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INTRODUCTION PHYSIOLOGY OF THE PLEURAL Mechanisms of Increased Entry of Liquid

FUNCTION SPACE Mechanisms of Decreased Exit of Liquid
ANATOMY Entry of Normal Pleural Liquid Categories of Pleural Effusions
Pleural Membranes Exit of Normal Pleural Liquid Mechanisms by Which Specific Diseases
Blood Supply PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF THE Cause Pleural Effusions
Lymphatics PLEURAL SPACE Pleural Effusion Effects on Lung and
Nerve Supply What is Required to Produce an Effusion? Cardiac Function
PLEURAL PRESSURE What Diseases Could Account for This? KEY POINTS

The pleural space is bounded by two membranes, the The visceral and parietal pleural membranes cover the lung
visceral pleura covering the lung and the parietal pleura and the chest wall, respectively, and meet at the hilar root
covering the chest wall and diaphragm. Pleural pressure of the lung. In the sheep, an animal with a pleural anatomy
is subatmospheric and ensures inflation of the lung. In similar to humans, the surface area of the visceral pleura
the normal state, it is now believed that liquid moves into of one lung, including that invaginating into the lung fis-
the pleural space along the pressure gradient and across sures, is similar to that of the parietal pleura of one hemitho-
a leaky mesothelium; the low protein concentration sug- rax, approximately 1000 cm2.1 The normal pleural space
gests that the liquid originates as a filtrate from a systemic is approximately 10 to 30 μm in width, although it widens
circulation, as opposed to a pulmonary filtrate which has a more at its most dependent areas.1 It has been shown that
higher protein concentration. The liquid normally exits via the pleural membranes do not touch each other and that the
the parietal pleural lymphatics, which open directly onto pleural space is a real, not a potential, space (see Fig. 1.21).1
the pleural space. These lymphatics can increase their rate It is likely that the primary function of the pleural mem-
of liquid clearance approximately 30-­fold and thus can branes is to allow extensive movement of the lung relative
accommodate large variations in the entry of pleural liquid to the chest wall. If the lung adhered directly to the chest
without allowing accumulation. Therefore, the most likely wall, its expansion and deflation would be more limited.
explanation for the accumulation of an abnormal volume Encased in its slippery coat, the lung, although still coupled
of pleural liquid (i.e., a pleural effusion) is if both the pleural mechanically to the chest wall, is able to expand across a
liquid entry rate increases and the pleural liquid exit rate breadth of several intercostal spaces. Nonetheless, in clini-
decreases. The pleural liquid may originate from a wide cal and experimental studies, obliteration of the pleural
variety of sources and reach the pleural space because of space by pleurodesis via talc or surgical procedures has not
(1) the subatmospheric pleural pressure, (2) the leaky pleu- been associated with abnormalities in overall lung func-
ral membranes, and (3) the high capacitance of the pleural tion,2–4 although there may be minor differences in regional
space. Depending on the protein and lactate dehydrogenase lung function with changes in the distribution of air flow.5
(LDH) concentrations of the liquid, these effusions can be When there is pleural thickening, there may be measurable
categorized initially as transudates or exudates. This chap- decreases in lung ventilation or blood flow to the affected
ter covers these points in more detail, focusing on how liq- lung and also, to some degree, to the opposite lung as well.6
uid normally moves into and out of the pleural space and Thus, abnormalities of lung function may result more from
how disturbances of the normal pattern allow the accumu- pleural fibrosis than from obliteration of the pleural space
lation of a pleural effusion. alone (see Chapter 112).
Other related chapters cover the anatomy of the pleu- The visceral pleura may also provide mechanical support
ral membranes (see Chapter 1) and the embryology of the for the lung: contributing to the shape of the lung, provid-
pleural space (see Chapter 2) and the clinical informa- ing a limit to expansion, and contributing to the work of
tion about pleural effusions in general (see Chapter 108), deflation. Because the submesothelial connective tissue is
pleural infections (Chapter 109), and pleural malignancy continuous with the connective tissue of the lung paren-
(Chapter 114). In addition, pneumothorax, chylothorax, chyma, the visceral pleura may help to distribute the forces
pleural fibrosis, and hemothorax are covered in Chapters produced by negative inflation pressures evenly over the
110 through 113. lung. In this way, overdistention of alveoli at the pleural
14 • Pleural Physiology and Pathophysiology 181

