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Department of English Language and Literature

Leigh Bardugo: Six of Crows

Translation and Analysis

Bachelor's Thesis

Brno 2017

Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Martin Němec, Ph.D. Autor práce: Ing. Štěpánka Geryková

Geryková, Štěpánka. Leigh Bardugo: Six of Crows, Translation and Analysis, Bachelor
thesis. Brno: Masaryk University, Faculty of Education, Department of English
language and literature. 2017. 95 pages. The supervisor of the Bachelor thesis: Mgr.
Martin Němec, Ph. D.


The topic of this bachelor thesis is the translation and following analysis of selected
chapters from Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. The book includes several special names
of places, characters or nicknames which may be challenging for translators. The work
itself is divided into three parts. The introduction briefly deals with the book itself and
the author. The theoretical part focuses on translation studies and the theory of
equivalence. The practical part includes the corpus with the original English text and my
own Czech translation and the lexical analysis of the text.

Key words

Translation, analysis, Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, translation theory, theory of

equivalence, lexical analysis, partial counterparts, fantasy, methods of translation,
process of translation, zero equivalence, phonetic translation, explicitness, implicitness,
stylistics connotation, expressive connotation
Bibliografický záznam

GERYKOVÁ, Štěpánka. Leigh Bardugo: Six of Crows, Translation and Analysis,

bakalářská práce. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra
anglického jazyka a literatury, 2017. 95 stran. Vedoucí bakalářské práce: Mgr. Martin
Němec, Ph. D.


Tématem bakalářské práce je vlastní překlad a analýza vybraných kapitol z knihy

autorky Leigh Bardugo s názvem Six of Crows. Kniha obsahuje mnoho speciálních
názvů míst, jmen či přezdívek, které pro překladatele mohou být zajímavou výzvou.
Text bakalářské práce se dělí na tři části. První se zaměřuje na samotnou knihu, její
obsah a také na život a další díla autorky. Druhou část tvoří teoretická část věnovaná
teorii překladu. Třetí část obsahuje korpus s anglickým originálem texu a vlastním
překladem, jenž je následně analyzován z lexikálního hlediska.

Klíčová slova

Překlad, analýza, rozbor, Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows, teorie překladu, teorie
ekvivalence, lexikální analýza, částečné protějšky, fantasy, metody překladu, proces
překladu, nulová ekvivalence, fonetický překlad, explicitnost, implicitnost, stylistická
konotace, expresivní konotace

I declare that I wrote this bachelor thesis by myself and that I used only the literature
and other sources listed in the bibliography.


Prohlašuji, že jsem bakalářskou práci vypracovala samostatně, s využitím pouze

citovaných literárních pramenů a zdrojů uvedených v seznamu literatury v souladu s
Disciplinárním řádem pro studenty Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity a se
zákonem č. 121/2000 Sb., o právu autorském, o právech souvisejících s právem
autorským a o změně některých zákonů (autorský zákon), ve znění pozdějších předpisů.

Brno, 30 March 2017

Ing. Štěpánka Geryková

I would like to express my gratitude to Mgr. Martin Nemec, Ph.D. for his support,
advice and patience he provided as my supervisor.

Further, I would like to give my thanks to my family for their support and help.
Table of contents





2.2 P R O C E S S OF T R A N S L A T I N G A N D ITS P R O D U C T 14

2.3 T H E O R Y OF E Q U I V A L E N C E 16



4.1 TITLE 56


4.3 NAMES 61



4.5.1 Formal Equivalence 74

4.5.2 Denotational Equivalence 77

4.5.3 Connotative Equivalence 80

4.5.4 Pragmatic Equivalence 85



This bachelor thesis deals with my own translation of a few excerpts from the book
Six of Crows by the author Leigh Bardugo, and its analysis. There are many reasons
why I have chosen this book for translation. One of them is that it charmed me the first
time I read it, and the second time, too, even though I already knew all the plot twists.
The story is readable, fluent, exciting and magical and, furthermore, it is impossible not
to fall in love with its characters. The next reason is that the book contains many names
of characters and places, which I thought would be a good challenge for the translation.
The third one is connected to the language of the book, which is quite simple, but it can
be difficult to translate even simple narration and make it sound natural and keep every
important piece of the information the author puts in the story in it at the same time.
Moreover, there were a few interesting idioms used in the book, and these are always
challenging for translation, since it may be difficult to even find an appropriate analogy
in the language in which the translation is performed. The last and the most important
reason for choosing this book is that it has not been translated into Czech yet. This gave
me an opportunity to focus only on my skills and knowledge and not to be affected
by the work of someone else.

Leigh Bardugo managed to create a great world with all kinds of fantasy elements,
including witches and wizards, which, according to my opinion, is worth translating and
introducing to younger readers. How great the translated story will be, depends
on the translator's skills. To understand the translation process better, it is good to know
the theory hidden behind all the fun.

This bachelor thesis is divided into several parts. At the beginning, there is
an introduction of the book, its author and the plot of the story. Then the thesis deals
with translation theory and its necessity in today's world. It also mentions
the translator's role, the process and product of the translation. Since I decided to work
mainly with Dagmar Knittlova's book Překlad a překládání and the theory
of equivalence, there is also a subchapter dedicated to this field of translation, which is
further discussed in the analysis of the text.

The third chapter contains the corpus, which is also a core section of the analysis.
Thanks to many interesting names and phrases, I chose to analyse the translation from
the lexical point of view in chapter four, focusing on the partial equivalence and its
segmentation to formal, denotational, connotative and pragmatic equivalence. Each
equivalence contains examples from the corpus to support and justify the theoretical

The aim of my thesis is to give a proper translation of selected parts from the book
Six of Crow and analyse it from the lexical point of view, using the theory
of equivalence. As there is a possibility that the book will be translated during my work,
the proceeding comparison may also occur in the analysis.


Six of Crows was published in 2015 as the fourth book of the author Leigh
Bardugo. It was the #1 New York Times bestseller and also a USA Today bestseller.
New York Times chose this book as the Notable Children's Book of 2015 and 2016
Teens' Top Ten Nominee. ("Six of Crows") It is a story about six teenagers living
in the country of Kerch and the city of Ketterdam. They are offered a deadly heist that
can make them rich, but they may die on the journey, too. They have to fight not only
their enemies, but also their own demons and problems inside of them.

Leigh Bardugo became famous after publishing her first trilogy called Grisha,
which she decided to extend with another series from the same world - Six of Crows.
Bardugo was born in Jerusalem and grew up in Los Angeles. After graduating from
Yale University, she worked in advertising and journalism. ("About")

When she was asked about her inspiration and writing, she replied: "I can't
imagine writing something that doesn't have a fantasy element in it, honestly, because
I don't really care that much about the real world. Everything is better with dragons."
(Everdeen Mason)

After her first trilogy, in which she created the Grisha - witches and wizards who
control nature elements, she decided to set the new story in the same place, the same
world, only two years later. There is a new set of characters and a new country - Kerch.

Kerch is "a little, but hypercapitalist trading superpower. It's ruled by a merchant
council - they worship the God of industry and commerce. Their port is in their capital
Ketterdam. Everything comes through there - so you've got coffee and cotton and silk,
but you also have everything illegal, such as drugs and guns and slaves. There is
actually a pleasure district in Ketterdam called The Barrel, where people come from all
over the world to sample everything that Ketterdam has to offer." (Witnessme)

The author likens her main characters to those of Guardians of the Galaxy
or Ocean's Eleven. They are all villains and misfits. She wanted to make something

different from the famous "chosen one" stories. Her heroes are just trying to survive,
not to make a revolution or overthrow the government. (Witnessme)

As mentioned above, there are six main characters. The leader of the gang is Kaz
Brekker, who came to Ketterdam with his older brother Jordie at the age of nine.
They wanted to start a new life in this enormous city; however, they were conned out of
their money by Pekka Rollins, who rules the city. Moreover, both of them caught
the plague and Kaz is the only one who survived.

Inej Ghafa is a Suli acrobat, a Grisha and a member of Kaz's gang, the Dregs.
At the age of fourteen, she was taken from her family and put in a pleasure house
in Ketterdam. Later she was saved by Kaz, when he bought her contract from Tante
Heleen, who runs the pleasure house.

Jesper Fahey is a Zemeni Grisha and also a member of the Dregs. He came
to Ketterdam from Novyi Zem to attend the university. Unfortunately, he became
addicted to gambling and fell into debt, and therefore, he joined the Dregs.
An interesting fact is that his character is a bisexual.

Nina Zenik is a Grisha from Ravka. She also joined the Dregs after working at one
of the pleasure houses in Ketterdam. She was trained in the army back in Ravka and she
was captured by Fjerdans, who despise the Grisha. She escaped to Ketterdam during
a massive storm.

Matthias Helvar is a Fjerdan and one of Nina's captors. He escaped with her during
the storm and they befriended. However, Nina turned him in to the Merchant council
as a slave trader and he was imprisoned in Hellgate. Since Kaz's mission is in Helvar's
hometown, he decides to kidnap him from the prison.

The last member of Kaz's gang is Wylan Van Eck, a son of the man who
convinced Kaz to participate in the important mission. On top of that, his father hates
him because he cannot read, that is why he ended up on the streets of Ketterdam and
working for The Dregs. Kaz agrees to take Wylan with them because of his knowledge
in demolitions and moreover, he is a great hostage in negotiating the reward.


The story of Six of Crows begins with a member of stadtwatch, who decides to visit
his sweetheart, Anya. She is a Grisha healer and she is indentured to a councilman,
Hoede. When he arrives at the Grisha workshop, he discovers that Anya was taken
away. He goes to Hoede's boathouse and finds Anya in a glass room with a young boy
and a guard. They are testing a new drug on her - jurda parem. They want to see what
she can do after she takes it. Her powers are remarkable. When the guard slices
the boy's arm, Hoede wants the Grisha to heal him. Anya, unexpectedly, does that
without a touch. But everything gets out of control and Hoede and his guards pay
for what they did to Anya thanks to her sharpened powers.

Independently on this situation, Kaz Brekker is offered the job of a lifetime by Van
Eck. He wants him to kidnap Bo Yul-Bayur, a well-known scientist, from the safest
prison in Fjerda. He was captured because he helped to develop a drug called jurda
parem, which now intensifies the Grisha's magical powers and is highly addictive after
one dose. Kaz is offered thirty million kriige and assembles a team of criminals, each
with different skills, to perform the heist.

After recruiting Inej, Nina, Jesper and Wylan he decides to kidnap Matthias from
the Hellgate prison. He is a Fjerdan and his knowledge of the Ice Court is essential
for their plan.

Everything must be done quickly, so Kaz books a ship called the Ferolind to take
them to Fjerda. However, just before their boarding, they are ambushed and Inej is
stabbed. They detain the stabber and discover that Pekka Rollins is also on his way to
Fjerda to try to rescue Yul-Bayur. Because of his past, Kaz decides to get the job done
as soon as possible so he can finally revenge his brother's death.

The Ferolind docks at Fjerda and the group begins their journey to the Ice Court.
When they finally arrive in Djerholm, they stay at an old tavern in the city and put
together a plan how to get through the castle gate and through the guards into the court.
Kaz suggests they will get inside as prisoners in one of the wagons they can see on
the road. The next day, their plan succeeds and they make it through the checkpoints

into the castle. Since they have to separate, it is time to play their roles properly, escape
from their prisons and meet at the meeting point by the time they agreed on.

It would not be a good story without a little plot twist. Plans do not go as planned and
they have to improvise. On one hand, Inej and Nina are forced to pretend they are lady
companions from the Menagerie at the party. But not even this plan can do without
complications and they have to separate again. On the other hand, Kaz and Matthias are
trying to cross the ice moat. Meanwhile, Jesper and Wylan are entering the court from
the roof, they are supposed to cut the rope on the wench, which controls the main gate
to the Ice Court.

Nina finally gets to the party after her separation from Inej. She is dressed as
a Menagerie girl and gets attention of one of the Fjerdans she knows from her past.
Because of her insistence, he takes her to the prison with the Grisha. It is dangerous, but
at the same time, it is a great opportunity to find Yul-Bayur. The hallway is filled with
cells. Each cell holds a young Grisha dosed up with jurda parem. She convinces
the man to take her somewhere private, promising him a reward for showing her this
place, but in fact, she plans on torturing him for the information about Yul-Bayur's
location. He leads her to a secluded room, which turns out to be another cell, and locks
her inside. He has known she is a Grisha the whole time. Luckily, Matthias saves her in
the right moment and finds out where they keep Yul-Bayur. It turns out that it is not Bo
Yul-Bayur in the prison, but his son, and also a Grisha. They destroy the lab and
the prison together and run away.

Kaz is waiting for Matthias and Nina to exit the lab. When he sees them
in the doorway with a young boy, an explosion knocks them all over the edge to
the river. Thanks to a little invention they all have, they can breathe under water and
they happily escape and meet the others outside the court.

At the harbour, they are surrounded by Fjerdans with the Grisha high on jurda parem.
The only way they can fight them is to take jurda parem too, so Nina sacrifices herself,
despite the fact that she can become addicted to the drug for the rest of her life. A huge
fight takes place at the harbour before they can finally escape to the sea.

When they get to Ketterdam, they send a message to Van Eck to meet them
at the place of Vellgeluk, a small island nearby. He comes and has the money, but tries
to double cross them. A group of the Grisha high on jurda parem are flying above them.
Van Eck tells them they cannot leave the island. Kaz tries to play on Van Eck'S feelings
and tells him that Wylan stayed on the ship he wants to blow up, but he does not know
that Van Eck has always been ashamed of his son. The ship is destroyed, but Kaz has
another trick up his sleeve. Nina tailored Wylan to look like a young Yul-Bayur. Van
Eck is furious and tells them to kill everyone but Kaz. It is the first time that Kaz makes
a mistake because there is one person he would die for - Inej. Van Eck catches a sight
of him looking at her and changes his mind. He commands his Grisha to grab the money
and the girl and they all fly away. Before he leaves, Van Eck says they have one week
to bring him the real Xul-Bayur, or Inej will be tortured.

The sequel to the story is called Crooked Kingdom and was published in 2016.


Translation became essential in the modern society, starting with signs and manuals,
and ending with literature and speeches. According to Hatim and Munday (3), it also
has a huge effect on everyday life and in today's world, literary and commercial
translation is growing phenomenally.

There is also a debate about whether the translation should be considered as 'science'
or 'art'. Linguists more or less agree on the 'scientific' point of view, which leads
to some kind of an 'objective' description of this phenomenon. (Bell 4)

Translation as a term has several meanings. It may refer to general subject field,
the process and act of producing translation and of course, the product, which is
the translated text. (Munday 5)

Translation can also be divided into three categories. The first is intralingua
translation, which is based on rewording. It means a text or expression is rephrased
in the same language in the matter of explaining. The second category is intersemiotic
translation, which deals with transmutations. This occurs when a text is converted into
music, films or even paintings. The last category is interlingual translation, which is
a proper and traditional translation focused on translation studies. (Jakobson 114)

Moreover, Knittlova (16-17) mentions other interlingual divisions:

interlinear translation - the extreme of the literal translation,

literal translation,

free translation,

communicative translation.


Bell says that all communicators are at the same time translators who are receiving
signals with encoded messages in the communication system. This system, however, is

not identical with their own. Additionally, he defines a translator as a bilingual agent
who mediates communication between monolingual participants from two different
language communities. (Bell 52)

One should have a flair for their own language to become a good translator and
should combine it with knowledge, sensitivity, intelligence and intuition. (Newmark 4)

Translators' knowledge should contain knowledge of the target language and

the source language, then text-type knowledge, knowledge of the area of the subject and
contrast knowledge. (Bell 36)


It is essential to mention that there are various types, divisions and definitions for
the process of translation. There are traditional translating techniques and also modern
theory of the process of translating.

Knittlova (19) mentions seven techniques of the traditional translation, which were
first used by French and Canadian authors Vinay and Darbelnet: transcription, caique
(literal translation), substitution, transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation.
Other methods, introduced by Vazquez-Ayora, are amplification (extension of the text),
explicitation (adding the explaining information), omission and compensation. Malone,
an American linguist, uses the terms divergence, convergence, reduction, condensation,
diffusion and reordering.

As mentioned above, a translator should have a good sense of language, but they
should also be a good reader. Newmark points out four levels a translator has
consciously or unconsciously in his mind while translating:

adequate level of the source language,

referential level (objects and events which he visualises and builds up),

cohesive level (more general and grammatical) - contains comprehension level

and reproduction process,

naturalness level.

A translator must also have a good sense of thinking and feeling about the source
language text to present it as natural as possible. (Newmark 19)

Levy, on the other hand, says that there are three phases of the translating process:

understanding of a draft (a translator must be a good reader) - this process has

three levels: understanding of the text, gaining ideological and aesthetic values,
understanding of characters, their relationship and the author's intention;

interpretation of a draft, where is important to notice three moments: objective

ideas of the text (the translator may become a reader with his subjective view
on the text), interpretative view of the translator and interpretation of
the objective values;

restyling of the draft where the stylistic talent is essential and the language issues
are related to the relationship of language systems, evidence of the translated
language in the translation and the tension in the style of the translation. (Levy
50, translated by SG ) 1

The process then ends with the reflection of the text in the mind of the reader.
(Levy 47, translated by SG ) 2

According to Knittlova (27), the process of what the product finally looks like is
the modern attitude in the Anglo-Saxon world. They concentrate on the macro-attitude,
e.g. the cultural environment, local fitting, historical context, the author's relation to
the topic and the reader, etc. However, the micro-text is also involved and its processing

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

concerns concrete individualities, grammatical structures or their lexical meanings.
All of this then creates the final text. (Knittlova 27, translated by SG )

Hickey (5) sees translation as a product of its culture and time, but it is evaluative
and critical at the same time.


Equivalence is a possibility of conversion of the information from the source

language (SL) into the translated language (TL); even if their grammatical system
differs, this is also called a functional equivalence.

Functional approach means it does not matter whether we use the same or a different
linguistic resource, but the final function of the text must be the same in all aspects -
semantic, factual (denotative, referential), connotative (expressive, associative) and
pragmatic. (Knittlova 7, translated by SG ) 4

The problem of equivalence can be also explained as follows: "Text in different

languages can be equivalent in different degrees (fully or partially equivalent),
in respect of different levels of presentation (equivalent in respect of context,
of semantics, of grammar, of lexis, etc.) and at different ranks (word-for-word, phrase-
for-phrase, sentence-for-sentence)." (Sperber, Wilson qtd. in Bell 6)

Catford (27), for example, distinguishes between textual equivalence and formal
correspondence. A textual equivalent is a text of any TL which is observed on particular
occasion and about to be an equivalent of a SL text and formal correspondence.
Therefore, a formal correspondent is any TL category (e.g. class, structure, unit, etc.)
which occupies the same place in the TL as the original SL category occupies in the SL.

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

House (21) says it is important for understanding the meaning across two different
languages. Based on this claim, he divided the aspect of equivalence into three

a semantic aspect,

a pragmatic aspect,

and a textual aspect.

Knittlova (39) then adds two other types of equivalence to the semantic aspect:

absolute equivalence (basic word funds): eye - oko, window - okno, tree - strom,
eat - jist, sleep - spat, etc.;

partial equivalence - formal, denotative, connotative, pragmatic. (Knittlova 41-

42, translated by SG ) 5

Partial equivalence will be described in chapter 4.5.

