Vivek Chopra

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Vivek Chopra / 9999026280 / Mohali,



Senior CloudOps(FinOps+DevOps) Engineer with over a Decade of Expertise in Cloud Cost Management, Continuous
Integration, Deployment & Infrastructure Automation.


Cloud Cost Optimization, Reporting & Analysis, Chargeback, Showback, Budget Forecasting, Microsoft Office Tools,
Cloud Security Optimization, CI/CD Pipeline, Docker, Linux, Bash Scripting, Terraform, Kubernetes, Project

Work Experience

CloudOps Engineer (FinOps + DevOps)

Softobiz technologies pvt . ltd • Mohali, Punjab
07/2022 – Present (1 year 9 months)
FinOps Practices:

Preparing Monthly Cloud usage reports for the stakeholders showcasing usage Trends, Cloud Services &
Identifying cost-saving opportunities by analyzing Resource Utilization (Virtual Machine, RDS/DB Instance,
S3/Blob Storage, EBS Storage etc...)
Conducted rightsizing analyses to optimize resource allocation and enhance cost efficiency.
Implemented effective cost allocation strategies to optimize cloud spending.
Monitored daily expenditures and identified anomalies using diverse alerting tools.
Produced comprehensive environment-level billing reports, facilitating chargeback processes.
Developed FinOps reports, presenting Budget v/s Spend, Forecast & Recommendation Analysis.
Crafted and delivered impactful presentations in weekly & monthly review meetings utilizing MS PowerPoint.
Extracted and consolidated subscription data from Azure Cost Management & AWS Cost Explorer.
Analyzed and reported on Azure/AWS Advisor Recommendations, keeping stakeholders informed of
recommendation status.
Proactively identified opportunities for automation, initiating discussions & facilitating implementation.


Cost Reduction:
Realized significant cost savings of $ 3,686/month ($ 44,230/year approx) by effectively implementing FinOps
practices in the years 2022 & 2023 on multiple projects as described below :
Achieved CR of $ 1260/month($ 15,120/year) On Project TrackIT-AWS Cloud, Optimizing AWS Cloud by removing
ghost instances & old unwanted backups for EC2, EBS, RDS & S3 and reserving required instances for 1 year.
Achieved CR of $1,114/month($ 13,372/year) on Softobiz Internal-Azure Cloud, by removing unwanted
users/licenses from Office365, Azure Portal & Azure DevOps Portal
Achieved CR of $255/month($3060/year) on project Pourtastic-Azure Cloud Reserving Azure-VM & rightsizing
Azure SQL server size & removing Ghost instances.
Achieved CR of $228/month($2,732/year) on project Leadpro-AWS Cloud internal Azure Cloud, by Reserving EC2
& RDS instances & removing Ghost instances & backups.
Achieved CR of $693/month($8,318/year) on project Funtech-Azure & Heroku-Cloud, by Reserving Azure VM &
creating an auto-delete policy for database backups & removing Ghost instances & backups.
Achieved CR of $61/month($730/year) on project Majcom Hetzner-Cloud, by moving application from on- premise to
cloud and changing structure to docker-based deployments.
Achieved CR of $78/month($940/year) on project Boomcaster-AWS Cloud, by implementing Intelligent-tiering
on S3 buckets.
Conducted rightsizing analyses and implemented cost allocation strategies, contributing to significant cost
reduction & optimized cloud spending.
Implemented Daily Cloud usage monitoring system & enabled email/messaging budget alerts as required by

DevOps Engineer
EasyWebinar • Mohali, Punjab
01/2020 – 06/2022 (2 yrs 6 months)
Dockerized project and Provisioned and deployed application on AWS-ECS infrastructure from EC2 base model.
Implemented various CI/CD pipelines to streamline dev/prod/test deployments
Worked on rightsizing and deleted existing infrastructure (EC2, RDS, and other multiple instances).
Achieved CR of $ 2160/month($ 25,920/year) on project EasyWebinar, Optimizing AWS Cloud by removing ghost
instances and old unwanted backups for EC2, EBS, RDS & S3; Rightsizing 2 RDS, 1 ElasticCache & 1 EC2 Instance; &
reserving remaining required instances for 1 year.

DevOps Engineer
Softobiz Technologies pvt . ltd. • Mohali, Punjab
08/2013 – 12/2019 (6 yrs 5 months)
DevOps Implementation:
Oversaw and optimized cloud infrastructure and operations at Softobiz Technologies Pvt. Ltd. for multiple
Spearheaded designing and managing CI/CD pipelines using various DevOps tools such as Bash Scripting, Git,
GitHub, Gitbash, Docker, Docker-compose, Jenkins and Kubernetes.
Streamlined software development and deployment processes for increased efficiency.
Ensured the security of cloud operations by implementing best practices and utilizing monitoring tools.
Utilized Terraform for the provisioning and management of infrastructure as code.
Developed and maintained bash scripts for automation, contributing to efficient cloud management.
Managed cloud projects and collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure successful and timely delivery.


Mechanical Engineering
Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College • Ludhiana, Punjab


English, Hindi, Punjabi

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