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Mwangale, F. W., & Okello, D. J.

Vol. 7, Iss. 3, pp 167 – 179. July 10, 2020., ©Strategic Journals

Mwangale, F. W., 1* & Okello, D. J.2

Master Candidate, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology [JKUAT], Kenya
Ph.D, Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology [JKUAT], Kenya

Accepted: July 11, 2020

The establishment of the devolved governance aimed at bringing resources to the local level and to improve
the standard of living among Kenyan citizens. However, Kenya government still loses about one third of the
national budget to corruption, with 80% of corruption cases presented before the Kenya Anti-corruption
commission being about procurement. This has therefore led to poor procurement performance. Moreover,
the process of procurement has resulted to loss of colossal amount money for both county and national
governments as a result of supplier’s collusion, late deliveries, and ineptitudes in transactions, inadequate in
accountability and transparency, inadequacies in keeping of records and conflicts of interest. Therefore, this
study investigated the influence of supply chain management practices on procurement performance in the
County Government of Bungoma. Specifically, sought to examine how supply chain collaboration influences
performance of procurement in the county government of Bungoma. Descriptive research design was
adopted. Two hundred employees constituted target population comprising of support staff, managers at
middle level rank and senior managers. A sample size of one hundred and thirty employees was sampled by
use of stratified sampling method. Questionnaires were deployed to collect primary data. Data will be
analyzed by use of both inferential and descriptive statistics. Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 24
was used to process data. The association between dependent and independent variables was established
using correlation and linear regression analysis. The study established that supply chain collaboration have
significant positive influence on procurement performance. The study concluded that supply chain
management practices significantly predict procurement performance in County Government of Kakamega.
The study recommended that County governments should ensure that is comprehensive framework that
would ensure maximum supplier collaboration in the supply chain management as this would enhance
procurement performance.

Keyword: Supply Chain Collaboration, Supply Chain Management, Procurement Performance, County

CITATION: Mwangale, F. W., & Okello, D. J. (2020). Influence of supply chain management practices on
procurement performance in the county government of Bungoma, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business
& Change Management, 7(3), 167 – 179.

Page: - 167 - The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492 (Online) 2414-8970 (Print).
INTRODUCTION robust system of procurement are utilized in
Procurement entity of any organization plays a very Kenya’s County government include; the degree of
important role in the performance of the complying with regulations on procurement,
organization. For this reason, purchasing function is minimisation of procurement expenses,
expected to meet people’s demands in an efficient procurement funds accountability and transparency
and effective manner (Masindano, Makokha & and the quality of services and good procured.
Namusonge, 2018). However, in most government Kiage (2013), for adequacy and proficiency in the
institutions, procurement of goods and services has process of procurement, entities involved in
been negatively affected by various factors that procurement in Kenya through the current legal
lead to delays in procurement and procurement of structure need to merge departmental
sub-standard or unwanted goods and services. This procurement plans to give the entities procurement
has therefore led to adoption of a long term and plan which before its execution must get the
strategic view of their procurement needs and approval from the accounting office.
management and the use of annual procurement Mayaka (2015) sought to establish the effect of
plans to solve the problem associated with supply chain management practices on
performance (Ogwel, Iravo & Lagat 2016). performance of Barclays Bank Kenya Limited. The
The role of procurement in organizations has study depicted that supply chain management
increased in recent years particularly in public practices positively influence performance of the
authorities. Nevertheless, public institutions aim at organization. Order fulfilment practices had the
being more efficient, more cost effective, more greatest effect while just in time had the lowest. In
accountable and more responsive to the needs of conclusion, supply chain management practices
its customers (Nzau & Njeru, 2014). It is therefore affect performance of the organization and that
worth noting that for any organization to realize most heads of departments are aware of supply
these objectives, the procurement entity must be chain management practices and satisfied to a great
effectively managed. Additionally, objectives can extent with the banks performance.
only be achieved through following the laid down Wahu, Namusonge, Mungai and Chilion (2015)
procurement procedures which on the other hand sought to find out determinants affecting
eliminates the possibility of poor performance performance of procurement function among
(Wanyonyi & Muturi, 2015). public secondary schools in Kenya. From their
Nyamasege and Biraori (2015 asserts that Kenya’s findings, three variables were singled out. In order
procurement process experiences lackluster of preference, competitive bidding was found to
performance portrayed by formality measures, affect procurement performance to the greatest
resistance to the Act, overpricing, inferior planning, extent then prevailing legal framework and the
contracts which are poorly managed, inadequacy in least impacting factor on procurement performance
accountability and transparency, material repetition was aggregation of procurement.
and debasement. An investigation by Wanyama Procurement performance is all about purchasing
(2010) likewise uncovered that numerous county efficiency and effectiveness. Barsemoi, Mwangagi
government lose colossal amount of money every and Asienyo (2014) notes that procurement
year because procurement functions which are not performance is the backbone of an organization
effectively implemented in accordance with success since it contributes to competitive purchase
regulations as spelled out in public procurement and acquisition of quality goods that puts the
and disposal Act. organization products or services in the competitive
Mugo (2011) found out that the main edge in the market. However, the researchers
considerations that inform the degree to which further argue that performance of procurement

