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of the
shadow work journal
Guided workbook with prompts for transformation,
shadow integration, and deepening into wholeness.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved .

Copyright © 2023 Intuitive Art & Alchemy.

All Rights Reserved.

All content herein this workbook is protected by copyright laws within

the U.S. (title 17 of the US Code) and Internationally (Berne Convention).

No part of this workbook, may be reproduced or distributed, in whole or

part, in any way, without express prior written consent of the copyright
holder. This workbook shall not be held in any database or digital space
with intent to share or distribute.

Brief quotations or passages may be shared solely with proper citation.

To share this book with others, direct them to the link below.

For permissions to share printed copies this workbook to facilitated

groups, clients, or others, email:

This is intended for personal development, spiritual guidance, and

emotional wellbeing only. Nothing herein is intended to replace mental
health intervention, professional therapy, treatment, or medical
assistance, and nothing herein is to be implied or construed as such.
The author, artist, and Intuitive Art & Alchemy assume no responsibility
for any result from the information, rituals, and energies offered herein.

Author: Jessica Ricchetti

Artist: Jenny Hahn
Table of Contents
04 Introduction
Why do shadow work (and this workbook)?
How to get the most out of this workbook.
First things first.

10 Shadow Work 101

Shadow work 101.
Shadow work tips.
The Inner Sanctuary.

19 Doing the work...

Questions, prompts, contemplations.
Navigating through shadow work in action.
Explore deeper layers of YOU.

40 integration
Breathe it all in.
What to do next?

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved .


© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 4
Welcome, Wise One.

Within you lies

a Gold mine of Wisdom
ready to be
discovered and integrated.

Why do shadow work & this workbook?

Our greatest power, wisdom, potential, and wholeness are most often tucked away, safe, in the
shadow of the innermost parts of our subconscious. Through shadow work, we have an increased
ability to release some of what weighs us down or keeps us from living as we desire (in our own
unique way). Diving into our shadow allows us to mine the gold within life's experiences, bring
light to the dark corners within, and amplify a greater sense of wellbeing.

We then have more potential to experience:

greater self-acceptance and confidence in who we are
more meaningful relationships with ourselves and others
deepened connections
increased clarity
amplified creativity
more ease, compassion, and peace
relief from worry about how we are perceived
improved internal narratives

Only you hold the keys any desired healing, release, integration, or emotional freedom. This
workbook is intended as a guide to lead you through some of the hidden pathways within, to
access layers of mind, heart, and soul that hold those keys. May these pages support you in
gathering the keys to unlock doorways and access the gold mines that have been waiting for you...
© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 5
get the most
out of this workbook
To get the most out of this workbook, devote time to truly working in it!
In our world of convenience, it is easy to say yes to things, set goals, plan to
complete something, and then let it fall away. Yet... you downloaded this for
a reason. What is that reason? Follow the guidance that pulled you here.

This isn't intended to be completed in one sitting. Allow yourself

time and spaciousness to do this deep inner work.

We trust that if you fully allow yourself the discipline/devotion to

work through these pages with your whole heart, and actually do
the work, you will receive more inner-gifts than can be named!

Hold these inquiries and contemplations as Sacred. Maybe you

wish to set an intention for this workbook, or create a simple ritual
each time you work in it and reflect.

Even if you have sat with some of these questions before, you are
different *right now* than any moment before. And, there is a
unique intentional alchemy you are creating for yourself right now.

You can follow the progression of the workbook cover to cover,

or follow your intuition and go for the pieces that speak to you.

Timeline ideas & options

Sit down to work through this once per week for at least an hour
(or as long as feels good).
Make time each day for 1-3+ pages within this workbook.
Work through some pages every full moon when shadows are
illuminated and when we can "see" more clearly.
Work through some pages every new moon when we are more naturally
intuitive and attuned with the shadow/subconscious.
Turn to this workbook when you feel really nourished emotionally and
want to see things with ease - or - turn to it when you need more clarity.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 6
You are embraced in Spirit...

This workbook was created by Jessica Ricchetti, author

of Wisdom of the Shadow Oracle, in collaboration with
its artist, Jenny Hahn. These pages are a collection of
wisdom from years of diving into personal shadow
work and experiences with supporting others on paths
of transformation. It is real-life insight from real-life
shadow work. You are not alone.

As any discomfort arises on your shadow work journey,

may you feel embraced by the energy of deep support
and love infused into these pages.