EF PP PS VP factor-­β, epidermal growth factor, and platelet-­ derived

growth factor, cytokines important in pleural inflammation
and fibrosis.
On the mesothelial cell surface are microvilli. Although
microvilli presumably exist to increase surface area for
ALV metabolic activity, the function of these prominent fea-
L tures is unknown. Mesothelial cells produce hyaluronan
but not mucin, express keratin microfilaments, stain posi-
tively for calretinin and mesothelin, and fail to stain with
epithelial-­specific antibodies (Ber-­ EP4, B72.3, Leu.M1,
and CEA), all features important for histochemical and
immunohistochemical identification of the cells in pleural
L The mesothelial cells lie on a thin basement membrane
overlying a region of connective tissue containing mostly
collagen and elastin. The parietal pleural thickness is
M relatively constant in an individual and among species,
whereas the visceral pleural thickness varies greatly. In
10 microns
a single individual, the visceral pleura varies from a thin-
Figure 14.1 Light micrograph showing the parietal and visceral pleu- ner layer at the cranial region to a thicker layer at the
rae of the sheep, an animal with a pleural anatomy similar to that of caudal region.14 Among mammalian species, the visceral
humans. The two pleural membranes are positioned side by side at a dis- pleura thickness also varies, from a “thin” pleura without
tance of 20 μm, which represents an average width of the pleural space a separate blood supply, as seen in small mammals, to the
(PS).1 On the left, the parietal pleura (PP) lies between the pleural space and
the endothoracic fascia (EF). Within the loose connective tissue of the pari- “thick” pleura with a bronchial arterial circulation, as seen
etal pleura are blood microvessels (B) from the intercostal arteries and lym- in humans (see Fig. 1.31). Analysis of the constituents of
phatic lacunae (L), which open into the pleural space via stomata. On the the visceral pleura has shown that there is more collagen
right, the visceral pleura (VP) lies between the pleural space and the alveoli relative to elastin than is found in the lung parenchyma,
(ALV). The blood supply is via the bronchial arteries (B), which drain into
pulmonary veins. (From Staub NC, Wiener-­Kronish JP, Albertine KH. Transport
a finding consistent with a structural role for the pleura.15
through the pleura: physiology of normal liquid and solute exchange in the This connective tissue layer contains blood vessels and lym-
pleural space. In: Chrétien J, Bignon J, Hirsch A, eds. The Pleura in Health and phatics and joins with the connective tissue of the lung. The
Disease. New York: Marcel Dekker; 1985:174-­175.) submesothelial tissue has been shown to have mechanical
strength and to contain various growth factors supporting
surface may be avoided, lessening the chance of rupture cell growth, suggesting that mesothelium could function as
and pneumothorax. a repair and regenerative platform.16 There is also evidence
Another function of the pleural space may be to provide that mesothelial cells floating freely in the pleural liquid are
a route by which edema can escape the lung.7 As has been viable and can adhere to denuded areas of the pleura to con-
shown in several experimental studies of either hydrostatic tribute to repair.17
or increased-­permeability lung edema8,9 and summarized in
this review,10 edema fluid can and does move from the lung
into the pleural space. In this way, the pleural space can
function as an additional safety factor protecting against The parietal pleura is supplied by intercostal arteries (Fig.
the development of alveolar edema. Seen in this way, the 14.1).18 In humans as well as in other large mammals with
formation of transudative effusions in patients with conges- a “thick” visceral pleura, the visceral pleura is supplied by
tive heart failure (CHF) reflects the movement of edema from the bronchial circulation, which drains, not into systemic
the lung to a space where its effects on lung function are veins, but into pulmonary veins (Fig. 14.1).14 The drainage
relatively small (see discussion of effusions from CHF later). route via pulmonary veins may have contributed to earlier
confusion about whether the visceral pleural blood supply
ANATOMY was from a systemic (bronchial) or pulmonary circulation.
Thus, both pleuras in humans have a systemic circula-
PLEURAL MEMBRANES tion, although the visceral pleural circulation may have a
slightly lower perfusion pressure than the parietal pleural
The pleural membranes are smooth glistening coverings for intercostal circulation because of its drainage into a lower
the constantly moving lung. Overlying each pleural mem- pressure venous system.
brane is a single cell layer of mesothelial cells. These cells,
the most numerous cell of the pleural space, have a vari-
ety of functions important to pleural biology.11 Mesothelial
cells can secrete and organize extracellular matrix proteins, If one injects carbon particles into the pleural space as a vis-
phagocytose particles, produce fibrinolytic and procoagu- ible tracer of lymphatic drainage pathways, one later finds
lant factors, and secrete neutrophil and monocyte che- that the carbon has been taken up into lymphatics on the
motactic factors that may be important for inflammatory parietal side, not the visceral side (Fig. 14.2; also see Fig.
cell recruitment into the pleural spaces. The mesothelial 1.22C). The visceral pleura has extensive lymphatics, but
cells also produce cytokines such as transforming growth they do not connect to the pleural space.14 The parietal
182 PART 1 • Scientific Principles of Respiratory Medicine

sensory nerve fibers that may participate in pain or other

sensations such as dyspnea.31 In addition, pleural adhe-
B sions may become innervated with pain fibers and contrib-
L ute to postthoracotomy or postpleurodesis pain32 (see also
Chapter 38).

0.2 mm
Figure 14.2 Macroscopic photograph of lymphatic lacunae in the pari- The pleural pressure in humans is approximately −5 cm
etal pleura over an intercostal space. Carbon particles were instilled H2O at midchest at functional residual capacity and −30
into the pleural space to label the draining lymphatics. When looking cm H2O at total lung capacity.33 If the compliance of the
down on the pleura, the lymphatic lacunae (L) appear as broad cisterns.
(Original magnification ×39.) B, blood vessel. (From Albertine KH, Wiener-­
lung were to decrease, pleural pressures at the same lung
Kronish JP, Staub NC. The structure of the parietal pleura and its relationship volume would be more negative. In one study of patients
to pleural liquid dynamics in sheep. Anat Rec. 1984;208:406.) undergoing thoracentesis, those with more negative pleu-
ral pressures had a smaller improvement in lung volume
than those with less negative pressures, presumably reflect-
pleural lymphatics connect to the pleural space via sto- ing the presence of underlying noncompliant lung.34
mata, openings of 2 to 12 μm in diameter formed by discon- The pleural pressure is the lowest pressure of the body
tinuities in the mesothelial layer where mesothelium joins and can explain how liquids accumulating elsewhere can
to the underlying lymphatic endothelium (see Fig. 1.22A– move along pressure gradients toward the pleural space.
B).19–21 Although lymphatics were known for some time to Combined with a leaky mesothelium (see later), this pres-
be important in drainage of liquid, protein, and cells from sure gradient can pull liquid into the pleural space. The
the pleural space,22 the connection between the pleural pressure can become more negative if the lung collapses
space and the lymphatics could not be identified until the or can become more positive if liquid or air enters the pleu-
advent of scanning electron microscopy, at which time the ral space. However, as long as the lung is inflated, even
existence of stomata was confirmed in rabbits and mice.19 partially, the pleural pressure must be subatmospheric. A
Lymphatic stomata have since been demonstrated in corollary to that is, as long as the aerated lung is partially
many other species, including monkeys23 and humans.24 inflated, a large pneumothorax even with some mediastinal
Although their size has been reported to vary from 1 to 6 shift cannot be a tension pneumothorax.35
μm in rabbits, mice,19 and sheep18 to 3 to 12.5 μm in mon- Although the pleural space pressure is subatmospheric,
keys23 and humans,24,20 the reported size is probably a gases do not normally accumulate there. The sum of all
minimum and likely increases with expansion of the chest partial pressures of gases in capillary blood is approximately
with ventilation. From the stomata, which can accommo- 700 mm Hg, or 60 mm Hg below atmospheric (Ph2o = 47,
date particles as large as erythrocytes, liquid drains to lacu- Pco2 = 46, Pn2 = 570, and Po2 = 40 mm Hg). The subat-
nae (spider-­like submesothelial collecting lymphatics) and mospheric pressure of dissolved gases in capillary blood
then to infracostal lymphatics, to parasternal and periaortic helps to maintain the pleural space free of gas and facilitates
nodes,25,26 to the right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct,27 absorption of any gas that does enter the pleural space. Of
and into the central veins. The right lymphatic duct emp- note, to increase the gradient favoring absorption of gas
ties near the junction of the right internal jugular and right from the pleural space (e.g., pneumothorax), the partial
subclavian veins; the thoracic duct empties near the junc- pressure of nitrogen in the blood can be lowered by having
tion of the left internal jugular and left subclavian veins. a patient breathe higher concentrations of inspired oxygen.
The right lymphatic and the thoracic ducts likely drain all The oxygen displaces alveolar nitrogen, thereby lowering
the lymph from the two hemithoraces. In animal studies, the partial pressure of nitrogen in capillary blood; at the
Courtice and Simmons showed that all the labeled protein same time, the increased inspired oxygen does not increase
introduced into the pleural space was drained by these the oxygen tension in capillary blood due to the threshold
ducts.27 Interference with the drainage of lymph at these of absorption demonstrated by the plateau of the oxygen-­
sites can be important clinically, as when large persistent hemoglobin dissociation curve. The net result is a decrease
transudative effusions arise when the brachiocephalic veins in the partial pressure of gases in capillary blood and an
are thrombosed, stenosed, or otherwise compressed.28–30 accelerated absorption of pleural gas.