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which is below adds to diminish in profitability The Constitution of Kenya 2010 upon promulgation
consequently is a significant obstruction to the and enactment changed the Governance structure
organization growth achievement as it prompts from a centralized unit to devolved sub-units known
deliveries delays, inferior quality merchandise and as the County Governments. The aim of devolved
increment in faults as well as defects. governments after the 2013 Elections and
Performance is a tool utilized in assessing how well enactment of subsidiary laws was to address
a firm is advancing towards its foreordained goals. development challenges of the centralized
It additionally has the ability to distinguish areas of governance that Kenya has faced since
weakness as well as strength and decisions on independence. These challenges include
future activities with the objective of how to initiate bureaucratic inefficiencies, lack of accountability
performance enhancement. Metrics for measuring and transparency, unequal distribution of national
performance of procurement include purchase cost resources and minimal community participation in
savings; managing supplier base; internal customer local development (Khaunya, Wawire &
satisfaction; procurement cost; resource utilization; Chepng’eno, 2015). Nevertheless, poor
product price variance, effective contract procurement performance is a common problem in
utilization, supplier performance, procurement the in the many county governments with an
cycle time, transparent price information and immeasurable cost spiraling to over Kshs. 85 billion
transparent tendering (Owuor, Juma & Obura, annually (Selebwa &Morenge, 2018).
2018). Statement of the Problem
Procurement performance measure is a tool for Most researchers (Barsemoi, Mwangagi & Asienyo,
effective control, stewardship of resources and 2014) notes that globally, procurement
reveals the value of the procurement function. performance is the backbone of an organization
Moreover, well stipulated procurement success since it contributes to competitive purchase
performance objectives track an organization’s and acquisition of quality goods that puts the
change process and improve its viability. It’s all organization products or services in the competitive
about efficiency and effectiveness. Efficiency is the edge in the market; thus, poor procurement
relationship between planned and actual resources performance is a major hindrance to the realization
required to realize the established goals and of organizational growth as it leads to delays in
objectives and their related activities, referring to delivery, low quality goods and services.
the planned and actual costs while effectiveness is In Kenya, the establishment of devolved
the extent to which the previously stated goals and governance was ideally expected to bring resources
objectives are being met (Kiromo, 2015). to the local level and improve the standard of living
Chimwani, Iravo and Tirimba (2014) assert that among Kenyan citizens. However, this is not fully
supplier performance has an impact on achieved as the government still loses about one
procurement performance. The researchers argue third of the national budget to corruption, with 80%
that performance measurements include efficiency, of corruption cases presented before the Kenya
effectiveness, dependability and equitable reward Anti-corruption commission being about
distribution to key players in the process in order to procurement related cases (AfriCOG, 2015). That is,
achieve win-win situations. Moreover, procurement county governments have lost a lot of money in the
performance is based on total cost, quality, procurement processes as a result of conflict of
enhancement of competitiveness of suppliers using interests, poor records keeping, inadequate
best procurement practice and a working principle transparency and accountability, transaction
to create customer satisfaction at the end point of inefficiencies, delays in delivery and collusion with
delivery and continuous improvement of process.