May your journey with shadow work and this workbook

be deeply potent, revelational, and nourishing.
May it meet you in the depth that you choose to work with it.

May you feel the stretch of walking with your shadow,

while feeling comforted by your own inner Wisdom.

May this work reward you with the deepest inner gold.
May you sink into more layers of authentic being.
May you be guided by the wisdom within.
May you shed all layers that no longer serve.
May you be cloaked in the brilliance of the fullest expression of YOU.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 7
first things first
This journey is about deepening
into self, so, let's start there!
Pause here. Receive a few deep breaths.

Then, let your inner wisdom (or shadow) speak.

Free-flow write for 3 minutes to the following prompts:

What does my inner wisdom wish to receive from this workbook?

What am I seeking? What is wanting to be revealed to me?

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 8
Continuation: Free-flow write for 3 minutes to the following prompts:

What does my inner wisdom wish to receive from this workbook?

What am I seeking? What is wanting to be revealed to me?

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 9
Shadow Work 101

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 10
" Until you make the unconscious
it will direct your life
and you will
call it fate."
- Carl Jung

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 11
The shadow is...
the aspect of our psyche which holds the
parts we can't see about ourselves.

the unconscious layers of who we are -

anything not yet known or understood.

patterns and ways of being that inform

how we walk through the world - without
being something we are aware of.

where the parts of ourselves we repress,

reject, don't like, shun, push away, and
exile stay hidden away.

the place of our primal instincts.

developed as we adapt to collective

culture, ideals, and expectations.

anything we don't want to identify as.

where we store difficult experiences,

wounds, and emotional baggage.

It is in our nature to fear the unknown.

That is truly all the shadow is...

the unknown.

The shadow also holds: our un-lived potential, our under-expressed joy,
the dreams we hold back, what has not-yet come to form, our fullest confident
power, the pleasure we don't quite let ourselves experience, words unspoken,
the steps we wish to take, our deepest desires, and that which we long for.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 12
shadow work 101
Shadow work is the process of bringing awareness to our shadow, and getting to
know our inner workings. To make something within us known is to bring it out of
the shadow. We can do shadow work using a variety of tools & techniques: dream
analysis, journaling, meditation and mindfulness, soul journey, ritual, self-reflection,
catharsis, therapy, etc. Shadow work is a pathway to greater internal freedom.

We won't ever be without a shadow.

It isn't something that needs to be
cured, shamed, or healed-away.
It is a vital part of ourselves to
develop a relationship with...

And in doing so, we liberate ourselves

from its grip, and feel more whole.

When we learn to explore the not-yet-known parts of ourselves, our psyche,

and our nature, they are no longer in the shadow.

Then, it is no longer our unconscious operating system running the show.

Rather, we get to know ourselves and our patterns... and we get to explore
different ways of relating with others, ourselves, and life.

This is the heart of shadow work.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 13
Shadow Work tips
Adapted excerpts from Wisdom of the Shadow Oracle book.

Notice what you notice.

(first without editing yourself, wishing it were different, or carrying any judgement/attachment).
What comes up when you first see the prompt or think of a shadow energy?
What do you feel in your body?
What do you notice immediately?
What emotions, resistance, aversions, thoughts, experiences, and sensations arise?

Acknowledge what comes up.

Our shadows are shadows because they have gone without acknowledgement.
Allow what is coming up to be heard and felt – as if you were listening to someone that you
care about share the details about their experience.
Hold what comes up exactly as it is without rushing to “fix it,” “find the lesson,” or “change” it.
Ask any energy or shadow that comes up what wisdom or information it has to reveal to you.
Sometimes it helps to personify or identify the energy that comes up by giving it a name and
letting it know it is welcomed!

Hold what comes up without identifying AS it.

Remember that we are not our thoughts, we are not our experiences, nor are we what has
happened in our lives. The experiences are real and true, yet they do not define us.
What is illuminated can be something we don’t prefer. If that is the case, remember this is just
one facet of our experience... it does not make up the sum total of who we are.
To experience the fullness of an energy, essence, or emotion means getting to learn it and
know it. We can understand the wisdom in deeper, more embodied ways and we can then
dance in and out of it rather than it having its way with us. Trust that to allow a flood of
sadness does not mean we will turn into sadness. It simply means we will become more
attuned to understanding its nature (and its antidotes).

Most Important Tip...

