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United Arab

What is UAE Commemoration Day?
United Arab Emirates (UAE) Commemoration Day, which is also known as Martyrs
Day, is a day that officially falls on November 30th but has been marked with a
public holiday on the following day, December 1st, in recent years. The day is to
remember and show respect for those who have sacrificed their lives for the country
through their duty in civil, humanitarian or military services. The day is marked as
a public holiday across the Emirates for people
to show their respect and gratitude for all
those who dedicated their lives for their people
and their country.

Why is Commemoration Day observed?

Commemoration Day is held to recognise
the dedication and sacrifice of civil,
humanitarian and military personnel
serving the UAE. The day originally took
place on November 30th to commemorate
the death of Salem Suhail Bin Khamis
who died on the same date in 1971 whilst
fighting for his country. He is thought
to be the first Emirati killed in military
service since the UAE formed in that year.

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United Arab Emirates Commemoration Day

How is Commemoration Day celebrated?

Each year, as a mark of respect, a minute’s silence is held across the Emirates for
people to show their respect and remember those who have fallen for their country
in the line of service and duty.

Wahat Al Karama, located in Abu Dhabi, is a memorial dedicated to all Emiratis

killed in service, with leaders often gathering there during Commemoration Day
ceremonies. Wahat Al Karama translates to ‘Oasis of Dignity’ in English and is a
place of respect and honour for Emiratis across the UAE.

Did you know?

President Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan first introduced Commemoration
Day to the people of the UAE in 2015.

“We will always remember as

people and leadership, with
appreciation and gratitude, our
children who sacrificed their
lives in defence of the nation,”

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United Arab Emirates Commemoration Day

1. What date does Commemoration Day officially fall on each year?
2nd December
30th November
1st December
4th November

2. In what year was the first Commemoration Day launched?


3. Why is Commemoration Day observed across the UAE?

4. What does celebrating Commemoration Day mean to the Emirati people?

5. Who originally created Commemoration Day as a mark of respect to fallen

Emiratis in service?
Sheikh Zayed
Sheikh Khalifa
Sheikh Mohamed
Sheikh Rashid

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United Arab Emirates Commemoration Day

6. How is Commemoration Day celebrated?

7. Why do you think the word ‘gratitude’ is used by Sheikh Khalifa when talking
about Commemoration Day?

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United Arab Emirates Commemoration Day

1. What date does Commemoration Day officially fall on each year?
30th November

2. In what year was the first Commemoration Day launched?


3. Why is Commemoration Day observed across the UAE?

Commemoration Day is held as a day to remember all those Emiratis who have
fallen in the line of duty and service for the UAE.

4. What does celebrating Commemoration Day mean to the Emirati people?

Commemoration Day is a day for Emirati people to show respect and to honour
Emirati people who have sacrificed their lives for their country. Emirati people
can show gratitude during this day.

5. Who originally created Commemoration Day as a mark of respect to fallen

Emiratis in service?
Sheikh Khalifa

6. How is Commemoration Day celebrated?

People usually mark the day by taking part in the minutes silence across the UAE
to show their respect. Leaders of the country gather at the special memorial,
Wahat Al Karama in Abu Dhabi to take part in a special remembrance ceremony.

7. Why do you think the word ‘gratitude’ is used by Sheikh Khalifa when talking
about Commemoration Day?
Sheikh Khalifa uses the word gratitude to describe Commemoration Day as the
word gratitude means thankful or showing thanks. This shows that the Emirati
people should express their thanks and be thankful to all those who sacrificed
their lives for the UAE.


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