Translated by Stepanka Gerykova




Soldiers of the Second Army Bojovníci Druhé armády

Masters of the Small Science Mistři Malé vědy

(The Order of the Living and the Dead) (Řád živých a mrtvých)
Heartrenders Srdcerváči
Healers Léčitelé

(The Order of Summoners) (Řád Přivolávačů)
Squallers Vichrotvůrci
Inferni Peklotvůrci
Tidemakers Slapotvůrci

(The Order of Fabrikators) (Rád Tvůrců)
Durasts Řemeslníci
Alkemi Alchymisté
Chapter 2 - Inej (p. 15 - 18) Kapitola první - Inež
Kaz Brekker didn't need a reason. Kaz Brekker důvod nepotřeboval. Tak se
Those were the words whispered on the to aspoň šeptalo v ulicích Ketterdamu , 43

streets of Ketterdam , in the taverns and

v putykách a kavárnách, v tmavých a
coffeehouses, in the dark and bleeding krvavých uličkách ve vykřičené čtvrti
alleys of the pleasure district known as the známé jako Barrel . Chlapec, kterému

Barrel . The boy they called Dirtyhands

43 43
říkali Špína , 43
nepotřeboval důvod, natož
didn't need a reason any more than he svolení k tomu, aby někomu zlomil nohu,
needed permission - to break a leg, sever překazil spojenectví či změnil něčí štěstěnu
an alliance, or change a man's fortunes pouhým otočením karty . 4,51

with the turn of a card . 4-5-1

Of course they were wrong, Inej 43

Samozřejmě, že se mýlili, uvažovala
considered as she crossed the bridge over Inež , když přecházela most nad černými

the black waters of the Beurscanal to the 43

vodami Burzovní stoky 43
přímo k
deserted main square that fronted the vylidněnému hlavnímu náměstí naproti
Exchange . Every
43 453
act of violence was Směnárně . Každičký -
43 4 53
akt násilí byl
deliberate, and every favour came with z Kazový strany záměrný a každá jeho
enough strings attached to stage a laskavost přišla tak draho, že se to
puppet show . Kaz always had his
dlužníkům nevyplácelo . Kaz měl vždy 454

reasons. Inej could just never be sure they své důvody. Inež si však nikdy nemohla
were good ones . Especially tonight .
451 451
být jistá, že byly správné . Obzvlášť 451

dnes večer . 4,51

Inej checked her knives, silently reciting Dívka si zkontrolovala nože a

their names as she always did when she potichoučku, jako pokaždé, když měla
thought there might be trouble. It was a pocit, že můžou přijít do průšvihu,
practical habit , but a comfort, too. The
45 4
odříkávala jejich jména. Byl to takový její
blades were her companions. She liked zvyk , ale i útěcha. Ostří bylo jejím

knowing they were ready for whatever the společníkem a ona se ráda ujišťovala, že je
night might bring. připravená na cokoliv, co by noc mohla


She saw Kaz and the others gathered Zahlédla Kaze a ostatní shromážděné
near the great stone arch that marked the poblíž velkého kamenného oblouku
eastern entrance to the Exchange. Three značícího východní vstup do Směnárny, do
words had been carved into the rock above nějž byla vytesána tři slova: Enjent,
them: Enjent, Voorhent, Almhent . 454
Voorhent, Almhent - - . Průmysl, Jednota,
4 5 4

Industry, Integrity, Prosperity. Prosperita.

She kept close 451

to the shuttered shop Inež se držela v blízkosti 451
fronts that lined the square, avoiding the obchodů lemujících náměstí tak, aby
pockets of flickering gaslight cast by the zabránila problikávání světel plynových
streetlamps. As she moved , 453
she lamp. Jak pomalu pokračovala d á l , 453

inventoried the crew Kaz had brought with zkontrolovala skupinku, kterou s sebou
him: Dirix, Rotty, Muzzen 43
and Keeg ,43
Kaz přivedl. Byl tam Dirix, Potkan,
Anika and Pirn 43
and his chosen seconds Vrabčák a Hezoun , Anika a V i l43 4 3
for tonight's parley, Jesper and Big Kazovi vybraní náhradníci pro dnešní
Bolliger . They jostled and bumped each
parlej - Jesper a Velkej Bolliger . Strkali 43

other, laughing, stamping their feet against se a vráželi do sebe, smáli se a rukama si
the cold snap that had surprised the city třeli nohy, aby zabránili chladu, který tento
this week, the last gasp of winter before týden překvapil město v posledním
spring began in earnest. záchvěvu zimy před tím, než mělo přijít
They were all bruisers and brawlers, opravdové jaro. Všichni byli rváči a
culled from the younger members of the výtržníci vybraní z mladších členů
Dregs , the people Kaz trusted most. Inej
Chátry 43
a lidé, kterým Kaz nejvíc věřil.
noted the glint of knives tucked into their Inež si všimla záblesků nožů zastrčených
belts, lead pipes, weighted chains, axe za jejich opasky, olověných trubek,
handles studded with rusty nails, and here těžkých řetězů, topůrek seker hustě
and there, the oily gleam of a gun barrel. pokrytých rezavými hřebíky a tu a tam
She slipped silently into their ranks, olejovitými odlesky hlavní pistolí. Tiše
scanning the shadows near the Exchange vklouzla mezi ostatní a očima prohledávala
for signs of Black T i p spies.43
stíny poblíž Směnárny, jestli nezahlédne
špehy od Žraloků . 43

"Three ships!" Jesper was saying. "The „Tři lodě!" Líčil právě Jesper. „Poslali je
Shu 43
sent them. They were just sitting in Su . Kotvily v Prvním přístavu , děla
43 43

First Harbour , cannons out, red flags

venku, červený vlajky na stěžních,
flying , stuffed to the sails with gold."
všechny - nacpaný až po plachty zlatem."
4 54

Big Bolliger gave a low whistle. Velkej Bollinger zahvízdl, „To bych
"Would have liked to see that. " 45 3
bejval rád viděl. " 45 3

"Would have liked to steal that," replied „To bych bejval rád čórnul" opáčil
Jesper. "Half the Merchant Council was Jesper. „Byla tam i půlka Kupecký rady,
down there flapping and squawking, trying mávali rukama, pokřikovali na sebe a
to figure out what to do." nevěděli, co mají dělat."

"Don't they want the Shu paying their „Copak nechtějí, aby jim Su splatili
debts?" Big Bolliger asked. dluhy?" Zeptal se Velkej Bollinger.

Kaz shook his head, dark hair glinting in Kaz zakroutil hlavou a černé vlasy se mu
the lamplight . He was a collection of
ve světle lamp 451
zaleskly. Byl příkladem
hard lines and tailored edges 451
- sharp drsné dokonalosti 45 1
- ostře řezaná
jaw , lean build, wool coat snug across
čelist , štíhlá postava a vlněný kabát

his shoulders. "Yes and no," he said in his ležérně přehozený přes ramena. „Ano a
rocksalt rasp . "It's always good to
ne," řekl svým chraplavým hlasem . 454

have a country in debt to you. Makes for „Vždycky je dobý, když vám stát něco
friendlier negotiations." dluží. Pak jsou i ta vyjednávání

"Maybe the Shu are done being „Možná už toho Su mají plný zuby ," 454

friendly - ," said Jesper. "They didn't

4 54
nadhodil Jesper. „Nemuseli přece všechen
have to send all that treasure at once. You ten poklad posílat naráz. Myslíš, že
think they stuck 453
that trade zapíchli 453
toho obchodního
ambassador?" velvyslance?"

Kaz's eyes found Inej unerringly in the Kazový oči okamžitě našly Inež.
crowd. Ketterdam had been buzzing about V Ketterdamu se o atentátu na velvyslance
the assassination of the ambassador for mluvilo už několik týdnů. Téměř to zničilo
weeks. It had nearly destroyed Kerch- Kerč-Zemenské vztahy a Kupecká rada
43 43

Zemeni 4 3
relations and sent the Merchant se mohla zbláznit. Zemeni 43
Council 43
into an uproar. The Zemeni 43
Kerče . Kerčové podezřívali Su. Kaze

blamed the Kerch. The Kerch suspected the nezajímalo, kdo za to byl zodpovědný, ta
Shu. Kaz didn't care who was responsible; vražda ho prostě fascinovala, protože
the murder fascinated him because he nemohl přijít na to, jak byla spáchána.
couldn't figure out how it had been Obchodní zástupce vešel před očima více
accomplished. In one of the busiest než tuctu Zemenských vládních úředníků
corridors of the Stadhall , in full view of
na toalety v jedné z nej rušnějších chodeb
more than a dozen government officials, Radnice . Nikdo dovnitř nevešel
the Zemeni trade ambassador had stepped z nich neodešel, ale když jeho pomocník o
into a washroom. No one else had entered pár minut později zaklepal na dveře,
or left, but when his aide knocked on the nepřišla žádná odpověď. Poté, co se
door a few minutes later, there had been no probourali dveřmi, našli velvyslance ležet
answer. When they'd broken down the tváří na bílých kachličkách a s kudlou
door, they'd found the ambassador v zádech, zatímco z kohoutků stále tekla
facedown on the white tiles, a knife in his voda.
back, the taps still running.

Kaz had sent Inej to investigate the Kaz vyslal Inež, aby po zavírací době
premises after hours. The washroom had prozkoumala budovu. Koupelna neměla
no other entrance, no windows or vents, žádný jiný vchod, žádná okna či ventilaci.
and even Inej hadn't mastered the art of A ani Inež si neosvojila umění vmáčknout
squeezing herself through the plumbing. se do potrubí. Zemenský velvyslanec byl
Yet the Zemeni ambassador was dead. Kaz každopádně mrtev. Kaz nesnášel hádanky,
hated a puzzle he couldn't solve, and he které nebyl schopen rozluštit, a spolu s Inež
and Inej had concocted a hundred theories tak vymysleli na stovku různých teorií, jak
to account for the murder - none of which se vražda mohla odehrát, nicméně žádná
satisfied. But they had more pressing 453
z nich nebyla uspokojivá. Jenže dnes měli

problems tonight. větší a naléhavější 45 3

She saw him signal to Jesper and Big Inež zahlédla Kaze, jak Jesperovi a
Bolliger to divest themselves of weapons. Velkýmu Bollingerovi naznačuje, že mají
Street law dictated that for a parley of this odevzdat zbraně. Pouliční zákon pro parlej,
kind each lieutenant be seconded by two of jako byla tahle, nařizoval, aby byl každý
his foot soldiers and that they all be zástupce gangu doprovázen dvěma pěšáky
unarmed. Parley. The word felt like a a všichni museli být neozbrojení. Parlej.
deception - strangely prim, an antique. No To slovo znělo už samo o sobě škrobeně a
matter what street law decreed, this night zastarale. Znělo jako podvod. Ať už
smelled 45 3
like violence. pouliční zákon říkal cokoliv, dnešní noc
zaváněla 453

"Go on, give those guns over ," 453

„Dělej, naval ty zbraně ," popohnal 453

Dirix said to Jesper. Jespera Dirix.

With a great sigh, Jesper removed the Jesper si s hlubokým povzdechem z boků
gunbelts at his hips. She had to admit he odepl opasky na zbraně a přitiskl své rty na
looked less himself without them. The perleťové rukojetě svých drahocenných
Zemeni sharpshooter was long-limbed, revolverů, udělujíc každému z nich
brown-skinned, constantly in motion. He žalostný polibek. Inež musela přiznat, že
pressed his lips to the pearl handles of his bez nich vypadal mnohem méně sám
prized revolvers, bestowing each with a sebou. Zemenský ostrostřelec byl pro ni
mournful kiss. vždy dlouhán s hnědou kůží a neustále
v pohybu.

"Take good care of my babies ," 453

„Dej na má zlatíčka 45 3
pozor," řekl, když
Jesper said as he handed them over to je předával Dirixovi. „Jestli na nich uvidím
Dirix. "If I see a single scratch or nick on jedinej škrábanec nebo rýhu, vystřílím do
those, I'll spell forgive me on your chest in tebe slova odpusť mi"
bullet holes " 451

"You wouldn't waste the ammo." „Na to bys neplýtval municí."

"And he'd be dead halfway through „A navíc by byl mrtvěj už v půli slova
forgive" Big Bolliger said as he dropped a odpusť," vložil se do toho Velkej
hatchet, a switchblade, and his preferred Bollinger, když Potkanovi předával sekyru,
weapon - a thick chain weighted with a zavírací nůž a svoji oblíbenou zbraň -
heavy padlock 451
- into Rotty's expectant tlustý řetěz s velkým visacím zámkem . 451


Jesper rolled his eyes. "It's about Jesper protočil panenky. „Tady jde o to
sending a message. What's the point of a vyslání zprávy, o to varování . Jakej by 452

dead guy with forg written on his chest?" mělo smysl mít mrtvýho chlápka, co by
měl na hrudníku napsáno odpusT'

"Compromise," Kaz said. "I'm sorry „Kompromis," navrhl Kaz. „Promiň tu

does the trick and uses fewer bullets." zprávu vyšle taky a zároveň spotřebuje míň

Dirix laughed, but Inej noted that he Dirix se smál, ale Inež si všimla, že
cradled Jesper's revolvers very gently. s Jesperovými revolvery i přesto zacházel
velmi opatrně.

"What about that?" Jesper asked, „A co tohle?" Kývl Jesper hlavou ke

gesturing to Kaz's walking stick. Kazově holi.

Kaz's laugh was low and Kazův smích byl bez známky
humourless . "Who'd
deny a poor pobavení 452
„Kdo by chudákovi kriplovi
cripple his cane?" odepřel jeho hůl?"

"If the cripple is you, then any man with „Pokud jsi ten kripl ty, tak každej, kdo má
sense." rozum."

"Then it's a good thing we're meeting „V tom případě je dobře, že se máme sejít
Geels ." Kaz drew a watch from his vest
zrovna s Geelsem ," Kaz si z náprsní

pocket. "It's almost midnight." kapsy vytáhl hodinky. „Je skoro půlnoc."

Chapter 2 - Inej (p. 20 - 21) Kapitola 2 - Inež

She'd joined up with the Dregs less than Inež se k Chátře přidala skoro před dvěma
two years ago, just days after her fifteenth lety, jen pár dní po svých patnáctých
birthday. It had been a matter of survival, narozeninách. Byla to otázka přežití, ale
but it gratified her to know that, in such a potěšilo ji, že se během krátké doby stala
short time, she'd become someone to take někým, na koho bylo třeba dávat si pozor. I
precautions against. Though, if the Black když si Žraloci mysleli, že triky jako tenhle
Tips thought tricks like this would keep the budou Přízrak držet dál, mýlili se - - .
43 4 5 2

Wraith 43
from her goal, they were sadly
mistaken . 452

She drew two climbing spikes from the Z kapsy prošívané vesty vytáhla
pockets of her quilted vest and wedged first horolezecké hroty a postupně je
one then the other between the bricks of the připevňovala na zeď mezi jednotlivé cihly
wall as she hoisted herself higher, her podle toho, jak lezla nahoru. Její nohy
questing feet finding the smallest holds and v kameni hledaly ty nej menší skulinky a
ridges in the stone. hrany.

As a child learning the highwire, she'd Když byla malá a učila se chůzi na
gone barefoot. But the streets of Ketterdam visutém laně, lozila bosky, ale ulice
were too cold and wet for that. After a few Ketterdamu na to byly až příliš chladné a
bad spills, she'd paid a Grisha Fabrikator mokré. Po několika pádech zaplatila
working in secret out of a gin shop 45 2
on jednomu z Griša Tvůrců pracujících
the Wijnstraat 43
to make her a pair of v utajení v jednom z obchodů
leather slippers with nubbly rubber soles. s alkoholem 452
na Vinné ulici , aby jí

They were perfectly fitted to her feet and vyrobil kožené pantofle s hrubou gumovou
gripped any surface with surety. podrážkou. Perfektně jí padly na nohu a
přilnuly k jakémukoli povrchu.

Chapter 2 - Inej (p. 24 - 26) Kapitola 2 - Inež
"Fifth Harbour is ours, Geels," Kaz „Pátej přístav je náš, Geelsi," odpověděl
replied. "The Dregs get first crack at the 44
Kaz. „Chátra má na ty záletníky 45 3
pigeons 45 3
who come looking for a little jako první " 44


Geels shook his head. "You're a young Geels zakroutil hlavou. „Seš mladej , 453

one , 453
Brekker," he said with an Brekkere," odpověděl se shovívavým
indulgent laugh. "Maybe you don't smíchem. „Možná nechápeš, jak to tu
understand how these things work. The chodí. Přístavy patří městu a my na ně
harbours belong to the city, and we have as máme stejný právo, jako všichni ostatní.
much right to them as anyone. We've all Všichni se musíme nějak uživit ." 44

got a living to make. ' " 4 4

Technically, that was true. But Fifth Na jednu stranu to byla pravda, nicméně
Harbour had been useless and all but Pátý přístav byl v době, kdy jej převzal
abandoned by the city when Kaz had taken Kaz, opuštěný a naprosto k ničemu. Nechal
it over. He'd had it dredged, and then built ho od základů vybagrovat a znovu postavit
out the docks and the quay, and he'd had to doky i hráze. Dokonce svým věřitelům
mortgage the Crow Club 43
to do it. Per ručil i klubem Spodiny, Černou vránou , 4 3

Haskell had railed at him and called him

aby to všechno mohl udělat. Per Haskell 43

a fool for the expense, but eventually he'd mu nadával a říkal mu, jak je hloupý, když
relented. According to Kaz, the old man's mrhá takovými penězi, ale nakonec se
exact words had been, "Take all that rope nechal obměkčit i on. Podle Kaze dokonce
and hang yourself. " But the endeavour
prohlásil: „Komu není rady, tomu není
had paid for itself in less than a year. Now pomoci. " Ale úsilí se vyplatilo dříve než

Fifth Harbour offered berths to mercher za rok. Teď Pátý přístav nabízel kotviště
ships, as well as boats from all over the jak pro kupecké lodě, tak pro lodě
world carrying tourists and soldiers eager převážející turisty či vojáky z různých
to see the sights and sample the pleasures koutů světa, jenž dychtili po památkách a
of Ketterdam. The Dregs got first try at all po různých potěšeních, které Ketterdam
of them, steering them - and their wallets - nabízel. Chátra měla to privilegium, že se
into brothels, taverns, and gambling dens na ně mohla sběhnout jako první.

owned by the gang. Fifth Harbour had Nasmerovali je i jejich peněženky do svých
made the old man 451
very rich , and
nevěstinců, taveren a doupat překypujících
cemented the Dregs as real players in the hazardem. Pátý přístav udělal ze
Barrel in a way that not even the success of staříka 451
boháče 451
a stmelil Chátru tak,
the Crow Club had. But with profit came jak to nedokázal ani úspěch jejich klubu.
unwanted attention. Geels and the Black Ale právě s těmito výdělky přišla i nevítaná
Tips had been making trouble for the Dregs pozornost. Geels a Žraloci dělali Chátře
all year, encroaching on Fifth Harbour, peklo po celý rok. Otravovali v Přístavu a
picking off pigeons that weren't rightfully obírali záletniky, kteří jim právoplatně
theirs. nepatřili.

"Fifth Harbour is ours," Kaz repeated. „Pátej přístav je náš," zopakoval Kaz. „O
"It isn't up for negotiation. You're cutting tom se vyjednávat nebude. Cpete se do
into our traffic from the docks, and you našich obchodů a ještě jste zdrželi zásilku
intercepted a shipment of jurda 43
that jurdy , co tu měla zakotvit už před dvěma

should have docked two nights ago." dny."

"Don't know 453

what you're talking „Nemám šajna , o čem to tu mluvíš."
45 3


"I know it comes easy , Geels, but 454

„Vím, že ti to jde - , Geelsi, ale se mnou
4 5A

try not to play dumb with me." si na blbýho nehraj."

Geels took a step forwards. Jesper and Geels udělal krok vpřed a Jesper
Big Bolliger tensed. s Bollingerem se napjali.

"Quit flexing, boy," Geels said. "We all „Přestaň se vytahovat, chlapče," řekl
know the old man doesn't have the Geels. „Všichni víme, že stařík na
stomach for a real brawl."
pořádnou rvačku nemá koule 45 2

Kaz's laugh was dry as the rustle of Kazův smích byl suchý a bez
dead leaves . "But I'm the one at your
pobavení . „Jenže to jsem já, na koho

table, Geels, and I'm not here for a taste. máš spadeno, Geelsi, a se mnou si nikdo
You want a war, I'll make sure you eat zahrávat nebude. Chceš válku a já se
your fill - ."
4 4
postarám, aby sis ji do sytosti užil " 44

"And what if you're not around, „A co když tu zrovna nebudeš, Brekkere?