Honor this Journey as Sacred, potent, and deep... while adapting it to your
own needs. There is no right way and no wrong way to navigate your shadow.
Be radically honest with yourself, and enter with an open heart.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 14
Shadow Work tips
Adapted excerpts from Wisdom of the Shadow Oracle book.

Sit with the inquiry “what is underneath this?”

Continue to explore your shadow beyond this workbook and what it stirs up.
Cultivate a habit of asking “what is underneath this” when resistance arises, when wisdom
comes through, when judgement shows up, when sitting with difficult emotions or
experiences, whenever you remember, and as often as feels good. We develop a deeper ability
to sense and navigate the shadows when we continue to walk our paths in contemplation.

Safely explore your own edges at your own pace.

Notice what feels edgy and then feel if it is safe to explore. If you notice resistance or
discomfort arise, check in to see if it may be supportive to stretch yourself and lean in.
When diving deep into the core, it is wise to ensure that you are resourced. Only YOU know
what is safe within you to explore. If a certain energy doesn't feel safe to explore, or trauma is
activated, pause and don’t push it. Return to it when you feel fully ready.
Know when to reach for support and professional guidance. This work is not intended to
replace professional, medical, or mental health support. Even when we address topics such as
panic, fear, dependency, trauma, or loss, we are addressing them through the lens of the
experience and energy, not from the lens of a condition. Therapy is useful and all professionals
have their place. If any of this work feels intense, beyond what you feel comfortable exploring,
or something that will trigger a condition, please consult with your professional provider.

let it be balanced...
Shadow work can seem (and at times be) daunting, scary,
challenging, and uncomfortable. No wonder the shadow stays
tucked away! This is almost like the shadow of shadow work.

Navigate what feels accessible, without feeling like you have to

dive into the deepest of the muck (unless you are ready). Let it
be a little easeful. Invite in curiosity, open-heartedness, and
maybe even a spirit of playfulness. Release some fear, and
know that you've got this! Breathe when you need to breathe.
Stop when you need to stop. And... trust yourself through it all.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 15
"Within you,
there is a stillness
and a sanctuary
to which you can retreat
at anytime
and be yourself."
- Hermann Hesse

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 16
the inner sanctuary
Before we dive into shadow work, here is a practice to support ease in the nervous system.

The Inner Sanctuary is a place within that holds sacredness just for us.
Perhaps it is a place of: safety, love, power, brilliance, trust, magic, or home.
It is a place that we can trust, rely on, and return to. It is unconditional and will not falter.

Having an Inner Sanctuary is supportive when we are navigating deep inner work, and also
when we are navigating day-to-day life and need a moment of internal respite.

Create an Inner Sanctuary!

(or tune into what yours feels like right now, if you already have one)

After reading this section:

Close your eyes if it feels aligned, and receive a few deep breaths deep in the body.

Notice a place within you that feels like your Inner Sanctuary...
A place of sacredness just for YOU. A place you can trust, rely on, and return to.
This may be a feeling in the body.
This may be a memory.
This may be a sound or a word.
This may look like a physical temple or some other visual.
Or it may be something completely different. Just trust whatever comes up.
There is no right or wrong, and it may shift from time to time.

Then, notice what you notice about this Inner Sanctuary.

Ask what wisdom it holds for you. Sit with it for a bit if it feels good.
Set an intention for this Inner Sanctuary (if you desire).
Turn to the quote page preceding this and jot down some notes, words, images, or things to remember
about this Inner Sanctuary - if that feels supportive to your process.

Thank your Inner Sanctuary for being within you. Return to it when you feel called.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 17
You've got this.

Receive a deep breath.

Dive in when ready.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 18
Doing the Work

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 19
inner child

“I listen to the parts of me

seeking to be heard."

" I look at life through the lens

of playful curiosity.”

So much about our lives were shaped before we were even consciously aware of what was
happening. How we perceive love, communication, the world, other people, and ourselves were
happening far before we knew how to write our names. Our nervous systems have been tracking
and processing information since the womb, that forms how we walk in the world as adults.

We haven’t outgrown our inner child; they are still within us,
with many stories to share if we are willing to listen.

As children, we are naturally creative and uninhibited. If we were told we were “too much” of
something, perhaps we learned that we needed to make ourselves different to receive love
which led to making ourselves and our emotions smaller to not create waves. Maybe we felt like
we were “not enough” and so we overcompensate(d). Perhaps those of us who had “gifts” of
sensing energy were told that we were “weird,” “wrong,” or to “stop daydreaming,” and so we
denied our true nature.

