Foreign Policy of Pakistan - Jahangir's World Times

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Foreign Policy of Pakistan

 November 4, 2014  November 2014, Pak Affairs

Pakistan’s first major foreign policy decision was obligated by India’s hostility,
manifest in refusal to respect the principles of the partition and transfer Pakistan’s
share of British India’s assets, including the ordnance stores that left Pakistan’s
Armed forces of 50,000 men without weapons for defence. In order to secure its
independence, the new born state was in need of funds. For that reason, the government
decided in October 1947 to move towards US for a loan of $ 2billion for defence
procurement and economic progress.


No foreign policy — no matter how ingenious — has any chance of success if it is born in the minds of a

few and carried in the hearts of none.

Henry A. Kissinger

“Foreign Policy is the use of political influence in order to induce other states to exercise their

lawmaking power in a manner desired by the states concerned: it is an interaction between forces

originating outside the country’s borders and those working within them”.

Prof. F. S. Northedge

“Idealistic in inspiration, Pakistan’s foreign policy had to quickly come to grips with the reality of the

challenge to its right to peaceful coexistence.”

Agha Shahi

“The foreign policy of a country is in a sense a projection of its internal policies, social, political and


(F. M. Muhammad Ayub Khan)


Oxford Dictionary

A government’s strategy in dealing with other nations

Encyclopaedia Britannica

General objectives that guide the activities and relationships of one state in its interactions with other

Merriam Webster Dictionary

The policy of a sovereign state in its interaction with other sovereign states 

General Definitions

1. Foreign policy dictates how a country will act with respect to other countries politically, socially,

economically, and militarily, and to a somewhat lesser extent, how it behaves towards non-state actors.

2. Foreign policy is the name of relations between sovereign states. It is reflection of domestic politics and

an interaction among sovereign states. It indicates the principles and preferences on which a country

wants to establish relations with another country.

Stages of Foreign Policy Making

Foreign policy makers follow the same five steps with which public policy gets made:

1. Agenda setting: A problem or issue rises to prominence on the agenda.

2. Formulation: Possible policies are created and debated.

3. Adoption: The government adopts one policy.

4. Implementation: The appropriate government agency enacts the policy.

5. Evaluation: Officials and agencies judge whether the policy has been successful.

Tools of Foreign Policy

Diplomacy is the tool of foreign policy, and war, alliances, and international trade may all be

manifestations of it.

Kinds of Diplomacy

“Diplomacy is a game of chess in which the nations are checkmated.” (Karl Kraus)

Track 1 Diplomacy

Official discussions typically involving high-level political and military leaders and focusing on ceasefires,

peace talks, and treaties and other agreements.

Track 2 Diplomacy
Unofficial dialogue and problem-solving activities aimed at building relationships and encouraging new

thinking that can inform the official process. Track 2 activities typically involve influential academic,

religious, and NGO leaders and other civil society actors who can interact more freely than high-ranking


Track 3 Diplomacy

People-to-people diplomacy undertaken by individuals and private groups to encourage interaction and

understanding between hostile communities and involving awareness raising and empowerment within

these communities. Normally focused at the grassroots level, this type of diplomacy often involves

organizing meetings and conferences, generating media exposure, and political and legal advocacy for

marginalized people and communities.

Backchannel or Backdoor Diplomacy

Secret lines of communication held open between two adversaries. It is often communicated through an

informal intermediary or through a third party.

Multitrack diplomacy

A term for operating on several tracks simultaneously, including official and unofficial conflict resolution

efforts, citizen and scientific exchanges, international business negotiations, international cultural and

athletic activities, and other cooperative efforts.

Approaches to Foreign Policy

There are few kinds of approaches of foreign policy, which help in understanding the foreign policy but

they are used in different period of history. These are Historical or Traditional Approaches. These

approaches have been adopted for the study of diplomatic events of a particular period with accuracy,

precision, so as to learn lesson for future on the basis of past experience.

Legalistic Approach

This approach lays emphasis on the study of foreign policy in legalistic terms. Efforts are made to study

the external relations of the states in the light of international law, treaties, constitutional provisions etc.

Descriptive Approach

The scholars adopting this approach pick up some specific problems or conceptual framework, using their

own judgement on the weighing of various factors.