Page: 169 The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492 (Online) 2414-8970 (Print).
suppliers which negatively affects procurement those networks predicts superior performance
performance (Njagi & Kinoti, 2018). (Ossowski & Omicini, 2002). In the 1990s, supply
Existing evidence in literature review (Mwanjumwa chain management grew out of the recognition that
& Simba, 2015) has revealed supply chain increased reliance on improved relationships,
management practices such as supplier evaluation collaborations, and information exchange with
and selection criteria affected procurement supply chain partners. Both internal and external
performance but with little empirical evidence on organizational changes are required for successful
how supply chain collaboration affects procurement supply chain management. Greater cooperation
performance. Mrope (2017) indicated that strategic and coordination across the supply chain, both
importance of procurement professionalism on intra- and inter-organizational, through long-term
procurement performance can only be realized if all and strategic relationships have led to improved
procurement staff embraces procurement financial and organizational performance.
professionalism plus supply chain collaboration According to Govindan, Popiuc and Diabat (2013),
hence empirical study is needed to justify this inadequate investigation of internal and external
assertion. Therefore, lack of adequate empirical coordinating mechanisms collectively amongst
evidence on the conceptualized contributing factors organizational and inter-organizational networks
of procurement performance function in county has been studied. External cooperation amongst
governments motivated this study to investigate organizations may not provide significant
the influence of Supply Chain Collaboration on performance improvements nor be successful
procurement performance in the county without proper internal cooperation. It has been
government of Bungoma, Kenya. found that organizations with well-developed
internal and external interfaces perform better than
Objectives of the study their counterparts only with sound internal
The objective of this study was to assess the interfaces (Hunt & Davis, 2012). SCMP is typically an
influence of supply chain collaboration practices on outcome of the interaction between a firm and
procurement performance of Bungoma county various outside entities. Supplier and customer
government. The study was guided by the following involvement, integration, and collaboration are
hypothesis; important routes to performance improvements in
 H0: There is no significant influence of supply organizations.
chain collaboration practices on procurement County Governments employ various approaches to
performance of Bungoma county government. exploit the available resources, the county
government carry out inter – departmental
transfers of human resource after analyzing the
This study was guided by coordination theory.
core competencies of individuals within a period of
Coordination theory states that dependencies exist
three years to facilitate appropriate deployment of
among activities and need to be managed properly.
resources. Further, the county government has a
The theory has been used to analyze inter-
policy on direct procurement of service from
organizational dependencies, coordination of
various government institutions that provides
product information in the supply chain and
services required by other government ministries. It
bundling of digitized logistics activities (Haozhe,
also promotes greater cooperation and
Daugherty & Landry, 2009). Organizational practices
coordination across supply chain both intra and
such as supply chain risk management and
inter-organizations through long term and strategic
collaboration are coordinated through the networks
relationships leading to improved procurement
of communications and relationships that exist
among organizational actors, and the strength of

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Procurement Performance
Supply chain collaboration practices  Timely deliveries of procured
 Joint planning and forecasting goods/services
 Mutual goals with clients  User satisfaction
 Clear coordination  Cost savings
 Resource sharing  Efficiency and Effectiveness

