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Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer


 A 3D printer is an additive manufacturing technique where 3D objects and parts are
made by the addition of multiple layers of material. It can similarly be called as rapid
prototyping. It is a automated technique where 3D objects are rapidly made as per the
required size machine connected to a computer holding blueprints of any object.
 The preservative technique may differ with the subtractive process, where the material
is removed from a block by sculpting or drilling. The main reason to use 3d printer is
for 90% of material utilization, increase product life, lighter and stronger. 3D printing
is competently utilized in several fields such as aerospace, automobile, medical,
building and in manufacturing of many household products.

 The 3D printing revolution is not a new idea as many think. When FDM (fused
testimony modeling) licenses had expired in 2009, the 3D printing became a new
innovation topic. What's more, because of which it turned out to be more
conventional, individual’s future that FDM was the just a single added substance
producing system. Be that as it may, the primary 3D printing technique was SLA not
FDM, and its first patent was recorded in 1980's. Here is the ancient background of
3D printing innovation, from 1980 to today.
 In 1980's there was the outline of 3 primary 3D printing systems. Dr. Kodana was the
first person to existing layer by layer approach for collecting and also, he was the
principal individual to create fast prototyping approach. What's added, he made a
ancestor for SLA. He polymerized photosensitive resin with the assistance of UV
light, however, did not succeed. Shockingly for Dr. Kodana, the full obvious point
was not verified by him before the one-year due date after the request. The reasons of
3d printing invention can be followed from 1983.
 In 1983 Charles hull was the individual to do a obvious on stereo lithography. Frame
designed the term audio lithography in august 8, 1984 patent application for
"Contraption for creation of 3 dimensional enquiries by stereo lithography".

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Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer

Furthermore, was the main individual to make SLA-1 (stereo lithography) machine in
 Charles hull was the founder 3D system Corporation (one of the biggest and more
propel association working in 3d printer division today). Hull characterized stereo
lithography as the unique technique which is used for making solid objects by printing
successive layers of ultraviolet curable material on top of other. In frame's patent, he
clarifies, a concerted light emission light is centred around the surface loaded with a
fluid photopolymer. The light ray which is measured by a computer draws each layer
of the model on the exterior of the liquid. Wherever the bright light attacks the
surface, the photopolymer polymerizes and changes to solid. Using the software
CAD/CAM scientifically portions (converts into layers) the models. Then the
procedure builds the replicas layer by layer.
 During the year 1990’s the other 3D printing revolt and processes were emerged
through this year. And the outline of new 3D printer constructers and cad tools. 3D
schemes make their first profitable sale of stereo lithography (SLA) system. And the
other evolving processes were ballistic particle engineering (BPM) patented by
William masters, solid milled curing (SGC) was been patented by Itzchak Pomerantz
et al.
 Furthermore, other developing organizations saw amid the nineties till today -
Stratasys, EOS, and 3D schemes. The 1990's were the period of first use of the 3D
printer in health researchers, who combined the way of pharmaceutical and 3D
printing and opening the balances to numerous clients.
 In 1992 the patent done on fused deposition modeling was issued to Stratasys, who
had developed May 3D printers both for professional and for individuals. The SLA
(Stereolithographic) device was made in this year by 3D systems. The first SLA
machine uses a UV laser solidifying photopolymer, and a liquid with the viscosity and
colour of honey that makes the object layer by layer. This was the first fast
prototyping form that had changed the engineering world and design for ever.
 From 1993-1999, the main actors of the 3D printing sector, which had emerged with
various techniques. Sanders sample (later Solids cape) and Z Corporation were set up
in 1996 in terms of commercial operation, Arcam was established in 1997.

