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Week 3 Lab Assignment

Name:________________________ Instructor Name: _______________

Please use this template to help answer the questions listed in the lab instructions. The "parts" below
refer to the parts listed in the lab instructions. Type your answers and post your screenshots in the
spaces given below. Then, save this document with your name and submit it inside the course room.

Part 1. Read the assigned article.

Please reach out to your instructor if you did not receive the assigned article for the term by Monday
of Week 3.

Part 2. Analyze the article.

Title: Review of [The impact of family visitor restrictions on healthcare workers in the ICU
during the COVID-19 pandemic.]

Author(s): [Blair Wendlandt, Mary Kime, Shannon Carson]

Summarize the article in one paragraph:

The article analyzes the effect of family visitor restrictions on ICU staff during the COVID-19
pandemic. It discusses the difficulties that healthcare workers face as a result of these restrictions, as
well as the potential consequences for emotional well-being, job satisfaction, and burnout. The study
examines data from surveys completed by healthcare workers in ICUs at various hospitals. The
findings emphasize the negative effects of visitor restrictions on healthcare workers and the
importance of providing support and resources to mitigate the impact.

Post a screenshot of a graph/chart from the article that you will analyze:


(Answer the following questions thoroughly in complete sentences)

A. What type of study is used in the article (quantitative or qualitative)? Explain how you came to
that conclusion.

This study is a combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods. The research used surveys
to collect qualitative and quantitative data from physicians and nurses in the MICU. Qualitative
methods used two open-ended (open-ended surveys), while quantitative methods used 23 closed-
ended questions.

B. What type of graph or table did you choose for your lab (bar graph, histogram, stem & leaf plot,
etc.)? What characteristics make it this type (you should bring in material that you learned in the

I chose a bar graph. It uses rectangular bars on the x-axis to represent physician and nurses’
categories. The categories are grouped per specific period, with a gap separating the bars of different
time intervals. The height of the bars represents a particular value in the y-axis for each category. It
has labels on both axes and also the title of the graph. It also has a legend showing which category
each color represents.

C. Describe the data displayed in your frequency distribution or graph (consider class size, class
width, total frequency, list of frequencies, class consistency, explanatory variables, response
variables, shapes of distributions, etc.)

The data displayed in the bar graph include the visitor restriction time for bedside and telephone
contact as the categorical variable and a fixed number of physicians and nurses falling into each
category. The categories are divided into specific time intervals of contact for both bedside and

D. Draw a conclusion about the data from the graph or frequency distribution in the context of the

This data shows that when there is less contact, bedside or telephone contact, the healthcare
workers have a good time delivering patient-centred care. For bedside contact, 30 to 60 minutes
resulted in better workflow and care delivery for the physicians, while 61 to 90 minutes had a
positive impact on the nurses. On the other hand, a telephone contact of about 30 minutes had
positive results for both physicians and nurses.

These results align with the article's objectives; with the visitor restriction, nurses have had more
time to focus on direct patient care without the added responsibility of providing information and
support to family members at the bedside throughout the day.

E. How else might this data have been displayed (Pick two different graphs that could have been
used to display the same data as your selected graph/table)?

A line graph or a table could also be used to display this data. A line graph could be used to show
how the frequencies or other variables change over time or in relation to specific factors. A table
would present the data in a tabular format, providing a thorough overview of the frequencies and
percentages for each visitor restriction level.

Discuss the pros and cons of 2 other presentation options, such as tables or different graphical

Line graphs are useful for displaying trends and changes over time or with respect to a continuous
variable. They are visually appealing and can aid in the identification of patterns. Line graphs, on the
other hand, may not be appropriate if the data is categorical in nature or if there are many categories
to display. Tables have the advantage of presenting precise numerical values and allowing for easy
comparisons between different categories or variables. Tables, on the other hand, can be
overwhelming when dealing with large amounts of data and may not visually represent patterns or
trends as effectively as graphs. The table would involve identifying variables and data, determining
table structure, entering data, formatting the table, and providing explanations to help readers
understand the data.

Explain how these graphs would be structured to display the data in the article. Why don't you think
those two graphs were not used in this article?

The structure of the line graph would include the two variables; job satisfaction and emotional well-
being of both physicians and nurses over time. The x-axis would have well-being, while the y-axis
would have job satisfaction. The relevant data points for each variable at different time intervals.
Ensure that the data points are accurate and represent the trends or changes being analyzed. Plot the
data points on the graph, with time on the x-axis and the respective variable values on the y-axis.
Connect the data points with a line to visualize the trend or change over time. These two were not
used in the research because the objective was to provide the impact of family restrictions on
healthcare workers in the ICU; hence the analysis should be simple and easy to understand, avoiding
any complexity.

F. Give the full APA reference of the article you are using for this lab.

Wendlandt, B., Kime, M., & Carson, S. (2022). The impact of family visitor restrictions on
healthcare workers in the ICU during the COVID-19 pandemic. Intensive and Critical Care
Nursing, 68, 103123.

Be sure your name is on the Word document, save it, and then submit it. In the assignment module,
click "start assignment" and then "upload file" and "submit assignment".


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