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Education Bureau
Territory-wide System Assessment 2023
Primary 6 English Language
Reading and Writing
1. Stick barcode labels on pages 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the spaces provided.
在第 1、3、5、7 及 9 頁的適當位置貼上電腦條碼。
2. There are 20 pages in this Question-Answer Booklet. Answer all questions.
本卷共有 20 頁,全部題目均須作答。
3. Do not write in the margins.
4. Time allowed is 50 minutes.
評估時限為 50 分鐘。
5. Write your School Code, Class and Class Number in the boxes below.

Instructions for answering questions:

Multiple Choice Questions - Blacken the circle next to the correct answer with
an HB pencil. For example :
選擇題 - 選出正確的答案,並用 HB 鉛筆把該選項的圓圈塗黑和塗滿,如:
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 D.
Other Questions - Write your answers in the spaces provided.
其他題目 - 在適當的位置內填寫答案

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2023-TSA-ENG-6ERW2-1 1
Part 1
Amy is reading a poster about Sports Day at her school.
Read the poster.

Sam Chan Primary School

Date: 25 November 20XX
Time: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Place: Shatin Sports Ground, 20 Shing Mun Road, Shatin
Public Transport: MTR Shatin Station (Exit B)
Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB) (Bus No. 40X, 72, 72A, 80K, 85)

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8:00 am Roll Call

8:15 am Opening Ceremony: Speech by Principal

8:30 am – 12:15 pm Track Events

12:15 pm – 1:15 pm Lunch Time

1:15 pm – 2:30 pm Field Events

2:30 pm – 3:00 pm Cheering Team Competition

3:00 pm Teachers’ Relay

3:15 pm Prize-giving by Guests

3:45 pm Closing Ceremony

• Mark Lee, Hong Kong New This Year!
Sportsman of the Year 2020 • Teachers’ Relay
• Gigi Wong, Chairperson of • Cheering Team Competition
Kowloon Sports Club

Notes to Students
• Wear PE uniform and sports shoes.
• Bring own lunch and drinks.
Let’s skip, hop and run. Everybody, have fun!

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Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. Where will Sports Day be held?

 A. Hong Kong Sports Centre

 B. Kowloon Sports Club

 C. Sam Chan Primary School

 D. Shatin Sports Ground

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2. How many public bus routes can students take to Sports Day?

 A. two

 B. five

 C. six

 D. eight

3. How long will the opening ceremony last?

 A. 10 minutes

 B. 15 minutes

 C. 30 minutes

 D. 45 minutes

4. Who will give a speech?

 A. the principal

 B. Sam Chan

 C. Mark Lee

 D. Gigi Wong

2023-TSA-ENG-6ERW2-3 3 Go on to the next page

5. There was/were no _________ last year.

 A. guests

 B. track events

 C. closing ceremony

 D. cheering team competition

6. What should students wear on Sports Day?

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 A.  B.

 C.  D.

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7. Put the pictures about what happens on Sports Day in the correct order.

1 2
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3 4

 A. 4  3  2  1

 B. 2  3  1  4

 C. 1  4  3  2

 D. 3  1  4  2

2023-TSA-ENG-6ERW2-5 5 Go on to the next page

Part 2
Amy is reading an article about a famous painter.
Read the article.

Monet 1

French painter Monet was born in 1840. When he was a child, he

drew funny pictures of his teachers. Later he went to an art school
to study painting. He was poor because he could not sell his
pictures. 5

In 1874, he displayed a painting of a rising sun. People did not like

it. Some said it was a poor painting.
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Monet continued to paint in his own way. Many painters finished
their paintings indoors. However, Monet painted outdoors because
he wanted to show the true colours of nature. This made him really 10
famous. In one picture, he painted a church under the sun. It had
many bright colours.

In 1880, he moved into a house in Giverny. Inside the garden he

built a bridge over a pond with water lilies. In 20 years, he painted
250 pictures of these flowers. His eyes turned bad when he got 15
older. He died in 1926.

Today his paintings are found in museums around the world. In

France, there is a big gallery showing some of his paintings of
water lilies.

Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. In Paragraph 1, why was Monet poor?

 A. He was born in 1840.

 B. He went to an art school.

 C. Everybody laughed at his pictures.

 D. Nobody bought his pictures.

2023-TSA-ENG-6ERW2-6 6
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2. People did not like Monet’s _________.

 A. sunrise painting

 B. funny pictures

 C. classmates

 D. teachers
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3. Paragraph 3 is mainly about _________.

 A. work of other artists

 B. Monet’s way of painting

 C. how to paint a church

 D. bright colours

4. What made Monet famous?

 A. He finished his paintings indoors.

 B. He went to a famous art school.

 C. His paintings were all about churches.

 D. His paintings showed the beauty of nature.

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5. Which picture shows the garden in Monet’s house in Giverny?

 A.  B.
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 C.  D.

6. What did Monet like to paint most?

 A. other artists

 B. children

 C. water lilies

 D. houses

7. In line 18, the word ‘gallery’ means a place _________.

 A. to gather people

 B. to grow water lilies

 C. to buy flowers

 D. to show paintings

2023-TSA-ENG-6ERW2-8 8
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Part 3
Amy is reading a poem in the library.
Read the poem.

Dad is a fireman, tall and strong. 1

Mum says he’s the bravest in the world.
But when he sees insects like cockroaches or bees,
Whoosh! He runs and screams like a little girl.
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Mum works in a school library. 5
At home she only reads comic books.
Her favourite place is the boutique nearby,
But she buys no clothes, she only looks.