Brekker? Everyone knows you're the Všichni ví, že jsi hlavou 452

spine 452
of Haskell's operation - snap it plánu. Jdi do toho a s Chátrou bude amen."
and the Dregs collapse."

Jesper snorted. "Stomach, spine. „Koule, hlava. Co přijde dál, ty

What's next, spleen ?" 452
ksichte - ?" Odfrkl si Jesper.
4 52

"Shut it ," Oomen

453 43
snarled. The „Drž hubu ," zavrčel na něj Oomen .
453 43

rules of parley dictated that only the Poté, co vyjednávání začalo, pravidla
lieutenants could speak once negotiations parleje dovolovala mluvit pouze šéfům.
had begun. Jesper mouthed "sorry" and Jesper zartikuloval „promiň" a naznačil, že
elaborately pantomimed locking his lips svá ústa zamyká na klíč.

"I'm fairly sure you're threatening me, „Jsem si docela jistý, že mi vyhrožuješ,
Geels," Kaz said. "But I want to be certain Geelsi," řekl Kaz. „Ale dřív, než se
before I decide what to do about it." rozhodnu, co s tím udělám, se o tom chci

"Sure of yourself , 453

aren't you, „Seš si sebou docela jistej , 453
Brekker?" Brekkere?"

"Myself and nothing else." „Sebou a nikým jiným."

Geels burst out laughing and elbowed Geels se rozesmál a loktem šťouchl do
Oomen. "Listen to this cocky little piece of Oomena. „Poslouchej toho malýho
crap . Brekker, you don't own these
namyšlenýho sráče . Brekkere, ty tyhle

streets. Kids like you are fleas. A new crop ulice nevlastníš. Děcka, jako jsi ty, jsou jen
of you turns up every few years to annoy blechy, co se jednou za čas objeví, aby
your betters until a big dog - - ' 4 5 1 4 5 3
decides čoklům - ' 4 51 4 5 3
znepříjemnily život, ale to
to scratch. And let me tell you, I'm about jen do té doby, dokud se hafan 451

tired of the itch." He crossed his arms, nepodrbe. A říkám ti, že já už jsem z toho
pleasure rolling off him in smug waves. svědění vážně unavenej." Geelsem projela
"What if I told you there are two guards vlna zadostiučinění a on si zálibně založil
with city-issue rifles pointed at you and ruce na hrudi. „Co kdybych ti řek, že na
your boys right now?" tebe a tvé chlapce právě míří kulovnice
dvou městských stráží?"

Inej's stomach dropped. Was that what Inežin žaludek poklesl. Copak tohle je to,

Kaz had meant when he said Geels might o čem Kaz mluvil, když říkal, že by Geels
have the guards in his pocket? mohl mít v kapse nějakou ochranu?

Kaz glanced up at the roof. "Hiring city Kaz se podíval na střechu. „Najal sis
guards to do your killing ? I'd say that's
městský strážný, aby za tebe odvedli
an expensive proposition for a gang like špinavou práci ? Řekl bych, že je to pro

the Black Tips. I'm not sure I believe your gang, jako jsou Žraloci, celkem drahá
coffers45 3
could support it." záležitost. Nevím, jestli věřím, že by ti to
tvá pokladnička 453

Inej climbed onto the railing and Inež vyšplhala na zábradlí a vrhla se z
launched herself from the safety of the bezpečí balkónu přímo na střechu. Pokud
balcony, heading for the roof. If they dnešní noc přežijí, rozhodně Kaze zabije.
survived the night, she was going to kill

There were always two guards from the Na střeše Směnárny byli pokaždé dva
stadwatch posted on the roof of the
stážci z městské hlídky . Stačilo pár

Exchange. A few kruge from the Dregs

od Chátry a Žraloci se postarali o
and the Black Tips had ensured they to, aby do parleje nezasahovali, což byla
wouldn't interfere with the parley, a docela běžná transakce. Ale Geels narážel
common enough transaction. But Geels na něco docela jiného. Doopravdy podplatil
was implying something very different. městské stráže, aby si pro něj zahráli na
Had he really managed to bribe city guards odstřelovače? Pokud ano, šance, že Chátra
to play sniper for him? If so, the Dregs' přežije dnešní noc, byla opravdu na hraně.
odds of surviving this night had just
dwindled to a knife's point.

Chapter 2 - Inej (p. 33- 34) Kapitola 2 - Inež

Geels shook his head. "There's Geels zavrtěl hlavou. „Něco s tebou je
something wrong with you, Brekker. I špatně, Brekkere. Nemám páru, co to
don't know what you are, but you're not s tebou je, ale nejseš v pořádku ." 4 53

made right ." 4,53

Kaz cocked his head to one side. Kaz natočil hlavu na stranu. „Jsi
"You're from the suburbs, aren't you, z předměstí, viď, Geelsi? Přišel sis do
Geels? Came to the city to try your luck?" města zkusit štěstí?" Jednou rukou
He smoothed his lapel with one gloved v rukavici si uhladil klopy na kabátě.
hand. "Well, I'm the kind of bastard they „Řekněme, že jsem ten typ šmejda,
only manufacture in the Barrel 45 4
" kterého vytvoří sám Barel 45 4

Chapter 3 - Kaz (p. 45 - 50) Kapitola 3 - Kaz

"Mikka," Van Eck called. „Mikko," zavolal Van Eck.

And then it happened again. A boy A pak se to stalo znovu. Chlapec prošel
walked through the library wall . He 451
knihovnou . Byl bledý jako mrtvola a

was pale as a corpse and wore an na sobě měl vyšívaný kabát Grišů z řádu
embroidered blue Grisha Tidemaker's coat Slapotvůrců s červenozlatou stuhou na
with a red-and-gold ribbon at the lapel klopě. Ta ho spojovala s Van Eckem a jeho
indicating his association with Van Eck's domem. Ale ani Grišové se nemohli jen tak
house. But not even Grisha could just stroll pohybovat skrz zdi.
through a wall.

Drugged, Kaz thought, trying not to Zdrogovaný, pomyslel si Kaz a snažil se

panic. I've been drugged. Or it was some nepanikařit. Oni mě zdrogovali. Nebo to
kind of illusion, the kind they performed in byla jen nějaká iluze, taková, co ji
the theatres off East Stave - a girl cut in
předváděli v divadlech na Jiholatích 43
half, doves from a teapot . 45 2
dívka přeříznutá vej půl a hrdličky
vylétající z šátků " " .
4 5 2

"What the hell - is this?" he growled.

4 53
„Co to k čertu 453
je?" Zavrčel.

"Let me go and I'll explain." „Nechte mě jít a vysvětlím vám to."

"You can explain right where you are." „Můžete vysvětlovat i tak."

Van Eck huffed a short, shaky breath. Van Eck si krátce a nervózně odfrkl. „To,
"What you're seeing are the effects of co vidíte, je efekt jurdy parem " 43

jurda parem. "43

"Jurda is just a stimulant." The little „Jurdaje jen stimulant." Ty malé seschlé
dried blossoms were grown in Novyi kytky se pěstovaly v části zvané Novyi
Zem 43
and sold in shops all over Zem 43
a prodávány po celém Ketterdamu.
Ketterdam. In his early days in the Dregs, Když byl Kaz u Chátry jen chvíli, žvýkal
Kaz had chewed them to stay alert during je, aby vydržel při hlídkách. Vždycky mu
stakeouts. It had stained his teeth orange pak ještě několik dní poté zůstaly oranžové
for days after. "It's harmless," he said. zuby. „Je neškodná," dodal.

"Jurda parent is something completely „Jurda parem je něco naprosto jiného a

different, and it is most definitely not rozhodně není neškodná."

"So you did drug me." „Takže jste mě vážně zdrogovali."

"Not you, Mister Brekker. Mikka." „Ne vás, pane Brekkere. Mikku."

Kaz took i n 451

the sickly pallor of the Kaz vzal na vědomí 451
Grišův zsinalý
Grisha's face. He had dark hollows 452
obličej. Pod očima měl černé kruhy 452
beneath his eyes, and the fragile, trembling nepatrně se třásl jako někdo, kdo už
build of someone who had missed several nějakou dobu nejedl, ale vlastně je mu to
meals and didn't seem to care. jedno.

"Jurda parent is a cousin to ordinary „Jurda parem je sestřenkou klasické

jurda," Van Eck continued. "It comes from jurdy," pokračoval Van Eck. „Pochází ze
the same plant. We're not sure of the stejné rostliny. Nejsme si úplně jistí,
process by which the drug is made , 45 4
jakým procesem projde, než se z ní stane
but a sample of it was sent to the Kerch droga , ale její vzorek kerčské Kupecké

Merchant Council by a scientist named Bo radě poslal vědec jménem Bo Yul-

Yul-Bayur. " 43
Bayur. " 43

"Shu?" „Šu?"

"Yes. He wished to defect, so he sent us „Ano. Chtěl dezertovat, tak nám poslal
a sample to convince us of his claims vzorek, aby nás přesvědčil o svých
regarding the drug's extraordinary effects. tvrzeních ohledně nesmírných efektů této
Please, Mister Brekker, this is a most drogy. Prosím, pane Brekkere, toto je
uncomfortable position 453
If you'd like, velmi nepohodlná pozice . Pokud byste

I will give you a pistol, and we can sit and byl radši, dám vám zbraň a můžeme si
discuss this in more civilised fashion." sednout a probrat to v mnohem
civilizovanější podobě."

"A pistol 452

and my cane." „Zbraň 452
a moji hůl."

Van Eck gestured to one of his guards, Van Eck ukázal na jednoho ze svých
who exited the room and returned a strážců, ten opustil pokoj a vrátil se
moment later with Kaz's walking stick 451
s Kazovou holí . Kaz byl protentokrát
45 x

- Kaz was just glad he used the damn door. rád, že použil ty zatracený dveře.

"Pistol first," Kaz said. "Slowly." The „Pistoli první," řekl, „Pomalu." Strážce si
guard unholstered his weapon and handed odepnul zbraň a podal ji Kazovi rukojetí
it to Kaz by the grip. Kaz grabbed and napřed. Kaz mu ji hned odebral a jedním
cocked it in one quick movement, then rychlým pohybem ji nabil. Poté pustil Van
released Van Eck, tossed the letter opener Ecka, zahodil nůž na dopisy zpět na stůl a
on to the desk, and snatched his cane from vzal si od strážce svoji hůl. Pistole byla
the guard's hand. The pistol was more mnohem užitečnější, ale hůl Kazovi
useful, but the cane brought Kaz a relief he přinesla nespočetnou úlevu.
didn't care to quantify.

Van Eck took a few steps backwards, Van Eck udělal pár kroků zpět, aby mezi
putting distance between himself and Kaz's ním a Kazem, který měl nabitou zbraň,
loaded gun. He didn't seem eager to sit. udělal trochu odstup. Nezdál se, že by si
Neither was Kaz, so he kept close to the chtěl sednout. Ale to ani Kaz. Takže se
window, ready to bolt if need be. držel blízko okna, připravený zmizet,
pokud to bude nutné.

Van Eck took a deep breath and tried to Van Eck se zhluboka nadechl a snažil se
set his suit to rights. "That cane is quite a upravit si oblek. „Ta hůl je pěkný kousek,
piece of hardware, Mister Brekker. Is it pane Brekkere, vyrobil ji pro vás Tvůrce?"
Fabrikator made?"

It was, in fact, the work of a Grisha Opravdu to byla práce jednoho z Griša
Fabrikator, lead-lined and perfectly Tvůrců. Hůl byla lemovaná olovem a
weighted for breaking bones. "None of perfektně vyvážená pro lámání kostí. „Do
your business. Get talking , Van Eck."
toho vám nic není. Vyklopte to , Van 453


The mercher cleared his throat. "When Obchodník si odkašlal. „Když nám Bo
Bo Yul-Bayur sent us the sample of jurda Yul-Bayur poslal ten vzorek, dali jsme ho
parent, we fed it to three Grisha, one from třem Grišům, každému z jednoho Rádu."
each Order."

"Happy volunteers?" „Šťastní dobrovolníci?"

"Indentures," Van Eck conceded. "The „Učedníci," připustil Van Eck. „Jako
first two were a Fabrikator and a Healer první to byl Tvůrce a Léčitel, učedníci
indentured to Councilman Hoede. Mikka is radního Hoeda. Mikka je Slapotvůrce, je
a Tidemaker. He's mine. You've seen what můj. A můžete vidět, co díky té látce
he can do using the drug." dokáže."

Hoede. Why did that name ring a Hoede. Proč mu to jméno přišlo
bell? 44

"I don't know what I've seen," Kaz said „Nevím, co jsem viděl," řekl Kaz, když se
as he glanced at Mikka. The boy's gaze podíval na Mikku. Chlapcův pohled byl
was focused intently on Van Eck as if zaměřený pouze na Van Ecka, jako by
awaiting his next command. Or maybe čekal jeho další povel. Nebo další dávku.
another fix.

"An ordinary Tidemaker can control „Obyčejný Slapotvůrce může ovládat

currents, summon water or moisture from proud, přivolat vodu nebo vlhko z okolního
the air or a nearby source. They manage vzduchu či z blízkého zdroje. Ovládají
the tides in our harbour. But under the například příliv a odliv v našem přístavu.
influence of jurda parent, a Tidemaker can Ale pod vlivem jurdy parem může
alter his own state from solid to liquid to Slapotvůrce měnit svoji podobu z pevné na
gas and back again, and do the same with kapalnou a na plynnou a zase zpět. To
other objects. Even a wall." stejné mohou dělat i s jinými předměty.
Dokonce se zdí."

Kaz was tempted to deny it, but he Kaz to chtěl už už popřít, ale nevěděl, jak
couldn't explain what he'd just seen any jinak si má vysvětlit to, co právě viděl.
other way. "How?" „Jak?"

"It's hard to say. You're aware of the „Těžko se to vysvětluje. Jste si vědom
amplifiers some Grisha wear?" některých zesilovačů, které někteří Grišové

"I've seen them," Kaz said. Animal „Viděl jsem je," řekl Kaz. Zvířecí kosti,
bones, teeth, scales. "I hear they're hard to zuby, šupiny. „Ale zaslechl' jsem, že se
come by." dají jen těžko sehnat."

"Very. But they only increase a Grisha's „To je pravda. Ale také pouze zesilují sílu
power. Jurda parem alters a Grisha's Grišových schopností. Jurda parem mění
perception." jejich celkové vnímání."

"So?" „Takže?"

"Grisha manipulate matter at its most „Grišové hmotou manipulují na té

fundamental levels. They call it the Small nejzákladnější úrovni. Sami tomu říkají
Science . Under the influence of parem,
Malá věda . Ovšem pod vlivem jurdy

those manipulations become faster and far parem jsou manipulace rychlejší a mnohem
more precise. In theory, jurda parem is just přesnější. Teoreticky vzato, jurda parem je
a stimulant like its ordinary cousin. But it pouze stimulant jako jeho sestřenice. Ale
seems to sharpen and hone a Grisha's zdá se, že zostřuje a zdokonaluje jejich
senses. They can make connections with smysly. Mohou navazovat spojení s
extraordinary speed. Things become mimořádnou rychlostí. Věci, které by
possible that simply shouldn't be." neměly být možné, se najednou stávají

"What does it do to sorry sobs 451

like „Co to dělá s takovými usmrkanci , 451

you and me?" jako jsme my dva?"

Van Eck seemed to bristle slightly at Van Eck se mírně naježil, když ho Kaz
being lumped in with Kaz, but he said, "It's přirovnal k sobě, ale nakonec řekl: „Zabíjí
lethal. An ordinary mind cannot tolerate Obyčejná mysl parem nezvládne ani v té
parem in even the lowest doses." nejnižší dávce."

"You said you gave it to three Grisha. „Řekl jste, že jste to dal třem Grišům. Co
What can the others do?" dokážou ti ostatní?"

"Here," Van Eck said, reaching for a „Tady," řekl Van Eck a natáhl se pro něco

drawer in his desk. do zásuvky u svého stolu.

Kat lifted his pistol. "Easy." Kaz zvedl svoji zbraň. „Pomalu."

With exaggerated slowness, Van Eck Van Eck s přehnanou opatrností strčil
slid his hand into the desk drawer and ruku do zásuvky a vytáhl z ní hroudu zlata.
pulled out a lump of gold. "This started as „Toto bývalo olovo."

"Like hell it did 45 3

" „To určitě 453

Van Eck shrugged. "I can only tell you Van Eck pokrčil rameny. „Můžu vám jen
what I saw. The Fabrikator took a piece of říct, co jsem viděl. Tvůrce si vzal do ruky
lead in his hands, and moments later we kousek olova a po chvíli jsme měli toto."
had this."

"How do you even know it's real?" „Jak můžete vědět, že je to vůbec pravý?"
asked Kaz.

"It has the same melting point as gold, „Taví se na stejné teplotě jako zlato, má i
the same weight and malleability. If it's not stejnou váhu a kujnost. Pokud toto
identical to gold in every way, the neznamená, že je to zlato, pak nám jiný
difference has eluded us. Have it tested if rozdíl uniká. Můžete to otestovat sám,
you like. - "
4 52
pokud chcete. - " 4 52

Kaz tucked his cane under his arm and Kaz si zastrčil hůl pod rameno, vzal si od
took the heavy lump from Van Eck's hand. Van Ecka tu těžkou hroudu a strčil si ji do
He slipped it into his pocket. Whether it kapsy. Ať už to bylo pravé nebo jen
was real or just a convincing imitation, a přesvědčující imitace, za tak velký a žlutý
chunk of yellow that big could buy plenty kus by toho na Barrelských ulicích mohl
on the streets of the Barrel. koupit spoustu.

"You could have got 453

that „Tohle jste mohl splašit 453
anywhere," Kaz pointed out. poznamenal nakonec.

"I would bring Hoede's Fabrikator here „Přivedl bych vám sem toho Tvůrce, ale
to show you himself, but he isn't well." necítí se dobře."

Kaz's gaze flicked to Mikka's sickly Kaz střelil pohledem po Mikkově mdlé
face and damp brow. The drug clearly tváři a zpoceném čele. Droga si evidentně

came with a price. vybírala svoji daň.

"Let's say this is all true and not cheap, „Řekněme, že je to pravda, a ne nějakej
coin-trick magic . What does it have to
45 3
levnej cirkusáckej trik . Co to má 453

do with me?" společnýho se mnou?"

"Perhaps you heard 452

of the Shu „Neslyšel jste, ž e 4 5 2
Su splatili celý svůj
paying off the entirety of their debt to dluh Kerčům nenadálou zásilkou zlata?
Kerch with a sudden influx of gold? The Nebo o atentátu na kupeckého velvyslance
assassination of the trade ambassador from z Novyi Zemi? Či dokonce o krádeži
Novyi Zem? The theft of documents from a dokumentů z vojenské základny
military base in Ravka ' ?" 4 3
v Ravce ?" 43

So that was the secret 454

behind the Tak tohle stálo za vraždou velvyslance na
murder of the ambassador in the toaletách. A to zlato, které vezly tri lodě
washroom. And the gold in those three Shu patřící Su, to muselo být vytvořené
ships must have been Fabrikator made. Kaz Tvůrcem. O Ravkanských dokumentech
hadn't heard anything about Ravkan ovšem Kaz neslyšel zhola nic, ale stejně
documents, but he nodded anyway. přikývl.

"We believe all these occurrences are „Věříme, že všechny tyto okolnosti jsou
the work of Grisha under the control of the dílem Grišů pod nátlakem vlády Su a pod
Shu government and under the influence of vlivem jurdy parem." Van Eck si promnul
jurda parem" Van Eck scrubbed a hand bradu. „Pane Brekkere, chci, abyste se na
over his jaw. "Mister Brekker, I want you okamžik zamyslel nad tím, co vám tu
to think for a moment about what I'm říkám. S lidmi , kteří dokáží procházet

telling you. Men 45 1

who can walk through zdí, už nebude žádný trezor ani pevnost
walls - no vault or fortress will ever be v bezpečí. S takovými lidmi ,4,51
safe again. People 451
who can make gold dokáží měnit olovo ve zlato nebo v cokoliv
from lead, or anything else for that matter, jiného, se finanční trhy naprosto
who can alter the very material of the zhroutí . 452
Celosvětová ekonomika by
world - financial markets would be zkolabovala."
thrown into chaos . 452
The world
economy would collapse."