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Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer

 During that period where these 3D printing segment had started to begin the
demonstrate distinct diversification with these two very specific regions emphasis that
is clearly defined today. They were very high-end 3D printing and still they are very
exclusive which were geared up towards the par manufacture for high value and
complex slices.
 This are increasing rapidly and ongoing but the grades are now visible in production
applications across the automotive, aerospace, medical and in jewellery sectors. And
at the other end, some of the 3D printing system manufacturers were developing and
advancing the “concept modellers”, they were called at that time.
 These 3D printers kept on focusing on overall development and improvement of these
functioning prototyping that were being developed on specifically as these offices and
user friendly and the cost effective systems. However, these schemes were very much
useful in engineering applications.
 At the lower end of market, the 3D printers that today are been seen. Through this
term there, price was a war amongst the 3D printing companies with the increase in
improvement, accuracy, speed and materials.
 In 2007 the market saw the first scheme under 10,000$ from 3D systems but it never
hit the marketplace as supposed to be. This was due to the market influence of other
 All through in 2000 3D printing technology kept on developing to make lower-priced
models with multiple features. In 2003 there was the new creation that 3D printer was
used to construct cells when Thomas Boland of Clemson university patented for the
use of inkjet printers for printing of cells. To modify these spying systems for
statement of the cells into the very much organized 3D matrices placed on a substrate
this process were used.
 The printing of biological structures is known as Bio printing. The millennium saying
the first 3D printed kidney working. Additionally, more techniques for printing came
into action, such as extrusion bio printing, have been researched and introduced as a
means of production. Due to which the organs may be printed using bio printing and
can be transplanted.

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 In 2004 the introducing of RepRap project which consists of a self-replicating 3D

printer. This open basis of the RepRap development led to spreading of FDM 3D
desktop 3D printers and popularity of 3D printers begins from here.
 In 2005, Z-Corp launched the spectrum Z510. The first colour and high definition 3D
printer. The first SLS mechanism commercially available in 2000, which gave
opportunities to the manufacturer to build industrial parts.
 A 3D printing start-up company Objet built a machine that could print more than one
material, which allowed a single part that can be manufactured and fabricated with
different material properties.
 In 2009, was the year where the FDM patents fell into the public domain, giving an
expansive wave for the development in FDM printers and due to the drop of the price
of desktop 3D printers, the technology was more accessible and increased visibility. A
French company named Sculpteo was started in this year which had offered 3D
printing cloud and online printing services using stereo lithography or laser sintering.
which was another step towards 3D printing
 Technology. A host of similar deposition printers have emerged with marginal unique
selling point and they continued to do so. The ethos of RepRap is all about open
source developments of 3D printing and keep it commercialize.
 As the various additive processes developed. It is said that soon metal removal will no
longer be the only metal removal process done through a moving head through a 3D
work envelope converting the mass of raw material into desired shape layer by layer.
In 2010 there was a first decade in which metal end use parts like engine brackets and
large nuts would be made by printing instead of machining.

1.3 Definition
 3D Printing technology is an additive manufacturing technology where a three-
dimensional object is created. This technology is a rapid prototyping technology.

1.4 Design
 The design structure that this project aims is a PRUSA (Cartesian based) Model.

1.5 Problem Statement

 The present 3D printing technology is very time consuming with a high
manufacturing cost.

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Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer

 This project aims not only to reduce the cost of the 3D Printer but also working upon
its accuracy and time constraints.

1.6 Possible Solution

 The possible solution is designing a frame and using only the most important
materials and using the printing technology that minimizes the wastage of plastic to
give maximum efficiency to the product output.

1.7 Principle
1.7.1 Modelling
 The object or the model which has to be printed first it has to designed or modelled
using a computer aided drawing tool like solid works etc.
 By the 3D scanner or by the digital camera and a very unique photogrammetry
software. These 3D printed models were created with help of the CAD results in the
reduction of errors which were found and can be corrected before printing.
 In manual modelling process of preparing geometric data for 3d computer graphics is
similar to plastic arts such as sculpting. Based on this data 3-dimentional models of
the scanned object can be produced.

