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(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PU (19) World Intell ectual Property > Organization = AUTON EA 10 Imeratoa aren Bz (10) Internationa Publication Number (43) Imernational Publication Date WO 2018/022261 Al 01 February 2018 (01.02.2018) WIPO|PCT SATION TREATY (PCT) nese Academy of Sciences (IMR), 72 Wenhua Road, €22C 38/18 (2006.01) (€22C 38/44 (2006.01) Shenyang, 110016 (CN). oe ey (72) Inventors: TIAN, Fialong; 72 Wenbua Road, Shenyang, Cree sete) SiGuumcam)” ‘Ewha wane, Wo al ke ate a eee Liaoning (CN). SHAN, Yivin; 72 Wenhua Rosd, Shenyang, PCT/US2017/040660 (74) spout: WASYLYNA, Victor, J-; Walters & Wasylyna nal ing Date: LLC, 8193 Avery Road, Suite 101, Cleveland, OH 44147 (05 July 2017 (05.07.2017) ) Filing Language: English (81) ed States (unless osherwise indicated, for every Kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, Qe a AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, (G0) Priority Datu ‘CA, CH, CL, CN;CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DI, DK, DM, DO, 201610592044.7 26 July2016 (26.07.2016) CN.——_—DZ, EC, FE, EG, FS, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HIR, HU, 1D, IL, IN, IR, 1S, 10, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR KW, KZ, LA, LC,LK,LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, Ni, NO, NZ, (71) Applicants: THE BOEING COMPANY [US/USI; 100 North Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60606-2016 (US). INSTITUTE OF METAL RESEARCH [CN/CN}; Chi WO 2018/022261 A1 llll 60 Tin /LTRA-HIGH STRENGTH MARAGING STAINLESS STEEL WITH SALT-WATER CORROSION RESISTANCE Ea 1E7 166 168 164, 163 001 Current(A/em*) Fig.5 G7) Abstract: An ultra-high strength maraging stainless stee! with nominal composition (in mass) of C < 0.03%, Cr: 13.0-14.0% Ni: 5.5-7.0%, Co: 5:5-7.5%, Mo: 3.0.5 Si: <0.1%, Mn: < 0.1%, P: < 0.01%, S: < 0.01%, and Fe: balance. The leveloped ultra-high strength maraging stainless stel combines ultra-high strength (with cb = 2000MPa, o0.2>1700MPa, 8 > 8% and high toughness (KIC > 83 MPa m1/2) and superior salt water corrosion resistance (ith pitting potential Fpit > 0.15 (vs )). Therefore, ths see is suitable to make structural parts tha ae used in harsh corrosive envitosmens like marine enviroaent ontaining chloride ions, ete [Continued on nest page} WO 2018/022261 A. [MMIII NE UH M0 NMEA TA OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, s SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, ‘TR,TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, 2M, ZW cr Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every ind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW Declarations under Rule 4. = as to the identity ofthe inventor (Rule 4.17()) — as to applicant's entitlement to apply for aed be granted a patent (Rule 4.170)) = as 10 the applicant's entitlement to claim the priority of the earlier application (Rule 4.17(tt) Published: = with international search report (Art. 21@3)) WO 2018/022261 PCT/US2017/040660 ULTRA-HIGH STRENGTH MARAGING STAINLESS STEEL WITH SALT-WATER CORROSION RESISTANCE PRIORITY [0001] This application claims priority from Chinese Pat. App. No. 201610592044.7 filed on July 26, 2016. FIELD [0002] ‘This application relates to high strength stainless steel and, more particularly, to ultra-high strengch maraging stainless steel with salt-water corrosion resistance. The disclosed maraging stainless steel may be suitable for manufacturing structural parts intended for use in harsh corrosive environments, such as salt-water and the like, in which chloride ions are present. BACKGROUND [0003] Because of its corrosion resistance, stainless steel is widely used in machinery, the nuclear industry, aerospace, the building industry, and in various other civilian and military applications. ‘The economic and technological status of stainless steel is significant. With the development of science and