"Very exciting. What is it you want „Velmi zajímavé. Co po mně tedy chcete,

from me, Van Eck? You want me to steal a Van Ecku? Chcete, abych ukradl ten
shipment? The formula?" náklad? Tu formuli?"
"No, I want you to steal the man." „Ne, chci abyste ukradl toho muže."

"Kidnap Bo Yul-Bayur?" „Unesl Bo Yul-Bayura?"

"Save him. A month ago we received a „Zachránil. Před měsícem jsme od něj
message from Yul-Bayur begging for obdrželi zprávu, ve které nás prosil o azyl.
asylum. He was concerned about his Obával se toho, co sjurdou parem chce
government's plans for jurda parem, and provést vláda, a my souhlasili, že mu
we agreed to help him defect. We set up a pomůžeme. Nastražili jsme únos, ale
rendezvous, but there was a skirmish at the řekněme, že se ke konci našeho plánu
drop point." strhla malá potyčka."

"With the Shu?" „Šu?"

"No, with Fjerdans " 43

„Ne, Fjerďané ." 43

Kaz frowned. The Fjerdans must have Kaz se zamračil. Fjerďané museli mít
spies deep in Shu Han 43
or Kerch if they špehy v Su Hanu 43
nebo v Kerči pěkně
had learned about the drug and Bo Yul- blízko zdroje, když se dozvěděli o droze a

Bayur's plans so quickly. "So send some of Bo Yul-Bayurově plánech tak brzy. „Tak

your agents after him - ." 4 54 tam 454

pošlete několik vašich agentů."

"The diplomatic situation is somewhat „Diplomatická situace je poněkud delikátní.

delicate. It is essential that our government Je nezbytné, aby naše vláda s Yul-Bayurem

not be tied to Yul-Bayur in any way." nebyla vůbec spojována."

"You have to know he's probably dead. „Musíte vědět, že je dost velká
The Fjerdans hate Grisha. There's no way pravděpodobnost, že už je dávno mrtvý.

they'd let knowledge of this drug get out." Fjerďané Griše nenávidí. Rozhodně by
nedovolili, aby se ponětí o této droze
dostalo na veřejnost."

"Our sources say he is very much alive „Naše zdroje nám potvrdili, že je velmi
and that he is awaiting trial." Van Eck naživu a čeká na soud." Van Eck si
cleared his throat. odkašlal.

"At the Ice Court ."

„U Zimodvora ?" 43

Kaz stared at Van Eck for a long Kaz zíral na Van Ecka téměř minutu a
minute, then burst out laughing. "Well, it's pak vybuchl smíchy. „No, bylo mi
been a pleasure being knocked unconscious potěšením nechat se zbít do bezvědomí a
and taken captive by you, Van Eck. You zajmout, Van Ecku. Můžete si být jistý, že
can be sure your hospitality will be vám toto pohostinství milerád 45 3
repaid 453
when the time is right. Now až ten čas nastane. Teď ať mě jeden
have one of your lackeys show me to the z vašich lokajů vyprovodí ke dveřím."

"We're prepared to offer you five „Jsme připraveni vám za tuto spolupráci
million kruge " 43
nabídnout pět milionů krugů ." 43

Chapter 3 - Kaz (p. 55) Kapitola 3 - Kaz

"The Grisha was a Corporalnik serving „Griša byla Korporalnik sloužící u
her indenture with Councilman Hoede's radního Hoeda. Protože byla Léčitelka a ne
household. He thought because she was a Srdcerváč, myslel si, že si pro svůj test
Healer and not a Heartrender, he was paremu vybral bezpečně."
making the safe choice to test the parent"

Seemed smart enough. Kaz had seen To znělo chytře. Kaz už několik
Heartrenders at work. They could rupture Srdcerváčů viděl v akci. Dokázali lidem
your cells, burst your heart in your chest, zpřetrhat buňky v těle, roztrhat srdce,
steal the breath from your lungs, or lower vyhnat dech z plic nebo zpomalit puls
your pulse so that you dropped into a natolik, že j ste skončili v komatu. To
coma, all while never laying a finger on všechno, aniž by se vás dotkli. Jestli byla
you. If even part of what Van Eck said was jen část z toho, co Van Eck říkal, pravda,
true, the idea of one of them dosed with představa, že by si měl jen jeden z nich vzít
jurda parem was a daunting proposition. jen dávku jurdy parem, znamenala vážný
So the merchers had tried 45 4
the drug on problém. Tudíž se droga zkusila 454
a Healer instead. But apparently, things Léčiteli. Ale ani tak to nešlo podle jejich
hadn't gone according to plan. plánu.

"You gave her the drug, and she killed „Dali jste jí tu drogu a ona zabila svého
her master?" šéfa?"

"Not exactly," Van Eck said, clearing „Ne tak docela," odkašlal si Van Eck.
his throat. "They had her in that „Zavřeli ji dojedná z pozorovacích cel. Už
observation cell. Within seconds of po několika vteřinách, co si parem vzala,
consuming the parent, she took control of převzala kontrolu nad strážcem
the guard inside the chamber —" 45 4
uvnitř ..."

"How?" „Jak?"

"We don't know exactly. But whatever „Nejsme si jistí. Ale ať použila jakoukoliv
method she used, it allowed her to subdue metodu, dovolilo jí to podmanit si
these guards as well." všechny 453

"That's not possible." „To není možný."

"Isn't it? The brain is just one more „Ne? Mozek je jen další orgán, shluk
organ, a cluster of cells and impulses. Why buněk a impulsů. Proč by Griša pod vlivem
shouldn't a Grisha under the influence of paremu nemohl těmito buňkami
jurda parem be able to manipulate those manipulovat?"

Kaz's disbelief must have shown. Na Kazovi byla stále znát nevíra.

"Look at these people," Van Eck „Podívejte se na tyto lidi," trval Van Eck
insisted. "She told them to wait. And that's na svém, „Řekla jim, ať čekají, a to taky
exactly what they've done - that's all udělali a stále dělají."
they've done since."

Chapter 5 - Kaz (p. 69 - 70) Kapitola 5 - Kaz

Kaz followed East Stave towards the Kaz přecházel přes Jiholatě až k přístavu
harbour, through the beginnings of the přes gamblerskou čtvrť. Barrel byl uzavřen
Barrel's gambling district. The Barrel was dvěma velkými kanály, Jiholatím a
bracketed by two major canals, East Stave Západolatím, každý z nich zásobující
and West Stave, each catering to a určitou klientelu. Byl také rozdělen spletí
particular clientele, and separated by a úzkých uliček a menšími vodními toky.
tangle of narrow streets and minor Budovy Barrelu byly odlišné ode všech
waterways. The buildings of the Barrel v Ketterdamu, větší, širší, výstředně
were different from anywhere else in barevné a dožadující se pozornosti

Ketterdam, bigger, wider, painted in every kolemjdoucích. Byla tu Pokladnice, Zlatá
garish colour, clamouring for attention křivka či Weddellova loďárna . Nej lepší

from passersby - the Treasure Chest, the sázkařské agentury byly více na sever
Golden Bend, Weddell's Riverboat . The 43
v hlavní budově zvané Klobouk . Ta byla

best of the betting halls were located umístěná co nejblíže k přístavištím, aby
further north, in the prime real estate of the nalákala co nejvíce turistů a námořníků.
L i d , the section of the canal closest to the

harbours, favourably situated to attract

tourists and sailors coming into port.

But not the Crow Club, Kaz mused as he Ale jejich klub Černých vran takový není,
looked up at the black-and-crimson facade. uvažoval Kaz, když se díval na černo-
It had taken a lot to lure tourists and risk- rudou fasádu. Dalo jim zabrat, aby tak
hungry merchers this far south for daleko na jih nalákali turisty a riskuchtřvé
entertainment. Now the hour was coming obchodníky. Byly skoro čtyři ráno a před
up on four bells, and the crowds were still klubem bylo stále plno lidí. Kaz pozoroval
thick outside the club. Kaz watched the tide ten příliv lidí hemžící se pod zrezivělou
of people flowing past the portico's black stříbrnou vránou rozpínající svá křídla nad
columns, beneath the watchful eye of the vchodem. Bůh žehnej záletníkům, pomyslel
oxidised silver crow that spread its wings si. Bůh žehnej vám všem, co tu necháte
above the entrance. Bless the pigeons, he všechny svý prachy Chátře a ještě si to tu
thought. Bless all you kind and generous pochvalujete.
folk ready to empty your wallets into the
Dregs' coffers and call it a good time.

He could see barkers 451

out front Viděl aukční vyvolávače , 451
shouting to potential customers, offering pokřikují na potenciální zákazníky,
free drinks, hot pots of coffee, and the nabízejí jim drinky zdarma nebo horké
fairest deal in all of Ketterdam. He hrnky kávy, a k tomu tu nej lepší nabídku
acknowledged them with a nod and pressed v celém Ketterdamu. Kývnutím hlavy je
further north. pozdravil a pokračoval dál na sever.

Only one other gambling den on the Pro Kaze v Latích bylo důležité už jen

Stave 43
mattered to him: the Emerald jedno další hazardní doupě - Smaragdový
Palace, Pekka Rollins' pride and joy. The
palác , pýcha a potěšení Pekky Rolinse .
43 43

building was an ugly green, decked out in Dům byl odporně zelený a zdobený
artificial trees laden with fake gold and umělými stromy plnými falešných zlatých
silver coins. The whole place had been a stříbrných mincí. Celé to místo bylo
done up as some kind of tribute to Rollins' vytvořené jako vzpomínka na Rollinsovy
Kaelish heritage and his gang, the Dime
předky Kaeliše 43
a jejich gang
Lions . Even the girls working the chip
Neohrožených lvů . Dokonce i holky, co

counters and tables wore glittering green pracovaly u pultů s herními žetony, byly
sheaths of silk and had their hair tinted a oblečené do třpytkovaných saténových šatů
dark, unnatural red to mimic the look of a vlasy měly obarvené na jakousi rudou a
girls from the Wandering Isle . As Kaz43
nepřirozenou barvu, aby připomínaly dívky
passed the Emerald, he looked up at the z Bludného ostrova 43
Jak Kaz procházel
false gold coins, letting the anger come at kolem Smaragdového paláce a díval se na
him. He needed it tonight as a reminder of ty falešné zlaté mince, znovu jej přepadl
what he'd lost, of what he stood to gain. He neovladatelný vztek. Vztek, který dnes
needed it to prepare him for this reckless tolik potřeboval a který mu připomínal, o
endeavour. co přišel a o co stálo za to bojovat.

"Brick by brick ," he muttered to

„Něco po něčem ," mumlal si pro sebe.

himself. They were the only words that Byla to zároveň jediná slova, která držela
kept his rage in check, that prevented him jeho vztek na uzdě. Slova, která mu bránila
from striding through the Emerald's garish v tom, aby nakráčel do těch kýčovitých
gold-and-green doors, demanding a private zlato-zelených dveří a požadoval osobní
audience with Rollins, and slitting 453
his setkání s Rollinsem, aby mu prořízl krk
throat. Brick by brick. It was the promise od ucha k uchu ' ' . Něco po něčem. To
4 5 3

that let him sleep at night, that drove him byl slib, který mu pomáhal v noci spát.
every day, that kept Jordie's ghost at bay. Slib, který ho každý den poháněl a který
Because a quick death was too good for držel Jordieho ducha daleko v zátoce.
Pekka Rollins . 43
Rychlá smrt by pro Pekku Rollinse byla 43

moc milosrdná.

Chapter 5 - Kaz (p. 72 - 73) Kapitola 5 - Kaz

A lot of tourists never entered the Do Západolatí 43

nikdy moc turistů
brothels of West Stave . They just came43
nezavítalo. Spíš je lákaly ty davy lidí, což
to watch the crowd, which was a sight in byla podívaná sama o sobě. Mnoho lidí se
itself. Many people chose to visit this part rozhodlo tuto část Barrelu navštívit
of the Barrel in disguise - in veils or masks v přestrojení. Měli závoje, masky nebo
or capes with nothing but the glint of their pláště s otvory pouze na oči. Své kostýmy
eyes visible. They bought their costumes in si kupovali v jednom ze specializovaných
one of the speciality shops off the main obchodů na hlavním toku a někdy se od
canals, and sometimes disappeared from svých doprovodů vzdálili na den či na celý
their companions for a day or a week, or týden. Někdy i na tak dlouho, jak jim to
however long their funds held out. They jejich peněžní situace dovolila. Oblíkali se
dressed as Mister Crimson 43
or the Lost do kostýmů Karmíňáka 43
nebo Ztracené
Bride , or wore the grotesque, goggle-
nevěsty . Někdy na sobě měli groteskní

eyed mask of the Madman 43

- all masky s vyvalenýma očima podle
characters from the goggle . And then 45 4
Šílence . A pak tu byli Šakali , skupina
43 43

there were the Jackals , a group of rowdy

rváčů, co po Barrelu dováděla v červených
men and boys who cavorted through the lakovaných maskách Sulij ských 43

Barrel in the red lacquered masks of Suli 43

věštců - - .
4 5 1

' fortune-tellers ' 45 1


Kaz remembered 45 3
when Inej had Kaz si moc d o b ř e 453
vzpomínal, kdy
first seen the jackal 454
masks in a shop Inež viděla tyto masky 454
poprvé ve
window. She hadn't been able to contain výkladní skříni jednoho z obchodů. Nebyla
her contempt. "Real Suli fortune-tellers are schopná skrýt své pohrdání. „Opravdoví
rare. They're holy men and women. These Sulijšti věštci jsou vzácní. Jsou to svatí
masks that are handed around like party muži i ženy. A tyhle masky, co se tady
favours are sacred symbols."
všude prodávají jako nějaké cetky na
párty , to jsou posvátné symboly."

"I've seen Suli tellers ply their trade in „Viděl jsem Sulijský věštce nabízet svý
caravans and pleasure ships, Inej. They služby v karavanách a na výletních lodích,
didn't seem so very holy." Inež. Nezdáli se mi ani trochu svatí."

"They are pretenders. Making „Předstírají. Dělají ze sebe klauny pro
themselves clowns for you and your ilk." tebe a tvoji sortu lidí."
"My ilk ?" Kaz had laughed.
„Moji sortu 453

She'd waved her hand in disgust. S odporem mávla rukou, „Ševrati " 454

"Shevrati - " 4 54
she'd said. "Know- řekla. „Neznabozi . Všichni se ti za těmi

nothings . They're laughing at you

maskami jen vysmívají do očí."
behind those masks."

"Not at me, Inej. I'd never lay down „Ne mně, Inež. Nikdy jsem nikomu nedal
good coin 453
to be told my future by ani pětník , 453
aby mi řekl moji
anyone - fraud or holy man." budoucnost. Ani podvodníkovi, ani

"Fate has plans for us all, Kaz." „Osud má své plány pro nás všechny,

"Was it fate that took you 45 2

from your „Byl to snad osud, kdo tě ukradl 452

family and stuck you in a pleasure rodině a strčil tě do nevěstince 4 5 1

house in Ketterdam? Or was it just very

v Ketterdamu? Nebo to byla jen
bad luck - ?"45 1
smůla - - ?"
4 5 1

"I'm not sure yet," she'd said coldly. „Tím si ještě nejsem jistá," odpověděla
mu chladně.

In moments like that, he thought she V takových chvílích měl pocit, že by ho

might hate him. mohla nenávidět.

Kaz wove his way through the crowd, a Kaz se propletl davem jako stín mezi
shadow in a riot of colour. Each of the hýřícími barvami. Každý z významných
major pleasure houses had a speciality, nevěstinců se vyznačoval nějakou
some more obvious than others. He passed výstředností. Něčím, podle čeho se od
the Blue Iris , the Bandycat , bearded
43 43
ostatních odlišoval. Prošel kolem Modrého
men glowering from the windows of the kosatce, 4 3
Bandycatu , 43
Forge ,
the Obscura , 43
the Willow vousatých mužů v oknech Kovárny , 43

Switch , the dewyeyed blondes at the

Obskúrna , 43
Vrbovníku , 43
House of Snow , and of course the 43
blondýnek v Zasněženém domě 43

Menagerie , also known as the House of
samozřejmě kolem Zvěřince , 43
Exotics , where Inej had been forced to
známého jako Dům Exotiky . Právě zde

don fake Suli silks. He spotted Tante byla Inež nucena nosit falešné Sulijské
Heleen 43
in her peacock feathers and hedvábí. Kaz zahlédl Tante Heleen 43

famous diamond choker holding court in v pávím peří a se známým diamantovým

the gilded parlour. She ran the Menagerie, obojkem, jež přitahoval ve zlaceném
procured the girls, made sure they behaved. salonu pozornost. Vedla Zvěřinec,
When she saw Kaz, her lips thinned to a získávala nové dívky a starala se o to, aby
sour line, and she lifted her glass, the se chovaly slušně. Když uviděla Kaze,
gesture more threat than toast. He ignored stáhla rty do nepatrné linky a pozvedla
her and pressed on. svoji sklenici. To gesto bylo spíš hrozbou
než přípitkem. Ignoroval ji a pokračoval

The House of the White Rose was one

Dům U Bílé růže 43
byl jeden z těch
of the more luxurious establishments on luxusnějších na Západolatí. Měl své vlastní
West Stave. It had its own dock, and its přístaviště a jeho zářivě bílá fasáda ani
gleaming white stone facade looked less trochu nepřipomínala nevěstinec, nýbrž
like a pleasure house than a mercher obchodníkův dům. Vitríny v oknech byly
mansion. Its window boxes were always vždy porostlé popínavými bílými růžemi a
bursting with climbing white roses, and jejich sladká vůně se nesla kolem celé
their scent clung dense and sweet over this stoky.
portion of the canal.

Chapter 6 - Nina (p. 82) Kapitola 6 - Nina

She'd met Kaz and Muzzen at Fifth S Kazem a Vrabčákem se v Pátým
Harbour at midnight, and when she'd přístavu setkala o půlnoci. Když ukotvila
boarded the little rowboat, Kaz had handed svou malou loďku, Kaz jí podal hedvábnou
her a blue silk cape and a matching veil - modrou kápi a ve stejné barvě i závoj
the trappings of the Lost Bride, one of the typický pro Ztracenou nevěstu. Byl jeden z
costumes pleasure seekers liked to don těch kostýmů, které při svých návštěvách
when they sampled the excesses of the Barrelu požitkáři vyhledávali nejvíce. On
Barrel. He'd had on a big orange cape with sám měl na sobě velkou oranžovou kápi a

a Madman's mask perched atop his head; na čele masku Šílence. Vrabčák měl úplně
Muzzen had worn the same. A l l they tu stejnou. Jediné, co potřebovali, bylo
needed was a stage, and they could perform pódium, aby předvedli menší krutou
one of those dark, savage little scenes from scénku z Bestiáře , která se lidem z Kerče

the Komedie Brute 43

that the Kerch zdála tak zábavná.
seemed to find so hilarious.

Now Kaz gave her a nudge. "Lower „Stáhni si ten závoj přes obličej," strčil do
your veil." He pulled down his own mask; Kaz Niny a sám si svoji masku stáhl na oči.
the long nose and bulging eyes looked Dlouhý nos a vypouklé oči v té mlze
doubly monstrous 45 1
in the fog. vypadaly strašidelněji . 451

She was about to give in and ask why Chtěla se ho zeptat, proč j sou ty kostýmy
the costumes were necessary when she tak důležité, ale všimla si, že nejsou sami.
realised that they weren't alone. Through Přes táhnoucí se mlhu zahlédla obrysy
the shifting mists, she caught sight of other jiných lodí plujících po vodě i jejich
boats moving through the water, carrying pasažéry oblečené do stejných kostýmů,
the shapes of other Madmen, other Brides, jako byly ty jejich. Byl tam jak Karmíňák,
a Mister Crimson, a Scarab Queen . What 43
tak i jiné Nevěsty či Skarabeova
business did these people have at Hellgate? královna . Co proboha všichni tito lidé

pohledávali v Hellgate?