Figure 1.1: CAD Modelling

 After modelling in CAD tool the model often be (in .skp, .dae, .3ds or some other
format) then it needs to be converted to either a .STL or .OBJ format, to allow the
printing software to be able to read it.

1.7.2 Printing

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Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer

 After the model has been converted to STL, it must be first examined for “errors”, this
step is called the “fixup”. In most of the cad applications produce errors in output STL
files errors like sekf intersection, improper holes, face normal has to be corrected.
 Once the file is converted to STL, the file has to be processed by a software called
“slicer” which will convert the model into series of layers and produces a G-code file
containing instructions to a specific type of 3D printer. This G-code file can be
printed by using 3D client software (which loads the G-code and uses it to instruct the
3D printer during printing.
 In practice the client software and the slicer program exist, including Cura, Slic3r,
repetier host, pronterface and skein forge as well as closed source programs like
simplify 3D and KISSIicer3D.
 3D printer follows the G-code instructions to lay down successive layers of liquid,
powder, paper or sheet material to build model from a series of cross sections. The
such as plastic, sand, metal etc. can be \used through a print nozzle. These layers,
which correspond to the virtual cross sections from the CAD model, are joined or
automatically fused to create the final shape. Depending on what the printer is
making, the process could take up to minutes or hours. Printer resolution describes the
layer thickness and X-Y resolution dots per inch (dpi) or micrometres (μm).
 The layer thickness which can be found can be around the 100gm mark, although
some of these machines such as the object convex series and the 3D Systems Project
series can be very much printed as thin layers as 16μm. These resolution of X-Y is
comparable to that of laser printers. The particles (3D dots) are around 50 to 500μm
(510 to 250 Dpi) in diameter.
 The method of Construction of models can take away from several hours to several
days, depending how big the model is, method used, printing speed, and complexity
of the model. Typically, the time can be reduced to few hours depending on the type
of machine used and size. 3D printers give designers and concept models using a
desktop size of 3D printer.

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Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer

Figure: 1.2 Printing of Models

1.8 Application
1.8.1 Education

Figure: 1.3 Planetary Gear

1.8.2 Apparel

Figure: 1.4 3D Printed Shoe and Spectacle

 3D printing has spread into the world of clothing with fashion designers
experimenting with 3D-printed bikinis, shoes, and dresses.

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Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer

1.8.3 Construction

Figure: 1.5 Building Prototype Printed

 With the help of 3D printers, we are able to build civil models like prototype of
building or plan structures. So that the customers can easily visualized the models.

1.8.4 Dental

Figure: 1.6 Human Jaw Prototype

 With the help of 3D printers, we are able to print jaws it can be a prototype or it can
be a jaw bone which can be transplanted as per the needs. An 83-year-old British
woman recently underwent the first-ever custom transplant of a lower jaw made by a
3D printer.

1.8.5 Medical

Figure: 1.6.1 Cranium Bone Prototype

1.8.6 Domestic Use

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Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer

Figure: 1.7 Domestic Items

 3D printing was also used for ornamental objects. Websites associated with home 3D
printings include coat hooks, doorknobs etc.

Paper Name Author & Method Advantages Limitation
Publication Used
Dimensional Taylor & Literature coordinate measuring High Cost of
Accuracy Francis Group survey machine was used to implementation
Achievable by -2014 about determine the
Three- accuracy accuracy of each part.
The Processes Alaa Jabbar Research 3D printers capable of Multiple
and Almaliki paper & outputting in colour nozzles
Technologies -2015 Literature and multiple Required
of 3D Printing survey materials already exist
The Processes and will continue to
and improve to a
Technologies point where functional
of 3D Printing products will be able
to be output.
3D Printing Stefan Literature Studying the progress Provides only
and the Bechtold review of of 3D printing market
Intellectual -2015 marketing technologies information of
Property and thereby also informs 3d printing
System production us about the intricate market.
of 3d relationship between