The parietal pleura contains sensory nerve fibers, supplied SPACE
by the intercostal and phrenic nerves, and has long been
thought to be the major site of pain sensation in the pleura. A consensus currently exists that the normal pleural liq-
The costal and peripheral diaphragmatic regions are inner- uid arises from the systemic pleural vessels in both pleurae,
vated by the intercostal nerves, and pain from these regions flows across the leaky pleural membranes into the pleural
is referred to the adjacent chest wall. The central diaphrag- space, and exits the pleural space via the parietal pleural
matic region is innervated by the phrenic nerve, and pain lymphatics36,37 (Fig. 14.3). In this way, the pleural space
from this region is referred to the ipsilateral shoulder. The is analogous to other interstitial tissues of the body, such
visceral pleura has more recently been shown to have as muscle or subcutaneous tissue.22,36 Knowing how the
14 • Pleural Physiology and Pathophysiology 183

Intercostal of pleural liquid. Two studies demonstrate this concept.

microvessels In the first study, spontaneously hypertensive rats were
found to have pleural liquid with lower total protein and
albumin concentration ratios (pleural/serum) than in the
control, normotensive rats.40 In the second study, sheep
were studied at different stages of development. As mam-
mals grow from fetuses to newborns to adults, systemic
arterial pressure increases while pulmonary arterial pres-
Bronchial sure decreases. Thus, if pleural liquid arose from the sys-
microvessels temic circulation, pleural liquid protein concentrations
would be expected to decrease; if they arose from the
pulmonary circulation, it would be the opposite. Indeed,
pleural liquid protein concentration ratios decreased from
Parietal Pleural Visceral Alveoli fetuses (ratio 0.50) to newborns (ratio 0.27) to adults
pleura space pleura (ratio 0.15).41 These physiologic observations support the
Figure 14.3 Schema showing normal pleural liquid entry and exit. The concept that the systemic circulation is the source of nor-
microvascular filtrate from the systemic microvessels in the parietal and mal pleural liquid.
visceral pleura flows across the leaky pleural mesothelial layers into the
pleural space. The pleural liquid exits the pleural space via the parietal The Parietal Pleura Is the Major Source
pleural lymphatic stomata. (From Staub NC, Wiener-­Kronish JP, Albertine
KH. Transport through the pleura: physiology of normal liquid and solute
The pleural space is sandwiched between two adjacent sys-
exchange in the pleural space. In: Chrétien J, Bignon J, Hirsch A, eds. The Pleura temic circulations: the intercostal arterial circulation of the
in Health and Disease. New York: Marcel Dekker; 1985:182.) parietal pleural and the bronchial arterial circulation of the
visceral pleura. Although both likely contribute to normal
pleural liquid, the major source is likely the parietal pleura,
pleural liquid enters and exits is helpful in understanding for the following reasons:
how things go awry to allow effusions to form. This under- 1. The parietal pleural circulation is constant among spe-
standing also removes some of the mystery about how the cies, with an anatomy nearly interchangeable from
pleural space functions, a mystery that arose in large part small mammals to humans. However, the visceral pleura
because of the difficulty of studying the narrow space with- changes dramatically depending on whether the visceral
out introducing inflammation or injury. pleura is “thick” as in humans, sheep, and most large
animals or is “thin” as in smaller mammals like dogs,
ENTRY OF NORMAL PLEURAL LIQUID rabbits, and mice (see Fig. 1.31).14 Thick visceral pleura
has a systemic bronchial blood supply, whereas the thin
A Systemic Microvascular Source visceral pleura has no circulation of its own and is fed by
There are two main lines of evidence that normal pleural the underlying pulmonary circulation. Interestingly, the
liquid originates from the systemic circulation of the pleu- measured rates of pleural entry are similar among differ-
ral membranes. For one, the low protein concentration of ent species, even when their visceral pleurae are strik-
pleural liquid is more in keeping with systemic filtrate and ingly different.53 Thus, the parietal pleura is the likely
is quite unlike pulmonary filtrates. For another, the protein constant and major source of normal pleural liquid.
concentration changes in concert with changes in systemic 2. The parietal pleura microvessels are closer and have a
pressures, not pulmonic pressures. higher microvascular pressure. Although both pleurae
have a systemic circulation, as in sheep and humans, the
Protein Concentration is Similar to Systemic Fil­trates. systemic arteries of the parietal pleura are closer to the
The protein concentration of normal pleural liquid is low pleural space (10–12 mm) than are the systemic arteries
in sheep38 and probably in humans, which im­plies siev- of the visceral pleura (20–50 mm).14,18,36 The parietal
ing of the protein across a high-­pressure, low-permeability pleural vessels also likely have a higher microvascular
microvascular barrier, as would be expected in systemic pressure due to their drainage into systemic venules,
capillaries.36 The protein concentration of sheep pleural liq- whereas the visceral bronchial vessels drain into lower
uid (1.0 g/dL) and pleural-­to-­plasma protein concentration resistance pulmonary venules.36
ratio (0.15) is also much lower than found in filtrates from
the low-­pressure pulmonary vessels (protein concentration Pleural Membranes Are Leaky
[4.5 g/dL] and ratio [lymph-­to-­plasma protein concentra- The pleural membranes are leaky, at least compared with
tion ratio 0.69]).39 the very tight membranes of the alveolar epithelium.
Whether tested in vitro42,43 or in situ,44,45 the pleura offers
Protein Concentration Changes With Changes in little resistance to liquid or protein movement. Indeed, the
Systemic Hydrostatic Pressures. With increases in fil- peritoneal membrane, a closely related mesothelial struc-
tration rates across a semipermeable membrane, proteins ture, is leaky enough to permit peritoneal dialysis, with a
are retarded relative to liquid and electrolytes, and the relatively free movement of solutes and water. Studies of
protein concentration of the filtrate decreases. Therefore, peritoneal transport have concluded that the barrier to
if the systemic circulation is the source of pleural liquid, an flow into the peritoneal space is primarily the vascular
increase in filtration pressure in the systemic circulation endothelium; the peritoneal mesothelial surface is not a
should manifest as a decrease in protein concentration significant barrier.46
184 PART 1 • Scientific Principles of Respiratory Medicine