Chapter 6 - Nina (p. 92) Kapitola 6 - Nina

Matthias kneeled over the wolf. Its jaw Matthias poklekl k vlkovi, který měl
was broken, and it lay on the ground zlomenou čelist a zmítal se v bolestech.
twitching in pain. He reached for a rock Natáhl se pro kámen a tvrdě s ním zvíře
and slammed it hard into the poor animal's udeřil do hlavy. Vlk se přestal hýbat a
skull. It went still and Matthias' shoulders mužova ramena poklesla . 45 4

slumped . 454

The people howled, stomping their feet. Lidé výskali a dupali. Jen Nina věděla, co
Only Nina knew what this was costing him, to pro Matthiase znamenalo. Byl
that he'd been a druskelle . Wolves were
druskelle 45 4
a vlci byli pro jeho rod
sacred 451
to his kind, bred for battle like svatými stvořeními . Pěstovali je jako

their enormous horses. They were friends koně pro válku. Byli jejich přáteli 454
and companions , fighting side by side
45 4
bojovali společně bok po boku.
with their druskelle masters.

Chapter 8 - Jesper (p. 121 -122) Kapitola 8 - Jesper

Jesper rubbed his eyes. He was low on Jesper si protřel oči. Moc nespal a byl
sleep and exhausted after the excitement of vyčerpaný po včerejším vzrušujícím útěku
the prison break , 451
and now his zvězení . Navíc musel stále myslet
451 454

thoughts were buzzing and jumping 454

na těch třicet milionů krugů, které by mohli
at the possibility of thirty million kruge. dostat. I když by dvacet procent přišlo Per
Even after Per Haskell got his twenty Haskellovi, pořád by jim každému zbyly
percent, that would leave four million for čtyři miliony. Co by s takovou hromadou
each of them. What could he do with a pile peněz dělal? Mohl si jen představovat, jak
of scratch that big? Jesper could just mu otec říká: Všechno to hezky zdvojnásob
imagine his father saying, Land yourself in chlapče . Bohové, jak jen mu chyběl.

a pile of shit twice as big . Saints, he 44

missed him.

Kaz tapped his cane on the polished Kaz zaklepal holí o vyleštěnou dřevěnou
wood floor. podlahu.

"Take out your pen and proper paper, „Vytáhni pero a papír, Wylane. Ať Helvar
Wylan. Let's put Helvar to work." začne mluvit."

Wylan reached into the satchel at his Wylan z brašny u svých nohou vytáhl roli
feet and pulled out a slender roll of papíru a kovové pouzdro s draze
butcher's paper followed by a metal case vypadajícím perem a inkoustovou sadou.
that held an expensive-looking pen and ink

"How nice," Jesper noted. " A nib 45 3
for „Pěkný," poznamenal Jesper, „Péro 453

every occasion." pro každou příležitost."

Chapter 9 - Kaz (p. 132 -133) Kapitola 9 - Kaz

"Fer esje? " he grunted angrily in

„Fer esjeT " 454
zabručel vztekle ve
Fjerdan. Then, "Where is it?" in Kerch. fjerdštině. Pak se zeptal znovu vKerčtině:
„Kde to je?"

Kaz gave Helvar another moment of Kaz Helvara chvíli nechal horečně tápat,
frenzied searching, then dropped his elbow pak sklopil loket a zabodl jej směrem
and jabbed upwards, forcing Helvar to nahoru tak, aby Helvar povolil své sevření.
loosen his grip. Kaz slipped away easily. Lehce se mu pak vysmekl a praštil Helvara
He smacked Helvar behind the right leg holí do zadní strany pravé nohy. Fjerďan
with his cane. The big Fjerdan collapsed. poklesl. Když se pokusil znovu vstát, Kaz
When he tried to shove up again, Kaz do něj kopl.
kicked him.

"Stay down, you pathetic skiv " ."

45 3
„Zůstaň ležet, ty ubožáku ." 453

Again, Helvar tried to rise. He was fast, Helvar se snažil znovu postavit. Byl
and prison had made him strong. Kaz rychlý a vězení jej posílilo. Kaz jej ovšem
cracked him hard on the jaw , then 454
praštil do tváře 454
a pak Helvara
gave the pressure points at Helvar's huge bleskurychle udeřil špičkou hole do
shoulders two lightning-quick jabs with the tlakových bodů na ramenech. Fjerďan
tip of his cane. The Fjerdan grunted as his zahekal, když se mu paže nehybně zhouply
arms went limp and useless at his sides. podél boků.

Kaz flipped the cane in his hand and Kaz si hůl protočil v dlani a pak
pressed the carved crow's head against Helvarovi přitlačil její vyřezávanou vraní
Helvar's throat. "Move again and I'll hlavu k hrdlu. „Ještě jednou se pohneš a
smash your jaw so badly you'll be rozbijú ti hubu tak, že do konce života
drinking your meals for the rest of your budeš všechno jídlo srkat slánkou ." 453

life 453

The Fjerdan stilled, his blue eyes alight Fjerďan znehybnel, ale jeho modré oči

with hate. plály nenávistí.

"Where is the pardon?" Helvar growled. „Kde je to omilostnění?" zabručel. „Viděl

"I saw you put it in your pocket." jsem, jak sis jej dal do kapsy."

Kaz crouched down beside him and Kaz se přikrčil k němu a vytáhl onen
produced the folded document from a zapečetěný dokument ze stejné kapsy, která
pocket that had seemed empty just a se ještě před několika okamžiky zdála
moment before. "This?" prázdná. „Tohle?"

The Fjerdan flopped his useless arms, Fjerďan se pokusil pohnout svýma
then released a low animal growl 454
as nehybnýma rukama, ale zavrčel - , když 4 54

Kaz made the pardon vanish in thin air. It Kaz nechal omilostnění znovu zmizet
reappeared between his fingers. He turned pouhým máchnutím ruky. Pak se znovu
it once, flashing the text, then ran his hand objevilo mezi jeho prsty, když papírem
over it, and showed Helvar the seemingly otočil, viděl Helvar psaný text, ale sotva
blank page. Kaz přejel po papíře prsty, text zmizel.

"Demjin ' ' ," muttered Helvar.

4 5 4
Kaz „Demjin - "4 5A
zamumlal Helvar. Kaz
didn't speak Fjerdan, but that word he Fjerdsky neuměl, ale tohle slovo znal moc
knew. Demon. dobře. Démon.

Hardly. He'd learned sleight of hand Ale to nebyla ani zdaleka pravda. Triky
from the cardsharps and monte runners on s rukama se naučil od podvodníků na
East Stave, and spent hours practising it in Jiholatí a strávil hodiny zdokonalováním
front of a muddy mirror he'd bought with před zaprášeným zrcadlem, které si koupil
his first week's pay. za svoji první výplatu.

Kaz knocked his cane gently against Kaz Helvara jemně poplácal holí po tváři.
Helvar's jaw. "For every trick you've seen, „Na každý trik, který jsi viděl, znám tisíc
I know a thousand more. You think a year dalších. Myslíš, že tě rok v Hellgate něco
in Hellgate hardened you up? Taught you naučil? Ze tě naučil bojovat? Hellgate by
to fight? Hellgate would have been pro mě byl v dětství rájem. Jsi
paradise to me as a child. You move like těžkopádný , takhle bys na ulicích, kde

an ox 451
- you'd last about two days on jsem vyrůstal, přežil dva dny. Tentokrát ti
the streets where I grew up. This was your to prošlo, Helvare, ale nepokoušej se o to
one free pass, Helvar. Don't test me again. znovu. Kývni, žes mi rozuměl.

Nod so I know you understand."

Helvar pressed his lips together and Helvar stiskl rty a jednou přikývl.
nodded once.

"Good. I think we'll shackle those feet „Fajn. Myslím, že ti na dnešní večer ty
tonight." nohy spoutáme."

Kaz rose, snatched his new hat from the Kaz vstal, popadl svůj nový klobouk,
desk where he'd left it, and gave the který si předtím nechal na stole a
Fjerdan one last kick to the kidneys for naposledy Fjerďana pořádně kopl do
good measure. Sometimes the big ones 451
ledvin. Někdy prostě tihle obrové 451

didn't know when to stay down. nevědí, kdy mají zůstat na místě.

Chapter 10 - Inej (p. 135 - 136) Kapitola 10 - Inež

Sunrise was only an hour away, but the Do východu slunce zbývala už jen hodina,
streets were crowded as she wended her ale ulice byly plné lidí, když si prodírala
way from East to West Stave. There was a cestu davem z Jiholatí na Západolatí. Bylo
Suli saying: The heart is an arrow. It tu jedno sulijské rčení: Srdce je šíp. Jeho
demands aim to land true . Her father cílem je zasáhnouŕ .
454 54
Její otec to rád
had liked to recite this when she was opakoval, když trénovali na laně nebo na
training on the wire or the swings. Be houpačkách. Buď rozhodná, říkával. Musíš
decisive, he'd say. You have to know wherevědět, kam chceš jít ještě před 453
tím, než
you want to go before 453
you get there. tam dojdeš. Její matka se tomu smála. Tak
Her mother had laughed at this. That's not to není, říkávala. Ze všeho akorát sebereš
what that means, she'd say. You take thevšechnu romantiku. Ale to nebyla pravda.
romance out of everything. He hadn't, Její otec matku zbožňoval. Inež si
though. Her father had adored her mother. pamatovala, jak jí nechával kytice
Inej remembered him leaving little divokých muškátů všude, kde jen mohl. V
bouquets of wild geraniums for her mother kredenci, v ešusech 451
či dokonce
to find everywhere, in the cupboards, the v rukávech jejích kostýmů.
camp cookpots , the sleeves of her


Shall I tell you the secret of true love? Můžu ti povědět tajemství pravé lásky?
her father once asked her. A friend of mine Zeptal se jí jednou. Jeden přítel mi rád
liked to tell me that women love flowers. vyprávěl, že ženy milují květiny. Měl mnoho
He had many flirtations, but he never found ctitelek, ale nikdy nenašel tu pravou. Víš
proč? Protože ženy květiny mohou milovat,
a wife. Do you know why? Because women
may love flowers, but only one 453
woman ale jen jedna jediná 453
miluje vůni
loves the scent of gardenias in late summergardénií v pozdním létě, protože jí
that remind her of her grandmother's připomínají babiččinu verandu. Jen jedna
porch. Only one woman loves apple jediná miluje vůni jabloňových květů
blossoms in a blue cup. Only one woman v modrém kalíšku. A jen jedna jediná
loves wild geraniums. miluje divoké muškáty.

That's Mama! Inej had cried. To je máma! Vykřikla Inež.

Yes, Mama loves wild geraniums Přesně tak, máma miluje divoké muškáty,
because no otherflowerhas quite the sameprotože žádná jiná květina nemá takovou
colour, and she claims that when she snapsbarvu. Tvrdí, že když uštipne jednu snítku a
the stem and puts a sprig behind her ear, dá si ji za ucho, celý svět pak voní létem.
the whole world smells like summer. ManyKvětiny ti bude nosit mnoho chlapců. Ale
boys will bring you flowers. But some day jednou potkáš chlapce, který si zapamatuje
you'll meet a boy who will learn your tvoji oblíbenou květinu, píseň či sladkost. A
favouriteflower,your favourite song, your i když ani na jedno z toho nebude mít
favourite sweet. And even if he is too poorpeníze, nevadí, protože obětuje celý svůj
to give you any of them, it won't matter život tomu, aby tě poznal tak, jako nikdo
because he will have taken the time to jiný. Jen takový si zaslouží tvé srdce.
know you as no one else does. Only that
boy earns your heart.

Chapter 12 - Inej Kapitola 12 - Inež

"I can bide my time, little lynx 4,5,1

' 4,S3
. „Já si počkám, ty malá šelmičko 45 1 ; 4 3 3
You'll wear my silks again, I promise." Zas budeš nosit mé hedvábí, to ti slibuji,"
She released Inej. "Enjoy your night," she propustila Inež. „Užij si dnešní večer,"
said with a smile, then snapped open her popřála jí s úsměvem, otevřela si vějíř a

blue fan and whirled away into the crowd, odkráčela pryč mezi ostatní s Klisničkou
Cobbet trailing after her.
v závěsu.
Inej stood frozen, shaking. Then she Inež ale zůstala stát na místě. Nemohla se
dove into the crowd, eager to disappear. pohnout, ale zároveň se třásla. Po chvíli
She wanted to break into a run, but she just však vplula mezi ostatní a toužila zmizet.
kept moving steadily, pushing towards the Chtěla se rozběhnout pryč, ale své tempo
harbour. As she walked, she released the neměnila, jen se tlačila směrem k přístavu.
triggers on the sheaths at her forearms, Během chůze uvolnila pojistky na
feeling the grips of her daggers slide into pouzdrech, které měla upevněné na
her palms. Sankt Petyr , renowned for his
předloktích a užívala si, jak jí rukojetě
bravery, on the right; the slender, bone- jejích dýk spadly do dlaní. Svatý Petr , 43

handled blade she'd named for Sankta známý pro svoji odvahu, vpravo. Tenký
Alina on the left. She recited the names
nůž s rukojetí z kosti pojmenovaný po
of her other knives, too. Sankta Marya 43
Svaté Aleně , měla vlevo. Odrecitovala

and Sankta Anastasia 43

strapped to her jména i ostatních nožů. Svatá Máří 43
thighs. Sankt Vladimir 43
hidden in her Svatá Anastáz 43
byly připevněné k její m
boot, and Sankta Lizabeta snug at her 43
stehnům. Svatý Vladimír 43
byl schovaný
belt, the blade etched in a pattern of roses. v její botě a Svatá Alžběta za její páskem

Protect me, protect me. She had to believe a její čepel zdobily vyryté růže. Ochraňujte
her Saints saw and understood the things mě, ochraňujte mě. Musela věřit, že jí její
she did to survive. Svatí vidí a chápou, co pro přežití musí

Chapter 20 - Nina (p. 253) Kapitola 20 - Nina

"Wanden olstrum end kendesorum . " 454

"Wanden olstrum end kendesorum . " 454

It was the first part of a Fjerdan saying, Byla to první část Fjerdského rčení: Voda
The water hears and understands. It naslouchá a rozumí. Znělo to moc hezky,
sounded kind enough, but Matthias knew ale Matthias věděl, že Nina bude znát i
that Nina would be familiar with the rest of zbytek.

"Isen ne bejstrum " she finished. The

"Isen ne bejstrum 454
" dokončila za něj.

water hears and understands. The ice does Voda naslouchá a rozumí. Led neodpouští.
not forgive.
"And what will you do now, Nina? Will „A co budeš dělat teď, Nino? Znovu
you betray the people you call friends zradíš ty, které nazýváš přáteli jen kvůli
again, for the sake of the Grisha?" Grišům?

"What?" „Cože?"

"You can't tell me you intend to let Bo „Mně nelži. Neříkej, že jsi tohle všechno
Yul-Bayur l i v e . 454
" podstoupila, abys Bo Yul-Bayura nechala
žít. - "
45 4

He knew her well. With every new thing Znal ji dobře. S každou další informací,
she'd learned of jurda parem, she'd been kterou se o jurdě parem dozvěděla, byla víc
more certain that the only way to protect a víc přesvědčená o tom, že jediný způsob,
Grisha was to end the scientist's life. She jakým Griše může ochránit, je zabít toho
thought of Nestor begging with his last vědce. Vzpomínala na Nestora, jak
breath for his Shu masters to return. "I v posledních vteřinách svého života
can't bear the thought of my people being žadonil, aby se jeho páni vrátili. „Nesnesu
slaves," she admitted. "But we have a debt to pomyšlení, že jsou mí lidé otroci,"
to settle, Matthias. The pardon is my přiznala. „Ale musím ti splatit dluh,
penance, and I won't be the person who Matthiasi. Tvé omilostnění je mým
keeps you from your freedom again." pokáním a já nebudu ta, co ti znovu upře

Chapter 22 - Kaz (p. 282 - 283) Kapitola 22 - Kaz

Inej will be fine. He had to stay sharp. Inež bude v pořádku. Musel zůstat ve
They were in enemy territory now, a place střehu. Byli na nepřátelském území, kde
of steep risk, the kind of fix you didn't bylo vše riskantní, takové, odkud
walk out of if you didn't keep your wits neodejdete živí, pokud si na sebe nebudete
about you . Had Pekka's team made it this
dávat pozor 44
Zvládl to Rollinsův tým tak
far before they'd been found out? And daleko, než byli odhaleni? A kde byl sám
where was Pekka Rollins himself? Had he Pekka Rollins? Zůstal v bezpečí Kerči,
stayed safe and secure in Kerch, or was he nebo ho Fjerďané také zajali?

a prisoner of the Fjerdans as well?

None of it mattered. For now, Kaz had Nic z toho nebylo důležité. Kaz se teď
to focus on the plan and finding Yul-Bayur. musel soustředit na plán najít Yul-Bayura.
He glanced at the others. Wylan looked as Letmo se podíval na ostatní. Wylan už teď
if he was ready to wet himself . Helvar 453
vypadal, jako by si měl nadělat do
appeared grim as always. Jesper just kalhot . Helvar se jako obvykle šklebil a

grinned and whispered, "Well, we've Jesper s úculem na tváři zašeptal: „No,
managed to get ourselves locked into the podařilo se nám zavřít se
most secure prison in the world. We're v nejbezpečnějším vězení na světě. Buď
either geniuses or the dumbest sons of jsme géniové nebo ti největší kreténi pod
bitches to ever breathe air - "4 53
sluncem ." 453

"We'll know soon enough." „To brzo poznáme."

They were led into another white room, Vešli do dalšího bílého pokoje, tentokrát
this one equipped with tin tubs and hoses. byl zařízený cínovými vanami a sprchami.

The guard gabbled something in Hlídač žvanil něco ve fjerdštině a Kaz

Fjerdan, and Kaz saw Matthias and some zahlídl Matthiase i některé další, jak se
of the others start to strip down. He začínají svlékat. Polkl žluč, která mu rostla
swallowed the bile that rose in his throat. v hrdle. Odmítal se pozvracet.
He refused to vomit.

He could do this, he had to do this. He Zvládne to, musí to zvládnout. Vzpomínal

thought of Jordie. What would Jordie say if na Jordieho. Co by tak Jordie řekl, kdyby
his little brother lost their chance at justice jeho bratříček zahodil jedinou šanci získat
because he couldn't conquer some stupid spravedlnost, protože prostě nedokázal
sickness inside him? But it only brought porazit nějaký hloupý vnitřní odpor. Ale
back the memory of Jordie's cold flesh , 45 2
jen to přivedlo nazpět vzpomínky na
the way it had grown loose in the salt Jordieho studené t ě l o , které ve slané

water, the bodies crowding around him in vodě změklo. Vzpomněl si na ostatní těla,
the flatboat. His vision started to blur. která se kolem něj kupila na lodi. Zrak se
mu začal rozostřovat.

Get it together , Brekker, he scolded
Seber se , Brekkere, vynadal si, ale

himself harshly. It didn't help. He was nepomohlo to. Znovu omdlí a to bude
going to faint again, and this would all be konec. Inež mu jednou nabídla, že ho
over. Inej had once offered to teach him naučí, jak má padat. „Trik je, nenechat se
how to fall. "The trick is not getting srazit k zemi, Inež," odpověděl jí se
knocked down," he'd told her with a laugh. smíchem. „Ne, Kazi," řekla mu, „trik
"No, Kaz," she'd said, "the trick is in spočívá v tom, postavit se zpět na nohy."
getting back up."

More Suli platitudes, but somehow even Další Sulijská pořekadla, ale i tak mu ta
the memory of her voice helped. He was vzpomínka i její hlas pomohl. Měl na víc.
better than this. He had to be. Not just for Musel. Nejen pro Jordieho, ale i pro své
Jordie, but for his crew. He'd brought these lidi. Přivedl je sem. Přivedl sem Inež. Teď
people here. He'd brought Inej here. It was je zas musí dostat ven.
his job to bring them out again.

