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Marriage: a legal and spiritual commitment between a man and a woman stating that they
are husband and wife
Monogamy: the practice of being married to one person at a time
Polygamy: the practice of being married to more than one person at a time
Legal: in agreement with the law; rightfully binding in the courts
Cohabitation: living together without being married

In most cultures marriage is seen as a passage in life; something that a person does
once a certain age or phase in life is met. This does not mean that everyone should or does
get married. Marriage is a huge commitment and it is seen as a life long journey.

Reasons people marry

 Love and companionship
 Financial security
 To have and raise children
 Arranged by parents (in some cultures)
 To stay in a country (citizenship)
 To be free from their parents

Reasons pre-marital counseling is important

Counseling helps not only resolve conflicts but also prevent them. The focus of pre-marital
counseling is to make you learn more about each other so that you can prevent
unnecessary problems in your marriage. Pre-marital counseling helps the couple to discuss
areas that they wouldn’t normally discuss. These areas include:
 Upbringing
 Career and work hours
 Family background
 Domestic responsibilities
 Expectations from marriage

Legal requirements to be married in the Bahamas

1. Application: Anyone wishing to be married in The Bahamas must first request a license
from the Registrar General’s Department. This application must be completed and signed
by a notary public or some government representative. In the Family Islands it would be
the island commissioner.
Along with the form both parties must also present a valid picture ID. A picture ID may take
the form of a driver’s license or a passport. In some cases, an interview may be required.
These cases include:
a. A Bahamian marrying a non-Bahamian must be interviewed by the Registrar General.
The Registrar has to sign the declaration in this instance.
b. Non-Bahamian applicants are interviewed by either the Registrars or any of the five
designated Marriage Officers.

2. License: Once the application is approved the license is issued and the couple is required
to pay a fee. A marriage license is only valid for three months.

3. Required Age: The legal age of marriage in The Bahamas is 18 years. If either person is
under the age of 18 they are required to complete a Certificate of Consent to Marriage by a

4. Death or divorce: Certified copies of final divorce orders and certified copies of death
certificates must be attached to the application if necessary.

5. Visitors: Non-Bahamians must prove that they have been in The Bahamas at least 24
hours. They are required to present their Immigration Cards as proof of entry. They must
also provide proof of citizenship from their home country.
The Ceremony
The marriage ceremony has both legal and spiritual components. The legal components are
as follows:
1. At least two witnesses must be present at the ceremony along with the pastor/priest
2. The witnesses, pastor and couple must sign the marriage register
3. The couple must make two statements in the front of the witnesses that will legally make
them husband and wife:
a) I ________________ take ________________ to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife.
b) I _____________ do not know of any legal impediment (reason why) I should not be joined
holy matrimony with _________________

The spiritual aspect of the ceremony would depend on the church that the couple is being
married in. However, most ceremonies include songs, scripture readings, charges and

Christian view on marriage (Biblical Perspective)

Christianity teaches that marriage is a way of life that all should honor. According to
Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and
adulterers God will judge.” It should not be taken ‘lightly’ carelessly or selfishly. Instead it
should be viewed reverently responsibly and undertaken after serious thought.

Throughout the Bible marriage is seen as an important institution that should last until
death. Most Christian denominations view marriage as a permanent and lifelong
commitment between a man and woman. Christianity also views marriage as a holy
sacrament and as a reflection of the relationship of Jesus Christ and the Church, in parallel
to the Old Testament’s teaching of the relationship between God and Israel. (Ephesians

In Roman Catholic teachings, marriage is the expression of the underlying purpose for man
and woman. It is the basis for procreation and the symbolic expression of the union of
Christ and the Catholic Church. It also provides mutual support to the married couple and
provides legitimacy for sexual relations between them. Traditionally, the marriage is
considered a contract between a man and a woman, consummated and respected, where
each takes control of the other’s body, and sexual congress is expected and welcomed. The
Catholics teach that marriage vows are made before God and are therefore permanent.
Subsequently Catholics do not believe in divorce.

Protestant denominations view marriage to be a union of a man and a woman, ordained by

God, with the primary purpose being the celebration of God’s love for the world. Marriage
is also the vehicle for raising children and providing mutual help and support to each other.

Other Scriptures on Marriage

And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper
comparable to him.” (Genesis 2:18)

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall
become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24)

“But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason
a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become
one flesh’; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined
together, let not man separate.” (Mark 10:6-9)
“He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the LORD.” (Proverbs

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