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Topological instability as a criterion for design and selection of aluminum-based glass-

former alloys
R. D. Sá Lisboa, C. Bolfarini, W. J. Botta F., and C. S. Kiminami

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 86, 211904 (2005); doi: 10.1063/1.1931047

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Topological instability as a criterion for design and selection

of aluminum-based glass-former alloys
R. D. Sá Lisboa,a兲 C. Bolfarini, W. J. Botta F., and C. S. Kiminami
Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, CEP 13565-905, São
Carlos, SP, Brazil
共Received 15 December 2004; accepted 6 April 2005; published online 16 May 2005兲
This letter proposes a criterion to quantitatively correlate chemical composition with crystallization
behaviors of Al-based glass-former alloys. By extending to multicomponent systems the topological
instability model of Egami and Waseda 关J. Non-Cryst. Solids 64, 113 共1984兲兴, we introduce a
“lambda 共␭兲 criterion” according to which amorphous alloys with ␭ ⬎ 0.1 exhibit glassy behavior,
whereas alloys with ␭ ⬍ 0.1 are nanocrystalline. Nanoglassy alloys occur when ␭ ⬇ 0.1. A large
number of experimental findings in the literature supports the ␭ criterion, rendering it a useful tool
for the design and selection of glass-former systems and compositions. © 2005 American Institute
of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1931047兴

Since the production of fully amorphous, ductile combination of primary nanocrystallization of fcc-Al pre-
aluminum-based alloys by Inoue et al.1 and He et al.,2 a large ceded by a clear glass transition phenomenon, rendering
number of Al-based alloys has been cast into the fully amor- these alloys potential candidates for the synthesis of high-
phous state when rapidly quenched from the liquid3 or made strength, bulk nanocrystalline alloys by exploiting the vis-
amorphous by solid-state processing.4–6 A rough estimate cous flow of matter within ⌬Tx 共Ref. 13兲.
from the literature indicates more than 200 different amor- Despite the scientific and technological significance in-
phous alloys, within over 40 different systems, from binary1 trinsic to each of these categories of alloys being
to up to six solute elements;7 this multitude of alloys may broadly acknowledged, there is presently no systematic pro-
comprehensively and suitably be referred to as Al-TM-RE cedure for the design and selection of systems and/or com-
共TM: transition metals; RE: rare-earth elements兲. Glass for- positions other than trial and error-based methods.14,15 Nano-
mation is favored for multicomponent compositions crystalline behavior is empirically related to Al-rich
typically containing 80– 94 at. % Al, 3 – 20 at. % RE and compositions 共⬎88 at. % Al兲,16 yet primary crystallization
1 – 15 at. % TM, though limited glass formation was also re- has been observed in compositions with as low an aluminum
ported for binary Al-共Y,La,Ce,Sm兲 共Refs. 1, 8, and 9兲 and content as 73 at. % 共Ref. 17兲. Conversely, the glassy behav-
pseudobinary Al-TM alloys with multiple TM additions.10 ior has been experimentally found in TM- or RE-richer al-
Strikingly, those innumerable Al-TM-RE glass-former loys, although it is occasionally observed in Al-rich alloys
alloys may be grouped into only three categories of alloys, such as Al88Ni4La6Gd2 共Ref. 7兲. Nanoglassy behavior has
distinguished from each other and defined by the crystalliza- been reported for a number of alloys,18–22 though no corre-
tion reactions11 and unique combinations of thermal, calori- lation with chemical composition is apparent.
metric, mechanical, 共micro兲structural, and kinetics features While these distinct crystallization behaviors are directly
of their thermally induced crystallization process. Within the related to and ultimately determined by chemical composi-
scope of the present letter, thermal features—as effected by tion and the resulting atomic-level amorphous structure, no
and probed with a differential scanning calorimeter under definite picture of this structure has yet been proposed, de-
continuous heating—and crystallization reactions—as deter- spite the current progress in the field.23 Graphical procedures
mined by x ray or electron diffractometry—suffice to define based on tentative topological aspects of atomic-level struc-
the nanocrystalline, glassy, and nanoglassy crystallization ture have also been recently proposed that distinguish ordi-
behaviors or categories of alloys as follows. nary from bulk glass-former systems and successfully de-
Nanocrystalline alloys undergo primary crystallization of scribe glass-forming ranges,24,25 but from which no inference
toughening fcc-Al nanocrystals12 with no clearly resolved of crystallization reactions can be made. Hence, prediction of
glass transition temperature Tg preceding the first crystalliza- crystallization behavior is not possible based on the current
tion onset temperature Tx1. A large temperature interval sepa- knowledge of the amorphous structure. The use of computer-
rates Tx1 from the precipitation of intermetallic phase共s兲 at a aided thermodynamic modeling has only been able to a pos-
second crystallization onset temperature Tx2. Glassy alloys teriori explain a number of experimental findings of glass-
undergo either eutectic-like or polymorphic reactions at Tx1, forming ability and crystallization reactions of some binary
whereby fcc-Al and intermetallic phase共s兲 or a single meta- systems.26 While no straightforward prediction of crystalliza-
stable intermetallic phase, respectively, crystallize from the tion behavior is implied by this method, attempts to model
parent amorphous phase. Glassy alloys usually devitrify after multicomponent systems are restricted to but a few ternary
a clearly resolved Tg, and thus often exhibit a supercooled alloys,15,27 further limiting the applicability of this numerical
liquid region ⌬Tx 共⌬Tx = Tx1 − Tg兲. Intermediate to the above- procedure as a guideline on alloy design and selection.
mentioned, nanoglassy alloys exhibit a unique and promising In this letter we describe and propose the extension of
the Egami-Waseda28 topological instability model as a crite-
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail: rion for the prediction of crystallization behavior in multi-
salisboa@iris.ufscar.br component Al-TM-RE glass-former alloys, irrespective of
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211904-2 Sá Lisboa et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 211904 共2005兲