Chapter 28 - Inej (p. 328 - 329) Kapitola 28 - Inej

Eight bells and half chime Osm a půl zazvonění

Kaz was watching her intently, his bitter Kaz ji pozorně pozoroval. Jeho kávově
coffee eyes glittering in the light from the zbarvené oči se ve světle kupole leskly.

"You know those costumes," she said. „Moc d o b ř e 453

tyhle kostýmy znáš,"
"Heavy cloaks, hoods. That's all the řekla. „Těžké kabáty a kápě. To je to, co
Fjerdans will see. A Zemeni fawn. A Fjerďané uvidí. Zemenského kol ouška.
Kaelish mare." She swallowed and forced Kaelišskou klisnu." Polkla a další slova se
the next words past her lips. " A Suli lynx." nutila vyslovit. „Sulijskou šelmu."

Not people, not even really girls, just Ne lidé, ne dívky, jen pěkné sběratelské
lovely objects to be collected. I've always objekty. Vždycky jsem chtěl zdolat
wanted to tumble a Zemeni girl, a customer Zemenské děvče, šeptali zákazníci.
would whisper. A Kaelish girl with red Kaelišskou dívku s rudými vlasy. Sulijskou
hair. A Suli girl with burnt caramel skin. dívku s karamelovou kůží.

"It's a risk," said Kaz. „Je to risk," řekl Kaz.

"What job isn't?" „A jaká práce není?"

"Kaz, how are you and Matthias going „Kazi, jak se sMatthiasem dostanete
to get through?" asked Nina. "We might ven?" zeptala se Nina. „Můžeme vás
need you for locks, and if things go bad on potřebovat kvůli zámkům, a jestli něco
the island, I don't want to be stranded. I pokazí, nechci tu zůstat na pospas.
doubt you can pass yourselves off as Pochybujú, že se ven dostanete přestrojení
members of the Menagerie." za holky ze Zvěřince.

"That shouldn't be a problem," said „To by neměl být problém," řekl Kaz.
Kaz. "Helvar's been holding out on us. " 44
„Helvar nám stejně něco tají. " 44

"Have you?" asked Inej. „Opravdu?" Zeptala se Inež.

"It's not—" Matthias dragged a hand „Není to..." Matthias si projel prsty mezi
over his cropped hair. "How do you know vlasy. „Jak takový věci můžeš vědět,
these things, demjinT he growled at Kaz. demjinT' Zavrčel směrem ke Kazovi.

"Logic. The whole Ice Court 454

is a „Logicky. Celý komplex je velkolepé

masterpiece of fail-safes and doubled dílo plné bezchybných bezpečnostních

systems. That glass bridge is impressive, systémů. Ten skleněný most je impozantní,
but in an emergency, there would have to ale v případě nouze tu musí být i další
be another way to get reinforcements to the způsob, jak dostat posily na Bílej ostrov 43

White Island 43
and get the royal family a královskou rodinu pryč."

"Yes," said Matthias in exasperation. „Ano," řekl podrážděně Matthias. „Je tu

"There's another way to the White Island. ještě jedna cesta. Aleje na prd." Podíval se
But it's messy." He glanced at Nina. "And na Ninu. „A rozhodně ji nezvládne nikdo
it certainly can't be done in a gown." v takové róbě."


This part of the bachelor thesis is focused on analysing the translation from
the corpus above and it discusses the problems that occurred during my translation.
Since the names of the Grisha Orders are already translated into Czech by Julie
Žemlová in the book Griša: Světlo a stíny, I will compare my translation to hers.

While translating, I tried to concentrate on creative and free translation, because

translation should be considered as art. Highlighted words and expressions in the corpus
are those I have chosen for my analysis. Each mark has its own meaning and belongs
to a different category and chapter.

This chapter is divided into several parts and the analysis is mostly based on
the theory from Překlad a překládání by Dagmar Knittlová.


"The title should sound attractive, allusive, suggestive, even if it is a proper name,
and should usually bear some relation to the original, if only for identification."
(Newmark 56)

According to Newmark (57), titles' translation can be done in two possible ways -
descriptive and allusive. Descriptive titles describe the topic of the text; allusive titles
contain a metaphorical relationship to the topic of the text.
Leigh Bardugo's title My title
Six of Crows Sestivrani

Six of Crows is an allusive title. There are six teenagers who are sent for a mission,
all of them are from one gang and their club is called Crows club. Therefore, the author
named the book metaphorically so that there would be some mystery behind it. For my
translation, I chose a composition of two words with the same meaning in English -
"šesť and "vránď - together it puts "šestivranF. The title is still metaphorical and

Levy (140) says that a title is not just a title of a whole book, but also of chapters;
however, in Six of Crows, each chapter is named after one character. Only chapter 28
has a subtitle:
Eight bells and half chime Osm a půl zazvonění

For this chapter I used almost a literal translation. Chime clock plays a melody
on bells at half and quarter hours. ("Chime Clock") In this case, it really means at eight
thirty. Another possibility for the translation would be e.g. "V půl deváté",
but the translation I picked seems more mystical.


As mentioned earlier, the Grisha Orders from the book were already translated into
Czech by Julie Žemlová. I had avoided her translation until mine was completed and
final. Then I compared our translations and found out we came to a similar conclusion.

Most of the names are composites and I used this method for my translation, too. But
apart from English composites, the author also used Latin or Arabian words.
Original Julie Žemlová Štěpánka Geryková
Grisha Griša Griša
Soldiers of the Second
Vojáci Druhé armády Bojovníci Druhé armády
Masters of the Small
Magistři Malé vědy Mistři Malé vědy

As you can see from the table above, both of us used the phonetical transcription
of the word Grisha to make it sound more natural to readers, who might be unsure how
to pronounce it. It is interesting that the author was inspired by Russia while creating
her fictional world. "GrischcT is a short version of the Russian name Gregory, although
the connection to this finding was not confirmed. (Grischa Brockahus)

For translating the word "soldiers", we used synonyms. Žemlová's translation is

literal and corresponds with their real purpose. In the book Shadow and Bones,

the Grisha were real soldiers who fought against flash eating monsters. That is why
I decided to translate "soldiers" as "bojovníci" - in English it means "fighters".

Since Grisha are humans who were given powers of nature, I translated "masters"
as "mistři" because they can control all elements, whereas Žemlová used "magistři",
which sounds more academic, medical and alchemical.

Further, we translated each Grisha order.

Original Julie Žemlová Štěpánka Geryková
The Order of the Living Rád živých a mrtvých Rád živých a mrtvých
and Dead
The Order of Summoners Rád Přivolávačů Rád Přivolávačů
The Order of Fabrikators Rád Výrobců Rád Tvůrců

As can be seen, the author used the ending "-alki" for all her orders. Because of that,
we used our own endings, too, to make it corresponding to the original. The word
Corporalki comes from a Latin word "corpus", which means body. This order deals
with everything that belongs to body. That is why I used only phonetical transcription,
and so did Žemlová. Unlike her, I used different ending "-nici". To a Czech reader,
it evokes a job or craft ^rolníci", "řemeslníci", kameníci", "lodníci" etc.). For another
two orders, I used the same process of translation - phonetical with the same ending.
Etherealki comes from Greek "aithér", which means sky or heaven. But it is also
the fifth element in the ancient science of four elements (earth, water, air and fire).
The third order is Materialki, The Order of Fabricators. The name comes from Latin
"materia", which means material or matter and indicates that Materialki work with
substances and materials. In this case, our translations of the word "Fabrikators" differ.
The word "fabricate" comes from Latin "fabricátus" - synonyms may be
"manufacture", "create" or "make". Žemlová rather stuck to the synonym of the person
"manufacturer" - in Czech "Výrobce", whereas I used the creative word "Tvůrce" -
"creator" in English. From my point of view, Fabricators create new things out of

the materials and they are somehow more than "manufacturers" because they put their
visions and creativity into their products.

Each order is divided into specialised types of the Grisha.

Original Julie Žemlová Štěpánka Geryková
Heartrenders Smrti či Srdcerváči
Healers Hojiči Léčitelé
Squallers Větrostrůjci Vichrotvůrci
Inferni Ohňostrůjci Peklotvůrci
Tidemakers Vlnostrůjci Slapotvůrci
Durasts Řemeslníci Řemeslníci
Alkemi Alchymici Alchymisté

Corporalki are divided into Heartrenders and Healers. Julie Žemlová used
a completely different way for translating these terms. She used synonyms and at
the same time neologisms. The word "Smrtiči" comes from the word "death" and
the meaning is "the ones who brings death". The word "Hojiči", on the other hand,
comes from the verb "hojit se", which is "to heal" in English. However, the word
"hojiči" does not exist in the Czech language and it is a neologism. My translation is
created by composition, neologism and synonym. The word "Srdcerváči" is a literal
translation and a composition of words "srdce" ("heart") and "rvát" or "rozervat"
("renď'). In this case, it literally means "someone who rends your heart." I chose to use
the synonym "Léčitelé" for the translation of "Healers". It sounds mystical and old.
Even Přemysl Paichl says that "healing is as old as humanity itself' (Paichl, Translated

by SG ). That is why I chose this translation over a neologism.


Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

Etherealki are divided into three categories - Squallers, Inferni and Tidemakers. Both
of our translations are similar, based on neologisms and compositions. Žemlová decided
to use "strůjce" as the end word and I decided to use "tvůrce", which are synonyms.
"Tvůrce" is, however, closer to the meaning of a creator or an originator. "Strůjce" is
rather connected to a Czech saying "Každý svého štěstí strůjcem," and is also less used.
Translations of first words of the compositions differ as well. "Squall" means a storm,
a thunderstorm and a gust of wind. Žemlová somehow softened the meaning and used
the Czech declension noun "vítr". While translating, I knew I wanted to make these
Grisha sorcerers dangerous and therefore, I used the word "vichřice", which in English
is closer to "whirlwind". The similar process occurred while translating the second
category - Žemlová used the noun "oheň" ("fire") which describes the Grisha powers.
"Inferno", however, comes from the Latin word "inferni", which literally means
"the hell". Therefore, I stuck to the same meaning and used the Czech word "peklo".
Once more, the meaning bears danger, fire and power.

The third category is "Tidemakers" - those who create tides. In Czech, "tide" means
"příliv a odliv", "slapy", "vlny". Žemlová used the last synonym "vlny" ("waves")
to point out that Tidemakers are connected to water. When you read the story, you find
out that Tidemakers also take care of tides in the harbour. I built my translation on this
piece of information and decided to use the word "slapy", which is a literal translation.

The last order is called Materialki and has two subcategories which are not strictly
mentioned in the book. Most of the time, the Grisha from this order are called only
"Fabricators". While translating, I had a problem with the category of "Durasts".
I struggled with the translation and after a long searching for the origin of the word,
I decided to use "Řemeslník" - "craftsman" in English. The word "Durasts" comes from
the Latin word "durus" - "hard'', "soliď or "strong", and since these Grisha work with
glass, stone, wood, steel and everything solid, I thought of glassblowers, blacksmiths,
woodcarvers and many other crafts, and only then, I came up with this translation.
Moreover, as you can see, Žemlová had the same idea.

We partially differ in the translation of the "Alkemi" Grisha. "Alkemi" comes from
"alchemy", which has the origin in the Arabic word "al-kimiya" and since they

specialise in chemicals such as blasting powders and poisons, I decided to use
"Alchymisté". It sounds mystical and it is also well known for its popularity during
the reign of Rudolf II. Žemlová's translation is a synonym, but also a neologism.


According to Newmark, names in children's books and fairy tales should be

translated. I chose to use the term creative translation for my translation of the names
of characters and places which slightly differ from the original text. I will also explain
why I decided for that particular translation.

First, I will analyse the names of characters, places and a play which is mentioned in
the book. Their translation differs a lot from the original and concerns mostly
synonyms, diminutives or metaphors. Sometimes the word comes from a different
language and I used a literal translation of that word.
Original My translation
Dirtyhands Spina
Rotty Potkan
Muzzen Vrabčák
Keeg Hezoun
Pirn Vil
Cobbet Klisnička

Kaz Brekker's nickname in the book is Dirtyhands. People call him that because he
would do anything to get money - steal, murder. He also wears leather gloves all
the time and no one knows why. These leather gloves are linked to his past and also to
his character. When his brother died, he had to touch his dead body and since then, he
detests bare skin's touch and that is why he wears gloves. When I first translated his
name, I thought of a literal expressive translation - "Spinohndf. It would fit him
perfectly, but it described him rather without the background story and his character.
Then I thought of different possible names, such as Krysa, Kfivdk, Prasivec or Smejd.
All of these nicknames were good too, but they did not quite fit him. That is why I stuck

to the simple translation - "Špina" ("dirt", "filth"). It metonymically and metaphorically
describes his character and personality.

Rotty's name appears only a few times. I asked the author whether his name has
a metaphorical or metonymical meaning, but she did not respond. "To rof is an English
verb that means that something is dying, decomposing and smells horribly. To me,
moreover, the name evokes a rat. A rat is also smelly and eats dying things. Therefore,
I chose to name this boy "Potkan".

Muzzen was a little bit harder to translate. First, I checked the Urban Dictionary
website, where people put words and phrases of everyday use, but there is also slang,
un-grammatical forms, dialects, etc. I found out, that "muzz" is an expression
concerning someone who smokes marihuana (Stoz). Thus, I named him "Zhulenec",
"Vyhul" and "Mimoň", but none of these names fitted him, and they were rude and
inappropriate for a teen book. Thence, I tried to look deeper behind the name. Since
Ketterdam is based and inspired by Rotterdam in Netherlands, I tried to translate
the word "muzzen" into Dutch. And finally, I found out "müssen" means "sparrow".
My final translation of the name stuck to "Vrabčák", which I think is funny, interesting
and also fits as a teenage gang name.

Translating Keeg had a very similar process, but in this case, I stuck with the help of
the Urban Dictionary website. There is said that "Keeg" is someone who cares too much
about himself and wants to stay good-looking all the time (Frederich). "Hezoun" is
supposed to be a nickname he received by others to mock him.

Pirn was a little bit easier to translate. It is a diminutive of William in Dutch. (Mike
Campbelland) To me, it was easy to transform the name to the Czech version "Vil",
which is a short version of "Vilém".

Cobbet is the name of a girl working in one of the pleasure houses and it was almost
as hard to find a fitting Czech counterpart as translating Muzzen. In English, it is also
a neologism. I was not able to find any meaning or translation. Only when I shortened it
to "cob", which means "a strong horse with short legs" ("Cob Meaning in

the Cambridge English Dictionary"), I decided to name the girl "Klisnicka", which is
a diminutive of "Klisna" ("mare").

The next table contains translations of gang names in Ketterdam.

Original My translation
Dregs Chátra
Black Tips Žraloci
Dime Lions Neohrožení lvi

The Dregs is Kaz's gang and in English the word means "to settle down", "sediment"
etc. Thus, it is something unwanted, something bad and unwelcomed. Since the gang is
formed of teenagers, at first, I decided to use pejorative expressive words for lower
social status, such as "Spodina", "Plebs", "Pakdz", "Luza" or "Holota". At the end,
I chose "Chdtra".

Black Tips is a Geels's gang which compete with the Dregs to get to the first position
in Ketterdam. Initially, I thought of naming them "Tipaři" because they are connected
to the black market in Ketterdam, but when I found out it is also a name of a shark -
Blacktip Reef Shark (Tobey Curtis), I decided to name this gang "Žraloci". This name
sounds more dangerous and is also expressive.

The last gang mentioned in the book is Dime Lions - Pekka Rollin's gang which
ruined Kaz's life. "Dime" is a small amount of money. But at Macmillan dictionary
website I also found a possibility to translate it as "perfect" (Boris Marchenko). Since
all these gangs are involved in money markets, it is possible that the author meant
"dime" in its original meaning. However, I did not want to name them "Deseticentový
lvi", as it would sound almost as they do not stand a chance. I used the word
"neohrožený" instead, as it is close to the meaning of amazing/perfect, but it also sends
a message to their enemies that they are dangerous and do not fail.

The table below contains my creative translations of names of places in Ketterdam.

Original My translation
Beurscanal Burzovní stoka
Stave Latě

East Stave Jiholati
West Stave Západolatí
Ice Court Zimodvůr
Treasure Chest Pokladnice
Willow Switch Vrbovník
Bandycat U Povídavé čí či

Beurscanal is a Dutch composite which means "stock exchange" and "canal".

I decided to translate it separately as "Burzovní stoka". I did not choose "kanál"
("canal") in Czech, because "stoka " ("sewer")fitsmore to the surroundings and mood
of Ketterdam.

East and West Stave are districts of Ketterdam and the Barrel is in the middle
of them. There are different options how to translate "Stave", it may be a "stick" or
the lines in sheets of music, but it means pales for building a boat, too ("Stave"). This is
where my translation comes from: "Latě" and "Jiholatť and "Západolatť because
these districts somehow enclose and surround the Barrel.

Ice Court is the court in Fjerda, it is dangerous and located in the North; that is why
it is named after ice. Although I did not choose the literal translation, I chose a synonym
"winter" and I created a composite "Zimodvůr". The "court" may also be translated
as "souď or "tribunal", but the word "dvůr" sounds more royal.

Treasure Chest is one of the pleasure houses in the Barrel and I am quite positive it is
a metaphor for a woman's chest and breasts, yet I decided to use a polite and innocent
version and synonym - "Pokladnice" ("treasury") because "treasure chest" is also
a coffer with treasure.

Willow Switch is another pleasure house in the Barrel. Since "switch" means a button
for turning something on and off, I decided to omit this word and make a one-word
neologism - "Vrbovník.

Bandycat is also a pleasure house in Ketterdam and its translation was not that easy,
but I managed to play with the meaning and spice the name of the place a little bit.
"Bandy" means "chatty" or "narrating". First, I thought of creating a composite such as

the original, but then I realised that it does not have to be the same, so I used spoken
language and a synonym to "car" from the Slovník nespisovné češtiny, where "číča" is
defined as a cat, female genitals and a pretty girl (Jan Hugo 93, translated by SG ). That

is how I created the name of the place „ UPovídavé číči"

The next table is connected to an original play with its own characters in the book.
I translated some of them literally, but the name of the play and of one of the characters
called for a creative translation.
Original My translation
Mister Crimson Karmíňak
Komedie Brute Bestiář

Mister Crimson is exactly a name which I decided to slightly change from

the original. Even though I like how it sounds, I could not figure out how to make it as
exciting as the original in the translation. I thought of "Karmínový mu£\ "Pan
Karmínový" and many others, until I decided to omit the word "mister", even though it
makes the name more elegant. Thus, I created the name "Karmíňak". To me, it is close
enough to the original and it also somehow keeps the tough way of the character.

Komedie Brute was another tough name, this time of a play. It reminded me of
Commedia dell'arte, which was the first professional theatre. Since "brute" means
"brutal", "animal", "beast", I decided to stay with "bestie" in Czech. My first thought
was "Beštiálni komedie", which sounded good, but then I thought of "Bestiáf and this
name somehow stayed with me till the end.

Literal translation or caique is a word-to-word translation, which I often used

while translating names. Sometimes I used only partial literal translation - substitution,
adaptations - and the name slightly changes, but it is not creative and not even
a neologism.

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

First of all, I will introduce the literal translation of names and later the translation of
Original My translation
Big Bollinger Velkej Bollinger
Wraith Přízrak

As can be seen in the first example of the translation, it is a caique translation.

I literally translated the word "big" with a colloquial speech tint, and then kept
the character's surname as a zero-equivalent. Wraith is a nickname for Inej and
I decided to keep it literal - "Pfizrak". Synonyms to this word are "ghost", "phantom"
or "spirit".

The next table contains the translation of places.