Government Engineering College, Bharuch 9

Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer

printers. intellectual property

and innovation
in general.
Design & Sevvel desktop 3D to decrease the overall Low quality
Fabrication of Srinivasan, printing expense of three- print as
Innovative Balaji A, machine, dimensional printing compared to
Desktop 3D Gowtham, falling machines by other.
Printing Kalyana under the supplanting couple of
Machine Varadhan V Desktop parts by other ones
Kumaresh class rather than expensive
And Kishore printers is materials.
Bajrang-2019 created.
Design and Rishabh Sood, Literature Design of experiments High power
development Sharad K. survey (DOE) is used with an consumption in
of a low-cost Pradhan about layer orthogonal array using 3d printing
open-source -2019 thickness three process process.
3D printer setup. parameters layer
thickness, orientation
Infill Orientation and
temperature of
extruder, to get tensile
strength of the
Printing S. C. Provide the range of printable, It cost higher
techniques for Daminabo , information functional material to print high
polymer S. Goel , about systems that meet the strength of
material S. A. strength of requirements material.
systems Grammatikos, different of a broad range of
H.Y. Nezhad, materials in industries.
V.K. Thakur 3d printing
-2019 process.
Design and V. Harshitha, The Using ABS and PLA Provided for
analysis of Seeram materials of materials 3D printing only specific
ISO standard Srinivasa Rao different of ISO standard M12 model of work.
bolt and nut in -2019 mechanical bolts are designed.
FDM 3D properties
printer using and tensile
PLA and ABS properties
materials. have been

Government Engineering College, Bharuch 10

Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer

3D Printers: A Review on Research A user can make any 3D printing

The Next Print 3D Printing paper & complex shape on 3D technology is
Revolution Technology Literature printer by just making currently
-2020 survey on CAD software or limited by size
by scanning with 3D constraints.
scanner. Very large
objects are still
not feasible
when built
using 3D
3.1 Simplified Block Diagram

3D Object Conversion To
Design Relevant Code
Through,stl file

Input to

Output on Mechanical
glass plate Working

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Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer

Figure 3.1: Block Diagram of the Entire System

This above diagram describes the basic working of the product. As shown in above block

 Firstly a 3D object is designed using a CAD Tool and then is converted in such a file
format specifically a G-Code using software like Cura or Repetier that is
understandable by the electronics that mainly includes the microcontroller.
 Input is given to the electronics that give commands to the motors according to the
design in the CAD Tool.
 The mechanical components including motors, extruder works accordingly and thus a
layer by layer object is printed on the print plate. After the 3D object gets cooled to a
certain temperature the final end product can be taken out.
 In this way the simple process works to build a 3D object. Thus a prototyping of the
product also becomes easier as the specified or the required designed on an initial
stage is formatted on a CAD Tool and your printer start to print. To get a change in
the final product structure the design in the CAD Tool only needs the change, rest all
working remains unchanged.
3.2 Flow chart
 The following flow chart shows the methodology used by us in construction of 3D
printer. The first step is to select one of the additive manufacturing processes among
many processes explained previously. Then an appropriate mechanism is selected for
X, Y and Z axis movements, considering various factors such as cost of fabrication,
simplicity of design, synchronization, accuracy etc.
 Once the mechanism is selected the next step is integration of electronics and
software then the machine is designed and fabricated. The last step is, synchronization
of mechanical, electrical and software elements of the machine.