In addition, the mesothelium, although it may exhibit concentration would progressively increase. (In fact, in
microvilli and express various transporters and aquapo- alveolar liquid, protein concentration does increase as ions
rins, has not been shown to participate in active fluid trans- and water are actively absorbed across the alveolar epithe-
port.47,48 Such a function would not be expected in a cell lium, with protein absorbed more slowly by other routes.55)
without tight cell-­cell junctions providing a barrier to the As a demonstration of the route of exit, sheep erythro-
movement of ions. Nonetheless, one argument for active cytes instilled into the sheep pleural space are absorbed
transport has been that the pleural liquid contains more intact and in almost the same proportion as the liquid and
bicarbonate than does the plasma.49,50 However, this bicar- protein.54 This indicates that the major route of exit is via
bonate difference is likely explained by a passive phenom- holes large enough to accommodate sheep erythrocytes
enon called the Donnan equilibrium, which describes how (~4.5 μm diameter). In addition, when chicken erythrocytes
ions move to achieve electroneutrality. In a Donnan equi- (identifiable because avian erythrocytes contain a nucleus)
librium, differences in protein concentrations (and their were instilled into a sheep pleural space, they could later be
negative charges) alter ionic balances passively between seen intact in the parietal pleural lymphatics.18 The only
two electrolytic solutions separated by a semipermeable possible exit for these particles is via the parietal pleural
membrane. With the lower protein concentration in pleural stomata into the pleural lymphatics. To visualize the lym-
liquid than in plasma, there is less of a negative charge; the phatic route of exit, ink, which consists of tiny particles of
distribution of bicarbonate allows for a balance of negative carbon, can be instilled into the pleural space, allowed to
charge across the pleural membrane.51 dwell for several hours, and then washed out. The absorbed
carbon can be seen within the parietal pleural lymphatics,
Entry From the Interstitium into the Pleural Space outlining them (see Fig. 14.2). Thus, a lymphatic route of
Once the liquid filters across the systemic microvessels, it clearance explains how protein can be absorbed without
can then flow along the pressure gradient toward the pleu- a change in concentration and how erythrocytes can be
ral space and across the mesothelial layer into the pleural removed intact.
space. The pressure gradient exists from the high-­pressure
pleural systemic microvessels into the surrounding intersti- Lymphatics Have a Large Reserve Capacity
tial tissue and from there into the subatmospheric pleural Importantly, the pleural lymphatics have a large reserve
space.52 capacity for absorption. When artificial effusions were
The entry of pleural liquid is slow, as shown by radiola- instilled into the pleural space of awake sheep, the mea-
beled albumin studies in which the equilibration into the sured exit rate (0.28 mL/kg/hr) was nearly 30 times the
pleural space of mammals was calculated without instru- baseline exit rate (0.01 mL/kg/hr).54 A reserve capacity of
menting the pleural space. As mentioned, the rates were lymphatic absorption is a feature of lymphatics through-
surprisingly similar among different species, at approxi- out the body; baseline lymphatic flow is slow, handling the
mately 0.01 mL/kg/hr. Such a rate would be equivalent to normal low filtrate from microvessels, but increases briskly
an entry of 0.5 mL/hr, or 12 mL/day in a 50-­kg person.38,53 when faced with a higher filtration load.56 Pleural lymphat-
Much higher rates previously reported were most likely due ics likely increase their flow for at least two reasons: because
to the disturbance of the pleural space by the placement more liquid reaches them and because the pleural pressure
of catheters that led to inflammation and injury, thereby rises slightly with the presence of more liquid. The ability
increasing the entry of liquid. of lymphatics to increase their rate of absorption and their
large reserve capacity is probably a key feature in limiting
The Pleural Space Is Vulnerable to Liquid Entry the accumulation of excess liquid in the pleural space and
The pleural space is susceptible to the entry of liquid from anywhere in the body.
any source of excess liquid in the body. The subatmo- In earlier theories of pleural liquid absorption, it was
spheric pressure in the space establishes a gradient for liq- postulated that the liquid diffused into the lung. However,
uid entry. The leaky mesothelium allows the entry of the as discussed earlier, diffusion cannot play a major role in
liquid and protein into the pleural space. The large surface absorption given the unchanging protein concentration of
area of the pleural space provides a large area for liquid pleural effusions as they are absorbed. In addition, the pleu-
flow. Finally, the space itself can accommodate a large ral space has a pressure less than that of the lung, thereby
amount of liquid without a rapid elevation in pressure inflating the lung. Thus, for liquid to enter the lung, the
(i.e., the space is compliant). Thus, perhaps the interesting liquid would be moving against the pressure gradient, in
question is why there are not more effusions. The key must effect flowing “uphill.” Lymphatics, by virtue of their active
lie in the mechanisms that remove liquid from the pleural pumping and one-­ way valves, perform the function of
space. returning extravascular, interstitial liquid and protein to
the venous system, for pleural liquid and also for interstitial
EXIT OF NORMAL PLEURAL LIQUID liquids throughout the body. Both the intrinsic pumping
of the collecting lymphatics and the extrinsic contractions
Lymphatics Are the Major Exit Route of the chest wall muscles with ventilation can propel the
The majority of liquid exits the pleural space by bulk flow, lymph27,57; certain studies have attempted to distinguish
not by diffusion or active transport. This is evident because the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms.58
the protein concentration of pleural effusions remains con- Despite the large reserve capacity of lymphatic clearance,
stant as the effusion is absorbed, as is expected with bulk there is ultimately a maximum rate that limits absorption.
flow.54 If liquid were absorbed by diffusion or active trans- Perhaps over time, when faced with increased loads, the
port, proteins would diffuse at a slower rate, and the protein lymphatics can increase their maximum absorption rate, as
14 • Pleural Physiology and Pathophysiology 185

by increases in the number of lymphatics or in their con- thereby decreasing the lymphatic reserve. This could happen
tractility. However, the maximal lymphatic capacity will gradually without notice because there would still be enough
establish an upper limit to the exit rate of pleural liquid. reserve to handle the slow entry rate. Then, if a second dis-
ease led to an increase in the liquid entry rate, the increased
liquid could then exceed the reduced lymphatic capacity and
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF THE accumulate as an effusion. The concept that different diseases
can cooperate to form an effusion has some clinical support;
PLEURAL SPACE in a prospective study, as many as 30% of effusions could be
shown to have more than one etiology.59 The concept can
WHAT IS REQUIRED TO PRODUCE A PLEURAL also explain how one pleural effusion could have multiple eti-
EFFUSION? ologies,60 especially if one condition renders the pleural space
more susceptible to liquid accumulation from other causes.
Based on the understanding of the normal turnover of pleu-
For example, the interaction of different disease entities may
ral liquid, we can consider what is required to create a pleural
account for the presence of transudates in the setting of pleu-
effusion. For sufficient pleural liquid to accumulate to form
ral malignancy, especially when another transudative pro-
an effusion, it is most likely that both the entry rate of liq-
cess like CHF coexists with malignancy.61–63
uid must increase and the exit rate must decrease. If only the
entry rate increased and the exit rate could increase normally,
it would require a sustained entry rate more than 30 times MECHANISMS OF INCREASED ENTRY OF LIQUID
normal to exceed the reserve lymphatic absorptive capac-
Liquid is constantly filtered out of the microvessels, enter-
ity and allow excess liquid to accumulate.54 Alternatively, if
ing the interstitial (i.e., the peri-­microvascular) space and
the exit rate was completely stopped and the entry rate did
then being returned to the vascular space by lymphatics.
not change, it would take more than a month at the normal
There are three mechanisms by which flow of liquid out of
entry rate of 12 mL/day to accumulate an effusion detectable
microvessels is governed: the hydrostatic pressure gradi-
by chest radiograph.37 Thus, for the creation of persistent
ent, the osmotic pressure gradient, and the permeability or
and clinically relevant pleural effusions, it is most likely that
leakiness of the microvascular barrier. These forces are clas-
changes in both the entry and exit rates are required.
sically described by the Starling equation:

