Vocab Test

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Agriculture Vocabulary

Choose a word or group of words from the following list to complete the sentences.
Please, do some research!

a. agrarian b. agribusiness c. agriculture d. animal domestication

e. aquaculture f. biotechnology g. collective farm h. crop rotation
i. diffusion j. double cropping k. extractive industry l. farm crisis
m. feedlot n. globalized agriculture o. green revolution p. growing season
q. hunting & gathering r. intensive subsistence agriculture
s. intertillage t. livestock ranching u. Mediterranean agriculture v. planned economy
w. plant domestication y. plantation agriculture. z. staple grains
aa. suitcase farm bb. sustainable yield
cc. “tragedy of the commons” dd. truck farm

_____1. practice of rotating use of different fields from crop to crop each year

_____2. activities whereby people feed themselves through killing wild animals and fish and gathering
edible plants to sustain themselves

_____3. a form of subsistence agriculture in which farmers must expend a relatively large amount of effort
to produce the maximum feasible yield of parcel of land

_____4. the cultivation of fish and shellfish under controlled conditions

_____5. commercial agriculture characterized by the integration of different steps in the food-processing

_____6. genetic modification of a plant such that its reproductive success depends on human intervention

_____7. a farm on which nobody lives, all work is done by migratory labor forces

_____8. technique that uses living organisms to make or modify products, to improve plants and animals, or
to develop microorganisms for specific use

_____9. the cooperative operation of an agricultural enterprise under state control of production and market
under the former USSR

_____10. referring to the culture of agricultural communities

_____11. financial failure and eventual foreclosure of thousands of family farms across the US Midwest

_____12. rapid diffusion of new agricultural technology, especially new high-yield seeds and fertilizers

_____13. the combining of crops in order to maximize production within an area – tillage between the rows

_____14. commercial gardening and fruit farming

_____15. genetic modification of an animal such that it is rendered more amenable to human control

_____16. process of spread of a feature or trend from one place to another over time

_____17. harvesting twice a year from the same field

_____18. primary activities involving the mining and quarrying of nonrenewable resources

_____19. the deliberate effort to modify a portion of Earth’s surface through the cultivation of crops and the
raising of livestock for sustenance or economic gain

_____20. a system of production of goods and services, usually consumed or distributed by a governmental

_____21. the calendar period in which a crop may be planted and harvested

_____22. specialized farming that occurs only in areas where the dry-summer Mediterranean climate

_____23. system of food production increasingly dependent upon an economy and set of regulatory practices
that is global in scope and organization

_____24. a large farm in tropical and subtropical climates that specializes in the production of one or two
crops for sale

_____25. observation that in the absence of collective control over the use of a resource available to all, it is
to the advantage of all users to maximize their separate shares even though their collective pressures may
diminish total yield or destroy the resource altogether

_____26. wheat, barley, millet, and other grain products that a large percentage of the world population
depends on for survival

_____27. a factory-like farm devoted to all livestock fattening and dairying

_____28. the raising of domesticated animals for the production of meat and other byproducts such as wool
and leather

_____29. practice of balancing harvesting with growth of new stocks so as to avoid depletion of the resource
and ensure perpetual supply

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