Grandpa is 75 but never tired.

He swims in the morning, hikes in the afternoon. 10
He has already been to most places on earth.
He is now dreaming of flying to the moon.

Our last family member is like a sloth.

She moves slowly and wakes up late.
We play games and sleep in the same little bed. 15
Not my sister! Just my dog called Kate!

2023-TSA-ENG-6ERW2-9 9 Go on to the next page

Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.
1. In line 4, ‘Whoosh!’ is the sound of someone _________.

 A. running

 B. reading

 C. sleeping

 D. eating

2. Dad is afraid of _________.

 A. fire

 B. dogs
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 C. insects

 D. Mum

3. In line 7, a ‘boutique’ is a place selling _________.

 A. clothes

 B. comic books

 C. games

 D. nothing

4. Grandpa wants to go to the moon because _________.

 A. the moon is his favourite place

 B. he has visited most places in the world

 C. he is a brave man

 D. he likes flying

2023-TSA-ENG-6ERW2-10 10
5. In line 13, ‘like a sloth’ means _________.

 A. eating a lot

 B. working hard

 C. moving slowly

 D. waking up early

6. Who sleeps with the writer?

 A. Grandpa

 B. the writer’s sister

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 C. a sloth

 D. a dog

7. What is the best title for the poem?

 A. Animals and Me

 B. My Lovely Family

 C. My Dear Friends

 D. Strange Habits

2023-TSA-ENG-6ERW2-11 11 Go on to the next page

Part 4
Amy is writing a letter to Aunt Peggy.
Read the first part of the letter. Answer Questions 1 – 5.

Dear Aunt Peggy, 1

How are you? Let me tell you about my new school. Now I’m going to
Jones Primary School because Daddy said there are too many tests in the
old school. My new school is not so close to my home. I need to get up
earlier every day. 5

This school is very big, with a beautiful garden. My class teacher Miss
Jenny Ho teaches us Maths. My classmates come from different
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countries. One of them is called Emily. She is from Canada, and she can
draw very well. We usually talk in English, so I think my English has
improved over the last two months. 10

There are teams for sports like swimming, basketball and tennis in the
school. But I have only joined the badminton team. The coach said I play
very well. Mummy is very happy. She said someday I will play for Hong
Kong in the Olympic Games and win a medal!

Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. Amy goes to a new school because the old school _________.

 A. is not modern

 B. is far away from home

 C. has a garden

 D. has too many tests

2023-TSA-ENG-6ERW2-12 12
2. In line 4, what does ‘close’ mean?

verb /kləʊz/
1. to shut
◊ Please close the door.
2. to end
◊ The meeting will close at 5pm.
adjective /kləʊs/
3. near
◊ Their birthdays are close together.
4. careful
◊ Take a close look at the picture.
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 A. 1

 B. 2

 C. 3

 D. 4

3. What subject does Amy’s class teacher teach?

 A. Art

 B. English

 C. Maths

 D. PE

4. At the end of the school year, Amy’s English will be _________.

 A. the best in her class

 B. much better

 C. the same as now

 D. very poor

2023-TSA-ENG-6ERW2-13 13 Go on to the next page

5. If Amy can enter the Olympic Games, which sport will she do?

 A. badminton

 B. basketball

 C. swimming

 D. tennis

Read the second part of the letter. Answer Questions 6 – 11.

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Sonia is studying at Chinese University now. She lives there to save 1
time. She does not need to commute by MTR every day. She has lots of
books to read and homework to do, and is working like a dog. She now
comes home only once a week and I feel a bit lonely. But the good thing
is that I have the whole bedroom to myself. 5

Thank you for sending me the posters of the Korean pop stars. I can’t find
them in Hong Kong. Last month, a Korean band TBX held a concert here.
Sonia and I went and we had a wonderful evening. But each ticket cost
$600. That was three months’ pocket money for me!

I miss you. 10



2023-TSA-ENG-6ERW2-14 14
Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.
6. Paragraph 1 is mainly about _________.

 A. Sonia’s life

 B. Amy’s bedroom

 C. university students

 D. sharing with others

7. In line 2, the word ‘commute’ means _________.

 A. talk

 B. read
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 C. work

 D. travel

8. In line 3, ‘is working like a dog’ means Sonia is _________.

 A. saving time

 B. studying very hard

 C. living with animals

 D. running very quickly

9. Sonia is _________.

 A. a pop star

 B. a primary student

 C. Amy’s sister

 D. Amy’s classmate

2023-TSA-ENG-6ERW2-15 15 Go on to the next page

10. What did Aunt Peggy give to Amy?

 A. posters

 B. money

 C. books

 D. tickets

11. How did Amy feel about the concert?

 A. She did not enjoy it.

 B. She felt it was too crowded.

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 C. The tickets were expensive.

 D. The concert was too far away.

2023-TSA-ENG-6ERW2-16 16
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2023-TSA-ENG-6ERW2-17 17 Go on to the next page

Part 5
You are going to write an article for the school magazine about going to the library.
Write the article in about 80 words. You may use some ideas from the following mind map
and/or your own ideas in your writing.

What are the good points

of going there?

What kinds of books What activities are

do you read? held there?
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Going to the

What do you do there? ?

Do you enjoy going there?
Why / Why not?

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Going to the Library

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©Education Bureau, HKSAR 2023
Prepared by the Hong Kong Examinations
and Assessment Authority

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