WHAT DISEASES COULD ACCOUNT FOR THIS? Q = Kf [(Pmv − Ppmv) − σ (πmv − πpmv)]

Of course, one disease can simultaneously increase the where Q is the net liquid filtration rate, Kf is the filtration
entry rate of liquid and decrease the exit rate. For example, coefficient or the leakiness of the barrier to water and elec-
a pleural infection could increase liquid entry from leaky trolytes, Pmv is microvascular hydrostatic pressure, Ppmv is
pleural vessels and could also interfere with the exit of peri-­microvascular hydrostatic pressure, σ is the protein
liquid by obstructing the parietal pleural lymphatics with reflection coefficient describing the leakiness of the bar-
fibrin. As another example, central venous obstruction rier to protein, πmv is microvascular osmotic pressure, and
could increase liquid entry by increasing parietal systemic πpmv is peri-microvascular osmotic pressure. Mechanisms of
capillary pressures and also decrease the exit of liquid by increased liquid entry due to changes in these Starling forces
increasing the downstream venous pressure into which the and other mechanisms are shown in Table 14.1. Relevant
parietal pleural lymphatics must drain. clinical examples including hypothetical ones are listed.
But then, one could imagine that two different disease pro-
cesses might cooperate to form an effusion; these disease pro- Increased Filtration Pressure
cesses could also take place at different times. For example, Hydrostatic Pressures. An increase in microvascular
one disease might first interfere with lymphatic function, pressure (i.e., capillary pressure) will increase the filtration

Table 14.1 Mechanisms of Increased Liquid Entry Into the Pleural Space
Mechanism Starling Symbol Relevant Clinical Examples
Increased filtration pressure ↑ Pmv Increased systemic venous pressure, increased pulmonary venous pressure
↓ Ppmv Atelectasis, trapped lung, (chest tube suction)
↓ πmv Hypoalbuminemia, plasmapheresis
(↑ πpmv) (Hemothorax, iatrogenic tube feeding instillation)
Increased microvascular permeability ↑ Kf, ↓ σ Inflammation, injury, malignancy
Entry of other biologic liquids Chyle, bile, urine, pancreatic secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, hemothorax
Entry of nonbiologic liquids Intravenous fluids, tube feedings, peritoneal dialysis fluids

Hypothetical examples are shown in parentheses.

Kf, filtration coefficient or the leakiness of the barrier to water and electrolytes; Pmv, microvascular hydrostatic pressure; Ppmv, peri-­microvascular hydrostatic
pressure; σ, protein reflection coefficient describing leakiness of the barrier to protein; πmv, microvascular osmotic pressure; πpmv, peri-microvascular osmotic
186 PART 1 • Scientific Principles of Respiratory Medicine

across the microvascular barrier. The microvascular pres- this phenomenon has not been described in the clinical
sure is particularly sensitive to elevations of venous pres- setting. One could speculate that pleural and secondarily
sure and is less likely to increase with elevations of arterial peri-­microvascular osmotic pressure could increase fol-
pressure because of the regulation of precapillary resistance. lowing a hemothorax or the intrapleural instillation of a
(Note: actual precapillary sphincters have been described hyperosmolar or high-­protein liquid such as a tube feed-
only in the mesentery.64) ing solution. Of note, there has been a modification of the
A decrease in the peri-­ microvascular pressure (i.e., Starling equation in recent years, which has deempha-
the pressure around the capillaries) also increases the sized the role of the peri-­microvascular osmotic force.70
hydrostatic gradient for liquid filtration. In the case of
pleural microvessels, the peri-­ microvascular pressure of Increased Microvascular Permeability
pleural microvessels is influenced by the nearby pleural Filtration Coefficient (Kf) and Reflection Coefficient
pressure. Thus, a decrease in pleural pressure decreases (σ). When the permeability of the microvascular barrier
peri-­microvascular pressure and increases filtration. increases due to inflammation, infection, or malignancy,
the resistance to the filtration of liquid and electrolytes and
Osmotic Pressures. A decrease in the osmotic pres- to protein is lowered (i.e., there is an increase in Kf and a
sure of the blood within microvessels would be expected decrease in σ). With an increase in microvascular permea-
to increase filtration. The osmotic pressure of blood is bility, the rate of filtration of liquid, electrolytes, and protein
driven mostly by serum protein, comprised primarily of increases even without any change in hydrostatic pres-
albumin. However, the effects of hypoalbuminemia are sures. However, in addition to the change in permeability,
likely minimal, because hypoalbuminemia usually devel- inflammation may also increase the hydrostatic pressure by
ops gradually and is accompanied by a decrease in the relaxing the precapillary resistance.71 The combination of
peri-­microvascular osmotic pressure and the osmotic gra- an increase in hydrostatic pressure in the setting of a leakier
dient as filtration of low-­protein liquid dilutes the inter- barrier greatly enhances filtration.
stitial protein concentration. Nonetheless, a low serum
osmotic pressure likely decreases the threshold for other Other Biologic Liquids and Iatrogenic Sources. As
factors, such as the hydrostatic forces, to increase filtra- mentioned, the Starling factors discussed above are rel-
tion. Lowering the threshold for filtration may explain evant to all the circulations of the body, systemic and pul-
why, although it is not commonly a sole cause for effu- monary, and increases in filtration anywhere can lead to
sions,65 hypoalbuminemia is commonly found in patients increased interstitial liquid that can then migrate to the
with effusions of all causes; it may increase the likelihood pleural space. In addition, pleural effusions can be com-
of effusions66,67 and increase their size.68 posed of other biologic liquids, such as blood, urine, chyle,
In comparison to the gradual scenario just described, a pancreatic secretions from a pseudocyst, bile, and cerebro-
rapid decrease in microvascular osmotic pressure could be spinal fluid. In addition, pleural effusions can be composed
expected to swing the balance quickly toward increased fil- of nonbiologic liquids such as intravenous fluids or tube
tration and the formation of pleural effusions. Such a picture feedings (see Table 14.1).
has been described in an interesting case in which plasma-
pheresis of a patient with Waldenstrom macroglobulin- MECHANISMS OF DECREASED EXIT OF LIQUID
emia dropped the serum osmotic pressure rapidly and was
quickly followed by the appearance of large bilateral pleu- As postulated earlier, the accumulation of an effusion
ral effusions.69 Again, the effusions would be expected to be likely requires not only an increase in the entry of liquid,
transient until a new osmotic balance reestablished itself. but also a decrease in the exit rate by interference with
An increase in peri-­microvascular osmotic pressure lymphatic function. Otherwise, if lymphatic function was
would also be expected to increase filtration, although normal, the exit rate could increase approximately 30-­fold
rapidly and, in most cases, handle the increased entry of
Table 14.2 Mechanisms of Decreased Liquid Exit via Lymphatic function may become impaired in many ways.
Parietal Pleural Lymphatics From the Pleural Space There may be reduced patency of the parietal pleural sto-
Mechanism Examples* mata, inhibition of lymphatic contractility,56 infiltration of
the lymphatics or their draining parasternal lymph nodes,
Decreased lymphatic stomata Inflammation (granulomas,
patency empyema, fibrin), malignancy an increase in the downstream central venous pressure, a
complete obstruction of the central vein into which they
Decreased lymphatic contractility Hypothyroidism, drug effect
drain, a decrease in the pleural pressure against which they
Infiltration of lymphatics or lymph Malignancy must pump, or primary lymphatic disorders (Table 14.2).37
nodes There are few studies on the rate of removal of liquid in
Increased venous (downstream) Central venous pressure humans; however, decreases in lymphatic clearance have
pressure elevation been confirmed in patients with tuberculous and malignant
Blocked lymphatic drainage Central venous thrombosis effusions,72 and in those with the yellow-­nail syndrome, a
Reduced pleural (upstream) Atelectasis, trapped lung disease of lymphatic function.73
pressure As previously stated, for either transudates or exudates,
Lymphatic disorders Yellow nail syndrome
interference with lymphatic function may contribute to
the accumulation of the effusion. Nonetheless, because
*Many of these examples also increase entry; see Table 14.1. the exit of pleural liquid via lymphatics does not alter the
14 • Pleural Physiology and Pathophysiology 187