technology, and progress of human civilization, optimization and improvement in the comprehensive performance of stainless steel has become an inevitable trend. [0004] The compositions and mechanical properties of various traditional stainless steels are presented in Tables 1 and 2. WO 2018022261 PCT/US2017/040660 TABLE 1 Nominal compositions of ultra-high strength (stainless) steels (wt%) Trademark Cc Cr_| Ni | Co | Mo | Ti | Mn Others 300M 04 [os [18 | — | 04 0.8 | Si (1.6) V (0.05) Custom475 | <0.01| 11.0| 8.0 [85 | 5.0 <05 | Al(1.0-1.5) 17-4PH <0.07) 17.0) 4.0 | ~ ae = | <1.0] Si (<1.0= Cu (4.0) PH13-8Mo | <0.05/13.0| 8.0 [| - | 20 | — | o we o 0h 0.8h ih 2h 4h Gh 8h 10h 12h 16h Time,h Fig. 4B WO 2018/022261 Potentials(V vs SCE) 1E-8 7/10 Example 1 1E-7 1E-6 16-5 PCT/US2017/040660 Exainple 2 Example 3 1E4 183 0.01 Current(A/cm’) Fig. 5 WO 20181022261 PCT/US2017/040660 8/10 | OOCrISNI7 | CobMo4w ae WO 20181022261 PCT/US2017/040660 9/10 som | ctaano | 300M CM 400 | Steelof 45.5PH_ PH13-8 | q Fig. 6B WO 2018/022261 PCT/US2017/040660 10/10 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Fig. 7 INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT Tatersational aplication No. PcTwust7/0860 ‘A, CLASSIFICATION OF SUBIECT MATTER IPC = 6220 38/18, 38/22, 28/28, 38/30, 98/40, 38/44, 38/50, 38/52; C21D 6/00, 8/00 (2017.01) ” c2ac 36/18, 38/22, 38/28, 38/30, 38/40, 38/44, 38/50, 38/52, 33/006; C21D 6/004, 8/005 According to Intemational Patent Classification (IPC) orto both national lasification and IPC. B,_ FIELDS SEARCHED “Minimum documentation searched (lssifemton system fllowed by clasiestion symbols) ‘See Search History document ‘Documentation searched othe than minimum documentation tothe extent that such dociments ee elude in he ils searched ‘S00 Search History document Erectronic database consulted ring the international search (name of database and, where practicable, search tems used) ‘See Search History document C._DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT ‘Category? | _ Citation oF document, with indication, where appropriate, ofthe relevant passages Relevant to claim No. x ~).ow 103920729 a (CENTRAL IRON & STEEL RES INST CHINA) 28 May 2014; soo Engisn —|1-12, 14-15, Translation; abstract; paragraph [0063]; clams 1-2 basalt y 19,1620 y JCN 101994066 A (INST METAL RES CHINESE ACAD SO) 30 March 2011; soe English 13, 1620 ransaton; abstract; peragraphs {0021 (0023 clim 3 y Wo 20141008564 A1 (ATEM DE CARVALHO EDUARDO, et al) 16 January 2014: see English | 19-20 anslaton; abstract; page 9 lst paragraph; dams 1,57 la lus 6,475,307 81 (NYSTROM, AL et a) 05 November 2002; entire document 20 A Jus 201270080124 At (BARROW, ATW ot al) 05 Aps 2012: entre document 1-20 A ~|(40UH, et) “Etet of host raatmant temperature on the mechanical properties of 1.20 oortemperatire nigh svengih maraging ste" Materials Scence anc Engineering A. 20%4, Vo. 601, pages 1-6 LL Fortes documents iste inthe coninunton of Box Se ptt iy ame, ee eee cee ~ {er doc ure published afer whe inarnaton Ming date rin “ar Sanenctcgensnaneotheuotiaismccnidees "”” se dcpenrtsiet einer iets are teem SUSE Rae a arene © herpetic paths onor ae icra of pea eee: te ne tin cna aa eer eb orp th ay Ww dion ponies win is __‘SeP wre Semen’ ele Rare ee ee eae ee ane nar caine win cb ‘special reason (as specified) ‘considered 1g involve an inventive step when the, GOcument 1S or dement ing nl Saco, we, exiin or her Stee ce ti Seas yee 7 SSIpses ay ean eS Semel pote eon ng aaa 9 daa mer of he se pei ‘Dat ofthe actual completion ofthe international search ‘Date of mailing of the international search report 31 August 2017 (91082017) 29 SEP 2017 ‘Ware and mailing address of the ISAT ‘authorized officer Moi Stop PCT, An: ISAS, Commissioner fr P ‘Shane Thomas P.O, Box 1480, Alexandria, Vginia 22313-1450 ae Facsimile No. 671-279-8900 Petoap snare Form POTVISATRVO (second sheet) ranuary 2015)

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