Check in with your inner child to see what wisdom they have to share.
Consider turning to them for guidance in times of uncertainty.
Invite play, creativity, and curiosity into your life.

This spread is an excerpt from Wisdom of the Shadow Oracle book

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 20
What pains from my childhood shaped who I am now?

What younger version of myself was my favorite? Why?

What patterns do I have now that I remember as a child?

Listen to the wisdom of your inner child. Hold the archetypal energy of a trusted elder (a caring presence
that listens patiently). Let your inner child know that you are there to listen without judgement, it is safe to
speak their truth, and that they can say anything – you will love them unconditionally! Imagine sitting
down for ice cream, cuddled up somewhere cozy, or whatever your inner self wants as the space. Set a
timer for 10-15 minutes and just LISTEN. Listen to their story as they speak it, freely and without editing. Let
them speak it with emotion, unabashedly, pouring out unrefined truth without eloquence. Ask them what
they need to feel really nourished and loved. Thank them for sharing. Take a few moment to integrate.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 21

“I honor grief as
a sacred process."

" I allow it to move through me

in its own way and time.”

Grief is a potent force that moves in and through each being in unique ways. Stages, processes,
or ways that it is said to be structured only paint a picture of possibility. Grief is like a mysterious
umbrella. Under that umbrella lies an infinite possibility of emotion unique to the moment:
anger, fear, loss, pain, loneliness, denial, guilt, numbness, or mourning what could have been. It
is also a window into hope, resilience, strength, rebirth, curiosity, enduring, adapting to change.

Many ancient peoples honored grief as holy and sacred, knowing that the grieving one was
moving through a necessary ceremonial experience for themselves, for the departed, and for the
community. A griever is also said to be a conduit of the divine. Grief is like a storm; it can leave
as quickly as it comes, or it can persist for days and weeks. It may contain thunder and darkness,
or it may contain sun rays and secret rainbows. If we chase the rainbows, we are less likely to
find them. They appear only when, where, and how they want; just like grief itself. We can grieve
people, possibilities, paths, and parts of self.

Think about any perceptions you hold around grief.

Reflect on any ways you’ve wanted to rush through grief or bypass grieving.
Consider holding grief gently with compassion and tenderness.
Invite yourself to see the grieving process as sacred.

This spread is an excerpt from Wisdom of the Shadow Oracle book

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 22
Is there grief that is calling me to sit with it more fully?

When have I grieved? Did I grieve fully or stop myself?

What can grief teach me about emotion and processing life?

Create a sacred ceremony to honor grief itself. Feel into a situation which you are grieving or have
previously experienced grief. Put on a clothing/accessory item that feels sacred or special. Gather
an unlit candle and anything else that creates a sacred space or that feels relevant to grief. Light
the candle with an intention to honor grief. Have an unfiltered “discussion” with grief where you
speak ALL that you feel about grief until you feel fully emptied of your truth. Ask grief to share its
wisdom with you as you listen, in silence, for a few moments.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 23

“I release myself from

being bound by my own fears."

" I walk in liberation,

untethered and free.”

Desiring to “get rid of” fear is an endless internal battle that we cannot win. Fear is a vital
response that protects us from legitimate harm. Our fears are designed to keep us safe,
responsive, and alert. They are a natural part of our brain’s ongoing, highly-intelligent
discernment and analysis system. To get rid of fear itself would not serve our highest good.

Fear is so visceral and biochemical (fight, flight, freeze, fawn, fatigue) that it can create a binding
up within our physical, energetic, and emotional bodies. We can become attached to this
pattern energetically, and – quite literally be hostage to the patterns of our fears – bound within
our own bodies. When we witness the pattern arising, we can invite ourselves into deeper
awareness. Once we see the shackles with which we have bound ourselves, perhaps to keep
ourselves safe at one point, we can lay them down and step towards liberation.

Befriend your fears. Get to know them. Ask them why they are there. Thank them
for protecting you. Take them by the hand and let them know it is safer-than-they-think
to move forward. Start with the fears that feel the least binding and get comfortable
with showing them other possibilities, then keep moving forward.
Remind yourself that the fears don’t actually need to leave, they can stay…
they just don’t get to run the show.

This spread is an excerpt from Wisdom of the Shadow Oracle book

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 24
What fears are not a likely threat that can be released?