TABLE I. Experimental 共cexp B

兲 and predicted 共cmin
兲 solute concentrations for Metallic radii used in this letter are taken from Ref. 25.
amorphization by melt spinning of selected binary Al-based systems. Values Alloys of hypocritical compositions 共cexp B
⬍ cmin
; ␭0
of cmin are calculated for ␭0 = 0.1 in Eq. 共1兲, and ␭0 values correspond to the
limits of cexp ranges. Metallic radii taken from Ref. 25.
⬍ 0.100兲 have also been made amorphous, noticeably in
Al-Sm and Al-Ce systems; see Table I. This relaxation in the
Alloy system B
cexp B
cmin 共␭0 = 0.1兲 condition expressed by Eq. 共1兲 evokes the kinetic nature of
Al–B 共at. %兲 共at. %兲 ␭0 关Eq. 共1兲兴 amorphization: were high enough cooling rates available,
even pure metals would be made amorphous by quenching
Al–Sm 8–14a 9.8 0.082–0.143
from the liquid.
Al–Y 9–13b 10.1 0.089–0.129
Thorough inspection of references given in Ref. 28 and
Al–La 7–10c 7.9 0.088–0.126
Table I further suggests a correlation between ␭0 and the
Al–Ce 7–10c 9.3 0.075–0.107
previously defined crystallization behaviors: ␭0 ⬎ 0.100 re-
Data taken from Refs. 9 and 29–31. sulted in either polymorphous or eutectic crystallization—
Data taken from Refs. 1, 8, and 32. usually preceded by a clear Tg under continuous heating in a
Data taken from Refs. 1 and 33.
differential scanning calorimeter, while nanocrystalline be-
havior occurred whenever ␭0 ⬍ 0.100. For instance, Al92Sm8
identity or number of TM and RE elements, in advance of 共␭0 = 0.082兲 alloy underwent primary crystallization of fcc-Al
their production. The herein proposed “lambda 共␭兲 criterion” nanocrystals dispersed within a remaining amorphous
rationalizes the trial and error-based methods of systems matrix;9,29–31 Al90Sm10 共␭0 = 0.102兲 alloy exhibited polymor-
and/or composition selection by correlating chemical compo- phous crystallization to a metastable phase that subsequently
sition and crystallization behavior in a clear, predictable decomposed into a eutectic-like mixture of fcc-Al and
manner. intermetallic phases;9,30,31 both Al88Sm12 共␭0 = 0.122兲
In 1984, Egami and Waseda put forward a topological and Al86Sm14 共␭0 = 0.143兲 alloys underwent eutectic
instability model28 that successfully described the minimum crystallization.9,30,31
solute concentrations for amorphization by rapid quenching The topological instability condition expressed by Eq.
共melt-spun ribbons and vapor-deposited thin films兲 of a num- 共1兲 for binary systems may be extended to multicomponent
ber of binary systems. Within the framework of this model, a Al-based alloys of generic composition AlBcBCcCDcD . . . ZcZ,
minimum solute concentration 共cmin B
, given in at. %兲 exists at where B through Z represent different TM and/or RE solute
which average atomic-level elastic strains throughout the elements, with corresponding ci atomic concentrations and ri
system equal the limiting or critical value for topological metallic radii. By dropping the condition of a minimum sol-
instability of the single-phase, crystalline solid solution of ute amount from the definition of ␭0, a unique parameter, ␭,
the same composition as the liquid or vapor 共i.e., polymor- is obtained,
phous solidification is ruled out兲. Amorphization of
共hyper兲critical compositions 共cB 艌 cmin B
兲 would thus become Z
feasible provided a cooling rate high enough was employed
to hinder the competing solute segregation triggering pri-
␭= 兺
ci兩共ri/rAl兲3 − 1兩. 共2兲
mary or eutectic solidification. Supported by literature results
on over 60 binary amorphous alloys, the ratio of solute 共B兲 to Only chemical composition and metallic radii of constituent
solvent 共A兲 metallic radii 共rB / rA兲 was found to be empirically elements of any given alloy are required for its ␭ to be de-
correlated with cmin through a topological instability param- termined.
eter, ␭0, such that ␭0 ⬇ 0.1 共Ref. 28兲, It is instructive to apply Eq. 共2兲 to ternary systems, Al–
Ni–Y given as an example in Fig. 1共a兲. The line of compo-
␭0 = cmin
兩共rB/rA兲3 − 1兩 ⬇ 0.1. 共1兲 sitions whose ␭ is exactly equal to 0.1 is plotted in the figure
and describes the “␭0.1 line,” the ends of which are defined
While no binary Al-based systems were originally con- Ni
by cmin Y
and cmin as calculated using the original Eq. 共1兲 with
sidered, the topological instability condition expressed by ␭0 = 0.1. This particular iso-␭ line divides the compositional
Eq. 共1兲 also applies to alloys of these systems. Predictions of triangle into regions where ␭ is either higher or lower than
Eq. 共1兲 共cmin
兲 are compared with experimental results 共cexp
兲 0.1, above or below the ␭0.1 line, respectively.
for selected binary Al-based systems in Table I; good agree- By superimposing over Fig. 1共a兲 points representing Al–
ment between prediction and experiments is observed, since Ni–Y alloys for which thermal crystallization results are
the composition range for experimental glass formation en- available in the literature, a remarkable, selective distribution
compasses the predicted values for all of the examples given. of points around the ␭0.1 line is obtained: alloys reported to