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Collaboration has been referred to as the driving effect on the relation between external resources
force behind effective supply chain management and buying firm performance, where collaborative
and may be the ultimate core capability in modern forms of buyer-supplier exchange facilitate greater
global economy (Trkman et al., 2015). Supply chain access to external resources.
collaboration is regarded as a key pillar of supply
Aladejebi and Adedeji (2015) while refering to Van
chain management (Al-Abdallah, Abdallah &
weel (2002), effective procurement is a procedure
Hamdan, 2014). Kim and Lee (2010) posit that the
whereby organization address their issues for
main goal of management should be to elicit
merchandise, utilities, service and works in a way
collaborative service to supply chain partners in
that accomplishes worth for cash on an entire life
general and customers in particular, so that it can
basis as far as producing benefits not exclusively to
manage relationships within the supply chain in a
the organization and the economy. Mwanjumwa
value creating way.
and Simba (2015) indicate that performance of
The rise of supply chain management reinforces the procurement ought to be founded on all out cost,
incentive for developing supply chain collaborations quality, and improvement of aggressiveness of
between suppliers, manufacturers, logistic service service providers utilizing best acquisition practice.
providers, distributors and customers so as to Besides, service provider additionally has the
improve performance (Sweeney, Grant & Mangan, capacity of affecting performance and along these
2015). Supply chain collaboration can vary from lines service provider moving to lower costs may
very superficial transactionally focused to extremely not bring about the best long run value for money.
integrated close relations or from collaborative In any case, sharing data and helping vendors to
communication to supplier development and from improve performance is a need for topnotch
inward to outward facing (Hui, He-Cheng & Min-Fei, performance.
2015). There are various drivers of collaboration;
Wahu, Namusonge, Mungai and Ogol (2015)
market characteristics, product characteristics and
undertook an investigation on what affects
partner characteristics. Collaboration in supply
performance of various functions of procurement
chain under circumstances of uncertainty is
among secondary schools which are publicly owned
normally perceived as beneficial.
in Gatundu District, Kenya. The study posits that
Shalle, Guyo, & Amuhaya (2014) concluded that performance can be measured by amount of money
buyer/supplier collaboration enhances saved by the company, efficiency and effectiveness.
procurement performance hence creating a This means that the enhancement of reduction in
competitive advantage through sharing information the cost of raw material and services allows
making joint decision, inter-organizational companies to competitively market the price of
relationship. This indicates that the level of supply their finished goods in order to win business.
chain collaboration has an important interaction Hamza et al. (2016) indicates that inferior

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procurement performance is usually as a result of Gumboh (2017) investigated the effect of supply
improper regulations, traditional procedures of chain collaboration on strength of business-to-
procurement, inferior procurement activities business relationship among information and
coordination and staff who are less competent. communication technology small and medium
enterprises in Kenya. Positivism paradigm approach
A study by Rotich, Muma, Micheni (2016) reveals
and descriptive research survey design was adopted
that the concept of procurement performance has
in this study. The target population for this study
existed from as early as 1930s.Different
was 134 small and medium enterprises of
stakeholders have different expectations from the
information and communication technology firms in
public procurement functions which need to be
Kenya. A sample of 100 small and medium
meet. This has therefore led to the development of
enterprises was selected. A self-administered
performance indicators which include timeliness,
structured questionnaire was used to collect
systems productivity, quantity and cost Cheptora,
primary data. Qualitative data was obtained from
Osoro and Musau (2018) define procurement
published sources such as library, internet and
performance as an on-going, never-ending,
research done by other scholars. Quantitative
integrated process requiring continuous
technique was used to analyze the collected data
reassessment and reformation. Performance of any
with the aid of Statistical Package for Social
organization heavily rely on procurement be it
Sciences software version 21.0. The study
private or public and therefore there is need for
demonstrated positive relationship between supply
robust system to be adopted and implemented.
chain collaboration and business-to-business
Nevertheless, procurement performance
measurement is the process by which procurement
establishes criteria, based on strategic planning Gichuru, Iravo and Arani (2015) sought to
goals, for determining the results and quality of its investigate collaborative supply chain practices in
activities. the performance of Del Monte Kenya Ltd. The study
Empirical Review adopted a descriptive case study design. The target
Njagi and Shalle (2016) aimed at evaluating the role population for the study was 243 staff members.
of supplier management on procurement Stratified random sampling technique was used to
performance in manufacturing companies a case of select 73 participants from the sampling list. The
East African breweries. The specific objectives researchers used questionnaire to collect
covered supplier collaboration and supplier information from respondents. The collected data
training. The study adopted a descriptive design was analyzed using quantitative and qualitative
with the population being the employees of East techniques. The study found out that information
African breweries and their suppliers. Data was sharing and resource sharing has positive influence
edited, coded and analyzed by use of statistical in the performance company. Companies should
package for social sciences and presented through share resources with key suppliers in order to
tables and graphs. EABL has a strong collaborative leverage capabilities.
relationship with its suppliers and undertakes Barasa, Simiyu and Iravo (2014) sought to assess
measures to train them. This has improved the impact of supply chain collaboration practice on
procurement performance to great extent. the performance of Steel Manufacturing Companies
However supplier integration and to be specific in Kenya. The descriptive research design was used.
shared technology has not properly been achieved. Structured questionnaires and oral interviews
EABL should focus more on integration and to research techniques were used to get primary data.
maintain or improve on supplier collaboration and Purposive sampling technique was used to identify
supplier training. and select eligible participants for the study. Both

