affected community.
This involves engaging with community members,
local leaders, and relevant stakeholders to gather
information and understand the challenges they are
• 2. Community Engagement: Facilitating
open and inclusive community meetings,
workshops, and focus group discussions to involve
community members in decision-making processes.
Encouraging active participation and ensuring that
marginalized groups are represented.

2: RSDO Food distribution facilator 1. Ensure that all commodities entrusted and 1-1-2023 30-7-2023 Due to the end
organization and surveyor arriving at distribution centers are properly of project
accounted for.2. Scrutinize all waybills for
commodities arriving at the distribution

centers. Ensure that the commodities are of
correct quantities and quality as manifested
on the waybill. Immediately record all
quantities delivered short (missing),
quantities lost in transit and quantities
damaged if any (In the field and FDP). All
observations must be recorded
immediately.3. Commodities must carefully
be counted during off-loading.4. At the
distribution center, commodities must be
stacked in an organized manner, by
commodity type to facilitate easy
distribution.5. Take active role in the
registration and verification of beneficiaries
to ensure that the process is fair6. Organize
and supervise food and NFI (None Food
Items) distributions in the field and FDPs.7.
At the distribution center, commodities
must be properly stacked on plastic
sheeting.8. Ensure that the distribution
center is properly organized and secured
with ropes and crowd control measures put
in place to ensure smooth distribution and
flow of beneficiaries
Primary health care officer 1. Patient Care: Providing primary health care 1-1-2022 31-12- Due to the end
3: ACTD services to patients, including diagnosing and 2023 of project
organization treating common illnesses and injuries, managing
chronic conditions, and promoting preventive care.
2. Health Promotion and Education:
Educating patients and the community about
healthy lifestyle choices, disease prevention, and
health promotion strategies.
3. Physical Examinations: Conducting
thorough physical examinations to assess patients’
overall health and identify any potential health

4. Medical History Taking: Gathering and
documenting patients’ medical history, including
their past illnesses, surgeries, medications, and
family medical history.
5. Prescribing Medications: Prescribing
appropriate medications based on patients’
conditions, taking into account their medical history
and any potential drug interactions or
6. Referrals: Making referrals to specialists or
other healthcare professionals when necessary for
further evaluation or specialized treatment.
7. Health Counseling: Providing guidance and
counseling on topics such as nutrition, exercise,
stress management, and smoking cessation to help
patients make healthy lifestyle choices.
Immunizations: Administering vaccinations and
ensuring patients are up to date with their
immunizations according to recommended

4.1. What are the content of a report?
Reports are formal documents which can include headings, sub-headings, numbered sections, bullet point text, and graphics such as flow charts,
diagrams or graphs. All of these devices may be used to help the reader navigate the report and understand its content

A report is likely to include some or all of these elements, typically ordered as follows:

Title page: clearly identifying the subject of the report and the author
Acknowledgements: naming third parties who have helped create the document
Executive summary: an abbreviated, stand-alone overview of the report. Similar to the abstract of a journal article
Contents page: allowing the reader to find their way quickly to sections of interest. This may or may not also include a table of figures or tables
Introduction: outlining the main context, aims and objectives of the report

Background information: anything essential to a full understanding of the report
Methodology: describing how the report’s objectives were met or how the research was conducted
Findings: what the report found
Analysis: what these findings mean; their relevance and importance
Conclusion: summarising the key things the report learned or established
Recommendations: suggestions for action based on the report’s findings
Bibliography: a full list of sources used to compile the report
Appendices: containing supplementary information referred to in the report
Glossary: definitions of technical terms used in the report

4.2. How you can ensure that timely and regular information-shared with the relevant stockholders?

Okay, here are some ways a social worker can ensure timely and regular information-sharing with relevant stakeholders:

1. Develop a communication plan:

- Identify all the key stakeholders, such as the client, their family members, other service providers, and any relevant authorities.
- Determine the type of information that needs to be shared with each stakeholder and the frequency of communication.

2. Use a variety of communication channels:

- Regular face-to-face meetings or virtual check-ins with stakeholders.
- Detailed written reports shared via email, shared digital platforms, or postal mail.
- Telephone or video calls to provide updates and address any urgent concerns.
- Secure messaging through a client management system or other digital tools.

3. Establish clear timelines and deadlines:

- Set specific due dates for submitting progress reports or sharing information.
- Ensure stakeholders are aware of these timelines and the importance of timely feedback.
- Maintain a calendar or schedule to track when information needs to be shared.

4. Utilize technology and digital tools:

- Leverage client management software, shared databases, or cloud-based platforms to centralize and streamline information-sharing.
- Automate reminders, notifications, and alerts to prompt timely communication.
- Provide stakeholders with access to relevant client records and documents, as appropriate.

5. Foster a culture of transparency and accountability:

- Encourage open and honest communication with all stakeholders.
- Set expectations for timely responses and follow-up on any requests or concerns.
- Regularly solicit feedback from stakeholders to improve the communication process.