PC/Laptop Arduino 3D
Serial Port Shield

Limit Switches X, Y
Government Engineering College, Bharuch Driver
and Z Axis

Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer

Figure 3.2: Flow chart

3.3 Selection of process

 The rundown of 3D printing innovations and procedures keeps on developing as 3D
printing is continually evolving. The 3D printing industry continues upgrading its
hardware and the materials and strategies to make protest or parts. Contingent upon
numerous factors, for example, spending plan, outline or capacity, picking the fitting
3D printing process and also the correct material is imperative.
 The FDM technology is clean, simple to use and it is environmentally stable.
Complex shapes and intricate parts can be printed. FDM is at the very entry of the
market as it mainly used by individuals. FDM is an affordable 3D printing process
compared to other 3D printing technologies.
 FDM starts with a product procedure which forms an STL file (stereolithographic file
format), scientifically cutting and situating the model for the building procedure. In
the event that required, support structures might be created. The machine may
apportion numerous materials to accomplish diverse objectives. The model or part is
created by extruding little amount of thermoplastic material to the desired shape
layers as the material solidifies promptly after expulsion from the nozzle. A plastic
filament or metal wire is loosened up from a loop and supplies material to an
extrusion nozzle which can turn the flow on and off.
 There is commonly a worm drive that pushes the filament into the nozzle at a
controlled rate. The nozzle is warmed to soften the material. The thermoplastics are
warmed past their glass change temperature and are then saved by an expulsion head.
 The nozzle can be moved in both even and vertical bearings by a numerically
controlled component. The nozzle takes an instrument way controlled by a PC helped

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producing (CAM) programming bundle, and the part is developed from the last, one
layer at any given moment. Stepper engines or servo engines are commonly utilized to
move the expulsion head. The system utilized is frequently an X-Y-Z rectilinear
outline, albeit other mechanical plans have been utilized. In spite of the fact that as a
printing innovation FDM is exceptionally adaptable, and it is fit for managing little
shades by the help of bringing down layers.

3.4 Selection of Mechanism

 Presently mechanisms such as, for example, SCARA, Cartesian, Polar, Delta and so
on are utilized as a part of development of FDM 3D Printers. We have chosen
Cartesian arrangement of developments, where the bed moves in the vertical heading
i.e., in Z pivot bearing and the extruder spout moves horizontal way i.e., both in X and
Y hub course. Z hub development on such a 3D printer is extremely exact and
requires low increasing speeds, however the bed should be lightweight with a specific
end goal to look after precision, which makes it harder to include a completely
programmed bed levelling framework.
 Controlling a straight Cartesian framework like this is mechanically straightforward
and furthermore generally simple from a product point of view, which is the reason
most 3D printers available today utilize this kind of plan. The Cartesian arrange
frameworks has for quite some time been utilized for instruments like plotters, CNC
processing machines, and 2D printers.
3.5 Electronics
3.5.1 Controller
 The controller is the brains of our 3D Printer. Almost all 3D Printer controllers are based
on the of the Arduino microcontroller. While a lot of variations exist. They are
exchangeable and basically all do the same thing. Now and then the controller is a remain
solitary circuit load up with chips on it, in some cases the controller is an Arduino Mega
with an extra board.

3.5.2 DVD Stepper Motors

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 A DVD stepper motor is a brushless DC electric motor that partitions a full pivot into a
numerical of equivalent advances. The motor's position would then be able to be
instructed to move and hold at one of these means with no criticism sensor, as long as the
engine as deliberately measured to the application. As every movement moves the motor
a known steps it makes them helpful gadgets for repeatable arranging. We will utilize
stepper motor to move the bed carriage and different gatherings in their individually X -
Axis, Y - Axis, Z - Axis.

3.5.3 End stops

 Mechanical switches are less complicated to implement and cheaper than optical end
stops because they do not require a circuit board and only use 2 wires for connecting the
switch. Resistors Pull up and down can put close to the main board. Contact-less
magnetic switches are called read switches.
 They are proximity switches that close (or switch over) if a magnet comes close enough
(usually 1 mm or less) and open if the magnet moves away. Reed switches are utilized as
sensors in home caution frameworks to identify open windows and doors.
3.5.4 Stepper Drives
 A stepper driver is a motor that acts as the kind of intermediate person between a
stepper motor and the controller. It streamlines the signs that should be sent to the
stepper motor keeping in mind the end goal to motivate it to move. Here and there the
stepper drivers are on independent circuit sheets that are connected to the controller
through links.
 Now and then the stepper drivers are on little circuit sheets that connect
straightforwardly to the controller itself. For this situation, the controller will have
space for no less than 4 of these little circuit sheets. Finally, sometimes the stepper
drivers are soldered right onto the controller itself.

