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1. Miről szól a Kiskedvence titkos élete?

2. Milyen állat Duke és milyen ő?

3. Milyen állat Max?

4. Hol él Max?

4. Max szereti a gazdáját?


THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS tells what happens when pets are left alone, along with a story
about a small terrier named Max who gets lost in the big city with a bigger dog named
Duke. THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS tells what happens when pets are left alone, along with
a story about a small terrier named Max who gets lost in the big city with a bigger dog named

Max is a small terrier who loves his owner, Katie.

A Jack Russell Terrier named Max lives with his owner Katie in a New York apartment. While she
works, he meets with other pets in the building: tabby cat Chloe, pug Mel, dachshund Buddy,
and budgerigar Sweet Pea. One day, Katie adopts Duke. Max doesn't like that. Duke tries to
abandon Max in an alley, but they are both attacked by cats led by Sphynx cat Ozone who
removes their collars and leaves them to be caught by Animal Control. Duke fears that he will be
killed if he goes back to the pound. When Gidget, a white Pomeranian who is in love with Max,
discovers that he is missing, she decides to find him.
A white rabbit rescues Max and Duke in the story. In the story there is a gang of drain-dwelling
animals who hate humans because their owners aren't nice to them or reject them. After Max
and Duke pretend to hate humans too by saying they killed their owners, the gang, named
Flushed Pets invite them to join.

There are a lot of adventures with the animals. While they try to rescue Duke, Snowball attacks
Max. Hetries to kill him. However, when his gang is captured, Snowball realizes that he and Max
must work together to rescue them.
Snowball and the Flushed Pets form a new plan to fight all humans, but a little girl named Molly
arrives and adopts Snowball, and the remaining Flushed Pets head back to the drain. At first,
Snowball resists, but gives in and lets himself become domesticated. The other pets return to
their homes and embrace their owners, and Max and Duke finally reunite with Katie, his owner.

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