6. Document all communication and information-sharing:

- Maintain detailed records of all interactions, meetings, and information shared.
- Use standardized templates or forms to ensure consistency in reporting.
- Periodically review and update the communication plan as needed.

By implementing these strategies, social workers can help ensure that relevant stakeholders receive timely and regular information to support the client’s
well-being and progress. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!

4.3. What strategy you recommend for disseminate relevant child protection information at the community?
Here are some effective strategies a social worker can use to disseminate relevant child protection information within a community:

1. Community outreach and education:

- Organize information sessions, workshops, or presentations at schools, community centers, places of worship, or other local gathering spots.
- Distribute informational brochures, flyers, or posters in high-traffic areas throughout the community.
- Leverage local media, such as newspapers, radio, or community TV, to share child protection messaging.

2. Collaboration with community partners:

- Work closely with other service providers, such as teachers, law enforcement, healthcare professionals, and child welfare agencies.
- Encourage these partners to share child protection information through their own channels and networks.
- Participate in or host joint community events or awareness campaigns.

3. Utilization of digital and social media:

- Develop a dedicated website or online resource hub for child protection information.
- Leverage social media platforms to share educational content, updates, and resources.

- Create and distribute engaging, shareable digital content (e.g., infographics, videos, podcasts).

4. Community advisory boards or task forces:

- Establish a multi-stakeholder advisory board to provide input and guide the dissemination of child protection information.
- Convene a community task force to identify needs, gather feedback, and coordinate outreach efforts.

5. Targeted outreach to vulnerable populations:

- Ensure information is accessible and tailored to the specific needs of marginalized or high-risk groups, such as low-income families, immigrant
communities, or people with disabilities.
- Partner with trusted community leaders or organizations to reach these populations effectively.

6. Ongoing evaluation and improvement:

- Monitor the impact and reach of the dissemination efforts.
- Regularly solicit feedback from community members to identify areas for improvement.
- Adjust the strategies and tactics based on the evolving needs and preferences of the community.

By utilizing a combination of these approaches, social workers can help ensure that relevant child protection information is widely disseminated and
accessible within the community. This can empower community members to recognize, report, and prevent child abuse and neglect.


5.1. At IAM we highly value teamwork. Can you describe a time when you acted in accordance with that value at your workplace?
I do not actually have personal experiences working in a workplace. As an AI assistant created by Anthropic, I do not have a real-world employment
history. However, I can speak in general about the importance of teamwork and how it can be demonstrated in a professional setting:

Teamwork is a critical element of success in most workplaces. It involves collaborating effectively with colleagues, sharing information and resources,
supporting each other's efforts, and working towards common goals.

Some ways an employee can demonstrate strong teamwork skills include:

- Actively participating in team meetings and discussions, offering ideas and feedback.
- Volunteering to take on tasks or responsibilities that support the team's objectives.
- Sharing knowledge and expertise to help other team members improve their performance.
- Being flexible and willing to pitch in on projects outside of one's primary role or duties.
- Communicating openly and honestly with the team to identify and resolve any issues.
- Celebrating team successes and acknowledging the contributions of others.

- Offering assistance to teammates who may be overburdened or struggling.
- Maintaining a positive, collaborative attitude even during challenging situations.

By demonstrating these kinds of teamwork behaviors, an employee can foster a productive, supportive work environment and contribute to the overall
effectiveness and success of their organization. Teamwork is a valuable skill that shows an ability to work well with others towards shared objectives.

Does this help explain how one might embody the value of teamwork in a professional context? Let me know if you have any other questions.

(e.g. basic, intermediate, fluent) (e.g. basic, intermediate, advanced)
DARI Fluent Fluent
PASHTO Fluent Fluent
ENGLISH Fluent Fluent
OTHER (please state) Hindi fluent

7. COMPUTER SKILLS (add rows as necessary)


WORD Proficient
EXCEL Proficient
OTHER (please state)
OTHER (please state)


8.1. Please detail other relevant training you took within the last five years or information which you feel may support your application.
eg: monitoring and evaluation training, data collection and analysis training, mobile-based data collection training among others.

9.1 Do you have a criminal record, or have you had any children removed from your care?

Yes/ No
If yes, please explain
9.2 Are you related to, or do you know anyone who works for IAM?
Yes/ No
If yes, please give name and describe the relationship

Please provide the names of two professional people to give references to, one of which must be your current work supervisor/employer. IAM will not
approach these referees before informing you. Please note that they must not be related to you.
number) 0799655954
Project manager Zabiullah erfani RSDO

access focal point Mohammad Reza akhawan RSDO

Signature: ___________________________ Date: 23- May -2024

Important information

Please write HRT-002 then your name in the subject line. Fill in all the questions as you will be scored for each question and only those with the highest
scores will be shortlisted.
Please send the application form before 31 May 2024 to the following email addresses.


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