Where have I allowed myself to be bound by my own fears?

What sensations do I notice when filled with fear?

Sit in front of a mirror. Imagine your body (the one looking into the mirror) as YOU. Imagine the
reflection you see looking back at you from the mirror as a dear friend who is coming to you to
share their deepest truth. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Speak (out loud if possible) as many layers of
fear as you can. No self-editing or crafting a story. Share unabashedly and freely from the raw fear
itself. Listen to understand. Hear parts you haven’t heard before. Don’t validate or invalidate the
fears, just listen. Thank yourself for sharing. Notice what you notice and how you feel.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 25
Journal Prompts
Reflect about these in your journal, or print multiple of the following blank page as journal sheets.

What parts of yourself do you feel the least connected with?

What parts of yourself do you reject the most?

What parts of yourself do you keep most secret or hidden?

What are your greatest gifts?

What 'hurts' or wounds from your life impact you most?

What ways do you allow yourself to be supported on your path or healing journey?

Do you feel hyper-independent? If yes, or if no... Why do you think that is?

How can you allow yourself to open up more to the gifts of life?

What has come up from working with this workbook that is stirring within you?

What energy is speaking to you internally that this workbook has yet to address?

What shadow energy do you have the most resistance to? Why do you think that is?

What do you judge most about yourself?

What has had a big hold on your heart lately?

What can you let go of that has been holding on unnecessarily for some time?

What is your heart's greatest desire or wish? What is holding you back from that?

How can you more fully embrace yourself?

In what areas of your life can you offer yourself more compassion?

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 26
© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 27
about expectations
What expectations do you place on yourself?

What expectations of others do you feel a need to live up to?

What expectations do you place on others?

Do you feel like you meet the above expectations?

How do these expectations support or harm you?

How can you release some of these expectations,

or re-negotiate expectations to feel more balance?

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 28
What are you most __________ about?
Fill in the blank with one of these: frustrated, sad, hurt, or angry
Now, let yourself fully vent! Just free-write from the heart.
Then breathe. And notice what you notice after. No need to analyze super deeply.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 29

“I protect my body, energy,

time, and space."
" I am allowed to say no to
anything and anyone
at any time.”

Boundaries are vital. Our time, our energy, our minds, our hearts, our bodies, our resources, our
wisdom, are all quite precious. We get to choose what we have the capacity to hold, what we
desire to share and when, how we engage with others, and what we say “yes” or “no” to.

We do not need to burn ourselves out, sacrifice ourselves, or extend ourselves in any way to
make others comfortable. We do not owe an explanation to anyone for how we choose to live or
share ourselves. We are allowed to set boundaries to preserve what we desire before the point of
burnout or dissonance. If someone becomes uncomfortable because of the boundaries we put
up, that is not ours to hold or manage. That’s even more reason to set boundaries.

We want to ensure that we are boundaried without putting up walls that prevent ourselves from
being in mutually beneficial exchanges with others. We also want to ensure that we aren’t
shutting down or off to avoid having tough conversations.

Setting healthy boundaries is a form of self-care. Embrace your power to protect what is sacred.
Notice any internal discomfort when saying yes to something. If you have a hard time telling
people “no”, ask yourself “why?” Consider any tendencies to over-give.
Notice if you feel drained due to imbalanced boundaries.

This spread is an excerpt from Wisdom of the Shadow Oracle book

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 30
Where do I desire to be fiercer in the declaration of my needs?

Where am I over-protecting myself in imbalanced ways?

How can I speak up and create clearer boundaries?

Gather two pieces of paper and something to write with. On one paper, draw a large square. Inside
the square, list all the things that you are a YES to for your own body, energy, and what is allowed
within your boundaries (connections, relationships, energies, and feelings you want more of). On
the other paper, write all things that are a NO and NOT allowed within your boundaries. Tear the
NO sheet into little pieces and place them outside of your YES boundary sheet. Feels what it is like
to assert your boundaries and to discern your YES/NO.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 31

“My rage is an expression

of deeper pain."

" My outcry is a call

for deeper listening.”

If we don’t experience moments of anger, infuriation, or fiery rage, then are we paying attention
to the passionate truth within us or the world around us? If there is something within us we are
passionate about, something that makes us sad, something that makes us feel disappointed,
and it doesn’t get expressed fully (or met/held/heard), then it can easily spark the inner flame
and quickly grow into rage. Like a fire, rage can catch instantly, explode, and scorch everything
around it.