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Figure 3.3: A-4988 Stepper Motor drive

3.5.5 Extruder
 Extruder consists of two parts, a cold top part that feeds the plastic filament, hot part
at bottom that melts and extrudes the plastic. The speed of the extruder head may also
be controlled, to stop and start deposition and form and interrupted plane without
stringing between sections.
3.5.6 Nozzle
 The Nozzle is the tip of the Hot End where the plastics comes out. It needs to be
exchangeable when needed. The nozzle size is really important. It usually varies from
0.25mm to 0.75mm. The most common size is 0.5mm. The best practice is to change
the nozzle sizes depending on your design and desired results.

Figure 3.4: Nozzle Tip

3.6 Software
3.6.1 CAD Tools
 Computer Aided Design are used to design 3D parts for printing. Computer aided
design (CAD) is where we use the computer system to assist in the creation

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Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer

modification analysis or optimization of a design. Computer aided design software is

utilized to expand the efficiency of the creator, enhance the nature of configuration,
enhance interchanges through documentation, and to make a database for
 Computer-aided design files in the most genuine sense are intended to enable you to
effectively change and control parts in view of parameters. Now and then CAD files
are alluded to as parametric records. The parts which are being represented as a tree of
Boolean operations which are performed on primitive shapes such as cubes, spheres,
cylinders, pyramids.

3.6.2 CAM Tools

 Computer Aided Manufacturing, or CAM, tools handle the intermediate step of
translating CAD files into a machine-friendly font used for our 3D printer electronics.
 Here we will be using a software which will be an integration of object slicing,
Generation of G codes and M codes, Object Placement and other printer settings.
Usually to turn a 3D part into a machine format, CAM software needs a STL file. The
machine friendly format that is used for printing is called G-code.
3.6.3 Firmware
 3D Printer electronics are controlled by an inexpensive CPU such as the Atmel AVR
processor. Atmel processors are what Arduino-based microcontrollers use. These
processors are exceptionally weak contrasted with even the normal 10 to 15-year-old
PC you find in the landfill these days. However, these are CPUs so they do run
primitive software. This primitive software they run is the firmware.
 The entire software chain that makes the 3D Printer work, the firmware portion of it is
the closest you get to actual programming. In fact, the term for what you are doing
with firmware is called cross compiling.
3.7 Objectives of our present work
The objectives of our present work are as follows:
 Design and development of low cost 3d printer.
 To print complex and intricate parts.
 To build printing volumes accurately.
 To solve the problems of bed levelling.

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4.1 Conceptual Design
 For developing low cost 3D printing machine, material required as follows: guide
ways and motors of CD drive and floppy drive, limit switch, stepper motor, poly-
tetrafluoro-ethylene tube (PTEF) and various fastener. The 3D printer consists of
three axis which is x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. Each axis has its respective function
while moving, which is controlled by microcontroller. The y-axis functions to move
the printed bed where, the movement from rotating to linear is converted by a lead

 The x-axis component is attached to the top of the printed bed and its function same
as the y-axis but is different in terms of movement direction. The x-axis and y-axis are
moves with the help of mechanism of CD drives. The third axis is the z-axis, on
which extruder head is mounted and it moves the z-direction using mechanism of
floppy drive. We using the Pronterface software for the slicing purpose.

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Figure 4.1: CAD Design

4.2 Detail design

4.2.1 Selection of Motor for X, Y and Z axis
Constant speed of the motor = 400rpm = 6.667rps


ω = [2πN]/60 = 41.908rad/s


400 =(r) (41.908)

r = 9.547mm

Torque = (Force) (Radius Force)

= 41.87N (considering NEMA 17 stepper motor having torque = 0.4 Nm)

Conclusion for motor design

4.2 kg can be pulled over a distance of 500mm in 1second using NEMA 17.

