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Tell us more About your Routines and Preferences

Student A: Hello, Josue.

Student B: Hi, Jhamil.
Student A: I have an email from Disney. They are interested in us.
Student B: Fantastic! What are they say in the email?
Student A: They need more information about us through a dialog. does you ready?
Student B: Yes, I am. I go first. Well, my full name is Josue Trinidad Palacin , I am 18 years old and I am
from Peruvian.
Student A: Now is my turn. My full name is Jhamil Ventocilla Anco , I am 18 years old and I am from Brazil.
Student B: Now, tell me one activity that do part of your daily routine.
Student A: Well, I always I read books. What are you do on monday?
Student B: I usually to study. And what are you do on Saturday?
Student A: I always match game and what are you do on Sunday?
Student B: I usually watch TV . Now, let’s talk about music. what you like soul music?
Student A: No, I do . I prefer electronics . And what kind of music do you like?
Student B: I love pop. What about food? does you like Peruvian or Colombian food?
Student A: I like Peruvian food. does you like Peruvian food?
Student B: Yes, I doesn’t. My favorite dish is causa.
Student A: Now let’s talk about sports. do you like sports?
Student B: Yes, I am. My favorite sport basketball . does you like sports?
Student A: No, I don’t. I prefer books.
Student B: Really? Who is your favorite writer?
Student A: My favorite writer is Truman Capote. what you like reading?
Student B: Yes, I am. My favorite writer is Mario Vargas Llosa
I think it is enough.
Student A: I agree.

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