Analytical Approach

This approach differs from all other approaches of study not only with regards to the method but also in 
of international politics.

Comparative Approach

The comparative approach for the study of foreign policies is of relatively recent origin and draws

inspiration from the study of comparative government.

Ideological Approach

This approach tries to analyze foreign policy as an expression of the prevailing political, social or religious

beliefs. Thus, the policies are classified as democratic or authoritarian; liberal and socialistic, peace-loving

or aggressive. However, the study of foreign policy purely on ideological basis is not possible because

when there is clash between ideology and rational interests, the former is abandoned.

Foreign Policy of Pakistan

A country’s foreign policy is supposed to stay in lockstep with its political progression. By this yardstick,

Pakistan’s foreign policy has, indeed, kept as tortuous a course as its political meandering, stumbling

from crisis to crisis.

Pakistan’s Foreign Policy is determined by the inescapable facts of history and of geography and by

special influences which may be of transitory nature. A look back at the history of Pakistan’s foreign

policy reveals a continuity of aims as well as changing strategies. There have been shifts in policy from

time to time in the light of changes in the global and regional environment.

Guiding Principles of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy

“Our foreign policy is one of the friendliness and goodwill towards all the nation of the world. We do

not cherish aggressive designs against any country or nation. We believe in the principle of honesty and

fair-play in national and international dealings, and are prepared to make our contribution to the

promotion of peace and prosperity among the nations of the world. Pakistan will never be found lacking in

extending its material and moral support to the oppressed and suppressed peoples of the world and in

upholding the principles of the United Nations Charter.”

Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

“The State shall endeavour to preserve and strengthen fraternal relations among Muslim countries

based on Islamic unity, support the common interests of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America,

promote international peace and security, foster goodwill and friendly relations among all nations and

encourage the settlement of international disputes by peaceful means.”

(Article 40 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973)

Foreign Policy Objectives

The objectives of foreign policy can be summarized as under:

1. Promotion Pakistan as a dynamic, progressive, moderate, and democratic Islamic country.

2. Developing friendly relations with all countries of the world, especially major powers and immediate


3. Safeguarding national security and geo-strategic interests, including Kashmir.

4. Consolidating our commercial and economic cooperation with international community.

5. Safeguarding the interests of Pakistani Diaspora abroad.

6. Ensuring optimal utilization of national resources for regional and international cooperation.


The following five factors are the main determinants of Pakistan’s foreign policy:

(i) Ideological Obligation

Islamic ideology is a very important factor in the determination of Pakistan’s foreign policy. The late

Prime Minister of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Khan once said:

“Pakistan came into being as a result of the urge felt by the Muslims of this subcontinent to secure a

territory, however limited, where the Islamic ideology and way of life could be practiced and

demonstrated to the world.”

(ii)Historical Legacy

Pakistan inherited from the British files of the India Office the fear of Russia. Pakistan’s foreign policy

makers always sought western assistance to stem the Russian advance towards their territory, though at

present there is an interregnum period in this threat perception.

(iii)Geographical Location
When we look at Pakistan’s location, the statement that “the foreign policy of Pakistan largely

begins and ends at her borders, more particularly at the Indian border,” seems to be accurate. A

cursory look at the map of Pakistan indicates that roughly half of Pakistan’s land frontiers meet with

India, about one-third with Afghanistan, approximately one-sixth with Iran and a very small strip with

China. Russia is also very close to it through her former republic of Tajikistan.

(iv)The Indian Threat

Since independence, Pakistan’s national security is being threatened by the India because the British

left the Kashmir issue unresolved and three wars have been fought between both countries. As long as the

Kashmir issue is unresolved Pakistan has to formulate its foreign policy by keeping in view this constant


(v)Economic Compulsions

Pakistan as a developing country also needs to establish and maintain cordial relations with those states

with whom it can maximize its trade relations or from whom it can obtain maximum economic aid.