Page: 172 The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492 (Online) 2414-8970 (Print).
quantitative and qualitative research techniques enabled the firm’s management to make better
were used during data presentation using decisions when prices changed.
inferential statistics to draw conclusions from the
nominal measurement scale. The study revealed METHODOLOGY
that supply chain collaboration practice statistically The study adopted a descriptive research design.
significantly predicted the performance of Steel According to Kothari (2004), descriptive research
Manufacturing Companies in Kenya. studies are designed to obtain relevant and precise
information concerning the current status of a
Mahulo (2015) sought to investigate supply chain problem or phenomenon and whenever possible to
collaboration practices and organizational draw valid general conclusions from the facts
performance among cement companies in Kenya. discovered. The target population for the study was
The study adopted a cross-sectional design. Both 189 Bungoma County Government officers drawn
primary and secondary data was utilized in the from the supply chain, audit, finance and accounts
study. Primary data was collected using a semi- departments in Bungoma County who are either
structured questionnaire while secondary data was directly involved in or support procurement
obtained from the annual financial reports of the functions. One hundred and twenty five (125)
respective companies. A census approach was sample respondents were obtained from the study
adopted with the sampling frame consisting of all population using stratified random sampling
the cement firms in Kenya. Both descriptive and method. The study utilized primary data collected
inferential statistics were used to describe the using questionnaire.
variables numerically. The outcome of the study
thus establishes a near perfect positive relationship This study assessed validity of the study instrument
between supply chain collaboration practices and using construct validity and content validity. To
the organizational performance of the cement firms measure the reliability, Cronbach Alpha technique
in Kenya. was employed. The researcher used descriptive
statistics that included frequencies and
Gommans and Kari (2015) sought to establish the percentages. The study used inferential statistics
influence of supply chain management practices on such as correlation analysis and regression analysis
the procurement performance of horticulture to test null hypothesis. SPSS software version 26
companies in Kenya focusing on Homegrown was used for statistical analysis.
Horticulture Company, Naivasha. The study
adopted the case study research design which is a FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS
descriptive type of study and targeted
Descriptive statistics
Homegrown’s management, procurement,
Descriptive statistics were summarized in form of
marketing and accounting staff that number 39. The
frequencies, percentages, means and standard
study employed the census method and used
deviation which summarized respondents perceived
questionnaires as data collection instruments in the
responses to each of the statements on the study
study. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze
variables using likert scale of values ranging from 1
data which were then presented as frequencies and
to 5; that is; 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=
percentages in tables, graphs and charts. The
Uncertain, 4=Agree and 5= Strongly Agree. This was
findings revealed that the creation of collaborative
done for supply chain collaboration and
networks by the organization’s managers had
procurement performance. The details of
descriptive analysis are presented in table 1.

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Table 1: Supply Chain Collaboration
Supply Chain Collaboration 1 2 3 4 5 Mean SD
My organization involves our
suppliers in the joint planning and 2.8% 18.3% 13.8% 41.3% 23.9%
3.65 1.117
forecasting process (3) (20) (15) (45) (26)

My organization relationship with its

6.4% 8.3% 11% 58.7% 15.6%
suppliers is based on mutual 3.69 1.043
(7) (9) (12) (64) (17)
understanding and mutual goals
My organization has a clear policy on
managing the relationship with 6.4% 12.8% 20.2% 56% 4.6%
3.39 0.991
suppliers (7) (14) (22) (61) (5)

My organization has developed the

system to monitor the supplier 0.9% 19.3% 22% 53.2% 4.6%
3.41 0.884
performance (1) (21) (24) (58) (5)