Rage, and anger, are experiences that can have countless other feelings hidden under the
surface. The invitation is to notice what enrages us, what infuriates us, and where our needs are
not being expressed or met. Our rage can be righteous, comprehensible and fuel for change. Or
it can burn everything to the ground within sight in a violent fury... including the possibility for
the change we desire.

Notice if you allow things to bottle up until they explode

OR if you feel rage bellowing internally, but don’t fully express it.
Consider allowing yourself to feel the fullness of pain, anger, outrage,
and express it in ways that feel skillful towards enacting change.
Check yourself if you experience an excess of rage-ful, fiery, or blame-filled outbursts.

This spread is an excerpt from Wisdom of the Shadow Oracle book

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 32
How do I express my deepest hurts when they arise?

Do I use my passionate inner flame as fuel for change?

How can I acknowledge my own rage and expressions?

In a space without anyone around (or in your mind if you don’t have access to alone time), allow a full flow
of rage to rise up through your body. If rage doesn’t feel easy to access, imagine a pure primal essence of
rage (without emotional ties) rising up like a fire from under your feet or your root. Stand up on your feet,
roar, howl, make sounds, scream, yell, growl, speak your raw grievances and rage. Allow your body to move
to match your sounds. Look in a mirror, make yourself look as wildly enraged as you can. Feel it fully, to let
it move out. Integrate in some way: journaling, or sitting with what comes up.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 33

“I shine the light of liberation

and acceptance
into my hidden corners."

" I am not alone.

I am worthy of love as I am.”

It is almost certain that at some point in our lives, we have felt shamed or will feel shamed,
humiliated, embarrassed, wronged, or “made to feel like a fool” – simply for being ourselves or
sharing our truth. Feeling shamed is so powerful because it is tied to one of our fundamental
desires as humans – belonging. Shame can bring along feelings of not being worthy of
love/acceptance, and fear of being outcast.

To avoid feeling shamed, one might: hide, reject, change who they are, lie about what they feel
or have done, isolate themselves, or put on a false image to “save face.” Unfortunately, shame
grows in isolation. Shame is one of those “spiraling” energies. When we feel shame, we hide.
When we hide, we feel like we’ve done something wrong so we hide more. We feel isolated,
which makes us feel more unworthy of love and understanding. Then, we don’t share what feels
difficult, so we don’t hear others talking about it. On and on we spiral.

Consider courageous sharing/vulnerability as an antidote to shame.

When shame is shared in a safe space, and held without judgement,
it has nowhere to hide and it loses power.
Think about any bits of shame you keep hidden.
Feel how to create safer spaces for your shame to be shared and held.

This spread is an excerpt from Wisdom of the Shadow Oracle book

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 34
What do I feel shameful about that spirals within me?

How can I share my shame so it no longer can hide?

How do I shame others? (creates a “shame spiral” for self)

Gather a flashlight and head to a safe, quiet space. Shame likes to stay silent and hidden. Sharing it
and seeing it can help some of its timidity fall away. On your own (or with trusted friends): Speak your
shame! Name it and speak it. Set a timer for 3 minutes, close your eyes (so shame can feel a little
safer), and speak free-flow raw and real; telling your story by speaking “I feel shame around...” Then,
hold the flashlight up to a part of your body where you feel the shame hiding and say “I see you. You
are still worthy of love. I am here.” Breathe into the shame, watch it feel relieved by being seen.

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 35
Journal Prompts
Reflect about these in your journal, or print multiple of the following blank page as journal sheets.

When do you feel safe to be your fullest, most authentic self?
How do you feel when you are fully authentic?
Do you shift yourself to 'fit in' in any way?
What masks have you created to 'put on a face' around others?
How does this support or harm you?
How can you align yourself to ways of being that feel most nourishing?

Who are you? (free-write the answer to this)
Do you feel confident that you know who you are? Why or why not?
Is your identity fixed or fluid? Does it shift around certain people?
What is your identity outside of relationship roles with anyone else? (meaning, who
are you other than your role as parent, child, sibling, caretaker, care-receiver, etc.)
How can you honor your true identity more fully?