pleural liquid protein concentration, the protein concen- An effusion may be considered a possible pseudoexudate
tration gives insight into the formation of the liquid, not its if the diuresis has been effective in removing salt and water,
removal.37 particularly if it has reduced the size of the effusion. Even
then, diuresis should only account for a small change in
CATEGORIES OF PLEURAL EFFUSIONS protein ratio (pleural/serum). In other words, pleural effu-
sions with clearly exudative pleural characteristics should
Effusions can be categorized based on their protein concen- be considered exudative and not readily labeled pseudoexu-
tration. Because the protein concentration is not altered by dative. Dismissing a true exudate as a pseudoexudate might
its removal by the lymphatics, the protein concentration of lead to missing diagnoses such as cancer, pulmonary embo-
pleural effusions stays relatively constant during the life of lism, and other serious clinical conditions. When there is
the effusion. This feature allows protein concentration to doubt, these effusions should undergo a thorough workup
be a useful biomarker; the protein concentration and its for underlying causes of exudates.
ratio with that of serum give information about the for-
mation of the liquid. It is for this reason that effusions can Indeterminate Effusions
be divided into transudates (protein concentration ratio Indeterminate is an acceptable term to use when the protein
(pleural/serum) < 0.5) and exudates (protein ratios > 0.5), ratio and/or LDH ratios are near their cutoff values, making
which constitute part of Light’s criteria.74 Of course, LDH it difficult to determine if the effusion is clearly a transudate
is also used as a biomarker for effusions but, because LDH or an exudate. In such a case, which can arise frequently,
is at high levels intracellularly, this marker is more useful it is better to avoid categorizing the effusion, especially if it
as a marker of cell turnover and inflammation (see Chapter would be categorized as a transudate and falsely reassure
108).74 the clinician about the absence of serious exudative condi-
tions. It is worth remembering that protein concentration
Transudates ratios described in Light’s criteria are most accurate at the
Transudates form by filtration of liquid across an intact extremes, when they are clearly high or low. Ratios in the
microvascular barrier owing to increases in hydrostatic middle are less helpful.
pressures or decreases in osmotic pressures across that bar- One possible reason for ambiguity is worth keeping in
rier. Transudates generally indicate that the pleural mem- mind—there may be more than one thing going on. In fact,
branes and their microvessels are not themselves diseased. there could be an underlying transudative process (e.g.,
Transudates may form from increased filtration across CHF, hypoproteinemia) and a secondary exudative process
either the systemic or the pulmonary circulations. However, (e.g., pneumonia, viral pleuritis). One could imagine then
if the protein concentration is very low (pleural/serum ratio that the protein values could reflect contributions from
<0.1–0.2), the effusion is likely caused by either (1) liquids both processes.59
formed from CSF or urine that normally have very low pro-
tein and have migrated to the pleural space or (2) nonbio- MECHANISMS BY WHICH SPECIFIC DISEASES
logic liquids such as intravenous fluids. CAUSE PLEURAL EFFUSIONS
Exudates Congestive Heart Failure
Exudates arise from inflamed or injured microvessels in The cause of most transudates, and likely the cause of most
the pleura, the lung, or other tissues. Many exudates arise effusions, is CHF.77 Thus it is particularly important to
from direct pleural injury due to inflammation, infection, or understand how these effusions develop.
malignancy. Other exudates, such as those associated with These transudates now are thought to form from leak-
pneumonia, may arise from inflammation or injury to the age of interstitial edema across the leaky visceral pleura into
lung, creating a high-­protein lung edema that leaks into the pleural space.8,10 It is worth noting that once interstitial
the pleural space. Exudates can also form when exudative edema reaches the interstitial spaces of the lung, collecting
liquid in the mediastinum (esophageal rupture or chylo- around the bronchovascular bundles to form what are called
thorax), retroperitoneum (pancreatic pseudocyst), or peri- “cuffs,” the edema is not in contact with the pulmonary lym-
toneum (ascites with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis or phatics and is not cleared by them (Fig. 14.4).78 This extra-
Meigs syndrome) enters the pleural space. vascular interstitial edema flows along the interstitial spaces
to the mediastinum, where lymphatics are available, or to
Pseudoexudates the pleural space.52 In edematous lungs, subpleural intersti-
Pseudoexudate refers to an effusion that presumably starts tial pressure rises steeply, enhancing the gradient for edema
as a transudate and develops exudative characteristics fol- flow into the pleural space.79 Once at the visceral pleura (Fig.
lowing diuresis. Although a common concern, the creation 14.5), the edema can cross a leaky mesothelium to enter the
of a pseudoexudate is likely uncommon.75 By removing pleural space. Such flow from the edematous lung into the
protein-­free liquid, diuresis will increase the concentration pleural space has been described in a variety of animal mod-
of protein in all liquids of the body. However, that does not els of lung injury,9,10 showing that this route of movement of
mean that the ratio of pleural protein to serum will neces- edema is not specific to any particular type of edema.
sarily increase. Studies of this phenomenon show that only The protein concentration of pleural effusions in the set-
a few effusions move from a transudative to an exudative ting of CHF is around 3 gm/dL with a ratio of 0.3 to 0.4 to
category,75 and these studies did not always control for the that of serum. Such a protein concentration is higher than
effect of multiple thoracenteses that themselves might have the normal pleural liquid (ratio 0.15) and is more consis-
increased pleural protein concentrations.76 tent with a pulmonary filtrate than a systemic filtrate.8 The
188 PART 1 • Scientific Principles of Respiratory Medicine