Original My translation
1 Exchange Směnárna
2 First Habour První Přístav
3 Crow Club Klub Černých vran
4 Merchant Council Kupecká rada
5 Stadthall Radnice
6 Wijnstraat Vinná ulice
7 Golden Bend Zlatá křivka
8 Lid Klobouk
9 Weddell's Riverboat Weddellova loďárna
10 Emerald Palace Smaragdový palác
11 Wandering Isle Bludný ostrov
12 White Island Bílý ostrov
13 Blue Iris Modrý kosatec
14 Forge Kovárna
15 Obscrura Obskurno
16 Snow House Sněžný dům
17 Menagerie Zvěřinec
18 House of Exotics Dům Exotiky

19 House of the White Rose U Bílé růže

The Exchange is one of the houses in Ketterdam and it actually serves as

an exchange. That is also why I chose the literal translation for this place "Směnárna".
I used the same process also with The First Harbour. The Golden Bend is a pleasure
house and has a sexual undertone in its name, but I translated it more or less literally
so that it would not offend young adult readers and their parents. Lid is a district
in Ketterdam and since I do not not have any further information about this place, I was
not able to find proper creative translation. Examples 9 - 1 4 were also translated
literally, sometimes only with a slight change of word order. Another pleasure house's
name, Obscura, was a little bit tricky to translate, its origin comes from the Latin
obscurus, which means "shadowy", "indistinct" or "dark", ("obscura (Latin)") In
Czech, the meaning is a little different - having bad reputation, suspicious, morally
objectionable. ("Pojem Obskurní", translated by SG ) That is why I stuck to the literal

translation "Obskurno". Snow House, Menagerie and House of Exotics are other names
I translated literally without any major changes.

Examples 3 to 6 and 19 are partially and literally translated. To be honest,

the Crow Club was one of the hardest names to translate. I thought of creating
a neologism or a composite such as "Vránoklub", but nothing sounded perfect to me.
That is why I decided to stick to a partial literal translation/calque "Klub Černých vran."
I added "černých" ("black") for a better association and it also fits to the mood of their
gang. There are several possible translations of Merchant Council. The word
"merchant" means "trader" or "dealer", in Czech then "obchodník" or "kupec",
the second one is more archaic, that is why it fitted more into the old, 18 century

inspired Ketterdam. A synonym of the word "council" may be "board", but the meaning
is almost the same.

Stadthall is a German composite of two words "stadf ("city") and "hall", together it
means "town hall", in Czech literally "Radnice". The name of a street "Wijnstraaf is

' Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

a similar case; it is a Dutch composite of "wijn" ("wine") and "straaf ^street").
I decided to split the composite and create "Vinnd ulice". One may think I did not have
to translate the last two names into Czech, it actually belongs to the genius loci of
the city. But I looked at it from a young reader's point of view. A lot of children would
not even know how to pronounce it, let alone realise what is hidden behind the name.
That is why I translated all the names of places and characters to make it more familiar
and close to the readers.

The table below contains several names Inej gave to her knives. As you can see, they
are all translated literally with only a slight change. The reason for the translation is
the same as mentioned above.
Original My translation
Sankt Petyr Svatý Petr
Sankta Alina Svatá Alena
Sankta Marya Svatá Máří
Sankta Anastazia Svatá Anastáz
Sank Vladimir Svatý Vladimír
Sankt Lizbeta Svatá Alžběta

The last table belonging to the literal translation contains other names from
the Komedie Brute, the play author created for the story.
Original My translation
Lost Bride Ztracená nevěsta
Madman Šílenec
Jackals Šakali
Scarab Queen Skarabeova královna

Zero equvalence means there is no possible Czech equivalent for a word

or expression in English. (Knittlova 113, translated by SG) In my translation, I chose

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

to keep some of the names of characters or places in their original form. The first table
deals with the names of characters.
Original My translation
Dirix Dirix
Per Haskell Per Haskell
Oomen Oomen
Van Eck Van Eck
Bo Yul-Bayur Bo Yul-Bayur
Pekka Rollins Pekka Rollins
Geels Geels

Dirix is a name of a boy from Kaz's gang. I tried to come up with an appropriate
nickname for him in Czech, but I could not find any other meaning of it. Per Haskell,
Van Eck, Bo Yul-Bayur or Pekka Rollins are also proper names which I left in the same
form. Oomen and Geels, on the other hand, could have been translated. But Oomen
would lose its mystical tint. Its origin is Dutch and the meaning is "son of the uncle"
(Mike Campbell). Geels comes from Dutch as well and means "yellow". I tried to come
up with many different nicknames for him, thinking of animals of a yellow colour
or things. I intended to call him "Srshdk" or "Zlut'dk", but the original "Geels" still fitted
him the most.

The second table contains translation of names of places, nations and the drug
developed to make the Grisha's senses more sensitive and powerful.
Original My translation
Ketterdam Ketterdam
Barrel Barrel
Novyi Zem Novyi Zem
Ravka Ravka
Fjerda Fjerda
Zemeni Zemeni
Suli Suli
jurda jurda

jurda parem jurda parem

I kept the name of the city Ketterdam the same because it is very close to Rotterdam
in Netherlands and Bardugo also created the isle similarly but with a little touch of
the Middle Ages' dirt, brothels and beggars. Barrel is a district in Ketterdam and at first,
I thought I could slightly change it, but after all I kept the original version. With Novyi
Zem, Ravka, Fjerda, I kept these countries the same, too, as well as Zemeni and Suli
nations and the name of the drug. The only thing I used to make it sound more Czech is
the declination.

Phonetical transcription is a transcription of more or less adapted usage of

the targeted language. (Knittlova 19, translated by SG )11

Original My translation
Inej Inez

I found a video in which the author is pronouncing the Six Crows' names and one of
them was Inej, pronounced as [Inez]; therefore I used the phonetical transcription of
the name. ("How to Pronounce the Crows' Names")

The table below contains the names of countries and nationalities.

Original My translation
Shu/Shu Han Su/Su Han
Kerch Kerč
kruge kruge
Fjerdans Fjerďané
Kaelish Kaelišové

Shu Han is the name of the country and its citizens are called the Shu. Since
in English the "sh" [f] sound is pronounced unvoiced and the same as in Czech
language, I decided to use the phonetical transcription. The same situation occurs with
the name Kaelish.

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

The name of the island is Kerch. I renamed it to its phonetic form - Kerc - because
there are many readers who would read it [kerch], since the Czech "ch" is pronounced
as a velar. Kruge is a currency the author created in her Grisha world. In Russia,
"kruge" means "circle'", even though I did not choose to translate this word and
I wanted to keep some foreign aspects in the story. With the name Fjerdans, I decided to
use the Czech "d" [i], belonging to the voiced palatal stops, instead of the English "d".
For Czech speaking readers, it would be unnatural to pronounce the name as [Fjerdane],
they would probably automatically soften the pronunciation. I only made it easier for


According to Catford (25): "Lexical adaptation to targeted language collocational or

idiomatic requirements seems to be characteristic of free translation." It is
understandable because phraseologisms are "the spice of life" and they are not easily or
clearly transferred into the targeted language. Thus, if the translator does not have
an opportunity to choose the equivalence of an idiomatic phrase, he has to use
paraphrases, substitutions, or simply complete the phrase on their own. (Kufnerova et al.
88, translated by SG ) To complete the explanation of idioms and phrases, it is good to

mention Susan Basnett's (32) opinion: "The translation of idioms takes us a stage
further in considering the question of meaning and translation, for idioms, like puns, are
culture bound."
Original My translation
"The Dregs get first crack at the
„Chátra má na ty záletniky právo jako
1 pigeons who come looking for a little
2 We've all got a living to make. Všichni se musíme nějak uživit
3 "Take all that rope and hang yourself." „Komu není rady, tomu není pomoci."

4 "You want a war, I'll make sure you Chceš válku a já se postarám, aby sis ji

Translated by Štěpánka Gery ková

eat your fill." do sytosti užil."

5 Why did that name ring a bell? Proč mu to jméno přišlteo^cif^toné?éno přišlo povědon
"Brick by brick," he muttered to
6 „Něco po něčem," mumlal si pro sebe.
Land yourself in a pile of shit twice as
7 Všechno to hezky zdvojnásob chlapče.
They were in enemy territory now, a Byli na nepřátelském území, kde bylo
place of steep risk, the kind of fix you vše riskantní, takové, odkud
didn't walk out of if you didn't keep neodejdete živí, pokud si na sebe
your wits about you. nebudete dávat pozor.
Get it together, Brekker, he scolded Seber se, Brekkere, vynadal si, ale
himself harshly. nepomohlo to.
10 "Helvar's been holding out on us." „Helvar nám stejně něco tají."

While translating the idioms mentioned in the book, I always tried to found its proper
meaning so as to be able to translate it as accurately as possible.

The first example means "to have a first chance to try to do something" ("have first
crack at"). I slightly changed the meaning of it, to fit it in the translated text. In Czech
it actually means that the Dregs have the priority to lead tourists to their clubs.

The second example means "to earn enough to support oneself ("make a living"),
which is an English equivalent to "musíme se nějak uživit".

Example 3 was quite tricky to translate. Its meaning can be described as "to allow
someone to do what they want to, knowing that they will probably fail or get into
trouble" ("give enough rope"). I chose to use a Czech proverb for this idiom as
an equivalent - "komu není rady, tomu není pomôcť, which means that a person who
does not listen to advice of someone more experienced must accept the consequences of
their decisions.

The meaning of example 4 is "to eat as much as one can hold; to eat as much as one
wants", ("eat fill") Thus, I used the Czech equivalent which means "I will make sure
you enjoy this to the fullest/as much as possible".

The next example is famous and means "to cause someone to remember something
or for it to seem familiar" ("ring a bell"). There was no other way than to use the Czech
expression "sound familiar"'.

The sixth example "brick by brick" means "to do something steadily and
continuously in a step-by-step manner" ("brick by brick"). I thought I would be able to
find a proverb or saying in Czech, but at the end, I picked the expression "něco po
něčem", which means the same thing.

Example 7 was, again, hard for me to translate, since its meaning may differ. "Land
oneself in something" may mean "to end up in something, such as a mess, jail, trouble";
"to cause someone to end up in something", or even "to come down and settle
in something", ("land in") I chose to change the meaning to "make it twice as big"
because I did not want to get lost in the meaning of the expression. There is also
a possible interpretation for the second part "a pile of shit" which means "something
inferior or worthless" ("pile of shit"). This can be translated as "na hovno"
or "k ničemu", but this meaning would lose its message in the translation.

Example 8 means "to remain rational when threatened or under stress; to keep one's
mind operating in a time of stress" ("keep wits about"), which is also "stay calm"
or "take care of yourself'. This is also the one I chose for my translation.

The next example's meaning is "to become relaxed and organized" ("Get it
together") which does not quite fit to the context. Its real meaning is "get the courage
again", "do not think about it" or "do not be afraid' and because of this, I chose
the Czech equivalent "seber se".

The last example's meaning is "to keep news or something of value from someone or
a group" ("hold out on"), the exact translation of which is "schovávat/tajit něco před


Knittlová (41) says the Czech and the English language differ in typological,
historical, cultural and geographical field, but also in phraseology and collocations.
Even the axis of emotionality and rationality differs. (Translated by SG )13


One-word or multi-word equivalence means, according to Knittlová (42-44), that

the English language uses more of multi-word combinations and expressions
in comparison with the Czech language, which is more synthetic and often uses one-
word appellations. This one-word/multi-word issue contains e.g. English phrasal verbs
("get dark - stmívat se"), verbs with added mark, in the Czech translation there is
a prefix added to the word ("jump up - vyskočit") or multi-adjectives expressions.
However, multi-word expressions can also appear in the Czech language. (Translated by
ŠG ) 14

The table below contains examples of one-word/multi-word equivalence from

the corpus.
Original My translation
1 tonight dnes večer
2 sharp jaw ostře řezaná čelist
3 padlock visací zámek
4 lamplight ve světle lamp
5 took in vzal na vědomí
6 barkers aukční vyvolávače
7 sacred svatými stvořeními
8 good ones správné
9 collection of hard lines and tailored drsné dokonalosti

Translated by Štěpánka Gery ková

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

10 old man staříka
11 very rich boháč
12 big dog čokl/psisko
13 library wall knihovna
14 walking stick hůl
15 sorry sobs usmrkanci
16 fortune-tellers věštci
17 know-nothings neznabozi
18 pleasure house nevěstinec
19 very bad luck smůla
20 doubly monstrous strašidelněji
21 like an ox těžkopádný
22 big ones obrové
23 the camp cookpots ešus
24 little lynx šelmička

As you can see, examples 1-7 are the opposites of what Knittlová mentioned. English
words contain less words than their Czech equivalents. For example, "tonight" is always
translated as "dnes večer" and "padlock" as "visací zámek". But I also had to use my
creativity and slightly change the translation of some of the words, such as "sharp jaw"
- "ostře řezaná čelist''.

The rest of the words - 8-24 - are typical examples of the multi-word to one-word
translation equivalence. There were only few occasions I had to use free translation -
"like an ox" means someone is moving ponderously; "know-nothings" are those who do
not know a thing about something, and literal translation of "little lynx" would not fit to
a pleasure house girl's nickname, but I chose to use it more religiously.

Explicitness contains the larger number of pieces of information explicitly expressed

in the form or level of language. Some appellations are required, or may be omitted -

implicitness. This step may lead to a longer or shorter text. (Knittlova 44, translated by
SG )15

Original My translation
the turn of a card pouhým otočením karty
on your chest in bullet holes vystřílím do tebe slova odpusť mi

As can be seen, in the first example I added one word to the translation, which was
necessary for the naturalness and readability of the text. It is also an example of
explicitness - I added the word "pouhym", which can be translated as "simple" or
"mere" - "a simple/mere turn of a card". The second example is related to
the implicitness - I omitted the words "bullet holes" and replaced them with the Czech
verb "vystfilet" ("shoot").

The intensity of explicitness depends also on noun groups and prepositional

connection. The Czech translation often contains a preposition which determines
the relationship between the premodifier and the head. The prepositional linkage also
brings an extra information. (Knittlova 45-47, translated by SG ) 16

The table below shows the examples of the theoretical background.

Original My translation
kept close držela se v blízkosti
Men who can walk S lidmi, kteří dokáží
People who S takovými lidmi
prison break útěku z vězení

In the first example, I added the preposition "v" - "in", but other possible translation
would be "držela se blízko". The second and third example contains the preposition "s"
- "with", which was necessary for the fluency of the translated text. The fourth example
is a typical phrase and is translated with the usage of the preposition "z" - "from".

Translated by Štěpánka Gery ková

Translated by Štěpánka Gery ková


The denotational equivalence is connected to the different naming approach,

different level of association and unequal aspects linked to reality in both languages
(SL+TL). However, the fact or reality carry the same meaning or fulfil the same
function in the text. (Knittlova 47-48, translated by SG )17

The most common semantic difference between the lexical unit in the English (SL)
and the Czech (TL) text is that some of them contain an extra semantic component
which is called specification. In other words, the translator can add information which
explains the text, or is given from the context. This process is used especially while
translating verbs, e.g. the verb "go" has Czech equivalents "jit, jet, odjet, odejit, vyrazit,
etc." However, in other word classes, there are not many cases of adding the semantic
component and therefore, specific information or an emotional component might be
added to the text. (Knittlova 48, 58, translated by SG )

The table below contains examples supporting the theoretical concept mentioned
Original My translation
Tady jde o to vyslání zprávy, o to
It's about sending a message.
Have it tested if you like. Můžete to otestovat sám, pokud chcete.
Perhaps you heard of the Shu paying off
Neslyšel jste, že Su splatili celý svůj dluh
the entirety of their debt to Kerch with a
Kerčům nenadálou zásilkou zlata?
sudden influx of gold?
financial markets would be thrown into
finanční trhy se naprosto zhroutí
fate that took you from your family kdo tě ukradl rodině

Translated by Štěpánka Gery ková

Translated by Štěpánka Gery ková

The first example carries additional, explanatory information - "varovánľ
("warning") which, on the other hand, could have been omitted and I kept it for better
readability of the text. The second example concerns the possibility of different
translations. "Have it tested' may be also translated as "otestujte si to" or "můžete si to
otestovat". The third and the fourth example deal with the similar problem. "Perhaps
you heard' may be translated as "možná jste slyšeľ, but I chose to use the negative
form, since it is a sentence marked with the question mark. The phrase "thrown into
chaos" may be translated literally as "hozený do chaosu" or as a free translation. I chose
to translate it simply so that it would sound natural and fit in the context. The last
example deals with specification of the verb "took", which can be translated as "vzít",
but a preferable translation was "ukradl", which means "stole" in English and fits more
in the story.

Generalisation concerns the reduction of semantic components and increasing

the level of abstraction. Specific words in English may be substituted if the frequency of
their usage is smaller in Czech. (Knittlová 59, translated by SG )

The next table shows few examples of generalization according to Knittlova.

Original My translation
low and humourless bez známky pobavení
they were sadly mistaken mýlili se
gin shop obchodů s alkoholem
A pistol and my cane. Zbraň a moji hůl.

The word "low" in the first phrase is omitted for better readability of the text and
does not have a special reason. It is the same with the word "sadly" in the phrase "sadly
mistaken", which could be also translated as "šeredně se mýlili". "Gin shop",
on the other hand, is translated as "obchod s alkoholem" to make it general. Gin is
a type of alcohol and I did not find it necessary to make it specific to the young readers.

Translated by Štěpánka Gery ková

A similar case is also the next word, "a pištoľ, where I used a more general word
"zbraň" ^weapon").

Contiguity is a semantic connection where the basic component is not changed;

however, the differential semantic connections are different, based on their adding or
removing. It also includes replacement of one unit by its part or substitution of a cause
by its result and vice versa. (Knittlová 60, translated by SG )

The examples of contiguity are presented in the table below.

Original My translation
We all know the old man doesn't have the Všichni víme, že stařík na pořádnou rvačku
stomach for a real brawl. nemá koule.
Everyone knows you're the spine of
Všichni ví, že jsi hlavou Haskellova plánu.
Haskell's operation.
Stomach, spine What's next, spleen? „Koule, hlava. Co přijde dál, ty ksichte?
doves from a teapot hrdličky vylétající z šátků
dark hollows černé kruhy
Jordie's cold flesh Jordieho studené tělo

Examples one to three are actually connected to each other. I decided to translate
the words and expressions closer to the Czech readers. Instead of "stomach" I chose
"koule" ("balls"). The Czech phrase "nemám na to žaludek" means "not to be strong
enough to do/watch something, it is not in my nature and I do not like it". However,
"nemít na něco koule" means "not to have enough courage to do something".
The example "spine" ("páteř') and "head" ("hlava") are connected to the cultural point
of view. What was difficult was to find a proper counterpart and synonym for "spleen"
("slezina, zlost, nevlídnost") and after a long decision process, I went for a Czech abuse
- "ksichf, which is also expressive and vulgar.

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

The next example shows another cultural differences. While in the Czech Republic
we are used to doves flying from a scarf during a magical trick, in other countries they
appear from a teapot.

I also substituted "hollows" for "circles" ("kruhy") or "flesh" ("maso") for "body"


It is important to know that each language has its own characteristic connotation of
words and there are no two languages with the same connotations. That is why
the translation of a text can never be completely the same. We distinguish expressive
and stylistic connotations. (Knittlova 61-62, translated by SG )

Expressive connotation is understood as highlighting particular information and

amplification of language units from the point of view of the addressee (reader).
Emotion is then part of the intensity. (Knittlova 62, translated by SG )

Emotionally neutral expressions correspond with counterparts of Czech diminutives

(which are important because they also denote things which are smaller than normal)
and the translator has a choice whether to use the rational or emotional equivalent.
The use of adjectives, gradation, addressing or interjections. (Knittlova 64-70, translated
by SG ) 23

In the table below, I chose some examples of expressive connotation used in the
Original My translation
1 every každičký
2 As she moved Jak pomalu pokračovala dál...