Design of Lead Screw for X, Y and Z – axis movement

Total load acting on the bed = (Volume of bed) (Density of filament) (PLA)

= 0.5×0.5×0.5×1050 = 131.25kg = 1290 N


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Single start thread n = 1

Lead =n×p = 1×2 = 2mm

Pitch = 2mm Coefficient of friction µ = 0.17

Torque = 3Nm

Considering Torque equation:

𝑇 = 𝐹 × (D𝑚 / 2) [ 𝐿+µπ𝐷𝑚 / π𝐷𝑚−µL]

Dm = 9.77mm

Dstd = 12mm

Conclusion for lead screw

The diameter of lead screws is found to be 9.77mm and standardized to 12mm.

4.3 Extruder
4.3.1 Introduction
 Extrusion is a procedure used to make objects of a settled cross-sectional profile. A
material is pushed or pulled through a die of the desired cross-sectional profile. The
two main advantages of this process over manufacturing processes are its ability to
create very complex cross-sections and to work with materials that are brittle.
Because the material only encounters compression and shear stresses.
 It also forms parts with an excellent surface finish. Commonly extruded materials
include metals Polymers, ceramics, concrete, play dough, and foodstuff.

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Figure 4.2: E3D V6 Extruder used in our 3D Printer

4.3.2 Principle of Extruder

 To extrude molten plastic filament, the "Cold End" forces the raw material (usually a
1.75mm or 3mm diameter filament) into the hot end. The feeding filament should
then go through the "Hot End" of the extruder with the heater and out of the nozzle at
a reasonable speed. The extruded material falls onto the fabricate stage (now and
again warmed) and after that layer by layer onto the part as it is constructed.
 Extruder Diameter: Generally, extruder diameter can be varied as per the requirement,
it is need to be simply change the extruder. Accuracy depends on nozzle diameter, as
reducing diameter accuracy will increase. That’s why we use standard diameter of
0.2mm to 0.4mm.

Figure 4.3: Hot End of Extruder

4.4 Various techniques developed for additive manufacturing

4.4.1 Photopolymerization
 Stereo lithography Apparatus (SLA) method was invented in 1986 and was
typically used in the first-generation commercial 3D printers. Printers which are using
stereo lithography to concentrate the beam of UV rays on the top of the surface of the
object which should be replicated.
 The object is filled with resin. When light hits the resin, you get a high resolution 3D
model of the object you have used.

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Figure 4.4: Stereo lithography Apparatus (SLA)

 The Material jetting is one of a unique and the only additive manufacturing
technology that can be a combination of many different print materials within the
same 3D printed model inside the same print job.
 The multi material is obviously a printing process is very much capable of
constructing functional assemblies which reduces the need for multiple builds. With
the respective ASTM standard of material jetting is the only process in which where
there are some of the droplets that can build material can be selectively deposited onto
a heated bed to develop a 3D object.

Figure 4.5: Material Jetting

4.4.2 Powder
 Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) is a rapid prototyping process that builds media in
powder form, which is fused together by using powerful carbon-dioxide laser to form
final product. SLS uses a high-powered C02 laser to fuse small particles of powdered
material to create 3 dimensional parts.
 When a laser where it will selectively which will fuse the powdered materials by
scanning X&Y cross sections on the top of the surface of a powder bed.
 The model is built one layer at a time from supplied 3D CAD data. SLS is very much
capable of producing very highly durable parts for real world testing.

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Figure 4.6: Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

 Binder Jetting is a rapid prototyping where the material being jetted is a binder, and
is selectively sprayed into a powder bed of the part material to fuse it a layer at a time
to print the required part

Figure 4.7: Binder Jetting

4.4.3 Material Extrusion

 Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM): This is a process by which a machine deposits a
filament (Thermoplastics or wax). On top or next to same material, in order to create a
joint by heat or adhesion.