Do your connections and relationships feel nourishing and fulfilling?
Do they create a safe space for you to be fully authentic and vulnerable?
How can you honor yourself with more nourishing connections?
In what ways do you connect with yourself?
In what ways do you tend to disconnect from yourself and others? How is that
nourishing or harming you?
How can you create more meaningful connections with the natural world?

truth and expression

What truths are within you that wish to be expressed more fully?
In what ways do you hold back your voice and expression?
In what ways can you courageously take a more fierce stand for your truth?
How do you express creative energy? If you feel un-creative, how can you gift
yourself more flowing creative expression time?

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© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 37
Our Shadow holds the keys
to unlock our brightest Light.
Close your eyes and receive three deep, nourishing breaths,
or center yourself in any way that feels good to you.
Read over the words below. Pause and truly 'take in' each one. Notice what you notice.





These are drawn from some of the energies explored within Wisdom of the Divine Feminine Oracle
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Which energies felt 'good' to look at? What can you celebrate about yourself or the energy?

Which energies did you feel resistance to or did you feel call you to work with?

With each of the energies that called you, or 'pinged' something in your heart...
Fill in the blank & answer the prompt: What does my heart have to say about my ______.

What have others said about you relating to those "light" energies that impacted how
you see yourself?

In what ways do you judge or perceive others who express these "light" energies?

In what ways can you devote to yourself to explore these energies more fully?

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Journal Pages
Use these pages to free-write what is currently alive on your heart.
Or print extra for use throughout the workbook.

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© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 40
What energy or shadow still wants your attention?
What energies do you want to continue on to explore after this workbook?
What energies do you want to go back and review?

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every ending is a
new beginning.
Pause here. Receive a few deep breaths.

The end of this workbook is the beginning of a deepened relationship with

exploring your shadow. You showed up for yourself by working this workbook.
Now what?

Write yourself a letter. With gratitude for the work you have done,
and intentions for how you desire to walk forward from here.
Allow it to flow organically (set a 7 min timer & free-flow-write if needed).

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Continuation of free-writing: Gratitude for the work you have done,
and intentions for how you desire to walk forward from here.

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If you are enjoying this workbook, or are looking for other ways to deepen into
shadow work, we invite you to work with our first creation:
Wisdom of the Shadow: Oracle for self-discovery, soul-work, & transformation.

This Oracle has 44 soul-stirring paintings on 3.5 x 5" cards. Each one a portal and
invitation to explore the deep richness within. Complete with a book that serves
as a guide to your inner landscape. Wisdom of the Shadow offers deeper insight,
rituals, and more contemplations to continue on your journey.


Part of the purpose of shadow work is to return to a sense of wholeness...
Knowing with all parts of our being, that we are Divine exactly as we are.

Wisdom of the Divine Feminine: Oracle for heart-centered embodiment and

wholeness is a potent tool to deepen into shadow work with additional energies
or to explore some of the more feel-good & empowered aspects of who we are,
like... Ease, Pleasure, Sovereignty, Expression, Passion, Mystery, Intuition, Joy,
Freedom, Flow, Creation, Harmony, Compassion, Blossoming, and more.

The creators of Wisdom of the Shadow and Wisdom of the Divine Feminine


Priestess, Energy Alchemist, Author. Artist and Workshop Facilitator.
Transformational experiences, Energy Vibrant and bold art that captures the
Medicine, Soul Journey, Breathwork, inward journey, experiences that feed
Sacred Ceremony & Circles, Retreats, the heart and soul, Process Painting,
Shadow Work, Intuitive Mentorships. Meditations, Retreats, Workshops.


We truly care about our community. We would love to hear about your journey. Keep us posted, tag us, send us
messages. We are looking forward to connecting with you!

@wisdomoftheshadow @wisdomofthedivinefeminine
#wisdomoftheshadow find us on instagram & facebook #wisdomofthedivinefeminine

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We Honor You!
Honor yourself with gratitude for the gift of navigating your own inner workings!
Completing this workbook (or parts of it) is a big accomplishment and gift to self.

When we have a desire for deeper Wisdom, Embodiment, or Wholeness,

we know that we must do the work! And you did it! HOOORAYYY!!!
We are celebrating you and celebrating with you, Wisdom Keeper!

May you continue to look within, reflect,

and illuminate deeper layers of self.

May you become more and more

comfortable navigating your shadow.

May you resource yourself with all

you need to walk forward,
and may you remember to seek
resource support when needed.

May your path ahead

feel increasingly easeful.

May you always remember your

Wholeness, Wise One...

XO - Jessica and Jenny

© Intuitive Art & Alchemy, 2023 . all rights reserved . . page 45

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