There is clear coordination and

4.6% 6.4% 18.3% 45% 25.7%
resource sharing between my 3.81 1.041
(5) (7) (20) (49) (28)
organization and our supplier
There is standardized means of
communication across all functions in 2.8% 5.5% 19.3% 59.6% 12.8%
3.74 0.854
my organization and our suppliers (3) (6) (21) (65) (14)

We share proprietary information 7.3% 12.8% 34.9% 36.7% 8.3%

3.26 1.031
with suppliers. (8) (14) (38) (40) (9)
Overall Mean 3.56

From Table 1, less than half of respondents agreed respondents were undecided. The results further
(41.3%) that that their County Government involves revealed that 45.0% of the respondents agreed and
their suppliers in the joint planning and forecasting 25.7% strongly agreed there is clear coordination
process while 23.9% strongly agreed to the and resource sharing between county government
statement. More so, 58.7% of the respondents and our supplier. A mean of 3.81 implies that
agreed that organization relationship with its procurement officers inspect goods and services
suppliers is based on mutual understanding and delivered.
mutual goals and further 15.6% strongly agreed
In regard to standardization, 59.6% (25) and 12.8%
with presence of PPDA Act to procurement officers
(7) agreed and strongly agreed respectively that
and suppliers. The results further revealed that
there is standardized means of communication
56.0% agreed, and 4.6% strongly agreed that the
across all functions in my organization and our
County Government has a clear policy on managing
suppliers. A mean of 3.74 implies that procurement
the relationship with suppliers. A mean of 3.39
officers act in compliance with PPDA Act 2015
implies that not all respondents confirmed that
guidelines so as to avoid procurement flaws. Lastly,
county government has a clear policy on managing
36.7 % (40) and 8.3% (9) agreed and strongly agreed
the relationship with suppliers.
respectively that county government share
More so, slight majority of the respondents (53.2%) proprietary information with suppliers. A mean of
agreed that county government had developed the 3.26 implied that not all respondents confirmed
system to monitor the supplier performance while that county government shared proprietary
4.5% strongly agreed. However, 22.0% of the information with suppliers.

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Table 2: Procurement performance
Procurement Performance 1 2 3 4 5 Mean SD
Supplier efficiency has helped in
0.9% 1.8% 36.7% 36.7% 23.9%
achievement of delivery reliability 3.81 .855
(1) (2) (40) (40) (26)
There is enhanced material cost 6.4% 10.1% 27.5% 45.9% 10.1%
3.43 1.022
reduction due to proper planning (7) (11) (30) (50) (11)
There is reduced user complaints as
a result of improved service 11.9% 45.9% 29.4% 9.2% 3.7%
2.47 0.948
delivery/ delivery reliability and (13) (50) (32) (10) (4)
quality control
The county government achieves
1.8% 13.8% 21.1% 46.8% 16.5%
timely bids evaluation and supplier 3.62 0.979
(2) (15) (23) (51) (18)
There are decreased undelivered
9.2% 8.3% 29.4% 33.9% 19.3%
contracts of the awards and thus 3.46 1.167
(10) (9) (32) (37) (21)
user satisfaction.
There is efficiency improvement in 5.5% 4.6% 41.3% 33.9% 14.7%
3.48 0.987
procurement process (6) (5) (45) (37) (16)

From Table 2, there was an agreement that supplier 21.1% of the sampled respondents who were
efficiency had helped in achievement of delivery undecided.
reliability as indicated by a mean of 3.88 with an
The respondents were undecided whether there
insignificant standard deviation of 0.855. On the
are decreased undelivered contracts of the awards
other hand, the study established that respondents
and thus user satisfaction as indicated by a mean of
were undecided whether there is enhanced
3.46 although there was significant deviation from
material cost reduction due to proper planning as
the mean as revealed by 29.4% of the respondents
shown by a mean of 3.43 although standard
who were undecided. Lastly, the respondents were
deviation of 1.022 implies that some there was
undecided whether there is efficiency improvement
great deviation. This is evident by 45.9% of the
in procurement process as indicated by a mean of
respondents were agreed while 27.5% were
3.48 with a significant standard deviation of 0.987.
Further, 41.3% of the respondents were undecided
There was no reduction in user complaints as a whether there is efficiency improvement in
result of improved service delivery/ delivery procurement process.
reliability and quality control as indicated by a mean
of 2.47 although there was significant deviation Inferential Statistics
from the mean (0.948). The county government This tested objective one of the study; to assess the
achieves timely bids evaluation and supplier influence of Supply Chain Collaboration on
selection as indicated by a mean of 3.62 although procurement performance of Bungoma county
there was significant deviation as indicated by government. The results were presented in Table 3.