Overview of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy – major trends and turns

Generally, Pakistan’s foreign policy may be described as:

• Pro-West
• India-centric

• Security-oriented

Following trends are visible in Pakistan’s foreign policy:

• 1947-53 – neutral foreign policy

• 1953-62 – alignment with the West (SEATO, CENTO, Mutual Cooperation Pact, US Foreign

Assistance Act)

• Pakistan became US’ “most-allied ally in Asia”

• 1963-71 – phase of transition

• 1971-79 – bilateralism and non-alignment (introduced by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto)

• 1980-88 – tilted non-alignment (Pro-US but still normal with socialists except Soviet Union)

• 1989-2000 – search for allies (oscillating relationship with US; issues-based foreign policy)

• 2000 – on wards frontline state in war on terror; allegations of double game

Major Foreign Policy Decisions

1. Pakistan’s first major foreign policy decision was obligated by India’s hostility, manifest in refusal

to respect the principles of the partition and transfer Pakistan’s share of British India’s assets,

including the ordnance stores that left Pakistan’s Armed forces of 50,000 men without weapons for

defence. In order to secure its independence, the new born state was in need of funds. For that reason,

the government decided in October 1947 to move towards US for a loan of $ 2billion for defence

procurement and economic progress.

2. The second major foreign policy decision was a consequence of US strategy for making a military

alliance in the Middle East for the defence of political stability and safeguard of access to the rich

petroleum resources of the Gulf region. In the mid-1950s, Pakistan had global, regional and domestic

raison d’être to join Western-sponsored military pacts (and Grasping the opportunity for defence,

Pakistani leaders decided to sign a defence agreement SEATO, 1954 and Baghdad Pact, 1955 which was

renamed as CENTO in 1958.

During 1954-62, Pakistan received $ 5 billion (about $ 20 billion in current prices) in economic aid and

arms supplies.

3. Third major foreign policy decision was seen when Pak-US relations with the United States came under

increasing strain. Ayub Khan (1958-69) is considered to be the architect of Pak-US defence relations and

therefore, he simultaneously offered India a “Joint Defence Pact”. Possibly under American

pressure and against the popular reaction at home, he defied the temptation to march into Kashmir in

1962 when India was all enmeshed with the Chinese in its North-East

4. The fourth turning point followed the defeat and disaster of 1971, as soon as Pakistan reversed its

policy of nuclear abstinence. When Bhutto came to power, the overall Indo-Pak power equation had

skewed towards India and Pakistan was no match for it. Bhutto initiated to stress Pakistan’s Middle-

Eastern character and asserted that Pakistan drew its purpose and identity principally from the sands of

the Arabian Peninsula. Consequently, Pakistan received much aid from the Shiekhs of Gulf and vowed to

make bomb as a retort to Indian alleged “peaceful explosion” of 1974.

5. The fifth turning point came after the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in December 1979. The Super

power advanced to Pakistan’s border and exposed Pakistan to the nightmare of the Indo-Soviet

nutcracker. After an initial hesitation, Pakistan accepted US cooperation, assistance. In 1990, out of the

blue, this period of the revitalized alliance ended, when the US President Senior Bush (1989-93), invoked

the Pressler Law again to slap sanctions on Pakistan.

6. Pakistan’s decision to “join world community in the war against terrorism brought it back into

the international mainstream and won it the revived and stronger support from major countries of the
world, which it very much required in order to fight Al Qaeda and the indigenous Taliban who unleashed a

reign of terror against Pakistani state and its people.

Future Challenges

The strategic environment around Pakistan is evolving and changing rapidly and it warrants an adjustment

of foreign policy to take advantage of the changes or at least remain in sync with them. Unfortunately, the

domestic scene does not support such an effort. Pakistan does not have a foreign minister and many

embassies still await ambassadors. The world is moving on and it is doing so without Pakistan on board.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif while addressing an all-parties conference in early August, said that Pakistan

was becoming isolated and other than China, it had no real friends in the region. Clearly, an unstable

government can’t really focus on foreign policy, which in any case, is determined by the national

security doctrine set by the country’s powerful military. That the Chinese President visited India and

did not stop in Pakistan is a historical departure. Domestic turbulence in Pakistan may have contributed to

this, but the red-carpet treatment given to President Xi Jinping in India is a signal that must not be

underestimated. India is aggressively pursuing the strategy of its economic and business expansion, with

Sino-Indian trade volume exceeding $70 billion now.

In today’s changed world, Pakistan needs internal stability and strength to pursue its foreign policy

interests. This is not the time to create internal instabilities. This is the time for internal harmony so that

the government can govern.

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