Translated by Štěpánka Gery ková

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

2 3
Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

3 night smelled like violence zaváněla násilím
4 Take good care of my babies. Dej na má zlatíčka pozor.
5 pigeons záletníci
Poslouchej toho malýho namyšlenýho
6 Listen to this cocky little piece of crap.
7 big dog čoklům
8 coffers pokladnička
9 What the hell? Co to k čertu je?
Najal sis městský strážný, aby za tebe
10 Hiring city guards to do your killing?
odvedli špinavou práci?
11 Like hell it did. To určitě.
Můžete si být jistý, že vám toto
You can be sure your hospitality will be
12 pohostinství milerád oplatím, až ten
repaid when the time is right.
čas nastane.
Kaz si moc dobře vzpomínal, kdy
Kaz remembered when Inej had first
13 Inež viděla tyto masky poprvé ve
seen the jackal masks in a shop window.
výkladní skříni jednoho z obchodů.
14 Stay down, you pathetic skiv. Zůstaň ležet, ty ubožáku.
Move again and I'll smash your jaw so Ještě jednou se pohneš a rozbijú ti
15 badly you'll be drinking your meals hubu tak, že do konce života budeš
for the rest of your life. všechno jídlo srkat slánkou
16 little lynx šelmičko
We're either geniuses or the dumbest Buď jsme géniové nebo ti největší
sons of bitches to ever breathe air. kreténi pod sluncem.

Examples 1, 4, 8 16 are connected to the diminutives - "každičký, zlatíčka,

pokladnička, šelmička". I used these expressions to add intensity to the text and the last
one's expressivity was needed because it is a nickname of one of the girls working at
a pleasure house and I wanted it to sound a little demeaning.

In examples 2, 10, 12, 13, 15 and 17 there is extra information added to the text to
heighten the intensity, such as "pomalu" ("slowly"), "špinavou" ("dirty") and a little
irony in the meaning - "milerád' ("with pleasure") or "moc dobře" ("very well"), etc.

Examples 3, 5, 6, 7 and 14, on the other hand, have an expressive tint. In Czech, they
are not used often and in the particular situation, they carry the highlighted meaning.

The theme of examples 9 and 11 is hell, which, according to Knittlova (71), is also
an intensifier. There may be various possible translations for example 9, such as "Co to
do pekla znamendl" or "Co to k sakru je?" In the translation of example 11, I even
omitted the "heir and used a less expressive sentence.

Intensifiers are highly used in spoken language. Their meaning is expressed by

a high degree and intensity of a feeling, attitude or evaluation without closer
specification. They may express likeness or resentment. To intensify an expression,
we use horroratives (terrific, awful, etc.), amplifiers, downtoners, compromisers,
minimisers, approximators, etc. (Knittlova 72-79, translated by SG ) 24

In the table below, you can see examples of intensifiers I used while translating.
Original My translation
more pressing problems tonight větší a naléhavější problémy
most uncomfortable position velmi nepohodlná pozice
We don't know exactly. But whatever Nejsme si jistí. Ale ať použila jakoukoliv
method she used, it allowed her to subdue metodu, dovolilo jí to podmanit si všechny
these guards as well. strážce.
before you get there ještě před
only one jen jedna jediná
You know those costumes Moc dobře tyhle kostýmy znáš

The first example contains an extra word "vétšľ ("bigger"/"greater"), to make

the problem more urgent. In the next example, I omitted the negation -
"nejnepohodlnéjšľ, and instead of it I chose "velmi nepohodlná" (^'really
uncomfortable") so that the text would sound naturally. The third example contains
another extra word, "všechny" ("all"), so that the reader would understand the context
and the situation in the story. The last three examples contain intensifiers "ješté"

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

("just"), "jedind" and "moc dobfe" ("very well"). It is also possible to omit these
intensifiers, the meaning would not change, but its intensity would not be highlighted.

Stylistic connotations are expressed expressively, colloquially or in a dialect or

slang. (Knittlová 87, translated by SG ) For many expressions which are mentioned

in the table below I used Slovník nespisovné češtiny or Smírbuch jazyka českého.
Original My translation
1 Would have liked to steal that To bych bejval rád čórnul
You think they stuck that trade Myslíš, že zapíchli toho obchodního
ambassador? velvyslance?
3 Go on, give those guns over. Dělej, naval ty zbraně.
4 You're a young one, Brekker, Seš mladej, Brekkere,
5 Don't know what you're talking about.Nemám šajna, o čem to tu mluvíš.
6 Sure of yourself, aren't you, Brekker? Seš si sebou docela j istej, co Brekkere
Listen to this cocky little piece of Poslouchej toho malýho namyšlenýho
crap. sráče
8 big dog čoklům/hafan
I don't know what you are, but Nemám páru, co to s tebou je, ale
you're not made right. nej seš v pořádku.
10 Get talking. Vyklopte to.
11 You could have got that anywhere. Tohle jste mohl splašit kdekoliv.
Let's say this is all true and not cheap, Řekněme, že je to pravda, a ne nějakej
coin-trick magic levnej cirkusáckej trik
13 Shut it. Drž hubu.
14 party favours cetky na párty.
15 My ilk? Moji sortu lidí?
16 I'd never lay down good coin nikdy jsem nikomu nedal ani pětník
17 A nib for every occasion. Péro pro každou příležitost.
18 Move again and I'll smash your jaw Ještě jednou se pohneš a rozbijú ti hubu

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

so badly you'll be drinking your tak, že do konce života budeš všechno
meals for the rest of your life. jídlo srkat slánkou.
Wylan looked as if he was ready to wet Wylan už teď vypadal, jako by si měl
himself. nadělat do kalhot
We're either geniuses or the dumbest Buď jsme géniové nebo ti největší
sons of bitches to ever breathe air. kreténi pod sluncem.

Most of the examples are translated to colloquial Czech with few vulgarisms.
My main intention during translation was to create a text close to teenagers and their
language. Even if there are not many colloquial expressions, I think I managed to
translate the examples above in an interesting and amusing way. Some of the examples
are even more vulgar in English than in Czech.

Most examples of colloquial Czech on the list are without any level of vulgarity.
The only exceptions are examples 7, 13, 17 and 20. In example 7, the vulgarism "piece
of shiť - "sráč" is also used in the English version of the text, and since this speech
occurred between two gangs, I wanted to keep its rough undertone. The expression
"shut if - "drž hubu" may be translated in a politer way "sklapni", but the reason for
keeping it tougher is the same as before. Example 17 may not sound vulgar, but
I wanted to keep the sexual undertone and meaning of the expression. This sentence is
used for flirting and I wanted to make it sound clear and a little bit funny and cheap
at the same time. The last example, number 20, is more vulgar in English than in Czech.
The expression "sons of bitches" is very rude and vulgar and I did not want to translate
it literally because of the age of possible readers (teenagers). That is why I chose to use
a synonym "kretén" ^asshole").

As mentioned before, I used colloquial Czech. That means there is a possibility to

say all the expressions politely, e.g. example 1 may be translated as "to bych býval rád
ukradl," example 3: "předej mi ty zbraně", example 5 and 9: "nevím, o čem mluvíš",
example 10: "začni mluvit", etc. The typical ending for colloquial Czech is -ej or -ý and
these are used in examples 4, 6 and 12.

In example 19 there are also different possibilities of translation, instead of "nadělat
si do kalhoť, it is possible to use ruder versions: "nachcat si do kalhoť, "pochcat se
starchy" or "posrat se strachy".


While translating, translators should pay attention to different

linguistic/extralinguistic speaker's experience SL and TL. The information can be added
or omitted, substituted and explained. (Knittlová 92, translated by SG ) 26

Adding information is possible when there is some information non-understandable

to the readers. The translator may add a general classifier where the knowledge
of appellation is missing. (Knittlová 92, translated by SG ) In the table below, you can

see examples of added information I used while translating.

Original My translation
It was a practical habit, but a comfort,
1 Byl to takový její zvyk, ale i útěcha.
They were just sitting in First Harbour, Kotvily v Prvním přístavu, děla venku,
2 cannons out, red flags flying, stuffed to červený vlajky na stěžních, všechny
the sails with gold. nacpaný až po plachty zlatem.
jakým procesem projde, než se z ní
3 process by which the drug is made
stane droga
tak dlouho, jak jim to jejich peněžní
4 however long their funds held out
situace dovolila
It went still and Matthias' shoulders Vlk se přestal hýbat a mužova ramena
slumped. poklesla.
Mně nelži. Neříkej, že jsi tohle
You can't tell me you intend to let Bo
6 všechno podstoupila, abys Bo Yul-
Yul-Bayur live.
Bayura nechala žít.

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

Adding extra information without changing the meaning is difficult but sometimes
necessary for keeping the readability and naturality of the text.

In the first example, I added two words and slightly changed the meaning. The word
"practical" is omitted and "takový její" is added for better readability of the text.
The next sentence is also modified so that the reader would understand better what
happened and where the flags were seen - was it on the boat, on the shore? Explanatory
information is also in example 3 and 6. I also added the whole sentence to example 6 -
"mně nelži" ("don't lie to me"). Every time I added something to the text, I tried to keep
it clear and simple so that the text would not lose its naturalness and would not change
that much from the original.

Omitting the information is possible if the expression needs generalisation.

(Knittlova 93, translated by SG ) The examples from the corpus are listed below.

So that was the secret behind the Tak tohle stálo za vraždou velvyslance
murder of the ambassador na toaletách.
"So send some of your agents after „Tak tam pošlete několik vašich
him." agentů."
So the merchers had tried the drug on
3 Tudíž se droga zkusila na Léčiteli.
a Healer instead.
Zavřeli ji do jedné z pozorovacích cel.
Within seconds of consuming the
Už po několika vteřinách, co si parem
4 parem, she took control of the guard
vzala, převzala kontrolu nad strážcem
inside the chamber
... wore the grotesque, goggle-eyed
Někdy na sobě měli groteskní masky
5 mask of the Madman - all characters
s vyvalenýma očima podle Silence.
from the goggle.
Kaz remembered when Inej had first Kaz si moc dobře vzpomínal, kdy Inež
6 seen the jackal masks in a shop viděla tyto masky poprvé ve výkladní
window. skříni jednoho z obchodů.

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

7 friends and companions přáteli a bojovali
8 cracked him hard on the jaw praštil do tváře
9 released a low animal growl zavrčel, když Kaz
10 the whole Ice Court is a masterpiece celý komplex je velkolepé dílo

When I added something to the text in order to make it more understandable, I also
had to omit some other words and phrases. Mostly, the information known from
the context was omitted to avoid repetition - that goes for examples 1, 2, 4, 6 and 10.
Sometimes it was the information that was not necessary for understanding of the story
- examples 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9.

Paraphrases are possible to use when translating an unknown situation or

experience. (Knittlova 95, translated by SG ) The examples from the corpus are

selected in the table below.

every favour came with enough strings tak draho, že se to dlužníkům
attached to stage a puppet show nevyplácelo
2 rocksalt rasp chraplavým hlasem
3 Shu are done being friendly Su toho mají plný zuby
I know it comes easy, Geels, but try not Vím, že ti to jde, Geelsi, ale se mnou
to play dumb with me. si na blbýho nehraj."
Kaz's laugh was dry as the rustle of Kazův smích byl suchý a bez
dead leaves. pobavení
Well, I'm the kind of bastard they only Řekněme, že jsem ten typ šmejda,
manufacture in the Barrel. kterého vytvoří sám Barel.
7 thoughts were buzzing and jumping musel stále myslet
8 It demands aim to land true. Jeho cílem je zasáhnout.

Example 1 was slightly changed to sound less complicated. At first I thought of

a different translation - "s takovým množstvým nitek, že by se se s nimi dalo zahrát
i loutkové divadlo", but it was too long and confusing, so I decided to keep it simple.

Translated by Štěpánka Geryková

In examples 2, 5 and 7 I was not able to find the proper or a better equivalence. That
is why I chose to use a paraphrase. The expression "mít plné zuby" in example 3
is basically the synonym of "done being friendly."

The first clause in example 4 may be translated differently - "vím, že je

tojednoduché", which is a little bit closer to the original expression, but I wanted readers
to know that Geels is the one who plays dumb.

In example 6, the author used the pronoun "they" with the verb "manufacture",
meaning people of Ketterdam. I chose to use the city for all the blame and translated
it as "kterého vytvoří sám BarreF.

Foreign language in a text is mostly used for creating the atmosphere, but even
though, it is important to keep the functional criterion.

In the examples below, you can see foreign languages created by the author.
Some of the expressions are in Fjerdan or in the Suli language.
Enjent, Voorhent, Almhent. Industry, Integrity, Prosperity.
"Shevrati," she'd said. "Know-nothings."
Only Nina knew what this was costing him, that he'd been a driiskelle
"Fer esje?" he grunted angrily in Fjerdan. Then, "Where is it?" in Kerch.
"Demjin," muttered Helvar.
"Wanden olstrum end kendesorum, isen ne bejstrum,"

All the expressions are explained in the text, so that the reader can understand their
meaning properly, since the language is created by the author and does not exist.
The author was inspired by Dutch, Russian, German, Finnish and other languages.


This bachelor thesis deals with the translation and analysis of the young adult
fantasy novel Six of Crows by American author Leigh Bardugo. Since the story
is oriented mainly on teenagers, the level of English is relatively easy to understand and
translate. Nevertheless, the text contains several names of characters and places which
were challenging for the translation and allowed me to focus on the lexical aspect of the

The thesis itself is divided into several parts. The first chapter introduces the book;
the second chapter is dedicated to translation theory and the theory of equivalence.
The third and fourth chapter are devoted to the translation of the text and its analysis.
Each lexical category I decided to analyse is marked by a colour or upper index which
indicates the number of the chapter where the analysis is performed. Names of places
are marked in red, names of characters in green, idioms in violet and foreign language
used in the text is marked in blue.

The translation of selected chapters of the novel took longer than I had expected.
First, I focused only on the translation of the corpus, but then, with all the theoretical
background in mind, I reread and modified the text many times. Accuracy
and readability became the most important factors to me and I realised how difficult
a translator's job is. They have to keep the text as identical as possible, find the perfect
synonyms, paraphrases and connotations, use their imagination as writers do and avoid
word-to-word translation which would not make sense and would not please the reader.
Despite this detailed work, I enjoyed working not only on the translation and
the practical part of the thesis, but also on the theoretical part, which taught me
to understand the work and notice other possible options of the translation. I deepened
my theoretical knowledge and learned to understand how the theoretical background is
connected to the choices I had made for my translation and how the processes that I had
unknowingly used are classified. I also realised that translation is a never-ending
process with a product which will never be as perfect as the translator wants it to be.
I rewrote my translation many times to make it even better, until I realised that I will
never be completely satisfied with the result.

I chose Six of Crows for translation and its analysis because it enthuses me with its
originality, creativity and readability. The world of the Grisha was something new to me
and composites formed of words from foreign languages seemed challenging for
translating. Moreover, it has not been translated into Czech yet. However, after I started
translating it, Fragment publishing house announced their intention to publish not only
this story, but also the author's first trilogy called The Grisha. This trilogy is closely
related to Six of Crows because it takes place in the same world with the same magical
and fantasy creatures. Till this day, this is the very first translation of Six of Crows,
but since the Shadow and Bone translation came out in January 2017, I decided
to compare my translation of magicians' orders to Julie Žemlová's. First, I translated
my corpus and then I compared her translation to mine. I did not want to be affected by
her. At the end, it was not surprising our translations did not differ that much. While
analysing my translation, I described the process of creating each order's name. While
translating, I tried to keep the names as close to the original as possible but with a slight
change. I also described the etymology of words the author used for naming the Grisha
orders and created several Czech neologisms, such as "Vichrotvůrci", "Peklotvůrci"
or "Slapotvůrci"'.

Apart from the Grisha orders, I translated the title of the book. Instead of a two-
word title I decided to use a composite "Šestivranľ, which metaphorically describes its

As mentioned above, there were many proper names, nicknames, names of places
or gangs in the book I chose to translate, therefore, I focused on accurate, imaginative
and interesting ways of Czech equivalences ("Dregs" - "Chátra", "Black Tips" -
"Žraloci", etc.). Sometimes I used the literal translation or caique to keep the author's
original idea ("Big Bollinger" - "Velkej Bollinger", "Menagerie" - "Zvěřinec").
The most challenging nickname to translate was probably "Dirtyhands" for its
metaphorical and metonymical undertone, but at the same time I wanted to reveal
the personality and nature of the character. Finally, I named him "Špína" because it
represents his internal and external characterisation.

There were also cases in which I had to use only the phonetical transcription
("Inej" - "Inez") or zero-equivalence ("Geels" - "Geels") of the word because there was
either no possible way of its translation without changing the important meaning
of the story, or no other name fitted. Basically, each translation of the name required
a different attitude according to its function and context. If there was a possibility
of a Czech equivalent after all, I mentioned it in my analysis and justified the reasons why
I decided not to use it.

There were some interesting and extraordinary idioms mentioned in my analysis, too.
I must admit it was sometimes difficult to find the right expressions and meanings
of these sentences, and I dare say that I managed to translate them as properly
as possible. First, I defined their meaning in the source language and then I searched for
the appropriate analogy in target language. Sometimes I had to come up with my own
translation ("brick by brick" - "něco po něčem"), or slightly shift the meaning
to maintain the naturalness of the translation ("Land yourself in a pile of shit twice
as big." - "Všechno to hezky zdvojnásob, chlapče.").

In another part of my analysis, I focused mainly on the theory of partial

equivalence by Dagmar Knittlová. The subchapter is divided into four subsections, each
containing a theoretical explanation with practical examples from the corpus and their
analysis. This part was also the most complicated task in the thesis. I had to read
the whole corpus patiently and choose the most proper examples to fit each category.
Before adding them to the text, I created am excel document to sort the selected
examples. Some of them fitted into more categories and in such case, I analysed them
separately. This occurred e.g. within the expressive connotation equivalence
and stylistic connotation equivalence, where the expressive meaning of the expression
was marked stylistically at the same time ("cocky little piece of crap" - "malýho
namyšlenýho sráče"). Another example may be found within the formal one-
word/multi-word equivalence and expressive connotation equivalence ("big dog" -
"čokF, "little lynx" - "šelmička").

While analysing each item chosen for the analysis, the reason why I chose this
particular translation with other possible translations was mentioned. Consequently,
all the decisions were properly justified. At the end of the analysis, a few expressions

in foreign languages the author created and used in the story are mentioned, too
("Enjent, Voorhent, Almhent. Industry, Integrity, Prosperity").

The aim of my bachelor thesis was to translate excerpts from the book and
to present a theoretical background of a translation process and the theory
of equivalence. The theory was then applied on my analysis. As mentioned above,
the choices I made and used for my translation were justified according
to the theoretical findings and I also provided other possible solutions.

While translating, and while analysing the text afterwards, one may realise how
fascinating it is that two completely different languages can carry the same meaning
while using various and different linguistic tools. It is also the magic of translation
and the art of a translator to create a final text that is readable, enjoyable, interesting
and sometimes even breath-taking in the eyes of the reader, and I hope that I have
managed to reach at least some of these adjectives.


Printed sources

Bardugo, Leigh. Six of Crows. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2015. Print.

Bardugo Leigh. Griša: Světlo a stíny. Praha: Fragment, 2017. Print.

Bell, Roger T., and Christopher Candlin. Translation and Translating: Theory and
Practice. London: Longman, 1991. Print.

Catford, John Cunnison. A Linguistic Theory of Translation an Essay in Applied

Linguistics. London: Oxford UP, 1965. Print.

Hatim, B., and Jeremy Munday. Translation an Advanced Resource Book. London:
Routledge, 2004. Print.

Hickey, Leo. The Pragmatics of Translation. Clevedon [England: Multilingual Matters,

1998. Print.

House, Juliane. Translation Quality Assessment: A Model Revisited : G. Narr, 1997.


Hugo, Jan. Slovník nespisovné češtiny. Praha: Maxdorf, 2009. Print.

Knittlová, Dagmar et al. Překlad a překládání. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2010.


Kufnerová, Zlata et al. Překládání a čeština. Jinočany: H&H, 1994. Print.

Levý, Jiří. Umění překladu. Nakladatelství Miroslav Pošta - Apostrof. Praha, 2012.

Jakobson, Roman. On Linguistic Aspects of Translation. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1959.


Munday, Jeremy. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. 2nd ed.
London: Routledge, 2008. Print.

Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of Translation. New York: Prentice-Hall International,

1988. Print.

Ouředník, Patrik. Smírbuch jazyka českého: Slovník nekonvenční češtiny 1945-1989.

Praha, Litomyšl: Paseka. 2005. Print.

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