movement of edema from the lung has been estimated in When there are bilateral effusions, the right-­sided effusion
sheep experiments to account for up to 30% of the edema is often larger than the left. Given that the origin of the effu-
formed.8 The pleural space may thus serve as a “safety fac- sion is the edematous lung, a possible explanation may be
tor” for clearance of interstitial edema from the lung, reduc- that the right lung is larger and has more surface area for
ing the risk of alveolar edema. edema to move across than the left. In support of this idea, in
studies in sheep, the lymphatic exit rate for pleural liquid was
the same from the two hemothoraces54; however, the entry
of liquid from the edematous lungs was greater on the right.8
By itself, central venous pressure elevation due to pul-
monary hypertension may be associated with either no
effusions80 or with small effusions.81,82 However, elevated
central venous pressure may act cooperatively with CHF
in the formation of effusions, although this has not been
Malignancy can cause effusions by its effects either outside
the pleural space or inside the pleural space. Outside the
pleural space, malignancy can infiltrate lymphatics and
A lymph nodes and interfere with lymphatic absorption; it can
obstruct a lung leading to collapse and to a decrease in pleu-
ral pressure. These mechanisms could explain the forma-
tion of transudative effusions. Inside the pleural space, the
malignancy increases the permeability of the pleural micro-
vasculature by cytokine production83,84; less commonly, it
can invade vessels leading to a hemothorax. In their studies
of liquid and protein turnover in pleural effusions of patients
with different diseases, Leckie and Tothill reported that
malignant effusions had an elevated entry of protein and
a slow exit, suggesting both an increased permeability and
decreased lymphatic flow.72 In one interesting case, a young
patient without other illnesses developed a transudate with
B negative cytology; within a short time, this effusion changed
to an exudate with positive cytology and a biopsy showing
Figure 14.4 A frozen edematous sheep lung cut in cross section and malignant infiltration of the subpleural lymphatics. One
dissected to show bronchovascular cuffs. Interstitial edema in the lung
first collects in interstitial spaces around the bronchi and vessels. (A) A cross interpretation of this case is that the malignancy induced
section showing a bronchovascular “cuff” of interstitial edema. Note the a transudate by lymphatic obstruction outside the pleural
surrounding alveoli are air-­filled, showing that there is no alveolar edema. space and then induced an exudate when the malignant
(B) A dissection of a cuff showing its extent along the bronchovascular cells invaded the pleural space.62 Although one cannot be
bundle. Interstitial edema in this location is not accessible to pulmonary
lymphatics and flows either to the mediastinum or to the pleural space.
certain, this case illustrates what might be found if one is
When these “cuffs” are sampled, the protein concentration matches that of alert to the different ways malignancy may cause effusions.
the pleural effusion.8 (Courtesy V. Courtney Broaddus, MD.) In addition, malignancy can induce many abnormalities


A B 1 mm

Figure 14.5 The interstitial edema seen at the visceral pleural surface. (A) A frozen edematous sheep lung cut to show the edema in the interlobular
septum (S) and the subpleural space (V, visceral). The arrows indicate the width of the edema. (B) En face view of the lung showing interlobular septae (S)
expanded by interstitial edema. The edema is only separated from the pleural space by a leaky visceral pleura. (A, From Broaddus VC, et al. Clearance of lung
edema into the pleural space of volume-­loaded anesthetized sheep. J Appl Physiol. 1990;68[6]:2627. B, From Wiener-­Kronish JP, Broaddus VC, Albertine KH, et al.
Relationship of pleural effusions to increased permeability pulmonary edema in anesthetized sheep. J Clin Invest. 1988;82[4]:1422-­1429.)
14 • Pleural Physiology and Pathophysiology 189

