Amaouche Mansour - Group02.Compte Rendu.

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Ecole National polytechnique d’Oran

Compte rendu

Oil Carachterization pre heat-trains

Amaouche Mansour
1. Introduction
2. The Process
3. Part one : Analyze results
B/Heat exchanger
C/ 3Phase separator
D/Heater 2
4. Part Two: Problematic
A/Heat Exchanger
B/3Phase separator
Final Result -- Answers about questions
5. Conclusion
Crude oil pre-heat trains play a crucial role in petroleum refining processes, serving
to optimize the efficiency of subsequent processing units while ensuring product
quality and operational safety. Through the application of advanced simulation tools
like Aspen HYSYS, engineers can model and analyze the intricate thermal and fluid
dynamics within these pre-heat trains with remarkable accuracy and precision.

In this simulation, we employ Aspen HYSYS to replicate the behavior of a crude oil
pre-heat train, mimicking real-world conditions within a virtual environment. By
leveraging Aspen HYSYS' comprehensive capabilities, we can examine various
operating scenarios, assess performance metrics, and refine design parameters to
enhance the overall efficiency and reliability of the pre-heat train.

THE Process:

To simulate a crude oil pre-heat train using Aspen HYSYS, you would typically follow
these general steps:

1. Build the Process Flow Diagram (PFD):

 Start by opening Aspen HYSYS and create a new case.
 Define the components of the crude oil stream including their properties
(density, molecular weight, etc.).
 Sketch out the process flow diagram including all equipment such as heat
exchangers, pumps, heaters, separators, etc.

2. Define Stream Properties:

 Specify the properties of the crude oil stream entering the pre-heat
train, including flow rate, temperature, pressure, and composition.
3. Add Equipment:
 Place equipment such as heat exchangers to preheat the crude oil
stream. Use the appropriate type of heat exchangers (shell and tube,
heat exchangers, etc.) based on your process requirements.
 Add other equipment like, separators .
4. Set Operating Conditions:
Define the operating conditions for each piece of equipment, including
temperatures, pressures, flow rates, and heat transfer coefficients.
5. Specify Heat Transfer Fluids:
6. Define Control Strategies:
 Specify control strategies for maintaining desired temperatures,
pressures, and flow rates within the pre-heat train.
7. Run the Simulation:
 Run the simulation to calculate the behavior of the pre-heat train under
specified operating conditions.

And finally we found that Diagram called PFD

/01/First Part
Analyze results
We will follow the results
A/ Heater01:
In the mixer for the temperature T we were had 14.99°C
then it returned 65°C, For the molar flow D remains
constant so we conclude that the Heater influence on
temperature, we increased the T.
B/ Heat Exchanger:
Then we added Heat Exchanger, here it was the same we
increased the T from 65°C to 85.68°C as we can see
under the table:

 Now we changed (decreased) the T of shell side

PumpAround1 from 100°C to 90°C and we saw that
the T of tube side heated crude 2 had increased
from 85.68°C to 87.84°C as we saw here:

And the table here:

We entered the PumpAround by 180°C and in the end of

PumpAround 1 by 90°C
C/ 3 phase separator
It gave us three parts: Gas, Oil and desalted water.
Here is an illustration about what happened there and
its interpretation:

I interpreted that the T and P remain constants the only

different is in the Molar flow that we have a large
quantity of Oil about 2408 kgmole/h then desalted
water by 1184 kgmole/h and finally 0000 kgmle/h of
01/ Oil Part:
After that, I pressed on the Oil material stream and went
to composition side I analyzed that NBP(3)169 had the
large percentage of oil composition as we saw here:
And the mole fraction of Water equal 0.0061 so just a
few traces of water then we can conclude that 3 phase
separator has finally finished the water marks.

02/ desalted water part:

secondly I pressed on desalted water material stream
and went to composition side I noticed that we have
100% of water and 0% of hydrocarbons :

03/ Gas part:

After I went to composition side I found the large
quantity of mole fraction is water vapor was about
0.4581, and there are traces of hydrocarbons so here is
the opposite of the Oil part.
Look at this table:
D/ Heater 2
Then we heated the Oil part for good separation
because there are some traces of water, and I entered
the heated oil to Separator
E/ Separator
at the separator level there are two parts:
01/ Vap oil part:
I found the molar flow of Vap oil about 0000
kgmole/h so all the molar flow that I entered before
went to liq oil part.
02/ Liq oil part:
As I mentioned before so we conclude the molar flow of
liq oil equals the input quantity 2408 kgmole/h. And
all of that is illustrated under that table:

I went to its composition and I found traces of water

0.0061 and a large amount of hydrocarbons almost it is
the same for that I added another heater 3 to reduce or
eliminate trace’s water then we insert it into the
distillation column to know the petroleum cuts:
/02/ second part
I’m going to change the Crude Oil settings specifically
in i-Butan, I’ll give him a certain quantity and I’ll see its
impact, for example does the percentage will be
changed or remains constant or something like this?
A/Heat Exchanger
I gave to i-butan a quantity 0.300 and after I pressed on
Normalize to converted him to a normal value which is
0.2318 and I’ll see the variation.

I noticed that the heat exchanger was DE-converged

I’ll change the T of PumpAround 1 from 90°C to
100°C as a result the heat exchanger had been
converged so the 100°C was enough so I conclude that
i-butan is an inconvenient.

As a conclusion:
The initial quantity that is entered plays an important
role in the process.
B/ 3 phase separator:
01/ Gas part
I noticed that i-butan was the majority about 0.8800
because it’s the lightest components, and the quantity of
water was minority.

02/Oil part:
There remain some traces of water and the mole fraction
of i-Butan was about 0.4358 and water about 0.0062
03/desalted water:
The mole fraction of water is 100%

01/Vap oil
Increasing the mole fraction of i-Butan about 0.7369
02/liq Oil
A molar flow drop with a value of 1694 kgmole/h and
the entrance molar flow was 3617 kgmole/h.

and also in composition there are some trace’s water

and the large quantity is i-Butan about 0.0940
The components have changed slightly (Les
composants ont changé légèrement).
Final result:
i-Butan is a contaminant so it’s a

Answers about questions

01/the vapor fraction of the product stream before
entering the atmospheric column: liq Oil
heated:0.8294 Kgmole/h
03/ The vapor molar flow rate from the Pre-Flash:
liq Oil: 0.0000 kgmole/h


By harnessing the computational power of Aspen HYSYS,

this simulation endeavors to provide valuable insights
and actionable recommendations for refining
operations, ultimately contributing to the advancement
of sustainable and efficient crude oil processing

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