FIG. 1. Compositional triangles for 共a兲

Al–Ni–Y and 共b兲 Al–Ni–Gd systems.
Plotted points, corresponding to actual
compositions reported in the literature,
selectively distribute around the ␭0.1
line 共—兲 depending on crystallization
behavior; 共䉭兲 glassy, 共䊊兲 nanoglassy,
and 共䉲兲 nanocrystalline alloys. The ar-
rows in 共b兲 identify Al93−xNi7Gdx and
Al93−xNixGd7 alloys 共Ref. 22兲.
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211904-3 Sá Lisboa et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 211904 共2005兲

TABLE II. Compositional dependence of reported crystallization behaviors criterion as a tool to design best glass-former compositions
for Al88Ni4共La, Er兲8−xGdx alloys. Data taken from Ref. 7. in other Al-based systems.
In forthcoming articles we will 共i兲 provide structural and
Al88Ni4Er8−xGdx 0艋x艋8 ␭ 艋 0.093 Nanocrystalline
thermodynamic support to the empirical findings presented
x=8 ␭ = 0.093 Nanocrystalline in this letter, 共ii兲 further detail the ␭ criterion by addressing
Al88Ni4La8−xGdx 6艋x艋7 0.096艋 ␭ 艋 0.098 Nanoglassy its major implications and limitations, and 共iii兲 evaluate its
0艋x艋5 ␭ 艌 0.101 Glassy validity as a quantitative index of glass-forming ability and
stability of Al-based alloys.

be glassy fall above 共␭ ⬎ 0.1兲, whereas nanocrystalline alloys This work was financially supported by FAPESP
lie below 共␭ ⬍ 0.1兲 this newly derived dividing line. This 共Brazil兲.
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