Genetic Engineering

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Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is the process of manually altering genes/adding new DNA to an organism.
The goal is to add one or more new traits that are not already found in that organism.

Genes are the chemical blueprints that determine an organism's traits. Moving genes from one
organism to another transfers those traits. Through genetic engineering, organisms are given
new combinations of genes—and therefore new combinations of traits—that do not occur in
nature and, indeed, cannot be developed by natural means.

Cloning – Cloning is defined as a direct replica or copy of genetic material. It is a form of genetic
engineering where a human, animal or plant is created with the same genetic identity as
another. (taking cell or genetic material and creating life from it)

In Vitro Fertilization- in vitro means in a glass. When a woman’s egg is fertilized in a test tube by
the father’s sperm then placed in her womb.

General uses for Genetic Engineering (GE)

Researchers have found important uses for GE in such fields as: medicine, the industry and

● Medicine: A number of illnesses are caused by failure of certain genes to make specific
proteins. GE is used in the production of vaccines against disease. A prime example is,
the failure of genes in the pancreas to make insulin, this causes the disease diabetes.
Scientist can produce large quantities of insulin in bacterial factories by splicing the
insulin gene isolated from human cells to plasmids from cells of e-coli bacteria. The
insulin then is given to the patients who need it. Gene therapy has been tested for use
as treatments for many disorders including cancers, cystic fibrosis and the over
production of cholesterol.

● Industry: GE has potential in controlling pollution. Researchers are working to develop

genetically engineered microorganisms that break down garbage, toxic substances and
their waste.

● Food Production: Large amounts of growth hormones found in crops have been
genetically engineered. When treated with this hormone, dairy cows can increase their
amount of milk and beef cattle can have leaner meat. Also genetically engineered pig
hormones cause pigs to grow faster and have leaner meat. This benefits the food
industry because food now grows faster, more efficiently and more cheaply.
Some arguments for genetic engineering are:

● It can treat hereditary diseases

● Change unwanted features like height, hair or eye color, even decide sex of the child
● Solve world hunger issues by allowing food to grow faster, bigger, survive harsher weather,
resist diseases
● Animals can produce more milk, meat, eradicate some diseases
● Some religions agree with it as long as it improves human or animal life

Some arguments against genetic engineering hold that:

● Unnecessary tampering with natural patterns

● It is not precise and mistakes can be made that lead to dangerous side effects
● Creating more resistance against diseases may create more powerful diseases
● Playing God
● Never satisfied with changes made

Benefits of cloning:
● Benefit infertile couples
● Create better understanding of the causes of miscarriages
● Offer ways of curing diseases
● Provide children who need organ transplants to have a clone born to donate organs and so
reduce the chance of organ rejection.

Arguments against cloning:

● Religion teaches that humans have a soul and are different from animals. They believe that this
devalues that sanctity of human life and it is playing God. Roman Catholics oppose it and say
that it goes against the natural order of life.

● Risky: cloning techniques are still very risky. Many attempts at animal cloning have produced
animals with severe abnormalities. There is no guarantee that the first cloned humans will be

● Abuse- a dictator could finance a program to breed humans with certain characteristics. This
could cause major chaos.

Stem Cell Research:

Stem cells are cells that are extracted or taken from ‘unwanted human embryos. Scientist
believe that these cells have the capacity to develop into different cell types, such as blood,
brain, heart tissue, nerve cells, bones and so on. Scientist use these cells to do research to help
with treatments of various diseases. Therefore, stem cell research is using stem cells from
embryos for scientific research. What is key to remember here is that the embryos are
destroyed after the stem cells are extracted.

Benefits of stem cell research:

● Could provide the key to an unlimited supply of spare human cells for grafts and transplants.
● Possibility of finding cures and treatments for many life-threatening diseases

Arguments against stem cell research:

● An embryo is a human being; so extracting cells for research is considered murder
● Other methods of extracting stem cells without killing the embryos should be explored.

Artificial Insemination and In-vitro Fertilization

Infertility or the inability to conceive a child has always been a devastating blow to any couple.
In the past, little could be done. However recent advances in reproductive biology now provide
millions of couples with the possibility of the wife becoming pregnant. Many reasons have been
suggested for the cause of infertility, including environmental factors such as pesticides,
chemicals in food, heightened levels of stress and for some females, young women who sustain
gynecological infections because of increased sexual activity. These infections may damage their
reproductive systems.

There are many techniques that have been developed by scientist to help persons who are
incapable of conceiving or bearing children (infertile). A few are listed below.

1. Artificial insemination-
This technique is the insertion of semen into the woman by means that have nothing to do
with sexual intercourse. There are two types:
a. AIH (husband)- This is the putting of the husband’s semen (seed) into the wife by means
of an instrument. In this case the husband’s semen might not be able to meet the egg by natural
a. AID (donor)- This method is carried out the same as AIH only the semen comes from a
donor. The husband’s semen might not be able to take part in the fertilization act for a number
of reasons. It is important to remember here that the husband’s DNA will not be a part of the
0. In Vitro Fertilization (test tube babies)
The ovum is withdrawn from the woman and fertilized with the man’s semen under laboratory
conditions. The embryo is then transferred to the wife. In some cases, the husband’s semen and
the wife’s eggs for some reason can’t be fertilized in the body and they need a little help. Trough
in-vitro- fertilization they can now obtain this help.
0. Egg Donation- A woman donates an ovum (egg) which is then fertilized with the semen
of the husband of the woman who will eventually carry the baby. The embryo once fertilized
will be transferred into the wife. In cases such as this the wife’s egg can’t be fertilized at all, not
in the body or in the lab, so she will need to get an egg from someone else if she wishes to carry
a child. It’s important to remember here that the wife’s DNA will not be a part of the baby, but
that of the woman who donated the egg.
0. Surrogacy (womb leasing)- a woman offers her womb to a couple. (where the wife can’t
carry a child) The surrogate is implanted with the fertilized egg and she carries the baby to term,
delivers it and hands the child over after birth.

Problems with surrogacy:

● Financial difficulties
● Emotional Pain//Detachment
● Increased Pregnancy Risks
● Religious Complications

Viewpoints of the Church

Catholics: Artificial Insemination is different from natural intercourse. The church teaches that
AI violates the dignity of the person and the sanctity of marriage. It is therefore contrary to the
natural and divine law. It is condemned because a third party is involved and the church sees
this as mechanical adultery. However, if the marriage act is preserved, then various clinical
techniques that help create new life is not condemned. The church teaches that new life should
only be created by natural means within the bounds of marriage.

Anglicans- Human beings are made in the image of God. This bestows on them a unique status
in creation. To treat them not as humans, but as things which can be manipulated is to violate
God’s given nature. However, some techniques are accepted in the Anglican Church.
● IVF is accepted in cases of infertility and inheritable disorders.
● Many Anglicans believe that all surrogate agreements should be illegal
● AID is acceptable as long as donors do not see their sperm and that the child is entitled to the
information of the donor at 18 years of age.

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