that can lead to effusions, such as central venous thrombo- patients underwent removal of over 1800 mL of pleural
sis61 or pulmonary embolism, among others. liquid and, despite increases in vital capacity of only 300
mL, all patients experienced immediate relief of dyspnea.90
Pulmonary Embolism Although the vital capacity changed little, patients could
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is associated with exudative effu- generate a more negative pleural pressure at the same
sions.85 PE may increase liquid entry in several ways: by lung volume after thoracentesis than before, indicating an
increasing pulmonary and pleural vascular permeability improved efficiency of the respiratory muscles following the
(via bradykinin or VEGF), increasing central venous pres- return of the chest wall and diaphragm to a more normal
sures thereby increasing pleural microvascular hydrostatic position after thoracentesis. A related explanation is that
pressures, and creating atelectasis thereby decreasing pleu- dyspnea is due to the inversion of the diaphragm caused
ral pressure. All these changes would tilt the balance toward by the weight of the pleural effusion, and that dyspnea is
increased entry of liquid into the pleural space. PE could also promptly relieved when thoracentesis allows the restoration
decrease liquid exit by increasing central venous pressure. of a dome-­shaped diaphragm.91 A mechanical explanation
Interestingly, it is not entirely clear that PE is the direct cause for the relief of dyspnea is supported by a case of a man with
of effusions or whether it is merely associated with them. In chronic absent lung perfusion on the side of a large effusion
three computed tomography (CT) studies, patients presenting who nonetheless experienced significant relief of dyspnea
with symptoms and signs suggestive of PE were studied by with thoracentesis.91a Thoracentesis of a unilateral effu-
CT pulmonary angiography; effusions were common in all sion (mean value 1.5 L) has also been shown to improve
patients but not different in those found to have PE or not.86–88 exercise tolerance.92 Thoracentesis of an effusion in a ven-
In the three studies, effusions were found in 50% to 58% of tilated patient has been shown to improve diaphragmatic
patients, without regard to the presence of PE. Thus, it appears function.93 It appears that mechanical effects of a pleural
that patients suspected of PE are highly likely to have effu- effusion account for dyspnea and related symptoms.
sions, although the exact cause of these effusions is not clear. If the lung is otherwise normal, there is no evidence
that an effusion causes significant hypoxemia, presum-
Tuberculosis ably because ventilation and perfusion decrease similarly
Tuberculosis is discussed here as representative of an infec- and remain reasonably matched. In fact, in one study,
tion targeted to the pleural membranes. In pleural tubercu- mild hypoxemia present before thoracentesis worsened
losis, the intense granulomatous infiltration of the pleural after thoracentesis,94 when perfusion presumably was
membranes both increases the entry of a high-­protein liq- restored while ventilation lagged behind. In another study
uid into the pleural space and interferes with the exit of the using multiple inert gas techniques to quantify ventilation-­
liquid from the pleural space by lymphatics in the infiltrated perfusion distributions, pleural effusion was associated with
parietal pleura. The study of effusions by Leckie and Tothill a small intrapulmonary perfusion shunt (6.9%) that did not
found that lymphatic flow from patients with TB was low, change significantly when measured again 30 minutes after
about 50% of that in patients with CHF.72 thoracentesis of approximately 700 mL (6.1%).95 Draining
pleural effusions in patients with refractory hypoxemia
PLEURAL EFFUSION EFFECTS ON LUNG AND on mechanical ventilation may improve oxygenation,96
CARDIAC FUNCTION although there is no consensus on the indications for thora-
centesis in this setting.97 It appears therefore that the effects
In the presence of space-­ occupying liquid in the pleu- of pleural effusion and thoracentesis on oxygenation are
ral space, the lung recoils inward, the chest wall expands variable and may depend on the underlying lung function.
outward, and the diaphragm is depressed inferiorly and is Less well appreciated is the fact that large pleural effu-
sometimes inverted.89 If the lung and chest wall have nor- sions may impair cardiac function, most likely by decreas-
mal compliances, the decrease in lung volume accounts for ing the distending pressures of the cardiac chambers and
approximately one-­third of the volume of the pleural effu- thereby reducing cardiac filling. In a study of 27 patients
sion, and the increase in the size of the hemithorax accounts with large effusions occupying more than half the hemi-
for the remaining two-­thirds. As a result, lung volumes are thorax, clinical and echocardiographic findings of cardiac
reduced by less than the pleural effusion volume. tamponade were identified in most patients. These findings,
These mechanical abnormalities may explain dys- including elevated jugular venous pressure, pulsus para-
pnea, exercise intolerance, and diaphragm dysfunction. doxus, right ventricular diastolic collapse, or flow velocity
All may be improved with thoracentesis. Dyspnea is most paradoxus, resolved in all patients when studied again 24
likely caused by the mechanical inefficiency of the respi- hours after thoracentesis of more than 1.0 L.98 Large pleu-
ratory muscles stretched by the outward displacement of ral effusions should be considered as potentially reversible
the chest wall and the downward displacement of the dia- causes of cardiac dysfunction.99
phragm.89 After the removal of large amounts of pleural Understanding the physiology of the pleural space, liquid
liquid, dyspnea is generally relieved promptly, although and protein turnover and the mechanics of pleural pressure
the reduction in pleural liquid volume is associated with lend themselves to understanding the abnormalities that
only small increases in lung volume. In one study, nine commonly arise.
190 PART 1 • Scientific Principles of Respiratory Medicine

Key Points Key Readings

Bintcliffe OJ, Hooper CE, Rider IJ, et al. Unilateral pleural effusions with
n  t baseline, pleural liquid entry is slow and balanced
A more than one apparent etiology. Annals ATS. 2016;13:1050–1056.
by an equal rate of pleural absorption (0.01 mL/kg/ Broaddus VC, Wiener-­Kronish JP, Staub NC. Clearance of lung edema into
hr, or 12 mL/day in a 50-­kg person). the pleural space of volume-­loaded anesthetized sheep. J Appl Physiol.
n Normal pleural liquid enters from the pleural systemic 1990;68:2623–2630.
Broaddus VC, Wiener-­Kronish JP, Berthiaume Y, et al. Removal of pleu-
microvessels and represents a filtrate from these high-­ ral liquid and protein by lymphatics in awake sheep. J Appl Physiol.
pressure, low-­permeability vessels, explaining the low 1988;64:384–390.
protein concentration (1 gm/dL or ≈15% of serum Estenne M, Yernault J-­C, de Troyer A. Mechanism of relief of dyspnea
protein). after thoracocentesis in patients with large pleural effusions. Am J Med.
n Normal pleural liquid exits via bulk flow through lym- Leckie WJH, Tothill P. Albumin turnover in pleural effusions. Clin Sci.
phatics which open directly onto the pleural space at 1965;29:339–352.
the parietal pleura. This explains why pleural liquid Light RW. Pleural Diseases. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams &
protein concentration remains relatively constant Wilkins; 2013.
even as liquid is absorbed. Romero-­Candeira S, Fernandez C, Martin C, et al. Influence of diuretics on
the concentration of proteins and other components of pleural transu-
n Lymphatics have a large reserve capacity and can dates in patients with heart failure. Am J Med. 2001;110:681–686.
normally accommodate increases in liquid entry Wiener-­Kronish JP, Broaddus VC. Interrelationship of pleural and pulmo-
into the pleural space without the development of an nary interstitial liquid. Annu Rev Physiol. 1993;55:209–226.
n Pleural effusions develop when a disease or a combi- Complete reference list available at
nation of diseases increases liquid entry into the pleu-
ral space and decreases its exit from the pleural space;
both changes are likely necessary for formation of a
clinically relevant effusion.
n Because the protein concentration does not change
with absorption via bulk flow through lymphatics,
the protein concentration of pleural effusions gives
information about the formation of the pleural liquid,
not its removal.
n Transudates usually result from changes in hydro-
static and/or osmotic pressures that lead to increased
filtration and accumulation of a protein concentra-
tion (pleural/serum protein ratio <0.5) lower than
that of exudates.
n Transudates with a very low protein concentration
(protein ratio <0.1–0.2) are most likely caused by
entry of cerebrospinal liquid, urine, or intravenous
fluids into the pleural space.
n Exudates result from pleural or extrapleural injury
that can be due to a multitude of inflammatory, infec-
tious or malignant diseases, leading to an effusion
with a relatively high protein concentration.
n Excess liquid anywhere in the body can move to and
enter the pleural space due to (1) its subatmospheric
pleural pressure (−5 to −30 cm H2O), (2) the leaky
mesothelial layer, and (3) the high capacitance of the
pleural space.

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