Table 3: Influence of Supply Chain Collaboration on Procurement performance

Model Summary
R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

.695a .483 .479 .4496981

a. Predictors: (Constant), Supply Chain Collaboration

Page: 175 The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492 (Online) 2414-8970 (Print).
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 20.197 1 20.197 100.150 .000b
Residual 21.638 107 .202
Total 41.892 108
a. Dependent Variable: Procurement Performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Supply Chain Collaboration
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1.511 .198 7.617 .000
Supply Chain Collaboration .563 .056 .695 10.008 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Procurement Performance

The model summary in table 3 showed that R significant at p<.01). This implies that increasing
squared (R2) = 0.483 implying that 48.3% of Supply Chain Collaboration by a unit leads to 0.563
variation in the dependent variable (Procurement increase in procurement performance of County
performance) was explained by the independent Government of Bungoma. The simple linear
variable (Supply Chain Collaboration). This regression equation for direct influence of Supply
percentage change in procurement performance is Chain Collaboration on procurement performance
significant as indicated by F (1,108)= 100.150, of County Government of Bungoma is;
P=0.000. This suggested that supply chain
Y= 1.511+ 0. 563X1 Where:
collaboration is significant predicator of
Y = Procurement performance of
procurement performance in the County
County Government of Bungoma
Government of Bungoma.
X1 = Supply Chain Collaboration
These findings compare favorably with Mahulo
From the findings supply chain collaboration is
(2015) who indicated that a near perfect positive
significant predicator of procurement performance
relationship between supply chain collaboration
in County Government of Kakamega. This
practices and the organizational performance of the
postulated that having clear policy on supplier
cement firms in Kenya. Another similar result was
relationship and sharing of propriety information
obtained by Njagi and Shalle (2016) who revealed
with supplier enhances procurement performance.
that EABL has a strong collaborative relationship
Agyei-Owusu, Asamoah, Andoh-Baidoo and Akaribo
with its suppliers and undertakes measures to train
(2016) showed relatively higher levels of external
them. This has improved procurement performance
collaboration than internal collaboration among
to great extent. This finding agrees with Malaba,
surveyed firms, even though internal collaboration
Ogolla and Mburu (2018) who found that supply
had a stronger impact on a firm’s procurement
chain practices such as supply chain collaboration
performance. Gommans and Kari (2015)
has significant impact on procurement performance
investigated influence of Supply Chain Management
among public entities in Kenya
Practices on the Procurement Performance of
Further, regression results using unstandardized Horticulture Companies. The study revealed that
beta coefficients show that there exists a positive the creation of collaborative networks by the
and significant influence of Supply Chain organization’s managers had enabled the firm’s
Collaboration on procurement performance of management to make better decisions when
County Government of Bungoma (β=0.563);

Page: 176 The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management. ISSN 2312-9492 (Online) 2414-8970 (Print).
prices changed in Homegrown Horticulture resource sharing between county government of
Company, Naivasha, Kenya. Bungoma and their suppliers. This is also evident of
standardized means of communication across all
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION functions in between county government of
County Government relationship with its suppliers Bungoma and suppliers.
is based on mutual understanding and mutual
The study recommended that County governments
goals, there is standardized means of
should ensure that is comprehensive framework
communication across all functions in county
that would ensure maximum supplier collaboration
government of Bungoma with their suppliers and
in the supply chain management as this would
there is clear coordination and resource sharing
enhance procurement performance. This can be
between county government and their suppliers.
achieved by putting in place standardized means of
The study concluded that level of supply chain
communication across all functions in the county
collaboration has significant positive influence on
government as well as clear coordination and
procurement performance of county Government
resource sharing among stakeholders in supply
of Bungoma. There is clear coordination and

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