Figure 4.8: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)

4.4.4 Lamination
 Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM): In the LOM technology, the layered
material is rolled on the building platform. The material which is coated with an
adhesive layer and when the feeding roller starts heating to melt down the adhesive.

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Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer

 After that the top layer will be glued to the previous one. A blade or a laser is will be
used to draw the geometry of the object to build and draw crosses on the rest of the
surface to facilitate the extraction of the final objects.

Figure 4.9: Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM)

 Selective Deposition Lamination: In this process it will involve the layers of
adhesive which are coated with paper that are very successively glued together with
the heated roller and cut to the required shape with a laser cutter layer by layer.
 When the roller with these materials moves each of the new sheet of material over the
last and repeats the process until the object is complete.

Figure 4.10: Selective Deposition Lamination

4.5 Material used in FDM 3D Printing

Material Description Printing Bed Temp.

Temp. (°C) (°C)

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PLA PLA (Polylactic Acid) is one of the two most commonly 180 – 220 20 - 55
used desktop 3D printing materials (with the other being
ABS). It is the ‘default’ recommended material for many
desktop 3D printers, and with good reason - PLA is useful
in a broad range of printing applications, has the virtue of
both odorless and low warp and it will not require a
heated bed. PLA plastic is also one of the eco-friendlier
3D printer materials available; it is made from annually
renewable resources and requires less energy to process
compared traditional (petroleum-based) plastics.
ABS ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) is another 220-235 80-110
commonly used 3D printer material. Best used for making
durable parts that need to withstand higher temperatures.
In differentiating to PLA, ABS plastic is less brittle. It can
also be post-processed with acetone to provide a glossy
Nylon Nylon is an incredibly strong, durable, and versatile 3D 235-270 60-80
(Polyamide) printing material. It is very Flexible when it is thin but it
is high inter layer adhesion and the nylon lends itself well
to things like the living hinges and the different functional
parts. Nylon filament prints as a bright natural to white
with a translucent surface and can absorb color added post
process with most common, acid-based clothing dyes.
Nylon filament is very sensitive towards the presence of
moisture so taking drying measures during storage and
immediately prior to printing is highly recommended for
best results.

Table 4.5: Material used in FDM 3D Printing

4.6 Comparison of Economical and Expensive 3D Printer

• Today 3D printing is one of the most rapidly growing technologies Efforts in the tech
industry have made cheap 3D printing a possibility. In the past five years the hunt to
develop an affordable 3D printer has become popular.

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Design and Development of Economical 3D Printer

• Now the question arises, why does the cost of these 3D printers fluctuate so much?
There are many 3D printing technologies to choose from that offer various materials
and resolution quality which can make it confusing for the average consumer.

Expensive 3D Printer Economical 3d Printer

Large and high cost stepper motors. Small and low-cost stepper motor.
Lead screw with ball bearing used which DVD Writer linear motion used which
increases the cost. includes all parts with low cost.
Large printing area. Small printing area.
Large size of printer. Compact & Portable printer.
Uses linear motion ball bearing/linear Uses bush based linear motion
rail which increases the cost. mechanism which reduces the cost.
High printing accuracy. Low printing accuracy as compared to
Use for Highly Industrial and Use for Home and Education purpose.
Professional work.

Table 4.6: Comparison of Economical and Expensive 3D Printer


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This report is the hard work of all out colleagues. This report would not have been possible
without the help of our teachers, friends. Not only we learned technical prospect but also
working in team, listening to each and every group member perspective of thinking. This
project is a blend of integrated work and individual hard work too. We also learned that
everyone is not perfect in every case but if that perfectness of each group member in some
parts can be bought together than a great work can be achieved. Hence this project will
benefit too many.

Once this project target is achieved that is to “Design and Develop of Economical 3D
Printer” our future plan is to further work on the accuracy of the printer sooner or later we
would also work upon reducing the timing of printing the end output.


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